Jesse Kelly Show

Georgia School Shooting...Trump-Harris Debate on September 10th

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05 Sep 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun... For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary, VGW Group, void rep prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renters Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify Tenants, check. Rent Collection, check. Maintenance Coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners Warehouse. Hey, gorgeous. It's Paris Hilton. Get the party started with my new album, Infinite Icon Out Now, and stream the new single, Bad Bitch Academy. I wanted this album to be an escape. Take people to a happy place where they can heal and party in equal measure. And most of all, be your own unapologetic icon. Listen on iHeartRadio and visit to order the album, sponsored by 11/11 Media. This is a podcast from WOR. The Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun. On a Wednesday, you have done it. You have arrived at hump day, so put a smile on your face the week is already more than halfway over. And it's going to be an amazing night tonight on the Jesse Kelly Show. We're going to discuss something that sounds so James Bondish. I can't even take it. Counterintelligence. Doesn't that sound good? I should have gone into counterintelligence, Chris. I would have been great at it. I'm not even sure totally what it means, but I'd be awesome. What, Chris? No, I didn't almost get picked for counterintelligence. That was intelligence. That's another story, Chris, whatever. That's another, that's another story. I'm going to talk about a concern I have right now about the presidential race, more specifically a concern I have with the system because I see things are going, well, it feels like it's going well. We'll talk about that. People paying their power bills or not paying their power bills. Trende Aragua, the Venezuelan gang continues to take over American cities. All that emails, so much more coming up tonight on the world, famous Jesse Kelly Show. I want to talk first about something. And I realize I'm about to talk about something that I'm going to tell you I'm not going to talk about. So I don't know whether that makes me a liar or a hypocrite, but I need to explain something because the show is growing and obviously we're thrilled about that. But that means is we have a lot of new listeners to the show. So I need to explain. I know there was a shooting today. I know there was a school shooting today. I do not do have never done and will never do mass shooting radio. Even if it happens while we're on the air, I may mention it because I don't want you to be out of the news if it's something major drops like that. I don't want you to have to change the channel or be out of the news. So I may mention it, but I don't sit down ever and break down mass shootings. I don't politicize them. I don't believe in it. I believe it is an evil thing to do. And I need to explain why before I get to what they're doing about today, but I need to explain why for those who are new listeners. There is a time for everything as the Bible tells us contrary to what your feminized pastor and skinny jeans has told you, did you know there's actually a time for war? There's a time for peace. There's a time for love. There's a time for hate. These are things that are written in the Bible. Did you know this? There's a time for everything different times required different things. And do you know, have you ever read or watched documentaries on the various ways, the completely different ways, different societies throughout history have had funeral services in some, some it's crazy. Some it's cool. Vikings will put you on a boat and like the boat on fire, granted it's not, not that great for the people that burned to death with the carcass. But you know what I mean. And sometimes it's that sometimes in our culture, it's more, it's very common to take the dead body and bury it, maybe even cremation, Egyptian culture, they're, they're, they're mummifying things. And in culture after culture, tribe after tribe throughout history, there is a morning process, whatever that process may be. Maybe you wear all black for a week. Maybe everyone in your family does. Maybe this is more of an Irish thing. And again, I'm a Kelly. So I'm more familiar with this. Maybe it's a huge rager at your wake. Maybe it's beer and whiskey and fun. Everyone does it different, but the point is everyone does it. Why? Why is that a thing at all? Because morning, morning, something terrible, morning, a loss is a necessary part of the human condition. You were built to need a morning process in the wake of terrible things happening. So when something horrible happens. A mass shooting, a landslide, a boat, Rick's, I don't know, I don't care what it is. When something terrible happens and there's a loss of life coming together with other people and just being sad together is important. It's not, it's not like a ridiculous side thing. It's important. It's part of how you heal. It's part of how we heal as a society. When there's a loss in your neighborhood and your family, it's important to be there for someone. Maybe being there means you're making a casserole and bringing it over. Maybe it means you're bringing them a beer. Maybe it means you're just sitting there quietly. Maybe it means you're coming together and you're praying and being sad and crying. But even that is beneficial. The morning process, there is a time for it. It's important to mourn. And when something awful happens like kids dying, you tear a society apart. If you deny them the morning process by politicizing it, I hate Barack Obama for many many reasons, but I have said many times and I'll say it again, the worst thing he did of all the things he's done. The absolute worst thing he did is he is the Democrat who mainstreamed the idea that you should grab guns and politicize every mass shooting. That is not something that was common before Barack Obama, Republicans didn't do it, Democrats didn't do it now, no matter what, they all do it. Every single Democrat in the country does it. Every media apparatchik does it that this is we've gotten so used to it. We're so conditioned to this that we don't even really digest how evil and demonic and despicable it is for the White House to come out when kids have just died and do this. We continue to call on Congress to do something, to do something. We need universal background checks. We need ban to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines require safe storage of firearms, invest in violence prevention programs and pass a national red flag law. Enough is enough and I cannot say this enough, which is enough is enough. We cannot allow this to happen in our communities. That is so profoundly evil because, you know, I know, you're not stupid. Corinne diversity hire, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, these people are not torn up in some way about a school shooting. A school shooting is simply an opportunity. Everything for these people is an opportunity to move the ball forward for all their commie dreams and once they started doing that, now that that is just the norm in this country, it has denied this country the ability to come together. A huge part of why we are so divided is because this is how communists operate no matter what happens. Now they'll do this for hurricanes. A hurricane could wipe out 5,000 people. They'll run to the camera and a heartbeat and blame your SUV for it. Everything for them is an opportunity instead of just being sad. You know what you should hear from the president in the wake of a mass shooting? It should be 30 seconds of the president stepping up to the microphone and saying, we are praying for these families. We hope the community can come together, support each other, pray for each other. I, the president of the United States of America, I will be praying for you when I feel the time is appropriate. I will reach out to the families to give them my best, but I just want to encourage every American today come together with your neighbor. No matter the party, no matter the religion, no matter the race, come together with your neighbor and pray and mourn and be sad. It is a terrible day and I'm sad. Thank you. God bless you. God bless America. That should be the only thing you ever hear from a politician when children have just died. Instead, you get this filled. We continue to call on Congress to do something to do something. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless earnings. Sound complicated? Renters Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to Renters for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners Warehouse. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. Oh no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes that up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. This is issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval, offer subject to change, terms apply. Hey gorgeous, it's Paris Hilton. Get the party started with my new album, Infinite Icon Out Now, and stream the new single Bad Bitch Academy. Welcome to the Bad Bitch Academy. I wanted this album to be an escape. Take people to a happy place where they can heal and party in equal measure, and most of all, be your own, unapologetic icon. Listen on iHeartRadio and visit to order the album, sponsored by 11/11 Media. Deciding on what to listen to is hard. Using Zuma to stream music from iHeart90's radio is easy. Or play iHeart Country, or hip hop beats. Your choice, all for free. Stream easy with Zuma play. Get live and on-demand entertainment with no logins, no signups, no accounts, no hassle. In September, have movie night with the blockbuster hit Godzilla, and Resident Evil starring Mila Jova-Vitch and Michelle Rodriguez, streaming free on Zuma Play. Go to now. Life is hard. Zuma is easy. And it is tearing this country apart. And of course, that's the intention, right? That's why they do it. The destruction is intentional. And that is why I do not politicize mass shootings, pray for those families. They are gutted beyond belief right now. Say a prayer, mourn a bit, now let's move on and do some other things, shall we? And I will keep my eyes open for any kind of support, way you can support, maybe even financially support. I don't know of anything yet. If there's something that can be done for the families in the wake of this, and I find out about it, and I verify that it's legitimate, I will pass that along. I don't know anything right now to say a prayer, all right? And that's part of the reason I talk to you so often about tunnel to towers as well. It's a support system for people who've had that, that knock at the door. Everyone with a loved one, a husband, a wife, a child, a mother, a father, it goes through their head that, what if I get that knock at the door? And I, and I find out dad's never coming home. Mom's never coming home again. Tunnel to towers is a support system. Families who go through that, they lean on there for gold star families and fallen first responder families. If dad's a cop and he gets ambushed by Trende Aragua in New York City, well, who's there for his widow and child? Tunnel to towers is helping. That's where your money goes. I just want you to know that. And unlike so many of these other companies, they don't take your money and run 95 cents, more than 95 cents of every dollar goes right to its programs. That's unheard of. 11 bucks a month is what they ask for tea, the number two T dot org, T to T dot org. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday, reminding you, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. I almost forgot. I have a couple of guests I need to announce. So next hour, I was talking about counter intelligence at the opening of the show. Next hour, we have this former spook who's going to join the show, Jay, Michael Waller, and he's going to talk about counter intelligence. How do we counter all these chai comms in field trading our politics? So that'll be fun. Final hour. We have Daniel Turner. I know it's a weird two guests day. We have Daniel Turner coming on. There's information out there about power bills. Why is power so expensive? I want to, I want to dig into some things with him, but let's set that aside because I feel good and terrible about the same thing that ever happened to you. The same thing I feel great about and I feel terrible about. So let me just go ahead and tell you what that thing is. It feels like Trump is winning. Momentum is one of those things that really nobody can define it. Nobody has ever come up with a solid way to create it or stop it. You know what exists. It's true. It's real. I still can't explain it. Anyone who watches sports knows it. Anyone who watches sports knows it. Everybody's watched their team come from behind and even when they're still down, you can feel it. Oh man, we're going to come back or even worse. Everyone's watched their team blow a big lead and even before they've lost the lead, you can feel it coming and you're nervous and why are you nervous? You're ahead, but you can feel the momentum and you know everything's going against you. Right now it feels like all the momentum is on Trump's side. Why would I be afraid of that? Well, I'll get to that in just a moment, but that's how it feels. It feels like it's Trump's. I'm looking at a headline here, Trump outperforming his 2020 sport among Hispanics who even prefer him over immigration. Here's another headline. Donald Trump narrowly leads Harris in Michigan. Donald Trump probably should not be leading Harris at all in Michigan. It's thought of as a purple state. It's really not anymore. It's probably a blue state looks like he's at least going to be competitive there. Remember Michigan will be no matter what happens, Michigan will be more blue this November than Pennsylvania. And if Trump wins Pennsylvania and sweeps the Sun Belt, he doesn't even need Michigan. He can sweep the Sun Belt when Michigan he's press or when Pennsylvania and he's president again. Oh, the momentum feels like it's going his way and it feels like the system knows. It I'll get to that point apart in a moment. But like here, dear basketball is most graceful loser. Being in California, I'm surprisingly seen a swing in local support for Trump or at least people are brave enough to voice against Biden Harris. This guy even says it too seems like the momentums in our favor for once, but I'm paranoid. Talking politics with with family gives me hope. I feel the sunrise won't be enough. Let's say you says you're my favorite journalist, author on the year. What Chris, it says his name is Mark. Okay. I feel it too. And then let's talk about the debate though. I'll get to the negative part of this, but let's talk about the debate. September 10th is the debate next week. Did you watch domes interview when she sat down with Dana Bash on CNN? For her, Tim Walls, they sat down. It's their first and only interview they've done. They sat down with Dana Bash and had this softball interview. I'm not going to play the audio because I don't care about that. That's not my point. You'd have to see what I'm talking about to know it. So if you're not looking at anything right now, just allow me to explain. Dome brought notes. Now this was the softball interview of the year. Dana Bash is a communist. She wanted dome to look good and dome sat down with notes, talking points. And if you're watching the interview, you will see her several times after being asked the softball question that she definitely had leaked to her ahead of time. As she's speaking, she's looking down, reading her answer from the notes she brought. If you're watching on the simulcast, remember you can watch me do this show on the first TV. You can watch me do the radio show. This is what it looked like. She's sitting there the whole time and she's giving her answers like this and her face, her eyes are very clearly down on the desk as she reads the answer. Dome doesn't know anything about anything. And she knows she doesn't know anything about anything. So she had to read the answers on a softball interview. Well, September 10th is not very far away. Six days, dome has to get on stage on ABC with no notes. No notes are allowed. And they are cutting off the microphones. She is trying to pull every string to get those mics turned back on so Trump can interrupt her. But if the mics stay off, then Trump can't interrupt her. And she has no notes, not only is all the momentum with Trump now. On September 11th, the likely scenario is we're all waking up talking about the bloodbath of Trump crushing Harris on national television. Sounds good, right? It's encouraging. There's two, but it's also very bad and very scary. And I will explain why in a moment before I do that, you better get your mind right for this next conversation and your mind can't possibly be right. If your T levels are low, gentlemen, that's why you're weak and scared. I'm kidding. You're not weak and scared, but is your mood down a lot? Just I'm really asking you, are you down inexplicably sometimes? You're sitting around and all of a sudden you just blow. You understand that that could very well be testosterone. You need testosterone to feel good. Your mind needs it. I don't care your age, T levels are dropping and dropping quickly in this society. You have to fight against that without sticking a needle in your arm. That's what a male vitality stack from chalk is all about. Natural herbal supplements, 20% increase in your T levels in 90 days. Go to, C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse, go get your stack and we'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday a hump day. All right. So I just was going over in case you're just now joining us. It feels like just how it feels to me. It feels like all the momentum is with Trump and it feels like Harris is sliding backwards, losing round. How it feels. And now we have the debate coming. This debate is a very big deal. It's September 10th, ABC. It's a very big deal because dome is going to have to perform in a way she can't. She just doesn't have the skill set. She can't speak about issues intelligently. She has to read things or she has to do that. You go girl. Yes, queen thing. I'm speaking, I'm speaking and she's not going to have that opportunity because the mics will be muted. She is up there like a baby deer trying to take its first steps on the ice. What if Trump shows up at that debate disciplined like he was at the last time on message makes everything immigration inflation, immigration inflation, immigration inflation, what if he stays on message and she looks like a lost puppy up there and that is the likely outcome from that debate. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream, collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price, then there is cleaning, staging, repairs and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites. And schedule kettle showings. Oh, don't be a sweet answer for you. Make sure you have the least opportunity to pay attention. Whew! Sound complicated? Renners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do West. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to Renners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renners Warehouse. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get Lucky today at As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval, offer subject to change, terms apply. Hey gorgeous, it's Paris Hilton. Get the party started with my new album, Infinite Icon Out Now, and stream the new single, Bad Bitch Academy. I wanted this album to be an escape, to take people to a happy place where they can heal and party an equal measure, and most of all, be your own, unapologetic icon. Listen on iHeartRadio and visit to order the album, sponsored by 11/11 media. Deciding on what to listen to is hard. Using Zoom out of stream music from iHeart90's radio is easy. Or play iHeart Country, or hip-hop beats, your choice all for free. Stream easy with Zumo Play. Get live in on-demand entertainment with no logins, no signups, no accounts, no hassle. This September, have Movie Night with the blockbuster hit Godzilla, and Resident Evil starring Mila Jova-Vitch and Michelle Rodriguez, streaming free on Zumo Play. Go to now. Life is hard. Zumo is easy. Well that's good, isn't it? That's good, it should be good. Why would I be worried about that? Well, do you remember what happened the day after the Joe Biden debate? I mean, forget the day after the night of the Trump Biden debate. When Trump got up there and finally all the norms found out that this guy's been half dead for four years, the night of the debate. There was widespread panic in the system. They were calling for Joe Biden to step down that night. I never do this anymore. I stayed up to midnight that night with my wife. Why? What were we doing? Was it a rager? No. I couldn't turn off CNN. Watching the commies cry and weep and gnash their teeth. It was a eulogy for Joe Biden that night. The system went into panic mode and what happened after that? About five minutes later, Joe Biden steps down. Joe Biden gets pushed out by the system. The system will do dramatic drastic things in order to maintain the power structure the way they have it right now. What happens on September 11th, the day after the debate, if the system wakes up and Kamala Harris, who's already sliding backwards in the polls, what if she got up on that stage and pooped her pants the way Joe Biden did? Do you think the system is going to give up shrug at shoulders? Oh, well, hey, we gave it a shot. Do you think these people who've convinced themselves and every Democrat in the country that Trump will end democracy or whatever stupid new thing they're saying now? Do you think the people who run things are going to go all in with a different way to stop the election of Donald Trump? Well, you'd be naive if you thought they were going to just let this go. They're going to go all in. Now, what does that mean? I don't know. Donald Trump has a sentencing hearing on September 18th in New York. I do not anticipate him being sent to jail unless they want to kill him, then they might send him to jail. Okay. So what if they just put him under house arrest, a possibility? What if what if they choose not to certify the election? You think do you think Democrats are like Republicans? Republicans would never ever in a million years take that step. Democrats wouldn't hesitate to take that step. After all, when you're stopping Hitler, when you're saving democracy, you can break every law, break every norm. They've been doing it. My gosh, Jamie Raskin, we played it for you many times. He practically said that's what they intend to do. What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly. And the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is section three of the 14th Amendment, which they're just disappearing with the magic wand, as if it doesn't exist, even though it could not be clearer what it's stating. And so, you know, they want to kick it to Congress. So it's going to be up to us on January 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions, all because the nine justices, not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do, a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means. Do you think the Democrats in Congress would have the tiniest hesitation to de-certify the election they lost? That's something they could do. Oh, and there's another thing they could do. I'll get to the worst thing. The Biden administration has just announced a major effort. What's that effort about this is being described by our sources as a whole. The goal of government action designed to target Russian propaganda and disinformation aimed at interfering in the 2024 election is said to include sanctions by the Treasury Department, law enforcement action by the Justice Department. And one of the focuses is on RT, formerly known as Russia today, that network of Russian government funded English language websites and television platforms that was flagged all the way back in 2017 by the US intelligence community as a vehicle for Russian disinformation and election interference. And at that time, the Justice Department required RT to register as a foreign agent. We remains to be seen exactly what actions the U.S. does it sound like they're paving the way to claim once again that Trump was a Russian agent, that Russia colluded to elect Donald Trump. Do I need to remind you they did that after 2016 CNN. They just rehired somebody who they rehire, Brian Stelter. Why would you hire that talentless potato? Why would you hire him when his ratings were so bad he got fired the last time? Well, Brian Stelter did have a specialty. And his specialty was falsely reporting on Russian collusion. Maybe the system is intending to not allow Trump to be president by accusing him of being a Putin puppet again. And all these were the nice things they might be planning. They're planning something. If it's September 11th and don't embarrass herself on ABC, I promise you they're going to plan something. Did you hear Josh Hawley on Fox? Most of the agents who were there at that rally in Butler were not Secret Service agents. They were in fact Homeland Security agents and get this. Most of those Homeland Security agents. The only training that they received was an online webinar, a two hour online webinar. And I'm told that about half the time the sound to the webinar didn't even work. So think about this, the President United States, former President of the United States, Donald Trump is sent out on stage. Most of the people there aren't trained. They're not qualified. They only got a webinar training and even that didn't work. It is absolutely outrageous. You're saying and if we're to believe that there's this big Iranian threat, that this is coming down the pipe. The federal government who has been charged with protecting Donald Trump's life. They rolled out a bunch of paper pushers at Homeland Security after a two hour webinar to quote protect him last time. And if he doesn't turn his head to look at an immigration poster, his brains are being scraped off the stage in Pennsylvania. But if the system wakes up on September 11th and decides, well, it's time to pull out all the stops, I am encouraged by the momentum and I want you to be encouraged by it. But I am also worried what very evil people might do if they think the show is about to end. Something to think about. All right. We're moving on. Let's do some emails. I also want to do this. I want, I want your dog to live for years longer than it would right now. If you are feeding your dog dog food every meal, then your dog will die sooner than it should die. That's just look, it's human nature. It's the nature of life. I shouldn't say human nature is basic biology. You need things, living things need things. You need vitamins and minerals and things like that. Your body needs those things. Your dog does too and your dog never gets those things from its dog food and along comes the wonderful miracle that is rough greens created by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black, this green powder packed full of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, put it on your dog's food. Watch your dog be healthier, live longer, go to for a free jumpstart trial bag or call 83333 my dog. We'll be back. True. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday a hump day and don't forget asked Dr. Jesse Friday is coming soon. Get your emails in love. Hey, death threats asked Dr. Jesse questions, email those all in to Jesse at Let's do a bunch of emails tonight, shall we? Jesse, I had to pull over because I was laughing so hard. I think you've missed a few chock doses all professional advice is leave the nipple alone for another week. It will be good and infected and the splinter will flow out. This is from a registered nurse. Well, first of all, I confided in you that story about having the splinter last night and I was hoping that you would be so much nicer than you have turned out to be. Every single person who is emailed into the show, one, you all laughed. You're all laughing at me the whole time and that's hurtful. You did. There were some, there were some suggestions that I thought were helpful. Like that's a good suggestion from this lovely lady, a registered nurse. Some of you, especially the dudes, tell me to put duct tape on there and rip it off. What kind of a sick freak. You guys are, that's just not very nice. Jesse, as I listen to your TV show, why are you listening to the TV show? Aren't you watching the TV show? It doesn't make sense. What Chris? Oh, I guess, okay, I guess maybe they podcast, okay, whatever. As I listen to your TV show, well, here we go. I love this. If you feel offended, you are calling Kamala Harris a communist just because of her policies. But never did you speak about Trump and how he inflated the economy. He gave money to unemployment without knowing where it would come from. Is it that men are so afraid of a woman being in charge? Okay. Okay. So I think, I think first we need to just clear something up for this dirty communist who emailed in. Listen to me, communist, I don't care that you're offended. And it's not just because you're a communist, because you're a communist, I don't care about anything you say, but you should know that even people on the right, and there have been many who email the show offended by one of the various rude things I say. I tell them all the same thing. I don't care. The problem is you, you've been raised in a society where being offended has become currency. You are used to living in a society where you will tell someone that and you're used to getting action from them. You're used to your offense becoming an action item for someone else, but you are barking up the wrong tree with that stuff, Jack. I don't give a crap how offended you are. If you're offended, it's because you're either a too sensitive or be insecure in what you believe. Did you know this communist? Did you know? Did you know that you can't possibly offend me? You know that? You could email in and say the worst things possible about me, my face, my balding head, my wife, my kids, my beliefs, you could insult my own mother and it wouldn't offend me even a little bit. It wouldn't bother me at all. There are two reasons for this. One, because I think you are scum sucking vermin and I don't care about anything you say. Two, I am so confident in the things I believe that your opinion of those things means nothing to me. Nothing. Have you ever seen an earthworm after it rains? You ever seen an earthworm trying to slither across the sidewalk after it rains and instead it's shriveling up and it's laying there dying? I want you to imagine that earthworm develops a voice and as you're walking by, the worm tries to tell you that it doesn't like your hair. How little you would care about the earthworm's opinion? That's how little I care about you being offended. Is that clear? I just want to make sure that is crystal clear. I don't care about you being offended. That's one. Two, you said you never speak about Trump and inflated the economy. I speak for four hours every day, three hours on the radio, one hour on television and occasionally I'll put up little mini videos online, I'll be doing that a lot more if you want to go subscribe to my YouTube or rumble channel just at or whatever it is. I'll be doing even more. But whatever, I speak for four hours a day and so just allow me to lay this out no matter who you are listening right now. Be very, very careful ever saying to me, you never said or you never say because I say a lot. Are you sure I've never said anything about that? I've never said anything about the huge spending that happens under Republicans, the inflationary spending and money printing. Money printing. Are you sure about that? No, you're not sure. But you decided to make a statement about something you weren't sure of. So you might want to not do that anymore. Clear? Savvy? See that? Look how nice that was, Chris. You got it. What? I, I educated that communist in the nicest possible way. That's who I am, Chris. You don't understand it. Allow me to explain what I do every day. I'm keeping it popping, Chris. You won't know anything about popping. Dear Oracle, I watch your show daily. I love it. Please give us your take on Yuri Besmanov, how we defected by living with the hippies, coming to the US from India and explaining the USSR 50 plan to defeat the United States from within. As it says, I can say his name, his name is Derek. Yuri Besmanov. All right. So we, we, we talk about Yuri Besmanov a lot on the show. I have actually a book for you. You may find interesting. You may not because it is a little long and a little too detailed, but the details are incredible. The book is called sword in shield, sword in shield. I read this book quite a while ago, in fact, I've read it twice. What it is, it really lays out the efforts from within the USSR to infiltrate the United States. Well, to infiltrate the West, I should say the United States, there's all kinds of British stuff in there, but to infiltrate the West. And I know your school teacher probably lied to you and told you Joe McCarthy was this paranoid nutball, but Joe McCarthy warned about the communist infiltration of this country. And if anything, he undersold it massively, not only to the Soviets did it. They were very, very purposeful about what they did. Pretty revealing book. All right. Let's talk about other things, shall we? As in, wait a minute, Mexico's busing the illegals to the border. Oh, wonderful. This has been a podcast from W O R. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. 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