Jesse Kelly Show

In the aftermath of the Trump assassination attempt the Secret Service is sending their gay employees to Disney World

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06 Sep 2024
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This is a podcast from W. O. R. The Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. And here's what we have on tap for this hour touch on food costs. Apparently there's a an LGBTQ work outing for the Secret Service. That's going well more on the illegal stuff. China doing something I want to do all that and so much more coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. So you remember obviously the assassination on Donald Trump's life and how awful that was and and the the failures if we're being really nice, the failures of the Secret Service have been talked about extensively that day. But remember what we talked about in the wake of that assassination attempt. Once you have a system that's turned into a criminal system, the way ours has, once organizations turn criminal, turn corrupt, then the stated purpose of the organization is no longer its actual purpose. You and I get angry when Trump almost gets his head blown off because we think the Secret Service's job is to protect the secret is to protect the people, presidents, former presidents with that's how we look at the Secret Service. That's not how the Secret Service sees themselves at all. Because it's a criminal organization, the Secret Service sees itself as its top job is protected in the Secret Service. That's why in the wake of it, their director, she stepped up, denied all wrong doing and they resigned so she couldn't be charged. That's it. I didn't do it. I don't know. I didn't do it. We're all innocent up and I quit gone. The FBI, you think the FBI's job is to solve crimes. The FBI thinks the FBI's job is to protect the FBI. But it comes back to this story. Chris just printed this one out for me from not the B. The Secret Service Diversity Office sent a memo out about an all expenses paid LGBT retreat at Disney World. That's right. In the wake of almost losing Donald Trump due to Secret Service failure, there's not an all hands on deck meeting where they're discussing who's getting fired. We're only going to keep so many people. The rest of you have to be gone. There's not new training. There's not Christmas has canceled this year. Nope. Instead, we had that all hands on deck meeting. The one I told you about where the acting director said that we have to guard each other because everyone's being mean to us right now. And now if you're gay enough, you can take an all expenses paid trip to Disney World. Courtesy of the taxpayer. You are sitting there. I'm sitting here thinking, well, I'm sure they're doing some reforms. That's surely, surely heads are rolling. You said anything like that. Heads better roll for this. Oh, no, no, heads aren't rolling. They're going to do a big old rainbow parade right through the middle of this way. Are you gay on your dime on your dime? Let's do some emails. Jesse, you have you have a nipple piercing to go with the shaved head for what? I don't have a nipple piercing. There was an injury where I now I have a splinter in it. OK, if you want to hear that story, you have to go download a podcast of the show. It's Tuesday's show. I said it in the first hour. I heart Spotify iTunes. What, Chris? It was not pierced, Chris. It was injured being injured and pierced shut up, Chris. Anyway, the guy says you have a nipple piercing to go with the shaved head. All you need is a sleeve tattoo and a latte and you'll be ready to write another book like you guys. Hey, Jesse, I love your show. I caught it on Monday. I had to tell you your hour on Actium was great. Really enjoyed it such a surprise. I was more like two hours on Actium. Again, I heart Spotify iTunes. If you're a history fan, Monday's show was for you. Go download it and enjoy it. Jesse, big fan of the show. Catch it whenever I can. Unfortunately, it's not enough. You're one of my favorite voices. One of the things that drives me the most crazy about all conservative talking heads on the radio is they don't talk enough about the biggest problem we really have, which is our mainstream media industry that works exclusively for the corrupt communists left that has laid America to ruins. What chance do we really have? When you know the majority of the country tunes into their favorite news channels like blind lemmings every night. Well, there is such a thing, though, as trust and credibility. And having a media that works exclusively on behalf of communism at all times, it's been terribly damaging for the country. It continues to damage and it has damaged. It's really, really, really, really, really bad to have the people who bring you the news hate your guts. In general, that's not an ideal place to be for a country. Yes, that's bad, but. Listnership viewership of these far left channels, including in the ABCs, NBCs, CBSs of the world, it is going down and trust in these organizations is also going down. It was, I want to say last week, I forget, but they did. Someone did a poll on public trust in the media, public trust in the media. And the poll was wonderful and terrible at the same time. And I'm going to make these numbers up, but I'm real, real close. If you're on the right, if you're a registered Republican, I think the number was 16 or 17% of Republicans trust the media. That's shockingly low. So Republicans, if you're a registered Republican, you know by now these people are lying about everything and they're against you. OK, so that's good. Let's set that aside. That's you. That you will set you aside. Independence also, extremely low trust in the media. That's a good thing. People are trusting it less. They understand what they're hearing, what they're seeing is lies. That is a good thing. These are good things that are happening. Now I said it was good and bad. And here's the reason why. In that exact same poll, Democrats have a staggering, I think it was 73% trust in the American media. How many times have I told you your liberal amp peggy, the average American Democrat, they're insane. And I don't mean that to be insulting. They live in a world entirely a fiction of make believe they believe without hesitation, without question, a bunch of things that aren't real at all. Your liberal amp peggy believes Donald Trump called Nazis very fine people. She does. She believes that that's not true. He's insane, but she believes that your liberal amp peggy believes that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian collusion. She believes it. She does. She believes that Trump told people to inject bleach during COVID. She believes it. I don't know how we I don't know how we put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Like that. And I should say that that's the reason Dome is running the campaign. They're running where she's not doing interviews. She's not putting out policy positions. They're just banking on the campaign commercials and the American media carrying her to victory. That campaign they're running is very, very effective on Democrats. If you're an American Democrat, you can be convinced of anything. American Democrats are out there right now excited to vote for Kamala Harris because they are excited for change. How much audio have I played for you? Of them said, well, it's time for a change. We need a change. Harris is in power now. And American Democrats are so brainwashed, so lost, so gone. They will go in and they're going to vote for Dome on November 6th. And they're going to vote for Dome because they think she's a change. Did you want to answer this quick question? Why you came and what you like about Harris platform? I'm just very excited about moving forward and all the energy and excitement that's around this movement right now. So that's why I'm here because it's time for change and it seems like it's happening. It's time for change. Hey, Ben Stiller, why are you excited about the woman who's currently vice president? Well, it's time for change. She's these people live in a world that isn't real. So look, there's good and bad to this. It's really, really, really, really, really bad that the average American Democrat lives in a world that isn't real because we do have to share a country with these filthy communists. That's bad. But the good news is everyone who isn't a Democrat, they know they're slowly but surely waking up to the fact the sky really isn't green. And the media is lying to them about everything. All right, let's, uh, let's talk about the Biden administration and this whole illegal is voting before we do that. Let's talk about your pain. The pain that makes you do this. You ever done this? You ever wake up in the morning and dreaded getting out of bed a little bit because of pain. Ah, that was a good night's sleep. Oh, I know this knee is going to bother me when I get up. You ever done that? Oh, man, I got to get up and I know my back's going to make me do the thing. You ever have a back make you do that? I've had, I've had that happen before. Have you tried relief factor yet? You know, you don't have to live like that. You don't have to dread that first time your feet hit the ground every single day because of the pain that shoots up your body. Relief factor is a hundred percent drug free. You can fight pain naturally. You can use your body's natural response to pain and give your body the help it needs. You take relief factor every day and you try it for three weeks. It probably won't take three weeks, but you try it for three weeks. Tell me if that pain's still there. Call one eight hundred the number four relief or go to relief We'll be back. Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. And remember tomorrow's an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Do not wait until tomorrow. The questions are starting to pile up. Get them emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly So remember when Chuck Schumer said this, I played it earlier. The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them. Cause our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers, but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented are here. Notice how he doesn't even know. And that might be the most amazing part of that soundbite. It's not just that he wants to hand out citizenship. Like it's like it's worth nothing. It said he doesn't even know that's the Senate majority leader. He doesn't even know how many are here. But what he does know is they serve his purposes. The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them. Cause our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers, but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented are here. This one's from the Federalist. Biden administration dismisses non citizen voting as already illegal. See, the House Republicans are trying to attach the Save Act to this funding bill. They'll fail. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but they'll wuss out in the end. Trust me on that. They're Republicans, but for right now, they're acting like they're going to try to attach it to the budget in Arizona. All 15 counties are being sued by America. First legal, you know why they're being sued? Because they've failed to remove illegal aliens from the voter rolls. All 15 counties. Did you think did you think they opened up the border on purpose? Just so the strawberries could get picked? They opened up the border on purpose because every part of illegal immigration helps the communist cause every single part of it, whether you're registering them to vote, whether they're just raping and murdering, causing chaos that always helps communism. Remember chaos, angst, fear. This is the fertile soil where communism grows. When people are happy in content, they never, ever, ever turned to the communists. But if the communists can make things bad enough, then they will. Member Lenin's line during the revolution, the worst, the better. Every part of illegal immigration aids the communist cause. And I'd be remiss if I didn't once again. Remind you that Red State, Oklahoma, their Senator James Langford did everything he could to help them bring illegals into the country. And he provided them cover for their open borders policies. Red State, Oklahoma. How about maybe a primary next time, huh? Let's do some emails. Oh, great balding author. It is my unhumble opinion that we singles need an anti-communist meet and greet. Find someone who wants to settle down and make babies is next to them. Finding someone who wants to settle down and make babies with is next to impossible. We humbly request that you put together a four day, three night, Florida resort, get away somewhere around the first of the year. You, you keep emailing me like this show is for matchmaking and asking me to put together an app or, or a meet and greet for all of the dimes out there looking for a dude who can't find one and all the dudes out there looking for a dime and they can't find one. And I am so invested in finding this and making this happen for you that I have considered it because I want you to have a family. I want you to have all this stuff. You know, you want to know why I haven't and why I'm not going to. And I know this sounds terrible, but it's true. The liability of it, if you know how you have any idea how many, how much hate mail and, and death threats and things like that, I got this one from some loser last night. Let me see if I can pull this up. The guy I'm trying to, well, I won't be able to find it right now. The dude, I, I, someone had dug it up. Someone on the staff had dug it up. I didn't realize because I don't check a lot of my messages. He's sent me like 40 messages trying to fight me. He wants to fight me. You don't have the guts to meet face to face these losers. These, you know how many people hate, listen? What if some dirty commie goes undercover on the app and hurts one of our dimes? There's some lovely dimes who listen to the show. Want to find a man get married, make some babies. What if some dirty commie cons are into it? What, the, the liability of linking people up is not something I'm going to do. And we're also not going to do some hedonistic Florida resort getaway for a bunch of singles like this is like a, I don't know, Liberty in France or something like that. Go take her out to Red Lobster like you're supposed to and treat her right. Chris, I'm so excited about Red Lobster coming back from bankruptcy. But you know the thing is the reason I never dwelled too much on it is I never had a doubt. You can't keep, you can't keep greatness down. You can't greatness finds a way to break through. No matter how many chains you put on Samson, he will find a way to break those chains in the end. That's what Red Lobster is like. Samson breaking the chains, defeating the Philistines in the end because he's too powerful. That's what Red Lobster is too great, too delicious, too powerful. I might take the wife to Red Lobster tonight just to celebrate. We might go in there. What Chris? We might go in there with party hats on celebrating the employees. Maybe we may get some pushback, but it's going to be worth it. I wonder if, I wonder if my patriot supply has a cheddar bay biscuit in there. And they might because you know how they had the emergency three month food kits, well, now they have a mega emergency three month food kit. The three month food kits are 2,000 calories a day. The mega ones are 2,500 a day. That extra 500 calories could be cheddar bay biscuits. I don't look, we'll reach out and find out. I don't know. I know they have old fashioned Italian spaghetti and chicken flavored rice and cheesy broccoli soup, which sounds gross, but I'm sure it's got a lot of calories in it. I don't know if they have cheddar bay biscuits, though. I do know that mega emergency three month food kits are $300 off right now. And being as how, well, costs of food hits record high under the Biden Harris government. That's a headline from today. It'd be a really good time to get an emergency food kit like now. Go to prepare with Jesse and get a mega three month emergency food kit. $300 off. Are there going to be cheddar bay biscuits? And they're probably not, but there might be prepare with Jesse We'll be back. Is the Jesse Kelly show? That's a song about dating a feminist. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on I heart on Spotify on iTunes. Also, remember, don't trust the DOJ ever. Don't trust the FBI ever. They're running an op. It's all coordinated. It's all designed so they can say stuff like this. The thing that is, is so, um, well, obvious about this, not surprising, is we've all seen it for several years. There are people who are deliberately are unknowingly or unknowingly promoting Russian propaganda, propaganda that comes straight from the Kremlin. Yeah. Also, dome is in trouble next week. You are civic leaders. You are community leaders. You are mentors. You hire locally. You believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together. The glue of the fabric, again, the supercut Tom Elliot's supercut. I might let the whole thing play. It's, it's, I think it's a minute and a half. I might let the whole thing play it murders me. Can I get a witness when she drops that? That's when I lost it. I completely lost it when she dropped. Without voter suppression, Stacey Abrams would be the governor of Georgia. Interesting how they question elections. Andrew Gillum is the governor of Florida. I'm going to get into some business now. OK, you all helped us win in 2020 and we don't do it again in 2024. What are you going to do about it? He does not walk it like he talks. When we get this done together, my friend, can I get a witness? You think you just got a coconut tree? Best rapper alive to pop. Hey, Chris. I'm sorry. I'll go back and I'll let her play. I know you just changed it. I'm going to need another change on the. What, Chris, I need another change. I decided to keep it popping has to change to. Can I get a witness? Come on, you know, let's go. You know, let's go and see Chris is even with me on this. He's with me. It has to be. I'm going to abuse the daylights out of that. Are you kidding me? I'm totally part of that whole listening generation of music. We campaign with the plan. Upper case T, upper case P, the plan we're expected to defend the plan. Oh, the possibilities are immense. Whatever you want to do, you can do. I eat no for breakfast. Young men of color, black men is not, it's not just a barbershop. You know, a couple of hairs is Indian, right? We got these brothers out there. It's one brother who's doing a lot of work on space. You are sorry, I got to stop it. Oh, also, Chris. I forgot which one I had you. And there's one on the soundboard here labeled truth, and I'm so excited. I feel like it's Christmas morning. I forget what it is. No, don't tell me. Don't tell me. All right. Are you ready? Here it is. I think our reverence for the truth might have become a bit of a distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done. I'm glad that one's on there, but that's not near as funny as I thought it was going to be. This is this one may never be as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. Hey, Jesse, please mention mention this on your show like every single day. She says, we live in the ninth largest county in Florida, rural, totally red, but we just had a primary this week and only 36% of registered voters who were eligible to vote turned out to cast your vote. Please tell your listeners to get out and vote even if their area is blood red. Please. I love your show. You're the best since rush. Oh, man, I am very frustrated with this. And I'm frustrated that it's taking so long to get people woken up. Show up and vote. Show up and vote. Your vote is the only political power you have. Use it. Even if you're in a red area, you know, I was talking to a lady today. Her name is get this. Her name is Lindsey Graham. Don't know. She's the good one. She's the good one. Not the senator. Not not Lindsey Graham. No, she's much more masculine than him, even though she's lovely. Don't get me wrong, but either way, Lindsey Graham's her name. And she was she owned a hair salon. She's a mom. She owned a hair salon in Oregon. Not a political person at all. Tried to open her salon during the COVID tyranny. Of course, the savages made her life miserable ends up packing up. She leaves. She heads to Arizona. Now that's good thing. That's something I've encouraged you to do. But what's the second part of that? What else do I say? Do I say leave a blue area for a red area? And did I say stop there? No, I say move and become an activist. She left being a non-political person. She left Oregon and moved to Arizona. And she's chosen to get involved in political activism. And she's killing it down there in her community. And I asked her point blank today. I said, Hey, has it been rewarding? Has it been awful? What's it? What's it been like? We're talking a two year transition here from someone who I don't really care about politics to she's showing up at city council meetings now. School board meetings now. Has it been rewarding? And she said, it's been amazing, purposeful, rewarding. It's not enough to just vote, even get involved in your community. As far as the voting goes, drag friends, family members in neighbors along with you. I have, I'll tell you right now, I have. Let me check the data. I don't want to speak out of turn. Yup, next Wednesday, next Wednesday night. When I get off work, I'm going to somebody's home in my community because there are four people running to flip the school board in my town, four people and all four of them. They're normal people who've had enough of wretched filth in schools of the anti white crap of the tranny crap of the anti America stuff. And they had enough and they're getting involved. And I promise you next Wednesday, when I get off work, not that I have a hard job, right, I've talked on the radio, when I get off work, I am not going to feel like going to a freaking house party. I'm sure there'll be 10 of us there to hear some speeches in a living room from awkward school board parents. I don't want to. I'm going because I feel like I have to. It's my community, my town, my school district. I feel obligated to do it. And so I'm doing it. You do it too. You can do it and you can bring a friend that the problem for you is this. The problem for me is this. We are the active ones. You and me were active. We have to be the leaders in our friends circle. We have to be the leaders in our family circle. And everyone approaches this a different way. I'll tell you right now. I know you're going to be shocked, but I'm a jerk about it with my friends now. I try to be nice about it. I try to be cool about it, trying to get them out to vote in local elections. Hey, guys, that's a funny football joke just to heads up the elections tomorrow. And I have lamented to you before how they just ignore it. I'm not nice about it at all. I'll just abuse people now. I'm not saying you have to do that. I approach my friends a different way, but I'll just tell them, hey, Mark, you vote, you vote today, right? I'm not really sure. Yeah, it's only your community. Why bother with it? I'm sure you got more important things going on. What are you going to do, Mark? Got too many beers to drink. You can't go down and vote. You can go vote, go vote. Oh, I will, Chris. You know what Chris is laughing as he knows. I'm telling the truth. I will. I'll just abuse you now, but you do what your own way. You know how to deal with your own friends, your own family members, but you actually have a, you have more of a burden than normal people do because you're the informed, you're the involved, you have to lead. And this is not just apply to men or women, kids, you too. Even if you can't vote yet, you're listening right now. You're learning. I don't care if you're five years old. You're learning. You are going to have to be a leader as you get older amongst your friends. You, not the person next to you, you are going to have to lead. We have to lead, right? If you're not ready for that, get some chalk. Chocking gets you ready. I'm ready. Now, I've been on a male vitality stack for probably three years now. So when I say I'm ready, I mean, I'm really, really, really, really, really ready. Maybe that's why I've ended up getting so aggressive with my friends. Either way, fellas, you need testosterone. It's for more than just making babies with your wife. Testosterone is for your mind, your mind and your energy levels need it. They are craving it, go get a male vitality stack subscription. And ladies, you are not left out and forgotten. Go get a female vitality stack subscription. Natural herbal supplements will change your life for the better. Give it 90 days. If you feel like you're going to feel like I think you're going to feel. Keep going. You don't cancel it and never think about it again. It works. C-H-O-Q dot com promo code Jesse. Chuck dot com promo code Jesse. Miss something. There's a podcast getting on demand. Webber podcasts are found. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. Yeah, I'll, one more word along those lines. I mentioned it earlier in the show about moving from a blue state to a red state. And then I touched on this story. But Honolulu police chief of Honolulu was happy to announce. This is from red state. If you want to go read about it was happy to announce that it didn't matter. If you have a license to carry a gun and you're defending yourself and are in fact stopping a mass shooting on your own property, you'll be arrested for murdered. A few days ago, the following happened. Three people were killed and two injured in a shooting at a home stemming from a dispute between neighbors on Saturday night. And why Naya in the West Oahu community, the shooter was also fatally shot by a resident who was arrested on a second degree murder charge. Quote in Hawaii, we are a non stand your ground state. Even if you have a license to carry, even if you're an individual that discharges a firearm that is involved in injuring another person, you're going to be arrested. That's the direct quote. Something to consider if you're stuck in an area where you're not allowed to defend yourself, something I'm considering is being an explorer. So I saw this news today about the headline is a Chinese icebreaker mission to the Arctic is a clear signal of Beijing's polar ambitions. One, you think you've done brave things in your life. Imagine going to the Arctic on Chinese made stuff. Man, that would suck. Those guys, I'm not totally sure they're going to be coming back. So best of luck, but you are. We're never going to see you again. That's one, but I really want to be an explorer. I've been thinking about this for a long time. What do you mean? What, Chris, where would you go? Anywhere, you don't have to go somewhere special. One, you can lie about wherever you go. And yeah, there's nothing you can't accomplish, Chris, if you're not willing to lie about it, but I think specifically the Arctic in the polar ice caps. Yes, no, I know it's cold. I understand it's cold, Chris. They have all kinds of long johns and stuff like that. Now where you can stay extra warm, that's one, two. Do you have any idea how ruggedly manly I would look if I was in? I would get a bear cloak. Remember the bear cloak that I've always wanted? And then I would have no goggles. I would I would just I would have like the bear cloak with the bear head over my over the head to keep my head warm and my eyebrows and my beard would be crusted with ice and it would be the new logo for the show. And how sweet would that look? How are you not support? I know we need to go to the Arctic and I don't I don't care whether it's I'll go North Pole, I'll go South Pole. I don't care where it is. I'll go explore and I'll always walk around with one of the ice pick things and everyone looks like a man. Would you have the ice pick things on there? Yeah, absolutely in snow shoes. I can do this. I can absolutely do this. I'm telling you this would be great for the show. We can do this after we do the World War two tour. We are going to need some time off. So just the heads up corporate, we're going to need a year or so as we get. Well, Chris, we have to train and get ready. Are you coming? I feel like you should come along. No, I know that you don't like it when it gets cold. We're going to need it. We're going to have to budget for this, pal. And that's where you're going to come in, right? We're going to need to save. We have to save money. Jesse, we know price controls on food are a very bad idea. Will voters who are against Trump but know how economy works change their vote knowing Kamala will turn the country into Venezuela? Well, that's a question, isn't it? How do you vote? Why do you vote? What determines your vote? You vote logically. You think about things logically. You vote or don't vote logically. I've played how many men on the street segments have we played for you? Of dome voters who can't explain at all why they want to vote for dome. She's the first woman. It's time for a change. She's going to get it's all just platitudes. And we did show on this last week. Reality for some people. It's different than your reality. It's different than the reality, I should say. There's reality. And then there's an alternate reality where you think things where you've been so dumb down in program that you think things like Kamala Harris's sex. You think that matters. You think the fact that she's a woman is somehow important to the job. That's crazy to you. That's crazy to me, but there are millions of Americans who've been dumbed down and programmed in our education system. It's not crazy to them. What is crazy is not emailing in your ask Dr. Jesse questions for tomorrow. Get those emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly And now he's a headline. Go. You know this. You know the thing headlines we didn't get to. He did not complete the degree program. Tim Walz repeatedly claimed he was nearly finished with the doctorate years after he disappeared from the university. This guy's entire life is a fabrication. It is wild man alive. Kamala Harris says she's supported increased drilling as VP. Her administrative administrative administrations. And why can't talk their own data shows leasing is at record lows? Again, just the truth isn't in them. This is the actual FBI director's official response to foreign adversaries meddling in America democracy. He said, what did he say to him? Don't or something along those lines. It was it was pathetic. Don't do. Oh, yeah, just don't. What's what's his statement? That's the director of the FBI. Oh, my gosh, we were in so much freaking trouble. House panels, subpoenas, governor walls, an investigation of massive pandemic fraud scheme in Minnesota. I almost forgot Tim Walz took a bunch of a bunch of pandemic money and handed it out to friends and family and pretended like it was for the public health, of course, Trump really shot question mark. Amazon's Alexa's answer was so off. Amazon responded. Kind of makes you think about all those history books that you've been reading your whole life, doesn't it? You watch them all the alter reality now, change what is real now. Hide the truth now. What does that tell you about history? And what we know does make things interesting, doesn't it? Barack Obama, Obama's mother, brother, why can't I talk? His brother Malik endorses Trump 2024. Yeah, Obama and his brother have never really gotten along. This has been a podcast from W.O.R.