Work Advice for Me

Lox of Laughs with Ashley Arpel Steinback

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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In this episode of Work Advice for Me, Brad is joined by Ashley Arpel Steinback, host of Lox of Laughs on the Hopecast Network, as well as a comedian and actress. Together, they dive into a variety of fun and lighthearted topics including food preferences, allergies, and their shared love for Christmas movies. They also brainstorm a quirky movie idea titled Pretend Laws. Throughout the episode, both share personal anecdotes about how they met their spouses—Ashley through a business meeting and Brad through eHarmony—giving listeners a glimpse into the realities behind their love stories. Ashley also reflects on her experience acting in My Crazy Ex while Brad recommends the quirky holiday film Santa Jaws.

The conversation takes humorous turns as they discuss the differences between stand-up comedy and acting, with Ashley sharing her favorite comedians and preference for stand-up. They bond over their mutual love for horror movies, their experiences watching films during flights, and even talk about their fascination with visiting haunted places. The episode wraps up with plans for a Halloween special and a promise of a part two, leaving listeners excited for more engaging banter in future episodes.

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(upbeat music) - Hello, everyone. My name is Ashley, our post-time back, and I am thrilled to announce my new podcast on the Hopecast Network, Locks of Laughs, where I will be chatting with comedians, restaurant tours, and everyone in the entertainment industry about comedy, duh, pop culture, and of course, a little bit of food. You can follow lots of Laughs on Instagram, @locksoflaughspodcast, and Locks of Laughs will be available on Spotify, iTunes, anywhere you listen to podcasts. So, like, follow, subscribe, and I cannot wait to nosh with you. (upbeat music) This is the Hopecast Network. Stories and shows you actually wanna listen to. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Okay, say this every episode, but I really mean it this time. I promise listeners, I am super excited to have Ashley old today. Is it, are you saying, is it our pill, or how do you pronounce it? - Wow, you actually got it right. It's our pill, but I have been introduced as Apple, Apple, Able. I get everything. - Actually, Apple. Are you gonna bring me an Apple, are you a big Johnny Appleseed fan at Ashley? You like Johnny Appleseed? - I like Appleeed with cookie butter. I'm a big Apple fan, but it's not my last name. - My belly does not like that, 'cause it just gets bigger when I eat the apple butter. Okay. - Oh yeah. - The Apple Butter at Texas Roadhouse. Have you had that? - Okay, yeah. - It's amazing, you can eat it, it's really good. But Ashley, it's enough about Texas Roadhouse. We didn't, we can review food, 'cause you do a lot of food stuff. - I love food so much. - Which excites me, 'cause I love to eat. Eating is a hobby of mine, or a fact. - Oh yeah. - And I don't discriminate when I eat. I will pretty much eat anything. I'm not allergic to. - Okay, what's your allergies? - So it's, I think it's really allergies. There were a version, but it's coconut and cilantro. I am one of those people that cilantro tastes like so, it tastes like, like, so be handle yuckiness to me. - Wait, you don't like cilantro? - I hate it. It's not just, I don't like it. I will drive if I even inhale it. - Okay, so in my 20s, I hated cilantro. But now I like cilantro. I can eat it, it's, I think you're, yeah. Yeah, what are you, in your 20s, you're in your 20s, 20s. - No, I am in my 30s. I am not, but God bless you. I am not in my 20s though. Thank you though. - You're welcome. I was assuming, I was assuming 30s. Okay, so yeah, you taste much change. Did I say 30s? I was assuming 20s, but you say you're in your 30s. - I'll give you that one. - I was assuming 30s, but I said 20s. No, that was the reverse. My taste, but actually, I did not like tomatoes till about 35. Now I can eat tomatoes or cooked raw or cooked. - I can eat tomatoes, like any tomatoes, like my dad loyalistic to the podcast, he would eat a tomato sandwich. Pepper, mayonnaise. Yeah, a little salt on there. I would be like, that's the worst thing I've ever seen. You wouldn't do that. - Never, not in a million years. I don't like raw tomatoes, but I love tomato sauce and I love ketchup. - Well, not love tomato sauce. Now that, I mean, Italian food is amazing, but he would eat a raw tomato. Now I will eat a raw tomato. I will do that. - Like an apple? - You eat it like. - That would be a power move actually. If I did that, you would think that was so weird. I'm over there hanging out with you and hubby and I start to eat a tomato like, you would be like, this guy's weird. We can't invite him over again. - Yeah, it would be, it would make things awkward for sure. - Yeah, do you attract weirdos? Like, because I attract weirdos a lot of times. Like the weird people like to be around me. Do you attract the weirdos? - No, I don't know what I attract. I find that it depends where I'm going and what I'm doing and what jokes I tell and who else I tell to. But I would say, I don't know, some of my friends, I guess I are weird, but they might call me their really weird friends. You know, they mean so. - Well, you're the weirdo. - Yeah, I might be the weirdo to my normal friends. So it depends. - What if we're both the weirdos to our friends, yeah, we can see them, they're the weirdos. That's plausible, right? That we could be the weirdos. - Yeah, I think so. I mean-- - Are you there? - I'm here, I think there was a delay before I was frozen. - There's just a tad delay. But we're getting there. Okay, so before we get into all you've done, 'cause I love what you do, you do. I really genuinely have been excited about this. I want to talk about my crazy ex, because-- - Oh, you're different. Wow, that was so long ago. Wow, okay. - I know. Okay, so I'm a sucker for ID channel stuff. And they're used to talking about it. - I've never met anyone like you. - Yeah, I'm very unique. My wife said that. So the Discovery channel has ID. Is the Crazy X on the ID network? What network is this on? - I think at one point it was, I mean, we're talking well over a decade ago that I did that show. So I think it was the ID network. Something, for some reason I want to say it was like a subsidiary of FX, but I could be making that entire thing up. I don't remember, this sounds horrible. I just don't even remember the channel. It might have been ID network. - Okay, so you played Bridget on there. I'm gonna have to watch this episode. Hope I can find this on Discovery, 'cause I'm gonna go-- - I think I have it somewhere downloaded. I'll send it to you. I'm pretty sure that I have it, because I had to add it to my reel at one point. I mean, this is the first thing that I booked after I graduated. So this is, it's a long time ago. I'm in my 30th. So I was younger than-- - Well, okay, so let's talk. I like the show. There's one called Fatal Attractions, I think. - Okay. - I like next door, what's it called? The Neighbor, Fear Thy Neighbor. - Oh, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. - So I like it. I like the actors on these shows, because you're told to pretend like you were in the South, and you're from America, right? - I am, yeah. - Okay, so a lot of these actors, if you've watched the show, a lot of the actors that be like, "I'm from the North Carolina bin." Cool, you know, it's the game about Carolina. They're all Canadian. I feel like they just go up to Canada and play. I got a book, Fear Thy Neighbor. We're doing it, we're gonna set it in Chicago, but we're filming in Winnipeg. Let's roll. Is that true statement? - Yeah, I feel like there are a lot of shows and films that film in Canada. Actually, within the last couple of years, I have auditioned for many of Christmas movie that's filmed in Canada, and they will release the casting. Like, I'll get the script, I'll get the size, I'll get the audition from my rep. And it's said, LA local, we're looking in Los Angeles, we're looking in New York, and we're looking in Vancouver. And we'll go through the rounds, we'll submit, we'll get, I'll do the audition, I'll get a call back. And then at the end, they're like, "Oh yeah, that was great, "but we're gonna go with a Canadian hire." I'm like, "Okay, then why book me through all of this?" You know, I'm telling, and I love Christmas movies. I watch Christmas movies in July, okay? I love them, 'cause they're always surrounded by cookies and happiness and joy and singing, and I love that. 'Cause I'm telling everybody, like, "I'm gonna be your nephew, Hallmark star." And then, okay, yeah. - So that brings me to this. You like Christmas movies, and I love Christmas movies. I have pitched many Christmas movies on this podcast to people, and I feel like, you know, there's a market for, I'm gonna pitch an idea to you, actually, I've never pitched this on the pod before. This is a new one. - Okay. - Me and you could lead. We could star in this together. - Let's do it. - I just need to teach me how to act. Okay, imagine 1980s man's working on Wall Street, okay? He's been working, he's living in a fluent life at this point, like, rich age. He's got the first cell phone, like, he's talking on this big bag phones, you know? He's like walking around. Okay, he gets laid all. It's over. He's lost his cash cow. He has nothing else to do. He can't tell his wife. She's used to all this luxury, right? But what she doesn't know, Ashley, is that his family are like straight from the trailer. I mean, he is embarrassed by these people. So when he met her in college, he hired actors to be his parents. So they have been in all, they have been at all three of his children's births. They've been at Christmas every year. But now he can't afford to pay him. He's out of money. He's been caught up in some stuff. So he's like, "I can't pay you." So then they turn on him. They're like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." They show up at Christmas. They're like, "This has got to happen. "We're gonna hold you hostage." It's a comedy where we want our cash. And then lo and behold, not being dull, his family from the trailer has found him. And his wife's like, "I don't understand. "You were at my birth. "You've seen me fully, you know, "you've seen it all down there. "And you're not even his mom. "Like this could make for such funny scenes." And... - I love it. At first, when you started pitching this, I was thinking Nicholas Cage. But by the end, I started thinking Vince Vaughn. - Oh, yeah. Vince Vaughn, he would be real fast talking like, "I don't know, yeah, yeah." Or Ryan Reynolds, either one where, you know, we could-- - I could see Ryan Reynolds. I could see Ryan Reynolds. I like he quickly replaced me. You're like, "You're not Vince Vaughn, or you do that." - You see how quick that is? You see how instant all he was? - Well, I'm in three seconds, Ashley. You're like, "I see Vince Vaughn, not you." And then I see me. - That's the one. - So, then I've got the perfect title for it. I think it is the perfect title. This is a Christmas movie. The Pretend Laws. - I love this, I really want to see this made. - Well, let's write it, Ashley. Let's you and I, right? - Let's do it, yeah, let's do it. - I think this would be such a funny movie. Because you got the '80s vibe, and he's trying, and now he's got to entertain both sets of family, the fate, the real, there's tension. He's trying to find the money to pay him. He's having to do some explaining. - I love it. This is a really good story. I mean, I can really see this. - Are you just blowing smoke up the glutes right now? - Not at all, not cast. - Not at all, I don't do that. I am a pretty honest person. I don't do that. I am telling you, this is a good story. - Okay, well, it's mine and yours if you want it. I'm just, so without out there, T.S. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - I hear let's do it a lot on here, and then I never get followed through. So, you know, I'm gonna hold you to this. - Let's start with an outline. That's how it starts. Start with an outline and then move it forward. - Start with the outline of the pretend loss. I brought you on here just to pitch. Okay, I'll talk to you later. - I know. (laughs) Bye, everyone. - What's nice having you? You got to hear me pitch an idea to you, and then we hang up. - I like it. It works for me. - But we can have Christmas music galore in this. We could play the George Michael Christmas song from the 80s. - Oh, gosh. - Let's play a little Frank Sinatra too, you know. - Oh, you got to have that. You got to have the eggnog drinking. You got to have like rockin' around the Christmas tree. You know, you got to have it go on. - Grindley. Yeah, let's do it. - You got to have that. - Yeah, you know, and speaking of Christmas, I have another doozy to drop on you here since you're wanting to do this with me. I hope you're serious 'cause we can make this happen. - I am serious. I'm serious. - So there's a Christmas movie I want you to watch. This is Homework, and listeners, you can watch this. So I host another podcast called Movie Torture, and we are a bunch of friends to get together and talk about movies. Well, we watch this movie that I love. It's about torture. It's called Santa Jals. (mumbles) - Is that, okay, okay, I'm in tree. I love sharks, we just had shark week, so. - Sharks are fun. This one is about a shark in a bay or in a river who wears a Santa hat on its dorsal fin and kills people. Like they get near the pier, he comes up and his eyes are like red Christmas lights. So you kill 'em with a candy cane, like it's all Christmas. - Oh, so this is like a full-on, like, farcical. - Well, I don't think many of you mean farc. It's not taping as a far. - Okay. - It's taking the legit movie. The kid just draws on his pad and it happens. It's a good idea, not as good as pretend laws. - Oh. - Pretend laws. - Not definitely not as good as pretend laws. - Now. - I could see us having pretend laws on Netflix. I could see it on Peacock. - I think it's a little above Tubi. I'm just gonna go a little above Tubi. - Oh, come on. It's above Tubi, it's above Roku. Like give yourselves some credit here, okay? - Give ourselves some credit, we're a team now. - Oh. - Right. - So, anyway. - People don't want to pay minimum 5.99 to rent this, okay? - 5.99 for the first seven days. - I say though, if we do make pretend laws, you've got to be in it. You've got to headline it. That's my one domain. - Oh, I'm in it. I am in it. I twist my arm, okay? I am in it. - Okay. So, my point in telling you this, you need to watch Santa Jals. You know how to be sitting there and watching this on Tubi. It's free. I have one of the stars from Santa Jals coming on. So I'm really excited to talk about Santa Jals. Oh, we're a good vice. Yeah. She doesn't know that I'm gonna talk about it. So I'm like waiting. And if I had, if I had the script right now, for my crazy ex-greet tragedy, I would want to do a read with you on this because I think that's so much fun. But I can't find the script anywhere. So, oh well. Anyway, enough about me. Let's get back to you. Say you like Christmas movies. - I love Christmas movies. I love all holiday films. I love a great Hanukkah movie. You know, the three of them that exist. I love it. And what's the Hanukkah movies? They got eight crazy nights, right? That's the one. Yeah, that's one. There's one on a Hallmark with in-bar levy and Jake Epstein. I think it's called like eight nights of Hanukkah. I think it's a pretty, you know. - Is it a great movie? - It's a great movie. I love it. - Is it the Hanukkah rule when you make a movie? If you and I were to remake the pretend laws of Hanukkah, do we have to go the eight days of pretend laws? Like, do we have to throw the eight in there for, is that a rule? - It, yes, it's, you know, a crazy night is a legit thing. It would be, but there are ways to work around it in Hollywood, you know? I mean, just make a couple of the nights like take an Advil PM and get through that night and then wake up, you know? There are ways to make it work in Hollywood. - I love how they throw the eight in there. It's way, you know, I'm going to the movies. I'm like, ah, I want to see it. You know, that's Hanukkah. Ah, you're watching that movie, man. Hey, I'm not doing it. - Yeah, I know. - Yeah, like, you gotta coat me. Hollywood's like, we're going to let you know, it's Hanukkah before you get in the car. Hanukkah movie. Yeah, I think I've seen one. It's eight crazy nights. That's my Hanukkah experience. - Okay, you can keep it. It's just like your backdrop, by the way. If you're listening on, and you can't see it, it's an elephant back there. - Yes, it is, that my husband picked that out. There is a very long backstory to it, and I've absolutely no idea what it is. I don't remember it. And he tells it to me maybe once a year, because it's very prevalent in our home. It's above our bed, but I, for the life of me, don't remember where it came from. - It is like right above your bed. It's like your husband's like, you know what? We're going to make sure this elephant sleeps above us. - He gets it on the action. Like this elephant, it might be a perv. It's used everything. Right? - Oh gosh. - It does. It's watching me right now. I feel like it's giving me the same guy. It's like saying, did you just talk about Hanukkah? Did you just talk about Hanukkah? - It's it. It's also a Jewish elephant. - Oh, it's a Jewish elephant. I mean, I didn't know. So yeah, I didn't know. We could cast that elephant photo in the pretend walls. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - That elephant should be one of Santa's elves. Of course, because Santa shows up for dinner, right? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, so where'd you meet the hub yet? Where'd you meet the hub yet? - We met in a coffee shop. I feel like we are the last two people to have met in the real world, you know, outside of an app. But we met in a coffee shop and it's so disgusting because it really is like a hallmark or lifetime movie. It started raining when we met and he bought me a cup of coffee. - No, okay, this is-- - File, it's disgusting. - You're pitching us. - No, we're discussing people. We are actually discussing. - Really? - Okay. - What are the odds? That is amazing. - I know. - It's insane. - So wait, it's weird. - You were in the coffee shop ordering coffee. And what does he do? Does he come up and go, "Hey, are you like elephants?" - So that's exactly what happened. He said, "What specifically do you like Jewish elephants?" And I said, "Well, you're like, "No, I like those elephants, "but I'll take a Jewish house." - Yeah, you know, come on. At the time, I owned a bakery. So I randomly received-- - Hold on, hold on. You all, I feel like I've seen your life on a hallmark with my wife, at least 100 times. - I know, you'll see the thing is when I talk about it, it sounds like, "Oh, it's this romantic, you know, "this life she leads." But then in reality, I'm like, "You guys, "like keep in mind when I met my husband." I was like, I was wildly depressed at like 20 pounds center because I was so, so sad. So like, yes, it sounds like a hallmark movie. And it's so wonderful, but behind the scenes, I was like, insane. So, are we going to get deep with that? Are we going to get serious? - It's very relevant. - I owned a bakery at the time, an online bakery. - Okay. - So I called it like the Amazon of Bakery. The point is, it's delivered. And I received an email from someone I had never known and they were opening a coffee company. And they wanted to meet to see if my baked goods could be sold with their coffee and it was just another wholesale meeting for me. I mean, I had taken these like a thousand times at that point and maybe not a thousand times. But I had sat through many a wholesale meeting and I assumed I was meeting with like a 45 year old cafe owner. The cafe was already up and running. So when he asked me to meet at a cafe that I knew that didn't come specifically from that cafe, I was a bit confused, but I showed up, he almost canceled the day of. Oh, I almost canceled. So he had asked to push the meeting and I was going to San Diego. So I almost canceled and luckily I didn't. But we, I just truthfully, I didn't want to wash my hair that day. I was like, you know what? He pushed it, I'm not going to wash my hair. But I did, no, I did end up washing it. I washed it and thank goodness I bathed. You know, just like a human in the world. - What if you just know when your first meetup with this guy? - I know that would have been sad. But I didn't know who it was. So I, all of a sudden this like beautiful tall, blonde, blue-eyed man, stood up at the, at La Brea Bakery and I was like, oh, well, here we are. Pretty, and he bought me a cup of coffee. It started raining. We then walked to a bar to get a drink. My friend was going to San Diego with, had to drag me out of the bar. And this was a business meeting. It started as a business meeting and we talked business for 15 minutes. And then we just started, he started talking about his mom. I started talking about my parents and then we just connected and 10 days later, we went out on our first date. But that weekend, he sent me a photo of his TV and he was watching Harry Potter in the store for a stone. I said, you know what? That's it, I met the man I'm going to marry. - Just like that. - Oh yeah, I called my mom and I called my dad and everybody that I bumped into, I kept saying, I'm at the man, I'm going to marry, I'm at the man, I'm going to marry. - That is a really great story. And I feel like we can use that as fast how they meet in the pretend law. - Love it. - We could just use your biography, insert it in real life, right? We're good. We got, we got a flax vaccine to how he met her and had to discuss it. - I love your meetup is very, I'm envious of your meetup. Like, I wish I could have had that in my wife. Like, that's a great meeting. So I met before the apps, and when you said I was in version of a 45 year old man, I'm insulted by that because I turned 45 and less in about a month, so. - No, but I just, you know, I met my husband when we were both in our 20s. So I was just like, I didn't expect it to be. - I just given you a hard time, but it was funny. - You specifically said 45 and like crap. Well, I turned 45 in like a month and three days. So. - Happy early birthday. - Thank you, you're the first. Tell me happy birthday. I'll tell my wife somebody told me that. So we met on the E-Harmony. - Oh, okay. - Is that still a thing? Do they still do that? - It is. It definitely because I actually know, I know like a friend of a friend that met her significant other on E-Harmony. It's definitely still a thing. I think it's more like an app though now. It's not so much on the computer, but it is, it's real. It still happens. - Yeah, I would log into the computer to. - And like type out your stuff. That's so cute. It's like you've got mail. - It is. - So like she's like my Meg Ryan and I'm her Tom Hanks. I like that. But now. - I love that. - Actually, now you have two friends that have met on E-Harmony. My wife. - I did. - Yeah. - You can say. - There you go. - Brad and your other friend who's met there on the app though. - E-Harmony's tough. 'Cause you can't just like chat with them when you first match. It takes like a week. You gotta answer a question. - Wait, really? - Well, you did, you did 15 years ago. So it was like, she would send me a question. I'd get the email. Then I'd respond. E-Harmony changed at this point. From 15 years ago, I'll have to wait on her response. And like, she's gonna respond. And then she finally did. And then I was like, she's pretty. - I love that. - Yeah. - So you didn't know what she looked like? - I did it first, yes. 'Cause I'd passed over some people. I'm like, not attracted, not attracted, not attracted. And I canceled the service. I was like, there's not, there's nobody on here. It's hard enough for me. And it's like your face. And then lo and behold, my darling wife showed up on their phone. I said, ah, she's pretty attractive. And then she had canceled 'cause she couldn't find any guys that she was attracted to. So we both canceled our account. And now we've been married. And yeah, we have kids, so. - See, that also sounds like a hallmark movie. - You know, like they've given up setting. - Yours was like, you know, I went to a cafe and this tall blonde here, blue-eyed man stood up. And you're like, oh my gosh, she's hot. And then you're like, you know, boom, you're married. - And he was wearing a blue button down under a very big gray suit. Like his suit was maybe a size and a half or two sizes too big. - Oh wow. - Yeah, it was big. And the thing is he's a sharp dresser. Like he's a very, he's very chic and he loves to shop. But for some reason that was, it was a little big on him. And at that point, when we met, he was working out twice a day every day. So he was like, jacked. And I was like, you should, you should show this off. Let's go take your top off. Come on, yeah. - Thank you, top off. - Yeah, I'm not jacked. I don't have muscles, so I can't compete. But I will say that you just got that. I'm glad that y'all-- - There was a delay, I'm sorry. - Oh, there's a delay. So you met that way and you knew. So how long did y'all date before you finally got married? I don't know if you said that earlier. - So we dated seven months before we moved in together. And then we got engaged about a year later. But then our engagement was longer than our dating period because of COVID and we pushed our wedding. So we actually three days ago, yeah, Tuesday was our two-year wedding anniversary. - Oh, you're newly married, basically. - Is it newly married after two, like two years I feel like it's not so-- - When does the newly married end? It's kind of like you got a baby. When does the baby put me in the baby? - I feel like a baby could fit. - Baby at like 18 and a half, but they're like, they know you have married. - 18 and a half years. - Years, I feel like I'm in my 30s and I'm still my parents' baby sometimes. - Are you an only child or you got brothers, sisters? - No, I have an older brother. I have two younger steps that bring-- - Oh, okay. You're like in the middle, sort of. - Yeah, but I mean, it depends how you look at it. - Mm-hmm. - Yes, but it's hard to say when it's like, dealing with a step family. It's hard to sort of make it so specific. But because I grew up with my brother, my older brother, and it was just us for a very long time. - And then it changes the whole dynamic change. It's like when you get married, I'd never lived with anyone until I got married to my wife and it was just different. I want to know, I wake up inside my wife every day now. So that was me. - Yeah, I feel like with marriage, I want to go back, I want to settle back to you. - It becomes your prime book with your significant other. - Mm-hmm. What'd you say? What'd you say? - You're a long time when you get married, it becomes your time with your significant other. Your a long time is together. So you have to really like your significant other. You have to be able to hang out. It's not just going on dates and going on trips and stuff. You have to be able to sit there and do absolutely nothing. And if they chew too loud, well, God help you. - Well, yeah. - Yeah, you're right. - I'm thinking about like-- - That's what you was-- (laughing) - Well, I'm thinking about who's that was on. I was talking to this Enneagram lady on here and you know the Enneagrams. Do you ever done the Enneagram before? You know what I'm talking about? - No, but I know what you're talking about, but I've never done long. - But what I'm getting at is she was like, you meet someone, you gotta like, you gotta know them. And they've always put forth their best effort. And then you get them home and you realize that they fart and they burn. And they're-- - Yeah, I mean, things are so different in the courting period. Both parties on their behavior, right? So after a couple of months, when you get to really know someone, I mean, you spend a full 24 hours with them and you want to keep hanging with them. That's when you know we're like, okay, this could really be something because I feel like I've dated people. And I'm like, no, I could be away from you. I don't want to hang out with you. I don't wanna talk to you. I don't wanna be around you. I think I hate you. But you know, I feel like I've got-- - Well, it's funny. My wife said she said, now, when we get married, I'm gonna wanna spend some Saturdays by myself. And I'm like, I know. Well, then we get married. And she said, you know what? I don't wanna spend Saturdays by myself. I wanna spend them with you. So it does change. You think when you're single, and I consider single anybody not married. I mean, you could have a boyfriend or girlfriend. You know what I'm saying? But it's different. Like boyfriend and girlfriend doesn't carry the weight of husband and wife, you know? 'Cause you can't break up with your husband and just say, we're done. There's a lot of legality you gotta go through. - He's gotta get some of that crazy ex-girlfriend money that you made in 2016. - You know, she doesn't like this joke, but we have an ironclad prenup, all right? So, you know, I don't know, the $125 I think I made from Crazy Ex, 'cause it's all fine. - Would you? Okay, I wanna go, I wanna circle back to that. When you book that, did you go home and tell your folks, you're like, "Look, I just booked my Crazy Ex." Like, I would've been so happy, 100%. I, it was so exciting. I was newly, I was a new graduate from acting school. I just got new headshots. I was living on my own, you know, dreams, Hollywood dreams didn't really know anything about real life yet, and I booked this role, and it's, you know, call it what it is that I don't know, maybe it. I was so excited. It wasn't, you know, I don't know how to word it. I was so excited because it was brand new to me, and I was like, this is my kickoff point, you know? This is where I'm, like, the starting from the bottom, now we're here thing. Like, I'm not, I don't know how to word it, but, you know, I was really excited. I called my parents, I called my brother. I called everybody that would take my call, I called. You know, I called 1-800-Flowers, just wanted to see what was up with them. Like, I was stoked. - You didn't call me, so that's disappointing. - I didn't call you, Brad. I'm really sorry about that. I'm sorry about that. - Yeah, you didn't call me and share the great news. That's a high watermark. Now, when you book that, see, if my personality is like this, I don't know if yours is like, if I booked Crazy X, I would come home, and I would say, it's all appeal from here, baby. It's all like, I've done it, I'm arrived. And then I would be disappointed if I didn't book the next gig. - Well, that's the thing, you know? You're always told work, you get work. Maybe you're not always told that, but I, an acting class that I've taken off and on for the last well over a decade at this point. A plug called Stancur Studios, they're great, but one of their mottos is work begins work. And I do think that that's true. I think opportunity begins opportunity, and whether that's a work opportunity, or just like a joyful opportunity, or a romantic one, whatever that may be, I think opportunity begins opportunity. So, when I booked that, I really, you know, you... - I hate to interrupt what you're doing now, but something very important I need to let you know about. When you purchase serious coffee beans, we want you to try to enjoy each brew for two reasons. Number one, because you're a part of something bigger, making a positive impact around the world. And number two, 'cause we did not compromise on the quality of coffee, you're drinking some of the best coffee in the world. 100% of profits are donated to nonprofits that are fighting injustice facing humans around the world, Wallace. That's powerful. Generous is best known for especially coffee, but the heartbeat of generous is their hope to use for profit business for good. In 2024, generous is hoping to provide coffee to churches around the U.S. to spread a message within congregations that churches care about people, even down to the coffee they are serving and the people they enjoy. I apologize for that extremely long run-on sentence. If you have interest in hearing more about generous coffee, please reach out to their founder, Ben Higgins, at Thank you, and back to our scheduled podcast. - Okay, I know I just interrupted a great conversation, but my name is Brad and you may be listening to me or any of the other talent we have on this network at Hopecast. We wanna thank you for listening, but also we want you to like and subscribe to the show you're listening to. So when you're done listening, go on the iTunes or the Spotify and leave a great review if you like it and follow the show on Instagram and any other platforms that it's on. I think we're on TikTok, so follow us on TikTok. But make sure you leave us a review. We love good reviews here at the Hopecast Network. Now, I guess I'll let you get back to your show. - Really thing. All right, it's gonna be so easy to book the next thing. I'm gonna book it the week after and when you don't, there's this host audition funk when you're so excited for an audition because you have an opportunity to do something. So when that audition's done, kind of like the same thing. When that role is done, especially when it's like maybe a two day shoot, I think that might've been a two day shoot, maybe a one day. I don't remember, I think it was two days, but it might've been a one day for me, it was one episode. - I can't wait to watch this by the way. - I mean, get ready for the best fake vomit scene you'll ever see in your life. - I'm so jacked, my wife and I are gonna enjoy this. - Oh God, I can't wait, I'm so excited for you. I'm shot, no one brought this up to me and I have a very long time. - Well, I mean, you're on the podcast where we talk about a stupid stuff, so yeah, you're here. - I know, I love it, I think it's great. I mean, now I'm just thinking of things to add to like my stand up comedy set. I'm like, look, okay, okay, back to that then. Do you prefer stand up comedy or acting? - That's a great question and I prefer stand up comedy. - I think especially since the sad strike, it's over now, but there's, I feel like the entertainment industry is still in its recovering stage and I don't know how long that's going to take. And, but I got into stand up during the strike. So it was really helpful, I wasn't auditioning and I wanted something, I wanted a creative outlet. And I love it. I like it because I am in control. I get up there and I can say what I want. And I, hopefully I make people laugh while I do it. I like the control of everything. But I do, and I like having the choice to go up or not. When I make a commitment, I honor that commitment. So if I say I'm going to be in a show or I get the opportunity to be in a show and I say yes to it, I will do it. And I like having the ability to be like, you know what? I never said I would do the show and I don't want to perform here, I'm not going to do it. - You sound a lot like what I say about this show. I do it, I like being in control and I like having fun. So we're a lot of like except I'm sitting in the comedian. Okay, so you're all on this stage. How long is your act normally? Like what do you normally get? - Yeah, so normally I get between five and eight minutes. I have been lucky enough to be an opportunity where, so there's this thing, they give you the light at the end of your set. Those, I've been lucky enough to have some opportunities where they say like, okay, you can extend the past your light, you know, give us another five minutes. So I would say I have about 30 minutes of jokes that I know of my jokes that like I can pull out of a hat. So if they say like extend, extend, I can continue to do that. I've never been given the opportunity to take up a stage for 30 minutes, not yet, maybe one day. But the most I've been offered like straight up like, hey, come do a set was 12 minutes. And that was that Rodney's in New York. - Okay. - But they told me we're giving you eight minute, when they booked me, they messaged me, they said you're gonna get eight minutes. And I showed up and they said, hey, everybody's doing 12 tonight. So just letting you know. And I was like, oh, okay, I was told eight. So this, all right, this works out. You know, this is cool. I'll see. And my family actually showed up to that. So I was like, okay, some jokes are off the limit. - So is the family on the east coast and you're on the west coast, right? - Yes, I am from New York and I still have some family in New York and family in Florida. And I am currently in California. - Okay, so when they book you, do they fly you out or do you gotta come off the hip to? - Oh, God, I, you know, I'm just so famer. I fly myself out, they don't fly me out. I get paid for the gig, but I fly myself out. You know, people don't, I gotta tell ya, a lot of comedians don't get into comedy for the respect or the money. They get into it so that they can stand on a stage for five to 10 minutes a night with a microphone and a spotlight talking about themselves. So that's what I love about it. But yeah, I flew myself out to New York and it worked out because it happened to be over Father's Day weekend. So I got to be with my dad and he got to come see the show. But that also meant I didn't get to tell jokes about him. - Okay, so what's the joke that's just totally just bomb? I mean, 'cause I feel like you gotta get up there and you're like, I just told this joke that I thought was hilarious. My husband who I met in the coffee shop thought this was hilarious, but Brad in the audience was like, nah, it's stuff. - Yeah, so one thing I'll say I rarely run jokes by my husband 'cause he won, he's the butt of many jokes. But two, it's part to run jokes by someone that isn't in the industry at all. My husband, he works in real estate. He's like, huh, that was, he's one of those people I'll be like, it's a good joke, good job, good joke. That was very funny. But like, there's no laugh, okay, so did you like it? Like, should I kill myself? Like, what are we talking about? I think I have a joke about like my divorced parents and I sometimes it hits, but like if no one in the audience had parents that are divorced, sometimes they're like, that's just pretty dark, I don't know about that one. So it depends, it depends on the audience because some jokes that kill, I've had jokes that with most audiences, is audiences a word? No, with most... - Is it most? - Audience? - Yeah, I think so. - Is it a word? - I've had jokes where most of the audience, no, most audiences that I've had, maybe that's, I don't know if that's a good question. - Okay, well I performed at clubs where I've had my joke absolutely kill. It's amazing, I mean, I get the best laugh and then I perform that same joke at maybe a smaller venue and it's more intimate and it just didn't hit. It also could've been me, it could've been my inflection, it could've been that these people just didn't get my references, but you know, not every joke is going to hit the same for every group. - When it comes to comedians, who do you, what's your go-to, who's your go-to comedian? - Do you watch or to sort of like gain inspiration from? - Just to get laughs from. - Well, I love Amy Schumer. I think she's really funny. I also think one of my very good friends is funny and I gain inspiration from him. I actually spoke to him earlier today on the phone and we've done some shows together, we've worked together. His name is Rocco Stowe. He is a very funny comedian. He's great. We met when he was hosting a show that I was in and we just hit it off instantly and we ripped jokes off of each other and so he's a great comedian and he's been doing it for longer than I have so I really value his opinion. I mean, we can't not say Jerry Seinfeld because I mean, of course, did you see Unfrosted? - And what? Oh, Unfrosted, yes. - Well, you're one of them. You didn't like it, you didn't like it. - No, I'm not one of them actually. I am a huge, I was given sign language his book in when I was 14 years old and I still have that book and I can still open that book. I have the original first run edition of sign language and I read it. I'll look, it's just funny, fun jokes. You know, you can sit in the bathroom, you can read them, they're great. You know, so the media is like the greatest comedian of all time. - Yeah, I think he's really the mecca. I would agree with that statement. I think he's great. I think if we're looking at classics, we can go for like red buttons and, you know, Rodney Dangerfield, but I also love a lot of sketch writers. Like, I love the way Tina Fey writes. I think she's a brilliant comedy writer. Like, "30 Rock" is one of my very favorite shows. I rewatched, I'm rewatching it now, I love it. Kristen Wiig. - Yes, she's funny. I agree with that. I do like "Parson Rick", though. I would go "Parson Rick". - Oh, Amy Poehler's great. Yeah, I love "Parson Rick". - I didn't like "Sisters", though. Did you like that movie? Maybe I need to re-watch it. - I liked the movie. I actually did, I liked the movie. I, what is it my favorite movie of all time? No, but I enjoyed it. And if it, it's one of those, it's a playing movie, right? Like, if I'm on a plane, like I want something sassy that like, I can sort of mindlessly watch. I'll put that on. You know, I'm not gonna do that with Schindler's list, but like, you know, sisters, you know, why not? - Okay, so first off, I got a couple takes on this. The raw dogging on the plane is blowing my mind. Like, there's no rock. Yeah, what? - Yeah. Have you seen this trend? It's called raw dogging. - Yeah. - It doesn't make sense to me. Like, for me, the airplane is the one time I can put my headphones on and just watch what I wanna watch and not be interrupted. Why do I wanna just sit there and stare at the seat? I don't understand that, I don't understand this trend. Explain this to me. - Yeah, so here's the thing, I'm also, I'm like you. Where I want to be able to enjoy the flight or just get through the flight. And I feel like if I'm bored, that'll make me feel like I'm a child again, like not really knowing what to do or having anything to do. But I only recently learned about the raw dogging. It's specifically on a flight. And I just, it means like you just don't connect to the wifi and you're just sitting there with your thoughts. But like, my thoughts are scary. Like, I don't want to be, I'm alone with myself all the time in here. I don't want to be alone with myself on a vessel in the sky. That's the last place I want to be by myself. - Yeah, I agree. And I was flying a while back. I think I've told this on year, but I'm just letting you and you because you hadn't heard it. And I was so disappointed, I got on the plane. And I was like, I'm going to watch, oh my gosh, what's the movie? That just came out, got the bomb movie. The guy that made Batman, he made this, oh gosh, what's it called? You know what I'm talking about? - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, if you had the biggest movie of the year, that won the Oscar. - Oh, I think both of us. - Obenheimer, Obenheimer, Oben. - Obenheimer. - Yeah, we both are like, what movie was that? Yeah, so I was mad, it did not download the night before. I was like, oh my gosh, so I sit there, old dude, it's an old dude movie, I assume. And I'm watching it from this old man's camera phone. Like, he's got the iPad and I'm just watching it. I can't hear it, but it looks like a lot of talking. And I'm just like, yeah, I'm bored, just watching. It's not listening, I've never watched Obenheimer. - Wow, it's a very dialogue heavy movie. Like, when it came out, my husband and I, we saw it in theaters, and we did the opposite, where like, we were pink to Obenheimer and black to Barbie. So like-- - We like that. - I've never seen Barbie, but like, never seen it. (laughing) I've seen both, I have thoughts on both. Obenheimer, it's a very dialogue heavy movie, and while I watched it, I said to myself, if I blink, you miss, like, so much. Or if you yawn and you miss someone in the movie saying something, like, you've missed quite a bit. It's a very dialogue heavy movie, but it's also really long. So I feel like if you're on a two hour flight, you still have, I think, like an hour and a half left of the movie, so you have to be going somewhere far. - Well, yeah, I was gonna have to watch it on the way back, but I'm also a 90 minute movie guy. Like, I like 90 minute movies. Like, I wanna get in and get out. I wanna laugh and be done. - It depends if I have control over whether I can pause it or not. So if I'm in the theater, I want it to be 90 minutes. But if I'm at home or on a plane, it could be as long as possible, because I can get up, I can go to the bathroom. I can, like, take a minute. I'm one of those people that I like to pause movies or television shows. So I can, like, think about what was just said or what I just saw, get up, like, take a walk around my room, sit back down and be like, okay, now I think I'm ready. - Okay, so then I'm flying back a couple weeks ago, I'm on a sun country flight. And the lady beside me, she's, I would say older than me, she's probably in her fifties. She is watching, 'cause you can't help. Ashley, people are watching, you wanna see what they're watching, right? - Oh, yeah. - I see your plans. - Oh, yeah, sure. - Like, I'm gonna definitely look. She is watching the Emma Stone movie that just came out on Hulu. Hold on, it's, I'm gonna tell you what it is. - I don't think I've seen it, but I think I know what you're talking about. - Oh my gosh, it looks brutal, by the way. - Sorry, Emma Stone, but it looks brutal. It is, this is poor things. - Yeah, I haven't seen it, but I think I saw a flip of it. I think I did. - It might be good. I'm watching that, listen, but here's the thing, I'm glancing over full nudity. This lady doesn't even care. Like, she just got the big string there. - Oh, right. - A lot of people should be, I'm like. - Is Emma Stone nude in it? - A hundred percent, yes, 'cause I glanced at her, I said, "That's Emma Stone." I didn't wanna look at it, so I just looked, I didn't wanna be that guy, you know what I'm saying? - I think she won the Oscar for it. I think she won the Oscar for it, yeah. - She'd love anyone. - Yeah, and I-- - Oscar for this movie and you and I are like, "What movie are we talking about here?" - I know, well, I mean, same with Oppenheimer. - Well, yeah, that was funny that you and I both were like, "What was that movie?" I'm like, "You know, the bomb movie." - Yeah, one way, yeah. The bomb one, right, right. - This could be a good step. - Like a very large tragedy, like, what is that movie? What's that peak movie? I don't know, what was that again? It was a lot of peak, so you're like-- - Okay. - But yeah, so my thing is is, I would feel weird watching that on a flight, 'cause I know somebody's watching it over my shoulder. - Yeah, I get that mentality, but I am kind, I feel like I have a kinship with this older woman, because like I love horror movie, and I love horror movie. - Love, I watched Scream Before Bed, and Scream is one of my very favorite, like, slasher films. One of my very favorite horror films in general, because I love that it doesn't take itself too seriously, but it also is incredibly grounded in its reality, so I love it. And I watch a lot of horror movies on plane, because it's horror movies from me. So I'm sitting there, I'm like watching the X or so. And like, that's a, I mean, terrifying. I mean, truly a petrifying film. - Yeah. - And, you know, yeah, there are people behind me that might be watching it too, not because they want to, but because it's forced right in front of them, and I'm sorry, you know, at least I have my headphones in. I will never, ever blast music, or watch something without headphones on a plane. That's far better. - That's the, no, I will say, do you, I'm gonna plug another podcast on here, because a lot of people think I would probably want to listen to myself as I go to sleep. Not true. I don't want to hear myself. There is a podcast, if you like horror, it's called Mort's Scary Bedtime Stories. And it's really good. If you just want to, like-- - Well, you send that to me, because I do that. - I want to look at that. - Like, he just dropped an episode today. True, deep woods and middle of nowhere scary stories, three hours and 14 minutes. He's got this calming voice, and he reads stories that people submit, or that's on like Reddit. And some of them are super creepy. Like, I'll be like, man, I'm a little creeped out just hearing this. You'll like it if you like it. And I'll give you another tip. I'll send this one to you. Jim Harold's Campfire, I've listened to that for probably 12 years now. - Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. - This is where people call in, and they talk about their ghost stories to him. I want to have him on the podcast. I got to figure out a way to get him on here, because I'm fascinated by it. He just celebrated his 666 episode on Thursday. He drops on Thursdays. So my wife says I'm crazy, but I go to sleep listening to this stuff a lot of times, just because it's creepy and it makes me, yeah. So I'll send this to you. We'll just talk to your podcast. I like them. - Yeah, I can't wait to watch. I didn't know you liked scary movies. See, I love this scary movie. That's my mood. I love it. - I'm going to Salem this Halloween. - I went to Salem a couple years ago. - I went to Salem a couple years ago too. - A year ago, like they're in October. Not an Halloween, but they're in October. - I went every year with my brother. My husband isn't coming 'cause he's too afraid. - Really? Oh, me and my buddy went 'cause my wife's like, both our wives are like, we don't like scary stuff, y'all go. So me and him flew up to Boston just to go to Salem. - Yeah. - I'm going to let you make your own, go ahead. I will say if you want to see the witch house, you need to book it early. 'Cause we didn't know you couldn't go down. So make sure you do that. We didn't get to see the witch house. - Right. - So did you see any of the reenactments? - No, we walked through the graveyards. We saw a few things and I saw the Samantha statue, which is what I was excited about from B-Witched, which I love B-Witched. Yeah, I used to have the biggest crush on Elizabeth Montgomery. Oh my gosh. - Oh my gosh. - She was so beautiful. - Beautiful. - Beautiful back in the day, you know. - It was stunning. - As a kid. But yeah, we just walked around. We went into the stores and the shops and-- - I love it. It's so kitschy, it's my favorite. In the haunted houses, I love it. - I love going to haunted house. Okay, let me tell you this. So there's a place in Tennessee I want to visit. It's called the Bell Witch Caves. - Yeah, yes, because of the Bell Witch back in, there was the Betsy Bell, wasn't it? Isn't that her name or something? And the spirit with haunting her. There, a movie came out about it like 20 years ago, I think it was called An American Haunting or Something. - Wasn't. - And that was for the Bell Witch. - Okay. - I'm just gonna, I'm gonna pitch this to you right now. I'm just gonna throw this out here. - Okay. - We need to do, you and I, a special Halloween episode of Work Advice where we read scary stories and see who can haunt the scary stories. 'Cause I've had the, have you ever heard of Robert the Doll? Which is creepy in itself. - Oh my gosh, yes. - You need to go back and me, you and I are just having, these people are listening out, so they're like, they're just having a little, David's fault. - I know. - He's been on here last October, go check him out. He is like the Robert the Doll expert. And we should, you need to come back for a Halloween episode and we do a special-- - Do it, do it. - Yeah, I'm booking you now. - Oh my God, but you know what? I should take it directly from Salem. - Oh my gosh, even better. Yes, you-- - Let's do it. I am so down for this. - Okay, so I'll figure out how we want this to look. It's exciting though, 'cause Halloween's my favorite. I love Halloween because it's a chance to watch scary movies although nobody in my family watches, I'm gonna have to watch them by myself. - Me too. - Oh, with my brother. I have nobody, I have none, right now it's just me. So I have to have a fun time to do that. - It has to the fence, right? - David Sloan, yes. And I've had Jeff Vellanger on, and Billinger, he's an expert on ghosts up in Massachusetts. He's come on twice. Great dude, wrote a good book. He's got a nice book out, Christmas book about Christmas things, the scariest of Christmas. It's really good, he's a great guy, friend of the show. So yeah, if you like spooky stuff, but I wanna go to Bill Witch, because if you go, and I bring back, say, a rock from the cake, and I drop it in your purse, bad things will happen to you. That's the thing, 'cause my buddy's like, my wife says I can't go, 'cause she's worried we're gonna come back and bring something with us. - Okay, so that is a thought that I have whenever I go to any like real haunting place. You know, like going to Universal Horror Nights, like I don't have that. - Those are the lead ones. - Right, but going to somewhere like sale, okay, I have to tell you, I was once in Salem, and you know how when you're working with a Ouija board, you have to ask permission to leave, right? - I've never done Ouija board. - Okay, well, don't, because of the theory. - I'm not, my wife says we can't ever do that. - Yeah, you can't, because I did it in Salem, and no one else is touching it. It wasn't mechanical, it was an old wooden Ouija board, and I was doing it, and I was talking to a spirit, and the spirit told me that it was a bad spirit, and I said, okay, I want to leave, can I leave? And it said no. And I was like, I want to go, I'm freaking out. So finally, it did say yes, and everyone was saying that it was the people at the shop that were doing it to me, but I don't believe that. It was a real spirit, and it was coming, it was petrified, it was very scary, and I thought that I was bringing it back with me. - Yeah, that's the fear. My wife says you can't do it. I want to go to these haunted asylums, and just spend the night, and see what happens, see if I crap myself. - I don't want to, I just, I don't want to spend the night, but I would love to walk through on to the asylum, but not do it. I don't know, I don't want to do it, and invoke chaos, but if I can witness the chaos from the outside, that would be cool. - Yes, there's a good movie on Tooby. It might be called a asylum. It's pretty good. I'll find out when it's free, it's free, it's, they get locked in. - What's going to be more than fourth, like, sending to each other? - You're going to get some stuff from me. I'm telling you, I love horror talk, like this is-- - Love it. - Love it so much. - I love it. - It's my favorite. - Because it leads you to, I don't think it's all real, but it lets you escape, and, you know, those ghost shows are really stupid, but-- - They're fun. - Like, Robert the Doll has a ton of rules, and, you know-- - Right, right, right, right, right, right, yeah. - I'm like, Robert in the eye, you gotta ask permission to take it from, I'm like, you know, and my buddy's like, I don't want to go see Robert the Doll with you, because you will not ask permission, you'll just go snap it. But he has letters and thousands of letters of men and women begging him to forgive them, because they walked out of there and their life has been ruined. - Yeah, you know, that's why I say I kind of want, like, the, I want to, I don't want to invoke anything, but, like, if I can, like, bear witness to it, that's cool. But, like, I don't want to piss any spirit off. I always throw salt over my left shoulder, even when I don't feel it. If I'm eating a pretzel, I'll just go like this for any crumbs. I don't care. - Really? I've never done that. - I just, I, you know, I want life to be happy and pleasant. But I also, like, when I go to Salem, we do the haunted houses. I don't think I'm gonna, I don't know that I'm going to do the Ouija board thing again after what happened last time. I also saw a psychic in Salem. - Oh my gosh, what did the psychic tell you? - So I saw the psychic, I think at this point, it'll be 10 years ago, because by the time I go, this year, and he told me he did help, she predicted a lot of stuff that did actually happen, but it was very general. It was like, you will meet someone fabulous, you will get married, you know, things like that. So like, yeah, that did happen. But, like, the way she worded things, it felt very real and realistic. But I've also seen psychic here in LA, and like, I'm not one of those people. Like, when someone tells me, like, oh, like, let me check in with my psychic, I'm like, okay, that's ridiculous, that sounds so stupid. Like, just, like, like, just make a dinner reservation with me and put in your calendar. You don't have to ask your psychic. But like, I was going through a weird thing and I decided to like, see a psychic for fun. And the psychic here in LA told me a bunch of stuff. Like, everything that you'd want to hear from a psychic, she told me, and then she goes, but you could lose that all if I don't bless this rock. And I have to get this rock because this rock is a part of this crystal and this crystal costs $500. So I'll do the blessing for you, but we have to order the $500 rock. And I'm like, you know, I don't know if that's legit. - I think she froze for a second, okay. - You have to do the $500 blessing. - Yeah, that didn't include the blessing. - No, that was just the rock that came from the crystal or something. Like, the blessing was an extra like $250. So like $750, but there were a lot like random things. - Oh my God, so incredible. - I'm imagining my favorite psychic scene of all time is Huey's big adventure. - Oh, I didn't see it. I haven't seen it. - You've never seen it. - Yeah, no, I know. Of course, I know who Huey Herman is or was, but I've never seen it, no. - Yeah, you got to watch it, it's some homework. But anyway, imagine your psychic going, you're going to be on the work advice for me in about 10 years, it's going to be great. - Oh, I love that. - Yeah. - I'm kind of like Count Dracula and a Gypsy. Are they Gypsy's? - And there's a little bit of, I don't know, that offense, I don't know. I don't know. - Who's the other one that's down there? - Can you say that? - Is it what? The Gypsy? - Yeah, I said, can you, yeah, is that, are they Gypsy's still the psychics or are they just psychics? - I have absolutely no idea. I don't know what you can and can't say anymore at this point. Like, you can sneeze and offend somebody, you know? Like, if you sneeze twice in a row, God forbid you're canceled. I mean, I don't know. I have no idea what you can say and not say anymore. - You, yeah. One last thing 'cause, wait, I wanna, would you go and kill Tony? - Would I go on kill Tony? - Yeah. - What did kill Tony? - Okay, I'm gonna forward that to you also. It's where stand-up comedians go on in front of other comedians and you get like, a minute and you just go and then they, you either win or you don't. Are they? - Are you, are you telling your own jokes? Or are you like, are you on of that? You're doing like a minute set and you gotta see the light. - Oh, of course I would do it. I would definitely do it. - In a heartbeat, why not? I mean, part of even like being a comic in LA in general is performing for other comedians. - I would definitely do it. - Well, what's on the horizon for you, Ashley? I'm just, where can I find you next? Besides me? - Okay, well, next, besides here, let's see, I don't know by the time that the airs I'll have performed my first time at Kombi Chateau. I'm really excited. And I am Jewelry TV's newest live streaming host. So I'm very excited about that. - I like that. - And that's where you can see me. And, but if you want any updates, just go to my Instagram. It's @thatashleykitchen. And I promote all of my standup comedy gigs, whether they're in LA or New York or Florida. And I'm, you know, I'm just living it. - I feel like we really could do a part two 'cause I didn't even get to your food. So-- - I know. - Can we do a part two? - Let's do a part two because my wife is telling me text me when we've gotta leave in a few minutes. So that's why I'm like, well, that stinks 'cause I wanna do a part two 'cause I mean, I wanna do a, I'm gonna talk all fair with you. So yeah, let's plan the part two. Listeners, there's gonna be more 'cause I wanna get into the food conversation. And yeah, Ashley, I will follow in your career. You will be back on here. So I can't wait. - I can't wait. I can't wait. Thank you. - You've been a great guest and I hope you truly had fun. - I had a blast. I had so much fun. - Thank you for having me. - We're only halfway there. We're only halfway there. - I know. - And we have a Halloween episode. So we have two more at minimum. - Anyway, well, thank you, Ashley, for coming on the work advice for me. And I'll be seeing you soon. I'll be in touch. I got a lot to send you now. - Awesome. Thank you so much. - See ya. Bye now. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)