The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

Get Wisdom, pt. 6 - Avoiding Fools

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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And you know folks, as always, whenever and well, wherever you find yourself listening to us, it's always, always, always my prayer that you also find yourself in the grace and in the mercy of our Lord and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Sword of the Spirit Podcast. All right, hey, it is another beautiful, beautiful Thursday evening here in Eagle Pass, Texas. And folks, we are live once again from the Asylum Studios broadcasting from the pimple on the backside of Texas, the beautiful city of Eagle Pass and the county of Maverick here in Texas. What a beautiful night we have for a show. Beautiful night for a podcast. Hey folks, I hope you had a great week and I certainly, certainly do hope that you got to spend some time with the Lord over the last few days and not only get to spend some time with the Lord, but also, you know, talk to some folks about their soul. Talk to some folks about the Lord Jesus Christ. Let them know that we are in the last days of the last days, that now is the time for salvation. It is appointed unto men once to die, and then the judgment. So folks, it's so incredibly important today that we are talking to folks about the Lord Jesus Christ and I hope you take time to do that. I hope you pray about it and I hope that the Lord, you know, points people in your path to do that. I hope it hyped up here, I've had quite a bit of coffee this afternoon, I still got more to go here and I love the coffee and I need it. It's been a crazy, crazy week as far as work goes, it's been crazy at work, just the hours that we've been putting in, you know, we're getting ready for our state inspection and that could be any day now and we're hoping it comes very, very soon because I think we're all getting a little tired of waiting and being on our best behavior, if you know what I mean. But it's what we do, I guess, right? But again, guys, I hope that you got to talk to folks about Jesus Christ. You know, I tried to do that this week, I tried to start up some conversations, it was tough, it was tough, but I did get an opportunity to talk to one of the people at the building where I work and I think we laid some good foundation there. We're getting started on something there and I'm excited about that, so we're going to pray about that as we go forward. Now for the last, what is it, five weeks? Yeah, this is number six, this is part six of the series, so for the last five weeks we've been studying wisdom on our Thursday nights and of course wisdom, we get from the Book of Proverbs in the book of Ecclesiastes and so far over the last five weeks we've been talking about, we talked about the biblical admonition that we find in Proverbs, he that winneth souls is wise, we talked a little bit about soul winning, we talked about dealing with fear, we talked about dealing with money, we talked about dealing with death last week and this week we're going to be heading over to Proverbs 14 and keeping in line and in theme with our dealing with subjects, we're going to be dealing with fools today, dealing with fools and I am sure that a number of things crossed your mind when I say it because when I said dealing with fools, man, there are a few people crossed my mind today, but dealing with fools or avoiding fools, so that's what we're going to talk about today, but of course before we do that, I'm going to ask you to head over to our website, sort of the spirit and when you get over there, open up that contact form and send us over a message, let us know whatever is on your heart, whatever is on your mind, any questions, comments, cares, concerns that you might have, also don't forget to send over your prayer requests and we did receive a couple of prayer requests this week and as matter of fact one just a little bit ago, which we'll get to when we get to the prayer section of the show today, but if you don't want to use the web form, totally fine with me, totally fine, you could always email me directly at, that's Now also when you're on the website, don't forget to head on over to our support page and if you could, take a look at it and remember, just remember this, this is a modern, a modern value for value podcast, which basically means that if this podcast has been a blessing to you in any way, if you've received anything of value from what we're doing here 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when I talk about this whole thing, you know, I'm not talking about just the physical plant operation here, I'm not talking about just the lights, the camera, you know, the mics and all that stuff, which I don't know if I've told you enough, but I really don't like doing the video, but doing the video for me has become like a government program, I just never seems to die or go away, so, you know, I really don't like it, but we do it, but your donations help pay for all this stuff, of course, but your donations also go to something even more important, your donations go out to our Bible program, if anybody listening needs a new King James Bible, and I don't mean a new King James Bible, you know, I'm talking about a brand new in the package King James Bible, we don't want to mess around with the new quote unquote King James Bible, it's a horrible, horrible Bible, but which we'll get into another topic another time, but your donations help us send out Bibles to folks that request them, and we've had quite a few over the last couple of years, and it's always a blessing to be able to send out a Bible to somebody who needs one, maybe you can't afford it, we'll be happy to help, we don't ask for anything, just donations, and if you can donate, please do please consider it, pray about it, if the Lord leads you to do it, click that button and send us over a donation in any amount, but again, if you want that shout out $16.11, all right, well, that out of the way, how about we take our Bibles and head over to Proverbs chapter 14, Proverbs and chapter number 14, all right, Proverbs chapter 14, it's got a strange notification on my device over here, let me put that away, all right, Proverbs chapter 14, how about we pray, Father, would you add your blessings to the examination and the study of your word, Lord, we thank you for it, the Word of God is quick and powerful and it's sharper than any two-edged sword, God help us to never presume upon it or take it lightly, but to be serious, or as serious as we know how to be serious when we approach it, really believing and understanding that what we are holding is the inspired, preserved Word of God for us. Father, we thank you so much for it and we pray today in Jesus' name, amen. All right, Proverbs and chapter 14, Proverbs chapter 14, and we're going to start in verse 7. Go from the presence of a foolish man when now perceive us not in him, the lips of knowledge. All right, so I'm going to give you the 2024 rendition of that. When someone starts talking stupid, leave. In other words, avoid fools. All right, go back to chapter 9. Proverbs 9 and verse 6. For sake, the foolish and live and go in the way of understanding. Well, there's a lot of foolishness that we're surrounded with, don't you think? And some of it, almost at times seems to be utterly inescapable in modern America, you know? But if we're going to avoid fools and foolishness, this may even include, well, in fact, I'm absolutely convinced it's going to include periodically, you know, probably quite often changing channels. You with me? Got a lot of stuff out there that's just nothing more than foolishness. And God says, avoid fools. But now, you know, having said that, we are compelled then to investigate what a fool is from a biblical standpoint, from a biblical viewpoint, not from any other standpoint, not from any other definition. But what does God say a fool is? Well, probably all of you, or at least most of you can think of the number one criteria of a fool. What would you think to be the number one criteria of a fool? Now, listen, there are many that we're going to end up looking at, but think about this. What do you suppose the number one criteria of a fool is, biblically speaking? Well, a fool says there's no God. Go to Psalm 14, Psalm 14, and we'll get some confirmation on that. All right, now Psalm 14, verse one, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God, they are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that do with good. All right, so a fool, a fool concludes there is no God. All right, now go to Psalm 53, Psalm 53. So evidently, this is important enough to be embedded in our minds and in our hearts, so important that God repeated it. Psalm 53, verse one, the fool have said in his heart, there is no God, corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity, there is none that do with good. So God here, he reinforces the idea that a fool maintains that there is no God. Now, obviously much of today's modern secular educational system is constructed for the very simple purpose of denying God's existence. I mean, really that's half the reason that they exist. You see, if God can be eliminated, then there's no standards of behavior that need to be adhered to, except the arbitrary ones that that that man chooses to impose upon himself. For example, science says evolution, right now, if evolution can be documented, and it's nothing that has to be proven, I say documented to the extent that that the majority of people are convinced. You know, I was talking to an elderly man once, and he wasn't so elderly that that he lost his marbles rental like that, but I remember the conversation we had back in New York, and his wife attended our church, he didn't, but she did. And we were having this conversation one day, and he brought it up. He said something about, well, you know, I believe in evolution. That's what I believe in. And I said, well, all right, well, tell me why. I'm broad minded enough. Tell me why. He said, well, you know, because of everything they show you on television, that was the only evidence that he could submit what they show on television. So I said, I said, okay, well, let me ask you this. Have you, have you read any books that oppose that theory? He said no. I said, would you be willing to? He said no. You know what that guy was really telling me? The guy was really telling me that, that he wanted to believe in evolution, because if evolution is a fact, if evolution is a fact, then there is in all probability no God, which allows him to behave any way that he wants to behave. That's the bottom line of it. Because you see, evolution has no rules. There are no 10 commandments in the theory of evolution. There are no rules of behavior. You see, not in evolution. All right. Now, that's true, you know, that that's true in science. It's true in philosophy. You know what philosophy teaches our kids? Philosophy teaches our kids the theory of relativity, the theory of relativity. You know, that all things are relative, that there are no absolutes, that there are no constants. Everything is relative to circumstances, situations, and that's where they come up with that phrase that they use, situational ethics, situational ethics. You see, now, all of that, all of that is just another effort to avoid God and basically allow people to behave in any way that they want to behave without fear of consequences. God's commandments, folks, God's commandments are not for his benefit, they're for our benefit, they're for our, they're for us. But you just, but you notice something that's, that's a notion that escapes a lot of people escapes a lot of folks. You know, they think that God's just this, this, this mean old ogre sitting up in the sky somewhere that says, Oh boy, I'm really going to mess with them today. I'm going to give them 10 commandments and I'm going to make their lives miserable. You know, it's not that way. No, absolutely not. It's not that way at all. What God, what God gave us in, for us in commandments and in standards of behavior is not for his benefit. It's for ours. It's for ours and it ultimately benefits us. You see? And so we have, well, actually, here's a thought that I just had today that really, it really never occurred to me before, right? And so I'm going out on a limb here, but you know, I believe it. I believe it. You know, we have some of these newest Bibles that are coming out and, and, and, and, you know, I know you've heard of them and, you know, and what they're trying to do in a lot of these new Bibles is they're trying to feminize God. And so they're changing pronouns. You know, God can no longer be a he. God has to be a she or an it or, or, or, or, or whatever, you know, you know, whatever they want to make it. But God can no longer be a he. And I got to think about that. And I said, why? Why would there be an effort to feminize God? And then it occurred to me. I know why. I know exactly why. It's the softening of the rules. Okay. And I think, what are you talking about? Just think about it. In most homes, when you were growing up, maybe it was like this for you was like this for me. In most homes, if dad said no, what would we do? We would try to see if we couldn't, you know, massage mom a little bit, right? Because mom, by her maternal instincts, was a little bit softer, right? And so it was kind of, you know, it was just kind of, you know, well, you know, well, let's see if we could feminize God. And maybe the rules will be slackened a little bit. And one of the things I always hated was anytime I would go ask my mom for something, she would say, ask your father, you know, and like, no, I want to ask you, you know, I thought maybe she'd cut me a little bit more slack, you know, and she would not often, not often, you know, but once in a while she would. All right. So fools, fools deny God. That's the number one thing you need to know about fools. If you don't know anything else about fools, know that. All right, but that's not all. Fools blaspheme God. Fools blaspheme God is go to Psalm 74. Psalm 74. And when you get to Psalm 74, let's go to verse 18. Verse 18, remember this that the enemy hath reproached, O Lord, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name. All right. Now, now this is something that I've mentioned frequently from, from, from the podcast, from the pulpit over the years, you know, it's just, you know, to me it's just, it's just a glaring example of the, of the very existence and the very holiness of God himself, the God of the Bible. You name another God, quote unquote God that people utilize as a curse word. Allah has never been utilized as a curse word, or the gods of Buddhism or Hinduism or any of the other isms that are out there. It's always the God of the Bible that's trafficked in the world of cursing and swearing. And you know what that tells me? That tells me that when a, when a person is cursing in the name of God Almighty, what they're searching for in their mind with their searching for is a stamp of final authority, a stamp of final authority on what it is that they're saying and instinctively without even realizing it or at least without even realizing how they confuse themselves, they call on the name of the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the Bible to authoritative, to authoritatively put his stamp on their statement. So that's why they ask God to damn something. You know, they never ask Buddha to damn anything. Can you imagine? Oh Buddha, damn. Sounds ridiculous. Oh, Muhammad, damn. It just doesn't work. It doesn't work. You know why? There's no authority. There's no authority there. There's, there's just none there, man, just none. It's empty. It's like a vacuum. You see? So fools blaspheme God and that in itself demonstrates the actual reality of our God. Now in a close relationship to that, I take a look at verse 22, Psalm 74 verse 22. Arise O God, plead by known cause. Remember how the foolish man reproaches the daily. Reproaches the daily. All right. Now I suppose, you know, we can come up with all kinds of examples or at least a few examples of what it would mean to reproach God. All right. Let me give you one that I've heard people say periodically over the years. And I'm sure you've heard it too. And hopefully you're not one of the people who actually say this thing. Well, when I get upstairs, I got a few bones to pick with the old man upstairs. Oh, yes, you do. Oh, yes, you do. And how's that going to work out for you? You know what they're doing? You know what they're doing? They're reproaching God. And I'll tell you something, folks, that that's a terrible, terrible disease that that leads as far as I'm concerned to spiritual dementia to where, you know, after a while they can't even think particularly about spiritual things. Well, that's not all. Proverbs chapter 14 again. Proverbs chapter 14. Proverbs chapter 14 verse 9. Fools make a mock at sin, but among the righteous, there is favor. Fools make a mock at sin. Now, I have a commentary series called the pulpit commentary. To be honest with you, it's not usually very dependable, but occasionally they come up with something that's actually worth reading. And this one time they did their comment on this particular verse is this quote, fools commit sin lightly and cheerfully. They give spacious names to grievous transac transgressions, pass over rebuke with a joke and encourage others in crime by their easy way of viewing it. Well, you know, something that's that's actually a pretty good explanation of that. It's actually pretty good. There was a young fraternity man who was a Christian. He sat for about two hours in the living room of a frat house listening to, you know, a typical bull session for all the younger students by all the young students. And one young man described the specific requirements for a BTO or a BMOC. Now, how many even know what that is? You know what I'm talking about? Well, a BTO is a big time operator. And BMOC is the big man on campus. Well, this guy that was talking, he was quite vivid in his details. And after a gala laughter, he had swept the entire room that the Christian said quietly, quote, I think you left out two very important qualifications for the wolf. But what are those? As the first speaker still chuckling, the Christian said, a weak head and a wicked heart. Well, I imagine it got really quiet for a while. And the only problem with that story is this, Christians don't belong in frat houses. Sorry, Christians don't belong in frat houses. And I don't know if you left at that point, I don't, you know, it would have been a good time to exit. You know, it would have been a good time to have said, you know, see you later. For young men piled into a taxi, which was, which carried an aged gentleman in it. As the taxi went toward downtown New York, the young men laughed and roared about what they were going to do that night, the drinks, the women, you know, when they got there. And one of them, one of them winked at his buddy and turned to the old man who had been silently gazing out of the window during the entire conversation and said, how about a pops you want to make a night on the town with us? And the old gentleman quietly looked at each one of the young men and turned. And then he said slowly and deliberately, gentlemen, I fear God. And how are you going to respond to that? How do you respond to that? How do you going to answer that? You know, that that sums it up as well as that can be summed up anywhere. All right. Now in connection with making a market sin, go over to Proverbs chapter 10, Proverbs in chapter 10 and verse 23. Now, you know, as I review all of these various definitions and descriptions of a fool, I can't, you know, I can't help but think about, you know, almost without exception, every one of them has a pretty direct application in the modern news media. You know, you can probably make your own application in your own mind's eye, right? But Proverbs chapter 10 and verse 23. It is as sport to a fool to do mischief, but a man of understanding hath wisdom. All right. So the idea of this thing is, you know, it's great sport to see what they can get away with. You know, harmless pranks turn into misdemeanors, which turn into further trouble. You see, it's sport to get into mischief. Now I suppose, you know, most young men at least, you know, at some point in their lives have sought out mischief at one time or another in their life. When I was working back in New York and I was working in law enforcement, my partner and I, we were assigned to an overnight security detail for a new fountain that was opened at a point of entrance to the boardwalk at South Beach and Staten Island. And it was okay. It wasn't like anything spectacular, but it was the fountain I'm talking about. It was a bunch of dolphins positioned like they were playing in the water. And, you know, the fountain had, you know, water jets that shut out out of the, I guess would be like the blowhole on the, on the dolphin and it would spray out all over the place, you know, and it had lights and all that, all that stuff. And that thing would run all night long. Well, we were there babysitting this fountain because someone decided to put a whole bottle of dish detergent in that fountain one night and the entire circle, the parking lot was covered with bubbles. All right. I'm trying to, you know, if you got kids listening, I'm not trying to give you guys ideas or anything like that. All right. But, but that's mischief. That's mischief. All right. You got to be careful about mischief. See, unfortunately, a lot of the mischief that people get into today are really not harmless. They're not harmless pranks. Go over to Proverbs chapter one. Proverbs chapter one and verse seven. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. All right. So fools despise wisdom and instruction. So the idea of the thing is, you know, a fool thinks he knows it all and he doesn't need any instruction. He refuses to investigate the facts. You know, it happens in politics. You know, for example, you know, and you guys know this, but liberal liberals drive me nuts. I'm sorry. They drive me nuts, not just because they're liberals. All right. They drive me nuts because they refuse to investigate the facts. And that's to me that that's what just drives you crazy sometimes. And so, you know, the failure to investigate the facts often leads to a downward trend that ends in violence. Now, you know, we've all heard of Antifa, right? We've all heard of them. Well, you know what Antifa is? That's just, it's a group of mostly young men running around the country that are ignorant of facts. And it's an excuse for them to misbehave, as we've already suggested. And then of course, you know, that, you know, that invades and finds a way into religion. It's not just politics. You know, it's not just those kinds of things. You know, it's religion too. For example, when, when a Jehovah's Witness comes to your door, right? And he wants you to take his literature. All right. You offer him some literature and see what he does. You know what he does? He refuses it. He refuses it. He will not take your literature under any sense, any set of circumstances. You know, the problem is he will not investigate the facts. He will not look at the other side of the story. He won't do it. Right? And you know, he's been instructed. Don't do it. And I tell them all the time, well, I can't take your literature if, if, if, unless you take mine, you know, now I'm not afraid of yours. Why are you afraid of mine? And you know, I'll be honest with you. I've tried everything. I've, I've insulted them. You know, I've tried everything. And I, I said to one, I said, are you so intellectually deficient that, that you can't sort out the truth from fiction? I mean, you know, but that's the way they've been brainwashed. That's the way they've been programmed. You know, they cannot take any literature. They couldn't visit another church under any set of circumstances. You know, they can't do it. They won't allow it. You see, you know, one way to get a good education, one way to get a good education is to get both sides of the story. Amen? You get all sides. But we see so much. And now, you know, for example, you know, we have all these college campuses that all across America that are, that are resisting and not allowing conservative speakers on the campus. Now that's insanity. Is that a good education? How, I mean, how can you call that a good education when, when, when you resist the opportunity to even hear what the other side has to say? And you know, a lot of times, if they're successful in bringing in a conservative speaker, the adversaries show up, they start screaming and yelling and protesting and, and they make so much noise that the speaker can't even be heard. You know, fools despise wisdom and instruction. Fools do it. Tragically, too many fools are running the college campuses of America today. All right, they hate knowledge. They hate knowledge. Look in verse 22 of Proverbs chapter one. How long the simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge? Let me ask you this. How many liberals or, or let me back that up. How many liberal evolutionists do you think have ever visited the arc out there in Kentucky? Probably not handfuls, you know, probably not, because why? Because they don't want to be faced with the possibility that they could be wrong, geologically, or in any other way, scientifically. They don't, they just don't want to be confronted with the possibility that they could be wrong. You know, how many college students in America, except maybe some, some Christian colleges, weren't all acquainted with the fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands of scientists in the world that do not agree with climate change. I mean, I looked it up. I researched it. I googled it one time and the list really does. It goes on and on and on. Now, of course, at some point, Google is probably going to try to remedy that and, you know, and try to eliminate the names. And, you know, but I'm talking about credible scientists. I'm talking about people with all the academic qualifications, you know, the PhDs and the physics and all that kind of stuff. They're saying, no, climate change doesn't exist as it's being taught and propagated today. But you know, something you never hear about that, do you? You never hear about that on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC? You don't hear about that. Why? Well, I'll tell you why. Fools hate knowledge. That's why. So, you know, maybe, maybe you're we're surrounded by fools. We're surrounded by fools. That's not all Proverbs 12. Proverbs 12. Proverbs 12 and verse 15. 12 15, the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he that hearkeneth unto wise counsel, but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. All right. So you know what that tells me? Fools are self-sufficient in their thinking. They think that they know all they need to know, and they don't need to have their minds invaded by any other opposing ideas or concepts. And so you have Paul and Paul essentially reiterates the same thing in Romans chapter one. You see, talking about fools and what they've rejected, which is obvious truth. That's not all. They're self-confident. Look in Proverbs 14. Proverbs 14 and verse 6. Proverbs 14 and verse 6, a scourner seeketh wisdom and findeth it not, but knowledge is easy unto him that understand it. Well, there you are. They're self-confident. They think that they have all the answers. They don't need to be exposed to anything else. And consequently, they are looking at verse 16. Look at verse 16, a wise man, feareth and departed from evil, but the full rageeth and is confident. Confidence, you know, they exude this attitude of man, you know, we got a handle on this. You know, we got this. So they're self-confident. They're self-confident. Well, they're self-deceivers. Look in chapter 14 again, verse 8. Chapter 14 and verse 8. The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of fools is deceit. Alright, so they're self-deceivers. They're self-deceivers. Alright, and finally in Proverbs 28. Well, finally in this subtitle, Proverbs 28 and verse 26. Proverbs 28 verse 26. Now this is the real corn killer, in my opinion. He that trusseth in his own heart is a fool. Alright, now how many times has the world instructed you to trust your heart, believe your heart, follow your heart? I mean, you listen to all the songs that are out there on the hip parade, you know, today, like country or hip hop or, you know, whatever it is, you know, you listen to them and I guarantee you, I'll guarantee you at least half of them, if not more, are encouraging you to believe your heart, follow your heart, trust your heart. But that Bible says, if you do that, you're a fool. Now why is that? Well, that's simple. It really is. It's simple. Jeremiah said, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it." Your heart will mislead you. Your heart will operate the fabric of its emotions. And your emotions are roller coasters, amen? Emotions are roller coasters. You know, you do you always feel exactly the same way every day? You get up and say, man, I feel good today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next week and the next month and just the same. No, no, probably not. Do you know why? Because of our humanality. That's a good liberal word, right? Humanality. I know humanity, but I've heard, you know, I've heard the liberals say something about humanality. So I'm, you know, just trying to be hip, trying to be cool, you know, whatever, right? You know, you can't, you can't depend on your heart because your heart will fool you. Your heart will lie to you. Your heart will deceive you. Don't trust your heart. Fools. Fools trust their heart. Now, as believers and particularly in our spiritual lives, you know, you can't trust your heart at all. You got to trust the evidence and the evidence is found in the Word of God. It's found in the Word of God, amen? All right, so fools. That's not all. Proverbs 15. Proverbs 15. Let's go over there. Proverbs 15. And let's look at verse two. Proverbs 15, verse two. The tongue of the wise, you, the use of knowledge are right, but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. You know what? You know what fools are? They're full of words. They're full of words. You know, one of the indicators of a fool is they generally never shut up. Now, if you watched any of the town hall last night with President Trump and Sean Hannity, you know, Sean Hannity was the prime example of that verse. Fools generally never shut up. So they're given to meddling. Look in chapter 20. Proverbs chapter 20 and verse three. It's an honor for a man to cease from strife, but every fool will be meddling. All right, now a meddler is someone that sticks his nose and somebody else's business. All right, that's a meddler. All right, that's what fools do. You know, that's what fools do. And that's not all. Look at chapter 10. Let's go back to chapter 10 and verse 18. Chapter 10, verse 18. So I'm trying to keep it easy for you today. We're not going all over the place. We're just sticking around pretty much in Proverbs, Psalms, a couple of other places later on, but you know, I'm trying to make it easy. Proverbs chapter 10, verse 18, "He that hideeth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth slander is a fool." So fools are slanderers. Now, a slanderer is someone that tells stories about someone without concrete evidence that it's a truth. You know, they just make stuff up. Do you suppose the media ever does that? No, right? Of course, they make stuff up all the time, all the time. And you know, and what they do is they just throw it out there and they expect people to believe it. Now, you know, that's not all. Fools are angry. Fools are angry. Ecclesiastes chapter 7 and verse 9. You know, it's hard to find. It's hard to find. And I keep referring to liberals because, you know, I see a lot of fools in the political world under that particular heading. But you know, it's hard, but you think about it. It really, it's hard to find a happy liberal. Now, I don't know if you've ever noticed that or not. It's just hard to find a happy liberal. You know, I find happy conservatives all the time. You know, I do. But liberals, they're just not happy. Why? Because they're angry. They're mad all the time, you see? And that leads them to be contentious. In Proverbs 18 and verse 6, they're, you know, they're just contentious. They're argumentative. That's, that's the way they are. All right. Now, if you ever been in a conversation with one, you know, you may have noticed that when you presented your side of the, of the case, of the story, and your case, your side of the case had some substance to it. It had facts and, and it had, you know, the kind of thing that, you know, generally, you know, you know, generally, what happens is they just get louder and they talk louder and they scream a little bit. And, and, you know, without submitting any further evidence, they're contentious. They're contentious, you see? And, and of course, you know, you encountered that in religious, in the religious world also, you know, all right. How about Luke chapter 12? Luke chapter 12. Let's run over there really quick. Luke chapter 12 and, and then we'll kind of wrap this up with some other observations. All right. Now the Bible says, avoid fools. Avoid fools. Well, that's probably impossible on a hundred percent basis because, I mean, really, the world seems to be full of them. Amen. But at the very least, I would say, you know, don't allow fools to influence your thinking. You know, try to make sure that they're not influencing you in directions and in ways which don't offer biblical substance and truth. Now Luke chapter 12 and verse 16, Luke 12, 16, and he spake a parable unto them, saying, the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought with himself saying, what shall I do? Because I have no room where to bestow my fruits. And he said, this will I do. I will pull down my barns and build greater. And there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required to thee. Then who shall those things be which thou has provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. Now, the parable itself is pretty self explanatory. You know, if you make if you make no preparations for the future beyond this life, no preparations for the judgment see to Christ, no preparations for eternity. God says you're a fool. You're a fool. Don't be a fool. All right. Fools resist the sayings of Jesus Christ, which of course, you know, is the gospel. Let's go over to first Kings chapter 12. First Kings chapter 12. All right. Now in first Kings chapter 12, and verse eight, but he, all right. Now the he here is Rebaum of verse one, which is the son of Solomon, but he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him. And consulted with the young men that were grown up with him and which stood before him. Now, of course, if you know, if you follow the narrative all the way through, Rebaum is given the keys in the batch of the kingdom after the death of his father, Solomon. And so what he does is he surrounds himself with the counsel of young men. And he says, all right, well, what do you guys think I should do? And they said, well, here's what you need to do. You need to go back and you need to tell them, you know, tell them that your father was a pussycat. You tell them that you're going to really hammer them with taxation. You're going to, you're going to put the heavy, heavy weight on them. And then he pondered that he thought about it. He said, well, he said, okay, that sounds good to me. That's what we're going to do. And then the result of that was the kingdom was split. I mean, literally a political civil war broke out, a political civil war. And it was split because he consulted the young men. You know, fools looked to Antifa for advice, but wise men don't. You see, so Ria bone was a fool. He was a fool. The Pharisees were fools and Jesus called them fools in Matthew chapter 20 and verse three. And then he repeated it. God calls Israel a fool and Jeremiah four and verse 22 because of their backslidden derelict ways. So he says, you're fools. And so we have a lot of examples, you know, those are just a few of them, but there are many, many, many more in the Bible that, you know, people or groups of people that turn out to be fools. All right. Now there's one passage I'm going to take you to. It's Matthew chapter five, Matthew and chapter five. And let's see, let's take a look at this one. This is really interesting. Matthew chapter five and verse 22. But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say to his brother Raka shall be in danger of the counsel, but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of hellfire. All right. Now, first of all, you need to set the stage here. All right. You have to realize where this is. This passage of scripture is in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount. All right. And the Sermon on the Mount is, and we've covered this before several times, the Sermon on the Mount is the constitutional form of a coming kingdom, the millennial kingdom. All right. And all of this behavior that's being discussed in the Sermon on the Mount has application to the future. And this is the way that the government is going to be run under the iron rod of the Lord Jesus Christ. This has absolutely listed to me, folks, this has absolutely nothing to do with the church age in which we live. It has nothing to do with the church aid because on more than one occasion, you know, Paul called people fools or instructed us to know that some people are fools. Right. So then how does this apply? Well, it's a millennial application is what the thing is. And specifically to Israel and the millennial kingdom. But now there's something else here that needs to be observed. All right, whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. All right, that could very well be a human judgment. You see, and we know that because of what follows. In other words, you might be, you know, you might, somebody might drag you to court in the millennium because you're angry with a brother without cause. All right. And whosoever shall say to his brother Raka shall be in danger of the council. All right, the council is a human endeavor, not a godly thing, but a human thing. All right, this has a government millennial government kind of application. All right, now the word Raka, what is Raka? You know, I mean, when was the last time you said to anybody, you're a Raka, probably never, right? Probably never. Raka is a Hebrew word. It's a Jewish word, and it's a word, and it's a word for a fool, but a modified form of fool. All right, look at the rest of the verse. But whosoever shall say, thou fool shall be in danger of hellfire. You see how that whole thing goes? It goes in segments. It goes in increments. The first one, if you're angry with, angry with your brother without a cause, you might face some kind of a judgment. If you say to your brother Raka, you could be in danger of being, you know, drug in front of the council. But if you call somebody a fool, you could be in danger of going to hellfire. Now, there is nowhere, absolutely nowhere in the Pauline epistles anywhere that would indicate if you call someone a fool, you might go to hell, nowhere. Try to find it. This has a millennial application, a millennial application. Now, what is Raka then? Well, Raka, instead of calling it, you know, I'm going to put it in the best modern vernacular that I can. All right. Instead of saying, you know, that guy's a fool, you might say, well, he's an idiot. He's a blockhead. You see what I mean? It's just kind of a modified form of a fool. You know, that's a toned down approach to a fool. So that's Raka, you know, you're not really saying fool. You're implying that his behavior is foolish. You know, so he's like a blockhead. He's a dunderhead. He's a dope. You know, and I'm sure you could think of all kinds of names. All right. So in other words, in other words, you're questioning their behavior and their sanity and their common sense, all right, you're questioning. You're not necessarily accusing, but you're questioning. All right. That's what Raka is. So again, does it have any application to you? Probably not anymore than if I right hand defend the cut it off. I mean, how many of you would like to have that application on you? If you're right, I offensive, pluck it out. I've never been to a church that said, Hey, man, we could use that. We can use that verse right there. You know, they put it up on a big banner and, you know, probably not. But you understand what I mean? I mean, I have never been to a, to a hand cutting off service of you. I haven't. I've never been to an eye plucking out service. All right, folks, we're going to come down the aisle here. We're going to pluck out some eyes today for Jesus, not today, not in this age. Well, I'm not going to beat a dead horse there, but I would guess that you get it. I guess you would understand. All right. Well, tomorrow's Sunday, tomorrow, I'm sorry, Sunday is coming. Excuse me. My days are messed up here. And, you know, tragically, I'm going to get this off my chest here. Tragically, too many Christians take Sunday cavalierly. You know, too many Christians have higher priorities and the priority of going to church and meeting with the saints and hearing the word of God is, you know, somewhere of maybe four, five, six on the list, right? Folks, Sunday is an important day. It's called the Lord's Day. It's not the Sabbath. That's Saturday, but for Christians, it's the Lord's Day. The day should belong to Him. And so I would encourage you and I would encourage others as we look forward to Sunday. You know, it is Sunday, a day that you pray about, look forward to, anticipate, say, God, we sure like to see you show up in a real special way on Sunday. Just imagine if all the saints did that. Boy, man, who knows what would happen if everyone would just pray for Sunday. And I'm going to ask you to pray for me for this Sunday, for the message that we're going to have for Sunday afternoon. All right. Heavenly Father, we thank you. We thank you that you love us. Lord, I think I can say, I wish that we loved you more. I wish you and all that you have in your word for us was top priority on our list, but tragically, all too often it isn't. Lord, forgive us for our indifference. And Father, I do look forward to this Sunday, a day in which we have set aside, not by precept, but by example, together together. You've said not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together as the manner of some is. So God, we look forward to this day in full anticipation of what you might do. Lord, perhaps the Holy Spirit can work out a great conscience, a conviction and a loss center that might come to the Savior and would a glorious thing that would be. But perhaps God's people would recommit themselves in a very unusual and kind of a wonderful way to the purposes of the Lord Jesus in their lives. God help us to avoid fools, according to the dictates of your word in Jesus name. Amen. All right, folks, we're going to take our break here. And when we come back from our break, we're going to get into our prayer list. We have a couple of changes and additions, our announcements, and then we're going to wrap this thing up. We're going to try to get it done a little bit earlier than usual tonight. And we'll try to move this thing along pretty quickly. All right, folks, this is the Sword of the Spirit podcast. Please don't forget this is a live show every Sunday at 3 p.m. Central Time. And every Thursday night at 7 p.m. Central Time, you can hear it right here on You can check us out on any of the modern podcast apps like podcast guru, or you can check out the video feed on rumble exclusively at And folks, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it with your friends, your family, and your followers. That way, you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And we will be back after this. Stay with us. Through the power of your spirit, you called us to the cross, where your precious blood redeemed us, when our hopeless souls were lost. You have saved us to be serviced, who share the light of truth, with the world who needs us, save your and the glorious good news. For the sake of the gospel, you'll refine your church as we carry the message all throughout the earth. Let each heart be surrendered to pray obey and go. For the sake of the gospel, for your glory alone. Saving faith will come by hearing and hearing by the word. So we'll preach to every nation till the day that you return. Seeking cross your holy kingdom, may we lift your power high and take up a cross to follow as your name is magnified. For the sake of the gospel, you'll refine your church as we carry the message all throughout the earth. Let each heart be surrendered to pray obey and go. For the sake of the gospel, for your glory alone. By your strength, by your grace, we'll lay down our lives and proclaim Jesus's days, no matter what the price. For the sake of the gospel, you'll refine your church as we carry the message all throughout the earth. Let each heart be surrendered to pray obey and go. For the sake of the gospel, for your glory alone. For the sake of the gospel, for your glory alone. [Music] Hi, this is Barry of and the Improving Barry podcast. You're listening to the Sword of the Spirit podcast on Sword of the Spirit and From wealth and wine, it will buy. Don't they know on the judgment day that they're cold and silver, will melt away. I'd rather be in deep dark rain. Know that my poor soul was saved. Then to live in this world, in a house of gold, and when I'm my god, end to my soul. What gold is gold and silver to hold when your heart's not good and true. Sinner, hear me when I see you fall down on your knees in the brain. [Music] [Music] You are listening to the Sword of the Spirit podcast on Sword of the Spirit and Lay down your burden. I will carry you. I will carry you. My child, my child. I can walk on water, calm a restless sea. I've done a thousand things you've never done. I'm weary watching while you struggle on your own, calm a mimic. Lay down your burden. I will carry you. I will carry you. My child, my child. Lay down your burden. I will carry you. I will carry you. My child, my child. I give vision to the blind and I can raise the dead. I've seen the darker side of hell and I return. I see those sleepless nights and get out every tear you cry or some lesson's hurt to learn. [Music] Lay down your burden. I will carry you. I will carry you. My child, my child. Lay down your burden. I will carry you. I will carry, carry my child, my child. I'll carry you. My child, my child. I will carry you. Hey there folks. This is Joe Rusiella. Welcome back to the Sword of the Spirit podcast. Thank you so much for being with us tonight on this beautiful, beautiful Thursday evening. We are having a great, great time with our study in the book of Proverbs talking about wisdom. Today we talked about avoiding fools or dealing with fools. If you want to stick with the whole dealing with concept, we've been working with the last, I think, four out of the last five weeks. What a blessing it is to actually study the Word of God and to a very simple message to be honest with you. All this really is a Word study. Just took my Bible in a concordance, a couple of commentaries along the way just for some guidance. But mainly what we did is we just took our concordance. We took the Bible and just looked up all the appearances of the word fool and picked out the ones that were applicable and appropriate for us here today. It's been a blessing of a study. It really has. I hope you guys have enjoyed it. I hope you received something from it. I hope it was something of value to you. And if it was something of value to you and you'd like to contribute to what we're doing here, just hit that donation button. We'd really, really appreciate that. All right. Well, coming back from the break here, we're going to be getting into our prayer list. And as always, you can always send us your prayer request by going over to our website, sort of the spirit podcast dot com, sort of the spirit podcast dot com and clicking on that contact form and sending it over to us there, or you can always email me directly at That's Now, coming down on our prayer list here, we always pray for the folks that are in need of salvation first because folks, honestly, salvation is the single most important decision you will ever make in your life. It's a decision that has eternal consequences to it. You can completely reject the gospel. You can completely reject Jesus Christ. You can completely reject the gift of salvation. And one of two things is going to end up happening. Either you're going to have to go through the tribulation period, or when you die, well, you go through the tribulation period and then you're going to end up in hell, or you're going to die before the tribulation comes and you're going to end up in hell. And hell is not a place that you want to go to. It's the worst place imaginable. It's a place where it is eternal torment. It is not a party place. It is not a place of cookouts. Well, in a way, it is because you'll be the one cooking or being cooked. But you have a body that's fit for destruction. You have a body that will never, never be consumed by the flames of hell. You'll be tormented for eternity. And that's not a place you want to go. You're not going to be, you know, drinking a beer with your buddies. You're not going to be, you know, shooting darts, shooting pool, you know, around a gole for anything like that. You are going to be in torment. It's totally within your ability to change that destination for you. All you need to do is put your full faith, trust, and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Call upon His name. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. The Scripture is very, very, very clear. Now tonight, what we're going to be doing, we're praying for Micah, for Candy and for Eddie, for salvation. And they've been on our prayer list for quite some time now. And, you know, haven't heard anything about taking them off yet. So we're going to continue to pray for them. So let's go to the Lord and pray for them. And then we'll go down the rest of our prayer list. Our Heavenly Father, we want to thank you so much for the gift of salvation. God, we thank you for your precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, God, that you've made it so simple. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you that I don't have to rely on my works because if I had to rely on my works, I'd be in a lot of trouble, a heap of trouble. Because I know that there are no works of mine that are that are that would in any way allow me into the gates of heaven. So Father, thank you so much for for providing the salvation, the way of salvation, your Son. Father, we just pray today for Micah. We pray for Candy. We pray for Eddie. We lift them up to you, Lord. We just pray that you would just just bring conviction to their souls, to their hearts, their minds. God, I pray that you would just draw them into yourselves. And God, I pray that they would fall on their face before you and just call out to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Father, we'll thank you for that great, tremendous gift. And we look forward to it. And Father, it will be a great and glorious day in heaven when the angels rejoice at one center coming home. Father, thank you. And we praise you, we'll bless you for it in the precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus. Amen. All right. Going down to our sick list here. So now we're praying for for you, Sena, who is undergoing treatments for cancer, Maricella, recovering from a triple bypass, Rosa with heart trouble, Lorena, who is battling cancer, Emmanuel, who's battling bone cancer. We're praying for Ruth for her overall health. We're praying for Ashley for this aortic aneurysm that she's had. And also we're praying for Carol. Carol is in addition to our prayer list today. Carol was in a very, very bad car accident earlier today and had to spend some time in the hospital for undergoing tests. You know, basically she's okay. But apparently the car was totaled and we're very, very thankful that she's okay. And we're going to pray for her for her any minor injuries that she might have or any injuries that might, you know, pop up later on because that tends to happen sometimes in a car accident. You know, you may you may be okay now or a couple of hours, you know, afterwards, but sometimes those those injuries pick up as days go by. So we're going to pray for Carol. Also on our prayer list, we're praying for Henry for direction in his walk with the Lord in his ministry at his local church and for direction in his family. And we're also praying for that that that God who put that hedge of protection about him and give him the wisdom and resources he needs in his walk. We're praying for Angela for direction in her walk in life. We're also praying for Ashley for peace in her in her soul and in her life. We're praying for Larissa for employment opportunities to come her way. We're praying for Claude, our executive producer for his particular employment needs and his family needs. We're praying for Eddie, the same Eddie from our salvation list for the addiction that he's battling as well. We pray the Lord will give him victory over that. Ed for his overall health and well-being. And we're also praying for Isabel for the unspecified needs that that she'd requested prayer for. All right. So let's let's go to the Lord in prayer for these folks. Our Heavenly Father again we come before the throne of grace tonight and God we just pray for those on our sick list. God I pray that your healing hand would be upon each one of them today. God I pray that you would give the doctor's wisdom and discernment as as they diagnose and treat the injuries and the and the illnesses that they are confronted with each and every day. God I just pray that that as the great physician Lord you would bring healing. God I pray I pray that you would bring comfort and and mercy and grace to those folks that are on the list and God I also just particularly want to lift up carol to you tonight. Lord as being a new addition to the prayer list Lord I pray for her I pray for I pray that that that she hadn't sustained any injuries that would be long lasting and long-term and God I pray that you would just help them to help her to recover from this and Lord give her the strength and the grace that she needs at this particular time right now. God we thank you so much for all that you do for us we pray Lord that that you would be glorified that you would be lifted up and magnified through this and then Lord we pray for our folks on our general prayer list Lord we think of Henry and and we pray that you would just put that hedge of protection about him Lord give him wisdom and discernment as he leads his family and in his ministry God I pray that you would give him souls and then Lord also we just pray for his newborn baby that we'd ask you God that you would just just just watch over them and watch over her watch over his new baby girl. Lord we also pray for Angela for her walk excuse me for her walk with the Lord and for direction in her life we pray also for Ashley for this peace that she needs in her heart and her soul. We pray for Larissa for employment opportunities to open up for her God then we just we just lift her up for you for that. Also for Claude for his needs Eddie for the addiction that he's battling. God we just pray that you would give him victory over those. Lord we also pray for Ed for his overall health and well-being and of course Lord for Isabel for her particular needs. God we also pray for the podcast tonight. God we just thank you so much for this opportunity. God we ask you for all of those that are watching and listening. God I pray that these Bible studies and these sermons have been a blessing to them and Lord that I thank you so much for the preaching and the teaching of your word. Thank you that we have your word and Lord we love it and Lord we also just pray that if there's anyone watching and listening tonight that's not saved God you would open up that opportunity for them to get saved tonight. They would call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved and Father we thank you and that you would let them to let us know lead them to let us know so that we can rejoice with them and we'll thank you for it and the precious name of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ we do pray amen and amen. All right just to remind you if you have any prayer requests whatsoever just head on over to our website sort of the spirit podcast dot com sort of the spirit podcast dot com open up the web form send them on over excuse me send them on over and then you know one of these days you figure after this is what episode 210 you figure I get better at this guess not right have you know use the web form send them on over or email us at that's all right how about we get to some announcements you know maybe I'm drinking too much coffee I don't know what do you think drop a comment shoot me an email let me know what you think all right so Thursday night Bible study 7 p.m. Central Time we are talking about wisdom getting wisdom we are going through the book of Proverbs Ecclesiastes and we are having a grand old time with it so really really pleased to by the way with the with the numbers we've been getting on the downloads with this study particularly it's been it's been great and thank you so much for that and also just want to tell you about our sermon Sunday broadcast at 3 p.m. Central Time 4 p.m. Eastern Time so where can you hear the show you can hear it live on our website sort of the spirit or on any of the modern podcasting apps like podcast guru true fans dot FM and fountain dot FM and many many others and you can get all those and we'll tell you where to get those later all right and you can also check out the video format of the show exclusively on rumble at rumble dot com slash s o t s podcast all right now if you are in the eagle pass area and you're looking for a good King James Bible believing a Bible teaching church why don't you consider paying us a visit at first Baptist Church of Eagle Pass we meet at 664 North Monroe Sunday school starts at 10 worship service at 11 Sunday evening service at 6 and Wednesday night Bible study at 7 now for more information just head over to the church's Facebook page just log into Facebook search for first Baptist Church of Eagle Pass and when you get there which shouldn't be hard because it's the only first Baptist Church in Eagle Pass you'll find a lot of really helpful information as well as information about the podcast and just once again this podcast is not a ministry of first Baptist Church of Eagle Pass I am just basically a member of the church who happens to have a podcast and of course you know we are appreciative to the church for allowing us to use the church's Facebook page to promote it and to distribute it and it's a blessing and we really do appreciate that all right now like I said last week if you're if you're one of those folks that are insisting on fighting your way through the tribulation period one of the things that you're going to want to do is educate yourselves on prepping to do that I recommend you head over to the contra radio network the contra radio network is a single podcast that houses nearly a dozen talented podcast and vidcast hosts and artists from around the country who release content daily the contra radio network releases 15 to 20 shows a week depending on the current events and there are no issues that are off limits you want to break down the current events got it you want to know more about preparedness and self-sufficiency got it you want a guy driving around ranting like lunatic and no it is not me we got that too if you want to hear more about politics you want more sports bible study camping firearms check out the contra radio network at contra radio network dot com contra radio network dot com also available on wherever you get your podcast like spotify apple podcast amazon iHeart and more so check them out check them out really important stuff those a couple of cans of tuna fish you have in your pantry aren't going to last for the entire tribulation so one prepare all right armory one armory one provides texas license to carry certification and leverages over 30 years of military and law enforcement experience in the instruction and instructing students in the safe use of firearms armory one also offers numerous courses on self defense with a handgun active shooter preparedness and home defense and much much more for more information on upcoming classes head over to armory one dot com head over to armory one dot com and listen folks if you uh if i mean we get information about when classes are going to be now i'll pass that on as we go through here carl is is uh is a good friend of mine and uh does a great job of the class brings a lot of his real life experience into the class uh makes it really easy to follow along and understand and learn so you should definitely check it out and we look forward to seeing you at the next class it's a matter of fact in october um carl and i would be meeting with some ranch owners uh out in um in by del rio texas over here to see if we can get a get a class going so we will definitely let you know and keep you up to date on all that all right uh last announcement we have is uh not to forget to sign up for our programming announcements uh our email list now if you are on the text group i implore you to please because i have not heard from anybody on the text group yet please let me know if you want to keep receiving the announcements because we are terminating the text group and uh i need to get as many of you guys onto the email list so we can start using that uh to send it out all right so uh so please if you haven't done it already email me uh either to info it sort of the spirit podcast dot com or through the website and uh this way we can get you onto the email list so you can stay in the know we don't sell your information we don't share your information it doesn't go anywhere we're not going to spam you we're not going to send you stuff you're not interested in we're only going to send you information about the show uh and any changes in in scheduling there's going to be guests or or um you know god forbid cancellation or anything like that that's all we're going to be sending out so you're not going to be getting too many emails from us so uh so just get yourself on the mailing list and stay in the know and you know but the most important part of the whole thing is it's free doesn't cost you nothing so there's no reason not to be on the email list all right so get on it all right socials twitter tiktok getter instagram truth social at the s o t s podcast uh no birthdays to announce for today uh shout outs listener emails um nothing that we could really brag about so uh we do appreciate all of you who have made your contributions and donations below the 16 dollar 11 mark thank you so very much for it uh unfortunately we don't have anything at 16 11 or more uh to do any shout outs for but again thank you to all of you who've come in under that mark thank you so very much for it your your donations really do help us and they go very very far so again thank you so very very much also thank you to all of you who who have signed up for the recurring donations through our paypal link on our website thank you very much for that we really do appreciate that uh and the reason why we appreciate that so much is because it helps us to budget so uh so we we do we do appreciate it and thank you very much for it and uh also let's see we have a few folks that are streaming sets to us on the modern podcast apps and hey look you know you can do that too you can you can head over to or and you can download yourself some of these modern podcast apps like podcast guru and they are great apps uh feature rich you get your transcripts you get your uh your boosts you get messaging all that stuff on these apps and there's so much more chapter art uh chapter division so much you're going to get on these apps you should definitely head over there and get yourself uh some of these modern apps and you know what look you can set up your your crypto wallet so that you can stream sets to us satsar uh satoshis they're micro payments of bitcoin uh so that's that's that's a blessing to receive as well yeah i mean it's not like uh it's not um you know we're not going to get wealthy you know off of uh sats i mean sats are basically pennies really but uh everything we get helps so uh you can stream sats to us now look i was able to set up a crypto wallet uh it's on the link is on the website and look if if i was able to do it you should be able to do it i'm an old guy all right and it took me literally 10 minutes to set the whole thing up you can do it too all right so head on over to those uh to and uh you know try them out try them out i think you'll really be happy with them all right also now if you uh you know if you'd like to be involved in what we're doing here just uh you can set up a uh you can send us over anything that you're working on like if you are if you if you write music if you're saying you play an instrument uh you can record something send it over to us and if it's something that we can use uh on the show we will definitely do that and give you of course all the credit that you deserve for it and then uh also if you maybe are into graphic design you're an artist maybe you like to draw maybe you like to paint or something you can do something for us uh like chapter art uh we actually do need a new banner for our rumble page so maybe you can design something like that for us we would really really appreciate that it'll save us some money and uh you know you get that producer credit and uh we appreciate that anything that you guys can do or if you you know if you want to just have your voice heard all around this plane you could uh record a little bumper for us like uh like you've heard on the show tonight um a couple of our listeners have submitted those things and they're great we appreciate them we're very thankful to receive them and uh and to use them so uh if you're interested in doing that let me know just shoot me in the email and uh send it on over to us all right and then uh lastly before we go just one more round of thanks of course to the Lord Jesus Christ for the gift of salvation thank you you know for that it's such it's so simple folks it really is so simple it's just believing on the Lord Jesus Christ it's just believing it's putting your full faith trust and confidence in what he did on the cross of Calvary for you for me for for everyone who will come to him so please if you haven't done it already come to the Lord Jesus Christ get saved today don't go to hell once you're there there's no getting out please don't go to hell also want to say thank you to the Lord Jesus Christ for giving me the opportunity to serve uh in what we're doing here with the show thank you so much to the Lord for that uh I mean this is really it's it's an amazing platform that God has given us through the podcast it's been distributed to 79 countries around the world and uh you know there is we have it's it's all across the plane it really is and it's a platform that God has given us to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ to tell people about salvation and uh that's that's a huge huge blessing and I'm so incredibly thankful to be a part of it again also thank you to all of you who've been praying for us thank you so much for your prayers and God bless you please continue to pray for us the ministry please continue to pray for all of those on our prayer list uh pray for uh please continue to pray for my family uh for me for the minute everything that we're doing here please continue to pray for us we really really need your prayers also again thank you to everyone who's been financially supporting us God bless you and thank you for that and to all of our listeners every single one of you for faithfully following along and everything we've been doing God bless you thank you so much for that thank you for keeping us on the charts at Good Pods still five number one positions on Good Pods what a blessing that is thank you so much you guys are incredible and uh you know I always say I have an exceptional audience and I and I love you guys for it thank you so much I really do appreciate you and uh God bless you and please continue to listen please continue to like subscribe and share it with your friends your family and your followers that way you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ all right folks well I think that'll do it for us again thank you for taking the time to be with us this Thursday evening head on over to our website sort of the spirit click on that contact section send us over any questions comments cares concerns and your prayer requests also look for that support button and if you could help us out with the donation in any amount we would really really appreciate it all right folks make Bible study great again go podcasting keep us steady stride and win the lost no matter the cost God bless you good night goodbye so so well that's about it really you [BLANK_AUDIO]