FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

AL-2 GOP Hopeful Caroleene Dobson - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 9-10-24.

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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[music] We'll go back to the JetPort show and if I'm talking about 06/5 things are sticking around on this Tuesday morning. Text line 2513430106, you would be in touch with the program. Please utilize the text line, silicone on the program. John Wall from the Alabama Republican Party. That's it, about an hour from now. So stick around for that as well. But joining us on the line, always a pleasure. She's running in the second congressional district as a Republican. Open seat there, Caroline Dobson. Caroline, good morning, aren't you? I'm doing great. Thanks. How are you doing? Do well, do well. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Well, I can kind of give us a rundown on how the campaign is going. No, it's going great. Yesterday traversed from end to end of the district started off in the Bay Area and ended up in Utah. We are keeping the tires hot, we have a ton of momentum and support and just 56 days out. So we are pounding hard. How much, you know, it looked a little tricky, I guess, to be the word. A new top of the ballot candidate, presidential candidate with Kamala Harris. My perception nationally is she's losing a little steam here, came out of the gate really hot. It seems to kind of seem to be getting back to normal. Zach, do you feel that on the ground? Is that sort of a reflection of what's going on in your race? Yeah, and I think people are, you know, actually awakening to the fact that all of that steam that sugar high was, you know, it's been entirely bolstered by the press. You know, she was the most unpopular vice president in American history based on ratings just three months ago and then, you know, and then once she becomes a presumptive nominee, the media acts as if she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. But the people of America and certainly the people of Alabama District 2 are smarter than that. They're looking at her record, you know, as the most liberal senator, more liberal than Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. And then they're looking at, you know, the limit to obviously her campus trying to limit the amount of unscripted appearances, but, you know, even those minimal ones and looking at, you know, her own website, you know, she doesn't know her policies were listed from the Biden campaign website. And they just now appeared almost two months into her being the presumptive nominee. So I think people are starting to wise up to the fact that there isn't a lot of there, and what there there is is really traveling and very far left and not where this country dates ahead. I think right now, and this is especially true in Alabama, not that Alabama is, you know, going to move this presidential election, it's going to do what's going to do. It's immigration, but in particular, you hear these stories about these Haitian refugees that kind of being scattered around the country, and, well, I don't think there's anywhere. I haven't seen your reports anywhere in the second district. I mean, that there being put in rural places in Alabama, and there being put in places like Silicon, Albertville, and Alfred Athens, it kind of reacted to that. I mean, that is a policy to this administration, I think, is going to move a lot of voters. Oh, absolutely. And you certainly hear about the, just kind of the horrific state of affairs in Springfield Ohio, but yes, here, you know, in Alabama, it's not the second congressional district, but we've had a lot of rural area in the second congressional district. So this is a policy of this administration. And you see here, Harris, you know, bragging about the fact that they've extended protective data to another hundred thousand Haitians. You know, it's not out of the question that somewhere in Connecticut County or Monroe County or Barbara County could be the next destination for, you know, some of these illegal and undocumented migrants that the Biden-Harris administration is protecting. I think that's all the more significant. I was at the Southern border about two weeks ago to kind of see what it was like on the ground and the inefficiencies of this administration. And then I was criticized by my opponent in this race, calling it a photo op and that people in this district were not concerned about the border. And, of course, he would say that because he was part of Biden's transition team that opened the border. He wants to minimize the impact of the flood of illegal aliens that have come across in the past three and a half years. But the truth is they're putting a strain on our social services throughout the country and this district. And clearly he hasn't been talking to law enforcement because, you know, you can talk to Sheriff Birch and he will tell you about just the dramatic increase of drugs, the increase in crime. You know, I've been to, you know, I fully support our law enforcement and have been to many events throughout the district have met with law enforcement, Democrat, Republican. It doesn't matter. We need to support them. And they will all tell you they're seeing increased gang violence, all of which is exacerbated by the crisis at our southern border and then Biden administration that it prioritizes non-citizens over citizens. And that is that's hurting Americans' safety, but it's also hurting our pocketbook. When we have a presidential candidate in Kamala Harris to his pledge to give everyone who's in this country illegally or not health care and education, you know, we already have a crisis when it comes to just money not being there for our own citizens. And it's truly going to come to a breaking point if we elect Kamala Harris. And I'm in this race would just be a rubber stamp for her policies. Again, indicated that by trying to minimize this crisis. And I'll tell you this. And this we're in the middle of a presidential election, a very heated presidential election. And you're seeing these things go around going on around the country, Mitch at Springfield, Ohio. And it's interesting to watch kind of the media play defense on this one. But anyway, I mean, this isn't the middle of a presidential election. And they're not really able to tamp some of this down with the immigration woes. Can you imagine what it would look like if she's elected the elections in a rearview mirror and you're not really worried about winning a vote? It's just going to be wide open, I would think. Yes, no, no. I think you'll see this Kamala Harris administration doubling down on this. And it combined with the fact that the Democrats in Congress, you know, all but I think five of them voted against the Save Act, which was just a piece of legislation which says that you have to be proof, provide proof of citizenship to vote. And, you know, by the way, that doesn't undermine the voting rights of anyone in this country or in Alabama, Second Congressional District, you know, for folks that are seeking social security or government benefits or, you know, they all have to provide proof of citizenship for that, but you should also have to provide proof of citizenship to vote. You look at virtually all of the first world countries throughout the world. Voters have to provide proof of citizenship and so the, you know, the open border policies of the Harris administration combined with Democrats in Congress that would vote to undermine the most sacred right of American citizens to vote. In fact, disenfranchising American citizens is really troubling. And I think, you know, we hear about that, I guess, you know, with the extension of Kamala Harris's protected status for the Haitian migrants, it's up to about 150,000. I think you hear about the 8 to 10 million illegal immigrants that have come across our southern border and I think we get desensitized to these numbers. But, you know, I think a good perspective is the number of allied troops that invaded the five beaches in Normandy on D-Day with 160,000. And then we're looking at, you know, 8 to 10 million non-tax paying illegal undocumented immigrants that have come across in the past three and a half years. Basically, the equivalent of the allied troops' number of Haitians that have been provided this protected status and entitled to services that are funded directly by our hardworking tax paying citizens, it's nothing short of an invasion that's aided in about it by the Biden-Harris figures administration. Enjoyed by Carolyn Dawson. She's a Republican nominee in the 2nd Congressional District. She faces Chamorri figures on November 5th. Carolyn, let's talk about the -- you mentioned the Save Act and this election integrity. We're really going to have to test the security of Alabama, right, in your election. I mean, how worried about some of this, are you? I mean, I've been living in this state long enough to know. Sometimes Democrats like to play, I mean, a little cute with absentee ballots and everything. But with so much on the line here, is that on the radar that, you know, make sure that everything is on the up and up? Absolutely, yes. We're very grateful to have volunteers from across the state that are on our election integrity team. We're ensuring that we have poll watchers and folks that are, you know, ensuring that fair and free elections take place. And I want everyone who's entitled to vote in the 2nd Congressional District to get registered and go out to vote to educate yourself about the election. Again, that's really important that every citizen be an educated and informed voter and exercise their right to vote. I think certainly one of the biggest enemies to American politics is not left or right, but it's apathy. So, you know, I want everyone who's entitled to vote to get out there and vote. But we don't need non-citizens voting. We don't need people who live outside the district. You haven't lived here for years to be voting. And so that's why I'm also very grateful that when it comes to our state officials, you know, West Allen is working hard to purge the voter rolls of folks that are non-citizens or folks that now live in Mississippi or Georgia and, you know, shouldn't be on the rolls. And again, I also have to commend the state legislature for passing Senate Bill 1, which is a measure that precludes apathy, ballot harvesting. So that, you know, you cannot engage in, you know, some of these tactics that we've seen Democrats engage in in prior elections here and throughout the country. And again, that's why it's so important to elect the Secretary of State with integrity to elect circuit clerks in your counties and probate judges and to thank your registrar, your board of registrars. You know, again, there are a lot of people that go into ensuring and work hard to ensure that we have air and free elections in this state. And so, again, I think we all need to be really aware of the role that people play locally and statewide and, of course, nationally as well. Talk a little bit about your grand game, your turnout, getting people to the polls. I mean, you ought to be motivated to vote. It is a presidential election cycle. And I do anticipate higher turnout. But I mean, so much of this election is going to go really based on that. Like who Republican or Democrat really went to turnout game, don't you think? Absolutely. And, you know, this district is interesting in that it's a very competitive district, but in a not competitive state. So, you know, if this district were in Georgia, you know, you've got the presidential candidate pouring a lot of money into Georgia. And then, you know, that would impact a race like this over there. But here, you know, it's pretty much a given that Alabama is going to go for Trump. So that, again, creates apathy on both sides of the aisle. You know, and so what we're trying to do is, well, first of all, there's still some confusion about, especially in Mobile County, about where people are and which district they're in. So also, you know, again, still some voter education, but also letting folks know, you know, how important this election is both in terms of national implications and when it comes to control of the House and whether or not we can actually curb inflation, whether we can actually secure our border and stop the woke agenda. But also when it comes to representation of South Alabama, you know, I'm proud to be from Monroe County. And I grew up recognizing the fact that, you know, a lot of the economic drivers in our state derive from the Bay Area and from Mobile. And that has never been more true than it is today. The opportunity that there are Mobile, so it's so important that we have someone representing this district who is living and working in the district who's raising their kids in the district who's invested in the future of this district. And he's going to prioritize the specific needs of this district, not someone who's been in Washington for the past decade, that's, you know, trying to pave a career path for themselves. You know, I got in this race. I have a great job that is very fulfilling, but I got in this race because I wanted to ensure that my kids had opportunities in South Alabama, that, you know, that they did not have to, when they finished high school, did not have to seek employment or higher education, you know, in Atlanta or Nashville, that they had opportunities to come back to because we've got tremendous resources. We have tremendous opportunity, again, when it comes to the port, to the new airport, and with the timber industry, agriculture manufacturing all throughout this district, but we've got to have policies that foster an environment where those opportunities can really thrive. And we've also got to provide economic relief to a lot of the families that are struggling throughout this district. It's not just hard. It's impossible, almost, for many families. You know, of Albanians that have credit cards, 31 percent of Albanians with credit cards are in delinquency. We're really at our crisis date, and we cannot tolerate three and a half more years of the same. And so I want to fight for change, and I want to fight for Alabama family district. Kelly, we'll get you out of here on this real quick. And I see this jaw sharp story that went up this morning. You're opponent. And this seems completely like just lazy and not well thought out is like trying to tie you to this project 2025, which seems to be more like a national Democrat strategy. And I just think it's kind of falling flat. People aren't really buying it. Are you kind of surprised that you're getting just the retreads from the Biden-Harris effort, throwing at you by your opponent? Yeah, well, I think it shows you how locked up he is with the national Democrats. He's getting talking points from them on how to attack your opponent. And I've never mentioned that document. I'm wholly unfamiliar with it. And so the fact that he's bringing it up every opportunity he can is, again, I think he's certainly trying to convey that he takes his orders from Alabama and not from Washington. But even when it comes to attacking me, it's not anything original or based on anything I've said. The Democrats have been in power for the past three and a half years. And they've been in power for the 12 of the last 16 years. The problems that we have today are why at their feet. And if you want change, the Republican Party is the party of change and hope. And so, again, I think it's just that it's really kind of silly. You tell me somebody in Monroe County or Connecticut County didn't even know what the help project 2025 is. I'd be surprised. But I'm shocked to see that for him because it just, it seems very, very, just like do better. Like think of something better. Don't just use that as your attack. Yeah, well, I mean, a bit again, we just saw the Harris campaign lift all their policies from the Biden campaign website. They're desperate because they cannot defend the policies that have driven America into the ground for the past three and a half years that have resulted in a 25% rise in grocery prices, 38% rise in energy costs that have diminished our military might and standing in the ground. So it really undermined the sovereignty of our nation with open border policies. So they're desperate and it's different and derivative. Carly, we got to get here real quick. Folks will get involved with your campaign. Need to find out more. How can they do so? Yes. Yes. Please check us out. Dobson for That's D.O. B is in Bravo. S.O.N. F.O.R. A major financial support. The Democrats are going to throw everything they've got at this seat. You can donate online. You can also volunteer to doorknocks, phone bank, get a yard sign. Anyway, you'd be willing to help. It's going to take all of us. Carly, we're going to go. We're going to go. We're going to get some break. But thanks for coming on. Thank you. Alright, we'll be right back. This is F.F. Talk 10065. ♪ It's finally time darling ♪ ♪ It goes your pretty brown eye ♪