Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Jesse Agler: "You have every right to be excited (about this team)"

Padres broadcaster Jesse Agler makes his weekly appearance on the show! Listen here as Jesse talks about this week's series against the Tigers, why it's okay to get excited about this team, and we give him this week's "incorporator" word!

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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"My dad works in B2B marketing. "He came by my school for career day "and said he was a big row as man. "Then he told everyone how much he loved "calculating his return on ad spend. "My friends still laughing at me to this day." - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linked in, the place to be, to be. From the mind of a two foot tall talking spunk's puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition? You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and whops and thousands of dollars and savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. - In life and recovery, every day is a little different. Embrace the good days, the not so good days and the challenges and acknowledge how you overcame them. Find the path to recovery that works for you. Learn more at - We didn't have Jesse on yesterday for the Incorporator but he joins us right now. The voice of the pod raise Jesse Achler with this year at 97.3, the fan. Good morning, Jesse, how was your Tuesday off? - I was very busy, actually, as you can imagine, but it was good, yeah, thank you. - All right, so we know the grind on the players' bodies from the 18 and 18. I wanna talk about the grind on the announcer, on the play-by-play voice of the pod raise, Jesse Achler, the grind on your physical body and mind over that stretch. Nothing like what the players went through, let's start there. I mean, the way they use their bodies very different than the way I use mine and their minds as well, but yeah, of course, it takes a toll, especially this part of the season. 18 in a row in April is very different than 18 in a row at the end of August, into the beginning of September. So I'll sound like Manny, but nobody's 100% this time of year. It's fine, we'll deal with it. It's just what it is, it's the same for everybody. And you know what, yesterday was well-earned for everybody. That's for sure, not just the players and the announcers, but everybody on that staff, all the coaches. Man, I am quite certain that the average fan does not realize the way everybody in that group grinds every single day. And it's part of the deal, it's the same for everybody in baseball, but it's a lot and hats off to everybody. - Now you had to bounce around TV and radio, TV over the weekend, while Don was off in Tampa, my question though is, so how much more, what like the hair and makeup that is involved with the broadcast? I mean, is it a lot or is it a little? What do you do to get ready for TV versus radio? - From that standpoint, it's very minimal. There is no like hair and makeup person or anything like that. So I have, Ben, you'll appreciate this as working in television. The extent of my makeup is some powder and that goes on about two and a half minutes before we do the open. And in terms of hair, I'll actually pay attention to what I'm doing that morning. It's supposed to every other day when I don't really, and that's the entirety of the operation. And I make sure I shave. 'Cause I don't shave every day when I'm doing radio, I shave like every other day. So for TV, I make sure I shave. - Tell me too. - That is literally, that's the extent of it. - It's probably also a mental preparation of having to work with Mud Grant that you have to do some meditation of some sort. And like, I saw a tweet the other day, I said, "Man, this guy looks like he sits in his car "when he gets home." And I thought to myself, "Doesn't everybody sit in their car for a minute "when they get in?" I have to mentally prepare myself to walk into Thunderdome almost every day, Jesse. And I'm sure you do the same when you're home. I think when you work with Mud on TV that night, you have to probably have a moment of like, (slurping) All right, I gotta get through this. - Who saw? - Yeah, who saw? He is the most loving and most lovable person I've ever known. He has a very large personality and everybody is quite aware. But he's, you know, you think about a clubhouse, right? And like the way a clubhouse is put together. He's the guy that brings the energy. He's the guy that's not gonna let you have a bad day when you really feel like you deserve a bad day or you really wanna have a bad day. You see him bouncing around, smiling, laughing, making jokes, showing videos on his phone. And you're just automatically in a better mood. And like, I gotta tell you, you gotta have people like that around. You know, we were joking the other day about it. Like clubhouse chemistry applies to the broadcast booth as well. You know, those things that matter downstairs, matter upstairs as well because, just that, you know, we're around each other all the time. And I'm telling you man, he has saved our lives so many times with his positivity, with his energy, with his love. And he's a very special part. - Sweet angel baby is what he is. - And you know what is so underrated with chemistry. And I think we have it woods. And I see it with Jesse and Tony and Jesse even in mud, even though they don't work together that often, is when you can take digs at someone else. It's so important. And you do it with both of those guys, even with mud on TV. I hear them a little on, stunned your breath a little bit. You get 'em sometimes, yeah. But that's great. That's what chemistry is all about. Knowing that the person you're working with he's gonna be okay with it. - Yep. - Right, because it's authentic to your relationships. - Yeah. - You know, I mean, basically if you can do it off the air, you can do it on the air, right? Or vice versa, I guess. You know, I mean, if like that's the same kind of dig that I'm gonna take at him, you know, when we're hanging out, you know, on the bus, on the way to the ballpark, then, you know, it's like, all right, like this is what we do. This is the nature of our relationship. And you have to be able to do it to yourself also, right? You can't take yourself too seriously. You gotta be able to turn it around and give yourself a hard time and accept it when the other guys do. There's no question. And I think, you know, from an audience standpoint, whether it's your show or what we do, you know, people, they feel that, you know, like somebody listening and be like, "Ah, these guys are truly friends. That's the way I get my friends a hard time." And bus their chops. I kind of like that they're doing it too. And look, are there times I've probably crossed the line, you know, maybe feel a little bit too comfortable or something like that? - I've never. - But like, you know, that's, that's again, that's part of being a friend and like, you know, noticing that, recognizing that, realizing that. And pulling it back a little bit the next time. And like, I don't know, the one like I heard about from a thousand people the other day was mud. Like he's like, you know, I think, you know, somebody just hit a home run and he said, "I smelled jumbo jacks." And I said to him, I said, "I think that's your shirt." - Oh, yes. - Like that's that kind of thing. - Yeah, that's great. I saw I heard it too. - Like that's the exact kind of thing I would have said to him like, you know, as I said on the bus or hanging out at the hotel after a game or something like that. So, yeah, it's, we have a really good time. We've got a really good group. I feel very lucky to be a small part of it. - It's hard to get digs in on Jesse though. - Oh, you can't do it, I'd be terrified. - He's just polished, it's tough to find any avenue where you can kind of get an in-road on a dig on Jesse. - Yeah, he's taking some of me. I like it. - Oh, very easy to take a badge of honor. - We have plenty of foibles. - Yes, that's right. - I feel like Jesse needs a foible or two. - He does, he's too perfect. Jesse Agler joins us here on Ben and Woods this morning. Now, the baseball on the field has been honestly pretty remarkable, the stretch, whatever it was, the 27 and 28, the great record, the team playing together, Jesse, from your perspective, have you let yourself get caught up in it all? Because I know I'm like this, I'm a ball of energy. That's just, I'm tamping it down on purpose. I don't want to make any bold proclamations, but I sure am pleased with what I'm seeing. - How could you not be? You know, I mean, you have to be excited right now. You know, what that looks like for you is gonna be different maybe than for me, maybe different for Manny, maybe different for Mike Schilt, you know, and so on and so forth. But like, you cannot be anything but encouraged and excited. By the way, this is going. They're one of the best teams in baseball. Like, period, they are. You know, what that means come next month, we'll see. As we know, the volatility of the postseason is off the chart. - Oh, yeah. - And, you know, it seems like every result is equally probable, although I know that's probably not mathematically correct. Like, that is it. They are one of the best teams in baseball. They have played like one of the best teams in baseball. They've handled their business. Like one of the best teams in baseball. You know, I would at this point, not discourage anyone from dreaming any dream. I wouldn't. I think it's a reasonable dream to have at this point. Again, knowing that, you know, the next two months is gonna be insane and you have no idea which way it's gonna turn. It could go a thousand different directions. But, you know, you have every right to be excited. You also have every right to emotionally protect yourself because we've been down this road before as sports fans of whatever team and whatever time. And we all, I think, deep down understand how hard it is to be the last one standing. The Padres obviously have never been the last team standing. But that shouldn't, I don't think, tamper your enthusiasm and your excitement because they are clearly, if you follow this sport, you watch these games. You can tell, you can tell. They are a championship caliber team. There's no mistaking that. - That's all I've ever wanted, really. As a Padres fan is a team that I can look at and go, yeah, they've got everything it takes. Now, I know there are several other teams that also have everything it takes to win the World Series and you'll need some breaks, things that go your way to actually lift that trophy. But you don't have to tie yourself in knots and go through, you know, logical stretches to go, well, if this guy has an absolutely career month of October and these four guys add three miles an hour to their fastballs, maybe they've got a shot. No, if the Padres just play like they're capable of and have played like they've been capable of all season, they will have a legitimate chance in October. You would agree. - Absolutely. And as you said, I think as a fan, right? That's, I don't want to say all you can ask for because of course we're all asking for that big last thing. We're all asking for that parade. The Peter Syler would talk about, but I do think you had it right. You don't have to twist yourself and contort your mind into saying if X, Y, and Z. It's just keep doing it. Keep plugging away and Mike Schultz deserves an awful lot of credit for that. Sort of the way he has steered this ship and kind of gotten his mentalities, I think deep into that clubhouse and kind of allowed these guys to do everything that they've done. - Well, we have an interesting twist on the Incorporated today. Don't we, Benny? I'm going to set it up. Now, Jesse, are you familiar with the phenomenon that is Tom, AKA Welsh Fryer? You're on Twitter every now and then. You know Welsh Fryer? - Sure, yeah. - All right, Welsh Fryer is here. Say hello to Jesse Agler. - So Jesse. - Hey, hey. - Yeah, there he is. In the flat. - How are things recorded? - Yeah, so right. It's amazing. - I love that accent. - It's all right. It's amazing. Giza, so good. I can do this all day. So we've thought today, we're going to give you a very simple Incorporated word. - Yeah. - Paulie. - (speaking in foreign language) - No, that's not it. (laughing) - That's it. Did you know Jesse? That's a real town. - That's a real town. - Right, in Wales. - Real town. - Did you know that? 52 letters. - Watching, welcome to Rex. I feel like I picked up some of that stuff. Yeah. - Now say it live, Tom while you're here. - Right, here we go. - Yeah. (speaking in foreign language) - It's absolute. They're mad lads over there. - It's absolutely God. It's insane. - Jesse, we would not make you do that. Now, we're actually going to give you the simplest Incorporated word you've ever had in the history of this game. Your Incorporated word today is baseball, except you have to say it in Welsh. Tom? - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - P-L and then F-A-S, but the F is kind of got that V-ish sound to it. - Yeah. - Color offs tend to do. - Like old English, like you look at the Constitution, you got those Fs in there. - Yes. - Exactly. - I know. - You know. - Well, that's where we came from. Along you go, across the pond. - Exactly. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - I love that. I love that. It would be my honor for Tom and all of our Welsh friends. - All three of them that are listening. - Jesse. - His parents and his sister or brother? - Brother. - Brother, yeah. - You may see him down there. He's gonna be at batting practice, courtesy of one CEO, Eric Grouppner today. Which Woods is just furious about, 'cause Woods had set up on Friday for him to go to batting practice and Grouppdog just won up to come just lately. - Cut me off at the knees, Jesse. - Look man, pecking order is a pecking order. - Yeah, it is. - Exactly. - Get it. - Exactly. - It wouldn't surprise me if they'd get him an AB tonight, just to show me up for my good beats, but it's fine. - Tom, make sure you say hi to when we're down there today. - Yeah, you'll see Jesse down there. Enjoy your double batting practice, Welsh friar. - Jesse, have a good game. - Jesse, have fun. - The September is here and we couldn't be happier. - Love it. Can't wait guys. - Jesse Ackler, voice of the pot, Ray. - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. - From the mind of a two-foot tall talking smokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition? You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and wops and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. - Recovery from addiction can take many forms and quite often it's a team effort. For those in recovery, having support often leads to a better outcome. And for those supporting people in recovery, they celebrate every milestone. 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