The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

389 | Torah Portions Week 48 | Python Spirit, Demon Mastery, Solomon's Wives, Pilate's Innocence

Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

2h 8m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Shabbat Shalom. My name is Noel Joshua Hadley and hopefully you know where you're at. Do me a favor and like this video and subscribe if you haven't already. Thank you everyone for making this a tradition in your home. And before I get too far into this, the reason why we hear all praises go to our creator, the father of all rule of cost. And I'm grateful for the revelation of his son, Yahushah Amashiach, Yahshua, if you prefer, or some of you like Jesus Christus. I'm grateful for his atoning sacrifice, but I'm grateful that we get to be here in this life. This life is truly a gift. We have consciousness of our existence. We know we're here right now. And you know, just our senses and the fact that, that we live in a world set up where we have to seek Him out, right? Like it doesn't, it doesn't necessarily just fall into our lap. It kind of does 'cause you have the truth in plain sight. I don't need to go over all that right now. I'm just grateful to be here. I'm grateful for you guys. And I hope that these Torah portions can be a blessing to you and your household. So where am I right now? I just want to show you something I was working on this week. You go to my website, don't expect cosmology. You go to the archives, butts right up here and you just kind of scroll down. There's a lot of different tools on here that we have developed. But right here, this is just a video page for all the, I can't believe we did all these this year. These are all the Torah portions from this year right here. So 2024 through, I should say 2023, for 2024 Torah portions. And maybe I'll get other video pages up too to help organize them, but there's that. So let's get into this tonight 'cause I got a lot to cover. Clap on in the chat tonight, and I wish I could read all the comments. But, you know, I'm not that great at multitasking. So here we are in Davarayam. Of course, this is the paleo Hebrew in case you have not been, in case you're new here. We're going through Pamela's amazing translations of the paleo Hebrew and investigating those. So we are almost finishing our cycle. We're like five weeks away. Can you believe it? Verse 48, Deuteronomy 16 through chapter 21. And it's called Shofton this week. Of course, that's the modern paleo. Now before I get too far into this, I will bring up the tuck Passover Retreat 2025. Mark your calendars. If you haven't already, March 26th through the 30th 2025, this will be at Lake Fort Smith State Park in Arkansas. I opened up sales about a week and a half ago. Just a little over a week ago for all ministry and patreon supporters. And then I opened it up this yesterday, the day before public for sales. So you can go to the website now and actually that's the store page here. But just go to the website and it's in here somewhere. It's on the front page and all that. And you can come in here and read about it and buy your tickets. And if you, so the way this works, and I want to make this as little bit confusing as possible for everybody. The way this is working is that we're selling tickets by bed, all right? This isn't like when you go to a conference and you just buy the ticket and then you go get your own hotel room or whatever. Every bed is uniquely different in these two lodges. There are some single beds or bunk beds. There are private rooms. We still have, I think, one or two private rooms, couples rooms available. And then we have maybe three private single rooms available and then we have the wings for the female wing and the male wing. Please get in contact with me. If you have any questions, I would like to work this out for you. I'd like to arrange however I can to work this out. I wanna see you guys all there looking forward to it. Let's move on with the Knights. One more reminder, This is the dating site we launched a couple of weeks ago now. And this is for, you know, those of you who are looking for your RIB partner, your help meets and as someone who can, of course, help you walk out the father's commands. And the great thing about Hebermatch too is that it's set up in such a way that it's not necessarily just a dating website. You can actually be married with children and we're not talking about religion here, but just you can be married with children and want to find other fellowship. You can always set up an account on there and you kind of, you know, you're penned in an area of the world of this flat motionless plane and you might find other singles or families on there close to you. So there's that. Oh no, just reminder again, this is free to sign up. It takes a few minutes of your time. So, you know, come over, support us. What we're doing with Hebermatch, we want to see this is success. We want to see it take off, sign up an account. We appreciate it. All right, we're going to get right into it tonight. The fifth speech of Mashaha. Establishing, I think we go through about three of his speeches tonight. Establishing judges and authorities. You shall set in place for yourselves judges and noble, scribal, magistrates and all your gates which Yahuwaha YAH shall give to you for your tribes and they shall judge the people with upright judgment. You shall turn away judgment. You shall not recognize faces and you shall not take a gift. For a gift will blind the eyes of the wise one and she'll pervert the plans of the Zaddah YAH Pum. And of course, I think this is pretty straightforward. No taking, I like how Pamela said that they're you shall not recognize faces, right? Like you can see that a situation you're sitting in a seat as a judge and you're like, yeah, I'm that's like my best buddy over there. I'm going to judge them differently than these strangers. Straightness, what is right and just you shall pursue for the purpose and intent that you may exist and will receive and inheritance the land which Yahuwaha YAH shall give to you. You shall not plant for yourself and Asharaha or a Shira pole or ashtrith. You shall not raise up for yourself a statue or pillar which Yahuwaha YAH your Alahiah hates. I don't have to wonder how many of these Asharah's there were in the land. You know, if like you would just go down a road and you'd see them everywhere. I mean, how many of these did they have to destroy? They'd be finding them for generations to come. And that's almost where it's dangerous, right? Like the ones that maybe slipped through your fingers. You didn't see them, they're off in the woods somewhere and two generations down, they discover them. You saw the same thing happen in Jubilees with the watchers monuments after the flood. You will not slay and sacrifice into Yahuwaha, Alahiah and ox or sheep in which exist in him. A defective thing for that would be an abomination to Yahuwaha YAH your Alahiah. Then that's pretty straightforward, right? We want to give them our best. Yeah, there was a term for that growing up in church you wear your Sunday best, right? If you be found in your midst within one of your gates which Yahuwaha Yahuwaha your Alahiah gives into you a man or perhaps a woman who fashioned an evil, malicious, hurtful deed in the eyes of Yahuwaha your Alahiah and passing over his Bara Yath that he has God and served other gods or lesser gods, the Alahayam Akareyam, and he will bow down to them either Shamash or perhaps Yarach, that's the sun and the moon. I'll be talking about that tonight. Or perhaps of all the hosts of heaven, the Hashemayam which I have not commanded and those would be the stars and responded to the report and have tread about seeking and quiring honestly and behold, the matter is true, confirmed this abomination has been fashioned in Yashirel. So this is talking about an investigation, right? There has been a witnesses come forward, hopefully two or three, they have looked into the matter. This isn't like just dragging someone out of their house and killing them on the spot. This is going before the elders of Israel. And you have brought forth that man or perhaps that woman which has fashioned the evil, noxious, hurtful matter toward your gates, the man or perhaps the woman. And you have overwhelmed them with stones and they die. Upon the mouth of two witnesses or perhaps three witnesses, he shall be slain, the one worthy of death. He shall not be slain upon the mouth of one witness. The hand, so I mean it's like, you know, you're, you go off and you see someone doing something naughty in the woods. Again, according to this, it can't just be one witness. They have, you have to have multiple people see this act. You know, that you go onto his property and you inspect and oh yeah, he does. He has one of those Shira pools on his property and you know, he didn't take it down. I mean, I see this as like, you know, just this willful disobedience against the law, against the Torah of the land. The hand of the witnesses shall exist upon him at first to slay him and the hand of the people following after. And you should, I think that has to be awful. I mean, the fact that I would have to lay my hands on that person, I just, you know, oof, that would just be an awful thing to have to do. You would really want to have to be certain that you are, I mean, this person is being put to death. Like you'd better be really certain that you knew what you were talking about in your accusation. The hand of the witnesses shall exist upon him at first to slay him in the hand of all the people following after. And you shall exterminate the noxious, hurtful evil from your midst. If a matter among you be difficult of judgment between blood for blood, between strife for strife and between blow for blow, matters of great contention within your gates, then you will arise and you will sin toward the place of habitation which YAH WAHYAH YAHYAH shall select in him. And you have come toward the priest, the Levites, or the (speaking in foreign language) and toward the judge that shall exist in those days and you shall tread about inquiring and he shall conspicuously in the sight of all tell you unto you the edict of judgment. And you have fashioned upon the mouth of the edict that which he did conspicuously in the sight of all tell unto you from out of the place of habitation which YAH WAHYAH the ever living shall choose. And you have observed a fashion like all which he has instructed you over the mouth of the Torah, which he shall teach you and over the judgment which he shall declare unto you. You shall not turn aside from part of the sentence, which they conspicuously in the side of all tell unto you, either to the right side or to the left side, and the man which fashioned with swelling prides was to not hear or obey the priest, the one who stands administer there unto YAHwah your Alahiah, or perhaps the judge, and that man shall die, and you have destroyed the wickedness from YAHwah and all the people shall hear, understand, and shall reverently fear, and shall not boil over acting insolently continually. Think about that. Remember you see a western and somebody steals a horse, and the penalty of stealing a horse is a hang. Everyone comes from the town and they see this guy get hung for stealing a horse, and little children see this and they'll be like, yeah, and I really don't want to end up on that rope. I'm not going to steal a horse, right? And now we've gone through this in the past in Exodus and Leviticus and so on and so forth, and you know, the whole recompense idea, you know, you steal something, you know, you steal a car, you have to repay them, and like, I don't know, not just a car, but more than just that car. I mean, I love this whole system of recompense, but man, that's the whole idea of destroying the wickedness in the land. Imagine if these kind of judgments actually happens, and people in America and the West were like, wow, like you don't steal a car, like that's serious. It's not just me ending up in jail where the government's going to feed me, you know, and give me a TV or whatever, and I'm just going to sit there reading books all day or working out like, like it's serious. When you come toward the land, which Yahweh, your Allahah gives into you to inherit and she'll settle down to dwell in her, and you have a bit and you have observed, I will appoint a lock over me. No, this can be translated to angel, but you know, here it's translating contextually, I think, to a messenger or a king, like all the nations which are in a circuit round about me, you will certainly appoint a malach over you whom Yahweh, your Allahah shall choose upon him, one from the midst of your brothers, because obviously we don't have angels living among us, well, maybe we do, I don't know, you will appoint over you a malach. You will not be permitted to place over you a man who was a foreigner, who is not your brother, only he shall not multiply for himself swift horses, and he shall not cause the people to turn back to the place matrim to Egypt, and it is for this reason he has multiplied horses, and Yahweh be ever living has declared it to you, you shall never again turn back in that way again, and he shall not multiply to himself women, and he shall not turn aside his heart, and he shall not greatly multiply gold and silver for himself, this we will be talking about in a little bit, and it shall exist as he sits down upon the royal throne of his kingdom, that he shall write, Kathub, for himself a copy of this Torah upon a book from before the faces of the priests, the Levites, the sounds amazing, and this shall exist with him, and he shall call out upon him all the days of his living for the purpose and intent that he may learn to reverently fear Yahwaha his Allahaha to guard all the instructions of this Torah and these statutes to fashion them, so as not to fall away, his heart being lifted up over his brothers, and so as not to turn aside from the commandments to the right side or the left side for the purpose and intent that he may prolong his days upon his kingdom, he and his sons in the midst of Yasharil, given these are instructions for the king which they're not supposed to have, but he says you're going to get it anyways, and when you do, by the way, this is what you're supposed to do, which for the most part obviously they did not do, the portion of the Levites, he will chapter 18, he will not exist into the priests, the Levites, or the la hua'am, all the tribe of la hua'a, a portion or inheritance with Yasharil, the fire offerings of Yahwaha, even his inheritance they shall eat, and there will not exist to him an inheritance in the midst of his brothers, like that word, which was set in order to him, and this shall exist the priest right from the people, from those sacrificing the sacrifices, whether in ox or whether sheep or goat, and shall give unto the priest a shoulder in the cheeks in the stomach, the first of your corn, your new wine, and your fresh oil, and the firstlings of your shorn wool or moan meadow you will give unto him, for on him Yahwaha your alahiah has selected from all the tribes to stand to nobly minister the covenant in the name of Yahwaha, the ever-living, he and his sons all the days, and if he will come, be Levite from one of your cities, from all Yasharil, which he turned aside to dwell there, and shall come with all desire of his nephosh, his soul, toward the place of habitation, which Yahwaha the ever-living shall choose, and shall nobly minister the covenant in the name of Yahwaha, his alahiah, like all the la-wa-yam, the Levites, the one standing there to the face of Yahwaha, the Yahwaha allotted portion, like allotted portion he will eat, apart from his something sold with the fathers, if you go toward the land, which Yahwaha your alahiah gives unto you, you shall not learn to fashion like the abominations of those nations, he will not be found among you any who causes his son or his daughter to pass through and fire, when dividing divination, when using hidden arts, or a whisperer, or in chancer, the word whisper there literally means python spirit, a whisper of the python spirit, or in a chancer, and when having an alliance with and who inquires of a python spirit, or who is a prophet of the spirit of the python, and who tramples about seeking toward the dead ones, for an abomination into Yahwaha the ever-living is any who fashion these, and upon this circumstance, these abominations, Yahwaha your alahiah, dispose them forcefully as a powerful sign from before your face, you will exist whole, blameless upright ones with Yahwaha your alahiah, for these nations which you will forcefully dispossess them as a sign do hear and obey toward the ones who practice hidden arts, and toward ones who practice divination, but you, Yahwaha your alahiah has not given you to do so, a prophet like Mashaha, a prophet like Moses, a prophet from your midst from your brothers, like unto me shall Yahwaha your alahiah raise up unto you, toward him you will hear, will understand will obey, like all which you ask from Yahwaha your alahiah in harab on the day of the gathered assembly to say, do not let me increasingly hear, understand and obey the voice of Yahwaha my alahiah, and do not let me continually observe the fire of this great place and I will not die, and Yahwaha the ever-living declared toward me, they have rightly spoken this purpose plan, a prophet I will raise up for them from the midst of their brothers like unto you, and I have given my debar in his mouth, and gave instruction toward them, all that which I command him, and it will exist, the man who does not hear and obey toward my debar I, I will require this from him, only the prophet which boiling over acts insolently in setting a word in order in my name, that which I have not commanded him, and if he will speak in the name of alahiah, alahiah the the lesser gods, then that prophet shall not, and if you will say in your heart, how will we acquire knowledge concerning the word which Yahwaha is not set in order, that word which the prophet shall speak in the name of Yahwaha the ever-living, and the had debar does not exist, and it comes not to pass, the debar which Yahwaha is not spoken, its swelling pride has the prophet said a word in order, you shall not turn aside on accounts of him. Now I'll be talking more about this other, there's so much to discuss, I will point out obviously this is considered by many, not everybody to be a messianic passage, I do think it's interesting that we do see the Bible being bookended with two different prophets, right we got Moses over here, we got Yahushah, Hamashiach over here, and to deny that Messiah came in the flesh, that Yahushah is Messiah, is one of the two definitions that I have found for Antichrist, and so it's kind of interesting where it's like there's people over here on the right who acknowledge Jesus Christ, but they deny Yahwaha, they deny the instructions and righteous living, but then there's people over here that acknowledge Moses and the instructions and righteous living the Torah, but then they deny Messiah, YAHushah, Hamashiach, Yashil, it's kind of interesting how that works, and according to this like nope, sorry they both work together, like Moses spoke of him, so he's speaking back to Moses and they're the two opposite pillars here in scripture, the polar north and the south, regarding the cities of the refuge, this is something we've covered now a few times, when Yahwaha your Allah has cut off the nations, whose land Yahwaha your Allah gives to you, and you have disposed of them and you will settle down to dwell in their cities and in their houses, you will separate unto yourself three cities in the midst of your layer in which Yahwaha your Allah gives to you to inherit, in that manner you will establish for yourselves the way and have divided into three parts the territory of your land, which Yahwaha the ever living he will cause you to inherit, and it will exist there for a place where any killer may flee, now we've covered this before and there's actually six cities which is interesting, it's the number of man, there's three on the east of the Jordan, three on the west of the Jordan, here he's talking about the three on the west of the Jordan, and he's saying that you're going to, let's see, yeah three cities you're gonna settle into these, that tells me maybe when this was written that the other three had already been established, because we saw those directions earlier that you know three and three, and we saw of several weeks back where they settled into the eastern territories already, so they probably set those up, so he's given directions now when they cross the Jordan, and this is the purpose plan for the man killer who flees there and will live, whosoever kills his companion without knowledge, and he who had not hatred for him from former time, and that came in with his fellow into a thicket of trees, through huge trees, and his hand has thrust with the axe to cut, and the iron slips off away from the wooden handle, and happens to fall against his fellow, and he dies, then he the man killer will escape toward one of those cities and live, lest the kinsman the avenger of blood pursues after the man killer, when his heart is heated, and he reached Langhold for the way to be great, and he slay him, the nephash, and he had been a not judge worthy of death, or he had not hated him from before that time, over this reason I command you to declare you will separate for yourselves three cities, and of course the idea that you know you're chopping a tree into the axe blade flies off the axe and hits a guy in the head and kills him, I mean I don't know how many times that happens, I assume that's one example of many potential, you know, maybe it could be recklessness, carelessness, but in that sense it's almost like, I mean it could be reckless, but I mean I don't know, I mean you have an axe, how many times you expect the head to fly off, right? And conditionally if, if uh, just not something over myself over here, and conditionally if you're all a high ash shall make spacious your borders, like that which he solemnly sworn to your fathers, and this is talking about going, in modern Israel terms it would like to go all the way out basically to the Euphrates River I think, in Iraq, that's the expansion he's talking about here which would be of course Solomon's kingdom, if you will guard all these commandments to fashion them which I am commanding you this day to love Yahuwah, your Aloha and to walk in his ways all the days, then he will increase for you yet again three cities over these first three cities, and also maybe I don't know that's kind of interesting there huh, I mean I thought I was under the impression that the, it's funny how many times you could read over something right, I wasn't in the impression that the the instructions were three on the east of the Jordan to those drives, and innocent blood is not poured out in the midst of your land which maybe they're three additional, I don't know, I mean because you would have to right, because he says that they can't be long duration apart, like a man has to flee for his life, so running all the way from Babylon to say Jericho is quite a trek if you got a posse coming after you, and innocent blood is not poured out in the midst of your land which Yahuwah your Aloha gives to you to inherit her and there exists upon you blood guilt, but if a man exists having hatred for his fellow and she'll craftily weave a snare for him and she'll rise up against him and strike him, we call that murder, the Nefash and he dies and the man-killer shall escape toward one of these cities, then shall the bearded ones of the city send him forth and shall take him from there and shall give him into the hand of the kinsmen of avenger of blood and he shall die, your eye shall not have pity over him and you have removed the innocent blood from Yashrell and as well with you, I guess you would be busy if you're over the sanctuary cities you would be pretty busy trying everybody's case and figuring out if they're guilty or not, as if you're guilty you can't stay. You will not remove or draw back your companion's boundary which they of the after time have determined his limits in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land which Yahuwah your Aloha gives them to you to possess her, one witness shall not rise up against a man for for any iniquity, perversity or depraved action, and for any sin in all the sin which a person shall sin. In the mouth of two witnesses or perhaps three witnesses shall amount or be established, if a violent witness rises up against a man to pronounce an allowed voice implying against him a violation of the law, then the two men which have the contention unto them shall stand to the face of Yahuwah the ever-living and to the face of the judges which exist in those days and the judges shall tread about, rightly seeking and behold, the witness is a false witness. He has spoken an allowed voice deceptively against his brother and you have done unto him like that which he devised a fashion for his brother. And you have removed the noxious hurtful evil from your midst and the ones remaining shall hear and shall reverently fear and shall not add any more to fashion yet again like the purpose-plant place of this evil one in your midst and you shall not have pity in your eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, hand for hand, foot for a tooth, pausing really quickly. So much to go over tonight and I will be covering this paragraph here in regards to false witnesses and how this actually played out with the false witness against the second prophet that was supposed to mirror Moses. But this passage right here is put the fear of Yahuwah into me with Paul and many of you know I went through my anti-Paul stage and you know just kind of throwing every accusation against him that I could, seemed much stuck and one day I woke up and I'm like oh my goodness because this is right here that let me read this again he has spoken in a loud voice is the false witness deceptively against his brother and you have done into him like that which he devised a fashion for his brother. So basically according to the Torah if you speak falsely against a brother someone who is now this the context here is this is someone in Israel okay this is a fellow Israelites they are a brother and you are accusing them of malpractice you're accusing them of you know breaking the Torah or you know doing something awful or leading people away from the the context here is you know false prophets leading people away right and you are you are actually falsely accusing him just just remember this okay again just I want to put this out there for those of you this is the bible this isn't me saying this is just the bible just it's one of those things like check yourself before you wreck yourself I just want to put that caution and throw it into the wind for those of you who are just going out there slandering the guy and just seeing what sticks and you see you could say whatever you want it doesn't really matter remember if you are wrong if you are wrong according to this you may get the you may get the punishment that you think you should get all right so that put the fear beyond to me and that's what I just shut my mouth even when I was still anti-paul for about two years I just didn't want to say anything didn't want to accuse the guy of anything so something to think about the sixth speech of michaha the Torah regarding warfare again again I don't want you guys to think that I'm like coming down you know attacking someone who is anti-paul I say this time again if you guys are you guys have no there's nothing forcing you you know you're there's no requirement that you have to read Paul's letters you don't have to read them they don't have to be if you feel that he fails the Torah fine just you know I wanted to put that out there because I think it's important to note that we do not want to falsely accuse anyone who claims to be a brother all right the sixth speech of michaha the Torah regarding warfare I'll be talking about this later too as well if you go forth to war against your enemies and you have a observed horse and military chariot if people more numerous than you you will not reverently fear them now remember contextually with just talking about you're going to get a king and it's not what I want I want you to be my king but you're going to get a human king and he's going to start hooking you up with horses and chariots and I don't want that either because you're afraid of the the nations around you I don't want you to have these weapons of war I want you to just trust in me that I'm going to take care of you anyways you see these surrounding nations they got chariots I guess in modern terms they got you know all sorts of like wild weapons of where they got tanks and jets and aircraft carriers and all that kind of stuff a people more numerous than you you will not reverently fear them for yahawaha your aloha is with you who cause you to ascend from mott's reams from each and it shall exit because of course egypt had much more higher tech than they did and it shall exist in your drawing near toward the fighting and the pre-shell approach and set word in order toward the people and shall declare toward them shamayi it means to hear understand obey you know here yeah you guys know the phrase oh yashirel here understand an obey yashirel you the ones approaching this day to the heat of battle against your howling enemies do not be timid in your hearts I love this which is the greatest war speech of all time you will not reverently fear him and you will not tremble before their faces for yahawaha your aloha will walk with you to do battle against your enemies to deliver you and the scribal magistrates will set forth words in order toward the people to declare who is the man who has built a new house and has not dedicated it let him walk and turn back to his house unless he should die in the place of warfare and a man following after should dedicate him and what man among you has planted a vineyard and has not made him profane let him walk and turn back to his house unless he died in the place of the battle and a man following after should make him profane and what man among you has betrothed himself to a woman and has not taken her let him walk and turn back to his house unless he should die in the place of battle and a man following after should take her I don't know if you notice what's happening here but the priest is going up there and doing the complete opposite of what any military general today would want you to do and he's sending people home he's like yeah just we don't need you just anyone who wants to make some excuse to get out of the battle just please just go just you know let's just count the ways you can leave and the scribal magistrates will add to the words set in order toward the people and should declare what man among you is fearful and tender of heart walk he should turn back to his house and he will not melt the heart of his brothers like his own heart and it should exist as the scrot he's basically saying if you're a coward please leave now and so you don't turn the rest of my soldiers in the cowards walk he should turn back to his house and he will not melt the heart of his brothers like his own heart and it shall exist as the scribal magistrates complete setting words in order toward the people that they shall set commanders over the armies over the head of the people if you approach toward a city to wage war against her and you have called out toward her for sha-la-um and it shall exist conditionally if she will answer to the loud voice sha-la-um and she opens to you then all the people those found in her shall exist to you for tribute rendered by service work and serve you but conditionally if she if she will not work sha-la-um with you but she should fashion against you warfare then you shall beseech her against her and yahwaha your alahaya shall give her into your hand and you have smits in all her males by the mouth of the sword only the women and the little children and the beasts and all which shall exist in the city all her spoils you will snatch away his plunder for yourself and you have eaten the spoils of your howling enemies which yahwaha your alahaya gives to you in this manner you will fashion for all the cities which are far off from you which are not of the cities of these nations here only from the cities of these peoples which yahwaha your alahaya gives to you for an inheritance you shall not keep alive any breathing for you will consecrate as devoted to destruction the chafuya and the amareya or the Canaanites the khanu uh anuya and the pharazites the phara zia and the chafuya and the yeba-u-saya like that which yahwaha your alahaya commands you for the purpose and intent that he does not teach you to fashion like all their discussing things which they fashion until they're alahaya alahaya and you sin against yahwaha your alahaya now this has been brought up a lot one of the hardest things for people to accept in the bibles passages like this where you're to kill all you know just go up and kill all the people the thing is though is that this is a turf war this is uh soil that belongs to yahwaha and he's basically saying like even among your own people not just the foreigners like if if you do not want to keep mitora like just leave the land just if you're going to be in this land defiant you're going to be killed it's a same thing as uh let's say like heaven right that you know let's say there's a lake of fire up there and you're in heaven revolting be like yeah i want to live in heaven but i don't want to keep your uh your instructions and righteous living and be like okay well we got a lake of fire a lovely uh hot spot right over there for you if that's what you would prefer um you can repance you're like no i don't want to repance like okay fine right same thing and these people have the choice these men uh could have been like yeah you know what i want to be grafted in that is an option they could they could you know be like yeah i want to be grafted in with you maybe they would be in servitude for so many number of years until they are released in the jubilee uh but yeah they could work through it with their family so on so forth and but they are being defiant against the god the alahayom they are serving other alah you guys know that's that is what i see the context as to what's going on here if you will be siege toward the city great number of days to wage war against her this is fascinating you know i'll be talking about this later to take hold of her you shall not lay waste her trees by thrusting against him and axe for for on account of him you will eat and ham you shall not cut down for to the adam is the tree of the field to go in from your face in the siege only the tree which you know is not a tree for food these you will waste and i've cut down and you have built siege works against the city which is fashioning warfare with you until she has been subdued and of course you guys know with heber thinking it's like you got fruit trees and non fruit trees and non fruit trees are there to be cut down and thrown into the fire or you build houses with them they need some sort of use uh but if if a tree is useful and that's fruit is good you do not cut it down and that's the thing about you know messiah he says like the trees a produce rots of fruit they're gonna be cut down so we want to not be that right the seventh speech of michaha determining blood guilt if if he will find fatally wounded person upon the adamaha which yahwah your alahaya shall give to you to possess her one who has fallen in her field with no no you know i just ton of this too well you know i'm gonna finish this um and it shall exist uh uh i'm sorry guys let me try this again one who has fallen in her field with no knowledge as to who has slain him then your bearded ones and your scribal magistrate shall go forth and they have measured toward the cities which are in a circuit round about the slain and it shall exist the city nearest toward the slain that the bearded ones of that city shall take a heifer of the herd which has not been worked upon her which has not been drawn by the yoke and the bearded of the city have brought down the heifer into a torrent valley continually flowing which has not had service upon him and which has not sown seed and they are in the torrent valley he has broken the neck of the heifer and the priest the sons of levi has approached for upon them has yahwah your alahaya selected to minister into him and to barak in the name of yahwah and in their mouth shall exist all the contention and every stroke and all the bearded ones of the city the one nearest to the slain shall wash their hands over the broken neck of the heifer in the torrent valley and he has answered and he has declared our hands have not poured out this blood and our eyes have not observed him cover over for your people yashirel which you have redeemed oh yahwah and do not apply the guilt of innocent blood and onto the midst of your people yashirel and cover over for them the blood and you you shall remove the blood of the innocent from your midst if you will fashion that which is upright in the eyes of yahwaha the ever living i was thinking about the the scene where you go up to the the city gates i was kind of thinking of something from like monty monty python but you go up to the city gates and you yell shalom at them and the code word is that you'll shalom back right we say shabbat shalom right it is the peace offering that we hand to someone and then you hand it back say yes i hand my sabbath peace back to you or if it's not sabbath i just hand my peace back to you you know here is my shalom right and i was thinking of uh i had a substitute teacher back in the 1990s and he was a world war two veteran and he would just regale us with stories of the war and we would all be horrified i don't know if any of them were true but he said that um that when they were going through germany and they were just all the he was going through france and germany and there's his hedges everywhere right just the battles would be like these football-length battles where you just you got to shoot him down from one hedge to the next and they would go up to hedge and if they thought someone was in there they would yield lightning and apparently if you yield back thunder they would just blast into you right because you know the german's couldn't pronounce thunder i would probably be in big trouble because i can't pronounce a lot of stuff i'd be like sprayed with bullets but um i kind of find it funny you know you go up and you they'll shalom and if they yield shalom back you're like all right i think we're good here you know you don't have to destroy the city um all right let's talk about the kings of israel now it says right here of course i will point to malach over me like all the nations which are in a circuit round about me they're basically saying they're basically uh snubbing yawns say we don't want you to be our king anymore we're not interested in you it's a really scary prospect yeah we want to just yeah we want to be like all the nations around us and we want to you know we want what they have um and this is exactly what happened word for word in first samuel so this is first samuel chapter eight here and again remember yas is look this will happen so it's searching an amount of uh mile uh mile markers down the the turnpike and this is when it happens in first samuel chapter eight when samuel became old he became uh he made his sons judges over israel remember up to this time when josh what comes in he's a judge and there's a series of judges after him the name of his firstborn son was joel of course i'm going with the modern english here and the name of his second abajah they were judges in beer shiba yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turn aside after game they took bribes and perverted justice isn't that interesting because this is exactly what we read it tonight starting out on this portion that you are not too uh to look to familiar faces you're not to take bribes this is what they're doing then all the elders of israel gathered together and came to samuel rama and said to him behold you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways now a point for us a king to judge us like all the nations now this is you know kind of like misdirection here i mean they're they're acknowledging the fact that his sons are corrupt and that they should not be judges but the better scenario we would be you know what um we need to set up judges who can judge these judges because uh they're they're clearly corrupt we need to clear out the corruption and we need to put judges in place over israel who are going to be uh true um you know connections with yah and are going to lead us in that way but they're like no see we're we're this is proof we're done with this we don't want the Torah anymore that's what they're saying look how they're they've corrupted the Torah and oh by the way we don't want it either it's all an excuse now a point for us a king to judge us like all the nations but the thing displeased samuel when they said give us a king to judge us and samuel prayed to yah wah and yah wah said to samuel oh obey the voice of the people and all that they say to you for they have not rejected you but they have rejected me from being king over them i actually like this next line that follows according to all the deeds that they have done from the day i brought them out of egypt even to this day forsaken me in serving other allahayam these are the lesser allahayam that he said in durami not to to serve so he's saying like they're already look they're they want to do it with the Torah they don't want me and they're already serving other gods this is why they want a king because they they know the setup but here's a line i really like right here so they are also doing to you it's like ouch it's like yeah samuel that rejection you're feeling right now that's the same rejection i've been feeling since like forever like that's just the story of humanity like they reject me and now they're rejecting you so now you get a little taste of it now when now then obey their voice only you shall solemn solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them and then of course this is samuel's warning against kings so samuel told all the words of yeah wahat to the people who were asking for a king from him and he said these will be the ways of the king who will reign over you he will take your sons and point them to his chariots there's the morning deuteronomy and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots and he will point for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots he will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers he will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants it sounds like a horrible deal he will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers to his servants he will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys and put them to work he will take the tenth of your flocks and you shall be his slaves and in that day you will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves but yeah wahat will not answer you in that day it sounds like a horrible deal i mean yahaz torah is sounding like a very light yoke at this point and of course it says the lord or yahwaha grants Israel's request but the people refused to obey the voice of sana of course because they were already not obeying yah and they said no but there shall be a king over us and we also may be like all the nations there it is right there they just express the desire of their heart and of course the other nations don't keep the torah correct and then our king may judge us and go before us and fight our battles ouch because that's what yah was supposed to do he was supposed to go before them and fight their battles for them and of course michael as well and when samuel had heard all the words of the people he repeated them in the years of yahwaha and yahwaha said to samuel obey their voice make them a king and samuel then said to the men of his yoke go every man to his city this is further proof to me why uh the the bible is true i mean this is like total not propaganda i mean it's not propaganda for david it's it's not making any of the kings look good and um it's it would almost be like um if if there was like government propaganda out there telling you not to vote not to have any president not to have any government authority over you know that kind of stuff like it's like what why all right why am i looking at pictures from lord of the rings specifically gandoff and shadow facts now to the end of time uh token will be debated uh for his use of wizards and there will be i i don't you know there are gonna be people say oh it's wizards i was talking about this with uh john q he came on on tuesday night when i had the king diverse uh call in q and a and he brought up the the more recent rings of power and you know this is always a problem for individuals because there's wizards in here now um what i want to specifically talk about here is not wizards this is a side point but i want to show you a man in his horse all right this is a love story between a man and his horse now the word wizard interesting enough comes from the middle english word wizard which means wise man now it could also mean a person skilled in magic but originally the word wizard means wise man of course you know then we get you know what the three wise men right so maybe there's magic maybe there's not um the thing about you know i could go into like uh the conversations that louis and token were having at oxford about science and louis had a phrase that uh a science is the magicians twin which is kind of interesting he would basically say that uh that the way the world actually functions understanding the way the world functions will seem like magic to some people now again if you feel that this is one of the wizards is being talked about in deuteronomy then please never watch it and i i want to have the same conviction if it's true again this is why i say this can be debated to be in time because when you talk to actually token fans and be like yeah this is not harry potter dude like this is this is completely different so quickly here there is there were five guard i'll give you a little token more there were five guardians tasked by the valor and valinor the valinor by the way is the ondying lands all right it's the blessed realm it's the hidden wilderness i talked a lot about this that's where the elves went who i kind of say match amazingly the milio kingdom saints isn't an english interesting that middle earth uh he it's it's a reference to the middle ages middle english all right so there were five guardians and they were tasked by the valor these are the residents the the uh econ resurrected but the the residents of the undying blessed lands on this earth in the greater realm and they were had the authority of the creator supreme being iru illivator and their purpose was to guard the elves of inworth the aka milio kingdom saints from saron aka hosotan um so it's a really interesting story and so my whole thing is that it is perhaps it is perhaps true that what token and louis were actually saying is that like the the wizards the wise men of middle earth were like Elijah characters they were actually servants of the creator from heaven itself they came from heaven down to the earth they were servants of him they were working his will upon the earth and they had a mastery over the realm through the use of the the creator just throw that out there all right so clearly anybody who saw Elijah work miracles would not go that's i hope not there would be some people that's witchcraft you know like no it's actually he's using the power of the most high he's like a vessel that the most high is working through him and we'll be talking more about those vessels are tonight but now let's move away from the wise men the wizards of middle english and look at king fieldin and his horse now why am i doing this um a couple reasons but it is interesting that in a lot of these medieval stories the you don't have a king or a knight without a romance with this horse like they love their horse they have one horse they love they know the horse by name and they're intimate with the horse you know you pat and you love and you kiss it and you talk to and the horse responds to you and you know there's stories like a really good rider a relationship between a horse and his rider that you don't even need a saddle you just sit on and you just bear back it and and the horse responds to you and you and you had and you have that relationship um and of course here is one of the most epic scenes of all time uh and of course his the name of his horse with snowmane i i do have a point to all of this so let's talk about the king's horses and wives we read this in deuteronomy this is what it says in the jonathan targum let's see it up it says only let him not increase to him more than two horses so that's interesting so a king is not supposed to have more than two horses why is that and again i pointed out that you know in all these stories uh medieval stories stuff the king it's like a truly righteous good king would have you know a relationship with the specific horse um and i'm gonna make the connection here uh with horses with uh with women believe it or not i think that they're interrelated um and i would you know it's the same thing i could say that with maybe even like cars today material things right like why do you need a car full of grov you know a garage full of cars and stuff like that like you just need one car that's all you need right from a sense but anyways it says in the targum neither shall he multiply ten wives above 18 and number so that's if they give the number 18 i don't know why very interesting less they pervert his heart so a king apparently he can have more than one wife but don't go over 18 you know it's 16 17 you're getting really close there you know you maybe you need to slow down the shopping process and looking twice at women um yeah so there's that this is what it says in oh um why did i put this passage in here i've been to oh yeah so um we see here oh so so there's a couple things here is uh don't have too many horses a couple horses you're good to go you for how great of a king you are you only need to right how many horses are going to right don't get too many wives keep to a low number of wives now again there might be reasons as to why you would have 18 wives i mean let's just spill out a practicality purpose uh it's a shalom covenant right but you you have another king and be like okay let's trade i don't know you you would most likely give sons and daughters out right you would have daughters and be like okay i'm gonna give my daughter to this king or whatever to his son or whatever but i i would think that that could be a practicality uh behind it clearly Solomon was a either way you slice the cake he was a um way beyond that number all right so we we've been looking at this in judron me six this idea about writing the the Torah the commands on the the door frames of your houses and on your gates one of the requirements of the king is that he was actually to write out his own copy of the Torah he was to be in the presence of the Levites and the reason being is the Levites they they know how it's done they know the craft and skill so they're there to guide him um nevertheless he is to sit there and write his own copy of the Torah and have it there next to him for his reference and to Pamela can talk more about this about what is called a kosher document or Torah and it has to be perfect it has to be completely perfect i mean if you make a mistake you have to bury it in the ground and search away and you know you would have to keep doing until you got it right and um i've been talking about judron me six idea of putting the commands in your door frames of your house on the post and i've stated that i i think that one of the reasons is is for the spiritual world there's spirits everywhere and they want to know what the law of your of your houses now i'm not saying it's going to stop a spirit from coming into your house um but i do think that a spirit's going to look at that and go okay well that's the the rules the law that i have to give my okay like i have to give my consent to go by that and if i'm going to break that it's going to be worse for me contrary if the person in there is not keeping what he is saying he's keeping and i go in there it's going to be worse for him like it's going to be really bad for him uh but you know it that's is what i think keeps the spirits away now let's look at what happened with uh Solomon um first of all we can see here in first king chapter four Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots and 12,000 horsemen i mean we can do the math on that uh you know let's say each chariot has three to four horses um you know that's like what 10,000 chariots maybe 15,000 i don't really know 12 12,000 horsemen a lot and then we go a little bit that's first king's four we go down first king's 11 and he had 700 wives who were princesses and again see they were they were all royalty like he's not just nabbing women on the streets i mean this guy has a kingdom all across the earth right so he is grabbing uh princesses from all the different kingdoms and 300 concubines you have to wonder why what is it like what is it that 700 got promoted 300 only remain concubines but whatever and it says and his wives turn away his heart there it is right there so this is the testament of Solomon this is what it says and this is where you're going to see the connection between having the Torah at your side and as well as the wives testament of Solomon son of David who was king and Yerushalayim and mastered and controlled all the ruach rulekoth of the air the spirits of the air on the earth and under the earth by means of them also he brought all the transcendent works of the temple telling also of the authorities they wheeled against men and by what angels these demons are brought to not i have a theory that um with the ode to Solomon the the writer of that ode he doesn't identify himself one of them actually does there are multiple writers one of them appears to be Messiah himself which shouldn't surprise anyone since he actually wrote the epistle at the beginning of revelation to the seven churches from heaven but i have a theory that the the the writer of the ode to Solomon may really be Solomon and so you're like well no don't know no i mean like the resurrected Solomon because the the writer says that he was resurrected he was in sheol when Yerusha Hamashiach came and that he was resurrected and its names ode to Solomon i'm just wondering what if it was really written by Solomon during the millennial kingdom that would be interesting wouldn't it well same thing with the testament of Solomon is it possible uh and ode to Solomon was written for the laymen it was not written for higher minds it was written for the common man uh and and i wonder about testament of Solomon too but if this was extremely popular in the middle ages in middle earth and um wondering if he had a part of so i read to you from chapter one and it just basically says that he had control over all the spirits so think about this i mean if you um if you put the Torah on your doorpost of your house you're wearing your tassels you got it imprinted on your heart and your your your mind you know right up here on your forehead you have the mark of yah you actually have control over the spirits you do you are not you have control over them you're leaving a clean life you're fencing your sins those spirits cannot torment you they cannot put you into like sleep paralysis they can't do this kind of stuff to you you have you have authority and this is what Solomon had he of course of course he had it over the whole earth why because his kingdom stretched over the whole earth and he would have had the Torah right at his side okay well let's jump ahead to 128 to 130 this is the final conclusion of the book and it says and i shalomah glorified elheim and adorn the temple of yahwah with all fair seeming and i was glad and ruach in my kingdom and there was peace in my days wish alone and i took wives of my own from every land uh who were numberless which isn't you know he says number less but we read that there were 700 and 300 and i marched against the jebusians and i there i saw jebusian daughter of a man and fell violently in love with her and desired to take her to wife along with my other wives and i said to their priests give me the son manate or shunamite woman but the priest of mollock said to me mollock of course was one of the anunnaki here we call of course this is beil right so the priest of mollock said to me if they'll love us this made and go in and worship our elohim go in and worship mollock the or in this case a great elohim riphon and the elohim called mollock i therefore was in fear of the glory of elohim and did not follow to worship good because hopefully he was still reading from the torah and he goes yeah i think this is a bad idea it says right here in deuteronomy the king is not to do this and i said to them i will not worship a strange elohim what is this proposal that he compelled me to do so much they said by our fathers and when i answered that i would on no account worship strange elohim they told the maiden not to sleep with me until i complied and sacrificed to the elohim uh there was it's kind of like a joke right like uh with adam and eve you know uh when eve slips adam the uh the fruit that you know a naked woman could get a guy to eat anything kind of same thing right here pretty much anyways i then was moved by crafty eros well that's really interesting okay so eros one of the allahayam one of the lesser gods comes in and of course molok actually is too he's one of the sons of the anunnaki um he became one of the he became the master anunnaki he took over all of them but he didn't start out that way eros is the same way i then was moved by but crafty eros brought and laid by by her this woman for me five grass hopper saying take these grasshoppers and crush them together in the name of the elohim molok and then will i sleep with you and this i actually did and it wants the ruok of elohim departed for me that is so sad to hear and at once he goes and he he worships molok and it wants the ruok of elohim departed from me and i became weak as well as foolish in my words and after that i was obliged by her to build a temple of idols to beil and to rapa and to molok into the other idols then i wretch that i am followed her advice and the glory of elohim quite departed from me and my ruok was darkened this is why i say all the time that yeah i could darken your vision completely darken it to the point that like you wonder why in the world you even believed in him in the first place it's so sad and i became the sport of idols and demons interesting that he's talking about the sport of idols right he's giving legitimacy to idols wherefore wherefore i wrote out this testament that ye who got possession of it made pity and attends the last things and not the first so that ye may find grace forever and ever all men test the miniscule that's how it is testament to all men now this is why i brought up the putting the commands in the doorpost that if you're going to do this um first of all it's a command right you you do it because you want want to walk out the commands with the father but if you're going to be a hypocrite and you're going to as i read last week you're going to take Isaiah Isaiah says he you have you may have the commands on the doorpost but behind the doorposts you have pagan religious commands and traditions behind it um it's going to turn out worse for you in the end and you can see here that the demons are literally making sport of him this is what they do to people who betray uh um sad anyways i put a note here that eros is the child of Aphrodite and aries/mars why is that important well eros was he god of love but Aphrodite was what i believe is the the counterfeits rua kakadash you guys all hear the kundalini spirit uh but Aphrodite i believe is the worldly chokma the worldly wisdom um and the one we are not to worship uh she's a corruption of the rua kakadash so in my paper that i came out with several months ago chest in the millennial kingdom i talked about uh the the esoteric quality of a knight and i'm not going to read this for you but uh this is a section from it but uh the word chivalry comes from the french chivalier which literally means knight or horseman and you can't you can't see a knight separated from his horse all right and the the the short of the long story is that the knight himself basically is his higher divine you know connection to above the stars right um his his tracing back to heaven and i think this ties into pre-existence and all that the horse that he rides upon is his uh his earthly vessel body like that what you're looking right here this is would be the horse okay so there's a higher spiritual self but that higher spiritual self has to master this fleshly body um and that's the whole idea of knights now it's interesting this picture right here this comes from the codex uh manasa codex manasa um i actually took a a picture from this if you have seen or purchased panel as latest uh translation song of songs which we'll be doing a study on very soon and uh i i love the codex manasa it's considered the most beautiful uh surviving book of codex is from the uh middle ages and this says it all right here everything you need to know about a knight he's got one woman he's got one horse right he doesn't have uh seven hundred wives he doesn't have a bunch of horses he's riding one horse he's because think about this if you if if a knight has multiple horses he's never going to master them right he's never going to master himself he's got too many masters and this woman right here is a uh a wisdom character she's got the i think she's a rua kakadesh uh the pagans will say she's Aphrodite uh she's got the flame there the divine flame all this kind of stuff that the woman is actually higher than the man because the woman you know uh she came down from heaven to adam um and uh she is you know her very nature is not of this earth it is actually the the nature of woman is divine it is something that is graceful that is higher than man right that's why she is above the knight here uh just it's it's really interesting and this is what solomon failed at right you should have had one horse one woman i guess according to the target he could have eighteen i guess you know but um anyways this is this is chivalry right here this is you know what we are to do we are to be chivalrous and into um to know thyself and master thyself all right let's go on let's talk about divine beings worshiping the sun the moon and the stars you know i show this illustration a lot with the uh the firmament there why do i do that is this pagan well if you were to worship uh newitz or not as the egyptians called her yes that would be naughty because if we were told not to do that but i do want to say this right here recognizing the legitimacy of the spiritual realm in a post-Newtonian kapurnican universe does not mean we are worshiping them now you know some putting quotes there the kapurnican universe uh it's almost like people who live in the science realm of the kapurnican universe feel like like it's just like oh it's like to recognize that there's these divine beings that's icky we're not supposed to do that no it's just it's reality uh that's the the wool that's been pulled over all the rice but also not worshiping them does not mean we have to villainize them calling all spirits evil okay so a couple things here again recognizing that there's a legitimacy to the spiritual realm does not mean we're uh worshiping them by recognizing that fact nor do we need to villainize them and say they're all evil every every spirit the yah created is they're all evil you know the weather it's evil all that no it's like no they're just doing their job and i could take you through enoch uh here's a quote from a jubilee's here and he talks about the the ruok of the winds the ruok of the clouds the ruok of darkness we've been over this before how darkness night it's night outside for me right now that there's a literal spirit uh the spirit of snow of hail of hoarfrost uh thunder and of lightnings and cold and heat and there's that cold and warm front that comes together and creates tornadoes and stuff right and that burst of energy and winners and of spring and of autumn and some of their all spirits and it says that all spirits of his creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth were created on the first day this is jubilee's chapter two now it could mean this could mean that um you just the spirits uh in general were created on the first day like the idea conceptually the spirits were created on the first day i take this to mean that all spirits were created on the first day every spirit you and me uh if your dog has a spirit i don't know you you let you guys decide that but everything with the breath of life with the spirit in it were created that that individual that conscious being was created on the first day all right so here's a passage from enoch and again it's just backing up what jubilee says is the the spirit of the dew the spirit of snow of the mist uh just you know everything everything has a spirit it's incredible and they are farming the earth they're just doing their job and as i say time and again just just let them don't just don't you know call them all you just let them do their job no don't worship them don't go in the opposite direction just i say this all the time like if you see a spirit in the woods like a sask watch creature just let it be don't invite it into your home just like oh look there's a spirit walking through the force right now and he's the caretaker of the for he's just doing this thing if he's not gonna bother me i won't bother him maybe he will bother me maybe he's an evil uh you know uh just yeah maybe he's an evil spirit but until that happens let's just leave him be all right so the firmament right here you can see is is a ruach it says in second baruch that uh oh you that have made the earth hear me that have fixed the firmament by your word and have i i don't know why i put expanse and they're one translation that put expanse driving crazy it's the ruach i'm sorry the uh brachia i'm sorry fix the rachia by your word and have made firm the height of heaven by the ruach and it says that this ruach obeys you so the firmament is a ruach that obeys yah according to second baruch it says it's the second address second witness upon the second day you made the ruach of the firmament and commanded it to part the sender and then i put second ezros twice their copy and paste at this all right let's move on and um here we see the the sun and the moon and they they have the hots for each other apparently they're in a chariot together uh this this down here is from a movie called gods of egypt i actually watched this my buddy dave's house like two or three years ago when i went up to new hamster we watched this together and it's really interesting because it depicts a flat earth and there is actually it shows the sun being pulled by a chariot and you know they put the truth in you know right in front of you there in fictionalized and people go that's ridiculous you know but according to these books the the sun really does get pulled by a chariot and it says in third baruch and he took me and led me where the sun goes forth and he showed me a chariot in four under which burnt a fire and in the chariot was sitting a man wearing a crown of fire and the chariot was drawn by 40 angels and here the uh legends of the jews says this the sun runs his course like a bridegroom he sits upon a throne with a garland and on his head 96 angels accompany him on the daily journey in relays of eight every hour two to the left of him and two to the right two before him and two behind him and i i think this is probably plays in with the gates of heaven you know there's um there's you know the 12 gates around the uh the earth and it plays in with the zodiac and of course this you know the sun makes a journey every day and so i think it's hitting these different gates and within these gates there's more gates and there's like 365 and so on and so forth and it gets a little complicated but the idea is is that it's almost like a like a baton rally right and so i think that when the angels get to a gate they they're relieved and there's more angels they jump in and they're all going around with the sun every day of course the sun itself is a conscious being all right now this is really interesting here the phase is the moon uh church cycles so we see here in genesis chapter one the jonathan tarragon and you guys know this but there may be some new information in here you've never heard before and yahobah made two great luminaries and they were equal in glory 21 less uh less 602 and 70 parts of an hour and afterwards the moon recited against the cenaphos report and she was diminished so it is my personal belief and what i'm doing showing you tonight is that um the the moon originally accretion on the fourth day and up to uh any number of years apparently for 21 years according to the jonathan tarragon uh the moon was a full moon at all times i don't think you went through these moon cycles i think that the moon cycles are a result of the transgression of the moon a conscious entity a woman luna we'll call her luna uh and um that this is calling about the light being diminished right here so this is one of the reasons that i have come around to if we are to go on a month calendar based on the moon um i believe that the best one we can come up with is one which says that the full moon is the start of the new moon um though you know i want to respect all calendars out there personally before i make a decision i'm going to try the the zadok calendar one more time and uh i'm going to try a calendar which does next year which does not go by the moon at all um that's a whole different discussion nevertheless um it it appears that the moon diminishes every month as a result of the original transgression and i have a lot of sources on this so we see this here in questions of bar tamay it says this kefah is talking to maryam if you guys have been following my work i believe that this is the original gospel of bar thalamyu um the one that was uh destroyed on being heretical and that this maryam character here even though in questions of bar tamay she is mary the mother. she fits in every way shape and form the character of marymagnolin to the point that the virgin mary here is totally out of character like this is this is clearly marymagnolin all they did is they swapped the name it was easy to do right mary mary. anyways keef is talking to mary apparently mary the mother and he says uh oh tabernacle that are spread abroad maryam said you are the image of adam was not he first formed and then cha waha keep in mind remember it's always peter and marymagnolin are having conversations he doesn't really talk to the mother look upon the sun that according to the likeness of adam it is bright and upon the moon and that because of the transgression of cha waha it is cloudy therefore and i'm going to skip down therefore was the moon cloudy oh no okay so for allahayon place adam in the east and cha waha his wife eve in the west and appointed the lights that the sun should shine on the earth unto adam in the east and his fiery chariots and the moon in the west should give light into cha waha or hiva with a countenance like milk and she defiled the commandment of yahuwaha therefore was the moon cloudy and her light was not bright now um the way she's describing this here is that uh it's almost like when you start a new month a new moon you have the sun and the moon is to witnesses in the sky at the same time at sunset and then the next morning as well when it's reversed um and it seemed to me like that the moon and and or adam and eve or cha waha were placed on opposite side of the gardens and that they came together perhaps once a month and it would have aligned with the moon when the when the sun lapsed the moon and they come together that's when adam and eve would have come together in the garden kind of an interesting thought all right this revelation of moshay says this then cha waha says to them listen to all my children this is eve speaking to uh saith and her children and my children's children and nisha relate to you how our enemy deceived us it came to pass while we were keeping paradise that we kept each the portion allotted to him by allaham so there you see again they have separate sections the east and the west and i was keeping in my lot the south and west and the devil went into the lot of adam where the male well beasts were since allaham parted to west the wild beasts and had given all the males to your father and all the females he gave to me and each of us watched his own and uh why didn't i just put that in there it was a good passage but um actually i think i was supposed to put the next paragraph because you talked about the moon being diminished okay let's let's just pretend like we never saw that let's move on third baruch it says this uh and they having retired uh the night oso fell and at the same time came the chariot of the moon along with the stars so the the the moon and the stars are all conscious beings and i barox uh baruch not barack obama but baruch said add and i show me it also i beseech of the how it goes forth where it departs and in what form it moves along and the angel said wait and now shall see it oh so shortly and on the moral i i also saw it in the form of a woman sitting on a wheelchair it so he sees the the moon has a woman isn't that interesting now let's skip down here for four time purposes this is this which thou sees has been written by allahayon beautiful is no other and at the transgression of the first adam she was near to samayel samayel would be azazel when he took the serpent as a garments and she did not hide herself but increased and allahayon was angry with her and afflicted her and shortened her days so isn't that interesting so because she was a full moon and she increased in like she it's almost like she uh it's almost like chap waha is exposing herself uh to the serpents uh increasing herself right and her like look at my beauty the moon is basically copying what eva's doing she is also increasing herself and because of that her days are shortened now so she uh shrinks down as a result coming over here now the i'm actually pulling this from a paper that uh i took out all my own quotes in my commentary and what i want to show actually this is a part of the the hidden wilderness and showing how the the the crescent moon makes up the uh the hidden wilderness and um and how the the moon getting larger and smaller is actually a uh a sign of the history of the church that the church increases and decreases and is retreated and advances forward based on the moon and there are times like through the millennial kingdom when we see a full moon type of environment but now in our in the little season we have this outer darkness we have this huge black area and then the the church the the the resurrected sainthood is in this crescent right so this is what hildegard says and skivius she says woman as weak and looks up to man to provide for her just as the moon receives its strength from the sun that's kind of interesting because she believes that the moon gave forth its own light too but it it it decreases just as we just read as a result of sin and the moon receives its strength from the sun again for by the works of her knowledge she covers man because she was fashioned from both flesh and blood unlike the man who was originally clay on this account even in his nakedness he looks to woman to clothe him uh and then she says hence man contains in himself the likeness of heaven and earth in what way he has a circle which contains his clarity breath and reason as the sky has its light air as in birds so she would she would show all the cosmos as these mandalas in these these rose windows and she would put man in there as a micro in the macro and all that kind of stuff and the expand crazy stuff and um yeah so let's keep moving on all right the python spirit let's talk about this and i'm not going to reread this a passage but you can see that you are to anyone who has a python spirit you are to remove them from the land so i'm going to quote once more from hildegard and this is what she says concerning the snake i thought this was really interesting uh but the pit of great breath and depth that appeared to you is hell she's talking about hellmouth and she's saying that hellmouth is a an actual entity that swallows people up having within it as you see the breath of vices and the depth of losses it has a mouth indeed like the mouth of a well emitting a fiery smoke and great stench because in its veracity to swallow up souls it shows them sweetness and gentleness uh kind of interesting it's like a like a praying animal that seduces people and then it just takes them out right so it says this when the proud angel raised himself on high like a snake he received the prison of hell and so she's basically saying that uh she says later on that he took on the form of the snake but he actually became like the snake and that he uh he became this um uh this python spirit she says this here um that he loathed some clouds spread out from the pit and let's see let's let's read this here adam and eve walk with childlike innocence in the garden of delight with great wonder he rose up to deceive them through the serpents right so this is talking about the hositan character he takes on the form of the serpents not going through all those passages but she says why because he understood the serpent more than any other animal resembled him that's kind of interesting because he's a you know appears to maybe be a seraphim angel and was eager to accomplish by its deceitfulness what he should not do openly in his own form so when he saw adam and eve turn away and soil and body from the forbidden tree he understood that they were obeying a divine precept and then in the first work they began he could very easily throw them down for he would not have known that this tree was forbidden of them unless he approved it by guileful questioning and by their answers and then he saw this here um the reason why he went after eve he said he saw that adam burned so vehemently and his holy love for eve that if he the devil conquered eve adam would do whatever she said to him so basically it's the you know analogy that um all woman has to do is be naked a handful of fruit he'll he'll eat whatever he uh he she hands him um why do i have these passages in here this is of course okay so i'm establishing here the the snake spirit this is from the book of adam and of course the revelation of mochay and it basically says that you know it's talking about where hositan makes out that works out to deal with the serpent and they both climb over the wall together all right so let's talk about uh the word pithia and it means snake and comes from the mythical python slain by the god apollo and again that's interesting i'll be talking about apollo in just a second but this comes from wikipedia and it says this the pithia is an ancient greek priestess at the oracle of apollo at delphi and it literally says in duduronomy like there are these uh python spirit oracles all over the earth and that you are not to have them in the land so we know in dudurami they existed then look what this is here pithia was the name of the high priestess of the temple of apollo delphi she specifically served as its oracle and was known as the oracle of delphi her title was also historically lost in english as the pithonus the pithia was established at the latest in the eighth century b.c which is still several centuries after dudurami though some estimates date the shrine to as early as 1400 b.c and was widely credited for her prophecies uttered under divine possession by apollo the pithian priestess emerged preeminent by the end of the seventh century b.c continued to be consulted into the late fourth century ad which is coming up really quickly on my timeline for the millenial kingdom during this period the delphi oracle was the most prestigious and authoritative oracle among the greeks and she was among the most powerful women of the classical world now this the oracle is one of the best documented religious institutions of the classical greeks which is really interesting because we have authors who mention the oracle include just the name some of them eristottal clement of alexandria wait clement of alexandria mentions her what how did i miss that dio dorris dio genus uh i don't need to mention all these julian justin livy vukin nipos you could see all these but you do strabo uh playdoh they all mention it nevertheless details of how the pithia operated or scarce missing or non-existent as authors from the classical period treat the process as common knowledge with no need to explain so there appears to be a a lot of scrubbing that happens we don't really know um it seemed like this was very common this python spirit and these oracles those who discuss the oracle in any detail are from the first century b c to fourth century ad and give conflicting stories one of the main stories claimed that the pithia delivered oracles in a frenzied state induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock and that she spoke gibberish which is really interesting she spoke gibberish which pre-interpreted as the enigmatic prophecies and turned them into the poetic and daklitic heximeters found in greek literature um and then of course Herodotus which is a very very very respected historian he describes it in the same way and i will point out that um within the church at Corinth you had uh many women coming out of the elocinian mysteries who were speaking in this gibberish tongue speak and that was just the common culture there uh where they were they you would have an interpreter step up and say what this gibberish actually means and this comes from this uh python spirit with the oracle delphi and you know my whole view on speaking in tongues i've said this before is that tongues in Hebrew the Hebrews always believe a tongue was an actual human language on the earth it was never gibberish and the tongue of the angels can be easily shown to be Hebrew they believed according to jubilees and other sources that the tongues of angels in heaven that they spoke Hebrew all right so there's no they had no concept of angels that just spoke gibberish apparently the the python spirits is the only one historically that we can find that speaks speaks gibberish that should it's just something for somebody out there needs to consider we actually do meet the python spirit in scripture with paul of all people in act 16 16 and says this hold on i need another drink of coffee as we were going to the place of prayer we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination of course i looked it up in the greek and it says right there pithona or of the python it had a spirit of the python and oh i think that's what i wanted to go over in the um i kind of drew a blank sorry guys but the idea the very fact isn't it interesting that the very serpent who comes and speaks to eve uh it was the python spirit it was the same that we saw with the oracle delphi he is literally like the fact that the fact that a snake is coming and speaking to eve um it's uh it's telling you that there's magic happening right there right because you have two entities working together and that was the idea with the oracle delphi that it's actually a paulo speaking through this uh this python spirit anyways there's this uh this spirit uh divination a python spirit and he brought her owner as much gain by fortune telling she followed paul and us crying out these men are servants of the most high god or the most high alahayam who proclaimed to you the way of salvation and this she kept doing for many days and paul having become greatly annoyed turn and said to the spirit i command you in the name of yuhusha hamashiach to come out of her and it came out of her in that very hour but when her owners saw that their hope of game was gone they seized paul and silos and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers damaged goods um yeah and so it's kind of interesting right so this is again deuteronomy even if they if a prophet comes in your camp and they speak something that comes out to be true but they turn away they turn you away from the Torah they are to be eliminated and so this woman just like balaam was able to say something true and the demons are actually speaking through they're proclaiming yuhusha hamashiach right to or yuhusha to be the uh the most high uh when she says the way of salvation that's really interesting wording the way of yahuwah is yashua right salvation they are servants of the most high that's the same thing the demons were obviously doing with mashiach and they were you know uh prophesying and and stating who he is now jennifer lee claire ministries i am i don't i'm not here to throw her under the bus just she has written a lot on the python spirit i noticed this a lot and it's kind of interesting i was looking at her work um and she states that she's in an article that what the python spirit really wants is what she says the python spirit is a coiling spirit okay like the kundalini that works to squeeze out the breath of life the holy spirit and cut off your lifelong lying to god hence prayer that's really interesting i i i don't disagree with her i just think um and yah bless jennifer lee claire i i know nothing about her personal life i think she's missing a major ingredient okay so this is what we're missing this is the context to the python spirit in deuteronomy this is the context to prophets true prophets and false prophets in deuteronomy if one turns away his ear from hearing the Torah even his prayer is an abomination that's proverbs 28 and that's the bible guys that's the bible saying that that's Solomon saying that that's not null saying that anyone who turns his ear away from hearing the Torah his prayer is an abomination they are listening to false prophets what kind of false prophets they're listening to the python spirit the python spirits to quote jennifer le claire with the context of the Torah it's a coiling spirit that works to squeeze out the breath and the i guess you can see the fruits of the rua kakadesh by cutting off the lifelong lying to allahayam because their prayer is an abomination at that point okay so there it is proverbs 28 there's two kinds of wisdom we see this in james and where the word for wisdom and hebrews chukma right so of course it would be sofia in the greek and you guys of course know my stance on the rua kakadesh being wisdom the feminine holy spirit but there's two kinds of wisdom hopefully you know where i'm going with this and james says who is wise in understanding among you let them show it by their good life by deeds done in the humility that comes from chukma from wisdom from sofia but if you harbor bitter envi and selfish ambition in your hearts do not boast about it or deny the truth such wisdom and in this version here they put in quote such quote wisdom does not come down from heaven but it's earthly unspiritual it is demonic all right so i would i would say it is safe to assume or conclude or connect the dots here there's this demonic wisdom it is a real wisdom there are two kinds of wisdom there's an earthly demonic wisdom and this comes from the the python spirit and i ask is aphrodite the wisdom of the world the counterfeit holy spirit remember now uh what happens we we read in testament of the shalom it was eros the son the child of aphrodite of venus and uh and erry slash mars and i i suspect that you know she is the counterfeit of rua kakadesh when when he when he asks is we're not to go to the other gods and learn from them we're not to learn from her i i think that her existence aphrodite does testify to the existence of the true rua kakadesh so i want to point that out um but it's kind of interesting that eros is the one the son of aphrodite and erries uh was the one who went and uh got a solomon to embrace his mother really that the the worldly wisdom sad all right who is the prophet like moses this will be kind of interesting i'm not going to read this all to you again hopefully you remember deuteronomy 18 now thematically deuteronomy or deuteronomy 18 contrast it's in it contrasts the false prophets of deuteronomy 13 and that is the context right that we are seeing the developing theme here deuteronomy a true prophet versus false prophet in the ages to come now some scholars will reject any messianic overtones in the passage in deuteronomy 18 and they are they believe it to refer to a prediction of the continued existence of the tradition of prophets or a succession of prophets i don't have a problem with that i think it's true i think it's partially true because i do hold to the messianic uh meaning here but i still think it's true i think that there is a succession of of prophets that would come and that that would have the spirit of prophecy which is revelation 1412 i've shown that in the past it is the keeping the father's commands in the testimony of yuhushaha mashiach which is of course the commands of yah now the orthodox jews today those who are completely pulling away from the messianic view of the Torah they will generally believe it refers to josh where the son of nine and there is a context for this view it comes from deuteronomy chapter 34 now before i give it let me just say that i have watched many people fall away from the faith uh after coming to the Torah and it's really tragic um it's it's almost like have you ever had the thought um what if i went to war and what if i fought in a battle would i survive it you know it's like you you watch that footage or you think of like guys like running up the beaches of normity right there's somebody somebody there with a machine gun and they're just they're shooting from a uh a tower and the door of the boats they open up and they just get plowed away in there and they're falling on the water and bleeding and drowning and maybe they make up on the beach you know it's just it's awful right and the the only way the only way people survived it is just they just they kept running and the guy in front of them gets shot down and just keep running and running and running right and you get to the end of it and you're just like this is all meaningless how did i survive it's well in a lot of ways it might our journey is like that and if you have are going to be in Torah long enough you will experience this if you survive and you are still standing and you're going to look around at the field of battle and you're going to look at people who you know their face and you're like i cannot believe this they're dead they're gone and by this i mean that they have walked away from the faith they've completely thrown the but they are now back in the world they've fallen and you're like i oh am i still here like this is it's humbling and it it causes us to really search our souls and go you know was i in any way a part of this this this big falling out well this is one of the big passages that they will show when they decide that they want many people what happens is first when they go to the Torah and they when they're falling away what they'll do is they will throw messiah out they will find all the reason to do that and they will this is a big one i remember there was one woman um several years back when the last big falling out and she was just all about like you guys think this passage is about you know about Jesus and you always know when they turn because they go back to saying Jesus can and uh it's like this is about Joshua it's about Joshua there is no there is no reference anywhere in the whole Torah to messiah anyways this is what it says in dude rami chapter 34 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom that's kind of mentioning right so we seeing that the two uh two wisdoms right so he has the the ruach kakadesh for moshay had laid his hands on him so the people of visual obeyed him and did as yahuwah had commanded moshay and there has not arisen a prophet since in israel like moses whom yahuwah new face to face none like him for all the signs and wonders that yahuwah sent him to do in the land of egypt to ferro and to all his servants and to all his land so on and so forth so you can you can read that some people read that say cc it's saying that that's joshua that's joshua right there he is the one that was prophesied i'm just telling you right now if he is i i could like okay so what that's just i'm like so what that doesn't change anything but i don't think it is and here in the air make tarragon i think it has more clarity in this case it says but no prophet hath again risen in yashro liken to moshay because the word of yahuwah had known him to speak with him word for word um i i guess i skipped the passage here on verse nine let me go back but yahuwah bar none was filled with the ruach wisdom for moshay had laid hands on him and so and so forth and it's saying that there is i mean it seems pretty clear in here to me that there is no prophet even even joshua yahuwah he he does not compare to moshay so meaning that this prophecy has not come true yet there has not been one prophet in israel that was the polar to moshay or you know his mirror image or whatever and of course we know that that was uh yahuwah mashiach or get there in a second one more thing islam does teach that the prophet mohamad is the fulfillment of this passage that's kind of interesting that no there's this view disqual is disqualified since mohamad was uh claimed to have come from ishmael not isak so that that disqualifies him from being what it points to the mose's prophecy only allows for prophets arising from within israel it's in the context um in the very least mohamad would have to be grafted into israel for not going by genetics and i don't i think you could be grafted in um but um he wasn't according to the official narrative of the mohamad we know he was never grafted into israel he was an ishmaelite not a prophet of israel therefore the prophecy is not about him now again i the the real historical mohamad will he please stand up he may very well have been an edamite or not serene uh uh i'm sorry not edamite ebionite let me back that up he may very well have been an ebionite there there is some context for that and that he it was later corrupted down the line but that's going with official history he's not a match all right this is why this isn't gospel in john chapter 12 the one who who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge the word that i have spoken will judge him on the last day for i have not spoken on my own authority but the father who sent me has given me a commandment who to say in what to speak and i know that his commandment is eternal life what i say therefore i say as the father has told me and uh this is going right up here with deuteronomy it says right here and then i'm reefing the target it says speaking in moche because the word of yahawaha had known him to speak with him word for word and that's what you should miss uh hamashiyaka saying he's saying every word that i have spoken i have not spoken a single thing to you that i did not get mouth to mouth in the presence of the father therefore i am like moche of course moche went up to heaven but even greater right here in john chapter five he says do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one who accuses you is moses oh there's the office there's the opposite on whom you have set your hope for if ye had believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me now uh it is quite possible that when he says that moses wrote of me he's speaking of deuteronomy chapter 18 he could be saying that and i could fall back on that position you guys know my position my my thought process that i am uh that i am highly suspects and i believe uh that yahawaha is literally the son of alahayana meaning that yuhushah hamashiyaka is yahawaha and that the father is alahayana right kapish you guys have been following now i could be wrong about that i'm willing to be wrong about that but i think that that is that makes for me that brings much more clarity to all of scripture and so literally when he's saying in this context that moche wrote with him it it's because he's literally writing about him the whole time right he is yahawaha he is writing about the heart the very heart of who yah is um his very character and his very commands and that is yuhushah hamashiyaka so talking really quickly about the cities of refuge and of murder uh it says that you know you are not to uh if someone is guilty you're to hand them over okay you are not to spare someone who is uh guilty of a violent crime and it says this in Proverse 19 this quick commentary on this kind of interesting discipline your son for there is hope do not set your heart on putting him to death right so what you don't want your son to die okay so how do you if you don't want him to die what do you do you discipline him because if you don't discipline i mean he's going to run to death but it says a man of great wrath will pay the penalty for if you deliver him you will only have to do it again Proverse 19 wise words so think about that so even if it's not murder okay if you think of a very violent offender and you're you're trying to cover his tracks you you don't want justice to come to him maybe you love him and you're trying to uh cover it up for him just know that if you do that you're going to be doing it again and again and again okay because it is he's he's not having to deal with it now he's not having to repent he's not having to deal with the recompense he will he has learned his lesson his lesson is that he can keep doing and you're going to cover him for him and so if we truly loved someone we have to uh you know we have to hand them over and um allow them uh recompense for the people they have offended all right uh determining blood guilt i'll go over this really quickly i do find it interesting that there's this it ended kind of like with the csi uh the bearded ones the csi leviates and there you go out to us imagine you leave a city and you find a dead person maybe somebody washes up you know in the water whatever and you're like i think this person was murdered um this doesn't look good and you don't know who did it you you are never going to find out it's probably impossible to find out um it says specifically what you're to do though and that you are to there is something about their blood spilling on the ground and you are to be uh remorseful um you know it's uh repentant of your own sins really but you are to bring a sacrifice you know go through all these things so that's uh it says that you shall remove the blood of the innocent from your midst if you will fashion that which is up right in the eyes of yaholaha now we read this in the genesis uh chapter four that uh that when Cain murders Abel says the voice of the blood of the murder of thy brother which are swallowed up in the sod this idea is that the blood actually cries out to him right and um i don't need to go through all this again i've been through this so many times but in enoch chapter 22 when Enoch goes down to shio he he sees the ruach of Abel and it says that he is making soup he is crying out and that his voice cries up to heaven so there's something about blood right life is in the blood and when our blood spills out on the earth um like we are to be like we take that really seriously and uh we make sure that we um we bring whatever justice we can and not cover up crimes all right i'm going to be mostly ending tonight talking about false testimony earlier tonight i talked about how uh we need to be real real careful about producing false testimony to anyone who claims to be a brother and i said that about Paul and just recognizing that uh whatever we uh whatever we determine uh judge someone based on a false testimony uh that will come to us never is that more evident than with yahoo shahama shiak with the false testimony that was thrown at him now in the courtroom scene which is you know the uh we see that the high priest kyfus he tore his robes and he said he has uttered blasphemy what further witnesses do we have no right there he has lost the high pre-ship and and tearing of his robes but then we see this uh the people are saying he deserves death and then they spit in his face and struck him and some slapped him saying prophesied to us Christ who is it that struck you so it says right here that um uh he says uh he talked about the false witness and he says that he has spoken in a loud voice deceptively against his brother and you have done into him like that which he devised to fashion for his brother and you were um and um uh man i'm just there's so much material here and whatever it says that they're a violent offender so what it's talking about here in dude eronomy is specifically what we see happening with mashiach where we have false testimony uh false testimony coming forward and they want to murder the son of allahai'am and as false witnesses now they're striking him they're spitting on him right which they're just like complete violation of deuteronomy at this point and why is this so important that the yahudim are the ones doing it and not the Romans well i've shown here many times the pilot was innocent it literally says in all the gospels uh that he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying i am innocent of the blood of this just person and you see you to it now it would be again very strange for him to do that and wash his hands and then go through killing him like that's not how it works you don't wash your hands and say i'm innocent of this this guy's innocent and oh by the way i'm going to torture this guy and kill him and of course again the the theme here is they respond his blood beyond us and our children now we're going to see that they are falsely accusing him and the accusations that they threw at him and what they did to him is now going to return on them but you can look over here at uh the greek gospel of Matthew and then the Hebrew gospel Matthew i've taken you guys through this several times if you read my commentary on bazora kefah that's the gospel of peter i go into great links on this and i show that every single time it says soldier in the greek it actually says the Pharisees in the Hebrew which is really interesting the word is perochine undeniably the Pharisees the Pharisees are the ones that are beating him whipping him putting the crown of thorns on him and when it actually says in the greek that it they took him to the common hall and gathered unto him the full band of soldiers common halls you know where the greeks uh where pilot would be it actually says the great house of the judges they take him to the sandhedrin to the temple in the Hebrew gospels so again we see in john over here in Hebrew john and every single one of these soldiers it says perochine Pharisees they're the ones doing all this all right so pilot is innocent not only that but this is kind of interesting in the book of the cave of treasures it says that um it says that and when joseph had taken down the body of our lord from the cross the jews ran and took the cross and brought it into the temple because the pieces of wood thereof were the burying poles of the ark of the covenant now um we can all argue whether this is legitimate or not to me this speaks of the the malice that the total hatred the contempt of court that they had towards you hushaha mashiach they're literally the yahudin went to the the storage room now the ark of the covenant was gone but they had in place the the the the poles which makes sense because they do today right they have all the pieces for the temple and it would make sense that they would have the pieces for the ark of the covenant in the instance that they did find it they would have the poles and so they go and they find the little poles that were intended to carry it to hang them up kind of interesting um we saw here in the testament of solemn and it said there's this one uh demon that goes up solemn and he says he that is born of a virgin crucified by the jews on a cross so we're we have more testimony the Romans didn't do it um speaking of that python spirits we see in the gospel in Nicodemus that they say to him but we know that you will not be thought worthy of a burial but we will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth and who speaks like that but goliath so they were speaking through the spirit of life um and um oh man this is a really interesting the apocalypse of kifa all right well i'm going to end on this note tonight why am i showing you these these battle scenes well i have to admit that's there's something about men going into battle and knowing that they're going to die if you can show me cinematically a really good battle speech i'm going to be misty i like you know when william wallace you know speaks his famous speech about you know every man lives but not every man really dies not i mean every man dies but not every man really lives i just twisted that i would be total totally terrible at a um battle speech i get i get all swollen up in my eyes and here of course the oden gave one of the most epic battle speeches of all time before the rohirum ride in to get slaughtered uh trying to save the city my starth and of course the one that gets me every single time is when the aragorn you know it says for frodo and then he runs it i'm just like oh it's like crying it's even like running it but so this is the complete opposite here the torra regarding warfare they're telling you like they're trying to dwindle down the numbers and the priests are going up there and say okay who here is uh just got married okay and you've been married less than you yeah go back to your woman who here just bought a house and uh okay go back to your house who here uh just planted some you know maybe has a property you haven't really cultivated the fruit yet yeah go back and finish that and you just you dwindle down the numbers and dwindle down and dwindle down until there's very few men left and and they're like okay you you guys see how these numbers have dwindled down how many of you are afraid right now how many are you looking around how few people are here and you're uh afraid of the enemy over there with all their chariots their tanks their missiles whatever it is yeah you guys can go home too and this is how Yahwehah works it's so exciting because it's like Yahwehah is saying like i am going before you in battle i'm going to destroy your enemy for you all you have to do is be loyal and run down there you know shouting and blowing your trumpets and waving your swords whatever i'll take care of the rust for you um and of course you know ultimately this is not what they wanted because they wanted a king a human king right so there's that i want to compare this with the war scroll and i pointed out in the suns of light versus uh suns of darkness which was a dead sea scroll of the war scroll that it is interesting that when we see the Huns i think was that the Huns there or the um wasn't the Goths now i'm drawing a blank but uh when they are oh maybe it's the by goss whatever when they're when they're sacking Rome we actually see a scene here now it's interesting that in the painting they they put the the arch there very interesting that they they felt the need to include the arch in the background because we by historical records they went into they took the the temple items including the menorah and others and they carted them off somewhere probably the southern france and then it disappears from the world stage we don't know what happens to it and i have pointed out what if just what if the actual victory arch in Rome uh is actually that event and not the other one just throwing that out there i don't know i can be totally wrong about that i'm willing to be the war scroll column 10 says this of our camps and to keep ourselves from any shameful nakedness and hemoche told us that you are in our midst uh yahawahi you are in our midst a great and awesome aloha plundering all of our enemies before so before we can even get there and plunder them you're already doing it he taught us from of old through our generation saying when you approach the battle the precial stand and speak unto the people saying here oh yes ril you are not approaching the battle against your enemies today do not be afraid nor faint-hearted do not tremble nor be terrified because of them for your elohim goes with you to fight for you against your enemies and to save you our officers shall speak to all those prepared for battle for those willing apart to strengthen them by the might of elohim to turn back all who have lost their heart and to strengthen all the valiant warriors together they shall recount that which you spoke by the hand of oche saying and when there is a war in your land against the adversary who attacks you then you shall sound into the alarm with the trumpets that you might be remembered before your elohim and be safe in your enemies now it says right there in your land now the context of this at this point is that this is after the initial seven-year war with a Benjamin Levi and Judah against the edamites which i uh suspect was the maccabean uh revolt this is actually uh later uh the final 33 years of war uh at a later date when the all of israel all over the world has awakened under the michelsadakai priest which of course who knows yuhu shahama shiak and they have risen up and they are taking over the world and it's basically it's the same battle cry it's like yeah if you're if you're a faint of heart just just go home to your wife and children we'll let you know when we win the war um all right and i i have to point this out from allakai chapter four because this lies in the face of of everyone who says the Torah is done away with for behold the day is coming burning like an oven when all the arrogance and all the evil doers will be stubble what is this talking about the fervent heat that ushers in the millennial kingdom the day that is coming shall set them ablaze remember it would be worse for them on that day than Sodom and Gomorrah says yahwah of host so that it will leave them neither roots nor branch they will be completely burned in the fire before you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings you shall go out leaping like cows from the stall and you shall tread down the wicked for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when i act says yahwah of host remember the Torah of my servant moshay i should point out here the son of righteousness is the second is that one moshay wrote about right this is messiah this is the our high priest of the mikils like order and he what is it he's saying remember the Torah of who moses the statutes and rules that i commanded him at for up for all gashirel behold i will send you eliyahu the prophet before the great and awesome day of yahwahah comes so apparently at the time when the fervent heat comes and every the earth melts under the heats and the judgment comes and the wicked are pulled up from roots and there's nothing left of them and Elijah comes and so on so forth it's important to remember the Torah of moshay but i'm not through yet fruitless versus fruitful trees in warfare we read at the end remember i told you how he says that when you go in to take a city and you got about these ramps and you know whatever if the tree has fruit in it you leave it you do not pull up a tree with fruit in it that is that is instructions for all of us if it is a fruitless tree you may pull that up and you may burn it you may turn into whatever you want um now uh i'll show you a couple pieces of research here i find this really interesting according to the book Joseph of verimathea it says that um it says that then all those whom judas had informed gathered at the house of simon the leper so judas betrays messiah at the the passover supper at the seder dinner he goes and grabs everyone and they go and get him at the house of simon the leper well what happened at the house is simon leper that was the house that mary maglin actually anointed messiah wish he cracked open the nard it was the patrolo incident and uh Lazarus was there and as i have pointed out my research simon the leper appears to be the father of Lazarus mary and martha and of course at this time mary was cast out of the family she was not accepted in there and it is messiah who becomes her kinsman redeemer she comes in without without a head covering her and simon the leper is the one standing up and he's he's the one protesting mary maglin and saying if you were a prophet you would know she is a sinner and you would not allow her to do this meaning you would not follow through with what this all implies and means anyways this is really interesting because according to this after the meal in Jerusalem they crossed the river and they went to the house as simon the leper and that is where judas apprehended them some of you would be like well it's a garnish emony well it's the same and when the disciples realized this they were filled with fear and once the house was full and judas was sure they had uh the upper hand he stepped forward encased jesus so what's interesting here is that according to this simon the leper uh was actually the owner of the garden of gazimini and you know now you know why messiah was there so often it says this in book of the illuminators when you hushah spent the days in yurushalim the nights were spent on the slopes of the mount of olives and the talmani built shelters close to a place where there was an oil press however one day even taiyuhushah went to the house as simon in the pier that's also simon the leper because he's pure now he's no longer leper we're some women who were followers of his we're living in this in this scene right here this is where mary magdalene also comes in but it's interesting that he is actually building shelters there uh his talmani are staying there in the garden of gazimini and again um i personally am of the opinion well i'll get there in just a second let's keep reading um what is this saying john it says and yahuda also which betrayed him knew the place for yuhushah oftentimes resorted to their with his talmadiene all right now before i i tell you all about the garden and mary and and yuhush and all that some of you will call that i a couple a few weeks ago i did my green man paper uh i did a video on him and i talked about how the green man is actually according to all the medieval theology we can pull up it's he's not that mysterious as he's made out now by the new agers and the pagans he was actually a representative of the first adam in the second adam specifically the first adam and uh how out of his mouth would grow the tree um the olive tree that would um produce salvation so it's interesting that in all this medieval artwork you see pictures of adam's skull right and they often put it right under the cross to tell you just like the green man that the cross comes forth from adam's skull in the case of the green man if you remember the the saff actually took seeds from paradise uh michael handed him some seeds he put them in adam's mouth it grows up and becomes the tree the venture comes across i do you find this interesting right here that the the place of the school gal gothab is a big school now i i don't i don't know if um mud fossil university roger spur has ever got an end to this before um but i mean he would look at this going outside you know that's a that's a big huge giant well according to the tal mood they say this as rabbi elizer said the height of adam the first man reached from the ground to the skies and then when he sends the holy one blessed be he places hands upon him and diminished him he doesn't say to what size here but this giant would be pretty massive um and it says this in baba batra which is also the tal mood rabbi mier says in the future of the jewish people will have the same the stature of 200 cubits equivalent to two times the height of adam the first man whose height was 100 cubits that's kind of interesting so he's saying that in the in the world to come and now this is according to the tal mood okay so just but i'm giving you the historical context the idea that the ancients believe that adam was a very large man he was a giant all right now the um the amount of schools hundred cubits is approximately okay in the ball park of 150 feet what we're talking about here um oh yeah um oh yeah the um i don't know there's all this math here again i'm not reading through this but the 400 footer is the largest giant we actually see in the book of enoch so for those of you saying well you know 100 cubits is like way too big or 200 cubits or whatever actually they're much larger in the the book of enoch um oh yeah and then we read this in questions of bard talmai which again bartholomu and when yahoo shahama shiaka is coming out of shiol and bartholomu is standing there and he's watching it all happen he says he sees this one guy he's like this guy was huge who was that guy and he says it's at in the first form so i kind of suspect i'm what kind of wondering if this really is i mean what really is adam scull where the cross grew and uh the olive tree that he would have been hung on would have come from adam scull like just you can't make this stuff up now again a lot of you are like well wait a second i thought adam resurrected from the dead yeah well i i have shown that i don't believe that the resurrection is cookie cutter and in fact the gospel nikonemus and others it talks about people who physically resurrected they came out of tombs and those people didn't die and they went off to heaven and other people just went straight from shiol to heaven in spiritually resurrected bodies so and while yahoo shahama shiaka physically resurrected in his body did not see decay i'm just stating here that uh when you look at the when you look at ancient literature and all the different texts out there it's not cookie cutter they had different ideas on this and is it possible that his school remained there as a testimony is that adam sculls that how big he really was as it has been staring us in the face this entire time um that's definitely where my thoughts are leaning now let's get back to the um the garden of gazimini here so reading directly from my paper i i mentioned in my paper the woman in the alabaster jar that there are eight olive trees growing in the garden of gazimini today and they are dating to be nine hundred years old and you can date a tree like this isn't like carbon dating you could literally look at trees rings and you can date them two nine hundred years old now a two thousand twelve study found that three of those trees originate from one thousand ninety two eleven sixty six and eleven ninety eight respectively that's smack dab center in the what i believe is a millennial kingdom and they were planted during okay anyways dna test shows that the trees were originally planted from the same parent plant that's kind of interesting the implication is that they were sprouts reviving from older roots the same roots which had survived the destruction of usually in seventy ad by the Romans why am i bringing all this up well um let's see we read here in war of the yahoo dame josephus talks about this that all the trees around Jerusalem were cut down by the Romans fruitful trees they were cut down by the Romans and used to destroy Jerusalem with so um this is while you could say this is going against the Torah of course the Romans aren't keeping the Torah right i see this is a judgment against the Jews obviously like yahoo waha he's saying like all your trees are fruitless like you are literally you you killed my you you killed messiah on a tree um and now you know they're all coming down um but this is where it gets really interesting so in third baruch we see this that when allahayam made the garden in paradise he had all the different angels uh two hundred thousand of them apparently they came together and they all cultivate and this is where i said that creation was a project among the Anunnaki all the Anunnaki took place in the creation of the world and it says that all the different angels planted different tree and of course uh satanay or samayel or azazel if you want to comment he planted the grape fruit which was the tree of knowledge of good and evil but michael planted the olive tree well that's interesting because it was michael that handed the seeds to sat to put into adam's mouth and out of adam's mouth grew the olive tree and what is surrounding Jerusalem but olive trees right so my point here is that these olive trees they came from where they came from paradise originally all the olive trees around there they all came from paradise and more importantly uh the garden of kasimani was the property of simon the leper if those historical records are accurate and i think there's very good evidence for that which means that it was passed down to yuhu shahama shiak and that would be his personal garden and it is interesting that during the millennial kingdom the olive trees that are the roots from 70 id why is it so important that the roots came from 70 id because those are the same olive trees that came from michael in heaven from paradise down into adam you see what i'm saying so during the millennial kingdom it's very possible that um that michiaq himself and his bride uh we're revisiting uh their old stomping grounds and reviving the garden that was so important to them hope you guys enjoyed that good night everybody let's do this again next week shabbat shalom everybody