Comic Book Cinema

2025 & Beyond: Upcoming Comic Book Movies (Feat. Chazzy & Bradman)

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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what is going on we are officially live this is comic book cinema my name is Jonathan and today I'm joined by two brand new guests to the show I wish that my intros were as epic as this man's but his name is Chazzy and he has a podcast slash YouTube show that you should definitely go check out what's up Chazzy thank you man what's going on dude that's awesome thank you for saying that man I really appreciate that dude I'm glad to be here they truly are inspirational I must say it rad I met in the movie theater when I was going to go see Deadpool in the Wolverine this year a few months back his cosplay as the Wolverine was epic so epic that I just had to take a picture with a guy what's up mr. Brad I appreciate it thanks for having me appreciate it yes indeed and we are all excited today to discuss 2025 and beyond all the upcoming comic book movie projects that we have on the horizon if you will I literally can riff on this for days hours months weeks years but I want to start with Captain America Brave New World now this film comes out in February of 2025 actually February the 14th which is Valentine's Day my only question to YouTube do you think this will be a Valentine's Day gift or do you think it will be a another Marvel blunder you want to go first Brad do you want me to go ahead I don't know how I feel about Brave New World I'm stoked to see I'll start with some positives how about we do that I'll start with some positives so I'm stoked that we're getting Red Hulk I think that's really cool I do like Anthony Mackie as you know Falcon or as now Captain America so I'm stoked about that but I don't know like the trailer doesn't look like anything that I'm rushing out to go see I guess you could put it that way right I have certain things that I'm stoked about other things that I'm like so I guess you could say that way we let Brad say some stuff I'm a little 50/50 about it I'm not freaking out but I don't think it's gonna be horrible but I do have some questions too like how is Anthony Mackie's cap gonna go up against Red Hulk who's supposed to be even stronger than our Hulk how does that work I'm really excited for Red Hulk I'd say that's actually the only thing I'm excited about I'm not I'm not a fan I like Anthony Mackie as an actor I liked him as Falcon I do not like him as cat it's interesting not my cat I just don't wouldn't be my pick I'm too stuck on Chris Evans I think he just should come back I think he would be the only one to go up against Red Hulk in my opinion true yeah even that even for him that would be a tall task right sure it would but well I mean let's be honest let's just bring Hugh Jackman in and you know yeah with that actually I'm with that actually yeah that would be I have to but no I can I interject can I interject yeah absolutely okay okay you mentioned that right bringing in Hugh Jackman bringing Wolverine we do know that they're going to address Adam Antium in this Captain America in Brave New World so I'm actually stoked about that as well because but I'm a little I'm a little iffy on how they're introducing it because they're saying that it's coming from what's the what's the name again I can't remember the last you the celestial so yeah Adam Antium comes from the celestial so I'm guessing they're mining it from the hand and from the body or whatever you want to call it and that's how they're getting Adam Antium so I'm a little confused on how they're gonna explain that when it comes to mutants or I guess you could say just technically kind of Wolverine and and whatnot but either way I'm still kind of stoked for that but I don't know how I feel about the story changing around that but I wouldn't be surprised I doubt it though because I feel like we would have heard a little bit more maybe seen some rumors or something although they're getting better at keeping the biggest spoilers as quiet as they can but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Wolverine or Hugh Jackman which it probably isn't gonna be a Wolverine because I feel like especially after the success of Deadpool Wolverine they're gonna continue with Hugh Jackman which we have rumors for which I'm sure we'll probably get to later in our conversations with other movies that you bring up but I think they're gonna keep Hugh Jackman around for until he's 90 right I agree well that that's a very likely scenario and I don't want to go off into this too far just yet but I think that it's very likely that he will come back for doomsday and or secret wars I think that's the most prevalent theory and probably the most accurate that's just me speculating I don't obviously I don't have insider knowledge or anything like that but yeah at least that's my personal hope I love Hugh Jackman is Wolverine he's legendary he's probably one of my all-time favorite portrayals however I think that we need to recast a little bit younger I'm not saying we need to get a 22 year old kid or anything to play the next Wolverine but Hugh Jackman's like 55 okay yeah and these move a long time to they take a long time to make he's only gonna look a lot older and not be able to reach the physique anymore the cavalry the cavalry I'm for it dude after seeing it I'm for it I'm not against it I'm not against it me either dude I'm gonna let you judge Hugh Jackman go till he's 90 but Cavill is no spring chicken either you know Cavill's like yeah I was part of the reason why they recasted him as Superman and the new ECU because the other guys 30 with I have a lot to say about that too but I know we'll get to that later as well absolutely so I'll just end it with this on Captain America I'm kind of in the same camp with Brad I don't love the idea of derivative characters I think that a character like Falcon was already special and cool enough you didn't need to slap the label of cap on the character to make him more important which it feels like that's what they've done but they did that in the comics a lot and there are some exceptions to my derivative rule I do like X 23 I think that's a cool derivative character I've always been a sucker for Supergirl so there are a few exceptions but not many and the film overall there's been some alarming things that I've heard I mean the comic but movie world has heard they've basically re-shot the whole film they spent three months on reshoots which is insane yeah and can I ask you a question I have a question for you real quick I know you wanted to move on but I have a question so you said you weren't very interested in having Falcon become cap are you on the side of would you rather had Bucky become cap if you had a choice between the two I don't like derivative characters either way it just feels like a cheap way to give value to a character that's lesser than like a Bucky or a Falcon or whoever you know right right I'm not a fan of the concept let's move on to May 2025 and this is a film that seems at least so far to have the fandom pretty split Thunderbolts yes I'm one of those split for sure Brad I'll let you go first if if it's up if it's up to us talking you go first on this one I'm just excited for Red Guardian in my opinion I thought he was like the best character and Black Widow I'm excited to see what he he brings to the movie I am not looking forward to this movie I gotta be honest with you and I'm hoping that maybe I'm wrong and I'll go into it and end up enjoying some of it but there's a lot of things that I'm just not excited about like I'm really disappointed in the direction of Taskmaster I always have been since the character was revealed I'm not gonna get into like all the politics I don't do this on my show either the only thing that I will say is there's nothing wrong in a sense with changing a character's gender I think it depends in my opinion I think it depends but a character like Taskmaster I feel like it was simply changed just for the fact of inserting another female right that's my personal opinion I feel like it was just because we don't have enough females so let's just make Taskmaster a female and I just feel like that one you know there was some internals and say what you want about internals but there was some internals that were changed into females and I personally I had no problem with that it didn't bother me at all I believe Selma Hayek's character was turned into a female when it originally isn't in the comics there was some that I just personally felt like you know what this didn't really ruin anything for me it just worked out the way it worked out and I'm cool with it but Taskmaster I feel like it should have been the character that he is in the comics I feel like the character has a lot going on in the comics and I would have loved to see a more accurate portrayal of that in the film so Taskmaster is a big like thorn in my side for the movie that I'm just I'm not happy with at all and then just from what I've seen from the movie it it's just one that doesn't really excite me I kind of like US agent I kind of like where they were going with that I like Bucky Yelena I'm not too big on so I don't really have anything Red Guardian I am one that's kind I'm kind of interested in seeing a little bit more I do like the character of ghost but I'm confused on how there like didn't her powers doesn't she not have her powers anymore didn't that is that what happened at the end of Ant-Man maybe that was the goal but I I'm sure that she's gonna have her powers in this film you would think yeah I would think something that makes that character somewhat appealing right I mean I guess yeah I just like certain things about her and I guess out of this group of characters those are the ones that interest me the most US agent Bucky Red Guardian and then I guess you know an asterisk next to next to ghost other than that I don't know I'm not too excited about this one I am very excited for the film I think that it's gonna be interesting to see what they do with it I'm a sucker for team-up films like The Avengers like Civil War but I'm also if you ask all my friends I'm very optimistic - I always air on the side of optimism but that's where I'm at I love what they did with John Walker yeah I love what they did with John Walker and the Falcon and the Winter Soldiers series ghost you know it's one of those characters I can take it or leave it it wasn't really in a very interesting villain but at the same time there wasn't much interesting about that film altogether I agree with that yeah but yeah Yelena I think is a character that has potential I wasn't a huge fan of the Black Widow film but that character has grown on me slightly more and more as I've seen her pop up you know in the MCU a couple other times and yeah Bucky is Bucky he's probably the coolest side character that there is in The Avengers I guess the film has potential but only time will tell as they always say if it's actually gonna be a good film I think that it is gonna be good though if I had to put five bucks on it I would bet you think so I have another question for you - what do you think the asterisk is about Thunderbolts asterisk I have no idea I'm not much of a reader so I'm sure that that probably references something from the books maybe but I don't know either any I you have an idea because either if you know like Kevin Feige said that will be revealed at some point in time and I don't know if that's before the movie comes out or like once we're watching the movie it'll make sense I have no idea he didn't elaborate so I'm just curious like the change in the logo and then adding the asterisk which looks like a Walmart sign by the way but like I'm curious about I'm curious about what that what that means like Thunderbolts asterisk there's got there's something there and that's intriguing me and making me I want to go see it just to find out I got it every day always low prices I don't like too much of those sort of things though because you know they said the same thing before we got the final title reveal for in-game you know they hyped that up they said oh this we can't give away this title yet because it might spoil things but at the end of the day when we got it it was like yeah okay we knew right now yeah okay so we got a live comment here Tara saying a Walmart sign yeah I don't once again I don't put too much stock into that sort of thing so it is what it is now this is the one that I'm very hyped about I recently had a video on on some of the socials that I have that went semi-viral I was talking crap about the new Superman outfit okay yes I've been waiting for this so this comes out in July 2025 I will say two things the first thing that I will say is my stance has not changed okay the outfit I love the colors and I'm glad I'm actually glad they brought back the red trunks on the outside of the suit okay okay but the suit is so ill-fitting yes it looks like this dude is wearing huggies man like and some of the guys in the comments like we're hitting me with okay don't worry Jonathan they're gonna fix that in post are they though like Henry Cavill suit didn't look like that behind the scenes and also did you see the green lantern outfit or the girl outfit yes horrendous in my opinion yeah it's real bad yeah I think James Gunn definitely needs to go back to the drawing board on a lot of things costumes for one they're just not they're like terrible I mean it's just like you didn't think about it before you just designed it it was like oh you know what let's just rip this out of a coloring book like this is what he should look like it's terrible on the same token though as bad as the costumes look to me right now I am very excited and optimistic about this film James Gunn call me a fanboy if you want to but James Gunn is a genius nothing he has given me yet as a comic book movie fan has been bad I loved the Guardians trilogy I loved the Suicide Squad and I loved Peacemaker a peacemaker was a show that I did not I did not want that show but he really forced it down my throat and I loved it I think the man can do no wrong honestly he's a brilliant mine I'll give him that okay I I like Guardians no me too me too when you when you cut Cavill that's it man yeah yeah after announcing that you're bringing it back and then like a week later cut him or I don't even know if it was a week I think it was like a few days you know I mean that was rough they had the opportunity and let's be real they had Affleck coming on for Aquaman yeah and we're gonna cut that out too and I just now I'm not a fan anymore too much internal disaster it really is and I mean you don't watch in general I will keep the rock if you kept Cavill I'm 50/50 on I kind of agree with you there but I'm I also really have begun to dislike the rock but I mean like if they said look we'll keep if you want Cavill we gotta keep Dwayne Johnson I mean what would you do I would say yeah you're right okay because it makes me think back like you know what he wasn't a horrible black Adam he wasn't horrible no I still do that I still do think that he was kind of just the rock in a black Adam suit yes but he was maybe a little bit less the rock than he has been in the last like 10 years because every movie the rock does is the same you know what you still entertained I actually was okay oddly enough I watched that movie and I was like you know what I didn't hate that that's how I left that movie and I was pleasantly a fun movie yes it wasn't it wasn't and all this talk of the rock has got me wanting to pee in this bottle so give me one second guess Sean Fries I totally agree with you that's that's my biggest concern as someone who is who is a big fan of James Gunn I wouldn't call myself a James Gunn fanboy but I love all of his work I have high hopes I don't think this film is going to come out of the gate and make 900 million it's probably going to struggle at the box office a bit no matter if it's amazing or terrible because of how bad DC's current reputation is just look at what happened with blue beetle look at what happened with the flash things aren't necessarily going their way as of right now Caleb says well Gunn didn't hire Cavill back the previous management did they also didn't bother telling Cavill that he didn't have a contract or that Gunn was coming in as CEO oh yeah he they did Cavill dirty there's no question about that I mean I think you got all of our our us as a fandom our hopes up and you got Cavill's hopes up because he's a mega nerd and he loves the character there's no question they did him dirty we lost him as the witcher and then lost him as Superman I think in the same week you know definitely yeah that's bad week I still remember that I still remember where I was the moment I saw the announcement I was like oh what like and now is TV series what is it Warhammer Warhammer yeah it's up up and arms it's in question something they finally did I think they did that guy is a girl in space the other day he's like the hell he's gonna go back to building gaming PCs and gaming man a new new old award for expansion came out so I'm sure he's on it yeah I don't know man I gotta tell you like I the suit for the new Superman I don't like it man I don't like it I don't like it at all I guess it's the way it fits I feel like if it fit better maybe my my opinion would be different and then I don't really like the first image that they went with either I mean I don't really care yeah I mean I'll be honest with you I don't really care about that image I'm not gonna pick it apart as much as everybody else did but I don't know if I would have gone with that first image for like people are picking it apart for like people are saying that the CGI or the graphics or whatever in the background or poorly done I mean people are really picking everything apart and they're like what's going on in the background he's just casually putting on his shoes like I'll get there when I get there like that's not Superman but I'm not gonna pick all that apart I just think that's funny that people say that but the thing that I'm gonna pick apart is I think it was a bad first picture because of the first impression it gives with him bending the way he's bending and the suit creasing so much and doing all of these things that's not the impression that you want to give and especially like for someone like me and Brad were in the cosplay community we're gonna pick that apart like crazy you know like that's gonna be the first thing that that we noticed so I feel like that was a bad that was a bad choice for a first impression but the movie I want I wanted to say something that you said Jonathan is like you think it's gonna struggle when it first comes out and I kind of agree with you but then I'm also a little 50/50 on it because it's got so much hype whether that's good hype bad hype in somewhere in the middle hype that may make people rush out just to find out what's going on in general you know just to find out either way and that's still ticket sales but that it's only gonna last so long before word of mouth comes out if it is bad that it's bad and then that's gonna cause a lot of people to just wait and we also have to keep in mind that we have a very small bubble our community comic book movie lovers right but maybe so I mean there is a lot of hype around this film so maybe there's a lot of general moviegoers that will also be aware of all these changes and new casting for the record I'm really excited about a lot of the casting even dated corn sweat I think that he looks great I watched over the weekend Pearl for the first time he's in that movie I don't know if you guys have ever seen that but yeah no he looks like Superman and then I love the lowest casting I love the Lex Luther casting wait let's let's just do it again I don't remember I don't know his name but he played I had to play the Beast in Days of Future Past oh that's right okay okay okay got you yeah I forgot about his name so we got some comments popping in let's let's take a minute to address these I honestly this is coming from Caleb again I honestly think that James Gunn should have delayed the flash to December and moved Aquaman 2 up to the flash's date that way they could have given the proper send off to the DCEU in the old cast here's the thing with that and this might be a little controversial but I will say that this is what they did I mean the end of the day this is what happened they wanted to wash their hands of all that old crap as quickly as they could I really honestly believe that I still don't know if James was being genuine when he was promoting the flash like he was which for the record I thought the flash was a pretty fun film even if it did have really bad special effects really bad special effects overall I thought it was fine I'm not gonna tell you guys when I rated it straight out of the theater because I'm very mixed emotions about the flash I won't I won't get into it all day yeah I did like yeah I did like Keaton but I'm not authorized the cameos that took place in the yeah okay here we go we got Caleb again like imagine if the ending of flash wasn't a random joke cameo but Barry getting out of his dad's trial and being met by the Justice League and their alter egos sure that would have been a great send off but I think at that point a lot of those actors probably weren't gonna sign up to come back for something like that the joke cameo you know what I kind of enjoyed the little George George Clooney I think we could spoil it has been way long enough oh yeah here we go bring back Tom Welling that's that's that's an old school one right there I think I think we could stay old school by now right would that be considered old school by absolutely yeah absolutely so well Creed is classic rock now so I mean if there's classic rock oh man don't say that that's crazy but it's true so here we go Sean Fry's comes in he says he looks just like a cable copy yeah I'll agree with that I think that he there's a lot of similarities he almost looks like a younger a slightly younger version of cable yeah he does look like a younger cable I'll give him that but fix the suit yeah it's a suit man I mean it's it's so bad I it just because that and Cavill I'm not gonna go see it yeah don't say that Brad okay I'm saying it I won't I'm just upset about the fact that every character is walking around in a guardians of the galaxy jacket you know like that's here right there Nicholas Holt yeah the whole the new Lex he looks he looks great his legs I love the way he looks his legs a younger Lex yeah and we got a younger yeah absolutely so guys as much as I would love to continue riffing on Superman we need to move this along we have several other films to talk about the next one on the list is gonna be July the 25th only two weeks removed from Superman we're gonna get fantastic for the first steps yes I don't I don't know fully what to think about this film yet it could go very very wrong and it could go very very right I don't love Pedro as Mr. Fantastic he doesn't strike me either smartest friend in the world thank you I'm glad you said that yeah I love the rest of the cat and look I love Pedro as an actor he's charismatic but he's just not the nerdy like maybe even somewhat socially awkward read Richards to me right you know I think I think also like someone like a read Richards where we currently no longer have a Tony Stark I don't know what the future of someone like a Hank Pym is in the MCU I know we still have Dr. Strange when I when I say these names I'm kind of leaning towards the fact that they could be maybe not Hank Pym as far as carrying the MCU but I guess Hank Pym is kind of just more so aligned with being smart and things like that but you have like a Tony Stark you have like a Dr. Strange and they're kind of like I guess in a sense the longest running Avengers now as far as Dr. Strange goes and someone that could kind of carry the MCU or be the mentor be like you know the older guys the top dogs that's also something that a read Richards could be as far as being you know smart and so intelligent and knowing a lot and etc etc and I just don't see that from Pedro as that kind of Tony Stark that Dr. Strange kind of role I personally just don't see it and maybe I'll be wowed maybe I'll be absolutely wowed by how he goes because he how he portrays this because he is an amazing actor so that wouldn't have been my choice either the other one is the human torch that guy doesn't strike me as kind of like a ladies man either you know like he strikes me more as like a nerd Johnny's kind of a little bit more of a ladies man and kind of maybe a little more cocky and jokey and comedic and this kid doesn't strike me as that either so I'm a little it's not a big concern but it's just something that I took note of and then the suits I don't really like them but I don't think that those are the final suits I think that's just like the spacesuits that they're wearing or something and you didn't have them up no yeah yeah they have them up yeah I mean it doesn't even look like a superhero suit it looks like something that you would wear like in space you know I mean so I don't think it's like the actual like the suits that they're wearing before they like get their powers and everything yeah yeah that's what I think it is that's what I that's what I think it is and then they'll like later model like a suit after that like it'll be inspired by that spacesuit that's that's my guess that's my guess because it doesn't look like a suit that you're gonna go like fight go actison you know you're like it doesn't look like that to me but the positives are I'm stoked to kind of see what they do with the thing I'm really cool I don't know if you saw Brad as well since you didn't see the suits like they're going a practical route with the thing I don't know how practical they'll go is that I don't think they're gonna go practical you think it's just I think that that was just a stand-in like gotcha whatever they use for Thanos or whatever the case because basically the actor even Moss Bakaran I think is his name I think so so like yeah he's playing the thing and he was talking about how this is they learned their lesson from the 2005 Fantastic Four where the thing was practical and he said that that basically does it work unless he's just blowing smoke up all of our skirts which is yeah I remember hearing that yeah you're right I remember I do remember hearing that but I I feel like you're gonna do a in my opinion I don't know I feel like they're gonna do like a mix of some sort of practical and CGI I'm really looking forward to Galactus I don't know how big of a role he's gonna play in this I've seen some rumors saying that he kind of only shows up towards the end and then we know Silver Surfer's coming I'm not too stoked about it being the female Silver Surfer I'm not saying anything about I know there's a female Silver Surfer in the comics I just want Nora and Rad that's just my opinion may still be rumored to be coming as well supposedly it's the it's the female version who I also don't know too much about so I guess I can't talk too much but I would have preferred the original Silver Surfer but I'm really stoked to see Galactus I'm really stoked to see a Silver Surfer Silver Surfer is one of my favorite characters of all time I really do like how they made it looks like Galactus is absolutely gigantic and I'm stoked now we get to see Silver boobs so we're gonna go back to Superman just for a brief little second because we got a few comments here from Caleb regarding the suits and Superman Superman suit looks great also I'm willing to look past the look of the current suits of the other heroes because I think that's the point corporatization yeah yeah I I agree I those aren't those aren't gonna be the final suits I bet you anything towards the end well we're gonna get more comic accurate suits 100% I agree with you if that's the case I'm on board gun is probably this is also from Caleb gun is probably doing a commentary on the way some companies Disney designed their costumes and redesigned them to the point where they look bland looking at She-Hulk's costume oh shots fired at She-Hulk over here I did not like that show at all I did like it really I like not one thing about it not one thing that I mean if he asked me to rate it at 10 I'd give it a zero I hated that you know I've watched that over again versus seeing Superman I don't know how you watch the bass I'm a teach throw but that show was painful man this show is painful for me dude Brad you're gonna be there opening day again this time you're gonna be dressed as Lex Luthor you know what I'll go as athletic just to prove him wrong so tear coming in Pedro is mainly for the views he he got lots of fans but I'm not a big fan of him as Mr. Fantastic as well yet this is something that it's easy to fall into the trap of casting big names which is what they did with blade you know it's not necessarily rehearsals fault that blade has taken six plus years to make which we're gonna get to that just my water man we're gonna get to that just a bit but here coming in from Caleb I think that the thing will be part CGI and part practical a good middle ground between the 2005 slash 2007 movies and the fan forced it oh please don't say the word friend oh my god I know because it gives me flashbacks I think it's gonna be all CGI you think so I agree with Caleb because I mean I said that as well I think it's gonna be part in part but I think it'll probably be mostly CGI I mean look at group all CGI noran rad or no surfer Sean I agree I agree man you know again pleasantly surprised but I would rather see noran rad man it feels like it's something Disney is doing just to check off boxes but I agree we don't we don't know the story yet so maybe there is a really good reason why they're doing that so I'll try to give them the benefit of the doubt which is not always what I do I'd like to but man I'm such a big surfer fan that I just I really want to see I want to see the original silver surfer done right you didn't want to see him getting chased by a giant cloud oh god not the cloud again please I still have PTSD from that this is the way mr. Fantastic nah he's for Pedro he's for Pedro okay vote vote for Pedro exactly so this is funny to me this is very humorous we alluded to it just earlier November the 7th guys this is news to me a film that doesn't have a script yet is releasing blade oh yeah you know it wasn't announced in 2022 it wasn't announced in 2020 even it was announced in 2019 dude has it been that long really yes sir comic con 2019 is when blade was officially announced when Mahershla put on the baseball cap wow and when Kevin Feige I mean literally every film that was at that comic con that they announced has already been shot edited and released yeah we're never seeing this movie you know why they're only ever gonna be one blade yeah exactly that's why he knows I want to come back dude I really want I am all for it yeah I was obsessed with blade back in the day I actually went as blade for Halloween did you really yeah I didn't I have no pictures I had one at one time I'm serious yeah it was fun were you white blade or did you wear black no I did with you like my home town was a little you know so I left my hands white I was really afraid at least you know yeah yeah right I would love to see he is the thing I'm gonna try to articulate this as best as I can I'm a sucker for multiverse stories and I love seeing characters like Wesley snipes Hugh Jackman return even Electra I was even happy and excited about that I was happy I think that there's a time and a place for that and Secret Wars is the final time and final place for it yeah when when Secret Wars is done we need to get rid of all this nostalgia and get rid and start afresh but of course everyone's got an opinion and that's just mine what do you guys think I kind of agree with you I'll let Bragg go first though no I agree you know Secret Wars would be really cool bring everybody back and then start over I think that's the only way to do it right but keep him back when he's 90 yeah yeah yeah I yeah except for you I would agree I think Secret Wars is a great a great place to bring a lot of people back from a lot of different franchises at that as well I guess you could say or different companies I guess you could say and then kind of start over kind of pick and choose keep you know certain ones such as like Hugh Jackman obviously I would say keep dead pull around obviously as well maybe I don't know I would do you keep Wesley snipes around you know or is that when you reset and go with Mahershala you know even Mahershala is like 55 that is true he's not like he's a young blade either you know with the X-Men I mean what are we this is getting off to a whole other thing so I don't want to hijack the show because I think we may talk about it if we have time later but we're seeing as the movies are progressing that we're going to be seeing many more mutants as time goes on and probably addressed such as Captain America you know at a Mantiums getting addressed so we're seeing that start to develop Kevin Feige has announced you know this is going to be the mutant saga it's coming up it starts now you know kind of in a way and so where does that leave like Secret Wars as well as far as the mutants go I feel like it's time for the mutants to start playing a big role it looks like that's happening I feel like Secret Wars is a great place for that as well but what are we doing is it days of future past is it the older X-Men Fox X-Men is it a mixture is it new like what are we doing I'm confused about that as well when it goes forward with X-Men and what the best approach is to do that because we've also got what happened at the end of the Marvels with Beast showing up and Polaris is that who it was yeah yeah and so we know that okay so that that's that's kind of Fox but also a little bit new so it looks like a big mixture of that going forward as well but so I think Secret Wars is a great place to bring a lot of people in and then kind of start fresh as well yeah I just don't want us to go to ham if you will on bringing back these older actors and and keeping them and trying to keep them for 10 plus years or 15 years whatever the case yes I'm a sucker for the cameos I'm a sucker for the multiverses but let's not get carried away okay but that's just me Caleb coming in the comments again I really hope that the MCU hard reboots after Secret Wars clean slate though I think they shouldn't announce their rebooting after Secret Wars is in theaters yeah I agree with that that's kind of the trap that DC fell into by saying hey guys by the way all these films don't matter but we're still releasing three more so I hope you go see them in theaters exactly I think it's time for them to all these companies to really stop announcing so many things ahead of time like let's start keeping things a secret for so many reasons I think it's good for business as well to be honest with you but then also for the audience as a whole like let us be pleasantly surprised like also that kind of goes hand in hand with stop showing so much in trailers too I want to go into the movie and I want to see so many things in the moment in the movie and be super surprised I don't want to see one of the best moments that I saw in five different trailers that you released you know right they should have waited on Red Hulk yeah you know I wouldn't I feel like that's a big selling point though for them because I don't know how many people are super excited about Brave New World until they saw Red Hulk they should have held off on like actually showing it but like maybe like a black screen and you hear like a Hulk roar ah yeah and then and then it'll spark the speculation of it is it red Hulk or is it you know are we getting our Hulk back are we getting like didn't they like didn't they show like the shield getting thrown or something by Hulk yeah he caught the shield like they should have kept back just that yet not as much way too much I agree with you actually that would have been great even a bigger teaser would have I think what they're what they're banking on to that that made me think of it is you know tons of rumors saying that what's probably gonna happen and what's probably gonna help cat the new cap Falcon cap and the new Falcon is going to be our Hulk coming back as like you know rage filled Hulk I can't remember the actual terminology right now coming back I think that's probably something that they're keeping a big secret and that's like you know instead of not revealing Red Hulk so much they went with that and my guess is we're probably gonna get we may get that fight of Hulk versus Hulk real quick just to reference this comment it just came through all I have to say is Hallie Barry Hallie Barry is my only storm yeah I agree so like bring her take your break after Secret Wars and announce at the next comic-con phase one of the all-new all different MCU yeah sure I agree with that camera yeah not opposed to that I did that way and that way you get you get black suit Daredevil and everything if you're really going that route you get you could do a lot of different things I think they're gonna milk Deadpool as long as they can because he's brought the most money in for like jeez how long has it been Avengers Endgame really yeah I mean yeah yeah I think so yeah I'm not opposed to that as long as it's done right the first Deadpool in 2016 if I'm not mistaken brought in somewhere in the ballpark of six to seven hundred mill and then the second one I think was somewhere in that same ballpark so part three not just because of Deadpool but because of everyone's favorite Hugh will be brought in that one plus mill but I mean Bill excuse me you put Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman together it's it's a money maker you know oh I have to ruin so yeah world-breaker halt possibly potentially yeah let's address a couple these comments and then we'll move on Kayla began he says idea have Secret Wars in with all the heroes and villains being transported back to New York City big flash of light and we see a crowd of heroes in Central Park we zoom in and all new actors whoa yeah he's got a second part of the second part to that I see yeah there's more yeah okay like we zoom in on mass spider-man's face and he unmasked and if it's not Tom Holland or I'm sorry and it's not Tom Holland cut to black words on screen the all new all different MCU will return who would be though it would have to be miles and I got to tell you I don't want miles in the MCU yet I don't think we've got enough from Tom Holland I think Tom Holland deserves three more movies I think Tom Holland deserves more screen time in like Avengers movies and more appearances and I do think that he deserves a spectacular spider-man I think that should be the name spectacular spider-man trilogy and it doesn't look like it's gonna be grounded but I feel like it should be a little bit more grounded I feel like they should grow with the original thing that Kevin Feige had said where he's gonna kind of be a little bit more on Daredevil's level and we see that kind of comic run go I think it's also time to bring in the symbiote though as well and we kind of get a black suit spidey with Tom Holland and then maybe towards like the second in the new trilogy or the third in the new trilogy probably the second we start introducing a miles Morales but I feel like it's too soon in my personal opinion potentially I kind of like see Tom Holland get sent to the void and bring back Andrew Garfield I wouldn't be opposed to Andrew though I got to tell you that I want to see Andrew in Venom I yes that's what I want to see I want to see you Jackman verse Hulk yes me too I'm bringing it come on like you want money this is me I mean I'm just telling you like you want money I'll tell you I agree okay so we've already established that blades definitely not coming out November 2025 no yeah so we'll touch on this just a bit May 2026 Avengers doomsday we now officially know that Robert Downey Jr. is returning but not as Ironman he's gonna be returning as Doctor Doom and this is something that the more I have reflected and thought about this over the past few weeks and days I don't hate this anymore I think that it definitely brings a lot of entry back to the MCU and it also plays into the whole multiverse concept and I get that and it's probably likely that we're gonna get the ending or conclusion to that as you know oh I'm Ironman again you know hey Avengers assemble let's do this one more time you know I think that's basically what's gonna happen with that when it's all said done but is it the right choice though no I'm just gonna put it bluntly no I don't agree I don't think so as far as it being the right choice we talked about this on on my episode Cy project podcast project with a K where Brad was on a friend of ours capture realm and we talked about this pretty in-depth as well so I'll summarize my thoughts because there was new news that came out what we originally thought was like okay this happens in the comics where Tony Stark is a Doctor Doom variant and so it is comic accurate so it does make sense I think it's just a lot of people myself included of course there's a lot of people that don't have a problem with it as well but there was a lot of people myself included that wanted to see a dedicated Doctor Doom a dedicated actor play a dedicated portrayal of Doctor Doom and we just move forward with that but then they announce this and okay it is what it is I do see both sides I would have rather had the dedicated but we have this so then I thought all right they're gonna go and they're gonna do the comic route of things where Tony Stark is the Doctor Doom variant but and they didn't announce anything other than what we know for a long time until recently and when I say recently I think it was maybe like two weeks ago now maybe three weeks ago and I think I've sent it to Brad it's not a Doctor Doom variant they announced it is not a Doctor Doom variant it's just it is what it is it's not a Tony Stark Doctor Doom variant it's just Robert Downey Jr. playing Doctor Doom that's what it is but is that a lie is that just a lie is that a ploy because we all kind of nailed it that it's probably taking from the comics so are they lying and it actually is a variant or is it just RDJ playing the MCU's version of Doctor Doom because they just want money and they know Robert Downey Jr. will bring money I think you don't find out in a trailer here very soon they'll just put it all out in the trailer like they normally do think so yeah it's a secret right now but the trailer's gonna come out in a few months and that's the whole movie and that's all movie starts off by saying yeah in the world where Robert Downey Jr. is a variant of Tony Stark but he's exactly like I said I don't hate it as much as I did when the news first came out it definitely reeks of desperation but yeah I think that he's a great actor I don't think that anybody disagrees with that oh phenomenal he's gonna pull it off but yeah I think so you know is it is it gonna end up being something that we love or hate I think it's gonna end up being something that we like and I think it's gonna be something that we can all agree on like you just said I said it in my episode amazing actor he's gonna do phenomenal but I think it's gonna be hard for us die-hard fans in a sense to not look at him portraying Dr. Doom and see Tony Stark no matter what I think it's gonna be a hard thing to fully and 100% separate so real quick Caleb again comes in I think the reason they're doing this is because they're they are hard rebooting they want to give us a definitive endpoint to the MCU so new fans can jump in after the reboot I'll agree with that somewhat but I think he goes on here he says like they want the MCU to begin and end with RDJ that's an interesting theory okay I will agree with him to an extent and say that if you are a casual fan and someone who's seen seven or eight of these movies out of 30 yeah it's starting to become a pretty intimidating and daunting thing to take on like do I really want to watch this Avengers six if I haven't seen but four or five of the films you know total right right it's starting to get a little intimidating for a casual fan oh 100% it's way too much it's like 12 years worth you know what I mean like and then now they're throwing in multiverses where like if you didn't see the Fox stuff you're kind of gonna be just ever so slightly lost you it's not gonna be a big big deal and the Sony universe as well certain things that are connected not obviously not like Madam Webb and stuff like that who cares let's not even discuss that ever again but like you know the Fox stuff you might be a little slightly confused like who is this in Deadpool Wolverine when it comes to like a lecture for instance you know what I mean like if you didn't know anything about any of that you're gonna be they're just they're throwing everything in so it's like 12 years plus like branches of everything else as well for a casual viewer it's definitely intimidating in June 2026 is what the schedule says right now I don't know how much we can bank on this just yet but super girl woman of tomorrow is releasing for the new DC you I said this earlier I'm a sucker for super girl I have liked super girl since I was an impressionable young boy did you like our girl or did you like super girl you know I'm asking for a friend all the way and the 1984 film my mom had that recorded on a VHS tape I grew up watching that film a lot like it was maybe not as much as Superman or back here yeah yeah yeah but I watched it a lot so I'm excited I think that Millie all cock I believe is how you pronounce her name she's going to be I mean she's great in Game of Thrones you know from what I've seen the clips and whatnot I haven't watched the series yet but I think that she has the look you know I don't have too much of an opinion of an opinion on this right now because we don't really have much there's not you know much to no development really here I'm interested I'll say that I think a lot of this is gonna depend on how Superman performs as well and what the storyline ends up being a hundred percent in Superman do you think super girls gonna make an appearance in Superman do you think it's already gonna be established I think it's likely I don't know I think they're gonna wait only on the sense that she'll probably get a better suit than Superman she probably will find out how bad it's gonna look I wonder what how they're gonna do her suit to are they gonna go with like you know like the skirt look are they gonna go with just you know pants I feel like I was gonna say I hope that they don't do like the CW show and give her panty hoes and try to 2025 this crap yeah I wonder you know okay yeah I kind of think so yeah I'm curious although I did like what's her name supergirl in the flash yeah Melissa yeah I don't know how you pronounce your last name I know Sasha Sasha oh Sasha Kelly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go yeah couldn't think of the last name I actually liked that I know there was a huge departure from the norm but wasn't opposed to that at all but I'm stoked a super girls actually my if any of you guys have ever played in justice yeah super girls actually one of my she's I like her better than Superman I like the way she plays better than Superman in my opinion so I'm interested but let's see how Superman goes right that's the first key step that movie has to be great no pressure James gun yeah yeah let's address the comment we have a love can't comes in from tear I hope I'm pronouncing your name right I'm very excited for Millie tie here I'm very excited for Millie her character is completely different in house of the dragon but I think she'll be a great super girl I do too I mean she I've seen her like clips of her from the show she definitely has the look I'll say that much yeah I agree Sean Fry's coming in I like Sasha too but doesn't fit James's world well we don't really know that yet I mean we don't to be fair we don't know what James's world's going to be like we can only assume that it's going to be a more light-hearted brighter right happier world I mean I guess you can't get much what it looks like then yeah yeah exactly yeah I agree but yeah guardians volume four I mean if I'm being honest I mean I'll even go for a group and rocket film you know actually I don't know why they didn't do that I feel like that was like that's like a buddy buddy cut like a buddy cop film right there that should matter time for Disney ends up buying DC and then it's it I'm not hijacking the show I don't want but I don't want what everybody is saying about like DC and Marvel coming together in film I don't want that I'm not gonna know I don't want that but I think I think Disney's gonna buy it but then that opens up the door for that to happen and I got to tell you I don't want it man I don't I don't I don't know any stories in both and both sides that need to be told properly before we have these franchises these companies even these characters even come together for anything ever in a crossover focus on Marvel focus on DC I don't want that anytime soon man here's it here's a good question then on the same topic would you rather Disney never buy Warner Brothers and or DC or would you rather it happen in the next year and get to see a Cavill Superman versus a Mark Ruffalo Hulk film that would be cool I think there's a death battle I believe of Superman and Hulk on YouTube and I remember seeing that years ago and I thought that that was really cool but I got to tell you I'm still gonna side with them never never buying never buying because I don't want to open the door for too many crossovers I want these really cool DC stories to be adapted into film and I want these really cool Marvel stories to be adapted into film like I want to see Midnight Suns I want to see more of I want dark side to come back at some point you know I mean I want to see that kind of stuff too like there's a lot that I want to see from both companies before they start focusing on bringing them together you know I would rather I would much rather take a DC versus Mortal Kombat live action film than take anything DC versus Marvel that would be sick that would be awesome I think that DC in particular has a lot of storytelling left to do before we see something like that Marvel you can make the possible argument that they've explored a lot yeah anyway we'll move on from that oh we haven't really even talked about it yet so back to it October 2026 the Batman - oh yeah yeah how do we get sidetracked oh the comments the comments comments yeah ADHD yeah all of us the Batman out of brad you're you are Batman I don't know I don't know like I'm just like I don't know I wasn't wow I did man I am I am I am I'm just not I wasn't a giant fan of the Batman I mean I enjoyed it but it wasn't like you know I gotta go see that again I saw Deadpool back-to-back I loved it but like if Batfleck was coming back I'd probably go see that back-to-back I gotta agree with you on I'm just the Pattinson is not Batman for me like I get it it's your one year - you know okay you're - but I mean like the first one you know was that still at your - I think I think it's I think he's in year - yeah it was you well many year water - I mean whatever yeah I totally matter I was just joking around but if we are being serious though I think it was but I was just kidding I was just no I know but I'm just saying like I'm just not a fan of his version I think he would have been like a phenomenal night wing he just doesn't look like Batman for me he's not big enough I understand there's room to develop and him to hit the gym but like I'm still seeing Twilight I'm just not it's not there for me like the suit was okay I don't know I'm not a fan of like the stitching like yeah the collar you know I get it no that is a comic thing though I know it's a comic thing but why are we putting collars on everyone now what let's be real it's always like this it's never it's never a collar okay that's what I want to see - Brad I don't want him to be comfortable in that suit right because they know what I'm not I never am like why should you even the Batmobile it was okay you know you got like a Dodge Challenger versus yeah like yeah I want I want this yes I think it's all coming and that I know that that's like the argument that's the rebuttal to anybody that says what you're saying I know we're doing the typical thing here but I mean it is true I think I think all those things are coming at some point but for the sequel what I would like to see do it right bring in a villain that hasn't been on film play face poshree three stop using Joker that little slippery the the sniff it was just a that freeze but yeah freeze freeze would be cool I actually kind of enjoyed Arnold not gonna lie a lot of people say that I'm gonna bring him out of the chat I mean I haven't seen it for so long so I can't calm right I mean it wasn't it wasn't terrible it's time to chill out you know like you're doing so good you know I just got to do a freeze a freeze cosplay now I thought about it I did why why have you done it dude I don't know because I'm I'm working on gears right now I just got a printer but that's yeah I I'd really like see hush that's what I really want for freeze or clay face though or you think they should just I think I think the part I really liked about the Batman was the really like detective side that we really didn't get to see in any of the other films and I think like hush going around killing people and like make this R-rated make it really gritty yeah and bring hush in and like ripping people's faces off and you know like that's what I want to see like I mean the Joker that they had looked really kind of eerie I mean I didn't like it wasn't a fan but what I'm saying is like they have the ability to make hush look really creepy and you know murder people and it could really get interesting okay so I'm gonna address a couple things that you just said so the R-rating I agree that it could be cool and now we know that comic book movies that are that are rated R can't not only succeed but you know below expectations out of the water however with Batman I think it's a little bit different and also looking at this film we got a very dark riddler okay that did a lot of scary things on screen in a PG-13 movie but with all that being said my thoughts on the first the Batman when I first watched it I liked it I thought it was like somewhere in the 7.5 territory but the more and more I think about it and the more and more I try to go back and watch it it's just so long and it's definitely not my favorite interpretation of Batman his Batman was decent but his Bruce Wayne was dreadful this is not Bruce Wayne he's not a playboy billionaire he doesn't strike me as any of that I mean that's literally part of the duality of the character in my mind and one can argue that Affleck's Bruce Wayne wasn't that great either but for what it's worth Affleck is my all-time favorite Batman so yeah just the way he is costume-looked it's literally the coolest Batman costume ever that I've ever seen yeah me too I agree with that agree and I just want to say my opinions on Batman - I mean both you guys kind of nailed a lot of things I agree with a lot of things a lot of what Brad said I like the villains and everything I second I want to see a Mr. Freeze I want to see a clay face which aren't we getting didn't they say that we're getting clay face did there is that rumored that's probably rumored I mean that I think that's been confirmed yet but okay as of right now they haven't officially released any information about the film we do know that we're getting that penguin series that's gonna be on HBO Max now I didn't go a Colin Farrell made an awesome penguin yeah I mean he really did to me that was the best part of the first one cat woman was good - I thought cat woman was was fine you know I thought that she was just as good to to me as in Hathaway who was slightly forgettable I feel like Anne Hathaway is very forgettable she was in the movie for like what like seven minutes like you know 15 minutes maybe at the most she just looked more like cat woman to me though you think so mm-hmm I get a mask I wasn't a fan of the mask I put it this way I think Zoe's cat woman and Roberts Batman I feel like they complimented each other very well in this film yeah that's what I had a little bit of chemistry I can't help but like look at them and see like the new crow adaptation I didn't see that movie by the day no I didn't either no I'm not going I hear horrible things about it I'm never terrible things about it I was going to review it on this channel it's still not out of the question yet but it's not something I'm excited about I'll just leave it at that I have to reveal something that I've never even seen the original crow yeah I gotta I gotta put that out there I'm just gonna put that out there right now I think it a lot of hate for if anybody stayed this whole hour long but I know I know about it and like I know all the behind the scenes with the actor and I know I know all the details but I've never actually sat and watched the movie from beginning day you need to do that so I would act like I was more appalled but I myself actually just recently watched it for the show to cover it about three four months ago I had no idea that the wrestler sting literally stole his whole entire gimmick yeah from that movie I mean that you know that was before the sting wrestler or that version of sting great film I mean it holds up it's shockingly to me it still holds up as well and then last thing for forget praise Brian Cranston should be free yes hey I wouldn't be opposed to that I wouldn't be hey you know what why we're on Brian Cranston I wouldn't be opposed to him being mr. Sinister for the X-Men as well I would really love to see that actually that's my personal pick for mr. Sinister that's why I go with Jon Hamm being mr. Sinister - I like has better I like yeah I feel like he has a good look for it yeah I don't know if Jon Hamm has the acting chops for it I feel like Brian Cranston has the act if you put Brian Cranston's like villainous acting chops into Jon Hamm's looks you know and combine those two men together I think you got a great mr. Sinister I think like looks wise I don't know why but like Ethan Hawke is kind of coming in for mr. Sinister for like the look I don't know he's kind of like an odd actor though he is guys we're we're all over the place right now and we really are I'm having a great time yeah yeah this is this is fun we gotta we gotta try to move it along just a little bit we already touched on Avengers Secret Wars but I'll just throw in my little two cents and let you guys will go around the table but when it comes to Secret Wars nobody not nobody is more excited about it than moi right here I am a sucker for all these cameos and bring it back Toby bring it back Hugh bring it back Wesley Snipes I love this sort of thing and I think it's exciting it kind of feels like when I was a kid I used to take the power ranger action figure and take the pro wrestler and then take the marvel and just jam them all together like it's it's fun sure I understand that people have a lot of serious issues with it because it creates an easy way out of certain plot issues and things of that nature but I can't wait for the film but I hope that it all ends after Secret Wars and we can like I said earlier kind of go back to a normal one timeline something simple maybe even hard reboot like Caleb mentioned earlier but yes that's that's my two sets what do you guys think we did talk a lot about Secret Wars so I will say I'll keep mine a little short and sweet I agree with a lot of things everything I said in the past and then also I'm confused how the fantastic four is going to work moving forward being that they're set in what's in the 60s and I believe and we are I don't know if it was announced if it was confirmed or if this is just rumored but I believe it's also in an alternate universe it's not the same first so how does this work I'm guessing that they come in to our timeline some way you know shape or form but what does that mean going forward and what does that mean era wise too are they are we getting the that fantastic four in the 60s that comes into our timeline but they're that age still like how did you get what I'm trying to say or like how does that work are they gonna are they gonna age are they gonna stay that same the same age are we getting another fantastic forecast I doubt it so I'm sure it'll all be explained but as of right now I can't wrap my head around how that's exactly going to go I think it's going to be a Steve Rogers type scenario where they you know just get brought into our timeline they're the same age nothing's really changed and you know they kind of get you know right after their mission or whatever they decide to do in the in the timeline of that film but probably yeah that's that's probably that I'll just keep it short Hugh Tilly's 90 oh jeez Batman the Brave and the Bold I think is a very interesting scenario very interesting film it's going to be very different from every Batman movie we've gotten since Batman and Robin which came out in 1997 we're gonna see a Batman we're gonna see a Robin we're gonna see a Batgirl we're gonna see the whole family maybe even a Red Hood I mean I feel like this would excite you guys because I know that your cosplayers and maybe one of you guys might have even dressed up as Red Hood if I'm not mistaken almost not me okay well he's got a Batman he's got a hush I do what am I missing what else you got you got a couple different batmans you got a hush didn't you do that is that all you got I got a I got a black mask and I do have black mask I forgot you did you black mask as well I've got a black mask I've got some other things coming so you know you literally came out with yours and I'm like well I don't know my thoughts on the Brave and the Bold though I'm stoked for this actually I am looking forward to this so much I don't know what to expect other than the fact that it's called the Brave and the Bold so you kind of have the comics to go off of and the fact that they said definitely you know the Bat family exists I'm curious what that means if we have Damian already then technically that should mean that Dick Grayson exists Jason Todd exists Tim Drake exists so that means we should have Nightwing already that means we should have Red Robin already that means we should have Red Hood already but I don't know that sounds like a lot of characters to juggle so I feel like we're going to cut some Robins here for sure I know I feel like Nightwing is a crucial one if we were cutting some Robins I'm I'm sad to say that I have a feeling James would cut Red Robin I think he would cut Tim Drake I think Nightwing is too classic of a character too prominent of a character the first Robin so I feel like that would definitely be portrayed on screen because it never really has it's been teased before but never has been done right I feel like passing up the opportunity to have Red Hood in film would be a bad call I feel like people are going to go ham on James on James Gunn if he doesn't have Red Hood appear in this in some sort of way maybe even not just this one but maybe in the future be addressed something telling that Red Hood story I feel that Jason Todd story with Joker it has to be done I'm not the biggest James Gunn fan I got to tell you but he may be able to pull off a good Jason Todd Joker interaction maybe so I'm stoked for that like crazy uh and then and getting back girl in there too I'm just kind of scared a little bit I mean I feel like it's going to be too light needs to be a little dark you know when you're doing a full recast it's a little too uh soon to bring in Damien like I'm I'm stoked for the full family but we're like you need a choice so low you need a solo film to bring in the rest and that would have been established those characters a little bit right and I feel like that that's going to be a tough pull especially there's going to be a lot a lot of people judging I mean if you had to say like which one is technically like your moneymaker when it comes to DC what do you what would you say like in my opinion it's Batman and Superman Wonder Woman maybe but mostly Batman and Superman right Batman your moneymaker man there's going to be a lot of people judging that when you start announcing like who's going to be who like fully everybody's going to see like character or like names being drawn out obviously and then they're going to be like oh that person's night wing for sure you know like looking at it and they're like oh no that don't that don't look like a night wing you know that doesn't look like a Damien you know and I'm just afraid it's going to be too light-hearted like the Superman movie and it's going to tank that's what I'm afraid of like I think the Batman's going to do better than brave in the bold there's there's definitely that potential there it's definitely something that we as audiences are not used to is seeing slightly more like you're saying upbeat version of Batman maybe maybe he's smiling a little bit maybe he's having a few margaritas while he watches his kids play on the beach I don't I don't know what's going to be going on I will say that it's going to be a lot for mainstream audiences because it's even a lot for us I think that even in our bubble you know it's it's a lot to take in so if it looks lighter than Batman forever we got problems yeah I don't think it'll be as like campy and jokey for sure I mean I get that but I'm just like man I feel like a metal bed real quick in the comments invader fro three tens says did y'all watch the new crisis animated I haven't got to that one I know that I've seen one or maybe more of the crisis films that were animated I'm not sure if there was one that that came out like several years back I seen one of the crisis I know for sure the ones he's referring to is like the brand new ones that just came out because I've watched every single DC animated movie every single one but I am behind right now on what he's talking about the crisis animated it's in a new like universe and it starts I believe with a Superman movie and then it goes forward and it leads up to the crisis on Infinite Earth I believe and it's like a three-part movie is that the one Kevin Conroy did voice I think it might be his last maybe I'm not quite sure I don't remember but I think he's talking about the very new stuff that just came out recently it's on max I'll definitely check it out if it's on max because I have max and I I'm not a big animation fan in my mind they don't hold the same weight as live action I know that's terrible but that's the animated movie universe and and and just I'm telling you ma'am wow oh I know that's why I was I was about to say DC writing amazing dude next level absolutely so Sean I wish that I knew what you were talking about here and we probably shouldn't have waited so long to throw this comment up but it was good Sean I agree I agree it was good it was absolutely good if you don't mind remind me in the comments what you're referring to and on that note I real quick also wanted to touch on Swamp Thing and this is a film that's really so far off we don't know if it's gonna be 2026 2027 so there's not an official release date for this yet it's a live action movie not a show but a movie and it's being brought to us by James Mangold the director of The Wolverine several other films that he's got on his resume that are really really good I mean he's a great director I'm not saying The Wolverine is the greatest superhero movie of all time or anything I think that there was a lot of studio meddling caused some of the stuff in that film that was less than stellar like the Viper at the end and like the giant silver samurai robot I'm very excited about this I think that Swamp Thing the show that came out like three four five years ago whenever that was was very underrated and very well done and had a lot of horror elements to it if they can do something like that on the big screen sign me up yeah I'll agree with you a hundred percent I love Swamp Thing I see that who's the other Swamp Thing want to be man thing yeah it's man thing I'm a man thing fan I was actually gonna bring that up I'm a man thing fan I like what they did in Marvel did I know we're talking about DC but I like what Marvel did with a werewolf by night I believe it was called and they showed man things I like the way that the character looked so we know that it could be done CGI and this and that and things similar to that type of style can be done and look good so I hope DC you know Warner Bros take the same route with the CGI and making Swamp Thing look great I'm a huge fan of Swamp Thing in Injustice once again bring it back to the games I think it's more than time that we see things like this for both DC and Marvel I feel like it's time to go this route you know like I Swamp Thing you know Constantine Justice League Dark I want a dead man I want these kind of things and then for the Marvel side werewolf by night man thing Midnight Sons I want these Blade I want these kinds of characters to be introduced and brought back in film for the times that they were in film and maybe not those specific characters but that style that theme that that concept I want these kind of movies to be more prominent and I'm stoked for Swamp Thing I'm looking forward to it I hope it's done right I hope it's done justice I feel like with Swamp Thing there are opportunities to maybe also introduce Poison Ivy you know they have a lot of runs together in comics they have a lot of runs together in video games as well doesn't have to be done but I'm saying it's something that could be you know possibly associated but it doesn't have to be done a focus on Swamp Thing is awesome I'm looking forward to absolutely what do you think Brad? yeah I'm excited to see it definitely a lot more excited than Superman just being honest yeah because it's totally different it's nothing they've ever done before so it'll be really interesting to see what they can do with that yeah hopefully again it's something dark Swamp Thing is a dark character in my opinion most of the DC characters are dark I definitely don't want to see him come out you know in a field of roses you know it's gonna be dark yeah so the nerds who have been on this show before said that Swamp Thing deserves a good movie I could not agree more I'll do a good chance by the way I've heard of them yeah yeah they're awesome man they uh they've been on the show a couple times uh good friends of mine super fun dudes invader fro coming back at us again 310 your thoughts on the Gotham TV series real quick I will say that I love that that show is underrated in my opinion Gordon I loved Gordon in that show I like penguin in that show I like fish which I didn't think I would like a character that was new that was not in the comics but there were so many things about that show that I liked but like most of these superhero tv shows that have came out over the years whether we're talking about The Flash or Green Lantern or whatever it started off great but then that rollercoaster started to and just go down at least in my opinion no it did like but I will say like Solomon Grundy was cool I honestly think that was the best adaptation of the Riddler we have ever gotten I didn't see Gotham so are you serious yeah I never I don't know at least I don't like to see W dude I didn't like get that Flash stuff and all of that I just not offense so I never watched any of them you have to look up clips of the Riddler from that the Solomon Grundy thing actually intrigues me though and is pretty good I mean just the Joker when he first came out when he was just Jerome that was eerie like they nailed that he was great that actor was was a really good Joker honestly real quick too it was not CWC it was I knew I thought I thought it was I didn't know okay well I stand corrected on that one so you still probably hate it though I mean it was kind of you know CWC yeah right ish yeah just a little bit I still enjoyed it though it was one of those shows that I was excited about every week until it got the season 4 or 5 or whatever it was when it started going downhill a bit it's like Arrow for me I loved Arrow until like season 6 and then it was like what same thing yeah so real quick tie here Solomon Grundy was also good in star girl I didn't know that he was I've never seen star girl that's one that I've never seen it yeah I didn't see that I'm a fan of Grundy so that's really cool I can't remember who I had on the show I may have been Brad I don't remember if it was the first time you were on the second time or if it was somebody else only because I know it was like obviously a Batman fan but we talked about that at some point and I can't remember but I think we said Solomon Grundy I would have loved to see Solomon Grundy go up against Batfleck in my opinion yeah yeah it's a Batfleck type Batman I'd really like love this rock like a really good cop man yeah that'd be cool too you know yeah probably more so than Clayface that would be my number one pick for a new Batman villain that we haven't seen oh wait I guess we technically did seem I would but not versus the Batman it did like he would he would eat the living no yeah yeah there is no way I mean the Batman films have to stay completely grounded yeah like if they are doing Clayface like it's rumored it's probably just going to be a human being with disfigurements you know what I mean it's not going to be like a big clay thing that's terrible real quick I guess we can throw out some of these other random ones that we don't really have a release date for I'll start with Shang-Chi too I am pretty excited about I enjoyed the first Shang-Chi I think it was the closest thing that we've got to a Mortal Kombat on a Marvel or DC film you know it was different a lore and a universe that I didn't know much about stuff like that if it's done well I'm excited to see it I like seeing the diversity and I like seeing different characters that I've never heard of and seen I honestly didn't know that much about Ms Marvel until the show came out now whether or not the show was good as a whole different story but the character herself did you get on that I'm 50/50 on yeah I love her her the way she plays the character but yeah I understand it she played a good Ms Marvel it's it's a kid playing a kid it fit I'll say that it fit and she's excited to be there too that's another thing like I'm not a huge but like I said I'm not a huge on the show but I love her as Ms Marvel yeah so here comes the nerd chance real quick in the comments find a girl that looks at you the way that John looks at a mediocre mediocre MCU film hey she was very I thought that she she hulk I have seen she no way really hey bro it's not bad it's not bad yeah yeah no I'm not saying it's a eight or anything but it's just gonna say that yeah I just I don't know it just wasn't at the top of the line of films for me to like sit down and watch it's not bad bro it's really not it's not like anything that you're gonna remember for the rest of your life but like it's not it's not bad either like it's an enjoyable film I guess you could put it that way I enjoyed the actor yeah me too Seemu Liu and I also enjoyed Katie you know the the yeah I'm not gonna spoil anything since Brad hasn't seen the film yet but yeah overall yes the film was decent and I'm excited to see the sequel I think that you know the director's coming back we'll see what happens with it yeah I'll second that I'm I'm not you know jumping out of my seat but I'm interested in seeing where it goes you know I will say anything else because Brad hasn't seen the first one I'll definitely check it out Spider-Man 4 there has been a lot of rumor and speculation about what's going on with this film behind the scenes but we really don't know like I said it's just speculation at this point but the speculation is in a nutshell that Sony wants to make this another big multiverse movie yeah all three Spider-Man because why would they not want to do that at this point money money yeah right the creators over at Marvel and Disney wanted to to be you know pull the reins back a little bit and make it a little more grounded right and a more personal story I think that I would agree and lean towards that right but who doesn't want to see Toby and Andrew pop up again right I agree with you both I want it more grounded because I want him like I said earlier for anybody that was still here I wanted him to interact with Daredevil and you know if Jessica Jones comes back and the defenders and whoever else that's you know Kingpin I would love to see Spider-Man fight Kingpin and this and that I kind of wanted to go that route but then again I want the symbiote I want Venom involved I'm not opposed to Andrew and Toby I like that dynamic but I also want the more grounded and I think it should be called the spectacular Spider-Man we're dropping the home moniker the subtitle of home so I think it's time to give him you know it's just been Spider-Man no way home Spider-Man what far from home this and that I think now it's time to have the spectacular Spider-Man that's what I would go with I'm all for it bring in Venom Venom verse Toby Andrew that's a good way to bring it in so Venom versus three Spideys that would be yeah I mean I'm all for it I mean something's got to happen I mean why else would Venom see it on the TV screen yeah it's in the MCU a piece of the symbiote stayed behind somewhere down the road we have to eventually get Venom I mean and that can only mean one thing guys to for grace Venom is coming back to the MCU it's oh no no no no no no I don't want that no not that I like Toby as Spider-Man that I did not like that was bad but I mean I still think Andrew is the best real quick we're gonna finish these comments out and we're gonna close it for the night so all those that joined us we thank you so much invader fro 310 one last time it's not a movie sentiment worthy but it's as good as a streaming movie you think you saw always talking about Shane she most likely yeah yeah it's yeah it's a it's a dumb fun movie but I really enjoyed it and it's not because my wife is Asian or anything like that so nerd chance I don't want to see it John you know I don't want to see it what can what can one of the nerd chance be talking about over that way we I don't know when we started talking about Spider-Man I think I saw that one pop up there he said Toby god oh okay yeah no one of them you say that but I mean like come on if it was verse venom would you take it if it was yeah well he's got he's gonna write oh man it's got to be done right and when are we seeing venom with the spidey logo I guess in in the symbiote we've got to get that but he's got a bond with a spidey first in order to have that right and he likes that spidey when he touches that spidey exactly he was all turned on you know thanks Sean appreciate that yes thank you you guys are awesome thanks Sean I appreciate hey I appreciate all the involvement from everybody in the comments everybody that tuned in it's been a pleasure guys no next to finish out for the nerd chance Brad Chazzy thanks so much for joining check these guys out on their other socials Chazzy Brad you want to tell us where you can find you on socials yeah for sure if you're looking for me you can find me on Instagram my personal IG hates Chazzy Chazzy with two Z's and then if you're looking for the podcast you can find it on Instagram @cyprojectpodcast that's project with a K and cy project every site project podcast everywhere else youtube you can get the merch and everything that's pretty much it man I appreciate everybody on my heart yeah you can find me on instagram at bradman.cosplay or facebook bradman thanks for having me on the show really appreciate it's always awesome talking to you Chazzy and yeah Jonathan thanks for having us you know you're an awesome guy thank you thank you for having us great time great time yeah and also you can check us out on the other socials check us out on tiktok and instagram at real comic book cinema thanks for watching us here on youtube or if you're listening to us in podcast format we thank thank you for that as well you can tell it's really late and I'm getting tired yeah until next time have a great one guys