
Madison-Mayodan Recreation Fall Sports, Senior Events 09.05.24

Lee Mitchell, Director. Dirty Birds football, t-ball, softball, volleyball, soccer, football cheerleading, baksetball cheerleading registration, adult kickball, senior trips, Annual Holiday Mall.

Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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Mike Moore Media. It's our monthly podcast with Lee Mitchell, director of the Madison Maydon Recreation Department. He's on the line. Lee, hey, how you doing? Good. How are you doing, Mike? I'm doing just great. Always busy there. Lots going on. So let's get an update. What's happening at M&M Ray? Well, well, one thing that we could actually have taken off our plate just into this past Monday was our tubing season. And we did have, we had a great season. I think this year was probably our best staff, our best plan, logistically on our tubing operations and how it was handled. I think I'm very happy with that one. We did get to a little bit of a lull there in August with all the rain, so that kind of put a little damper on the end of the season. But overall we had a strong season. Last year with a little spold breaking record, that 5,200 tubers. This year we've still done over 4,000. So it's still right there amongst our top three years ever. So it's still a great year for us. Yeah, but you're all, you know, you're talking about staffing and logistics and all of that. And you're always fine tuning in and making it better. So you learn something every year. Oh, yeah. Yeah, if you're not, if you're not learning and getting better every year, you're not doing it right. That's exactly right. Yeah. Okay. Well, I know it brought a lot of people in and out of the story this week about the impact on visitors to our state and to Rockingham County when it did for the economy and tourists and all of that. So that certainly plays a big part in those numbers, too. Oh, yeah. And we're fortunate to have such a good crew out there at Rockingham County Tourism Development. You know, Lindsey Pegg, you used to work with us here. Yeah. Now the tour of the manager for the county and she's done an amazing job of really promoting us and getting the word out there for not only our business, but other businesses in our area. So it's nice to see that growing in that direction and, you know, tourism and seeing those numbers go up. You know, I was on that board for, I guess, about five years. And you can just see the numbers grow every single year. Like I said, the only down here we have is COVID and was probably one of the few counties that bounce back right back from it because the hard work they put in. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. People love our rivers and trails and all of the things we have to offer. Okay. So I'm glad you had another good cubing season. Okay. So what's next? All right. So yeah, so soon as it is Labor Day, we're, we're, you know, unlike other seasons, we get a little bit of a break. We do not get one. We jump right in the fall. Yeah. So we've got our dirty birds football kicking off this weekend. The very first game we've switched leagues. We went back to the PTYFL, which is teams out of Rockham County and Guilford County. And they've just added Randolph County to the league this year. So they've actually doubled the number of teams for their leagues. We actually got 12 teams in that, in that league, which is terrific. Yeah. Our teams look really good. We went from a little over 50 players last year to a little over 90 this year, which is unprecedented. And you know, Lamar Tatum is our coordinator for that for that this year. And he's done a terrific job of recruiting in new players, new coaches. And it's really got a good culture going there. I think he got a lot of good volunteers. And you've got the practice. Everybody's working hard. Kids are showing up to practice. You know, we in like last years past where you didn't, he had not a lot of kids, not a lot of coaches and kids wouldn't quite as dedicated. So I think we're seeing that change in culture, which I really enjoy seeing. So I'm really excited to see how our teams do this this weekend. Yeah. Okay. So tell us about the first game. The first game is this Saturday. We'll be taking on Eastern Randolph at Eastern Randolph High School and pick up first games at 10 o'clock. And then we play every hour and a half after that. So we roughly play between 10 o'clock to roughly 330. So it's all day event and it's nothing but Dirty Birds versus Eastern Randolph all day long. So if you want to make that trip and support our players, we'd love to have you down there. Oh, that'd be great. Well, okay. All the best for the season, everyone. That's wonderful. Yeah. And then another thing we haven't had in a while due to a lot of travel on the other league that was in is football cheerleading. So we got a small group of girls, but they're a good group and dedicated cheerleaders and coaches. We got about a dozen girls that's going to go down there at two o'clock to cheer on our 12 U teams. So real excited to have that program back also. Okay. And then also kick it off this weekend is our soccer program. That's always a huge program for us up at Ferris Park. We'll kick off this Saturday at starting at 9 a.m. We ended up with just about 170 kids in that program. So that's always been a really good one. And Amy Benham has always done a great job of heading that program up. And I love seeing that one grow. Yeah, 170. That sounds like a pretty good number too. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And you know, that that program's always been a staple here. And we've always had good leaders kind of heading that one up. So it's not nice to see that one at least maintained if not grow over the years. Sure. Yeah. We've seen a huge growth probably over the last three seasons. I think it's starting to level off a little bit now, but it's still a great program. Okay. Very, very good. Soccer this weekend at Ferris Memorial Park. And then our T-ball baseball and fall, you know, we started doing fall ball last fall. And we've almost doubled the numbers in that from last season. I probably say we probably grew about least 35% in that sport for the fall. And we did have our TENU softball team played this week. That one's technically underway, but they really get going next week. But our TENU pulled off a victory this Tuesday at 11 to 12 at idle park. So we got off to a good start anyway. So one of those. Yeah. Congratulations. All right. So those guys will really get kicked off next week. Every team will play next week. So they're looking forward to that season. Bradley's done Bradley Plant's done a good job growing that program, really dedicated to it and got some dedicated coaches. I'm really excited to see how that see that program grow also. Okay. Hope they have a great season. Yeah. Speaking of programs, you know, as always a staple in this area, volleyball gets kicked off. They've already started practicing. They'll get kicked off on games in a couple of weeks. We always start them a little bit later than everybody else. But volleyball is real big here with Coach Woods over at Nick Michael and that program they have going there. It's always been really successful and it's translated all the way down to the middle school and youth level. So have that program here and see its growth and see those girls dedicated to playing that sport. It's been real excited. Genea Sola who's not only went to Michael and played at Michael, she's been a dedicated panics coach here. She's also our coordinator for volleyball here. It's always done an amazing job for that program. Isn't it great to see someone like her and others all through the years and programs that like you who started there and now look where people are in a part of that's so valuable. Well, and that's just the nature of a small community, really. Nothing against anybody that's new, but when you have somebody who just knows the people that they know you, you're born and raised here, when you need something they're only a phone call away and they just jump right in. So yes, that's the staple of our program, not only that program but every program we've run. Yeah, oh yeah, that's exactly right. So very important. Okay. Yeah, and the other big one that kicks off next week is our adult kickball. We had that meeting last night. We've got a seven teams and looking for one more team for that division just to even it out. We'll roll with seven if we can, but we're willing to take one more. If anybody's got a kickball team out there, I'd have to know that by Friday because we're putting that together and getting them started next Monday. Okay, Monday, adult kickball. Okay. Wow, that's what's happening. Oh yeah, yeah. Fall is definitely a busy time of year for us. I always thought it was spring, but I think we're just at the point now, we're just busy year round. It sounds like it sure. Yeah, and then I'm kind of jumping over to the senior side of things. Oh, sorry. I actually know before I jump out of that, we are registered for one sport right now. Now one sport is basketball cheerleading. So I know it's kind of funny that we haven't kicked off football season at football cheerleading yet, but we're already signed up for basketball cheer, but they do typically get started a little earlier just to get these girls going and keep them interested in cheerleading, but we'll take that registration through September 30th. So that's any girl ages four to 13. We'll take registration to September 30th. Registration fee is only 30 bucks, and then uniform fee is 125 for anybody that's new. If he might returning, then obviously if your uniform still fits, you don't have to worry about that cost. Yeah, okay. But yeah, we are taking registration for that. And we will start registration for basketball towards the end of this month, too. So keep an eye out. We keep an eye out for that one also. Okay. All right. Now jumping over to our senior side. We've got plenty going on there. You know, it's fall time and starting to cool down and people's wanting to get outside and see things and do stuff. So they've done a good job putting together trips for this year between Adrian and Denise. Denise is always, you typically are one of them, takes them on the trips, and they always, they always love going. They've got the calendar out now, which we've been waiting on for a while till we get some consistency in that. And we're starting to see a good crew starting to go to these senior trips. So right now what they got, I got going is that they have two overnight trips planned. They're going to Wilmington for a boat tour, September 10th and 11th. The cost is $175. They've still got two spots remaining. So anybody that's interested in going, they've still got two spots remaining for that Wilmington boat trip. And again, that September 10th and 11th. Okay, that's coming up. Wow. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's right around the corner. So if anybody wants to jump in there laughing and get in there, we still got that room. And then in October, they've got a trip to Myrtle Beach planned. So October 8th and 9th, they're going out to Myrtle Beach. Do some lunch and shopping, they're going to see a showdown at Alabama Theatre, staying right on the ocean there. And so there's going to be a good trip there. So again, the same cost, $150 for the trip, say the five dollar deposit. And they've still got a few spots left in that one. If anybody wants to join. Sounds fun. Okay. Yeah. Now, if you might have not interested in overnight trips, they do have the day trips. Just a few of the ones that's coming up, they're going to Barndown Theatre on September 21st. I do believe there's a spot or two left in that one. On October 25th, they're headed over to Blue Ridge Parkway to see the change of the leaves. It's stopped by Mayberry Meals and do a little shopping while they're out there. On November 22nd, they're taking their annual trip up to the Southern Supreme Fruit Cake Factory. Oh my goodness, yes. So they'll eat lunch over to Cracker Bear over there in Stanford. So Mike, if you can't make that trip but you want a fruit cake, you can't put an order in here and the niece will be happy to pick it up for you. Oh, wow. I may have to do that because I do love those fruit cakes from there. Oh, they're so good. Oh, it's funny. I first saw this trip. I was like, who is taking a trip up there just to a fruit cake? I'll tell you. Now I want to go. It's going to be one of our most popular trips that people go up there and just love going to that area. Yeah, that's a good place for sure. Okay. And then once a little bit more local on December 5th, they're going over to Old Salem to do the candles, the candle tea, what they call it. So I've always been one that's really loved going to Old Salem. I haven't really done a whole lot. I've done their Christmas event and a few other smaller ones. But also, it's right. It's local. I used to love walking down there, especially around that time of year. The air is getting kind of crisp out there that leaves are changing colors and they have all kinds of kind of step back in time there. So it's kind of mine. It is. Yeah, just about an hour away. So it's close. You're right. Anybody interested in those trips, stop by the rec, give us a call, check out our website at All that information is there. And we'd love to have you if you guys want to go on a trip with us. Okay. Sounds good to me. All right. Another big thing that we've got going every year is our holiday ball. So Lauren's always done a good job putting this event on. It's been very popular. We usually average 500 or more guests every year, 60 plus vendors, two to three food trucks. It's always a fun event. We always enjoy it. But that's going to be Saturday, November 9th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We'll have the vendors. We'll have door prizes. We'll have pictures with Santa. Our Dewey's Baker, he'll be open by that point. We're ready for that event. And I do believe we're still looking for a few more vendors if anybody's interested. It's only $25 a spot. But they fill up really fast. So if you want to get in, make sure they call here at the rec and ask for Lauren if you want to get a spot. But always always a great event. Oh, so many good things going on at Madison Made and Recreation Department. Lee, always great to get your report. That's something really for everyone. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And that's always our goals. You know, we won't support that and do for the entire community and not just a certain group. We won't be known for one niche. We want to be open to everybody. Yeah. Well, I think you're accomplishing that on many levels. It sounds like for sure. Yeah. Okay. Anything else before we ramp up? Well, the only other thing I want to throw out there is, you know, our maintenance crew always gets left off. But you got a chance to go over the ball parks or here at the rec. They've done a lot of work. Our handicap ramps will be complete. Hopefully by next week, they will just wait on the railing to come in for the ramp. The ramp looks terrific. You'll notice our new sign has come in. They've got it installed. Just waiting around electrical to it, which will be done this week. And then we've put in new stairs over out of park. The only thing that left to do over there is put a new roof on the concession stand. But everything's coming along and getting to where we would like it. And I can't wait until everything is complete so we can move on to some other project. Oh, it'll different phases will be complete, but it'll never be all complete. Some ongoing everything you're doing with all the projects and sports activities and events. But I know what you're saying. Yeah, it's good to see one phase of something finished. So, isn't it? It's just something about checking that off the lid. That feels good. Like you said, it's always ever growing, but it's always nice to check them off when you get it. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Well, Lee, always great. Thanks to you for your outstanding work there and your team and everybody that makes it happen. So appreciate it, Lee. Always good to talk to you. Have a wonderful, sounds like it's a busy one as usual, but have a wonderful September. Same to you, Mike. All right. Thanks, Lee. All right. Bye. That's Lee Mitchell. He is director of the Madison May sedan recreation department. And I was taking notes. I hope you were because I'll do a kind of a wrap up of this with a news story on our Rockingham County Today newscast on Friday. Always do that the next day because it's lots of newsworthy things with all of the activities. Check them out on Facebook. That's a good place to keep up with what's happening with them. And that is Madison May sedan recreation department. [BLANK_AUDIO]