The Group Chat

#119 - Softwilly x World of T-Shirts

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the group chat podcast, this elegant cast. As you can see folks, we do have the two folks that we invited last time. But hold on, first of all, let me, let me go see them cats, bro. >> Yeah, show us your little feline. >> Show me, show me your. >> [SOUND] Show us, pick which pussy you want to show off, show us that pussy cat of yours. >> He's gripping, gripping two puss. >> This one's Harvey, this one's Tylula. >> This one's hockey. >> And this one's Tula. >> Hey, this one's hockey, this one's hockey, this one's way. >> I like that one. >> I like that one. >> No, we should hockey, wait, that one's good, I said hockey too. >> Tanner just said that. >> There you go T, keep it going. >> Hockey, Tula, all right, Nick, your turn. >> This one, I have brainer. >> This one's code, and this one's group. >> For 10% off with your game or subs. >> That's a little long, but how are you? >> Well, no, the rest of you look, anyway, I have it right here. >> Wow. >> What? >> Thanks, I was going to pause to see that one. >> I have an idea. >> Yeah, you got a pause. >> Is that the before or after? One. >> It's the, that's very rare. >> It was like that one. >> Contribity, I don't know. >> We got to blur that one. >> Who is that? >> Who is that? >> Who is that? >> Oh, I got water in it. >> There's water. >> All mauled close up for you. >> Little wet, little dirt, little hard. >> Wow, man. >> So how have vibes been? >> Pretty good. >> Yeah, they've been freaking sweet. >> They've been chill waters is what they've been. >> Sleepy as hell is what they've been. >> Mm, that's true. >> I'm up in Adam right now. I'm ready to combine the world. >> I got glasses, it's kidding guys. >> Yeah, I couldn't see. >> You guys know I broke my headphones, the classics. >> Why would happen? >> You were with you and you did it. >> Oh, wait. >> I sat on my, yeah, I sat on my cord. >> You sat on it. >> It was like my cord was wrapped around my legs and I sat in her. I was like, oops. >> Tanner, how the hell? >> So my nice headphones are no longer working. >> It wrapped around your legs. >> Yeah. >> And then you sat on the jac that's supposed to be in the dog store. >> All right. The jac was on top of the computer, right? >> The wire. >> I pulled it. >> I pulled it. >> And it pulled it. >> That's so weak. >> So there's a big story. >> So I hate that. >> That's made me mad. >> There's a big story for this podcast and it has to do with you, Nick, and your travels this weekend. >> Right, right. >> Before I get to it, I do have one question for Isaac. Okay, so we recorded yesterday, first part of you laugh, you lose, right? Now we do this on a tomfoolery server, correct? Where did they even come from? Where were the origins of the tomfoolery server? >> You feel like, who's that one sports caster that interviews people? >> Probably an interviewer guy. >> Yeah, you call them right, that's probably correct. Where did the name tomfoolery come from? >> The server. >> Where did tomfoolery have a server? >> Oh. >> I kept seeing it yesterday being asked. >> The main server with over 370,000 people, when you tag it, just poops itself and dies. They're like, we don't have good. >> We're in this corner, it's just nothing. >> It's like the weakest, largest server that money can buy and get. So I had to make something that we can gather more people and bring them in and shake it off. >> So I remember the actual reason why we did it though. >> Like the actual video. >> I don't remember the video, it was because of the stages. And it was when stages first dropped, and it was because stages couldn't handle a surplus amount of people, we broke it. And so we had to make another server where we were able to remember that. That's where it all started. I don't remember what video was for Isaac. It could have been probably for both of us. I was at the time when I was reading videos too. >> Or even a podcast. >> I think it was a podcast. We kept it in the server. >> I remember when we started doing podcasts. >> We did keep it in the server, but it was like two episodes. >> It was like four or five. >> No. >> Yeah. Because by the sixth one, Jay Schlatt joined a pretty sure. >> Is it the sixth one? >> That was five. >> That was seventh one. Oh, sorry. >> The seventh one or something. >> It was up there. It was in those numbers. >> It was seven. >> No, I'm sorry. >> Hey. >> Hey. >> Yeah, that server was used for so many videos. >> Still is. >> Hell. >> Let me see. >> It's useful. >> Oh, yeah. >> That was five. >> Yeah. >> Holy fricking darn. >> Yeah. >> I changed my answer. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Okay. Okay. Well, that was a good. I just kept seeing it being posted to like, what's the link? Why is it so secret? What's going on in there? >> What's the link? Yo, absolutely. >> I'm curious. Okay. So. >> Me. >> Me. >> My turn for the mic? >> Yeah. >> You had a hell of a weekend. >> Yeah. I went back to New Jersey. I saw the old gal, Misty. Right? Shout out. Shout out to the OG. >> I know. She's like. >> I know. She's like. >> I love Misty. >> Yep. >> Besides it, she's still like wagging the toe. >> She's still kicking it dude. I'll be real. Diabetes is really scary. She's got diabetes and so like we had to make sure her like sugar levels or good grant came with me. And yeah, we had to make sure that her sugar levels were all good and all that stuff. You know, like I don't know if you guys know about diabetes, but like when you eat food right your body produces insulin that's able to bring your sugar levels down like immediately. With dogs it's a little different, but like you still they still produce insulin shit. So we had to give her insulin to help bring her sugar levels down, otherwise I'll skyrocket. And then they can get some called DKA or something like keto acidosis or something. It's basically where your blood gets acidic and then you can fucking die. >> Oh, you melt? >> Yeah. You pretty much melt from the inside. Yeah. So, or if she gets too much insulin, her sugar levels will drop too much and then and that's also not fucking good. It's actually really dangerous. >> It's like a balance. >> Yeah, it is. >> Isn't that what you got to give her a shot? >> He does give her shot. >> Yeah. She gets to shot. >> What was that? That was like a cow prong. What do you do? >> That's a shot. That's what I do for a shot. >> So yeah, aside from that, yeah, the story only got crazy or crazier. So, Grant and I decided to go to New York City. And you guys remember when I was talking about Josh Block? >> Yeah. >> Yeah. We went to New York City, and NYC was this past weekend, so we got recognized a whole bunch of times. That was great. >> Hey, NYC. How big is that? >> It was huge. >> That's like 100 X Hunter when they go to see us. >> What the fuck? >> Yeah, it was massive. I was like... >> You were there? >> No, no, no. I saw pictures. I was like, "What the hell's going on here?" I was looking at TikTok and shit and there were people full dressed up, whatever the fuck. In New York, clearly in New York, I see like the buildings, the whole... >> That's normal, I mean. >> Yeah, like you got like Bumble Bee every day. >> No, it was like every single, I was like, "What is going on? Is there like a convention going on?" Because he had gone up there and I was like, "Is there like a..." >> Did he rile them up? Did he start this? >> I wonder if he did. >> Dude, it all started when I was walking across the street, and they were like, "I thought that that was you?" >> And they were dressed up as an anime. >> A tattoo? >> Awesome. Yeah, it was a tattoo. And then I walked by another group. I was dressed up as Soft Willy. >> Dang. >> Mm-hmm. >> Keyed. >> Mm-hmm. >> Okay, so look. So that happened, you know, I recognized a few times. We went to go magnet fishing in the Hudson, and by the way, the Hudson River is like the poopiest river known to mankind. >> Oh, they should have done the Olympics there. >> Mm-hmm. >> They should have been great. >> Yeah, home of the Hudson Hornet. >> Whoo! >> That would have been fucking great. >> Dude, I actually just watched cars last night on the plane home. >> I love cars. >> Doc Hudson almost made me cry. >> Dude, the only good cars is one, sorry everybody. >> What about three? You don't like three? >> Nope. >> Fuck that. >> Never watched three. >> What about planes? You like planes? >> No planes. >> No movies. >> No planes. >> Yeah, cars, universe, like planes. >> Cars are my favorite. >> What is it? >> Planes are ridiculous. >> All right, if we were all cars, if we were all cars, who would be who? Tana, do you want to be a Mater? >> We were a Mater. >> I'd have to be Mater. >> I'd either be Mater or like Mac, like the big-- >> Can I be doc? >> Can I be Doc? >> Can I be Doc? >> No. >> I'm like all old and decrepit, and I hate everything until like-- >> Can I be the van? The giant light-- >> Oh, the hippie? >> Yeah, the hippie van. >> Oh, that'd be good. >> The Volkswagen. >> Wait, no, that's Gronk. That's Gronk. >> Boy, that is Gronk. That is you. >> Look how he's dressed. >> You got the '60s vibe right now. >> Peace and love, man. >> I was gonna-- >> Sorry. >> I was gonna-- >> What? >> I was gonna give Larry his own car. Okay. >> No, no, no, no. >> No, no, no, no. >> No, no, no, no. >> I don't want to say it. >> Nah, come on. >> You know you wanna-- >> Uh-huh. >> No, I can't say it. >> Hey, Rico. We got ourselves a daughter. >> Kisses not a sister. >> Remember that scene? >> Oh, God, that's awesome. >> That's a good scene. >> Not a-- >> So, anyway, we're getting sidetracked. So, yeah, after going Magnafishing, we went to Chinatown. It was great. Got some Boba. And then, now is our time to have the amazing meet with Josh Block. World of T-shirts. >> Now, real quick. Real quick. >> Yeah. >> I-- >> Before-- 'Cause he said in the last episode that you were like, "I want to be one of the creators who doesn't, like, doesn't exploit him. Doesn't do anything like that." >> Yep. >> So, what was like going through your mind? Like, what were you trying to do? >> So, what was I trying to accomplish, right? >> You were trying to accomplish. >> Okay, so what I was trying to accomplish was I-- Honestly, I don't know what I expected, right? So, just to give a preference, like, he starts at-- Like, I'm watching him stream with the guy that's exploiting him actively named Mr. Based, right? This is an ongoing thing. He's still streaming. The tour was at 9 o'clock. >> He was there. >> No. The tour was at 9 o'clock. It was 9, like, oh, it was like 9, 13 or 9, 15 when I finally-- The tour finally started because he was still live streaming with this guy. And he was like procrastinated. Josh was giving a tour of New York City, right? That's what he does. That's how he makes some of his money. >> Really? >> I guess most of his money, I guess? >> All of his money. >> I guess, yeah. But he was just late. He was supposed to hand out waivers, and he didn't hand out waivers, like, over, like, DocuSign and stuff. So, Grant and I were just waiting to try it down for, like, an hour and a half. We were pissed because we wanted to eat. We were waiting. And then we finally get told that we were able to go. And the goal was simple. Like, if you see something you don't really fucking-- you're not cool with. Kind of speak out against it maybe a little bit. Just document the entire trip. Don't be a dickhead. Don't enable drinking. That's the number one thing. Kind of get a feel for everything. And oh my God. Oh my God. I'm getting flashbacks to how it all started. >> So, like, timeline. >> Okay, timeline. We pull up, right? We pull up to the meat. We see him surrounded by, like, ten people. We get out of the Uber, and Grant's like, "Should I put the camera away? Do you think he's, like, going to want me to put it?" I'm like, honestly, just walk up a thing. Like, don't-- we're not-- the camera's off. >> Yeah. >> I'm lapped up. Laughs off. Cameras off. Nothing's happening. We just walk up to check in, I guess, quote unquote. He's smoking a cigarette. He's got jokes? He said. He smokes a cigarette. He smokes a marble reds. >> Chill. >> We won't. >> Marble reds. >> Marble, marble, golds. >> So, he smokes marble reds. >> Okay, classic. >> You're a camel type of guy, Tanner? >> American spirit. >> What about new ports? We into new ports? >> New... >> New... >> New port! >> New port! >> Dude, if you actually, like, sang that to him, I'm sure he would fucking like it and start doing that on TikTok. >> Oh, my God. >> New port! >> New port! >> That would be his thing. But, uh, yeah, so we walk up there. He's smoking a cigarette. He's doing check-in. And he also has a pack of zins that he's holding with his phone. >> Oh, my God. >> And he does it. >> Just a dub. >> What a fiend. >> He's a fiend, dude. >> He's got a good group of influencers. >> Upper deck, your lower deck, you guy. >> Upper deck, lower deck. >> I'm swallowing a guy. Flick in the back of my throat. >> God. >> Alright, so... >> Yes. >> It's already a vibe. >> So there's a really, really bad vibe going on. >> There's lots of addiction. >> Wait, Grant. Grant. Grunk. Do you remember when we first went to Vegas and we felt this really demonic aura of Vegas? It felt like I walked into that circle and I felt it. And I was like, "Oh, this is evil." >> It came right back. >> It just came right back. >> Yeah, dude. So he had those cigarettes who was smoking. He was like, the way he was smoking was so funny. He would smoke it and he'd go, "Oh." And he'd blow it out like a vape. You know what I'm saying? But it's just smoke. It wasn't much smoke. I don't even know what he was doing. But he does check in. I paid $30 for me and $30 for Grant, okay? But he was telling people. He was IDing them going around and then also telling them that it was a $20 additional fee. Because $30 was the deposit. And it was only cash, and it was only cash. But he looked at Grant and me, didn't ID us and didn't charge us $20 extra. >> Whoa. >> I don't know why. I don't know why. He just... Yeah, you guys are good. Didn't ID? Nothing. Nothing. And then walks around again in the circle and asks everyone else for $20 cash. Because... >> Oh wait. The tour is with multiple people. It's not like a one-on-one. It wasn't a one-on-one. There was a whole group of people. >> Okay, okay, okay. >> Yeah, and this is where it gets bad. This is where the tour starts to feel like you're a passenger in a conversation that you don't want to be in. You're hearing so many people ask this poor, good questions. Like, what are they asking? They're asking him the dumbest questions, but putting their phones in his faces and like, "Can you FaceTime my friend?" And they're harassing this kid. It's like harassment. You know, he's trying to like do his best, but also like, they're just trying to get their clips and make fun of him. >> It's crazy. Like, they don't even see him as like a human being. It's actually... >> Dude, it's so insane. They're like, "Do you think Daniel Larson smells like shit? Do you think he smells like shit?" >> Like what the fuck? So, okay, we're walking around and Grant and I are like, now I tell Grant I'm like, "Just start recording this." Because like, if anything, I want footage of how fucked up people are treating him, right? This one fucking... He had to have been like 300 pounds. Six foot four, 300 pound dude. He's walking like... He's walking like with his feet outward and he's walking. Like, you know, I don't even know how to describe that. Where he's walking like he's got a stick shoved up his ass. >> He's in Toad. >> Yeah, and he's walking like he's out of breath, but he's still keeping up. >> Yeah, dude, yeah. >> All these people are on video and going to be in a video you're uploading. >> Yeah? >> Yeah, fuck it all. >> Some people said I don't want my face in the video and then later in the night they were like, "Yeah, I don't care." So I was like... >> Was that after? >> Was that before or after? >> They thought that I was Joshua Blox Media, like his camera crew. >> That's cool and awesome. >> Yeah, Grant blew the cover. Grant was like, "No, we're YouTubers." >> But I was going to say, "Yeah, we're Josh Blox Media team." >> Nice. >> But no, so this one guy, that big dude, was purposefully stepping on Josh's shoes, like from behind. >> Dude, he was a dick. >> That sucks. >> That's a big asshole. >> Dude, I'm telling you, everyone there was for the most part a dickhead except for one guy who was about to beat the shit out of the other guy for stepping on his shoes. He was like really mad. He's like, "Dude, cut it the fuck out, dude. He's trying to give a tour and you're fucking annoying him. Like, stop." >> Yeah. >> And you know how it is when you speak out against something and now you're the weird one for you? >> Yeah. >> That's how everyone in that group was to that guy. >> Aww. >> That is so awkward. >> So I pulled that guy aside with Grant, and we were like, "Yo, bro, I just got to fix it. I got to dap you up for that." Like, you did the right thing. Like that was the right thing. Because of one more fucking foot stomp, I would have fucking told the guy to stop myself. So we're walking around New York, and Josh is not really showing us much. He's showing us, well, the first stop that we made was to a liquor store, okay? So we made our first stop to a liquor store. >> Wait. Is there any details on what the tour is going to be about? Or not about sorry, but what it's going to include or where you guys are going to go? Is there a road map? >> It's a tour of the East Village in New York, as well as the upper part of Brooklyn. Like Hoyt, a Hoyt Street, or Hoyt, whatever the fuck. Hoyt. >> Hoyt. >> Hoyt. >> Hoyt. >> Hoyt Sherman. I don't know what it was called. But essentially, the overall vibe of this entire trip was just walk around in a big group and watch this kid, who's an alcoholic, and has autism, get harassed the entire time. It was a really, really, really depressing walk. Like Grant and I, we were like, yeah, we're not going on the subway, like we just don't want to go on the subway. And the subway was the downfall of like everything on this trip. >> That's where like the thin strips that we're holding everything together. >> The strands were just popping every step we took. And so again, we're walking to these, where are we going to? We went to this liquor store. And then he took us to this custard place to tell a little bit about his favorite custard, I think. I don't remember. So it was wholesome. There were nice moments, right? >> Yeah. >> Like he's like, overall, a nice kid, but he honestly is really, really misguided in a lot of ways. Like he finishes his alcohol and he puts the can on the ground and walks away, even if there's a garbage right there. And I was like, I was like, Josh, like there's a garbage right here and he said, come on, it's New York. And I was like, let's go. Keep walking. And I was like, and so we all picked up his trash, right? Like there was the, he, you know, high-noons, the high-noons, the alcohol. >> Yeah, gross. So gross. >> So that's what he was buying every day. >> Dude, they're awesome. >> Fuck. >> I don't know what they taste like. What do they taste like? >> They taste like better white claw. >> Yeah. It's like sell to us with like a little bit more, but just like. >> Better white claw? >> Too much more. >> Yeah. It's just the point where better white claw. >> Way better white claw. >> But you can't drink it really quick. Yells you feel. I hate truly. >> It truly is gross. >> The truly same. >> That's the grossest shit ever. >> Yeah, so oily. >> White claws already kind of taste kind of like. >> Tastes like syrup and pea and like this. >> Yeah. It feels like it's pushing, it's pushing past sell, certain into like soda range, which is. >> Yeah. >> You said truly's are? >> Yeah, truly's too. High-noons are very gross. >> So high-noons are what then? They're like a soda? >> No, they're like, they're like white claws if they had a little bit more flavor. >> Oh, okay. >> That's not that bad. >> That sounds so like a truly. >> That's good. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, just like a truly too. >> Larry and I are, we're fucking Mike Sluts. We like Mike's. >> No, not Mike. >> I've never had a Mike. >> Smirn off. We like Smirn off Isis. >> You've never had a Mike's heart? >> They're good, bro. >> They're good. >> Dude, he's gonna get it. >> Larry's on to the giant like Mike. >> Is it like that thing? >> Dude, the freaking, the pack of Mike's heart is so good. >> Wait, wait, how do you know that? How do you know that? >> How do you know that, Gronk? >> Mike's dad told me. >> Oh, okay. >> Okay. >> Hey, son, I love the Mike's heart. >> I love the dad. >> I love the dad. >> The different colors look too. >> That case is just a night of fun. >> That is a night of fun. >> With your dad? Or your dad told you that. >> My dad told me about it. >> That's lit. It's like a typewriter fun. >> I thought it was like a bold one. >> Night of fun is a six pack at Coke zeros in a bottle of crack. >> Come on. >> I love money. >> I love money. >> Bottle of crack. Dark alcohol. Dark alcohol. >> Dark alcohol evil. Dark alcohol. >> It's a little nauseating. It's one of those ones where I like, like I got really down in, you got to get a chase or for it typically. >> Yeah. Do you like daughters? >> I do like letters, but I will say this one. I will say this though. During dinners. >> They're fun. >> It's fun. It's great. >> It's because you have to have food. >> It's like a tone. >> Yeah. Atmosphere. You got to get in the mood for it. That's, you know, it's like sex. >> We need to start getting to cigarettes. >> What? >> I think cigarettes can go hand in hand. >> Where did that come from? >> With cracking. >> You know? >> What? >> Yeah, come on. You're trying to get to the cigarettes. >> Oh. >> I'm trying to break it open. >> Maybe dip the cigarette in the cracking. >> That's like all the way. >> And have a packed doll. >> Have dip in your. >> And have dip. >> Yeah. >> What? >> I don't condone your art. >> Okay. So I don't condone this. >> Oh, I'm sorry. >> And nitrous galaxy gas. >> What? >> I'm sorry. [LAUGH] >> What is it? Oh, glorious leader. Please share your wisdom. >> No. >> Nick, yeah. He was finishing. He was finishing. >> This is the second time you're going to say something when you never say it. >> That's your point. >> Well, when you said something about the cigarette dipping it in rum, you can actually like, all right, you put alcohol in like a two liter bottle, you put a hole in it, and then you like, you like put your hand over and I think you squeeze it and it makes like vapor and you can smoke the alcohol vapor and you get drunk. >> You can. You can't do that. >> That's insane. >> A lot of white girls. >> It's a really crazy technique. >> What is it not who cuts? Different than who cuts? >> Ancient technique. >> Hock. >> No, we're not finishing that in. >> Two. >> Yeah. >> Well, that's only about half of the trip. >> Oh, shit. >> I can speed up the rest of the trip, essentially we just, we walk around that same fucking big fuck is just tipping on Josh's feet and Josh is getting pissed and he was like threatening to like throw, I didn't kill him, but he was- >> I want to push him bad. >> Josh was threatened. Dude, this guy was like so fucking sweaty and ugly and gross. >> Really? >> Josh was threatening to throw him out of the fucking, you know, the tour and stuff. It was just getting real annoying because it's just, all it felt like was these people paid $30 to get their minute of fame and like harass his autistic kid. >> Just harass him. >> And it sounds like it's a very like- >> Yeah. >> Like totally not serious, except for that one guy, he was like really just trying to go on the tour. He enjoyed Josh's content, really wanted to go on it, right? So now we get on the subway, right? And all these same people who are being dick bags to this guy are like telling him, dude, you need to stop drinking, drinking's really bad. You need to stop, bro. >> My gosh. >> Like virtue-ing. >> Dude, so they're virtue signaling, yeah, they're like trying to, I guess make themselves look better than they really are, trying not look like they're condoning him. The same people who are like, you need to go sober because Josh is like, I don't want to go sober, I'll just cut back, I'll do, what do you say? He said he'll do moderation, like drinking moderation, like moderation management is what he said. So he'll cut back, but he doesn't want to go sober. This other guy was like, yeah, dude, they'll never work out, you need to, you know, I used to be in alcoholic, you need to go sober. All of these people, after you get off the subway and go to the next liquor store are all doing cheers with him with beatboxes. All of them. >> Wow. >> Like that conversation didn't fucking mean shit, right? So Grant and I, we're not in these conversations, we're just spectating. I just have Grant pointing the camera, having conversations, pans to me every now and again, and I'm just like smirking at the camera like, this is dumb as shit ever, I can't believe I'm on the fucking subway right now, this one place that I would never go in New York. And we go to the 7-Eleven, I suggest to, cause now at this point Josh is like, we need to get more drinks and I made a suggestion, a really stupid suggestion. I said, what if we all just drink water? And Josh said, what are you talking about, it's Saturday night, it's Saturday night. What are you talking about? Oh shit, Saturday night. >> That's a fair point. What am I talking about? >> Saturday night. >> It's Saturday night. >> Saturday night. >> Saturday night. >> But unfortunately Saturday and Sunday and Monday until the day of the week, they all drink I guess, right? So especially him. >> You know what, it's a Monday. >> It's a Monday, come on. >> It's a Monday. >> Start of the week. >> Start of the week. >> Cut me some sweat. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> Monday at one p.m. >> I had a bad day yesterday. At this point at that 7-Eleven, we basically stand in the middle of the street, like not in the middle of the street, but the middle of the sidewalk for like 20 minutes, doing nothing. Just these people taking videos with Josh, whatever. This tour was the only thing he told us anything about was one theater. That was it. Everything else? He just said like, some person asked like, "Do you know what this is?" And he said, "No." Okay. Okay, so that's fine. That's fine. So now we're going back. Right? That's pretty much everybody because it's like, this is over the span of two hours. It was supposed to be from nine to 10. It went from 9.15 to 11.30. >> Oh my God. >> Oh my God. Right? We're just walking around with this guy. Like that's all it is. And so we get back on the subway and now at this point, Josh has mentioned so many times. He like, "I have to pee. I have to pee. I need to relieve myself." And we're like, dude, just like we're going to find like a bath or something like that. And he was about to pee in front of someone's fucking house. Like in New York City, where there's like the gates and then the person's front door. He's about to pee on someone's front lawn, right? Like the steps that go up to their house, yeah. That's their front lawn right there, essentially. He was about to pee on someone's like gate and shit. And he puts out on his alcohol on the ground and I'm like, "Josh, there's a garbage right there." And same thing he said before. Come on. It's New York. Like we can litter. >> So we mentioned where you were. That's a really important thing to mention. We're in Brooklyn now at this point. I don't understand. >> Brooklyn, New York. >> Yeah. What did you just do? >> Just funny because you guys started in Times Square, I believe, right next to Penn. And then it somehow, some way you made it over to fucking Brooklyn. >> Yeah. >> How far is that? >> When visiting New York. Ever. >> We had to take the subway and go like underneath water. Basically. >> Oh my god. >> We need to go underneath. Yeah. We were very far away from, not very far away, but we were pretty far away from Penn where we needed to get back to. So all right, now we're getting back on the subway. Josh is telling everyone, "Drink your alcohol. Do you want a summons from the police? Because you can't drink publicly, like, especially, maybe you can't drink publicly, but you can't go to the subway with it." And then he goes on this tangent about how he had a summons or that he had been to court for it and six months, some probation, whatever the fuck. So he knows what not to do, right? So now we get back on the subway, and this is now like, we first had like a nice subway train and now we've got like a really shitty subway train. It felt, it was grungy, bro. >> Yeah. >> It was like joker type shit. >> Yeah. >> Actually, actually. >> Yeah. [laughter] >> Yeah. >> What was that for now? >> It was pretty sketchy. It was sketchy. But this was like a packed subway, and then some people, we're going back now toward Times Square because he wants to go to Margaritaville and drink at Margaritaville. >> After everything that's happened. >> He wants to go to Margaritaville. >> I fucking love this kid, I want to be to bed. >> And he has a beatbox in his hand. Somehow he had a beatbox. He probably put it in his bag. >> A beatbox? >> The box one. >> Yeah. >> Like a huge one? >> Uh, it was like, it was, it was yay high. >> The beatbox are like colorful as hell, to get out of the way. >> No, not a boombox, a beatbox. >> A beatbox. >> A beatbox, yeah. It's a little drink, right? So he, now, okay, where he's at, there's a kid to his left, a whole family to his left. Grant and I are like diagonal and away from him, kind of, we're at the door. So he's like seated on the subway. There's these people, they're all trying to tell them to do like, fuck, they're trying to be like, okay, now, Josh, do like, slap, slam, do like, and they're doing that. They did it like 20 fucking times, recording a TikTok, okay, now, Josh, do an over and over and over and he's like, I'm not interested. I'm not interested. I'm not interested. That's what he kept on saying. And so. >> I think they're aware. >> No, I'm so. >> Function. >> No. >> Oh, that, yeah. They're asking me about my channel, I told them, and they think that they're going to look so great in this video and they're going to look like the biggest dick bags. Because I'm not going to hide anything. I'm just going to show the experience, right? If I end up actually, but- >> So let me go ahead and interrupt you. So is the subject of this video going to be these bullies or Josh? Because it feels like it's going to be the bullies. >> It's pretty much going to be the bullies. So how I feel about Josh- >> Bullies is tied with Josh because it's showing the interaction. >> Well, yeah, Josh doesn't make the wise decision every now and again. But it just seems like these guys are just brainless and moral. >> So yeah. >> I can't take it, read a situation. >> So the way that I look at it is that Josh, he's got an addiction and he's autistic, which are, they're both pretty challenging on their own, right? But he's got both of those. And on top of it, watching these people try and get a reaction out of him and being the biggest dick bags to him is kind of sad. He was asking this girl who said that she was a nurse, a part of our entire trip. She was like, he said, if I stop drinking for 30 days, will the shakes go away? Will my shakes go away? And they're trying to talk to him and you can tell that he's really not happy drinking and he wants to drink socially and that he honestly is an alcoholic, right? But all these people are enabling him and just being overall dickheads to him at the same time. So it's like being that smart-ass kid in school where you're just being a sly dickbag, but it's like a passive sort of asshole type of thing, you're not upfront to them, you're just taking shits out on them. It was kind of like that the entire time and it was really, really sad. So the video I would, what I originally wanted was I was hoping that at some point during the end of the tour, I could talk to Josh about content creators that are trying to take advantage of him, like this Mr. Bass guy and all these other people, and exploiting him and like, I'm never, I'll never get it, dude, I'll never will. I will never get people flew there to like get a sense of superiority over a content creator that they found online and they'd sit there and bug and harass him for two and a half hours. Yeah, that's, I mean, that's pretty much it. And what they'll do is they'll let their friends know that are in the city as well and then the friends will come onto the tour and he'll be like, no, go away. I'm doing a tour right now. And then all of them will lie to him and say they're on the tour, they've been on the tour. They've been on the tour this whole time. So it's like, it's like a really weird situation where honestly being in it, 10 minutes being into it, Grant and I were like, we just don't want to be here. But like, I was really trying to stick through to the end makes me like tired. It was really depressing, but this is where it gets really sad and I'm kind of, like, I'm not upset about how I had to step away, but I just realized that this is a way bigger picture than me. He's not going to stop drinking on his own. He is around people that will exploit him and it's really sad to see he needs professional help, right? More than what I could have ever tried helping with. But this is where the nail was in the coffin. It was on that subway. We were on 8th Street in the subway, right? So the subway goes up, right? There's many different subways, but the one that we were particularly going on was going up toward like under the ground, up toward Times Square. So we're 8th Street and we had to get to like 42nd or 46th or something. So we had to, you know, the next one I think was like 14 and whatever. So Josh is saying that he has to pee and what does Josh do? Now we're on 8th I think at the time and I look at Grant and I'm like, bro, we just have a little bit more. We might as well, I'm looking at my phone and I'm like, we just got to honestly, we're going to probably get off before we get to Times Square so we could just run to Madison Square Garden from there, right, to get to Penn Station. I look back at Josh, he pulls his dick out, people are recording him. His dick is now on their phones. He's drunk and he has his dick out. He turns, I swear I saw his dick and I'm not happy that I did. There was a kid right behind him too, which is even more fucked up. He turns and faces towards the window of the subway. He starts peeing in the beatbox and this whole, you guys know like what lean bodies are, the protein drinks, you know how small those holes are, they're the tiny ones. He was trying, yes, he was trying to pee in that. That's what those holes are and bro, all you hear is like people going like, ew, what the fuck ew? Well, you don't like hear all of that, but you just hear some people say that and you hear his piss smacking on the floor, smacking on like the wall. Is it like louder than it like, it was so hard to watch bro. It was so hard to even be around because you were getting like the worst, not even just secondhand embarrassment, but you're like, is this a fucking crime right now? Like, am I waiting for you to definitely use a crime? Yes, yes. And so Grant and I look at each other and the next fucking stop, it was 24th Street. I was so happy. The doors open, I get the fuck off, I stepped in his piss. But he wasn't like, it was, it was, it was actually this shoe, what, what is that? It's not shoe. That's upstairs. There's a big car. Yeah, you can tell them what the fuck you are. Okay. All right. Look, I'm sorry. I'll clean it. What the fuck? That's my chair. That's my chair. No, my shoes are off. My shoes are off. Oh, no. What the fuck? Okay. Well, listen, listen, I, this is the saddest part. Is that the train was moving, right? And where he was, he was about five feet away from the door where I had to, that's what the piss trailed from all the way down the train. And that's why I stepped in it by accident was because it leaked all the way. And he barely got any in that beatbox. Another, another human being has to clean it up. Probably already did. Definitely already did. Another, another person with a life and like a story. Well, let me ask you a question. And I don't know, this is from my observations, right? So yeah, he was being mistreated by the people around him, right, which is really fucked up. Now, now I have the question, the behaviors of him, like putting his litter on the ground and not picking it up even if there was a garbage there. I picked up his garbage twice, threw it away twice. I threw away the high noon box and I threw away one of his drinks. And then other people started picking up his stuff too. Even after telling him like, dude, there's a garbage right there, you should throw it away. He was like, dude, it's New York. It's fine. And I was telling the people that were behind Josh, I was having a conversation with him. I said, the way that you fixed that behavior is every single person on his tour tells him to pick that up and tells him to push, throw it away. That's not right. But it's those people that'll be like, oh, it's fine. It's fine. Literally like five seconds later, the one, one of these people in front of me that want to go buy Josh a drink was like, it's all right, Josh. It's all right. It's New York. You can litter. It's fine. I think. And I looked right at grand. I looked at it. I'm like, this is what I'm fucking talking about. That's where this behavior is enabled. Right? So he's not going to ever learn. And on top of it, like peeing, peeing in public, peeing in the subway, which is a crime. Is that not a crime? Yeah. It's public nudity and something like that. It's public everything. There's a kid right next to him. Yeah. It could also be not child in danger, but just not. His dick is out in the public and he's in a public, I mean, dude, that is. It was just really, it was a bad mixture of like environmental shit, as well as behavioral shit. And I just was like, fuck that, it's sad. It always just ends as like a sad, like, and I don't think, I don't think these people truly understand the position that they're in when they come and go outside of these tours outside of Josh's life. Yeah, because they come in and you know, they're going to have their little bedroom moment, like a little, yeah, you know, blah, blah, blah. And they're like, man, this is really fucked up in the grand scheme of things. Me, this guy bought a ticket to just kind of make fun of this autistic kid who's addicted to alcohol. But I guess, you know, it's only one night. It's not entirely my fault. It has to be someone else's. Right. It's a group effort. Yeah. That's it. That's it. That's it. It's a group thing. Yeah. And that's how it works. It's like, if I'm not the only one to blame, if there's other people involved, that dispersion of blame makes it almost feel right, then it can't be my fault. I'm not the only one that's guilty. And Grant and I were like, we were not okay with it. I was trying to be like nice to the guy and like being nice and wholesome to ask him like, he was getting harassed and he was like getting frustrated and I was like, all right, Josh, like, where are we now? You know, what are we doing now? And you would answer. You know, he wasn't mean or anything, but you could just tell that he is going through some shit. He looks tired. He looks very tired. He looks like he's grieving. He looks like he's grieving. He looks like he's really upset and also I really feel bad for him. He had hemorrhoids that tired, that tired time. So imagine walking through New York, we did 16,000 steps on hemorrhoids for him. Wow, Josh. Yeah. And the reason I know that was because when he was streaming with Mr. Baste, he told Mr. Baste to turn the camera away so we could poke his hemorrhoid in. It's. Ah. Yeah. Okay. Hey, look, hey, look, we've all had our fair share of hemorrhoids. I'm sure. Oh, yeah. I don't think I have. Never a day. Really? No. Never. Dude, I've, I've gone one before. Oh, you spoke out of comfort. Dude, did you? All right. Science class. Not that then, but I've had them. How did we get ahead? Yeah. Is that where you poop too hard? All right. It's where you poop too hard. Dude, you can get it from just sitting on a toilet for too long. No. Dude, your butt is hanging over air and you're, you're, it's going to come out, dude. Are you talking about prolapsing? No. Hemorrhoid. No, it's hemorrhoids. Yes. But you can't shit, dude. I'm, I'm sorry. Am I like, no, I just think what a hemorrhoid is. Do I have to? I don't want to link it up on the camera. I don't want to look it up at all. Gary, don't look it up. Just look at the definition. I actually don't know what it looks like. Let's ask Gronk. Let's ask Gronk. Let's ask Gronk. Gronk. Why did it? What's a hemorrhoid? It's like a boil. See? It is a boil. It's not like a... It's a swollen and inflamed vein. Yeah. In the butt. Your butt hole coming out. He's gagging. Oh, what? I'm just in shot. They're like pimples. They're like pimples that are really dark red. Yes. So they're like butt pimples. So they hurt. Yeah, but they're not prolapse but hole over the toilet. What did he mean by... Yeah, they're not prolapse but hole. Yeah, they're not prolapse but hole. You can like... You can like try and like push it back in. Okay. That's not... That's not... No. That's prolapse but hole. No, Gronk. That's right. You can actually try and push it back in. Can you push a hemorrhoid in Gronk? But that would hurt so bad. Yeah. Why'd you do that? I'm just saying... You're a weak. I look. To summarize it... To summarize everything. Go, go, go, go. I was going to say just to summarize everything. I wanted to go there with the hopes of talking with him and trying to raise awareness to it and tell him that I wasn't trying to like exploit him and that honestly I really wanted to donate all the money to go to like... Send them home. Something. But... Huh? Send them home. So the thing about him is that he has no parents. He's got grandparents now and they're like a little too old I believe to like help out. They still try and keep in touch with him but yeah, it was really just an unfortunate situation that made me really uncomfortable and made me realize, "Holy shit. This is something far, far deeper than I could have ever imagined." It's almost like he's in some ways okay with that lifestyle. Does that make sense? Like... Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't know if okay is the right word. Maybe more so of like... You know. It's just all he knows. He was asking people on the train like about his alcoholism and they were he was asking them about like... Like unprompted. He was asking them when the shakes would be able to go away. He was asking like so if I were to like he was getting and he was like, "Excuse me?" Like you're they're trying to talk and you kept on talking over them saying, "Excuse me, excuse me. I have a question." Like so if I were to stop this or if I were to cut back would the shakes start going away? Or would I be able to control it? Is it okay if I start to moderate... To the nurse? Yeah. Sounds like a cry for hell, bro. Did she answer? Yeah, but I don't think that she was a fucking nurse. No, I don't know. Because she... Because like... Well, a better way to spend your weekend as a nurse who saves lives than with your boyfriend doing Joshua Blaugh. She just gave... I know who... I know what nurses are like and she just did not give me nurse vibe from being concerned. There was no nurse aura. No. No, no. No, no. I had like a step that's good. There was... You know what it was? It was EMT aura because she admitted she was an EMT. Oh. She was a volunteer EMT. Okay. So she's like... So she's... I get it. I don't believe that she was a nurse. She is zero medical experience. Because if she was a nurse, I really don't think that she would have condoned a lot of that behavior. Personally. No. But... I don't think so. Yeah. So you mentioned like his parents were... They passed. Yep. Right? And now he's like with these grandparents who are like at that point of where like they're not going to be... He doesn't even live with them. He lives night to night hotel to hotel in New York. Oh my God. I've been watching a lot of videos of like... Like low cow shit, like you know where like, you know... It's like really long videos about like different people's lives who are low cows and it's really sad. It's like... What is a low cow? Like fortune document from... It's basically a low cow, it's like Christian. It's like... Christian and... Okay. It's like people on the internet that... People that think... People are laughing with them but they're laughing at them. That's what a low cow is. Anything they do gets made fun of or gets like whatever. And they're just only watching them just like make fun. Exactly. They're only watching them just to wait for that time they fuck up and then they make a big thing about it. Right. But usually like the people who are not usually but like some of the people who are like I guess low cows also end up having backgrounds like that were like they're either their parents or like non-the-picture or like motherfuckers it's way too old do you take care of them or like it's just some case of that and they have un-monitored like access to the internet basically and they're just on their own and so that's how it happens. Yeah. I think that's what's happening and unfortunately like there's no one that's able to kind of help guide them and I mean they can maybe but it almost feels like it has to be by force. Like at... Right. You know what I mean? The feeling. Uncomfortable suggestion. You know what Grant made a good point. Grant said I think that the only way that he will change is if he has a life-threatening incident. Like something that really scares the shit out of him to make him change. Just to go crash and burn in order to learn. Pretty much. Yeah. Which is not usually like ideal. Yeah. I don't know about the burn part but it's crash. Crash and almost burn. Crash and see the fire but not burn. I use bathroom. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That was a little New York trip and I was very interesting. Yeah. Yeah. The goal was not obtained. Honestly I wanted no part in it anymore. I was like fuck this dude. I honestly like I feel really bad but I have to feel really bad for my distance if that makes sense. Because like it's out of my help. Like I can't help. You know what I mean? It's just not something that I can do. So I don't even know if I'm going to post that video. I really don't. It was telling me about it in the car. Not like all the details but he was saying it was just it was like the opposite of Sun Science and Rainbows. Willy Vloggers like the pressing said. You should. You should. If you know whatever happens if you do end up posting it I suggest that you tone it in a way that's like there's no music more more if anything more like city soundscape right with dialogue and obviously the footage like the shots of the people whatever. Right. It's just kind of got it out man. Keep it raw. Keep it. Cause that sounds like a raw experience. That was like a raw last experience. I have the footage. I can go and upload on my computer and later I can show you guys. And I promise you I have a really good feeling that this footage will convey almost perfectly. You will probably be able to feel. You were talking about it already can. I feel claustrophobic like I feel like I don't want to be around this shit like I didn't want to be there. I really didn't. And you're in New York too. So it's like I will give it to him. I think that Josh gave a decent tour like paths that he took were great because there were some pretty cool bars and not bars just places to eat you know stuff like that really really lively places. You know what I just remembered I just thought about this last time we went to New York which is a long time ago but like we were on a video remember that we got pulled aside for a fucking it was like it was a some random time square time square right we're in some random guys YouTube channel talking about it what do they ask you it was some freaky as shit I promise you because I remember I remember doing some shit where I was like oh my god I regret doing that it's going to be posted somewhere I hope it's not huge or forward because we're talking about some something about something about fucking something about fucking and I don't remember what I think it was like something about position like what position and then I said something like really really like wild I did like a mix it was like a mold of different positions whatever the fuck and then yeah and then it was like but we got a card or we got something I know we have the at somewhere I just don't know what it's I remember where it was because they walked up to us they walked up I remember that shit that was really yeah I remember that I don't remember if I answered dude yeah I want to go I'm kind of scared I'm kind of scared of New York it's not it's not it's not as fun it's like once a year it's chill would you go back like once would I go back yeah would you go back right if I wanted to go New York New York New York awesome cool thing to do I don't know where in New York I was at dependent on your it is it is Brooklyn no Queen's no no Long Island no Manhattan where Manhattan where Manhattan where Manhattan I don't know the bagel I don't know the big bagel the M&M store dude I never had a New York bagel I'll tell you where I'd go I would go either to back to Chinatown for literally ramen and Boba again yeah I would or the fucking park the park the big park yeah probably don't tell what the well I guess no one else's central has been in it who has been to that like a little circle Larry a little circle and that's it what little circle like the the Chinatown Street that we used to always oh well tell ten or ten or ten or oh my god because remember you were getting a haircut and we went to the basement we got fuck you got it you gotta talk about oh I wanted to go to the basement it's really cool in there fuck ten or that place yeah there's a lot of businessmen like with suits on and there were oh my god shout out to that woman dentist that was hitting on Isaac woman dentist oh yep she's like she's like I remember you got nice teeth what she say I like your I like your sunglasses and mask I like your high self from everybody the chair fall you back no I'm on fake this was I mean this was like what 2020 2020 I think no 2022 no no no no no it's not 2022 are you guys dumb okay it was January of 2020 when you get partner was January oh it was 22 it was the same trip that Tanner came over to Jersey and we all did that stream where he worked out we have changed so fucking much it's two years it's two years so what even happened I don't even know I feel like I like time traveled I think a vomit on this computer the great needs a change in scenery I think Texas changed us we need let's go to can we all can we do Buffalo House we should have done that Minnesota Buffalo bills no no sorry Montana no no oh Montana don't even get Montana Michigan Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado remember that one house yes it was okay well I talked about it already but let me it was like a log man we had choices we had choices of states before we moved it all together we were like okay there was one in Florida I think right there was a Florida house or something like that yeah yeah but they didn't they weren't really liking the idea because they were leaving Florida mmm-hmm some of the game or steps were got you okay so it was like Florida obviously Texas I think Jersey Jersey they would have done Jersey yeah Jersey I would have hated that's Colorado which would have been fucking the houses cool I think that would have saved the world that would have been insane I don't know what kind of cause it wasn't living in the middle of nowhere we all was a field it was like a giant it was like a log how do we would have been like the outdoor voice would have we would have done just outdoor field shake because it was a giant field it was one single house in the middle right it was not like a neighborhood or nothing it was just not a Chipotle in sight not a no it would have been like a door dash would have not been able no Jersey Mike's nothing a lot of hunting a lot of fishing a lot of like dude instead of logs I would have just turned to a snowboarder so it would have been survival videos it would have been like surviving this yeah Tanner would have just gone to the woods videos in the woods yeah I have to like hunt for food because that's all we have I would have started a uh finding the Yeti series finding the Yeti fighting the Yeti fighting or finding finding finding finding the Yeti I don't know if he's in Colorado know where he landed that's a finale wait isn't he yet isn't he yet he Washington I don't know that's Bigfoot yeah wait is that not the same way is that not the same thing Yeti and Bigfoot's on the well yet he's like snow Bigfoot well that's what they all thought it was like well Bigfoot we found them during the spring we're finding this Yeti during the winter is Yeti just Bigfoot with snow on him and I was like a big redneck argument for like three years yet it just big for a snow on him there's there's a leaked conversation from GTA six it was like remember when they did that big drop like that big dump of like footage yeah like early yeah there was a conversation there was like a redneck conversation like that where it was like it wasn't about Bigfoot but I forget what it was it was just that vibe of I love I love rednecks they're wacky theories is Yeti there's the Yeti Bigfoot in fish bush with slough at it wish no dude there's so many abominable snowman Yeti Sasquatch Bigfoot I think they're they're all the same thing Sasquatch is a big foot oh my god there's a movie this is a movie let's go skunk squatch skunk squatch no it's a TV movie Tanner the skunk's battle of the beast Bigfoot vs Yeti Oh let me see skunk ape wait I'm yeah the skunk ape look up the skunk ape what the fuck look at he's real what is this skunk is it was a large and hairy human like mythical creature purported purported cryptid purported go back go back inhabit the forest and swamps in the South Asian United States mostly or most of them in Florida there's like I feel like there's multiple Bigfoots and they inhabit different parts of the world and they're biome based I think you're right there's one for biome wait what is it desert was probably like track the goat like Pharaoh the desert oh my god that'd be chill Pharaoh foot what the fuck wait Larry can you go back to the can you go back to skunk ape images real quick and after that can you look up the road look at the sand like the skunk squatch sorry wait why is it yes yeah we're wait look up skunk ape real oh yeah look at the first couple so he's like what behind Oh my god it just looks like scary looks like a great thing wait so now what are what are when de goons when de goons are like a big deer one it's like the beer like yeah beer they hunt they're like yeah they're like the yeah you motherfucker yes on the side on the side you can see the the parts of the yeah look it's like a big like long deer that's just in the woods and then there's and there's one more what's the last one skin walker skin walker skin walker okay wait it could be any fun there man group project we live in the Appalachian Mountains for a while and we have to try and find skin walker groups like talent group sounds like a group vacation I would do that come on let's go let's go to um Appalachian the Appalachian Mountains let's go and hunt for Yeti foot big squatch and the abominable big foot dude there's a guy on tiktok that goes to the Appalachian Mountains and he goes to the places where people tell him not to and then you say I'm talking about he's like day three of traveling the Appalachian Mountains to find a skin walker so there was a sign that said do not continue so I must continue and he like walks to the forest oh this looks like a really eerie place to call for a when to go he's like it's like it's like that one guy who goes like uh last time I seen him was like in South America he was going to like random places that are supposed to be like the most dangerous place on earth or whatever the fuck and everyone like all the talent like the bald the bald guy he's not bald oh no there's two guys there is that bald guy uh but there is also another dude I think who who speak Spanish I think I know who you're talking about he is like short hair I think yeah yeah yeah yeah well I don't know I don't know the name I would not know the name at all hmm I heard the bald guy was like weird there's some constantly there he was soliciting they're more than worse than that oh from what I heard from I know from what I heard I tapped out the conversation we were talking about his name is Baldon Baldon bankrupt Baldon bankrupt Baldon brave if you look up oh you know who that is Baldon bankrupt uh could have been chill man he looks like I know I was watching him and he was like right from pod stars but you can always see that he's always weird to women Nick yes but let me believe speaking of cryptids do you believe in the Jersey devil dude okay before I answer that question there was a magazine called weird NJ I don't know if you've ever heard of that there was a weird new Jersey cryptids yeah cryptids by each and they had they had a thing on that I'm pretty sure dude I don't know I used to watch a show called cryptids and it it listed every single cryptid ever like like known about here we go there's an episode about New Jersey devil yeah look dude what if Tanner look we don't see Texas what if Tanner is in Texas oh yeah yeah why is it big as you see because there's an he's involved he's involved this is going by there's a way thing Arizona Mongolian monster no no not my goal on my goal on my goal on my goal I thought no no I didn't actually say the Arkansas fuck monster fuck monster fuck monster fuck what the hell are they look at it's a hot testy slad rock Walter okay because it sounds like it's a fuck fuck fuck it's food food monster sounds like they miss her folk like oh I heard is a folk monster all right let's miss bill it now spell the best way you can folk Colorado's slide rock Walter bolter bolter can I have a million heads like wait I want to see that one what's kinetic kinetic connect they're like sisters they're like evil sisters with melon heads oh oh oh oh it's just like babies with big heads wait look at that but look at that all at the bottom that one picture oh it's right there it's right there this one looks like a straight out of the fucking like courage the cowardly dog in the head no no no no no no no no no no no no it's a wild one uh Delaware yeah good luck Zwan Zwan Zwan in Dale Merman oh the Merman yeah the Merman Florida skunk ape skunk ape skunk ape shout out Florida Georgia Altamahaha Hawaii Menehune Idaho Charlie you kill me India Indiana beast of Busco India that's Illinois beast of Busco Illinois the Enfield horror the enfield horror the horror I will van meter monster oh this is a cold Sam damage one of these like a hurricane can you look up sinkhole Sam yeah let me see what the fuck this is all about it better not be a sinkhole the face I've never heard of a lot of these I'll be real what is sinkhole Sam oh it's a snake oh wait no that's him right there right there below he's just I guess he's big up one up one's like the world up one that's him right here oh hey just a guy with a beard the legend of sinkhole Sam we're a bit more like stinkhole Sam yeah he's got pew the kelly little green wait Ted or I swear you could make some fucking monsters up for every country I swear you can do whatever I want isn't Kentucky where the blue people are yeah I can tuck in blue people what the fuck is happening Kentucky and colors I know there's green men and blue people there's little green men in blue people little green man what's going on Louisiana they're rugaroo rugaroo rugaroo we got main specter moose specter that sounds pretty cool sounds like a like a cyborg moosic project sounds like a protector like a specter a release specter moose we got another person Maryland Chesy ooh Massachusetts Dover demon damn okay now all right look at Dover demon because that's a heavy hitter look at Dover demon that sounds sick as hell so this should be like a video game with all of these like a fighter I know fighting game or a hunting game I'll be sick what was it called Dover demon Dover over oh just because this guy's a heavy hitter he's nervous actually is he scary he's like the joy ball we're crooked dude what the fuck is this was this actually spotted oh wait what I think it's based on today that's the uh that's what's that creepypasta oh creepypasta you mean the Dover demon bro oh my bad bro this it's not a creepypasta this isn't a creepypasta this is a very real pasta well let's Legos Legos the Dover demon Legos oh yeah there is there's no photo of him this is described and there never will be because he's the Dover demon bro okay we over demon just chill oh no he is gonna oh oh let's continue continue continue continue uh where are we the michigan dog man the michigan dog man I love the dog oh dog man that's good oh Minnesota one to go it is that's a Minnesota thing that's a big one mo mo's in Missouri no way wow Missouri mo that's scary actually you Mississippi Pascagola river aliens wait what? Pascagola okay I gotta remember how to spell that Pascagola P-A-S-C-A-S-C-O-U-L-A okay are you just kidding me he's drawing bro this is almost very guy bro this is all they got whoa I'm pretty sure he doesn't got with the hat I like call me crazy but I think they probably saw a guy with the hat and they're like wait you're crazy do you see it he's a little tall eight foot is that what that says eight foot yeah they can't you know it's these two guys who apparently I guess did it sick because like they're they're they're all who did it who invented him yeah these guys we made him up said Tahoe Tessie again they can't have him in two states wait a lot of Tahoe Tessie and in california number five they're right next to each other right they're right next to each other though right yeah yeah well they're doing he has two states he's the winner actually how big is Tessie then probably huge apparently scene wood devils from new Hampshire new Hampshire's wood devils new jersey jersey devil what if what if there was a what if there was a mythic jersey that's what they are the jersey devils they're hockey team what if there was like the tame testicle or the tame testes and it's like to what it's a picture of his nuts untamed testes well like Tennessee or something like that the Tennessee untamed what all like Tennessee's all down there new new york champ champy champ more than that the beast is champ base ball player that ran away is champ champ champ champ is champ there is champ no tickets today I see no i don't know what to do i was like an eldering boss what the beast of beast of blad and burrow beast well that's pretty crazy the beast amor burrow and they got north north Dakota thunderbird solo dude like a thunderbird look up thunderbird cool tana you know your i swear i saw i know i saw this in washington i swear when i was like seven yep i swear i saw one of these huge bird that's a gigantic bird tana was that's where i saw that i'm sure it wasn't a crow is that a real picture you're really big crow washington sized crow i saw that i saw this flying in the air you see it was in my birthday party and i saw this huge giant it might it might have been a happy birthday it might have been a stork what do you say tana i said it might have been a stork but i swear i've seen one you sure it wasn't a kite what if it was such a big old kite mm-hmm it was slapping its wings how old were you like set like seven or six i wish you would have said 22 or something a couple months ago tana you're the boy who called cried thunderbird bro i'm sorry i believe you i believe you i know it is they're all laughing at you i believe you oh i've seen i've seen the thunderbird you know what i've seen hmm a lovely frogman from oh hi oh no i believe that one okay ok Oklahoma's octopus that's it oklahoma octopus that's just a brick that's just like a better be 3 billion feet long yeah that's because of the alarms yeah exactly Oregon's got the colossal clawed oh oh my what the hell is the squawk clots clots that's my squawk i need to know what a squawk is hold on i need to look at the squawk squawk the squawk it looks like june i think it looks like june i think it looks like june your fucking dog audio listeners it's like a really big naked durable it looks like a sentient mutter it looks just sad though it looks like think of like a pug but like nothing i think i've been harboring i's ex-family's been harboring the squawk for years yeah i'm not gonna lie i think our pet the pennsylvania cryptid game has never been weaker than right now what is this thing this looks like i'm rickens the character oh my god why is it like so sad in every depiction this is the pugs factory yeah i think it's like cannon that it's just a sad sad creature it's actually harmless it doesn't do anything the squawk i feel bad for the sorrowful squawk all right let's the squawk we got red island vampire mercy brand like right across from me they have a cool uh that's that's actually a paint color that is empire mercy brown yeah i like to get the walls in a vampire mercy brown we got south carolina lizard man of scape or swamp um whoa i think it says talk to uh talk to awesome y'all if we're gonna clip this they're gonna clip this they're gonna be like a lucky grown ass man laughing at hawk two i still i can't believe that they are fast spotted still massive have we tried my nut mill can we try my nut mill talkie hockie hock two a that's sathekota hock two two wild man oh the chupacabra wow oh hell yeah texas chupacabra why do we texas has the chupacabra that's crazy why do we why does texas have the chupacabra um i mean i guess it's what is a chupacabra chupacabra it like it's like this it's close to like feed off of like sheep the evil mexican dog it's like a blood it leaves their skins and bones i think it just leaves the bones behind they're like it's a chupacabra i did it again this is like one of the more popular ones yeah see people yeah a lot of people know it's like a dog is it not just a wolf or something whoa huh i don't know basically it was this tale that like these farmers one night just happened to wake up and all their animals were just bones and meat and like they're like there was like no way skins yeah it was just like there was like nothing like like no like what like this is not an animal attack brother yeah like what creature did this and so the chupacabra was the thing what does chupacabra mean evil dog i don't know chupacabra meaning goat sucker goat sucker all right let's see here the utah bear lake monster northfield that's a big one we've got the vermont northfield pigman Virginia pigman snally gaster the virginia snally gaster is crazy we've got the washington bigfoot there it is big shout out west virginia mothman that's hard that's a big one the Wisconsin the beast of brave rose lame and um bring it on in to bring your home jackalow and jackalow for wild jackalow they got like antlers and they're awesome oh so all right now we have all these for each state did you know that new jersey for every county has something weird in it oh my god look it up look up weird look up weird oh jay i'm not kidding you there's this is a really popular magazine it probably still is and then go to images i think we might be an hour and a half into the podcast okay look at that map we're an hour and a half right there so tired okay that map wait what mapo top top up top all right here yeah oh pick it up pick it up boys hop in i don't know wow all clown guy sorry water just wait who spilts oh my god it's because we're talking about cryptids dude okay maybe not every county but there's a there's a few funny things i see a really tall man is that part of the crypt yeah can you see them from like the other side can you see it from the other side yes you can ladies and gentlemen is that big oh my god all right well folks we're running uh pretty pretty deep into this podcast now thank you guys for watching this mythical awesome episode yeah so listen if you see or spot a cryptic walking rumming around your state or just in your country or anything let us know let us know okay you can email me at uh that's that easy send me a cryptic or tooth uh if you spot anything maybe you even have a dog i don't know maybe a cat or something or send us talk to a memes or send us or do that or you send talk to a memes yeah i'll i'll sort them all out thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining us once again we will see you guys next week where we go and look at uh not what's another thing that isn't cryptid uh folklore and wives tales what is sacrilegious yeah sacrilegious like uh makes fun of or goes against the religion okay why i'm pretty sure it also means you want to use code crew for two percent yes yes we'll see you guys brofist it out ♪ Rehehehe ♪