Read, Play, Game

Executive Decision - Play (feat. Sam Bible-Sullivan)

Crisis. Debate. Decision. America's best and brightest decide the fate of our country in this special look behind the curtain of the Gordon administration.

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Prestige Nomination by Veaceslav Draganov

The Star-Spangled Banner (Marching Band Version) by Kashido

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1h 6m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Good evening. We are here today with an exclusive look into what happens on Pennsylvania Avenue. We have been given access to an audio tape of a discussion taking place directly in the situation room at the White House, and we are going to be playing it for you, the listeners, right now. What you are about to hear features the country's best minds arguing intensely over the proper course of action. We have left it unedited to give you a genuine look into the democratic process, but be warned that at times the discussion may get heated and confusing. We will now be cutting to the exclusive, raw, uncut, unedited, uncensored footage. Listen at your own discretion. Welcome, everyone. I'm excited for another productive day of governmental decision-making. Now, I know we were supposed to meet today to decide what to change the national anthem to, but something's come to my attention. Okay. My former personal secretary, who you all know, Ms. I'm sorry. Now, when I see the MS, is it Ms. or Mrs. It's Ms. It's Ms. Thank you, Vice President. Thank you. All right. My former personal secretary, Ms. Doe, who I fired last week for gross incompetence, has disappeared. Reported missing by an aunt in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, her car was found abandoned on Interstate 70 near Clear Spring, Maryland. According to Doe's landlord, she was moving back to Pittsburgh. It would be staying with the aforementioned aunt. No one has seen or heard a word from Doe in two days. The White House IT director reports that illegal copies were made of my personal correspondence files two weeks ago unnoticed due to a recent server glitch. The IT director has determined the list of copied correspondence contains a potentially explosive memo. The Cavendish memo is a six month old personal letter from my old college friend, the Cavendish Corporation CEO. Now say that three times fast, suggesting that if certain environmental statutes were relaxed for the corporation, they could build a new factory in Montana. A Cavendish factory would bring in new jobs, cause the local and state tax revenues to increase dramatically and lead to enhanced economic development throughout the region. Also, Cavendish is known for high worker satisfaction due to its extensive health benefits following my own presidential recommendations. A plank in my election platform. Bear with me, we're almost there. At the time, I responded with tentative interest in pursuing further talks about the CEO's plans. Unfortunately, giving Cavendish a pass on these environmental restrictions would directly violate the new global environment treaty I just signed last month in Oslo. The White House phone bank is being swamped with calls from voters about my secretary in the missing files. The White House press corps is demanding a statement. What will I do? Was I supposed to read all that to y'all? Yeah, thank God. About halfway through, I was wondering if it was... Now, Gallup, is this... I still have more to read. Is this a question about what we've heard so far? Are you excited to jump in? That's a question about what we've heard so far. What did you say? Do you say Doe's first name is Jane? You know what? She worked for me for years, but I really didn't catch it. She was just such a bore. So Jane Doe, I guess. In size of about people. So, the Cavendish corporation memo has been released to the domestic and foreign media. The White House press corps is screaming for a statement. The media and the internet blogs are alive with discussion of Ms. Doe's disappearance. The public, the media, and the international community demands answers of me, Mr. President. Now, I will read to you. I am supposed to read these to you. What are you? Are possible courses of actions? Yes, my options. Is it within the zero zero or is it in the... then I think you can read it to us, yeah. All right. So, with that being said, here are our options. We can, one, support the Cavendish memo. The benefits to the tentative agreement are substantial even enough to balance the backlash from violating the global environment treaty. In this one isolated case. Second, rebuke the Cavendish memo. Agreeing to the outline plan is poisoned now that it's been widely dissented. Nope. Ooh, good guy. You know, three years in office, you really just get complacent. All right. Agreeing to the outline... People read for you. Thank you. I was elected to read, not to lead. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you got those mixed up. Not to speak, apparently. Can we get, can we, can we get Ms. Doe to get you some coffee? Oh. Ms. Doe is missing. Okay, so number one is support. The little host. Number two is rebuke. Agreeing to the outline plan is poisoned now that it's been widely disseminated. The loss of face in the international community would be tremendous. Three, refuse to comment. Situation is too thorny for intemperate speech. It's worth putting up with the cries of the public and the media until the whole problem can be unraveled from Ms. Doe's disappearance. Four, start the spin machine. Weeee! Refocus attention on the missing Ms. Doe, possibly trying to paint her as a political operative. Or five, and, you know, I had to put this in there. We're not really thinking about it. Resign. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place because the existence of the memo and my as yet unrevealed reply is a political and diplomatic fire bomb. Best to just step down. All right, I am now taking statements. What do we think? Mr. President, first off, I just want to say I would, I would hit the launch codes. I'd hit the red button before I allow you to resign. Thank you, buster. Is that it? You want to vocalize my total support for this administration? No, I needed that. Thank you. I personally think that we can't really move forward until we know where Ms. Doe is. You say that she's got personal emails, including this Cavendish memo. What else does she have, Mr. President? What are you missing? What was in those emails? You know what I got to tell you, I haven't the slightest clue about how severe these could be. I know I don't don't give me that. You know how Ms. Doe was. She was just such wet cardboard to talk to. I couldn't remember a thing she said. What we do know, Mr. President, is that what we're dealing with here is an act of treason and it should be dealt with with the highest degree of seriousness. I recommend our first course of action be to send our most elite troops to locate and take care of Ms. Doe. I mean in apprehending her, first of all, but she has access to trade secrets. And for all we know, I know you suggested even spinning the story to see if Ms. Doe is responsible, but I do not think we should discount the possibility that Ms. Doe was acting in bad faith in collusion with a foreign country. Our borders are more. We need to act fast. Have we considered the possibility that Ms. Doe was kidnapped? I was just about to say, I think we might be jumping our horses a little bit too quick on this matter. We of course want to find Ms. Doe and make sure that she is okay, but we also have to deal with the fact that the public is running for your throat right now, Ms. President. I fully agree. This issue, you made a promise to the people to help conserve and protect our fertile crescent. No, I don't know all about that. I don't know all about that. Well, hold on. Let me just say, I think we got a spinning. We got a spinning. Look, it doesn't, I didn't hear anything about, you know, a little government whoopsie on perhaps taking somebody out, la, la, la, didn't hear any of that. But let me just say that perhaps if Ms. Doe were to disappear and we were to spin it as she was an operative recommending anything in regards to disappearing, Ms. Doe. I believe that Ms. Doe is completely a distraction from what's important here, the voters, the constituents, what they care about is addressing, they care about addressing the issue at hand, whether or not we're going to reject this memo. They're going to be talking about this memo for much longer than they're going to be talking about Ms. Doe, and she may, she may come up with more, but we can deal with that later. At present, we have to release a statement on how we are absolutely not going along with this memo. There is no way we can allow any sort of leniencies for these corporations based exclusively on your personal connections. This will look terrible to the voters. We need to release a memo that states that this Ms. Doe was acting as a political operative, and we need to reframe the situation. You see, here's the thing, the voters care what we want them to care about at the end of the day. Look, I got media contacts in my back pocket. I got all of them. I got a roll a dex of them, and I don't even need a roll a dex, but I want to look at the names and flip through them because I've got people that'll get on this stat and damn it. It's fun. It's like a fidget. You can just like spin it. We agree that this, this, this plant is important. And, and the things that you discussed in the memo and this deal were important because this, this plan that you, you signed and that you made with Cavendish gets tax revenue that can go back to the people. And that is what the people want, right? But you have to deal with the fact that you also just signed this conservation, this world. You know, this, this treaty to help decrease greenhouse gas emissions. We cannot go back on our promises to the planet, both in terms of the environment, in terms of our neighbors. We made a promise. We made a promise on this global scale. But what about the promises that we make to Americans specifically? I do agree with the chief of staff that our priority should always be the American people that is the contest, the constituency that we serve. We want these American people to be able to enjoy the, the enjoy the green environments and pastures of their beautiful, beautiful country. Secretary Joseph, I understand your agenda here, right? And I respect that, but I do want to hear more from the president and chief of staff, Buster Ballot. You think your argument is that, despite, despite the memo, voters will be satisfied if we still support it. I think that we want the, look, here's the thing, we've already said, we both agreed and disagreed to the memo. That's the perfect place you want to be. We've said two different things. All we need to do is get the people to forget that we've said two different things by reframing it about their safety. At the end of the day, we care about their safety. They don't give a crap about some highfalutin, Oslo accord. They want jobs, but they want to know there's a couple that like that we signed it. So we sign it. We give them jobs. They don't care. It all goes away. And on that regard, Mr. President, I think our road to action is very clear. This is your election year. We're talking about we need to be firm in our stance. I have no doubt. And please agree with me here, because I have a feeling that CEO Cavendish is a huge donor to your upcoming campaign. Right? A key factor in your securing a second term as president. If that is the case, what we need to do is play both sides. You are not taking a weak stance by supporting the memo. We're America at the end of the goddamn day. Everybody is scared of us because we have the biggest military and we have all the power to control the room. Now, in this point, I want to ask you, truly, do you think that supporting the memo is going to cause any backlash? Sure. On a smaller sense. But in the larger sense, what you are doing is ensuring American jobs for the future money that can be spent into potentially, you know, helping the environment. But truly, at the end of the day, these foreign oppositions that are lingering in our territories, they don't respect you. Why should we respect a treaty? We signed with them. Make a show of it. We're hearing your election. That's the brain we need to conserve. Exactly. We're hearing very clear arguments on both the sides of, you know, rebooting and supporting the Cavendish memo. I personally stand more with supporting the Cavendish memo in that, you know, you're being spun in a negative light from one memo that you sent to a personal friend that should never have been released. However, I cannot overstate that making a move right now, while we do not know what else she has in her pocket, that scares me. It scares me to think that if we come out very strongly, one way or the other, and then she has more stuff to release, that you're going to end up looking like, well, no disrespect meant, but you're going to end up looking like a fool. Exactly. Mr. President, I want you to think about two things. I want you to think about two things. One, where does our military come into this operation? This is about our homegrown soil, and this is about what we do with our country. Are we going to start attacking our citizens? Are we going to start attacking your constituents? See, if you bring the military into this thing, people are going to think you're a tyrant. The last thing you want people to think right now is that you are unapproachable. You want people to think the people who elected you. Why did they elect you because you're handsome? Because you speak for their values. And the second thing, the second thing I want you to think about is, God, President Gore, you say to everyone. You were in correspondence with Cavendish. What did you say to them? Do you remember? Sorry, ask me that again. You were in correspondence with Cavendish. Do you remember anything you could have said that might compromise you? Compromise myself would be agreeing to this while the treaty is in clear violation of it. So here's my pitch. Here's my pitch for spinning it. What if we said it was AI? That's what I'm saying. The average voter has a hard time distinguishing it. Or we could say, oh, this was signed before the treaty. Brilliant. What I think we should do, and this is... Brilliant. The problem with it isn't that you're supporting this deal. This is a good deal. Americans like this deal despite the environmental ramifications. Americans care about the environment. It's hard to care about the great outdoors when you're trying to get heating on your indoors, right? You need to have money. You need to have a healthy thriving economy before we can go beyond that to these luxuries. We want our children, our grandchildren to see the beautiful mountains and the beautiful trees of this great beautiful country from sea to shining sea. We want the people of this country to be happy with money in their pocket and we want money in ours as well. It's money all around. Money at the end of the day is what's going to get you the votes. And so to choose the natural land over that cold hard cash is political idiocy. But you can have both. I agree you can have both because we want to save face on the foreign level. So you know, just don't say anything. We spin it to distract and then we just kick back. If we can spin it in a way that says, "Hey, this is taken out of context. This is a correspondence with an old friend of mine." Of course, we are not approaching the deal from this personal level. It is from, you know, a governmental level. It is reasonable. It is good for Americans. Then that is great. However, and I have to say this again, if this is part of an email chain where later you say, "Oh, Cavendish, you're my best buddy in the whole world." And that gets released later. That is going to be really bad. So I agree. We kind of need to hold tight for now and focus on finding her and seeing what else she has. Mr. President, let me say one thing. Mr. President, let me say one thing. If you'll give me a second. Mr. President, let me say one thing. I think the Secretary of the Interior has something valuable to say. Mr. President, let the Secretary of the Interior speak. Mr. President, let me speak. You've been speaking a whole lot. Hold, hold, hold. So, Secretary Greenhorn, did you say Purple Mountain Majesty earlier? Was that a Crayola color? Are you familiar with the song? Are you familiar with the song? Does it say Purple Mountain? Yeah, one of your campaign speeches. Mr. President, that was... You know what this meeting was supposed to be about changing the national anthem? No, no, I'm sorry. Back to the national anthem. It's not the national anthem. We're talking about the short term here, Mr. President, but again, you have another four years. And this is going to be something that haunts the rest of those four years. We have not confirmed the next four years. They won't be haunted if we just make the people forget the American people do not read the people. Secretary Joseph, are you implying that President Gordon will not be the next president? If you do anything but reject this memo, then yes, that may be the case. No, you wouldn't stand with the President? I absolutely would stand with any decision the President makes. However, I might be standing with a sinking ship if we were to make the wrong decision. You're not standing on a sinking ship. That's what we're here to talk about. You're not the captain. They're closing down the options, okay? We are talking short term. I'm like the band on the Titanic. I will keep playing no matter what. Long term, Mr. President, in the face of this, these emails exist. And there's no making that disappear eventually. The American public knows it's out there. We weren't quick enough. What so so die hard left. Do you stick around remembering it? We don't care about long term. I'm having it happen. I'm having it happen. Oh, my God. We're being hacked. We're being hacked. We're being hacked. Everybody pause. Anish, you were cutting in and out. Mr. President. Yes. We were talking short term versus long term. In the long term, these strategies to spin the story may buy you some time, but we need to talk long term. At the end of the day, it really does come down to whether you rebuke or support this memo. They've given their opinions. Let me give you mine. In the long term, you need to support this memo. Cavendish will get you reelected, but not only that the American people will need jobs in this few coming years. We will look like clowns on the foreign stage. Why are we making a hard stance at all? Think about the tweets, Mr. President. Think about the memes. You don't want them to depict you as the voting check. You do not. The American people want their votes in the future if they can protect their own ideas onto. Mr. President. You will be the president. Mr. President. Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President has already been made. Mr. President, wait. When am I scared you wrong? Has the plan already been built? Has the plan already been built? Please, please, please, please. I only have a few years. And I'm interested in everyone's input because to get reelected is imperative. So whatever we decide to do, I want it to be informed with that goal in mind. Now, I think Secretary Greenhorn had a good point. Is the plan built? Would we have to tear it down? If it's already built, I say we support the memo. Is it already built? That's the question. Is it already built? It's not built yet? Secretary, read my notes. Okay. So the memo is six months old and I'm hearing, okay, the memo suggested if we relaxed the statutes, they could build a factory in Montana. Okay. I see, I see. And then it would bring in jobs. Ball has started rolling. At the time, I responded with tentative interest pursuing further talks. So maybe I didn't say anything, you know, specific. I just expressed some tentative interest. Mr. President, I want you to think about Montana for a second. Now, I'm from out west. So I'm familiar with the area. I can't say I've ever done that before. It's about Montana. Mr. President, Montana. We lost Montana in the Montana in the election. Montana is a beautiful state that is filled with various natural beauties, whether it would be mountains, forests, or gallop and horses. And I want you to think right now about the way this plant could affect it. I don't think the plant is all bad. What I think is we need to find a way to make the plant and bring the people together so that we can make this plant good for both the environment and the people. It's a win-win, in my opinion. I mean, what the people in Montana want are jobs. They want... That's what I'm saying. The tax less than they want jobs. And really, at the end of the day, Montana is one of the biggest states in the United States of America. I mean, can we be real here? There's land to spare, right? I mean, if we're talking re-election, that's what we need to do. We need to make sure that the voters there are satisfied. Are we not in agreement on that? And here's what's coming to mind. If we can pull this off, next campaign. Lives what you make it and Zack makes it rock, so if we can get Montana on. Oh, all right. Bye. You're talking Hannah. You're talking Hannah. You want to bring in Miley Cyrus back into the Hannah Montana persona that she's not done in years. That's... That's... And it would distract the voters. It would distract the voters. I have bad news. Exactly. I have bad news. I need you to know. Miley Cyrus did post a tweet saying that she and Jane Don were friends in high school. All right. So we're not going to assassinate. Well, even if we could get her support, that would be even better. That's true. If we came out, if we came out of... We could pay her. If we came out and we said, you know, right now... Maybe no memos of the payment this time. Excuse me, yes. The president is speaking. Well, all cash this time. So if we were to put the spin on it and say we're all too distraught right now to even address the memo, which may or may not have even been sent from my office, it might have been something... Could it be anything? Hacking. You know, a lot of hacking going on these days. Also, we could fire someone. Sorry. Well, that's... Would that... I didn't even consider that. If we're talking... Also, if we're talking about... Also, if we're talking about... Mr. President, if we're talking about the people and what the people want and what the people think, Montana... I love it. It's a beautiful state. It only has four electoral votes. Where is the hullabaloo? Where is the calls for rebuke in this coming from? It's coming from California. It's coming from New York. It's coming from these states with substantial amounts of electoral votes. Think about the single issue voters who care about the environment. I don't give a crap out of myself. If they went against you, if these states like Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, where if you remember, Ms. Del went missing in Pennsylvania and states like this, Pennsylvania cares a whole lot about this. In Pennsylvania, as a state, you cannot afford to lose, Mr. President. So what are you suggesting? You have to reject the memo. If we rebuke the memo, if we rebuke the memo, then we are cowing. We are bowing to the tree huggers. I'll say it. That's what they are. Over American jobs, over livelihoods, we should strongly support the international agreement and say, listen, we signed this, we agree with it. Absolutely. This is something we are for. However, nothing, nothing is more important than American livelihoods. Let me say it is not just the people who are passionate about the environment that you imply are the only people at stake here. The entire rest of the world is going to be critiquing us on this. That's why we don't take our hearts. And we are going to look like complete hypocrites in comparison. Ms. President, I also want you to think about why. You remember what happened a few years ago in East Palestine in Ohio? You remember the crash of the train that spread the velvet and ruined the lives of hundreds of people. Think about the potential fallout that could happen from a plant without the proper regulations. And we do mean, talk about ruining people's lives if we break this deal. Oh, gosh. They are not going to live. Oh, my God. That's a slippery slope. You remember what Duke Power did in North Carolina with their coal plants? Slippery slope. Mr. President, the people don't care about Montana and the people in Montana don't care about the environment. So why do we have to say anything? The only reason that we should not vocally support fully this memo is because of the foreign stage. You will lose face. You will lose trust. So we smile in their face and then we do the deal behind their back. It's the American way. And you have to publicly reject it. No one is saying that no one is saying that. I don't think that you can afford to say that you were wrong. I don't think that standing in front of the American people and saying, oh, I agreed to something. And now that you're calling me on it, I can't do it. You didn't agree to anything. That will make you look weak. You didn't agree to anything. You didn't agree to anything. You didn't agree to anything. You didn't agree to anything. You didn't agree to anything. You didn't agree to anything. Nobody likes the corporation. If you deal with the corporations. If you deal with the corporations. And that you can't go back on. Exactly. So don't. So you have to reject the memo. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. You would know about our international relations. Where do you weigh in on do we need to say something today? Oh, in that regard, our allies are shrinking by the days truly. But do you have to care about that? That's the question we have to ask. At the end of the day, the more power we have in our back pocket, the more we can afford to take the steps to secure an American victory on our soil in all regards and giving people our jobs and keeping our country beautiful and satisfying our voters. The more we can satisfy ourselves, the less we have to worry about those things. So if you're asking me, honestly, I'm going to tell you, don't worry about the treaty. Truly, this is a smudge, a tiny little blip on the map that is represented in a long-term commitment. Sure. Yeah, exactly. But don't spit in the face of Norway. So just don't say anything. Yeah. Do you know how I think? Do you know how it looks when you see the list of people that have agreed to the treaty? National security. The one concrete that is said, no. We can blame Congress. Yes. That is the country. We have the power. We can say whatever we want. We can say no. And do we think that that look we don't need to say no in the world if we should. We don't care. We don't care. How does it affect our? You want to know what people think of us, we're the bullies that tell people what to think and what they think is that America is incredible. Yes. Yes. Secretary Shaw, do you think we should throw guns and weapons and everything? Should we just blow it all up? No. This is about. I'm not saying things on the whole front. Do you think they say that we should blow it up? No one said that. No one said that. Secretary Greenhorn. You called us the bully. We shouldn't be the bully. We should be the leader. We should be helping people. That's what we are supposed to be. We should be. That's what we are supposed to be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be. We should be helping people. That's what we are supposed to be. We have national security. We have national security. We have national security. This is when the people are worried that we are not safe, then they don't care whatever else we do. And then we tell the foreign politicians we are still agreeing. We trust our voters and our constituents. We represent. Look, I trust our voters to know what's right for the people as long as we tell them what's right. And you're talking to the chief of staff. Nobody cares more than him. This is no. Sorry. Sorry. Please, Mr. President. Thank you. There are five options. And I would love for each of you to indicate with your fingers where we're leaning. So we could support the memo. We could rebuke the memo. We could just refuse to comment. We could spin the narrative or I could resign. Here's how I propose. We didn't really talk about it. Oh, yeah. Show me your numbers. Show me your numbers. Mr. President, if you'll allow me a minute, please. We haven't talked about how to spin it. We have been talking short term, long term. Give a statement. Don't. If you really want to spin it, truly talk about what's really happening on American soil. Foreign infiltrators are trying to spin narratives and influence our politics from the inside out truly. And when I say that, I mean the truth because I have been looking into it and I know more than any of you in this room exactly how much espionage factors into our everyday life. I have no doubt in my mind that misto is one of those operatives. Truly a committer of treason. Exactly. So if we want to spin it, truly there is a way in which to show that international infiltration is happening on our soil in the short term. Truly, if you want to spin it that way in the early terms, totally fine. But at the end of the day, my vote truly is for your future as well as the rest of us here. One small blip. It's fine. Are you surprised? We're in agreement. I am for whatever you do. Mr. President, I personally think you should support the memo, but if we need to spin it, so be it. I'll have my military down ready to make it happen. I give vocal blatant support. And we can own, all we need to get vocal blatant support for is the safety of this nation. I think keeping American voters happy is part of that. Exactly. 100%. Keeping these destructive factories out of the country is part of that. Secretary Joseph, please, for a moment, where else are our blue worker, blue collar workers going to get employed? It's not like we just have dreams and sprinkle rainbow factories that's going to provide jobs. Where would you suggest that they get their income from, if not from factories? There are certainly other places where we can, there are many, many, many places. Name one. And yes. Okay. It is not my job. Maybe the workers get their help. In economic development. There are plenty of people. There are plenty of people. There are plenty of people. There are plenty of people. We don't need another property. We don't need another property. And it goes again. There goes again. It's a good company. You're not just protecting the environment. You're removing healthcare for so many families. Not protecting the environment. If we do. If we do. If we do. If we do. If we do. If we say health care hasn't been related. I don't want to give them health care from us. We need the factories to give the health care. Exactly. Are you saying? I think the implication here is that these people in Montana, as that the workers in Montana are only fit to work in the factory, I resent that implication. I think the people in Montana want the factory. They yearn for the factory for it's in their blood, it's in their nature. I think Secretary has swayed me slightly. In terms of I was pro kind of waiting and seeing what other emails she has. But I agree. There's no avoiding it. I think you have to take a hard stance. No. That's lunacy. Why would you take a hard stance? You absolutely do have to take a hard stance. Because when you try to deflect at the press conference when you try to deflect, the next question is going to be what about the memo? When you don't talk about it. I don't read the news papers anymore. You just read it more than anybody else. You know more than in the headlines will all say more. My God. We're talking about secrets. Wait. The Cavendish corporation has just issued a statement saying that the CEO's letter was not a corporate communication, but simply a personal discussion between old college chums. Furthermore, the CEO has resigned from Cavendish. Ms. Doe is still missing. But the FBI has some sketchy evidence that connects her to one of my political opponents. She has been seen after her dismissal in his company having a late supper in Georgetown. My press secretary has scheduled a press conference. Oh my God. In 25 minutes for 25 minutes? Okay. Like in 25 minutes, we have to be prepared with a statement. We just we say the FBI is looking into it that there has we we there is the possibility that there has been a collusion look. We flip it. This is going to be Watergate, but not for you. I'm trying to get for your political candidate. Listen, this is a political opponent. This is perfect. This is this is this is a perfect opportunity for you to rebuke. The memo, because now the memo is conceived seen as completely invalid because we don't have anything about the memo. Exactly. The staff is right. I was all done. The staff is right. The chief of staff is right. What we can do is be vague, truly. We don't have to say because again, we don't know how solid this evidence is, but the FBI is looking into it, right? And we have evidence of collusion with certain parties. And we don't have to comment any more than that. Exactly. Really. State secrets are on the line. The press can't get too much when it comes to that. And we need to treat it with the utmost seriousness. This is not about political campaigns. This is about the safety of American citizens and their information. Exactly. But suddenly it's not about campaigning when this entire discussion has been about campaigning so far. Well, we're saving face, which is part of the campaigning. Yeah. I think that that is the safe option. That's a good option to have in your back pocket. However, I think that Cavendish really did you a solid stepping down like that and sort of taking it on to himself. And I think that America likes people who stand by their friends. I think that it might be worth it to consider coming out here and saying that was a personal memo, that was casual, that was nothing, however, however, it's a good plan. However, that building jobs, developing the area is a good move to make. And Cavendish, despite the personal connections, has created an excellent business that creates good jobs for Americans and by, you know, standing by him and saying he has removed himself from the situation. So you know it's not personal. It is just a good deal. Also, does people have a question? Are you suggesting that despite the global environment that we pursue rhetoric now and into the future regarding American development over conservation efforts? I think that once again, this is the situation where conservation efforts, a long-term goal, need goal to have when American jobs take precedent, when there is a moment like this where the pros of the situations far outweigh the cons, we aren't going to be incredibly lenient, right? There's some measures that are being made, perhaps we can work it out so that it all is above board, but the building of the new factory is the priority. I think what I want to know then, how has our voter base reacted to our signing of the global treaty? That's a good question. The global community would respond very poorly if we did, if we vocally came out and stated, of course, this memo was anything more than college friends reconnecting, but we've already been done that solid, so we don't have to say anything further on the memo. We are looking a-okay with the treaty, really, like all we need here, look, we're going to get the American people on our side by spinning this as a security issue, and by spinning this as a cancel culture issue. The American-- Mr. President, I think your opponent here has come in and tried to cancel an upstanding business map. If what we're doing is bringing in cancel culture, then the CEO of the company has admitted here to a fault and is going to be perceived negatively by the press. So by standing by him and considering this memo at all, it is going to make you appear like you are interacting and supporting people that are at fault and people that have- Mr. President, you got elected as one of the pillars of your campaign. I think one of the things we need to remember, one of the pillars of your campaign was to make this factory. This was a large thing you campaigned on. Aside from, you know, also the global, the global accord, both important pillars of your campaign. And I think now that we have this issue, one, we have to worry less about your opponent because this coming out about your opponent and it potentially being an inclusion issue, this is a great boon for you. And what this zone means is that you have the leeway to make decisions and the leeway to change and bend things that you had done in the past. Now, this memo coming out is not great. It is not great for you and it's not great for the people of this country. But with Cavendish stepping down, with it coming out that your opponent was potentially involved with Miss Doe in this whole thing, I think this allows you to kind of take a little bit of a middle ground. Now I'm not saying you should stop this factory because I think creating jobs is an important part of your campaign strategy and building that tax revenue is important. But I think you could say, we are going to aim to make this factory more environmentally conscious, do some of those things to make it better for the people. So that what you can satisfy both sides. I think there is a way through this to do that. Why are we talking about the factory at all shift away from the factory, a little bit from the treaty? Let me tell you the snooze. Let me tell you how this appears to the average voter. We're going to see now the Cavendish announcement that this was a personal email between you and a CEO who has now stepped down and it is requesting you to give a personal leniency for you to skirt a policy for this person specifically, a friend. It's going to paint you as a politician that takes bribes that accepts that value. This is how it would be, I am not saying, this is how the voters see it. How do we recover from that? You cannot continue to associate with this memo in any way at all. You must completely rebuke it still. In the moment where now at this moment your polling is going to do much better because your polling will not hang. No, no, no, no, no. I'm saying already with your opponent being implicated in possible collusion is going to be great for you. There is a path forward for the factory without doing the compromise that you talked about the memo. Secretary Greenhorn said you should take a middle road approach. The president would like to speak. So I would like to hear from the vice president. Thank you. If I may, I have a question for you, secretary Joseph, to ponder while we hear what the vice president says. Do you think people who were planning on voting for my opponent, who now has been outed as maybe having some shady behavior, were I to rebuke this, would suddenly vote for me? Do you really think it would sway voters who were not planning on voting for me? Now ponder that. Think on it. Ponder it. Now, yes, please. Vice president. Vice president. I think that the read that voters will see the CEO stepping down and think, oh, some really shady shit happened. That's a potential read. That's one that I think gives the least amount of agency to our constituents. I think a much more common read is that people don't like sneaks, they don't like people who leak things. That's not a popular thing to take. I think that people are going to see this as he spoke, college roommates, they're going to see him stepping down as a very noble act, as a patriotic act. And I think that if you don't at least somewhat stand by your friend, it's going to seem like you are a coward. I think that it's a good stance to take to say, despite the noise that has been produced, by a secretary who was fired for gross incompetence, someone who could not do her job, that she wanted to come and stab you in the back with this personal communication, and she thinks and your opponent thinks that it can affect the decisions that you were going to make. I think that America wants a strong leader. I think that saying that I am going to stand with the decision that I thought was a good decision before any of this noise happened will show the American people that you mean business. And people want to vote for someone who will get things done. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Secretary Joseph, Secretary Gallup, your opinions are very clear. We know this. Let us at least look around the table for a second. There are other folks here with advice to give. Yeah. I haven't spoken enough. Now, listen into what other people are saying, and this is truly, truly go on. What Vice President Shannon is saying is valid, sure. But in this immediate term, the evidence is shoddy at best. You said it yourself. What is your standard secretary of defense? What are you saying? What do you believe? Secretary Shaw, you've been talking around this whole thing this entire time, and I don't think I still quite understand what you're trying to say, because it seems like you're kind of a dilly dallying across the aisle. I have been hearing you loud and clear, Secretary. I believe you want us to support the memo, yes, to send a strong message. Thank you, Mr. President. I am, that is my personal viewpoint, however, I care about your reelection. I really do. What we can do in the short term is give a statement, firm but not confirming the theories. We say that the FBI is looking into collusion in regards to Miss Doe, collusion about entities that have America's disinterest at heart. That is all we need to do. Right beyond that, what we need to think about is what kind of president you want to be moving forward, because in this sense, Madam Vice President is correct. What are you going to stick up for, really, the American people, their future, their development, and what are you willing to pay for it? Because the more we have to rely on imports, the more we have to rely on foreign countries, the more we have to truly sign these deals that limit our potential, the more the American people are going to turn against you. That is my stance, Secretary Gallup, and that is my opinion, because at the end of the day, as long as we have a strong military, nobody will challenge the greatness of the American populace. Right? I would also... I would like to say, I agree with that, except at one point here that I'd like to make, we don't have to support the memo. We just have to support the friendship that you have, a long-running friendship with this CEO. You support that, and therefore, it implies support of the memo without a direct statement, which is... Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. We want... Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. The memo does not have to be standing against your friend. However, you are also professional, and you have principles, and you can say that despite my friendship... And your friend does it. I acknowledge that... Nope. That is not what that implies. No. That is not what you want. And we say... What about the secretary meeting? Donations. That's the secretary meeting space. That's the secretary meeting space. Go ahead. It does not... It doesn't imply anything about your colleague that hasn't already been put out there and implied by his actions. So what you are saying, essentially, is you have a longtime friendship with this person. However, you cannot acknowledge this memo as having any credibility because it was nothing more than a personal correspondence. And about your question earlier, which I definitely remember was that you had a question for me, and I remember what it was. My question that I'm excited to hear your answer to is let's say yes, I go out there and I say, you know, this was merely talk, I do not agree to this memo. Do you think that voters who were not planning on voting for me will suddenly switch? Is that a strong enough stance? No. What I'm saying is that the voter... There are voters who now already have switched in hearing that your opponent has been colluding against you. Switched up. And so... Or are having more doubts about your opponent. And so in the wake of these undecided voters, or voters who have now switched to you, you need to take a strong stance to show that you are in fact a leader and not aren't wishy-washy. Don't flip-flop on what you've said, which, if we'll recall, what you said to the American people was we are doing this deal. We are joining in this deal with the rest of the world to keep the environment safe. And you've made that promise already. So by doing anything else besides completely rejecting the premise of this memo, you are going back on your public work. The voters that switched to you switched to you. Mr. President, I would like to add onto what... Mr. President, my God, copies of the vaguely positive reply that I sent to the Cavendish CEO have been issued to the media. We have to... Here we go. We have to stand on your principles and... Stand on your principles. Mr. President. Mr. President. Was it a clear yes or a clear no? It was vague. It was vague. It was vague. It was also a discussion with your friend. It was a discussion with your friend and you not make it a deal, you not make it a promise. It's not mean you can come out and say, you could say we were talking, we were discussing this. What matters more, a vague, a vague, unclear answer in an email with a friend or what you said publicly to the millions of people that live in this country and the rest of the world. What matters is your act around Mr. President. What matters is your act... You go up there and say, "Hi America, I'm taking your jobs. I'm taking your health care." That is absolutely not what we are suggesting. That is not what we are suggesting. Whatsoever. What do you say? What do you say? You say you're a principal person and you make this be what they say. What you're saying is we need to get the military and we need to bully the rest of the world. This is about working with the world. You're a personal person. Mr. President. Mr. President. Let's talk real. For a second, it's not just about voters in this race. It's about the people in power, not politics, I'm talking money. Straight up, Mr. President, if you go against CEO Cavendish in this moment, you are denying safety for the people who keep you in your place, who keep us all here with their tax incentives. Truly. I'm sorry to CEO who no longer has that influence after stepping down from that situation. Okay. This is to align yourself with the stake. My head is spinning. I want each of you to take one minute, give me your elevator pitch, and tell me exactly what you think we should do, which of our options. Who do you want to hear from first, Mr. President? Let's, in our splice, some different opinions, so first I'll hear from Buster Ballot. All right. Here's the thing. Here's all, we can spin this. So here's the thing. We bash the rat, which is the, you know, Ms. Doe, who leaked all this information. We say that this is someone who was colluding with the opponent as evidence is starting to show. We say the FBI is looking into this potential collusion, we don't, let's not say we have any hard evidence yet, but we all, we just say that the FBI is looking in to potential collusion that Ms. Doe had with your opponent. That's enough to get that in the people's minds. And then you just state that you appreciate your friends' honor, your friends' nobility in this situation, and that it is a shame that such personal conversations with a friend have been leaked to the public. It has put a relationship, a long-standing friendship in jeopardy that did not need to be, and that you look forward to maintaining a strong relationship with the people that drive the economy in this country and will build jobs, while also recognizing your duty to the global world at large. Thank you, Busser. So I'm hearing spin. Spin. Spin, spin, spin. Bash the rat, support your friend. I would love to take the beginning of that and add a little to it. I think, yes, we can spin it to a degree, but I think that the American people can smell bullshit, and they'll know that you're not standing by your friend if we don't take a firm stance there. So I think that we should say, yes, this was a personal conversation. It is horrendous that a traitor has leaked this personal conversation, but a good deal is a good deal, and this is a good deal. And you say support. I say support. Can we hear from Secretary Gallup? Yes. So, Mr. President, as we have been talking throughout this entire debate, I think this issue boils down to the fact of what your promises were to the American people, what your promises were to the world. As the president of the United States, you are the leader of the free world, and to lead the free world, we need to leave a world for our children and our children's children. And this is important to show that you are making a stance on the environment by you making this stance on supporting the environment and wanting to make sure that we can still build the factory at some point, there was a deal to make the factory, but the issue with this is that the people are thinking that some of the regulations and some of the steps along the way to make the factory were skipped based on the memo and based on what was implied. And so I think this issue is you make a statement, rebuking the idea that you don't have to say that this does not have to come between you and your friend, this just has to come between the idea of this was a discussion, the discussion was not finished. We had not yet come to a conclusive agreement by rebuking the deal does not mean that you were going back on your word or going back and seeming wishy-washy. This is you saying that I take time to think, I take time to come to the ideas that are best for the American people. So I think you should be removing- Thank you, Secretary Gallup. I hear for rebuke. Now, please, Secretary Shaw. Secretary Gallup is right in saying that you are the leader of the free world, but because of that, you get to decide the rules. Truly, at the end of the day, you are caring about America first. What you do by saying that you rebuke the memo is saying that you're weak. You cow in the face of foreign opposition, but we don't do that here in America. The environment can't vote for you. People vote for you and the people need health care, the people need jobs, the people need to see you as a leader who is somebody who puts America first. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, it was one treaty and we signed it. And even if every other country signs it, at the end of the day, we make the rules, support Cavendish. Hell, he's out of a job now. I'm sure there's a position we can fill in the White House coming up. Really, seriously, if we want to care about the people here, their lives, I agree. What Chief of Staff Buster is saying, we can sure keep it close to the word and make sure to be vague about it. We still don't know. We still don't know what's happening. Don't even bring up your political opponent. Say that the FBI is currently investigating collusion with enemies of America. That's it because what Ms. Doe did is treason and that should be dealt with with the highest order of seriousness. You are a man of your word and you need to communicate to both the voters and the people who pull the strings in the background that you will not count in the face of foreign dignitaries. Don't spend the face of President. Just to be sure I'm clear, you are with supporting or you are with spinning. Support it. Support the memo. Say that you stand and support your friend as Vice President said. We don't need to be so forthright with it. But also, don't bring up the global environment agreement. Say that at the end of the day, what you are committed to, despite all that has happened, are American jobs giving people health care, making sure that they have what they need to survive, regardless of what it costs. Secretary Joseph, we only have a couple you got to get on stage before the press release. Anything I haven't thought of in your final, your final advice, Mr. President, what this comes down to, is a matter of what words hold value. What words hold more power? Do the words you said to the American people, to the people of the world, hold more power? Do they matter more? Or do we value private words said between you and a couple powerful people behind the scenes? Because there's already plenty of people out there who would say the latter is what matters. And this is the perfect opportunity to tell them, "No, that is not what I care about. That is not where the power is held. The power is with you, the people, the power of my words are to you." And that is the conversations that matter. The dubious origin, the dubious nature of these leaked emails, we now know exactly how malicious the intention was behind it. So this is the perfect opportunity to distance yourself from it, because the closer you are with this email, with the words and this email, with the assertions here, the further you are from the trustworthy face that you have shown to the American people, you have been an honest ruler, not ruler. Sorry. It's time. It's time. So I've considered everything that you all have told me. I've considered what it would mean to value the American people and my word to them. However, it might look like I'm wishy-washy and not standing by a solid friend and we'd be taking votes. We'd be taking jobs away from Montana, who doesn't have a ton of votes. And the voters who are upset in California and New York, they can influence the election. So at the end of my time here, I've got two advisors telling me to support it, got two advisors telling me to rebuke it and one advisor telling me to spin the narrative. And I have to say, I feel most moved and convinced to support it. What does this mean? So what this means? The substantial benefits of a new Cavendish corporation factory in an economically underdeveloped area is important to the well-being of the American economy and to hell with the tree huggers, international critics and conspiracy theorists. Mechanically, what this looks like, conservation down, development up, military nil, voter satisfaction down, health up, centrism down, balanced budget nil, international prestige down, tax revenue up, tax revenue up, I got nothing, I would like to tender my resignation. I have this great replacement, is it you, Cavendish? No, we really like that the voters don't want you anymore. I got two. I want to be president. I want to be president. I want to be president. I want to be president. I want to be president for 15 years. I want to be president hard. I want to be president hard. I want to be president hard. I want anti-voter satisfaction because I want to be president. Hang on. Wait. Okay. Jess, can we see what the spin would have done? I want to see if it actually happened. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Do we want to do that before we decide who had the most points? Oh, we should probably say who has the most points first. I got everything but not famous military. I was three for three. Damn. So the winner is the person who gets the most points. You get one point for accomplishing each of the following. The outcome reads up the outcome reads down for an agenda you oppose. One of your assertions of fact is supported by the printed outcome and you lose a point anytime the outcome reads down for an agenda you favor. Outcome reads up for an agenda you oppose or one of your assertions of fact is contradicted. I don't know if we did many assertions. I don't think we did. I'm super firmly. I think now would be a good time to argue. I will say one of my assertions was as more emails are leaked it's going to be bad for us and then your personal email was leaked and that was bad. One of my assertions was I think America first fuck everybody else. Yeah. I mean I don't think that's not a fact. I don't know. It's when you like stake your credibility on like I know this thing's going to happen and then it does or it doesn't happen. I don't think that we super happy that I didn't really get that. I feel like I talked about the personal discussion part of it before it was like fully said by the CEO that it was a personal discussion. But did you say it's going to see like did you say they are going to I don't think just like because I don't think I did it but the closest thing to it I think was me saying more emails are going to be released I said they are I was I referred to you know I said they were like an operative about Ms. Doe and then and not that happened yeah she was colluding for sure. I said a lot of American people aren't going to like it yeah I feel like we should focus on the ups and downs just because we didn't do like here is an assertion we didn't write on yeah I forgot about that so a niche got four you got four yeah I did get four I got I favored tax revenue I favored health I opposed international prestige obviously and opposed conservation obviously I got three I was pro I was pro tax revenue I was anti voter satisfaction and voter satisfaction went down and I was pro development Wow I was pro conservation pro tax revenue pro military and anti-centrism I was I was I was pro voter satisfaction pro development pro international prestige which is why I was like we should spin this ah that was the best option and I was like that's going to make voter satisfaction higher yeah I was I was pro conservation anti-development pro pro I didn't I don't care about the economy over the environment so to pro balanced budget and pro international prestige so I am at negative three that was rough yeah that was rough I'm sorry mama it was very hard I thought I thought the the hippies were going to win for a while but thank God vice president came through no worries a subtle support I thought we're on the same side the whole time until y'all were like I would have lost it I was like oh yeah it'll be I was like it'll be a good idea to take everyone else's opinions well you were all going to the bathroom and Nisha and I were colluding on the call we were like your pro development I didn't say any which way yeah so that's the end of the game whoa we can talk about that in the game episode if we want the the question Sam good idea thank you so much for listening we hope you enjoyed executive decision join us for the next episode where we will be discussing the game in our game discussion episode for that we will see you on a different side of the table this episode was sponsored by the campaign to re-elect is that Gordon this episode was was sponsored by the campaign to elect Shannon Wilson oh hit it hit us with a I'm Zach Gordon and I I'm Zach Gordon and I approve this message isn't Zach recording the name of the direable win-beat kid guy is it really?