Brett Mason Show

Forty-Eight: Baptize Kids In School

Original sin. Blood sacrifice. Only righteous because of the blood of Jesus. Does this jive with the Old Testament?

Ezekiel 18:19-27

19 Yet say ye, Why? doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right, and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live.

20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

22 All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.

23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?

24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

25 Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way equal? are not your ways unequal?

26 When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die.

27 Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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i don't know what to do with it well come into another episode of the brett mason show i'm the four mentioned glad to have you here today we're back on religion i think this is a short episode today but uh... i guess out of all the podcast that ever done and i've done a lot of controversy of podcasts i am i didn't all burn alabama podcast for a few years probably the most popular packet podcast i've ever done i did it but a buddy of mine there's nothing more polarizing than alabama and he was the alabama fan i'm the alabama fan and boy we got a lot of messages and feedback on that and then my uh... my weight loss and health journey podcast where at one time i was on a product called plexus which was controversial that's how it actually started then i was a uh... vegan a vegan for a while and then i transitioned into a raw food vegan for a while and then i was a fruitarian for a while where all i was fruit and then i found keto and we switch switch to keto and we've talked about keto and then i got into fasting extended and intermittent fasting uh... and then uh... we've talked some carnivore on it nothing is more polarizing than any of those things like veganism polarizes people uh... boy raw veganism really makes people lose their minds then keto is very polarizing carnivores super polarizing fasting people they're going to die if you fast like anyway my point is that out of all those things that i've done in my podcasting history uh... nothing has been more uh... i won't and i'm not gonna lie and say that i've gotten as many messages about these religious episodes but compared to how many people listen to these episodes yes because uh... for instance that that all but i'm a podcast i mean it'd be some weeks we'd have i don't know thousand two thousand three thousand downloads or something and you know we get a bunch of messages but uh... be a tiny fraction of the two or three thousand people that downloaded and whereas this uh... very few you guys that are subscribed and listen to this episodes this podcast but it feels like twice as many people sending messages as people who actually listen anyway we're gonna be taught i haven't figured out what the title is podcast yet so uh... i'll give it some thought i need a podcast that's you know delivers a thought makes people want to listen cuz that's what you kind of do when you in this kind of a game but basically we're asking the question is Jesus necessary and is Jesus compatible with the Old Testament the Talmud the Torah i mean you can just that it there's a few Jews out there that have somehow converted christianity but the most part if you have if you ask a jewish person a really religious Jewish person i mean they will they can quote instantly just first after first after first that definitely confirms christianity is not uh... compatible with Judaism there's no way one came from the other anyway i'm just gonna do a little bit of that today uh... we're gonna be just looking at a short section of scripture and this is some scripture that i found a long time ago but it's if you want to pull up your uh... your bible at home and go to Ezekiel 18 you can uh... the whole chapter really is about uh... forgiveness and people doing wrong people being wicked people getting forgiven people not done fine in life and all this kind of thing same thing same things as uh... christianity in the new testament um... so uh... we're gonna start it uh... you know really twenties where i want to start but i want to back up a little bit talk about this concept of original sin because without original sin christianity really starts falling apart because the concept of original sin is and this was the thing it always you know once i've started becoming aware it's not when i was growing up and not when i was in my early late teens and early twenties where i actually was a die hard christian and we traveled around with his gospel singing group and we preached and traveled did all that stuff and i was hardcore into it that's how i actually became a non-believer because i spent so much time reading and studying the bible and stuff i was like oh wait a second was you know which i've said in previous episodes if you want to fast-track to become a non-believer just actually read your bible like if you just go to church and listen what the preacher tells you yeah you're fine you'll never question anything if you don't read and study the bible yourself uh... yeah anyway so for christianity to be even necessary but for sure to work you have to buy into their concept of original sin and um... this is that adam and he they send in the garden they were separated from god and their uh... all future generations inherited that betrayal and so just 'cause you're human you're automatically guilty like you you are born needing forgiveness like you just you just are human you're separated from god and they needed god need some kind of a way to connect us all back together again right we need to have some absolution there needed to be a path of forgiveness there needed to be some kind of a sacrifice all these time things um... so this section of scriptures obliterates all those concepts it just wipes them out like you can't believe that what they were in the new testament's true and believe that the original jewish scriptures are true you just can't believe both because they're incompatible so if we started verse uh... nineteen uh... and i'm reading the king james cuz everybody i know it's been a king james boy and real even though the king james is the worst translation of the bible but i digress uh... first nineteen yet say we why doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father when the son of done that which is a which is lawful and right is kept all statues have done him he should surely live uh... this does so the senate it shall die the sun shall not bear the iniquity of the father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the sun the righteous of the the uh... the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon immediately these two verses dispel this myth that you could be unrighteous and unholy and separated from god based on something an ancestor of yours did it doesn't work that way this by the way this many places in the old testament i just grabbed this one because it's a neat little nutshell because it goes on in these following verses to some other concepts i want to talk about june finds all through the old testament this concept of christianity came up with this original sin and uh... you just born a center and you're in need of grace from day one is just nonsense you can't believe that these two gods are the same they're just no way that this god i talk about the new testament is the same as the god the ultimate is just no way there's is a completely incompatible so that's the first thing uh... the second thing uh... will start reading with twenty one of verse twenty one will talk about if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he had committed and keep my statutes and do that which is awful and right he shall really let surely live he shall not die all his transgressions that he has committed they shall not be mentioned into him in his righteousness that he had done he shall live any pleasure at all of the wicked should die say at the lord and not they should return from his ways from and live but when the righteous turned away from his righteousness and committed to the equity and do it according to all the abominations that wicked man don't show he live all his righteousness that he had done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he is trespassing his sin that he has sinned yet say ye the way the lord is not equal hallelujah is not my is not equal when a righteous man turn it away from his righteous and committed to nickel and die for them for his nickel he had done he shall die that nothing is more clear the bible in these passages of scriptures and there's a lot of stuff in the bible that seems nonsensical and hard to understand but there's nothing hard to understand from this the new testament says that uh... none is righteous no not one and it's through his righteousness that were righteous talking about jesus in other words the only way you can become righteous is through jesus in other way yet to believe on jesus yet to believe that he died that he died for your sins rose on a third day and through his righteousness we are imparted some level of righteousness there's several different scriptures that lay this out i'm not going to go and tell me about himself they're not that hard to find these verses of scriptures put all that nonsense into the wind it's just not true this clearly says clearly says that he doesn't want anyone to die because they're sinners god has no desire for sinners to die cause their sinners all they got to do is turn away from their wicked ways ask for forgiveness and then uh... proceed to live in uh... righteousness when the righteous turn it away from righteousness when things go wrong it's very clear if the wicked will turn away from his sins and he's committed keep the statutes do that which is lovely right he shall surely live he shall not die you just got this just got to turn away you got to say off sorry for that god i didn't mean to do that and then try to live a righteous life which goes against another concept of the of the new testament which is it's faith not works you can't you can't do anything on your own to make it right yet only the faith will make it right only faith in jesus will make it right only faith in jesus will fix it these sections of scripture demolish that whole theology it proves that the whole theology is wrong the whole thing about you can only be forgiven through a blood sacrifice wrong uh... the whole theology that original sin because adam and e_b_ sin are separated from god we inherited wrong this whole theology that uh... it's only through the shedding of the blood and etc um... that we can be saved uh... otherwise will surely die wrong uh... this whole concept that uh... it's not the your righteousness there is no righteous person no one's ever been righteous it's impossible to be righteous uh... your righteousness comes from uh... jesus i don't know wrong these these whatever seven six seven eight scriptures prove uh... without a shadow of a doubt that theology is wrong it's not compatible with the concepts of the god of abraham is it and jake it first twenty seven again i'm repeating it he said reading it for you so i'm going to repeat it for you like he did was starting twenty seven when the wicked man's heard away from his wickedness that he's committed and do it that which is awful and right he shall save his so what what first twenty eight because he consider it and turn it away from all his transgressions that he's committed he shall surely live and shout out dot what what first thirty therefore i will judge you uh... everyone according to his ways if you're going to be george just according to your ways not not about believing on jesus does not want god says this is a profit of god giving you the direct words of god now you even believe that's true or you don't we get into that later i'm just trying to show you that the new testament is is not possible therefore i judge your one according to a safe the lord repent turn yourselves away from your transgressions so in equity will not be your own cast away your transgressions do away with you said stops and anything stops and all your transgressions whereby you've expressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit all that stuff you've got to do if you read the script all that stuff is that you've got to do you can't just go well i believe somebody else did it so therefore it's done for me no no if you got to do the work so i might be conversion happen in steps and uh... the first steps is readings reading passage of scripture like this in the one way to say that this if the stuff that i'm reading about jesus is right then this stuff can't be right there's no way the both of them can be right because they're too completely opposite theologies there's they you know i mean just forget the fact that the new testament brings in a whole new guy a guy with that's flesh and blood like everybody else and claims that he's the son of god but i mean forget all that i mean that's a huge leap the old testament never mentions anything like that nothing like that and now it does away with this personal accountability it does away with that you can't be good that you can't be righteous that the only way to be righteous is by believing in somebody it clearly says you can be righteous you get you have to turn away uh... that's number one turn away uh... repent and then live right that's it that's that's the key to turn away from the sin you have a repair from the sin and then you have to start living right and a little righteous life and be a righteous person own your own and that's the other problem i've always had with this new testament this is how these murderers can be christians and i mean christians still want the death penalty don't get me wrong it makes me wonder if they really believe in forgiveness or not uh... but they say they do but you do anything to believe in jesus and it's all what is just done away with you know i mean you just you can just be the worst person your whole life if you don't have to make amends you just gotta believe in jesus as it you gotta ask for forgiveness from jesus you have to believe in jesus and then uh... that's it two-step plan believe in and ask them for forgiveness and to me this seems like a really easy way out of all the bad stuff people do that seems like uh... i mean that's a hell of a shortcut right there mean you become righteous by doing that so uh... i mean if you can read this and you can still believe that the new testament and its theology is compatible with what the original god of the bible said you know i won't even get into these other things too i'm the words of god i change not right apparently he did change at some point uh... my path to deconstruction is i started to say was begin with reading stuff like this which brings you to the point of at some point uh... if you study and read enough and you begin to realize just how incompatible that second half of that bible is from the first part of that bible and how is there's no way it could be right or accurate you then lose that right you lose the whole jesus story the christianity story this blood sacrifice by human story not all that stuff that quickly becomes nonsensical and even if he did exist even if god named jesus did exist and he did get killed in i don't know somehow came back to life i i don't know maybe did made was a trick whatever even if all that did happen it's irrelevant because it's a ruse it's a decoy from what you what the old testament and the god of the bible has always said it's can completely change in his words so you know that was that's the first step your rabbit will this is wrong i mean that i can i can defend it pretty definitively say that since that is an offshoot of this religion like christianity is an offshoot of Judaism and the god of Abraham i guess and jason passion if that's an offshoot of this and it supposedly is uh... it's a part of the plan of the old test because that's what they claim i was just playing the whole time this was a plan for this jesus dude to come once you read the old testament others to no way that could be part of the plan because it's completely impatible and unnecessary that's the main part it was unnecessary there was no need for jesus because christianity teaches you where they're like it was it was just no way i mean you couldn't get forgiven you couldn't there was no absolution of sins there was no uh... you know way to uh... to become uh... in a relationship with god i mean we had to have it and you read the old testament well that's not true at all and i drew it all there's nothing is true about that and so that was so at some point me personally i'd have began to definitively and without question go out okay that there's just no way that's right because there's no way that's right and so now i've eliminated uh... you know one religion from being a possibility now i think about it anymore i'm like okay that's not it and this is how you arrive at a a a place in life where you're a non-believer right a non-believer and then actually clarify this i'm a non-believer in any uh... religion that's how they're organized religion that's how they're uh... you know what we got to get past Dionysus and zeus and you know all these many other things that exists uh... when you read the uh um caron and realize that it's incompatible with uh... the torah and and uh... this Hebrew text and that supposedly it's the same god but the two things are incompatible well then i mean you know this one came first right the original um old testament quote-unquote old testament bible is we call it came first so if the caron came after it can't be right because it says stuff that's not compatible most same way christianity does they just added some new chapters and claim that it's an offshoot of this it's a new improved more clarified more specific know this is what god really wants us to do so you can go well that does that's not compatible with the original attachments so that can't be right either so okay we've eliminated that one and you're just eliminating religion by religion eventually you're left with this one and then once you eliminate this one is making any sense which is the was the last step then you just eliminate all of them which is where i arrived at i don't i'm not a believer in any of them now i don't know is there's some kind of a creator or being or something i mean i don't see any evidence for it but uh the universe is for sure a fantastical place and so um you know if something like that existed it would it would be doing amazing things and um if there was some sort of evidence for it i'd be open to it but so i i just don't i can't say that you know i'm one of those people that says i don't know if there is a god or a creator or whatever i mean i don't know who would it be it ain't none of these people because none of this stuff makes any sense so i know it's a lot to take in and i'm not trying to convert anybody to be in a non-believer because non-believers are not in the business of converting people i don't care what you believe but the only time i ever care what anybody believes is when they try to force it on me like you know the religious rights really trying to force these ten commandments in schools well you know if i'm a parent and i'm a muslim or i'm a budist or i'm a whatever and i'm sending my kid to school and now i got this teacher teaching out of a bible i don't want my kid being taught some stuff i don't believe in just like you wouldn't want your kid to be in taught some stuff you don't believe it religion is stuff that's done it as a family it's it's something that's done on an individual basis and you shouldn't be outsourcing your responsibility as a parent to a public school teacher child religion that's crazy to me why would you even do that who are these teachers do they believe everything you believe the way you believe it and you want them teaching some stuff that's because i mean there's 3500 versions of christianity in america 35 and they all believe something different well which one of them is the one is the woman in your kid's english class it's now whipping out the bible to talk about something i mean why are you outsourcing religion to your school that's the dumbest thing ever you're like oh to make the country better well no it won't make the there's no way that there's in no shape form or fashion where that make the country a better place i know you want to believe it because you believe fantastical things that's the thing about the bible the bible causes you to believe in these fantastical things that just aren't rooted in any form of reality so you know i'm a i'm just law abiding nice good for my community muslims which many of them exist up until not long ago when my muslim friend died i you know sought out a muslim to become friends with and i got to know him fairly well i got to know his wife somewhat and uh you know not really as kids but i know of them and i know in their lives and they're just the most wonderful people you know rest in peace he's gone now but they're just wonderful people and great members of the community and upstanding humans and stuff but they don't believe this they don't they don't believe christian you know why should they have to go to a school where you are forcing your religious beliefs on them they don't need your religious beliefs they got their own religious beliefs and that's why our constitution is very clear that the government doesn't endorse or take part in or anything in any kind of a religion it's not the frickin government's job to handle your religious beliefs for you or for your kids that's your job you're shirking your responsibilities as a parent if you think it's up to the frickin school to be teaching your kid to ten commandments and shit that's just dumb that's your job you do it you teach them what you want them to know you take them to a church that teaches and believes the way that you think they should be taught and believe don't outsource it to some random person at your school come on ah boy got sorry it's just none of that makes any sense anyways uh no i don't i don't i'm not trying to to deconvert anybody i've just been sharing my experience on here and then people showed interest in it so i've done more episodes on it but i'm not trying to make you a non-believer i want you to believe whatever it is you believe in right up to the point that you infringe on my life you can't tell me i can't do something because of the Bible you believe in says something because i don't believe in it i think it's nonsense are there some good things in the bible yeah you can hunt and pick in there find some good things there's some reason there's also some complete nonsense in there like take no thought for tomorrow one of the most insane things i've ever heard of what kind of a life would you be living if you didn't plan for tomorrow and people tell that is one of the greatest oh so wise take no thought for tomorrow the birds get fed don't worry about it you'll be fed well that but then what then what then why are we getting jobs and stuff why do we have bank accounts i mean we should all just be wandering around jobless waiting to get fed like birds it's that's complete nonsense it's nonsensical but if you find comfort in it find i don't care i don't want to judge you for finding comfort in that i'm just saying that to me it's nonsensical i don't think it stands up to any level of scrutiny and so i don't want any of it foisted upon me you know what are you gonna start holding people down and baptizing them against their will too because your bible says it i mean it's the same thing you're doing the same thing you when you when you want it mandated that your religious commandments have to be posted in a classroom with a bunch of different kids most of them that you don't know and you want their teachers to be able to teach something out of a bible you don't know nothing about their teacher what they believe in how they was raised what their beliefs on baptism or speaking in tongues or prayer of faith or any number of other issues that we could go down these denominations disagree on you don't know what they're positioning you want them teaching your kid that that's insanity that you would outsource that to somebody you don't know that makes no sense and then beyond that you want to force it on me and my kids you want to force them that teacher now has to teach my kid that the Ten Commandments is right and the bible is right and read out of it that is the same thing as you uh mandating that the school teacher can grab my kid and dunk him in a water tank and baptize him why because the bible says so and the bible is right and we need god in america and the only path to god is baptism and so effective immediately once kids get into kindergarten their teachers will be grabbing them and putting them in a pool and dunking them and baptizing them in jesus name because that's what the bible is you're doing the same thing the problem is you just don't think it's extreme when it's some kind of something hanging on a wall you don't see the extremity of it you don't see how insane that is but if we go a step further which is the same thing you're forcing your religion on them boy their eyes if you have teachers reading out the bible you're forcing your religion on with their ears i mean why are we stopping there why don't we just force them to get baptized i mean they're kids right the whole thing is preposterous anyway i think we'll about wrap up this episode there again Ezekiel 18 if you want to read the whole chapter i'll paste copy and paste the relevant verses down in the information section of this podcast and we'll wrap it up there we'll see you in the next one