Viola Solid Rock Assembly
What Meaneth This?
well hallelujah. Great turnout back on a Sunday night. I have a friend in northwest Arkansas up in the Fayetteville area and he asked me one time many years 15 years ago he said brother Joe what are you believing for for the offering I never thought about that before and by the way thanks for helping us keep the tires rolling I said you know I don't really have a number in mind brother long made I'm praying for a hundred thousand dollar altar he said well you talk about a hundred thousand dollar altar I said well I want to see a tally comes close to a hundred thousand in your church if God heals people and they don't need their very expensive prescription medication anymore they don't need that two thousand dollar treatment they don't need that twelve thousand dollar surgery and so on and so forth in fact in this county wouldn't it be something if this right here was the most precious real estate in the entire county this would be awesome two thursies to go on an MVP call not the one that pastor Joe spoke at but it was two weeks ago I get a call in the middle of the MVP call and I left my computer and took it was an 88 year old pastor his daughter she's she's a dear friend of ours she's the godmother of our kids she said Joe are you in town I said I am in town well daddy has called the whole family together he said he's going home today this guy is named little David Walker he's a little guy they call him little day because he was a little boy preacher I got pictures of him in the 40s and 50s or whatever whatever year it was filling stadiums in London England as a 10 year old boy stadiums full of people 10 and 12 years old amazing set a tremendous ministry in the assemblies of God during COVID I was on a zoom with Doug Clay and a bunch of people from America and they gave awards for evangelist the number two award was the guy named Dave Reaver who had his face blown off in Vietnam famous AG evangelist number one was little David Walker she said can you come see him and I went to see him this guy's 88 years old and he's booked the Canapolis Cannon Ballers minor league baseball stadium for the end of the month to have an outreach invited in Miss North Carolina and I'm supposed to tell jokes and MC his daughter said he wants you to preach his funeral Joe and he wants you to tell jokes I got over there and I said brother Walker you can go home if you want to you couldn't breathe that a hard time couldn't I can't figure out why I can't breathe there's oxygen 100% can't breathe you can go home if you want to but that'd be pretty rude you'd have to put this whole project on your wife and all of us have to do your work you need to stay clocked in by the time I left you sitting on the edge of the bed eating the sandwich he said I'm on stage just for that I'm staying around just for that Cannon Baller saying but as I drove over there from the MVP call all I could think was this day's coming for all of us these young kids don't they don't really see it but us old people we were their age yesterday and this day is coming for all of us when the night comes and no man can work so that's why we have to do everything we can to fill the train going to heaven with as many people as we can amen I have probably preached in 245 churches in 17 years there's only one church of the 240 of all kinds of churches urban churches country churches rural churches naked churches all kind of churches there's only one church that I think about five days a week in my life five days a week I think about viola solid rock church because pastor gave me some socks and I wear them every single day I don't care what color outfit I'm wearing it don't matter five days a week I'm wearing these socks and every time I put them on I think about this church anyway that there's nothing spiritual about that I just want to share that well we're gonna talk about our friend the Holy Spirit we're gonna try to take the spooky out of the Holy Ghost so I'd like you to turn to a famous passage of Scripture Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 want to thank the booth back there the media folks you've been on it I mean really on it and I really appreciate your assistance and help and thank you pastor Joe for this invitation so when I finished preaching in 30 or 40 minutes I want to invite everybody that needs help to come to this altar that needs the help of the Holy Spirit I'm first one down here I got the microphone I need the help of the Holy Spirit but here's the deal when you come to this altar by moving your feet you are voting with your feet to say Lord not only do I need your help I am willing for you to come upon me and to fill me with your spirit that's what you say when you come you're coming to get help and you're willing to be filled okay Father thank you for the day thank you for this great great church it's beautiful community it's loving community these warm friendly people oh Lord it is really good to be in your house thank you for the worship leaders the anointed worship leaders have been on this stage thank you for this pastor God in our lives most of us will need a doctor will need a lawyer some of us will need a pharmacist but every one of us need a pastor and I thank you that this church has a good one and a great couple to lead them and love on them and so we're praying now that you will not only help us but you will fill us I pray for very strong clarity and communication that I'll communicate your heart and as I'm talking that you'll talk to people in a way that that I actually am I'm not saying it but you're saying things to them that are very personal very very personal things that you're saying to them and the God you'll help us in a few moments when we come back to this altar in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen I probably told you this story and I'll probably repeat a bunch of them but that's what happens when you invite me back Columbus, Mississippi I verified this memory with the pastor Jody Gurley I met a man he was a warlock you don't meet many warlocks in the deep south he was a card-carrying Wiccan witch and he came to that church and Pastor Jody met him in the visitor's little thing when I give a cup away whatever so I'm glad you're here and the guy said to him well thanks but I just think it's only fair to tell you that I only came because my neighbor invited me and I am a warlock Jody threw his arm around him hugged his neck said I saw a Bob I'm glad you're here well that guy got saved got born again he burnt his he burnt his credentials for the Wiccan church in the fire in front of everybody got baptized his family got saved and and I preached that Sunday morning I met him I met him he'd been there for he'd been saved and baptized when I met him Sunday night I talked about our friend the Holy Spirit he comes running up after the service he said Pastor Jody I tried to get your attention before the service but you were talking I couldn't get your attention you know my story Jody said yeah I know your story he says I was driving the church tonight my 16-year-old was with me and I started saying words that I'd never said before my son said dad what are you doing I said I don't know words are coming out of my mouth he said everything that man talked about tonight happened to me on the way to church and I'd never heard any of it before. It's real and relevant, Acts chapter 1, Acts chapter 2 verse 1 in the modern English version says when the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place and suddenly it sounded like a mighty Russian wind came from heaven it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared under them tongues as a fire being distributed and resting on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit enabled them to speak now dwelling in Jerusalem were Javu Jews development from every nation under heaven when the sound occurred when the sound occurred the crowd came together and were confounded confounded confounded because each man heard them speaking in his own language and they were all amazed and more amazed and marveled amazed and marveled saying to each other are not all these who are speaking Galileans how is it that we hear each in our own native language Parthian me Zilamites the residents of Mesopotamia Judea in the cup of the sea of Pontius and Asia Pergia in Pamphilia Egypt in regions of Libya near Cyrene and visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes Cretans and Arabs we hear them speaking in our own language the mighty works of God they were all amazed and perplexed amazed and perplexed saying to each other what does this mean in my favorite version the King James version says what meaneth this that's the title of our teaching tonight others Mark and said these men are full of new ones these men are drunk but Peter standing up with the 11 lifted up his voice and said to the men of Judean all you dwell in Jerusalem let this be known to you and listen to my words these are not drunk as you supposed since it is the third hour of the day nine o'clock in the morning not many people get drunk at nine o'clock in the morning but some people say it's five o'clock somewhere and they just go ahead for it but these men are not drunk as you suppose but this is what was spoken to the Prophet Joel in the last days it'll be says the Lord that I'll pour up my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams even on my maid men servant and my maid servants I'll pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy my assignment tonight is to continue to talk about our friend the Holy Spirit this is controversial it was controversial in the very beginning on the day it happened thousands of years ago it was controversial and I like to study questions from time to time and here's a great one what meaneth this what what is this this cosmopolitan city of Jerusalem had men from every nation under heaven can you imagine that after the day after we summit and came back down into Seattle before I caught my flight I went down to the marketplace in Seattle where the first Starbucks is and they throw fish and all that and it was like the day of Pentecost from every nation under the Sun people were speaking every language that I'd ever heard seem like Jesus Christ had been crucified resurrected he ascended into heaven my my college professor when I played basketball Columbus State University he had to admit although I'm a deist which means I'm not a Christian he said I recognized historically that 500 men said they saw Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and the disciples were waiting do y'all like to wait I never met a person hey Joe what's your hobby I play a little disc golf like go hiking what's your hobby oh I like to go places and sit in waiting rooms whoo that's my favorite nobody likes to wait a man there there are moments that mark your life in this moment marked my life before covid there was a little ministers gathering 12 AG guys a Pentecostal preacher from another denomination walked in I don't even know who invited him he has like 5,000 people in his church when he walked in it was like a general walked in he's 70 years old he this is kind of juice this guy has he's stand up on a Sunday and said the Lord just told me to have a sacred assembly tomorrow night so we're gonna have a prayer meeting at seven o'clock open your Bibles let me preach and the next night 2,000 people would be in a prayer meeting that's kind of juice this guy has he said boys I gotta confess something to you and I'm like oh no he said I've learned something at my age I can't do anything for God unless I wait on him for two hours a day he said now by waiting on him I'm not talking about having my devotions reading my Bible sermon prep I'm not talking about praying I'm talking about just sitting in a chair waiting on him when every thought in my head jumps like monkeys from one branch to another and everything in my flesh screams get up and do something to our I the next day I started that practice so I haven't hit two hours I've gotten close to an hour before I think this morning it was like 17 minutes where I just wait nobody likes to just wait nobody likes just wait the Bible he quoted Isaiah the Lord they'll say the Lord I am waiting on you to wait on me so he tells the disciples you go wait and they waited and they waited and they waited and they waited until they experienced the wind the spirit symbolically in the Bible has been compared to fire water seal oil dove and wind well I wish these young people see something that I that I've seen in my life I hope before I die and certainly before they die that they see what I saw in a revival in the United States of America where people stood in line in Florida in the hot sun from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. I've been in that line all day long not for a rock concert or for a new iPhone release for a regular revival church service it would made national news around the world it lasted for months and months and months people were knocking old ladies down to get a seat in church I do not recommend this but the pastor from my my high school in Georgia pastor Kilpatrick said that today that the revival happened it was on Father's Day and they win the blue blue into that place and blew him over that's what happened to these disciples there was a wind and the disciples saw what looked like tongues resting upon each of them the marketplace the out their people from every nation tribe and they didn't feel the wind they didn't see the tongues but they heard the sound everyone was speaking in a language that they had never learned they did not know but the people from around the known globe heard them praising God in their own language I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a lot of information like a fire hose some of it'll be on the screen some of it won't what mean it this how many of you old people like me remember in the olden times when we had books with pages it wasn't just computers and tablets well bookstores there were stores that sold books can you believe it and we go in there and there was a whole section it was my favorite section it was made just for me it was the dummy section remember the books for dummy sewing for dummies Shakespeare for dummies carpentry for dummies quilting for dummies yoga for dummies divorce beer for dummies that checks out politics for dummies excel for dummies I don't want to offend anybody but I'm gonna take myself back to when I was 18 years old I just been born again and I heard people speaking in tongues in fact I was a Caiapha student representative Caiapha's the college many for ministry for this there was a guy because I was playing basketball Columbus State University or basketball scholarship they asked me to be the representative so I remember going to a committee meeting and to get a charter to have a club on campus and the vice president says mr. Phillips that I'm 18 years old thank you for coming this says that you are a Pentecostal ministry how does that different differ from say the Baptist Student Union I know what Pentecostal man I said man I'm glad you asked that question my youth pastor was with me I said what does Pentecostal mean I don't literally I got no he gave me an answer to the satisfied the lady I didn't know what it meant so I went to my my girlfriend's dad's dining room table she became my wife Cecilia I went to the dining room table I said you got to break it down give me the Holy Ghost for dummies show me I don't understand what this means so some of us theologically this is a goofy illustration theologically maybe you were raised in a different denomination or different belief system maybe you were raised in a place where they told you that this is not for today that's legitimate that's legitimate theology people say that that's an actual theology that exists that the gifts are over and they often quote a scripture that says are there tongues they shall cease right but in that same scripture it says is their knowledge it shall cease and that has not yet happened has it so theologically and I'm not gonna bash anybody bust anybody but it's like putting on a shirt by the time you get to a certain place a certain age a certain station in life you got you've got a shirt on but it's all skewed it's all it's all jacked up kind you got theology but you learned early on something that it's not exactly right now let me just say two things about that if you were raised at a church similar to that and and somebody told you that it's over it's over it's like those cinnamon rolls that went out to get one they go over maybe you raised it at theology like that I'll say a couple things number one if you were taught that the gifts are over and even that if someone participates like that there of the devil let me say this I'm getting milder in my old age you know the person who taught you that probably did it with the motive that was protective shepherding if you really think that somebody that you're pastoring is doing something or thinking something that's evil you'd want to protect them albeit it's the wrong motive in my mind but they probably had pure motives to teach you that second thing I want to say is when I was 25 I knew every I would argue with a guy I got a Baptist buddy I love him so much he came in married one of my little Pentecostal girls he was at Fort Benning he became Baptist preachers in Florida we'd argue over stuff over reform theology and over Pentecostal doctrine just go and then we go play basketball but I knew everything back then and then I'm 60 I'm like yeah he called me the other day during COVID he said Joe please pray for me I said what's the matter with you buddy he said I think I'm getting close being baptized in the Holy Ghost the guy who said it wasn't real I said well buddy I got a I got a 9 p.m. prayer meeting in my closet that I've scheduled and when I go in there I'll pray for you I wasn't gonna leave the voice for you know I was gonna wait till commercial at least he called me back before I get the prayer meeting speaking in tongues they call me every day he told me one day he said I got to tell my church I said pump the breaks just pump the breaks for a minute let's work through this for a minute you got filled with a Holy Spirit so what I'm going to teach is the product of lifelong learning and field research when I was first in the ministry they told me if you were going to communicate something if you're going to communicate something you need to do it in a certain way and I'm gonna try to do it in that way you got to tell them who what when why how and where and how much so I'm gonna just try to answer the question what does this mean with those who what why when where now a couple of them are going to be long don't be nervous because a couple of them are less than 30 seconds all right number one who what mean at this who are we talking about we are talking about the Holy Spirit the names of the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost which always terrified me because I watched the Amityville horror when I was ten years old spirit of promise spirit of truth spirit of grace spirit of life spirit of adoption the third person of the Trinity here is who he is not he is not an inanimate force like Luke the force be with you from Star Wars he is not a high I had an uncle that had a girlfriend we were talking about I've been saved 11 minutes she said what church you go to I said this send me the God she said is this a Pentecostal church I said I think it is I don't know what that means exactly I think it is she said I love being filled with the Holy Spirit because it makes me want to sleep with men I said how that ain't the Holy Spirit I can tell you that lady couldn't get away from that girl fast enough weirdo who he's not he's not a force he's not a high let's talk about the Holy Spirit of world history he created a Genesis chapter one verse two during creation the Spirit of God hovered over the water he's from Genesis one to Revelation 22 17 and the Spirit and the bride say come he created this thing called the world let's talk about him in the Old Testament this is not a book of Acts entity this is from Genesis to Revelation in the Old Testament in the book of Exodus in the Pentateuch you'll find the Holy Spirit he anointed the craftsmen to do what they do you find him in the history books in first Kings give me a double portion of your Holy Spirit you find him in the poetry books like in Joe he says the Spirit of God created me in Psalm 51 take not your Holy Spirit from me you find him in the major prophets Isaiah says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me to preach you find him in the minor prophets in Joel in the last days men and women will prophesy because I'm going to pour out my spirit let's talk about him in the New Testament between the Old and New Testament there were 400 years of silence imagine that what are we as a nation 260 whatever years 400 years where there was not a word from God the worst time in the history of the world to be alive it's like that weird Sunday between Christmas and New Year's that pastor Joe really didn't know what to do with exactly that's a horrible but then in the fullness of time God sent his son conceived by and of the Holy Spirit you find him throughout the gospel in the book of John the one on whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit John 14 the Spirit of truth he is called John 16 the counselor the Holy Spirit from the Father teach you everything he's all through the book of John John chapter 20 Jesus the resurrected one blows and says receive ye the Holy Spirit let's talk about the Holy Spirit and theology the Spirit of God is not and it if I say it when I talk about the Holy Spirit that's incorrect and I may be incorrect but what went I'm just correcting myself ahead of time he is not an it he is a him the third person of the Trinity he can be lied to you can see that on the screen he can speak he can guide he can be rejected and he can be grieved there is a word that is not in this book but it is in this book what are you talking about there is a word that you cannot find in this book but he's in this book and that word is the Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit you're not gonna find the word Trinity but you will find the Trinity in this book like in the gospel when Jesus the Son of God is standing in the baptismal pool there's the Son of God and then the Spirit of God descends in the form of a dove or as like a dove and the voice of the Father and the voice of the Father this is my beloved son you've got the Father Son and the Holy Spirit in the baptismal pool the elastically in function it goes like this they can they can operate independently the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but they also act together in function according to a theologian named Teni in function the Father's got the plan dad's got the dad knows where we're going on vacation he's got the map in the station well he's got the plan the son is the perfection of the pen the son is the plan and the spirit reveals and executes the plan dad's got the plan the son is the plan and the spirit of God reveals and executes the plan the Father sends the son the son sends the spirit the spirit represents the son and the son represents the Father it's a pretty cool thing it's simple but profound we cannot quite under it's like a match on this accrued not allude but a crude illustration a match you light it in the dark there are three elements it's the that you can feel the heat you can see the light and in the wood in your hand it's we can't explain the Trinity but we know he is there and that he wants to help us and we have to ask this question not just who what what mean at this what is this what what is the baptism in the Holy Spirit let me tell you what it's not it's not here's some misconceptions here's a misconception about people filled with the Holy Spirit people who are not filled with the spirit or not Christians that's a misconception that's not true because the Bible says in in the first Corinthians 12 3 no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit I've heard people say when you get saved the spirit baptizes you into the body of Christ this is how I look on and if I'm wrong pastor Joe will straighten you guys out when I leave town Thursday all right and if it offends you send me an email Joe Garner com make it ugly make it nasty when I gave my heart to Jesus walked out of that nightclub walked into the light and I said Jesus be my Lord the Spirit of God came into me as a temple of the Holy Spirit the Spirit God came into me and why he came into me was he was into me and still his into me to reveal Jesus to me it explodes the awareness of Jesus inside my life but then over and over and over the Bible says that he came upon us he comes in us to reveal Jesus to us but he comes upon us that we might reveal Jesus Christ to the world and we're gonna talk about that a little bit spirit and if you don't know that you can have something in you and on you at the same time you've never eaten ribs with my friend Lee McBride because he's got a man in man he's got it on his shirt as well he doesn't care if I say that he's my best friend number two spirit filled people are elite elite we're better than other people did you get it oh you didn't get it I got it like like being in Royal Rangers you know you get a badge I tied a knot I build a fire I spoke in tongues it's not about being elite we're not better than other people but by the same vein we don't have to apologize or back up from being Pentecostal at all if people don't like it they have conferences against it so what there's too much going on in the world for me to worry about that I'm named after my grandfather he raised me for the first three years then classy Roland Mills I'm rolling Joe Phillips they told him to sit grab a classy we got to take Joey away from you he was raising me my mom lived with him she was mentally ill and dysfunctional so it was tough it was really tough and so they said Joey we classy we got to take Joey away from you because you're old and you'll never graduate see him graduate from high school when I graduated from high school my fourth high school my fourth state in my fourth year an old man I hadn't seen in ten years kicked the door open and said I'm alive which I thought was pretty cool I loved him classy Roland Roland Joe it's a great name for evangelist keep the tires rolling comedian let's get him rolling and I'm sorry to say this in Arkansas but an Alabama fan roll tight I mean it's a good name I love my grandpa well I remember when I got born again I got filled with the Holy Spirit I was about 19 years old I was a freshman sophomore in college at southeastern I transferred down there I got baptized in the Holy Spirit I remember being at my aunts house and they got saved about four five months after I got sick and we were holding hands around the kitchen table and we were praying and I was speaking in tongues my grandfather was taking a nap he was a Nazarene guy from Indiana and he got so offended at that that he kicked the door and walked out and it hurt my feelings a little bit but I didn't stop doing what God had given to me because it ain't about my grandpa I don't have to apologize in my grandpa for being full of the Holy Spirit hmm another misconception that the public utterance and private prayer is the same thing now there's a gift according to 1st Corinthians 12 and 14 where there's a public utterance and interpretation it's not the same thing as the private prayer language that he gives to us when we are filled with the Holy Spirit another misconception you got to Terry all night long to receive the Holy Spirit I believe in Terry and services and I've been to some of them just pray through the night but that's not a requirement to be baptized in the Holy Spirit no the misconception you got to be mentally ill or weird went to the doctor the other day and the doctor said Joe is anybody in your family mentally ill do they does anyone in your family suffer for mental illness I looked at him and thought about it and said no sir we all enjoy it if we're mentally ill it's not cause of Pentecostal I had people think anything they want to they think like we're the the orangutan and and the bear from jungle book just walking around saying zip-bam bib is zip it up zip it up I think it's think whatever they want to I've seen it all I've seen all kinds of there are excesses in the Pentecostal movement I read something about someone praying for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they had a buzzer in their hand and when they touched and they they like a shock collar I heard with my own ears when I was a youth pastor in Fort Lauderdale a lady at the end of the row we were answering phones for the 700 Club raising money for speed the light and I heard her say to somebody on the phone now I want you to say Kawasaki say it again now say Miss Abishi now say them together now say a little fast you got it there it is there it is just because there are miscants just because there are abuses doesn't mean we throw everything out it's like I'm not going to go to the airport and look at the lady at the ticket counter and say I ain't getting on that plane because I read that two years ago there were two pilots that were drunk in the cockpit they're not all drunk just because somebody does something kind of crazy doesn't mean we throw it all out the spirit will possess the person they have no control of what they're saying and especially young people think that they okay I want the Holy Spirit and they're just waiting on something to take over their life spirit the spirit doesn't possess us and make us out of control he's a gentleman you know what does possess and make out of control alcohol that's why they call it spirits and demons do that everyone will receive the Holy Spirit in the same way that's that's a misconception I remember I was 18 years old I wanted the Holy Spirit I've cam bought into this I have read the book Holy Ghost for dummies I'm ready I came down there was at my youth pastor and he was praying for me the guy beside me he's now he's 88 years old his name is Larry Bush six foot six when somebody prayed for him he fell like a like a tree in the forest and and this guy's praying for me he prayed for me and I'm thinking man tic-tac needs a tic-tac or a cert altoid something I just was not I wasn't concentrating and I'm thinking well I got to get out of here but a word came in my mind right then a word came in my mind but I didn't say because I thought I was gonna make I was making it up or I was repeating something that I heard somebody say so I just said well you know I guess it's not for me that's another misconception you pout it's not for me well about nine months later after a basketball game on a Friday night I went to a prayer room had my shorts on look like Larry Bird shorts I'd get arrested for him now some ball bell bottom sweatpants my roommate was in the prayer room I shocked to see him I didn't think he could spell Jesus and there was another guy in the prayer room and I remember going over the corner I said I was pouting God everybody speaks to tongues except for me what's wrong me I'm such a love I just whining my word that I've had has been in my head for nine months finally I said well I don't know if this is you or what but I'm gonna say this word Lord when I said that word it was like what the scripture says out of your belly will flow rivers of living water it was like the damn broke and and the whole prayer language was given to me and I've been praying in the Holy Ghost about every day of my life since that day I didn't even get goose bumps I didn't fall down this is natural is drinking a glass of water it was supernaturally natural misconceptions that being filled with the Holy Spirit actually we'll go back up we can speak in tongues in our natural language at the same time no when Pastor Joe would lay hands on you in the future you bring somebody they want to be full of the Holy Spirit you praise God out loud like the Bible says with the understanding Paul says I speak with the understanding and I speak in the Spirit but as those hands are laid on you then you will have this word or phrase and it's it's like Peter saying to Jesus on the water if that you bid me come what Jesus said come on you got to just throw your leg over and speak those words another misconception been filled with the Holy Spirit's the most important thing in the world no being registered in the lambs book of life is the most important thing in the world now we know that when we're gone we are we have a room in heaven but now being filled with the Holy Spirit even though it's not that important it's pretty close second because it's about loading up that train with people who are bound to go to heaven we are people that the Spirit comes upon that we might represent him to the world no the misconception you'll speak in tongues and be perfect no some of the meanest people I ever met my life-spoken tongues doesn't make you perfect you still have the flesh you got to tamp it down somebody an Arkansas gave me a book on the Holy Spirit I got on a plane and read his famous preacher wrote a book on the Holy Spirit and then an introduction it said I want you to know before I say a word about the Holy Spirit that I had an extramarital affair this is a Pentecostal preacher I respected that I appreciate he wasn't bragging about it he said I'm human that doesn't make you perfect and that's why we need him all the more because we are imperfect people another misconception it's a one-hit wonder it's a one-hit wonder you know spoken tongue children's camp 1951 that was last time the Bible that uses a verb tense I think it's the aoris verb tense in Ephesians be ye filled and keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit now when we read about it the spirit of God in Acts chapter 19 it was 20 years after the day of Pentecost another misconception is that things will be smooth forever no Paul got filled with the Holy Spirit he said in Corinthians I speak in tongues more than all of you and he had a resume that included being thrown over a wall in a basket shipwrecks and beatings I want to show you a picture if I could this is my best friend Lee McBride's house in alabaster Alabama he was in the mountains of Georgia preaching and he he's been in this pulpit to right passage up he was in the mountains preaching he didn't have a cell phone signal he came off the city had 20 missed calls from his neighbor he calls his neighbor never called him before I said hey what what's going on he said you where you at I've been calling I didn't have a signal what's the matter you got to get home man there's crime scene tape all over you all over your yard what happened my buddy's got a quarter acre lot in alabaster Alabama and a plane crashed in his yard next picture he gets there and there's this it cut out all these trees and there's this white van and a guy with the all these guys walk around the yard with you know windbreakers with letters on the alphabet police you know FBI NTSB all that stuff I walked up to him with a clipboard says sir are you the owner of this house he said I am at least I got to ask you a question yes sir what's that van doing right there now now you can't tell it from this photograph this white van is behind his house there's an out building over here I don't know how Lee McBride got that van by that fence you know you talk about doing a three-point turn he had to do a 36 point turn to get that I don't know how it even fit and neither did the guy from the government he said why is that van there and big Lee said I ain't trying to get all mystical and magical on you but I just for one solid week every night I'd go to bed I felt a tug on my on my heart I got to move that van I can't really explain it but I knew I couldn't go to Georgia and preach until I move that van just felt this tug I said sir this plane comes into your yard he's run out of gas looking for the high school football field he can't make it eclipse several trees in your yard flips upside down that wing hit that van and put him 18 inches from his head on the on the ground that vans only thing to save that man's life we talk about speaking in tongues and I believe in it I'm not just a company man I've experienced it but sometimes being full of the Holy Spirit is just about a tug on your heart talk to the lady in the next aisle that's looking at the shredded we talked to her what is the baptism in the Holy Spirit now we talked about what it's not it is the vehicle to get Pastor Joe's Easter sermon to the entire world to get the gospel to the whole world and I believe that the initial physical evidence and the baptism and the Holy Spirit is speaking with other tongues but I will tell you it cannot be the last evidence there has to be other evidence that comes into our lives the church was forged with this power Acts chapter 1 verse 8 and you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth we read Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 verse 15 these men are not drunk as you suppose anybody uh anybody ever been to the grocery store around here the Dollar General or get you go to Walmart somewhere and you hear somebody speaking speaking another language like Spanish of course you have I have I have we all have and you have I don't this style kind of joketa so portful for joketa I let you none of us have ever heard that and grabbed our grandkids and said come here baby that's the bad man that's that that's a bad man that's that's a tear they're on the meth and the heroin they get over here that's terrible but how many of you been the family reunion senior uncle that's drunk look at you put a brick on your head you're growing like a weed we've seen drunk people we've seen people speaking another we've never seen anybody speaking in another language and and and think it's evil or something weird but something happened on that day that people people were staggering and speaking and and everyone thought well they must be drunk no they're not drunk they are not drunk acts all through acts acts eight acts acts chapter nine acts chapter ten house of Cornelius the Gentiles he lays hands Peter lays his hands on him and they were filled with the spirit spoke with other tongues one of my favorite scriptures is acts chapter 19 Paul's on his way on the road to Ephesus he sees 12 disciples he says to the disciples have you disciples received the Holy Spirit since you believed they said the same thing I did in the Caiapha meeting I have not even heard that there was a holy spirit yeah what does that mean Pastor Keith Pentecostal what does that mean well what baptism did you receive well we received John's baptism Paul said John's baptism is a baptism of repentance and he laid his hands on the 12 disciples this is that second work of grace he laid his hands on those 12 disciples and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues and if you go in a little bit later on in Acts chapter 19 it says everyone in the province of Asia Jew and Gentile alike heard the gospel in a space of two years let me tell you what that means the province of Asia was a region of the world it wasn't a city or territory it was a region of the world like modern-day Turkey modern day Turkey is as big as Florida Georgia Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky and North and South Carolina that big of a place heard the gospel in two years without an airplane without an internet without automobiles without TV and without even a written copy of God's work how can that possibly happen because of the power of the Holy Spirit when those twelve men got filled with the Holy Spirit so he comes upon us so we can reveal Jesus to the world he comes in us that he will be revealing Jesus to us so I would say this to people this is probably the most controversial thing I'll say all week folks that have the laws I fair attitude well good Lord he knows my dress he wants to feel me he knows where to find me I don't care either way that is absolutely the wrong attitude because it's not about you it's about a lost and dying world that's what this experience is about what mean at this I probably shared this but in March the 20th 2007 you can Google it on your own time ABC news there was a guy named Dr. Anthony Newberg he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and he studied people's religious experiences he had three control groups he had Franciscan nuns Buddhist monks and he had Pentecostals from Gettysburg Pennsylvania he put little doodads on their heads and he told him to do their thing he put the little doodads on the on the Buddhist monk said do your thing whatever they do whatever it wasn't the frontal lobe just was going crazy put up the doodads on the Franciscan nuns he they did whatever they do you put the doodads on the Pentecostal people from Gettysburg put on some gospel music and they start speaking in tongues and it went flatline Dr. Anthony Newberg he said what these people from Gettysburg claim is happening to them is that it is not them praying it is some other entity praying through them and scientifically the data seems to back that up thank you doctor but I didn't need your I didn't need your experiment because I know it's real I've seen it all over the world I've been in Brazil in the jungle three days past where they film survivor Amazon at the resort hotel on a ship no roads with ropes at night then monkeys would go back and forth on the ropes that we were more to the land with I've seen people row eight hours in a canoe just to come to church and they got filled with a Holy Spirit spoke with other tongues I've seen them in Moldova in a theater where they're flashing the lights all these people have given their hearts to Jesus and I said they're flashing the lights they're these communist people are about to cut this this law if there's another thing called the baptism in the Holy Spirit I don't have time to explain it if you want that come run and I put my 50 teenagers on both sides and we start slapping people in the head like a Holy Ghost car wash and people that had never heard of it began to speak in a language that they had never learned I know that this is real so who and what now here's when and where and it's gonna take a minute less than a minute when here we go then and now when is the baptism in old then originally at the day of Pentecost and historical event now and tomorrow if Jesus Terry's who what went where okay that's a great question there it happened there on that day historically there here all over the world Columbus Georgia Columbus Mississippi Minnows Brazil Moldova Concord North Carolina everywhere that's what Jesus said now I'm not prophesying or prognosticating this I'm using a tough illustration here brace yourself if Pastor Joe got up one day and said thank y'all for being here I got a very exciting I got a very exciting announcement very excited Nelson I could hardly wait after I preach if you want to hear it it's family meeting stick around nobody leaves he preaches nobody leaves he's he's what what would you do if he said I'm so excited oh you guys are going to love this you'll love this Chelsea and I have said I have accepted a position in Honolulu Hawaii now Chelsea might like it sister Chelsea but but but if you love him you're like well that's rude why would you say that we're going to love that because we love you Jesus said it's to your advantage boys that I go away cause if I go away I'm going to send the Holy Spirit and he's not just going to work where I'm at like I can only work where I'm at when I'm gone he'll work all over the world at the same time nothing that's an advantage why here we go why multiple reason save the lost take the message to the world that's why comes upon us I I was driving back to the office from Atlanta lunch in Atlanta I served there for a year before going into the district office I saw a woman in a bus stop and I knew three things about her I never met her I had no idea what her name was I knew three facts about her I was perplexed by that I thought man my enchilada is really working on me I don't know what's going on got to my office about 40 minutes later my secretary said past your past year there's a woman here she needs to speak to a pastor they sent her down here and she doesn't have an appointment I said we'll send her in that woman had followed the van she walked to the church my office was so small you had to kind of step over the thing I said excuse excuse the smallness sit down there left the door open for Helen and I said my secretary I said ma'am don't say anything have I ever met you she said have you ever met me I saw I know these three things about you one two through your eyes filled with tears she said who told you that I said when you were back at the bus stop and we turned left the Holy Ghost told me that do you know why he told me that have any idea she said no because he loves you and he's crazy about you that's the purpose of the Holy Spirit that we can take this gospel to the whole wide world that we can operate not that we get these doodas up and down our spine but that we can share Jesus with the hurting number two to edify yourself to build up yourself it's an edification tool that God has given to us it's like a NASCAR restrictor plate that is taken off and let us run with perseverance number three guides us into the truth he tells us the truth and we need the truth number four he helps us to pray he helps us to pray Roman says we don't know what to pray for but the spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words January 2nd 2022 I was driving my daughter to Asheville we had a 90 we had a 93 year old living with us at the time been with us five years my other daughter called me and said dad the ambulances here I said oh no didn't Anna break her hip again did what happened to Nana that it's not Nana this mom my 61 year old wife I said what's going on they said she has a she had a heart attack and they're working on her in the back of the ambulance right now it's critical immediately I made a u-turn my daughters with me and I didn't I didn't know what to do so for about 25 straight minutes I prayed in the Holy Spirit out loud I prayed in tongues and I can't explain what happened in about the 25 minute mark the peace of God that passes all understanding came into the cab of that truck and I did not know what I would find at that hospital but I knew whatever I found would be okay this is a reason to be full of God because he helps us to pray he prays through us and he encourages us Jude says pray in the Holy Spirit building yourself up in your most holy faith and he comforts us of a grandson who's eight years old and he's a outstanding athlete I'm gonna be that grandpa can I be that grandpa for just a second he's a professional athlete last week at the world could a world championship of disc golf they went up there and and this golf company fought another disc golf company to sign my grandson to a contract eight-year-old professional athlete he's a great football player he threw a touchdown called a touchdown and got a pick six in front of Randy Moss at a tournament not too long ago about four weeks ago but when he was born he had mcconium in his in his lungs and they said he may not he may not live and he was in that plexiglass box for many many many days my son is a preacher and he's a disc golf shop owner he's got him all over the country and he told his congregation I'm so proud of me he's got a very liberal congregation in Charlotte North Carolina a lot of our metropolis there is a pretty liberal and I was so proud of my son he said you may not believe this way but when you're standing at a plexiglass box not knowing if your son will live or die English words fail that's a reason to be full of the Holy Spirit how we're landing the plane here how how what mean at this how can I receive the Holy Spirit number one be a Christian Acts chapter two verse 38 Peter said repent be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in Michigan a Native American came up to me he's a Pastor Son-in-law A.G. Pastor Son-in-law he said I know you're gonna be praying for the people with the Holy Spirit tonight he said but every time I get in a service like that it brings back my native roots around the campfire and the those weird campfires we used to have and we would chant I said well you don't check your intellect at the door but you receive the Holy Spirit like you do Jesus by faith you just have to believe and so that night it was hot no air conditioning in the tabernacle was July that guy was in short sleeves he had his hands up like this his arms were glistening sweat and I did something I've never done before and I hope I never do again I don't even know why I did it that guy had his eyes closed I walked up and I took my hand and slapped his forehorn because it was sweaty it was loud it was so loud that that guy looked at me his eyes were wide my eyes were wide and I said to him stop analyzing and receive this guy was 350 pounds when I did that he began to speak in tongues and felt right into me I immediately regretted that you receive being open to what God has you ask him you do not have because you do not ask James 4 - and you you expect you expect God is no respect of persons this is for the sons and daughters yesterday today and forever you expect you thank him thank him thank you if you need help from the Holy Spirit but by your feet you're voting that he can come upon you he's got permission to come upon you I want you to come down thanking him thank you for salvation thank you for my family thank you for my pastor thank you for this church thank you for my brothers and sisters thank him for everything and thank you for the baptism in the Holy Spirit then you just receive you receive the gift of the whole it's the gift of the Holy Spirit it's the gift of the Holy Spirit for Father's Day because I was climbing a mountain my kids gave me this Garmin watch I think they said it's like 300 bucks I don't know how to work it I've tried to take it for a test drive but I can't figure it out if I said to one of these guys over here hey thanks for coming to church on a Sunday night I'm not gonna do this so don't get this in your head if I took my Garmin watch off and gave it to one of those guys I said come on everybody what's your name thanks for being here and and what would we think if he said we have to get him medicated something will be wrong with that kid I've seen people receive the Holy Spirit like to try to pass a kidney stone it's a gift how do you receive a gift people in Arkansas know how to receive a gift you say that's for me cool thank you that's how you receive a gift this gift is for us and for all who are far off the Bible says you receive the gift in conclusion in conclusion I'm not trying to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be acceptable to any group of people I want to be full of the Holy Spirit for Jesus Christ and to take his message around the world well I want to close and we'll skip those those pictures for the wait wait till I tell you that those last pictures wait till I tell you those a guy I probably shared this before the guy's lost in a village he's lost in a force looking for a village he was in assemblies of God unnamed missionary full of the Holy Ghost he's in 1940 he's looking for a village he's in a forest he's lost and the kids say why didn't he GPS it it was 1940 comes to the edge of the forest and he says to the first guy sees is this such a such a village and the guy says no on the complete opposite side of the forest and the guy had this philosophy and I think it should be my philosophy well since I'm here James law may call me on the way up the hill to church tonight and said since you're gonna be here Saturday there are eight terminal people in my community can we pray for them I said absolutely the guy says well since I'm here is there anybody in this village that's sick and the old boy said yeah the guy at the bunkhouse he's got going through the roof disease what's going through the roof disease remote order arthritis so bad he feels like he's going through the roof take me to him it took him he said I'm an ambassador of Jesus Christ and I come to you in his name full of his spirit I lay hands on you be healed and the guy got instantly healed and saved and his kids all got saved that night those kids raised kids that got saved and one of the grandkids of the rheumatoid guy became a preacher boy when he preached he didn't preach to a church full of people or theater full of people or Colosseum full of people now you can throw that picture up no they go to the the big crowd when he preached he preached to a million people standing in one place in Africa at a time his name is Ryan Hart Bonke show the next picture Ryan Hart Bonke changed a continent not just a nation millions upon millions of people gave their hearts to Jesus and I wonder if that unnamed evangelist missionary from the assembly of God went home and journaled well I got lost today not much happened just prayed with one family no idea that it was changing a continent that's a reason to be full of the Holy Spirit right Hart Bonke the German evangelist said of that day he said that was the day God put the thread through my knee there we get filled with the Holy Ghost he comes upon us that we can be light you don't have to be so demonstrative you don't have to be charismatic and stand on the table let him come upon you and you will have the power that Peter had they would put people in the street so his shadow would have an effect on them your very countenance will make a difference stand to your feet would you want to tell you these stories as the musician comes now put that picture back that I told you to skip put that picture back I want to build faith in you this happened in this is all the Holy Spirit by the way the gifts of the Spirit there's a gift called healing there's a gift called miracles this happened in Florida the guy in the top left he had a problem with his with his ear God healed him he's testifying a girl in the middle had some kind of problem with her arm I don't know what it was God healed her but his Isaiah Isaiah was on a plane from plane airplane from New York to Florida his ear drum burst he couldn't hear and God healed him that's it that's the work of the Holy Spirit next photograph this happened in Arkansas Pastor Joe might have even been here so many people were being healed in this testimonial service after about an hour I told the guy with the microphone just count to three and have him point wherever God healed him this little girl here she came to campus as an atheist on Monday on Tuesday she quit being an atheist nobody got to her Wednesday and said God couldn't do what he says he can do Thursday she wanted to be healed she had a condition next picture this is not her leg but it's it looked exactly like her leg it's a condition like fish scales out of water she couldn't wear shorts it cracked and it bled and she was embarrassed all the time and she said I want you to heal me next photograph this is her leg that's my shoe we watch that thing literally leave her body hallelujah next photograph it's a boy in Alabama this is a video screen grabbed from Steve Steve Mason and I were together his name is Matthew Reed he said I was legally blind and I wanted to see ask God to heal me ask God to heal me and I put my glasses on and I couldn't see very good I thought they must be dirty I went to the bathroom washed him when I looked up into the mirror without my glasses on I could see perfectly I put my glasses back on I couldn't see a thing he reached out to me a few years ago he said I've been looking for you I found you on social media pastor Joe I was legally blind I could not do what I really wanted to do my life goal was to be in the United States military but because Jesus healed me that night now I'm a United States soldier praise God God can do what he says he can do and he does it through and by the power of his Holy Spirit so I'm gonna say a prayer and if you're like me and you need help and you're willing for Jesus to baptize you to come upon you he is in you to reveal himself to you but you're willing for him to come upon you that you might be a witness to the whole world nobody's gonna shake you and do all those kinds of things we're just gonna do what the Bible says they laid hands on those believers and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues do you need help do you need help are you willing are you willing for him to rest and reside upon you if you are not clean so to speak you don't think you're a worthy vessel you're a believer but they're sin in your life we have an advocate with a father Jesus Christ the righteous he's our attorney so all you have to do right now is say God forgive me if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness first John 1 so I'm sorry forgive me I'm sorry Lord forgive me for grieving your Holy Spirit forgive me the devil tries to keep us in condemnation the Lord's gift is conviction and so we get convicted and we say forgive me and what does he do he forgives us now you're a candidate for everything he has for you so I'm gonna put I'm gonna pray and put this microphone down on this pulpit if you need some help I'd be honored to pray put my hands on your forehead and pray for you that God's Holy Spirit will help you the comforter will help you and that he'll come upon you and give you everything you need to be the light in this dark world God that's the message that's the little too long but the people were tremendous bless them and there are people in this room that need your help I'm at the front of the line I got ideas and projects I know I cannot pull them off without your help God you gotta help me I need you to come upon me Holy Ghost come upon me that the world could be changed that people in the province would hear the name of Jesus come upon me God there are other people in this room they need help in various ways discerning issues challenges with families business setbacks or challenges opportunities in the future anointing for what they're doing in the classroom or wherever God when they come pray you'd help them and that you come upon them in Jesus name if you need his help come on down here would you would you come down here these These altars are open right now. Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello.