FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Ask the Sheriff with Mobile Co Sheriff Paul Burch - Tuesday, September 10 2024

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10 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five more shots of tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock if you don't like it Last question. Were you high on drugs? By 1207 FM talk 165 midday mobile glad to have you here on this Tuesday and coming up this hour Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch our guests for asked the sheriff for Minder - get those questions in on the text line and the phone line both 3-0-1-0-6 3-4-3-0-1-0-6 for a call or a text and if you use the FM talk 106-5 app you can always leave us one of those talkback messages there from the front page But our lead-off better today as we're looking at a System in the Gulf. It's got a name and it's got a lot of people talking It's Francine and we bring in our staff meteorologist dr. Bill Williams for more on that. Hey doc Hey, there Sean. Yeah, Francine is getting back together right now and satellite pictures It's becoming rather impressive still a small tropical storm But it will be intensifying as it moves in a both easterly direction It's way down near the near Brownsville, Texas about the Mexican border and it's just east of that and But it is is making that turn now north northeast at eight miles per hour highest Windsor 65 miles per hour, so it's getting close to becoming a full-fledged hurricane it now appears that it will become a hurricane probably by evening and During the nighttime hours tonight it should continue to intensify and Most likely will become a category one hurricane or at least a strong category one perhaps with winds getting up around 90 miles per hour right now looks like it will make landfall in Louisiana and That will occur tomorrow afternoon almost As late as the early evening as possible and it may lose a little bit of strength Just before it reaches the coast because of what we call wind shearing the upper air winds strong enough to weaken the structure of the storm, but it still will be a category one hurricane and It looks like it could produce a storm surge in the on the central coast of Louisiana that could be anywhere from 8 to 10 feet the likely target right now looks like Morgan City and After it moves into the Morgan City area will track very close to Baton Rouge and of course it will be losing strength and then up around Vicksburg and eventually by oh late Thursday, it'll be a tropical depression and Be up around Memphis and we'll continue on up Into the Midwest but as far as our area it looks like we'll see rainfall totals of two to four inches and that's possible and We of course need some rain although it's we don't like to get it notice Those amounts over once but we will get some rain out of this There's a lot of it now a big rain shield that is located to the northeast of that storm and that will be moving in tonight tomorrow and Into Thursday and then conditions should improve late Thursday and Friday We can right now look for some wind gusts tomorrow up to about 30 to 35 at times and There'll be out of the East and then Southeast tomorrow night same thing gust around 30 to 35 and then on Thursday Gus around 30 in the wind will be out of the South Dr. Bill, what are you telling folks like at the southern end of Mobile County in southern end of Baldwin County? For I didn't I know that we're a good distance away, but storm surge of or right Tides higher than normal. What would you expect? Yeah? Yeah, right now Sean. We're looking at about one to three feet for storm surge and That means so we have to include Mobile Bay and and particularly when the winds switch around to the south and That'll push more water to the coast and into the bay now the question is could the storm move a little farther to the east? That is possible, but right now it looks like it will be a Louisiana storm around Morgan City and then on to Baton Rouge keeping it just west of New Orleans, but we'll we're gonna continue to watch this and See if any changes occur while it's out well out in the in the Gulf and any changes that occur out there We'll have a great effect on where the landfall occurs obviously and so we want to watch that So I mean there is some because I saw the adjustment in the track a little bit easier saying Morgan City Are there things in meteorology? You're looking at they could let it go further east. I mean is it it's not a foregone conclusion? Yeah, we're looking always looking at the upper air pattern over the area and already where well look There's that possibility that it could lose some strength as approaches the coast because of the upper air winds and they can also be a factor in the final path of that storm. So those are things that We constantly are working on all right, Dr. Bill. We appreciate the update We'll be looking back to you for updates the whole way through the next couple days because you said we'll be getting rain today and tomorrow even into Thursday Okay, Sean, we'll be watching it closely. Thanks, Dr. Bell. There's our staff meteorologist Dr. Bill Williams getting us started on this Tuesday and In-studio Bobial County Sheriff Paul Bertch good to see you always good to be here now that kind of information though I mean from you know, we think about and we'll talk about crime and all that but public safety does go beyond People breaking laws it does and and you know feeding off of you know, Dr. Bill's information You know pay attention to our low-lying areas. They have been the same for years Yeah, and never hurts to have a full tank of fuel and you know just to be prepared Yeah, but you know as of now there are no shelters being opened in Mobile County So yeah, it doesn't sound like we need them, but it is, you know, something to look at the you talk about this It was so important the areas that do flood and know it know them and you know as a mobile guy You know, I know them. It's interesting to see the When when a bigger storm comes in and national media comes in they're like this whole area You're like no that doesn't flood there and floods down there and that by you it floods out of that canal But doesn't flood over there that see another hundred feet higher and you know, they could they could draw these big crayon maps Where it's flooding everywhere. You're like, yeah, it doesn't exactly flood like that. I'm like some of that's normal Yeah, that's just the way we roll around here Well, lots to talk about on today's show and people can get their questions in for the sheriff He's in for the hour three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six I guess we'll start off with this one you've been making news here since last time you're in y'all You know always seem to have something you respond and then people either cheer or Claps their pearls when you say something a question about concealed carry permits and Applying to people who are under? 21 right so that's in your words because this has been and you have I've seen you on talk about them But go back to this and and what what are you looking at in your words? What do you want to see happen? Well, you know, and there was some Misunderstanding on those initial interviews if you want to call it that All I'm looking is to have a discussion. You know, and if that would be an option to curtail some of the violent crime We're seeing you know in in and around Mobile County and I say Mobile County in different municipalities and you know, they're fortunate. There's not a lot of that out in the county so, you know, and what we're seeing statistically is Most and I say most 90% at least of those violent crimes involving firearms are being committed by people 20 years and younger now, you know the the law as it is written For 17 and under you know, they're forbidden to possess a pistol anyway, right, but we still have a fair number of those from you know 20 to 18 that are out here, you know committing violent crimes and you know, I'm just looking for a discussion to You know, see a way that we can address that. Okay, so and you've done this in the past But I think this is worth doing again Describe this as a lifelong law enforcement officer. You you pull over a vehicle. Tell me how having in this case having That they would have to have a concealed carry permit under 21 How does that help the officer? How does it help the deputy? Can like walk us through that? Well, you know, let's just say you give you your pull a car oh, you know over for whatever traffic violation And they're a number of people fitting that category that you know three or four in the car with three They're under 20 gallons, and you know, let's say it's two o'clock in the morning. They're not going to school They're not going to work right, you know, what are you doing and and typically, you know That's you're up to no good if you're out rolling around that time in the morning well That let's just say that amendment passed. Mm-hmm. Yeah, if they didn't have a permit they go to jail and we take the gun Right, so you say if we search vehicle here's a gun. Who's gun is this? Oh, it's what I don't try to hide them anymore I mean, so I missed typically do a traffic stop there playing view and you know You can see them in their waistband, and you know, they don't try to hide them. Okay, so at that point you say all right You got a pistol there. Where's your permit? Yep, and Does that I mean help make a bigger arrest or is it just taking that gun away from that? Well, I would venture to say that most of the people committing these crimes those guns are stolen, you know, because they can't legally go purchase one and You know, that would allow us to affect and arrest run serial numbers on the gun to determine if it's stolen or not You know, and you'll see he's the weapon and and you know people get upset when I say that it's you know We're not looking to do gun grabs. We're trying to take them out of the hands of people there that don't belong, right? So yeah, Tom Graham Bay said why would the 20-year-old and he taught using my word that I use along the show Why would the 20-year-old dirtbag worry about getting a permit? He doesn't carry a gun He don't carry gun regardless, but thank you for your service Sure, so he's gonna carry gun regardless But if he was required to have a permit he gets to go to jail And so you're right and that argument is used a lot if bad guys are gonna be bad guys They don't care what the law is but you know that that ability to affect that arrest has now been taken away and Again, I'm just looking for discussion. I'm not trying to lead a an effort to repeal the law or anything like that But it's certainly worth talking about And it's if you yeah, it would be numbers don't lie Yeah, it would because Bob saying you know, but there's no permit need in the state of Alabama We know that but you're saying an amendment possibly to that for this age group, right? Yeah, and they would you know the way my fault process is it would certainly exclude You know military where they'd be active a reserve, you know, because it number one you've you know been vetted basically and you know had some training and You know anybody employed in the public safety field, you know, who's had same same background and you know education on firearms Yeah, and again, I welcome these discussions, you know, I think Some people get a little too passionate about it, you know, but you know I respect everyone's opinion and you know, but there's no need to get nasty about it Which is what I've encountered a lot lately. Well, let's talk about it We come back more with Sheriff Paul Burch right here on mid-day mobile This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five Right welcome back fm talk one oh six five and mid-day mobile your chance to ask the sheriff our guests this hour mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch And I do it at this texture just like we were talking about since speaking of flooding I live on dog River and my guard will flood with a full moon and a high tide exactly It's like like Dr. Bill gets it. We all get it It is interesting though when there's not a big enough storm that you'd have national media But it's always been funny over the years national media comes in though Do some live shop the city might be like all this could be underwater. You're like that and It doesn't exactly work like that over the years. You know having worked, you know many hurricanes I literally saw some of the national news people standing beside a building under a downspout downtown For their live shots, right? It was comical but though they'll go do this they'll and there's so many times You'll see this they're standing in the water doing the report The dry land is five to ten feet away from them But they roll up their trousers and get out there to do the live shot You know like well, you could just stand right there where it's dry, but it's not as dramatic This texture said I inherited a pistol from my stepfather. Is there anything I need to do as far as registering it? Well number one do not register it. Yeah be my opinion and No, but legally no, there's nothing that you don't need to know. It's because what we're talking about is you conceal carry in under 21 Yeah, there's no and people I think still because the old days have this idea that if they get a concealed carry permit They're registering their firearms. You're the sheriff. You know it I am a consumer of that and in the all the years since I've had a concealed carry permit. It's for me It's not for I've not ever identified. I probably don't even have a handgun And I don't want to know what any individual has it's not my business. There you go see Bob says And if some of us don't want the government to know whether or not we have guns have guns or not, but we could But could we not maybe register all our guns when we purchase them? So when the sheriff or law enforcement pulls people overruns a check and notices It's not registered to an individual that they pull over They can then arrest them for it not being registered to them. We've got to get some help for law enforcement Well, the only time you personally register guns if you buy one through an FFL dealer, you know Where you know usually a brand new gun purchased somewhere But that goes to a federal database that you know local state law enforcement Don't have access to without unless there's a crime being committed and you have to file subpoena and obtain that information to trace the gun so You know and that's for the protection of the citizens You know that you know like I said just a second ago. It is not my business. What are you on? You know and I don't want anybody to know what I'll allow and that's our second amendment, right? Yeah, you know one thing I've said in the past people make their own choice I did for insurance purposes keep a note of serial numbers and pictures of firearms. I may or may not have And I was you know, I was the victim some years ago of a of a burglary and To have the serial numbers on that gun to be able, you know if it shows up in a bus so I could get it back Yeah, you know cuz it's funny those things It gets stolen so many of these and then at some point they end up Getting picked back up and if you have a serial number and have a bridge and then you have a way to get it back I actually Took received one about a year ago that was stolen from my dad, you know 10 12 years ago So it's important, you know and a lot of people don't take the time to record their serial numbers and you know I did it for insurance stuff as well. Yeah, and that's why I do it to and I didn't post it Where I've got it on a it's written down my sheet and the photographs and well And that's the thing most people won't take the time to actually write down the information Pop a picture of it with the serial number with your phone You know if you buy it new in a box take a picture of the yeah label on the box Open it up take a picture of the gun and then make sure the serial numbers include it. Yeah, and that doesn't need to go anywhere It's just no with you. It's you you hold on to it Shane and Mobile said if you were convicted of over 10 years ago of a nonviolent felony, can you obtain a firearm? No, not not my federal government standards It's if you're a convicted felon, you can't possess fire is there I know there is some discussion On the voting side with the governor giving pardons for people get voting rights back Is there anything like that for people there is that can be reinstated on the state end and then that will You know the federal will fold into that you know if you're granted your rights back And you know, I know several people that fit in that category. They you know had a felony drug arrest 20 years ago And what's that process that you did that take that up with Alia or we can actually go online and start the process It ultimately requires some letters to be written DA's office usually has to sign on with it, but but it lays out the process Okay, let's see the We'll get to that one's a little bit lengthy. We'll get to that when we get back The one from earlier and I this is really not your belly wick You're run the jail not the prison system But trace asks a question for the sheriff. Why the hell are all these death row inmates getting to live in additional 30 years before they're put to death? I'd be the wrong one to ask because it would be a lot quicker if it were up to me You know, I've got a couple folks on death row right now, and you know I will say and he's probably referring to the one that you know recently the governor signed a date for That particular individual because I worked that case Didn't fight anything he confessed. He said from the very beginning You know, he went through a mock trial because if it's capital you still have to have a trial and He just he wants to be put to death. He don't want to go through the pills process and yes So like he's asking why they're taking responsibility for it. So why does it take that long? Yeah, I mean, just the appeal process Yeah, I just had a hearing About a week and a half ago guys bill and death row since 2005 and just All the evidence in the world. It's just a messed up system coming right back more of your questions for Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch right here on the day mobile I This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five Like the 1235 FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile quick reminder to a Friday show This show we're gonna be at the grounds. It's the GND Farms outdoor Expo Friday Saturday and Sunday at the grounds really excited midday mobile there Friday my friend and I Mike Ward we're gonna be doing our outdoors show special outdoors show at 11 o'clock on Saturday So come by and see us there But three days at the grounds for the GND farms outdoor Expo a lot of questions coming in and Statements here for the sheriff this one from Daniel said to share tell the sheriff I praise one of his deputies giving me a courtesy light up when I was running 15 miles over through the Sarah Land Exited I 65 I was running 78 forgot to turn the crews off when I passed the bridge He came off 158 instead of pulling me over he turned his lights on till I slowed down and then he rode on and That accomplishes the same thing is you know Getting the ticket. Yeah, that's yep slowed them down. You're going for those things. Yeah, you're commercial Yeah, GND farms those are great people. They're they're so good to the community and you know They're good out there and they give back. Yeah, don't hold it against me friends mind yet With Miss darling, I don't know about Lee but Miss darling for sure She's my friend Lee sometimes David asked two questions for the sheriff How frequently is it that a death row inmate actually request an execution and drops all available appeals so that? This is really the first one that I'm aware of you know, and I'm not sure the legal process is a process for you know, I guess You know saying no, I don't want any appeals I know it has to go through a basic appeal process to make sure you know all the laws and the protocols are followed But this is what you know when this person's executed in dearman's is last name It'd be the fastest execution I've seen in my law enforcement career It goes on to say and as a representative of Mobile County law enforcement Do you have the opportunity to witness the execution of a death row inmate from Mobile County? Ones that I've you know had involvement with on the cases. Yes, I will, you know if I'm not dead by the time they execute them There you go. That's a statement for sure Ken says bad guys not getting permits is the point everyone getting an ID to vote shows us who shouldn't be voting Everyone getting a permit shows us who shouldn't be carrying a gun You can't be for voter ID and against pistol permits at the same time Well, I think what Montgomery did was really interesting. You don't know if you followed that where they've said okay If you're gonna carry you you need to have a valid ID Yeah, and you know there's a lot of people upset about that But you know my thing is you got to have an ID to do banking business. You have to have an ID to You know by beer by beer, you know cigarettes pretty much anything you do and you know in Alabama you know IDs required to vote so I Don't understand people's opposition to you know It's not having anything to do with the weapon that you may be carrying But there's nothing wrong with asking you have a valid ID if you are carrying Navy Chief is asking this he says please forgive my ignorance But how is it legal to possess a handgun under 21 years of age when you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun? Just the way the law is written possession and purchase is different you know the purchase of a handgun federal law and you know or any firearm and So the possession you know is different. Yeah, somebody could they can't buy the gun But the 18 to 21 year old could be given the gun. Yep Jason said also is nice to see the Prichard officer held accountable We had talked about that last time and so an additional thanks for the sheriff's influence there We're just getting started. I like it Yeah, and people hadn't heard in the past two. I mean this is Once again people think well that's Fisher. There's mobile. There's sins whatever but underneath all that is the responsibility to sheriff's office So even if a municipality has police department, but those things aren't You feel or the citizens ask you that this is not being done Y'all can be in that municipality in effect law enforcement we can and often do especially you know a lot of your Smaller jurisdictions don't have you know homicide detectives. So, you know, we work a lot of the homicides even in other jurisdictions You know what I what I try to say and get the message across as it relates to Prichard You know, I get asked a question a lot. You know, why do you care so much about what goes on in Prichard? The problem that we're seeing a lot of the crimes committed in and around mobile in different areas of Mobile County The offenders are from the Prichard area. So they commit their crimes elsewhere and then they go back to Prichard You know as a safe haven. So, you know, it's not like they just we can corral in there That's where we know we can find them, but they're committing crimes elsewhere And and that's what we're while we're trying to so aggressively work toward, you know putting them behind bars Protect all the citizens throughout Mobile County and speaking of Prichard specifically a few shows here a few months ago Maybe more when y'all went out there and really blanketed things in Prichard You said it was because people in Prichard called you and so not only were they doing crimes elsewhere These people were doing crimes to people that lived in Prichard and they were like, hey Sure if I I don't feel say I'm not putting boards in the map. I said we need help The end is what this were people who live in Prichard saying That I have they're not working these cases or People were you know blatantly disregarding the law. I don't feel safe citizens of Prichard said and so as a Sheriff, you're allowed to go in there and help those people. Yeah, and I will always you know and you know I say it often there are a lot of still a lot of decent people in Prichard who maybe Retired from some of the plants that are now closed down, you know They worked all their life to pay off their home You got a right to live they can't be forward to move nor should they have to if they should read they have a right to feel safe In their home and you know as my duty to make sure they do Because wherever you live in the county and if you're in a miss been a spallie Just think if your law enforcement just didn't get it done and you're scared and said like I'm gonna look to If they're not gonna do it who's gonna do it. We are CB Carl said ask the sheriff about the laws for morons that don't turn on their headlights in the rain There are a lot of different laws like that that I could you know I was behind one on airport just a while ago that was in the left lane Doing about 25 miles an hour so yeah, I wish there were I Guess citations you can write for being more on gosh. You would I mean how big would your books have to be you? That's not another courtroom This from Motorman says what about the discrimination angle argument someone might try to use my wife And I still get our permits every year even though we don't need them. I Guess it's discrimination for age you're talking about on the permitting. Oh, you I don't I'm guessing so Motorman, maybe you can text back. He said what about the discrimination angle argument someone might Try to use by wife and I still get our permits every year even though we don't need them I will say Motorman up like if you're going to drive outside the state I mean that that's that's why mine will always stay current right if I had a hand I probably don't but if I did and I would drive out the state it's important for me to have that it is I mean chances are you know if you're not doing anything crazy nobody, you know We'll ever know you have one, but you know if you happen to get stopped and there's you know file and recovered in That state requires a permit. You don't have one. You know, you may have a problem. Yeah, I don't want to have any reason to you know And I guess with that question if he's asking about the age group as it relates to discrimination, you know as base Totally on Stats, I mean, it's you know, we can show each and every one of those crimes and how far they date back in the age groups And you know, that's why we're discussing that. Yeah, he said yeah, he he confirmed. Yes the age group thing Yeah, I mean it's based solely on statistics. It is a weird thing because in you know I you and I are both pretty pretty strong second amendment folks here and I could say the second amendment is Didn't say age right so I could make up a big argument idealistic argument You should be able to have the gun at two years old whatever everybody go and you can't do that So you have to pick some age and it becomes the age of majority or 18 for having it, but then here's the law in the books like David Chief asked earlier. You can't buy the thing Yes, the law says you can't buy the thing But you can possess the thing. I mean there is it's not as cut and dry as I might want it to be you from a second amendment ankle, you know, and when you try to I Guess compare and contrast federal law to state law a lot of times their contradictory You know and confusing so so I mean I see both sides of that argument But again, you know all I'm looking is for a discussion to see what we can do to stop some of the violence of that age group and Right now. I don't have any other ideas. Look if we it's got to come from all ends It's got to come from law enforcement and that same thing. It's got to come from my friend John Young many night against violence for this Change is not an ordinance not a law not important. There's a there's got to be a heart change at the same time And so that's going to take a long time takes more time. It does take a long time and John and I talk about all the time That doesn't mean it's not worth doing it should be going on while this other stuff is going on that maybe in a decade Decade and have something changes, you know, and we we return to a value system that We've lost you're right, you know, and Here's I can guess more miles is probably about to cringe, but hey Laurie if it were You know up to me these gang bangers that want to kill each other Build a bulletproof arena and let them go at it Hey, I was the innocent people who get killed that infuriate me You're speaking for me. You're speaking when you say that you're speaking for me If y'all want to go down. We're shut down brookly and you don't get out there at the end of the tarmac you would shoot it out leave all the Grandmothers and children and all this that are shot with this crap Out of it. It's the innocence that that infuriated me too If they want to kill each other. How about it now? That's do it safely and I think that's what and I think If you're killing each other do it safely, but this brought you know, this was Motivated me over the last couple years to really be really engaged in this is these stories of kids. They're just doing kid stuff You know and here's some other kids just have to go shoot it out Yeah, and they shoot that kid or they shoot that kid's grandmother or that you know shoot into a house where people are sleeping Well, yeah, yeah, that's great sleeping then we've had you know children killed children paralyzed Sitting in their homes doing what they're supposed to do Project TV working on ferocious was in Pritchard Probably three years ago. A lady was literally on her knees in church And catches are bulling me. Mm-hmm. There's been a rest made in that case. It was took I think several months to finally make an arrest, but yeah literally on her knees in church and we'll shot and kill That's disgusting. Yeah Nine-year-old boy shot on the connector. They who had been shot before yeah at nine He had been shot twice two different incidents not in one incident y'all he'd been shot before when he got shot that time I'm done with it. I mean, I'm just it there's I don't know this shit. It's It's unexusable It's unaccusable All right, the real Sam Texan here. He said what's the exact law on how you how and when you can defend yourself with deadly force in the state of Alabama? You have to number one, you know, I will say you know, Alabama is a stands ground state But you have to be able to honestly articulate that you are in fear of your life for the life of another period Yep That's uh, you know that and people say we're inside your home and there's Castle Doctrine there But there's there's also outside your home. There's no way to escape it There's somebody gonna in it yourself or an innocent is going to be hurt. Right. I said you the main phrase is that you have to be able to articulate that you are in fear your life or life of another There we go Sean and Baldwin County said why doesn't South Carolina reciprocate with Alabama on pistol permits? Ask Anthony and Baldwin County. There we go. I'm kidding. Yeah, by the way, Sheriff Lowry's gonna be coming on on two weeks So yep, so you know, I there are a number of of states don't appreciate New York mob mob Why you can't get you can't hold you can't get as a sheriff. You can't legally carry in New York, can you? Nope? New York and I think New Jersey's I'm pointing out about it. The sheriff from Mobile County Can't carry there not unless I'm there in an official capacity and you know, which would be strictly job related You know, I gave my wife traveled to Colorado recently and New Mexico is not a reciprocal state So we had to plan a route around New Mexico not that you know, we thought there'd be a problem, but why risk it correct? I'd tell you what we're running the break here because I got a bunch more questions coming in and we're gonna chance to ask them of Sheriff Birch when we return right here on mid-day mobile This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five Right at twelve fifty one FM talk what up six five mid-day mobile continue our conversation with Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch this question from Just jump them here. Okay, Jason Can or has the Sheriff's Department conducted roadblocks in known hotspots? We have and you know Those are effective for a very short time. I mean, you know, just say and those are based off data as well But by the time you're there an hour everybody knows you're there. Yeah pick up and move elsewhere and so you know Intense saturation of known areas of high crime Seemed to be a much more effective than a roadblock. Okay Because I mean the stats right y'all are always we talk about the high tech in policing But there's also a best practices in policing y'all learn from what works what doesn't it does and but the times that we have and The times that we may what we will not do is advertise when we're gonna do it right kind of You know defeats the purpose Although then people argue that well, you can advertise it because the people you're going to get aren't listening to the advantage of the news Well, I take that risk Okay, it takes away my you know, I'm glad I got stopped because I have a My road one of my roadblock stories most of them had nothing ever happened But I got stopped one time and I went to get the license register or the registration out of the glove compartment and Is I had a a green acrylic thing in there and the officer went Mm-hmm. What is that? And I said it's a duck call And he's like, let me could it look like some kind of pipe or something? I think and so I was there blowing a duck call at a traffic at a uh at a stop there at a roadblock So that's uh, you know, he's like, yeah, it sounded pretty good. I'm like, thanks I went on about my way. All right fire dog said can we get the sheriff approved thunder dome two dirtbags enter one dirt bag leaves Maybe american ninja warrior, but criminals having to run the gauntlet of the ninjas I saw running man back in the eighties. Why do I have to think of these solutions? Uh, this I mean, but I You crystallize that you boiled it down to where I think so many of us are is We've had violence. We've had that But it was I guess in the time it was they didn't bring everybody else into it. No, there was You know, I'm not saying. Oh, there's bad guys. I'm surprised. Of course there's bad guys Yeah, you're right, but but you know the older generations that there were things they just did and didn't do Shooting into somebody's house for something shooting into a church where a woman's in church underneath praying and get shot. Yeah It I just wait and we've had little Blips of this but I'm waiting for community wide revival Of every mobile county person everybody in the city mobile everybody care what your skin color is to go to hell with this We're not doing this anymore. We're not doing this anymore. We're gonna figure out how to stop this It needs to get there sooner than later Monte says does the mobile county sheriff's office ever stop and question the late night bike riders that have backpacks Have backpacks in the sims and boomer area. They all make a point to have on dark clothes Everyone knows they're checking for unlock cars. Just looking for something to steal in general Well, I can say you know sims has their own, you know, police department, but you know, it is rare To see people on bicycles, you know out in the county because usually, you know, it's major roads and but certainly if they see people You know, we're in dark clothing at night whether it be on foot or on a bicycle You know if a patrol deputy stops them, I would think they would stop and say what's going on and you know, I will say The deputies that we have we we've shrunk the areas that they're responsible for you know a couple years ago So they're very familiar with who is supposed to be in that area and who's not and what they're up to Yeah, you had rolled this out after coming in as the sheriff that you shrunk the areas They had these but then you have a group It was like I think it reminded me of the way we used to do five three defense and high school football You had these positions, but then you had the monster back. They called it that they could move to an area like okay The place special operations division. Yeah, so and they can work in it like if that deputies like working Area five. I don't know for whatever and there's a lot of problem there then they come in and assist, right? Correct Um You know and also on the roadway stuff. I don't know how we you know given tickets for being idiots like uh like cb carl talked about earlier, but I don't know what it is people's lack of self-preservation walking across airport or 65 or to i've I've yet to figure that out. I'm way more concerned with the person walking across traffic than they seem to be with their own It's amazing to watch it sometimes. They just likes the days they called just walk across it's Hoping people gonna stop or anticipate, you know expecting them to and not all number one You know somebody may be on their phone. You know, yes, no joke Or they just don't react quick enough and and you know because you can't judge the speed of a vehicle that's you know coming at you Now if I if I have to cross a roadway and I'm the situation like that I'm like what is in the Charlie Daniels song like my Backside's on fire and my hair was catching. Yeah, that's what I click. All right, so before we wrap up to the uh, the website here Oh wait one more quick one here. Let's see. Can we get this one in? Uh, to take a quick uh question for the sheriff does the mobile county sheriff's office have a community outreach program and information outreach like panal county sheriff in arizona Uh, and does mobile have a traffic unit in the sheriff's department We do not have a traffic unit and you know, I'm not sure which you know outreach program We're talking about after look we do have a citizens academy and we do offer, you know free firearms familiarization courses So which is important people ask me about that. It's free So yeah, people say I bought this. I want to know how to use it. Y'all do that. We do all right website People can go to the website where will and see who's in jail. See who's in jail You can leave a crime tip anonymously check into those different programs that you know, we just talked about and you know Give us look us up and give us a call. All right. I appreciate your time Thanks for being on with us. Thank you. Thank you all listeners. All right We'll do it again next month with mobile county sheriff paul birch And yes, uh, as I mentioned, uh, sheriff larry from bollwin county That's starting later this month. He'll be joining us once a month as well. So all the people said john I want to talk bollwin county stuff. Well, we will as well. All right, coming back. April Marie fogle joins me right here on bid day mobile So You You You You You (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]