Gwynn & Chris On Demand

9.9.24 Gwynn & Chris 2 pm: Padres drop two to the Giants

Chris and Skraby talked about the Padres falling to the Giants over the weekend, plus NFL Week 1, and a lot more!

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09 Sep 2024
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From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge! It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare! The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style! [crowd gasps] You get quality! [crowd gasps] You get beeps and boops and dings and whomps! [ding] And thousands of dollars in savings! Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture! Shop in store at MyBob' to play now! My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row-ass man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get a $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. As a parent, you always want to set your child up for success. 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And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off Ixcel membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. And we welcome you and everybody. Happy Monday, afternoon to you. It's a Monday and we love it. You know, it's one of the days that we get to spend some time with you out there. Glynn and Chris on San Diego's number one sports talk station, 97-3 the fan. Chris Elo, Matt Scrabie together today in our Odyssey Palace studios. Tony Gwyn Jr. is idle today. Tony will join us again tomorrow from Seattle where the Padres will play the Mariners. Padres have today off before we go any further. I want to let him gloat and get it out of the way. Mr. Scrabie is now a two-time champion in our fantasy baseball league. I didn't know you were going to go this route so early. He clinched the championship yesterday which is weird for just about anybody else out there who plays fantasy baseball because there's still three weeks left in the season. Yes, our commission made a slight mistake. Your commissioner didn't quite have it together. Put the finish line three weeks before the actual season ends but Scrabie did win that again. So I congratulate him on that. We'll talk plenty of fantasy sports today. I know everybody's either ecstatic or reeling or nervous about tonight as they try to get the result of their first fantasy football game of the year. We will talk plenty of NFL today. We have our first good, bad and ugly of week number one in the national football league. And suffice to say there was plenty of all three categories. Yes there was. So we'll get to all of that. But of course we have to start with the Padres and yeah we do. Their item tonight things are getting a little nervous out here. I honestly did not think it was going to happen and it hasn't yet happened. But the fact of the matter is although the Padres still lead the wild card race, they have company and the company is getting a little too close for comfort. Padres are a half game ahead of the Diamondbacks but now only two games ahead of both the Mets and the Braves. And both the Mets and Braves could shave that to a game and a half tonight because they are playing. Whereas the Padres are sitting a couple of losses to the Giants have helped bring the Padres back to the pack. Bob Melvin coming to town doing a little damage before he left. Yeah. And you know I don't like losing but I don't mind losing when people I've heard of hit home runs but when you lose to Girard and Carnacion and Kurt Cassale, I've heard of him. But you know what I'm saying? Yeah the other two guys, Matos. What about the guy who was a career minor leaguer, the guy yesterday? I don't even know him. I think it was Grant. Yeah Grant McCray hits two bombs. You know that's that's tough to take. Giants actually when I was talking to my friends, they're really excited about a couple of these guys and I was like well great for them. And then of course they go and hit. They went for Ole Miss. Grant McCray went 0-5 yesterday with four strikeouts but. Oh yeah he was Saturday. Saturday night he had two home runs and so yeah you lose to McCray on Saturday. You lose to Encarnacion and Matos and Cassale yesterday. And you know I'm sure I didn't hear Mike Schiltz post game press conference yesterday. I'm kind of over most of his post game press conferences frankly but I didn't hear it. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that he was proud of the way his team fought back and they did. They were down seven to one and they got within seven to six and then Tyler Wade got picked off and that ended the eighth inning rally and although you know pro far gave it a pretty good ride there on the last out. It was a foul ball actually in the corner but it didn't miss going out of the ballpark by a whole lot but it missed and the Giants beat you and right now style points don't matter and good comebacks don't matter and Luis arrives you know three for five doesn't matter and Zander Bogart's home ring doesn't it doesn't matter if you don't win right now you it's time you got to win now it's crunch time crunch time thank you I mean there's you know there's a what 81 and 64 there's 17 games left. I don't you know I don't know how many you can win and lose I don't even think that's important anymore. I mean you could go two and 15 if the Braves and Mets go 0 and 17 I'll be fine but I don't think the Braves and Mets are going to go 0 and 17 so you know the Potters are going to have to get going here get something done and you know hopefully this road trip will get them squared away you know Dylan Sees continues to pitch uneven certainly not superstar like he had his one incredible run in what was it July when he had to know hitter and when he didn't give up a hit for six games. We need some of that back now and we need it soon. We can't we can't we can't have the Dylan Sees that coughs up a three run home run to some rookie batting ninth in the order and losing that ball game Saturday night and Joe Musgrove could not Chris Joe Musgrove could not have been more dominant yesterday but before you got to be more done you can't be dominant for three innings you got to be dominant for six or seven and I think it was it was a stretch of Joe said he'd never seen anything like it was a stretch of 10 pitches and the Giants got six runs in those 10 pitches but he did not allow a base runner for three innings before giving up seven straight hits three of them home runs and having the first six of those batters score in the fourth inning. Yeah one of them there was a fly ball that Fernando lost in the side and that's no that's look everybody wants to rip Fernando for that go ahead but you try to catch it it's it's a really really hard play and these guys make it look easy 90% of the time that one just never came out of the sun. I'm getting a lot of if it doesn't come on tell Fernando to wear sunglasses and Fernando was asked about that. He said he's tried both he doesn't like playing with sunglasses. He catches all of them without the sunglasses that one never came out of the sun. I say blame the stadium designer who didn't put up something to block the sun Chris. It's 107 degrees out there the reason for that is the sun. He is right there. That is the reason so you know yeah if Fernando had shades on he probably missed it anyway. That ball if you if you take fly balls in the sun and I've taken my share over the years. I've never. You take your glove and as soon as the ball goes up some glasses are not. As soon as the ball goes up you take your glove and these guys know this until I wish Tony was here to kind of confirm this for me but you put your glove in front of the sun and then that allows you to then look around your glove and find the ball. It's still difficult. It's really difficult but if the ball never comes out of the sun and when you're looking around your glove and you can't see the ball because it stays in the sun as that one did you're you're you're at the ball and everything's mercy. So I'm not going to blame the loss on that and must grow shouldn't and wouldn't blame it on that. One ball falls in that doesn't mean you give up five more hits. So you know look the Padres have a couple of things that need to they need to do right now. And one of them was discussed in the paper today and I agree with it because I said it at the time before I get to it. Let me first say Mason McCoy thumbs up man. You have not hurt the team. You have not done anybody wrong. You've done pretty much everything they could ask. The bunch you've got down a couple of hits here and there that we need. Your defense has been exemplary but the fact of the matter is Hassan Kim is not ready to come back and it's been too long now. I thought the Padres could live without Hassan Kim for a week 10 days which is what originally we thought. Well it's now going on three weeks and Mason McCoy now is a black hole in the lineup and I understand it's your number nine guy but you could improve it by getting Solano into the lineup. Solano is still a 288 and he's still a threat and I would rather have Solano in the lineup as my DH and I'll put a rise at first and if I have to put crony in short or if I have to put him in second and Bogart's in short I have to take that chance now. I can't I can't wait around for Hassan Kim to come back. It doesn't really honestly sound like he's coming back. Well I don't operate like he's not. The Padres you know never are clear with us but they say but Mike just said yesterday that he he didn't have a setback but he's not close. Well he didn't have a setback but he didn't go forward but he has. That was Mike Schiltz way of wording it and believe me with the show. I guess I guess I did hear some of the press conference. I with the shoulder injury that I experienced Chris and Hassan Kim and I know you need to be ready when you come back. He may end up needing surgery. I don't know but I think they need to make the move and now is the time to make it. I think it's a big deal. I think it is a big deal. You've got a day off in Seattle. Let's get Xander out there. Hit him 150 ground balls. It'll come back to him. He used to be one of the great short stops in baseball history. The guy was an MVP candidate World Series winner. Get him back over there. Put Jake at second. Get Solano's bat in the lineup and you know on you go from there. Now that's that's number one. The other thing is we got to wake up Fernando. Hey he's back and I understand he did not take a you know what would he call a little rehab assignment. A rehab assignment to get his timing and all of those little things but they didn't have time for that. They also don't have time to wait for him anymore. He's six for twenty four which is mediocre but worse he's got only two doubles and one RBI. It's got to walk right there. Since he's come back. Yeah that was the RBI. I know. That was it. That's the only one he's had. Profar. I love him to death. You know it. Everyone knows it. I've been singing his praises all year. He can't bat third right now while he's hitting you know 190 since the all-star break. He's too much in the middle of the lore at the lineup. We this is if you think I'm panicking fine I'm not. I'm making decisions that I think are tough but I do think need to be made right now. The Mets and the Braves are too close. You cannot. You cannot absolutely no way know how. Let this thing slip in the last three weeks. No they got to make some adjustments now because. Adjustments. That's right it's not big changes. It's not a panic. It's not throwing out you know the bath water and you know with the baby in it. Yeah. You just need to make a couple of little things here. I think Profar needs to move down. I don't know what you're going to do with Fernando but you got to get him going like Fernando. Let's go. This is you're one of the best players in baseball. You need to start playing like it. And I think you got to get Solano's bat in at the expense of. Are you ready? Ready to move Jackson Merrill to that third spot and put Profar in his spot. I am. I'm ready. I'm ready to see it happen. Jackson Merrill clearly can hit. Here's he clearly hit in this league and he could clearly hit for power. He needs to be higher in the lineup right now. I've been I've been against it all year. You have been. Yes. But I'm coming over to your I'm coming over to it because we're in that mode. Yes. It's three weeks. It's three weeks or nothing now. I'm not worried about the long term future now of Jackson Merrill. I'm not worried about the long term psyche of Jackson Merrill. I'm worried about what lineup is going to give me the best chance to win these games for the next three weeks starting tomorrow in Seattle. And right now Merrill is far more of a threat than Profar. It's just that's it. For all season long, Profar is mid-magic. I've been begging and hoping the magic would come back. It hasn't. So I don't disagree with you, Scrave. We'll see if Mike Schilt makes any of these moves. We'll see if Mike Schilt just says Chris shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. I'll do what I want. And it may work out. But I the thing to me is I need to do something again. I know you think I'm Pat. I'm not. But I think we got the team to make it. And I can't take a chance that it slips away right here. I just can't. I can't worry about it and worry about what people might think or what it might look like. And you know what? If none of it works and the media rips me forward at the end of the year. So what? I got to put my neck out there. I got to do what I got to do to try to make it happen. There's one thing that Mike Schilt will do and that's do unconventional things and say unconventional things. But Mike Schilt has to realize that like it this they cannot afford to lose too many back-to-back games the rest of the season. And they've done it. I was just looking at the schedule. They they didn't do it for a very long time coming out of the all-star break. The first time they lost back-to-back games was August 21st and 22nd. Yeah. And then they lost in the last two. And the last two. Yeah. Well you look the you lost the crazy game Thursday night to the Tigers. But you know you lost it. Unfortunately. And the Giants, like I said, you let you let guys beat you who shouldn't be beating anyone at this point. But that's what happened. And Musgrove Seas did not have their best stuff. You know and you know you got to you got to bounce back. Now that said you go to Seattle, you go back to San Francisco, you take four out of six or four you got five. Even three out of five will probably hold your ground. But it's getting that way. Look the Astros come in here next week. They're not going to be messing around. You know I know the white Sox follow them. But you finish. They don't care. Do you finish? Listen, you finish at LA Dodgers at Arizona. Those are six brutally difficult games to finish the season. I would like to still have a two or three game. You know, bit of you know cushion before I go into those games. So yes, you know, look, I I honestly I've we talked if you heard us on the round table last Thursday, you know what I'm saying. We talked openly like this team was really ready to make a World Series run. And in this quick of a time, baseball has jumped up and said not so fast. And that's where I got to like say Chris says that he's not panicking. And I believe him because if he was panicking, he would have much more dark doom and gloom thoughts. No, I think they're still the best team out of this group. They just they were exposed a little bit over the weekend. I don't know. You know, I don't even know what they were. I just know that they got to do better. You know, they got to do better. They got to to me the lineup can be improved right now. I'm not going to move Fernando, but I'm going to wake him up. Fernando, let's go. We got to have something lay a button down, draw a walk. Get on. We need you. Pro far has got to drop down. Merrill's probably got to move up. And Solano's bat needs to be in there or Peralta. You don't want at the DH. So that McCoy, you know, has to has to go bye bye for a while. Yeah, because they were doing exactly what we were saying is like, have McCoy be the defensive specialist. Yeah, don't need his bat. But now they need his bat. And he's not doing it. They need something there. All right, I'm probably overreacting. But I'm going to just tell you this, if they lose a couple of games in Seattle, you're not going to think I'm overreacting by Thursday or Friday. No, if they lose tomorrow, I'm a little bit, I'm a little bit worried, Chris. Look, they can we could wake up tomorrow, a game and a half up. That's all. The Mets have only lost one game in the last, you know, two months. And that was yesterday, thankfully. But the Braves are there. The Mets are there. The Diamondbacks are there. We got to hold off one of them. I don't care how we do it, but we got to do it. I can't let this season get away. It's too good of a team to allow it to slip. And there's still 17 long games to go. But, you know, I wish Tony were here because he'd try to calm me down. But here's the thing. Tony says it all the time. It's a marathon. You just got to play the percentage last mile, Chris. It's not anymore. That's right. It's not anymore. It's a sprint now. And if it takes batting Merrill third for three weeks, then you better do it. Yeah. All right. Let's see what they do. Padres, you know, the situation is before them, but they right now all they can do is watch tonight. They're off in Seattle tomorrow. That team that we saw for the first month and a half after the All-Star break could easily come back just like that. They could. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see. Let's see. Coming up on the show, I mentioned a good, bad and ugly. We will recap in depth week one of the national football league season. It ends tonight with Scrabies, 49ers, debuting against Aaron Rodgers's New York Jets. It's really a pretty show time. Yeah, not that good, but it's a good game. It's a good game. We're going to be carrying it for you right here on 97 three the fans. So that means we got to get out of here by four 30 to make way for Monday night football. But before we get to that, we will have the good, the bad and the ugly. We will have the, the daily gambit, the big five, Christopher's the fans will have a fantasy update. We got a lot to get to. It's good to be with you. And let's get it done. Gwen and Chris, San Diego's number one sports stock station, 97 three the fan. From the mind of a two foot tall talking spokes puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition. You get style. You get quality. You get beeps and boops and dings and whops and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. 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We're just getting underway for a Monday, Cressello, Matt Scrabie together in our Odyssey Palace Studios, Tony Goode and Juniors off today. Scrabie, do you know who Javan Holland is? Should I bring a bell to you? I think it's a football player. He is a football player. Where's number eight? He's the safety for the Miami Dolphins. Here we go. And because of him, I'm in a better mood today. He was the guy that stripped the ball out of the hands of Travis ATN in that game yesterday. ATN was headed for the end zone in a 24 to 7 Jacksonville lead, but Holland punched it out at the one yard line and the dolphins were able to rally. You know, you say a little bit of spirits are annoying, but at least is that annoying? At least my team is on this coast. Yeah, well, but I don't died. Okay. So what about your guide Tyreke? What are we going to say? Yeah, I wanted to get into that. And this is as good a time as any Padres are idle tonight. We are headed towards Monday night football. The dolphins. Yeah, the day for the dolphins started out, you know, as strange as the day can start out. I was on Twitter yesterday morning and the first thing I saw was Tyrekeel lying face down on the ground handcuffed. And I thought, this is an issue. It's pretty crazy. This is a bit of an issue. It's pretty crazy. And everybody knows, I think the story by now, Tyrekeel was driving recklessly speeding, apparently or allegedly, I should say. I don't have video of that, but he was pulled over for driving recklessly. He was about a block from the stadium and got out of the car and or didn't get out of the car, whatever it is, didn't apparently cooperate to the apparently cooperate to the level that the officers were hoping he would cooperate ended up face down handcuffed on the on the blacktop there. Must have been hot, too. Yeah, it looked really, really bad for the police. I got to tell you, at first glance, this looked really, really awful, you know, to be treating anybody and never mind who it is. It's not the old, do you know who I am? If this was Joe, you know, the concessionaire salesman, I wouldn't want to look up and see him face down on the blacktop. I mean, this is this is got this kind of stuff has to stop. Tyrekeel after the game said, you know, I was cooperative. My mother didn't raise me that way. I don't know, you know, what got everybody upset on all I knew is I was where I was. Here's the thing. And the officer was immediately placed on leave. Yes. And I think when people saw that, that was the confirmation that Tyreke did nothing wrong confirmation that the police officers were wrong. Tyrekeel was right. And this police officer is going to be, you know, relieved of his duties forever. And Tyrekeel, you know, is going to be able whatever is going to happen. Well, you know, a little while ago, the actual Miami Dade police officer's union did put out a statement. And they said the Tyrekeel was quote uncooperative. And they said he was only, I don't really get along with this too. Well, he was only redirected to the ground while in handcuffs, because he refused orders to sit. Well, doesn't mean for you should you know, you know, yeah, I don't know that that force needed to be used. I'm not a police officer. But I do want to say this. Tyreke, according to the statement was briefly detained for driving in a manner in which he was putting himself in others in great danger. Upon being stopped, he was not immediately cooperative, pursuant to policy and for their immediate safety, they placed Mr. Hill in handcuffs. Still uncooperative, he refused to sit and therefore was redirected to the ground. Here's the one thing before we all lose our minds and, you know, hate the police for this. Not very many of us are taking a moment to think about it from the police perspective. All right. If you are with somebody who's uncooperative and they thought he was apparently, you need to make sure that you yourself are not in any immediate danger as a police officer. And again, I'm not a police officer, but I'm guessing that that's pretty important to them. And so we are left. Look, the look of him with his face down is the one that I can't get out of my head. And I, you know, really wish we could avoid having to see anymore. And I am a dolphin's fan, but I'm not necessarily a Tyreke kill fan. I reformed to score touchdowns on Sundays. And he did. That's about it. Here's the thing, Scrabie. I don't know what happened here. I don't know who's right. I don't know who was wrong. I wasn't there. But I do know this. Tyreke kill was once accused of punching his girlfriend. He once got kicked off a team at Oklahoma State after pleading guilty to domestic assault by battery and strangulation. He also was in Kansas City. They declined to charge him, alleged domestic violent office involving his three year old and her fiance and three year old. He also last off season was under investigation for salt and battery after he got into an argument with somebody in South Florida and punched the guy. Tyreke killed does not strike me as a guy who may have been 100% cooperative here. Thank you. He just doesn't. And I'm not. It's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt based on his past. And this guy, the guy pleaded guilty to strangling somebody. You know, well, how many ever years ago it was he punched some guy last year when he got in an argument. I hope that he respects the authority of the police. And I hope that he behaved. But it's difficult to be on Tyreke kill side here. It's actually easier to be on the side of the officer who I think acted a little bit out of out of sorts by, you know, facing pushing his head down into the ground. But the officer has to make sure as do all of the officers there that they are not in any immediate danger, there's no threat to them. And I know that Tyreke said that he didn't do anything that that was, you know, that's what he said. Yeah, right. He said he was 100% cooperative. There have to be body cams in this whole thing. We're going to see what happened. And, and I'm going to wait until then. But like, it's really easy. And I don't know that this is not what happened. But it's really easy for a police officer to pull you over and say, Hey, we're going to be giving you a ticket. And you say, all right, I'm going to get a ticket. Here's my license registration. And you move on with your day. Now, most of us, maybe they saw maybe they saw Tyreke and they're like, Hey, we got to make a big deal. We got to make a big deal out of this. I don't know. We don't know. But you're right, Scrabie. Most of us in this room and listening to this show, for whatever reason, have been pulled over before and given a ticket. Not too many of us have been put in handcuffs during that situation and had their face shown the blacktop. So what led to that? Was it the officer overreacting? Was it Tyreke? You know, giving them a little business. I don't know. We don't know. But I want to make sure you out there, at least are thinking of both sides before you make up your mind. Because I think a lot of people have made up their mind that this is another example, a police gone crazy, in a world where we can't trust the authority. And I think that's a dangerous thing to think at this point. I think that's a very, I think you're right about that. It's a dangerous thing. But if like we're, I'm seeing on the chat and I've seen all over social media, Oh, the guy was just speeding. Who cares? What, what I've read, he was going 100, 105 miles an hour on roads, like near the stadium. Like, I don't know. That's, that's not safe. People are walking to the stadium. Like, I don't care who you are. Do not drive 105 miles an hour while people are walking. Well, we can't, we don't, we don't have any confirmation. No, we don't. So let's just be careful with that. But I'd like to put it out there because people seem to think it's okay. Because Tyre, he was the one who was speeding. It's all right. He was just speeding. If that's a case, even if he was just going 50 in a 30 zone and he got pulled over, I don't believe they're saying that he was handcuffed because he was speeding. He was handcuffed because he was being uncooperative. And we don't know what is the truth here. We'll see. We'll find out. Let's see. We'll find out. Before we now, if it comes out and there's a body camera and Tyre kill said good morning officer, and the guy reached in and grabbed him and handcuffed him and threw him on the ground, then let's throw away the book and let's, you know, yeah, right. Absolutely. Get rid of this officer and everybody around it. We are waiting for more information. We need more information, but I want to make sure you're at least taking a moment to think of both sides. Because Tyre kill seems like, and I'm going in a jokey direction during a serious topic, but Tyre kill seems like that guy who's going to be weaving through traffic at 120 miles an hour. He does everything fast. He does everything fast. He does everything fast. Say that Clay is Campbell also stopped to try to de-escalate the situation. He was detained. He was detained as well. So that's weird too. Well, again, you don't know. And I'm not saying Clay is cabled anything wrong. I'm just saying there's a lot of weird going on, and we need to wait for everything. Yeah. All right. In the end, it was a dolphin victory, which in my mind is really what mattered most. Did you, did you think it was a good look on Tyreke to do a celebration of him getting arrested on the field? Probably not. I thought it was hilarious, but not a good look. Right. Do I expect anything different from Tyreke? No. No, I exactly. Jalen Watto was the police officer resting him, which I thought was hilarious, but it's like Tyreke, if it comes out that you were being uncooperative, that's a terrible look. Yes. And should we, do we need to even mention that I don't believe, although people want to make it, a race issue. I don't see a race issue here in any way, shape, or form unless we find out that the officer was acting way out of pocket. Correct. If we find that out, then you can bring the race card into it, but not until then when Chris continues with a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of week one NFL. All right. Welcome back to winning Chris. Two forty one is the time Criscilla. That's great. Together today in Odyssey, Palace Studios, Tony Gwen Jr. Idol today. We'll have Tony back tomorrow. We'll have the potteries back tomorrow. They'll be in Seattle, take on the Mariners, play a little scoreboard tonight. Those gravy got to keep an eye on the Mets and Braves who were both in action tonight. Can they just go away? I'm so tired of the Mets talk. I'd like it drives tired of the Mets talk. It drives me nuts. The Mets were awful for the first part of this year. And all we could do was hear about how bad the Mets are. Now, the Mets are great. And now, oh, the Mets are going to win the World Series. I'm so tired of it. All right. The Braves don't even deserve to be there anymore. They don't even have their best players. Sorry about that, Adam, but I said it and I meant it. Both teams are 78 and 65 Braves are home to the Reds today. Mets are at Toronto. I would tell you what the Dodgers are doing tonight, but I don't think anybody's really looking at catching them anymore. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. Well, the potters can go 15 and two again. Maybe they have it. No, I get that. I get that. Yeah. The vision dreams are not likely if that's kind of gone away. All right. We are the Monday ahead of the first Monday night football game. It is the 49ers and the Jets. It's right here on 97 three, the fan. Let's take a recap of what happened in week one of the NFL. It's the good, the bad and the ugly and away we go with the good. Hate to do this to you, Scrabie, but going to start with the Chiefs. Oh, it's okay. You know, they didn't win. They won two straight Super Bowls and it didn't hurt. Apparently, that they added the fastest guy in football. Xavier Worthy showed what he could do and the Chiefs opening night went over Baltimore. Now the Chiefs will bring it on and end around to Xavier Worthy at the 2015 of the Ravens. Time for touchdown Kansas City rookie Xavier Worthy on a perfectly executed well-blocked end around great let right to left on a 21 yarder. Wait, what was that? Well, I don't know, but he went so fast. I'm surprised the guy was able to leave in say 10, 5 touchdown Kansas City. It's their guy Mitch Holtus. Mitch, man, he was in there in a hurry. I'll tell you that Worthy scored two touchdowns. Chiefs held off the Ravens by a toe 27 to 20. I hate to break this up, but Sandy said something on the chat that I should bring up. The Mets announcers apparently yesterday on their TV broadcast said that the best, the Padres have the best chance of getting to the postseason. Thank you. Yeah. All right. I just wanted to talk about it later. Also in the good category yesterday, this is even tougher to admit, but Jim Harbaugh debuts successfully. Chargers didn't do anything in the first half, but their defense held up against the Las Vegas Raiders and then JK Dobbins came a running in the second half. Hand off the JK through the line, breaks a tackle into the end zone. Touchdown. Shoutouts. JK Dobbins from 12 yards out. I don't know. I don't know if he's listening out there, but I kind of miss hacksaw touchdown San Diego. We can't say that anymore. I know, but it was still cool. JK Dobbins with the touchdown. He had 131 yards after halftime. Chargers, Harbaugh era starts with a win 22 10. You got to be embarrassed over Las Vegas. I didn't think they were going to look that bad, but Jim Harbaugh can coach. I, you know, I don't know what it is. The guy can coach and they play at Carolina this weekend. The Chargers do, so get ready for two and oh. Also in the good category, the seasons first over time game. It was last night in Detroit. The Lions blew a big lead, but then ended up holding off the Rams. David Montgomery decided it, but the Lions also have a new wide receiver here that's looking pretty good. Jameson Williams like a lightning bolt from Jared Goff, 52 yards. Yeah, Jameson Williams says fast. Yeah. And with him on the other side, they were, I evidently they were quadruple teaming a Mon Ross St. Brown last night because I never even saw him in the game. He wasn't in the game, but they weren't bothering. They weren't bothering to cover Jameson Williams, though, and the Lions beat the Rams in OT 26 20. Either X factor this year. I think he's going to have a huge year. We'll see. Of course, the overtime sparked controversy again. Should the Rams get a possession? No. How about stopping them, you know, 80 yards before they get into the end zone? I, you know, I know at the Super Bowl, you get possessions. That seems more fair. Yes, because a regular season, regular season, I don't have time for it. Yeah, stop the team. I agree. Sorry, Rams. In the bad category, this one was not just bad for the Bengals. This was bad for about 50% of football fans across the country who are doing exactly that today because they are out of the survivor pool in week one, thanks to the Patriots. Steven's in the back. He takes the hand off. He runs it to the right side. He's in with the end zone. Touchdown. Touchdown Patriots. Where was Joe Burrow? Where was Jamar Chase? Where was everybody? New England beats the Bengals in since he's 16 to 10. We'll get into the survivor pool later, but suffice to say, not as many people are remaining today as we started that. I hate survivor. It's, you know, if you're going to get out, you might as well just eliminate right away. There's nothing worse than being eliminated. I, okay, spoiler alert, I got eliminated because I took the Bengals. The stupid Bengals. You and everybody else? And then all these people on the Internet saying, oh, you should have taken whoever played the Panthers. The Saints weren't supposed to put up 47 points on the Panthers or whatever they did. Wouldn't expect it. Staying in the bad category, the Pittsburgh Steelers, not only did they win yesterday, Michael Valenzuela, but the Steelers were the only team in that division to win. They're alone in first place after kicking six field goals in Atlanta. TJ Watt and company made life miserable for the very rich, but not very good Kirk Cousins. Final score Pittsburgh 18 Atlanta 10. This game was so boring that there was no highlights from this game. Sorry, we can't make one up for you. Thursday night, or Friday night in Brazil, Philadelphia beat Green Bay. This isn't the bad category for a couple of reasons. One, because the turf once again was terrible. And you know, look, I don't know if you blame the turf for it, but at the end, Jordan Love, Torres MCL. I don't I think that was more of like a falling. Nate, well, the turf may have had something to do. Who knows the NFL keeps expanding its game at the, you know, at the without caring about the health of its players. The NFL is just full of crap because their whole thing is we care about the players, but they don't. They sent him halfway around the world to play on lousy turf. Sure. And it was an exciting game. Say quads, Barkley. Oh, yeah. Three touchdowns. You know, he never did that once with the Giants. Never had a three touchdown game. Never figured at least once. I know. But this was the biggest play of them all for the Eagles. And the gun is hurts. Barkley was left slot to the near side. Hurts back. Here comes the rush. He steps into it. He is going deep. It has caught complete. AJ Brown to the 20 to the 15 to the 10, the five touchdown. Hurts to Brown. 67 yards. Merrill Reese has been doing Eagles games since 1977. I think it's time. Can you believe that? I think it's time. I still love the voice. He didn't see much of that play, though. I don't think. I was going to say like, and this is an honest question. Did he make the trip? I know. That's a fair question. Actually, in this day and age, Eagles beat the Packers 34 29 news on Jordan Love. Three to six weeks. MCL. No good for the pack into the ugly category. We go and have a feeling we may see these guys in the ugly category often this year. I picked the Carolina Panthers as my upset pick this week. What was I thinking? Add forgettable quotes. Yeah, the Panthers are going to do something this year. Yeah, they're going to pick up where they left off last year. Out of the shot down this car, Panthers bring four for our stands. Now fires a deep middle of the field. Touchdown New Orleans. New Orleans. Okay. There was a lot of that going on. New Orleans, 47 Carolina 10. The highlight for me was a Twitter post of some corner back on the Panthers, trying to get in the face of Derek Carr later in the game and Derek Carr looking back at the guy. And you can read his lips going, I've already burned you for three touchdowns. Like, are you kidding me? You're popping off down 40 to nothing. I do love that. Oh, please. Ugly New York football Giants. First of all, the uniforms. I like, okay, I like the helmets. They were kind of tough. The rest of the uniforms are nasty. It was it was ugly. Daniel Jones was ugly. You know, giants. I mean, they were the only team I think that didn't get 10 points yesterday. They only got six. Kevin O'Connell's mastery of quarterbacks. Sam Darnold went like 13 for 13 to start the game. And Andrew Van Ginkel finished it off. And here comes Daniel Jones, 12 of 22 for 111 yards. Bikes lead 21, six, Joe. Oh, he threw it to Van Ginkel touchdown. That's the fourth touchdown in Andrew Van Ginkel's career. And he read Daniel Jones like a book. And that book had a happy ending. Seven six Minnesota. That's my guy Paul Allen for the Vikings there. Yeah, good, good giveaway dolphins. Andrew Van Ginkel, let him go. Let's, uh, 28 six Minnesota. I think there's a stat out there that Daniel Jones in signing his big deal has thrown more pick sixes than actual touchdowns. I would have to go back and look at that. But Daniel Jones has been a disaster for the Giants. atrocious, just atrocious. I finally ugly category. Uh, this is a combined winner. The rookie quarterbacks making their debuts yesterday. Now maybe we should have exceeded coming. Caleb Williams guys. He looked really bad. He looked terrible. He looked terrible. He was like running 30 yards back. He looked awful. Jaden Daniels had some moments he did, but still lost. Bonix had a moment or two, but only 138 yards and two picks. Bottom line is the rookie quarterbacks combined to throw no touchdowns in their debuts yesterday. But the Bears presented Caleb Williams with a win. One that he's probably taking credit for. Yeah, he didn't, but he doesn't deserve it. It was the Bears defense and special teams. Stone House back deep to our left. DeAndre Carter on the ground, picked up to the 10 to the five to the end zone for the touchdown on the black puck by the Bears. Yeah, it was the Bears coming back from 17 nothing down because of that defense. We'll let them in special team. We'll love us through a fumbled or whatever. That one was taken in for the winning touchdown by Simone Biles's husband. Oh, for the Bears. Yeah, he showed up on that winning touchdown, but yeah, I'm sorry if you if you think Caleb Williams is the greatest thing ever, 93 yards passing is all you got to show for you yesterday. He didn't throw an interception, so let's give him some credit and he'll get better. I could see why he'll get better, but I can see why he's he's touted as like a great talent because he can make some throws. But his arrogance on the hard knocks show that he already knows everything and I don't get nervous. I don't get nervous. Yeah, I have too big for all this. Yeah, please. I love every minute of his struggles yesterday. Watch hard knocks at all. I love every minute of his struggles yesterday. Bears over the Titans, the other guys, Daniels and Washington lost in Tampa Bay. Bonics in Seattle loss or Denver lost in Seattle. All right. Good job by scraping on the highlights. Good job. One is in the books. The football teams. Yep, the good, the bad, the ugly. Don't forget Monday night football coming your way with the 49ers and the jets. Marquis match up. And there's a lot of a lot of players tonight that you can watch. Mm hmm. Right. I mean, from McCaffrey and Deebo and I you. Garrett Wilson to Garrett Wilson and Ross Hall. Aaron Rodgers. Sauce on the defensive side. Sauce. Deebo sauce against Samuel tonight. I have a feeling Deebo said that it doesn't bother him that Brandon and I you've got a big contract even though he's covered by it. He's definitely bothered by it. Don't forget about your guy. Broccoli pretty. Broccoli pretty. He's been a ton of commercials as of late. All right. We're coming up on Monday night football, but that's still 90 minutes away. Next up, it's the Daily Gambit on Gwen and Chris. From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The honest game show on TV that asks what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition. You get style. You get quality. You get beeps and boops and dings and whops and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. 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