
Destination Celebration 09.01.24

Fun stuff for Sunday.

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to September 1st on the National Day Calendar. Today, we're celebrating words that defy poetry and a unique roadside icon. - Let's kick things off with national no rhyme, no reason day. A quirky celebration of words in the English language that don't rhyme with any other words. Think of words like month or orange, silver and spirit. These words stand along, often leaving poets and lyricists scratching their heads. While they may pose a challenge for rhyming, they also remind us of the beauty and uniqueness of language. So today, let's appreciate these linguistic rebels that add a bit of mystery and intrigue to our vocabulary. ♪ Teachers live ♪ ♪ Well, maybe you just have to get ♪ ♪ Rock on the river, rock on the rhyme ♪ ♪ You'd better get in a school on time ♪ - I'm working on what rhymes with LaToya. - Maybe LaHoya? - I think paranoia would be better. - Wow. (laughing) - That was actually pretty good. - I thought so too. And now, let's turn our attention to an unusual book of love figure. It's National Chicken Boy Day. Named after a 22 foot tall statue standing along Route 66 in Los Angeles, Chicken Boy has become a quirky roadside attraction and local legend. Originally purchased atop a fried chicken restaurant in the 1960s, this fiberglass giant with the body of a man in the head of a chicken has captured the hearts of many. When the restaurant closed, preservationists rallied to save Chicken Boy and he now stands proudly as a symbol of creativity and community spirit. Today, celebrate by embracing the whimsy and charm of roadside Americana. - So did you go to this restaurant, this chicken restaurant? Was it delicious? - You didn't read the part about the '60s? - Well, yeah, dude, weren't you like 20 or something like that? - Yeah, maybe. Wow. - I thought this was bringing it home for you. I'm sorry. - Yeah, you're right. Every time I drive by it now, it reminds me of the days I went there for my Chicken Boy sandwich. (laughing) All the memories. - I'm LaHoya Johnson. - I'm Marlo Anderson. - Thank you for joining us on our journey to celebrate every day. And join us for all of our adventures on Facebook and Instagram at Destination Celebration Show. Until next time, keep celebrating.