FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 9-10-24 Debate night, Trump, Arlington, Figures, Visa planes

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information sharing his thoughts on today's politics and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Welcome, welcome everyone to the George Williams Show, I am your host and I'm so glad to be here folks, our number here is 251-3430106 and folks if you are outside of your listening area, if you know anyone out there who want to listen to the show, all they have to do is tune on to FM Talk, T-A-L-K,, that's F-M Talk,, you can get us anywhere in if they have internet connections, also on your cell phone, so you don't have to be home at your home, listen to the radio, you can get us on your cell phone, we have an app, folks, that is the name of on our app, okay, so you can get us any time, any time. Alright folks, so much is happening, we've got the big debate tonight and everybody, I'm telling you, I don't know how many people will be tuning in but I'm sure from all over the world they'll be tuning in and we will after this show we will definitely tune in to the debate. Fortunately for me folks, my cousins and some other relatives are inviting me over for a fish fry tonight, so we will be having a fish fry and celebrating my birthday which is today and I'm so happy to leave behind a mic and say I'm here on my birthday folks and I'm really happy being at the station and celebrating my birthday doing my radio show, that is fine, then after I leave here I'm going to go to a celebration birthday party and what we're going to do is we're going to be looking and listening to this debate, I didn't want to be a debate, I marked my word for it, probably ABC has given the answers already to the Democrats, they always do it, they always do it, okay, the only thing I can tell my brother, Mr. Trump, is to just be cool, you're from New York, you're New Yorker, just be cool, don't let her get under your skin, you know why, because she has no platform, she can't talk about what has happened over the last almost four years, she can't talk about it, it's dismal, it's dismal folks, what can I talk about, now have you noticed her campaign, Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walts, he has been quiet, and as a fact the immediate folks have been asking questions, he wants to answer them, he is avoiding the question, and I can understand why folks, because this man is a liar, he's a war dodger, and this is coming from his own men, the guys who were stationed with him, he used his military service to run when he ran for Congress and ran for governor, I'm a command soldier major, okay, I was Afghanistan and Iraq war veteran when he was assigned to Italy, I don't think the war in Afghanistan, and Iraq was in Italy do you, and then his unit, once he found out his unit was getting orders for a deployment there, he quit, he quit, he didn't retire, he quit, he quit, when you're in the reserves, if you get out of the reserve prior to 60, you don't retire, you resign, and then automatically if you have enough points, then when you reach the age of 60, then you are officially retired and you get a retirement ID card, okay, so he quit, he's a coward, he's a coward, but in addition to that folks, his relationship with the Chinese, this is frightening, it's very frightening, from what I've read, from what I know, I've been talking to folks, he has allowed the Chinese, he allowed the Chinese to come into Minnesota, he has been in a relationship with China for years, for years, and when you allow a communist country like China to come into your state, you know who's gonna come in, the intel people, the intel people, and for what I heard, those folks, they set up offices in China, and what they were used for was to track down Chinese dissidents, okay, under the umbrella, the false umbrella of businessmen, just about every company, a large multicompany in China is controlled by the communist party, controlled by the communist party and the Chinese government, another thing, we should not allow the Chinese to own property in America, where can you go in China and buy property, they won't let you, a lot of countries won't let us do that folks, they won't let us do that, but the Chinese are buying all kind of property, especially around sensitive installations, especially around those, what are they doing that for, intelligent purposes folks, spying, spying, spying, spying, even the governor, the former governor and the current governor of New York, the Chinese individual who was working for them, she and her husband, last week got picked up for what, spying for the Chinese government, how many of them are in the United States government, think about that, how many, because Obama led all kind of people into the US government, he allowed all kind of folks to come into the US government, so this is our situation, this is our situation, we'll find out tonight how bright intelligence she really is, but one thing for sure, she doesn't know the subject matter, like Donald Trump, he has been the president, he was in the office for four years, he did an outstanding job, in spite of what you're hearing from the liberal media, in spite of what you're hearing from Harrison Wall, they know it, they know it, they cannot run this election on their merits or the records, they can, they cannot, their campaign is full of lies, it's full of lies, and you're going to see this tonight, what can she talk about, what kind of questions ABC monitors will ask, what kind of questions are they going to be asking, look at what Harris, what, a week ago, when she was on CNN, what did they ask her, those questions, my little AT, AEO grandson can answer them, no tough question, none, none, and they wouldn't do it in front of an audience, when CNN interviewed her, okay, it had to be in a private room, and plus, she insisted that a vice president running me be there, both of them lied, both of them, both of them, so watch her tonight, when her nose starts stretching, the more lies she say, see tell us that the more her nose is going to stretch, like Pinocchio, I can't wait, I can't wait, I'm going to have some fish tonight, and french fries and enjoy the debate folks, that's what it's all about, we'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 25134060106, now making the mission possible, here's George Williams, welcome back, welcome back folks, we are on the mission, my name is George Williams, our number here is 2513430106, all right, let's get off of that topic for now, we'll go right back on it after this special announcement folks, now I think everyone knows, and I talked about it on our last show, that on October the 11th, October the 11th, which is a Friday night, at the Marriott Hotel on Airport Boulevard, right off south of Highway 65, Chef Joe Appaya will be coming to Mobile, Alabama, and he's looking forward to it, and he'll be our special guest at the Alabama minority GOP annual banquet, so we are expecting to see a whole bunch of folks, to meet Chef Joe Appaya, you know him, he was the chef about 25 years in Maricopa County, which is in Arizona, which covers Phoenix, and he just, he was called the toughest chef in America, he had the prisoners sleeping in tents, because he didn't have enough room in the regular jail, so he put them in tents, air conditioned tents, I mean it wasn't abusive anything, and that's what he did, and he's also known for issuing candy stripe underwear to the inmate, and I asked him when I was in Phoenix, I was listening to a wiretap, Portuguese-speaking wiretap, this was during the, during the 80s, when I found out he was, he was here, and he said that they kept stealing all the underwear, and, and he needed a way to identify them, and once he, he issued this candy stripe underwear, then the, the step stopped, okay, so he, he put a halt to all of the stealing of the, the underwear, Chef Appaya was also a legend in the Drug Enforcement Administration, he retired from the DEA prior to going to Phoenix, and he's a legend, just like he is a legend as a chef of Maricopa County, a retired chef now, he's a legend in the Drug Enforcement Administration, tough guy, tough guy, and so we're looking forward to him, I've spoken to several shares in the lower Alabama area, and they are looking forward to meeting him, as well as other folks, okay, so if you're interested in coming or sponsoring a table at that event, just go to the Alabama minority GOP, and it's, the acronym is A-L-M-G-O-P dot org, A-L-M-G-O-P dot org, and you can find the inflow, the information on there, and, and you can pay online, we need sponsors, okay, for, for tables for that, you can get individual tickets or you can get sponsorship, sponsorship, I think there are eight people at a table, and the, the higher the, the donation for the table, the closer you get to the, to the front of the event, and also, when President Trump was in Phoenix last month, there's only one person he called up on the stage, and that was Joe Appiah, now what Trump had to do, because, because of the fact that the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Phoenix charged Sheriff Appiah, and they had a trial and they found them guilty, it was just like what they do into Trump now, what they've done, the same thing, so as a result of that, President Trump pardoned Sheriff Appiah, and they become very close, close friends, because, as you know, Sheriff Appiah, two of his investigators showed that the birth certificate, Obama, I remember they had all like controversy, was fake, and so that was one of the reasons from what I heard, that the prosecutor went after Sheriff Appiah, that was one of the reasons, and then also, they also charged him with cruelty to inmates and all that stuff, which was a bunch of hogwash, hogwash, so that's what happened to Sheriff Appiah, and he has endorsed President Trump, and he's endorsed, and he's come in here to endorse quite a few of our Republican candidates, especially Barry Moore, who's running for Congress and District One, Congress for Moore, Carolyn Dobson, who has been on this show several times, she's running against in District Two against Damari figures, who was in the Biden campaign, and who is a zero running against Mr. Dobson, okay, and he's a yes man to the Biden's and the Harris's, so he will be in Dawson, our Republican candidates, several candidates, we have someone running for judgeship, court clerk in Baldwin County and Mobile County, and several other positions we have folks running for, so he's going to be here, and I think it's going to be very excited, so if you're interested in becoming a sponsor or want to purchase tickets, do it at, that is short for the Alabama minority, okay folks, so we'll look forward to it, all right, now this is a record that I was telling you that Harris can't run on, and it's sad folks, it's sad, and as you know, last week President Trump was at Arlington National Cemetery to pay tribute to those 13 military personnel who was killed doing that cowardly withdraw from Afghanistan, which left 13 soldiers killed, and several Afghanistan civilians, they were killed, and we lost billions of dollars, we left it there for billions of dollars in military equipment, two weeks ago, the Afghan had a parade, and there were tears in my eyes folks, to look at all that equipment that those idiots left in Afghanistan, which one day will be used against our troops, our military personnel, billions of dollars, helicopters, tanks, you name it, you name it, they left it in Afghanistan, why? because they were idiots, they were idiots, they didn't care, they didn't care, and one day marked my word, I've been in a war, I'm a Vietnam U.S. Marine Corps, O3 11 infantry combat veteran, folks marked my word, will be, they will be using some of that equipment against our soldiers, our military personnel, because look what's happening in Iran, in Iraq, in Lebanon with the Houthis over there, in Lebanon, you don't think that all that equipment is going to stay in Afghanistan, do you? No, they're going to pass it around, pass it around, and they're going to be using it primarily against Israel, and our troops, because we still have troops in Iraq, in Jordan we have troops, we have bases there, they're going to be using it against us, and especially against the Israelis, okay? that's what they want to do, they want to get rid of Israel, that's not going to happen folks, it's not going to happen, you know why? because we're not going to let it happen, they're trying to do it through public opinion, like yesterday, when the Israelis bombed this location, and they killed three of four Palestinian tourists who were involved in the October 7th invasion of Israel, where the media and the Palestinian say that 40-some folks were killed, that was a lie, that was a lie, how come they don't let us know how many terrorists were killed? they're mixing everybody together, I'm glad the Israelis released the video of when those six hostages were killed folks, but you won't see that on the mainstream media, CNN, MSLSD, ABC, CBS, you won't see it on those, you won't see it, but you will on Fox Newsmax, you'll see it, so don't let them try to fool you folks, Israel is struggling for survival, it's like over in Europe, what the Russians are doing, I'm glad, I'm glad, they're being bombed, Moscow's being bombed, give them more bombs so they can bomb Moscow, we'll be right back. Welcome back everybody, we are on a mission, we're going to be on this particular mission until the 5th of November, that's when the night of the 5th, we're going to get word that Donald Trump has won this election, and we'll be our next president for the next four years, that's what we want and that's what's going to happen folks, you know why it's going to happen, we've been talking, I've been talking to folks who voted four years ago for Biden, I can't tell you how many folks are telling me they want that vote, they'll either sit out this election or they'll vote for Donald Trump, but the mainstream media won't publish that, and then they're talking about the polls showing that they're even, that is a lie folks, that is a lie, the polls are not even, they are not, they are not, Trump is a head, Trump is a head, look at what he's been doing, the crowds he has been attracting, he is not tied with Harris, especially since Harris and Walt will not talk to the press in an open forum, but Trump is there, he's out there, he's campaigning, he's talking to the media, he'll talk to the fake media, he'll talk to CNN, he'll talk to you know, BBC, anybody, ABC, CBS, he doesn't care, he'll talk to any reporter, but why are the two of the Democratic candidates not talking to the media, why is Walt running from the media, I thought he was, oh man, I'll go talk to the media anytime, well you know why folks in my opinion, because his record was dismal, just like Harris is, when he was a governor in Minnesota, and now you have these military groups, I know I'm a member of several, several military groups, as you know I'm a retired major, I'm a retired DEA special agent, and I talk to people, especially military, they are really teed off with this guy Walt, and folks, I know you have seen this on TV, on the news, I don't think it's been on the mainstream media, he's been on Fox News Max and some of the others, that was his family, a voting for Trump, and they came out publicly and endorsed Donald Trump, these are his family members, and they have on their shirts, Walt's for Trump, I've never seen that, I've never seen that, where a vice presidential candidate, his immediate family, publicly, where a t-shirt with that, they are for the other guy, think about that, and they can't deny it, they even have them on film, saying why they voted for Donald Trump. Never hurt of that, never, now you also have some of the Kennedy's are met at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Indos and Donald Trump, okay, but not like the Walt's family, you've had a few of the Kennedy family members who are die-hard Democrats, what did you do that, what did you endorse, he has his reason for doing that, he has a heart, he has a heart for America, and he knows the danger of Harris and Walt, they can't win this election folks, we cannot allow that, we cannot have Kamari figures when congressional district two rates, because he was a Biden and he's a Harris person. He worked at the White House folks, everything, and I don't think he's ever gone against the Bidens when he was at the White House or the Harris's, okay, and this is the man who is running for Congress to represent Alabama, are you kidding me, a 90% Republican state, we can't allow that to happen folks, we need to register our people, and as a matter of fact, now I think what tomorrow's certain states are allowed early voting, or sometime next week, they're allowed early voting, so let's get this thing and don't sit on your behind and wait for election day, you know why, because this happened in several large cities and I've talked to people who are Republicans and they waited until last day, but in a lot of these polling places, the machines break down, something always happened, so they have to stand out there for hours, and hours, and hours, folks, in your state that you're in, if you have early voting, go and vote early, because normally there's nobody there, vote, don't wait until last day, don't wait until last day, because the Democrats are going to fix it, where a lot of folks won't be able to vote that day, and I really mean that, I really mean that, there's a state, I forgot what state it is, and I just tried to find it, but my eyes are not too good, that the Secretary of State was going over the voter list and found out that there were like 10,000 non-U.S. citizens on the voting rolls in that state, this happened last week and they took them off, okay, 10,000 non-U.S. citizens on the voter rolls, now we know that's not going to happen in Democrat run states, but in Republican run states that's what they're doing, and I know our Secretary of State have been doing that here in Alabama, and guess what, who's trying to stop the Democrats folks, they don't want that, they don't want the voter rolls to be mess with, they want the voter rolls just like they are, with dead people, illegals, non-U.S. citizens voting, that's what they want, that's what they want, and that's why in some of these blue states we cannot get them to verify the voter rolls, they want to do it, that's just like when you, after people vote and they find a few people who were not supposed to vote, or who have been messing with the voter rolls, or who have been cheating for the Democrats, they want to prosecute them because you have Democratic prosecutors, okay, they're not going to prosecute anyone for cheating, because they're saying people are voting for them, it's different in red states, different in red states, so this is what's happening, this is what we have to prevent, just like the voter rolls was checked, you have 10,000 non-U.S. citizens, what do you think they don't want ID for voting, voter ID, what do you think they don't want that folks, I'll give you one guess, why do you think they don't want voter ID, so you can't verify if that person is eligible to vote, remember in this country only the United States citizens can vote, and our election, Democrats are kind of changing that, that's why they want to change the Supreme Court, okay, that's why they want the Democrats want to take over the Supreme Court, so this is what we have to put up with, but if we allow the Democrats to win this presidential election, then we're in trouble for years to come folks, for years to come, and not only the president of presidential election, we've got the Senate, I think they have one or two more Senate votes, the Democrats than we do, we need to take the Senate, okay, we need to keep the Congress, we've got a few more votes in Congress, remember in order to pass a law, you must have the Senate vote and the congressional vote, you can't have one without having the other, and here's our situation now, we run the Congress, we pass many bills, but Schumer and the Democrats would not allow them to act on it, would not allow the Democratic Senate to act on it, so guess what, the bill is dead, the bill is dead, because you need both houses to agree to that bill before it goes to the presidential desk for his signature, for the president's signature, so in November, on November the 5th, we need to take the presidency, which is the executive branch, the Senate, and we need the Congress, we need all three of those, those are the three houses that we have in government, the executive, the Senate, and the Congress, we need to take all three folks, so get off of here behind and find people who are not able to go to the polls, help them to get there, and if they can't, then show them how to request an absentee ballot, show them how they do that, and if you live in a blue state, and they have the mail-in ballots, folks, watch them, watch them good, and if you live in this, in different counties, especially in the blue counties, we have to make sure we have a Republican sitting right next to a Democrat, doing the intake system to watch him, because they can allow somebody to come in who's not eligible, and say okay, give him the ballot sheet, watching folks, we need to keep our eyes and our ears open, we'll be right back. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Alright folks, continuing on our mission, our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6, alright folks, here's another very disturbing situation, okay. Right now this administration in Washington, the Harris and the Biden administration, you can forget about saying the Biden administration, the Harris administration, you know what they're doing folks, they are bringing in Haitians, they are allowing so many Haitians, Venezuelans, Cubans, and they're bringing them in via aircraft, they're not coming across the border, now they've done this with millions of folks coming across the border, now they're flying them in, I think of 130,000 a month, they're bringing in, flying in to the United States, and I believe it's 30,000 a month, that's just as bad as the border, and they're bringing these folks into these cities, whereby they're putting a big strain on those local governments, and it's totally unbelievable, and Harris, she approved it, she approved it. So they're not coming across, they're coming across the border, okay, but in addition to coming across the border, they're flying them in folks, to the tune of, I believe it's 30,000 a month, 30,000, criminals and everybody else, and look at what they're doing in these cities, I think it was in California where a bunch of Venezuelans have taken over some of these apartment buildings, by force, it is totally unbelievable folks, so not only are they allowing them to come in via the sudden border, but the US is sponsoring them to come in via aircraft, and you know what, when they come in they get all kind of assistance, medical, financial, et cetera, okay, when you've been in this country all these years, and you can't get nothing from the government, well they've given it to these folks who are coming in, who they are bringing in to the United States, that's what they're doing, the Harris administration, AKA the Biden administration, they have to say it like that, that's what they're doing, and they're all kind of trouble that these people are starting for local governments, local governments, this is what they're doing, and you don't hear much about it, you don't hear much about it folks, or can you believe that, and they're getting all kind of assistance, all kinds of assistance they get in, that Americans can't get, who need, look at all the veterans who are homeless, et cetera, et cetera, okay, they get nothing compared to these folks, that the Harris and Biden administration are flying in, they're leasing these transport planes to fly these folks into the United States, and they're flying them in on some kind of program, okay, and in order for them to get assistance, the government, they have to be a member of this program, and the government pays for everything, pays for everything, this is where our country is, has gone, so you Democrats out there, if you vote for this lady, and this lion waltz, something is wrong with you, something is wrong with you, I've seen a few Harris signs, I've seen a few, oh, by the way, by the way, were my drive, not driveway, the road that come into my house, I had a Trump sign there, some idiots stolen, this was a couple days ago, why are they stealing Trump sign, but I put another one up today, and I put it up where the house across the street, across the road, has got a camera, so if anybody try and go and remove this sign, this Trump sign, I'm gonna see who did it, but you know why they're doing it folks, they're scared, they know that this is the end for Democrats being in the White House, and on January 21st, or 22nd, whatever day, that's it for them, for the Democrats, they're running scared, they are running scared, why haven't they had two or three, why don't they want two or three debates, they're running scared, big mouth, Tim Waltz, you remember, he's vice presidential candidate, and he talked before in front of anybody, oh, he would talk, he loved the talk and lied at the same time, but now, he's quiet, he's avoiding the press, this is just the beginning, we still got 60 some days, and their downswing has started right after the convention, and I told people this, they got a little boost, a little boost, but now they're on a downward slope, they're on a downward slope, and when you get a vice presidential candidate, and his immediate family goes public, and makes statements, and wears shirts, it says, Waltz family, for Donald Trump, for Trump, I mean, that's heavy folks, that's heavy, so this is what's going on, and we'll see tonight, how well Ms. Lyah does, because she is a liar, she's definitely a liar, and it's a giggler, okay, actually they could just ask her questions, just have Trump stand there, because she will lie and giggle her way through the whole 90 minute debate, that's what she'll do, there are many videos of her folks, and if I was on TV, I would play some of those videos of her in the past, you won't believe it, you won't believe it, you will not believe it, but you can't see them over the radio, no sense in playing those videos, but you get a good look at her tonight, and of course she spent the last five, six days, you know, rehearsing, that's what they've been doing, but sometimes when you're in college and when I was in college and I didn't study the way I should study, and then all of a sudden the night before the exams, you know, you get in your room and you're trying to take it all in, you're trying to take it all in, okay, folks, it doesn't work like that, because you should be studying all alone, so did you have an idea of the complete subject matter, complete subject matter, this is what you need to do, and they're jamming it into her, jamming it into her, she'll remember something, because she is a lawyer, at least she said she is, okay, she'll remember something, but the main thing, folks, is she can't talk about her record, she can't expound on that, she can't, and all she's going to try to do is, well, President Trump did this, President Trump said this, or I expect to do, okay, I expect to do this, you know, office now, for almost four years, why haven't you done it, think about it, folks, all right, let's go listen to this debate, and we'll talk about it next week, until that time, like on sales, everyone. 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