Ultrarunning News Network

Episode 036: UTMB Results, Notable FKTs, and a Half Gallon of Ice Cream

This week we start off by going over results from all the main UTMB ultra races. Then we talk about what appears to be a miserable hot and humid 46 miler on a paved trail in Florida. Costume chick was out there representing! We talk about Stine Rex setting a new women's 6 day record. We discuss Kilian Jornet's new adventure he recently completed in the Alps. Anton Krupicka set a new FKT on the "LA Freeway" route, it's not in California and it's not paved. Will Peterson smashed the FKT on the Long Trail in Vermont. Tara Dower is over half way on her AT FKT attempt. Mike Wardian is also over half way. He even did the "1/2 gallon" ice cream challenge at the half way point. We end the show talking about a race that we skipped over when doing the results. The Temptation Ultras in central IL.

1h 22m
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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This week we start off by going over results from all the main UTMB ultra races. Then we talk about what appears to be a miserable hot and humid 46 miler on a paved trail in Florida. Costume chick was out there representing! We talk about Stine Rex setting a new women's 6 day record. We discuss Kilian Jornet's new adventure he recently completed in the Alps. Anton Krupicka set a new FKT on the "LA Freeway" route, it's not in California and it's not paved. Will Peterson smashed the FKT on the Long Trail in Vermont. Tara Dower is over half way on her AT FKT attempt. Mike Wardian is also over half way. He even did the "1/2 gallon" ice cream challenge at the half way point. We end the show talking about a race that we skipped over when doing the results. The Temptation Ultras in central IL.

- Yeah, yeah. (upbeat music) - Yeah, yeah. - Oh. This just has the right feel to it. For a European race. - That's right, that's right. - Right. - We're getting in the chomony mood. - Yeah, man. I feel like this is something you hear in the club. And like the weird, like, out club bumping at like three in a morning, you know. - Yeah, good call. There it is. (upbeat music) - Yeah. That's a hundred percent. It's a hundred percent. It also reminds me of like the little kid that was going viral, dancing in like the full little, like ski suit, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - Like it has that same, that same genre for me. You know what I mean? It just has that same vibe. But if you do, yeah, gotta get going proper when we're coming in and talking about UTMB. - That's right. And what a weekend was and a whole week really. We can dive right into that. - Yeah. Yeah. So we have to play a solid hour, 20-minute worth of stuff to get into today with all this stuff. - We do have quite an agenda. Yeah. So let's start with the TDS race. Okay. This is the, I think this race kind of is one of the first races of the week. And this is one that is kind of, it kind of takes a back seat sorta to the OCC, which is the 50K, the CCC, which is the 100K and then of course, UTMB, the 100 miler. TDS kind of takes a back seat. It's just a little different kind of race. It's 92 miles and 30,500 feet of climbing. So no joke. And this one is very technical. It's on remote rocky trails. It's more technical than the other races. And this race is someone a few years ago, if you remember someone died at the TDS race, unfortunately. - It's weird that it gets less play because unless I'm just absolutely reading something wrong, it is easily the hardest of the four races. - Oh yeah. I think it will. - It is, I mean, it's 92 miles with 30,500 feet of climb. So you're going 10, you're going, what? - You're going about 300 feet, 300 feet of mile. - Yeah, versus the 109, 109 miles for 32,500 feet of climb. Right? It is an effort, man. - It's packed. And then, you know, the thing that makes it the most difficult is just the technicality. - Yeah. - And yeah, so it's an interesting race for sure. And in the women's race, Maria Dohin from France was first 24 hours and six minutes. And Ariane Wilhelms from Switzerland in 24 hours and 42 minutes was second. And Celine Finas from France, 25 hours, 41 minutes to round out the podium. Those are some pretty stellar times. - Yeah. (laughing) - For the way that that course sounds. There's the second place woman, Ariane Wilhelm. In the men's race, looks like we had Thibodeau from France. France had a really strong showing, no surprise in all the races this year. First place in 18 hours and 59 minutes just crushed it. - I mean, the French took the top five and ended TDS for me. - Yep. - Yep. - Albin Burnson, France, 19 hours, 56 minutes for second. - Goatee, Aire you. I probably pronounced that wrong. 20 hours, seven minutes for third to round out the podium. I don't know if that's, I don't know what the records are on that. - And I feel like, I feel like I grew, I feel like he also ran hard rock. Like, I feel like I remember his name being one of the, like one of the guys to watch. The other thing that's, okay, so not only did the French take the top five in the men's, but like Jamie said, they had a pretty good showing in the women's, the only American to crack top 10 and the men's and the women's. Only one American cracked the top 10 in men's and women's. And it was Jason Schlor took ninth in the men's. - Yep. So. - That's right. - You know. - That's the only American. You know, I saw a funny maybe sentence to me. It was something about how the French, they like, like six months out of the year and then three months out of the year they just come out and dominate. - We just should, yeah. Just like out skiing and like just getting after having like skiing up and down the slopes and like just having a good time. And then just absolutely wreck. I just destroy the courses when it comes around. So yeah, they dominated TDS. - Yeah. And then the next race that we're gonna look at is their quote unquote 50 K, but it's really more like 57 K. It's about 35 miles with 11,500 feet of climb. So that's no cupcake of a 50 K. - Yeah. - And it's like, that's difficult. That's, and if we do have, I know we do have, we do have a little spattering of international listeners. So that's 3500 meters. - Yeah, yeah. - At all those. - Yeah. - For our international. And the TDS was 9,300 meters. But OCC, the 57 K is 3500 meters. I guess they activated the hot weather kits for this one. You know, since the race isn't going, it starts at 8.15 AM. So it's not, I don't know how long they have to do it. I would imagine that the cutoff is pretty generous for 11,500 feet of climb. - I mean, I would hope. - Well, I can't see it going that far into the night. So they probably don't need the cold weather gear. - Let's see something here. - But the good news, why you looked at the good news about this, is we did, well, good news. A American did win this one. - That's right. In fact, it was the first American to win OCC Eli Heming, at least for the men. But according to I run far, he was the first American to win OCC. And he did it in five hours, 11 minutes. And so he just smoked it. Francesco Poopy, we've seen his name quite a few times. Italy, five hours, 14 minutes, second place. Antonio Martinez from Spain, third, five hours, 17 for the men. - All right, I kind of can't believe this is right. But I'm saying tell you, on a note of how long they have to finish this. First off, it blows my mind. It would appear that the OCC, right? By any watch, you know how many people, I believe, do you know how many people I believe finished OCC? - Well, I know 1,800 runners started the race from 90 different countries. - All right, 1,000, wait, how many? - 1,800 runners from 90 different countries. - Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm gonna shred some. 1,530 finished. - Nice, that's pretty good. - Dude, the DFL, the DFL was a, was a person from Thailand, woman, there's a woman from Thailand, this is a 50K, 14 hours, 47 minutes and 37 seconds. - Yo, what up? (mumbles) - It must be a 15 hour. - Must be, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I mean. - I mean, it's hard. - You could probably hike it. I mean, that's, you're gonna be doing a lot of hiking in that race anyways, just because of the amount of climbing. But, hold on a second, what was her time again? - 14 hours. - 14 hours, 47 minutes and 14, 47, 37. - Okay, and she ran a 57 kilometer. - Kilometers. - AKA 35 miles. - So that's a 25 minute mile. - Well, did you convert the kilometers over to miles? - Yeah, and you said it's a what? - What'd I say is 35 miles, just. - Yeah, 35 miles. - To make it official. Yeah, it's 25 minute miles. So, almost two an hour, a little less than two an hour. - Yeah, yeah, damn dude. - Yeah, no, I mean, 11,500 feet of climbing is no joke, so. - Oh, dude, yeah, and, and this isn't, you and I have talked about this. This isn't like, oh, I'm like climbing, but don't worry, I'll make it up on the backside. I mean, some, but you're not bombing that backside. - Probably not. - You're 100% eating shit if you do, you know what I mean? - Yeah, it's gonna be some steep downhills. - Yeah, rocks, big huge rocks, for sure. Anyways, yeah, there you go. So there you go. - That's a pretty generous cut off anyway. - Yeah, that's pretty cool. - And in the women's race, let's see, we had. Meow, yow from China, five hours, 54 minutes. First place for women. Judith Wider, Switzerland, six hours, and Clementine, or Clementine, Joffrey from France, six hours and two minutes. So, second and third place, we're just two minutes apart. And first place is only six minutes faster than a second, so. - Yeah. - Yup. - Yeah, pretty interesting. - How to second American? There's an American finish in the top 10 for the women. We had Danny Marino come in at six. - Yeah, Danny Marino. And she was six hours and six minutes, so really only, you know, less like maybe 21 minutes behind the leader than only four minutes off the podium. - Yeah, I mean, she came in like the wild thing is, like the way we keep describing how close she was. Not only was she only four minutes away from the podium, she was just a scooch over a minute and a half behind fourth place. - Yeah. - Like, I mean, it was just chunks of people. - Yeah. - I'm running that one. I'm just gonna type pack into the finish. Yeah, no, good, good race. That would be one that would be cool to do if you were going over there anyways. 'Cause you're not like, you're not killing yourself for the 48 or 46 hours of UTMB and then. - Right. - You know, you could still, you could do that race and still enjoy your vacation without being all like messed up. - Yeah. - All right. So I don't think there was anything too crazy that happened during the race pretty straightforward. So let's jump into CCC, which is the Hunter K and this is a good one. - This is super cool. This is so cool. I am like. So obvious, great story here is that Hayden Hawks just put on a clinic. - Yeah. - And this isn't the first time that he's won, that he's won CCC. He won in, was it 2017, he won CCC, you know? And he's getting over an injury and he feels that he's completely back this year and it's showing. I mean, you know, he got third, almost got second at Western States. He won a Black Canyon. He's like really in his element. He's really in his zone right now. - And he's not a young dude. - No, I think he's like 30s. - Yeah. I mean, hey, actually, I was kind of famous, I thought he's even a scooch order than that. But I could definitely be wrong about that. I mean, it's just a scooch order now. - Let's see, Hayden. - But while he looks up Hayden Hawks, so like we're talking about he won the men's, right? - He's only 33. - Oh, is it? Oh, so he's a lot younger. I was making him up being old, dude. I was being trapped. - He jumped into the sport when he was young. Like there's a video, there's a video of him in the North when he stepped to North Face 50 here. - Yeah. - I'll battle him out with Miller, Zach Miller. - Okay. - Over in the head, over in like the Mount Ham area, like they're just dueling on this trail. It's so cool, but. - It's cool. - And that was quite a while ago. So yeah, he's been, he's been, he got in when he was young. But sorry, I didn't mean to. - Oh no, I was, yeah, as I say for the CC to 100K, I had Hayden with it, right? Peter Frano came in second. He's from Slovakia. I'm not, I'm not familiar with him. He's, he's, he's new to me. But then we have another American, Adam Peterman coming in at 1028. So, you know, we have two on the podium for the Americans. And then, but just to also a little, this is kind of a cool one, Dakota Jones. - Yeah. - He just makes in a ninth on the, out of the top 10. So, I mean, not a bad showing for the American guys. - No, no. - And two in the top three, so. - No, the CCC was definitely the best showing for the American men. - Yeah. - And Daniel Jones from, from New Zealand, he's also having a pretty good, pretty good year. You got four. - Yeah, we've talked about him a couple of times. - Yeah. - And so then, you know, we jump over to the women's side of the, of the CCC, 20 McCann from South Africa, living up in France. - She's put on in clinic. - Yeah. She came in and just a scooter on her 12, with the 1157. And then, I'm not familiar with either one of the other two women, Martina. And I'm like, what, try to pronounce that. - Yes. - Malarche. - Malarche. - Yeah. - And then, Rosanna Bocker, maybe. This is one I need my German friends on. - Yeah. But, yeah. - That's the team. - That probably sounds about right. - Yeah. - 12 hour 16. - Yeah, we got Lottie Brinks. Do you know that? I don't, and again, I don't, I don't think. - I've heard, I've heard her name, so. - Oh wait, no, we had two, we had two women. - Heather Jax, Heather Jax, who had a good showing at Black Canyon this year. - My, damn, I miss all kinds of shit. There's three women. There's three women on the, in the top 10 for the US. - Yeah. - Heather Jax and Lottie Brinks and, and Elise Von Addis. Oh, that's kind of cool. Yeah, for some reason, I missed that. And only because we're talking about it on the OCC, about who is DFL. The, I feel like, and correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like the CCC must have less like per mile climbing than the OCC maybe, because the CCC, your DFL is a guy from France, I'm sorry, a woman from France, who finished it in 27, 28, 27. So I'm assuming it's a 30-hour cut off for the 100k, but she knocked it out in 27, 28, which, you know, for 100k, not wild. - There's still 317 feet of climbing per mile. So it's 62.7 miles, it's like a 101k, 19,888 feet of climbing. So it's actually, yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty much on par, I think, but it's a shorter distance than the 100, 109 miles. - Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure. But I mean, that's over 6,000 meters for our international listeners. - It's not a bad, it's not a bad run. - And let's see if there was any story. So when I tuned in Saturday morning to the live stream, it was getting towards the end of CCC, and watching Hayden go up that last climb was pretty awesome. And then he just like cruised down to the finish. But I'd say Adam Peterman and the second place guy, Peter Frano from Slovakia, they were definitely, they were definitely moving in that last par and Peterman almost caught. So it was, and those are all humble guys, like Peterman and Hayden, Hayden Hawks, they train, I think they train together. They, they talked a lot 'cause they were both injured at the same time. It was good to see Peterman coming back from injury to get third at CCC. Yeah, now it's an exciting race. And moving on to the main horse. UTMB, that's 109 miles, 32,500 feet of climbing. That's 10,000 meters. And we had epic finish, Katie Schide just dominated. And she's, she lives in France, but she is American. So we can claim her. Take cash credit. Yeah, she led wire to wire. She just put on a clinic. She beat Courtney DeWaltter's record by more than 20 minutes. Yeah, 21 to change, yeah. That's right. Yeah, I was watching the live stream of Katie and she was just, you know, she was in the lead pack of the man. And, you know, it's amazing. Like she never like looked tired. She just is just steady. And it's just really impressive. She's definitely making a push for Alcher Hunter of the Year. I mean, Courtney has some very big wins. Yeah. You know, at the Mount Fuji and I think Transvolcania, she has some huge wins, Courtney does. But Katie is one. Now did the double Western States UTMB. You know, that's and set the record at UTMB. So it should be interesting to see. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, just my two cents, I don't mean shit. I don't know how Katie doesn't get, you know, women runner, woman runner of the year at this point. I mean, like you said, you know, Courtney's has some monster wins, but it's, I mean. Well, hard work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know, man, it's gonna be, it's gonna be close. Let's not forget who we made picks. That's right. Give Jamie some credit here. Jamie called Katie Shide winning it. Yeah. And then not quite in the right order, but he had Ruth Croft on the podium. I had her in third, but. Third, she took second. And then she, she, I only seen the top 20. I'm not sure what happened to her. And then, but, and then still to give you some credit, your wild card was Melissa Clark. And she, and she ended up in the 11th. So, you know, the American coming in the 11th. And so then when we look at my, my, my folks, you know, I had. Blanding. Blanding first and well, crap. I don't see her at all in the top 20. I had Mayora on the podium. Again, I don't see her in the top 20. Wait Blanding got fifth. Oh, she's, you know, I just look, I just scroll down the last names. Yeah. So fifth, all right. Mayora, not, not in the top, not in the top 20. And then band worth, I had on the podium, and she came in 18. 18. So. And then. You're welcome. Fire. Lindsay Twire. Yeah. And then she, again, not in the top 20. So. So. Yeah. So yeah, we kind of already talked about the women's race. You know, Katie led wire to wire. I think. Yeah. I think the rest of the pack was kind of close together. And who got second place, we have Ruth Croft, 22 hours and 48 minutes, Katie finished 22 hours, nine minutes. And first, Marianne Hogan, who is Canadian living in France, got third, 23 hours, 11 minutes. Oh, and by the way, Marianne Hogan fell and broke her finger. Oh, oh. Drained UTMB. So. And she still got third. And turns out that in. Last year, 20, 22 or. And not last year, but the year before 2022, she had a torn so as. And got second. So she is tough. Yeah. All the credit for Marianne. And like the wild thing is, is like, you're talking about like a broken figure. So you're like, Oh, it's, it's a figure. What's I got to do with running that bouncing? Like, if you've ever really dislocated man, even that still is like. Every show, you know what I mean? Well, just, yeah, I mean, just the, the feeling of it. You know, you trying to do anything like open a gel or. Yeah. Just like, just contact. If you're using tracking polls. Oh, that would suck. Oh, by the way, everybody uses polls at UTMB. But, you know, who didn't use polls. Um, Hayden Hawks in the, and CCC. Oh, man, that's, that is, that's freaky strong. That is pretty strong. So in the men's race, let's talk about the men's race. Um, I hate to admit that I was right about something on the men's race. You were. I hate to admit it. But wisely, won't leave you. He went out. I didn't read. I didn't know he had a knee injury. Um, but, but apparently he did and he went out. I think he, he was leading for a while. I'm pretty sure. And, uh, about halfway. Wamsley dropped. And Wamsley wasn't the only drop. There was quite a few notable drops. Um, you know, I picked a really in. For first. Plus. And he dropped. He dropped. Yep. You and I, plus have lots. I picked Wamsley for second. He dropped. How, how, how, how, how. Ludo got, Ludo got fifth. Yeah. And I had a third. How do I, how do I, how do I got Mr. Shin come in? I had Shin and. Shin Shin. Yeah. Uh, I only see him. I don't see him at all in the top 20. Uh, that's because he dropped too. And then my, my number three guy was, I went with the old man and I went with for us. And I'm not seeing anything good about him in the top 20 years. Yeah. And you know, who else, who else dropped. Tom Evans. Matthew Lynchard. Tim Thompson. It's just, it was like in second for a minute. Yeah. So lots of drops, maybe just hot weather. I don't really know. Um, so anyway, yeah. Wamsley was the favorite to win and any drop halfway. Uh, he said he's been struggling to shake a knee injury since Western states. I want to give yourself a chance. I feel your brother. I've been shaking a quad injury. Yeah. Oh, shit. Uh, man. Long time. And then you just decided to do a little shuffle on the park and, and after not running for what? Like two months and then blow it out again. What a dumb shit. What a dude. Uh, while the wife's like, I may tell the doctor. She's going to rat you up. Oh, yeah. Um, but yeah. Uh, so Tom Evans looks like he had to drop out fueling became an issue through the night. Can't run this race on empty. Carnage did not stop there. Granger looked strong for more than 115 K. Uh, running in second, charting up the hill. Only six minutes behind. Yeah. That was just like the whole race. Like there's dudes out like 106 K dropping. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like it, like that race just ate people's lunch off the rip all way to the end. Like that race did not stop breaking off in people. Sure does. Yeah. It does seem that way. Um, and you know, it's cool. This guy was leading for a while, this Arthur Joy Bullion. Yeah. And the commentators are like, I love that last name. He's like, you know what that means in French? It means hot brought. It's so stupid. It means hot brought. Anyway, so in this kind of a surprise win. Was this guy Vincent Bullyard. And he's from France, not sponsored. Uh, I guess he's a track and field guy. He works for Hoka. He's a shoe engineer. Um, and he kind of just surprised everybody. But yeah, I guess the people that know him, uh, they, it's not a surprise to them. But, you know, like Ludo, there was an interview with Ludo. Uh, Dylan Bowman interviewed him. And he's like, he said, Ludo, uh, I heard you train with, with Vincent Bullyard. And he goes, I don't train. He's like, that's not true. I don't train with him. He's, he's way like too fast for me. Really? Yeah. That's Lou. Oh, wait. I dropped here. Oh, wait. We're coming back in. Yeah. There it goes. Yeah. Ludo, the one harder arc, uh, said that Vincent is, is fat too fast for him to train him with. So that's awesome. Um, Baptiste Shazan from France. Shazan. Uh, second. So Vince Bullyard set, or he got sub 20. Um, That's. Is that, is that a course record? I can't remember for this year. Yeah. Oh, no, no, okay. Um, no, actually, I think the course record was. Was, uh, Wamsley last year. Yeah. Um, in Joaquin Lopez, Ecuador, from Ecuador living in Spain was third 20 hours, 26 minutes. Uh, Hans Nonberger of Germany fit fourth. And Ludo came in fit. Uh, cool thing about Ludo. Is like, he's just such a fan favorite. Yeah. Um, yeah. Like, look at, look at this video of him and look at his, his, uh, crew. They're like, hold up these big Ludo heads. So awesome. And like they're at all the aid stations, like holding up these big Ludo head. Uh, awesome. Yeah. Uh, he's just a cool dude, man. And he's in his 40s and, you know, he's just out there crushing it. He's a, any super mumble, nice guy. Uh, and then cause we have, you have that one, uh, you have that one about the interview too, right? Yeah. Um, Ludo's being interviewed. Yeah, that, that's the interview I was talking about where he was talking about Vincent. And he was, he was too fast. Um, oh, yeah, right here. He said, he says, I know, I know you guys know each other and I saw you guys did some training together. And view him as somebody who could surprise. And for those of you who don't know, who is he and what makes him special. And Ludo said, so he's working for Hoka. He's really fast. He's really fit. You say that we have trained together, but it's not really true. He was a bit too fast. And we have, we did the start together and then that's it. It's crazy. Yeah. He has 100% success. And then Debo starts saying, you know, in the US, we call that like a bit of a, a dark horse, you know, someone who performs really well and nobody's talking about. Yeah. Um, yeah. So that was cool. Um, to see it kind of an unknown. And then the first finisher for the US is Cody Lind, who by the way, and the man, and the man. Cody Lind is part of the Lind family from Western states that, you know, his grandfather was like the head, uh, medical guy. Uh, shoot the shotgun for the race start. And now Cody Lind's dad shoots the shotgun for the race start. Um, so they're a big family. You know, I think Cody lives in Idaho, maybe, but they're a big family at Western states that have, you know, been around that race for decades. So, uh, yeah, so he got seven. And, um, let's see. Yeah, the US men didn't really have a great showing at UT and Canyon Woodward, who won, uh, the hunter miler at canyons this year. He got 20 in 23 hours, 26 minutes. So not a very good showing for the US men this year. Not in the UTMB anyway. Yeah, the women, I would say, had a much better, a much better showing with Katie winning. And, um, well, not really. Katie was the only, oh, Sabrina Stanley got seven. Um, yeah. So our wild cars didn't do anything. Ludo, Ludo got fifth. I had him in third. That was probably the closest to anything. So was there a little bit of controversy this year with, with the, with the gear check. So, yeah, you might saw that on the show notes. Yeah. So apparently somebody had a Ziploc, one of the leaders had like Ziploc bag for their, you know, there's required gear at UTMB and part of it is you have to have. I think two leaders of water carrying capability. And they had like two bottles, which may be equal one leader together. Yeah. And then they had a gear check and they didn't have any other water storage. But then he said this one leader Ziploc bag is my, is my other leader. And they let it go. So. I don't know, like, um, you don't even have to have water in, in the extra thing. Um, but you have to have the capability to carry it. Yeah. Oh, I don't know. They let, they let it go. That might change in the future. Who knows. Is that what you're talking about? Yeah. Yeah. A Reddit post. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of interesting. Yeah. And then, um, there was this kind of cool, uh, Instagram post about all the Americans that, that shine at, at the different UTMB races. Yeah. Adam, uh, yeah. Hayden Hawks, Katie Scheid, Adam Peterman. And then a UTMB, Katie Scheid for Sabrina Stanley seven. Cody Lynn seventh. For the men. And then it, the CCC at Hayden Hawks first, Adam Peterman third, Dakota Jones nine. And for the women at CCC, Heather Jackson fifth, Lottie brings nine Emily van, Davis and 10th. Eli Heming winning the OCC for the men. And Danny Moreno seventh at OCC. And then there's some other races that I'm not really, there's like a 15 K. And then TDS Jason Schlar. It looks like he's rock rocking a mullet there. Pretty strong, pretty strong, too. I would have to say, dude, if you're running TDS, a mullet is fitting. Yeah. I love it. Um, so anyways, that, that's pretty much UTMB. I mean, you know, there was. Some cool little side stories, but nothing like no major drama. I don't think other than all the drama. Other than all the drops, I guess. Yeah, it is what I get this year. Eight, eight people alive. It sounds like. Yeah, yeah, it does. And I will say this. Okay. Like, I am not a big fan of the politics of UTMB. Like, I don't, I don't like that Iron Man bought, bought them out. I don't, you know, I don't really, really care for the corporatization of it. And that aspect, but yeah, I will say, UTMB is just, it's just cool as hell, man. Yeah. You have 2,500 runners running, um, the 100-mile or alone. And there was a shot like Andrew glaze, you know, he takes all kinds of video. Yeah. And there was a shot of him at this A station. It was at the top of this huge climb. And it was nighttime. And he looked back and you could see just hundreds of headlamps coming up that climb. And it just looks so cool. Um, so. Speaking of him, uh, the, the, uh, the post that he had. Where he was walking all, all wide leg. Oh, yeah, you commented like, that's a wide stance, my man. A wide stance, my guy. Uh, but like, yeah, he looked miserable. He looked like he had a rough, but I mean, shit, that's, that's UTMB finished number five for him. Wow. Like, it is crazy. Like. Yeah. So. That is crazy. Um, yeah, he's, he's done a lot of 100 miles this year. Yeah. Yeah, he has. A lot of, like, tough 100 miles too. Um, yeah, very impressive. And he's back at it though. I see he already got like, you know, he's on vacation now with his wife over there and doing. 10 mile run in the morning, six mile run in the afternoon. You know, I still doing his 100 mile weeks. Got to shake out that lactic acid, baby. Yes. So. Uh, all right. So Charlotte, the costume chick reached out. Yeah. There's a race in Florida. And I can't imagine doing a race in August in Florida. Oh, fuck that shit. Looked miserable. Um, I don't, you know, from the picture here. On, on the results page. It doesn't look like it's some, like a. Uh, trail, it looks like maybe a paved path. I don't know if it's the whole way, but. Yeah. And it, and it looks like you can roll a bowling ball down that thing and it wouldn't like you could just straight down it. Like that thing looks flat and straight is all get out. Yeah. I ran on a bike trail like this. When I was my parents were down there for a month last winter and I was just down there. Down there visiting them for a couple of days and. I was on a bike path like this and it was humid and I was dying, but. Um, but yeah, so that it's an out and back 46 miles. Uh, starts in St. Petersburg, Florida goes to Tarpon Springs and then back to Dunedin. I used to have some ants and uncles that are great ants and uncles and an uncle that lived. In Dunedin, so we used to go down there when I was a kid, but, uh, it's a cool area on the golf there. Uh, so yeah, 46 mile race starts at 6.30 in the morning. Um, and. Let's see. There was 149 finishers. Desi Wilson was first for the men and first overall on six hours, 21 minutes. Katie Hoover first for the women second overall, six hours, 28 minutes. But, and I got and I. I mean, six, like. Am I tripping or is that not a blazing fast time, like 6.21 for 50, not even a 54 46. Like, um, I mean, I, I like, like, short, I said, I think he got hot as fuck to go. Yeah, I think that has element. Yeah, let's see. I'm going to, I'm going to do this pace calculator here. I did. I love it. I have an app on my phone. It's a pace calculator. It is the greatest thing ever. What was it? I'm going to do it. No, it's 6.21. 6.21 50. For a 40. 6.21 50. 46 miles. Oh. Calculate. I got to reset it. But six hours. But why he, why he does that? I don't know. You know, YouTube. It is dead straight. It is. It looks like it's black top. And there is minimal shade. Yeah. Yeah. You're getting blasted. I'm sure you are catching hell. I think just looks miserable. See, it's 18 and 18. That doesn't like. That's not like as flat as that is, right? Like, I mean, you're essentially running on a track. But I think. Is that heat and humidity must have just tore folks. Oh, I can't even imagine. So, Charlotte, the costume chick. Yeah. She got DFL. I think she was, you know, it's a finish. You know, congrats. Charlotte. It's awesome. Yeah. Those are sometimes really cool. Yeah. And I guess that, yeah, she did get a cool award. And I'll show a picture in a minute, but that. So the race has a different animal as it's like they feature a different animal every year. And this year it was a possum. So for all of our possible listeners and she dressed up. Like a possum. Pretty elaborate costume. There's a little baby possums hanging off the back. Yeah. I am. I am. So, okay. So wait a couple more. There. That video. That video you're on right now. Yeah. Here's where I know she's an infinitely more patient person. I am. That one that's bouncing on her right arm. Yeah. I would have had an absolute. With that thing bouncing on my arm, I would have drove me so effing nuts. I would have. I would have ripped that thing off like for my. I would have probably have an anxiety attack over my OCD would kick in. Yeah. Yeah, man. Not to mention, like on the next video, you have the ones bouncing off her ass. Show me nuts. I would have like these, these got to go. These have got to go. Yeah. I don't even like it when my water bottle spouts. Well, I don't like you. Let it be like. Yeah. Totally. Damn that shit. Like good. It's so funny. Some of like it's been a couple of months since we've talked about her in costumes. But every time I see a post of hers, I think about it. My God. How does she steal that? I like so much more patient than I am. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. There's the DFL award. It's a nice plaque of a possum. Yeah. It looks like it's on. Is that shit slate? It looks like it's on slate too, which is kind of cool. It does. It looks pretty nice. Yeah. It's kind of quick. Yeah. Like you said, she shared with us. It's kind of a cool thing to do every year. Every year. We'll say, okay. We have this animal that lives around this trail. That will be the animal is hunter t-shirts. Yeah. Every, every year is a different t-shirt and different animal gets sponsored. So it is kind of a cool thing. Yeah. That is pretty neat. Good on the people who run it. It's funny. Every, for the last like four or five episodes you and I reported, I've been like, oh, maybe this race makes the a wish list. I can tell you this race does not make the wish list. I would not. I, I, I think if you paid for me to enter this race and you paid for my transportation down there, damn, I room and board. I still don't think I'd run that race. Like 46 miles. My fingers getting swollen, just thinking about that humidity. Like that is absolutely. Yeah. It's not too desirable for me. Yeah. Um, but you know, it's cool that it gives, gives people down in Florida something to do. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Like, you know, but remember all the Florida races we talked about in the winter? Like it was like January. It was full on. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, I do want to give mention to this, uh, Stein Rex and we've talked about her. We've talked about her a few times. Um, she's a great multi-day runner. Um, she lives in, she's from Denmark. And apparently she just set the new women's six day record. Uh, 567.6 miles. Uh, in Denmark. Um, on a 0.89 mile loop road course. Um, as always records are later ratified by organizations that wish to give them formal recognition. So, you know, now organizations will recognize it, but, um, anyways, Davey Crockett from ultra, ultra running history has a breakdown of the women's six day record progression. And as we all know, Camille Herron had set it at the, that Lou Lemon event. Yeah. She just run farther. Uh, in, uh, March and she had 560 miles Stein Rex just did 567 miles. So, and before Camille set that record in March, the last time it was set was in 1990. So it stood for 34 years. And then, uh, gotten broken twice this year. So, oh, look at the 1876. Oh, he talked about the, uh, from Toledo, Ohio. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was born, I was born in Toledo. Toledo, baby. Ohio been representing an ultra running world for a minute. 1876. Well, that, if anybody follows ultra running history podcast and Facebook page, you'll know that six day walking events were very popular back then. Yeah. Yeah. Pedestrianism, it was called. And, you know, people would pack stadiums. They would make bets. Uh, it was like the sport in America. Yeah. Oddly enough. I've listened, like I said, I've listened to a lot of that, those David Crockett podcasts and ultra running history. It is like fascinating and some of the stories, like, like everybody's smoking cigars in these places. It's filled with smoke, like just crazy shit going on. So congrats to Steinrex. That's quite an accomplishment. Um, okay. Let's, uh, move on. Killian. So Killian was not at UTMB this year, but he was off doing some, some crazy ass shit, right? Yeah. Uh, so what Killian did was he climbed. All 82. Peaks in the Alps that are over 4000 meters. That's 13,123 feet. And he did it all, um, all by non motorized power. So that means, you know, he rode his bike in between to get to the different peaks, um, to summit them. And he did it all in 19 days. And this is a total of 247,191 feet of time. So like you're doing these, these summits. These are not like so much where a nice trail goes up to, right? Like, yeah. Yeah. There's, there's some video of him on this ridge, like where he's got gloves on and he's just, like, I mean. The one thing's saying, yeah, the one thing's saying are rich. It was literally like a spine. Like it was literally a spine. Like he's like holding on to it and like shimming across that. Like what the fuck? Like, yeah, exactly. Um, what here's the other thing. Like, here's everything. It's like a, like a weird thought, right? Is that thing that he is shimming across, right? It has been there for. Hundreds of millions of years, right? Like what's to say. That the extra little force that your hands are putting on it and you're holding on to it is not the last little bit that that thing needed to snap off. Oh, I know. I was thinking the same thing. You fall backwards and like, dude, like it's, it's game. Like you are falling thousands of feet, tumbling down. It is just the stuff that he does as like fun as like recreational is. That shit crazy. Yeah, like here's him on top of the Matterhorn, dude. It all. Like listen, I get it. This thing is super high, but it also like it's August. Yeah. It's fucking August and my dude is in like a full on puffer. It's still looking cortisol. You know what I mean? Yeah. I guess he did. He did get really good weather for, for these summits. Cause that can be one thing that can, that could have been a deal breaker is, is bad weather. So get real lucky. And it's really cool how he, like his knowledge of that region is. Yeah, insane. Cause he's like, he's like, oh yeah, I started over there. And like the way he's able to still, here's the other thing. It's really kind of wild. His footprints aren't the first footprints. Oh, no. No. Like there's been other people. Other idiots up there. I mean, like every, every killing video I watch, just like, yeah, it's just another level of weird. Like it's just like not weird. Like what? Yeah. He's, he's very smart. But like you said, there is definitely an element of risk involved. Look at that. Look at that. Yeah. Just on some spine, like some ridge. That's. There's no trail. It's just. No. That's, I mean, I guess, like, I was going to say, how do you know what way to go? But I, I guess there are other way. Would you go other day along that? Yeah. I mean, like there is no other way to go. Yeah. Yeah. Um, he had to play close attention and navigation. On that one. So wild. Yeah. So anyways, he, he just, he just did that beast mode. Like, uh, pretty impressive. There's all kinds of snow up on these super high peaks. And he had to use ropes at some point. Look at his ice, his ice axes and. Look at that. Like it just seems crazy dangerous. Um, it, it, it really like. It's just another level of like. Uh, it's just something I came in fully comprehend. Yeah. And by the way, he took one full rest day too. Oh, here's that. There it is. Like this is it right. That piece that he's holding onto right now is like. Right coming up. I mean, that's. Yeah. I mean, that, that piece can come loose. There's cracks in those rocks. Yeah. Yeah. And that's, that's not, that's, that's a, a father. You're not coming back. Oh, and I can't. He's transitioning her to another facing web. I mean, like, but if you look like, where's his feet going? Where's his feet going at? You know what I mean? It's so, so wild. Yeah. I'm like, I'm going to cram him into this little, this little crack. Yeah. This is a next, next level, next level shit, man. I, I don't have any desire. Yeah. I'll, I'll watch the videos. I'm good. I'm good with that. The videos are almost like. I mean, look at like this. I, I could just, I'm mesmerized by this one. Jesus. It's just, it's just. This makes me just as nauseous as like free solo. Yeah. It just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. It's next level. That's for sure. It's like something that I will never, never do. Um, speaking of awesome, uh, ultra runners, uh, Anton Kripichka just. Did it FKT. When I first saw that he did the LA freeway, I'm like, what? The fun? Yeah. Yeah. I know. I saw, yeah. When I saw the show, it's like. He turns out it's a route in Colorado, uh, 35 miles and 20,000 feet of climbing. It's 35 miles with 20,000 feet of climbing. That's just unfathomable. Uh, you know, but he's really into that kind of rock climbing scramble. Yeah. He's really into that kind of thing. We were just talking about him. Yeah. And he did it unsupported, which 35 miles, I mean, yeah, you could do that. Unsupported. Um, he did it. Like four, over four hours faster than the previous unsupported FKT. And actually that's the fastest time by far out of all the FKT's on this route. They're out supported, self supported, uh, females. You know, that's, that blows all of them away. Like, yeah, he did it in 13 hours and 20 minutes. So. If you, if you look at him, uh, that, that first photo, the very first photo, I want to stack that he put out. He looked like it looks like it chewed him up pretty good too. Like he's got some cuts on the legs. But the Instagram post, he put out for this. Oh, yeah. It's a really cool Instagram course. Yeah. Here it is. Yeah. And you know what? I'm the FKT website. Just go back to that real quick. He has a great rate. He's a really great writer. And he always has great race reports. Um, so you can really see the, the, the very like detailed, um, report of, of his day out there. It's, it's pretty cool. It's a good read. I recommend everybody go to FKT website and find the LA freeway FKT. And you can get it there. But yes, back to that Instagram post. Um, yeah, he, he definitely, uh, you can tell he was doing some climate. Yeah. Yeah. Um, just the, you know, the pictures. It's very rugged terrain. Um, very steep. You know, but he does it all without, you know, any ropes or anything like that. You just, uh, you know, out there. The other thing is, yeah, the other thing is what about this? This course that he ran and he's talking about it on that poster on. Like think about all the trails that you and I run, right? And probably just in general, all of our listeners. The trail that he did this FKT on crosses, no roads. And only crosses two other trails. Like that is nuts, dude. At least you don't have to worry about getting lost, I guess. Right. Well, it's, it's in, it's in that like. It's in that mountain. Uh, that very mountainous region there, uh, where Long's Peak is next to Boulder. So he lives in Boulder. Um, so he's, you know, he's been wanting to do this route for a long time, I guess, according to his write up, but yeah. Um, but he knows, he probably knows these mountains pretty well. Long's Peak for sure. Uh, okay, so there was another FKT, uh, the long trail, which. This is runs north to South through Vermont. We looked at it pretty extensively. Um, before, because John Kelly set the FKT earlier this year. And it hasn't been ratified by the FKT website yet, but will Peterson. Uh, did it, and he's the first, and he did it supported the long trail. And the stats on the long trail are 249 miles. 68,400 feet of climbing. And we all know this is Vermont. This is a very technical trail. Um, will Peterson is the first person to ever do it under four hours. Or I'm sorry, under four days, not four hours. Yeah. Uh, anyways, three days, 21 hours and 10 minutes. Will Peterson did that. John Kelly had the previous FKT four days, four hours, 25 minutes. That's supported. And will Peterson also has the unsupported FKT on the long trail at four days and 11 hours. 34 minutes. Um, yeah, so it will be posted soon. I'm sure he wants it to ratify. But, uh, well, Peterson just crushed the long trail. The cool thing is, it's one of the first people to comment on his post. Yeah. John Kelly. That's right. She said cool. He said, rest of the time. John Kelly. He said, rest up. I want to hear all about this. Yeah. John Kelly is just a cool dude, man. Yeah. He's somebody that would be cool just to hang out with and. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's super smart too. He's a, you know, he owns his own company, but like something with, with IT or something. But, uh, he's extremely, they're engineering. Uh, but he's extremely intelligent. Um, okay. Congrats to Will Peterson. That's epic. Uh, Tara Dower is over the halfway point. I just saw that today. Uh, of the, of her FKT attempt on the Appalachian trail. Um, I'm not sure where I saw that. It was on Instagram somewhere. I don't know if it was on her page or. Or this chump change FKT page, but she is over halfway. Which means she should be catching my coordinate. Any day now, because it feels like it. The other day, Mike was at the halfway point, like a couple of days ago. Two days ago, maybe. And I guess at the halfway point. There is this challenge that some of the through hikers do called the half. Was it the half gallon challenge. At the halfway point, the half. Yeah, the half gallon challenge, where you have to eat a half gallon of ice cream. And you know, my coordinate is a vegan. So he's got the oat milk ice cream brand. And there's a, he's got a soy one too. It looks like, so he's got, he's got four pints. And two are the, oh, and two are the soy. Anyways, he does it live stream on Instagram. And I watched this video and he does, like you could tell on the fourth one. He's just struggling hard, but, but he gets it done. And I'm sure it's much needed calories. You know, he's done half of the Appalachian trail. Yeah. So. All right. So that was so 59 minutes ago, it looks like. Like very recently, he just posted. Like, yeah, like just while we're recording. He posted that he, he got his, his latest update. Uh, highlights roller coaster, Shenandoah. Sorry. He's around the chanda. So he must be down. He's in Virginia. Yeah. I think he just got to Virginia. And, you know, he lives in Virginia. So he's got a lot of people coming out to, to support him. Yeah. So he's, yeah, Springer Mountain, uh, Springer Mountain, Georgia. He has a thousand miles to go in one's photos. Yeah. Spring around. Yeah. That's the finish. Like he's got a thousand miles to the finish. So yeah, he's in Shenandoah, Virginia right now. Uh, Edo, where he's at, he's really close to where you and I were talking about last week around Woodstock, Virginia and stuff like that. He's like right around, he's around old Dominion grindstone, all that kind of bullshit. That's right. So he's, that's where he's at. And so now where was, so that's where he is. And then Tara is where at now. She, she just reached the halfway point, I think today or, or yesterday, but I'll check the. I'll check the Garmin. The Garmin Shacker, which like we talked about in the last episode is not. Not super, not, not super fire, but like it's not fire. Like I don't even know what's going on here, honestly. Yeah. Like it's showing her down here and it's not connecting. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I think honestly, I think she's, I think she's about a day behind Mike, maybe two days. Because she's also, I think she's still NPA, right? Like she's still wrapping up PA. And then she said go PA, West Virginia, Virginia. I'm sorry, PA Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia. And so, but like, like the West Virginia is like a blink of an eye. It's not very much at all. And now we think Maryland's very much at all either. The midway point of the Appalachian Trail, the halfway point is in the Michelle State forest, Cumberland County and South mountain. It's in, yeah, you're right. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Yeah. So she, she still has. I mean, like, it's hard to look at it as like, oh, she has these states to go because it's not she has very far. But yeah, I think she's, I think she's a couple of days behind my, she's anywhere from a day to a couple of days behind Mike. Because Mike is still knocking out 40, 50 miles a day. You know what I mean? He's, he's actually increased. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think he was doing like 30 to 40 a day in the New England States. Yeah. He has, he has picked it up. Looks like he did a 50 some mile day. And like you said, he's down in his neck of the woods now. So he'll probably, you know what I mean? Like, you should be able to really start stacking some miles. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. She will catch them. No, I think she's on average. She's doing a lot more. She's gone. Yeah. It'd be, it'd be cool to see when they finally, when their paths finally do cross. They do know each other's out there. So, yeah. Oh, you know what, since we've talked about Tara, and we talked about Mike on the, on, on the AT. You know what we actually increased by. I think we actually skipped over temptations, altars. Oh, yes, we did. We were going to do the race results from that. And so here's why I think they're kind of interesting. And like, we'll just just give that race a quick shout out at minimum. It's a race in central Illinois, right? Which, let's be honest here, right? It ain't a whole lot going on in central Illinois. You know what I mean? That's pretty. Like outside of Chicago, right? Yeah, outside of Chicago, Illinois doesn't have a ton going for it. It's pretty remote, right? But this race is interesting in a sense that it's, it's kilometers. Like, it's true. Like, it's a 50, a 50 K, a 100 K, 150 K, 200 K. That's right. So it has four races to choose from, but they're all in increments of 50 Ks. Yeah. And you can actually decide during the race to do the longer distance. Like if you're, if you're signed up for the 100 K, you're like, I think I'm going to go for the 150 K. They're like, go ahead. But if you drop out, like at 130 K. Yeah, you're D so well. Yeah. What's funny is, is if I was doing a 50 K, you could probably trick me into doing a hard K. If I'm doing a 100 K, there's little to no chance that you're like, Hey, fuck it. What's there 50 K? I'd be like, fuck all the way off. That's what it are. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, that's where the breaking point is. Like, yeah, that's where the breaking point is like, yeah, 100 Ks. I used to refer to 100 Ks as the blue balls of ultra marathon. Because it is right there as hard as it gets in the ultra world. But you don't get a buckle, right? Like there's, I mean, there, I mean, there are. But generally speaking, it is one of those weird distances that's right there. And like, 100 Ks are hard, like really hard because you're going into the dark, but it's not quite into all of the pain cave. But you're for sure dipping your toes into it. I totally agree. Like, in 100 miler, I've always said the race really starts at like, mile 50. Yeah, you could say the same thing for 100, you know, it starts at 100 K. That's, that's when 100 miler starts, right? Yeah. You're all the way deep in the pain cave by then. Yeah. And you still have 40 miles to go. Like, I've definitely ran 100 milers. Hell, I've definitely, I've definitely had 100 milers and been at like, well, 20 and like, huh, I'm kind of a little bit of a pain cave. But even then you're just like, oh, well, this is just, this is just what it is. And like, you're like, I'll just be back to the next stage station. And like, it kind of goes away. But once you get to 100 K kind of mark, generally speaking, you are not be bopping to the next stage station and pain is going away. It is there and you're going to live in it for the next 40 miles. That's right. And that is when the tiredness starts to. Oh, man, like you start like hallucinations at night and shit and like, it's like, anyways, it really cracks me up that there are some dumb son of a bitch. There's probably been at the 150 mark. And like, screw it. What's there, 20 K or another 50 K, right? It goes that tries to knock out the 200 K. So, I mean, 200 K is 120 miles, 150 K to be what 90 miles, right? Yeah, 90 some odd miles. So, I mean, just hysterical. And the race directors apparently tempt the runners to go to the next level. So, that's so awesome. That is so flipping awesome. This race is really funny. And it's not like, it's not like a one mile loop or anything like that. It's actual like, I think it's like a 25 K loop from my understanding. The buckles are dope as shit. Yeah, the buckles are really cool. Let me go to that website. Oh, yeah, there they are. 100 K buckles, 150 K, the 200 K. Dude, do me a favor. Let's see. We've been recorded for 114. Do me and folks watching on YouTube a favor that are still with us. Click on, click on, click on, click on about, about the course in eight stations and then click on course photos. Go to the bottom. That is a miserable ass woman right there. Look at that sand she's walking through. Yeah, that's like a, that's like a, on the edge of a field or something where the farmers have like a road. And so is that, but I did that sand. It does look like like I'm like 99%. She's wearing sandals too. Oh my God, she is. But it's a no looking and it doesn't look like you're going to kick a roof. It looks like you're just on those. It's just a two track, like two track like a road through a forest. Oh, the trail is soft on account of the sandy soil in the area. Ah, there it is. Some, some of the trail is suitable for running and other portion are so soft. They require walking for all, but the most elite ultra runners. I don't like saying. No, no, the trail is hard. This is not a trail trail or perfectly green path in the woods. This is a trail for athletes who know how to push their physical mental limits when that, when the grind gets going, but whatever. Dude, this thing looks fucking miserable. Yeah, it does. It sure does. All right, let's, let's see who finished. Yeah. Um, for the 50 K, Jacob Albert, four hours, eight minutes overall. And first place male and Emily, sure. First place female in eight hours, 57 minutes. Eight hours, 57 minutes. That's for the 50 K I'm assuming right? Yeah. 16 people finished the 50 K. All right. All right. So 16, I'm dying to know there's no one to get higher or lower. 100 K Daniel Fowler, first place overall, first place female. 13 hours, 23 minutes. Is that her husband Mark Fowler, then? That's Mark. Fensler. Oh, my dumb. Mark Fensler, first place male, second overall, 13 hours, 52 minutes. So I did two minutes. So six finishers. Okay. Actually, there's 24. Okay. So we went up. We quadrupled right now. Wait, what was the first one? Six. Sixteen. All right. Sixteen to 24. Uh, what's our one 50? Uh, one 50 three. Like, yeah. Oh my God. And they're all men. Uh, Chad McDonald was first 26 hours, 50 three minutes. Oh my God. 26 hours. Uh, well, 150 K, that's like what 80 some miles or something. No, 90. It's like 90 some. Yeah. But I mean, like, look at the third place, 35 hours. Oh my God. No, I'm not tempted to do the temptation. But I think I can see the thing, man. Like it's like that loose sand. Oh, by the way, dude. In the way, middle of Illinois, in July and August, rather. That thing was just humid as all get out. All right. Here we go. What's hard? What's hard? How many? 200 kilometers. But look at their times. Two finishers. That first place, first place. 200 kilometer, almost caught third place, 150 kilometer. Yup. And it was first place, uh, female. First place overall. And overall winner is Shannon Mick. 38 hours, 37 minutes. And Rob Judd was the only other finisher. And he was first for the men, uh, 39 hours, 23 minutes. A hundred, 120 miles. A hundred, 20 miles, 38 hours in that loose sand. That's. That's annoying as. Yeah, dude. That is. That race looks real. Fuck. I'll go back and talk about this race. Another one. I'm not, like I said, I'm not tempted to do the temptation. I'm not tempted to do the Pinellas 46 mile or either. All right. Well, it's good. You already have a lot of stuff on our bucket list. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My bucket list can only get so. Yeah. All right. Well, we are definitely over time, but yeah. Another fun episode. I hope everybody out there is, uh, enjoying listening to the podcast. Um, we're watching the YouTube video, whatever platform you're on. Um, reach out to us on the socials. All, all the links to our socials are on the show notes for the podcast and on the show notes for the YouTube channel as well. So you can look us up that way. Give us a comment. Uh, maybe yell at us for something we got wrong or. Any sort of question is welcome. Give us help. Yeah. You have anything else, Johnny? I don't, I don't appreciate your body and we'll see you next week. All right. Maybe I'll take us out with some different music. I can't remember what. What the other like the chill one was. No, not that. That's the, that's the night. This one. This way to go out. Okay, everyone. We'll see you on the next one. (Music) (upbeat music)