Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Padres Lose, Split 4 Game Series With Cardinals

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Friar Friday! We start the show with some very sad news, as we discuss the tragic story out of the NHL that happened overnight. Then we set the menu for today's show and get into yesterday's clunker as the Padres fell to the Cardinals 4-1, and split their 4 game series as they get ready for the Tampa Bay Rays this weekend. Listen here!

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30 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] Now at T-Mobile, get four 5G phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible trade-ins, all on America's largest 5G network. Minimum of four lines for $25 per line per month without a paid discount using debit or bank account, $5 more per line without auto pay plus taxes and fees and $10 device connection charge. Phones would be a 24-monthly bill credit for well qualified customers, contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits or credit stop and balance on a required finance agreement too. No credit to end if you pay off devices early, Welcome in, everybody. Happy Friday to you, Ben and Woods, 97.3, the fan. Thanks so much for being here. I'm Woodsie. That's Paul Reindel. That's Ben Higgins, friendly neighborhood sports anchor, and some really sad news to open the show with this morning, kind of kicking around how we actually wanted to talk about this. But when I logged in this morning, I had seen a statement on Twitter from the Columbus Blue Jackets, who you guys may remember. We adopted as kind of a bit, a couple of hour Columbus Blue Jackets. We adopted as kind of a bit. We thought that's the team we know the least about in professional sports. And we had some fun with it, man. We talked to a couple of their riders and stuff. They sent us some gear. I saw this pop up this morning. And one of their best players, Johnny Goudreau, is that a pronounce it, was killed overnight with his brother. And they were at-- it was the night before their sister's wedding. Their sister is supposed to get married today. And she lost both of her brothers. They were riding their bikes, and they got hit by a driver. And just absolutely devastating news in the world of hockey this morning. And everybody in the YouTube chat is talking about it. Just a horrible, horrible way to start your day, certainly. And just what do you say? Something like that. What do you say? I mean, I just can't imagine what their family's going through right now. It just gutted me when I saw it. Obviously, we're not huge hockey followers. But Goudreau, a really good player. Many years with the Calgary Flames and then last two seasons with the Columbus Blue Jackets. Like a six-time All-Star was the top player in college, hockey at Boston College. When the Lady Bang Award, which is the sportsmanship, nice guy award, I mean, just seemed like everybody really, really liked him, and just what a devastating. I saw that when I logged on this morning as well. Lost, he's married. He's got two kids, small children. It just was-- it was just horrible. I mean, it's just horrible. So again, like you said, we're not huge hockey people, but that is such a gnarly story breaking out the world of sports this morning. A lot of fans in the chat too talking about it and just said, man, it is a tough, tough, tough situation going on right now. It was a drunk driver, by the way, arrested on two counts. So, I mean, look, there's a lot of lives that have been ruined today. If that's some, you know, use that as a cautionary tale, I guess, it's just so sad, man. 31 years old, and he and his brother passed away. So, shout out, Paulie, I guess. No. Shout out to his family. A little tougher to get our heads right. It's very much a start of day like that. And then, of course, it wasn't all that fun of a baseball game yesterday, obviously, in St. Louis. No, that was so long ago. We don't even have to talk about it. Yeah, it is-- if you're going to lose one, you lose in the morning. And also that it eases the sting a little bit, certainly. I think my-- not my six-year-old summed it up fairly well. We want to. They want to. And that's not bad, is what he said. We eat one too, and that's not bad. And I said, you might be a genius, these little Socrates. And I just said, all right, yeah, we want to. They want to. It's not bad. Yeah, ultimately, it doesn't matter if you go win, win, loss, loss, loss, win, loss. You win, win, loss, loss, win. You win the last one, you tend to feel better about it. But ultimately, it's a four-game split, no matter how you win or lose. You feel like it's a missed opportunity with pitchers like Dylan Sees and Joe Musgrove and Michael King the last two days, where you feel like, oh, you definitely could have taken three, maybe even four in that series. But we'll talk about it. I'll say it right. I didn't want to tweet it out. I put it out in the universe yesterday. And I think I've watched enough Padres baseball every single game this year to know. This is a tired, fast ball club. No question. They'll never admit it. They did it, actually. Jerkson said it. Jerkson said it. He said, I'm tired. My chilt won't, which is fine. You don't ever want to show weakness necessarily. But it's a brutal stretch, a brutal road trip, a brutal series in the heat. And I get it. Yes, St. Louis is also playing in that same heat. But they're not playing 18 games in 18 days. They're out on the road. And they looked a little tired to me yesterday. Maybe for one of the first time all year, they looked tired. It's the anatomy of the dog days. Yeah, I thought they still put together some good at bats. They hit some atom balls and didn't get much luck in terms of, they only struck out three times. So their bat bit was insanely bad yesterday, at least three times against Sunny Gray. But we'll talk about the game. But I think they just, they're tired. And hopefully, it was a good flight. Just sleep on the plane a little bit. Get to your hotel in Tampa. You get to sleep in today. You don't have a game until this evening. I mean, it's not an off day, but at least it's 24 plus hours between games, the end of the last game and the start of the next one. That's something for this team to try to regroup with and come back and do what you can in this series. My expectations aren't, they're going to roll into Tampa just sweep, sweep by the rays and come home victorious champions. This is going to be a tough series in Tampa at the end of a tough, tough stretch of 18 and 18. Yeah, very, very tough stretch for the boys. I was reading AJ Casaville's piece that came out after the game yesterday. Angry August is what Michael King called it. Manny said this is the definition of dog days. And there is something, and we'll talk to Shilty later at 9. There is something in a baseball player. I want to ask him about it. I'm trying to figure out the best way to ask him. When the calendar turns, and the calendar will turn this weekend to September, there's a thing. It's like visceral in these guys. August comes and they're like, oh boy, if we can just weather August, and they have done, they've done way better than weathering August. They've kicked some serious ass in August, they have. And so I think mission accomplished there, see how it goes in Tampa. But yeah, man, that's from the players' mouths. That's not the flagship morning show host making excuses for these guys. They all said it. Like August sucks. It's a terrible, terrible month for every team in baseball, seemingly. So definitely a grindy series in St. Louis and looking forward to getting after it in Tampa. And they're going to have their work cut out from Ben. But you were talking about sleep, sleeping on the plane. They said, I think I have figured out the best way to get a really good night's rest, like your old pal Woods did last night. Really? Oh, phenomenal. Slept for about 45 minutes, good solid 45 minutes. When you lay down in bed, I want you to think about every bad thing you've ever done. Then think about every bad thing that potentially could happen. And then think about all of your loved ones if something bad happened to them. That's exactly what the old noggin was rolling through last night at about 930. As I laid down in bed and I led to a good night's sleep. Did you not hear me say I slept for 45 minutes? I slept for 45 minutes. I was a good 45 minutes 45 minutes. I woke up this morning and I was like, I was punch drunk. I mean, I woke up and was like, I don't know where I was. It was the worst, the worst night's sleep I think a human being has ever had unless they were on crystal meth or something. Like, I had such a horrific, horrific, horrific evening and I could not shut it off. I couldn't stop thinking about bad things. I couldn't breathe through it. I thought I was having a heart attack at one point. And I was like, man, this is so like an anxiety attack almost. But while you're trying to sleep, you know, I've had panic attacks before where my it feels like my chest is caving in and I had my ears get clogged. That's mine. That's when I have one. I didn't have that. But I did. I was filled with anxiety. No question. And I just was laying there going, trying to breathe through it, finally passed out at like, I mean, really, like one, you know, one or two and then woke up and was just like, this is brutal. This is absolutely brutal. Yeah. At least I said that's like the parent of a newborn sleep. That's what it reminded me of is those days, but those days I had a dude screaming bloody murder at all times. And so, but last night it was just, I was thinking about my wife, my kids, my parents, my loved ones, you know, I thought about all the bad stuff I've ever done. It all came rush. And I'm like, why? Why? Why is this happening right now? So that was not, that was not a good, a good way to sleep. You're a good person. Good things deserve to come your way. Are you sure? Yeah. Are you positive? Take a deep breath. It's fine. Because I don't think so. No, it's fine. Definitely whatever you were before. You're a good person now. I'm confident that I have seen it up close and good, you're a good dad, mostly a good husband. It seems like you ask not all the time, but most of the time, I try at least I try. I do. I do try. It doesn't mean bad things won't happen. They will because, you know, life happens like, like what we just talked about this morning. But whatever you have, you have a community that will support you. Thank you. Something happened to you. We'd all be there for panning your, your boys. It'll be okay. One of my boys. I mean, it's fine. You'd be there for both boys. But it would be there for one boy. It's totally fine. We had our member stream last night and both boys made an appearance last night. Everybody in the chat was like, Oh, no, look, it's Taylor Woods leaning into Taylor and going, see, there's Ben. He doesn't like you. He doesn't like you. Taylor told me to eat. Yes. It was a fun one, man. It was a really, really fun one, but oh, man. So yeah, it's Eric says I'm having an existential crisis. Yeah. It wasn't that. I'm very happy with my place and life in the world and everything else and very grateful full of gratitude. It was just one of those things where it was like a snowball. You think about one thing. I'm like, man, I can't believe I did that. And then you're like, Oh, you also did that and then that and then that and what if something happens to bow? What if something happens to Taylor? What if something happens to Hannah? And it just, my parents, you know, my, both my parents, they're listening right now. They're driving to Austin. See my brother. I mean, my, both my parents are going through it a little bit, you know, health wise. So I just, I was a wreck. I was a wreck. Look at this. When I looked at Hannah, I go, today's going to be an S show. I'll be on the air. It's going to be an S show. So we'll see what happens. We'll do our very best, but I, I, it did, you know, listen, you have a night like that. You read about that story this morning, certainly puts into perspective a little bit, a baseball game, right? It really puts it in the perspective of baseball game. And I think that's a good place to start here on a Friday. Yeah. Good perspective. And, you know, just remember to appreciate the good moments as they come. Don't take anything for granted because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. So enjoy today and, but also, you know, plan for tomorrow because you'll probably be here. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Well, you better live for today because you're guaranteed tomorrow. You kind of do have to plan for tomorrow a little bit. If I, if you, if I really lived every day like it was my last day on earth, nobody would want to see that. Pretty soon it would be. Is that a good bit? Live each day. We'll do it for five days straight. All of us. It's just an orgiastic. We're eating. There's people that are feeding us grapes and pouring wine all over us. You can't do it. You have to plan for you physically and mentally cannot live each day like it's your last day on earth. You can't do it. You can't do it. Still a final meal every single day. What has been, he's just at the golf course from sun up to sundown eating fine food. We're going to get a fancy restaurant. Fancy restaurant. Absolutely. You can have them door dashing to you. It's just golf. Golf. Golf. If they tell you that you got one day left and, you know, take the family stuff out of it. Your pleasure. You. Big meal and golf. Right? Probably. Yeah. Only I can save mine on the air. So, yeah. Paulie. What about you? I'm probably leaning towards more of you than more of mine than Ben. It's not. I'm not going to be out of the golf course. Probably not golfing on my last day. No. I'll go out there and shoot a one-on-one. That's a guy. On your left. Just super angry at myself. Who wants to be frustrated with golf on their last day? And exercise. Like walking around. Chunking pots. They're at chunking chips and missing pots on your last day on the planet. I don't think so, dear. Good point. I do think, though, maybe next year, four-putting. On your last day of snapping clubs, tossing them. I think next year, for Ben and Wood's summer vacation, we go, "All right, we're gonna live each day like it's our last." Tune in. It's gonna be nuts. It's gonna be nuts. All right. It's a Friar Friday. We will set the menu for the program when we come back and get things started after a little bit of a rough start today, but we're glad everyone's with us. Good to see all the tier ones. Good to see Welsh Friar here in San Diego. Yeah, look at that. Congratulations. We made it last night into the member stream and now here and getting ready for his Petco Park experience. When the Padres come home after this weekend, that'll be a lot of fun. We will talk about it all. Coming up first, Kelly's got traffic and then we'll be back with Ben and Wood's on San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3, the fan. After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon AT&T at Up to four lines via virtual prepaid card, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit service ported 90-plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. There's access and expires in six months. Padres in Tampa Bay tonight, opener of a three-game series, the end of the stretch. Well, technically Monday is the end of the 18-game and 18-day stretch, Labor Day at home. And then they get Tuesday off. Yeah, they do. They play Detroit. Detroit. Detroit. One game. Yeah. And then they're off Tuesday. Man, that is a rough one. That is a really, really rough one. Not early. Not early. No, this is, you've got four games left. I think you'll, you'll have the emotion of getting back home, big crowd probably carries you through that day. And then you crash cross-country flight Monday night because it's a day game on, or a kind of an afternoon game on Monday cross-country flight on Sunday, then you're right back at it Monday afternoon, but you're home and you get the fans to carry you through for one day. Yeah. And then you get home Monday night after the game, you just crash through Tuesday. And then you show up again Wednesday, ready to go for the final month of the season. Yeah. There's no, no BP, no, don't even think about the game. You know, one of the things I wanted to kind of ask Mike Shilt about today is how, how do you manage that? Like, do you talk to your guys and like, maybe we need to do a little extra rest? Hey, don't work so hard here. Yeah. You don't want to grind in the cages, but it might be a better idea. Show up late to the game today, no, no early BP or anything like that. How he's going to handle this weekend after what was undoubtedly a grueling four game series in St. Louis. We'll talk about the, the game and the series coming up and our Padres wrap up in our next segment. I don't think there's a lot to necessarily dissect from yesterday's game, you know, strategic decisions and what have you. It was literally the only, the only thing I saw that I questioned other than, you know, the lack of offense was why, well, and it took, I don't think it really matters, but literally the only thing I saw is I go, Oh, that's weird. Bryce Johnson wasn't playing right field. Peralta literally, you watched him run out of gas in right field. I mean, he ran out of gas, he had got glove on that ball and just couldn't, couldn't squeeze it. And just, just exhausted. Looked like a dude playing, looked like a guy in adult league playing the sixth game of a tournament. Just no legs under him whatsoever. That's the only thing I thought. But, you know, I, I, the other one is, is, you know, Mason McCoy instead of Tyler Wade potentially. What made that play? They, they called it an error on, yeah, I mean, it was, it was at him, but it makes that play. It was tough play. I mean, it wasn't easy. It was not a hard one hop shot. Big hop. I mean, a them alive. Kimmy makes that. They did call it an error. Yeah, it was an error. Kimmy makes that play. Yeah. In heels. Probably. Yeah. In, in Gene Simmons. I mean, hustle King makes that play easily. So we'll talk about the game coming up seven o'clock. Polly has a little surprise for everyone. Do I tease it now or do we wait until seven to reveal what Polly's been working on. Let's just say everyone, including Ben, especially Ben, will like the seven a.m. Yeah. It's nice to get a little good vibes in here tonight. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. We do need to change the vibes. Anyway, I was just about to say that. We blew this. Apparently, we did not kiss the rally roach yesterday. I thought we did. We didn't. But we didn't. So if you want to just blame us for the law, then go right ahead. I mean, it probably will be the first thing my chilt brings up is did you guys not kiss the rally roach because it's he strikes me as someone who will ascribe the successes of his teams to a small plastic roach in a radio studio in San Diego rather than to the hard work and dedication of his own players. But we'll see what he has to say. That'll come up in the second half of the program. Before that though, eight o'clock, Jordan Schusterman will join us as for this family barbecue, our weekly segment brought to you by our friends at Grand Ole Barbecue to talk baseball. We've got more giveaways today. We've been giving away tickets to Kansas all week long in concert at Humphreys by the Bay on September 22nd. You can get your tickets at or win them when you hear this sounder at some point on the program today. This is going to be carry on my wayward son. That'll be terrific. You are gone. That's all you need to hear is our minor league play by play announcer. When you hear that, call 833-288-097-3 not right now. 833-288-097-3. That's not right now. That was just a a prep. So you know what to listen for later in the show next time though. You call in a chance to win a rival report and then our managers report with Mike Schilt at nine o'clock this morning. Look ahead to the series against Tampa Bay Rays coming up at 9.35 and then we'll turn things over to Annie and Elston and that's the menu for our program today. I can't believe we forgot to kiss the rally. I can't either, man. That's not like us and that's on us. So we will take full responsibility for it. Okay? Absolutely. I like this thread that's going on in our YouTube chat. You can watch us on YouTube. A lot of people do that every morning and you can participate. But Wells Fryer, as we mentioned, our buddy Tommy's and I think he's been to the States before. Am I wrong? I think that's that sounds right. But I did. This is like a big trip because he's going to get to see some baseball games and things like that. I maybe this is his first time he'll he'll let us know. He's already gotten a roped at the vending machine. He just paid $5. Yeah. So he paid $5 for a sprite from a vending machine. A lot of money. He's our little Welsh Roeb. He's just going to get taken advantage of it. Well, if a girl in LA on the side of the road leans into your car, she's not actually looking for an actual date. Okay? She doesn't like. She doesn't like you. All right? You're going to get taken advantage of just so you know, Hollywood and Vine. What if you just did want a date? What if she actually wanted a date? Yeah. Let's go. We can go to like, you know, Applebee's. Applebee's. She's a sucker for accents. Yeah. She loves the accent. Yeah. So listen, well, take it easy out here in America, man. There's a lot of a lot of parasites out here. Dude, they'll take advantage of a young Welsh boy out making his real his real first trip is a man. So just be careful as you're out here. Yeah. Don't if you see a sign as Diesel says, that says massage. Be very careful when you walk in. All right. It's not a lesson. Anyway, see now, I'm going to buy up a swing. Just go get it. Green job off land to see the old go, go, go. I think it's interesting because he's coming from a country where he can legally drink. Yes. He is in a country where he can no longer. I feel like there should be an exception. If you live somewhere and you're already of legal drink range, you should be able to just carry that right over to where you're visiting because you can't come on vacation that all of a sudden you're allowed to do less on vacation than you were at home. That doesn't make any sense at all. That makes less than zero sense. I can literally go to a pub and have a Guinness with my buddies. He's like, I'm a local drunk back home. He's like, he's out on the 10 day cure over here. It's like you go to Hawaii, but you can't go to the beach. Yeah. No beach allowed when you go to Hawaii. I think actually, Hawaiians would favor that rule. I think if you put that in front of their government, I think they would stamp that to ASAP. Signs that say no tourists allowed at the beaches, for sure. So that is fantastic, man. All right. Well, don't get taken advantage of. Yeah. Alex's women are so nice here. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Just be very careful. Keep your wits especially in LA. Oh man. We'll take advantage of a young Welsh boy. All right. We'll get to our Padres wrap up highlights quickly get through yesterday's four to one loss to the St. Louis Cardinals wrap up the series. That is next with Ben and Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan. The rally road has been kissed, so not on us anymore tonight. We are set to go. Padres hopefully can bounce back from their second two game losing streak post all star break. This hour on Ben and Woods and all of our baseball coverage presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at T-Mobile dot com slash switch we'll go through a yesterday's game got the highlights for you a little bit a little bit quick quick got the highlights for you lowlights in our Padres wrap up right after a check of traffic here on 97 3 the champ it's a shame it's a shame if they lose oh a shame indeed it's a complete crap well I did not like that here are the lowlights from yesterday's game are you kidding me boo it's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamoule casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards Hamoule casino has all the fun you're looking for Hamoule casino fun above all else will give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll you know get back on the pump and figure it out it's not your fault bad bakers swings chops at a short stop charged by Wayne he's got it all balanced through the first is in time but Burleson comes into sport an RBI ground after Luke and Baker and a one to nothing Cardinal Lee from King is hitting the air deep down the left field line so far not going to get there that's a fair ball up against the wall. Armato comes in to sport on her grind RBI double ball ultimate and now to nothing Saint Louis the accident Merrill leads off swings of the first pitch sends it in the air to deep center field Scott is back this one going to go on to the grass in the batter's eye for Jackson Merrill 20th of the year for the rookie and a Padres are on the board it's 2 to 1 1 launched in the air down the left field line. If it's fair it's gone and it's all run for the second hit of the afternoon for the Cardinal shortstop and they have reached and believed it's now three to one through Marara lined in the right center and a basic two car will come in and score and the Cardinals have added on four to one here in the eighth one pitch and hearted second by Donovan long through the first is in time and the ball game is over another one two three night inning for Ryan Helsley and the Cardinals are in a split here this afternoon with a 4-1 victory over the Padres you know overalls I just love the way our guys went about this whole series you know I mean grid squad on display you don't have to win to have heart you know do a consolation prize these guys about their tails all man these guys posted gives everything they had every day and you know tough environment little bit no excuses but you know took some good at basking his great Jackson click a swing on him had some opportunities just couldn't catch in we got beat by young gravy in the same Lewis Cardinals I thought for sure once they rolled young gravy out there did they get him a pitch-handic appearance at the end of the game I wasn't sure it might as well have but yeah they rolled him out there dude poor guy I mean he's a rapper I guess YouTube Tik Tok or whatever goes out there to throw out the first pitch it looked like it was a practice throw it looked like it was a practice throw before the game no this was actually game there was like three people in the in the bleachers I didn't even throw out a first pitch he did because I saw Chris long throughout the first pitch to yeah he did he did throw out a first pitch there were 14 people there man it was hundred degree it was officially even though they said it's like 26,000 which it wasn't it would even that was the lowest crowd in the history of new bush stadium they've never had a smaller crowd a new bush and new bush bush bush bush bush bush bush you think old bush brought in more people than new bush apparently which doesn't make a lot of sense you think yeah you know it's not like the Cardinals are horrible they're five hundred two five hundred team they're probably expected to be somewhere around here this isn't shocking guess what they played 500 baseball against the Sandi and they did and the Padres split their last two four game series against the Mets and the Cardinals which obviously they've been playing better than that but they're also not giving any ground there's seven and seven 14 games through this stretch of 18 games in 18 days yeah well you might hope for better yeah you also go that's not a disaster you still have a chance you know you still have a chance to to come home with a winning winning road trip which is all you want and you know nine and nine through that stretch is not the end of the world either if they can just manage to win two of the next four games love it if they could win more but that's where they stand right now they continued to be second in the nationally wildcard race one game behind the Arizona Diamondbacks you lost to the Mets three to two yesterday they are two games ahead of the Atlanta Braves lost to the Phillies in your brain what what that the Diamondbacks lost like on one hand like it's a glass half full glass half empty on one hand you're like well we didn't you know we lost and at least they lost as well or that's how I see that they lost you like god that was a mistake there's no there's no difference if you if you win and they win then yeah you just keep pace if you lose and you lose then it's the same thing yeah I I and how many games behind the Dodgers are we in the West five five known yeah Dbacks are four that's looking that's that's it's kind of almost out of reach you do have you do have some games against them the last week of the year I just I've resigned I don't want to say every sign myself but like I feel like you're a playoff team so great let's figure out how to best maximize everybody's health and abilities you know I think it's fair to be concerned there's some talk in the chat like scored two runs early and then we're shut out for 17 innings or something and yeah I think that's absolutely a fair you know what how many hits yesterday three three knocks yesterday yeah that's tough this offense has been pretty prolific this season so that's that's uncharacteristic they got out hit every game by the Cardinals even though they're one two of them the Cardinals out hit them and they really aren't as many you know hot guys in the lineup as there were just a couple of weeks ago jerks and pro far they're still attractive guys in the line jerks and pro far is cooled off though for sure Jake continues to be in kind of a moderate slump here in the second half of the season you're not getting much from the bottom of the order right now yeah you know I mean think about it though like pro far's had massive games on this trip Jake had a massive knock to help you win a ball game the other night these guys are no they're not doing nothing but they're not you know they're not hitting in a 300 clip no you're not collecting all those hits that you had been as Andrew Bogart's is really scuffling he didn't even start yesterday had a quick three pitch strikeout as his only appearance as a pinch hitter in the eighth inning so if you're looking for like actual reasons for concern a cooling a cooled off offense is certainly one of them the other I would say is a laboring Michael King he wasn't bad he didn't give up any earned runs to unearned runs because of the error by Tyler Wade but he walked for 103 pitches and four and a third innings that's not what they're hoping for at least from Michael King and he acknowledged it after the game said just wasn't efficient needed to get more quick outs it wasn't what I you know looking for personally in a start it wasn't horrible the velocity is still fine in fact it's up a tick I think I read the spin rate maybe a slight bit down but Mike Schill didn't see really any difference from the Michael King who's pitched all year long he just didn't quite have the command just gave a you know six hits it's not a disastrous start by any stretch of the imagination every game this series the Padres gave up I think but four four four and five so really when they scored seven they won the first two when they didn't score the last two games they lost but the pitching was pretty consistent throughout the whole series yeah at least it just stole my line I she said never eating corn again mean either in solidarity of our San Diego Padres I will never eat corn again it was yeah I mean it's you look when you look at at the schedule and you go we have four in St. Louis at the end of August who doesn't sign up for a split there everybody does everybody takes it and again you went up against Sonny Gray who's no slouch by and he was sharp yesterday really sharp so I just don't care like that's that is it doesn't bother me really in the slightest now you got a tall order this weekend in Tampa Bay in that you're gonna be facing three really good arms but you know we've handled guys like that before so it should be a good challenge they've also traded away some of their good bullpen pieces got one of them yeah we do their lineup is not you know that fearsome all the way through yeah because of you know the way they don't spend money and the way they do trade away so yeah I mean this is a doable series you're inside I'm sure even though it's the weirdest kind of unusual stadium in baseball and you don't play indoors much I don't think anyone's gonna mind going inside just American dishing for the next three days no opposed to playing out in the heat and humidity of St. Louis so you've got that you're able to look forward to over the next three days yeah win the race series come home and start your series against the Tigers I guess we'll miss scuba oh really yeah I think we're gonna miss scuba so that's all it's a good thing that like with a day off in the middle of the series yeah like like you said that's what I saw yesterday on Twitter I need to go back and double check apparently Twitter is not 100% infallible then so I did see that we were going to to miss scuba but yeah hopefully that's the case yeah man it's um it's let's turn the calendar here and get through this series and get on home and that's it that's it it's not that big a deal you split a series pitching Saturday he is pitching Saturday good yeah so we miss him yeah good he's really good technically if they wanted to bring him back on Thursday they could they could but they would be skipping someone's turn in the rotation if they did that and they're not totally out of it they've got like a 5% chance to make the playoffs still but that's uh that's still one series in advance you got to finish out this uh this road trip with Tampa Bay again the Dodgers did win last night six to three over the Baltimore Orioles they have taken two out of three they're really not showing any signs of giving ground at this point no they look good and you've got so this weekend you've got the four games between the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks which means someone there are four losses in that series how will they be distributed we'll find out but if the Padres can win you know the next four three of the next four they will make up ground likely on both teams at least on one of the two teams mathematically that is true but it's also impossible to really gain a bunch of ground on both teams when they're playing each other and when you're behind both teams it just means you're gonna be four games closer to the end of the season and really not much closer I guess if you wanted to win the division you're cheering for the Diamondbacks to sweep the Dodgers and the Padres to sweep the race so you'll stay a game behind Arizona and you'd pick up three or four games on the standings on the Dodgers yes but what are the odds that that's going to happen that's that's a long shot scenario you know the other way if the Dodgers take three out of four maybe you pass the Diamondbacks you got the wildcard lead but you're still probably five four five six games behind the Dodgers at that point in the season and at that point there really is not enough time barring the collapse by the Dodgers which doesn't look like it's happening and you can't bet on that you know to come back and win the division again just handle your business handle your business manage the health of your players have guys fresh all of that I mean these are it's a big month for that I you know I would ask my today if I don't think he'll answer the question is like how how do you how do you reconcile that how do you you handle like I'm gonna need to get pro a couple days off I'm good and they have days off built in but there's guys in the bullpen that can really some extra rest there's guys you want to go into the playoffs and what's our percentage this morning 94 96 percent something like that yeah yeah so you want to go into the playoffs Benny firing on all cylinders guys are fresh they're ready to go you do get the sense from hearing from the players that the minute this thing turns over to to September it's go time and I think a lot of the teams that are in the races right now I think they all feel the same way so gonna be good gonna be fun let's keep the faith a little bit flush you know it's a split we didn't get swept we split a series so not that big deal so that's it 0.8 percent ninety four point so and that is basically the chances of the Mets catching the Padres is they're the only team that really is within striking distance so and Kevin AC kind of broke it down for the Padres the rest of the way for instance if the Padres go 500 which they they just played 500 the last eight days and we were pretty disappointed with it but let's say they continue this disappointing trend of 500 baseball all the way to the end of the season they go 13 and 13 the rest of the way the Mets would need to go 19 and nine which is a really really good clip to catch a 500 Padres team I mean even if the Padres went 11 and 15 the Mets would still need to go 17 and 11 they need to win basically every series going forward even if the Padres played bad baseball the rest of the way you're doing it again what you're doing it math yes I this is Kevin AC's math I'm just reading it this time he's doing it again so again I'm just trying to illustrate that the Padres were good we're far in a good position yes thank you to a good July a great you know a great second half everybody's fine the will you're going full will hunting on us this morning full and you've got some tough games left you've got the the Astros obviously that the Dodgers and Diamondbacks at the end are playing well but you also have the White Sox still for three you know hopefully you can manage to win you know a couple of those you know later in the season so you know the Padres remain in good position you know would it have been nice to take three out of four of course it would have been really nice to win that series but again I thought they looked tired it's not a absolutely yes doesn't mean that oh they should have done more conditioning in spring training no it's not what I'm saying I'm saying they've played a hundred and thirty what seven six games this season and they are in a huge stretch where there's no days off and they're playing in some of the most oppressive heat and humidity yeah in America right now or war the last four days you're not going to look your absolute best in that scenario yeah I agree I mean it's it's it's such a valid point that you make and again I mean this is this is not us being homers this is from their mouths they're gassed and that's fine that's fine but you got you got to figure out how to dial it up against Tampa Bay Benny win a couple of these games because these this is a good challenge because the guys that you're facing their their playoff playoff caliber starters in in Peppio Shane Bass those guys Todd Bradley's been really good like these are not three nasty pictures you're going to face so it's not the recipe for a struggling offense but if there's one thing this team has been able to do it's put guys put balls and play against guys like that all year right and you know they just gonna have to be themselves yeah yeah don't change the thing you know and I don't think they got away from being themselves in this series they didn't strike out a ton they're just they weren't making great contact against Sonny Gray and you know he's a good pitcher yeah but you know they gave up a lot of ground ball singles the whole series too they they balls for the Cardinals found some holes that the Padres hits did not that is going to happen in a baseball season you know that's why no one wins every game yeah no matter how good your team is possibly you can't possibly keep up the clip that the Padres were on post all-star break for the rest of the season you just you just can't congratulations to Jackson Merrill for continuing to solidify his rookie of the year favorite status with his 20th home run of the season 20 20 20 I that wasn't even in my wildest dreams I really did six was my I think my number I will say this though Benny I'm gonna give you a lot of credit because I think Paulie and I mocked you mercilessly when you they called him up and were they you're like he could win the rookie the year I'm like settled down there's no way like he learning a new position just got to the big leagues I mean he's good but I nobody thought this kid was gonna be that that could you know except for the Padres scouts and stuff that that really believed in him but 20 bombs man that's something special congratulations to him I mean what an upgrade the only season of my position offensive the only bright spot in a whole month left the season potter rookie records 26 honor Renfro that's certainly within range for Jackson Merrill this season sky's the limit for this kid it's pretty amazing I will come back I will play a little take on woods and Paulie has been working on something that I'm gonna like where you're gonna like next on the fan you spent over here AT&T customers switching to T-Mobile has never been easier we'll pay off your existing phone and give you a new one free all on America's largest 5G network visit T-Mobile dot com slash carrier freedom to switch today pay off up to $650 the virtual prepaid master 115 days free phone up to $130 via 24 monthly bill credits plus tax qualifying port and trade and service on go 5G next to credit required contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit stop and balance and required finance agreement is due