FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

State Rep Shane Stringer - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 9-09-24

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09 Sep 2024
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you want to know why do you drink? Hey, why do you roll smoke? Why must you live by the song that you've grown? Over and over, everybody making my prediction So if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on and on Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show at FMTalk1065 Thanks for being with us on this Monday morning Text line 2513430106 You wouldn't be in touch with the program All you got to do is text me And we will proceed accordingly Still to come on the program Here in about, let's see, about an hour We'll talk to Dale Jackson, WVNN, and Yell Amernus And in two hours, Landy App, Rob Holbert We'll talk about this It's kind of an oddity The way the Department of Veterans Affairs at the state level Is being handled by the governor By obviously the dismissed ethics complaint And get everybody kind of up to date And I'll give you my thoughts on that here in a moment But I feel like I'm not really dealing with the entirety of that story But joining us now on the line He represents you guys in North Mobile County Some of you guys across the bay in Ballwood County But he's also the police chief up in Creole State Representative Shane Stringer Representative, good morning, how are you? Doing great, how are you, Jeff? Doing well, doing well. Thanks for coming on We always appreciate your time We'll just kick it off here And then you and I Talked a little bit about it last week But kind of out of nowhere And I don't know, Judge Sharp, but just cold calling Looking for something here But Sheriff Burt Murch Looking to alter The permanentless carry, constitutional carry law That you guys passed a few years back You're not really keen on this, it seems But a walk us through like Maintaining the status quo Seems to be where you want to stay Yeah, I don't think it's going to help You know, anything to do with law enforcement I've been in law enforcement for 33 years And, you know, I don't think that Changing the age is going to affect that I mean, we already have laws dealing with rape, robbery, murder Everything else, the ones that are not going to follow the laws Are not going to follow them And I don't think that we should take The rights of law-abiding gun owners away just so we can arrest A few gun criminals Well, I guess it's this That they want the ability For our lease of the enhanced ability For some kind of probable cause Or whatever they need to do Because I think it's just kind of Trying to draw this Correlation or whatever But I don't think it's Necessarily there is one there That with this law being in effect where it is And then this crime way we sort of see And a lot of Alabama's bigger cities Yeah, you know, and I don't blame Sheriff Burks For thinking outside the box Or trying to do whatever But the fact is, man, when you stop these cars at 3 in the morning And got a car full of teenagers And it ain't like The only thing that they're doing wrong Is having a gun in the car Almost every time The car reeks of marijuana Or either alcohol There's no tag Suspended tag Switch tag You know, there's always problems there That give you probable cause To address that situation And that group of problematic teenagers Or even adults You know, cops work And they've been doing this They know what to do and what to look forward The fact is, the ones that They're trying to get You know, they can get Because their car is going to Smell of marijuana, it's going to be No plates, no insurance There's lots of reasons to address The problematic people And that's what we need to do Instead of trying to Take the rights away from law-abiding gun owners So we can arrest a few Loads for guns Yeah, and You know, we used to talk about this Like this, that there was A financial incentive For these sheriffs to oppose The power bills carried because They were making money selling These gun permits, but In this circumstance, I mean That's not necessarily true Wanting this tweak, but I tell you What, it just The point here, I guess we need to talk about Representative is Why you passed the bill Why you believe the second amendment Says what it says And if you start Going down this path, right? It becomes a It kind of eats It's a justification to begin with Correct, you know The thing is, man, the second amendment Is that you're taking anything about a permit Or getting permission from a sheriff To carry a gun And, you know, we have seen Over the last ten years or so Where Alabama lost their Nick's exemption to where Law-abiding citizens could go purchase a gun And if you had a permit That was, you were exempt From having to run the background When you purchased a gun and wait The period of time to get it Well, the ATF came in and The Alabama sheriff's twice And both times they found A large number of sheriffs Were not even running the background checks And just selling permits You know, taking the money and selling the permits And in doing so There were a lot of felons that got permits That people were not Supposed to have permits In return, those people Had those permits were Were able to go in and purchase guns Where they could normally not As they were prohibited So, you know, we've seen a lot of problems With the permitting system And they really came to light Over the last ten years You know, we had 67 counties With 67 different looking permits And you couldn't really tell You know, there was no booklet Or pamphlet for law enforcement To show what the permits Should look like And a person could have a fake permit Or a counterfeit permit You didn't even know that Most of your permit officers Were only open from Eight to five in the afternoons And so if an officer Stopped somebody after hours or on weekends They had no way to even determine If the permit was still valid All they could do is take it It takes value And in doing that You had people that were prohibited That had an old permit or something That was able to drive away with the gun That should have So, you know, there was a lot of problems With the permit system That kind of led up to this On top of it just being a constitutional right Going to get good This sudden, uh, push For, for changing this law I, I, I, I think it's Not really reading the room I just don't think there's any appetite for it And I can't imagine The Alabama, your colleagues in the Alabama legislature Even wanting to Touch this right now What's behind all this? I mean, you hear it a lot You hear it a lot in places Where there is There is a crime situation But, you know, this seems like To be the fall back Or the fall position Hey, if we didn't have This law on the books Things would be a lot safer around here You know, and I don't, I don't think People are necessarily buying it I mean, is it just a Escape code or do they? You think people really think that they can Make a change here? I really don't know, Jeff. I know that, uh, you know, If it's a money situation, I know that We put the, the grant in place For shares to apply, they lost money Or whatever, and I know For a fact, that's not depleted yet So, you know, it's still money There to be gotten, so if it's a money issue There, the other is You know, a lot of Cities and counties And around the state and country Have defunded the police Or not supporting the law enforcement Community, like they should Which has led to problems In recruiting, hiring, and retention So they're short handed And, you know, and then you've got a lot Where they're going in and they're Not policing the problematic areas I mean, we've got Predictive policing where we can We've got computer programs that will Tell us where the majority of the Crimes are taking place and Kind of helps us to saturate those areas Versus spinning our wheels And wasting resources, so You know, I think if we would Focus on that and Quit worrying about the, uh, I guess The politically correct, um And let's police Some of these areas, no matter What race they are in And the community, I think That we would be a lot better open Address the problems Joined by Shane Stringer, he's a State lawmaker from citrodale Representing the other thing When you're making this Happened to Montgomery where they passed Their own Requirements here that you've got to Have a, I guess, a photo id Or whatever, if you Want to carry a gun. I mean, that's Not, that doesn't seem like That they kind of Defies the, uh, the spirit Of the law you guys passed And, uh, it's sort of a Strange approach. Yeah, and I think that their Attorneys are probably going to be Tickle to death with that, because They're going to make a lot of money Trying to defend the city over the Lawsuits and the challenges that Come with that. It's unconstitutional It's not going to stick, it's not Going to uphold and, you know, I Don't know if they Really believe that it was going to Work or it's feasible or If it was just kind of throw it in Our place, the legislature's place Or something, but either way, it's Just going to cost the taxpayers a Lot of money and is not going to Accomplish nothing. You know, the Fact is, um, a lot of these Democrat cities and others Have got to quit trying to find excuses for why they can't do their Job and find reasons why they Can't, you know, I've talked to Sheriff's across the country when I First passed this legislation, even Before I passed this legislation And everyone on set Represented the stringer We're law enforcement. We are very Resourceful. We will find ways to Protect our communities within the Scope of the law, and that's what We do. Not only expect you to be An expert on any of these cities And every city has its, you know Problems, but they are maybe The address differently, but We'll say, uh, tomorrow They hire you to be the police Chief at Montgomery, Alabama What do you do first there? How do you even go about straight In that situation out? It's going to take a process, but First thing you do is get out And find your community leaders And in every part of the city and Work with them to find Legal and proper ways to address The crime in their area, which Is the same i've done in the other Cities i've been police chief and Almost everyone that i've been in You've always got your elders In your community, even the Minority communities that won't You in there keeping law and Order. That is the primary Function of government if law and Order. So you reach out to them And you find get support from Them and work on it. You start Building your reputation back up And building up the camaraderie And the uh Rowing your department and you Slowly but surely rebuild it back Up and it's going to take time Because of what's happened but Getting, you know, taking law Enforcement out of some of these Minority areas or problematic Areas or whatever is not the Solution. You have got to have Proactive police in our Communities and like i tell Everybody there's a thin line between Policing your community and You definitely want to make sure You're not harassing your community So there's ways that it can be done Under the proper leadership and You know, maybe Montgomery needs To find somebody that that's Willing to make excuses While they can or reasons While they can do their job instead Of excuses while they can't Well, how about this though Is there you sit here today When you guys get back next year In Montgomery for session And You know, what's left to be Done at the state level Can you pass any more laws Is there, you know, could you See what Reed Ingram and barfoot Want to do with Like imposing some kind of Like Alabama accountability Act but That seems to be kind of mixed I don't know still like that can get through What's is it? Are there any Rabbidines that they're so what Well, I think first and foremost We've got to address mental health You know, mental health is The root of all problems. I mean We've seen it with the Georgia school shooter And in other areas across the country I mean, we've got to address that And if we can address that That's gonna take care of a lot of it But, you know, we're gonna see a lot of Legislation come after our gun In my opinion that Gonna blame the gun for the problem It's not the gun, it's the people I mean, people with an equal heart Are gonna find a way to To inflict harm in some Shake form or fashion If they don't have a gun, it'll be a knife Or a car or whatever, so We're gonna have to, we're gonna have To really work hard this session And take a close look at a lot of the Free filed bills that's already out there And some of the others that'll be coming Let's try to come up with a way To ostensibly address this And fix our problems Without, you know, taking shortcuts Or trying to take shortcuts Yeah, and You know, the people In these communities, they're They're just looking for answers, too And I, you know, you would think There would be some kind of Visceral pushback against What these some of the lawmakers Wanna try, but Representative, it sounds to me like That there's a lot more I guess the point is Elections have consequences in these cities If you keep electing these kind of mayors You gotta get what kind of Comes with it, but I think you start to see a Trend, at least Some rumblings in the bigger cities At Alabama Against this sort of The era of George Floyd And the response to it And they're kind of ready to get back to Maybe the way things used to be done When, you know, it wasn't the Best of circumstances, but it sure Was a heck of a lot better than it is right now Yeah, absolutely You know, I think that we've got to Look take some common sense approach to this And, you know, we really need Some law enforcement leaders across The state that's willing to step up and say We are going to protect our citizens We're not going to tolerate any crap From Up, do we lose you Representative We may have lost Representative Strager there Yeah, he dropped Anyway, we're going to get a break here Be right back, this is the Jeff Moore show At FM Talk, 106-5 They say can't be done We've got a long way to go And it's a short time to get there Time to be stronger