Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Tuesday September 10th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 50m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit stop and balance and require finance agreements, too. A football fans, you want the real deal? The raw unfiltered truth about everything going down in the NFL? Join Mark Schlarath, three-time Super Bowl champ on the "Stink in Truth" podcast. He's breaking it all down for you. No punches pulled. From the game-changing moments that won or lost a game to the player's evaluations, this is an analysis you won't hear anywhere else. Mark's got you covered, so strap in and get ready for the ride. Because this isn't your average football podcast. Follow the "Stink in Truth" in the free Odyssey app. Or wherever you get your podcasts. This podcast on Ninety-Seven-Three, the fan is presented by Hamul Casino, fun above all else. Welcome in everybody, Ben and Woods Ninety-Seven-Three, the fan. Happy Tuesday to you, let's get your heads right. And Ben, the chat, you had me all nervous, I was looking at the YouTube chat, there was nobody there, and then all of a sudden it just blows up the, it's like they have their alarm set for $5.58, but I was in there, or I was actually, I was in there at 4am this morning. 404 is when I walked in the door today. I'm Woodsie, that's Paul Reindel, the EP, executive producer, good morning Paulie. 504, I think, was where I walked in today. Yeah, Benjamin Higgins, friendly neighborhood sports anchor, 533 for Benjamin. I woke up, first thing I do when I get out, probably like most of us nowadays, is I reach over for my phone. And I open up Twitter just to see if anything has happened while I was sleeping. And the first tweet I saw was a picture of our studio clock. I know it well. 404. And as I have to stare at it for four hours every single day, and it was a picture that you took at 404 a.m. and I was wondering, hmm, I know he gets here early, but why? Why would Woods be here so very early this morning and it's empty building? It's possible, just so both of us, just so he can lower it over as the fact, how early he gets here and how well prepared he is for the show. I can start posting pictures of how late I stand. I also feel like that wasn't the reason, though. I feel like there was another reason you were here so early. Oh, yeah. Nothing. Nothing to do with you guys, just looking up again, 235 in the morning. Your old pal Woods, I'm gonna be around much longer based on the quality of sleep and sleep that I get. I'm going to drop dead at some point. I would guess in the next two years, if I keep up this routine, so it's been nice to know any guys, been fun, really enjoyed entertaining, trying to entertain people, but it's just not a, it's not a, it's not a, it's not a tenable, it's not a tenable situation. You can't live on three hours of sleep, three and a half max. You just can't do it. So I've done it for years. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. I think when you fall asleep, I think when you fall asleep, you get, you get REM sleep. I do not. Yeah. I get none. Zero. I'm a four minutes a night of REM sleep. I'm, I'm at my, I'm at my wit's end. You think it's because you've got kids? That is stressful having the young kids because I have a spouse that gets up at one o'clock in the morning. There's no question about it. You have a big house. Maybe you want to sleep in separate bed work. Maybe I should sleep in another state because that's what I'm considering today is, is if I will live in another state at this point and do maybe afternoons somewhere. Yeah, man. It's just kicking my ass, dude. It's, it's very, very tough. Uh, somebody said I should go to one of those sensory deprivation tanks. If I could get one in my house, I would do it. I would absolutely do it. Sponsor alert. Sponsor alert. Anyone have a sensory deprivation tank that I can move into my home and just, all right. That's it. It's just, it's just untenable, man. It's not a, it's not a situation for me that, that works anymore. I'm just cash. If you can't sleep through someone, I'm waking up. Benny, if I, if we're, all right. So let's say this is my bedroom, okay? This is our bedroom or my bedroom. And I hear this from the other, just I'm dead asleep and I hear this. I'm up. Just tiny noise. The tiniest, caffing noise, like here, again, well, I'm up. So it's not like people are like, oh man, this guy says, I've done it my whole army career. And I'm like, I mean, if you, if it works for you, great. What I'm telling you is it doesn't work for me. I don't sleep well. I don't sleep long. It's just not working. Your plugs. Try mass. Try it. Got it. Got it all. Ambient. Name it. The next thing is like, like, I don't know, six whiskeys or something. I don't know. Just heroin. Just heroin may be falling. I mean, just pass out. So Andres is my body is telling me that I don't need to sleep. That's false. It's absolutely false, man. Anyway, so that's why I got it. I once I am up, I'm like, well, I'm up. I might as well go in and see if I can whip up any magic here in the studio. I was not able to. So we did not. We did not whip up any magic, but you know, you never know till you go in there. So yeah, man, it's today is, yeah, somebody made the point. The start of a new winning streak starts today. Do we kiss this road? Or do we smash this dude into a thousand pieces? I still don't know. I'm going to give the rough. How about this? Last time we kissed it on Friday, they won. Okay. Let's give this little turd one more one more. They have the best record since we started kissing the road to baseball. It's been unreal since that since the road. I lost the road. All right. Now that means you stomp it out. But you know, listen, despite despite my tiredness, I'm very happy to be here. I'm excited about our show today. We have something a little different coming up in just the next segment. And I had the chance to watch American sports story, Aaron Hernandez. And I was struck immediately with the performance of Josh Rivera, who plays Aaron Hernandez. And we're going to be joined by him and one of the producers, Stu Zicherman, is going to be joining us in the next segment. It's one of those docu series dramas. It's going to be airing on FX and it starts a week from today, a week from today. The best sets of DBR. It's a Ryan Murphy, Ryan Murphy, Ryan Mufy, directed, directed doc series. That's how Bowe would say his name. Oh, Ryan Mufy. Yeah. Ryan Mufy. And it's like a biopic. It's it's a dramatization is not a documentary that you've seen like Netflix had a huge three part stock rate, which was really good. This is totally different. It's supposed to be different. The best comparison would be it's the same people that did the OJ one or Cuba Gooding Junior played. So good, man. So good. Did we all not love that one? I mean, we I loved it. Ross Ross was a Kardashian. It was brilliant. I'm curious, though, if it's more of a authentic dramatization or more like the winning time Lakers where the people went off and go, this wasn't now. That's not how it happened. That's not this. This is all just made up for drama for television purposes. And I'm going to ask the stew of the producer, like how how close to reality did you try to keep it or how much did you try to pizzazz it up for entertainment value? I mean, I think there's always a little pizzazz you have to add and you know, kind of take some stretches on some storylines. But I think the bare bones, if you watch the documentaries, I think did you watch the Aaron Hernandez docs? I did see some of those. Yeah. So it stays pretty true to that and uses a lot of stories that like his brother wrote a book to that's really telling and talking about his his sexuality and and where he was with that. And that's a big player in this this series as well. And I again had the chance to do the advanced screening on it and it I mean, it's staggeringly good. And this guy, Josh Rivera was so good, man. I just can't tell you again, this performance. That's what fascinates me the most. I'm very excited that we were able to get him on the show. Yeah. Because I mean, you know, from what I've been told, he's not much of a football. He didn't play. It's on a football. He's a sports guy. Wait till I ask him about his background and acting and you're going to be really surprised. And I'm like, dude, how do you prepare to play a murderer? Yes. A crazy person. Yep. 100%. I mean, we all know the story and I'm like, too, that's that's gnarly to prepare for the role. I can't wait. And I hope we get to keep him on for a little bit of time because we're going to do that in the next segment. So we're actually going to break a little bit early so we can knock that out. It's the only time they had available. And then we will get into some of the other, uh, no Padres last night. No Padres. Yeah. 100%. So I hope everyone enjoyed a peaceful night at home. Just hate watching other teams like I did and watching some Monday night football. And we'll talk about that. Thanks so much to the 49ers for your transparency. Really, really cool. Definitely. Really cool. Thanks so much. It's not just football carnage. It's not just fans. Last night. Yeah, it's so much that went into that last night. So we'll talk about all of that. And then some this morning here on Ben and I mind changing things around a little bit. So a little early break. Kelly's traffic and then we'll come back with Josh Rivera, star and Stu Zickerman, producer of the new Aaron Hernandez movie coming to FX next. So it's a 97.3 the fan. So very impressed that you got an advanced screener just for you with your name water marked on it. It was a cool thing to make sure you couldn't leak out to anyone else. It's only the second time I've ever had that. I got an advanced screener of Birdman, which was the Michael Keaton. That's right. Yeah. I felt like I felt like I had made it at that point. But man, I was happy to get. I love the 10-parter, you know, to be able to binge that. And it was it's just actually the problem is when I get super excited for a show. It's like four episodes or three parts or something like that. I need more. I got to have more. I'm not the support. Now, the reason you got that screener is because we got some special guests on early today and joining us right now, the star of American sports story, Aaron Hernandez playing Aaron Hernandez in the limited FX series, debuting next week. We've got Josh Rivera with us. Josh, good morning to you. Good morning. How you guys doing? Doing really good. Doing great. And we also have the producer of the program, American sports story, Aaron Hernandez, Stu Zickerman is here. Stu. Welcome guys. Thanks for joining us. Thank you so much. It's great to have you guys. I wanted to start with Josh got to watch the entire series, blew me away. And I think when I when I found out kind of your background, this was quite a departure from West Side Story, right? I mean, you're your West Side Story one day and the next day you are a psychopathic sociopathic football player that is literally, literally high the entire series. I've never seen a human being smoke as much weed as your Aaron Hernandez did. Yeah, we had this special herbal, like it was basically like smoking tea leaves. And man, it tasted pretty bad. But yeah, it wasn't it was quite a big departure, wasn't it as far as genre and the kinds of things I had to do, which was a, you know, a fantastic opportunity and a terrific challenge because, you know, obviously like, I'm just, I'm always competing with myself. I'm trying to one up myself with everything I've done previously. And so this was a great opportunity for me to just do something completely different and collect some different muscles. So yeah, I'm really happy you enjoyed it, man. That means a lot. I did. Very, very much. Yeah. It's dramatizations have become really big, the OJ, the Lakers series on HBO. My question to you is when you take something from real life and turn it into somewhat dramatization, how close were you trying to remain to the real life events and what we knew about the Aaron Hernandez story? Well, I mean, I think what's, what's amazing about the Hernandez story is we don't really know that much, right? Like, I mean, we've seen the documentaries and we've read the articles and all they can do is speculate. No one really knows what was going on and no one really knows why Aaron, you know, did some of the things he did, killed Owen Lloyd, you know, it's such a mystery. And I think, you know, what's great about doing a show like this and the reason to do a show like this is, you know, we in the writers room can sort of get together and take everything we know about it and all the research and try and connect the dots and try and come up with answers and take the audience, you know, into the room where Aaron asks, Bella, check for a trade or out to the Odenmore, you know, and we can take you there and try and sort of like piece the whole thing together in a more complex way. Yeah, no question about it. And I thought, you know, I didn't look at it and say, man, I've seen them take a lot of liberties here at all. It all stayed fairly true to what I had seen in the past and joined by Joshua Vera who played Aaron Hernandez and Stu Zickerman, the producer, one of the producers from the new Aaron Hernandez movie coming out on FX debuts next week. Josh, another question for you. I'm looking at you now. You've probably had to drop some pounds, but I know you had about 30 pounds of muscle and you had to, you had to add the tattoos. Can you tell us about the process of adding all that muscle? Because I would like to do that. And then also the getting those tattoos put on you every day, what was that experience like? Yeah. So I'll start with kind of the fitness regimen because what was really cool about that is that I had been, I had been in hunger games just before that. And you know, I had to slim down for that because the hunger games, you know, and so I was at the lightest that I'd ever been at that point. So I really wanted to get back in shape anyways, and the fact that it was company subsidized was really great. But there's no sexy Hollywood secret, man, to be honest, I just, they hooked me up with a trainer and I just worked out every day, it was probably five days a week. And I guess the only thing special about it was I had a nutrition help where it was just kind of eating clean food, but like a ton of it, like a ton of food. I have never before like, I got a big appetite. I've never been in a position where I did not want to eat and I had to make myself eat before. It was pretty bizarre. But yes, I put on a ton of weight in like three months. It was like carrying around a whole different body. It was pretty wild. And the tattoos, we had a special effects person, his name's Dave Presto. He's my favorite guy. I love that dude. He's got like 11 Emmys or something crazy, but he drew all the tattoos and he was able to reference a lot of the chronology of, because, you know, he starts with only a few errand does. Yeah. And then it eventually becomes huge sleeves and body tattoos. So he drew these and made kind of these stencils that he was able to piece together in different ways on my arms. And what I would have to do in the trailer is I had these basically like gymnastic handles that I would hold on to for hours, for hours I had to do this. And they would put all the tattoos on. We would put on like movies and stuff like that. The whole thing took about like three to three and a half hours every day, like I was pretty wild. First of all, I'm stunned because every other tweet is the secret Hollywood stars don't want you to know about getting in shape and he just told us there's no secrets just have to work hard. No, they're wired. Well, Josh, how about the football part of it? Because when we watch you line up, when we watch you running routes, when we watch you, you know, I'm assuming making at least some of these catches that you had to make, taking hits, things like that, it looked to be a little bit grueling. How does one prepare for that? Yeah, I'm glad you asked. So I have a little bit of a football background, but I've never been tight end. I was a guard and a linebacker. So I have, I have stone hands. I can't catch bird garbage. And so I had to do like while I was working out during pre-production, I did a lot of work with some of the football coordinators to get those stances, to look natural and to get those routes to look natural, working on my receiving skills and all of that stuff. And there was a, there was about a week towards the beginning, you know, a lot of the less contact stuff is me and some of the quick routes you can see my face and stuff like that. All the cool stuff, like the really, really cool looking stuff, that's probably somebody else to be honest. But because there was, there was one week or like a span of a couple days while we were doing some of the Florida football where I was like, I'm doing the football. Like I played football, I'm a football player, I gained 30 pounds, like I can do this. And oh my gosh, I got the run kicked out of me that day. I remember the next day my bones were hurting, everything was hurting, like my eyeballs were hurting. I was like, man, give my stunt double in there. This is crazy. 100%. Yeah. Active Josh Rivera, producer, Stu Zicherman from the American sports story, Aaron Hernandez, debuting on FX next week and Stu, I want to ask you about the casting process, not just Josh, but you're casting, you know, people who we know in real life, like Bill Belichick and Urban Meyer and Tim Tebow who I just saw is Arnold Schwarzenegger's son. How do you pick people that are going to be convincing to an audience that already knows these people in real life? Yeah, again, it's a challenge. You know, I think that, you know, I've always felt like when I watch a show like this, you know, because I'm a big sports fan, I watch a show where, you know, someone's playing someone, you know, I never think they look exactly like them at the first second, but very quickly, if it's good, like I forget about that because the person serving bodies the part, you know, and I think that for us, we were just looking for people that can sort of like dimensionalize these characters, you know, and, you know, the Belichick one's like the best example. It's because like, that's a hard part to write, you know, we spent a lot of time in the writers and I'm thinking about like, hey, how do we write Belichick? You know, it's like everything you know about him, he's so private and he's kind of crumudgy and like, that's not going to be fun for an audience to watch, you know, so like, you have to think about how you're going to sort of bring these people to life and then you have to cast it with actors, you know, our actor who plays Belichick, just, just ran to the role, you know, and just sort of like, you know, filled it up with air and, and you sort of hope all your actors do that and I think that, that when actors sort of like Josh was, you know, Josh always says, you know, it's like, when you embody the role and you make it your own, I think the audience very quickly kind of forgets what they're looking at and they just start watching and rooting for the character. That's a really good point that you make and I thought the guy that played Urban Meyer, I forgot, I just assumed after a couple of episodes, oh, I'm, I'm watching Urban Meyer in a hospital that talking to his wife, I'm, that's what I pictured and Josh, last one for me. So I got to imagine when you do your research and, and learn more about the Aaron Hernandez character. Look, man, I, I don't know that sympathetic is the word that I feel for him, but I do, when you kind of put the pieces together with him, I go, okay, I mean, it explains a lot. And where do you think, where do you think he kind of lost his way? Was it high school? Was it Florida? Was it the NFL? And we talked about it a little bit on the show yesterday. All of the steps that everyone took to ensure like he stayed out of trouble. None of it worked. I mean, he was, he was just kind of a lost soul from the very beginning. So when you played him, did you find yourself connecting with him at all or, or feeling sympathetic? Because I'm telling you, with the performance you laid out there, it had my mind spinning a little bit. Yeah, well, I'm, I'm, I'm glad you felt that way because that means I did my job correctly, just because approaching something, I try to approach everything from an actor standpoint, like part of my job of really huge components is to have empathy for the person that I'm playing. Sure. You know, and if we're talking about the reality of it, like I, you know, the, the facts of the facts, like I don't have a huge amount of sympathy for the situation, but when I'm approaching it from a character lens, like I have to, I have to make this like a realized whole person. And when you're talking about where he lost his way, obviously like a lot of people have speculations. My personal belief is I think it started to go downhill once he, and this was, this was reinforced when I was able to watch the show. There's a specific moment where he realizes that he just got away with something for the first time. And you see the, the, the cinematography in that scene is really powerful because you can just see it register that he doesn't play by the same rules as everybody else. And that dawns on him. And I think things just get worse and worse from there. Because when you compound that realization with, you know, kind of a degenerative brain or with a myriad of other issues that he's running into in his life, you know, any normal person would be at least a little bit swayed by the, by the premise, by the, by the, what's the, what's the word, whatever, by consequences, but he knows early on that he doesn't have to face those. He doesn't play by the same rules because he's really good at football and everybody wants to see him win. I think that was a pretty huge, huge contributor. Well, we're very excited about American sports story, Aaron Hernandez, gentlemen, thank you for your time. Let's get on with the hard work of promotion now after you, you put it all together. Thank you so much. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Thank you for watching. We really appreciate it. Our pleasure, man. Thanks so much. Thank you. Josh Rivera, American sports story, Aaron Hernandez, such a premiere September 17th that is one week from today on FX and how many episodes is it 10, 10 episodes, brilliant. Not really set up for a season two, I would think. No, I think season two is not in the cards, but I just, I mean, I, the guys perform. You'll see. I'm a great dude. Number one, you can just, you know, see what a great guy he is and then to watch his performance, the transformation into this absolute, you know, sociopath is, is really dynamic. It's really well done. It's, you know, like you said, a dramatization, but he crushes. I was just hanging up with them on Zoom and they were still hearing you talking, like, like, what a great dude. Yeah. What a great performance. It was. Yeah. Raising his arms. He did that. He knocked it out of the place. I mean, there's got to be so much fun. This part of the, the job, like the job's not over once you cut the finals, right? The promotion and I could hear them. They were talking about plans of when they're going to LA next for like Emmy stuff. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, that's got to be the fun part. Hard work, paying off. I really liked this performance so much that like, I don't know that I would go watch West Side Story before, no, now that he's in it, I'm like, all right, maybe I'll go watch West Side Story, you know, I mean, he just, he was brilliant, brilliant in it. And, um, the, the process of having to get the tattoo, the straps is talking about day. You know, just stick your arms through and just like hang there. I mean, I can't even imagine also like 30 pounds of muscle. Holy smokes. That easy. But they paid him to do it. I know. Yeah. It's on the house. That's great. Interesting stuff. Yeah. Good for a non pot raise morning when they didn't have a game last night, a fun way to start the show. We will talk some baseball coming up. But since we're already on, on Hollywood, a little shout out to his family, not a little one. Absolute legend. Legend. Legend. I loved your tweet last night too. We could bring that back. Thank you. I think you're right. Am I right? That is, you see the one person we can all agree on, he, he's the one person. I think that everybody can agree on. I think so. Who doesn't like James, or who's the edge, who's the edge Lord out there? It's like, eh, he's not that great. That's coming up next with Beno Woods, a 97 through the fan. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has ruled by like an army of steam rulers. It's been erased like a blackboard rebuilt and erased again, but baseball is marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again. Oh, people will come Ray, people will most definitely come. You don't like field of dreams? I love fields. I think it's corny, unrealistic, corny, literally. You don't even like that speech, it's overwrought, whatever. How can you not like the delivery though? James Earl Jones, as I tweeted yesterday, is the one person that we could all agree on? Right? Like Padres and Dodger fans, the Crips and the Bloods, everybody agrees that James Earl Jones was an absolute treasure and an artist and a G. I mean, to the very end, what is, what a part of all of our youths, doesn't matter that we're 15 years apart, Paulie. He was a part of your youth, as well as mine and banks, you know, with Darth Vader, you know, Luke, like it's just, it's iconic. He's just an icon and then yours will be the one that will tell you what happened to your father. He told me enough, he told me you give me, no, I am the father. Just blow your mind. Are youth, your youth, Paulie, with like Lion King and stuff on me. Everything the light touches. My kids is all kingdom. A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king. I mean, as iconic and as long of a career as he had, yeah, I was born in 1990. Right. Lion King, I want to say '92, '93, like it was one of my first movies that I just loved. The Sandlot, you know, he was in that horse. And you're just like, man, he's just, he's iconic. Iconic. Yep. Absolutely iconic. 100%. And yeah, saw that news come down yesterday. It was just kind of like a, man, 93 years old tip of the hat to you, sir, for a long, really fruitful life, certainly. And I would say for me, for my, for my money, I'd say the best pipes of all time. I tend to agree. I was going to tweet it yesterday, but I thought, all right, Woodsy, this is a knee jerk reaction. Whose pipes are better than James Earl Jones? And I sat there, I went, man, there's some good ones. You know, there's some, there's some good pipes out there. There are. Benedict Cumberbatch. Yeah. There's a really good voice, but not as good as James Earl Jones. No, I, I, I, I'm trying to think of best pipes of all time. I mean, Morgan Freeman's on that. Morgan's Morgan Freeman's pipe. His is his delivery as well, but James Earl Jones with the deep and rich. That's not, that's it. That's your finger. I mean, even watching the news growing up, this is CNN. Yeah. Yeah. That was him. That was him. That was James Earl Jones. King Joffy Joffer. In coming to America. One of my favorite characters with the giant lion's head around his body. You see coming to America. Right. The original. Yes. So brilliant, brilliant career was very bummed to see it yesterday, but 93 is a, it's a good run, my friend, a very, very good run. So you know how we do it on this program. And I really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult. So shout out to his family. And good news here. Julian reminded us in the chat has Polly reminded me and Ben that Disney actually licensed his voice to use pretty much whenever they want. So we will definitely get more James Earl Jones as time passes. I don't really know how I feel about that. Like AI. James Earl Jones. Yeah. I think that's the thing. Yeah. I'm not so sure about that. I don't know how to feel about it when in reality, like, or was it like they, they have a licensed it to Lucas, then now Disney and like Darth Vader will always be James Earl Jones. Like I don't know that we're going to get a new Darth Vader stories. Is it? He was never the guy in the Darth Vader suit. No. It was a different guy. I was an actor. Yeah. But it was his voice. But he's really, really great. But I don't know how to feel if it's, if it's a I would have been weird if they've taken off the helmet and Luke's father was James Earl Jones. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, not impossible, but not impossible, but it would have been a little bit different. Polly, do you have that clip? I do. Okay. So yesterday, my friend Jack, it was actually Jack's idea. I want to give him credit. He goes, dude, tomorrow you got, I'm assuming you're going to do shout out. To his family for James Earl Jones. I said, yeah, at prime time, there's no pottery's game. So we're going to mess around a little bit. I said, he said, have Polly run that through a Darth Vader filter. I go, it's a great idea. So I said it to Paul. I said, try to run that through a filter. Polly sent it back to us and well, it hasn't really caught up yet. We don't have the same systems as Disney and Lucas films, apparently. This or maybe James Earl Jones is just so good that AI can't handle him. Maybe maybe in their life, it's too hard, but this is Darth Vader filter. Yeah. Shout out to his family. Excuse me? One more time. Shout out to his family. His family. His family. Hey, it's James Earl Jones. I'm from Wisconsin. How are you? Hey. Shout out to his family. People will come, Ray. I swear to God, they will, they will. People will come, Ray, baseball continues to just move on at its own pace. So people will most definitely come, Ray. Hey, how are you? Hey, did she get that hat tag out of her throat yet? Where's Moonlight Graham? Hey, Dak, can you get over here and get that hat tag out of her mouth? Shout out to his family. It's the weirdest thing I have ever heard. That's the worst filter of all time. Did you find that under bad Star Wars filters? It was like the first thing that popped up. Hey, Shout out to his family. What in them? What's going on in here, dude? Shout out to his family. Hey, how are you? Shout out to his family. Yeah, welcome to Chicago. Hey, how are you, James? Rest in peace. Oh, God. More damn acroids. Yeah, it's more damn acroids. God. Well, so if that's what we have to look forward to, then I'm going to pass, okay, on the whole thing. Hey, how are you, Ben? I know you want to talk pageries in all your math that you did last night. I do want to. I know you do. I had a purpose for it. I know you did. Do you know what my purpose was? To enrage me. No. It was not my purpose. I was trying to calm everybody down a little bit. And I succeeded. Because it was some people I succeeded. Talk about that coming up right after a check of traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. Baseball coverage on 97.3 The Fan is presented by T-Mobile, switch to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how at Yeah, with no pageries game last night, it was full on scoreboard watching and hoping for a little bit of help. And the pageries did get some from a pair of old friends, Ty France with an RBI double in the second inning. And Nick Martinez with seven innings of two hit shutout ball as the Cincinnati Reds beat the Atlanta Braves one to nothing. That knocks the Braves two and a half games behind the pageries and a game behind the Mets who pulled one out against the Blue Jays and a wild pitch and a pass ball in the eighth inning to get a 3-2 road win. So right now Padres game and a half up, Diamondbacks, a half game behind the Padres, Mets a game and a half behind the Padres and the Braves two and a half games behind the Padres with the top three advancing to the postseason at the end of the regular season. Yeah, it was put on the end of that game and the Blue Jays game and they had a runner on first. When you run at the plate, tying run on, tying run on, winning run at the plate, two out, Edwin Diaz on the bump and he hangs a slider and this guy goes Oppo and he sends it back to the wall and I'm like, here we go, walk off win, right up against the wall, makes the catch. And I'm like, man, the Mets magic is really happy. It was quite Jackson Merrill in that situation. No. And they're again, they had the bases loaded and ended up scoring like you said on a pass ball and a wild pitch and it was like, okay, well, they're clearly going to win this game. And man, it was their magic is not seeming to, to dissipate right now. But why I did so much math on Twitter last night, I really have seen a lot of nervous Padres fans coming out of the woodwork after just two losses in a row by your San Diego Padres. And of course, the tightening of the wildcard standings and you know, they're the doomers and like this is, this is how it starts and the Padres are heading toward a very bad place in which they're going to miss the playoffs. And I want it, and it is absolutely possible that the Padres can still miss the playoffs. They're guaranteed anything. Many would say probable that is that is incorrect that many would say that's what I wanted to point out. So many would say. So for the Padres to miss the playoffs at this point, they would have to be passed by all three of those teams that are behind them. Now the diamond back. You're only half game behind Padres play the Diamondbacks three times. Really, they could pass the Padres without too much consternation there. The Mets are only a game and a half back and have the tiebreaker on the Padres. So yeah, there's a very realistic world in which if the Mets continue playing well, they could pass the Padres. But the Braves, you know, that's especially after yesterday's loss. That's a little bit of a different story. Yes, they're only two and a half games back and there's 17 games for to play. So there's time as special Padres don't play well, but remember the Padres own the tiebreaker over the Atlanta Braves, which means for the Braves to pass the Padres, they're going to have to win four more games than the Padres the rest of the way. Okay, four more. So for instance, if the Padres went 10 and seven the rest of the season, which would be seven and seven and sweep the White Sox for just for example, the Braves would have to go 14 and four to pass the Padres and the Braves, by the way, still have four against the Dodgers, three against the Phillies and three against the Mets, which they can, they're home. I mean, they can win some of those that like I said, nothing is guaranteed, but the Braves would have to pretty much play out of their mind to get to 14 and four with the Padres, just kind of play an okay at 10 and seven, even if the Padres have their worst stretch of the year. In fact, there, there were 17 game stretch of the season is six and 11. It's when they had two five game losing streaks at the beginning of June, one, a few games in between. That's the worst they've done all year and 17. The Braves would still need a winning record to pass the Padres. They need to go at least 10 and eight in their last 18 games to pass the Padres. So yes, it's possible, but no, it's not like, oh, this is definitely about to happen. The Padres have a significant advantage here in this race toward the playoff spot in the wildcard, at least over the Atlanta Braves at this point, which is really all your, you're just kind of worried about the one team that could slide right in as you, if you crumble or if you go, you had a bad stretch or whatever, but I do agree, you know, you need to avoid, you need to avoid that. You can't count on any wins. I mean, you just, you, you look at the white Sox, they won, I'm sorry. Did I say the Phillies, the, the Braves play, I just want to make sure I got this accurate. I put it down. The Braves play the Mets, the Royals, the Dodgers, the Phillies, the Royals. Yeah. You just ruined my day. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was all excited for that. But three playoff teams. Yeah. You know, it really, they're remaining six series. It's the Padres have Dodgers and Diamondbacks and Astros. So they have, it's no joke and it's, it's similar, but the Padres are in a much better starting position than the Braves are. Correct. They've got the white Sox too. Yeah. You can afford, you know, you can afford a series loss in there. Not that you want one, not that you're going to, you know, not that any of us will be happy with that. But yeah, the, the games against the white Sox been here, I mean, you have to win all three. There's, they've won 33 games this year. You just have to. But again, they're in the best position you can be in in sports is the ability to control your own destiny. You hear it all the time, but it is so true. You don't have to get help from other teams. Getting help is great. You got some last night. That's fantastic. But you win games, you will be in. It's that simple. We win. We take your business. We're rolling. If the Padres go 11 and six, it's almost impossible for them to miss the playoffs at this rate. The Braves would have to play insanely well. 15 and three. Right. You know, with that schedule that, that is all and the injuries they've suffered, that is not really a feasible finish to the season. So yeah, I mean, they would have to like completely tank. And Arizona stays super hot. Right. Over the next 14, no, they'd have to re get hot because they're, they're very average right now. Like they would have to play out of their minds with the next 14 and we would have to be horrible over our next 14 for that last series, those last three games to not be for a playoff. Correct. Correct. You kind of hope at a, at a, at a maximum, it comes down to is, oh, well, we're in there in. Let's see who, let's see who plays at home, which is important. It's absolutely important. But you know, hey, listen, if we get down to that point and that's all those three games matter is, is seating and where you play. I don't care. Good. We're in as long as we make. I think it's very important. I think it's, I think it's a slight notch below getting in is having a home player. We played better on the road, which is fine. I just, I, I, dude, you know how you know my stance. We get to hit first. Fine. We give up a lot of early runs. Let us, if I, if we end up playing in Arizona as bummed as I am about not going down there to the ballpark and being a part of the energy and being at a bar before the game and all that. Yes, it's going to suck. Not going to be that upset. As long as they're in, if we happen to get first licks and our pitcher doesn't have to go out there and give up two runs in the first and we played from behind, I'm absolutely okay with it. I can, I can make myself feel better if it's at home, I can make myself feel better if it's on the road. I'm in. All I'm saying is I, I think nine and eight is probably good enough. Hundred percent. If the Braves went 12 and six and the Padres went nine and eight, Padres are in the playoffs. Yep. Do they have to, even if they want every series, that wouldn't be good enough if the Padres go nine and eight, if they didn't sweep at least one of them. We'll come back. We've got a little take on Woods for you and let's talk about the Monday night football fantasy football controversy last night as well next on ninety seven, three, the fans. If you want the real story behind the NFL, you need the stinking truth podcast, three time Super Bowl champ Mark Schlereth breaks down the biggest place, the biggest games and the untold stories that make this game what it is. Follow the stinking truth in the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at Up to four lines via virtual prepaid guard, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit service ported 90 plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. Card has no cash access and expires in six months. From the mind of a two foot tall talking spokes puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition? You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and whomps and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture, shop in store at MyBob' to play now. So what's got caught in the trap of a crossfire yesterday? Would you have the number one pick in our fantasy football league, our media/podrays league that we're in, and you logically and I think justifiably selected Christian McCaffrey, the reigning offensive player of the year in football, the guy projected to get the most points and probably the number one pick in most fantasy football leagues. Who going into the first week, there had been injury concerns, obviously in training camp. But most reports had indicated that they expected CMC to be on the field for the San Francisco 49ers. Injury reports and such had led everybody to believe that. But when they got to around, hmm, it was about one o'clock yesterday. Was it that early? I don't know. I thought it was much later. Sometimes in the after, it was within three or four hours of game time, whenever it was. It was announced that when the inactives come out, it's about three hours before the game, I think, and he was going to be inactive, not in the lineup. Couldn't have done anything anyway. Well, that's the thing with fantasy football, most leagues had that had they played on Sunday. Yeah, maybe, you know, before other games had been locked in, you could drop it back up. You could switch your line and put someone in. One four o'clock, when there's one game left, though, and all your other guys have already played. You can't drop it. You're all locked. You can't drop anybody. Can't add anybody. And you were out of luck. Yeah. You had to take a big goose egg from your number one running back position. Sammy Levitt, congratulations. Take took down the champ here. We the first round, you know, first pick in the draft, Sammy Levitt won a pretty hand elite. All three of us lost, right? Yeah, very cool. Glad we did this. Fantastic. You know, you can't necessarily fault the 49ers. It's not in their best interest to let the New York Jets know days and days in advance that one of their star players isn't going to be on the field. That's a competitive disadvantage. But when, you know, so many people are investing so much time and, you know, money into their fantasy football league, you can have a lot of upset fans out there when they find out at the last minute that their star player is not going to be able to be on their team this week. That panicked me even more than that was earlier in the day I laid down a little wager on nine or minus four and a half. I thought these are going to be easy money. Well, and it turned out to be pretty easy money because of his backup, Jordan Mason, who had a big game close to 150 yards and a touchdown. But what he said afterwards, now the 49ers could have just said, Hey, last minute thing, calf wasn't feeling it. We had to decide to deactivate Christian McCaffrey. But after the game and live interview on ESPN, Jordan Mason was asked, when did you know you were going to go? Like, yeah, they just told me, you know, this morning that I was going to go Friday night, Friday night, Friday night, Monday. So the 49ers have been hiding this from everybody all weekend. Didn't leak to any of the Adam Schefters of the world or Ian Rappaport. None of them got wind. He's buttoned up shift that the 49ers run, but that would not leak out to anybody that they knew for the last one, two, three, three days. The Christian McCaffrey wasn't going to be playing in that game and that Jordan Mason was going to be starting plenty of time for everybody to make their fantasy football line up and make some moves. I wonder if the lines would have changed. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I think I definitely worth a point or two toward the Jets. Well, I bet yesterday, too, when people saw the news, if they hadn't put a wager down and they saw that news, they're like, ooh, I'm going to get smart here and put some money on the Jets with Breece Hall and Aaron Rodgers back and I was wondering how that all affected the line. Yeah. So I mean, again, good job to the Niners. Really good job. That's a well run organization being able to keep that under wraps. You didn't do me any favors, but you don't know me anything either. So is what it is. I, you know, as long as he is this something the NFL needs to address? Or is it like, Hey, you're, you play fantasy football. You're taking your chances. It's a form of gambling like anything else. And guess what? Bad luck happens in gambling all the time. It does. And I, but I do know this, the NFL is firmly in bed with gambling firmly, like they are next to each other having breakfast in bed. So I do wonder if Roger Goodell got any salty phone calls about, Hey man, they have to let us know. I know if they know three days in advance, they need, there needs to be some sort of protocol because again, that's how we base our lines on the guys that are going to be. I mean, there are injury protocols. That's why they have the doubtful questionable probable system that is supposed to be, you know, fairly accurate and enforceable. I get it. But it definitely would have changed some things I would, I would think need a contestant for take on woods. If you want to join us and take on woods for a chance to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas, the weekend of gambling eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three, our musical trivia game coming up in just minutes, eight, three, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three, give us a call right now, we'll put you on hold, get you online as a potential contestant. I can't say that I was horribly disappointed to see Aaron Rodgers return. Not go that well, just, I mean, you know, Aaron Rodgers is a phenomenal talent. I actually enjoy watching you. I have enjoyed watching him quarterback over the years. It's funny. Aaron Rodgers off the field has become just kind of a nightmare and like, it's turned me against him more in this last year. It's so funny you say that because I'm, I'm like you and I was probably more in his camp than you were. I like his, I liked part of his like, you know, weirdness. There's some, something to it. It got a little ridiculous at times. That said, when he, when he drops back to pass, still enjoy it very much. I still really enjoy watching him play the actual game of football. When he drops back, he led it. He had a pass. Can't remember. I don't remember who he threw it to, but it was Sammy's receiver. So he got a big game, but he led him perfectly to where he didn't get his clock cleaned and you see him as for a first down and he gives it like the, I want, I like watching him play football. Obviously for a, what, 40 year old now, yeah, still in phenomenal shape, but there is undoubtedly a dad playing with the kids vibe going on with Aaron Rodgers out on the field. What a percent. I mean, you know, these 22, 23 year old rookies out there and Aaron Rodgers is starting to go a little silver and just like, looks like he's from a completely different generation than, than most of the other players on the field at this point. Yeah. I thought, you know, and again, he didn't, he didn't look terrible. He didn't look great. But it was a couple of missed passes through a pick couple of good ones on the run target. Also, I mean, the Niners are really, really good. They're really good. Using them, their defense is, is a thing of, you know, if you like football, they're, they're really fun to watch. Week one overreaction. It already looks like it's going to be the chief running away in the, and the 49ers running away in the end. They're so, I don't know that that's an overreaction. I think it's a good reaction. That's pretty much what's happened every year. The last couple of years that they met in the Super Bowl last year and I'm like, pro, they played without the best player in football yesterday. They had, you know, Brandon, I you missed a couple catches and you heard Troy Aikman saying, Hey, you know, that's what happens when you hold out. You hear Peyton Manning. Little rusty. Do you hear Peyton Manning? Yeah, it was on the Manning cast. He was. Oh, yeah. I was watching the Manning cast. Well, no, it's on, it's on Twitter. He was hot. When I, you've dropped that, that pass in the end zone, the dough for it. That's why you get in camp. That's why you get in camp early. Get your contracts on. Get in camp. He was hot. And you know, I mean, look, you're Peyton Manning. They were like, Hey, you're falling all over themselves to give you the deal that you were on. You never had to worry like about holding out, but man, I, I'm watching the Niners going Holy cow, like George Kittle. So fun to watch. Brock Purdy is just as solid as it gets, you know, Debo, so fun to watch. All those guys are fun to watch and their defense, Fred Warner, those guys, they are a blast. I mean, they are Joey Bosa. They're a, not Joey Nick Bosa. They are a blast. I mean, creative offense, I mean, the jet sweeps to Debo. It seems like just a well-run team and looking at their schedule, maybe one loss in the first six games. I mean, they got Minnesota, the Rams, the Patriots, the Cardinals and the Seahawks coming up before a game against Kansas City on Sunday, October 20, which I'm sure will be one that everyone circles on their calendars is a big October test for both teams and a potential Super Bowl preview coming up in October, but yeah, the 49ers look good without Christian McCaffrey. Now, throw him into the mix and see how good they're going to be. Hopefully he's just injured and in and out all year. Yes. Super for your fantasy football pleasure. I'm more upset with my Michael Pittman second round pick after like a three-jim. I'm more upset with my Marvin Harrison Jr. pick. Goodness gracious. Is that your first round? No. No. Second, I think. Back, back into the second or start of the third, one of the two. Yuck. No one cares about our fans. No. No. Literally no better. Well, you know what, even if you lose a fantasy football, you did win yesterday and take on wood. Yeah. Let's see if you can make it two in a row. Let's play our game. It's time for take on woods. What? What? What? I take bavalvoline instant oil change. It only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's Paulie picks someone random for me. Oh, let's try. Is this Ray? Yes. Ray! Congratulations. Good morning. You are a contestant. What do you do, Ray? I'm a manager at a medical company. All right. Good luck. You could probably use a vacation to Vegas. If you could beat or tie woods, we're going to put you into the drawing for a two night stay at the win or on core. Very nice. And tickets to see Awakening be thrilling spectacle at the win tickets are on sale now at All right. Woods is left. You get to go first, five questions and you get the advantage of knowing the category here. Your choices are little shop of horrors, five song titles or musical artists beginning with the word little, an iffy category, five song titles that begin with the word if, and our new category today is called below the waist, five songs that include a lower half body parts in the title. So little shop of horrors, an iffy category, or below the waist, Ray. Let's go into little shop of horrors. Little shop of horrors. Okay. Today's five answers will all be song titles or musical artists beginning with the word little. You'll get 60 seconds. Try to answer as many of the five as you can. You don't know. Once they pass, we'll come back to it if there's time left on the clock. First questions, the two second song, Paulie will play you some music. You need to give me the title and the artist to score the point, one of which starts with the word little. Ray, are you ready to play? Yeah. All right. Paulie, you ready? I'm ready. 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music category, little shop of horrors. Good luck, Ray. Let's take on Woods. Little live, sweet one now. Correct, which 1983 Prince hit uses an automotive theme as a metaphor for a one night stand with a fast woman. Little red Corvette. Correct. If you're thinking fondly about the Australians behind the 1970 hit Cool Change, you'd be reminiscing about which band. Which rock and roll pioneer with the last name of Peniman had 50's hits including 2D fruity and long, tall Sally. Correct. The George Baker selection is best known for which 1969 song included in the soundtrack to Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. The George Baker selection is best known for which 1969 song included in the soundtrack to Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. Incorrect. If you're thinking fondly about the Australians behind the 1979 hit Cool Change, you'd be reminiscing about which band. Now you got three. That was Little River Band that sings both Cool Change and Reminiscing. And the George Baker selection song is called Little Green Bag. You got Little Lies, Fleetwood Mac. Little Greg Corvette and Little Richard. Let's bring Woods in. That's the score to beat now. This doesn't know the score to beat, he doesn't know the category, he comes in completely in the dark. And exhausted. And exhausted. From a lack of sleep. Good opportunity for the list. Yeah, really good. All right. 60 seconds back on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck Woods. Let's take on Ray. Fleetwood Mac, pass. This 1983 Prince hit uses an automotive theme as a metaphor for a one-night stand with a fast woman. Little Red Corvette. Correct. If you're thinking fondly about the Australians behind the 1979 hit Cool Change, you'd be reminiscing about which band. Cool Change, pass. Which rock and roll pioneer with the last name of Peniman had 50 hits including 2D Fruity and Long Tall Sally? Little Richard. Correct. The George Baker selection is best known for which 1969 song included in the soundtrack to Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, pass, go back to our two-second song. The Fleetwood Mac lies, you're telling me lies? No. Incorrect. If you're thinking fondly about the Australians behind the 1979 hit Cool Change, you'd be reminiscing about which band. The Taints. Wow, you've lost. 3-2. Ray, congratulations. Wait, I only got two. You got two. Yeah. Are you sure? Little Richard. All the answers started with little, so what kind of lies were they? Little lies. Little lies. I said that. No, you said... Lies. You said lies. Then I said... Sweet little lies. No, you didn't say... I did. You never said little. Like your fourth guest was Sweet Little Lies. I said little. You didn't say little for soon enough. Cool Change and also reminiscing is Little Riverbait. Little Riverbait. And George Baker's selection is Little Green Bag. Ray, congratulations. You are the winner today. Good luck. Congrats, buddy. Congrats, Vegas. Sanline, Paulie. We'll get your information here. Take your time for me, Ray. You're doing it. I'm tired and weak. Oh, my God. Dang it. Everybody's qualifying this month. Little lies. Little lies. Not the lies. The category was little shop of horrors. And everything said little. Started with the word little. Little lies. Little red. I feel like that would have happened. Little green bag. Yes, it would have. Yeah. All right. Very cool. Very cool way to start my Tuesday. Sorry about that, would Zee. I'm happy for him. What's his name, Richard? Ray. Ray. Good job, Ray. Richard Peniman is Little Richard. You are tired today. Good job, Ray. Good job. Good job. We're approaching. Don't do this Hall of Fame status for Deshawn Watson. When's enough enough? I think it was enough a while. Like this is the only team that doesn't know is enough. This is separate from all the other stuff. We're in the Brown. Brand new. Brand new yesterday. You got to go. You can't. Dozens of women. But you can't cut him. I mean. Why not? I'll tell you why. Coming up in Don't Do This. Next on 97-3 The Fan, first traffic with Kelly. Don't do this. It's time for Don't Do This. What were you thinking? Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sorry. I fudged up, guys. You idiot. You moron. Out come out. The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. Don't do this. Do not tweet that. With Ben and Woods. I like a Nickelback song or two. On 97-3 The Fan. Hi, what's up? Why don't you kick us off today for a little Don't Do This. Yeah. It was like going back in a time machine yesterday when I saw news of Deshawn Watson. Another investigation under fire, under fire again for more sexual assault and battery. This happened apparently, allegedly, in October of 2020 when he was a member of the Houston Texans. Same time frame as most of the other allegations and lawsuits. Yeah. This one was, yeah, he settled 23 of 24 civil lawsuits, but this one was a little bit different in that he was not paying someone for a massage. But massage did rear its ugly head again, Ben. He went to meet this woman for a date, allegedly, allegedly, could not find her apartment. So was standing kind of down at the in the grassy, gnoll yelling up, like, hey, you know, screaming. So she's like, hey, hey, I'm right here. Relax. Come on inside. Let me finish getting ready for the date. She goes in the bathroom, put on her makeup, walks out, he's nude on her bed, face down. So nude, just like before they've even had the date. Correct. This is pre Texas roadhouse chilies, wherever they're going. He's nude on the bed. She says, I need you to come over and give me a massage again. And I need you to focus on my buttocks, my buttocks. Do you say buttocks or buttocks? I say buttocks because of for a scum, directly in the buttocks. That's why I say buttocks. And so then he partially disrobed her, allegedly penetrated her without consent, plicit or explicit. And she picked up a weapon, like a, like a lamp or something to try to fight him off with it. And he ended up leaving. And now she is suing him. And again, this is another, another situation for Deshawn Watson that just, you know, you look at this and go, all right, man, clearly, clearly there is some pattern of misbehavior and, and, and, and use and, and that you do need some serious help. And what happens? Browns give them the biggest deal in history. He serves what 11 game suspension is back. No problem. Now this new one is up. I, you know, again, it's kind of gross. The way sports media is. But the way I saw it yesterday was that's how it was framed was, hey, can the Browns get out of this contract now instead of like, hey, hopefully this, these 25 women that we know of are okay. It's, hey, I wonder if this gives the Browns, you know, a little, a little window to get out of this deal. It's, it's quickly becoming what looks like one of the biggest mistakes in contractual history to sign Deshawn Watson. I mean, people thought maybe at the time it would be, well, all those fears are coming true. Yes, Sunday Deshawn Watson, 24 for 45, 169 yards, the touchdown two interceptions did not look good against the Dallas Cowboys was booed at home by the Cleveland Browns fans. If, you know, in a, in a just world, maybe you just cut it. But because that money is guaranteed, if you cut Deshawn Watson, they would immediately, I believe, take a $220 million cap hit. That is, the cap is only like $257 million. That would mean you'd be left with only $37 million to fill out the rest of your roster this year. You'd have like five players. Yes. So that's not tenable. Nope. That's not going to work. So you can't just get rid of him. Unless the NFL steps in and as you said, there was speculation that if this, if this lawsuit was not disclosed as part of the punishment that's already been handed down and served to Deshawn Watson, I mean, he's going to, and his age are going to say, time served. You can't now go back and, and relitigate it, but if this is a new one, I mean, he'll say, well, we didn't, you know, we didn't do anything since then. Nothing has happened. This was all part of the past. You've punished me for all this already. It is a privilege, not a right to be an NFL superstar. Right. And he has already gotten in trouble. He's already been punished. Now it's getting in trouble again, horrible, horrible reasons behind it and I would love to see Roger Goodell grow a pair of grapefruits and actually do something about it because that guy, who's going to miss him in the NFL? Not Browns fans. Who? Not Browns fans. He has no business being in this league. I don't think that there's necessarily hesitancy on the part of the league. I mean, if they just snap their fingers and say goodbye to Sean Watson and you Cleveland, you don't have to pay them, they would probably happily do so. I think they know, though, that legally they'd be on very shaky footing and probably end up losing that case and would be even worse for them in the long run, that they'd have to go through this whole process and then find that they can't do anything about it, which is why they haven't done anything about it yet. But I guarantee you, the NFL has plenty of lawyers who are at every moment of every day, getting their ducks in a row just in case they want to go down that path and every bit of evidence that they can use if there ever was a case is being documented and filed away for potential use in the future if this does come to the point where they want to suspend or ban him from the league at some point. Now the Browns have never indicated any willingness or indication that they've wanted to do that. They still say he's their quarterback. He's their guy. And I would like Roger Goodell to grow some grapefruits and just keep the Browns out of the alphabet. Well, I ask again, who's mad at that besides Browns fans? There was such a good story last year without him with Joe Flacco and other coach, let's Stefan ski. Yeah, it was a good story last year in the NFL, just on a quick side note, about an hour and a half long tease here, but we'll hear from some Browns fans earlier on this morning. Okay, Browns Cleveland Sports Radio yesterday. Oh boy. Oh, yeah, I heard that clip. It's really, really good. I've got a story that I think Woods is going to enjoy because it involves someone who is pretty much everybody's favorite major league player except for perhaps what's Oh, look at me. So this is from our friend Hector Gomez does a lot of reporting on pot raised players like Tati's and Machado in the past. This is on Big Poppy, David Ortiz quotes on the 2024 National League MVP award race. And the fact that show, Yotani is almost certainly going to win it said they MLB always had issues not to give MVP because I was a designated hitter. I'm going to see what they're going to say this year went. Oh, Tani, the pretty girl of MLB is in the race. So the implication here is pretty clear, David Ortiz is saying that there was a massive bias against him in particular, not just because he was a DH, but he wasn't the pretty girl of MLB. I mean, is he trying to argue? He was like the prettiest girl with everybody hated David Ortiz because if that's what he's going with, there really is no, um, there's no basis to stand on that, just she and pointed out that, well, in the years that Ortiz was an MVP candidate and he did finish top five and MVP voting, he was never top five in war or any of the other statistics that show how Tani is right here. So he does he also didn't he didn't steal 50 bags either. My guess is he didn't steal five, you know, like three, probably. And by the way, he is in the Hall of Fame with many, many other players. How lucky. Right on the, the list as Joe says in 2003, yeah, never got in. Never got in. So if you're going to say that there's bias in Major League Baseball involving David Ortiz, you're right. You're right. Yeah. You're right. It's just a very positive bias toward David Ortiz. So he's the last person on earth who should be complaining about MLB bias, just just fade into oblivion. Just take your whole thing with my win. Yeah. I couldn't agree more. I could not agree more. I think that David Ortiz was like one of the most beloved, got away with everything and he did. He was just a hitter. I mean, and again, I think, you know, it's a really good hitter. Really good at it. Nasty. Had a big smile. Big smile. Gapped. Gapping his teeth. Everyone loved him. Yeah, he got, I think he got a pass and that's don't and well, just don't do this for a Tuesday. It was don't do this with Ben and Woods 97 3 the fan. All right. Pod raised or back in action tonight. Hopefully everybody enjoyed their off day. We can get back on the stress train. Yes. And start looking ahead to a series against Seattle Mariners talk a little baseball. When we come back is Zander going to be the starting shortstop tonight predictions when we return on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan from the mind of a two foot tall talking Spunk's puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare the hottest game show on TV that asks what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition you get style. You get quality. You get beefs and boops and dings and whoops and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Drop in store at to play now is better over here now at T mobile get four 5G phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible trade-ins all on America's largest 5G network. Welcome back to you Ben and Woods 97 3 the fan going to talk some Padres baseball here in a moment really excited to give you some of these numbers and we'll we'll see how they play out then you know like the best offense in baseball against the worst offense in baseball surely that won't hold true will it it's two game series but we will get to all that in a second one I wish a very happy birthday to Matt Doyle turns 11 years old his dad is dad Tom as huge tier one and I'm assuming by by default he is also a tier one so I love the great age man for parents is it for parents I think so let's sign the sweet spot before their so they're over the attitude they're old enough that you can really worry about them a little bit less they don't need to be like moment to moment supervision of the younger children right but they're not quite old enough to really get into a ton of trouble yet yeah they're still kind of compliant they listen to their parents love their parents they're not rebellious teenagers I'm going to say like 10 11 12 was kind of that range where it's like okay you know we'll let you stay by yourself for a few hours or whatever like get a little bit more responsibilities as I'm going over my head how many of those you were a good kid I was a good kid till I turned 16 16 is the day I discovered well no I mean I girls I discovered really like 11 12 and then I really lost my mind at about 16 where my parents had no control zero just did my thing really looking forward to those days in my house you think that's genetic yeah 100% can only see it we're leaving the school the other day and the lady said to bow she goes hey have a nice day he looked right down the eye dead in the eye he goes I will and just walked away I walked the car go hey next time so he says you say you too unless you're a psychopath I will I'm what they don't worry I will yeah I will you know I am I'm like are you kidding me but who are you whatever kids he's like an 18 year old already but happy birthday to you mad I bet you're a good son to your dad Tom well I'm excited because he said he did a little research a little math took two seconds I did some two second research as well about the Padres shortstop situation we'll get to that right after a check a traffic here on ninety seven three the fam just want to say I appreciate Mike shilt and the Cardinal way and the fact that he values defense and it's important to have a good defensive shortstop and yeah of course that's a way to win games and they've won a lot of games that way and I believe that you don't need you don't need your shortstop to hit three twenty with forty home runs you can get by with a guy who's hitting you know two fifteen if he's giving you really solid defense and Mason McCoy has given the Padres some solid defense while Hassan Kim has been out here's the problem he's not hitting two fifteen anymore I went back and and looked this month since the calendar turned to September Mason McCoy is two for eighteen and neither of the two left the infield a bunch single and an infield single this month this entire month there's been virtually no offensive production now that's different than yeah you know scratch out a single every four to five at bats you know maybe drive in a run productive a couple of sack bonds he had some but those most of the production came way back in August when he first you know he had a good first like week starting and it was supposed to be what ten days and then Hassan Kim was coming back well that was August 18th when he got hurt that was twenty three days ago now that's three weeks no one was anticipating a three week absence for Hassan Kim well and then the report comes out what yesterday of the day before that he's just not doing great not responding can't make the throw across the diamond fairly important for a shortstop to be able to do that and you know I kind of we warned people hey man be careful what you wish for you know Hassan Kim isn't having the world's greatest season but he can still get a walk he can still hit one out of the ballpark yeah I see some in the chat going oh you mean the same offense as Hassan Kim no no like like him he works gets on base yeah he sees tons of pitches he makes other pitchers work hard I to I promise you other and NL pitchers don't love seeing Hassan Kim they may get him out but it's not a fun at bat he's got enough pop where you have to be careful to him he's got speed when he gets out of the base but I don't mason McCoy does as well but he actually gets on base he gets on base I think as much as like Jackson Merrill does well yeah I mean it's you see the sarcastic stuff in the in the show but he walked yes he and guess who's after him Luis arise like if he's in the nine hole Luis arises up next don't you want a guy on base when Larissa rise comes up don't you want somebody there to to clog up the base paths and and to score runs I mean so yeah if McCoy's to for what 19 19 yeah it's just it's not gonna get the job done and again it when he came up I said I don't really need him to hit much I just needed to play good D well I changed my mind I need him to hit a little bit you know he's got to hit a little bit because you know with the some of the black hole it's black hole time again sometimes when you're when you're rolling out seven eight nine right now if it's if it's Campi McCoy and who am I missing here Campi McCoy and who am I missing well Merrill's been hit seven lately so it's really just eight nine yeah Tyler Wade we'll get thrown in the mix every now and then so it just man I just if you have an option and they do it's probably time to to use that bullet which to me just based on the fact that it was even semi acknowledged by Mike Schultz on Sunday or Saturday or whenever it was I would expect my guests and I don't know but I would guess the Zander Bogart's will start it short tonight in game one of this series got a day get your mind around it you know what it's just for as long as we need you it may be another five days it may be through the playoffs we don't know what Hassan Kim is going to be when he's going to come back but we need you you're the best option for this team right now and I think what Zander should know and I we have both expressed are absolute understanding at what Zander has gone through willingly changing positions to and Mike Schultz came on this show and explained how difficult it really is to switch from short to second in particular with the game now kind of behind you as opposed to in front of you I got to imagine though the transition back is fairly is a little bit easier he's played it for so long we have expressed plenty of understanding when it comes to Zander Bogart's hesitancy can we tell Zander right now and I doubt he's listening but if we were Padres fans can also be understanding knowing hey if you're not perfect and you do commit an error because you haven't been there for a while we get that we know though that you are doing something that the team needs absolutely I think that goes along way I think that goes a long way you know don't worry about the fact that you may not be the Zander Bogart's you used to be a short that's not the standard anymore the standard is your bats in the lineup it gets either Solano's bat or someone else's Peralta's bat into the lineup is the DH if arises at first and makes the Padres a better team and a better lineup overall and you're not a bad defender either yourself so this is the standard that I think needs to be said for a Zander Bogart's move back to shortstop yeah I think I'm all for it you know I understood why he was reluctant to do it certainly because again you know he's already made the move so but man with 17 games to go and hopefully some playoffs in the future hopefully the eyes on the prize he got his money you know he's going to get paid no matter what no matter how he performs he's still going to get paid and I don't think I think sometime I see the point hey he's being paid so much just do what you're told I don't think he's worried about I'm not going to get my money or I think I think he truly I think he's truly worried about hurting the team by not playing his best at a different position and what I'm saying is that no even if you're not at your best there you're helping the team by doing that and just understand that that will be appreciated by all of us the fan base as well for what you are doing don't hold don't make your own standards the enemy of what's good for the pod raise as a whole it's good that he has high standards sure he wants to excel wherever he's going to play and put himself in a position to succeed because he thinks that helps the team but in this case something you have to lower your standards actually raise the the profile of the entire team Satan's blowfish says it'd be nice if the top three in the rotation you get back to form none of those three feel like a lock or high percentage win right now I couldn't agree more Satan's blowfish but but why not both you know at this point why not get Solano's bat in the lineup gives you a great AB you got some tough challenges the next two nights against the Seattle Mariners and let's let's rip the Band-Aid off here and you know look if you're you Darvish tonight trying to try to work your way back trying to knock more rust off tonight it's a look knock on wood and as the numbers bear out it's a good team to do it against okay this is not a good contact five clean innings out of you know be amazing when when you say top sixty five seventy struggling in the rotation obviously you Darvish we expected some Ross if he yeah if he's in Satan's top three so if he's in one of the top three I'm assuming he means cease Musgrove Darvish I think there's nothing to panic about yet I'd like to see another step forward here from you but this is part of his process of turning Musgrove has been fantastic except for that one one one stretch of five minutes that was weird outside of that six starts he's been beyond great he's been the best maybe we've ever seen him so I don't want to just go ahead and say Musgrove's got to get over his struggles just erase one inning and just keep doing what you've been doing for the last month and Joe Musgrove's been fine cease is someone that is the mystery here the wild card because in some innings he looks just dominant cease main throws 98 still yep slider can be unhittable and all of a sudden he just gives up three run home run or walks three guys in a room and that's makes no sense that that's the one to me beyond the other two which I'm not going to worry too much about it like well okay I mean but we've seen that we saw it early in the season and you got locked in you know throw no letter a lot of a lot of pitchers do that they're not you know they're not locked in every single start yeah hopefully we're at the point where maybe he gets locked in heading toward October and we see the same dill and cease that we saw during the no hitter stretch when do you want that dill and cease back September October late late September early October is when you want that dill and cease to come through with another five start stretch like he had to start the second half of the season yes exactly you know I don't know that he's going to do that but he certainly has it in him because we've already seen it this year so I you know I'm not I'm not worried necessarily about the Padres rotation but yeah it's it's definitely cost them a couple of games lately for sure well and if you're you Darvish tonight this is a good team to get on track against but if based on the numbers the worst hitting team in baseball that even the lowest average in baseball only they are behind the Chicago White Sox strikeout a ton and they strike out they have they strike out more than any other team in baseball and they are a full ten points behind the LA Angels who are in 28th place and they don't get they get on base at a better clip but it's still nothing major they don't slug a ton either this is a good good landing spot for you Darvish tonight so they also beat the Padres twice at pet co-par they sure this year including putting up eight in one of those games so there's there's no guarantees think about how much we skewed their offensive numbers in that one game now the the Padres struggled against their pitchers in that series they're seeing two different pitchers in this series in that series it was they saw Gilbert and they saw Bryce Miller and this series they're seeing George Kirby today and Brian Wu tomorrow is it good is it bad I mean you have a look at the other guys now you got to get a fresh look at new guys but you didn't do well against the other guys so you know maybe these guys are more to your liking but that's that's just the reality they're facing two different pitchers this series Padres countering as you said with you Darvish tonight 640 540 eco water so Cal pregame show with Sam Levitt and then Michael King we mentioned it yesterday they're moving him up not on short rest but because of the off-down regular rest and pushing Martin Perez back to get Michael King's the one guy who really has been throwing consistently well lately for the Padres get him an extra start in here move him up to try to make sure you win at least one if not both of these games up in Seattle yeah 100% I mean you got a tough order tonight and in George Kirby he's pretty nasty so again first legs you're gonna get your shot to get to him early put him on the ropes see what happens but yeah you Darvish you know I he's just got to continue to build I'm sure he's on a 65 70 pitch count again tonight and hopefully he looked at his last start and figured some things out just it didn't have a lot of command which is to be expected so if he's if he's spinning it many and the velos it stays the same I think he can be really successful tonight the the Mets will continue their series against the Blue Jays on the road mention they the Mets won three to two yesterday the Diamondbacks open their series against the Texas Rangers that's in Arizona it's a good pitching matchup tonight you have Aldi against Zach Galen in the first game of that series to really good arm so expect a low scoring one there and the Braves they actually that was a make up game against Cincinnati yesterday they get a short two game series in Washington against the Nationals who've not been playing well they do have Mackenzie Gore so another old friend alert Nick Martinez helped the Padres out yesterday Ken Mackenzie Gore be the latest to help the Padres out today as he pitches against the Atlanta Braves try to reduce that magic number from I believe 15 is where it's out over the Braves to clinch a playoff spot for the Padres and the Dodgers lost last night to the Cubs Cody Bellinger came back to LA hit an early home run so did Michael Bush it was another one that they tried that's right they will come back Walker Mueller by the way so it's a doubly special game to that series so the Dodgers are up five and a half games on the Padres at this point game to a series is an interesting pitching matchup it's showed a minaga and the return of Yoshi noble Yamamoto who is that tonight so yeah to to Japanese stars squaring off against each other both with sub three ERA's obviously Yamamoto has not pitched in a couple of months since he went on the injured list so this is his return and it comes against another Japanese star so expect that game to be well rated in Tokyo tonight as they keep an eye on you know if the Cubs can help out the Padres by beating the Dodgers no definitely not going to complain about that I don't really still see the division is in play I think the Dodgers have like a 98% chance of winning the NLS at this point but hey you know a loss is a loss and we're here for it all right that is two hours down we will come back and start the second half of Ben and Woods when we return we still have Jesse Aglut the voice of the Padres joining us for a little Incorporator at 835 around the report as well all ahead on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 to fan from the mind of a two foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge it's time for Bob's dare to compare the hottest game show on TV that asks what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition you get style you get quality you get beeps and boops and dings and whoops and thousands of dollars and savings everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture shop in store at to play now after investing billions to light up our network T-Mobile is America's largest 5g network plus right now you can switch keep your phone and we'll pay it off up to $800 see how you can save on every plan versus Verizon AT&T at up to four lines via virtual prepaid card a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit service boarded 90 plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required card has no cash access and expires in six months a football fans you want the real deal the raw unfiltered truth about everything going down in the NFL join Mark Schlerith three time Super Bowl champ on the stink and truth podcast he's breaking it all down for you no punches pulled from the game changing moments that won or lost a game to the play of evaluations this is analysis you won't hear anywhere else marks got you covered so strap in and get ready for the ride because this isn't your average football podcast follow the stink and truth in the free odyssey at or wherever you get your podcasts my favorite part of the reset intro Ben Woods 97 3 the fan we are halfway home on a Tuesday you've unboxed that thing I don't know that you were supposed to do that Ben I guess you can I know that I've lowered its resale value on the open mark tremendously tremendously we are halfway home on woodsy that's Paul Rindall the executive producer Ben Higgins Fernando Texas junior Fernando Texas junior bobblehead on ball platinum hair perhaps yeah it's the the platinum glove bobblehead presented by canals I feel like mud and dawn right now get to be the giveaway on Wednesday September 18th is the final giveaway of the season that's a good quality and fans and attendance we'll receive this I am holding it if you're on our YouTube stream go platinum glove bobblehead featuring Fernando's iconic home run robbery reaching over the fence someone asked is this the old the one that they didn't give away in 2022 and I go well he had one of the platinum glove at that point so this is an entirely new tatties bobblehead does he have a platinum glove on there he does yeah he does platinum glove on the bobblehead you can learn more at now if I wanted to I can put it back into its molded plastic case and then back into the oh somebody in the chat says JH619 says but it has sunglasses on though that's pretty good that's pretty good pretty good pretty good I was thinking about it yesterday when he said I've tried it both ways I I wear the sunglasses I don't wear the sunglasses it's much easier without sunglasses and I thought doesn't he have like a sunglasses you know what give me the toy I'm just putting it away take it away from me take away take the paper snap to while you're at it because six year old I was putting it away doesn't he have responsible of me doesn't he have a son does he endorse like sunglasses well I know lots of his instagram pictures he is wearing sunglasses he's not like religiously opposed to those sunglasses many times he just says I can't see the ball as well and sunglasses in the field yeah that is hard in the outfield yeah I wear those trans transitions sunglasses when I play golf the Ron Rivera's if you have not seen him in his transitions they are the first day he got him I he came because I got these new shades and I go I think they're awesome this was like what two years ago maybe you go I got these new sunglasses I go oh okay and he and he was so excited he goes yeah they change when you go outside and I go you didn't get them they don't change dark but if you walk outside yeah like the clouds come out then they don't get as dark so you don't you don't have like be changing your glasses plus their prescriptions so I can see right because I see I can read up close but at a distance I look I can't see the golf ball anymore so I need them to actually see my shot now it's such a dad move the transition lenses are like one of the main dad moves is that to get those you were so excited I'm sorry to crap all over it I was sorry then two years ago I'll just wait until Fernando starts wearing them and they'll be cool for everybody and I will be ahead of the game why don't they wear those then in the big leagues I'm not sure seems like it would be ideal because they're always dealing with that I mean remember the flip sunglasses where they'd have them down yeah then they'd flip them up flip them back down yeah that's what transitions are you don't have to do anything you don't have to do anything they'll just change on their own when you need them to be darker or lighter Ron Rivera is laid here yes the Harbaugh wears them yeah big in the coaching circles man I saw your years not readers no no they're the opposite okay I have to take them off if I want to read I can read just fine I'm near sighted everybody always yells like would you take your glasses on and off on the show like a hundred times I'm like yeah because they're I don't like wearing them but this was actually I got these because about what a year and a half two years ago I found myself unable to see the words on the teleprompter at channel 10 which is kind of across the room when I'm talking I'm standing in one of those walls and the camera is a good 15 feet away and I'm going I'm squinting every single time I'm on television is not a good look I probably should go to an optometrist and they put glasses on I go oh oh yes I can see now I didn't realize how bad it has gotten over the last couple of years but yeah these glasses actually do help me see at a distance delisas says transitions are never dark or light enough they always look grey you have to always shades of grey kick it says transition glasses automatically increase your credit score that's true that's true you have those on yeah and I like the flip glasses somebody said Tony Gwen used to wear the flips I think they looked badass if they're up and just little things poking out the side and then you go back for ball flip them down I mean I can never do it I never do it that's kind of what Tetis needs though because he needs no sunglasses to see it off the bat essentially is what I'm hearing like the sunglasses make it hard to see it at a distance but as it's getting closer if you're looking at the sun you need them so flip them right now to do I don't see anyone wearing those in your new eye and there's there's probably a reason for it I don't know what it is but it sounds like something that would be a good deep dive to go and ask the players maybe it's spring training next year we'll ask them do you why don't you use the I feel like crony would wear flips out of everybody on the team I feel like he would have flip shades infielders rarely wear something no they used to well you know they do now what always freaks man is when people hit with sunglasses on I could never never every a million years hit doesn't matter how bright it is there's just there's that thing in the middle that you stare at the the the piece right in the middle the bridge and every time you're up there with your sunglasses and you're like all I see is the bridge all I see is on if I was wearing glasses that day like I can't you can't switch screws up my eyes to go from sunglasses to not next time we play a game watch me in first place the whole time I'm putting along taking off putting them on taking off guns trying to get the right feel for for what it is and the sun can be right my face but I'm kind of with Fernando on this it does make no my dad always were contact lenses yep I don't really want to put things in my eyes yeah so I need somebody in glasses to tell me I got Lacey 14 years ago and it was the greatest thing ever and now it's fading a little bit and I have to wear readers is there a tune up I can do can I go in and get retuned up is that possible I think oh that's right Nolan Aaron Otto still does wear flips he does he does I've seen him in him but if there's a tune up for like Lacey to get me back to where I was I'll I'll pay whatever I know there is certainly a limit to how much you can do at some point they don't want you to do too much Lacey but there might be a second like to not proceed I need I need one so bad so yeah you can get it and get it redone okay all right well I'm gonna take a couple days off fellas go get some new Lacey at some point I want to get that done why do you have to take days off because it hurts doesn't feel good you need a day of recovery of this one day you just come in with your eyes so many things about Lacey that freaked me out the greatest thing ever I ever did it was so good my mom did it she said it was great fantastic everybody I know that's had Lacey had nothing to complain about and then other other people like are you and you're gonna actually you would seriously consider that yeah it was it was incredible the first day I stepped back on a field I was like this is this is heaven I wore goggles and contacts and all kinds of stuff this was it was heaven so if there's a tune up that I could do it be great yeah Carlos says do it on a Thursday at 10 a.m. yeah 100 percent see you guys on Monday I miss that round table yeah yeah I can I've got my Lacey's surgery yep I need I need to check that is there anyway you can reschedule what do we think about the round table this week Ben you're gonna be gone you're gonna be out maw thursday and friday where you heading thousand oaks the cannejo valley for golf golf yeah meeting my buddy and his friend and gonna play some golf rustic canyon looking forward to playing that course and they'll be around now you're the host of the round table yeah but Annie filled in for me back I missed a round table in like late April or early May and I heard she did an excellent job she did so she will be up again you know that for sure pretty sure okay so Annie me else did an L.O. correct awesome Paul you want to sit in particular might have a spot for you this chairs there's definitely chairs free pizza in it for you probably doesn't usually partake in the free pizza I've noticed yes I'll grab like a bread stick do you grab one I mean you kind of get your work done and then you take off it's the one day that we stay longer than Paulie of the week usually he stays longer than us true usually I usually have somewhere to be pretty quickly after the show whether it's haircut therapy it's always thursday smoke weed in the chat it's a very subtle name since Ben was commenting on the photo of the fan pottery's game walking around wearing a banana hammock circle yeah we did we spent a good amount of time on it yesterday on the plums well I thought he was telling you to smoke weed no that's his handle that's for glaucoma not lacing so if Adam wanted to oh Sammy Leb's gonna join us as well all right well that makes it more worthwhile than not shot and everyone has our day and want to use all those chairs or at least as many as possible as a mom use them maybe Sammy wants to hope smoke weed is my favorite it's my favorite name in the chat Satan's Blowfish is also a good one but smoke weed it's just so it's so matter of fact what's what's stomach Vinnie that's good yeah what handle would you like I don't know smoke weed is so good it's very matter of fact I think my least favorite not that my least favorite person but my least favorite gas station deep pill kills me every time smoke weed we love you too buddy thank you so much man thank you so much I don't hate the round table always you don't want yeah that's beans in Spanish yeah all right you said you had a fun thing here I didn't have a fun we were talking about James Earl Jones we had a shout out to his family in our our first half of the program and my contention yesterday was that James Earl Jones the one like one thing that we can all agree on shout out to his family it's family everybody likes James Earl Jones feel ever when anyone doesn't and I you know I saw someone point out well probably some racist out there I don't I don't even know I think I think even the racist so I don't know what he's all right he's good though I mean everybody like James Earl I mean I feel the dream that's a good movie what is the foster what did you do your foster I didn't the question is does anybody have like one of those people that everybody likes but you don't like you don't like Glenn Powell is a new one for me that everybody likes that you don't like everybody loves Glenn Powell now and I just don't I don't get it it's fine he's handsome but like is he the one from top gun to yeah a little smarmy see me yeah but that's a smarmy or two if that was the character I also Paul he told me about some rom-com he was in with Sidney Sweeney oh I don't remember the name of that and I can't be you or it has to be you or anybody but you so I put it on that chin is a deadly weapon hunt I'm so jealous of that maybe that's what it is I'm jealous of his chin I see a lot of Glenn pal in my house there's a lot of Glenn pal going around because Megan would throw me apart part that part of James Earl Jones he wasn't intimidatingly handsome yeah but it wasn't unattractive either he was just the like right there perfect you know like somebody in the chats at Tom Hanks what that Tom Hanks he doesn't like Tom Hanks everyone likes Tom Hanks and he doesn't that Toby McGuire I'm with you 1000 percent everybody like Toby McGuire I think he's pretty universally like this I don't think so I don't think I think most people would think he's a little do we long nerd a lot of people get so popular that that makes them unappealing too maybe that's what it is with Tom Hanks yeah you just man everybody likes him too much but James Earl Jones never got that way he didn't over he didn't overexpose himself he wasn't like I'm gonna just be in everyone loves me so I'm just gonna take every single role and be in every movie he just you know he was the right he was out there just the right amount wasn't too much in the public but he wasn't too private it was so good it was just it was like perfect Ricardo I agree with this one Ricardo says the rock I'm there I'm with you everybody likes the rock yeah he's like universally loved I think I think just because they're thrown in your face all the time doesn't mean they're universally loved I would say Shaq is universally loved yeah I love Shaq who hates who doesn't like Shaq I mean Boston Celtics fans probably sports today I bet they're like he's like it's tough with sports fans because you always have an opposing fan base that's never gonna be your biggest supporters for sure we're talking about you know Tom Cruise has plenty of hate oh yeah yeah talking about actors that we think are kind of universally it's not a bad call Ernie Johnson call oh Adam says now we're going Adam doesn't like Ernie Johnson well Adam or he just thinks everybody likes Ernie Johnson I don't know Kurtz has been Higgins like Skirtz now when you said Tom Hanks there's three people in this room who like me well you don't like yourself so when you said Tom Hanks I just had a memory popping in my head 13 14 years ago I was in college had a roommate kind of a weird kid weird dude sure and I think somebody's watching Forrest Gump in the living room and he came in and he goes oh I hate Forrest Gump you know why you can't stand Sally Fields like maybe the hardest I've ever laughed like why did I go A that shouldn't make her break Forrest Gump now she's barely in it B who has any feelings towards Sally Field one way or the other she's just there and she's good like yeah the Oscar acceptance when she was you like me really really like me but that's that's the only thing I think of I go really that ruined her 10 minutes in the movie I can't watch it because Forrest Gump okay it's interesting Adam Adam is throwing out names like Robin Williams and he said Ernie Johnson I want to put that in Adam said Ernie Johnson then said I love Ernie Johnson everyone loves Ernie Adam this is the we're trying to find some of you don't like that you don't like that everyone loves like so Adam doesn't like Robin Williams no he does he's another one ever he thinks everybody likes Robin Williams and that's not the that's not the purpose of the game right he doesn't understand how it's maybe Adam missed the first like three minutes of this portion yeah diesel put him in timeout please in the chat you nobody not like Denzel my wife she doesn't like Denzel my wife this is a quote he's not that good of an actor so I think you've said that before that's what I deal with I did nightly basis still Ben Zell was shocked that's not Washington's not that good of an actor it's quote you wonder why I'm frazzled all the time does she seem crimson tied takes like that she said this yeah Anthony that's insane you're right it's insane you maybe you shared something the other day that made me laugh we're talking about hating yourself you see the post what was the post it was uh you you can get fifty thousand dollars but if you do if you accept the fifty thousand dollars the person you hate the most gets a hundred thousand dollars easiest hundred fifty grand i ever made you know the other day we don't hate it yourself it's the most clever to anything i've ever seen in my whole life holy cow oh that was so good that was so so good all right well thanks for playing along and uh Jesse Aguiler's coming up soon yes uh so the coaches in radio to really hit the teases before breaks hard yeah to make sure they come back problem is it's sometimes hard to pay off those teases sure but i've got one for you there's a bit of a twist i can guarantee you that the rookie of the year race is over it is decided and i know who's winning it with a hundred percent certainty i'll tell you why i know that next after traffic here i've been in what's got me seven three the fan so i don't think because i am going to pay off my teases and why i can guarantee you who's going to win the rookie of the year award and you're going how can you do that paul skeins threw well again yesterday for the pittsburgh pirates really nice day for another uh beloved paul skeins set the pittsburgh pirates rookie strikeout record uh another what six nine i think uh no but uh six innings well run six hitting six hits one or and run nine strikeouts improve to ten and two on the season and he will get some support for the nationally rookie of the year award jackson shurio is uh kind of coming on strong late as well i think he got off to too slow of a start to catch jackson meryl uh but he has played really well lately there are some really good rookies especially in the nationally this year but i'm paying off the teas by pulling a fast one on all of you the rookie of the year award is going to katelyn clark because angel reese had a season ending surgery and is not going to win it in there see i told you i thought i mean what can you do i'm too tired for this my nerves are already frayed it was i was here at four o'clock it was a skeins meryl esque battle between the two both of them were having phenomenal rookie seasons in the wmba i'd like to take this moment to just apologize uh the audience i can't know you have a lot of choices in the morning and you're probably listening to bennett woods at eight thirteen and you hear that teas you have so many choices i can hear the channels changing i can anger i can't guarantee you the jackson meryl is going to win the year award he should absolutely should but paul skeins is at least continuing to throw a little bit of doubt into the equation yeah man how he's bitching i you watched it yesterday you see him too in the dugout he looked at the camera he goes one two three four five seven eight counted him off i'm like god you just i love paul skein it's not as though jackson meryl is giving any ground he gets hurt he misses one day he comes back it's all wrong he's not giving any ground at all that's why jackson meryl still should be the rookie of your winner in the national league it's coming down on the wire it is not over yet no it is not and that uh that is uh so you're a monster i know i was like what does he know literally what kind of advanced metric does he have here we were talking about it yesterday maybe late last week you know we all are expecting jackson meryl to win the rookie of the reward but it's not over yet brace yourself koriffy doesn't oh god yeah i would love to hear from somebody that placed a bet i mean we talked about this in like march in april when it was kind of determined like oh they're really going to give this kid a shot in center field he's going to get his full full chance it could he be a rookie of the year it was like i want to say it was like plus two thousand yeah maybe even higher plus four thousand did anybody get in on that yeah did anybody get in early on jackson meryl because i don't know by about june halfway through the season when he really was like okay he's actually a contender for this award the odds had already started oh god 100 but at one point i i definitely remember them being plus two thousand or four thousand well everyone had already given it to yoshinova yamamoto the season started it was yamamoto to start and it was yamamoto to start and it was yamamoto to start and it was yamamoto and it was yamamoto and it was like oh the skeins came out and skeins came out it was like oh skeins is gonna win it then meryl all of a sudden is like meryl and churio we're just kind of there yep and then meryl just soared to the top and then churio has been a bit of a late push though he's been fairly solid uh the second half of the season so yeah man it's it does feel like it's a what if they do this bit katie said he placed a bed in march did he that's incredible for how much money katie and what do you got he got it at what 1800 is that right yeah i think yeti is right i think in the original in the original odd it's like ethan sallis had like better odds to win an action like ricky vier award than jackson meryl adam paul says a good friend of his put a hundred on meryl jackson before the season you're not he's not gonna win that just so you know meryl jackson is not going to win the ricky the year right i would not think so who is meryl jackson there's i don't think is anybody but if you put a hundred bucks on meryl jackson there's certainly there's certainly no one out there names meryl jackson did did you see that there's that kid like nine-year-old kid yeah named jackson meryl jackson meryl who got to meet jackson padre's fan he was already a padre's fan go figure before his whole life and his name is jackson meryl dan carlos and got to meet jackson meryl who has now said he'd go padre interesting i think i would have been insane if there had been a padre like i grown up and all of a sudden when i'm nine ben higgens becomes a padre hi this is meryl jackson hello hello meryl also a great name meryl jackson's and this is meryl jackson the dinosaurs picture meryl kelly yep so you know there's a meryl already in the anna west i like kelly meryl personally she's really not favorite kelly meryl is the girl next door meryl jack this is meryl jackson hi this is meryl jackson holy crap i don't know what to laugh this hard if i wasn't that tired joke is way funnier to me today but the problem with the woods is uh it's entertaining this morning jessie agler is always entertaining and informative and incorporating for us voice of the padre's will join us when we come back from seattle washington next on 97 through the fan from the mind of a two-foot tall talking spokes puppet comes this year's biggest challenge it's time for bobs dare to compare the hottest game show on tv that asks what happens when you compare bobs to the competition you get style you get quality you get beeps and boops and dings and whops and thousands of dollars in savings everyone's winner when you dare to compare with bobs discount furniture shop in store at my to play now you spend a whole year now at t-mobile get four 5g phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible trade-ins all on america's largest 5g network minimum of four lines for $25 per line per month without a paid discount using debit or bank account $5 more per line without auto pay plus taxes and fees and $10 device connection charge phones via 24 monthly bill credits for well qualified customers contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits or credit stop and balance on a required finance agreement to bill credits and if you pay off devices early if you want the real story behind the nfl you need the stinkin truth podcast three-time super bowl champ mark schlareth breaks down the biggest place the biggest games and the untold stories that make this game what it is follow the stinkin truth the odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts i heard that the uh the high temperature in seattle today is going to be right around 70 degrees sounds nice i mean not that you ever want to get away from san diego but it's been hot here in the last few days this apparently is the last day i was texting with jesse yesterday make sure he was good to go this morning he said it was like 64 overcast because which uh kind of a welcome oh i would say it's very welcome well and remember jesse and tony just went to saint louis and tampa bay and then they come back to san diego where it's just as nasty and hot and now they go to seattle they deserve some nice cloudy cool weather for a couple of days jesse standing by he will join us uh from the pacific northwest after this check of traffic at 97-3 the fam jesse agler remind us of what it feels like to walk outside and be comfortable so right now there are i would call it mostly sunny skies there's like a little bit of a gray up there but it's mostly blue 57 degrees oh wow chilli my blood did you bring a pull over a hoodie or something i i brought a porter i don't know that i'm gonna end up needing it this is good running weather we're gonna do a long run and actually we all chat and uh it's it's very welcome you nailed it then you know going from saint louis to tampa the heatwave in san diego this is this is very well that's heavy who's on the who's running me i said we it was like a royal we because i pictured scan and mud i can see tony tony running mud is not running mud is mud you know what mud will do on an off day mud will walk it like in san francisco on thursday when we have an off day i would put the over under on the number of miles mark grand walks at eight oh wow i can go and walk i can also picture him showing you the phone and the number of steps that he is taking oh yeah everything it's absolutely thousand steps hundred percent hundred percent so remember that scene in forest gum just walks yeah remember this here you've seen this we show you dance the wind in the background yeah i i feel like and we ask we probably ask you this every year when we have you on if you're in seattle i feel like seattle is a jesse agler fave as far as the travel goes it's uh i got it is uh one of my favorite stops in the league i mean this is a great road trip i love the bay area i love seattle we got an off day both places well earned well deserved off day for everybody uh both stops and yeah i like this weather a lot i do i mean like don't get me wrong the san diego thing is literally perfect most times um but like you know me guys i'm a little bit you know i'm like a quiet keep to myself like something about like the greater skies and cooler temperatures sort of speaks to me on like a on a sort of metaphysical level i know so i i i enjoy it here very very much it's a great city great food we stuffed a lot of sushi in our faces last night and that's not the royal we that was the whole group and and uh it's just it's a it's a beautiful beautiful part of the country i love it up here you know you have um you've expressed the the challenge is involved in the uh balance the more balanced schedule when you're not playing divisional opponents as much but you had a stat yesterday that i wanted you to share uh regarding apadre's travel with our audience because it blew my mind yeah it blew mine too and i'll tell you the funny thing is so i woke up yesterday and instinctively my first thought was because i was going to call home like all right what time is it back home and then i remembered i was in seattle and i was like man it feels like forever that i haven't had to figure out what time it is back home so i pulled up the schedule and today's game against the mariners will be the first road game the padre's are playing in this time zone since june fifth since saying good god every single road game has been mountain central or eastern time for the last two plus months that is a that's grindy and i think three plus months at the beginning of the year or two jesse they they do the thing where they chart the number of miles each team has to fly and i want to say the padre's were very very near the top they were the most they were they were number one usually seattle but because of korea i think padre's are number one this year mama yeah the the funny yeah the mariners obviously get the short end of this stick you know as always because they're kind of isolated up here but the yes so the padre's is here the most pare miles the dodgers were second obviously korea is a part of that but the crazy thing is if the mariners were third and they were like weak behind the dodgers and they didn't go anywhere like they're just doing their usual thing they didn't fly across the pacific um so that that tells you what the mariners got you know similarly it's funny because i think with this time zone thing the mariners this year had their first road game in their own time zone that same day june fifth earlier this year so i mean they went the first couple of months of the season without a road game in the pacific time zone and now the padre's are having one for the first time that he said in three months i mean that that's that's what this schedule does you know it's more trips back east you know the other thing is to i mean you look at the last two trips right we went to Pittsburgh and Miami came home then went to Cleveland i might be getting it backwards well but anyway Cleveland and Pittsburgh were back to back trips Cleveland and Pittsburgh for those of you not familiar they're like an hour away but like we did those on separate trips and then on those same trips we had Miami and Tampa so we had the two Florida stops on consecutive trips not together like it could have they could have bracketed Pittsburgh and Cleveland together and Tampa and Miami together and it would have been a little bit more of a like it's just i mean it's that it is the reality of this schedule it is that because you're playing you know every american like team either home or away you're going to end up traveling more in it and it nails the west coast teams it really does uh much much much more than the other teams i mean here's the thing you you might not realize if you're not a cartographer or you don't work in baseball is that like you know outside of basically the teams we consider out west St. Louis is about as far west as you go and St. Louis is like an hour and a half flight from New York on a charter wow like all those eastern and central teams are so close to one of it like Pittsburgh the New York is a 40-minute flight so like oh now you know oh the Yankees have to go to Pittsburgh every other year no big deal it's like going to Boston for them you know so i mean it's just those teams are so much closer together than you realize there's a lot of land between St. Louis and San Diego and we fly over by the day hundred percent talking to Jesse Agua here on bed and woods this morning and you know the to the baseball at hand we were talking earlier about the you know the mariners are three games out of a wild card right now so they are absolutely in it they have something to play for they've got really good pitching on the mound the on the mound the next two days their offense is is not great it's just not great they they broke out for some runs in petco park but you Darvish getting on the hill tonight to try to knock some more rust off um you know good offense to do it against i think i think i say that and i know it will bite me in the ass Jesse i mean you know the starting pitching is going to be the thing down the stretch here right it always you know i mean the the offense has enough guys even if if somebody's going cold you know it does feel like there's going to be somebody else to go hot um you know that's sort of in the nature of this season for the Padres and they you know that's the point of having that kind of depth and talent you know an offensive side not to say they won't run into a night when you know they don't get it going offensively but you know i mean like i don't know how many thousands of times i've said to you guys over the years that we've all been chatting you know that it's always about pitching it's always about pitching and you look at the sunday game you know i mean what what what led to that game going the way it did it was that flue g sequence for joe must grow in the top of the fourth inning and it was starting pitching and you know with the bullpen that they have in the offense that they have if they can get you know of adequate or above from their starters most nights they're going to be just fine and i mean that for both september and october so yeah i mean look Darvish is still in a little bit of a weird spot it's only a second one back after missing you know literally the entire summer so i'm sure they've got a plan in place you know to cover that and and to sort of you know try and be as strategic as possible about it and then i think it's king tomorrow so yeah i mean you got to go out and pitch these are these are games on this trip that you would imagine are not going to be particularly high scoring between the ballparks uh between the pitching you know as you said so um you know those guys those guys you're gonna have to go out there and do their thing. Jesse with uh Hasan Kim continuing to just slowly recover do you anticipate just based on kind of what you heard any change at shortstop tonight we've been talking about it mason mccoy we talked to him last week really liked the case like really good defense but he struggled offensively pretty badly and the ponderase could use one more bad in the lineup and they've got Donovan Solano and David Peralton they can't use him every single day what's your sense of how this is going to play out yeah i mean the tea leaves all indicate something's going to change right now i i don't know that that means it's going to be every single day you know maybe it's a match up based thing maybe it's sort of like all right what do we think this game is going to look like but you know all right like let's say they do slide bogey back over to shortstop let's say he's amenable to that and comfortable with that so you're putting chrono worth its second you know awry Solano whatever combination de-agent first base you know maybe depending on the day you've got then mccoy available as like a ladening defensive sub where you can maybe tighten up the defense if you've got a lead late you know that's that's what i would imagine we're going to see at least some of again just sort of based on everything we've heard and look the reality for hasan kim is that the clock is ticking you know it's it's september 10th it's been a while now um he's still it sounds like not particularly close so you know whatever you decide to do i would say and this isn't based on inside information this is just sort of me looking at that the calendar in the situation is that you know whatever decision you make you have to say to yourself am i comfortable doing this in a postseason you know i mean because the the reality is at this point that it could go that way so you know you have to be i think to use a mic show world word very intentional about how you handle this you know because it might not end up being just a stopgap thing for another 10 days it might be something that you ride into october so um yeah no i mean my my sense is just based on everything we've seen and heard they're gonna they're gonna play around with it um whether that begins tonight um i would guess potentially but you know no guarantee we'll see but yeah i don't i don't think there's any question that there's some stuff moving around there yeah it's hard for me to wrap my head around you know if if in fact hasan kim is is is not able to make it back you know this season it's it's hard for me to wrap my head around we may not see hasan kim and apadre's uniform anymore and you know i i search my soul on how to feel i know emotionally i'll be really really bummed because i really love him as a player uh in a person just a great dude he's so beloved in the club house and and you know i i got really offended when the dodger's broadcasters called him the padre's mascot he's not that he's more than that and you know you you never know what you're missing until it's gone and i think uh i think this this team has suffered with look he's he's a guy that has been you know in everyday presence for a couple of years now when he first got here it's hard to remember now but he was kind of like you know a guy they would pick their spots to put him in and then at whatever point it was he just grabbed onto a job you know and and it was moving all around the infield it was whatever's needed but he became a guy that you had to have on the field obviously a fan favorite as you said a club house favorite a guy that brings an energy and an excitement to the thing um and this year has been a struggle for you know i feel badly for him you know between injury and just not being as good um you know offensively in terms of the numbers had some early defensive struggles that you know were frustrating for him i know as well it's just one of those years and and they do happen and look as you said he's a free agent um so he's gonna you know have to decide what he wants to do padre's are gonna have to decide what they want to do and um it's just a good reminder that you know there's there's a fragility to everything right i mean you know this it was kind of an innocuous play when he aggravated this shoulder he's just diving into the pickup i said the same thing to then i said i've seen so much worse uh happened to him i thought yeah it really really tough yeah so yeah i mean it's sort of one of those things that happens but again you know this is this is why you build depth on your roster because you just never know when this stuff is going to happen and the reality is this team has weathered storm after storm after storm this year you think about all the games missed by fernando all the games missed by darvish and muskro all the games missed by zander boogards you know that's what i was saying when jackson tall that ball off his media the day is like they've been dealing with stuff like that all year long and look at the position that they're in um you know the the reality is i think for any team you are very rarely going to be firing on all cylinders you know if you if you look like let's say the last day of spring training you go here's going to be our usual starting nine right like based on how spring training went and what the roster looks like i would that for most teams most years those nine guys play together like maybe 20 games all season for sure i mean that's that's just the craziness of the attrition of the season there are teams that have 162 lineups and 162 games now i really enjoyed last week's well-themed incorporated did you knock it out of the park it's so good uh we're going to go a little more traditional today yeah chick-fil-a the nugget of the game the nugget of the game it was fantastic no you can also work chick-fil-a into this one i think that's true you actually could gen takula gen takula gen takula never heard of it gen takula is i lost it how they're spelled pertaining to pertaining to breakfast gen takula is over the g or a gen gen takula like gen takula yeah gen takula can you use it in a sentence i can't that's your job i can do it i that's good i enjoyed a gentacular sausage like you probably like it's not saying i'm saying that pull like uh like a brought worst would be more of a dinner sausage but like a you know one of those jimmy dean patties that would be a gentacular sausage pancakes are gentacular to breakfast yeah absolutely gen takula what a word it's a great word just jump off the page at the before you go jesse um just because i know the seven degrees by the way oh nice i've noticed because we're pod race fans a somewhat of a panic in the fan base just about where they stand and you know get nervous down the stretch i know what the math says how do you feel confidence wise about the pod race making the playoffs at this point i i feel very good about it but you know look the reality is nothing is locked in sure you know i mean it's it's september 10th and i know we want to act like you know i i think it's very easy to feel like oh there's only a week left in the season because you know hey it's this this trip it's kind of quick only two games in Seattle home for the last homestand gone to the last week and then that's it and so it feels like you know it's going to be over any second now and it might end up feeling like it's over in in a second but that's still a lot of games so you know and and there's a lot that's going to happen and this Mets push out of nowhere um is really you know complicating the picture or the Braves going to stabilize themselves you know the pod race and the Diamondbacks have those head-to-head games which obviously could end up being gigantic you know the final three days of the season look i mean if you didn't experiment or if you did a project where you looked back at you know where we were three weeks ago and six weeks ago and nine weeks ago it changes more than we probably realize it does we always fall into this trap of like okay this is what it is today so it's probably going to be about this the rest of the way and then you know the pottery is going their crazy streak after the all-star break and so do the Diamondbacks and then now the Mets are doing their thing and it's a really good reminder that a lot can change in not that much time so look it's september 10th that's what 19 more days between now and the end of the regular season an awful lot can happen good and bad obviously so you know hey trust this team you know they've been there all year they played solid baseball they've kept their noses down and we'll see how it goes enjoy your own Jesse perfect timing nailed it power for next thanks again to Jesse Aguiler who took us right up to the wire i hate when you hate when you do so much i don't think the that's your one's mind a little extra Jesse in a little less us that's your version of like can we just all agree if one of these days we have a guest on who just talks all the way to the end of the hour and we just cut it off and that's it no no one no one dies it's fine it's does it sound a little awkward yes but is it mean more Jesse and more content for everybody yes the Jesse has a a stopwatch though where you know it's exactly when he doesn't have to he may still be talking it doesn't matter we we get as much Jesse as we can in our weekly segments from Jesse that's gonna end's version of living on the edge of your do it let's like cocaine to you that's what because that's what it feels like to me when you do it my heart starts to raise and i start to sweat it's say i say well if it says this is like woods is dead air equivalent how much i love dead air yeah you love racing to the right to the edge right to the edge pushing it to the red line and we'll see how it goes like the exact time if anyone cares is eight fifty five fifteen okay is when we are out eight fifth next four he asked the question hey one one last one last thing 53 42 i looked at the clock and i go we got a little over a minute and a half i can say goodbye to Jesse now or i can get 90 more seconds of Jesse Agler content i chose 90 more seconds of Jesse Agler content now it worked out in this case but usually it's hey hey sorry sorry sorry sorry we got to cut you out nine out of ten times you got to cut them off mid sentence be like anyways we're out of time thanks so much oh it's the worst and he had a great perspective on why this race is far from over but he remains very confident in the pod race as do i as do you woods the confidence level in the pod race remains quite high exact said anything else than did and ask us anything i was the last caller one fifty four i didn't realize kept talking right up to the music all Craig could say was and that's our show he felt so bad yeah man that's that's on them for taking that call at the old station i used to have a foot pedal and i could just cut off anyone on the phone lines whether it was a guest or a caller whenever i wanted just push the foot pedal down and go thanks for your answer and let's move on i don't have a foot pedal here you don't can we get on this stall miss the foot pedal engineers engineers is that possible and i get one of those foot pedals it's just cutting cutting off a guest with the music playing in the background it's just it's just the worst it's just the worst of radio there's a lot of people supporting me in the show there are they're like more Jesse is a good thing i'm i'm down for it i'm down for it you should do the thing where you're like jesse just a minute left right then i feel more comfortable oh yeah yeah that's easy a minute left here jesse one more question jesse such a pro jesse we got 30 seconds are you i feel like jesse would be more offended at me like implying that he didn't know already he knew that he could hear the music it okay he knows how it works he's a pro and he ran it right up to the red line and got out it was not everybody has a radio background they get it sometimes i will say to those people hey we've only got about two minutes left but in this last question can you explain this but i don't need to do that with jesse all right he's too good for that subjects as we get dinged if you go over no we do not get there's no dinged just no punishment no slap on the wrist adam doesn't i mean we have commercials leading with us sure yeah if the commercials will cut us off and they will play and it will just be awkward can i tell you the most uncomfortable thing in the history of radio is the first show i was ever on it was we were on the morning six to ten and our host was like yeah dude but howard will often often go long and so hillary would come in and sit waiting for her shift to start at ten and we could just go to wet whenever we want it and sometimes you go to like ten thirty which is terrible because you're like i want to get out of here number one like i got things to do we have stuff to do and there'd be hillary sitting just waiting rotting can you imagine we're in here we're on a roll and he announced it just kicked back out that i would feel like such a heel does but that shortened her show it did it did yeah but it was also like i mean would you mind if maggie and purloff decided to go to six thirty two one morning and i guess we're on at six thirty two now today fine by me maggie and purloff take the wheel for play with maggie and purloff i'm in i'm here for it buddy oh he used to make me used to make me insane i'm like it would make me so nervous i'm like she's got to work she's got to work all right poly you've got exactly nine minutes to complete a rindle report good luck to you right now and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned it to them off greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on ninety seven three though fad are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year oh yeah all right all right hey remember if you if it goes long just yeah i don't need ben to tell me how much time we just keep going clearly just time means nothing i mean nothing to i have no problem cutting poly on no no especially during the rindle report whenever i see fit all right well we'll start off in the nfl your beloved los angeles rams benny uh so last year pukinacua was kind of that break out star i mean one of the best fantasy wide receivers steel from what i've been told uh and you're always trying to find that one guy especially everybody plays fantasy football now or at least you know bets on the the dailies and all that you're you're always trying to find that that breakout superstar yeah he's good for like ten to hundred and twenty he was saying that every day and that was with like cooper cop i don't know if he was her last year but i assumed he was still there you're like they had a pretty damn balance they have the two the two pronged attack last year so he uh did not play in week one and it turns out that he is heading to the ir with that knee injury now it's not like the old ir where you're out for the season right he has got to miss four games but uh yeah it's a pcl posterior cruciate ligament ligament yes so also the pacific coast league that's so true he's placed on the uh ir with a pacific coast league injury and so now everyone's trying to figure out who's gonna be this year who steps up nakua probably that guy that had two touchdowns for the packers that i left on the bench read well i have i think i have the chiefs on thursday had two types worthy had him on my bench i because i had the worst fantasy week i get the first waiver claim and uh we're looking at that uh guy dorch from the cardinals edman dorch caught no i forget what his first name is this guy he was target i mean rich dorch so i drafted marvin harrison and kyla mary would not look his way like he was i was like this wide over the last twenty yards he wouldn't look at it because all he could do is stare at this dorch guy just keep throwing him in the ball over and over again so figured i'd better take dorch in case that continues and no one throws marvin harrison a ball greg dorch at himself i'm gonna take his greg dorch you're in the dorcher chamber whoa thank you to the dorcher welcome to the dorcher shaker watching i watch in red zone with my son who's my co gm and we're going okay yeah my ass he is your gm and it's like okay they're gonna throw it tomorrow every play they'd line up and go okay where's marvin harrison i can line up on the near side and they go and he dropped back and he dropped a dorch every time like why did you draft marvin harris and you're gonna throw he's this little blob and i just keep growing into dorch the dorcher chamber look for the look for your number one draft he's spinning right now he's so many spinning man the dorcher the dorcher chamber is he put ball in here is elite it's just painful i'm welcome to the dorcher chamber dorch so you're gonna have to greg dorch today yes i believe so so now you have both receipts just cover it both ways so yeah nikua he uh did start that game for the rams he had aggravated the knee in pre-season and then i heard it in the second quarter and was out for the rest of the game ever was wondering oh is he gonna come back in he is out uh and then i was reading that he injured it originally back in august in a joint practice with the chargers and i've i've never like i don't really care because i don't really care about the nfl but i've never understood the idea of the joint practice it's good in theory in theory like i understand on paper it sounds like oh we're gonna get some good competition they always result in fights somebody getting hurt somebody gets hurt i would never want to do that if i was a head coach of nana fell i am changing my fantasy name right now just so you know that's what i'm doing on the dorcher chamber don't you need to have my new team to be called the dorcher chamber nope that would probably be my new fantasy football team man dorcher all right i'm gonna try my best to explain this last story it's a little bit visual if you're watching on youtube this is gonna be great for you if you're on the radio but i think it still works because it because we have talked about the sphere in las vegas a ton over the last year of the sphere i think you said the fear and the sphere loathing in las vegas the sphere the msg sphere was a youtube lab about a year ago right incredible yeah by the way yeah so by now you've probably seen the sphere in the sphere technology i want to talk about this new company called cosm co sm okay cosm they have two locations currently los angeles and dallas i hear in dallas here in dallas now i'd never heard of this until i saw some videos over the weekend it is a small msg las vegas sphere like theater okay and bar and restaurant and all that where you can go and watch a sporting event they were watching college football you can watch the us open i think they're gonna expand to like ufc fights and other big sporting events it looks like you're on the field at the game it looks like you're in the stands yeah it looks like you're front row on the rail looking out at the field it's unbelievable i'm showing it here on our youtube stream i apologize for everybody that's listening on the radio right now but again just trust us it's very cool i've seen the sphere now imagine it's that technology but everyone's been to an i max it's like an i max theater but instead of just theater seats there's like tables and chairs and it looks like this is like a field view you're like yeah you're sitting down on the field like i mean it looks like you are at the back of the end it's like a live i max camera of the game so we can sit there and look like you're actually in the stadium watching in front of you it is the future of sports that's badass it's it's unbelievable i would hope that they'll eventually expand to most major markets i was looking at like how much does this cost i think it was i was able to find like seats for like a hundred and twenty-five bucks a person okay it's expensive that's a that's this is brand new technology this is the very very start of it all now you know most i would say just about everybody if you have a tv it's probably a 1080p television at the very least uh the nice ones maybe you have one maybe you seen them at Costco or best by the 4k right that crystal clear definition these are 8k technology screens god it's a lot of k's a lot of it looks pretty cool it looks pretty good it's a good play you know the only thing i don't know i like the table area i was gonna say i don't want to go to a theater and sit in a theater seat and be like oh my god look at that slider from Joe Musk i like to be up and move around i don't want to sit in a theater chair to watch a baseball game or football game right but the tables like you're standing around a table like you're in a bar but it looks like the angle changes a little bit sometimes on the sideline sometimes you're in the end zone if it's coming toward you if that's predetermined yeah i don't know i was there what happened and how many cameras do they have at these games because obviously they need special i mean it looks like we're at the big house it's cool it's really cool and it's a little bit like almost like virtual reality minus the big everyone doesn't have to wear the big headsets i don't know i saw the goggles yeah the goggles no it looks cool i saw that i was like that is unbelievable and look i'd love to experience that just got a alert on my phone this is it on my watch pumpkin spice season is here discover no it's been here flavors a full snacks and more i guess it's from amazon yeah it was from amazon letting me know pumpkin spice you could have gotten this degree you could have gotten a pumpkin spice latte two weeks ago there's christmas trees at cost go now it's christmas trees all right finally i did tease this earlier in the show we were talking about the cleveland browns to shawn watson uh and everything that's going on with him this has nothing to do so much with dishawn watson and the allegations against him but uh saw video going around it's an audio clip um cleveland sports talk radio yesterday it's one of our one of my favorite things that we do you know hey let's check in after a crushing loss or something let's check in on the other markets this is from ninety two three the fan in cleveland our buddy uh anti baskin works there or used to work there at least and they're an odyssey station and uh they took some calls out of the chute on monday morning following the browns loss to who do they leave keblis keblis yeah and uh it went about as much as as well as you can expect two one six four seven four double oh ninety two you ready to go the phones sure all right dave and massadonia your first step of the fan hello good morning boys all right he's quoting the annual cafe please there's two numbers you'll figure them out uh forty two point nine one forty four what is all this Watson's quarterback rating mayfield's order back right oh christ i can't do this for one more second the first call of the box we're going to do this the very first call of the box we're going to do this mmm no mmm i know what his quarterback rating was i know that he was good guys i'm not doing it right out of the damn box can i have a little bit of time before we do this can i have a little bit of time that he ain't coming home he ain't coming back only to play us that's it he had a great day down there congratulations on all his success i can't undo the trade i can't undo it great go to another one yes yes what would the what would the cop be i was trying to think of it like the trade turner this guy calls in he's like hey Ben in woods minus one and six you'll figure it out what are we talking about mason mccoy's war and trade turner's war and me just are you out of your mind oh christ oh christ i can't do this for one more second you'll figure it out rice johnson's war one so it owes war right oh really we can't undo the trade we're doing this we also got michael king back guy burrito i'll give you that piggy's 16 bob i'm not going there we can't do this i don't think first call you don't need to convince anyone in cleveland that this tishon wants and things going poorly it is the crappiest part of this job is that sometimes you're like you're like i know you want a vent i'm also frustrated but he's not coming back here this why are you calling to tell me this i can't do anything about it he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he can't put the toothpaste back in the tube you just can't do it i relate and sympathize with oh yeah hey fellas how are you 49.2 149.8 you'll figure it out okay you'll know where i'm going yeah you'll know where i'm going what are we talking about yeah there's two numbers you'll figure them out uh 42.9 42.9 144 what is all this Watson's quarterback rating may field quarterback right oh christ i can't do this for one more second so good it is so good so so so so very good mmm thank you pauly thank you all it's brilliant uh christ the san diego pot raise just made an announcement oh about something that i get tons of questions about all your long is it a concert no it's not a concert but you are thinking along the right lines i will uh i will share with you when we come back and we're going to give away some cons actually you know what let's do it right now because i forgot yesterday i feel bad we've got to parker mccollum parrotickets to parker mccollum and calco's credit union open air theater on october 25th tickets are on sale now at or win them now 8 3 3 2 8 0 9 7 3 oh we're gonna do this you'll figure it out we're not are we gonna do this yeah we're giving away the tickets right now 8 3 3 2 8 8 0 97 3 back after traffic on 97 3 the fam text they've been jack hammering in our neighborhood since 8 30 this morning that's always fun what's the earliest time that you really should be allowed to do yard work slash road work in a neighborhood 3 p.m i know you have constant it's practically bouncing blowers around here your neighborhood it's starting stop all day now never stop on weekday weekend weekday doesn't matter you know kind of depends where you live if you live downtown you're gonna expect noise all the time dude you got traffic you got concerts you have things going on including what i just teased it's back the potter is just announced that the links at pet co park are returning November 22nd through december 1st later this year gonna do the the old nine whole thing out on the field at pet co park with tea boxes all over the stadium which is really cool people always ask me are the potters bringing it back at the pot i love want to do that it's very been very hard to get reservations in the past because they fill up so quickly uh tomorrow tea times will be able to book a wednesday september 11th pottery season ticket members will have access to special premium preferred tea times beginning at 10 a.m tomorrow and then friday at september 13th as well and they're going to do a um they're going to replicate well known holes around the country and i don't think they're allowed to use the names of the courses but they said the floral fairways of georgia so i love that i guess the national beating around the bush the biggest party hole in the erison a desert so the stadium hole at the waste management open i can say it even if they can't measure that we had a talking code like that all the time cross the pond where golf originated in scotland okay it's at the old course at st andrews and they're going to make the greens look like the same as the the greens on those courses apparently it is so that thing hard i was so bad at it it's not easy even as not for like me it's it's tough it's fun though it is it is there's something cool about standing like in the upper deck yeah go ahead and see it's out there you're like oh my god when does when's the actual again it said november 22nd through december 1st okay i'd like to get out there this year i've done like three times it has been fun every time didn't you dress as a caddy for me no or somebody did bend in no i did not yeah we did a caddy bit i think maybe i made hammer to show or maybe i think hammer did are you sure positive mmm we haven't we haven't we've only gone once we've gone once i think we got here oh is the old station yeah hmm i swear somebody did a caddy bit all right well it's a fun time it's really really fun yeah you'll enjoy it the segment i've been a witness of your caddy oh would you need a fourth and then i hang out with him the whole time he's a caddy don't shut up that's true cry please five please i'm begging you maybe need one of those signs shut i'm begging you stop talking to me i'm begging you five iron huh you're fired you're fired the segment i've been a woods is brought to you by indeed need to hire you need indeed if you're looking for a caddy maybe their end end solution helps you track interview and hire candidates all year around schedule and conduct virtual interviews right from your indeed dashboard learn more by visiting so yesterday got a minute here um my son was like so hot out i want to go out and do something yeah it didn't have anything going i said just do what we did growing up go to an indoor mall walk around walk for some ricks he says we even have yeah no you know go like window shopping cruise the mall yeah we used to do that like every week he says is there an indoor mall i said yeah go to north county fair or westfield north county wherever they call it now and drive out to ask indigo and it's like it's by the it's right off uh by lake hodges there yeah san fisquall it's the one right off the freeway went there a million times when i was a kid indoor mall on a hot day we got air conditioning you know it's julius there and this is field how many times would you go to the mall every day every day after school yeah there was one you could walk to from our high school in our our middle school so we did at least they're like weekly or yeah a bunch of times the movie theater was there you'd go to the mall my kids did grow grew up in a different era people don't go to the mall like they used to anymore k-cheeks the chest is old head activity yeah but exactly well so my son goes and then he calls me i'm at work and he says yeah i just went to the mall this was really fun he said i walked around that all these cool stories checked out the comic book store it's a mall yes i got a free pretzel he goes there this store called lids where they just sell hats they even bought a pond right now go yeah that's a mall you're at the mall you're at the mall the house is unbelievable dad you're never gonna believe all the stuff they have in here i went to this place it let me tell you it's called the sharper image i mean they had a place that sold cookies i had i had that i had Spencer gifts i had chinese food and then cookies and then in orange julie is the same yeah we were we lived it it was the thing to do mom drop me off of the mall now they want anything this amazon it's like yeah there's no middle school on mall that was the thing middle school on yeah group group of girls are going to the mall like let's go let's put on like your best gear yeah like oh let's go to the mall he actually did he showed me his hat it was a 1978 padre's logo hat within the 1978 all-star patch from the game at jack murvey stadium on the side it was really really cool hat he got himself from this store called lids what do kids where do kids congregate i don't know where do they go xbox live yeah it's just online yeah we went to the movies we went to you know restaurants and torture those poor people you know and and the mall was just the biggest player red robin right next to the mall but i went to and i mean we would just those poor waitresses i i do love the idea of of any person stepping outside their comfort zone and then being amazed by the things that we have all come to know as like yeah dude what did you think was gonna have it's the same thing was like if i took bow to the mall he'd have the same reaction like oh my god oh my god there's an arcade oh my god there's a betting honor there's this there's this that's so good so now he's gonna be he's gonna be mall guy be hanging out at the mall absolutely i don't know that's got to be like the only indoor mall though it's San Diego yeah i mean for a hot day i was like i was trying to think i uh people there's the one in elk community all i guess there's one as well but there's one right by david busters uh in off the 78 that's a mall it's an indoor mall oh yeah yeah i know what you're talking about that that's the same one elk community al texas david zill in there it's parkway plaza indoor outdoor i'm not sure i mean it's indoor yeah it's indoor yeah it's a couple yeah parkway plaza i just know i like i mean grown up in washington wet and rainy seattle every mall schools malls everything was completely endorsed just giant giant buildings and then i moved down to san diego and i go to like fashion valley and i'm like wow there's palm trees and everything is outdoors i'm like oh yeah it makes sense didn't we eat at the mall when we went to arizona just me and you did me and you went to when we went to dicks and they were like let's yeah we're eating the food court yes ready to get some beer at dicks yeah we got like mongolian grill mongolian barbecue then would never eat it i mean i should know that i've never i don't take my son to the mall but i just really hadn't realized how inexperienced he was with mall we had mongolian grill at fashion valley yeah we did couple months ago we actually did we did venues with us yep that's right let's wrap it up that's an outdoor mall though yes all right we will uh get one final segment and uh we can fully look ahead potharies just a short two-game series in seattle but very important that they don't let the winning streak or losing streak continue and uh reach three or four here so big games coming up tonight and tomorrow night we'll look ahead when we come back with beno woods on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fam i would just spend a little out of sorts today didn't get much sleep last night was here at sleep four o'clock in the morning at work stupid what did you do from like four to five when paul paul doesn't get here until five i don't get here until five 30 so you were here for a full hour just buy yourself no one else in the building nobody it's only one picturing you doing like tom cruise and sliding along the floors and oh no it was not in here it hadn't fun i was digging on the internet to see if there was anything worthwhile i don't do any prep the night before ever right so i do all my prep the night before and that's what i was picturing i can't down the hallway yeah should have autism me just my shirt off or my shirt on my underwear no i paid some bills set some fantasy teams poked around the internet side to the heavens you know that kind of stuff but yeah it's been a long day already been up since two thirty by the way brutal so you were at home for a good hour before you even left yeah he for he had made some breakfast so i get up and i probably am in the car within 15 minutes top so after i get up a shower here shower from about 30 to 40 minutes from like waking up getting out of bed to getting in the car it's about 30 40 minutes everyone wants to shout out to plazamol the shout out plazamol shout out sd shout out sd so we didn't give it south bay any love i said parkway plaza or is that a different there's a different there's a plot there's just a plazamol yeah shout out so what poly bonita you follow plaza bonita that's beautiful plaza very good thank you so what do you do in the morning poly do you shower or no sometimes but usually not i use shower the night before i always shower before i go to television not radio makes more sense do you shower like one in the afternoon like two in the afternoon that's it yes like most normal people i shower once a day and they only shower twice a day i usually work out peloton around one and then shower after i peloton because i'm all hot and sweaty and then have to get into my tv clothes you have a different schedule i do if i went to the gym at like 11 got home at 1230 a shower immediately yep and i probably still shower later later at night before bad two showers a day yeah i'm a two shower day really yeah also wash my feet i've started trying to wash my feet not bad i'm proud of you i've been able to well i just i think now that i've lost some weight and i've gotten worked out more you can bend down more well i can hold my core enough to balance on one foot and bring the foot up high enough the fact that you couldn't before i can actually bring endorsement for s d fact that's incredible yeah i could not do see that this move before but now look at you like a yogi now i can actually step up one here is hip pop out of socket live on the air more flexible than i used to be yeah yeah i'm i'm a two shower day guy sorry about that somebody said it's why we're in a water crisis i'm doing my part do the best i can't i don't think we are anymore are we i mean we could always go back to one but we had a lot of rain the last couple of years all right let's check traffic and then we'll check ahead to the series against the mariners one last time or we turn things over to any else in here on 97 three the fan i think ultimately for me uh splitting the next two games in seattle is is fine the must yeah i mean no it's not a must but it's certainly if they lose the next two games losing streak hits four yeah i will start painting a little work yeah yeah i said three games would be my panic mode and if they win the next two games i will feel eminently confident about where this season is headed and if they split which is what i'm expecting fine you move forward you move forward you cross the next series yeah and you get closer to the end of the season obviously you're following what the other teams do and you know obviously scoreboard watching for help but take care of your own business yeah i think so i'm expecting a split i'm expecting and you are a better team they should win both games they have better starting pitching they are they have won more games than they have lost this year michael keg's coming off a dominant star yeah brian woo and and george kirby are pretty i don't know as woo's numbers i check they're both pretty good yeah but of course if you're comparing directly to you they have they have the best if you can give us five good innings tonight and then michael king builds off of what he just did and his last start and what he's done most of the season yeah you have scored it's comparable enough that you got a score off of two really good pictures so and that's you know they they do have a really good offense when it's clicking on all cylinders and i would say that it hasn't really been clicking on all cylinders except for maybe once they get down a little bit so i think it's important to try to get to these guys as early as you can obviously it's a no-brainer but um yeah they they actually said somebody came out and i can't remember if it was player or if it was shilty that was like yeah let's it would be nice to prove that we can get a lead add to it and hold on instead of always playing the other way oh we're down to again when they get down to i don't panic when they get down four i don't panic when they get down five in the third i don't panic well i sure used to they've got it in them right and i did too i would sometimes turn the game off in the fifth inning you know this is a waste of my time it's been a revelation this has been not credible yes and so i i do think they need to prove that they can win the other way some as well so i think tonight's a good chance to do it you made a good point earlier in the show about how the seattle mariners have a lot to play for you now every game's back i kind of gotten into the habit of just looking at the al west they're four and a half games behind houston who's played so well they blew that ten-game lead yep over the astros and and they weren't really in the al wild card race but all of a sudden we've been so focused on the nl wild card race the al wild card race has gotten a little bit interesting it always had been either the ariles or the yank yes whoever was in second in the al east right now it's the ariles who've been struggling a little bit the aikis have first place or the ariles lead the wild card race they're comfortable though five and a half up then it's the royals two and a half up the twins though have lost four in a row and all of a sudden they're only eight games above five hundred and only three games ahead of a trio of teams including the seattle mariners also the detroit tigers and the boston red Sox who now look at that and go hey guys three weeks three games that's a game a week we are absolutely in this race so seattle comes into this week going we need to make up a game on the minnesota twins this week so they're looking for sweeps they're looking for a winning streak there they would love to build a little bit of momentum in these two games against a team they already swept two games at peckville park earlier this year yeah and you got you know they added they added randy rosarena who has not had a good season at all they still have hulio rudriguez but a guy like randy rosarena benny who has been through it he has been in these huge huge huge moments this this turning of the calendar to september for guys like that that have shown on the biggest stage yeah man they scare you hulio rudriguez not had a great season is he capable of doing massive amounts of damage yes i'm not trying to doom out here or spin out i think that we can get the job done certainly but they're going to have to be and this was great man our buddy letters to aj had a new blog that that uh launched this morning i'll just read you the very last part of it uh the potteries had a merciful day off monday a day for reflection a day to prepare a day to anticipate the moments that will surely find them in which they have agency to make a choice to seize some extra slivers of win probability they're going to need every bit they can get perhaps they've elevated everything evaluated everything above and determined the process was impeccable there was no room for improvement things just didn't go their way good analysis well sometimes sometimes lead to the conclusion that nothing could have been done better so again clean baseball hard baseball the way you've played all season long and and again these are the types of pitchers you're going to be going up against in october should you make it the george curbies of the world and the the brian brian loop uh brian lose but the potters haven't really i'm not saying they have had dominated the great pitchers no but they've definitely played well against it they they elevate their name sometimes you know because they're good at putting the ball into play what makes those good pitchers usually so dominant as they get so much swing and mess it's hard to put together rallies potteries whether they're playing the guy with a 70 r a or the guy with the two and a half er a they're going to do their thing they're going to put balls in play some days they will find holes some days they don't find holes but i doesn't seem like there's that big of a difference for the potteries on who they're facing it's more about the potteries well the swings they're taking them the pitchers that they're facing a lot of days and let's talk about how for a second how the ball this season has bounced in our favor more than it hasn't but you start to see some weird things happening the the ball lost in the sun 10 straight balls from dylan seith joe musgrove giving up seven hits in a row a walk-off grand slam or not a walk-off grand slam a two strike two out grand slam from a nine hole hitter that the exit velo was lower than the pitch speed you know what i'm saying it started to feel a little bit tyler way getting picked off things like that where you go it's it's our construction that gives these things merit not merit i mean things they are they have had good breaks and now they have had some bad ones but there's no reason that those continue in cycles or streaks or anything just because you've had some bad breaks doesn't mean you're in a bad run and just because things are going well doesn't mean it can't turn on a dime the next day and you have a bunch of bad luck that's in our minds we try to put it together going oh they're on a really good hot lucky streak well no i mean yeah they just had some good things happen to them that has no bearing on what's going to happen today they could get all the breaks in the world today or everything could go against them today that is irrelevant to what happened at least in my mind in the last couple of weeks now you there's some making of your own luck and you know you lose a little confidence in yourself when things go bad and then all of a sudden now you're causing bad things to happen that's a little different than just random baseball stuff we had that there was a lot of that going on at the beginning of the year a lot of causing bad things to happen and last year and last year was it was entirely beginning of this just a snowball of bad luck turning into pressing and bad play well remember at the beginning of this year the error remember the fatal errors six hopper booted uh happens you know next guy to run over you know running into outs all over the place like horrible base running terrible decision making then it stopped felt like almost completely for a good six week period and lo and behold they want a ton of games in that time so uh i think just win on the margins you know pick up the extra base when you can devils in the details as mike show likes to say and play good clean base ball let's chips fall where they may you got a real challenge with their starting pitching certainly but um like like pauli mentioned you know you've got you've got a couple of guys that are pretty good too so really looking forward to watching you pitch tonight hopefully it's uh it goes better for him than it did the last time and he can command the zone a little bit i'm just trying to look back i mean the padre's have yet to have a week have they in which they've lost more games than they've won since the last hour not the second half i don't think i don't think so i think the worst week they've had is three and three right since the all-star pretty damn good it's pretty pretty good baseball yep for uh an extended period of time now are they as hot as they were in the first month no if the all-star break no of course not nor were they ever going to stay that hot from late july all the way through october and it's fine like you can have a little bit of a down period it's a great time to get hot again this is what we said in the first half of the year yeah just get hot okay minimize those downs those down cycles yep we said instead of losing five in a row just turn those into three and three weeks sure absolutely that's exactly what they've done this second half of the season they had their hot stretch and now on their cooler stretch they've turned it into just 500 play yep that's what we wanted so let's that's not complain about it yet until something really until they give us a reason to complain about something i'm gonna hold off on all complaints yeah like i said i'm not gonna over panning till they lose three point of row so i mean they've lost two at the most the two they're all losing streaks since the all-star break so let's get them tonight take it to them come in here with a fun positive show tomorrow if we will rest this approach yeah i get it right here this is your last chance you still don't don't let them don't do this little roach pressure all right Annie and Elston are coming up next we will be back tomorrow morning at 6 a.m for executive producer imaging director Paul Reidl for Stephen Woods already off the youtube stream i'm Ben Higgins have a great rest of your Tuesday from all of us here at San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fans along with the button a football fans you want the real deal the raw unfiltered truth about everything going down in the NFL join mark schlareth three-type Super 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