FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Bryan Comer from Tobias and Comer talked about child safety seats - Mobile Mornings - Monday 9-09-24

Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
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like and subscribe to my channel. I'll see you in the next one. Welcome back. Mobile mornings here on FM talk one oh six five. And right now it's time for law two five one in studio. We have Brian comer from Tobias and comer law. Brian howdy. Howdy. How you doing? Good. I thought I'd try out howdy there. I'm not sure. I'm going to hold on to that one or not. But we'll go for it for today. And a very important topic that we're discussing today. And that's due with the safety of children. I know that pretty much all of our listeners. I would hope all of our listeners that is top of mind keeping the kids safe. But why don't I start this with a question. Brian what is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 14? Well sadly it's car crashes. And you know when we talk about things you know that are avoidable. You know that that's going to be top it top at the list. And you know it's something that we talk about all the time. And obviously children are near and dear to our hearts, your hearts, your listeners. You know we always want what's best for our kids. And the problem is is that you know all we can do is to control the things that we can control right. So you know we can't control the motorists who makes a bad decision and drinks and drives. We can't control you know the person who doesn't tighten his wheels properly and tires come flying off is that sudden emergency that happens. And so all we can do or to take the precautions necessary to protect those we love. And those precautions just like so many other advances in technology they've gotten better over the years. But only if you use them. Only if you take the time early on to learn about these different safety measures you can take and how to install them properly if you're using them inside your vehicle. Over the years I'm sure that car seats have just gotten safer and safer. That's the first thing I think about when you think about child safety and abiding by those guidelines for whatever size they are, whatever age they are keeping them in the right size car seat. Yeah absolutely. And you know it's funny how things progress. I know you know we had children a little later in life. I have small kids and I can remember going down the road and my parents old Honda Accord. And seat belts didn't even work in the back. You know and I'm standing there holding on to the back seat. You know four years old. So we talk about advances in car seats. We've come a long way you know for sure. But it's true the developments that have happened particularly at over the last decade to two decades have been monumental. And so what we're doing is we have all of this technology now in car seats that are available. But you have to understand what the device is because otherwise you strap the kit in. It's not properly secured. And then they just become part of the missile that gets you know projected in the event of a wreck. And so it's critically important to make sure several steps are followed when selecting a car seat, when installing the car seat. And then to make sure that your child is properly secured in the car seat. And the other day my wife asked me if I could move one of our car seats to the other side of her car. And I'm sure back in the day it used to be you know unclick click. Now I think there's 50 straps on the thing all over. But it makes me feel better as a parent sure knowing how much safer there are. And for some of your parents out there sometimes you have to stand up to the children right. And there's an age and a size where they don't necessarily need to be in a certain kind of car seat. So you have to move on to the booster seat and then eventually out of that booster seat and then of course to the front seat way down the line. But those children they're ready to move on and move up right. They're ready to grow up. Sure. Yeah. I mean you know is I'm sure your kids and mine I mean you know we teach them to be independent and we want them to make sure that they're you know expressing themselves and stuff. But but it is it's very important to remember you are the parent and you have to make sure that that they're safe. And I mean really it starts from just that you know talk to your kids about it. Look you know I know it was tough when our kids were in the backward facing position. But that was so much safer when they're that age because you know developmentally they can't keep their head upright and there's a reason for all of that. But you know when they do get a little bit older have a talk with them and say look you know that this is for your safety because we can't control what happens around us. But what we can control is to do the things we can to make sure you're safe. And you know kind of taking off from that you know I know a lot of people want to look for deals. I know it seems like you know particularly in this this economy but the you know people looking on Facebook market plays or other platforms and say oh well I can use so and so is hand me down car seat you know and I would really caution against that. If you're going to invest in something and spend that much money on on that you want to make sure you know that the car seat has a clean record and you just don't know what you're getting there. I mean it's kind of like with helmets you know we've talked about before if you've been on a motorcycle or been in a bicycle accident and have had a wreck you can't use the helmet again that the same thing applies for car seats and so you know they're good for one lick so to speak. So if somebody's been in a high speed collision you absolutely don't want to go put your children in that again you want to make sure that that it is safe for them. And so I mean even though the urge is out there to maybe you know be frugal and to make sure that we're doing the best kind of investment it's worth it to spend the extra money for sure. Yeah no doubt about that. Talking with Brian Comer with Tobias and Comer Law for Law 251 and kind of in that same vein anytime you buy something new especially if it's for a child it comes with a little piece of paper generally with that product and it has a way to register that product but more importantly get the recall information so even if it's not a hand me down there may be something wrong with that car seat you bought and there's no easier way to get that information than via email from the maker themselves. Yeah that's right and it's super easy now I mean shoot the last product I registered it was a QR code you click it and then you know three little boxes information you fill out and then they have your information and you know again you hit the nail on the head because if there is a recall and there are groups that look at this the Consumer Product Safety Commission the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration NHTSA they're looking at these and if they fail at a certain rate they have to recall the product and if and I can think of no product more important to institute a recall and then a car seat because I mean again our children safety is the most important thing and if you're unsure for someone out there who's maybe not sure how to install a car seat you can generally find places online search for it or I know a lot of fire departments and police stations and hospitals I mean when we had our first child I think they wouldn't let us leave unless they installed the car seat right if I remember correctly there's people out there who could show you how to do it and do it the right way absolutely and you know the first place that's always a good place to start is the manufacturer's website guarantee you there's going to be some video on there that explains how to do it or somebody showing you but yeah there are locally I know we did an event with y'all several years ago out at Children's and Women's Hospital where some of the nurses can come and check but you have fire departments can check because the main thing is is like I was saying earlier you want to make sure the car seat is installed properly and here's the deal like you might be the best car seat installer on the planet but it's also those people in your orbit to make sure that their car seats are also installed properly that is the babysitter that is the grandparent the aunt the uncle the cousin whomever if somebody else is going to be driving your kids around make sure they know how to put it improperly and then go back behind them and check it's a very simple process but you just want to make sure that they are strapped in right and a lot of people might mean extremely well and think that they've got it in right but you know there's some critical points you want to make sure that it's tight enough you want to make sure that the anchor's in is it front facing back facing all the straps you mentioned there's a whole bunch to it there's really simple what you see it done but you just want to make sure it's done right well said you should see the conversation I have within laws when I'm like just install the car seat you could take them wherever and then about five minutes later I go you know what I'll just leave my vehicle here you could drive that for the day I'll hit your ride to work us back I'd rather do that than have you take it out and reinstall it so good information once again Brian and you have this information listed on the website along with pretty much anything anyone could have questions about at the also if anyone has any questions about a personal injury case they can call for a free consultation absolutely and that number also available on the website too Brian thank you so much for coming in alright thanks for having me all alright Brian Comer with Tobias and Comer Law another edition of Law 251 remember you can check this out on our podcast page and we have all of the Law 251s from over the years at coming up next the Jeff Porsche he's on the