Jesse Kelly Show

Illegal immigrants and crime

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) - This is a podcast from WOR. And it is the Chasie Kelly show. Let's have some fun on a Tuesday and it's an amazing Tuesday. I'm seeing some wonderful things, well, things that make me happy out of the Biden Harris administration slash campaign, whatever. I have things that I think are going poorly for them and I'm happy about it. We're going to get into that tonight. We're going to have a long talk about what's happening with the illegal 75% of violent crime in midtowns done by illegals. What's happening? What's the system doing and why would discuss it? We'll discuss communists committing horrible atrocities in self defense. We have some economic news with Peter saying on halfway through next hour and in the interest of bipartisanship, I'm going to pay Kamala Harris a real genuine compliment bleep. Yeah, I am Chris. You haven't even heard me say it yet anyway, all that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show before I get to any of that. I need to give you this little programming note yesterday. I'm aware was Labor Day. On those holidays, most of the time people who do what I do, they take it off because it's, it's just a day that people take off a work, they don't go to school. So the listenership goes way down. So that's a generally a day you take off. I don't like taking Labor Day off. So we came in. I did a long, long history show last night. It was on the Roman Empire, the battle of Actium, it's Mark Anthony and Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. And I had no earthly idea that you would enjoy it the way you very clearly enjoyed it. The emails are full at the excellent program tonight. I know your bread and butter is red meat near political, but history's your best work. Just yesterday's show was awesome. I feel bad for anyone who missed it. It was like the true story behind the Rome show on HBO, your history shows are great. It's email after email after email about it. So if you missed the last night's show, if you're hungry for history, just go download a podcast of it. It's very long. I will warn you, it's not a 10 minute history segment. I think I did like two hours or something. Anyway, I heart Spotify, iTunes, the podcast is right there. If you're a little older and not as technologically capable, ask your son, daughter, neighbor, I promise it's free. It's easy. Just pick up your phone and pimp and download it and you can go listen to it and enjoy some history. Now, let's have a talk there. The stories are growing and growing and growing about the crime, illegals are committing in the United States of America. We've talked about it extensively. We've talked about what's happening in places from New York City, Aurora, Colorado, Los Angeles, Seattle. We've talked about not just the crimes against the American people. We've talked about what it means to have your country flooded with foreigners, how it destroys the job market for Americans, the housing market for Americans, the medical, the medical cost. The medical costs are through the roof in part because of illegals. Did you know that? That's a fact. So yet all those things are here, but there are, there are stories out today, two different sounding stories, but they're actually very similar. So let's stick with the illegals for a moment. This is a story out of New York today. Listen to this. For so migrant crime is making up the majority of arrests in New York City. In fact, police report as many as 75% of the people they've arrested in Midtown, Manhattan for assault, robbery and domestic violence are illegal migrants, according to the New York Post, 60, 60% of those arrests of migrants are in Queens. 70, 5% of the arrests are illegal foreigners, people who aren't supposed to be here. People Democrats led in the country on purpose. People New York politicians have welcomed into the city. In fact, you want to hear some jaw dropping audio and I'm going to warn you, the audio quality is hot, stinky garbage, but the audio is so amazing. I have to play it for you. You're about to hear a citizen talking with a New York cop. Just listen to this exchange. I know it's bad. Turn up the radio. Chris enhanced the audio as much as he could. I have arrested. I've arrested in case you missed the end. This is the cop talking. I've arrested a double homicide suspect and let him go because we are a sanctuary city and we won't call ice. Okay. Now let's pair that with a story that will sound unrelated. It's the big story of the day today. Not one of the big stories of the day today. This is courtesy of the Tennessee star. I want to make sure they get credit because they've actually done some really great reporting on this. You remember that horrible school shooting in Tennessee. You remember the Nashville school shooting where the tranny walks into the Christian school kills these adorable kids, three nine year olds, three adult staffers. It was just that you remember it. I don't, we don't have to recap that horrible, horrible day where the steam and walked in and murdered a bunch of Christians. Today, today, what is, what is the day today, September 3rd is the very first day you have been able to read the manifesto left by the tranny shooter. And look, it's exactly what you would think it would be. It's awful. It's why does my brain not work right now because I was born wrong, calls herself the F word only. It's the old British word for a cigarette. It's awful, born in the wrong body. It's Christian hatred. Why what's wrong with me? Everyone hates me. I want to hurt people. It's the long, long ramblings of a very, very anti Christian, really anti everything mentally ill demon who just wants to hurt some people on her way out the door. It's exactly what you would expect from a psycho tranny killer's manifesto. But why, why did it take so long here? It's September 3rd, well, September 3rd, what this, this is from last year, March 27th of 2023 is when this attack took place, well, why did it take so long? Well, for the same reason that cop. It's double homicide suspects go for the exact same reason. You are seeing statistics nationally saying violent crime is down, but then you look into those statistics and you'll find out the places with the most crime, the large urban centers, the New York, Chicago's, LA's, they've stopped giving their violent crime data to the FBI. Now the American media and your liberal Aunt Peggy, they'll shout from the rooftops that crime is down when really major cities are obviously hiding said violent crime. You see, all these things are being done for the same reason. I let a double homicide suspect go. Oh, a trip. What's that? It's a killer. There's a tranny who hates Christians. Whoa. Hide that transcript. Oh man. Are violent crime numbers are way up. Hey, let's not report it to the FBI and we know the FBI will then turn around and tell the American people violent crime is going down. All these things are being done by the same people for the exact same reason and we're going to discuss that next before we do that. Let's talk about Americans. Because we have way, way, way too many people in this country who's loyalty. It's to something else, either it's themselves or to foreigners or to destroy in this country. But then there are companies like Pure Talk. You see, while other companies are firing as many of their American workers as possible and bringing in click click for 50 cents on the dollar, Pure Talk hires American citizens, American citizens who speak English. You, you have Verizon, AT&T or T-Mobile and you shouldn't. They outsource every single job they can while Pure Talks putting Americans to work. And when you talk to someone at Pure Talk as you switch your cell phone service, you will speak to a pleasant American. Oh, in the kicker at the end, if you'll pay way less, our bill got cut in half when we switched to Pure Talk. You're trying to save money right now, switch to Pure Talk. Pick up your phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly, switch to pure talk Jesse Kelly returns it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. I hope to get to a lot of those tonight and don't say that's the only good bagpipe you've ever heard. What is your problem? Chris, bagpipes are amazing. Bagpipes are amazing. You have no taste whatsoever, Chris. Anyway, let's get back to what we were discussing. So they're flooding our country with criminals. They're committing 75% of the crime in Manhattan. They're allowing covering, I shouldn't say allowing, they're covering for tranny killers. They're hiding their manifestos. These are all things that are happening. We have audio of a New York cop telling a citizen. He allowed a double homicide suspect to go free because it's a sanctuary city. What does all this mean? Where are we going? Well, it comes back to something we've discussed many times before the people who run the world. It is really, really a globalist thing. It's a globalist communist thing. Remember, communism was always supposed to be global. If you look at the chief globalists, like the Klaus Schwab's of the world, you will see he has a bust of Lenin on his on his bookshelf there. They're all communists, but they call them globalists, whatever it may be. They're people who don't believe in nations. They don't believe in citizenship. They don't believe in any of these things. These concepts are things they flatly reject. They want it's not a conspiracy theory. They want a one world government where they, the kings and queens are able to rule over us or to us to eat this, drive this, don't drive that, live here. You're not allowed to say this. That's the world these people see for themselves and they're out to make this happen. But they also understand as communists have always understood they cannot under any circumstances have enough people wake up to this fact. If enough people wake up to what is happening in time that will stop these people from their plans. Yes, they already know you're awake. They're aware of you. They're tracking your social media account. They're reading your text messages. They are aware of you for sure. What they don't want is you spreading it too far and too wide. And so they do things like arrest you, control you, censor you. That's why they do what they do because everything is based on keeping a large enough portion of the population, asleep to what they're doing and why they're doing it. That's why they will lie about everything at all times. They lie about everything. It also applies to COVID. Remember, remember this? This is a testimony. Here's a medical expert. Remember the CDC over and over again, we've seen something that goes far beyond using your best judgment with the information at hand. We've seen something which is unforgivable and that is the weaponization of medical research itself. The CDC putting out their own shoddy studies, like their own study on natural immunity looking at one state for two months. When they had data for years on all 50 states, why did they only report that one sliver of data? This will allow me to slice the giant database because it gave them the result they wanted. Same with masking study. Well, the data has now caught up in giant systematic reviews and public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people. They lied to the American people. You want to hear some more? All this is it's all tied together, all done for the same reason, all these evil people who run the world, they've all gotten together. They've decided they should rule. They know you won't like that. And so now they lie about everything at all times. The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government. Misinformation that COVID was spread through surface transmission that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity that masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades. Do you just ignore it? Not talk about it? That myocarditis was more common after the infection than the vaccine. Not true. It's four to 28 times more common after the vaccine. The young people benefit from a booster. Misinformation. Two top experts on vaccines quit the FDA in protest over this particular issue, pushing boosters in young, healthy people. The data was never there. That's why the CDC never disclosed hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under age 50. The vaccine mandates would increase vaccination rates. The George Mason University study shows it didn't. It did one thing. It created never vaxxers who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get. They're lying about everything at all times because they need your neighbor norm. They need him to stay asleep until they're done with their horrible plans. You have to remember, I have to remember these people lie about everything. Look they lie abortion is actually a great example of this. What do they call it? Women's women's reproductive rights. What a term. What a term. Did you know? Did you know that babies feel pain in their mother's womb? Now with the benefit of technology, you can see babies attempting to escape the tools that are killing them. Did you know that heartbreaking, isn't it, but it's real. Preborn is out there trying to stop this barbarism, this murder because that's what it is and they're trying to do it and being successful doing it by providing the gift of ultrasound to a mother who's about to abort her baby. Once she hears that heartbeat, it's I've told you it's from God. Once she hears that heartbeat, she becomes a mom in that moment and you are the one providing those ultrasounds 28 bucks is what it costs for that ultrasound. Give whatever you can. All tax deductible, but 28 bucks and you buy a life, go to That's where you give, sponsored by preborn. All right. We will get back to this. I want to do some emails, but first, I think I have a sliver in my nipple and I have to tell you why. Hang on. See Kelly show on a Tuesday and do not forget if you miss any part of the show, including the long, long history segment. I did. We did some ancient Roman stuff last night. Go download the podcast, I heart Spotify iTunes before I get back to politics and the emails. So I've had some unorthodox injuries in my lifetime. There's no question about that. You remember when I told you about the sea urchin incident in Okinawa and then walking around with a sea urchin spine buried in the bottom of my foot for 17 years? That's real. That's a true story that happened. I have been hesitant to say anything to you about this for the level of embarrassment, but I think I have a splinter in my nipple and my left nipple. I know this is a personal discussion here, but well, here's what happened. This is a week, week and a half ago and I was out back in the yard and I was doing some, just trying to do some housework stuff, get some stuff tightened up a little. You know how it works when you're doing housework stuff or spraying stuff off and sweeping stuff off. Well, here we are in Houston and it's really, really hot and contrary to popular belief, the sun is actually quite good for you. So every now and then I like to go skins, his son's out, guns out, Chris. What Chris? I wanted to go skin. So I took my shirt off. I'm in the backyard. I'm a dude working in the backyard. I took my shirt off. I'm back there working shirtless in the backyard, me shorts shirtless and I'm doing my thing. Well, I noticed something sounds weird with the air conditioning system along the side of the house. And we don't have a ton of room along the side of the house and there's a wooden fence along that side of the house. And because I live in the swamp, notice Houston, Texas, wooden things tend to deteriorate fairly rapidly over time. So when I say wooden fence, it's going to depend which part of the country you live in. Maybe you have a different image than you should have. This isn't some fancy stained old oak wooden fence. It's a wooden fence, but it's a little flaky, if you will. Flaky is probably a good way I could put a little gray, a little flaky. But I need to get down to the side of the house. So I kind of start side stepping down the side of my house. In doing this, I'm facing the wooden fence. I'm shirtless. I'm facing the fence. I kind of put my heel, my right heel as I'm shimmying down to the side of the house. My right heel hits a rock that goes out from under my foot a little bit, nothing major. My foot stumbles and you know what an incredible athlete I am. I, of course, catch myself, but in so doing, I press against the fence without knowing it and I get this, oh, Chris, I know Chris is cringing in there. I go, oh, and I'm sitting there in the back and I'm holding my nipple, my left pack. I'm holding my left pack and then I'm looking around making sure none of the neighbors are looking at me holding it. And then I have to make a decision because it hurts. It's stinging at the time. I have to decide. Do I tell the wife about this? No, Chris, Chris said you have to tell her, you know, you know up, Chris. If I tell her, yeah, she's going to dig in and she's going to fix it and get some tweezers out. She's not going to be nice about it. She's going to laugh at me and she's going to bring it up. In fact, I still haven't told her. If she knows, it's because she's listening to the show right now. So I'm thinking, gosh, you know, it's probably nothing. There's probably nothing in there. I just scraped it. It'll go away. I convinced myself it's going to go away. No big deal. I finished up my yard work and it's still smarting a little bit, but I just throw on a shirt and I go and it's like, hey, sweetie, I'm like, hey, how's the ice maker still churning out some ice? So I changed the subject to something wonderful like my ice maker and I wake up the next morning and it still stings a little bit and I get in the shower and it still stings a little bit and this is it wasn't in this last week and so it was a week and a force. This probably a week and a half ago, dude, it hurts just as bad right now as it did that day. There's something in there. What Chris? I understand there are heavy metals in there, Chris. I know. It's not like I want it in there. How do you even you came and talk to anybody about this is that what am I supposed to? Am I supposed to go see a doctor? What am I? How do you even say that? Because you came and talked to a doctor anymore. It's going to be some 12 year old nurse and she's going to be like, what are you in for today? And then make you announce it in front of everyone in the lobby. And so you know, you know what I would do? I would say, well, I've got a, I've got a, I think I have a nipple injury. What am I supposed to say that? And she's going to say, I'm sorry. Could you speak up, sir? I can't hear you through my 42 masks and the bulletproof glass. And I'm going to say, I think I, I think I hurt my nipple and then she's going to want to ask why, how hurt is it and don't act like these medical people are all professionals. I know a bunch of doctors. I know nurses. I know people who work in hospitals, they all gather up in the little nurses room or wherever it is. And they have coffee and they laugh about the dude who came in with a nipple injury. And so now I'm sitting here in constant pain and I don't know what to do about it, but I know it stings and I need to get something out. You can't go to the life about this. So Chris, I think you're going to have to help why don't Chris, don't, don't walk away. Don't walk away. No, no, Chris, I think I'm going to need you here. Why can't this is about the show, Chris? This is about the show. We were never specific about what the job entails, Chris. You might know you might have to help here. Do you want me to take my shirt off right now? What? Why are you being like this? Why aren't you helping? I know it's on camera. Yeah. You're good point. It's on camera. But if I, what if I were to take my shirt off and maybe approach the camera? What if we have somebody medically can see something in there because that's the thing. I'm having to slink around the house as if I'm doing drugs. It was this morning I had, I had, I don't have a handheld mirror. I'm not a chick. So I had to go over to Rob's makeup area where she has all her makeup stuff on the counter like women do and she was doing laundry. She was, she was in the other part of the house. I had to fish through her makeup stuff, looking for something and out of mirror because women have mirrors on everything that is lying to walls with mirrors. And I defined this little mirror and I'm in the bathroom window this morning and I didn't want to lock the doors because that's even more suspicious if she tries to come in the bathroom. What are you doing in there? So I'm sitting there, I've got, I'm shirtless out of the shower and I'm up, I'm looking in the mirror and I have the portable mirror under there and I've got my head over my shoulders. I don't know. I don't know what to do, but I'm scared. I'm scared. What if, what if they have to amputate? I don't know how they amputate nipples, Chris. I've never run into this before. Okay. I'm not, I don't know what I'm going to do about the whole thing, but I know it's a very serious problem and I think you should help Chris will get some tweezers will, will need some pain medication because I'll be honest, I'm in quite a bit of pain right now. No, we're not going to drink Chris. This isn't the Marine Corps. We're going to use normal medical things and we have to figure this out. I don't know. Look, maybe chalk has something I can't say. I, I know that chalk has this amazing website with all these natural herbal supplements. You know, I personally take the male vitality stack, but chalk has a lot of things on there. Chalk, they have things for whatever you're looking for. I haven't seen, I just assumed I haven't seen. Is there a nipple splinter section of the website? I don't know. Maybe there is. Maybe there isn't. Go to right now and find out. Chris, actually, would you go to for me real quick and just do a search for nipple and see what you can find. Either way, I would recommend while you're on the website, May I recommend you do get a male vitality stack or a female vitality stack. Do you want a chest that's so swole your nipple rubs against the fence? Go to Get a subscription for a male vitality stack and raise your T levels by 20% in 90 days. promo code, Jesse. I know we need to get back to politics right now. In fact, we're going to, I'm, I'm very encouraged about something I'm seeing on the campaign trail. I'm trying not to be Mr. Sunny, Jesse, but I'm really, really starting to feel good about November and what's happening recently is making me feel better and better and better. You want to put a smile on your face? That was a lot of personal injury stuff. You want to put a smile on your face? Hang on, we're going to discuss it. Fighting for your freedom every day. It is the Jesse Kelly show, final segment of the Jesse Kelly show this hour. You still have a couple hours and before I forget halfway through next hour, Peter Saint on just going to join us. I know what a name. He sounds like royalty. Maybe he is royalty. Chris. Remind me. We have to ask him. Anyway, he is one of these economists. He's with the Heritage Foundation. Do you remember when I was talking about when COVID was happening, when the lockdowns were happening? Do you remember what I said about the real estate market, about the commercial real estate? Remember? Maybe you're a new listener and don't remember, but just a very quick 30 second recap. We completely reordered American society by telling everybody they should work from home. Well, those skyscrapers in big cities, no matter what the city is, almost all of those are businesses, commercial real estate businesses. A big company will buy the skyscraper. They will then rent out lease out the various buildings, various floors, I should say, to different businesses. If the businesses send all their employees home, then they no longer need to pay the ridiculous rent long story short. What I said was we are going to create a commercial real estate crisis where small banks, they're not going to be able to pay their bills because they've loaned out large amounts of money to commercial real estate people who can't pay their bills. And this is going to have a snowball effect that is going to be catastrophic for our economy. If you've listened for any length of time, you remember me talking about this during COVID. Well, you might want to buckle up for Peter St. Ange about halfway through next hour. And remember, you can email the show, love, hate, death threats, whatever you'd like, Jesse at now. I'm seeing some very, very thing, some things that are making me hopeful. I was about to call them good things, but they're not good things. It's terrible things from, from Dom's campaign Kamala Harris's campaign. First, Tim Wallace has been every bit the disaster I said he was. Remember what I said? I'm not so sure they're not going to drop him. They can't do that now because they had the convention. But before the convention, I said they might drop him. He's been that bad. Well, he's been that bad. He's from the state of Minnesota. That's where he was governor. The latest poll numbers suggest he brought down Dom's polling numbers in Minnesota. That is unheard of when you pick a vice president, when you're running for president and you pick a vice president, you always 100% of the time you expect a boost from whatever state that person has to be from. That is a built in recognition, a built in popularity with that person in that state. Even if the politician in that state is not thought of as being incredibly popular, a lot of people will vote for them just because they're from that state. So for instance, in this, in this, in this way, if you're in Minnesota, I'm not talking about you, but if you're a norm or if you're a norm in Minnesota, you might vote for Harris Walls, just because Walt is, Walt is a Minnesota and he's a Minnesota and he, that may be enough to bring you on to the Harris Wall's ticket and you're banking on that. If you're dumb, walls has done exactly the opposite. The exact opposite, he's brought her down and we have poll numbers showing the convention bounce. You're supposed to get a bump in the polls, the bounce you get from the, from the convention didn't happen. Dome is losing ground day by day and now she's reached such a level of desperation. She is so underwater with the Rust Belt states she needs their dragging poor Joe Biden off of the beach to try to campaign and it's going about as well as you think the manufacturing capital world. Where the hell is that written? We are the greatest manufacturing city or county in the world, state in the world. She's dragging out Joe Biden. Walls is bringing down her numbers. The convention bump as small as it was has already disappeared and Trump is getting all kinds of momentum, including from the look, the RFK endorsement was big. Things as of right now are going, well, they're going well. I am getting more and more hopeful about how November is going to turn out. And so put a smile on your face. Also, do I need to play this for you again about what's happening in the United States of America? So migrant crime is making up the majority of arrests in New York City. In fact, police report as many as 75% of the people they've arrested in Midtown, Manhattan for assault, robbery and domestic violence are illegal migrants. Did you see the video of the Venezuelan gang showing up outside of someone's apartment with weapons? Are you under the impression you're going to be the only armed person in a violent encounter you may have? You're not. They have guns too. Are you faster than they are? Are you deadlier than they are? And are you sure about that? Mantis X is here to make sure you are faster and deadlier a week from now than you are now a month from now, a year from now. Mantis X attaches to your weapon and you practice, you dry fire practice in your home. You don't have to leave your living room. Stay in the air conditioning, stay in the heat, keep the rain off. It's a great way to de-stress. You will watch your shooting improve by leaps and bounds. 90% of your practice should be dry fire practice. The Marines use Mantis X. Green berets use Mantis X. You go get a Mantis X. They'll send it to your front door. Whether you're a brand new shooter, whether you're a lifelong shooter. Mantis X dot com. All right. Mantis X dot com. All right, let's do some emails. Jesse, I love the history lesson tonight. Man, you guys really love last night, didn't you? Jesse, I love the deep dive in a Roman history. I love the show. Jesse. Okay. I need to once again tell you, if you know what the battle of Actium is, Julius Caesar after he died, there was a war, a war between Octavian Caesar's adopted son. In between Mark Antony, he was Caesar's top general. So Caesar's top general took on Caesar's adopted son. And the stakes of that war were this. Whoever won was going to pretty much be the dictator of Rome. And whoever lost was going to die. And that war was pretty much decided at the battle of Actium. It's not a battle unless you're a Roman nerd like I am or a history nerd like I am. A lot of people don't even know about this battle. Well, yesterday was Labor Day. And so it's kind of a different type day. A lot of people took the day off, had the day off of work in school. We decided we were going all in on history last night. Chris and I decided so we did two hours. The first hour, there's a bunch of politics, but two hours of the battle of Actium, the history behind it and all kinds of things. If you want to nerd out on some history, go podcast it. The iHeart Spotify iTunes. It's free. It won't cost you a dime. Just go to download the iHeart app or go to Spotify or go to iTunes. All these things are free. And just hit beep. That's probably the sound it makes. Chris, when you download it, you go beep and just download it right on your phone. Enjoy it at your leisure. Okay. Did the United States government tell Brazil to ban a social media company? I think they did. I'll explain why I think that next. This has been a podcast from WOR.