Kap & J. Hood

9/10 8 AM: Albert Breer

Hour 2: The guys played "Shot or No Shot" then took a trip "Around The NFL" and NFL Insider for Albert Breer joined Kap & J. Hood with updates on Caleb Williams, the Bears and the latest NFL storylines.

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10 Sep 2024
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[Music] Good morning and welcome into the Cap & Jhood Morning Show on ESPN 1000. And we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, Albert Breer. Let's go to the join us at 8.35 as we go around the NFL with Albert, but first shot or no shot, here. Shame on it, Shane. Good morning, boys. Not a Tuesday, how are we feeling? Good winger, what's going on, man? Jets, okay. Oh, God. Let me down. Terrible Money Night Football game, okay. It's unbelievable. Just a terrible football game. Hand them a plus four, okay. All three of you out here putting Jets. You just thought, okay. And the Jets, again, once you're a Jets, you're always a Jets, okay. Aaron Rodgers, okay. But the rest of the team is awful. Okay. Robert Soller, okay. Terrible's a head coach. Terrible's a head coach. No, that was bad, then. Anthony Mason, though. The second life here, he's a phenomenal football player. Yes, sure. Who that was? Jordan Mason, yes. Oh, not the guy from the Knicks. No, old-timer, and he's dead. Yes. Here's Shane Norley. Sorry. Thank God. You know what? I was going to do this a little later, but since we're all a little angry, hit the New York football Jets after last night. Let's just start with this. Robert Soller, entering year four now, is 18 and 34 as head coach of the New York football Jets. Man-walking kid. That's the question I got for you. If they miss the playoff shot or no shot, Robert Soller is being ejected out of a canon at MetLife. He's gone. Out. Out. I just have never seen a guy that looks the part that's even less than, Cap. He looks like a head coach, doesn't he? He looks the part. He's built of granite. He does. He's a good-looking man. He is. And just, it's one of these things, Cap, when you're on a date, and on the other side of the table is Robert Soller, and you're a woman, you're saying, "Who? Look what I'm going out with." Robert Soller, and then he opens his mouth. Oh, God. If you're a woman, you just said, "Just look pretty. Don't say anything." We don't want to hear your garbage thoughts. Holy smokes. That's what it is. You see him walking to a room? It's Robert Soller. Oh, my God. And then he opens his mouth, and then he coaches the football team. Just the worst. Ever seen a 40-year-old virgin, where he walks up to the speed dating tables? Yeah. And there's that gorgeous, statuesque blonde, and then she speaks like, and you're like, "Oh, my." Sounds like a wild dean from WGM, 30 years ago. What? You're on a date with Robert Soller, a deal breaker? But as long as we're not talking football, sure. It's okay. Just bad. Take it from a bald guy. He must run a razor over his head every 15 minutes, because there is no way you can keep your head that smooth. No way! Dude, I shaved the yesterday, and I can already feel stubble. And I'm like, "What are you doing, dude? Watch more film. Quit shaving your head." He uses magic shave. Oh, thanks. He's not stopping all day shaving his head. Yeah, he's like, "What's going on in there?" There's shaving my head again. Shave your head. While it stinks, it's magic shave. Here's Shane Orl. It's funny, I brought this up on Twitter last night that Salah is 18 and 34, and of course, the Bears fan that hates Eber Flus just has to weigh in. Well, Eber Flus, he has a worse winning percentage. It does. He's only coached for two seasons, and they were both bad years on a rebuilding team. It is a totally different situation. It's all about this year. Eber Flus has a better chance to become Chicago Bears version of Dan Campbell than Jets Robert Salah this year. That's a shot, and whoever wants to stay on that island for Robert Salah, enjoy. Enjoy that island by yourself. Are you kidding me? I mean, it's set up for Eber Flus to have a successful season. Not necessarily the Jets. All right, the trade with Carolina just keeps getting worse for the Panthers, and better for the Bears. In exchange for Bryce Young, just to whiteboard it, who looks beyond saving as a quarterback, the Bears got DJ Moore, Darnell Wright, Tyreak Stevenson, Caleb Williams, and a second round pick this year. That second round pick is now the key, because the Panthers went and got flatlined by the Saints in the opener, and then things got really bad. Panthers star defensive lineman Derek Allen Torres Maniscus, and is done for the year. Now there's a really good chance. Panthers are once again going to be the worst team in the NFL, and the Bears could get the 33rd pick in the draft out of this same trade. Let's go. Or no shot. This is already a top three trade in NFL history for Ryan Pols. Yes, shot. No question. Shot. Absolutely. No, again, everything's got to play out. Like Caleb has to be good. DJ has to take the contract extension and be a really good player with it. Yeah, but yeah, on paper right now. Wow, guys, we know the bad organizations when we see them. You know who they are. You change ownership. You can change the GM. You change the head coach, but you're still the Carolina Panthers. Yeah, I mean, this is what it is. Cap, you know, when you see them, they tried to move heaven and earth to try to get better, and they got, and unfortunately they got Bryce Young. That's what they chose because of Alabama. They're like, you know what, you was coached by Nick Saban. He'll break the mold of Alabama quarterbacks. He'll be. Cap, though, the big story was, I told you this, I was told by someone who would know that they flew down on David Tepper, the owner of the Panthers playing, and it was Scott Fitterer, then the GM. He's out now. David Tepper and Frank Reich, and whoever else they had, and Tepper went into Saban's office. Yeah, you guys stay out here. Had a one-on-one for like an hour and a half with Nick Saban, and he convinced them you've got to take Bryce Young, not CJ Strop. Uh-oh. You should have considered that Nick Saban is a great evaluator of college talent. Yeah. There's like the one lost record in the National Football League. Might want to ask someone else. Well, he reportedly, the GM he fired, Fitterer, wanted CJ Strop. Right. And the owner overruled. Okay, it's his toy. He can do that. But if you're paying a football, man, why don't you let him make the football decisions? That's correct. However, having said that, Bryce Young, you know, being with Carolina Fitts, if you have the quarterback for Houston, CJ Stroud, in a Carolina Panthers uniform, you'd just be another bad player with Hello Kitty on his helmet. Yep. He wouldn't be as good as he is right now, because it's about talent around him. There was enough talent around him to galvanize that team to get to the playoffs last year. Correct. Imagine CJ Stroud with Carolina. Imagine if Paul's had not made the trade. Hello Kitty. Wow. Imagine if Paul's hadn't made the trade. They've got talked into taking Bryce Young. If his owner, if George said, I want you to take Bryce Young. Can you imagine? Well, just look what wouldn't be on your team. No down. Oh, right. No DJ Moore. No Tyreek Stevenson. No Caleb Williams. No second round pick next year. Holy cow. You'd be the worst team in football. Under Teddy Phillips, that would have happened. Here's Shane. All right. Over the weekend, God, I'm just you just painting the picture, and I'm so glad that we don't have to watch Bryce Young every weekend. Oh my God. That would be terrible. Horrible. Horrible. Over the weekend, Tyreek Hill was stopped by police and cuffed on his way to the dolphins game. Body cam footage has since been released, but I want to go a different direction with this for now. Shot or no shot. Tyreek Hill scoring an 80 yard touchdown the day of his arrest, who's cooler than Scotty Sheffler firing a 500 par the day of his arrest. I don't know if it's cooler. They're both cool because that video is so disturbing to watch. I call my wife over and said, hon, do me a favor. Watch this video. I have my thoughts. Please watch this. She's like, um, okay, those police officers are out of their minds. Again, was Tyreek 100% in the right? Absolutely not. And if he was supposedly reckless driving, throw the book at him for whatever the penalty is for that. Fine. Whatever it is. Ask you to put your window down. Put the window down. You yank him out of the car, put a knee in his back, bend his arms into the cuffs, and then another guy comes over and gives him a headlock. It shoves him to the ground. Dude, those guys should not keep their job. Period. To answer your question directly, Shay, Sheffler getting arrested and firing a 500 par on the same day is more of a accomplishment. And here's why, because he was booked. That's why he sat in a cell because he had a sit. He had a sit. He took the picture of the mug shot, sat in a cell, and then went back out there and shot a a 500. Did he not stretch in the cell? Whenever he was doing his golf stretching? Yes. He was doing a little Johnny Carson. He was doing that. And then he was on the ground doing stretches to get loose. There's a little Johnny Carson golf swing and then, but I think that's more impressive. Talking about the issue at hand, it's a long conversation, but because I know we got around the NFL here around the corner, but I just want to say that, again, once again, overzealous cops, you once again, an incident like that that's shown on video shows you that we are not beyond a copying overzealous and being over the top on an individual, whether it's tirey kill or anyone else. For all the great cops that are out there, those that are there to serve and protect, there's also those that feel like that they can overpower any situation just because the video tells the story. Thank goodness we have the video today to be able to illustrate everything that's going on. That body cam footage came out less than 24 hours after the incident, less than 24 hours. Tirey kill. If he was speeding, you give him the ticket and you keep it moving. Do you do you open the car door, yank him out of it, put him on the pavement, you know, face first. And then Colleis Campbell, who was a concerned teammate and citizens like, Hey, anything I can do here, no, you're gonna put the cups on him too. His teammates are trying to help him. Here's the problem. When you're African American, when you're anybody in that situation, it is very difficult to be able to say, Hey, man, I know that wasn't in the wrong and you feel like that you are helpless because yet you're in the wrong, but do you deserve that treatment? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And as you well know, there, there are Ariana Preston was a terrific police officer who died, who was murdered and on her lawn. I have three police officers, one a former sheriff that's been in my family cap. So I love police. I'm not anti police, but I am anti, uh, jackaloon that feels like that they could just be law and order and just do whatever they want to citizens. That's not right. Oh, it was a gut wrenching video to watch. If again, if he was reckless driving or speeding, give him the ticket. Absolutely. You yank him out face first, shove him down on the ground, bend his arms back, cuff him, stand him up and go, sit down and he puts him in a headlock. Dude, it was, it was unconscionable. And for people that you mentioned Ariana, for people that don't know, that was Hoodie's first cousin, uh, the police officer that was murdered, uh, just horrific circumstances. So yes, you do have several law enforcement officers in your family. And, and again, love police, but in that situation, once again, why be over the top? Even if you didn't know who to write a title rekill is, this say he's just title rekill Miami, Florida resident. Was that necessary? No, it was not. But the film tells everything it does. It does because before it's something that would be written in the paper, there was no video. So you just had to go by what was written, but you saw it. Right. And then the one police officer when Kalais Campbell is six, nine, three, 15. And when he is standing there and he's calling, I think it was him who was calling Drew Rosenhouse, the agent for Tyreke drew their beating on Tyreke. They've got him in handcuffs. You got to get here. And the cop says, uh, okay, that's it. You're going to jail. What? What did he do? He's standing on a sidewalk. If it was that egregious, what in Tyreke will go to jail? Correct. That's the other part of it, right? If it was that bad, he's like, if you thought that he was in, and by the way, if you watch the video, it wasn't like Tyreke was trying to get away. He's the fastest man. I know he wasn't trying to run away from the situation. No, he and you listen to, I saw him on ABC with a sit down interview. I've seen him interviewed in other places and he's been right there in the middle. He's talking about saying, Hey, you know, and I just want to be, I'm a good person trying to be a better person. I understand that the cops have something and have a right to be able to do what they have to do in law enforcement. He understands servant protect, but in that situation, that's over the top. And then, and by the way, the Miami police officer, the Miami police feel that same way too, because one of them is on administrative leave. Yeah, though, I think the one that was out of his mind grabbing him about the headlock. I think he's been taking off the street. Yeah, it was an administrative leave or an administrative duty. I think they have him pushing papers for a little while. Just, I mean, brutal. It's wrong. It's absolutely wrong. And you think about a cap. All the situations that we've talked about from George Floyd and going backwards, it happens all the time. It happens too much. For all the great officers, you get nonsense that happened on Sunday. Awful. See, if he was speeding, fine. Give him the ticket. Let him keep it moving. Completely agree, but making a scene out of all of it like he was trying to escape or like he was unwilling. That wasn't the case. I'm going to TikTok right now and show you citizens they're unwilling to comply with the police. That's what happened with Tyree Hill. Absolutely not. Correct. It's it's it's it's it's sickening to watch. And it happens way too often. Yep. Around the NFL, next on Captain Jaywood. Welcome back to Captain Jaywood. I'm Chicago's on for sports. ESPN Chicago. It both sucks. He sucks. I'm just a fan. I'm not a football evaluateer. I love the Green Bay Packers. The guy is wrong, but there he goes. This is not Detroit, man. This is the Super Bowl. I love winning. He starts the comedy. This is a really thickly built guy. I mean, what's Sam? So you're looking for all these things here. Time to go around the NFL here on Captain Jaywood. Albert Breyer comes your way at 835 around the NFL with Shay Norland. All right. Around the NFL every Tuesday. I'm going to tell you don't be surprised if X happens. Very exciting. Going to look forward a little bit reacting still to week one. And these trends might continue. All right. So don't be surprised if the Bengals are actually just not very good. Joe Burrow was the third worst quarterback of week one by EPA per play. He was bad. The the wrist. It still looks like it's impacting him when throwing the football. They might be paying a little bit of karmic justice for not just paying their guys. Jamar Chase has to get more reps. He wasn't bad in the game. But overall, the operations stunk. Everything just kind of looked difficult for Cincinnati against a new England team. That's morbid. And they lose that game. Oh, and one start. Look, don't be shocked if this team has a disappointing season. And we start hearing about Zach Taylor might get canned. This could be a season long disappointment. Uh, Jamar, don't forget to transcribe my thoughts on the show. I think it's better. It's more consumable that way. When I say things like what Shaeja said, leading into the into the season, just transcribe it. Just put it out there for public consumption. You got it? Oh, thank you very much. Because no one listens around here. So listen, credit to you, Odie. I heard you say that that burrow. You can't get credit on the back end. Give it on the front end. My and my overall view of Cincinnati, as I've said on the show, is I think Joe Burrow's good. I don't think that the Bengals will supply him with enough to be able to get back up there again. And the same thing with this season too. I think it's going to be fine. It's just, Shae, it's just one of those things like the NBA. You'd have good NBA team, but you just know that there won't be good enough to get to the championship level. And that's what I think Cincinnati is. Not against burrow. Just like the organization. I just don't think that they'll get back there again. Joe Burrow's going to be great, but the Bengals will not. Fair. Boy, there's a lot of talent on that roster. Geez. Don't be surprised if I'm going to cheat a little bit. Don't be surprised if the Bengals are very good. Joe Burrow through the first two weeks of the season in his first five years. What do you think his record is? How about one and eight? This is what they always do. Even the year they went to the Super Bowl, they lose games early. First two weeks of the season, they are historically awful under Joe Burrow routinely starts low. It's old school Patriots. We got to figure out our team. We got to learn about ourselves, and then we'll take off in October. Don't be shocked if the Bengals have this week one stinker week two might be bad also, and then turn it on. Yeah, so Shae, somewhat is at the Chiefs next cap for the Bengals could be a good ball game. It could play well in that building. They have they've won there. They also lost the AFC title game. I was at in a tight one. They played well in the building. And then the commanders and then the Panthers. Oh God. Now you're back. Now you're back to the swing of things. You're two and two. Now you're back. Then the Ravens on the 6th of October. So there's a nice swing for the Bengals. They're interested. We could get to two and three now will be okay. Like they should have beat the Patriots. I just don't understand. All right, Shae. Don't be surprised if he'll speak into the Patriots hoodie. Don't be surprised. If that's the only game that they win all year. Just do me a favor. Take a peek at their schedule. All right. Things do not lighten up for New England. They play in a brutal AFC East. They've got crossover games with the NFC West. Uh oh, that means San Francisco's on the docket. They come here to Chicago. That's going to be tough. It sounds like Jacobi Brissette's going to be the full season starter. They're red shirting Drake May. The offensive line is morbid. The defense is inflated in value a bit right now because they caught since he in a bad spot. There is precedent for this. It would not be the first time. Remember how the Jaguars got themselves Trevor Lawrence. They opened the season with a big win at home over Division rival Indianapolis 2720. They went 1 and 15. So Shae, when I ask you in the draft, what do the Patriots need? Pretty much everything right to upgrade. Almost everything. Yeah, they need an offensive tackle. They need a wide receiver. They need a defensive end after trading Matthew Judon. They could use a little help. I think at linebacker. Secondary is okay. They need everything. Seahawks Jets 49ers. The next three for the Patriots. Yikes. Jets for a 1 and 3. And Jets enough 49ers on the road. Oh, God. Not good. I liked it. You could. So that you did have room for overreaction Monday with that one with the Patriots. I was saving it for today. I felt good. Like, don't be surprised. The Patriots just lose every game the rest of the way. hoodie. It doesn't lighten up after that. They get the dolphins. Then they get the Texans. Then they go on the road to the Jags. Jags again. On the road to the Titans. On the road to the Bears. Rams, dolphins, Colts, Cardinals, Bills, Chargers, Bills. 3 and 14. Yeah, they are winning Morton's three games. And great. You got one in week one. That might be the only one. Shatter. No shot. Who wins more games? Patriots or Colorado Buffalo, right? Wow. It's the photo finish. Who wins more games the rest of their respective seasons? The Patriots or the White Sox? The Patriots. Here's Shane. Oh, God. It's a good bet. Isn't it? That is. It's a really good bet. Who's Shane Orley? This one hurts me to say hoodie. What? Don't be surprised if Derek Carr isn't bad. Oh, you can't do that. Don't be surprised. I was doing I was doing I was doing some late reading Sunday morning before the games kicked off. And I stumble upon this analytics website. I like and these nerds and their fancy made up advanced metrics from last season rated Derek Carr as a top five quarterback in 2023. I laughed. I'm like, there's no shot. Nerd. Your stupid metrics don't mean anything. Watch the film. And then I watched Derek Carr light up the New Orleans sky. And I thought, Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't do that. Again, paid to be elite now. This is spillover from Monday, by the way, he didn't get to. This is what it is. You can't take a crap on the Saints all summer. They beat a terrible school. I don't care. Maybe I got to take my medicine. No, no, no, no, you have to stick to your guns. You said the Saints could be awful. Did you not? You wasn't you're not a car fan. No, I'm not. Okay, they beat a terrible panther team. It's that watch this cap. He says this about Carr now. They're taking on the Cowboys Eagles and Falcons next by the Chiefs. So long, everybody. Yeah, I think the Cowboys are going to teach them the meaning of the word respect check back the first week of October. I want to tackle you in there. Hoodie is valuable is digging my heels in and going St. Suck worst team ever. You're right. Last year, I said the Ravens would be bad. I pivoted very quickly. And it was a valuable pivot for me. No, no, boys are good. I'm not going to let you do that, Shay. I'm not going to let you do I'm going to let you stick to your guns and be right about the Saint. They beat up a terrible. They beat up a a XFL team in the in the Panthers. And then you're going to play the Cowboys, Eagles, Falcons and Chiefs next. You'll see the real Derek Carr against those teams. Are you kidding me? He's still standing at the end of that. Okay, we'll talk. Don't be surprised if you're going to like this one, hoodie. Don't be surprised if the Giants blow out their front office for the second time in three years. Okay, Joe Shane, Brian Deble, Ruff, go on hard knocks this summer. Everybody thought they looked like clowns. Then they go out and really look like clowns with the uniforms that fit the role on Sunday against the Vikings. I like that jersey. Daniel Jones just lofting a ball to van Kinkle. Here you go. I like the jersey. That's terrible. That was cool. They looked naked. They look like the Montreal Canadiens. They did. They absolutely did. That's what they looked like. It's a good call. They'd be absolutely a terrible uniform. Okay, terrible. 1920s. Who can't? They are bad cap. The Giants better beat the Washington commander this week. Hey, Bears fans, you want to go playing about the Bears in the offense? Be a Jets or Giants fan. They've been as bad as we have been for years. I've been a Browns fan. God, can I squeeze in one more hoodie permission? Don't be surprised if because cap brought up the Browns. Don't be surprised if the Browns put a $235 million dent in their bench. You've got Sunday Cleveland fans for the entire duration of the game. The fans booing relentlessly. DeShawn Watson, you've got media across the country begging you. Dan Orlovsky went on ESPN yesterday. It's time to look at James Winston. Got to bench this dude. Everybody's telling them what to do. They can't cut or trade DeShawn, but hey, another lawsuit. Check notes. That makes 28 sexual assault lawsuits against DeShawn Watson dropped yesterday. Dude, I'm just telling you, it might be a lot of dead cap and it might be a lot of money to stick on your bench, but James gives you a better chance on Sundays. Wait, you said dropped. The suit wasn't dropped. The news dropped. No, yeah. The news dropped. Okay, let me just be clear. For the, this is from spot track. For the just cut to Sean now crowd, dead cap, if they cut him now, 119.9 million. They still would own 93.2 in cash. 2025 dead cap, 80.7. Oh my god. Albert Brewer next on cap and Jhood. If you missed something, get the podcast on the ESPN Chicago app. Cap and Jhood are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. Rolling on a cap and Jhood. We'll talk to Albert Brere as we go around the national football league. Get the latest news. Rome Adunze is week to week. According to multiple reports, bears have today off, but he did have an MRI yesterday on a grade one MCL sprained. So I would be very surprised if he is able to go on Sunday night football in the Bears and Texans lock horns right here on the home of the Bears. ESPN 1000. What a no baby. We'll talk to Albert Brere about that now. Hello football on ESPN 1000. Hello, bird Albert Brere. A bird senior NFL writer for joins cap and Jhood. Birds it. What? You're it, bird. On ESPN 1000. What do you mean I'm it? We see that's the game. I just tag you and you're in until you tag somebody else. Albert Brere. No, no, I'm not playing a game. I'm reading earning and I'm not fit. Okay. On Chicago's home for sports. What bird is it? Albert Brere on the car X tire and auto hotline. Albert, good morning. The Bears somehow some way with horrible offense found a way to win a football game. What was your take away from what you saw this weekend? We all see it to the prism of the of the quarterback cap was that you know it sort of illustrates why the Bears were in position to take a young quarterback and a better position than maybe some of the other teams that did because they don't need to put the weight of the world on his shoulders and he can go out there and he can make mistakes and he can go out there and he can test himself and he can figure out how his game applies and then it's a level because they have a fully formed team you know and usually teams that have the first overall part in that position. Certainly Carolina wasn't last year when we drafted Bryce Young so you know I think it's it was fun to watch because you know you you see some of the things that the Bears built last year carrying over from 2023 to 2024. I mean being able to make big plays and scoring special teams and scoring the against you know. So like I just think like a lot of times like what ruins young quarterbacks is they're playing constantly from behind they're constantly you know in third and long and that allows defenses to dial things up on them then they get hit they get knocked around changes their clock it can really it can really mess with a young guy's development. So I think one of the most encouraging things about what the Bears are is it looks like they've got the team now to support a young quarterback and and and get him through some of the normal bumps that you're going to go through when you're when you're starting your first year at that position. And we're talking about how he were flus and Vegas is one of the favorites for coach of the year. Is he closer to being coach of the year or being let go if the season doesn't go well? Yeah I think it's it's the season doesn't go well it's just I think it sort of depends on how it looks and you know the reason I say that is because you know I do think a lot of it again is relative to the quarterback when you invest the first overall pick in a quarterback. You know a lot of it's going to come back come down to how that guy looks at the end of the year. If Caleb is a complete disaster over the last month of the season then all bets are off you know because then you're gonna have the owner saying we'll do like send these guys or do I let them go and you have a new team president in your year and you know so like in that situation I think you know like a lot of it will be like well how do we make sure that our young quarterbacks in a good situation going forward that doesn't just apply to the Bears guys that applies to everybody you know what I mean like when you when you draft a young quarterback like so much of what you're doing organizationally becomes about the development of that guy and you know if it looks bad at the end of any year guys first year second year whatever it is when you're thinking about making changes that's what happened in Cleveland guys like you know like that was why they changed their offensive coordinator last year despite making the playoffs with five different starting quarterback it was legitimately just because the owner wasn't happy with where the Sean Watson was after investing so much in him so I think a lot of it you know hoodie comes down to what the quarterback looks like at the end of the year if the year doesn't go well obviously if they went everything takes care of itself. What about with Jordan love I know Matt LaFloor said yesterday Malik Willis will start if Jordan can't go there's no scenario he's playing this week right? I think the whole games the game's been shipped there you know but I mean look like we've seen guys play on MCL before you know so is it impossible no it's unlikely I'd say yes you know my understanding is this is generally if you're playing another position I think what he has would probably take about a month to come back from now because he plays quarterback you didn't game it up a certain way where you know you put him out there and you say okay like we're gonna call the game a certain way now you play yourself at a disadvantage doing that I think you do and you expose your quarterback to some risk so I I think it's highly unlikely he plays this week now that we capture that I wouldn't completely rule out again like I think so much of it is relative to the position that he plays and because it's the quarterback you have a little bit more room to kind of game it up around them so so so you can be functional out there. What are your thoughts on Houston because that's the next game for the Bears we know what they did last year I'll get a win for them on Sunday. Albert what are your thoughts on the Texans now year two was CJ Sprout. I'll tell you what my new my favorite player the entire week and you guys know where I'm going here. Bears? Yeah no no no no my favorite player the entire week in Texas. You know what here played an entire weekend was the third no other at the end of the game you guys see that in the Houston Indianapolis game. Did not because I was still loving the Anthony Richardson pass to Alec Pierce which I thought was incredible. Yeah that might be a second favorite player the weekend because I don't think there are five people on the planet who could make text for like that was insane like the fact that he was it was closed down around and he's falling away like my god how did he get the ball there I don't know but but but but go back and look at the third and 11. I'm going to me that was a championship play that wasn't just a winning play that was a championship play that was a coaching staff having full confidence in its young quarterback that was the young quarterback making a very high level throw and trusting as receiver and that was the receiver making a bonkers catch on the sideline and that allowed them to close the Colts out so I I think that play alone sort of sort of shows where the Texans are but they really believe like last year as a springboard towards competing at a championship level now it won't be easy and the AFC we all know like how stacked that conference is but if you go back and just turn on that play and look at all the elements of it from the call to the throw to the catch I mean just the decision making there you know I think it shows where the Texans are and look like this is a team again that's been aggressive and going after it and you know they're getting production from those guys right away the three guys the three veteran players that they brought in to sort of take advantage of having the quarterback in a rookie contract the Neil Hunter step on digs and and Joe Mixon all look right away like they're going to be big time players for them so I I think the Texans I don't know if the Texas would be in a Super Bowl but I mean after watching on Sunday I wouldn't be surprised to see Jay Strads in the MVP race and if you know we're talking about them as one of the teams that's I mean you know the four or five teams to be contended with not just this year but but over the next few years more with Albert Brere we'll talk about my Cowboys here they come we'll talk about that and more next truth of the matter is you're listening to cap and jhood on ESPN 1000 weekdays 7 to 10 a.m. but it'll last a lifetime it may only be three hours a day but it'll last you a lifetime Albert Brere with us every Tuesday on the cap and jhood morning show on the ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app Albert we want to get your thoughts on first of all the Browns the state of the Browns and what is going on lately with the Sean Watson yet another accusation going his way sued for a sexual assault again yeah you know it's hard for me to like really comment on the and I've learned like not to draw conclusions too early on these things obviously it's it's several some given the history there and everything else and so I I you know I wish I could give you guys something more definitive on what's going to happen there that's a really tough one you know now you know it's one of the football standpoints clearly not where it used to be and I think there are bigger questions to be asked here I mean part of it he's playing without starting to tackle us he's playing without Nick Chub you know so this isn't what the Browns offense is going to look like in a few weeks right like this is going to be the offense should it should look different a few weeks from now than it does right now that said I mean just the the feel he has from the game for the game the confidence he used to play with it looks like all of that is gone and you know I I know it's been confounding to the Browns they've done everything they can to try to make them more comfortable they switched some things they were doing offensively last year to fit him he got hurt this year they bring in a new coordinator which you know like there's some things that line up schematically with what he was doing when he was at his desk used in Ken Dorsey coast in the Ryan Day ball that's the Patriots system which you know is what Bill Bryan ran in Houston and so they bent over backwards to try to make everything work and try to do things to make them more comfortable and get his confidence back and it's just the one reason or another it doesn't look like it's there it's one week you know and we shouldn't draw sweetie conclusions I've made that mistake before and I won't wait to see again but um but you know not great signs coming out of the opener for the Browns what about my cowboys and again what's your cowboys that's not the case you can't be embarrassed fans like my cowboys because I've I bet out of every year Albert needs to jackaloons in here have banned me from betting on the cowboys I think they're a really good team I think they can go to the Super Bowl do you agree come on you don't funny about it though is like everybody talks about them I do this like clown shows circus whatever they've won 12 games three years in a row I mean can you think of a time over the last 20 years when you said yeah that's like a bad roster with them no no they always have good players right it's the it's the you and it was always always it's the you and next though yeah there's a ceiling out there on the success I mean it's a good football team every year but you know what happens on the playoffs right and that's and that's the that's the crazy thing here here's a crazy number so over the last 19 seasons right so full generation they're the sixth winningest team in football yet they have not been to a conference championship game since 1995 which is the fourth longest such drought right so think about think about that right so they have the fourth longest drought when it comes to having a deep playoff or and yet there's a sixth winningest team over that time how crazy is that I mean it's what it is I mean so this is why we need the 3000 words from the Albert you need to write the definitive america's team it's not doubts I wrote something about and yeah well I talked with Stephen Jones after the game and you know he thinks that all the circus stuff is overblown and that like everybody's making too much of it you know he it was funny he said like actually it's outstanding because it it brings attention to the game and everything else but that's a bother rush you know I I think that that's that you know that that's really the conundrum and Dallas is like how do you solve that where you've got a really good team year and year out yet that team fails when it gets to the to the doorstep you know and it can't get it can't get through that door and even a conference championship game whether one winning another will party it's it's really a wild thing because I I do think such a big part of winning championships is like just giving yourself lots of shots at it right like that's what the Chiefs are now but the Chiefs haven't won a championship every year since my homes have been the quarterback but they've been to the conference championship every game every year right so six years and earlier they've been in the conference championship they keep getting cracks at it when Brady was new England his last I think it was like a big data string of eight straight conference title games well they didn't win the title every year but they did win three that's the formula usually is if you want to build a dynasty keep giving yourself cracks at it and the the the cowboys have done it yet they just cannot break through it's it's a weird thing but they've good enough players that's for sure I don't I don't know what people are expecting because history tells us they've been able to handle it and by the way to be fair to them too like look at the team last night they've had a lot of drama haven't they yep okay they look pretty good didn't it we did so the point Stephen Jones made to me which is a really good one was like the better you are the more of these problems you're gonna have doing that's fair that is fair no question when you got high level dudes like that and somehow somewhere they got CD paid they got DAC paid you know you know who didn't have those problems this summer the Panthers a great point hey before we let zero contract issue before we let you go which other than the Panthers is there a team you went they're gonna be horrible is that the Giants yeah I worry about the Giants I mean the quarterback thing is just I don't know I mean they've got a chance to be pretty good defensively it didn't show against the bike so the Vikings I think have a really good offense so you guys know what I think Kevin O'Connell you know I really thought like they were gonna be good on the lines of scrimmage and that was really what was going to carry them through I think what can happen is like you know when a team looks at it and said when when players look at say Zach guys costing us games like that's where you can have trouble and I don't know if that locker room is there yet with Daniel Jones but they've invested a lot in them and that's where those problems can sometimes brew you know where it's like well we've invested so much in them we have to give them a chance and we have to really see we have to get a final answer well you know the the rest of your locker room doesn't give a crap about your three-year plan the rest of your locker room doesn't know if they're going to be on the team next year so the rest locker room only cares about winning now and having into the dual success now and so like that's going to be an interesting one to watch and like how much rope Daniel Jones gets I it did not look at on Sunday and again you know I'm gonna say that with caveat that week one can be deceiving and we haven't seen that over over time that it often is deceiving yeah the Bears beat the Niners two years ago what's in your phone Albert something you haven't shared with anyone else yet something college something pro give us something that's in your phone right now oh you know I'm never prepared for this so come on get myself a little bit better come on Albert there's something in there here's what I would say oh for I think it was so it was so interesting watching the Mike McDaniel's response to the Tyree kill situation this weekend right I have had a half dozen people from that organization from the dolphins organization over the last month or so tell me how important Mike McDaniel's relationship to 2-0 was to getting them through the contract negotiation so where all these other teams had these issues with their quarterbacks and their contracts and in other positions too obviously now right we never really heard much about that one when it was really when things could have gone sideways so like I'm probably gonna do a little bit more on it Thursday night when the dolphins and bills play but you know I think when you look at Mike McDaniel up at that podium like those relationships that he has with those players they're very real they're very real and they were and they were really important in getting them through them what could have been a messy contract situation of summer have a wonderful rest of your day you're the best all right thanks guys have a good one see you there he is Albert Breer karak's tired out of hot cap sweat dream in two minutes on cap and jayhood