The Cārvāka Podcast

Boundaries Of Creative Expression

In this monologue, Kushal shares his views on the recent controversy surrounding the IC 814 series on Netflix and Kangana Ranaut's new movie Eemergency that has been withheld by the censor board for some odd reason. Using these two as examples, Kushal wants to discuss the boundaries of creative expression.

#ic814onnetflix #ic814 #kanganaranaut #Emergency

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1h 29m
Broadcast on:
09 Sep 2024
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[Music] Namaste everyone. Welcome to the Charvak Podcast. This is Kushan Mehraut. So, we have not done a monologue for a while. So, I was like, "Oh well, let me have a time set this month and I can talk to everybody. So, I was thinking about what do I talk about and there was this particular news that has been going around in the last 10 days. I did not want to talk about it when it was in the news, as in everybody was obsessing over it. Now, I've noticed nobody has been obsessing over it. So, when everybody has stopped talking about it, I was like, "Okay, I will hear all the arguments from everywhere, like I always do. I will listen to different points of view, different things that different people have said, people have yelled at each other on the news cycle, like they always do, which is so typical of our discourse, everybody's yelling at each other. Everybody tries to show how they are holier than thou. And now, I was like, "Okay, now that we have yelled at everyone sufficiently, let me talk about it." So, before that, as you know, the Charvuk Podcast is not run by advertisement revenue or by any sort of sponsored video. The Charvuk Podcast is run through a pure membership model. So, if you can do consider supporting the Charvuk Podcast, the Charvuk Podcast membership is of two types. We have the Seeker's tier and we have the Speak with Meteor. The Seeker's tier, you have access to nine books and the Rigveda. So, if you join right now, you can go access the playlists. You can join on Patreon or on YouTube, wherever. And the other tier is the Speak with Meteor. The Speak with Meteor gives you everything you have in the Seeker's tier and you get a off the record AMA with me once every month. We actually have to do the last month AMA. So, this month, I'm going to do the last month AMA. And then, we'll do this month's AMA. One month behind in the AMA because I've been traveling so much since I've come to Canada. I've done what I think six or seven talks. Other than that, you also get even more content as of now. If you join the Speak with Meteor, you get the entire Walmiki Ramayana series, the entire series. Chapter and verse, every single verse read. And we are almost on the verge of finishing the Manus Prithi also. Just yesterday, Sunday, I finished the 10th chapter of the Manus Prithi. I think there is just one more chapter left. I think it has 11 chapters of the Manus Prithi. So, if you join right now, you'll get pretty much the whole of the Manus Prithi too. After that, we're going to do two more Spritis, the Yagnu Alkha and the Prasar Spriti, so that we get that content also. If you want to buy the Charoapotcast merchandise, you can go to cushal or you can go and cut up merch. If you want to send your donations, so, if you're in India, you can send your donations through cushal Mehara at ICICI. If you're in Canada, you can send your donations through Interact, which is, I guess, Canada's UPI to cushal So, those are your ways of supporting the podcast. If you can't do any of this, just like this video, subscribe to the Charoapotcast YouTube channel. Leave a comment in the comment section. If you're an audio listener who's listening to this and has tuned in from the audio only way, well, just leave a rating in your preferred audio platform, whether Spotify, whether iTunes, and all those. So, as far as the monologues are concerned, as you know, I'll speak for a few minutes and then I'll start interacting with the people in the live chat. As always, people who ask their questions through the super chat will get first preference. If I don't see any super chat questions, I might scan the live chat randomly. If I find something interesting, I will respond to it. If I don't find something interesting, I will just finish this monologue and one. Now, so, today's monologue is titled The Boundaries of Free Expression. So, this came to my mind because of two particular controversies that are there, occupying the news landscape for the last 10 days. The first one was obviously this Netflix series, which was, I guess, produced and I don't know who the director was or who. I don't know if he's the director or the producer Anubak Sinha's series on ICA 14. This was the Kandahar hijacking of the plane, where the then NDA, until we had he watched by led NDA government, eventually had to cut a deal with the terrorists and let go of the terrorists for the lives of the passengers. And there were a lot of commentary about the way the series has presented the terrorists in a certain particular light. And there was a lot of back and forth about it. There was commentary made on why the names Bola and Shankar are used when they were alliances they used and why didn't you not mention the names of the actual terrorists? Well, I think somebody had responded that those were the names that the terrorists used. So, that's why they used it, but there was no disclaimer given. Then I think they came back with the disclaimer argument and then the career networks, India added a disclaimer on the Netflix India website and then somebody pointed out, well, Netflix, America, Netflix, Canada and all these other Netflix outlets, they are not adding the disclaimer. So, how is that fair? Well, you know, a lot of things have happened. And then we have the controversies surrounding Kangana Ranauts, you know, the movie starring Kangana Ranaut. I don't know who's producing or directing. Full disclosure, I'm not going to watch emergency by Kangana Ranaut nor am I going to watch IC 814 by Adwav Sinha. I don't care about either. I just, most of the times I avoid useless content and I genuinely don't watch content. More often than not, I am more interested in sci-fi or philosophy or those kinds of things or action movies. I mean, I like Penchayat on Amazon Prime. That was something I enjoyed. Even when I watched Sacred Games, like first season was good. The second season was just, I did not enjoy the second season all that much. Now, also, Dean is always good. He's a good actor. I think it was a family man. I enjoyed that family man was fun. I think it was a family man. I think that's the name. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't, I'm not very good at names. I just finished watching this series. So, okay, I'll be a Netflix player. I think that was a very interesting series. I don't know how many subplots there are in the series itself as far as, you know, I mean, is it simulation theory? It is a string here, string hypothesis. Is it a mix of this? Is it a mix of that? There's so many questions there and it was very interesting, that series. I enjoy that kind of stuff like Black Mirror and stuff like that or, you know, simple, rustic Indian satire. So, anyways, enough of that. So, now these, there are these two cases, right? One is on an OTT platform, Netflix and one is on the mainstream television. irony is Kangana's movie has not even been given a go ahead by the sensor board. As of now, there are different groups in India taking objection to different things. The funniest bit was a news clip that I saw of a member of the Shiromani Gurudwarap or Bandha committee. There was this lady who was debating on some news channel, I forgot which one Anand has shared a clip of it. And actually, let me go and try and find it. I mean, that was the funniest thing I saw in a while, where the person was like, have you seen the movie? No, obviously, I've not seen the movie, but I am objecting on the basis of a trailer. And I was like, then why do you have a problem? So, what I can object to it on the basis of a trailer, but clearly, I mean, I don't know what to say. I mean, but I want to play Anand's views on the same. Like, Anand has a view on this. And Anand's view is why are Hindus tired and Anand shares this? I'm actually sharing a clip that Anand has shared of his own views. So, let's play Anand first. Rahul, you actually hit the nub because it's not about one film or its content or who's made it. What was the ideology of that person who made it? It is a much larger question, and I'm so glad we're discussing that because it almost goes to a level that is, I would say, quasi-philosophical, because the fact is the hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to talking about mocking, being critical of Hinduism and Hindus is mind-boggling. In fact, let me be blunt. It is, I'm afraid, institutional. When it comes to Islam, it's another story. So, it's not just Pakistan, it's actually Islam. Remember how Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the floor of our parliament demanded an apology from Denmark for the profit cartoons? Kuntse amara kalena denas hah! Miss Sondha Gandhi publicly apologized to his Shahi mama of Jama Mathjid for that, but when it comes to Hinduism, it's a free for all. I guess Hindus are tired of selective targeting and hypocrisy. Secularism, Rahul is not a one-way street, a bigger stand-up who jokes on Godra train-burning, soils his pajamas when it comes to making fun of his own religion. If it isn't the popular discourse, the stand-up comics, the wheat-smoking Hinduism. The finished ad recently or the red label ad where the projected a Hinduist, bigoted and non-accepting of a Muslim neighbor, it's done by parties like the DMQ or the TMC or the Congress we've seen all that. Sanatan Dharmay, eradication and everything. Like a Maila Congress leader making a Gao Mutra jive, same as Pulvama bomber, a Goa Congress leader terming Hindu word, Parasurama as a terrorist and rapist, Congress mouthpiece, national herald, routinely publishing Hindu phobic articles including one where it said Hindu effects were repeated with misogyny and me-to-instances. Congress celebrating Tipu Jainthi, despite knowing he demolished hundreds of temples and converted and butchered lacks of Hindus, who can forget saffron terror was coined by Congress and communal violence will be only the majority, i.e. Hindus would be guilty in a communal right. How many instances are there where the Congress has abused Islam? In fact, it demanded hanging of Kamala Shtivari on the floor of U.P. Assembly. We've seen what happened with Nupur, Raoul, if we are talking of mainstreaming hate, why are we as a nation so scared of even making public the preachings that render Abrahamic religious exclusivist and supremacist? You talk of hate and conveniently forget the hate religion preach, let me not quote the verses but rather a man out here quote, the Hindus are right when they say that it is not possible to establish social contact between Hindus and Muslims because such contact can only mean contact between women from one side and men from the other, unquote. Who said this? No, not Hemantavishva Sharma, not Yogi Adictana, but Dr. Ambedkar. Was he a Sanghi? Look, finally, as a free speech absolutist, I am not for banning any ad, any film, OTD or any standard comic or film that marks Hinduism or Hindu words because there are so many especially, let it be a good idea for the makers to append their creative work with a small print that says quote, yes, we are mocking Hindu beliefs and Hindu words because we can and Hindus have always accepted this. We dare not mock Islam or its practices or its profit or God because if we do, we'll be beheaded or killed live, surely have no journalism, unquote. Just this simple small print will assuage the Hindus and make the Muslims realize that we all live in a country that cherishes the freedom to criticize religion and that the punishment for apostasy or being a kafir is not death, but I suppose for some, Osama bin Laden was actually a chemical engineer and his real name was Omkara, Bhai, Luckhani, just like Burhan Mani was the son of a school teacher. So this is one view that Anand has presented and by the way, I wholeheartedly support Anand, Anand is spot on. The problem is that there is this straw man created in Indian discourse where the straw man says that, oh, if you criticize Islam and its tenets, then you are pointing down because Islam and Muslims are a minority in India and you should not criticize Islam because it's punching down. But I honestly have come to a conclusion where I feel criticism of Islam is no longer punching down because Islam is a very global ideology and the threat to your life is disproportionately more when you criticize Islam vis-a-vis any other religion. Ask Karyalal and what happened to him and there are many other instances which can be given in our illustrious political discourse of our country where justice is never sought in those ways possible. So in fact, if somebody were to ask me what is punching up now, I would say punching up is actually a criticism of Islam, is punching up, stand is well known. So I don't know what people are talking about. In that sense, I think Anand is right. Anand is absolutely right where actually criticism of Islam is punching up. But this is not about that. I want to stick to the idea of what are the boundaries of creative expression. So there are two weird scenarios. Here is a movie on this IC 814 issue that is clearly in some ways taking liberty with the truth and the argument is this is a creative representation of what had happened. So the moment you say that this is based on actual events but not the actual representation, you can play around and do what you want to do. And we know there is a trend. And then you can put two and two together by listening to the public utterances of Anubav Sinha. And when you listen to Anubav Sinha's public utterances like his commentary on how it was actually America that found oil and they are the reasons of whatever is happening. It's America. As if you know, Islamism did not exist before Americans found oil in the Arab world and stuff like that. There is one line of thinking over there. The other line is, you know, Kangana's movie on the emergency and the SGPC saying, oh, why have you added that woman and emergency in this, how dare you do, you know, oppose stuff like that. I mean, it's very interesting. What's happening here is indeed very interesting. And how do you actually go about doing any of it? How do you criticize any of it? It's hard to understand because the SGPC representative who had gone on India today was clearly, clearly, saying Pindramale is, you know, is a hero. And I think it was a swansing, also a swansing in Pindramale who were called heroes by the, you know, representatives of the SGPC, she was a female and, and when Anand had questioned her, Anand was on the other side questioning her. And that's when she said that I saw the clipping of that video. And an emergency is a movie that is going on mainstream media. And this is a movie that has gone on Netflix. And Netflix, clearly, is not bound by the rules of the sensor board. Netflix is not bound by any of these things. So Netflix can pretty much, well, nearly do what it wants to do under the garb of freedom and expression and, and, you know, creative expression and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, and, you know, what I supported, I think, but the problem in this scenario is that what happens to Kangana Ranath and her movie. Now, anybody who follows me knows that I'm not a fan of Kangana Ranath, Kangana Ranath, the social commentator and now a member of Parliament, we will judge her by her five years of her parliamentary record. But as a social commentator, I have never been a fan of Kangana Ranath, but this is not about my personal views of Kangana Ranath. As far as she as an artist and an actor is concerned, she has every right to go ahead and make a movie and people should let her be. But clearly, Kangana is not allowed to share her views and everybody else can. You know, Kangana Ranath has to go through a court case. Kangana Ranath has to prove her credentials on the basis of what, AGPC's objections to a trailer, really? That is what the AGPC is objecting to, a trailer that they saw that Kangana Ranath leads. Oh, they, they are misleading and generalizing about the Sikh community. I mean, I saw the trailer of the emergency for the purpose of this podcast because that's the maximum I'm going to do, full disclosure. I'm not going to watch this movie at all. But it was kind of funny that, you know, that Kangana Ranath has to go ahead, you know, through so many hoops to just get a censor vote clearance and unfortunately, I think she has not gotten the clearance right now. And she's struggling to get the clearance. I don't know why. I think her movie should be released. I mean, what is so unique about that movie that needs to be clarified and cleared by every single member of the community? Well, did Anubav Sinha and the Netflix overlords go and approach anybody in the government or the community asking or taking their permission, seeking permission from anyone for that matter and asking them whether they can release the IC814 series? Did they? And if they didn't do it, then why are we bothering about any of this? I don't understand this kind of control on ideation is unfair. And why do we have two sets of rules for different groups? Why? Why do we have two sets of rules for different groups? That is a question we need to ask. And, you know, it's ridiculous. Like the argumentation given by the HgPC representative is something you guys should actually listen to. Let me play that. I mean, it was, it was so absurd that for a moment, I was like, yeah, I am Adamji. But, you know, I think you guys should actually hear her out. Yes, you know, Mr Kiran Jyoshkar, why is the HgPC and so many Sikh bodies demanding a ban on the film? Is it not better to say we don't watch it? We don't want our supporters to watch it. But if somebody else wants to go watch it, you know, it's really up to them to decide. You can't enforce your view on others. Oh, that is correct. Everybody has the choice whether they want to watch the film or not. But the point is, when you close your eyes, you cannot run away from the truth from the trailer that we have seen. We have seen a person by Kindravala, some Kindravala, who is given this dialogue that you are seeking votes and we are seeking Kalistan. Now, that is a narrative that is totally false because in 1975, Vidravala was nowhere on the scene. He came in later. And also, I have a... No, but you don't know whether this is of 75, maybe it's from later. Man, man, man, man with respect. You don't know if that scene in the trailer, around someone who looks like Binderavala, is from 1975, it could be from later. You don't know the timeline, you haven't seen the film, so you're objecting without nearly knowing what you're objecting about. No, we are objecting after watching the trailer, because in the trailer... No, but you're saying it wasn't there in 1975, I'm saying you don't know if it's about 75, it could be up a later time. No, I think it's about Emma Jancy, I think what needed to be shown was that Akali then was the first political party to object to Emma Jancy and actually, they had a Mocha, they started a Mocha from Amritsar in 1975. No, that's true, but this is not an Akali propaganda film. If the Akali's want to make a film of their own, or the SGPC wants to make a film of its own, they can make their own film, you can't tell Kanna Ranauth what kind of a film she should be making and what she should show in their film. Professor Akali, I'm coming here. He can definitely challenge when she is trying to polarise the society on basis of her interpretation of facts, because when a film like this is made, which is based on historical facts, then the research needs to be right. Remember, do you haven't seen the film? Karan Johji, you haven't seen the film, how do you know the research isn't good? Dr. Ma'am, with respect, you haven't seen the film, how do you know the research isn't good? Maybe it's a good film, maybe it's a bad film, I don't know, I haven't seen it, neither have you. You're saying the research isn't good, you don't know, and you don't know if that dialogue is from 75, from what I know, it's a bit about the emergency and then it flits into the 80s, so it's across time, it's not about 75. So I haven't seen the film, but I have seen the trailer, so in the trailer when they are showing something like this, then obviously they are trying to make a film not on emergency, but something else. Professor Akali, I'm going to talk about what she's trying to say. What we see in the film is setting a narrative that will polarise the society further, and you know how it's going right now. So why have professor Angana and quick counter? Yes Rahul, talking of polarising of societies, I am absolutely appalled on this show, the lady before me has just addressed Vindra Vale as son to Vindra Vale. I have a very simple question, ask her. I have a very simple question. Yes ma'am, do you believe Vindra Vale and satvansing the man who gunned down Indra Gandhi, were they terrorists? Yes or no? If you have the guts, answer it. Were they terrorists? This question because I'm not getting into this, the point is about emergency and let us talk about that question. Why are you scared to answer that question? Don't be scared, if you are truthful, you will answer it. Whatever your condition. Definitely it's not scared. Then why aren't you answering it? Was satvansing a terrorist? He gunned down Indra Gandhi, was he a terrorist or not? No, he was not a terrorist. Then what was he? There we go Rahul. What was Mrs Gandhi not a terrorist for laying seas to the bar? He is not just a bar sub, sir. He says he was a terrorist at the same time. Why? This is okay, this is shocking on this national television. Let us not talk about things that you don't know about and let us stick to the topic of emergency. So there you go. This was the clip I wanted everyone to see and a few points there. Well, the AGPC lady was technically correct in many ways because even Thavlin had mentioned this on my podcast about Pindramalai. Pindramalai never used the K word, Halsan word. It was much later or something of that sort. So Pindramalai never used that word. So that is actually a historical fact. But Pindramalai also was an extremist and a terrorist and every wrong thing that you can associate with Pindramalai and to say anything else is ridiculous. Indra Gandhi, what Indra Gandhi did and her deeds are very well documented and anybody who thinks Indra Gandhi is innocent is rather naive when it comes to the entire mess in Punjab. You should just read Mr Sidhu's book. I've recommended that book multiple times to people on Kalesan. And if you have not read that book, you're truly missing out on understanding how Indra Gandhi and the Congress actually destroyed India. I think the book is called the Kalesan conspiracy. Yes, it's by GBS Sidhu. He's a former RNAW officer and he unravels the path to 1984. So let me share that book for you guys on the screen. I think you guys should read this book. It's a must read book. I have done a podcast with Sidhu sir. If you guys don't have the patience of reading a book which nowadays you know this is the book I'm talking about. It's by GBS Sidhu, the the Kalesan conspiracy. And if you guys want to go watch my podcast with GBS Sidhu, I can even share the link of my podcast with GBS Sidhu. It's an important podcast to watch because you will get a gist of the book. It's a very important discussion. I had this discussion with Mr Sidhu a year ago and it's very important to understand that these things unfortunately are just part and parcel of our life and it's just terrible that we have to go through these things again and again. I don't know how many more years we have to and it is very interesting. Right after Sidhu sir released this book, the BJP government also has changed the service rules about what ex-servicemen can talk about in books by the way after this book was released. Yes the BJP changed the service rules. So this is my podcast with Sidhu sir. It's titled the Kalesan conspiracy but again we come back to the key core question. What are the boundaries of expression and what constitutes creative expression? I think you just can't stop people from selectively criticizing Hinduism or selectively criticizing Islam or selectively criticizing Buddhism or selectively criticizing just Sonia Gandhi. Let's say somebody creates a detailed database of the crimes of one political leader. It could be in their view the criminal activity is done by Congress or it could be the criminal activity is done by BJP. The point is you cannot stop them. You cannot stop people from selectively creating a narrative. You can criticize them that is well within your free speech but the point is you cannot stop them. You just cannot stop them. This is how creative expression is. Nobody can tell the other person that how dare you only talk about x. Like I understand Anand's sarcasm when he said oh why don't they just write a disclaimer that hamari parti a kind of a thing when it comes to criticizing Islam. I mean those who have a desire to thank you Hindu martini and that's fair enough. I think Anand's point is again accurate. I 100% agree but the point is we cannot stop people from being the way they are. This is how creative expression is. It sometimes is fraudulent. This is how it is. Like nobody can stop someone. Let's say there is now there will be a handle that comes up one day and says that I'm only going to create an entire file and movies and documentaries and everything that only criticizes the Congress party. And the Congress will be like the only asymmetry in the case of Kangana or not. And this Netflix documentary is the asymmetry between the governance models. When you go mainstream like Kangana has through this. You have to go through the sensor board. And when you go through Netflix, you don't have to do anything of that sort. You can pretty much do what you want to do on Netflix. It's the Wild West. It's just the Netflix overlords that have to stick to it. And they have to do their own thing. It creates a litany of problems. First of all, all your content is pretty much outsourced to two big American conglomerates. One is Amazon and one is Netflix. There is problem number one. We have started working towards solutions to that by having our own Indian OTT platforms like Z and many others. I think eventually, I think Disney and G.O. have had a tie up. So I think that will be one thing. Now some people are demanding that because Kangana's movie has to go through the sensor board, we should also make sure that every other movie goes through the sensor board, whether Netflix or Amazon Prime or anything that comes to India. I think that's a horrible suggestion. I believe the idea is not having Netflix go through the same torture that Kangana or not goes through. I think the idea should be that Kangana or not also should not go through the torture like the Netflix creators not having to go through. That's the whole idea. The key should be that you don't let them go through that. That should be the idea. You cannot do the other. What you should do is make this stupid idea of having a sensor board. Listen, you have basic norms. You cannot show child porn and baseline norms and you can put them for OTT content and mainstream content and have a baseline. What is this dinosaur body like the sensor board sitting on top of each other and trying to decide this is good for the society that is bad for the society. What do we like like the Mandir ke Ankal anti or a rotary club ke Ankal anti or some Majjithka mula or some churchka padri or the SGPC sitting on top of the whole society, deciding hah bhai, karega, what kind of a weird society are we imagining is sometimes beyond me, but that's how it is. I believe creative expression should not have any boundary. Creative expression barring a few exceptions like child pornography and obvious things which are common sense issues where we will have universal agreement. Everything goes. You just allow that on screen. So if I see 814 wants to you know show it in a certain way, let them. Yes, the disclaimer in the beginning is needed that it is a creative take. Kangana wants to call a movie emergency, then talk about emergency for 40 minutes and then take it forward from emergency and basically do it like a biography of the life of Indra Gandhi. Why can't Kangana do it? Like who is the SGPC to tell Kangana ke Tunai, it's a movie that Kenny, ladies herself saying "hamna movie nideki" then she says "Maga movie nideki trailer de khaa" why are you doing that? Why do you want to do that? So it's all rubbish and for the BJP to not clear Kangana Rana's movie is highly condemnable. I think her movie should come out just like the IC 814 thing has come out. This is not a emergency picture, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814, this is an IC 814, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an emergency, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814 thing, this is an IC 814 thing, there is no consistency in our discourse. And this asymmetry between mainstream cinema and OTT cinema is ridiculous, we have to bring the OTT platforms and mainstream cinema at par in India. So the restrictions on mainstream cinema have to be reduced, just like the restrictions on OTT cinema are negligent in India. Rating system, why do you have to do this? You know, adult Indians like children, like babies, we have to tell them. So in my view, creative expression should be left alone, people are allowed to express themselves the way they do. This entire idea, oh, they are going to corrupt young minds, they are going to influence young minds, I mean, you create a counter movie, right? Now you don't even have that excuse, you know, since none other Modi's government has come to power, you know, cinema has come up with many series that are very pro-India, very critical of the left ideology, whether it's Kashmir files and many other movies that have come up. You know, Bhattarhuranta, then Orbi Bhattarhurri movies, and you know, if you are someone who likes that kind of content, you can go and watch that kind of content. Who's stopping you? And these movies have also gone on OTT platforms. So there is, you know, creative freedom everywhere. So to create these arms of boundaries and tell, oh, I see 814 should not be released or emergency should not be released. Well, the fact is, I see 814 got released and emergency stopped. And the core issue for that is the third rated laws that India has, as far as sensor boards are concerned. Why does a movie have to go through this and OTT not? That should be the question that should have been asked, not what HEPC wants to be aired and does not want to be aired. The question should have been, why is there a sensor board in the first place in India? Some of us have been demanding this this this change for a while, but clearly nobody, like I said, the land of the sassta stallions and the minimals that India is, where everybody is a stallion and everybody is a mow. Everybody wants to control the other person. The thought police are everywhere. How dare you think like this? How dare you say this? How dare you present this like that? This is the problem. And the sensor board that has stopped Kangana Ranaut's movie is the epitome of that. The sensor board represents everything that is wrong with Indian society. A bunch of uncles and aunties are going to decide what I get to see and what I not get to see. That's the problem. It's a freaking nanny state. And what are people saying? The same people who may want Kangana's movie to come out, may want other movies censored by the same sensor board, which is why this happens. That's the problem. Most of you are the problem because you don't fight for the right thing. You don't want the sensor board to be removed. You just want your kind of thought to be promoted and the other to be suppressed. And the key to creative expression is you actually stand up for the one thing that you hate the most because it's a subset of free speech. That's what you have to stand for. Again, exceptions apply like pedophilia, child pornography, stuff like that. These are no brainers. But other than that, why do you need a sensor board? So if you really cared for Kangana on an aunt and her movie, you would have actually called for the basically dismantling the sensor board of India. Just a OTTF movie scene by Abla Gao, Joe Theorta, Joe De Kana of the Kaga. Joe Theorta Konaide Kana of the Kaga. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So if you really care for creative expression and if you really want to push the boundaries of creative expression, then you should demand the dismantling of the sensor board. Because of the sensor board, so many movies which may be Pro Hindutva were not able to come out for so many years is because the Congress ecosystem controlled everything. So many people may have wanted to create a Pro Hindutva movie. So many people may have wanted to create a movie that would criticize the tenets of Islamism. They could not because there was a body like the sensor board sitting on top of your head telling you what to do and what not to do. That is the problem. And none of you object to that. You only object to what you dislike and what gives you cognitive dissonance. Anyways, I'll take questions and then we will go. Black mamba is here, but black mamba has not asked any question. Well, behind nothing. (speaking in foreign language) Rather, Congress is targeting vote banks of atheists, ex-muslims and muslims which are the largest growing group worldwide by attacking Hindus, your opinion. I don't know how they are because the atheists and the ex-muslim community especially the ex-muslim community has a very high level of dislike for Islam. So Raga's pro-Islamist policies are going to turn off ex-muslims the most. So I don't know how ex-muslims are going to be attracted by Ralghandhi's policies. I mean, that is news for me. I don't know how you have come up with this path-breaking conclusion, but okay, you're entitled to your point of view. What is the progress of the Hindu legal defense? Have you been connected? Listen, I attended the first few meetings. After that, I told Shazad that whenever a body is formulated, which needs financial support, I'm more than happy to do that. After that, I don't attend any meetings. I don't even know if they have meetings or not. So I don't know about that. My stand is clear. I stand for the creation of a body that defends people who get sued. In fact, I don't even stand for the idea of countersuing people. I stand for the idea of defending people because for me, free speech matters. But I don't know anything about that beyond a point because I just attended a couple of meetings and I shared my point of view and I moved on. After that, I don't know whether those meetings happen or not. So I can't answer for that. You have to contact legal Hindu defense. Right wing did not respond to Sinha academically point wise. Their outrage reduces the value of discourse. Sinha is a terror apologist and can cry victim. Well, you know, what do you want me to do? I mean, am I the spokesperson of the entire Indian right wing? I mean, I don't control what they do and what they do not do, basically. I mean, yeah, I kind of understand what you're saying, but that's pretty much the way Indian discourse is, whether the right or left, the criticism is never factual or point-based. It is always stupid. And stupidity is kind of the way most discourse runs. And I used to think it is a unique thing to Indian discourse. And now that I'm in Canada and I'm deeply involved in Canadian issues also, I have realized that stupidity is like a universal phenomenon. People just discuss stupid issues. Do you think how the calisthenies used to target Hindus in Punjab in 70s and 80s should be discussed mainstream in 1984. Does not whitewash that listen, the calisthenies did not just attack Hindus. The calisthenies attacked everyone who opposed them, whether Hindus or Sikhs. When calisthen was a thing. And calisthenie terrorism really became a thing in the mid 80s, more than the 70s. The number of deaths that started increasing really increased after a while. I mean, you guys can go, I think they have just created this database. What was the website? I just promoted them yesterday. Punjab files and they are calling articles very good work they've done. And from 1978 to 1998, they have collected articles and YouTube videos and made multiple things where they share this. I can share the website for you guys. You guys can go and check it out. Some articles are in Hindi also. So these guys have done that on this website. You guys can go and check this website out. The horrors of calisthen terrorism, Punjab files and they have done a decent job of collating all these things. As an author, what's your opinion on websites that let people download books for free? As a student, I had used them a lot to read as I didn't have money. Is it a big problem for an author? I mean, honestly, you can't stop these things. Beyond the point, you can't stop these things. I don't even care. I don't bother about these things beyond the point. Honestly, I just don't care. Is it ethical? No, but I don't care. You asked me, what do I think as an author? I don't care. Is it not true that the hijackers of IC 814 use code names for each other, which included Bula and Juncker? Yes, absolutely. In that case, what is the controversy? The controversy was, I think, something else, which only people who created the controversy can answer. I did not. My whole focus was the bounties of free expression. And I think whether it's IC 814 or whether it's Gangana or not, and her calling the movie emergency and then basically creating a sort of a biography of Indra Gandhi is, I think, fair means is what I'm trying to say. Honestly, I find most Indian content to be stupid beyond a point. Is India mature enough for absolute freedom of expression? No society is immature or mature till a certain extent. I mean, this argument is such a straw man argument like a Hamlocke, the Logijahil, heh, heh, heh, I don't buy it. When the American First Amendment was created, do you think America was better off in terms of maturity compared to India today? Do you really think that was the case? You know, this straw man argument is ridiculous. It's just honestly, it's ridiculous. It's just funny. So, I mean, I don't even care about these things beyond a point. The point is, if freedom goes in close, that should be the discussion. Then this is what you want, a system where a bunch of people will decide whether you can handle things or not. Then why do they stop at what movies you watch? Why don't they also tell you what you should eat and not not to eat? Shakkarmatka, Pichamatka, Bergharmatka, Furek Food Board be Lagadona, Juros Turmari Kalari counting Garega, Oh, a Char Rotik Haliharam Jadeh, Eknikal Rotikapnipetse, Wogonikarnajjathu. Do you think society is ready for that, the way rate at which obesity is rising in India? Yeah, I mean, we're going to see how much money we have. Anyways, Cheologis, super chats to Adirangi, super chats pop up in a separate area, Abhimadektham, Bakhiga commands, comments, they came. Are people in Bharat ever going to wake up? Now it looks like people of the country are just blind, they just do not want to see the truth. Wake up to what? That is the most generic thing I have ever read in my life. Bharati Ojago, that reminds me of Tanashahe Nahi Chalaghi, Madhakiski Tanashahe, Angrezo Bharat Cholo. It's the best option for the Hindutva movement to decentralize itself from BJP and RSS and divers itself into various subgroups that focus on certain issues. Actually, RSS, that shows that you don't understand the nature of the RSS. The RSS itself is such a decentralized organization that it doesn't try to control anything. There is no centralized body as such an RSS. That shows you have not actually studied the RSS. I have not watched the series, but I heard someone who had watched the show say that somewhere in later episodes, the negotiator state that kidnappers to identities known and what their names are. I don't know man. I just think the whole thing was so stupid. But if they keep the Santhi India stuff going, Indian government will censor OTTs. Yeah, I think that is the eventual result. The OTTs will be censored. You can never have a scenario in India where the censor board will shut down. What will happen is everybody will be like, "Yes, the OTTs will go through their torture." So imagine every time before they upload a video, they have to send it to the censor board. The censor board watches it and somebody releases the digital copy. Thank you for becoming a member. I can't wait for the day that happens. [silence] Questioning away. Spammer goes on. Time doubt. There you are. The controversy is they have mentioned ISI has a limited role in kidnapping. I have not seen it, so basically they are creating an apology for ISI. Good for them. If freedom of expression is what you advocate then raises depictions of Indians. Yeah, actually I would not stop it. I'm not called for censoring. Isn't that setting a narrative? What do you think people are? What do you think people just watch a movie and then go and tell Indians, "Do you think people don't interact with each other?" I don't know what world you guys live in. I seriously don't know what kind of a world you guys live in. Another controversy with the web series is that RNA-W agent named Ram was shown beating up an apolyc citizen and almost killing him because he was the driver of terrorists. Okay, the controversy. Take care. [speaking in foreign language] [silence] Okay, somebody has said, "I've watched the series. The outrage was there's no substance. There was nothing anti-India does showing in competency account for anti-India." Okay, clearly I've not seen the series. I'm not going to watch the series. So here's another one. Any book recommendation have you been reading? Well, reading the name, but I've been listening to this book on Audible. [speaking in foreign language] This is a good book. Interesting book here. I really enjoyed this one. It's on how some key materials are important part of our existence and why we need them, etc. Do you think we are losing out on soft power due to this cancel culture? What soft power did we have? There is no soft power without hard power. Have you seen the Varun Maya video on AAA games in India? I don't know who Varun Maya is and I don't know what AAA games are. I have no idea. And first of all, stop with this whole soft power. There is no such thing as soft power. There is only hard power. Soft power comes if you have hard power. The problem with India is we don't have hard power. What is my opinion on Indian blasphemy laws? Have you ever watched this podcast? Why are you asking me this question? Are you watching this for the first time, like seriously? This is new. I've been asked for my opinion on Indian blasphemy laws. Are you playing with me? The only right we have apparently now is the right to be offended by everything. I think it's all part of this larger recreational outrage that people are honestly now addicted to. Because the social media landscape has reduced the entire discourse, especially this is not a criticism of Elon Musk. This is just an analysis of what happens when X, Y, Z things are done. So since the blue tick has been monetized by Elon Musk and democratized by Elon Musk, clearly people on social media and they're surprised to YouTube as much as it does to Twitter. So before somebody says, I'm specifically targeting Elon Musk. No, it happens on YouTube. It happens on Instagram. It happens on Twitter. It basically happens. There are two categories of people. So this is like a drug peddler, like a drug distributor and a drug consumer network. And unfortunately, this is the relationship now of content creators and content consumers by and large exceptions apply. And the platforms clearly have realized that until and unless there is nothing sensational involved and there is nothing outrageous involved, you just can't have a distribution network. So content creators just outrage compulsively. And it and it happens in every single country. I have seen such fraudulent click farming in the Canadian Twitter landscape without taking names. These people, you know, nowadays they're just they everything is because of the new immigrants. Like I'll give you a simple example. Have car thefts increased in Canada? Yes. How about this? I'll show it to you with an example. It's of my example. I put data, the Kake Samjata Kake, I'm going to go so much per day. But or give me Canada, I don't know. Give me some money. India, many or I, and this is no defense of India. This is basically what I'm trying to say is all of you suck. This is my way of saying that. So what they will do is has there been a rise of car theft in Canada? Yes. There has been. So, as you see, this is reported motor vehicle theft rate in Canada from 2000 to 2023. We are up the COVID-22-23 with slightly what I 24 may be. We cannot really because we are in the middle of the years of a drawing. Any conclusion about 2024 is just not possible. But as you will see, it is by and large. This is the range. We had Chauda, Pandra, say, Hamare, Trudeau, Mama, I think it might last those who definitely were there. No doubt about it. But I. No doubt about it. No doubt about it. No doubt. No doubt about it. I'm not defending what is happening. The increase is worth criticizing the Trudeau government. But the point is that we are going to have a good time. We are going to have a good time. We are going to have a good time. We are going to have a good time. We are going to have a good time. We are going to have a good time. Jyutchara's Beychire or Kharidre and Dono, Vohana Achkal Yeh Bhattar, Inc. 22 and 23. Kiyuki Achkal and Abh, Bhas Indians Kogali Deh though. Tohabh Kobhayankar kliksmiljanheh. Maastu Meh kliksmiljanheh. Yeh Kashan Pusriana Kizinakheh, Yyeh Pansal Meh Konsa De Sizheh. Yeh Doba Thaddo, Mushtando. Vohonika Yva Thaga. Acha, Firkh Koi Bolda Yha Kini, Uske Palega Bhattadou, Yyeh Apka Tha, 77, say, 1996 Khatrend. Yyeh Apka, 77, say, '96 Khatrend. Thefts from Mo, from Motor Vehicles Khatrend. To point Yehiki, unfortunately, Discourse ISM. Apka Jupura Discourse Ayapay, whether it's Canada or India. Apka Jupura Creators Enna. Apka Creators. Basically, they know that when they present something outrageous to you, is the only moment you click on it. Like, if I told you that as far as Motor Vehicles Theft is concerned, the year 2000 to 2005 was the worst period of Canada, you're not going to listen to it. You're like, "Huh, so what do I do? It was in the past, but it's no longer the case now." Now, there could be multiple reasons why cars are better in terms of safety. We have more CCTV cameras, etc. Many other things and maybe law and order enforcement has improved now. The point is that that doesn't sell. There is a direct problem between the generation and the consumption pattern. You just can't sell rationality anymore on social media. So, for any content creator to sell rationality is a thousand times harder than anything else. And we're just screwed. Honestly, we're screwed. All of us. It is now up to you as a consumer of news and information about what you want to do with your life. And it's with every single thing that you do. Mark my words. I have noticed this with every single thing that people are saying, "Everything, you name the issue." And I see discrepancies there. Every time I have asked people to keep my road accidents, and I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" I'm like, "What is your life?" And this is a chart that Shamika Ravi just shared. So, this is the data. This is a proportion of rural households consuming fruits. This is the NASS 2011-12 NHSES 2223. And look at the changes from how we have had an equitable distribution cutting across classes in India. Why can't we? Like Shamika says, 10 years back, there was a significant seasonality in the consumption of certain food items by average Indians. Example, fresh fruits now greater than 90% rural households and 94% urban households are eating fresh fruits throughout the year. There is significant improvement in availability and affordability due to advancements in supply chain infrastructure and connectivity throughout the country. The biggest improvements have been among the poorest groups and remotest regions. Example, the North East States. Who do you think this benefits the most? Who do you think it benefits? What are the second and third order effects of something as amazing as this? Don't you think we benefit as a society? And who's going to have these discussions? Why are most content creators disincentivized to actually conduct these discussions? I'll tell you why they're disincentivized to conduct these discussions is because there is no profit in it. Nobody wants to talk about it. I'll share another data point with you from a Canadian perspective. This is the collisions and casualties data from 2002 to 2003 to 2022. Look at the trend line. Serious injuries and injuries from 2003 onwards to 2022. There's 15,000 serious injuries and 216,000 injuries in total. Fatalities, 2,777. Personal injuries, 150,000. You know, it is the distribution of the whole thing. And look at the number in 2022 now, 118,000. Now tell me, are things becoming worse in Canada compared to three, four? Yeah, you can say there is a jump from 21 to 22 and 20 to 21, 21 to 22, but 18 to 19, 17 to 18. Now, if somebody was to pin it all on immigrants of a particular community, can they draw narrative on the basis of this? No, they cannot. You cannot draw narrative on the basis of this data point. But if you were honest, you would not try to do any of this. So ask yourself this question as someone who consumes the news. Are you being fed rationality or are you being fed sensationalism? That's the key question. You need to ask yourself that as a consumer. Are content creators being fed to you? And now somebody might come, oh, we need the girl. That's why we need the sensor board. No, you need to be smart. You don't need a sensor board. Do you have a balance reading with a busy schedule as a student? I don't know. I have a question. Do you think something big will happen in the next two to three years between India and China? I'm not a geopolitics expert, man. Do I look into and gaze into a crystal ball so I can't give you these things? Any plans to translate your book? No, none. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do I actually come up with this conclusion? So I don't know. Are there races in Canada? Some, yes, most societies are not racist. I don't face anything over here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, why do people spam the timeline? It becomes so hard for me to actually look at questions. Can you do one more podcast with Adid Kapadi and Anand Rajat Anand regarding the controversies surrounding the India and Bangladesh test series coming up? What is the controversy surrounding the India and Bangladesh test series? Some people want the test series not to happen. I guess that's the point. You should have criticized the defense. You have criticized the defense budget. Will you do a podcast with someone to analyze the different budget of this year or previous year? I have thought about it honestly, but I have to study it myself in detail to ask intelligent questions. So, as of now, I have not thought of who to approach to do a detailed analysis of defense spending in India. But I honestly do want to do a podcast on it eventually to make people realize that in a hostile neighborhood like we live in, it's very important that we spend X amount of money on defense procurement and modernization. But the point is what is the right thing is the thing that confuses me the most is because when I try to read opinions right, there might be, yes, there might be broad agreements like should the budget be increased? Yes. Then the difference is start coming in by how much? Then how do we increase it and where do we spend that money? Which is why it's so confusing, like what if I call person X and that person belongs to a camp in terms of defense spending and the analysis. But then I don't know, my biggest confusion is who do I call or do I call two people who have differing views? That is something that I was thinking that if I have people with differing views, would that create a better discussion? Because, and for me, I tend to take a lot of time in preparing myself for a podcast. So, as of now, I'm taking some time preparing myself because I'm not very confident in that issue. That's why I don't speak a lot about it. Long, like a larger point where I believe national security is a very important thing as far as an Indian perspective is concerned. So, I want people to know. But other than that, the nitty-gritty is something I'm struggling with. That's my honest answer. Do calisthenes attack Indians? Is there nobody is beating in? I mean, are there random attacks? Yes. Are those attacks statistically significant? No. Are there, you know, random cases where Hindu temples have been vandalized as in graffiti has been painted outside Hindu temples? Yes. Are they by calisthen? Yes, because they literally write calisthenes in the bath, India, mudabad, Modi, mudabad. So, I mean, it's obviously done by calisthenes. That's the Occam's razor answer to that scenario. But beyond that, no, I don't see. I mean, there are no random people, or either I Indian kind of a scenario happening, no. But there was this unfortunate death recently of an Indian student. I actually did report it. I did share the police report on my social media. It was very sad that this young boy got stabbed, I think. Let me share it with you. Again, there's no random stabbing sprees happening in Canada before somebody says, Oh, no, no, no. Any conclusion from that? No. There was nothing of that sort. So, I think this was Edmonton police that had done the investigation. And let me share it for you. So, they have conducted an autopsy and determined that justion the man, 22 died of multiple sharp force injuries and the manner of death was homicide. Edgar Vescar, 40, who was taken into custody shortly after the incident has since been discharged with second degree murder and has been remanded. We can confirm that both men were not known to one another. And this appears to be an isolated incident, says staff surgeon Colin Leatham with EPS homicide section. So, you know, my commiserations to the family of Justion Deep and really sad that a young child has lost his life. Twenty-two year old Sikh boy, Indian bachamara, Marga bachara for what? I don't know. What would compel the discourse to be better? If social media, I think if social media companies actually share their real reasons for the algorithm, the way it is, I think when users are given a statutory warning that basically we have drugs there, we have drugs there. I mean, I guess that's when people will start realizing what's happening to them. So, if you say consumers who want substandard discourse, then how would the consumers improve? I mean, the only way is how I do it. I tell people that you've been sold a substandard product when you go. What can I do beyond a point? Kamala or Trump, who is better for India? Is it beyond a point American foreign policy remains consistent with a slight change here or there? So, if you ask someone, somebody might say Democrats are better for India. Somebody might say Republicans are better for India. The difference is, as of now, I think considering the overall geopolitics of the world, I might say Trump might be better for India as of this scenario. It could change in two years, because Americans and their mood swings are less, I say, the better. Let's see what I have. Conservatives in the West claim that democracy is a byproduct of Judeo-Christian values. What is your opinion? When I've read Tom Holland's book on it, I don't agree with his analysis and dominion because I have spoken about this in the past also. Actually, democracy is the antithesis if you read the Bible. I mean, the Bible is pretty authoritarian in that sense. All religions are authoritarian. So, I don't know how democracy is a byproduct of Christian values. I've even shared multiple books that you can read on this and criticizing them. So, yeah, I don't think so. That's actually, how would you describe your political orientation? Leaning libertarian centrist, someone who leans very libertarian, but who's very centrist. So, I'm not very libertarian. Like, if this was the quadrant, right, this was the quadrant and this is the center point, I would be somewhere here, like here, not here in the libertarian quadrant, like very much in the center. So, when I'm actually a hard-line centrist, when I'm measured on most political metrics, I actually end up being slightly libertarian and very centrist. Most tests, when I do, because I'm very liberal on social issues and I'm fiscally conservative. I also understand the role of the state, so some level of redistributionism is something that I'm actually fine with. So, I end up being center where I become very libertarian is on many issues on the government controlling certain patterns of society. That's my whole matrix. What's your opinion on the recent Kandahar hijack, which is the fact? I have not seen the movie. Did you miss my entire monologue? What is my opinion on the usage of color-based segmentation in colloquial language in Canada, USA, white, black, brown, personally not a fan, as I just feel, it's too trivial. I don't care. I honestly beyond a point, I mean, these are things that social stereotypes are used for as to find simplistic answers to complex issues, and they're not going anywhere. A lot of people use the term centrist to hide the fact that they're actually conservative. How do you prevent yourself from that bias? I am centrist. What do you want me to do? I've always said I'm socially liberal on most issues and fiscally conservatives on most issues. So, you have to ask people who hide that. I mean, I am not. I'm socially very liberal. So, I mean, I know your question is good faith, but your question is bad. Like, it's a good faith, bad question, because I have never hidden my views. So, this kind of applies to people who hide their views. I never hide my views. I support gay marriage. I support LGBT rights. I support secular civil courts, and I'm a staunch secularist. And I, at the same time, understand civilizational continuity. I support the idea of a smaller government where municipal corporations are more empowered than central governments. So, what have I hidden my views on? So, I don't know what this question actually makes no sense to me. Brown is a very white term, which does not even make sense to use. Well, you can use your own terms then. Nobody has anybody put a gun to your head and told you that, 'I don't understand what's the big deal.' I think this is just what I, what Sigmund Freud will call the narcissism of the small differences. I just think these things don't matter beyond a point. When you're communicating, you can communicate fairly accurately. I mean, at least I have never struggled to communicate my point. And on social media and on Twitter, right? I mean, you should never bother about what I have realized is you should never bother about Twitter questions, especially Twitter questions and YouTube comments. Because if you start caring about those things in terms of what people perceive of you, then you've lost the battle. The first lesson as a content creator is don't answer to the mob. If you start answering to the mob, the mob builds because the mob has no one will. Somebody might want you to go here, somebody want you to go there, it's like that. Indian textile business is making a windfall from Bangladesh crisis. I don't know if it's a windfall. I think most of the orders will end up going to Vietnam. A lot of them will come to India. I don't know if it's going to be a windfall. As of now, yes. I think India was very kind to Bangladesh by letting a lot of its industry go there. But hey. Why is it that people in India confuse secularism with pluralism? Because people don't understand what secularism is and what pluralism is. It's as simple as that. I have always said India is not a secular country in the true sense. India is a plural country. And that pluralism stems from the idea that India is a majority Hindu or Hindu colloquially. And that's the whole idea. Thoughts on Stephen Pinker, good octal, you can read a few books of his. I don't ask you to ask him. If you are not listening to this, you can't listen to this. Recently there's a lot of racism, hate, stereotypes against Indians in spaces like Twitter, Reddit, etc. What do you make of it? You make of it is people have finally realized that Indians when you praise them and hate them come and fight with you online and it generates a lot of engagement. So that means they have understood what works. That is it. As simple as that. That's what you make of it. The other point you can make of it is as and when you keep rising as an economy, as a society, you are going to be analyzed and scrutinized. Because as and when you become more and more economically relevant and militarily relevant, more and more people will analyze you. It's as simple as that. Why is it so disturbing to people is something I don't understand. But it is like I get called all sorts of names on the internet by Indians Pakistanis, Pakistanis, all kinds of people. So who cares? I mean I have always said that I don't care. If somebody comes to me, it's so funny. There will be some random Indian idiot who will come to me. Who are you to criticize India? You don't stay here and then I'm like well I do stay there for half of the year. So what? You don't stay there 12 months. Who are you to tell me? And the same will be some random stupid Canadian coming through. You run away in the winter. If you really were so Canadian you would stay here for 12 months. Who the fuck are you to tell me? Like who are these people? Who are you? I just think they're jealous that I have the best of both worlds. That's all I see. I just see a bunch of Jalkukras and Jalkukris. Can you share the channel membership link? You just go on the YouTube channel. There is a tab member and you just click it and you become a member. It's as simple as that. You don't need a link. You just go on the channel tab on YouTube on the main page. There is a tab written member and just become a member there. It's not showing for me. That's why I asked okay but yeah. I don't see any of you. It's as simple as that. Membership tab over here. Or you don't have to have to have to. Yellow. Give membership tab. Anyways. Time to wrap up. We'll wrap up over here. So as always fun chatting with everyone. If you want to watch ICA 814. Go and watch it on Netflix. Tell your government to release emergency and let Kangana Ranauth have her creative freedom too. And don't support censorship. Censorship never works. As far as censorship goes. Your life is controlled as always by such the Stalin's and many mouths. As far as the boundaries of creative expression are. Let the creators go wherever they want to go. Exceptions apply. Exceptions like child pornography, etc. Which are not so complex. Keep fighting for your freedoms. Especially for the freedoms of the ones you disagree with even more. Because if you don't fight for their freedom you will never get your own freedom. And watch what you want to watch and don't watch what you don't want to watch. But as far as I'm concerned. If you want to support this podcast do consider becoming a member of the podcast. If you want to buy the podcast merchandise you can buy the podcast merchandise too. If you can't do anything just leave a rating on your audio platform or like subscribe. I'll see you guys next time. Take care. Bye bye. [Music]