The Josh Hammer Show

What the Hell Is Going on With Tucker Carlson?

Josh unloads on Tucker Carlson for platforming on his show an actual Nazi-sympathizer and World War II revisionist, as well as his dishonest calling out Josh by name during a recent live appearance.

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09 Sep 2024
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Josh unloads on Tucker Carlson for platforming on his show an actual Nazi-sympathizer and World War II revisionist, as well as his dishonest calling out Josh by name during a recent live appearance.

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I was enjoying a vacation last week with my wife out in Hawaii, and it turns out that Tucker Carlson, as you might have heard, had a certain guest on his show. This all went down while I was on vacation. Daryl Cooper was the guest of honor on Tucker Carlson's very popular podcast one week ago on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. Daryl Cooper was introduced by Tucker Carlson, the former top-rating primetime anchor on Fox News, and now the host of a popular podcast who is now doing a live speaking tour across the country. Daryl Cooper was introduced by Tucker Carlson on his post on X, which is host to Tucker's shows now. Tucker introduced Daryl Cooper as "the best and most honest popular historian in the United States." That is a direct quote from Tucker Carlson's X feed one week ago on Labor Day, September 2nd. Well, who is Daryl Cooper? Well, he is someone who became popular from Jocka Willing, who shared his own platform to popularize Daryl Cooper. He tweets and writes under a pseudonym, "Marter Made." He first came onto my radar in the months following October 7, 2023 in the Hamas slaughter in Israel. Daryl Cooper, tweeting sononymously under "Marter Made," consistently started saying time and time again, some of the grossest content out there that I saw, not merely about Israel, not merely about Gaza, Hamas, the Middle East, is really Palestinian conflict, not merely about Jews, Arabs, but just about Jews in general. It was very, very obvious from even a cursory glance, cursory glance at his Twitter feed, his X feed, that this man harbored Nazi and neo-Nazi sympathies. I don't say that lightly, by the way. I too have been called a Nazi, a fascist, you name it, by credence on the left, by any number of right liberals on the dispatch bulwark, controlled opposition, fake right. I don't toss around that word haphazardly. You have to be an actual bonafide, died in the wool Nazi, in order to get someone like myself to call you a Nazi. The issue is that that actually is Daryl Cooper. Someone who it seems has had a radicalization over the past few years. I know others who knew him two, three, four years ago, apparently, was a somewhat different guy than I don't know. I didn't know him. I don't really care. What I know is what I see now over the past year, year and a half or so, and it is disgusting. Here are just some examples before we even get to the conversation that Tucker Carlson had with Daryl Cooper last Monday, why he had it, the ramifications and all that. Here are just some examples of some stuff that Daryl Cooper has put out there. Just over a month ago, in late July, during the admittedly grotesque opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, where they horrifically parodied the last supper with transgenderism. It was gross. It was disgusting stuff. But at that time, Cooper juxtaposed side by side on his ex-feed on the left side, a photo of Hitler, yes, literally Hitler and his top Nazis marching in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower. And then he just opposed that with the transgender blasphemy of the last supper opening ceremony. And he captioned a quote, this may be putting it too crudely for some, but the picture on the left was infinitely preferable in virtually every way than the one on the right. Really makes you think what exactly is infinitely preferable in quote, virtually every way about Nazis. Yes, literal Hitler and Nazis. Earlier than month in July, Daryl Cooper suggested that Hitler actually is in heaven. Here's what he tweeted quote, if you're having a bad day, just remember that the Trump shooter is currently wandering around hell looking for Hitler. While the two guys Kyle Rittenhouse dropped figure out how to break the news to him. Yes, he actually appears to be saying that Hitler is in heaven. Last year, August 2023, just before the Simp Gatora massacre in Israel last October, Daryl Cooper tweeted about how apparently in his perverse and gross depiction of the Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament and so forth, claimed that God sent the Romans into Jerusalem to quote, destroy the Leprous temple and put an end to the Israelite religion for all time. He's describing the Jews second temple, the Beethamikdash that Jews pray for, the restoration of multiple times every day. He's calling that Leprous and that God sent the Romans to destroy it to quote, put an end to the Israelite religion to put an end to Judaism for all time. The guy is an actual died in the wool, Nazi, a literal Nazi. You know, my buddy Jordan Shackdell did some digging on this other bizarre tweet that Daryl Cooper put out about a month or two ago. He tweets out a photo of himself holding a mug that appears to have a, yes, literal Nazi insignia on it, a Nazi symbol with the numbers 777. Captions it, Guten Morgan fellas like good morning in it, Daryl Cooper's German and then tags an account called at real seven Thomas seven seven seven where apparently he got this merch from he's promoting this Nazi mug that he got from like a Nazi fan site. Who is real Thomas seven seven seven? Well, the man who runs the group describes himself as quote, openly Nazi. He describes the Holocaust as mere mythology and openly worships Adolf Hitler, quote, I unironically wear leather pants and formerly observe in all caps observe Hitler's birthday. That is the dude who runs the Nazi fan club website that Daryl Cooper bought this mug for that he's promoting all over Twitter. Not a good dude to put him mildly and the stuff that he had to say on Tucker Carlson's very popular show is unfathomable. Listen to this, Daryl Cooper are talking to Tucker Carlson about how Winston Churchill, yes, Winston Churchill is the actual villain in World War II. I thought Churchill was the chief villain of the Second World War. Now, he didn't kill the most people. He didn't commit the most atrocities, but I believe and I don't really think I think when you really get into it and tell the story, right? And don't leave anything out. You see that he was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did. Primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did. What the blithering you know what is wrong with you. The Nazis telegraph their intentions time and time again. This was the most publicly prerecorded and previously announced mass conquering and mass genocide in the history of mass conquerings and mass genocides. As some innocent actor Churchill as chief villain. What what is wrong with you? Like where did wife where did wife take you so wrong that this is the conclusion that you reach? He actually doubled down. Daryl Cooper again tweeting to anonymously under his X handle at murder made. He doubled down in a lengthy tweet thread that caused a lot of eyes to open as to what he really meant. This was just one excerpt from that follow up tweet thread. Talking about how allegedly Hitler was a man of peace and Churchill was the man of forever war. This is him tweeting quote Hitler tried again going on the radio to broadcast a call for peace directly to the British people. He would give back the parts of Poland that were not majority German and would work with the other powers to reach an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem. He was ignored. I mean apart from just let's just hold aside the the profound stupidity willful ignorance and all of that that is required to believe that Hitler could be trusted and was a man of peace. I would like to know more about what Daryl Cooper who once tweeted that God sent the Romans to quote put an end to the Israelite religion for good. I would like to know more about his thoughts on quote an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem in central and eastern Europe in 1939 1940. Tell us more about that. Mr. Cooper wouldn't you. Unbelievable stuff. Then again though it actually makes a lot of sense when you consider how Daryl Cooper actually viewed the Holocaust and the concentration camps. Get a load of this sound by from his interview with Tug Carlson. They were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war of local political prisoners and so forth that they were going to have to handle. They went in with no plan for that and they just threw these people into camps and millions of people ended up dead there. They threw these people into camps and millions of people ended up dead there. That is Daryl Cooper's view of the Holocaust. Again the most systematically pre-recorded and pre-announced genocide in the history of genocides committed incidentally by what was then the world's preeminent intellectual philosophical industrial and so forth nation Germany which makes it all the more harrowing to contemplate how it could have happened. Perhaps that is a conversation for another day. Meanwhile while this whole conversation is going on, while this whole conversation is going on between Daryl Cooper and actual unapologetic Nazi and Tucker Carlson, Tucker is not exactly pushing back I think would be a very charitable way of saying it. He is really just sitting there and letting the guy speak uninterrupted spew anti-Semitic, vile, historical revisionism, holocaust denial you name it spew all of this uninterrupted for minutes and minutes and minutes and minutes and minutes because according to Tucker Carlson he is quote just asking questions. You see he's just interested in having a quote honest conversation just interested in the in the truth, interested in touching the third rails that you weren't allowed to think and talk about back in school when you were learning your boedlerized version apparently of World War II history. Just asking questions that is what we are told but the whole just asking question shtick really does give away the game doesn't it. For instance Tucker Carlson would never bring on a Lib like a Seth Abramson who was making a huge deal out of the Russia collusion delusion that that whole Russia game nonsense he would never bring on Seth Abramson to quote just have a conversation about whether or not Russia really did win the election for Donald Trump in 2016 would he know by definition you are a show host you have limited capacity you host limited shows your resources are scarce you are choosing to air to promote and publish interviews with people that you choose to promote for a reason. It's actually the exact same lie that we heard from the Libs when they were objecting time and time again to Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans view of so-called quote unquote banning books here in my state of Florida no one is banning books it is a zero-sum resource game where a library in a school is only going to be able to have so many books in stock and furthermore a teacher teaching is only going to be able to read and assign x y z number of books in a given annual curriculum in an academic year you have to make substantive decisions that is not cancel culture that is not banning books that is on attack on free speech that's econ 101 it's resource allocation and resource scarcity so you're not just asking questions you are making a deliberate decision to platform and promote someone specifically to platform and promote someone who in the words of Tucker Carlson is the quote best and most honest popular historian in the United States why is Tucker Carlson doing this well why is he actually having a conversation with a full-blown Nazi two months before an election this this is a man who spoke at the RNC in July this a man who sat just a couple of seats away from Donald Trump and the opening night of the convention in Milwaukee this is someone who is currently touring with a lot of people that I am friends or very friendly with people like Glenn Beck, Jesse Kelly, Senator J.D. Vance, Charlie Kirk, he's currently doing a national tour with a lot of these good folks so why is Tucker Carlson stirring up this conversation why is he platforming and promoting Nazis yes literal Nazis two months before an election well your mileage may vary as to why that is the case I saw that my friends Carolyn Glick and Abigail Schreier they are speculating that this is a deep and profoundly cynical move whereby Tucker actually deep down is rooting for Kamala Harris to win the election even though he can't admit it because it is easier to be in the opposition it's easier to just become like the new MAGA man of the rights in the hopes that Trump will be banished let's recall that in the text messages that came up as part of the dominion litigation as part of that lawsuit before Tucker was fired from Fox it turns out that Tucker actually was not a huge fan of Trump he describes Trump as something that he quote hates with a passion or something like that so so maybe it's actually that cynical I personally think it's quite a bit darker than that I think that what's going on with Tucker Carlson when you look back not merely to this episode but to a lot of his conduct the fact that on his Fox News show he platformed a lot of people who while they were not necessarily platformed for speaking about Israel and the Jews seem to have one thing in common which is that they despise them you know in retrospect it seems pretty clear right that Tucker Carlson aired on his old Fox News show people like Jackson Hinkle that was Tucker Carlson's first platforming on his Fox News show Jackson Hinkle now an actual out in the wool Nazi promoted literally saying that he wants to sign up for Iran give him arms I will take order from you Ayatollah yes that's Jackson Hinkle someone who pretty clearly seems to be Russian funded if you ask me he got his first airtime on Tucker Carlson's old Fox News show people like Glenn Greenwald Max Blumenthal a disgusting self-hating jewel the most horrific scumbag out there son by the way of close Bill Hillary Clinton friend Sydney Blumenthal Max Blumenthal who consistently compares Israel to Nazi Germany he was platformed by Tucker Carlson so it really does make you wonder but a lot of Tucker's conduct especially being fired from Fox and losing the guardrails that were in place losing a lot of his former head writers producers some of whom I am cordial with today and I've spoken with about this very issue they paint a picture of someone who was checked who was kept in place by the guardrails and Fox who benefited from the tremendous nightly monologues those amazingly written scripts from his inner circle monologues by the way that I used to look forward to watching every night those are my that was must watch television back when Tucker was on Fox it really was I look forward to that every night and furthermore I actually used to defend Tucker Carlson from allegations of anti-Semitism when people including friends of mine would air those allegations I used to say no he's actually not a modern day Nazi he's not father Coughlin as one friend described him he's not anything like that he's just someone who doesn't want to talk about foreign policy who maybe thinks that the pro-Israel lobby APAC has too much influence in DC and just wants to have other issues I consistently time and time again defended Tucker Carlson on those grounds there is no defending his conduct anymore it's not just Daryl Cooper it was back in April about five months ago Tucker Carlson platformed a pastor based in Bethlehem who was just a mouthpiece and shill for the PLO the Palestine Liberation Organization and Hamas yes a pastor who describes his location on his twitter x-feet as quote occupied Palestine who was openly glorifying the Hamas slaughter of October 7 2023 that was the person who Tucker Carlson platforms on his show in April to try to give a an accurate and nuanced perspective as to how the Israeli government treats Christians he's involved with an organization called Christ at the checkpoint which has been exposed correctly by any number of organizations including pro-Israel Christian groups as being funded by all the worst actors imaginable they are profoundly extraordinarily biased that is the person the glorifier of the Hamas rampage of October 7 2023 who Tucker Carlson platformed on his show to try to give a nuanced perspective on how the Israeli government treats Christians five months ago then you have that now you have this look it's Tucker Carlson an anti-Semite your mileage may vary at this point as to what the answer to that question is I increasingly think the answer is more likely to be yes than not I think that he knows exactly what he is doing he is playing a very dangerous game very dangerous when it comes to him and Candace Owens but Tucker unlike Candace who's a low IQ moron an absolute dimwit if there ever were one that's Candace Owens unlike Candace Tucker Carlson knows exactly what he is doing he is definitely a smart guy which makes him that much more dangerous what Tucker and Candace and their like-minded allies are trying to do here is in my opinion system systematically to try to get the west and specifically American Christians to try to get them to abandon and turn on the Jews this is the insidious play here this is the whole point of the just asking questions chick the cowardice of platforming certain guests to get them to say vile disgusting stuff like the PLO pastor like Daryl Cooper that you yourself are too cowardly to say that is what is going on here oh I'm just interested in open conversation are you trying to censor my conversation yeah a conversation that you're using that guess is a mouthpiece because you don't have the balls just say out in the open what you really think here Tucker Carlson also happens to be something of a liar as the case may be and it really it really brings me no joy to say this you know I hate it I defended the guy for years and part of the reason that I defended Tucker Carlson by the way is because he did a really really really nice thing for me and I was grateful for that my cousin overdosed and died from fentanyl tragically may his memory be blessing in december 2017 the following year while I was clerking for judge james eho in the fifth circuit was my judicial law clerk here I watched one of Tucker Carlson's segments on the fentanyl crisis in new england including massachusetts where my cousin lived I sent him an email I had gone his email from a mutual acquaintance and memory service and I sent him an email thanking him for that and I told him about my cousin and I sent him the obituary he had an extraordinarily gracious response it came like a month or two later because I guess it was an old email he doesn't use anymore but it got forwarded to him he sent me an extremely gracious response it was thoughtful it was poignant it was clear that he meant what he was saying and he ultimately invited me to come sit on a taping of his show when I was in d.c which I was just a few months later and I watched a taping of Tucker Carlson tonight when I was in town got photos with him in the studio I had these photos my computer of sitting in Tucker's old chair on fox with him standing over me we're both smiling I mean it brings me no joy to say any of this it really doesn't but I have to call it like I see it what is the point if not what is the point of doing this line of work if you're not going to call it like you see it so in that vein as I was just saying Tucker's actually also a liar before I flew back from my vacation a friend texted me to give me a heads up that Tucker apparently called me out during his live event this past Friday evening in Colorado Springs, Colorado let's go ahead and take a listen to that it it does seem like while the rest of us were sleeping dissent has been reclassified as a crime and dissent on foreign policy questions has been reclassified as treason I yesterday somebody sent me a statement by an editor at Newsweek magazine called Josh Hammer who was claiming that I was funded by Russia I was taking Russian money and I laughed I don't you know I don't care what Newsweek I mean to extent it still exists I don't even know what it is right I'm taking money from Russia okay but my friends said no no this is significant because it's a pretext for a criminal charge of course the media Josh Hammer of Newsweek whoever that is acting in concert with the the Kamala and by demonstration to set up critics for criminal charges okay so I mean a lot to unpack here in a short amount of time first of all the notion that I am working in concert with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden what is wrong with you dude like like are you having a mental breakdown it's Tucker Carlson okay I mean this this is insane kooky sociopathic behavior all for one tweet I think it was where I pointed at Tucker's bizarre Soviet style propaganda videos in the Moscow supermarket and subway back in February and pointing out now the fact that he is spreading Soviet style conspiratorial anti-Semitism I had a tweet pointing at that and simply asked whether or not Tucker Carlson is now currently taking any kind of Russian money and now Tucker saying that I'm working with Biden and Kamala to get him indicted what what but you know he's also dismissing me you hear that Josh Hammer of Newsweek whoever that is well that's pretty funny isn't it because not only did we email as I just described to you not only did I take photos with him in his Fox News set back in 2018 I was even on his Fox News show here's a short clip of December December 8th 2022 Tucker Carlson tonight back on Fox News where I joined Tucker to talk about Jonathan Greenblatt and the ADL shut down the worship places tell me to laugh at a client like that but media companies still take Jonathan Greenblatt seriously enough let them him guide their censorship why Josh Hammer is the opinion editor of Newsweek host the Josh Hammer show he joins us tonight Josh why I mean this guy you know whatever you whatever you think of him he should not be in charge of censorship right Tucker let me say this as clearly as possible Jonathan Greenblatt is a petty tyrant and a disgrace to the Jewish people okay so you get the point funny you might just bet that Tucker have me on a show to criticize a fellow Jew although I definitely do not regret that Jonathan Greenblatt is a scumbag who deserves it but still funny somewhat in retrospect look I don't claim to know exactly exactly what is in Tucker Carlson's heart I cannot definitively tell you that he is an anti-Semite or anything like that but what I can tell you is that at a bare minimum what he is doing is dishonest in the extreme and profoundly dangerous it also is not what Tucker Carlson of 20 to 25 years ago would have actually said on these matters let's conclude with this clip this is a clip of Tucker Carlson from 20 to 25 years ago calling out the unmistakable anti-Semitism of someone who I think deep down Tucker Carlson recognizes as one of his foremost heroes Pat Buchanan take a listen to this I mean this is part of the sad thing of happy Canada as far as I'm concerned and just to restate I mean Pat does raise issues that I think are important I mean I think that you know the sovereignty of the American military etc I mean these are not just crank issues but unfortunately Pat Buchanan raises them in a way that I think is discredited and when it's hacked he can always fall back on the line well the you know the tiny cabal that controls American politics doesn't like me because I speak truth to power this is actually incidentally almost verbatim what he said the other day that I offend the plutocracy that I'm a wanted man by the inside the beltway people and in in every sense cast himself as a as a victim who is sort of a Karen Silkwood of politics someone who's so truthful that he's being hunted down by the by the conspiracy that runs Washington I mean it's all a bit much maybe Pat Buchanan just says things that are kind of kooky and that's why he's being criticized it's perfectly valid to question America's relationship with Israel Israel has a lobby it's perfectly fair as far as I'm concerned to beat up on Israel's lobby but that's I don't think that's the reason that Buchanan is being labeled an anti-Semite it's this kind of as I've said this this relentless this relentless bringing up topics related to Judy is I mean famously Pat you know always beats up on Goldman Sachs but never Morgan Stanley I mean it's it's really hard to there is no point at which Pat Buchanan has held a press conference and said you know I really don't like the Jews I think there is sinister force in America but I think and it took me years to come to this to this position I mean I'm not throwing the term anti-Semite around but you you reach a point when you say well G you know here's a guy who has gone out of his way to defend Jimian York and other accused Nazi war criminals who's constantly attacked Israel who's attacked American Jews for supporting Israel unduly who's implied that American Jews push America into wars in which non-Jews die there really is and again I'm not hysterical on the subject but I do believe that there is a pattern with Pat Buchanan of needling the Jews is that anti-Semitic yeah I mean after while you conclude it is in some sense anti-Semitic I mean Pat Buchanan obviously has a lot of personal and affectionate relationships with people who are Jewish so on a personal level perhaps he's not but on a different maybe thematic level I think he probably is I think that people should be allowed to have differing views on immigration I think people should be allowed to point out the fact that there is an Israeli lobby and yes it's powerful and debate the merits of that I I guess I don't think they're strictly speaking anything wrong with that but again I think Pat Buchanan is part of the reason it's so hard to have that conversation because he discredits it by his by his presence because he gives people who watch him carefully the sense that he has another agenda that has to do with personal dislike and that he believes in conspiracies and and that he believes that the Jews are this sinister secretly organized force trying to affect American politics and those aren't discussions I think normal people sober people should be having because I think they're ludicrous wow Tucker Carlson in the year 2024 really really really needs to listen to the Tucker Carlson of 20 to 25 years ago.