Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Road to Revelation/ the beginning of Evil

Satan is created good and falls and is judged

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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I mean, I was trying to remember once any kind of history. History repeats itself. Coach, nobody listened the first time. Oh, my goodness. It's good. Oh, my goodness, it's true. I mean it. It just wouldn't come to me, and I couldn't find it. Yeah, it is true. It's true. All right, guys. Good. Good. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Oh, you guys. [INAUDIBLE] If I'm running. [INAUDIBLE] There you go. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Oh, there we go. [INAUDIBLE] Oh, bye. Hey. You better put your desk right there. You bring it up, having computers. You could give us a class on Greek and Hebrew. All right. Which one? [INAUDIBLE] Have everything already set up. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] All right. All right, now it's time to get started. Now let's see. The Bible, there we go. I thought I brought the other one down. No, you did. What about you? I don't know. You're distracting me. All right. I don't know what my big brain just went to. But I'm sure I brought it down. You said I brought it down. All right. No, you weren't out. You mean to go get me? No. I brought it down. I have no idea what I was where I live. But that's all right. I'll squint and I'll be all right with that. Okay. Let me run. [INAUDIBLE] My Bible's going to be in there. I lost my reading noises. You guys too, before. No, I didn't like that. But I hate looing like that. I love them. So you've got this, my... Yeah, my vocal. Yeah. But what I generally do is just be large to things. See my... I have a real quick brush. Print it and then upstairs is even larger print. But I have one of those too now. And then I'll bring it down and make it very large. And that's it. I like it. We are back at it. It wasn't. I brought it back down. What did I bring down? I don't know. You came down. You were doing our stuff up there. You must have been on your computer or something up there. All right. This is ours. Our Tuesday night. We're going to continue on with what we spoke up Sunday, sadly. And our condolences with the Mars family. Nolan, eight-year-old, they pronounced him dead yesterday. He's gone to be with the Lord. And so our sympathies with the family and what they're going through at this time and our prayers are certainly with them. We also will pray for Tim. He's getting ready to go into surgery tomorrow. And for the operation on his neck and his... For his neck and his... Any construction? Yeah, reconstruction of his neck. And we're praying that he's going to continue that he will keep his voice and his taste. That's one of the big concerns for him. He's really positive. He's confident. He's going in there like a warrior. So we will continue to pray for him. Anything else we have tonight? Belinda, because she did do something with her neck in the accident. So she is having some issues. Okay. Belinda, an accident that's her niece. Yes, I just had recently had a... She was an automobile accident. And she's functional right now, but she's going through some pains. Her name is Belinda. What sort of needs? If we can be with her on that. Okay. And Gail from our church. And real sick. Text me on the way up that she was feeling some better tonight. They was trying to get them to come with us before she's just been out of it. She didn't even come to church Sunday. Well, we'll pray for her. Gail and Linda. And I say this is a bad time for Linda. And Linda's Georgia's Mrs. First Lady. And it's nice to have George with us here tonight. And so we will keep these in our prayers and along with our other presidents. Let's turn to the Lord in prayer. Father in heaven, we thank you for this evening. We thank Heavenly Father for our time together. We pray Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit this night. To work through the speaker. We pray Heavenly Father for the... As the service goes out, that it will be... That the Holy Spirit will work on the discernment of the hearts of those who hear it. We pray Heavenly Father that everything that we teach here. Everything that the Holy Spirit is presenting. That it will be a source of blessing and challenge for those who... Who's listening in. And for those there and those who are listening in. We pray these things in Christ's name. Amen. All right. We are... We are on our way in the book of Revelation. But we're going to go on to the side series. And we can say it started off on Sunday. But the side series is a survey through the Bible. It's not going to take us years to get through it. But it is the... I'll call this road to Revelation. And the road to Revelation is setting up the foundation. Or setting up when we're coming into Revelation. Remember that we're coming into the end game. We're coming into the culmination of all history. We're coming into a place where... And again, let me remind you that Revelation is not about doom and gloom. We know that. And Revelation is about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, to those if you are an unbeliever, if you're unsafe, and you're going to... And it's just on your heart that you're going to stay that way. Well, it's going to be doom and gloom for you, I promise, if you're going to be here for that. But for those that are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is victory. It is victory. It's going to be a time when... Because the things that are weighing on our hearts are the way the world is right now and the evil and stuff. And there are the questions about how long, Lord, how long are you going to allow the woke stuff to keep going? How long are you going to allow human trapping? How long are you going to allow evil to be evil? I don't understand, Lord. You are so good and you're so right and you're righteous and you're just. And I'm getting so tired of proclaiming the people that's just mocking your name. When are you going to come, Lord? And are we going to hear from you? And the Lord says, you're going to hear from me. You will hear from me. Let me remind you that same guy that spoke from the mountains of Sinai. That same guy, that same voice, that same... That made the Israelites. I bet you there was a lot of them who went their pants. They were frightened. They were terrified. So terrified, they went to Moses and said, "Moses, you talk." "You talk to them and we'll listen to you." They were terrified. This same guy. Mind you, that Jesus was the very one. You know when he was in the garden and he said, "Father, let this cup pass from me. Not my will, but your will be done." And I'm convinced that it wasn't about what we was going to. Out of the beatings, it wasn't about the nail into the cross. It wasn't that. What frightened the Lord so bad was the fact that he was going to have to face the justice of his father. Let this cup pass from me. That's coming. That is coming. If everything that the Lord said was going to come upon his own person, that he was going to go to the cross, that he was going to die, that he was going to rise again. If everything, if all that, and you know, George, you've been through it. You've talked about the odds of many just a few of these proxies coming through and they all came through. Just as a scripture, lean it out. Then can we be absolutely confident there's going to be a day and it's called the great and terrible day of the Lord. And in fact, just let me correct the thinking. We often have a habit of calling Sundays in the first day, "Wait the day of the Lord." That's not the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is when the Lord is coming back. And that's, you know, it's a great day and it's a terrible day. It's not going to be a day when we're going to be skipping off the church and everything. But all that, where we're going to set up and coming through the survey of the Bible, we are going to, we're going to set this up or the scripture is going to set this up. Because the Bible, we spoke about the Bible Sunday and we said it was 66 books. And for those that say, well, it's a, you can't trust the Bible because this or whatever your reason is. Because written by man, we said Sunday is 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. And it was written by 40 different authors over 1500 years. And yet the Bible has perfect continuity from Genesis to Revelation. And by the time we get to Revelation, every prophecy, every prophecy, every type, every sin will be answered for. And everything is going to be brought to its completion. Okay, so where we, so we pick up with on your notes, you might be at page four. And that's where we're going to start tonight. Genesis one one in the beginning God. And can, first of all, a phenomenal statement. I mean, it's a profound statement because they were not. It's not a question when, when this was written, it was written for the Israelites. They knew very well who their God was. First question I have for you tonight, can anything be of its own cause? Can anything come out of nothing? And this is but one of the arguments of the existence of God because there was always in existence. There was always a, there was always in existence. There was never a time when it wasn't exist because God has always existed. God preceded everything. God is eternal. And there never was a time when God did not exist. The beginning was really not the beginning. The beginning was not for the beginning of God. The beginning was the beginning of these things, the beginning of time, the beginning of history. So in the existence past there is God and he existed in the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You see, how do we know? This God is alive. And God has to have an object. The person of God, you got three persons, you got one essence, you got one guy, and you got three persons. And what makes a person? Let me ask you a question. What makes a person? Intelligence. Okay. First of all, a person has to have an intellect. A person has to have an intellect. Number two. Sensibility. Yes, sensibility. He has a sensibility that he has a... And then number three. Okay. Sensibility is he's a rational creature. Volition. Volition. Determination of choice. He makes choices. Or she. That was what makes a person. Three things that makes a person. Intellect, sensibility, and the determination of choice. And so God is a rational creature, and he's got three. So in one God, there are three distinct persons, identifiable persons. There is the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And God the Father has the perfect love for God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Son has perfect love for the Father and for the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Likewise. So you've got three different persons in one essence, and it always existed. So in the existed past, there was God. There is God today. God is a Trinity to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And the end of beginning takes account that the reader already knows that of God. And. And he turned you past. It is God that all things came from Colossians 1 16. Colossians 1 16 through 17. For by him, all things were created. Both in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through him. And for him, he is before all things and him all things were created. And so the being that God is infinitely and eternally righteous. And they'll. And so when we say that in the beginning, God and God always existed. There was a beginning. Just send an evil. How did that? You know Isaiah, and George, you know, Isaiah, you know that Isaiah, I think it's Isaiah 45. I could be wrong, but it says they paraphrasing that God created evil. God created evil. There was, there could be no evil. There could be no sin apart from what God did. What did God do? Well, in the attorney path, he created a creature that was also a person. He created the angels. The angels had intellect. They had sensibility, rational creatures, and they had a determination of choice. Now, if God never did that, if he never created something, then there would be no potential of sending evil because God is a good God. Now, why? Why did God create? The thing is, why did God create the angels? This might be a just over the floor, but I'm not going to say you're right or wrong on these things. Why did he create? I might say you're wrong if he said to serve him. To be the dominion over him. He didn't have to. He didn't have to create him. God is self-sustaining. This is a good question. Yes, because he had a plan. He had a plan? Well, he got a plan not for you. He had to bring to the end direction. If we say, "Bring Lord to him," I would say amen to that. Bring Lord to him because if somebody says, "Oh, he created angels to serve him." Would that be right? He didn't need service. He didn't need service. He didn't need anyone. Here's a profanity for you. God don't need you. And when we're saying that we're doing things for God, God don't need you. He created these creatures. And I could probably hit it right there for his glory. But he created these creatures. For whatever reason, he created them. And gave them this wonderful thing called volition. And what is volition? It's a wonderful gift. It is the most treasured gift outside salvation that God has given you. And the creatures, the angels. Because what does it do? Volition gives us, or the creature, the ability to give God something that he doesn't take for himself. That is our love, our devotion, our obedience. God created the angels. He created them to worship him and to obey him. This opens up the possibility of sin and evil, which would not have had its place apart from God creating volition into the creature. Because if he has the ability to obey, he also has the ability to discipline. If he has the ability to love, he can also have the ability to not love. To walk in righteousness. It's the lack of righteousness. It's the antithesis of righteousness. You know, when God created these things, he created the principle of opposites. Everything has a corresponding opposite. There's an up, you've got to have it down. You can't have an up and out of down. You have an up and out. You've got light. You've also got dark. So there is that corresponding opposite. So when God gave the creature the opportunity to love him, there was a freedom to adore that he did with Adam and Eve adored that they could walk out of the relationship from him, which was outside of the design by which God had created him to be. Thus without God and his designing that possibility, there would be no sin. So who ultimately who created sin, who created evil? What good would it have done to have created something that could only love? How could you show that love? If that was the only thing they could, you've got to be able to not love to show the love. Exactly right. The corresponding opposite. Don't tell me if you do this, but you can program your computer to wake up. And when you push it on in the morning, then it'll come on and it'll be a pretty voice on there. It says, "I love you." And every morning, I love you. You can put a little random thing on there. You know, artificial intelligence and your computer will say, "I love you." Does that have any, you know, you programmed it, that's what it does. You know, does that mean anything? It does not, it doesn't mean a group. But when a creature can love or not love, choose to give his love or to withdraw his love. Now that, you see, just looking a little bit ahead of the thing, when we look at the woman in the garden, both man and woman, some of you might say, "Why did the Lord not fuck that tree? Do you want me to eat from it? Why did he put it up on a high cliff?" You know, every time that the woman passed by that tree, every man passed by that tree, they could look at it and they could want it. They could desire it, but you know, there could be the temptation there, but it's no. My love for God is no. My Lord for whom I love so much, I love him. So I'm not, I'm going to refrain from taking from that tree. And that's the same way with our temptation now. Temptation is not sin. It is something our flesh desires, it's something our carnal nature desires. But when it's outside of God's plan, we just say, "No, I love my God more. You want to get a hand on sin? Love God." You've got, you've got things going on in your life and you're trying to overcome. Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, you're going to find that. You're going to find that you're going to be having a handle on sin because love is going to conquer those temptations. I'm way ahead of myself on that, but that's okay. We're still moving forward. And so with the create, so he created angels. And another thing I want to talk about, about, but God did create your creatures. But he gave them, not to serve him, not to serve him laboriously. And that includes us, but as an expression of loving him. He gives us the privilege. Oh, but we, it boils down to this getting God. Well, I say, "Well, I've got to do something. I've got to do this. I've got to do this." With the word get, they'll change the "oh" and they've got to get this what they get to do. I get to serve God. I get to serve him. Does the Lord need service? Well, let's look at Revelation. And let's go to Revelation 22 with where there is that environment, the culmination of everything. And you look at Revelation 22, then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear and crystal, coming from the throne of God. And of the lamb, in the middle of the street, on either side of the river was the tree of life bearing 12 kinds of fruit, yielding the fruit every month. And the leaves on the tree were for the healing of the nation. There were no longer to be any curse. And the throne of God and the lamb will be in it and his bond service will serve him. And they will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads. What is it? They're slain. So there's going to be slain. Oh, whoa, stop. I thought this was a perfect environment here. I thought, I thought this is 2nd Peter, what is it? Oh, no, 2nd Peter 213, is that or 313? Maybe it's 313. That we're looking for a new heavens, new earth where righteousness dwells. I thought we were in a perfect environment here, but it's called my slavery. We go, we go, got to serve him. We get to serve him. This is a privilege. This is an honor. Let me know a question out after you. And be honest with yourself. Be honest here. And it's in your own heart. Would you rather be the king of the world? Would you rather be a king of the world, the queen of the world? And you've got, you've got your kingdom. You can have your kingdom. Anyway, you want your ruler and what you say goes and you can, you're, you're at the top of the game, the king of the world. Would you rather be a slave to Christ? Slave to Christ. Slave to Christ. Remember, remember Jesus really had this question asked him, didn't he? Genesis chapter 5, and the Satan said, fall down worshiped me. I'll give you all these kingdoms. I'll give you all these things. And Jesus said, no, I'll stay. I'll low, I'll low structure as we recognize. And so here it is. Here it is. We're slaves. Slaves. And we get to serve the Christ. Our, the greater aspect now, now that's not diminishing, that's not every, there are. Remember what, what Jesus said and Matthew 6, 33, speak first to kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. There are promises for those who, there are promises to those who overcome. Those who there will be great, there will be great privileges in heaven. They'll be, they'll be kings, they'll be royalty kings and queens. Remember what Revelation says to a tire tire? Those who overcome, I will give them rulership over nations. They will be uniform of glory. There's going to be those that's going to wear the order of the morning star. There's going to be, let's just say there's rank of privileges above heaven. It's not going to be an equal place. Ladies and gentlemen, there's going to be no, any, it's going to be happy. We're all going to be happy. But some of us are going to be driving BMWs and other people are going to be driving, you know, both ladies. Just, you know, but nonetheless, what we do, I love what, I love what, um, um, gladiator, she's gladiator. No, she's gladiator. Hey, I'm about just there, but there is that line in there that should be written on the back. Should be written on the front wall, back wall. Sometimes Hollywood has the script writers love it. And remember what Russell wrote, Maximus, get ready to lead the chart. He says, what we do in life will echo any eternity. I love that. Because what we do in life, this is the window opportunity that we are going to end, and that when we will stand before the Beymah, the judgment seat of Christ as all Christians, the judgment of Christ to receive what we have done in the body, we see back the recompense. We get paid, folks. That's a good thing. But anyway, off again. So, um, Revelation 22 is a blessing passage in the highest nobility bound in this chapter is the nobility of serving the master. And God loved us so much that he gave us the privilege of serving him a man. The scriptures tells us that there are my reds and my reds of them. I got that word right, George, my reds, my reds, butch up means butch up, bunch of angels can't be counted, all kinds of angels. So, but out of these is crowning work. This was when he created them, he created them good. He created them perfect because no jump comes from the hand comes from, come from God when he, when he coming off this, coming off this assembly line, it's good. And so out of this, he creates his crowning achievement, which is what they and their translation, the morning star. Um, in the, in the, um, Latin volcano. His name is Lucifer. I think King James. Um, translate as Lucifer, but what morning star. Let's look at Ezekiel. You got your Bible. So let's open up to Ezekiel 28 with me. Ezekiel 28, because this gives us a scripture of this most beautiful creature. And I came from the hand of God. And we're going to start with 11. And so this, this narrative, it, um, this narrative starts again, the word of the Lord came to me say son of man. Take up a lamentation of the king of tire and say to him, thus says the Lord. Now, of course, we could get into who the king of tire is at this point, but we'll go on. You had the seal of perfection. Seal of perfection. You were what came from the hand of God because God, the Lord says, I created you. You were perfect. You're full wisdom. This is not human being, folks. This is not a human being. This is, this is a supernatural being that, that is this description full of wisdom. And perfect and beauty. You were in the Eden, the garden of God. Now, let's stop right there. Let's back up just half, half a point. You had seal perfection and full of wisdom and perfect and beauty. Who's admiring this, this creature, this, uh, and it will call him, it will call him the son of morning Lucifer. Same before the fall. He had an admirer. Who was this admirer? God, God was admirer of the, he admired this creature. Why? And the same way that we would, we would admire something. You know, when you make a painting and you paint stately and you've got it all, or when you sculpt your presence. So, so great and you step back and you look at it and you say, well, I did that. That's, you know, that's, you know, that's beautiful. That's, that came from my hands. Well, the Lord, we're, we're just copying what the Lord does. He made this creature and he, and he admires its beauty because it was made to perfection. All right. So, so he's admiring his own work. You had to seal perfection. You're full of wisdom, perfect and beauty because I made you that way. You were in Eden, the Garden of God in the ancients. The high, the high places were, were with the gods hung out. And, and, and God, and also, you know, the gods hung out in gardens and beautiful. And this was the mindset of, of man. And so here's description. It's God's garden. And he had this creature, this creature that he's so loved. And they had Cornynia. What's Cornynia? Fellowship had fellowship with this, this creature, you know, and they won't. They talk. You were in Eden, the Garden of God. Every precious stone was the covering. The ruby, the toe past it and the diamond, the barrel, the oxen and the jackpere. And then just for us, literally, how do you say that, George? Largely, I never could. The toy toys, the emerald and the, and the gold of your workmanship, of your settings and sockets was in you on the day that you were created. What, what does these stones represent? These were the stones that were in the, in the, um, priestly, the priestly garment. So we can assume that he, here it was that the morning star, Lucifer, that worship. I can, I can assume that by his appearance here on the day, on the day that they were created. They were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God and you walked in the midst of the stones of fire. I believe there was a covenant there. I think that's what that means. There was a covenant between God and this creature. You were blameless in your ways. It was no, no fault in you from the day you were created. What until unrighteousness was found in you. God didn't put the unrighteousness in them. That unrighteousness came from the, the, um, the misuse of that volition. And what was, what was that first sin. And first sin was arrogance. He believed the press reports. You see, and how arrogance is the lofty view of some. How, how do we become arrogant? When we take the eye, our eyes off the source. Of our blessing. When we take our eyes off. Of. And view ourselves in the light of our own value system. We set our own value system. And to meet that value system, we say, how great am I because I meet my own value system. Rather than looking beyond ourselves and looking at God and how God looks at us. Arrogance. You got a cheap value system there. In our own eyes, we are nothing. And if that's how you value yourself. That I'm a value because I'm this and I'm that and all about this and I've got this down and I've got this. You're nothing. Your value system, though, where earth is going to be destroyed and all the works in it. Until we begin to view ourselves as God views us and God's value system. I'm a value because the creator of the universe. The one who created everything out of nothing. And he created man lastly. Remember, we said that it was that that's the greatest romance story of all. God created and he said everything in place before he invited man. So I had a value because God, we went over a little bit mentioned evolution. The teaching of our schools and our schools. How dare they? Because the teaching of schools, it's nothing to shrug your shoulders about. That's just somebody's opinion. No, it's not. They're telling your children that they have no value whatsoever because there is no God. There is no God to love them and to value them. And so your value system is dependent upon this world. How fast you run, how your talent, how well you play ball or what happens when you don't have none of these things. What happens when you're the ugly duckling and you have nothing that this world, no value to this world? When you recognize that there's a God and my value system isn't about the value system of this world. It's about who and what God is and how he sees me. So what did Satan do? He got his eyes off of God in that he's a special creature because of God and how God loved him. And he began to admire his own attributes outside of God and separate God from the glory of everything that he had. He was a model perfection. God did not create Satan, a dominion ruler over hell. You can get that out of your mind right now. He created God, he created Satan and that anointed chair. He was a special among all the angels. But when Satan became special in his own eyes, separate from God, that's when sin was found in him. Let's go to Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 14. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 13. Am I there? Let's go to 12. How you have fallen from heaven all star of the morning, son of the dawn. You have been cut down to earth. You who have been weakened the nations. But you said in your heart, I will listen to this. I will send to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on my mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will send above the heights of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high. Nevertheless, stop right there. What's the most two words in this? I will. I will. When spoken by man, it can be arrogance. When it's spoken by God, there are two most powerful words in the Bible along with I am. You take a look and compare that with Genesis chapter 11. And you see the you see the arrogance there. All right, nevertheless, you will be thrust down. This is this is now God speaking. You will be thrust down a shield in the recesses of the bed. Those who see you gaze upon you and they will ponder saying. Is this the man who made the air tremble who shook the kingdoms? Who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew the city? Did not allow this prisoner to go home? All the kings of the nation lied to each in his own tomb. But you have been cast out of your tomb. Like a rejected branch, both with a slain boot. Our pierce was a sword who go down to the stones and the pit. Like a trampled corpse. That day is coming, ladies and gentlemen, a day is certainly coming. The first sin that befell the creature who was so blessed by God became arrogant, which is a lofty view of self. And you know what? And again, I'll repeat this. There was a rebellion in heaven that I foresee prior to the creation of man. I believe that the earth, there was a prehistoric earth. I believe that earth was headquarters of Satan and his angels. We would take a lot more expounding on that. Maybe not a lot more expounding, but I believe that I believe we are in such of an invasion. I believe in Genesis chapter one in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And verse two is, and the earth became void, empty, dark. Why? Because as a picture of judgment, a judgment came upon this earth. It was inhabitable at that point. Why? Not because God created it that way, but judgment came upon it. I believe there was a big court trial in heaven, and in that trial, Satan and those who followed him were pronounced guilty. I like a fire was formed for them. And Satan was probably the first one, because you've heard the statement before. You've heard it. And he probably pointed his evil finger at God at the Lord. And he said, you call yourself a loving God. How can a loving God cast his creatures into a lake of fire? It goes in very well. We'll show you. Not to show you. I'm going to show you and jump because all the angelic creatures are sitting around learning. Angels learn. Angels don't know everything. And the elect angels are hearing the argument. And they're sitting there, they're watching you. How is the Lord going to handle this? And he, in that dark, judged world under the, under the frozen tundra of the water that covered the earth. And that darkness. He said that, that could be light. And the sixth, and then subsequent six days, he laid out. He recreated. He re is, he re instituted the world. He said it apart. It was the first picture of redemption that we see. And he said it apart. And when he created everything so good. Then on the last creative work that he did, he created man. Let me show you. Because he's going to reintroduce the, how he, how man, given volition, as we talked about earlier, he will use that volition. Not that God says, not that God planned or ordained him to sin, but man will sin. He will step out, but rather than judge him, he's going to show his love through redeeming man to the greatest sacrifice. That's, and with that, we will pick that up on Sunday and on our next lesson on the road to revelation. Again, we're going to go through the Bible through the Bible quick survey that brings us to, to revelation. And again, it may also include another series on Daniel quick series. All right, we've got on that. We've got a few questions for you. I've got, if I can find my other, let me see that. You know, I've got more than that. There's another peach sitting over there. No, right there. Yes. Great search. There we go. We got six. All right, number one. All right. Back, I'll give you this one. The Bible was written over. Blank, different writers. Written bot should be written by over how many writers. Over the course of how many years. I was written over 40 different writers. Okay. Or the course of 1500 years 1500 years. And remember there are all different backgrounds, three different continents. And why is this important? Why is this important? Why is this important to know that? What do you do with it? Okay, fine. It's fun facts. You get fun facts 40 different hours, 1500 years, different continents. What, what do you do with this? The history. It gives a validation of. I've never changed. God never changes. It's going to demonstrate. You're going to be asked about how can I believe the Bible? Some people will, you won't change their mind. But some will be just regurgitating the things they've heard. It's going to be important to talk somebody. Those who are legitimately curious about, you know, how can I believe the Bible? It may be a legitimate answer. George, how can I believe the Bible is written by man? And some of these aren't attacking the Bible. It's just what they've always heard. So when you can start out, say this. And like I said, Sunday, you ask them. You're, you don't cut them off at the knees. Ask them questions. Talk to them. Show some respect to them. Because if you respect them and you're, and you're asking, and asking questions. Then at some point you can say, Hey, you know, let me do. Did you know that the Bible was written by over 40 different authors? It took over 1500 years to write. And, and it's, and those writers did. So 1500 years, they were different backgrounds. They came from three, three different continents. They came from cults, different cultures. Some were kings, some were peasants, some were, some were slaves. Some were fishermen and there was a doctor there. All the, and yet the Bible is, is like one narrative from, from Genesis, Revelation. That's a miracle. You know? So that's, you know, so you're bringing somebody into it and exposing how the miraculous thing about the Bible. So that's, that's just a start. Be ready for that question because you're going to get it. Yes, sir. When I was in college, my history professor was not a believer. And we were talking about Gilgamesh. And then he said, well, you know, Gilgamesh, it's just a story here of Noah. He said, you know, every people in the world, they have their own, you know, game is their own Noah. And that just brings that it's not true. I raised my hand and I said, correct, please, it is true. Because every single person alive came through Noah. Many years later, I was chairman of the department of county commission of higher education. That professor represented the school there. And he came to me and he said, what do you say changed me? He said, I'm in church. I just 30 years later. He said, I'm in church every Sunday because I realized I had looked at his screen wrong. Amazing story. The absolutely. I celebrated when I read the paper that he had died, that he came to me and was telling me. I loved Jesus. Because he'd show you now for so many years as a kid. Yeah, now seeking you'll find and that's our job. You know, ours is not running off and hiding, hiding from even in a dark world. But there are people who, you know, apologetics. There's a place for apologetics and there are people who have a lot of baggage. And if we're there to give an answer for the hope that's found in us, it's beautiful. But that's, that's exactly that. We must be prepared for the battle. We must be prepared. And it's not a battle, really. Sometimes it's a battle. If it's a battle and you don't want to know, that's fine. I'm not going to cast my proof or swine. But when I get somebody, that's like I said, I'll get somebody out of blue. And this happens, I know it happens to you. I don't know if it happened to you back there. And I might now, if it happened to you and somebody come out of blue and they'll say, well, you know, I just don't believe the Bible because it was written by me. I'll tell you another one. If I had a girl that I was working in her apartment, she was getting ready to go to the beach. And she was, she was part of me, but she was blonde. And to me, she was one of us. Okay. That's blonde. That kind of blonde. And I, I, I, I prejudged her. And she was running around getting ready to go off to the beach. And where did it come from? She goes, you know, I just can't believe that Noah's story. About the flood and all that, you know, that just adds heart. I'm sitting there. I'm a long technician. Why is she telling me this? And I can, and I was able to talk to her. I was able to witness to her, you know, I'm using the, the, the historical count of the park. And it was, it was wonderful. I was question one, by the way, George, I'm going to give you this question. And Terry, Terry, I'm going to give you three and four. So unmute yourself if you're there. George, what is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls? You can say it in your own words. I've got a multiple choice there, but. They just proved the Bible. We know it. We know it. Unbelieved the entire book of Isaiah was found. There. We had parts of revelation that they found that just cleared up. It's amazing. Amazing. I just wish. We should see all of it. That was, um, and on that, on that note too. Um, the, um, the scrolls prove the credibility of the Bible. That's exactly what, because what they did, you have the argument also that you can't trust the Bible because it was written so many years and so many hands touch it. And so, so what we have now, you can't trust it. And I'll always love that coming back to that because it's usually the same argument. I said, do you ever hear about Dead Sea Scrolls? It was discovered. And by the way, by the way, Hey, Aaron. I'm here. No, we hear you in the background. Okay. Sorry. But we have, um, the, the Dead Sea Scrolls. Um, you know, somebody said, do you ever hear about the Dead Sea Scrolls? And, um, yeah, side note here. I'm going to run a little bit over on this. So George, you can't believe it. Side note here, I didn't realize this. And, um, and Mike actually said that that George Witten brought it up last week. You remember Sunday, I said that the, um, Dead Sea Scrolls, I thought it was 48 that they were just, they were, they were, um, discovered, not 47. They were discovered in 47, the Dead Sea Scrolls were, and they found them in the cave of Quram. You know what happened in 1948? Israel becomes a state. Here comes the Word of God. Israel comes to state. Amen. The, the, um, the thing about the Dead Sea Scrolls is that is the oldest manuscript has stated on the 3rd century. And after investigation, they realized that there was no significant changes in all of these. Over 2000 years, uh, in 2000 years, no significant changes. The, we can trust the Bible that we, amen. All right. Um, okay, Terry. Who was the author of the first five books of the Bible? Uh, Moses? Moses. Yes, Moshe, there, there. I say God. Okay. God, well, the Bible is a hypostatic. Okay. Man, God and man together. And that's a miracle in itself, by the way. Yeah. That God can use broken and infallible man. And, and we're at the Bible. Terry, can you tell me what the first five books of the Bible live or? I got you on the spot, don't I? Yeah, you do. Okay. First book. Oh, you got Genesis. This is your first book. Okay. Okay. So you have Genesis in the beginning. You got the Exodus. Exodus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. Yeah. Deuteronomy is second law. Don't get, don't get, um, been out of shape with, with, um, when, when Moses dies before the end of the book, that's no problem. This is somebody finishes up probably as well or somebody. All right. Michael, you there? He went to bed early because he's leaving at like three o'clock in the morning. Oh, bless his getting on the road early heart. By the way, we need to pray for Mike in his travel of mercy. Okay. Um, back to you, Becca, who wrote the last book of the Bible. John. The Apostle John. The Apostle John. He wrote the bar. And where do you write it at? That's. He was on the, well, interesting that I was telling you about this. He was on the island of. Yeah. But he, when. He did bring back to mind why he was on the island. So he did do writing off the. After the fact after the visions that he had. Okay. Very good. I like it. So preach. All right, George. What does the Bible say? Was God's purpose for creating men? We went over this Sunday. To bring many sons. And the Lord. That's right. We remember where that came from. What passage. Anybody? Hebrew. Hebrew chapter two verse 10. Yeah. Not to bring many sons in the glory. All right. Come back to you, Terry. What qualified are that? I don't know if you were here with us earlier. What qualified any being for being a person. Um. Uh, intellect, sensitivity, and volition. Very good. Very good. Um, and, um, Volition and personal, personal responsibility, determination, choice, free will. Very important to our lives. Um, it gives us the ability to give to God. What God doesn't take for himself. And that's our love, our devotion, our obedience. Okay. Come back to you, Terry. Our back. How does the creature express this love for God? Being students of the Lord. Stuart said the word. Um, no. That's more. That's better. Yeah. Well, it would be the, um, I see. What is it? Reframing from sin, being served servants of the world, loving one fellow man or a service. Service. I say reframing from sin. I don't know. It's bad. It's bad on there. It's reframing. But that's not your spiritual life. How? Or how do we know that we love God? Let me put it out. How do we know that we love God? Obedience. Which will be when we obey his commandments and his commandments are not virgin. All right. I'm sorry. I thought that said. So I could have put obedience there. Obedience would have been better answered. I thought that said word. But, um, but then we could also talk. I think it goes even go beyond obedience when we can argue that one. All right. Come back to you, George. What was Satan's name prior to rebellion? I'm going to skip that because I would have to go through a. 30 minutes sermon on that one. So I'm going to. All right. All right. We're going to go. I would call that morning star. The morning star. Or Lucifer. But Christ said at one time, I am the morning star. I am the morning star. Okay. We've been working on that one. So we're going to say here. When you were reading. How have you fallen because we look in the. Yeah. But we took it and it has to do with the translation. So Richard and I have been going over that and did a series on the. You can help me on that one. I'm there. Yeah. So I carry. What was the first sin? Aragans. Aragans. Absolutely. What is arrogance there? Being full of yourself. Okay. Okay. A lofty view of self. A lofty view of self. And I thought you could also easily say eyes off God. Eyes on self. Also, let me make it clear. That self pity. And self abasement. Taking lower of yourself. Then what you want is arrogance. Yeah. But when you think in light of how God views you, then that's humility. And so we do not think too high of herself. We do not think so low of ourselves. Paul said that. I forget. I forget the verse. Do not think more of yourself. Yeah, he said do not think more of yourself than what you bought. Okay, there's an all in there. You know, there is a certain view of self that. And we don't have to dismiss. Okay. I think going back to your Satan. I think they're saying their preach on Sunday. Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. He had a close absolute power. It's anything to be much more than any king could have. You're on earth. But and he fell. And he fell to that corruption. And that's the same thing Adam did. Because what God. Because what God does is he sets up the same scenario. Yes. With Adam. And I'm not saying Adam anymore. I'm saying Adam because sin came into the world not when Adam and Eve sin. When Adam sin. All men sin passed on. He had a dominion ruler. He had dominion rule over the. Previous previous things to come. He had dominion rule. Adam had rule everything. But God did not make an independent agent. He was still about a need to God. God is sovereign and God doesn't share that sovereignty. You know that there's nothing that can be equal with God. Amen. All right. Ten. Who we are back reading Isaiah 14. Remember the arrogance of. Which describes the arrogance of saying what are the two words that will stand out in this passage. I will. I will. I will. And then I'll come back over to George when you read Genesis chapter 11. What is Genesis chapter 11? Anybody. Tower Bible. Tower Bible. When you read Tower Bible. What stands out in that passage. I would say that it was man trying to be gone. Man. Elevating himself. What do you want to say? Did they say we will? Well, look at this. Go to 11. I meant to look. I didn't know what. Because the sinful man will mimic Satan. And he will also mimic Satan's words. He will mimic Satan's actions. He will mimic Satan's attitude. It's just like the Lord. Or our Lord Jesus calling the Pharisees. Brood of diapers. They came. Looking at the origin. Genesis chapter 11. Now the whole earth. He used the same language, the same word. It was about as the journey east. And they found a plane on the land of Shunar. And settled there in George. You know why that plane was in Shunar? They'd handle pilot fire. Verse 3. They said to one another. Come. Look at this. Come. Let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly. And they used bricks for stone. And they used tar for mortar. Mortar. And they said, come. Let us build for ourselves a city. And the power that would reach into heaven. And let us make for ourselves a name. Otherwise, we will be scattered abroad over the face of the earth. That's beautiful. You know, that makes the point. A name is that arrogance makes a name for myself. To exceed exclusion. And it's almost going all the way to where at the end of Revelation. God says, come. And when he get calm. They're doing this. Come. Let us. You know, so they're mimicking just like Satan. The arrogance. Absolutely. It's a mimicking Satan. And folks, we're all, Terry said, we're arrogance is full of ourselves. And we all are. When we come into how do we get over that? How do we get over ourselves? Same thing I talked about earlier, how we get over sin. Because as we draw near to God, James says, draw near to God. He would draw near to you. And the bigger our God is. Smaller we are in our own eyes. And then the greater, greater our value system is because, yeah, I made you small. But I'm loved with a perfect love by this great and beautiful, wonderful God. George, you want to get us out of here? God, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to be in your house to worship you, praise you, honor you. To study your word, to learn so that I can go out and tell others about my Jesus. God, I'm just so fearful, fearful that you're going to give me an opportunity to witness it. I'm going to miss it. That's why we need to study. We need to study the Bible. To learn so that we can tell others. Now that who quite God is done in our lives, let them figure there what God can do in theirs. God be with us as we got through the rest of the week. Be with us as we prepare for next Sunday in Jesus name we pray. Amen, amen, amen. And if I may, let me just close our PS on that please. Father in heaven be with my Lord, my travel mercies, be with, be with Terry in the home and has your protection around the home. Keep it safe. I pray Heavenly Father certainly this evening for the Mars family and the loss of little Nolan. We praise you Heavenly Father and light. We also praise you in death. And we as Job said that the Lord giveth in the Lord takes the weight, blessed be the name of the Lord. We love you Heavenly Father. We don't know the why is it a house and your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are greater than our thoughts. But we praise you and the good and the hurtful. We also pray for Tim as he's going into surgery tomorrow. We ask Heavenly Father to be with him and be with the doctors. And I pray Heavenly Father that he will maintain his taste, his taste buds after it's all through as well as his ability to speak. Heavenly Father thank you for your love and do you think we pray in Christ's name? Amen. Alright, very nice to have you with us. George, nice to have him. Sorry I was late. I was clean and stalls. Well, what's that? What's that, ma'am? She's sorry late. She was clean and stalls. Okay. Okay. Let me go stop over here. Let's see. We've got a couple of stops here. One more.