Triggered With Don Jr.

Haiti, Ohio? What You Need to Know, Plus Live Q&A | TRIGGERED Ep.172

Haiti, Ohio? What You Need to Know, Plus Live Q&A | TRIGGERED Ep.172

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1h 22m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Haiti, Ohio? What You Need to Know, Plus Live Q&A | TRIGGERED Ep.172

Live from Rumble Studio

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What's happening guys? Hope everyone had an incredible weekend. I got to get away with my son for a couple of days. A little father son trip. We're in Louisiana with Governor Landry at his annual Gator Hunt, which is just a really fun event. You know, just Tracy Lawrence performed over there. Craig Morgan, great country singers doing a Gator Hunt in the swamps of Louisiana. So you got to make men take little men into the swamp. So I had a great time with Spencer there, then went up to Montana. Had an antelope tag, so we did a little dual sport hunting trip, father son thing. Basically, I think it's probably my last break before the sprint after that. Tomorrow I'm in Ohio, and then New York, and then Pennsylvania, and then Maine, and Kentucky, and all this. So the mad rush to the finish starts right now. So psyched about this episode, just wanted to do and ask me anything. Obviously a lot of crazy stuff going on right now. You're seeing this stuff out of Ohio there. They're eating ducks from the local pond, because Kamala Harris decided what could go wrong with importing 20,000 Haitians. Haitians probably from, what was the guy's name? Barbecue. Barbecue, the Haitian cannibal warlord who's eating people in Haiti, at least they're only eating ducks here, but who knows how long that will last. The memes, the memes are fire. They're pretty lit right now. Hopefully people will finally wake the hell up as to what's going on. Obviously you got the debate tomorrow. We'll discuss all of that, but like, you know, the media's going to do their thing. Trump's raised us. He's a chauvinist. He didn't do this. He doesn't respect Kamala Harris. And, you know, they'll play to the harp strings of, you know, suburban women voters and try to get them to vote for someone who will literally destroy our country. No one can tell us what she's done for the last four years other than destroy our country, but now she's going to fix it, folks. So there is a lot to cover tonight. I'll be taking your questions afterwards. So the debate is tomorrow. The latest polls and what the heck is going on. All of these things we're going to cover it all. Then I'll be taking your questions. So just make sure you guys are liking, sharing, subscribing, so you never miss an episode here folks. Again, so much going on. So much that the mainstream media won't tell you. I get canceled every day. If I'm not canceled like seven times by like lunch time, I'm having a bad day. And so we're going to make sure we show you all of that stuff because it is critical. People have to understand this stuff. And again, you know, mainstream media, frankly, on both sides won't show you any of that stuff. You combine that with big tech being stacked against us. We have to work harder, smarter, better every day to make sure that we break through all of the noise and we can actually grow this movement. Remember guys, you can also check out trigger the podcast. This very podcast. You can get it on Spotify. You can get it on Apple podcast. So if you miss the show here on Rumble, get it there. If you have folks and friends, I'd ask you to share it with them. If they get their podcast that way, you know, let's try to grow it. Obviously I do my stuff on Rumble. I haven't bothered with the YouTube stuff just because I figured they'd throw me off in about two minutes. Why bother trying to build up a platform? But like, it's important. So get it out there also for all of the top headlines that will spotlight here on the show. Go check out my news app MXM news like minute by minute MXM news where you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias. You know, a key tenant to all of the stuff that we talk about all the time. You know, people aren't happy. Whatever it is. You don't like what you're getting somewhere. Well, go build your own. Well, guys like me, friends of mine, you know, other guys in the movement, like we actually do that. We put in the time, the money, the tears, the blood, sweat and tears to actually do those things. Your guys support is so fundamental to that. So check out MXM news. You can curate the news to see what you want to see, the things that you're interested in. You'll get a different take. We've been debunked. We've been canceled. Probably means we're over the target. So check out MXM news. Subscribe. It means the world to guys like me who actually put in the time the risk, the energy to actually do all of those things. So let's get into the top headlines and then and then we will get to your questions. And I think we can have some fun with that. Also, you guys hold off on some of the if you have good questions, hold off on some of them. So, you know, let me get into the news. We'll get through all of those details. Then I'll give you all the time in the world. Come up with some good questions, guys. Like some of the stuff in here is ridiculous. You know, I understand it's a live chat, but, you know, it's a big deal. So, you know, get some good stuff out there. Give me something to work with, folks. We got to talk. We'll have some fun. So, you guys have all heard about Springfield, Ohio. It's just exactly what's going to happen to the rest of the country if Kamala Harris gets four more years in the White House. I know she's running as the candidate of change. I'm like, of change. You've been there for four years. What are you going to change? You're going to do everything opposite. Everything you've done. Everything you've pushed for. Everything you've acknowledged is wonderful and great. You know, by dynamics and such. So, you're going to change all that or what? I don't understand. Doesn't seem like you'll change it, but over 20,000 Haitians have gone to Springfield, Ohio. These Haitians were all brought in by Kamala Harris. They are given protection from deportation. They can get work permits, and they can even receive food stamps, courtesy of you, the American taxpayer. How have the results been so far? Let's just say life is now significantly worse off for residents. Rents have skyrocket. A city official told the New York Times, here in Springfield, the new homeless people are people who can't afford to pay $2,000 or $3,000 a month in rent in Springfield, Ohio. How long till that gets to, I don't know, neighboring Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin or the rest of the country? I imagine, guys, the answer is not too long, and that's what Bidenomics is. Kamala Harris and the Democrats, they aren't fighting for the American people. They couldn't care less. Since they've forgotten those people and they realize many of them will no longer vote Democrat reliably, they're just going to import their own voter base. It's common sense, guys. What the Biden-Harris administration and the Democrat policy calls for is a recipe for disaster. If you flood an area with tens of thousands of new residents who don't assimilate, don't speak, don't want to contribute, are getting payments from the government, while the supply of housing stays constant, the cost of housing is going to go up. The influx of Haitian migrants are also pushing health care services to the brink. The head of a local hospital said it isn't sustainable. I'm shocked. That's the head of a local hospital. Probably, I'd say that's probably as mild a statement as they could probably make. And wait, times at those hospitals for care have tripled. So as usual, it's America last. Americans have to wait in line, while others, paid for by you, get to go to the front. They get services they could have never dreamed of. Your services go to hell in a hand basket. The schools are also being flooded with students who can't speak English. What could go wrong? I'm sure your children will get a wonderful education in great places like Ohio. And again, as those migrants start assembling in other cities in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, it's only a matter of time till this fiasco comes to your neck of the woods. The Times also reported that the local school district student body is now majority Haitian. And of course, let's just say, they don't exactly speak English in Haiti. But guys, it actually gets worse than all of this. Here's one man, just one guy at a local city meeting talking about how the new migrants ate one of the ducks at the park. You can't make this stuff up anymore. You know, I mean, it literally, like, if South Park were making a caricature of Democrats vision of America, this is it. Check it out. And the odd guy like me has to come out from going what I do on a daily basis to have fun because I see what's going on in these streets. And I see you guys are sitting up there and I'm comfy chairs and soups like and I'm getting out here every day and I'm broadcasting this and you guys are just sitting up there and soups like I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something. These patients are running into trash cans. They're running into buildings. They're running into. They flipping cards in the middle of the street. And I don't know how like y'all can be comfortable with this. Like, I don't know, like, who's getting paid from it? I feel like I honestly feel like someone's getting paid from it in the background. They dropping that you got a bunch of people on the bus getting dropped off at a gas station to come down here. I know a single mom that FaceTime me tonight FaceTime me this morning at the welfare office that really need like that really needs something and it's nothing but immigrants over there. And I don't even want to like seem like I'm coming down on the immigrants because it's the people that's bringing them down here because wherever that's what they're used to. They're in the park grabbing up ducks by the neck and cutting head off and walking off with them and eating them like man, it's disgusting. Americans have had enough. Democrats just want more of it. And here, just so we're clear, here's a woman pleading with the city to actually help the residents. I mean, I understand that in Democrat controlled America, actually helping your own citizens. Your own residents first is like shocking. I know that's probably racist and misogynist and all of the other iss and all of the other names the Democrats will throw at you and their lackeys in the media and the mainstream media and in big tech will gladly go along and criticize these these great Americans. But listen to the anguish in her voice. She feels helpless. She feels like so many other Americans struggling day in and day out to survive the disasters caused by the Harris Biden regime. How long is this sustainable for? How long can Americans keep feeling this same level of helplessness? Watch and see for yourself. I'm done with what I'm seeing. It is so unsafe in my neighborhood anymore. I have the homeless that we're trying to camp out and I have, I have made concessions with them and I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squat on my property. But it is so unsafe. I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard throwing trash in my front yard and I can't. I look at me. I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn't defend myself if I had to. My husband is elderly and last night after living in this home for 45 years he said, no, well, guess what? It's time to pack up and move. He said, we can't do this anymore. He said it's killing both of us mentally. I don't understand what you expect of us as citizens. I mean, I understand that here under temporary protected status and you're protecting them and I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and understaffed. But who's protecting us if we're protecting them, who's protecting me? I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please give me a reason to stay. Thank you. Yeah, guys, you know, NGO funded mass migration. It's engineering, you know, demographic replacement. I mean, that's the idea. Remember the great replacement theory? Oh, it's so racist. It's exactly what the Democrats are doing. Of course it is. They're not even pretending anymore. That woman's comments explain the issue with the migrant crisis. They come here and they are given everything they want by the government. While citizens can't even get the bare minimum, she mentioned that the Haitians are getting temporary protected status. This is an amnesty program just so we are clear. They're here legally. They were brought in by the Biden administration. These are people that just ran across the border and were taking care of them this way. They were literally brought in there and placed there. This is, again, an amnesty program for illegal immigrants. And guess who's behind it? Shockingly. You guessed it, folks. Kamala Harris. Hear her in her own words. Also, starting with our administration, we gave TPS temporary protected status to Haitian migrants, 55,000. And then more recently, we extended temporary protected status to over 100,000 Haitian migrants for that very reason that they need support. They need protection. Faber 89 says, I know good Haitians, but they came here legally. I'm from New York. Scamella is responsible for this. And you're 100% right. I'm actually shocked. I actually prerecorded a show for later on this week about just that. I see it when I see certain entrepreneurial guys. I've had Uber drivers that are Haitian. They came here right away. They waited in line. They did things right. And they're great hard working people. That is not who Kamala Harris's TPS program intended to help. Those people are just as upset about it, even though they're from the same place. Kamala Harris's TPS program had tragic consequences. An illegal immigrant from Haiti released by Kamala Harris in 2022 killed an 11-year-old named Aiden Clark after he crashed into a school bus full of kids. Think about that. Just crashed into a school bus. Why is it that all this crime, all of these murders, all of these innocent kids and people being killed, why is it so disproportionately done by illegal immigrants? It's because these illegal immigrants are going to keep flooding in as long as Kamala Harris and the Democrats are in power because they have endless incentives to keep coming here. If you give everyone everything for free, if they don't have to work, if they're giving money and food and housing, of course they're going to leave and they're going to come here. Kamala Harris wants you, you, the American taxpayer, to be on the hook for whatever costs, expenses and benefits these illegals want. It's dangerous, it's destructive and it's diabolical. But it fits in with everything that they've been doing. You see it. There's not a stance that they have that is pro-America, that it's America first, that puts our citizens first and yet it doesn't matter. They get away with it with impunity each and every day. And what about our thoughts on school security folks? Let's hear about that one a little bit because last week several students were tragically killed during a shooting at a high school in Windsor, Georgia. The shooter was stopped by a school resource officer but if Kamala Harris had her way, that officer wouldn't even be there. She wants to remove police officers from schools. She makes it very clear that that is her position. A couple of days is traumatic, much less the weeks, months and years that we're seeing that happen. And so part of my plan is also a reduction of that. And then also again what we need to do about taking demilitarizing our schools and taking police officers out of schools. We need to deal with the reality and speak the truth about the inequities around school discipline. There we go guys. There we go. Equity, equity, right? It's the equality of results not of opportunity. That's what they want. And guys it gets worse because we also learned that this school shooter was on the FBI's radar as far back as last year. Another shocking outcome. Again, I'm shocked to hear it. Why is it that every shooter, especially ones that identify this one seems to be very affiliated with a lot of the trans programs and all that nonsense. Why is it that the FBI is always watching those people? And yet they never seem to stop them. Same with the person that, you know, where the car, remember when the car drove through the Christmas parade in Wisconsin. It was the car. It wasn't the driver. They were like, they were on the radar, but we're not going to do anything about it because they checked a couple of walk boxes. Now guys, the FBI says that it conducted an investigation after it received anonymous tips that the shooter was making school shooting threats online. So the person's making threats online about shooting up a school, right? I mean, of course, out of the radar, but we're not going to actually do anything about it. We're the FBI. We got a bus on someone 79 year old grandmother who was within a thousand miles of Washington, D.C., on January 6th. And think about that. The threats included pictures of guns. The FBI says that they passed the information to the local sheriff who investigated, but lacked probable cause to take action. Now guys, now the media will cover the story. The way it should? Or do you think? They'll cover it up. Will it be a line of questioning at the debate tomorrow? Will the moderators bring this up? Or will it just be about guns? Not about the radicals in the trans movement. Who, by the way, without question at this point in my mind, are the most militant, violent group of people per capita, perhaps in the world? Will Kamala Harris be asked if she opposes school resource officers anymore? I wouldn't bet on it. The same person that wanted to bail out terrorists and rioters, looters, and arsonists who wanted to defund the police, who wanted to take out these school resource officers who actually stopped this crime from being much worse. Yeah. Now, I have a feeling the very unbiased moderators that wherever it is, NBC, ABC, they're all the same. I have a feeling it won't even come up. If it does, it's going to come up in the context of guns, not radical transgender ideology. Because get this, guys, new data from the Media Research Center shows that the debate host, ABC News, is completely in the tank for Kamala Harris. They reviewed 100 campaign stories, 100 campaign stories that aired on ABC's World News Tonight and found that they were 100% positive for Kamala Harris and 93% negative for my father. Think about that. Can you name one thing that Kamala Harris has done? I know people like Charlie Kirk will go out at the college campuses. They'll ask all these college kids, name a thing that's good about her. Name one policy that's worked. Name anything that's going on. No one can, and yet 100% positive for Kamala Harris. What has she done that's well? Good. What's happened in America in the last four years that's worth being 100% positive? I can't think of 1% positive, let alone 100. That's where we are in America today. That's why we need to push back. That's why I always ask you as like, share, subscribe, sign it up because people have to push back on this nonsense. The mainstream media, the institutions that control this country, they are not going to do it for us. We have to do it ourselves. Kamala Harris is counting on biased moderators that will allow her to get away with her lies. Kamala, for example, will talk endlessly about rising food prices without admitting her role in the inflation crisis. You didn't have this inflation under Trump. Will the moderators ask Kamala about being, quote, proud of Bidenomics? Nearly 20% of homes with children right now say they are food insecure. Think about that. In America, in 2024, that many households are food insecure right now. Who's been in charge for four years? Has it been Joe Biden? She's number two. Even if it was Joe Biden, she went along with all these policies. She hasn't come out against any of them. She also won't admit her failures in the Afghan withdrawal. She was proudly, remember when she was proud to be the last person in the room and said that she was comfortable with Joe Biden's plan. A new report shows that Biden and Harris ignored advice and warnings about how their withdrawal would drastically fail. Again, of course you're not going to hear that. ABC News isn't going to cover that. You think that'd be a big one. You think that'd be a big one to the 13 families of the abigate bombing who lost their children. Remember when the media and Kamala Harris's campaign tried to attack them last week? Yeah, 100% positive folks. ABC News, great stuff. And speaking of failed policy abroad because there's plenty of that. Kamala Harris has received two very highly coveted endorsements. Those of Dick and Liz Cheney. Think about that. Think about that. Just think about how insane this is. This was one of these great memes. Democrats who have for years, for years, called the Cheney's war criminals, war mongers, people who profited from Halliburton and all of the billions that were made from the endless wars that no one could articulate why we were there. They were war criminals. But now these same Democrats are giddy about being endorsed by Liz Cheney and her father, Dick Cheney. I mean, think about that. Why would they be giddy about that? Because there's no money in peace, folks. None whatsoever. There's only money in the never-ending wars. And with Democrats and frankly the uni party, that's all you're going to have. Endless wars paid for by you. It's only a matter of time until they're sending our kids to fund it on the front lines so that they can make a couple more bucks. Now, this is all great news if you're the Trump campaign. Again, it's not going to get covered, so we try to do it here. But I do wonder what Kamala Harris promised to invade in exchange for the Cheney endorsements. I mean, it's got to be something. It's got to be a big country, probably China. Okay? I can't think who else. You know, what other promises could they make so that the Cheney's could make billions of dollars to get that coveted endorsement? Wink, wink. What country are we sort of on the hook to invade if the Democrats retain and control power? One last note on some of the liberal bias that we're seeing, as I'm sure many of you saw, former top aide to New York governor Kathy Hochl was arrested last week for being a Chinese spy. I mean, why is it almost the Democrats, right? You had Eric Swalwell, you had Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, her driver, all Chinese spies. Why is that the Chinese have such ease infiltrating Democrat party ranks? She was making so much money off of her work for China that she bought a Ferrari. This is an aide to a public servant driving around in a Ferrari because they were getting paid so much by China. So how did it get covered? ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and PBS all reported on the story. But, but they never mentioned the former aide Kathy Sun or Kathy Hochl are Democrats. Just, you know, folks, a little minor detail we forgot to mention. We're just going to overlook that one. We'll cover the story, the person's bed. What do you think? If that was an aide to Donald Trump? If that was someone who was even a Republican, even like, even like a Rhino Republican, like a JD Republican, you know, I mean, I think they're probably past that point. They're not even rhinos at this point. But like, you think that'd be brought up. You think they would have maybe discussed that component of it a little bit. You think they would have talked about, you know, any other Chinese spies that infiltrated any of these people. I have a feeling it would have come up. I have a feeling it would have come up. Finally, and I hope everyone here watches the debate tomorrow night. Kamala Harris is going to try to pretend she's someone she's not like she does each and every day. She's going to claim that she can fix the country's problems when she's the cause of the problems. She's going to claim that she's a moderate when she wants to ban gas-powered cars, defund the police, and cash bail. Her whole candidacy. Her whole existence is a lie. And by the way, if she has some magic wand to fix all of these problems, why has she not done so yet? Why wait? It seems like an odd thing. If Americans are struggling, you saw the anguish in the challenges of some of those people speaking earlier in the program. Why wait? Well, the reality is, guys, she has no substance and she has no solutions. And the few policies she does have would be disasters for the nation. So with that, I'm going to get to the live chat in just a few moments, so get your questions ready. But first, don't forget about our friends over at Tax Network USA. Let me ask you guys, are you receiving letters from the IRS claiming you owe back taxes or do you want to protect yourself in case you do? Because every day, the IRS is setting out thousands of lean notices to hard-working Americans like yourself. You're not going to get the Hunter Biden treatment. As penalties and interest fees pile up, the IRS gives you no clear path to solution. Do not speak to them on your own. The IRS, like all the other three-letter agencies, they are not your friends. To reach a team of licensed tax professionals that help reduce, settle, and resolve your tax matters, go to like Again, that's Talk to them. Don't trust the IRS. Again, they're not your friends. They're going to try to entrap you. You are going to get the Donald Trump Jr. treatment. Not the Hunter Biden treatment. You're not going to get away with anything. Do not trust them. With that, I'll get to some of your questions. Eastern NC Joe Kamala's Advertising Project 2025 as something Donald Trump supports. Explain. Well, it's something he's disavowed. It's something he had nothing to do with. It's something no one on our team had anything to do with. But because there's some policies in there that the Democrats don't like, they will run with it as though it's the gospel. This is what they do. The media will gladly do that. No one's going to fact check them. No one's going to take them off social media. Nothing's going to happen. So they can lie to you day in and day out as though it's the truth. That is what we're up against every day, folks. That's why we have to get in there. That's why we have to be aggressive about it. It's why we need people to understand, not go to the usual suspects. Again, it's why I ask you to like, share, subscribe here, sign up on Spotify, sign up on iTunes, podcast, Apple podcast, whatever it may be. Get the message out, whether it's me, whether it's others, they can just lie with impunity and they can get away with it. So that's a big one. Done. I read your mother's book, Raising Trump. I loved it. Your grandfather Milos gave you the best of advice. As an established check creator living in Florida, I'd love to speak to you for a short interview about your unique experience. It would be an honor. Michael Sapporo. Michael, we could see if we can make that happen. Yeah, that was a big part of my life. It was a very key part of, you know, for me growing up, the juxtaposition of, you know, the life I live, you know, in a gilded building and like Trump Tower growing up there and, you know, spending my summers in communist Czechoslovakia. That was a big deal. It was also the beginning, probably, of my political leanings, because I've waited in those communist bread lines. I can assure you they're not as glamorous as Bernie Sanders would have you believe. So I'll also guys, locals is up. So if you're up there, you can go on there. I'll see those questions simultaneously, but I'll, you know, obviously I can go a little bit more weighted towards those questions for you guys. I know they had some problems linking them up for the last two or three weeks. So we're back up there. And, you know, just so you if you're on there, you can check it out. Raisora, 20. I still think she'll back out of the baits with 24 hours to go. She's not going to back out of the debates. She's got nothing to lose. The media will make her seem like she wins no matter what. All she's got to do is try to antagonize my father with lies. They'll fact check him. They'll do this. You know, try to get him impatient. Remember all that? We don't like Trump's attitude. You know, some of the people of this country is a little crazy. You know, their virtue signaling means more to them than reality. It means more to them than, you know, migrants eating pets or killing children. You know, the ability to do that kind of virtue signaling is so important to them. And those people shockingly, you know, they vote and they have power and money and whatever it is, it'll never make sense to me. But it's a very hard debate for him and not because of the facts, not because she's done anything, but because it doesn't matter because there's so many forces working against him, working against the policies that'll get carried. You know, you saw the moderators of the debate. You saw the news coverage for, you know, Kamala Harris. When it's that far in the bag, like, you know, what does she have to lose? Nothing. We have everything to lose. If he says, "Well, he's a little mean spirited." Oh, there he goes. You know, they don't talk about the fact that he kept inflation low. He got jobs up. He kept us out of wars. He signed peace deals in the middle. He's none of that matters. So, I don't think she's backing out anywhere. Hey, guys, can we pull up the live feed on the laptop again? It keeps timing out. And, you know, we'll get to that. So, the view hosted Nancy Pelosi. Any thoughts? I did not see it. Life's too short for some things. Pelosi also attacked your dad over the weekend and said, "You're now will not show up. Does your dad have extra security for the debate floor?" Well, Nancy Pelosi's an idiot, but, like, you know, she's one of the great stock traders of all time because she gets to inside her trade and make tens of millions of dollars as a dutiful public servant. You know, it's crazy. It's crazy. But, you know, they'll give her a platform that'll attack anyone who's against that platform. People still give, you know, Joy Behar or Whoopi Goldberg and some of those other clowns, you know, credit as though they know anything about what they're talking about. It's actually spectacular. I've never seen anything quite like it, but, you know, that's where we are. That's where we are. Thank you so much for reading my comment and answering. I really appreciate you made my day. It's my pleasure. Thank you very much. Let's see. Scroll up a little bit in local as well. We get the other live feed going, guys. Let's see. Yeah, to me, this election in comfort and Joy, 22, you're right. It's about communism versus freedom. It's not even, like, not even pretending. You see the stuff they want to do as price controls. You see all of that nonsense. And, yes, that pretty, it's just big money for the Cheney family. They've made probably billions on it. Liz Cheney could be one of the most unpopular Republicans. She was from Wyoming, the most, you know, one of the most conservative states in the union. Didn't matter. She didn't really live there. It was just a place where she could park her hat and, you know, sit there in Congress and just be anti-Trump for the uni party, which is, you know, perhaps as big a problem, frankly, as the Democrats these days. So that's a big one. It's extremely important for Trump not to lose his cool and go into insulting Kamala. It won't play well with mainstream media and say that he has a problem with women. Yeah, they're going to say that anyway. But I actually agree. It's, you know, I had that conversation even. You know, I spoke to, I guess my daughter was going over to say hi to him today. And she called me and she's like, you know, this is Kai, who spoke at the RNC. You know, and, you know, she gets it because she understands now she's seen enough of it. She knows the guy. She knows the measure of the man. But, you know, she knows he's got a temper and she knows he's maybe right. But like she also understands even at a 17 year old what they'll try to do with that. So he does have to do that even if it's ridiculous, even if you should be unhinged about Kamala Harris's policies and the failures that she's had. Even if you should do all of those things, none of it, none of it matters because of what they're going to actually do afterwards. So I think, I think that's really important. Will your dad be willing to have a look at the Patriot Act? Yes, I think that's something you definitely look at. I think that's been one of the things that's been so weaponized against actual Patriots. When you look at, you know, even the stuff, I'm sure it falls under the Patriot Act, what they're doing to Tulsi Gabbard on, you know, she's on the SSSS, you know, watchlist for flight. I mean, she's, you know, active duty, reservist, Congresswoman, you know, but then she came out for Trump, ran against the Democrat machine in 2020. You know, so now she's on a terror watchlist. That's what they do. Okay, you think, like, communism isn't coming here? If you think that you haven't been paying attention, so it's really important we understand that. And I think, you know, the Patriot Act, again, it's one of those things. It has nothing to do with Patriotism, folks. It has everything to do with control, with power, and that's what they are about. Donnie's girl's idea. How much do you want to bet she will say? Let me finish speaking, even though their mics will be muted. Yeah, she's 100% guys. If he's the finest Trump you've ever seen, if he's a perfect gentleman, she will still say it, and they'll make it seem like he interrupted her, you know, a thousand times, whatever it may be. Yeah, it's why they tried changing the format. They wanted to actually make sure that it was open mics so that they could try to get him to do that. They wouldn't go with the debate rules that were already pre-negotiated. They tried changing them. Apparently, I've heard, I guess, they wanted to try to give her, like, an apple crate or something to stand on, because I guess she's, like, five, three or something like that at best. From people I know in Congress, they say shorter, but maybe that's five, three, and heels. Who knows? You know, they're trying to do whatever they can. So, again, the media is going to give Kamala Harris all the help they can possibly give someone. So, you know, let's see. But, you know, it's not as easy as it should be because of what's going to happen. We know what's going to happen. We've seen it before. It's nothing new, but, you know, they're going to keep doing it. They're killing the lobster industry with BS regulations. Would you have Trump look into helping the industry survive? I know he did something with the lobsterman back, you know, back before, you know, when we were actually in power, he did a bunch of stuff that I heard, Biden reversed all of that for whatever reason. And so, you know, just keep watching, guys. I mean, that's the thing. All of the policies that were working for America, they got rid of. All of the things that fail America, they pushed for and they doubled down on. Ask yourself this. This is all you need to know. When were you better off? Were you better off under Trump or were you better off now? If you were better off under Trump, why on earth would you even consider voting for the person who's been in charge? So you saw Comfort and Joy saw the movie Reagan over the weekend. It addressed communism and Hollywood and the repeat of history we're seeing now with Trump. It's striking. Yeah, I've heard it's a great movie. Actually, we're talking with Dennis Quaid, who stars in it. We're talking about getting him on the show. Is that set yet? It's not yet. Okay. I know we were talking about it. Some of the guys promoting it. I know I'd been going back and forth with them by text. Remind me to follow up because I think that would be a great one. Obviously, it's a great movie. Obviously, they're doing whatever they can to censor it. Same with City of Dreams, by the way. Again, it's sort of the follow up on the human trafficking rings going on. All of the insanity, you know, when they're losing 300,000 children. I mean, this stuff is all real. We have to understand it. We have to do that. So yeah, I think, well, we'll get Dennis on the show here to talk about those things. I love some of his quotes about Trump. He's like, you know what? I may not agree with everything he says. But he's sort of my asshole and someone needs to say these things. I sort of love that because it's actually true. You know, I don't want, you know, contrary to what the Democrat, I don't want the president, you know, I don't need a hug from my president. You know, we're big people. We're grownups. We're living in the real world. I know Democrats don't understand that. I don't want to hug. I want someone, like, I need, we need it as a country. We need, like, the disciplinarian parent, you know, someone to kick you in the ass. Get us going in the right direction, not cater to our nonsense. And actually do the right thing for our country. Junior, please see my pin post on X. I have a digital billboard on the highway in Minnesota. I need a repost from you from my pin post. I've lost half my business since publicly supporting the real big Al. Al, I'll try to check that out. I haven't seen it, but if I can find the post, I will check it out. Appreciate the support. You know, again, I think more people get it than you believe, but, you know, like, we've dealt here on Rumble, like, you've seen, you know, over on X, you know, the, the people will go after the advertisers. They'll go after you if they see you supporting anything like that. That's why we have to, um, that's why we have to go after this and, uh, and get back to just common sense and decency. Okay. I don't know what's going on with the live chat. I gotta, let's see. Can we get back into the regular? Oh, there we go. Okay. Uh, let's see. Okay. Let's come up with a good question here. Uh, da, da, da. You should do a live reaction of the debate, uh, Green Black. I'd actually love to. I'm going to probably catch the debate, but I have, like, a full day, uh, tomorrow. Uh, I'm actually headed to Ohio. I'm doing a full day around Ohio with Bernie Moreno, who's the great Senate candidate there. He's running against Sherrod Brown, uh, you know, Ohio's like R plus 12, 13 right now. Uh, pro Trump and they still have a Democrat senator that votes with Joe Biden 99% of the time. The Joe Biden Harris regime. I have a feeling that does not represent Ohio. Well, so I'm going to be there all day tomorrow, uh, with Bernie Moreno. I leave here like four o'clock in the morning. It's going to be a brutal day. Uh, I think I get, uh, well, I get to my next stop, you know, after tomorrow. It's like 11 o'clock at night. So, uh, that's a long one, uh, but I'm going to be in Ohio tomorrow. So I think I'll catch the debate, uh, perhaps on the ride home. Uh, so I'll be watching it streaming it live, live tweeting it. I'm not sure I'll be able to do a live show just because of where I'll be logistically. I think, uh, when that's going on, I'll probably be either at an airport or back up in the air. Um, so I may not be able to do that, but I'll be watching and I'll be live tweeting it. So check it out on my ex or my truth, uh, accounts. Uh, you'll be able to see it there and, uh, we'll get to all of that. Oh, we have a, guys? Okay. So I've mentioned, uh, the Kamala memes have been very, very strong. Here's one that you've got to see. And yes, Kamala Harris actually said this. This isn't like deep fake. This is what she actually said. Uh, check this one out. I think you guys will appreciate it. So you know how those lids are, because this is, well, just don't speak, okay? So this is it. So you know how those lids on the Starbucks kept their white, right? And so if you were lipstick, they get all over the lid. And so then I find myself in meetings, if I'm the only woman, and that's kind of a toy. I keep taking the lid off and having my cup out so that I don't have that big lipstick right off the lid. So I said, can we do something about the color of the lid? [ Laughter ] So that was that conversation. I mean, it's set to the soundtrack of Seinfeld, because it sounds like a Seinfeld clip, but that's actually Kamala Harris. I mean, it's hard to believe. I mean, it's shocking that this person could be in a position to literally rule the free world. It's mind blowing to me. But hey, that's just me. I guess apparently I'm a chauvinist. There's nothing to do with incompetence. There's nothing to do with how she got there in the first place. There's nothing to do that she didn't win a single Democrat primary vote. None of those things, folks. It's obviously that we're chauvinistic or something like that. It has nothing to do with her failed policies. There's nothing to do with that no one can actually name the policies that have been successful for America. Nothing like that. It's just chauvinism, because we live in a moron world right now. Rocky's girl. Don, would you please interview Aurora Colorado Whistleblower, city councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky to discuss the Venezuelan gang trend, agrava activity in Colorado throughout the U.S.? You know what? I didn't know her name. Okay. The team's already working on it. Obviously, we've discussed the story. Let's talk to the Whistleblower. I'm sure they're going after her hard, too. But I think that'd be an interesting one. Certainly would like to see what's going on. But Colorado pretty much deep blue, other than a few districts like Lauren Boebert's district over there, whatever it may be. That'd be a good one, actually. So I think that could be a real world example of people trying to get by in their cities and letting people take over apartment complexes or Venezuelan gangs. Like, honestly, like, I'm still, every day, I keep waiting for like, you know, the TV camera to pop out of the ceiling where they're punking me. It's like, I gotta be living in an alternate reality. I gotta be the star of the Truman Show, and yet, it seems, uh, it's real. It's going on in America right now. Uh, let's see. What will your dad do to help seniors who are homeless because they can't afford rent anymore? Well, we got to fix the economy, a rising tide, you know, lifts all boats, right? It's an important thing. Uh, that's not going to happen under these policies, which just spend more of your money. Taxpayer funded everything. Uh, nothing about growth. Everything's about regulation, stymying that growth. And so we got to fix all of those things, and then you give everyone else a chance. But that's not going to happen if you continue the policies of the Democrat party. It won't work. Super Bowls November 5th, it's the Patriots versus the Steelers. Uh, it's the MAGA Patriots Trump 2024. God bless. It is. I mean, they'll definitely, they'll definitely be playing their games. We have to overcome all of that, right? No one's going to, it's not going to be fair. It's not going to be this. Doesn't matter. They control these things. The media will cover up for it. No one's going to look into it. The DOJ and the FEC aren't going to investigate these things. We just have to, um, we just have to get after it. And, uh, and do it right. Let's see. Hey, how did we get here? Democrat policy. Remember, whether it's Democrat or uni party policy, you had what? You had eight years of, you know, Clinton. You had eight years of Bush's. You had eight years of Obama. You had four years of Trump, four years of Biden, Harris. And yet everything somehow falls on Trump's shoulders, even the things that happened way before Trump, uh, it's, it's sort of amazing how that works. It's almost like they're full of crap, uh, which of course they are. So, you know, that's where we are. But how are things going with the team of lawyers to help monitor large urban cities, uh, and with an infinite number of mail ins? You know, the RNC is working hard on a lot of those, those, uh, on a lot of those things. We got to do the best we can. I think we're the most prepared we ever have been for some of that stuff. But, you know, again, uh, you know, I think my, my brother showed up as a poll watcher with the registration, the certification to go do that in Philadelphia in 2020. He had a secret service detailed like armed guards at the time and they wouldn't even let him in the building, right? So, uh, it doesn't matter. And then they say, oh, you have no standing. The election happened yesterday. It's like, well, we, you know, how do you anticipate that they're not going to let you in when you're illegally allowed to be in there? Uh, yeah, uh, yeah. Yeah, you're right. Reality is worse than fiction. Uh, they're causing illegal immigrants to cause, create election crimes. Isn't that actionable? Yeah, it doesn't matter. I heard from Ken Paxton in Texas. They're literally giving people IDs that are illegals. They get out of there. They know they're illegals. It doesn't matter. They're signing them up to vote, uh, right there. And they just, you know, oh, well, you know, you're not going to get in trouble if you get caught doing it. You know, maybe, maybe worst case scenario, you're a vote won't count. But, you know, there's a good chance you'd slip right through the cracks. And that's how they try to win Texas. Um, what is the best and safest way to vote? Um, Uncle Brian. Uh, honestly, at this point, you know, all of the options are good. You know, obviously as conservatives, we love same day voting. We love paper ballots. We love voter ID. It doesn't matter, right? That's not the battlefield that has been left. I don't know if any of you guys saw the show that I did with Scott Pressler last week. Obviously that was very Pennsylvania focused. Uh, but it really applies across the board. You know, Pennsylvania early voting starts in like 10 days. Uh, you know, get your ballots in. Make sure you're registered at your current address. Do all of that now. Don't wait until the deadlines you show up to vote. And then all of a sudden, hey, there's an error and you can't vote. So I'm actually right now, you know, I'd love it to not be the case. But I'm a believer in, uh, the mail-in ballot. We have to play that game. We cannot give the Democrats a 50 day, um, election day. Uh, where they have 50 days, two months, three months, whatever it may be, to get all their stuff. And we just hope that it doesn't snow so people actually turn up or that something doesn't happen. So I would say, you know, check all your registrations, make sure your current, uh, validate all of those things. If you're, watch the Scott Pressler of your interview. Like, you know, if you're from like New York and you think your vote doesn't matter, but you're going to school in Pennsylvania or you're going to school in Michigan or Wisconsin, like you can register now still to vote in those areas. You can do that legally, but do it now. Get after it. Uh, take advantage of all of those opportunities. Utilize that whole timeframe. Check these things. Make sure you're counted. It matters. So, you know, I would not, I would really not be that guy that just waits till election day. Check all your stuff now. Each and every vote is going to matter. We got to overcome so much, uh, of that nonsense. We have to overcome so much, uh, other adversity. And if the Democrats have two months of election day and we have one and it reigns, I mean, it's literally cost us governors' races, it's cost us states, it's cost us senate houses before. Don't, uh, don't do that. Get in there. Vote early. Vote by mail. And then once you're in there, bring all your friends. Make sure they are doing the same. Don't just rely on everyone to do the right thing. People are lazy. They are apathetic. That apathy is going to cost us our country. It's going to cost you your freedom. It's going to cost you everything you know about the American dream. Um, it's a big deal. Abigail Joy, what are your thoughts on Chris Pavlowski going to El Salvador? Uh, I think it's great. I'm actually having dinner with Chris after this. Uh, Chris Pavlowski is a CEO of Rumble for those of you who don't know. Uh, you know, Rumble obviously, uh, creating a big cloud platform, uh, making sure that you're not going to be reliant on like Amazon web services. You know, where, wow, wait, you know, we'll give you web services. We'll give you a cloud. And then if we don't like your business or if you're a conservative or you're a pro gun or if you say something against the Democrat party, we'll just cancel you on the spot and destroy your business. So Rumble is, uh, you know, growing that platform, El Salvador, uh, Bukele over there. Uh, I think he's done a great job. Uh, I think, uh, you know, he's really, you know, cracked down on the insanity over there. It's a great example of what you can do with good leadership. Uh, so, you know, I think they're talking about, uh, perhaps, uh, you know, creating an El Salvador channel on Rumble, uh, possibly also perhaps expanding, you know, cloud stuff there. I'll let Chris talk about that, uh, with you there. But, you know, taking advantage of some of these places who are not going to just go with the usual suspects from the woke radical left who will cancel them in two seconds. And frankly, who've probably actively worked against their campaigns, uh, everything they're trying to do, all the NGOs that are full of shit, uh, that, that are out there, uh, trying to destroy our world. Uh, you know, to try to import the third world to the first world, to turn the first world into the third world. Um, you know, so I, I think it's important. I think we got to make those moves. But I'll actually, uh, like I said, I'm literally having dinner with Chris in like, uh, an hour. And so I will, um, I will ask him, uh, himself. Okay. Yeah. Check your state for early voting. Don't take any chances. Susan Wilson and see 70. Yeah. I mean, North Carolina is another one of those. I'm seeing some of the polling from there that doesn't look great. I don't know. Uh, you know, if that's real, that doesn't seem like it. But I know there's such a huge influx of crazy, like liberals from the Northeast that are moving out of there coming to North Carolina. Uh, you know, I'm sure the Democrats are doing whatever they can, uh, you know, trying to weaponize, you know, you know, the governor's race there and all of those things and they're going to try to drag Trump down, uh, you know, in some of those. So that's a problem. Uh, Crystal Rosie. Okay. Can I kiss your face? Crystal's back, folks. Yeah. Uh, probably not right now. I appreciate the thought. Uh, it's very nice of you. Uh, but, you know, this is probably not the platform for that for that crystal, but I appreciate it. That's, that's a great honor that I could fit into that category for you. So. Quiet. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. This is something we're also talking about getting, uh, RFK, junior on Bobby. We'd be going back and forth. He was actually supposed to come on tonight, but he was, wasn't landing until seven 30. I had to do the show at six. Uh, so it didn't work out for today. Uh, I think we're talking about that possibly for next Monday. We can talk about all of that. But yeah, uh, I know Scott Prusler is working hard on getting the Amish not just in Pennsylvania, but the men and I it's all over the country. You know, you saw those guys. I mean, guys sold unpasteurized milk to his neighbors and he gets arrested by the FBI. I mean, that's what the FBI is doing. They're not looking at trans activists who are killing children in schools. Right? They won't do that. But, you know, the Amish guy selling non-pasteurized milk, which is frankly, probably a lot healthier than the other crap. Uh, you know, that, that big produce is giving us. Uh, it's, it's mind boggling. Um, so yeah. Uh, I, I know he's working on getting the Amish to vote. I know obviously from a religious liberty standpoint, but from a food freedom standpoint, I'm sure they're pro-Trump. Probably not something they're used to necessarily doing. Uh, but they have to get out there and vote. Will the illegals vote for Trump? Probably not. I imagine they're looking for the freebies. You know, there's some great, there's some great people that have come across here and done it legally and whatever it may be. I'm not saying all everyone's bad, but like, it seems as though the people that the Democrats are intentionally importing. Are the kind of people who are going to be permanent dependents? Okay. UFC champion Connor McGregor appears to have announced that he's running for president of Ireland in the 25, uh, 2025 election. Thoughts? Uh, I think that'd be great. Honestly, like, if you look at what's going on over there, if you look at some of the policies, if you remember when they tried to jail people for being like Irish lives matter. Cause they, it apparently was. I mean, Irish politicians wanted to have people arrested for saying Irish lives matter in Ireland. I mean, that's where we are because the, the political system in many cases by there, you know, has been taken over by people who aren't even Irish who, you know, or became Irish later, it could care less. Uh, I don't think, you know what, Connor McGregor could be interesting. I'm sure it'll be very entertaining, but like, I imagine he brings a lot more common sense than most of the politicians that we've seen there. Uh, so, you know, I'd like to see it. I mean, the media will have a field day with that one, but like, can they do any worse than some of the crap you're getting, whether it's the Ireland, whether it's the UK, some of these politicians. I mean, they're arresting people, want to throw them in jail for two years for misgendering people in the UK. It's like, I have a feeling that Connor McGregor would crack down on that bullshit really fast. And so, you know, maybe we need a lot more people who aren't just politicians. Maybe we need a lot more people who are just common sense and who are sick of regular politicians. Maybe we're sick of the bureaucrats. If you put those people into power, um, you give them a chance, honestly? I think they'll do a better job than most of the career bureaucrats that we've gotten who have failed us across the board, folks. So, I'd love to see it. I think it'd actually be great. And I honestly, I don't think it can get much worse, so I think we should see it. I think it'd be great. Uh, guys, also, make sure you guys, another shout out to one of our sponsors. Again, support our sponsors, guys. It takes balls to support programming like this, right? Uh, make sure you're protecting not just your physical, but also your financial health with the Birch Gold Group. You see the markets, you see the volatility, you know the Fred is just printing more and more money. That means your costs go up and your quality of life goes down. As I always say, I just want you to all be prepared. For over 20 years, the Birch Gold Group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IRA or 401(k) into an IRA in physical gold. To learn more, text, Don Jr., simple. Just set up a text, text. My name, D-O-N-J-R, to the number 98-98-98. Okay, open up a text message. Type in 98-98-98. Text, you know, like where you'd fill in what you'd be tending in. Put in Don Jr., and claim your free, no obligation, info kit on gold. You can do it, text, and penalty free. But like I want you to do, just educate yourself. Learn. There's no obligations. Learn. See what you can do. You see the inflation. You see the insanity. You can convert an existing 401(k) or IRA into an IRA in gold, tax, and penalty free. So learn about it. Think about it in your arsenal. Again, text, Don Jr., to the number 98-98-98 today. Okay. USA now, any chance of a deep state czar for victims of deep state oppression? Yeah, I think that'd be great. I mean, that's one of the things we sort of spoke to a little bit about, possibly, RFK. Obviously, I think you do a great job on some of the health stuff. But, you know, in terms of the weaponization of government and, you know, if there's been a family other than, you know, other than my own, who's probably had it worse than, frankly, even my own. Although they tried to do something very similar to my father, in my opinion, you know, I think he'd be great at that. So, you know, that could be another thing. But if it's not him, I think we gotta get someone else in there to do just that, because we've seen that weaponization. It only goes one way. It only goes against conservatives. And, you know, I think that's really important. Dapper Dave, you want to see a MAGA report card? I assume that's about candidates down the board. I think that's a great idea. I think we gotta figure out, you know, how to put that all together. Obviously, there's, you know, thousands of elections where you don't want to just win the presidency or the Senate or the House. We gotta win school boards. We gotta win state legislatures. You know, generally speaking, I'd say go across the board Republican. But, you know, perhaps not always, there could be some independence that may be great. I know, you know, the sheriff in Palm Beach County here where I live, you know, he's actually a Democrat and he's great. And the guy that's running as a Republican is like a communist. It was like one of those weird ones where he runs in there. It's like, yeah, well, we can win the Republican nomination. But the Democrats are actually the guy for sheriff, you know, in Palm Beach County. We gotta make sure that people are aware of that. But generally speaking, I'm saying straight ticket Republican because that's probably the safest bet. The idea of a MAGA report card are now there are guys that do some of those things on a state level. I'm not sure how much all of them jive necessarily with us as MAGA. But there is a bunch of information out there. But you gotta look into the policies with these people. But generally speaking, I think you've seen what Democrats will do. And don't vote for them. Hi, Don, Patty F. Weber on True Social AC2 post for a suggestion on how to prep for a couple of possible debate questions your dad may be asked. They're from spam ranger. Have you had time to view either? I have not. You know, I know there's millions of people on True Social. I've got like four million people that follow me there myself. So I don't get to see everything that's out there. For some reason, logos won't allow more than one man image. So I'll put up these screenshots starting with this one here. These are succinct with excellent data on abortion and guns. I'm curious on your thoughts on this one. Okay, I'm seeing them. They're very small. If you try to pull that up later on on truth, it's still too small and blurry. But I'll see if I can get that over. Can you guys just print that up for me or get me a good screenshot? I'll send it over. I'll check it out and send it over to the team. Yeah, because even when you blow it up, it just makes it blurry. But I will check it out. Who will be the entertainment for the public square gala? I know a lot of people are speaking at that. I mean, I think JD is speaking at it. I think RFK is speaking at it. I know I'm speaking at it. I think Tony Robbins is speaking at it. So that should be entertainment enough. But there's probably, I'm sure there's a bunch more. I'm not sure who else they have in there. But it's going to be a fun event. That's in Florida. When is that? Early October? 10th and 11th. I think up in Orlando? Yeah. Yeah. So I know I'm committed. I forgot all the details. I think we'll have Michael Seiford on here in the next week or two. He's a CEO of Public Square before that happens. You know, we can get into some of that, but that'll be a fun event. So I'll talk about that more as we get closer. But if you're in Florida, definitely check that out. October 10th and 11th up in Orlando. Sort of a Patriot economy type meeting. All right. Top DOJ spokesman caught on hitting camera, ripping them in Hatton prosecution of Donald Trump. Thoughts? Listen, we all know it's nonsense. We've all been saying it's nonsense. The problem with bullshit is you still have to deal with bullshit. Everyone knows it. You know, that guy printed a retraction. I was talking to someone that I was wanting to please. So I take it back. It's totally legit. Of course it's not, right? People say what they're really thinking with it. They know it's nonsense. They changed the law. They changed the statute of limitations for one year in a state to be able to go after my father. And then they change it back. They file the things and they change it back. So no one else is going to go. They're running roughshod over justice each and every day. Everyone knows it, but no one's going to talk about it again. It's why it's so important to share stuff like this, to watch, to make sure your friends are watching this kind of programming that they see it. Like, share, subscribe. I know I say it too much, but it's fucking annoying. But you got to do it. This stuff gets out there. That doesn't even get picked up in the media a little bit. It's just totally hidden. No one talks about it. They'll pretend that it doesn't exist. These are Democrat spokesperson saying that it's ridiculous, that they're running all over our country. They know it. They just don't care. Right? He knows it. Doesn't stop him from doing it. He's a DOJ spokesperson. He'll go dutifully told what he's told to say to the people in the media so it doesn't matter. So they know it's a force. They know it's probably criminal, but they're not going to do anything about it because they're on the payroll. Trump told Fox News's Sean Hannity last week that his plan was to let Harris talk. How do you feel about the debate tomorrow night? Okay. I covered that a little bit, but I think you do let her talk. But the problem is people, they talk and she does her word salad thing and people are like, "Oh, she's very nice and all this." I think he does have to prosecute the case, but he's not allowed to be aggressive because, again, I know she's going to be the leader of the free world if she wins. She'll control the nuclear codes, but we have to be really careful about how we talk to what could be the most powerful person in the world if they're female or if they check a couple of woke boxes. So I think given what we talked earlier on the show, ABC News, 100% positive coverage of Kamala Harris over the last few weeks, like 100%, like I can't name one. People going around to these college campuses asking the people who are voting for Kamala Harris to name one policy that's work, not a person can name anything and yet 100% positive coverage. So you do have to push back, but the second he does that, the second he pushes back a little bit, you know, they'll say he's a chauvinist and he's a misogynist and, you know, she'll say, "Let me speak." Even if she's speaking, like, it doesn't matter. It's so rigged. Like, I'm actually concerned about it because I just, I think it's such nonsense and, you know, I'm cynical. I think at this point with what I've gone through and with what I've seen them try to do to us and, you know, I probably have to be cynical, but, you know, that's what's going on. Vladimir Putin says he endorses Kamala Harris for president. Thoughts? Doesn't surprise me. What people don't understand is, like, Vladimir Putin and Russia have built up their economy with this war. Okay, we put on the stupid sanctions. It jacked up oil prices through the roof. Russia's number one export is oil. They're making that delta. They love that oil prices are high. They're literally paying for the war with our stupidity. We're paying for it at the pump. Every time you fill up your pump. And what they've done in the process with all of that is they've built up their manufacturing base. Russia's manufacturing base is booming because they have all this money. They're using it to re-amp their manufacturing. They're using that. They're building munitions instead of other things. But they're literally putting their people to work. They're cranking out things that were stalling. We've grown their economy incredibly. Just like Zelinsky doesn't want peace because he's not going to be the guy ever on the front lines. He just sits there in the background taking selfies with Hollywood celebrities because it's a war zone. It's incredibly dangerous. All these guys are grifting. The graft, the stealing, everyone's winning in this war other than the poor schmucks who get to get sent as cannon fodder to the front lines because they view them as peasants and so they don't care if they die. The elite in Ukraine are winning big. Russia's winning big. They're rebuilding their industrial base. It's not what you guys all think. There's no money in peace. So all of that gets turned off. I think frankly someone like a Putin would also much rather go up against Kamala Harris or has no respect for it. We all know that. We understand that. He doesn't want to go up against Trump. We'll hold him accountable. We understand the wars will stop the nonsense. We'll get oil prices and gas prices back under control. He's rebuilding Russia with all of this stuff. It's not what you guys think it is. It's crazy. So of course he wants to go after the weakest person. The person who's going to put America last. The person who's going to spend tens of trillions of dollars importing people who will never contribute to the system. Vladimir Putin is watching America destroy itself from within. Like him, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un. Like all of America's enemies. I ran. That's the reason they tried to kill my father too. We saw that, right? They are loving Kamala Harris because they want America weak. They want us feeble. They want us wasting your money on bullshit day in and day out. They want us focused on transgender ideology. Not on rebuilding our military or operational preparedness. They don't want us on the playing field. The Democrats, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they've taken us off effectively off of all of those playing fields. And so, you know, that's a big deal. I think that's really, of course they want America weak. And if you want America weak, you want Kamala Harris. It's so simple. It's so obvious. A strong America is good for the world other than our enemies. So our enemies, of course, want the weakest and the dumbest running America. Look at what they've been able to accomplish under Joe Biden. The world is going to hell, but they're doing great. America's going to hell. We're destroying our future. We're mortgaging our children's future, our, you know, our financial well-being for decades to come, pushing garbage. There's no ROI on any of it. No return on investment on any of the nonsense the Democrats are pushing. They love that for them. It's terrible for America, but that doesn't matter. Yeah. Over the past few weeks, we've watched Harris attempt to convince the public that she's not a radical liberal, walked back radical policies on EV mandates, open borders, and now plastic straws. Yeah, of course she's going to do that. They're trying to come to the middle, but look at everything she's done. Again, she pushed for all of these policies. This isn't like she changed her mind over 20 years. She's been implementing and pushing for these policies for the last four years straight. She's been in power. She's trying to run as the candidate for change. Well, change what? Like you've been in power. The change candidate is the someone who is not in power today. That's obviously Donald Trump. So she's trying to convince that the media will do the bidding, you know, pretending that she's not looking at all of the, like each and everything. Whether it was the, she doesn't mean any of it. They'll do it. They did it with fracking. Remember 2020 Democrat primary debates. Everyone was going to end fracking. Everyone raised their hand. We're going to end it. We're going to end it. We're going to end it. We're going to end it. They realized it was bad once they got to the general election. Joe Biden went into the debate. Well, I would never do that. I'd never end it. I would never do it. Day one killed Keystone Pipeline. Day one. They'll tell you whatever they need to tell you to win. Okay? She's a radical. She's a California daughter of a Marxist. She was rated the most liberal senator in the United States Senate period. This is not someone who's a moderate. This is not someone who's going to become a moderate. This is someone who has a team of people that will give her moderate policies today to win your vote over the next 56, 57 days and then they will do whatever they want. Okay? It's not like this isn't like a theory. They did it to us. They did it to us with fracking and numerous other things. It's never going to stop. Do not fall for it. Do not let your friends fall for it. That's what they're hoping for. Crystal calm down. Sheesh. That's right. Crystal's getting all hot and steamy on air. We got to get her to calm down a little bit. But again, I appreciate it. I'm not going to say it like this. I'm still a Trump. I don't. You know, Dee Steven 67, Don Jr. only fans. Okay. What if we turn this into an only fan? Who's signing up for my only fans if I have to go that route? You know, the whole politics thing doesn't work out. If the business is and the patriot economy doesn't work out, let's hear it. In the live chat, number one, if you're signing up for the Don Jr. only fans, number two, if you're going to pass. One if you sign up, two if you're going to pass. Go to live feed. I'm curious to see how I do because you never know. You never know, guys. If times get tough, you know, when they try to throw me in the gulags and I have to spend millions more dollars like I had to spend last time around so they didn't and couldn't throw me into the gulags, you know, if times get tough, are you signing up for the Don Jr. only fans? I wonder how Michigan's going to be able to vote early since the Secretary of State decided to leave Kennedy's name on the ballot. The Supreme Court removed it. New ballots have have to be printed. Yeah, that's just a pure partisan vote, right? They took Joe Biden off. It was decided by the Secretary of State to take Kennedy's name off the ballot. Kennedy doesn't want to be on the ballot. It got to the Supreme Court, which is 100% Democrat in the state of Michigan. They put him back on there, but they didn't put Joe Biden on, the guy that actually won the primary votes for the Democrats. So yeah, they're already playing the games, whatever games they need to do to win. In Michigan, that's what happens with Democrats, guys. You know, when they talk about democracy, when they talk about everyone else as a fascist, just understand they're the ones that act like fascists. They're the ones that do these things, okay? They talk about democracy. It's a joke to them. It's a soundbite. They're laughing at you as they talk about it, but they'll say it with impunity. They'll say it day in and day out, and everyone will carry their water for them, and they'll pretend they're doing the right thing. They couldn't care less about democracy. They care about power. They've demonstrated that over and over again. So Biden gets his name off the ballot in Michigan, even though he's the guy that actually won the ballots to be on there for the Democrat party. RFK stays on, even though RFK doesn't want to be on, even though the secretary of state who's supposed to do these things does it, the Democrats can test that. It goes to the Supreme Court. They say, "No, he must stay on, even though he doesn't want to be on there. We must stay on to preserve democracy," or something like that. No. They keep him on to preserve Democrat power, okay? This is a consistent theme, folks. They do this day in and day out. It's important. Donnie's girl idea. Thank you for hearing us. We've never had someone speak so highly of us or speak, and he hears every word. Thank you also for being with us so much. I appreciate it, guys. We'll get to the -- I've got to go to the Don Jr. Only fans respond. I've got to scroll down into the feed. Let's see how that one went. I know I've got to catch up. There's a lot going on here. How are we doing on the Don Jr. Only fans? Sorry, I'm just -- well, it's a lot of feed. Ooh, I see a lot of ones. Ooh. Well, there's a couple dudes thing now, which I understand. I mean, yeah, yeah, we got to do -- we got to do -- who are the dudes in the live chat that won the day? But number three, if you're a dude in the live chat that wants the Don Jr. Only fans. That one, I'm curious that. Number three, if you're the dude in the Only fan that wants the Don Jr. Only fans, because yeah. It seems to be -- actually a lot more women in the feed than Marine Corps pulled 1985. I know you're a guy because you're tying in a lot. You're putting in one. I'm not sure if your friends in the Marine Corps will appreciate that much, but that's okay. We won't tell on you, okay, buddy? Let's see. Okay, a lot of number ones. You can get my vote for anything, serious, brother. I appreciate that, Shannon. Thank you. Maria Alfari, can I kiss you? There's a lot of that going on here. Apparently, the Only fans is getting people a little bit hot and bothered. That's good. We don't mind that little -- who knew? There's going to be a little sexual innuendo and triggered tonight. So we'll keep that to a minimum, but at least we're having some fun with it. Let's see. What else we got, folks? I guess I got to go to this dinner pretty soon with Chris Pavlaski of Rumble, but I'll try to find out more about the Bukele meeting, and we can talk about that. Lynn27, your hot HAWT is that, like, "Hock to us," it's like the "Hock to a version of hot." I'll take it. Only fans hunting channel. Yeah, I'm sure they'll let that happen, but, you know, that could be good. And Junior's awesome, we love Don Jr.'s, hunting videos, and firearms content. Lynnie 0622. Well, okay, if you guys want -- honestly, if you want my hunting content and, like, my outdoor stuff, like, literally, go check out Field Ethos, like, again, another one of my things that I do, it's like, I wasn't happy with what's out there in the general stuff. It's the same regurgitated garbage, like, go check out -- like, go to Field That's my, like, hunting publication. We have a quarterly print journal. It's sort of a high-end, good writing, you know, not like one of these magazines that you get 400 pages of, like, shitty ads for stuff you'd never actually use. So, you know, check that out. There's an online, you know, online sort of email thing that gets into your short stories and fun stuff. You can follow them on Instagram. You know, that's where I do a lot of my outdoor stuff. We do gun reviews. We do outdoor stuff. It's adventure lifestyle, you know, off-road racing, that kind of stuff. You know, motorcycles, guns, hunting, fishing, spearfishing, all of that. So, yeah, check out the Field Ethos Journal. Go to Field Again, the email's free. The print journals, you know, like, it's like five bucks a month, but it's really good. It's really high-end. Like, it's, you know, like, sort of, try to, try to make, like, heirloom quality stuff. And so, you know, I think, I think you guys will like it. So, if you want the hunting content, that we can do Polish Dog, G989, Don Jr., I want to go shoot the bowling ball cannon, LOL. By the way, that's, I think I did something on there. With that, bowling ball cannons are fun. Please know what you're doing. It involves copious amounts of black powder and fuses, so shit can go wrong really quickly. If I don't cover it there, it's definitely covered on my Instagram feed where we do that, but that was, that's a fun one. I have my one up, the farm in Pennsylvania, and I had the great one with my buddy from Montana, right, a knife company where we, I mean, he had, like, one look like an artillery piece that was designed for bowling balls, it was pretty amazing. So that, that was fun. Write a book and share your adventures. Well, I mean, honestly, that's what the field ethos is, like, you know, it's a quarterly print journal, you know, I do an editor's letter every time. There's usually a, you know, a hunting story from me, you know, in there, you know, just got back from Mongolia a couple weeks ago, you know, you know, trip there, you know, like, you know, all over, you know, when I do my stuff, you know, I try to cover it there. We even do, you know, we have YouTube and rumble channels on there where we'll actually film some of these things and videos so you can come along and go spearfishing with me, like, do those kinds of things. So, yeah, definitely go check out field ethos, go to field, just sign up, get on the email. You know, if you want, subscribe to the magazine, I think it's really good. If you still like print journal, I don't think print's dead because I think it's great. But you can check that out, that's where we cover all of that. Where's your hunting channel again? Yeah, again. So, that's field ethos journal. Check it out, go to field, sign up for the email list, that'll start showing you, like, you know, the stuff we do. We do sort of like one-offs with, like, you know, cool companies, whether it's a cool knife company or a cool gun company, we'll do limited runs of cool stuff that we'd like and, you know, we don't sell you stuff we won't use, it's not, you know, garbage advertorial. It's like, cool shit, you know, limited run stuff. Think of it like a, what's that like company that kids all like, Supreme, but for cool guy shit. Also, by the way, it's got like a 35% female following, so apparently there are still females out there who like, you know, more rugged men, don't like neutered men, Ray Sosa 20, I subscribe to the print magazine. Oh, that's awesome. Thanks. Let me know how you do, you're obviously on local, so you'll, I'll see that more often. Let me know what you think when you get it, it's a quarterly journal, so it comes out a little bit, but that's a big one, but yeah, let me know what you think. I think it's really good. We wanted to do something different. I saw so much of the stuff that was out there, so much of it's become garbage, even the stuff that was sort of like, you know, great old brands and whatever, they just sort of got too commercial, got too PC, even in like, shocking, even like hunting and shooting, they just wouldn't cover some of these things. Yeah, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on that one, hunt with Uncle Ted. I know. I hang out with Ted all the time, which, you know, I just got to actually get out there and hunt. The problem is like, these days hunting has always been like during political season, so I'm a little bit busy now until, until after the election, but I'm sure I'll make up for it later, M. Go Blues Girl, best Nugent song, ooh, well listen. I mean, the triggered theme song, like my intro music is Stranglehold, right? So I figured, you know, when I started going on doing like, you know, public speaking, it was like, well, what's your intro music? I figured, like, I don't want to give these morons, you know, all these leftist, you know, morons in music. Like, I was like, you know what, Ted's not going to sue me if I use strangleholds. I was like, I just text him. I was like, Ted, can I use strangleholds, my intro music? 100% man, have at it, whatever you want. But I mean, that's a great, I mean, just the guitar riff on that is just, I think, one of the best in all of music, but best Nugent's, may still be Fred Baer. That's just such an awesome song, and as a bow hunter, as someone who does that, I mean, that's just such a great song. So, you know, that may be my favorite overall out there, yeah, stranglehold, Nugent rocks with that one. Yeah, just a great guy, great American. I can go to the gulags, I'll be fighting. Oh, I think we'll all be fighting it, you know. Joe Biden, what's he going to use? He's going to weaponize the F-15s against us, so, you know, as much as my AR-15 can do some damage, you know, the Democrats aren't playing, and they're not pretending anymore about any of these things, so it matters. We got to stay in the game, don't sit it out, don't screw it up. Marine Corporal, T JT Jr. called me out on my mess up, used a different word, but, you know, it's okay, buddy. Hey, listen. When you have to worry with me, guys, if I stop the hate, if I'm not breaking your balls, that's when you have to start to worry. So, as long as I'm breaking your balls, you know, you're in my good graces. When I stop breaking your balls, that's when you got to worry about glitzy days. Down jr. Just keeps getting hotter. Well, thank you. Thank you, glitzy. I appreciate that. I don't know if that's actually true, but I'll take it as I get older and perhaps more distinguished. Or at least that's my story. I'm sticking to it. I'm not quite vain enough to die. The whites and the beard. The hair has not yet gone too white, although in the next 60 days, I imagine I'll grow a bunch more. I appreciate that. P.A. Girl, mom paying for that. Praying for the trumps. God bless you. Keep fighting for the country. Thank you. M.X. Sisters. Appreciate that. We... Oh, yeah. Let's see. Oh, guys. I'm going to be late to this dinner. All right. I hate to be late for someone. Who's awesome and been doing incredible Yeoman's work fighting for the cause. So, guys, don't forget about our sponsors, right? To reach a team of likes and tax professionals that can help you settle, resolve your tax matters, go to, like T-N, taxnetwork,,, slash Don Jr. Don't forget the slash Don Jr. part. That's important. By the way, they know they're getting something out of supporting this kind of programming. Also protect yourself against Biden, Harris, inflation by educating yourself. Go to the Birch Gold Group, text Don Jr. just text Don Jr. to the number 98, 98, 98. You can learn about how to hedge against the insanity. Just educate yourself. No obligations, no risk, learn how to protect yourself. So text Don Jr. to the number 98, 98, 98. And with that, guys, we'll probably call it. I think, let's see what happens. Oh, Maria Lafari, handsome boy. Thank you. I may stay on it. As long as you guys are flattery, we'll get you everything. I may stay on all night with all of this, with all of this. But I appreciate you guys. You're the best. I got to wake up at 4 o'clock and I got to go do this dinner, so anyone in Ohio, maybe go check out the events, events we're doing with Bernie Moreno. We can maybe post that somewhere in here so you can find it. I'll tell Chris P to keep fighting against the radicals trying to silence his platform without question. That's why we're here. Guys, like, share, subscribe, send us to a couple friends as soon as we get off. Just forward it to them. If you're on Spotify, if you're an iTunes podcast, if you get your stuff there, just subscribe to Rumble. Even if you listen to it here, even if you rather tune in and see the video, whatever it may be, do it so that more people see it. We ended up in the algorithm. That's how we push back. So with that, guys, have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.