Jesse Kelly Show

Telegram founder arrested by the communist country of France, and communists think Elon Musk should be arrested

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04 Sep 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday, an amazing Tuesday. We have Peter Saint on the economists coming up about 30 minutes. So now I'm going to talk about commercial real estate, which you probably don't care about, but how it might affect you, which you probably do. So that's coming. I'm about to have a discussion about why I think the American government is ordering other countries, possibly to attack free speech, private citizens. This is what I believe. So we're going to dig. You know what? Let's dig into that immediately. Let's just do that right now. So I know we talked, we've already talked about the telegram founder telegrams of social media company. Their founder, he shows up in France, a supposedly free country and they just arrest him. He's going to go on trial in France. And finally, after a few days, they released the charges and they were kind of those charges where you can tell, wow, they just made up some stuff. Well, we think maybe there was some child trafficking on his website, not that he did anything. There was some child trafficking and terrorists. They love using that word terrorists, some terrorism that some terrorism on there. Okay. So the formerly free country of France throws telegrams guy in the clink, right? That's one thing. Another thing that's happening recently is Elon Musk, the billionaire space traveler guy. Remember he bought Twitter, what's they call X now? I'm not going to use that. It's so stupid. Anyway, Twitter is Twitter, Twitter is what he bought. And he has completely changed how Twitter operates. Twitter used to operate like all the other social media companies where they would censor whatever the system wanted censored. Usually that's the truth. I already played the audio for you about what the American government did repeatedly during COVID over and over again. We've seen something that goes far beyond using your best judgment with the information at hand. We've seen something which is unforgivable. And that is the weaponization of medical research itself, the CDC putting out their own shoddy studies, like their own study on natural immunity, looking at one state for two months. Yeah, you got it. We already talked in the first hour about why these people are so invested in lying to you at all times, you being able to speak your mind, speak freely, seek out alternate sources of information. It is one of the great threats these dirty communists have. And so they're trying to smash it at every turn. How upset are these people at Elon Musk? I'm looking at some stuff here from a Robert Reich, one of America's committed communists. He was labor secretary under Clinton. He thinks Elon Musk should be threatened with arrest. You see, America's communists aren't really hiding things anymore. He thinks Elon Musk should be threatened with arrest. Here's an article from the New York Times tell you exactly everything you need to know about these people from a Jennifer Salai. The headline is America's Constitution is sacred. Is it also the biggest threat to our politics? You see these pesky rules and laws holding the tyrant's back from oppressing you. It's holding them back. You see, that's how they look at things. Now, before I get to what's happening in Brazil with Elon Musk and what I think is happening, let's understand, well, let's talk about an uncomfortable truth. We are the leader of the free world. You ever heard that about America? Have you ever said that about America? I definitely have America, the leader of the free world. Well, what does that actually mean? It's true. Did you know that? But what does it actually mean? Being really good at something, being the best at something, oftentimes, most of the time, it will mean you are considered a leader in that field, whatever that field may be, a sports team. It's baseball season right now, baseball season. The best baseball player on the team, even if he's not really the leadership type, kind of more quiet and reserved, other players on the team will look to him for leadership because he's the best player on the team. The United States of America is and has been the leader of Western societies, whether you want to call them republics or democracies because they're all kinds of different governments. We are not a democracy, but many of them are kind of pseudo democracies, but the Western world. No dictators, people, governments who talk about freedom, who have constitutions, who believe in rights, you have rights, the individual has rights amongst these societies. America has been the leader for a variety of reasons. One of probably the biggest reason is we are the biggest and most wealthy and most powerful by a mile by a mile. We have the biggest economy. We have the most money. We have the biggest military. When you have all these things, you're automatically going to be thought of as the leader in most ways, even NATO, we're not even next to Russia. We're not anywhere close to Russia who gives pretty much all the money to NATO us who gives all the money to the UN us. We are the leader of the free world. I'm saying all this to say when these free countries, and I'm very much doing the air fingers, quote thing, when these free countries like France, apprehend the founder of Telegram, I believe they do so with the permission, if not at the behest of the United States of America. I believe the United States of America has gone from leading the free world to leading tyranny in the free world. Now I'm going to play something for you right now, but there is such a thing as voice cadence, how you speak and you will speak differently in different scenarios depending on what the situation is and oftentimes depending on whether or not you're lying. I lied to my wife this weekend. My knee kind of gave out on me every now and then it does not happen often. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Every now and then my right knee, I'll get this kind of shooting pain in it randomly and it'll give out on me and it hurts. And it hurts. It's smart. It's just a little bit. Then it goes away. It's really not a big deal. But it kind of went out on me a little bit. I was standing right by her and she could kind of tell. I thought she could tell. It was the side of her eye and she asked me what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong? And I kept telling her nothing. Nothing. I'm fine. Nothing. I'm good. Nothing. I'm fine because I know if I tell her the truth, she's going to worry and want to know and try to fix it. And I was in some pain for a little bit and it took five minutes of talking to her and she said, I know you're in pain right now. I can tell by how you're talking. She could tell by my cadence. She didn't just know me long enough. She knows. So I'm going to play something for you. This is old. You've heard it before on the show. The United States of America, very likely we are the ones who blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. You know this already. Listen to the show. NATO exercises were being done a mile from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline with the US Navy involved. It would take a major nation state to pull off an operation like that. And Joe Biden, after receiving a classified briefing with national security heads, he stood up in front of reporters and kind of gave the game away. Now you already know all that, but I want you to listen to something different when you listen to the audio here. I want you to listen to his cadence, how he speaks. Listen to this. Listen. Let me answer the first question first. In Germany, if Russia invades, that means tanks are troops crossing the border of Ukraine. Again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it. But how will you do that, exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control? We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do it. We will, we will do it. We will, if there are tanks involved, we will, we will stop it almost as if he knew with his scrambled up dementia brain that he was running his mouth when he shouldn't. He was releasing, giving away national security secrets when he shouldn't. His dementia brain wouldn't allow his mouth to filter that out. So it was almost, if you listen to it, it's almost as if he's half trying to stop himself. But the other half can't stop himself. So it kind of comes out like this, where he's trying to hold back from telling the truth. But he gives the game away. And that's when the reporter asked, wait a minute, what, how, how are you going to do that? It's not even your project. Oh, we'll put it into it. So knowing all that, listening to that cadence, wait to you here. What he said about Elon Musk a little while ago, very, very interesting comparison. Before I play that for you, allow me to tell you this, your brain that gets foggy as your T levels go down. And because T levels are dropping so fast in our society from the estrogens and the water and everything else, we don't realize that our brains no longer work the way they should. And this is something that plagues men when they're 20 now, when they're 50, when they're 80, when they're 90, you are more depressed than you should be. You are foggy or you don't think as clearly as you should, because your T levels have gotten low. You angry a lot, depressed a lot. Your mind is not having trouble focused logical thinking is harder to come by. That's not natural. Get your T levels up and get them up the natural way. Get them up with natural herbal supplements from chalk. They have a male vitality stack. It's made just for you. Take it for 90 days. T levels up 20% in only 90 days. Call them. Text them. Five zero chock 3000 five zero CHO Q 3000 will be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Remember, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly Peter Saint on has some warnings for us about 10 minutes from now, but just just once again, listen when Joe Biden is giving away national security secrets. When America has gotten involved with an operation, it's not allowed to be involved in and he's giving away national security secrets to the media when he's giving it out. Listen to how he speaks. Listen to Joe Biden's cadence. Let me answer the first question for us. Germany, if Russian vades, that means tanks are troops crossing the border of Ukraine. Again, then there will be, there will be no longer a North team too. We will bring an end to it. How will you do that? Exactly. Since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control. We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do it. Elon Musk buys Twitter. He stops censoring the truth and starts letting the truth be heard. He's openly talked about endorsing Trump. He's restoring freedom of speech on his social media platform that has been crushed on so many others. When Joe Biden is asked by an activist media, if he intends to do anything about Elon Musk, now as you listen to this cadence of Joe Biden, keep in mind Brazil's Supreme Court just banned Twitter from the country. Listen, I think that Elon Musk's cooperation and or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being looked at. Whether or not he is doing anything inappropriate, I'm not suggesting that, I'm suggesting that the worst, worst being looked at and but that's all I'll say. There's a lot of ways. All right. There's a lot of ways. When Joe Biden is lying, he does the exact same cadence. When Joe Biden, more specifically, is giving away secrets about things the government is doing. They don't want the American public to talk about. Joe Biden speaks in the exact same way every single time. Let me answer the first question first, if Germany, if Russia invades, that means tanks are troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, then there will be no longer a North team too. We will bring an end to it. But how will you do that exactly since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control? We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do it. Hey, Joe, this guy bought a social media company. Is there something we can do to smash this freedom? He's letting people say whatever they want. Joe. I think that Elon Musk's cooperation and or technical relationships. Did you know the United States of America? Did you know there's all kinds of evidence out there showing we got involved in Brazil's last election? Remember when Brazil had this kind of right wing kind of nationalist populist guy get elected and everyone was happy and Brazil was prospering and boss narrow was working with Trump and it was going well. And then some hardcore communists rises up and wins an election in Brazil. And there are many, many accusations from Brazil, from Brazil and domestically that the United States of America's government got involved on behalf of the communist working against the right wing party. And now lo and behold, there is a government, not ours, of course, but there is a government, a large powerful government Brazil was not some tiny fly by night country. There's a large powerful government in South America who is going full blown Joseph Stalin on Elon Musk. I believe and I do not have evidence of this, but I believe the United States of America is the main driver between the smashing of freedom, not just here in America in other Western nations. I don't think there's a chance France would arrest telegrams founder without America's thumbs up. If not America's orders and there's not a chance, not a chance Brazil would smash Elon Musk without the United States of America, whether it be through back channels or otherwise, letting them know either that's what they wanted or hey, I'm not saying do it or don't do it. If you happen to do it, look, we're not going to object. That's all I'm saying up here. I don't know that we are the leader of the free world anymore. I think we might just be the leaders of Western communism. Just the thought, just theory, but I don't think I'm wrong now setting that aside. Let's talk to Peter saying on to about commercial real estate and then we're going to do a bunch of emails next it is the Jesse Kelly show. It's generally a very good sign if a guest, which I rarely have on the radio anyway, comes in and drops some Zeppelin as the request. As you know, guests get to pick their own intro music and joining me now, very, very sharp guy visiting fellow with the Heritage Foundation, Peter saying on Jesus always has some great economic takes out there. Peter, one, compliments on getting the let out in two. What's going on with commercial real estate? Well, you know, I was either led or yoko ono so commercial real estate is a mess. It is in free fall, especially in the crime ridden blue cities that's leaving empty buildings. We've got about 20, 25 years of office supply that is sitting vacant and it means that round about $1.2 trillion in losses for banks. Now, the banks aren't recognizing all this. They have a game that's called extend and pretend where they let the interest slide so they can pretend that the debt is performing. But if you try to look through that, they're looking at something like 1.2 trillion in losses sitting on their books. Those are mostly in smaller banks and banks as a whole have about half the money set aside to cover those losses. So it's shaping up to be a disaster. Man, that is wild. Who was that guy? Hey, Chris. Could you tell me who was that guy on the radio who told you this was coming when COVID was happening? We were emptying out large office buildings. Anyway, let's set that point aside for a moment. Peter, can you break this down for those of us who are morons like me? What does that mean letting the debt slide? How does one let debt slide? Yeah. So banks have baskets of loans and the best type of a loan is one where people are paying on it and then you've got different categories. So you've got a loan that's 30 days past due, 90 days past due and each of those buckets, every time that a loan goes from one category to the other, it is worth a lot less now. It might be worth 20 percent less, 40 percent, 80 percent less. Now if the banks had to account honestly for the quality of their loans, that would mean that they would have these giant holes in their balance sheets, which means that their assets, all the loans they own, would be worth less than their liabilities, meaning the money that you have deposited in the bank. When that happens, it is bankrupt. At that point, it's got to get wound up. The FDIC comes in, shuts it down, auctions are off to a major bank. So what banks do then is pretend that a loan is performing when it's actually not. That keeps them out of bankruptcy. They are bankrupt, of course, but it keeps them out of the bankruptcy badge on paper. The Fed lets them get away with it, of course, because the Fed wants to pretend that there's no crisis. They keep telling us everything is fine, everything is fine. They're out there buying gold. So the central banks are not acting like everything's fine, but they're telling us it is because they got an election to win here. They do that every single time. So then what ends up happening is that when the actual recession does hit, regular people get blindsided, regular people that don't know any better. They got a job, they got a business, they're not paying attention to bank collateral quality or any of this. So if the Fed tells them it's fine, they believe it, they don't move their money, they just keep doing what they're doing, and then when the crisis hits, like in 2008, they get blindsided, the cute part is that when they get blindsided, not only do they get wiped out, they lose their job, they lose their money, lose their life savings, but then the banks turn around and use them as human shields. They hold them up and say, "Look, you got to give us a trillion dollars because look at all these miserable schmucks, they cause the misery and they turn around and use that to put pressure on legislators." Yeah, of course. What a shock. They end up blaming everyone else, but themselves and giving themselves even more power, dealing with, or we're talking of Peter St. Ange here at Heritage Foundation. Okay, Peter, before we get into what that fallout will mean for the people themselves, can you give us a little bit of a background as to the why? Why do we have this? Why do we have all these empty buildings? Why do we have this commercial real estate crisis? Why is this happening? Yes, we've got three main causes. Number one is the work from home after COVID, as you mentioned. Everybody could see that, I mean, anybody who's paying attention could see that coming, but here we are. So you've got a lot of people who are still not coming into the office. Number two is the crime and the riots in blue cities. They have let that run rampant. Around the 5th or 12th break in, a business is going to close up shop, they're going to move out to the suburbs. So that's exactly what happened in cities like Detroit or Baltimore. There's this great video. You can still find it from the 1950s called Detroit City of the Future. It was gorgeous. Everything was beautiful. Everything worked. What happened? So that's number two, the crime, the riots, the social disorder, the dirty streets. And then number three is the Fed. So real estate is one of the most capital-intensive industries on earth, which means that if they raise the price of money, which is what the Fed does, then that's going to squeeze the costs on the developers. If you have higher costs, but nobody's moving into your building because their employees are working from home because they've got to step over the homeless people, that's going to squeeze you and then those guys go under. Now, if the developers go under, the problem here is that commercial real estate loans make up about a third of the assets of smaller regional banks. So if those developers start going under, a lot of them are already under water. They're just doing the extend and pretend so that a lot of them look fine on paper. But if those developers start going bust for real and mass, that takes the banks down with it. At that point, we're back to where we were early last year, when you remember back around March of 2023, banks started dropping like flies, and the reaction there was pre-balouts. Right? Unlike 2008, where the bankers actually had to pick up the phone and ask for their trillions of dollars, in 2023, now they've rigged the game, so it's like a pre-bal app. They didn't have to ask for it. So what happened in early last year was that the Fed swept in with something called the BTFP, which meant that they were lending money on fictitious asset values. In other words, the banks could borrow money based not on what the loan is worth, but what they originally bought it for, which might be two, three times more. So they could borrow on fictitious numbers, and then FDIC, Janet Yellen swept in, and she essentially promised that they're going to cover every single bank account in the country, including rich people, that we're going to cover them with the FDIC. Now, the FDIC has about 100 billion dollars capital, and she was promising effectively to cover 20 trillion dollars in deposits, that's about a 2% cover ratio. Now what happens if the FDIC runs out of money you have? Well that happened in 2008, and they went to Congress, and they got approval for a special assessment on bank accounts. In other words, if the FDIC, with its 2% cover, if that's not enough, they will literally pass a role and take it directly out of your bank account to bail out the banks that have failed by gambling on commercial real estate. Hold on. I just want to make sure I'm being clear about this. So these banks that have screwed up their own books with the help of the feds, if the banks go belly up and can't cover anything, the feds are going to reach their hands into my bank account and take my money to pay for Merrill Lynch's screw up? Correct. They kept the profits, but you get the losses. Well Peter, I know that this, what I'm about to use the most ridiculous overused term in the world, but this is not sustainable, right? There's no way you can sustain this kind of financial system, right? Correct. That's why the crises keep getting bigger and bigger. Once you've got a system where you've got a bunch of gamblers, right, where if they win, they keep the money, if they lose, they get covered by taxpayers, once you build that system, which was largely built in the '70s, '80s, once you have that, the crises just keep getting bigger and bigger. What they learned from 2008 is that it's very uncomfortable, right? When you have that system and you come to the taxpayers to get you a couple of trillion, it's very politically uncomfortable, right? People get upset, right? In 2008, we had Tea Party on the right, we had Occupy Wall Street on the left. They agreed, they were sick of the bankers, and so that's why they built today's system now where it is pre-bailed out, internet fast for a dime, just like magic. It just appears in their inbox in the morning. Good grief. He is Peter St. Anja. I would highly recommend you go follow his stuff if you want to get a whole lot sharper financially. Peter, thank you so much, brother. As always, you were the best, but that is, yeah, now you know why I wanted him to come on. And again, I guess that's why you don't shut down a $20 trillion economy for a chest cold. But anyway, let's talk about maybe making some preparations. I would assume right now you're thinking to yourself, wow, things might get a little rocky in the future. I should probably make some preparations. Get a mega three month emergency food kit and stash it in your home. Buy it from my patriot supply. After they have a special right now, their mega three month kits are $300 off. If the worst comes the worst, it's three months worth of non perishable food. Buy it. Stash it. Do not brag to your friends about it. Don't put a picture up on Instagram. Don't even email me and tell me you did it. I don't want to know. I don't want you to tell anybody and I pray to God you will never use it. But now is the time to make some preparations. Go to prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com. That'll get you $300 off a mega three month food kit. Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com. Today'd be a good day to do that. We'll be back to Jesse Kelly show. I like it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly I didn't even think Chris. How many emails we're going to get complaining about the story about me getting a splinter in my nipple and I just, I should probably clarify that you're welcome to email the show about to get to emails love, hey, death threats, ask Dr. Jesse questions, but you should know if you ever email the show talking about how offended you are by something. Not only will we not care so I'm going to give a crap about what you're offended by. We will mock you. We will laugh at you behind the scenes by name and there's a chance. There's a chance I will mock you on the air. I won't ever use your names. I would never do that to you unless you tell me to use your name. I don't use your name. But if you get offended by funny stories or whatnot, this show is not for you. So don't email me and tell me how offended you are because I don't give a crap. Change the channel, there's all kinds of boring, miserable shows at Yellen's Scream and make you want to drive your car off her bridge the whole time. Go tune into those shows. Those are made for you. If you're offended, I don't care. All right, see some emails, dear destroyer of myths and lightener of the masses and carrier of 10 bucks. As heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. I just had a conversation with a coworker today that proves you are right. He said that he thinks JD Vance is a, I can't say that word there, kids, listen, a jerk, I'll say it was not a nice name. So I asked him why impressed for specifics. He finally answered, I don't know. It's just a general feeling. A, you are right. There is no actual reason, just the hive mind. B, I think this is 100% the sky is green. He believes it because the entire society has told him it is true. And this email is from Christopher who when we talk about your liberal aunt Peggy, living in a world of make believe, it's important for all of us to remember, even though we don't like to think about it, it goes beyond just liberal and Peggy. If you are a norm, if you don't seek out alternate sources of information, you also live in a world of make believe. If this apply, again, I want to stress this is not just apply to activist Democrats. If you're a lady, a dude, and you go to work, you raise kids, maybe you do or don't. But you just, you go to work and, and whenever you want the news, yeah, you know, it's kind of biased, but you'll at least open up the New York Times or, or maybe you'll turn on NBC. That's a very common thing. NBC ABC CBS at night, maybe sit down for 10 minutes and, you know, you're going to get a biased version, but you just want to know what's going on in the world. If you're that type of person, the norms of the world, they also live in a world of make believe and that is intentional. That's why they tell the gigantic black and white lies they tell. They know when they lie that you will know the truth. They're banking on you being such a minority that it doesn't matter. Did you hear this exchange? This is from a few days ago, but it's boy proves what we're talking about. Tom Cotton sits down with Kristen Welker on NBC. This is on NBC. Now I hate NBC, but it is the biggest network, hugely powerful. And if you're a norm home from a long day's work, kids, dinner, whatever you want to, it's very common. Hey, I'll just turn on NBC for 10 minutes. Listen, Tom Cotton does a good job, but listen to Kristen Welker tell an outright black and white lie, not manipulating things, not shading the truth. This is an outright lie. And if you're a norm who turned on NBC, you believe something that is no, not true at all. Even a little bottom line though, I guess, Senator, is it ever appropriate to make campaign content at military graves? He didn't take campaign photos there. These families, gold star families, who should children die because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence invited him to the cemetery. And they asked him to take those photos because as they told me yesterday, when I spoke to Kelly Barnett and Darren Hoover, the parents of Taylor Hoover, who has Arkansas ties, they don't get to go to the beach on Labor Day. They don't get to have barbecues. This is their one chance to have a memory of their children to commemorate their service and honor their sacrifice. They wanted President Trump there. They wanted to take those photos. You know who the family's also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, DC. She was four miles away, 10 minutes. She could have gone to the cemetery and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women, but she hasn't. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them. It's because of her. They didn't meet with them during the dignified train because they were with them at the dignified train. Her and her and Joe Biden's incompetence. Kamala Harris was not at the transfer. That's a black and white lie. And if you're not just liberal and Peggy, she'll hear that lie and she'll spread it because she's a communist. That's what she does. But if you're a normal person, your coworker, the guy who emailed in, just the norm of the world and you turned on NBC, even if you know they're kind of biased, you believe something that is not true at all. And that's why they're so brazen now with the lies. They know they have such control over such a dumbed down population that they can just say things that aren't true at all. And they'll have to retract it. NBC actually put out a statement. I think it was 24 hours later saying, Hey, she misspoke. Of course they always misspoke. She misspoke. Anyway, Kamala Harris wasn't there, but by then normal, never hear that normal, never see that at all. She turns off the television after watching 10 minutes at NBC, and he thinks dome was at that was was at the transfer when she wasn't. That's why they lie. All right. This has been a podcast from WOR.