FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

ALDOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 9-10-24

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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[Music] Welcome back to the Jeff Horst Show. What up, what up, what up, 6'5"? They just stick it around on this Tuesday morning. Joining us now on the line, we did say every Tuesday, and it's always a pleasure to bring on my next guest. It's Chairman of the Almond Republican Party on a big week ahead, but a lot of big weeks ahead in politics. But John Wall on the line with us. Chairman, good morning, are you? I'm doing well. Good to be on the show. Thanks for coming on. Well, I want to start here, and let's talk about this. My sense of things right now, kind of, is the trend is going back the other way for Trump. The only thing that bothers me and gets you to speak on this, the Democrats, I think, have a very good ground game. A very good ground game. That's what a lot of people thought was going to keep biting in and even with this disaster in June into debate. And even with Trump with all the momentum. What do you see to the Republican ground game is to counter that, because we don't talk a whole lot about that. Yeah, that's a great question. And it's something that I have, you know, with my time as Chairman, have been trying to work on because I think you're right. I think there's a lot of energy within the Republican Party. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of, you know, conservative groups, a lot of Facebook warriors. But it actually comes time to, okay, rubber hits the road, getting our volunteers, our people who are passionate, you get out there and work. Do we have the apparatus for that? And I think the answer is yes, but in a lot of the states, we don't actually need that. So take Alabama Tennessee. I'm going to use this in an example. Really, most of our volunteers, you know, this election here in CD2, and I'll allow it, is a little different. But traditionally, we don't necessarily need as many volunteers here as they speak like Georgia. And I think we're Democrats of the House and new productions. They move people where they're needed. And that's my goal. One of the things I would really work on since the election is part of Chairman's last election cycle. Alabama volunteer, it's not 85,000 doors outside of Alabama. And I think that really highlights that, you know, the work being done and that the Republicans party at least here in Alabama, recognizes that and we're trying to do our part not to fear at home, but also in the other swing states and swing districts. I mean, like you go to Atlanta, or you go to another sort of big city in a swing state, like a Philadelphia. I mean, there are people out registering voters, and then they're clearly like affiliated with the Democratic Party. One of these storefronts that claims to be nonpartisan, but is very liberal in their views. And I mean, I think that is a big part of their effort. And I know you don't really see that quite as much on the Republican side. And that's something that it's got to it's got to improve over time, right? Oh, no, absolutely. And I think the party, in the case of the Republicans, the party has to take a stronger role in that. And I'm actually encouraging this cycle from other Southern states, like Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi to do the same thing. Like to all get together and all heads to Georgia, because Georgia's going to be searching to support the state. And I'm going to put a plug in here. If any of your listeners want to take part in this, either doorknocking and CD2, or doorknocking over in Georgia for Trump, visit our website and find out, because this is actively happening right now. We are building that ground game. We're moving people where they need to be. We're getting the trips lined up to make sure we're having an impact. I think where you see the disconnect though, where you see the Democrat party being a little bit more engaged, is they have the young people because of our education system. Because of the wolf professors and what's being taught to our young people today. There's so many liberal socialist crusaders that are young, they don't have families. They're not tied down with responsibility. A lot of Republican voters, they're really working hard just to make it neat. They have families. They have responsibilities at home. And it's harder for them to go out, go to another state and be a crusader. And so I think that's where a lot of this comes from as well. It's that the majority of our young people have been indoctrinated to believe that social is the worst, and that they should be crusaders in this effort. It's turn America into this new quasi-democratic socialist system. That's sort of the rub here, right? People young tend to buy into the idealism of a cause like liberalism. That if we all get this together, it'll just all work out. And there's also a lot of energy with that. And what that energy comes, the ability to immobilize it or try to use it. And yet to give it to Democrats over the years, they've used it to their advantage, I think. They definitely do. And it's a lot harder for a young family with a couple of kids working hard struggling to make it neat, especially with Biden's economy struggling to spread food on the table and to pay the mortgage. And so, yeah, it's a lot harder for them to take a week off or a month off, go to a safe campaign. So I think that definitely is harder. You know, the people, the natural Republican base are the working class. They're the people who just are out there making America work. They just want to be left a little bit of government. And it's those who get free money from the effort or who are engaged in these social programs for the young people who are true believers in socialism, they have the time to get involved. And that really creates an upside down system when you're trying to keep a path to the Republic Party. Chairman, talk a little bit about your, you got your dinner coming up Friday night, your summer dinner, Laura Trump, I believe Bill Hagerty is going to make an appearance. What are you expecting there? You know, that's, I think it's going to be a great event. I'm really excited about Laura Trump coming in, especially right after this. You can get a lot of light on the actual, you know, what Donald Trump box, you know, the reaction afterwards between the Trump family, as well as a broader context of the race in general, and then, of course, Senator Hagerty. I mean, you will not find a one of the most conservative members in the US Senate and coming from that background of being an ambassador to Japan and then also being personal friends with Donald Trump. I really think he's looking at the possible, you know, cabinet position, either Secretary of State or Secretary of Treasury. So a great introduction to Alabama to him. And I love that because I like to see Alabama getting the extension on the national phase. And by inviting some of the people here who are probably going to have bigger roles in the future, hopefully they'll have a long memory, but they're good at L.L. I'm joined by Republican Party Chairman John Wall here on the program. I talked to Carolyn Dobson earlier to show and we talked about this. And we know in the past that Democrats, I think, I think has been documented. Just the they're willing to maybe massage the rules of elections a little bit or use absentee balloting in a way that it's not intended to to win an election. I think they did that in 2017 with Doug Jones. But anyway, with another, I mean, we don't get these opportunities. We have Republican versus Democrat and it's really close. Here we are confronted with the second congressional district. What do you guys got to do to make sure that the election isn't like meddled with, you know, and that Carolyn Dobson has a fair shot here. Well, look, I mean, election integrity is probably one of the most important issues in the country right now, because we do know that things happen. And whatever the mainstream media wants to say, every single election cycle voter fraud happens. The only question that comes is it happens to the extent that it changes the outcome of an election. And, you know, the press want to bury that. They want to act like it doesn't exist. It does. We all know it does. It is to what extent? So the first priority for us, we're going to make sure that every single one of these precincts that are in a swing area or at an at risk briefing, we're going to have a poll for watcher. Where we make sure in a state or the entire day and they stay filled with those who are fully counted to make sure that the people know how the district of the state can trust that election process. Because that's so important. I want the voters that I'll limit it now. Your vote does matter. Your vote does count. We're going to watch for anything that could be out of the ordinary for be to be wrong. And we're going to have lawyers on standby that jump on anything comes up. But they jump on it. They see not wait a lot for the election. But they did that same day within minutes. And that's that's one of our big priorities. We're going to make that happen. Hold on real quick. I want to play to see before we go forward. I mean, if you're listening to this show and you're voting in the second congressional district. And you see something that looks a little toward or looks like it's it's being done to help. The Democrat candidates. I mean, what do you do? It's this simple. Call the Republican party headquarters. We will have a lawyer on it within minutes after your home home. And that's the commitment like that's this is something we're going to have literally probably. Dozens of lawyers on standby on election day station throughout the state that are ready to go in CD two. Our goal is to have a lawyer for every single county where they're there. They're ready to mobilize immediately. And so absolutely it's a voter out there. If you see anything going on that seems out of the ordinary or seems weird. Call the L F or political party headquarters. We'll get on to it. All right. And you were as you were saying. Yeah, then moving on to keep voting right because in the last few cycles. This seems to be the area where we're. It's taken advantage of the most. And it's really frustrating to watch that because the absentee process should be something that's respected and that's used for people who have a genuine need to vote up. But we've seen we've seen the opposite that you have to attempt to use that for power. A good example of this is to make accounting. When you've had one of five people, five individuals witness over a hundred dollars. And there's no reason that you would have that many individuals not connected with the voting operation, not connected with respect for the court for office. Witnessing that many ballots and unless they were going out on this enough. And I think that's the kind of thing we're going to look for. If it happens and we think it's within the margin that changed the outcome of that election, we will immediately file an election contest and not to let it fly to challenge it and make sure that we fight for the right and the legal votes. Of every single holiday. It is. Kind of early September chairman. My perception of this race. I mean, we were all kind of worried with Harris became the nominee and she got kind of shot out of a cannon. And what was that going to mean for a L2? But I look at this a L2 race and I don't I don't know what Shamari figures is really doing here other than I saw a John Sharp story at a today. And he's just like rolling with the like recycled project twenty twenty five stuff that they were using on Trump with what Biden was the nominee. I just I don't, I don't, I think if you go to McRoville or you go to Greenville or you go to Louvert or wherever. And you start talking about project twenty twenty five people will give you a blank stare. I don't know that that's I'm not trying to tell them how to run their campaign, but it's kind of interesting that they've chosen to go in that direction. Well, I know this is a classic Democrat move. They're running on on negativity and they're running on. They're running on fear. All right. Fear of okay. Donald Donald Trump wins. It's all a fear game. Where Republicans, we want to talk about their values. We want to talk about the issue. We want to talk about why our principles will help people have a better safer and more successful life. But let's be honest. Right now the Democrats, Democrats cannot run on the issues that they can't run on policy because their policies have been an absolute disaster and that they'll be American public. So I think this is not the only race you see that in. You're going to see personality brought up. You're going to see fear, mongering. And it all comes back to the fact that their, their only thing they have is to talk about what, what if Donald Trump gets elected. And I think it's ironic. You know, smart figures is not even attacking the opponent. It's about the presidential. And I think that their goal, they're going to try to tie down candidates using fear of Trump. I'm just not sure that works with especially Alabama voters, Alabama Democrats and Alabama minorities. Because I think they're just as concerned and just as fearful of Kamala Harris as they are in the Trump administration. And Chairman, tell me this, this immigration stuff is really kind of settling in Alabama, I think. And it's going to be something that I think would be probably used to that AL2. Now, look, silicaga, Athens and Alberville are not in AL2. But if it could happen in silicaga, I mean, it could happen in Union Springs or wherever. But this influx of these Haitian migrants that are being used as, I think, cheap labor or whatever. Suddenly that becomes something I think Republicans have got to point out throughout this campaign. No, that's absolutely right. And the border in general, when you think about what the consequences are and what the molecules are still, that's not. Remember that Joe Biden, he's trying to run from this. But we have to remember that Joe Biden pushed her in charge of the border and border policy. And so this to me is probably the greatest issue to tag Iran. Now, we've seen, I call it, the great American border con job that the Democrats are attempting to do right now. We're there, you know, where she's saying, "Oh, I wanted to secure the border, but Republicans wouldn't vote for a bill." That was last year. My question to Kamala Harris is, you've been in charge of the border for three and a half years. The illegal immigration is up, crime is up, drug addictions, drug overdoses, human trafficking. They're all up. The Harris border has lost tens of thousands of children to human trafficking. And there is no excuse for that. There's nothing they can say that can make that right now. And I think she personally needs to answer for that because she was the one who charged it up for the border. She reversed the policies of Trump that had led to some of the lowest illegal immigration rates in our country in recent history. And she reversed those, and now we have some of the highest. And I think that we can't, as Republicans, we cannot let her get away with that. We have to talk about it and explain how those things, how the open border, has hurt our local communities, everything alone, whether it's drugs, whether it's trafficking, whether it's crime, whether it's affordable housing. These things have consequences on the American people. Chair, we've got to leave it there before we let you go. Folks want to find out more about the Alabama Republican Party or anything else, how to get involved or how, like you said, once again, if they see something at a polling place or something that looks a little suspicious, how do they get in touch with the Republican Party? No, that's absolutely right. If they see some of these suspicious on Election Day, if they want to volunteer to help and tell Election Day, visit us on our website, And then, of course, we're on all the major social media at Alabama Quick Party. Chair, we appreciate your time, and we'll talk again soon. Hey, always good to be on the show. All right, that is our Republican Party Chairman, John Wall there. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk, 10065. ♪ Getting caught and let a strong people I don't even know ♪ ♪ And awful is coming over the phone ♪ (upbeat music)