Rasslin' W/ Ryan Hernandez: The boys play WWE 2K24

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) ♪ It's hella vertical and I don't know what I can do ♪ ♪ And that's where it will go ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Yay ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ I got a question, generation ♪ ♪ I don't know what I can do ♪ ♪ I got a question ♪ ♪ Anyone ♪ ♪ No ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ No ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ No ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - What is going on, everybody? Welcome to a special edition of "Raslin" with Ryan Hernandez. What's going on, Ryan? - Not that much, you know, I just got back from, had a long, long day at work. Just got back from the gym and now I'm here with you. - It does matter how long your day was. We, what are we doing today, Ryan? - We are playing WWE 2K 24, as well as going over our top five promo talkers on the mic. - All right, so we are going to, let me see here now. I'm gonna figure out how to screen record this, okay? Everybody, bear with me, 'cause I'm not the most technically savvy, technical savvy who knows the video. - Yes. - So. - And it's okay, this is a new thing we're trying out, so, like Mike said, bear with us. - All right, I'm gonna start the recording on the video game, so we're gonna match this up, sync it up in three, two, one, starting the recording, here we go. All right now. - Okay, okay. - Here we go, baby. All right, you're John Cena? - Of course I am, who else would I be? Mike, come on, man. - All right. - I'm the goat, the greatest of all time. - I'm gonna do my shuffle of guys here. - All right. - Here we go. What do you think I'm gonna be? - Yep, Eric, else in France. - else in France, but that's it. (laughing) - We're going. - Oh God, please not don't guy, you have it, get the fear of clowns. - There we go. - There we go. - Oh, baby. - There we go. - All right, all right, here we go. - There we go. Wait, here we go. - Run it back, the classic peanut punk. - Cena punk, here we go, baby. So hopefully it's okay. But also, what else we didn't say, Ryan? - We are talking about ours, our all time top five talkers on the microphone. So yeah, let's get into it if you're ready. - Oh, that's our entrance to display. - Yeah, I have a few honorable mentions if that's okay. - Oh my God, there's a lot. - So my honorable mentions, I have three, I have Kevin Owens. And I know you're probably thinking Kevin Owens, but man, the guy knows how to cut a promo. He's always pretty good. - Promo is Sammy's name is another one 'cause Sammy's just been cutting some of the best promo's of his career the last two years. And then Cody Rhodes, I feel like he's really stepped up his promo game since it returned. - Oh yeah. - So, what do you want to talk about? - So what do you want to talk about? I know a lot of people say, "Oh, he just gives the same old promo." Yeah, but then when it matters most, like when he had the segment with punk, man, that was one hell of a segment. - Exactly. We have the beginning of this year, right? - Yes, yeah. - I think it was in the buildup to the roller rumble. - All right, so what is your number five? - Okay, I cheated a little bit 'cause I have a five A and a five B. So, I guess I'll just say for my five, I have Triple H and Stone Cold. Triple H because I feel like, especially like in the recent years, he's always just been like, being able to cut a promo with a lot of passion, a lot of fire, and he really can help like build on a feud and be really intense. And I feel like Triple H is just great when it comes to cutting a promo. And then Stone Cold, I mean, come on. You can't have a top five or top 10 promo, my promo talkers of all time without having Stone Cold on your list. - Oh, that's true. Like Stone Cold is just like, man, when they came to cutting a promo, he got the crap behind them. And like, especially in his rivalry with the rock going head, going toe to toe with the rock on the microphone, which not very many people were able to do back in the attitude era. Not many people could hold their own against the rock on a microphone, but Stone Cold would. - Exactly, so which ones did you have in mind? - Let's see if Rob wants to go. - Which, promos? - Yeah. - He's not playing a bit. - He's talking about promos, right? - Yeah, well, I know Triple H promo I really like was in his buildup with his last match with Batista. You know, I feel like he created a lot of fire and intensity, especially because Batista was like criticizing like how he's running the business and kind of being like a corporate seller and stuff like that. And you just hear Triple H's, you know, with just great fire and passion, like defend himself and really hype up and build the feud. And then for Stone Cold, it has to be the Austin 316 promo. That's one of the greatest promos of all time. Probably the most memorable promo of all time. And that's what made Stone Cold Steve Austin into the person we all know him to be today. They wouldn't know the Austin 316. - Yeah, that's very true. So yeah, so maybe this is a little bit of this communication on my fire while you're kicking my butt. Here we go. - Okay, so what is your number five, Mike? - I number five, so I thought we were talking about individual promos, in a sense. So sides of the audience, you know, communication is definitely pretty for come's relationship. And then Seth becomes into key when it comes to podcast. - Yeah. - But we're going to be able to see into the ropes. I top five was Sean Michaels in 2005 in Montreal when he was feeding with Hulk Hogan at the time. Sean had just hummed that. That's hummed that. He had a turn heeled on the build up to some extent. I'm not sure. I'm thinking of my butt. (laughing) - Okay, all right. So it's going to start with the promo in 2005. - Yeah, so Sean, in the lead up to some extent had just turned heeled against Hogan. And they had gone to Montreal and the fans did not like Sean Michaels in Montreal. And Sean was typically always a baby-faced man in this era, but he did turn heeled just once in the build up to Hogan. And the fans were tanning for Hogan. They love Hulk Hogan in Montreal, coming back to the rock in WrestleMania 18. But the fans were just electric for Hogan. Sean didn't really want to be the heel, but he goes, you know, if I'm going to be healed, it's going to be, you know, the old Sean Michaels type of heel. So he healed really a little bit up against two tabs. Oh, first, so Sean, in that promo, if you've never watched it, it's on Raw in 2005. He's just really antagonizing the crowd. He's going at it with the crowd. Typical Sean Michaels heel skin, but then he starts talking about Bret Hart. The fans in Montreal, it's like in Rob's side. The fans in Montreal, they go absolutely bananas and starts talking about Bret Hart. - You screwed Bret, you screwed Bret. - Bret screwed Bret. - But they're in, Sean Michaels is just eating it up. I think I'm about to fix it. Sean Michaels is just eating it up, and he goes with Bret Hart and Andy Gunt. Walk down now. Stepped in this ring. I tell him face to face, hit man. I screwed you once and I'd screw you in. What do you think of that? - No holds a part match. - Yeah, let me look at some records. Basically, you antagonize the crowd so much, the end of the play, Bret's music. And the crowd just went eight? Yes. - Oh, I remember, I remember, okay, I remember seeing this promo, yes. - Yes, and Sean acted all surprised when he heard Bret's music hit. - You should've seen the look on Sean's face. - He did play him so well, and everyone thought Bret was coming out. Oh my God, this is great. Oh my God, look at CM Punk. - He's all bloody attacks. - Yeah, that was a perfect Sean hit, heel promo. One of the best they've ever done, and everyone really believed that Bret was coming out. Just the way they pulled it off was so good. And just the audience, Sean healing on them, it was those friends. Yeah. Okay. - Yeah. - So then going into my number four, I have Edge, and I feel like Edge, especially after his return in the 2020 Royal Rumble, that Edge has never failed to cut a bad promo in, you know, after his return run. And I know a promo of his I really liked was, you know, the whole start of like the, when he broke up, or when he got kicked out of the Judgment Day, and just like the, you know, the fire and passion he had behind it, saying like, I created the Judgment Day, I'm gonna end the Judgment Day. So I liked that promo a lot, and then just the promo that he had, you know, to his I Quit match with the Finn Balor at the room. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I wanna call those the best of all time. But yeah, those are good ones. Here we go, baby. One, two, one. I'm super seen a baby, come on. - Oh, oh, that's easy, it's kind of nice. And it's kind of nice. - Yeah. - Get out. - All right, so my number four. My number four is The Rock in Toronto. So this is the day, the Monday Night Rock took no way out in 2003. This is the genesis of Hollywood Rock. So, well, the genesis of Hollywood Rock started for no way out in 2003, basically was that, the lead-up was going into no way out, was Vince, Tower in Toronto, Hogan, to a match. But then he was, you know what? It's not gonna be me, it's gonna be The Rock. So they had this whole match in Montreal, and the way out, Vince screwed. Oh, that was nice, the first. Vince screwed Hogan in that match to build up for their estimated match. So Rock comes out on Monday Night Rock the next night, and they're in Toronto, and he goes, "I didn't forget what happened last year at WrestleMania, "when you guys started booing me. "You guys turned your back on me. "It started to change for Hogan." Ooh, that was nice. Oh, no, that was not nice. So, Rock, he just started dealing with that bomb. Bing-boo. See who it's, it's a little so funny, I just free watching you, he goes, "What, what's up, Toronto, Toronto, Toronto?" Hey, he said Toronto, that's where we live. Yeah, I have seen that promo. That's classic Hollywood rock right there. Exactly, so that was a good one. Genesis is a heel rock, Hollywood rock. One of my favorites, for sure. Yeah. Three. Going into my number three, for who I think is the third best talker on the mic all the time, none other than the self-proclaimed best in the world, CM Punk. Okay. And I feel like his best promo was the pipe bomb. Wow. You know, and I, because they really like, bended the measure of reality and fiction, and I feel like, you know, that's what kind of made Punk famous. That's what really got his, like, I mean, he was already like, you know, very popular being booked very well, but I feel like the pipe bomb is like, what really created his superstardom. Yeah. And I remember, even to this day, people were like, "Yo, everything's punked in it, "this pipe bomb still stands." Like, I mean, look, actually the line is like, this company will be better off if it makes the man dead. Well, it's isn't dead, but it's not in the company anymore. And look how much better the WWE has been without Vince. - Exactly. Yeah. I mean, there's this truth in the promo, God dang it, another out of two adjustments. - Yes, sir. - All right, what's your number three? - That's the best. They're courting these, 'cause they're not lasting very long. So I have to go back into the menu. - How long does it last? - I'm not sure. - Anyways. So my number three is filled up to No Way Out 2004. There was Eddie Graham versus Brock Lesnar. And if you're feeling depressed and you're like, "Oh my God, what is going on here?" A flaming table. - Yes, sir, a flaming table. - No way. Oh, come on, sir. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, boom. - Through the table. Oh, my God, you might be broken in half. Anyways, anyways. - Oops. If you're feeling depressed about your life, and you want some inspiration about life, go listen to this promo of Eddie Graham on Brock Lesnar. 'Cause it was to go home to SmackDown. Sorry, to go home to No Way Out 2004 on SmackDown. And Brock is just kind of laying into Eddie how he's, you know, amatic, and he's not, you know, deserving of being champion. He's been demolished, and Eddie, just very subtly just starts laying into his past, talking about he was high in a locker room in Minnesota, and they had to drag him out to rehab. That was the starting point of his comeback into WWE a year later. How proud he is that he's come back to this point, how proud he is to go into, talk about his family, how proud he is, oh my God, another I keep this. How proud he is to share his, you know, basically his, the recovery process with boys in the back, and he's, but he still mentions he's an addict, but this time he's not an addict for drugs. He's an addict for wrestling. He's an addict for, for, for beating up guys like Brock Lesnar for the, for the sprouts. He's an addict. It's something I can't, I can't put it into my own words. You just have to go watch the promo. It's such a beautiful promo, it's so awe-spiring, and Eddie girls probably his best promo of his entire career. - Yeah, you know, that is a good, good promo. My number two in terms of, you know, that's my talkers of all time. Promos, whatever, a little mix of both, you know, but I have the rock, you know, because the rock, like there's a reason he's called the most electrifying man and all of what's in entertainment. And he's always regarded as one of the greatest of all time on the microphone. And like I know a promo of his that like really stood out to me was like in his feud with what, oh, oh, like with Stone Cold and all the promo that they had, like they're back in, and forth, especially the promo where he's like, you have the, he's like, you have the craft to say, what, what, what, what, what. - This is the one where they're singing. - Oh yeah, yeah, it's the one where they're singing, but so I, I'm not saying that's the rock, that's the best promo that just wanna stand out to me. But yeah, another promo of his that I like is, you know, in what actually is at the WrestleMania press conference, the WrestleMania 40 press conference where he turned heel and became the final boss. You know, 'cause I like the emotion that was behind it. Like you're talking about his family. You're talking about my family, my ancestors. - Yeah. - So I just liked it because it's like that we finally got to see a heel rock for the first time in what, almost, what, 20 years? - Exactly, yeah. - All right, who is your number two? - My number two is speaking of Stone Cold on the top of him, probably the greatest promo that his throw off was at the King of the Ring in 1996, he had just won the King of the Ring tournament beating Jake's thanks Robert and he went up to the stage. Michael Hayes is on the stick on the microphone to ask him in interviewing him after the win and he just lays into this Austin 316 promo. Something we have never heard in wrestling before by, well, Jake's his main person. The Bible, that was Austin and a marketing Jake's name saying, we talk about your John 2016, Austin 316. - 2016 just worked with your ass. Yeah, and then again, that's the promo I had mentioned. When I had said something, oh yeah, that is, it's like I said, that's one of the most memorable, if not the most memorable promo in the history of the WWE. - Exactly, we're just kind of in the same wrestling around then, I'm about to beat you, I'm about to beat you. - Yeah, I can't get here. - All right, so going into my number one, you already know who my number one is, this isn't gonna be a shock to you, I don't think it's gonna be a shock to our viewers either. - Arch my number one, my number one, the greatest of all time when it comes to a microphone, but I'm just gonna go, my go, John Cena. - Oh my gosh. - And one of the shocker. - And I know a lot of the shocker, feel like he's never put it in the rock, he's never put it in the rock, no, he's way better than the rock. I just looked back at this you, I looked back at there for you, that man left the rocks, speechless, that man made the rock legitimately pissed when he nagged him for having notes on his wrist. - That was a good one. - And I'm not saying, and I was one of John's like better, like one of his better promos. And, but my personal favorite promo of his was when he was in the, and there we go, the go wins. - Wow. - Not a surprise there, no, not a shocker. But no, another promo, I really liked it. Usdinos was his, just like his absolute like burial of Roman Reigns back into the build up to their mat in no mercy, 2017, where Roman forgets his lines and Cena calls him out for it. He's like, it's called the promo, but he's like, if you're gonna be the big dog, you're gonna have to learn how to do it. - Yeah. - And then, and then he's like, oh, it took you five years to cut a halfway piece and promo and I'm about to shoot you down the side. Like that promo was just not only proved how great John is on the mic, but it also proved this like, if you give him something to like, you know, cut a promo on, he's gonna make you like, or credit, he's gonna make you each words. And like, that promo was just classic Cena. - Definitely was, I mean, Cena's arguably one of the greatest of all time, not only in the ring as a performer, but on the microphone as well. I mean, the guy does flawless rapper. So you can argue, I mean, he is five of the greatest of all time on the stick. So what, my number one, goes to your number three, which was live out here, is the pipe bomb by CM Punk. I mean, I think when you look back in the history of wrestling, the annex of memorable promos, you gotta, the pipe bomb is always gonna be right. You know, and it didn't really late change to wrestling right then and there, but you look back on it and it really set the foundation for what wrestling was gonna be in the future. You know, at that point wrestling was just so, it was so scripted, it was so mundane. It's called, I used to call it mundane, Night Raw, because it's so predictable. The show had no, you know, value to it. - Yeah, no real story lines, no real story lines, but yeah. - So, you know, they've butchered the, the nexus angle the year before. So going into that summer, you didn't really expect anything happening until CM Punk later on that stage in Las Vegas and got one of the best promos of all time to your go, John Cena, who was laying there. - Yeah. - As miserable as he could. - And the great thing about that promo is he didn't, he didn't even nack John. He just like, you know what, I actually respect you, John. Like, he didn't, he'd have seen any like, crap. Like he actually like, you know, complimented him, he would miss flowers and stuff like that. But another thing I remember is his mic got cut to towards the end of the, the pipe bomb. - Yeah. - And the story, yeah, it was all by design. I just know the story goes that they basically told, Punk here, here's the microphone, go out there, say what it, say whatever you want. - Yeah, basically, yeah. That's, that's pretty much how it was. 'Cause they knew, he knew he had like, however many teams he was gonna go. So, and they, they trusted Phil not to, you know, say anything too crazy, but, you know, still one of the all time best promo guys of all time. And one of the best promos of all time. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know, I think it's all this good list. - Yeah. - Well, it's, you know. - You beat me, but you know what, you cheated. I saw it, everyone, everyone saw it here on YouTube. - Speaking of which, the iconic part is you saying cheating, iconic part, I don't know if you can text this, but. - Uh-huh. - It's the Eddie Guerrero theme song, "Why Cheat and Steel." - Oh, I don't have that on mine. I have it on my end, I have it on my end. - No, this is ironic. - Yeah. - So, yeah. - All right, yeah. Well, here we go. That is it for today. Thank you guys for watching us suck at playing the 2K24, you know. - No, walking, mike, no, walking mike suck at 2K24. - Oh, well, you know, I don't know. We'll let the fans decide. We suck. Me or Ryan? And you, we all know. - Oh, it's gonna be on, it's gonna be on YouTube. We got all small, I'll see you. They cheated to win. - Yeah. - There were no rules. - I don't know. - There were no rules. - All right, guys. - Anyway. - Until next time. - Yeah. - Thank you guys for watching. This was a special episode. - Yep, thank you guys for tuning in. We really appreciate your listening. Make sure you tell your friends, tell your grandmas, tell your mamas. Tell your friends grandmas, tell your friends grandmas. - Yeah, thank you guys. And we'll catch you next time on a rasping with your boy, Ryan Hernandez. So, thank you. - All righty, catch you guys there. (thunder rasping) (thunder rasping) (thunder rasping) [BLANK_AUDIO]