Is Pharmacology Difficult Podcast PHARMACOLOGY-Q/A- "10 Things I Wish I Knew before choosing Pharmacology as a Subject for my Post graduation"

Welcome all to IS PHARMACOLOGY DIFFICULT Podcast! I am Dr Radhika Vijay
In this episode, I will be covering under Pharmacology-Q/A, A very interesting and informative query of many-"10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Choosing Pharmacology as a Subject for my Post Graduation"
I will be talking and discussing 10 such things that you should know before choosing the subject- PHARMACOLOGY!!
So stay Tuned!!
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Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel. And we are today here with another episode in the series, "Pharmacology, Question and Answers." So any guesses, today's topic is so very much interesting. It's especially for the students who are thinking of choosing pharmacology for their post-graduate studies. It is also, it gonna provide insights to the students who have not yet decided what subject to choose for their post-graduation. So it will benefit both those who have decided and those who have not decided. So, if you have a slight indication of picking up the subject pharmacology for your post-graduation, this episode and this video is for you. You might be knowing, I've also taken pharmacology as a post-graduation subject and today I'm a faculty in this subject. So the topic is very, very interesting and it goes on like 10 things I wish I knew before choosing the subject pharmacology for my post-graduation. So isn't this a very interesting topic? I'm sure it is. It is for everyone, those who are interested and those who are even not interested. So without any delay, let's get started. You all know that subject chosen for the post-graduation, that is post-graduation specialization is a very, very important thing. It is actually a very big thing. It molds your whole life. So, its importance cannot be ignored at all. You have to pay a lot of importance. You have to well decide, well evaluate what subject you wanna pick up and choose for your post-graduation. Accordingly, your life will be molded ahead. The subject pharmacology has its unique challenges. It has its unique reward also. Now, the first thing I wish I knew before I chose the subject pharmacology for my post-graduation is that this subject is much more beyond than simply memorizing the drug names. It is much more beyond than simply memorizing the drug names. So it's not only limited to the drug names, it is much beyond than that. Their actions, their mechanisms, their interactions, their physiological aspects. So if you're thinking you just have to take a pharmacology, know the drug names and cram them up, no. It's not up to only here. It is much beyond than this. The field is a very broad field and you have to take in consideration all the different aspects of the drugs and everything related to the drugs. So this is the one thing that I could never imagine before choosing the subject pharmacology for my post-graduation. The subject pharmacology is all about the drugs and the impact of the drugs on the living systems and the biological system. It requires and demands an in-depth study of the whole subject and not simply and mere, memorizing and cramming up the drug names, no. Hope your myth is busted here now. Second important thing that many people don't realize generally is the workload in the subject can sometimes become overwhelming. I'm saying sometimes, not always, but yes, sometimes it can really become overwhelming. Apart from giving lectures and explaining the whole subject to people and students and your colleagues, there is also additional lab work. There is a lot of paperwork documentation, planning and preparation of the examinations, interaction with the students, with your seniors, with your juniors, the integration with the medical education unit and its related aspects. So sometimes everything becomes quite overwhelming. So you can be overwhelmed simply not by knowing the subject but the work related to this. Now, next important thing that you don't realize or I did not realize and never knew that research plays such an important and essential role in the subject pharmacology. The research plays a huge role in the subject pharmacology. Actually, all the research work related to the other subjects also involves the drug mechanisms. So somehow it is related or integrated with the subject pharmacology. There is an interplay of the other subjects along with the subject pharmacology. A kind of mixing is there. You know, pharmacology plays role in almost all the subjects. Next important thing. One needs to stay updated and aware constantly, regularly. As far as everything is concerned in the drug field. You need to know about all the changes, the modifications, the new things, the old things that are all happening in the drug field. Whatever new drugs are coming, whatever new drugs are being approved, whatever new drugs, whether old drugs are being banned or they are being withdrawn from the market, the additions, the deletions in the essential medicine list of your area or of your institution or locality, you should be very well updated with everything. You should know whatever drugs are in bulk and whatever are outdated or not in bulk. You should know everything about the side effects of the drugs, about the benefits of the drugs. That is very important. And I never realized this before, picking up the subject pharmacology or you may never realize this before choosing the subject pharmacology. The next important thing is that clinical relevance is very, very important, essential and crucial. As you all might be knowing, the new course has come, the course has changed as far as our country is concerned in India. Whatever the clinical applications are there, they should be well integrated and they should actually be relevant and they should be very well known to a person from clinical aspect or from a non-clinical aspect. So you are too expected to know about all these things very, very much. So the knowledge of the clinical applications is also very, very important and you should know about it and you should be very well prepared to stay updated about all these things. Such kind of integrations, they are very, very integral part of the study of the subject pharmacology. And you know what, this whole thing, gathering all the knowledge and staying updated can sometimes be very, very overwhelming. You know, this is a very broad field and there is no end to the knowledge gathered, stored and known. Next important thing, you need to realize that under this umbrella of the broad subject pharmacology, there's so many specializations, so many branches. Some I can count upon like pharmacovigilance, neuropharmacology, hemovigilance, material vigilance, cardiopharmacology, ocular pharmacology, derma pharmacology, chemotherapy, and the list is endless. And these branches or specializations, they have their own details and in-depth study. And before choosing the subject pharmacology, you need to realize this very, very importantly. Next important thing, networking at all the levels and of all the kinds is very, very important. Networking is totally inevitable. You have to maintain very good relations with your peers, colleagues, seniors, juniors. You should be on well-talking terms, exchanging information, staying updated, imparting knowledge and gathering knowledge. And you should be very well-versed with the social media platforms also. That is an important, un-ignorable part, not directly related but indirectly related part of the education in the subject pharmacology. Next important thing, the career opportunities in the subject pharmacology, they are diverse, many-fold, widespread, and super-competative. You cannot underestimate or ignore the potential of other people. Now, people are very, very well-versed, well-informed and super-intelligent in non-clinical subject also. Any subject you pick up. Pharmacology, pathology, micro, biology, biochemistry, physiology. Everywhere the competition is so tough that you just cannot get it far sometimes. If you're looking for career opportunities, you should be very well-prepared. You should be very well-equipped and worked very, very hard in your subject, especially pharmacology. And that will help you to gather more favors and opportunities. No doubt about it. Next important thing, your keenness, your interest, your passion, and your attitude will determine your altitude in the subject pharmacology. And definitely you would never realize this before you choose the subject pharmacology. Always stay sharp, bright, and curious. Never be bored. Else, this subject will become very, very daunting, very, very exhaustive. Develop your own unique style and passion and grow and nurture in the subject pharmacology. Don't copy others, maintain your integrity, dignity, and your uniqueness. You are special, stay genuine in the subject pharmacology. Try to catch the nerve of the subject. And last but not the least, what you don't realize before choosing the subject pharmacology, what I never realized before choosing the subject pharmacology, it is highly, highly rewarding. Yes, it is, that's the truth. In long run, in every field, you'll find that pharmacology subject is super rewarding. Every field is paralyzed without the knowledge of the drugs and without the knowledge of the mechanism, action, interactions, everything related to the drugs. Nothing can work without the drugs in any of the clinical fields or non-clinical fields. The roots of pharmacology. The roots of pharmacology, they are widespread. And they intertwine all other subjects. So I would advise to go for it. If you're thinking about it, just go for it. Be proud of choosing the subject pharmacology. Work hard, develop your own style, passion, interest, your uniqueness, stay genuine, work genuinely. The more genuine you stay, the happier you will be. Don't copy or compare with others. That's the theme of joy. Choose pharmacology and enjoy the subject pharmacology while working very hard at it. That brings us to the end of this video. If you like this video, don't forget to hit the like button. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. At the same time, stay tuned for more such interesting talks and topics. Till the next time we meet, thank you, take care. Bye bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)