Rabbi Joey Soffer Shiurim

Neighbors 53-The Elevator

Neighbors 53-The Elevator by Rabbi Joey Soffer

Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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Good morning, everybody. Today is April of August. August, August 29th, August 29th. Good morning. We're on page 112. We started talking yesterday about the elevator situation. Alright, so here we go. The Enchladun, Beda'yar, Bikomata, K'nissa, a guy lives on the ground floor. She's never ever using the elevator because he doesn't live anywhere other than on the first floor. Even though Marchek K'vatchu shoot Taft Babinyan, Allah, Lishta, Tepehula, it's an otarehush. I'm a shoot-taf K'olela Mali, since he's a partner in the building because it's whatever it is, co-op, however it works. He's a part of the building, he's got an elevator, he's got an elevator, he's got an elevator, he's got a trip in. Oh, do we say no? She says, "I'm not going to do it, I'm going to do it." She says, "No use whatsoever for the elevator." But to mention, Allah, Lishta, Mali, he's got an elevator, he's got an elevator, he's got an elevator, he's not going forward to run the elevator because he's never ever using it. He says, "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it." Apparently, maybe they had a building, whatever it was, there's laws that says that everyone, whenever the building owns something or buys something, so all the residents of the building have to ship it together, they have to own it together because they own the building together. This is very recent, this is where by gross is still a Dayan in Chicago, so this is modern, it's the application of the Holocaust we've been learning in modern times. It's what it is. This is Rabbi Yona Gross, he's on the bed in America, he's based in Chicago. He says, "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm going to do it." Anybody who lives in the building, normally, the building is buying lounge chairs for the pool, everyone has to trip in to buy a lounge, they own them equally. The building is buying whatever they're buying, alone, but we're together. They're buying an elevator now, so we say, "Okay, I'm buying an elevator, everybody needs the elevator, I'm all going to trip in." "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it." He already explained earlier that if this custom of everyone shipping in to buy everything together, it's not necessarily the law of the land. So, the Torah law, when we say, "Dina de Maghuta", we're going to follow the law of the land, so that would have to be a law, not a minhag. That's the law in the country, the land, whatever the city, that this is how things work. There's no law, that's how people do it, so, we don't have to rely on that and say, "Dina de Maghuta". We don't have to do it, we don't have to do it, we don't have to do it, we don't have to do it. Since we don't have this law, so we're going to follow what it is, the "af". There are some places, apparently, there are cities that have this law, that anyone who owns the building or apartment in the building is the right thing, they don't have to share equally. That's not the place we're addressing, because there wouldn't be a question over there. If that's the law in the books, then the guy in the first law also has to pay for the elevator, even if they're not using it, that's the law in the books. It is what it is, fine, but that's not the case that we're discussing here, fine. In my case, I look at this, I can't find the place or reason to say that this guy in the first law needs to ship in for the elevator. Guys, never walking in the elevator. No benefit, no use, no use, however. The guy who lives on the second floor, which is the first law up. The guy in the second floor, the guy in the second floor says, "You know what? I walk the stairs. I rather walk one flight. I don't want to push the button, wait for the elevator, but I'm the elevator comms, and I gotta go ahead and close the door. I'll be in my apartment already. I'm walking, I don't need the elevator either." Now he's on the first floor. In the first law, the guy in the second floor says, "Since this guy, even though you want to tell me maybe most of the time doesn't use the elevator, there are times he's going to use it. In the first law, it's clearly a benefit for him, where he doesn't have to walk up the steps, he can take the elevator if he's not used. And there are actually times when he's going to use the elevator. In the first law, he's coming with furniture, he's coming with a baby carriage, things he's not going to carry up the staircase. His bike, Joe, he's going to take it in the elevator. Or he's going to take the elevator, then I'll walk up the steps. So, since it benefits you, and there is sometimes use, so maybe it's not never use it sometimes, that's enough to make you high up. I love the chalem, chemo, coulam, equally, with everybody else. Now the guy in the ground floor, he already says patour. What if they could lock the elevator? No, we'll see in a minute. Who? The guy in the ground floor? No, the second floor. He doesn't want to pay. Oh, yes, we're just passing over your floor. We're passing over your floor, it's not going to stop there. He says I don't want it, and I don't want it, no problem, and we're not stopping by you. It goes from lobby to three. So, I would tell you like this, that might let them off the hook, but they don't have to do that, they can force them to pay. right technically right we could maybe they could do that but why would they bother what happens with the next guy when he sells the apartment now that guy wants the elevator and this is a no no no no no pay now right always pay uh-huh pay now and then we'll have to go over to stop there the guy becomes 90s in a wheelchair and he needs it now he needed okay pay now now pay now I'm gonna charge you more right right right right maybe right well not the the fact they use it now makes me I'll look at it for before right okay I love you come on come on come on where are we so therefore I love the show him kimokulam he has to pay like everybody else I've shimish damage but hot mikulam even though he uses it less right it takes only whatever 30 seconds to go to the first floor and the guy the seventh floor is an elevator for a minute and a half okay whatever it is it is but tough luck doesn't matter paying the same amount now the guy means I'm in hug no I give she input kim kodaya kama kamuta shimushilo in general when you thinking about common expenses that are paid that are equal for all apartments let's say right do we say really how much you will go to the pool more so you need to pay more for the lifeguard than the guy who never comes to the pool we don't do that right it is what it is there's a lifeguard and everybody isn't so I don't care if you're in the area for 30 seconds and he's now waiting for a minute and you're paying the same price it is what it is right Ela kodaya shisha shayakut lohtsa otamishpahmishu tephet ala bla shalim shalam shalam shalamisha vekulam as long as it's benefiting you you have to pay in equal amount just like everybody else I don't care how much of the benefit you using how much you're not using okay well you you walk around with a with a headlamp on your head so you don't need the lights in the staircase we don't tell you no no no you pay the same price everybody else okay to have a but not what's the difference right same thing over here now they look like a kid valet looks as I'm gonna prove it to you shokan alu khatav as follows khols or keha here right all the necessary needs of a city Af al-pih shimik satan in answer again even though some of them people some people don't need it okay go on bethat nut wedding ho or mikveh the kadomeh right a woman who had men opposed doesn't need to go to mikveh ever right she don't need to mikveh or she's too young you're not married so they're gonna mikveh right but but the city needs mikveh I used to know the words they're assessing the what mikveh everyone's gonna trip into the building Afila khi sichinitin hulkran why because to be a valid city to be a town we have to have a mikveh oh you don't use it I don't care now mikorobu chut mahari means that's the source well how long see if in the next scene see man if he had a mouth yeah no does not pay is no benefit whatsoever now the mikveh benefits you with men who could benefit you in the future could be already with the family your kids gonna go to the mikveh your grandkids gonna go to the mikveh somebody there's gonna go to mikveh that's me but over here the elevator on the first floor you're never ever going in the other day because it just doesn't your apartments on the first floor you don't need the other right what is in you hold here yeah on the top floor should pay more like so he just talked about a second ago he just because it's the manhag not to be so mid deck with the amount of things that you use I mean I said before if you go to the one guy goes to the pool every single day one guy goes once a month they don't change more we don't charge the other guy goes every day more for the lifeguard it is what it is different this is something that it's like the security the guy in the front the guy in the front of the village based on the guy further in for in the city in the city but not in the not in the not in the courtyard in the courtyard it's what goes by so you want to say because this is the city this is but this is the apartment the apartment is like it's like a courtyard but it's it's not the manhag that's not the way it works like do we go around in a punch pot every time I go to the pool I was here I was there it doesn't work that way right you know we don't say oh you walk in that you walk in the stick case more so you have to pay more for the electricity one guy walks into the exercise he walks up and down to the stairs every day the other guy takes the elevator we charge the guy walks up and down the steps more for the electricity in the stick case no we just don't do that it is what it is right right same idea right he's got a type of people walking in there and they're using type people for the pool and this guy is a Muslim self one guy we all charge you more is what it is so again if there's if there's if there's a contract that you're signing if you're signing something you sign it they're not talking about right right exactly they usually charge by square foot they take the common area divided by a square foot of the apartment that's what they do and that's that's the common area charges that's they do but that's only assuming there's a there's a there's a contract if there isn't it's not in the contract so now we're talking about what about someone lives on the first floor and his friend lives on the fifth floor so he's gonna use the elevator go visit his friend but shouldn't it be the friend is it the friend's obligations no no no no no why he's coming to visit his friend so I could be outside or coming to visit his friends so because I'll tell you the difference the outside are coming to be with his friend the friend that is using the elevator for his visitor paid for it but I live on the first one my visitors are not taking the elevator they were on the ground floor so so he paid he paid for all the people come to visit what's the difference if I live in the building or not what's the difference if I live in the building or not what's the fifth guy full of paid for his visitors who cares where the visitor came from if he came for the ground floor or he came from outside it don't matter the full guy paid yeah okay so we're working on right now we're the middle working on we just told you we just told you that the ground floor guy don't have to pay that's what he said so far the guy in the ground floor don't have to pay and everybody else I don't care what floor they're on a pay people he said so far and now he's gonna prove it he's gonna prove it for us yeah get you the elevator we said yeah there's an edge value to the house we did we did but not but not necessarily right it's going that the whole building is going to go up in value because the other apartments went up in value says we'll go up relative but not not so much more yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right the guy's second third floor right I don't need it I don't need it right it's a small little thing you know I've managed it well how long have you had a ma it's you want to rush I'm into a whole lot see how it's a odd she has all I have a sad if she to a hobo to hand or Tansha and I'm just no see me not English that ought and he brings a proof very the ma that I'm not in see if I've been true of course I'm a gimmo writes like this if the people of the town had to pay off the mayor slowly yeah okay you think that box over here on the front let's go into the school so they had to pay off the tell the mayor the guy right to help them with whatever the story was they're paying him off to help with the sense of here the debts that we owe to whatever the story was so and have you in the 10 visit so let's say it was a business transaction that they needed to take taking care of so whoever is not in that business and that that there's not going to benefit them doesn't need to chip in that's what that's what he writes over there okay well how rather than kiss so so three minutes seems like this country victory why shall many minutes he got higher minutes for you have all the elu she and I am told to honor me outside the lower rush higher for our commission and so apparently the contradiction of the year between the rush and the Mario and the the was it before was the Mario mince one of them says listen the the town is paying off the guy everyone has to chip in and other ones is now only whatever it is that trying to get through it that's going to benefit those people those have to chip in the other ones don't have to chip it'll be air as smart to try to fix this my pocket should be if you give them a new bar but in young Khali she call you so I also came a bit hot new to McVeyer they asked him in a she had to answer you know I'm not making out or time ahead so they pretend my she ain't because you're too but they are here what's a ah she has all I have so I've been young give you a study of hope she ain't only on Khali says that we fix the contradiction it depends what the story is if you're talking about a benefit for the entire town you need to pay the mayor off to get a variance to build a McVeyer the town needs a McVeyer even if you happen to be you know past men of pause on your wife is not going to the McVeyer we understand the town needs a McVeyer your kids need the McVeyer you're tripping in for that but if it's a personal item that you need to get through this particular business needs a permission to whatever XYZ whatever in that business is gonna benefit everybody else not gonna matter but you can't make the town you can't make the town we're gonna change a law in the town to benefit business X whatever let's say there's a van in the town it's a mile away and they want to put another McVeyer in town close up ah that's a good question can I force that benefit on you right right not a big deal right let's think for a minute so it's the same thing I can say I'm gonna be out of the money we don't know by they don't they hold by they don't I don't want to pay I don't want yeah no but that's this different right here the McVeyer is already here and it's usable on its culture we're assuming that's it yeah I did want to move it closer yeah by the way we learned closer we learned closer is not necessarily a benefit because it's closer to some and automatically further from others right because when you move the McVeyer whatever from where it was for the people that are right there you build a new one okay so I don't I don't want to trip in because I don't need it I don't need it I have that I'm going to that one right yeah I don't think you could force that I don't think the force is built it's already here we already have one and and it's not necessarily benefiting everybody so no you want to give give you don't want to give it can't force you no good okay so it says it depends what it was was it was a general law that's gonna help everybody or it's only for specific businesses but all right my she ain't okay because you're too but now you know it's actually I saw like my side what time is it we have one moment okay fine you know if it doesn't benefit you you're not in that business it's not gonna help you that you've changed the law you don't have to give me it he says I hear they should come in at a smaller haleg then McVey will be a bit hot noon we'll be taking a set she call a little heavy right so he's making this difference between them there a shoe a wedding haul things that everybody going to use eventually or needs they all have to chip in like a lot of cool amish that they've watched a cable to vote if you have some kind of business thing share with you much damage them don't have to pay fine now using that logic bring it back to our elevator case well the fee is there but he don't share a lot of my elite beyond me should talk okay in as this elevator now in our shared building they're actually enlomash a high-ups there and you know and Jan had diarim hube bichina hovata here they're like and di are bit comata kinesasha in on a hand a no michu yavli shit that they'll talk this elevator is that what we call something that's obligated for everybody in the town and or needed for everybody in town no it's not and therefore I don't I don't I don't have to force him it's more like the business transaction this law is benefiting business X okay so the elevators is helping everybody except the guy on the ground floor but he's not getting a benefit for me not to pay fine we'll stop you okay tomorrow