EP. 26 - The 10 Million Dollar Loophole

3h 6m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Yo, yo, yo, yo, episode number 26. Yo, yo, yo, that was awkward for my bad. You cool? I really like that three packs, man. I ain't gonna lie. She was, she got everybody hyped on that. Yeah, was it, was it too high? Nah, that was a good, that was a good three pack right there. Those is my driver in the work zone. Well, yeah, I'm going to hurt. (laughing) And be like, yo, settle down, bro. We just got here so bad. So honestly, like when I'll be driving on a highway, I'll be blasting 'cause you already know them passengers be off the train. That's a fact. Who the boo box? I can't take that away. Go, actually, I can't. I like, let's do this one. There we go. So are you cool? All right, how y'all doing this week, man? Sure. How are y'all been? What's new? (laughing) Allergies for me. (laughing) Oh, allergies, it is that season. Okay, I asked allergies for me. Almost. So it is a lead falls, it's going to be GGs. Yeah, you know, I'll check on your friends with seasonal depression 'cause that sun is going down sooner and sooner. Hmm. That is a fact. That's true. Yeah. It's not cooler. It's not cooler over here, Darryl. I thought it was going to cool down. We still in the 90s, it is what it is. It's still hot, but it's getting colder at night. But it's still like 80 during the day. That's how you know, actually, Vegas cools down 'cause at night, it don't stay 90 degrees. It actually gets to like 80, 75. (laughing) Yeah. It's so crazy when I went out there, not the time I seen y'all. The first time I went out there, it was colder there than it was over here. Oh, facts? Yeah, it was like in the 50s over there, but over here it was already like 70. Oh, shit. So we packed all the wrong clothes. (laughing) Trying to go out and look cute. Cooler style. Right, yeah, I know we have it like that. We thought it was gonna be hot. Hey, do we gettin' breezy out here for winter for about two months max, and then we go back. (laughing) It'd be cold as fuck outside. Oh, yeah. I like cold weather 'cause you know what they say. They're not gonna really start dressin'. Right, hoodies, sweat pants, clean mouth, turtlenecks. That is, I need to get me my Tim's for this year. I was gonna say y'all got the Tim's over there. Tim's outta here. I've never wore a pair of Tim's in my life. You need it, bro. Actually, I once, but I was little and I don't really remember. I wouldn't even know if I was a little kid. Not even a field kid? No. When we went up-- No, from the Timberlands. When the fuck? I only had Tim's because we lived in Washington state where it rained all year. And that's it. And beside it, I grew him. And then after that, we never got another pair. But Peter says it's functional, but it's also fashion. I had some wallabies. I've had a pair of wallabies very good. I had some wallabies. They were cool. Easy to put all, easy to slip off. All right, I ain't never on the pair of Tim's though. Are you gonna make him? Nope. You know, they love the wallabies. Yeah, they be giving them all colors, all sort of colors. Nah, nah. Maybe I should buy a pair of Tim's. You know, I'm fucking cabin. I had some very casual dark brown leather tins, like some go-out type. Now I think about it, 'cause I remember when I bought him, I'm like, these shit is fly. But I only wore them when I went out. It was like special occasion type shit. Yeah, you're from the East Coast. You only could wear butters, right? No, you could wear out wear all kinds of similars. You could wear to be from Brockley's. You could wear-- Okay, I heard about those. For girls, you know they had the high. They had the high boots. I didn't wear black tins. And-- Black tins don't get hate. Black tins, I only like the suede black tins. I don't like the leather black tins. 'Cause clay ones look clean, that's what I-- I think the leather wants to be looking too-- They almost be looking like stats. Like you could put a stat on them. (chuckles) I'm trying to-- Damn, I can't believe I really-- I did have a pair. I'm capping out my fucking ass, bro. It's okay. A lot of times, I remember one year, it was this pair of tins. They were brown and they had a fur trim. They were-- they were calf high. And they had a fur trim around the top. And instead of a laces, they had ribbons. And I begged for this pair of boots. They were probably like $150. And I begged for these boots. It wasn't Christmas time or nothing. It was just-- Just random. Yeah, it was just they came out. And I was like, I really, really, really, really, really want these boots sold back. Can I please have them? And they ended up caving, and they got me them back. They ended up caving, actually. I was liver good kids. We did ask for some ridiculous stuff every now and again. But one thing about my mom, she did not like her kids looking raggedy. So as soon as I was like, but I need new boots. They're going to make fun of me if I don't get them. I had some-- they were like casual, like tight. They weren't like the butters or the black or the beef and broccoli. I didn't want to be from somebody from broccoli or something. Dang, dang, dang, dang. What? I feel like this is something shiny, I would excel in. Corporate cussing out in an email. What's your cussing? Listen, I just go for it. I just cuss people out. I don't really care about it. Straight with the bullshit. Oh, you're an HR issue. Right. I feel like it's easier to do-- well, you're right, because up until that point, I have already did the corporate cuss out. But when it gets to a certain point, you are not understanding what I'm talking about. So now I have to be real with you. Like, how-- like, does it get to a boiling point or are you just like straight off the cup for the type of shit? Is that like, I'll give you a stupid pass sometime type of shit? I'm not to cut you off. Can you pull up the post so we can like read the comments? Because some stuff is funny. I'm not really a cold switcher at work. So like, if we're-- I'm so glad you talked about that. If we're having a meeting, if somebody says something, like, nine times out of 10, I'm already in-- I'm just talking, just like, I'm talking now. So nine times out of 10, I'm just like, uh, that ain't going to work. Uh, that ain't going to work. But if we're going back and forth over email or something like that, then, yeah, I'll have to get into my bag of corporate jargon and mumbo jumbo and double talk. But you know, it just depends on what you're trying to convey. Like, what you're trying to say. Yeah, I am-- We had a recent-- my bad. We had a recent work dispute. It wasn't me. It was two other people. And the end result was one person said the other person was racist, which is totally not true. But I was like, man, you could have said that in a flyer, more sensible way. It made me laugh because it was like, why would you go to, like, level 10 off-road? Off the cuff? That's what I'm saying. I kind of feel like it depends on, like, the tolerance of that version. Yeah, like, in the person too, because if it's a somebody who's dumb who's always, like, starting shit, then-- That's what it was. It was my first thing to always start shit. And then the other person was like, I'm tired of you starting shit. But the one who started shit was like, nah, because you're racist. It was like, what? The person that's always starting shit, you got a black on them if it's face to face. But if it's email, then you got to protect yourself. So if it's email, then you got to be, like, previously, we discussed-- Yeah, right. After numerous attempts, I think it would be best if we sat down with a third party to discuss further matters. Yeah. At that point, you do have to be, like, per my last email in our last discussion, things we are not getting along on this issue. Yeah. So I think further matters should be investigated. Yeah, it's funny. The per last email happens. Previously, the previously stated one is funny as shit. That happens. That used to happen a lot. That means so much in those three words. That's previously stated. But it's funny, too, though, because low-key, that could be 1,000 different things. As a teacher previously stated, it could mean-- if this is an email coming down from admin, top of the house, or even above them, district manager, all that other one, not even manager, but a superintendent at public. Previously stated, it could mean you didn't read it all the way through, which I've been accused of doing. And I've done that before, where I just, like, skinned. And I totally missed it. So that OK, cool, my fault. But sometimes it's not clear, bro. So as previously stated, you have to be like, OK, as previously stated, the rule says this. But does that include this and that? And does that exclude this or that? Like, are you not even being very clear? So what does that mean as previously stated? In my head, when it comes to corporate, I'm Birdman at the Breakfast Club. I'm like, I ain't saying this shit no more. But then you've got a projected difference. So, like, you've got to-- I just-- I mean, to be honest with y'all, at this point, I use chat GPT for a lot of my emails. No, that's facts. That's facts. Because I don't have time. Like, if I'm doing a flight, then I have to, like, set up interviews and stuff. And people from corporate talking, whatever nonsense they want to talk. I will really let chat GPT answer it for me. Oh, yeah. No, no, no. That's the fact. Chat GPT do a lot of shit. Or I use it to help the email a lot of shit. It's good. I've now talked about a ton of being saying what I wanted to say or what. So-- Not exactly. It just says it way better than I would be able to say it. So it makes sense. Hey, what's up, what's up, what's up? What else was I going to say? There was another one that I saw-- let me see, just to verify. I heard my last email previously stated. For future references, another one that day. That's like, oh, OK. Oh, wow. I remember one time we had this supervisor that came in from out of town. At the time, like, I have worked for-- we all worked for a subsidiary, but, like, it covered two different companies. But so technically, they're the same, but they're different products. So he was on a different product. But I knew both, so I was kind of back and forth. And I remember he went and texted my boss something about me, and my boss wouldn't tell me what it was. But I was hot about it. That's a nice one. Go ahead and say it, I'm sorry. My boss was like, you shouldn't even be mentioned over there, and all this other stuff. And I remember I sent this man an email. I had to tell him, like, I am the best person to discuss me with, for a future reference. Oh, that's what I'm saying. Think to me on all correspondence that includes my name. Yeah, that had to do with me. Yeah. Yeah. You pissed me off. And when I went to his office to talk to him, I came to find out they had their ears pressed against the door. I never knew that. Anyone to see me? Anyone to see me? Anyone to see me. Right. I had to tell him, don't hold me away the minute you knew here. And you tell the people this and this about me. Did you talk to me about me before you started saying other stuff? How did you feel internally? Like, what celebrity in your head felt like saying it like? I didn't feel like no celebrity in front of you. I felt like my soul. Boom. I was just hot about-- I don't like-- I don't like when somebody starts something. Nine times out of ten, I'm very much whatever you heard about me is true and legendary, OK? So I'm very much that girl. If you hurt Cheyenne's face and you need to leave her alone, I don't believe that, because whoever told you that. So I don't like when people be starting little stuff like that, because then now I have to maintain the-- especially at work, because now it's like, well Cheyenne said, whatever you heard about her is true. Now my work relationships is all fucked up because I had to stand on big business. That's very hard to code switch from, by the way. I mean, the code of the streets enters the code of the workplace. The code of the streets interfere with the code of the workplace. It really does, especially if you ever have to call the cops on one of your co-workers. Hell, no, damn. Ah, hell, no. Well, you really got to put your civilian hat on with this. I-- oh, man, this goes out so ignorant. I've never called 9-1-1 before. I mean, that's not a blessing. Yeah. No, I'm not talking about danger. I'm talking about what Cheyenne just said. Your civilian hat at work. Oh, yeah, man. On my last job, we had somebody come up there about the last time talking about if I wouldn't let somebody get away with this on the street, why would I let somebody get away with a ear? I was like, I feel you, but you can't say that to me, because-- yeah, I don't know. That's not like-- that's not like you got some leopardy. Like, you should have kept that to yourself, because we got to get your parole officer involved now. Oh, Cheyenne. Because that's to yourself. Top flight security. I got this. Watch out. Because we didn't have security. So whenever somebody starts talking about getting violent or going through the back gate, they know the codes and all this other stuff, you should have just sat there and ate your salad. Remember what I mean? You should have just sat there, because now I have to-- once you set it out loud, my safety is the most important here. So now I've got to call the cops. Right. Because I can't sit back and hope that I'm one of the people that you like, so you decide not to take me out. I was always one of the people that they like. I don't want to-- I don't even want to be in that. I would rather just be like, yeah. It's just the facts of like, once you cross a certain line, you're-- yeah, in the corner of the streets, I know you're just talking shit. I know you're just like trying to hype yourself up. I know you're just saying that just sound tough. But when you-- But what if you're not-- When you're saying it in the workplace and you're saying like, you know how to get in the building and stuff like that-- That's different. Right. You're taking it to a level of, OK, you're threatening the building. You're threatening to break into a place that you no longer-- That's fascinating, buddy. You shouldn't even be here right now. Yeah, you weren't alone. No longer welcome. Thanks. What happened? I said, you're no longer welcome here. Right. What you're no longer welcome, once you get turned, everything should be mailed out to you. There's no reason-- You know what? I ain't go a lot. If I see-- that happened to me sometimes. I've seen a former employee back on the property and I'll always look at it like, hey, what's up? What's she doing? Like, nervous. You don't want to be caught here. I was like, it wasn't me, bro. Hey, you know, we thought you got fired and you back. You don't want to be in them crosshairs. That's why I've tried to tell people what you're here for. Here's what I can't solve. Here's what I can't solve. I'm going to tell you that right after that. Now, once you start taking it to a level of violence, please be advised. Please be advised. Please be advised. I won't hesitate. Be advised to be aware I will evolve law enforcement. I won't hesitate to dial 911. For the sign on the door. You got like a little red butt in the press just in case. No. I mean-- For real? My mom got one under their desk. Yeah, because like, there's this HLA that I deliver to. And the lady showed me, she got like a butt, like, right under the desk. And they got glass on the floor. I think she got sticky, though. Like, it shouldn't get that sticky. You never know. You never know, but that's what 911 is for. You have to go get that fast enough. Right. I work at the airport. It's cops in the airport. Yeah. Still, they got a run to you. They're going back to my office. The person who I took took half a day. Oh, God. [INTERPOSING VOICES] How can they take down a team of trained professionals? You will have to be John Wick or somebody. Hey, you don't know nowadays, Shane. I'm just saying. That was true. Nowadays, man. These young bulls be wild, too. The why it is. We don't care. Bro, I sent Chris a basketball club with his dude. I guess they were losing in a gym, a basketball game. And this dude went over to his backpack, got out his gun, put one in, cocked it back, and then put it in his shorts, and went back to the court, and they argued again. But it was like some serious shit. Like, you about to kill somebody over a basketball game. Over basketball? I'm dead, bro. I'm dead, bro. I was like-- That's the game. When Chris come back, we should do a topic of thanks that you'll crash out for. Oh, that'd be funny. I'm down to that, bro. Believe it or not, I do have a list. I have a list of shows. I don't know if I ever thought about it. You'll crash out over your daddy, for sure. I will crash out over-- I don't know if I ever thought about the comprehensive list. I think I'm not saying no. I know what you're saying. I'll crash out over my dog. See? So you'll be like the girl who kicked that bear off the brick wall. That was pretty nice. Bro, that was pretty neat. My dog's just a little guy. So don't bother, nobody. That bear ain't move. Now, that's wild. That's wild. Crash, he literally went over to the-- he was in the game or something. He'd go over here to his shorts. Look back, leaving it out the way. He thought I was down right here. Cock it, and he'll put it in his pocket. I'm like, bro, they in the gym playing ball. Come on, it's not that serious. It's not that serious. I'm not crashing out over that. That's like, if you losing that Uno, now I'm going to say you get it out of the-- You got the Blickio. Yeah, like, bro. So I had to pull it up a pink Blickie. My bad. Over Uno? My bad, bro. That's serious. Over spades, over the last piece of chicken. Over all of these things that it's just not-- bro, it's not worth it. It's not, it really is not. Not to crash out. Now, I said I had to lost relationships over games. And I still found this. But still, I'm very childish. You should not lose. Everybody should be laughing and giggling at the end of any game when they're our loser. We're all for it. Y'all be playing some flip tables, damn. Y'all be playing some games? Yeah, damn, bro. No, I feel about spades. Uno way better. You know, I'm recently at my big age. I've learned how to play spades. Do you like it more than Uno? Um, I mean, I think it's-- the hype behind spades was like very-- it's so hyped up. But it's really just a game. Y'all have to teach me, because I don't even know. Don't even go treat best in a game. They treat best shades serious. They only play with one partner. They all don't know. Because they both intune mentally. They locked in. It's not really skill-based. Like, some stuff is skill playing, like, the table. But like, you're dealt with your dealt, you know what I mean? Yeah. Spades. Damn, you young old nigga. Do you play with your 15? Oh, wow. Yeah. I know how to play, but I be fucking up. And them old folks. They have the aunt and the aunties. I don't like that. See, that's the thing, too, is like, if you get on the stage-- if you get on Uno and you play a six on a nine or something like that, it's just a mistake. And everybody goes up, draw your two, and you draw your two, and you move on. When you make a mistake, it's spades. People be like, get out of the house. You're never welcome back. Don't ever step back. It's a card game. Shame him. It's a card game, my gee gah. They were like, you fucked up the butts. Get out. And my brain-- Diamond bar was intense, too, because niggas be like, damn, they're breaking the arm slammin' of winning Domino on the table. I'll be breaking my next slam in the Uno card now. It'd be crazy. I'd like to play the card. Monopoly? Monopoly, there's a potential, like, you might throw hands in my mouth. But no, I'm just monopoly. What am I doing? It's a longer game. It's interesting. Teagic. It's a longer game, so you have more emotions invested. And it's money. You may feel it like that paper money is real money. Yeah. I don't like niggas who collect railroads. I think they-- I always collect railroads. I do that like railroads. I don't like them, niggas, Joe. I always collect the railroads. They're like, oh, I got the two utilities in the railroads. I'm going to come up. No, you're not. Railroads is a quick come up. It's $200,000 you got all four. If you get all four, that's a quick two hibbit. And then the utilities, if you got both, it's times 10, you roll a 12 times 10. That's where you start getting great, yeah. But having boardwalk in part place, you think it's a come up, but nobody ever learns or me. It's rare. So I was like, you spent all that money investing and trying to get that 1,500. But only one person is going to land on it like the whole year. But when they do, it'd be tough. It'd be tough. You just got to own the corner of the block. I always go for the pinks and the oranges. Yeah, that's the cheap one. But everybody lives on them. Yeah. You land on them, Jones. I think the red is like the worst one. Well, that's cool. What I had a little monopoly you get. Now I'm talking about like the price, like the ones you see. But the house is like, ah. The green, the green, the green, the green, the green. The yellow, 200, right by jail. Yellow, red. But see, you got to know your little monopoly is another one of the games that you got to learn how to be. Yeah, a lot of the haggle. Yeah, you got to haggle. But it depends on the house rules. Our house rules, free parking, you put that 500 in there. Yeah. Land on free parking, you get that 500. And you also get like whatever, like you get luxury tax and all the other like money you have to pay. But we may put in like donuts, half feet of bags of chips. Damn. Shot the free parking. Yeah, I'd just be playing whatever up in there. Damn. I got a flight to Hawaii, right. Right, right. When we were kids, like we would go to the store, me monopoly game, come back, man. That is fast. Because the monopoly gave like three hours. Free parking. That's fast. That's fast. Especially the good game. That was fun though. Yeah. Maybe you get like the monopoly plus, like the premium one with the higher bank notes. That should get complicated. See, I've never played that. I was going to say I never had the pleasure. Yeah, it's my heart. I never played that. I never lose because I'm always the person. That's the last one. Because I've always-- You know why? Because you're slippery. I learned that. I could never-- like ever since I've known you, I have never not won a single debate or a topic against you. Because you're slippery, like I'll think I have you mentally. And then you'll pivot and find something. I'm like, fine. I learned that from my dad. I learned to never let nobody back me in the corner. You never, never, never-- My dad taught me that. And monopoly, I'm always-- If I live on boardwalk, somebody got hotels on boardwalk, and it's my last cash, we making a deal. We making a deal. And this won't be a crazy deal. This won't be-- I'll give you three free passes on my property. Write it down. Write it down. Get that. Three free passes and I'll give you $500. People will be like, oh, OK. I mean, no three passes, depending on where you're at. That's what you're at. Those three passes are coming handy. Yeah, they got the orange and the pink. Three free passes? I can-- I'm a brain, at least two of them. The free passes deal always gets you out of a deal. Because all you got to do is keep up and up free passes. What about five free passes? You ain't going to make a buddy, though. [LAUGHTER] And so your strat-- I can tell your strat is free parking. You had it on free parking. That's your game. I mean, I try-- everybody tries to land on free parking, but I just mostly try not to-- I only stay in jail when the board is hot. Do you do a double payout if you land on go? No, I found out about that one recently. That's a good one. I didn't know that either. We had-- OK. Yeah, if you land right on go, you get double. I learned about that on the monopoly on the switch. I never do that one. Yeah. This one by the one I didn't know, too. What's our first topic today? Will-- Will Young-- We do Luda. Let me get Luda up on here real quick. Oh, he'd break it back 2002? Yeah. Sure. So you do have the first pitch. I guess they have a land a day at the Braves game. So they honored him with-- they gave everybody, like, bobbleheads themselves. And then he got to start out with the big pitch. He had big arms, big forces on, big chain. Well, honestly, I'm not even on cap. Like, he threw the ball pretty damn straight for-- The cross better. Big ass. Like, he threw it better than some other people. Like, that was pretty damn straight, bro. Yeah, that's not bad. That's not that straight. That's not-- look at the youth. That's wild, bro. That's dope. That's cool. It's cool to see Luda out. To do that more. Yeah, actually, Luda is, you know, one of our legends. [INAUDIBLE] Age, you know. But he's still, like, very youthful, you know, like, very-- He looks exactly the same. No, dead ass. He looks the same. He's exactly the freakin' same. Like, it really looks like he came to York, but I didn't get to go see him. But I heard, like, his show is great. Uh-huh. That's crazy. Professional, you know, a real veteran in the game. I love that for Luda Chris. No drama. No crazy, uh, dibler allegations. He did not like so. He did not know his wife or his girlfriend. He did it. Are they still together? But the person on his wife now, yeah. I didn't know that though. I didn't know that. Well, still. I mean, at least I together. Right. With the one you wanted, so. Yeah. So yeah, congrats to Luda. Hey, T.L. Shout out to him. By the way, his verse, welcome to Atlanta. Very underrated. I think it's one of his, like, best ones he did. Wait, I got to think of his verse. It was nice. Every time I think of that song, I can only think of the remix. Did he have a verse on the remix? Just a rich mama. I forget his verse on the whole song. Check. Check. Check. Check. Hold on. It was. It was. It was. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. It's. They really seem like yesterday. The songs came out. I'm bro. It's it's time to just be fun. I don't know where they go, but they just be fine. It'd be fun. I thought today. Um, to play that game is 23 years old. Ooh, that's horrible. That's horrible. Wow. That's 2000 more. That's still looking all right. He was never one of my questions, but he still looked the same. I think a lot of them do. They're doing pretty well. I know a lot. Right. A lot of them do. Like Regina Hall looks exactly the same. Um, a lot of the guys look the same, which is really, really great. Some of them look better. Thank you. I think the rent state. The rent state was fine. Okay. And he's still fine. Um, okay. Let me, let me play a little quick and then we'll get to the next thing. Um, let's see. We're going to go into facts. You know, I'll pay attention. I'm going to pay attention. I'm going to assess and just allow us moves. I'll pay attention. Um, let's talk about some music industry stuff. Okay. Um, so apparently I'm going to read off the article, actually. So there was a guy who used basically AI and being smart about stuff and like made lots of money. And he's being indicted on basically fraud, essentially. So, it says Sven's and I musician and I mark massive streaming fraud. He made $10 million in royalties from services, basically with my guy, bro. He was healing it. What did he do? Who's the artist name? So essentially, no, I don't, not that I know of. I read this earlier. Um, he essentially used a bunch of K I bots to basically make music and then fake or not fake the streams, but listen to the song. So it obviously incurs listeners, which means you get paid money. And that's illegal. So that's what's crazy about it because people are like, what law did he really break because don't all streaming services basically do the same shit. But when a regular person does it. I feel like artist does it all the time. Bro, bro. What law is he not bro nothing. I must see if I can break it. I suffered a law. Bring me my money. Here we go. Michael's not 52. That's the other thing. This boy. This guy was 52. So he was with it, bro. North Carolina's word. He was with it. And this was from 17 to 2024. He came up 10,000 and seven years. You fortunately did it. But what is the fraud. What part of it is fraud. Um, so he orchestrated the scheme to get around the platform for detection systems. Why would he do that sucks for you guys. Um, company thing where so the law. Right. So why isn't my fault your platform sucks or doesn't know how to pick it up like it's not my fault. Um, Smith is the piece of working with AI music company, beginning as well as promoted to generate hundreds of thousands of songs. You bought quantities of email addresses to set up fake accounts and use VPN services disguising that he was controlling them from his house. Time out time out time out time out. When you make a Spotify account, it's free. If you want to pay for a premium, then yeah. And you have to get. Where's the law? Give him his money that bro. Like, what? Um, email accounts. And. Open up. He's been charged with money laundering wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which is hilarious. Okay. No, I was actually doing the other stuff. Okay. But like just creating emails to listen to AI songs that he made. That's a legitimate business to me. That's no different from making a YouTube sleep account. To me. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So basically, yeah, and the people of the royalty companies. That's just hilarious because I feel like all the stories we hear about inflated numbers. Um, they do it themselves, like the platforms do it themselves. So when, again, when the individual basis does it and somebody wins, who's not supposed to win. It's like, you know what, there's conspiracy this week. With Sabrina, and Travis, that is correct. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, Travis released Dave's days before rodeo, which was a makes take. And Sabrina, she had her quote, unquote debut album. And Travis won, no, no, no, no, Sabrina won by like a thousand sales. But the crazy thing is all year. People been doing like at the most, a top tier artists this year. Do like 40 K in the first week. She did 361,000 at Travis did 360,000 for music that came out 10 years ago. What? So people are saying like, though, there's something going on because how could Travis re release a mix tape and sell 360,000 in a week. Yeah. Nobody's doing numbers like that anymore. Yeah. Nobody did numbers like that all year. And to be honest with you, I don't think anybody came out. He did 24. Why did you came out? He did 8,000. I think the only person to even do numbers numbers like that nowadays would either just be Drake. I don't think Drake is doing numbers like that this year. I don't, I don't think, but he would be the only person. I, if I saw your numbers, Taylor Swift. Taylor is the one. Yes. Yeah. I wouldn't. Nobody else. I would be like, not us. Or if I would say Beyonce. Yeah. Yeah, but. That's true. I mean, Nicky did because hers did 200 of a first week. I didn't look up a what a Chris say. I'm not a Billy. I wish me like that. But I think she says a lot too. Yeah, she did. That's another person. It's just weird. It's just like, it looks weird that he can't. I saw when comment was like, damn, he's just like that nine. He had to go. I was just like, bro, that we can't win. Even if you like, find a way to like play with the system. They go like, if you're doing wire fraud, how wire fraud. If I got the money. That's crazy. I just don't see what he did. Because he didn't get charged for making fake accounts or all that money laundering. Well, because of what? Because you found out my streams weren't real. So now I'm committing a federal crime because you decided to investigate my screaming numbers. But that's like, to me, that it just, it all seems legitimate. He was doing it out in the open. Like he left it. Just because he found a loophole. I mean, that's to go to prison. Exactly. If anything, pay the man out and then tell him a not exactly exactly. And then however he exactly, but after you paid a man because he did it and he found a loophole. Or come to some settlement, but selling him is crazy. Yeah, getting locked up is crazy. What? Yeah, come out. Like what crime did he commit against humanity at this point? There was how much time he faced in 60 years. He's 52 years old. That's what it is. I was like, I saw the number on here. So it was 60, bro. Come on. It's like 60 years. He's 52 years old. Yes. Let me find out he a black man. I'm going to call Dr. Umar. What? Who are far down? He a black man. Yeah, because that's crazy. Oh, because I got 30. Oh, because I got 200 phones in my garage. You want to lock me up? If it was a young person, maybe try to give a light. I feel like they get up in 60 years, because he's 52. That's like for him. That's why I was a young person. They'll be like electric chair. Meals. This person's a danger to society. That's crazy, bro. If we know whoever he is. Yeah. I just don't see. He broke. He committed a lot of AI. A lot of AI up to since you're there. That's just what comes with technology. You just literally come on, bro. I'm just saying it. That's the case. Like, you know how many people take a lot for the limelight? I know somebody. Some of the comments like, well, what happened is because it takes away from the independent artist. Man, we're talking about this. For AI, lots of people will be turning them innocent pictures of chickens into moving animals because that's creeping me out. Oh, they got some weird shit, bro. They do like it. I got my people who was telling people to commit check fraud and calling it a chase. Oh, the chase shit, bro. Okay. I'm not telling. I'm not telling. I don't have chase, but would you guys, honestly, I know it's high. Would you guys do it if you did have one? No. Okay. Because it's not a glitch. It's litter. I'm putting in a check that's going to bounce and it's going to make my account negative. Once I don't play about one thing I don't play about is like any kind of debt. I don't play about that. Okay. I was going to say, I don't mess around with no bank. So you couldn't get. Yeah, I don't mess around with the IRS, taxes, banks, debt, money, stuff like that. Nope. Yeah. So people, people found out that if you deposit a check or if you apply it through a loan through chase, they up the money to you. And you have like a really small window to take it out before they run through their system and find out it's not good. That was. That was put on quote, a glitch. So, maybe it was getting like 60 K, 50 K. And the same PPT time. So we got to let that go. We're never getting that again. One thing about Jay Morgan Chase. He's long dead and gone. That is going to collect his money. You hear me? The banks are tied in with the government. There's no way you're going to get away with this. Yeah, never. And even if you think you did, you really not going to be looking over your shoulder every time. You got away with 50 60 K, you really not going to think at some point the mail is coming to you or somebody don't come back. So it bounced back, right? They put your. So what I've been hearing is they put your account on hold for five days. After they put your account on hold, they close the account on you with the negative balance. So now they're actively going to try and collect money from you and they're going to garnish your check. You're done, bro. Because the bank of the government is handed him. And if you wanted to take out a $60 loan, but now you have to pay that. Right. For the rest of your life. For some reason, bro. Do you know, it was like $500 and I did it. I'll be like, okay, cool, because I can make that back and just pay it back. But maybe it's a 60. A whole year. I think you just have to be a bad thing. But I think you just have to be. Slow to grasp the concept. That's a corporate word for no. Yeah, you have to have a level of money. So really believe that you can get away with something like that in the year 2024. Like you're not walking into a bank and smashing a bushel of money. Right. You don't think that everything you do on your phone, like everything you do or any type of piece of technology is not. Every time every time we end this part episode, one of the topics we talked about will be an ad on my phone. I showed you guys when we were doing the jacket and literally the ad popped up on Instagram, the same fucking jacket, the brand. It was right there. Alexa Alexa heard you commit them cross. Yeah. No, no, no. She probably daddy and she told the government when the case. Right. Well, that's the same. Freedom. Whoever whoever it is. Yeah. All the crimes, all the Venezuelan gangs running in Colorado, taking the city hostage. You want to charge this. It was 60 years for having 200 phones in his garage in the solar panel. So who's the one that has to pay him? Like Spotify? It was the one it was. So he was using his, he was making his own music with AI. And then on Spotify, and then he had his bots played over and over. It's the royal algorithm. So the royal, so when you have a song, you got publishing and you got royalties and you got a licensing deals. So the royalty company pays the artist based on the revenue that the song is making. So he is independent. Yeah, but. That's a label and that's it. So he registered all his songs. Personally. Correct. Like it's a crime. BMI. There's honestly, but there's no crime. I think they're just mad that he got away with it and they were making an example. And if anything, there should be no judge time and they should still break him off bread because he found a loophole. Oh, well, if anything, they should hire this thing and be like, show us. So we can get these hardest revenues up. Well, that's what I'm saying, probably. Yeah. And say like, real, like, they just not really doing this actually anyways right now. They're artists that are doing this right now. They just mad that this nigga actually, like, didn't. No body. That's crazy. Yeah, come on. Because if he was signed to the music label, you think he would have got arrested? No. No. No. I don't know. Not at all. That's crazy. He found a loophole. He made 10 mil. Then he won't try to take it back. And then in the midst of them taking it back, they're charging you with wire fraud because if they freeze your bank account and you send out money technically by law, that's going to look like fraud because you don't have the money. But if they're freezing by bank account, what do we do? Yeah, man. That's some bullshit. I'm just looking. His songs generated as many as six hundred and sixty one thousand four hundred and forty streams per day. That's hilarious. Hey, he was cooking. My guy was cooking, bro. But what am I? If I made a song and I paid my mom to just listen to it. You're giving me a song. I don't care about your little mom, but let your mom multiply into millions of listeners. And then there's an issue, then there's a. But they got box for, they got box farms in China. Oh, for sure. They have crypto. You've seen them big ass warehouses. They got GPUs running. It's just a warehouse full of computers running shit. Like, of course, or the phone rooms. Like you said, a garage full of fucking phones on stands and chargers of just playing. You're just playing. No, that's environmentally dangerous. I don't agree with that. Still. Still. It's not illegal. It's not. It's just smart, bro. It's just heavy. He just came up and got caught. Loki. Some of the some of the people in the industry should get this nigga out of this little. And they're going to let them. Exactly. And pay the man. Hey, man. They're probably mad because they found out how easy it is. Yeah. But, but you're like, you can't lock me up. Just because you're mad that I'm getting money and you got. That's crazy. That's what they do. They do it. Yeah, that's crazy. That's the same thing. They'll do it to not to just like to make it weird or anything. But the same thing to do with like stocks and trading and shit. They'll lock somebody up for like insider trading. Don't let like one story. Yeah, but like let a normal person do that shit. Life. And Martha still way when she did some, but then she also get like half of it was like house arrest. It was like house arrest type shit. She wants a regular. Yeah, a little regular person. Oh, that's what it was about. Max security. It's done. It's done, bro. You're done. That's crazy. Check it with a bubble, isn't it? What you in here for beating the government and getting inside your info and making it. Information the day before the government. You know, that they already know. That man on catch, catch me if you can. He got it started helping them to like track people down. I was coming in for it. And Jordan Belford. Jordan Belford never paid for what he did for real. I mean, it's going internationally speaking to college kids. Now he's getting paid to tell you all about the scale. That is. That's what I'm saying. And they're going to lock this way up for. You know, this is great. This is a traffic. So he should be doing seminars instead of eating bread and water for breakfast in prison. Yeah. If he's not smart, he's. Let's see what happens. Let's see what happens to the rest of the. You know, it's the same thing. It's like it's like when kids like tech kids find out how to hack the IRS. They they hired him. Exactly. Exactly. You beat us at our own gang. We're not safe. Here's a job. And then what's held this man? You come in money laundering. Why? Because I'm getting money. Hey. Now he knows how to fill be a black man. We don't know if he is black or not. Do we not? Yeah. I'm just mad. Now he knows how to fill. Yeah, he do know how to fill. Because if we get some money, they do that shit. That is a whole disenfranchisement because he really created a new land. Like there was nothing illegal going on. He cracked the code. That's what happened to them. You found out that. And I'm just making this shit up. Like if you play a song for five seconds and then press back again, it comes as a stream. Maybe that was the loophole that if he just capitalized on it, he capitalized. And then they said, no, no more. You're nothing is crazy though. 60 years when you're 52. You should have got to slap on a risk for that. Just give us half the money back. We'll let you keep half because you did get us. I'm saying. They should be saying to him how you want this and the annuity. Because you want it in ones and stacks. That is crazy. I don't like that. I don't like it either. He cracked. I thought I was like, bro, how was that? I was that even. It's like there's seven years for them to even catch up. So he was doing. That's so uninspired. Right. I want to figure out nothing else for the rest of my life and fear that. I was just talking to somebody about how, like, if you dig in your backyard and find like a diamond. You were a diamond. What? It's my. It's the government's diamond. They go take it. They go to the black market. We all got one friend that can get us into some shit. For sure. I don't know. I got that friend. No. I'm not talking about like some crazy. I don't have that friend in high school. The closest I had. It was this kid. It was. He. I wonder what happens to him because he will be showing us like snuff films. What the. Like nine. What is that? I'm talking about stuff like. Like you might get their head cut off. Okay. I would be like, yo, what? Yeah. I'm. We grew up in the. The live area. Yes. There we go. That's the website I'm looking for because there was. I definitely remember watching some of the. I thought when. I still think about that like once in a while. It was in Mexico. This dude chopped off his wife's head because she. Got caught cheating. And he showed the kids. I was like, what the. Wow. I feel like it do be fake. But then at the same time, I'm like, maybe it is real. That's not real. I had to be fake because why were we able to access it so easily? Like. Because I did. But I think about like, I just think it was like not. Should I have Chris said he got you. I'll flip a dime for you. If you find the diamond. Got you. I'm going to Africa. I don't know. That's scary because if you go to Africa with a diamond. I don't know. I don't know about myself. It don't matter where you go. Yeah, that's why Chris Chris said. Well, if she got John Wick coming with you. Oh, I'm a comments. Hold on. Chris said, no, I feel similar. Yeah, that's the ones I'm talking about because we were in the middle of Iraq when they were like taking prisoners. And that's when we were on live league in middle school. And that's when I saw some heads being chopped and it was. Yeah, that stuff was crazy. And I was just like, I can't believe. But I think China's because the internet was like. In there. I don't know how to explain it. I just feel like it was no. It was like, yeah, nobody was guarding that shit. Like they could or should have been, but it was like. I mean, it's, I guess it's not the same anymore. But when they were bombing Ukraine in Russia, we saw some TikTok videos that were. Yeah. I saw some girls. I was like, yeah. I was going up cafes, like first person, you and everything. But now it's like back then, like for, for kids to be desensitized to a back then was crazy. Like, I think we were the last age of kids that were like. This is still kind of wild because I think if you show the. If you show that to like a kid today, for all the stuff they see, they probably would think it's fake and like not even fame. You know what I mean? I mean, like any kind of reaction toward it. Whereas like me, this boy was showing me this stuff in 11th grade. In the morning, and I'm about to go to AP English. Like, what is, what are you showing? I'm uncomfortable. I don't want to see this. That's insane. God damn it. It was. He didn't have like school shooter vibes. Like he was cool, but he would be like, yo. You want to see a dead body? No. No. I can't see that. Right. That's nice. Especially not in the fucking morning. Bro, let me. Geez. It would be crazy. It is. He was like a transfer student too. So I feel like he was kind of doing that to make friends. That's not a good way. That's a good way to make me look at. Yeah, it was. Right. Yeah. It was like, yo, what? Do I want to see what? He was the one who showed me to, um. Remember to be in the pain Olympics? That was. Oh, yeah. That's what I got. I put that cup in his butt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was the one who he showed me stuff like that. Like, I found out about two girls. The first time I thought it was funny. I did too. Cause the first time I lost, I was like, that's not real. And then. Because I don't want to say it out loud. I thought it was real, but I thought it was. Like funny. I can't. It was disgusting, but I had to watch it again. Cause I was like, yo, what am I saying? Didn't believe it. I didn't believe it. The way they presented it, they made it. They made it look like it was ice cream. I forgot a lot. It didn't look real. I was like, wait. It did look a little swirly. Like, yeah. And the way they have the cameras, it was zoomed in. So it's like, but then when they zoomed out, I'm like, nah. but our time like that time was like remember and like all that like absurdist humor that was coming out at the time and stuff like stuff like that would be funny to me cuz it would be like is isn't real or not you know what I mean? I want advice we might be we might be like the last era of the super duper be cuts I see what could be but I do see I was thinking about it the other day because somebody was talking to me about um what's the the black streamer not not Kai oh speed yeah yeah they were talking to me about him and how like they think a lot of his stuff is like menstruating but if he was white he would just remind us of like Tom Green or somebody you know I mean like he would just be like a white boy while it out I don't think it's fair that he has like the criticism of the Coonerie buffoonery type stuff cuz I don't think you know what I mean it's like they only say that because he's every time every time I see speed he's always like either doing a flip or barking like a dog that dog should be jumping crazy yeah it was funny the first time I seen it I mean I could see why people said I don't think it's true though that he's left like yeah I don't think so I don't think he's doing a menstrual show I don't think it's that criticism of him is fair I do think he'd be wilding out he definitely but I don't think he's mad athletic though he's very athletic I think yeah he's competitive too I don't know I feel like he's too young for me oh I never really watched a speed stream I never watched it either I just see like you know TikToks and stuff like that yeah I see like the highlights like if I got a guess I'll watch it depending on who the guest is I've never watched a stream either but I did see speed and Kevin Durant but didn't see that interview actually it was funny I saw that oh speed in the interviews I think we should tell Darryl that he was right about that Tyree's thing since Tyree's was just in the part for his like new movie or documentary or whatever oh yeah he was just because he was he's doing a documentary basically oh wait did I miss it what happened no I was just listening to a couple like you remember a couple weeks ago and Tyree's did the National Anthem and he had the beard and the beaming and he kind of looked like Marvin Gaye oh yeah I do remember yeah yeah so it's called wildflower wild child that's the uh that's the album okay I was gonna say because I've seen that on a breakfast close I thought the album was called my beautiful pain or something yeah that's what it is my beautiful pain but anyway he's making a film either a film or like a documentary on on a tape in a browser no I think it was more of an era it's more of an era I just don't remember specifically what it was but anyways we owe you apology because he obviously was playing the part of X Y and C so I'm glad he wasn't crashing out how recent is the funniest woman being on the planet I felt bad for him recently I he's inch has the movie premiere he was crying cuz he got served court papers that yeah child support yeah served at a red carpet if I was making sad like damn I can't even celebrate you can I'm gonna celebrate I'm so late I'm so late that you have to serve me the only time you see me is when I decide to step out right I didn't listen to the album yet but from what I heard I heard it's pretty sad no sad music from I'm a way to get cold outside and I'm a check it out yeah we got a way to winter for the arm he's like a singer I was like back in the day I kind of thought he didn't really have any range but it's about the riots I'm sorry there we go that makes sense that makes sense why they were talking about it it's about the 1992 LA riots following the Rodney King verdict stuff all I do want to go see that movie that's that's what it was cuz he was talking to Shannon about that that's what I remember I don't watch his thing I saw the Marla Wayans one went up to I got to watch that oh did y'all watch the interview because I watched I watched the the shaded shark Marla Wayans interview it was really really good I haven't yet I think some clips but I don't watch it yet the Wayans family as a whole very underappreciated they're really they're really pioneers in this shit never brought up which is kind of crazy like some of the things I didn't know I didn't know about the in living color halftime show and the NFO was like nah you talk about comedy hype no it was one of the shaded interview too I know but I was saying comedy hype put it out about like a couple years ago and then how they got hold out a scary movie franchise that was kind of crazy but what happened Harvey Weinstein hold them no further they wanted a certain amount of money they kept low balling comedy hype put out a video about that too a couple years ago Marla what you did the interview for it with the information or do a lot of people don't watch comedy hype I think it was a really great interview and there was no DJ Vlad shade which I was kind of surprised I think that got taken out of context for real for real I think he I don't think he was saying like I'm worth $40,000 for you to pay me this interview I think he was saying like for everything that you do to the black community if you want me to come on this platform this is what you have to pay not you know what I mean like not like I'm worth I'm worth this for him so you're saying like he showed up for Shannon for free not even like outside of the black thing just like in general like if I'm going to a black platform because he did speak that in the interview he was like he was on some like black people should help black people type shit that would actually make more sense if he did charge Vlad because Vlad is not a black platform and it's like if you want me over here, I'm going to eat off hey I'm out yeah right if you want to eat off me I'm going to eat off you yeah because if Vlad started tripping and then obviously he was proved wrong he was like he wouldn't even get 20k views he's like sure but I see everybody loves Marlin Marlin they love Marlin Marlin they love Sean they love all the wings like maybe not the current generation because they're not as known as the previous one but well here's the thing I don't think that Marlin is really funny and has stand up I don't think none of them are funny but they're legendary but I think they're funny when they're given a script and like when they make their own shit yeah like I think they're like funny actors comedic actors but like as far as comedians that makes sense though because their bread and butter is movies television I think our writers because I think like Keena Ivory Waynes is like a good writer and I think Daniel Waynes my wife and kids is like lowkey one of my favorite shows ever I like that show Junior Junior he was really stupid it made me laugh yeah he was funny he was really dope I didn't have no intro or nothing I'm just starting to it right that is true Wayne brothers show was good too R.P. the pops yeah one of my favorites too did we do the last few tier list black circles no you can find one I'm a fine one yeah I was gonna say actually well if you can look on the side for one like right now well I found one to do that's short enough that I think we could do I can actually I'll end for that yeah we should do we should also do like black movie biopics that's a good one because you got Ali you got R.A.T. you got R.A.T. you got music once too you got that that American dream does dream girls count dream girls well no cuz it's not actually about real people I guess but that means no five heartbeats which is crazy I was looking crazy when I found out that was a real group I was like that's the wrong movie but yes if you haven't watched it yet Marley Wayne Shannon Sharp it's like two hours really good really informational episode he thought about his uh don't he got a trans yeah he talked about that too oh bro what has to they definitely have likes it comes but we should wait till we have Duane and or Chris if not both I don't know about that but I don't feel like Duane watching good shit bro I don't think he never seen good times I don't think he never watched Martin bro I know I hate it for him too bro but he don't think it's funny like he wouldn't think it's funny now Chris is still in the chat I'm gonna ask him what she'll like beginning era because if you start off at my wife and kids then you can join but if it's anything younger than that I don't know everybody hates Chris was after my wife and kids though and that's a good one very underrated she was funny it was underrated that was my CTV of my house I that's crazy though as they current on that but yes um moving on into the entertainment news I spice this will be quick because now I know what happened um oh clear trap of I spice I like I spice invite a clear trap to go on to her she told her that she got her as far as transportation but because they are friends the other person was thinking you know that means you got me all the way and that didn't happen so now they're beefing um I think this is a good convo off of that into separating business and friends sometimes or drawing the lines and where it's at because I feel like their situation could have been handled with a conversation with management and them all yeah because they both have they both got points but it's more so like I don't think they understand the context of what they're doing I think it's just getting out of control because they're not gonna they're young and they're not gonna look at it from a grand scale they're looking at they're taking it personal when it's just I I spices on her first tour she just dropped the album she doesn't have a super big budget I wouldn't think she would um just look up the I'm gonna look up all the cuz I like Cleo I'll follow her before I know she was actual like rapper she used to make funny videos um but I always liked her so I'm gonna look it up and see how is she shitty Chris I spent for Shady because she was making food like fat food jokes that was wild okay see I didn't at the same time though I feel like I spice shouldn't have stepped out and invited her on tour because I spice is not in control What did she what did she say about Cleo it was like food comments something about I think she said something too enough like you always get worried about eating some shit like that I just think the the wording the they just weren't clear so I feel like both sides just wearing probably to be honest if this was her first tour I spice probably didn't know Yeah logistically speaking what she could even provide per se and I don't think and Cleo what's her name? Cleo Trapper Cleo Trapper probably this is a good man sounds like she just was expecting a lot more and I just think they didn't their expectations didn't line up because they didn't know either one didn't know I don't think I was looking at it from a friend's perspective and I spice was looking at it from a you got to get it out the mud like I did but I'm gonna provide you with a transportation part but it's weird cuz I feel like that should be handled or that should have been like explain like yo we're going on tour supposedly right she said I got you which why don't we have managers that are managing that Yeah, I don't know that's my thing cuz we could be friends all day have my people call your people let's do lunch all that with the lines to find let's figure out exactly what we got going on Because if I tell will if I'm out with him and I say you know I got you and I don't worry about it. I would assume that will would do everything he would do if he was paying it for himself and vice versa And right if you ever go out wherever you ever go out to eat and like somebody ain't got the money or you hit him up like yo we going out tonight like I don't get paid till next week I got you that means I got you that means you're gonna eat you're gonna get a drink you're gonna be included in the group you're not gonna be the only nigga with no food I got you to me means you do everything exactly what you would be you would have done anyways yes I got you Yeah, but when business gets involved that I got you can change because like I'm saying like I don't think I spice was in control of her tour she obviously wasn't because but then to turn around and if somebody viewed you as a friend and then turn around and like look down your nose at them like well you should have that's the ego part that's the part that is fucked up That's what it's like we'll wait a minute bro cuz like we was friends and you said you got me and like we both you obviously I think I spice has the bigger platform I knew about Cleo Cleo way before I spice but you know I don't know I just I hate this freedom and I hope that they can actually sit down and hash it out because I think a conversation would take this a long way we need more unity and rap we need more unity Yeah, it's just a misunderstanding I think and it's a shame but yeah yum - I don't know if I knew that you were gonna go in on tour and well this is assuming again like we don't know what I spice didn't know assuming she didn't know nothing because her management was taking care of her side Like if I said come on my tour with me I said I got you as another friend you're assuming you at least got a fucking room for me bro so when I get there and I don't have no room that's right she didn't have a room she was cleaning up the makeup the makeup artist makeup artist I'm gonna be kind of like what so what am I expecting the rest of the way like oh you're not yeah you're not telling me when you're eating so I'm just like for real out here by myself really you just invited me but I'm really out here just by myself For real that's crazy to say we don't even know we don't know we got paid for the shows don't even that's true because they could turn into like you can open up for me but I'm in you what did you have that you got me and I get here and it ain't nothing what did you have for me to put you I don't know or I don't know exposure I don't know it goes like that sometimes it's kind of I think Cleo's exposure on Instagram is bigger than I spice So I think that really came from from Cleo that really came from my friend like oh this girl got me and then to turn around and be like no she don't like you got your own room you got to buy your own food you can't use my makeup artist and all there was a security issue too security was not providing any service to her either You get a whole luggage bags safety concerns like what did you yeah that's crazy what did you have though she accordingly I guess the opportunity to perform she didn't get paid she didn't get paid according to these like tweeted out and says that replying to a fan who claimed Cleo Patrick was about that bag and nothing else the star admitted she was not paid for being part of the tour and it's a comment y'all thinking I got paid is hilarious I was played and unpaid she wrote that makes sense actually heard not getting paid so that's why so literally yeah I just am out here for the look and they said I expect to ask her to date before her so she uprooted her whole life for like the good 60 days to make $0 and coming out of pocket I'm not I'm not gonna lie if this was even miscommunication I don't think I rock with you at all after this yeah I don't think so tonight even paid me on the back and be like yo look it was a whole misunderstanding my bad I didn't really have control the room okay I didn't really have control of security okay but here's your breath for at least coming out the day before I needed you I needed somebody you came out I'm gonna break you off son if not yeah I think that's kind of wild plus like I spice is I hate the second time I hate to say this about that girl but I really don't think she got a long career ahead of her I don't I don't think so either this the second time she had a fallout with a friend and she's been accused of doing shady shit what's the other one the first one the one that got her kicked off a Nikki oh remember that one the friend that expose that I suppose that I should talk about looking yeah leave the text messages yeah oh wow that's why you don't want a bottle and she beat from a lot of losing that you pretty easily so you came out and you've already beefing with like the top your top competitors but you're not as skilled and then the biggest one that extended their hand to help you and wanted to sign you to her label kind of would have got you late you turned around and talked shit about her behind her back oh she did that the drink to I was crazy and in her defense we all know what type of freaky freaky freaky proposition he proposed we don't know that but that's one pass we did the same he tried to fly around and sign her the crazy thing with the Nikki situation is Nikki never offered first of the even have her own record label and to sign women that's crazy and you turned around and spit on that that's insane Nikki is selling 220 in a week see I don't know that much about it this is all stuff that I'll be seeing on Instagram and I'll be looking into it I'll be skimming the captions because I just you know I'm all for a fun and in breezy little record but I really think all her records sound the same I spices the flow is the same I feel like it's the same like rock the same raw schemes the beats are the same too the beats sound like if they sound like rental I go like it's not like fun house music she would kill that you think you said you ain't even a fart when I heard that beat I was like this sounds like blues clues music it sounds like so good look at it right with poo like what the fuck is that it's it's pretty bad to be honest I'm not a good the boys a liar was was good that's her best song and I don't know what happened after that yeah I was with Nikki her shit sounded at least half better Oh they're barbing song yeah it sounded at least half better but now it's like I don't think she gonna make it till the end of this year I'm not how to cute like personality but like to keep getting included in all of these games she had the sex appeal she lost it because she lost Halloween I still have the sex appeal some some it's not the same the internet's already on her ass about it but some I don't know people like it some like it thinks some like it is she was hotter when she was ice only got a year and y'all putting two thousand time I think that's it I think we go to see her debuting the only fans and I hate to say that but it is what it is the way back on it either that when she goes on to Zeus network it's just trying to act I think she's trying she in a movie with there's no washington Billy I heard I heard that I heard that they just had her wear like a mid-cut and like feed him a great and I'm not trying to be funny I know she's in that movie bro yeah but I don't think I don't think she's speaking in that movie I hope not you know man how can I see this one outside they didn't put her in a trailer they had her as like one of the hoes I thought this is a whole nother movie they was talking about right I can't believe she's in that I'm not I was trying to go see that I'm not gonna watch it if she's not going to watch it I'm still gonna go see it yeah how you know OF is dying Chris so bad baby she's still a thing according to her income only hands I never done in bro as long as if a lot of people got private parts people will be selling views to the private parts I think it'll plateau like I think it'll be the next the next thing will come you know what to be even more wild for sure it's the game we'll have pay for you Chris I said how do you know only only fans is dying I think it's I think it'll replace I think it replaced porn for all I mean honestly I kind of like that for us as a society cuz like the fake stuff is like it is weird wait is that the answer like a lot of the fake porn are like we grew up with you know like this I'm only 17 don't tell my dad like that kind of stuff was weird you know what I mean I think now we kind of live in a better society when it comes to that so I can respect that I think I think OF is gonna go the niche the niche route and I think that's how they're gonna make their money like if you have a real specific like fantasy you want to watch you could probably find it on the left yeah you probably like whatever it is by chance switching us anybody listen to Shawn's and his stuff I did man I did at least show the chance and I'm not gonna like my review I don't listen to it so I don't have no opinion of it I feel like when it gets colder I think that's when you should listen to it just a suggestion I mean I really listen to to I just listen to baby King's whole CD I love the way wait what wait you say you listen to who's baby King okay just on a whim the other day I was like let me listen to it what you think I really like it I like baby King but you know I just I don't it might be too dreamy for me like it's just it might teach you might be respect to him though I really like him as a person yeah I did I did it's how many times how many times three or four I and I picked like my couple that I like saved and then that's about it okay how did I album how many songs you like let's see I got you I saved I attacked that I would say about there's like three so 22 songs on the album you only like three that's crazy typecast the superstar one who you are the one with the Usher samples fire yeah I like it though it it's better it's not yeah it's different I hear I'll play it real quick I mean I'll just block it out when we put the cook up Chris what do you think to and then Daryl what would you rate it man I so I tried to listen to I listen to that word first I'm like okay maybe I need to listen to it in a car maybe it's different in a car so I listen to it in a car I'm like okay it does sound better in a car I don't think the album is really made for headphones like that and I'm being badass I'm not trying to be funny he got Charlie Wilson and Sid on this album yeah the Sid the Sid Dry is pretty dope soon Charlie Wilson when it's done and see you on the Taylor yeah all right I'm gonna listen to it tomorrow and I'm listening to it tomorrow The fuck these hating ass bitches so they take it personal and you know that hey that's as long as the work flow pacy squirpy or water size surf those pussy fine I'm a water phone automatically let the phone know well that's how you'd review one for one right now you know who you are fucking with it nigga let it take it too far you don't want to be so far yet I take it from the back to a superstar yeah but it it is fire that's why I like it and I saved it but there's also a lot of man on it remember there's twenty one tracks right it was twenty twenty seven twenty two a lot of filler tracks yeah I always go back and forth between a six and a seven for the album because like the superstar song I do like that one that is a good one it's one of the highlights of the album actually the song you got with Cash Cobain I like that one too the one with Charlie is cool I don't like the one with Gunna and I don't like the one with Bryce and Taylor and Kodak black that one's okay too it's not much later but that is cool Thundercats on album that was a pleasant surprise I fuck with Thundercat I am going to listen to this I I literally I would have got Ellie Golden over there yeah I'm listening to this I'm gonna listen to it tomorrow and that is you know next next next episode we'll have to get us ready so Chris has six and a half what are you saying you said six seven I'm going between I'm always stuck between six and seven and I feel like I'm leaning towards seven a little bit more but I got a personal bias because I mean you know like when Bigshot first came out pause like I was like I was like yo y'all got listen Bigshot he doesn't rap like he that's finally famous volume three come on now so like this album it's a lot of it's a lot of mystery and I don't like it I see I like that because it's the point where like he'll do an interview and someone to bring up his exact bars and it's like yo is this directed at Kanye when the whole world knows you're talking about Kanye because I'm trying big bro outside of yay it's just yay bro that's me and I feel like you should just the way this year is you should just stand on it to the name on it no I think it's it's cuz I think there's still like art in being an artist and like they're still on my use of word that we all hate but you could still be demure when you're explaining like you're what your songs are about and like it could still be a little era of mystery to me I feel like the timing is wrong the beat just the beat just settled is right so people are still kind of like we don't know drink or back out we still waited and then it's up shine like hey mental health from here is like it's cool but it's like I don't think there's a right time I feel like he can do it I feel like he has better mental health songs that he did beforehand that's better than this album I think that's the one before Detroit to that album I decided I can see yeah I could see the I decided I had a lot of mental mental health on there but it was fly it was like good good top tier bars the beat was perfect this one it sounds like wait you mean dark sky or I decided I decided I decided I decided I decided I don't know I don't know how to do this too but at the same time I like a good it's not the sleep this quality it's the like I think Big Sean has always been kind of like he's not good at this and I just think he's always been a like the the medicine is in the what does that say medicine in the candy yeah the medicines in the candy kind of rapper if you're a medicine in the candy kind of rapper and somebody says who is this about you're going to say well who do you think it's about you're going to I don't want I don't want Big Sean the beef what I want is Big Sean to stand on business his whole career he's been dodging the A and B topics like him I'm not saying he should have diss Kendrick but Doug Kendrick may humble he stole your tagline and made it a hit song like when it went away bro come on now you go act coy and be like no I think that's about me but he just used my tagline for one of his biggest songs at the time I just think it's okay to still be true because I think everybody said what they had to say about J Cole that one time and then a couple weeks later everybody changed their mind but I think that I think that has always been the same kind of guy I feel like he's always been like a like a dreamy kind of artsy mysterious but he's not good at it though that's very good at it if he was good at it people wouldn't be pointing if he's a good like a sneak disser like everybody want him to be but that's not what people would be pointing the bars at a person they would just be like shit it's ambiguous I don't really know who it is like but he's that's that's the point of it if you say if you say something and everybody knows who's it's about and then somebody will ask you who is it about us the same thing that I do when I say whatever you heard about me is true and that's a dairy I'm not addressing it because I said what I said I like more of the I don't really know who like when when they revealed that Drake and Kendrick been dissing each other for 10 years straight and we just now picked up on it that made me go like damn let me go listen to it and see I don't think that's cool because they've been sneak dissing for years decade I don't think that's cool they don't sneak dissing is like oh you're talking about Kanye within an hour but I don't think any of that is cool like I think it's cool to express yourself in your music and say what you have to say and then people can take it whatever way they want to take me because he's B tier or 18 because he doesn't attend as do a good job at layering the sneak this no I don't I'm for positivity I don't really it's it it's about the art of rap I'm not talking about him as a person him as a person I like a lot he positive as hell father take care of his kid there's positivity and rap when rap started out we was at the park yeah I am what's up we was positive and helping our brothers you're a 1980 mumble jumbo but I think you have to I don't I think you can still say something what's up you like like I don't like what this person did and I'm saying this in my song whatever then express that and get that off and then like I don't think it has to be a scandal I don't think it has to be a I said this about you and I'm calling you out that's true very much be I said what I said and if you thought that's who it was about then you thought that's who it was about but you could turn or but get an interview and say and know when we know it's not a no it's like come on but I don't know because it's not it's not our art to send it I think it's about this person but it's really about this person I think Sam is funny you should listen to it Eli did you listen to Sean's um what do you think of it? So father did talk is fired up it's a dis song I think it's just um it's just a different vibe from Sean it's not a pretty Sean is more like the mental shot which is chill but it's the same like I saw a clip from It's still 90 degrees outside so me listening to a slow tempo big shot and that it right now I'm always in the mood I'm always in the vibe it should be my favorite rapper He should be I don't see what we should be he should be you fought for him plenty of times I think he's you know he's drunk me who shot We all got our bias will goes hard for K-DOT me and Chris V used to go hard for training but I don't know now we all got our bias and Cheyenne's was big Sean that was her We favorite rapper because I never said he wasn't a great rapper I don't know any of his songs I don't really listen to to rap but I'm saying if if I had one I probably I wonder if her phone died yeah it's a bit of a rant phone cut hmm all in all seven kind of six and a half is really like seven seven I grew up honestly I don't know if I grew up and I don't like it sounding more what I think it's different I think it's the time in bro it's too it's still hot outside we're fresh off the beef This year as a whole has been very anti everything big Sean is doing Like really think about it like everyone is calling everyone out celebrity is a going against each other rappers doing is each other singers going against each other Everybody's like yep yep yep yep people are breaking up old stories like it's a lot going on you got the deadler you got young thug you got fucking Kefi D you got all the rap girls hated each other like it's a lot this year Here comes Sean with the polar opposite which in a sense it's a good shock because it's like oh okay it's not bad but then it's like everybody else is lit right now It's just weird Cheyenne you got cut off mid-ramp your phone probably died yeah no I think I accidentally hit the X oh she was winning she was going in a coddle with myself Yeah it's good I think it's what I would have liked like kid cutty to be huh honestly I might be a weird take but he's trying to talk about like the chill the vibe like chill relax or are you talking about how they conduct themselves publicly I think both because when kid cutty first came out like I was a boy I was a kid cutty fan fan fan fan fan but then like more toward his like his path They started taking some creative liberties that were just kind of a little weird I think I know like no judgment I liked a lot of his his projects but I think if kid cutty had just like been 2009 kid cutty and like stayed that way I think that that would be big challenge I got you I got you all right well did you ever find a black sitcom tier list I think that would be fun Yeah we can do this is fun yeah we can do it there's quite a few of them but let me just read them are we ranking cause we should see I mean it is a classic black if I put the crime aside it's pretty up there and go look the show it is just to put me to sleep every night and now look at what happened wait a time out maybe here let me share my screen I'm like I don't know that I see it on here real quick I'm just going to put my hands on up let me just share my screen Oh he said kid cutty and big shot sound different I don't like it yeah a whole different vibe no I didn't watch deliverance yet I didn't I didn't watch it good I don't know so so bad it's good the same viral part so I don't know I see parkers on the list I see the costume show I'm shipping is it on there I don't know that I see it he said five out of ten but funny little he damn wait it's a F but funny but deliverance oh deliverance all right I don't see the kind of show here I must be tripping I will get to it I guess but I don't know that I see it on all right it's on the second row what's the criteria Shane how you want to I don't know are we writing in terms of like rewatch ability if it's funny I feel like funny when show how how yeah yeah cuz there's a lot of evidence cuz if we do we watch ability shit I don't know that's kind of shoot up like we can put it on top stuff like overall is it a dish show yes or no yeah make it simple today I ain't trying to blow my brain into the pause where we got well that amount quality this is a rank on quality quality black sitcoms all right who's first how many s's we got five oh one two three four one two three four five six eight nine yeah we're looking at forty plus so maybe what seven s why do I do five no because then everything's a fucking s that's this is not what it is it makes it makes the list stronger sometimes if we put a cop if it's getting to be too many s then the shoot for five and seven I've s seven black excellence we're talking about here I yeah but we still got to keep it like for real I don't know man it's our people will um I know let's just start if it's okay what's this one called again the parenthood is that what it was I remember her too I just didn't watch it like that it was a good show it was kind of corny but it's definitely not a s do you make like a don't know to your cuz that one I actually do not know you never think parents are loving it no they played the best friend watch all right okay um wait you where would you rate it trying I would probably put it like b or c it was pretty good it was kind of corny but like Robert Townsend it's a legend the mom died RIP on the show in real life in real life yeah I don't care I called it damn phone um anyone know this one two to seven I remember it a little bit that was all right we're doing a king unit yeah he's only he's only last or what like two seasons yeah it was funny though cool people still say that shit to this day um that's like a see that's not real memorable but like it was funny right or washable right you washability type would you watch it again I would watch it again but I'm not like it changed to watch it again I can't look at for it okay uh cousin skater kind of skater was so iconic I remember watching this all the time um that's I got to tell a lot of the first off to that begging good right that is true because he was cute too I would go I would say I would say hey because it was like a friend while we were kids I don't but I don't think it's like real can you name one episode of cousin skater no see I remember when he had the other puppet on there but I can't remember her name wasn't it like Shaniqua or so? it might have been I'm going to get you work cuz I don't yeah it was iconic but you can't remember an old episode it was so long ago I haven't watched it a long time yeah it's like I'm thinking right now I think I think he really hold me shiny cuz I really can't think of nothing I remember that the mom was the dad of the mom of the great the mom was Felicia from Friday and the dad was the dad from Raven yeah we're talking about it yeah yep Rondelle Street yeah but that's that's it and I remember Lila was making good I'm gonna say B too cuz I can't think of that specific but I know it wasn't bad yeah I think B is agreeable all right oh this is what's his name is that hanging with Mr. Cooper yeah Cooper there you go yeah that's all right I mean the whole Steve Harvey type I like and that's crazy because I like the Steve Harvey show more I'm saying bro that's what I'm saying because the Steve Harvey show got a bullet head we'll get to that I mean what would you put Cooper's then I'm gonna see cuz it's not it's not a bad show it was corny if they didn't add heracle the show would have been got cancelled and that's a fact but they over-ircled it they did they turned it to the erkel show his main interest she was kind of trash like she was kind of trash morally she wasn't cool but the girls that had a crush on an erkel that's what I was thinking about my real yeah my was the one Lora was kind of sure Lora was trash that's what I'm getting buried like her morals was annoying let's see we had Eddie Winslow he wanted to be like his dad he got shot like the first week that was horrible too wilding I remember his dad always had to save him from being beat up then you want to turn it out be a cop they had Orlando Brown and I showed up they did a young Orlando he played 3j I'm gonna say see I was like I will sit and watch the episode it was on but it's not better was on I'm watching that you know it's crazy step on was more corny than Erkel I never had the nerve to say that man was fine he was not gone alter ego bro come on now how to alter ego more corny than the main ego but they thought he would fool back then he was eating it up I'm not posting them with these nachos what show is this I didn't know what it is is a cut I don't ask at all so I can tell you maybe you were a cuz that's my market you think and it was all I only remember like seeing like a couple episodes I feel like it came on after Eve you remember how you would do that I would say yeah I never cuz it wasn't a cut to spin off of another show I think it was I want to say it was a spin off of a park or something like that I don't remember how much about cut stuff but it aired from 05 to 06 literally with 30 I can't do math 31 full episodes nine first season 22 second season that's it I think we got our first team buddy okay I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know I'm gonna put it at their watch okay I mean I decided down there the game I didn't watch the game but you know it's iconic I watched the three seasons that were like the first iteration of the show because you know they like changed the show multiple times they brought brandy in there yeah yep she was his wife yeah my cut off is when brandy left the show okay so I would say they got scenes that I remember yeah people want to choke hold when it was on I remembered up yeah I mean I watched it during was a wild name Oh for sure bro he was going ham bro see the wild name bro once he first had a starter he was wrapped his wallet his true colors came out he was a dick easily Martin there we go Martin is a girl Martin is a ultimate black sitcom show on this whole list to me I got some contenders up there but Martin is like number you could watch Martin any time they like if it's not on MTV at two in the morning well it's on Netflix now so you watch it whenever you want whatever you want um Bernie Mac Show Bernie Mac is for me too I like okay I was gonna say I was gonna say I know where it is for me it's S tier but I don't know about you America for me that was much easier than that was a top tier that was top tier show very much funny bro I think my wife and kids might be as to it is for me okay see maybe we will have to stretch out the five and S complex the outer space now let me tell a little into dope flex never watched flex is married to my cousin like you're a blood cousin at your cousin my mom's blood cousin put it in S cuz I've never seen Michelle so yeah I didn't I didn't watch it either yeah I never watched this the only one I didn't want all one that's yep this is Jamie Foxx show that's not here for me I mean I want to I want to see as Nancy but y'all got me so it goes and it's fancy a Braxton key heart and a break and the one where he had been my Christmas up so he can't be living was it Christmas he can't be living oh yeah that's the one there we go there we go that's the jimmy got the jingle job that's it was funny hmm that was the absolute to I love the jamey foxer that's another one that you can put on the background Romeo Romeo Romeo let me watch that show Romeo show I'm gonna say see for me let's see okay cool I'm like I watched like what I can tell you that about it today right I had the little brother from honey and then they had a white brother oh and I thought I really remember I do remember that episode he was cooking that chili yeah that's all I can tell you about that show there we go smart guy we put smart guy at I put it at a it's not quite as but it's very top here's a very good show yeah I would say this is it's kind of funny but it's kind of like I don't know I thought like life he lessens than in shit would you watch it today not over any of these definitely not Marcus and Mo were funny though I like the dad on the show too like he was firm and he gave you like good advice to right John Marshall Jones alright so where will we put it see be I would put it at A honestly I'm gonna drag you down a bit so I'll be with zero and put it be me yeah what's next Raven oh y'all go I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say it looks like a it's a a plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus that's so funny but it's not quite as clear for me but it's it was a good show the great show it's almost almost as for me very close that's where I'm gonna go around to back when he was okay I don't this is black black ish okay I didn't really watch I would I would put black ish at A I really enjoyed that show really me neither so is Anthony Anderson I hate him what I can not see it cool I don't know what it is about him I don't like him what I like his comedic acting yeah when he came on Bernie Mac showed him episodes just pissed me off for gosh I thought it was funny cuz he was always chaotic that means he did a good job right I don't know I never liked him growing up okay that comes across Anthony Anderson Lawrence fish burn okay I do not remember her name but Jennifer Lewis the guest appearances are top tier they get all the great guests like I'll give it a lot the episode of Chris Brown time he dying oh I got Chris Brown I'll see I got lost that have me rolling I'm with the Lakers that won't have me laughing to I will put it at a but yeah we never see me yeah sorry what I want what I want that's my cousin that's my cousin I'm gonna say solid I'm gonna say solid you know they fucked the show up at the end when they brought Ray J on there I wasn't gonna say that I was gonna say more so when they like turned the focus onto Kyla Pratt they brought Ray J in there and then they like got flex out of there cuz flex kind of me flex me the show the show yeah and the mom was Christina Arnold and they had a funny dynamic when she was like Papa and you know my cousin sang the theme song that's who he's married to talented bro I would say hey it wasn't it was like we did not miss the episode when it came on so if I erased the thought of Ray J Ray J and don't change it to color being like on her own I was pretty good yeah San Francisco if I asked her eight years cuz I think that's my dad that's all right that's the my dad put me on this we watched half a half and it's it's dated but a lot of these are dated but it was funnier than I remember it being okay wow a lot of stars in this what was this even on 2000 UPM yeah UPM 2002 2006 song I would say see it was pretty good because I was a kid back then I was not looking to watch it cuz I had to the two girls were very like I saw myself and them you know it was cool that last season was kind of whack but let's go see I think we'll do oh they're not yeah it's gonna go that don't know neither neither one of y'all seen it I didn't I think I might have seen the episode maybe one that's it I'll catch like the last five minutes before like another show come on one of the sisters was poor because the dad left the mom for other sisters mom and they were rich and it was kind of like the younger sister was a rich sister but she wanted to get closer to the older sisters I was just there like trials and tribulations it was pretty good okay let's do the Cosby show is next do we minus minus minus the allegations it's not allegations we got convicted well yes I'm sorry minus the conviction I guess s-t-r-o s-t-r yeah it's s-t-r-o it's undeniable it's a certified classic banger certified classic I agree. I don't think you can really argue that minus the conviction but all the stuff Oh Moesha no Moesha pisses me off Moesha wasn't a good person like the character pisses me off she wasn't a good person she was not but the show was great it was a great show so I'd say A or B I'm gonna say A because Brandy did a really good job I don't mean that like and it was iconic like back in the day that's sticky fingers oh yeah what was this a cue yeah yeah and this we had the other boyfriend Ohaji yeah Oscar was her boyfriend at one point that was funny yes yeah that's the end I'm not sure I'm gonna say A because it intervoked emotion out of me but Ray J came on that show and ruined it too damn ruiner um a house of pain I watched another house in this okay came out I used to watch it like I would binge watch it it was a guilty pleasure but I haven't seen like any other newer stuff I'm planning to see if I had to rank it though yeah I'll put an SDR D honestly let's keep it with no D's um yeah see what the is that a different world I think that's a different world what is S or A it's a great show yeah it's different this is I'm gonna be honest I this is not something I would have watched I think you would like it if you watch it now because I've watched it recently and it's um it really does like capture that black college like HVU experience that's really good and it has a great love story too I didn't watch it 87 and 93 I didn't watch it oh you don't watch it in a different world what would you put it I would put it in S or A if I had to I know it's a Bill Cosby product so it got to be good but um W Island came in and redid a lot of it it's pretty good if you like ever you know want to watch a show it's not a bad one for sure everyone hates Chris the older we get the better it gets created start trying to Terry Cruz that's a nickel for everything my dad was I can't I gotta say S Chris dad is like my dad yeah he was like my dad bro try to figure out my nerves though I can't I can't hold you no bad you used to piss me off of some episodes a ton you used to piss me off all the time she was annoying great job though yeah everybody Chris is probably one of the newer ones it's kind of crazy because that might be the only newer that's what I'm saying yeah that's what I'm saying that's what I'm kind of looking at it weird because I'm like damn it is up there it is up there there's some new elements did you have your students that's the name I don't know about the exact episodes names but I do remember watching it and I did laugh a lot so that's what I'm saying I think it I mean I've seen some episodes I know it's considered I thought you heard of Martin though no yeah like it's not it's not even as funny as Martin but it's it's older if I had to yeah I just know of its status and its importance but even then I would rather watch Sam for them sons if I'm keeping it a book yeah I agree with that okay cool we have uh is that girlfriend girlfriend's girlfriend yeah girlfriend is a S for me I just uh relaunched that recently too damn it so where would you bring girlfriends did y'all watch it I did I watched the whole entirety I watched some it was very important like girlfriend's is funny but when they had beef that's it was like there's beef and for real cause cause Joan and Tony Tony was never as a friend but they had beef for real like in real life too right or I'm tripping I don't think so I don't know about that but yeah I remember Tony the one she the don't she like the darkest one right Tony yeah when she got into it with the goofy one like moon yeah that was crazy on the show I really thought I really thought Tony was about the sneaker but that's how I think girlfriend's girlfriend's was so good because when they're on the first episode like Joan is I think she's 30 or she's 29 turn 30 or something like that and I recently relaunched it as a woman in my 30s like back when I was a kid so take all this stuff for a joke and the first episode had total suck in Charles so yeah you gotta watch it if you haven't seen it Chris she was watching that I did watch girlfriends I think it's amazing like I said when they get into it that's it have me thinking they have me for real like they fought after the show remember what body cheated on Darnell he found out I thought he was going I thought he was going to catch a charge yeah he was acting like he was going to be violent so I think it's a A A okay so let's say here's a little different one Boondocks Boondocks is an S for me I wish they were still around yeah that was so good yeah Boondocks right now will be going crazy in modern times oh you gotta go right back up to S again yeah cuz Steve Harvey Jared Steve Harvey at S2 I know he stole the show from hanging with Mr. Cooper he just did it better but he did it better sorry Regina was fine as hell as the principal mhm what yeah he yeah Levita, I will say it was it's very not memorable but I do remember like when it was on but I could not tell you I think she was a fashion designer she was a fashion designer I'm gonna say D cuz I don't remember I don't remember that's brand name of the show I didn't even I didn't even I feel like I feel like I've been on the four girlfriends I feel like I've been on the four girlfriends I feel like I want to say night it's short date yeah okay yeah I don't remember it to be honest with you I feel like I feel like I did one at night too really yep yeah all of us all of us all of us I remember watching it um it was about Will Smith's life you remember that? I must say didn't watch but I do remember watching it but I don't know anything right I it was about Will Smith's life as far as what Dwayne Martin played Will Smith and then Lisa Ray was she was Will's first life and then Elise Nell played uh Peter Pinkett essentially UPN and the CW for the last season that's okay 2003 to 2006 okay I really really wanted a mill like it's the same I don't want to be really blue it was like filler yeah it was very running the mill it was a sitcom so a D it was like you got 30 extra minutes before the heavy hitters come on I'm saying you might hit the end before the actual shit comes on I can't hear some chuckles but like you know what's next uh we have oh sorry uh sister sister remember what Keaton Akal was on there? yes double it up yeah sister sister wait you said it's a A? who said it's A? why am I A? is it on par with like I will put sister sister on right now in the back and be watching it yeah I would too I would too if you had to take some of these in the back wait if you were to watch that I would be sure y'all beat me so it's gonna stay in S for sure sister sister is S I think smart guy gotta go in A because of the spin off of A? no because I think smart guy was a better show than B smart guy was A to me he was in the chest like yeah he was and then basketball he got super arrogant like all right what's next you know what's next I don't know what this is rock I remember it but I really never watched it I'm gonna say didn't launch that is bro I'll be keeping it above I didn't really watch that I didn't watch it good times us tier I was watching good times last week I ain't really watched good times I seen it maybe a couple episodes but I ain't actually watch when we were kids they gave a good time marathon on TV land or something and my dad sat down and watched the good times that's a hell of a throwback because TV land no cap is where I got a lot of these shows but they gave a good times marathon and my dad sat down and told us this is how life was in the 70s back in the day back in the day it was okay yeah it was funny the times was funny it was corny though but it was funny okay I mean I know so what it does for the country yeah the Wayne I'm getting there I will put it in this me too girl what would you put what would you put it hey Wayne's is on par with Jamie Foxx and Martin I feel like Martin's at the top and then Jamie Foxx and Wayne's is like right there they like to be loved but they like to be loved so okay okay as far as the 90s Black sitcoms go I think Martin's number one Wayne's is number two Jamie Foxx is number three see for me I got Martin one Jamie to Wayne's three I think I might switch yeah I think I think I might put Jamie because I want we watched a lot of Jamie I guess it doesn't really matter when they had so they both of the shows had West Side connection that should have both of themselves funny they both did that should was funny both times it was good shows I fuck with the parkers parkers yeah yeah yeah parkers is it's not quite us though I think it's a I think it's I agree with that money um I don't think her Jason professor Ogami was a good look because that guy like he was like Mitty I was one actually was one of you married to was fine too if you want take professor Ogami over who um the bean and cow show that's s come on now shoot where I chopped it yeah goddamn hello I wouldn't watch it today but it is a s I watch it all the time getting casual is classic but yeah if I go with a I watch it all the time still though and it holds up yeah I think we should leave it as because of just the importance and what it did but I'm just saying out of the S's I it wouldn't be my first or my top three to go to internet I don't think the Hugles or that's not right the Hugles was so trans bro I don't I don't I feel like D.R. Hugles really played himself out like I don't like him I don't think he's funny of comedy you know you're the weakest one and I don't wish that it was burning back I'm not wishing that anybody I'm just saying out of the four kings of comedy Cheyenne I think there's three Cheyenne take it back I just I said I don't know what the death on nobody I'm just saying there was four and now there's three and I don't think he's funny I think he's funny I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. Hugles was the weakest king of comedy I think D.R. 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Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. Hugles was the biggest king of history D.R. 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