The Narrative Podcast

Episode 370- The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.

Let's change the Narrative!

Visit the virtual online bookstore on and purchase my original book of poetry "The Black Card" purchase "The Black Card" today or get your black card revoked!

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hallziespoetrycorner: Poetry with a passion. Poetry for all occasions.™

2h 33m
Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Did you know a 2018 study showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual. When I was four months pregnant, I couldn't find a prenatal I could trust. So I created my own. Ours is matraceable, third-party tested for heavy metals, and recently earned the Purity Award from the Clean Label Project. But don't just take my word for it. Get 25% off at [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. [Music] Pays, Pays, Pays family, what's good, what's good. Welcome to another edition of the narrative podcast. The narrative podcast is the home of original people. Peace, original people, reciprocity, and original people positivity. The narrative podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture. Welcome to the narrative podcast and I am your host Halsey Allen. Welcome all my narrators. All right, got a pretty decent show for you tonight. So yeah, welcome to the narrative podcast. How's everybody doing on this terrific Tuesday? So first and foremost, you know, what's everybody's plans and goals? Are you gearing up for, you know, the Super Bowl? Are you making plans already? I've been hearing a lot of buzz and a lot of talk about the Super Bowl and panels and such. I'm not going to get into that tonight, but at some point, we will touch on that. But like I said, I got a pretty good show for you this evening. So on my narrators, they're my target listening audience and my people that tune in on a regular basis. So they're already familiar with the narrative podcast, the format, and the way I present the content on here. But for all new people, how I generally start things off is I promote all my projects that I got going on. Then I walk you through a synopsis of the narrative podcast, so you'll have a full context of the content of the platform and, you know, what you'll be experiencing during the podcast. And then, of course, diving in right on into the content after that. So without any further ado, I'm going to kick things off with a promotional plug and promote all my current projects. But before diving into that, you know, I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to give a moment of silence for the most. Now, I ain't going to even say one of the most, the most prolific iconic actor this century in the profession of acting has just recently passed, not just within our community, but just an actor in general. And I don't think there's too many people that will argue that point how dynamic and, you know, adaptable and the versatile skill set he had when it came to the craft of acting. And then, unless you've been living under a rock, I'm talking about the incomparable Mr. James Earl Jones, he just recently passed. He was 93 years young. So there hasn't been any sources to say the exact cause of death, but it's believed to be natural causes. He was like 93. James Earl Jones definitely did not receive as much roses as he deserved. I personally, for those that listened to my platform, gave him the narrative podcast spotlight, 10, a little over 20 episodes ago. And that's a portion of my, you know, weekend format, my weekend version of the narrative podcast in the section I call the spotlight section and then what I do in that section is a spotlight prominent figures within our community. That's basically a positive reinforcement section, but yeah, I spotlighted Mr. Jones, you know, over 20 episodes ago here on the narrative podcast when he was living so it's a shame I never got to actually interview the guy. He's just like, I'm just at a loss for words because he was so just multifaceted, multi-talented, that balmy voice that he had just commanded each scene. He was in and just, you know, transform the landscape of every project that, you know, he was ever in. There's not too many acting talents like that. One of my favorite films of James Earl Jones was an actual wasn't actually a film is more like a play. Fences, his, you know, which is trending going super viral right now but I liked it even before then his portrayal. His portrayal as Troy Maxson opposite Courtney B. Vance like that was just ground shaking theater like no disrespect to Denzel Washington. He definitely did his thing without question Denzel is like one of the greatest actors but, you know, he doesn't hold a candle to James Earl Jones. There will never be another James Earl Jones ever. He was like not only the best in our community to ever do it, he's one of the best to ever do it period. For our community though, why this is such a devastating loss because he was just like the visual. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream, collect a rent, and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings. Oh, no free tenants are for the information, at least a collection should be on the page. Sound complicated? Renners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best in class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to Renners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners Warehouse. Have you heard about the 2018 study that showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? No. Well, now you have. I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual, the company making traceability the new standard in the supplement industry. I remember staring at my prenatal vitamins and finding all these things I was trying to avoid. High amounts of heavy metals, synthetic colorants, and unnecessary ingredients. So, at four months pregnant, I quit my job and started ritual. Because I believe that all women deserve to know what they're putting in their bodies and why. I'm so proud of our prenatal vitamin. The ingredients are 100% traceable, it's third-party tested for microbes and heavy metals, and recently received the purity award from the Clean Label Project. You see, we trace like a mother because, let's be honest, no one cares quite like a mother. But don't just take my word for it, trace for yourself with 25% off at Epidomy of masculinity, there weren't too many rows that he embodied that were, like, in feminine. There weren't too many rows he embodied that were, like, where he was portraying a criminal or, you know, a despot or, you know, something stereotypical. Nearly all the characters he portrayed in his acting career were strong, upright, dignified, and, you know, having strong moral character. And so, that's a rarity. He didn't go for the easy but. You know, to be back then, he grew up, you know, he grew up in the south. So, you know, he experienced all types of racism in the industry, but he made, like, you know, from the '40s on up into now, up into the 2000s. You know, we're never going to see that again. The only person I can write off my head, it comes remotely close to his tenure as an actor is probably, like, Keith David, because he got that really balmy voice too. You know, my personal favorites was obviously, you know, like I said, fences, another good one of his that I liked was the River Niger. Personal one. I used to enjoy watching with my now departed mother. We used to, like, Claudine, Claudine, really good film, spoke to our people about that era and a whole lot of narratives in that film still exist today. You know, about the welfare mother, you know, what we was going through during welfare, like, you know, the woman of the house had to hide her wealth, couldn't, you know, have be with the man. This is like, you know, they put it in the movie, like, how they was doing our people. You know, and he bought that, made the character super believable. He was a sought-or-the-earth guy. His character was a trash man. And then you had the very lovely, always classy Miss Irene Caron. She's never, you know, did anything questionable in her. You know, film career, when she was alive, she was like the, you know, the visual representation for femininity, for elegance, for class. Even that character, she portrayed in Claudine. You know, she had a, you know, she was in the ghetto. She was riding public transportation in the work. But her character still, you know, cared about her outward appearance, her grooming, and still carried her stuff with elegance in class. And so that's what's missing in the culture is, you know, strong, moral fiber. But James Earl Jones definitely embodied that. Not only embodied it, he personified that. It didn't go long traveling all-stars, where it was opposite Billy B. Williams, and that was another great win. And then I'm just naming all my favorite projects, but, you know, the man had a resume out of this world. Another one I liked, two more that I really enjoyed. This is kind of like lower tier movies, but he's still in the scenes that he was in. He bought it like no other, which is like a martial arts affiliate called Best of the Best. And then it was real kind of corny, and like you're not going to like the overtones of it, the racial overtones, because it's about a white guy in blackface. But soul man, his character and soul man, like that was epic, like James Earl Jones has got a history of taking really like crappy movies and like driving over the top. Even his portrayal in Meteor Man, I think that's where we really got the tickets sold in Meteor Man, because they had a pretty diverse cast. Talent wise, there was a whole lot of people. I think even like in hip hop, you know, another bad creation. I believe that was Big Daddy Kane's acting debut. I believe, I don't know for sure, but all kinds of talent in Meteor Man, but I think he just had a little bite part that had him in this ridiculous high top fade to pay. But I think his presence in that movie is what gave it enough traction to even get a budget, his attachment to it. Because without him in it, we probably would have never got a glimpse at a black superhero in the early 90s, because in the early 90s, that movie was needed. Gang violence was at an all time high in America. There was all kind of geo social political issues within our community. It wasn't getting addressed. Zero to no inclusion in movies, television, etc. Not much has changed, but, you know, James Earl Jones definitely helped turn the tide and bring awareness to a whole lot of what's going on in the world. And he will be, you know, missed forever. It's like, you know, everybody in America is losing like a father figure right now. So we're going to give a warm, we're going to give a moment of silence to this veteran actor all around Entertainer, extraordinaire, you know, Mr. James Earl Jones, Rest in Power Breading, you know, I was fortunate enough to witness his career from the 80s all the way up until now. So I would have liked to have met him in life, but, you know, that's cool that I got to, you know, observe him from a distance. We want to give a warm, not a warm part of me, a moment of silence before I dive into promotion section. Rest in Power Breading, Rejective Love, Light, Healing, Energy. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is, until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy, list the property on rental sites, and schedule Kelli Showings. Sound complicated? We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-944 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runnerswarehouse. Have you heard about the 2018 study that showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? No. Well, now you have. I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual, the company making traceability the new standard in the supplement industry. I remember staring at my prenatal vitamins and finding all these things I was trying to avoid. High amounts of heavy metals, synthetic colorants, and unnecessary ingredients. So, at four months pregnant, I quit my job and started ritual. Because I believe that all women deserve to know what they're putting in their bodies and why. I'm so proud of our prenatal vitamin. The ingredients are 100% traceable, it's third-party tested for microbes and heavy metals, and recently received the purity award from the Clean Label Project. You see, we trace like a mother because, let's be honest, no one cares quite like a mother. But don't just take my word for it. Trace for yourself with 25% off at So are your loved ones you've left behind? Are your colleagues and people that knew of you and experienced you? And was fortunate to be in your presence, so, you know, you really lost a good talent. So yeah, starting things off. The first thing I would like to promote is the podcast itself, obviously. The narrative podcast, the way you can support the narrative podcast is to download this episode. In all previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast. And the best way you can do that is to follow me on YouTube and to also follow me on X. And you want to follow me on those two mediums because this platform that I'm broadcasting on automatically uploads episodes of the narrative podcast to both of those mediums as soon as I'm done recording. So, you know, for my instructions for YouTube, you got to obviously subscribe to my YouTube channel, which is basically my user channel. I don't have a channel just dedicated exclusively for the narrative podcast content. But follow me on YouTube to my viewer channel. I'm Horsey Allen, and you want to click the subscribe button, the notification button all, and you will be notified about the latest upload of the narrative podcast. You'll get it in your alerts. And then also to access the episodes of the latest episode of the narrative podcast, go to my videos. You will see every last episode of the narrative podcast all in chronological order provided YouTube, you know, doesn't delete them upon, you know, uploading. On my end, it doesn't show the videos has been being deleted. So that's why you need to subscribe to my viewer channel so you can be notified as soon as the video gets uploaded. I don't know if you're taking them down because I should have way more views than what I got. But I don't think they are because on my end it still shows each and every episode. So I'm Horsey Allen on YouTube at Horsey, H-A-L-L-Z-Y-J-9 lowercase i on YouTube. So that's my handle on YouTube. Subscribe to my viewer channel. Go to my videos and you will see every last episode of the narrative podcast all in chronological order. So download, well, you can't download it from YouTube. How you can support on YouTube besides subscribing to my channel is to obviously hit the like button, which is the thumbs up button. Comment on the episode and then share the episode of the narrative podcast to, you know, whatever platform that you enjoy sharing content to. And that's how you support the narrative podcast on YouTube. And then how you support the narrative podcast on Twitter, formerly X, is you go to my Twitter channel, which is Horsey Allen. And then when you get there, I stay good at Horsey Allen. I'm still not sure about, you know, the Twitter alerts, how that works, but, you know, if you got Twitter, you should get alerts. And then how you know, you know, it's my page is I have my book titled The Black Card that's pinned to the top of my page. That's how you know it's mine. And that's how you know, you know, you're looking at the narrative podcast link. The only thing I have besides a narrative podcast that I upload to Twitter is my poetry, my poetry blog that I be speaking that I be promoting a little bit later on. Right now I'm focusing on the narrative podcast. So, yeah, so when you go over to Twitter, go click the narrative podcast link. And then once the link is open, you will see all the options to support the channel. If you click the link, you should see the narrative podcast logo. And you should see all the options below are embedded in the logo. So you should see the like button, which is in the shape of a heart. Click on that, the heart shaped like button. Then next to the like button, you're going to see like a clock, ignore the clock. And then you're going to see the comment box, leave me a comment in the comment box. And then next to that, you're going to see like a little cloud, a cloud with the arrow pointing down. Click on that, that's the download button, that's the most important thing to click on. Click on the download button. It's like in the little shape of a cloud, I don't know how else to describe that icon. It's like a little like shape of a cloud with the arrow pointing down. Click on that. And then next to that, obviously is the share button. And then after that share, that episode of the narrative podcast on whatever platform that you'd like sharing content to you. So that's how you support the narrative podcast when you're following me on X. One last thing I want to say, when you're supporting the platform, and this is just to my visual content creators. So like my YouTubers, TikTok, TikTokers, Instagrammers, anybody that creates content where they're in front of the camera just to please just be vocal about your support of the narrative podcast. You're going to have to shout out the platform narrative podcast, Halsey Allen, you know, be creative with the little drop, but on pretty much, you know, shout out the platform if you're digging it. Because that's the only way people is going to know, you know, if you're a visual content creator, because this is an audio platform. So, you know, other than that, just download this episode. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings. Oh, don't forget to click on the link, click on the link, click on the link, click on the link, click on the link, click on the link. Whew! Sound complicated? Runners Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination. All for one flat monthly fee. Go to Runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runners Warehouse. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino-style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. The next project I would like to promote is my Book of Poetry. And that's available on And what it is, it's a 30-page Book of Poetry. It's titled The Black Card. What the Black Card is about, it's about, you know, it's like a snapshot. A reflective snapshot of our people and our culture, just all encompassing reflective look at us as a people. And also, you know, all the nuances of our culture. Everything we go through as a people, both positive and negative, is all, you know, captured in, you know, the 30 poems in that book. So definitely, if you're an original man or an original woman, you're automatically going to be drawn to that book. Each piece is going to resonate with you in a special way. You know, the ancestors are pretty much going to call out to you on each page. You're definitely going to, you know, enjoy that literature. It's going to resonate with you on so many levels. You're going to identify with each piece automatically, without even fully reading all the way, without even fully reading the piece. And it's entirely like the first two or three lines is going to get you. So yeah, go check it out. It's available on has a virtual online bookstore, and that's where the book is So go to go to the virtual online bookstore type in my title in the search bar the black card Written by me. Halsey Allen H A H A L L Z I E Allen A L L E N And then also If you're unfamiliar With is just basically a social media platform For writers It's just a gathering spot for people that like to write Our genres of writing short stories on essays novels Whatever, you know, whatever is in your heart the right, you know, that's the community before you And of course poets is the main people that they cater to it's implied in the name poetizer So they, you know, mainly cater to poets And then also of course they have a self publishing some self publishing software available on that site so on members of that community they can Write a book of whatever, you know, genre of writing That they are right so like, you know, short story they could write a short book of short stories they can write a entire book a novel They can write an essay and Definitely they can write a book of poets like what I did And then in addition to that they also have little rooms You know, you can go to for the daily writing prompts, you know for the people to write short stories Your daily writing prompt might be the writer a story about A garden And then for the people to write novels, they're writing prompts a little bit more complex. They'll probably give you the characters the setting And they are writing entry and then you finish it where that stops and then You know for the poets their writing prompt might be to write a poem about, you know, a waterfall But yeah, that's basically what the social media platform is about For writers to, you know, socially interact with one another you can critique each other's work You can just like socially just say hi, you know, inbox each other or you know back and forth on your page or whatever whatever You know how social media works so this is basically a platform for writers to socialize That's what is about now there are self-publishing Software that they have I feel rivals, you know all the other self-publishing sites be Because it's so economically affordable, you know, you can write you a decent book for under a thousand bucks They offer all the same features is all the major self-publishing sites illustration Marketing editing all that good stuff for a fraction of the cost So go check out the black card on go to's virtual online bookstore and Purchase my book written by me Halsey Island the black card or get your black card revoked And my last project that I would like to promote is my personal poetry blog on It's called Halse's poetry corner And what that is is a collection of my poetry You know, I got a you know a collection of poetry ranging from a wide array of topics Pretty much any topic you can think of. I have a poem That captures the essence of that subject Every pretty much everything in life you can think about there's a poem on there about that, you know birth death life You know all the emotions you can think of happy sad, etc, etc You know every type of mood you can think of is right on that poetry blog Another thing about the poems featured on that blog site is they're so relatable So versatile anybody from any walk of life Can relate to the poetry featured on that poetry blog You know, it's for anybody to read and enjoy now. I do have like Pretty much close to a dozen poems Specifically for my community original people, but for you know for the most part You know all the poems on there for everybody And you know, you're going to automatically resonate you know with the poetry on that blog site and You know Find a little bit piece of yourself in you know the first few lines of a piece or in the entire piece itself Another interesting thing about that Blog site because like I said, you know, I wrote all the poems Owning a rental property sounds like a dream collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites and schedule kelley shillings Oh, you sound complicated runners warehouses here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list Our job is complicated because it should be we handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance Coordination all for one flat monthly fee go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called lucky land Where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes So what are you waiting for the best way to discover your luck is to spin? So go to luckyland That's lucky land and get lucky today At Lucky Land no purchase necessary vgw group boy prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply And on the spur of the moment I didn't contemplate about you know the topic of each piece what I was going to title each piece You know they just sporadically came to me, but just you know the The form of the poetry piece you know the how it reads it is just so specific and intricate and intentional and detailed you would just be under the impression that you know I probably You know draft it the poem before I posted it up, but you know I didn't like I said, they're just sporadic spontaneous in the moment so really great problems on the poetry blog So go to a hoses poetry corner on at in the way you support The poetry on that blog site is to share either the link to hoses poetry corner which is or a poem featured on hoses poetry corner across all platforms and you know once again my visual content creators I Would need you to shout out hoses poetry corner either a poem on there that you personally enjoy or the link to hoses poetry corner You know on whatever platform that you Create content that's visual Like you know if you're in front of the camera, you know doing skits or whatever And then last but not least for hoses poetry corner of Course I have a comment section. There's a comment box under each piece of poetry on hoses poetry corner So leave me a comment write a comment Just say hey, I like this or no I don't like that or just you know whatever is in your heart to write it right right me but just leave a comment on the Piece on That's featured on hoses poetry corner and the best way to do that is sign in with your gmail accounts as it's a G. It's a Google product and then You know of course share it across all platforms So hoses poetry corner on Check it out read them support them today and the tagline for my poetry blog is hoses poetry corner Poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions when you read a poetry posting on hoses poetry corner You will see each and every last piece lives up to that tagline through that versatile that you know functional that adaptive All of them would just you know resonate with you in a special way check them out today Hoses poetry corner on So that's all the poem or the projects that I have to promote Keep you up to date on all you know my latest developments but so far just support, you know the narrative podcast the black card and Hoses poetry corner All right now, so now I'm gonna give you a synopsis of the narrative podcast before diving into the content this evening So starting at the top tippy the name I named my podcast the narrative podcast as I don't like to false narrative that the media weaves about original people and original people culture So what I wanted to do to counter the media is inaccurate divisive Way that they are corrupt and misappropriate our images on our likenesses is designed a platform Where I'm uplifting and edifying our people through Positive frames of reference and you know create a space where I'm just normalizing positive reinforcement Instead of you know normalizing degeneracy and violence Like the media does when it comes to our people in our culture So yeah, that's what the narrative podcast is all about is just about giving a fresh take To the listening audience about original people and original people culture In essence, you know Flipping the way we're perceived You know Worldwide Due to the media's negative frames of reference. So in essence, I would be changing the narrative about original people and original people culture hence the title the narrative podcast so Having said that that's the perfect segue to my tagline The narrative podcast changing the narrative one episode of the time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people in our culture by providing positive frames of reference about our people in our culture? So that's entirely pretty much the mission statement of the narrative podcast is to provide positive frames of reference about our people in our culture as well as informing the listening audience of Why it's important to responsibly utilize your platforms to share positive frames of reference about our people in our culture and to also encourage the listening audience to responsibly utilize their platforms to Share positive frames of reference about our people in our culture So what now that says the stage for my next point that she should be aware about the narrative podcast is that I Refer to my listening audience as my narrators And so why I call you know my listening audience my narrators for a few reasons one of the most important reasons is That it is reflective You know of the times that we're living in we're living in the digital information era We communicate And share data and information and interact with one another digitally online and so essentially Whatever you're posting online Across whatever medium whatever platform essentially you're telling or narrating your own story you see every page online has a a bio section and In the bio section you tell the world About your interests hobbies likes dislikes turnoffs turnoffs You know whatever you want the world to know about you your your individual self now if you're you know a business you wanted to tell the world in The bio section about your product owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax that is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites It's going to kill the showings. Oh, don't be sweet answer for you. Please don't question your attention Phew sound complicated Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list our job is complicated because it should be We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease our best-in-class property management Professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination all for one flat monthly fee Go to runners warehouse calm for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse How to have fun anytime anywhere step one go to chumbah casino calm chumbah casino calm got it step two Collect your welcome bonus come to pop a welcome bonus step three play hundreds of casino style games for free That's a lot of games all for free step four unleash your excitement Chambal casino has been delivering thrills for over a decade so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the chambal life Visit chambal casino calm that you're selling and Then after you got your bio section filled out then you upload visual content reflective of what you entered in your bio section and You know your visual content is the most crisp Preston best Visually appealing content That you can upload It's very rare That people get online and upload the worst possible visual content They can upload to represent themselves or their product if they're a business They're telling the best possible story of themselves as possible So that's what I mean when I call my target listening audience my narrators just someone who tells or narrates their own story Because of history hasn't taught us anything it's taught us this if you don't tell your own story your own story will be told for you and currently as a people Our story is being told for us By the media in the story of our people There's a story of laziness a story of degeneracy a story of violence You know a story of us being very unpleasant people hard to get along with You know hard to live with live around bad neighbors So we have to as a people change the narrative By uploading content Visually reflective of our true natures and what is our true natures as a people? kings and queens guides and goddesses of the universe we're supposed to be You know visually appealing in you know that sense we're supposed to be showing strong family structure We're supposed to be showing a good business ethic you know Having a strong sense of duty in the community Fixing everything that needs to be fixed Networking building You know unifying mobilizing Creating Building Those are the visual References we need to be shown sharing about ourselves and our communities We don't have to you know use our platforms to You know use a celebrity or a famous person as a positive frame of reference You could be the positive frame of reference just Positive things going on in your world in your community in your family You See if it ain't nothing but just pictures of you smiling and enjoying life You would be changing the narrative about how Our people is perceived because they wanted every time they you know share stories our stories They want to see us downtrodden depressed without hope disenfranchised You know no resources Just clueless Confused lost You know Just the worst of the worst you can possibly You know Share bottom of the barrel You know doesn't get any worse than us Those are the images they're displaying about our people So While we cannot control How people outside of our culture perceive us How they engage us? How they interact with us how they react to us? We can't control You know our worlds we can't control the content that we individually are putting out thus We would be telling or narrating Our own stories and that's why I call my target listening audience my narrators All right So the next thing you need to know about the narrative podcast This is a positive space. I don't engage in any negativity gossip slander name-calling degeneracy Luteness crassness none of that. I don't promote stamping doors anything messy I try to discourage against all things messy on this platform. I want to make this a positive space Dedicated to you know the advancement progression upliftment and Unification of Original people So no gossip no messiness no slander 110% positive space. I Don't you know devote my energy into gossip and I um try to discourage the lit listening audience to You know not devote their energy to messiness in gossip because believe it or not messy missing gossip is like a billion dollar a year business and And You know unfortunately, it's our people who drive that industry and make it thrive By engaging in messiness online Dragging each other calling each other names um Going back and forth on social media that fuels that energy these faceless Fortune 500 company blood suckers are Raking in the profit left and right from us turning against us So the way we can upset that It's not the end all be all solution But it is a solution Is to upload positive content Because even though the media is ran By evil wicked people with an evil wicked agenda It's still a business And the first rule of business is supply and demand They create product based on supply and demand and if we as a people Unify one another And upload positive content will be setting the tone about how we want our images And our likenesses to be depicted And thus that then thus there would be a you know a demand for that market You know, we want to be portrayed as intellectuals We want to be portrayed as you know strong Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites Oh Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do west our job is complicated because it should be We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303 974 9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse I'm victoria cash. Thanks for calling the lucky land hotline If you feel like you do the same thing every day press 1 If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes press 2 We heard you loud and clear so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free Get lucky today At No purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply, you know Family structured type people We want to be portrayed as dignified prideful Upright Then they'll create a market for that they'll create content for that demand But as long as we keep on feeding into these negative stereotypes and stigmas that they um Perpetuate about our people then they're going to keep on Cranking out content that is reflective of those negative stereotypes. We're going to keep on seeing uh these bad movies these bad television shows reading these bad books Depicting us as gangbangers as pimps as whores um As you know the lowest of the low But um anyway, that's what This space on narrative podcast is dedicated towards is you know Just original people reciprocity just you know us winning us progressing Just positive frames of reference about our people Now I do however I deliver commentary I talk about current events on here um, so If I ever speak or drop a famous person's name Within our community, no, it's not too You know bash them or drag them through the mud or slander them or you know Make fun of them or any anything that they're going through You know making light of anything that they may be going through. This is just basically to point out the bigger picture And anytime anything negative is happening within our community Um, the bigger picture would which always can be linked back is to two things systemic pro uh systemic oppression And psychological programming and conditioning I guarantee you those two factors are always at play When a famous person within our community Is involved in something negative when they're you know in the media for something negative Whether it's being at odds with another celebrity Whether it's you know, um facing some jail time um a love triangle uh Whatever anything messy Guarantee you it can be traced back to Systemic programming Or us Yeah Systemic oppression and psychological programming Now on the systemic um oppression side of it. This is not affording us equal footing Um Trying to hog order resources not making uh You know Equitable space for us Like even if we have the money the resources still not Refusing to sell us plots of land Refusing to uh, you know, let us bank with you Refusing to basically give allow ourselves You know The basic necessities we need To be independent And not be dependent upon you for anything You know the progress for you know What we need to be sovereign That's on the uh systemic oppression side of it And then on the psychological programming and conditioning You know, they psychologically programmed and conditioned our people to deviate From our true nature They psychologically programmed and conditioned us to embody The people that were that are oppressing us So they get mad at us For pulling at them on them So when we do something negative, we act like y'all That's how you you know, you uh Train us to act You trained us to distrust each other You trained us to hate each other You trained us to fight amongst each other You trained us to be violent you trained us to be degenerate And then when we turn around and pull a you on you You want to point the finger at us and be like what's wrong with them We acting like y'all That's what's wrong with this So So that's you know, what I mean by the bigger picture So there's always the bigger picture And whatever, you know A celebrity's going Going through like, you know when they're going through something negative That bigger picture is always there You just gotta, you know, sit through it find it and talk about it Because there are always the media will always just You know have them looking crazy and sounding crazy and just You know Be like look at them here that like look at them look at them, you know what I mean So it's up to us to just put out that positive Frame of reference and always break it down from the bigger picture perspective like what's really at play in their situation Now the uh, there's an exception to the rule and the exception to that rule is my no negativity rule is if um A famous person in our community Habitually uses their platform To make Fools out of themselves And fools out of our community on a consistent basis For monetary gain Then I will call said individual out For their treachery for their buffoonery But other than that This is a positive space. I'm just nobody I try to keep a positive keep a pushing um You know keep it peaceful My my own business and the business is paying me in the business that is paying me is being positive So I encourage positive activity here on the narrative podcast Next thing you need to be aware of this is a time-sensitive platform Try not to exceed one hour per broadcast and the reason for that is because um You know It's an all audio platform I don't want to uh repeat myself. I don't want to be redundant with my content And most importantly, I don't want to bore the listening audience In the quickest way to bore the listening audience is being Redunding And just you know Talking with no real point Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer Next develop a marketing strategy list the property on rental sites and schedule countless earnings Oh, don't be a sweet answer for the information drop at least I'd like to attend a page Phew Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do west Our job is complicated because it should be We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse Hello, it is ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me. I know what they were doing They were also playing chumba casino everybody's loving having fun with it chumba casino is home to hundreds of casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere. So sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the chumble life sponsored by chumba casino no purchase necessary vgw group voidware prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply We got all kinds of things to distract us. We got our devices to distract us. We got you know the microwave bill the I don't know just random white noise Whatever I don't know what people's house isn't on Apartments and dwelling facilities is like out there, but there's something to distract your attention So I know I only got a limited time To keep you as attentive as possible When I'm delivering my content So I basically want to you know inform the listener And keep the listener entertained and keep the listener you know attentive To the content that I'm presenting to them. I don't want to you know just Create the space where you're tuning me out or falling asleep for it, you know Not into the content. So that's why I try to keep it brief short sweet into the point And then um last but not least I refer to my target listening audience as my narrators I refer to my target listening audience as my narrators because Oh wait my bad I said my narrator already said that It's been a long day you guys. Please bear with me um, I refer to my target listening audience as my as original people and You know the reason why I refer to our people as original people on the narrative podcast is because You know for two reasons number one You know it's reflective of Our history And the second reason to unify it says it people Now what do I mean? It's reflective Of our history So when I say we're original people from the historical standpoint I mean we were and are the original people of this planet like all over other civilizations originate From us from our essence from our physical being everything everyone Regardless of where they're at where language they speak They came from us and that's can be scientifically proven in genetics Black is the dominant gene We our genes was here first Skeleton of the first being the ever Round roamed earth was found in africa And guess what that skeleton Was fully erect It wasn't hunched over it didn't have a cranial overbite Fully erect was fully sentient intelligent Who was building? Citadel cities Land masses We was the original educators the original Physicians original healers original doctors whatever you want to call it original astronomers astrologists original biologists original scientists original mathematicians original architects original alchemist Original um horticulturists Farmers whatever you want to like we originated everything There's not too many modern inventions in the modern world that our people didn't invent or originate It can all be traced back to us like every modern day convenience That we now have in the modern world There was an ancient version of it in our people originated scientifically proven fat 110 fat All around the board everything comes full circle back to our people And then um One little trek I want to take you on to kind of cement to lament or lament my point about um being original What our uh, you know original heritage Um, I want to just dispel the false narrative of slavery So not saying slavery didn't actually happen Not refuting that slavery did happen it was barbaric Um, we did suffer during slavery But slavery wasn't the most impactful relevant important part of our history as history makes it out to be So like I said Being original people who was already here first we exist we existed on this planet before everybody So Knowing that just common sense if we was here first We wasn't just all huddled in one spot We voluntarily chose to go to different places Thousands of years before a human being Conceived in their mind I'm going to go take some slaves and force them to do what I want them to do Like there was already large concentrations of us of our people on every continent On the globe like everywhere every every place you can think of And anywhere you want to know where our people ever were wronged or um You know existed all you ever got to do is look at the artwork Look at the architecture Especially in places where you know, it's you know air quotes And anomaly how did this happen like, you know, what was the science? How did this particular? You know piece of architecture come to be it's scientifically impossible No, it's not it's just we had the science. We were the original science We know that we knew how to do it So anything you got, you know, any type of architecture that science can explain It's because our people built it We existed there The artwork the pictures The sculptures How you got African features You know stone You know stone sculptures On easter island With African features how? Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer Next develop a marketing strategy list the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings Oh Sound complicated runners warehouses here to take the hard work off your rental to do west Our job is complicated because it should be we handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse It is ryan here and i have a question for you What do you do when you win like are you a fist pumper a woohoo A hand clap or a highfiver if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino choose from hundreds of social casino style games For your chance to redeem serious cash prizes They are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait start having the most fun ever at chumba sponsored by chumba casino No purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply Because we was already originally there Aboriginal people down in australia, who do you think they came from how you think they got down there? Afro anything is our people Because there ain't no such thing as afro nothing So all these people running around calling they self afro latino they sound stupid There ain't no such thing as afro anything afro's a hairstyle You black Spanish is the language you're not Spanish. That's just the language you speak And forced to speak at that by the colonizers by the white Spaniards But more to the point is we existed every where you can think of we didn't get to all these different places on a slave boat Especially here in the america's there's already a very large concentration of us Already here in america is documenting what tribes here in america was already Here who was originally indigenous and it's not the people that currently are receiving checks Currently have casinos on their reservations. They are not the original people Were well documented in the pilgrims journal Myo stanish is journal or well documented in christopher columbus's journal Our existence here in america So when they talking about they raped the Indians they talking about us we was the original indians But yet we didn't get the money We got jack leg dotted at They put us on uh plantations and made us work The majority of us that was already here and then they went and start getting slaves Towards the end of the century because they didn't just go back getting slaves for hundreds of years It don't even make sense. They did it for probably like 20 30 years max What makes more sense is they enslaved the original these um air quotes Explorers enslaved the original people of the lands that they visited That makes more sense Then they keep on going to one place targeting one specific group of people That don't make any sense But yet they show us all these pictures and diagrams And just say like y'all are descended from african slaves They don't make sense bro So not saying we're ashamed to be from africa Or offended by the near notion that we are from africa That's just saying no, we know our history who is already here. We're not going to let you just tell us anything So that's all I mean is when i'm uh debunking the myth of slavery um They just basically use it as a tactic to keep our minds in slave They want to fear monger us. They want to project This image of the docile slave They want to regurgitate a time where we were powerless and could not You know fight back And had to just take it But we could not resist We're heavily punished um Tortured on a daily basis If he was a man had your manhood taken if he was a woman you got raped That's what they want to perpetuate and mentally take us back to in that mental mind state of of slavery So basically their fear mongering us by trying to rewrite history and show us what they want us to show us Because they just you know play up slavery, but they sites that who we were before the slave trade You know and they're more to the point that submits that point is just look at house You know slave movies are marketed in hollywood Those are the highest grossing films in hollywood They get the biggest budget to produce a slave film There's over a dozen um slave themed movies in hollywood Why because they know the uh the impact of visual of visuals They know people perceive it as reality when they watch it They want to um implant That image in our heads and everybody else's heads about who we were as a people Because we weren't the only people to ever suffer, but yet we're the only people to have movies chronically The era that we suffered because how many holocaust movies are there about How many Movies are there in hollywood that did well at the box office about you know uh japan the um when they uh did uh pearl harbor how many movies Are there chronicling pearl harbor or vietnam Not nearly as many as slave movies not even you know like proportionally a fraction of movies like their chronic slavery But um anyway, I got a little long winded on that I just want to really debunk this false narrative about slavery And you know last but not least the reason why I refer to our people as original people on my platform Is to unify us as a people by coming up with um pretty much a universal Language for our people because there are so many different types of us hailing from so many different land masses Speaking from you know speaking so many different uh languages and believing in different things Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax that is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites And sketch will tell the showings. Oh, don't be a sweet answer for the information. Phew sound complicated Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do west our job is complicated because it should be We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303 974 9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley so to entertain myself I go to chumma casino dot com at chumma casino I could play hundreds of online casino style games for free like online slots bingo slingo and more plus I get a daily log-in bonus It's just too bad that up here. I don't have anyone to share my excitement with Live the tunnel life anytime anywhere play for free now at chumba casino dot com Each w room your purchase necessary void room prohibited by law c-terms and divisions 18 plus but for all the difference who For all differences that we share we also share similarities And some similarities that we share is that You know, we all have high concentrations of carbon aka melanin We can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all civilization And we all have an unspoken bond We all vibrate on the same frequency. We all fight against the same oppressor Just in a different way So even if i'm not from your native land if I visited your native land, I would instantly Lock in with your struggle which you're You know with your plight Just as surely when you come to america, you would instantly see my plight So, you know, we are Have that unspoken bond as a people But we've been programmed in condition to believe another plight You know from another point of origin their plight is worse than ours and vice versa like Or rather like their plight isn't as bad as ours When it's just equally the same Like we both equally get mistreated by our governments We both equally not have opportunities afforded to us So it ain't no one got it worse than the other we all, you know, equally got it bad And for the record, um We're the only people that make distinctions amongst our people Because people outside of our culture they just look at us and call us black And be done with it You know the asian guy don't be like, oh He's the Jamaican guy All right, you know, he's a trendy guy. They just be like he's black black guy Talion guy don't be like, oh, he's uh from Ghana. He's the Ghana guy. He's just like he's black So that's what I mean when I refer to our self as original people You know what I mean to do it to unify us as a people It's just like universal code for who we are Because there is no division like that And then not only that it's empowering And uplifting to be referred to as original because there's There's nothing that really trumps the original copy Everything was designed after the original It has to be the first before you know You know because what's your measure? Like how do you know what else it worked if there was never the first And we are the original blue parent firm for humanity whether they want to give it to us or not Literally everything and everyone Was designed after our images and our likenesses were original So So that's it and that's all You should be well up to speed and know everything you need to know about the narrative podcast Um, if you're still lost, I'm well over 300 episodes in You can listen to all my previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast download this episode in our previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast Another thing you should be aware of is our broadcast during the week And the week day I have two different format styles during the week My format style is just I present two sections One section called um positive news articles and in another section called, you know Come uh speaking point section in my speaking point section is just basically I'm talking about current events Whereas on the weekend I have five different sections. I'm not going to go into each section during the week day Um, because I'm not it's not the weekend I break it down on the weekend, but Essentially I will go into one main difference Uh, my positive frame of reference on the weekend Um, instead of doing positive news articles. I highlight black-owned businesses and then I have, you know Of course Three other sections In addition to the commentary section So without any further ado, I'm gonna dive on into the content on this weekday edition of the narrative podcast with my very first section Which is positive news articles And so like I said the narrative podcast is dedicated towards sharing positive frames of reference um And the reason why I choose to share positive news articles as my positive frame of reference during the week day Is because during the weekday we're constantly being bombarded with negative news about our people and our culture In the news in movies in literature like newspapers Like all forms of digital media all of it's negative So You know, this is me giving us a brief Reprieve of being bombarded with negativity across all digital platforms Because I want to give the positive frame of reference That positive things do happen within our community You know, they want to just have us believing There's no silver lining That's all that's happening in our movie is just one continuous Sad song You know strife suffering violence Aggression depression oppression Like that's just what they want to constantly bombard us with So to level the playing field I choose to you know Use the positive frame of reference about with positive news articles So without any further ado, I'm gonna get into this week's positive frame of reference or positive news articles And my first positive frame of reference in the headline reads Nurse on wheels Black women is behind the first mobile psychiatric clinic in the state of Georgia And the sister's name is Joanne Patterson She has single-handedly revolutionized mental health treatment in the metro area of Atlanta by establishing the first ever mobile Mental health clinic in the name of the clinic is the tiny home clinic The tiny home clinic initiative Hangs to provide cultural and accessible mental health care to residents in that area Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites And schedule countless shows. Oh, no free time for information. Please don't question your time. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Phew Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do west Our job is complicated because it should be we handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse Every day when you log in to the ultimate online social casino You get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life I chose french fries over loaded french fries I asked steward from accounting about his weekend even though I don't care I updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at now And live the chumba life And so I think mental health is something very important within our community um A lot of us don't go get therapy Because a lot of us, you know, unfortunately Religion Has deprived a lot of us From going to get the help that we need Psychologically because a lot of us are psychologically ill But we don't go get the help that we need For our trauma that we've been You know I Afflicted with Um Because we believe or talk to believe that all you have to do is just pray your problems away like if especially in the um Faith of christianity You know, that's what they teach in most churches just pray to god Don't do nothing on your end. Don't take any accountability beyond your end Just pray to god with a good claim pure heart And everything else is just magically just work out for you That's what we're taught in our community. Don't take any self accountability For your finances for your mental health for your uh, whatever vice or thing you're grappling with So in the essence like if you are christian, it's levels to it It's levels to everything to get the divine healing That they claim There is in the christian faith you have to be at the divine healing level And that's the problem a lot of this ain't at the divine healing level But we keep on going to that church every single day Trying to say divine prayers. It's not going to get answered because you're not at the divine level to get the prayer answered So, you know You have to need therapy is what i'm saying a lot of us need therapy We are the people That has literally had everything done to us Taking away from us Um, we've been like medically experimenting on Uh, and just like i started off the segment You know they psychologically uh torturous with this media They're playing games, you know Playing with this in front of our face with this systemic oppression So yeah, a whole lot of us is thrown off And we need those um mental health services because a lot of us have an extreme amount of mental health disorders Because of you know everything we've gone through as a people and because of our diet diet, you know Makes up for a lot of that a lot of us live in food deserts So, you know, that's where a lot of uh Our mental health issues as a people come from as well But um, this sister is providing mental health services for those in need in the Atlanta area If you would like to know more about it Go to tiny house or a tiny house great medicine dot com Or ask her specific questions about tiny house at Joanne P s charity dot com or call her directly at 340-228-8784 Now For joining me into giving our sister a warm narrative podcast round of applause for Providing mental health services to the people in Atlanta, they need it Now notice there's no Physical address because it's a mobile clinic So they're just kind of all over that area, but primarily they post up on specific days But they're mostly at schools in front of schools um Mostly in front of high traffic areas But uh, you know the tiny house itself is very serene. It's very calming uh, they have holistic uh Remedies not modern day they they use like calming herbs essential oils um You know all this new wave psychiatric stuff But go check it out if you're in the city of Atlanta. Um, I'm hoping it catches on nationally because we all need a mental health safe space But uh, yeah, join me in to giving our sister dr. Joanne patterson a warm narrative podcast round of applause for her, you know contributions to uh the progression of mental health All right up next on this week day edition of the narrative podcast the next positive news article the headline reads black team Made history when he became the youngest store owner at a south carolina mall And the brother's name is Jordan jackson and the name of his former uh store was called birch birch and pen Now the store was located In south carolina in the north charleston area Uh So he was only in business for one whole year, but that one whole year that's still impressive He doesn't see the closure of his business as a failure But it has an opportunity for a fresh start um, he's always been into fashion He's always you know had air quotes with the young people called the drip People always look to him, you know modeling bear looks after You know the looks he was putting together for himself so you know to get his own store at age 19 That's an accomplishment within himself Um, even though it's not there anymore You know He's taking the time To get stronger analyzing what he'd been wrong And I think I know If he still got that in him You know something bigger and better is right around the corner So that's a learning, you know, the learning process is a long win Um as the old saying goes bosses take losses He took a loss, but I think young man's won't bounce back with an even bigger business than last time So Join me in to giving our brother young Jordan Jackson a warm narrative podcast round of applause from his forest former store birch and pain in south carolina [applause] All right moving right along Next positive news article on this weekday edition of the narrative podcast the headline reads first african-american rose voice dealer worldwide also first Lamborghini and mclaren in the u.s and the brother's name is Thomas Morehead Thomas is a former educator He pivoted to Out of the automotive industry in 2001 He became the first african-american rose Royce dealer in the world and the first african-american Lamborghini and mclaren dealer in the united states To achieve this feat He entered several dealership training programs and used his commission money that he accumulated over the years to open his own dealership in 1988 and the name of his business was car Sterling motor cars He also did mini coopers as well You know when the mini mini cooper rage was all the rage he he sold those two If you want to know more about it go to sterling to uh, you know read the full range of his um services that he offers at the dealership Uh, so it's like it's big money on the table. So don't go there if you ain't got big money because he's doing lambos and mclarens And Bugatti's so if you ain't got lambo money Bugatti money and rose Royce money don't go over to their website for nothing For those who got it like that You want to go check out uh, sterling motors Um So his physical address is 21710 Auto world circle Sterling, virginia 2 0 1 1 6 And then you got another one 2 1 8 Pacific boulevard Sterling, virginia 2 0 1 6 6 And now we've got different extension uh different extensions for uh different cars that he specializes in So if you're you know, if you got lamborghini money hit them up at 5 7 1 7 7 7 0 4 7 1 If you got rose Royce money hit them up at 5 7 1 6 2 0 6 8 3 9 if you got Bugatti money hit them up at 5 7 1 2 9 8 6 0 5 5 and once again that's sterling motors Her sterling motor car is my bad So let's join join me into giving our brother Thomas more hand Warm narrative podcast round of applause for sterling motor cars And then the last article on the narrative podcast last but not most certainly not least The last positive news article for his weekday edition Of the narrative podcast the headline reads Black animated serials super cj surpasses 99.4 of youtube channels in six months The super cj animated serials And just like me tv Take in a whopping 100 000 views per episode on youtube in only six weeks Um, and this was made possible by our brother by the name of Yaba Baker Y.A.B.A. Baker B.A.K.E.R Um So what it is is just about um A character named cj He's just a little child, but he's tackling you know pretty much He's using um, I believe it's called a euphemism He's like making it be a child but You know make it appealing for a young young youthful people but Air quote cj, you know super cj is just tackling You know things that we encounter as original people on a daily basis Um through the lens of a child and he makes it digestible like that Um So the types of things you would uh go find on his youtube channel is just basically He's giving uh parenting tips life hacks And then also building wealth So that's just the name of you So go to his uh youtube channel Just go to youtube and type in just like me tv in the browser And his channel will pop up and then of course go to be a description box You'll see all the projects that he got going on Uh to support he got a uh patreon channel Just like me And then he got a uh online shop shop just like me Uh he got amazon books he got super cj Strongest In the world Super cj just the name of the uh title of the book super cj strongest in the world And then he got a book called princess briana Also available on amazon books So go check that out check it out support uh super cj Just like me tv on youtube Enjoying me into giving our brother Yaba baker a warm narrative podcast round of applause For a super cj series Try saying that part time spares Owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer Next develop a marketing strategy list the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings Oh Phew sound complicated runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do west Our job is complicated because it should be we handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property is if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse Every day when you log in to chumbah the ultimate online social casino You get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life I chose french fries over loaded french fries I asked steward from accounting about his weekend even though I don't care I updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at chumbah now Live the chumbah life All right, and that concludes my positive news articles for this week the edition of the narrative podcast Now we're shifting into my commentary section, which I refer to as my speaking point section And after that, we're gonna wrap it up and dip up out of here So the first headline that I want to tackle or what's going on viral right now um A michigan judge has been removed from her uh chair By the uh, oakland probate judge Her uh, by the oakland, um Supreme court So this uh lady's name is katelyn ryan So as the story goes basically she went on a um racist rant Where she was saying racist things the racist thing she said Was black people are lazy and then she also said um some uh homophobic slurs Now the article didn't say what the homophobic slurs were But um It did go on to uh To name the person who exposed her behavior It's a guy by the name of edwarder hutton H-U-T-T-O-E and I believe I'm pronouncing his right his name correctly um So and basically I guess he works in the courthouse um the article says she sexually uh Made unwanted advances towards him That was in the uh, you know, it's in his initial complaint. He filed a whistle blowers complaint And then um, I guess he got her uh, uh, audio Because when you file file whistle bla Whistle blowers complaint It's a really long investigation They want you to be very detailed and specific with your complaint So you any type of uh evidence you got needs presented Um And what they want when you file a whistle blower's uh complaint is they want consistency So when you're talking to the investigator online What happened the date that it happened witnesses detail chronological um Account of the in bit of the events in question And it can't be like, you know, you can't be stopping and thinking about it and trying to recall you have to know it Or they're automatically going to kick it out So, you know initially When this guy wouldn't told When he filed his whistle blowers complaint He listed that, you know, his his uh her sexual Advancements on to him in his complaint And if they if they took three months to investigate Um, and he didn't they pretty much probably dismissed it the first time And when you file a Whistle blower's complaint and they dismiss it you got a chance to rebuttal And so i'm guessing he followed followed up with the rebuttal and uh submitted The recording of her saying These racist things in these homophobic slurs And so now The jiu jitsu tenure committee Has been notified and she's currently under investigation So she's been removed from the bench and then now She's facing um A trial to get disbarred So like she can never be a judge again She can never practice law anywhere in the united states ever again if disbarred You Can't practice law can't give legal advice She can't even um work at a legal law clinic a free free law clinic if she gets disbar but so my uh You know assessment of this situation I really don't believe it was the uh racial slur They got her in trouble. I believe It was the homophobic Slur because like time and time again History has shown that the judicial system does not care about us Doesn't care about our feelings doesn't care about what we go through as a people They've demonstrated time and time again But if you say something on any platform Against somebody you can't even say it without getting sued or getting demonetized or Some type of backlash. I just say the letter community If you say anything about the letter community, it's a rat It's a rat. You're a done data If you say anything about the letter community or the tiny hat community, you're done you're finished But you can say anything and everything about our community Under the sun you can call us inward heart our monkeys You name it No dire consequences For violating or disrespecting our people none But if you call somebody a you know Uh a derogatory slur for homosexual you call them that f bomb you're done You uh say, you know a racial slur Or um something anti, you know what from the time tiny hat community you're done But our community hey hey, they just go hey You know, there's no repercussion. There's no pushback. No nothing. They don't lose nothing. They don't get fined anything It's just eh So that's really all I got to say about that You know, it's a darn shame. The only reason why that lady is really actually in any trouble at all Is because she made the homophobic slur Not, you know, the racial slur. I don't believe it was for the racial slur. I believe You know, she's losing everything because of the homosexual slur And breaking news um something within our community Um tiffany haddish is in the hot seat yet again Like when it's tiffany haddish never not in the hot seat All throughout her career. She's been in the hot seat. I don't think she's never not Had a year When she hasn't been in the hot seat for something But um, she's in the hot seat yet again so Apparently Like she was invited as paris hiltons guests at a uh fashion show And she dared tiffany haddish to get up and um Walked the runway And she was laughing at her And those in attendance laughed at tiffany haddish When she rocked the walk the runway Now I'm a little kind of 50/50 on it Because number one She was fully clothed She didn't twerk You know, she didn't drop it low to the floor. She didn't have her Tongue out talking about However, they do it the baddies do it. She didn't do none of that. She just did she walk She didn't even do a model walk. She just walked down the other thing and sat back down She didn't even do like a model esque type walk but That was enough to plunge on black twitter into a frenzy and calling her a Coon in a aunt jane in a dissing of that And so Like I say i'm 50/50 on it because I can see some of the outrage Because tiffany had it. She it runs with the elite crowd And people most of the people in the elite crowd are whites Such as paris hilton And they believe from the outside looking in That paris hilton used tiffany haddish to get a cheap flash Like i'ma send the black chick To get a laugh And what now why i'm 50/50 on it is because You know even though her intent was to embarrass tiffany haddish She looks more pathetic than tiffany haddish Because she's so insecure And hung up on her own looks That she like you know, she wanted to do that But she wasn't confident enough to do that And generally typically when people like laugh at people and bully people It's because they're so You know insecure and unsure about themselves That they have to put somebody else down to make themselves feel good And that really kind of is the takeaway i got from it that she's so pathetic And miserable and a loser that she has to make fun of other people That's what i got out of here And tiffany didn't look at it like that. She just dared me to do it. She's uh, this is friend girl We do we joke and have silly fun like that. I'ma do it And no big deal And she definitely could have disgraced us as a people Like she's like Way worse than what she did Because like there have been so many people This year So many ladies within our community this year on our Red carpeted events at our venues for our people That have showed up on the carpet But asked naked nothing covering their lady parts Just everything out And ain't nobody said nothing I'm not going to say the ladies that did it this year Uh one sister in our community Did it just recently? Had all her yams out and it's somebody like real prominent Really impactful and they hurt me to my heart To see her in that outfit Because she went on this whole little thing about There being no Well, I guess you will know who i'm talking about if i finish the sentence, but You know this year she went on this whole little crusade About inclusion and then she want to rip the runway Damn near butt naked So that definitely took away from her message She got young impressionable ladies looking Up to her just like she wanted when she was that young She went to somebody to look up and say be proud of like And see herself in that person But like all the uh ladies that our young ladies got to look up at And got no clothes on You know, that's who they looking up at young impressionable girls are our young ladies 14 through You know 2021 They're looking up at black collie wood and they are naked they are twerking So i'm gonna cut her a little slack I'm gonna chalk it up to just like you know I'm gonna chalk this one up to ignorance Because if you know better than you do better And clearly she don't know any better And one thing another thing that will people be going hard on Tiffany Haddish because she has this uh, you know Exhibited um behavior that When she gets around them folks You know, she's exhibited some questionable behavior like you know like acting like a trained monkey But in her defense She has some severe mental health issues. She grew up in foster care. She got And she ain't playing. I believe that in her comedy. I believe sincerely She got some severe mental health issues. I believe she is a danger to herself and others Because she got some like severe trauma And we've seen her witnessed her from the outside Looking in crash out on stage Bui's getting bombed on stage Coming on stage not ready And now she got the new thing over ahead marlin way and said I never cast her and none of my projects. She's not professional. So You know, which is going to do to make money Because she is she the most she's owning a rental property sounds like a dream Collect a rent and relax That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready First you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price Then there's cleaning staging repairs and hiring a professional photographer next develop a marketing strategy with the property on rental sites It's gonna kill the showings. Oh, don't forget to find information for the least a collection should anything Phew sound complicated Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list Our job is complicated because it should be we handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own from rent collection to maintenance coordination All for one flat monthly fee go to runners warehouse calm for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for Or call 303 974 9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today Because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse It's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash Life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to lucky land You know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Get lucky today At No purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply Very talented. She's funny, but her humor is coming from A risque place like you know, how many bj jos can you do? I don't know Before the most part, I think there's something there something special with her in a good way not a bad way She definitely does have a special gift that she wants to um share with the world, but she's not Communicating it yet properly And that's just going to have to come in time She's just not there yet to share her gift But it is trying to crown it's trying to peek But We'll never see it if we keep on dogging her out and dragging her all up and down Social media without even hearing her side of it yet Like we rest the judgment without even getting full context We just offer our unsolicited opinion. Don't even know the full story. We see a clip of something That's what I hate in our community. We just see a clip of something And then make our minds up You know, that's that from that 30 second clip of something We make our minds that we don't like that That's embarrassing squish Without seeing, you know the situation play out in its entirety We just go rushing the judgment, but then when you Do something embarrassing Or out of character then your retort is don't judge me If you ain't got don't judge me ain't nobody perfect That's our like that's our quick, you know where we flip it You know when she was on the other foot and somebody's from the outside looking in on your situation and then it's oh, don't judge me But um, yeah, she's done some questionable things um I'm gonna chalk this up to like severe mental health issues. She she has said Time and time again that she got mental health issues. She's displayed That she has severe mental health issues. She's not only said it. She's displayed it We've seen her crash out. We've seen her inconsistent interviews like having like a literal Mental breakdown in interviews before so we've seen it. She ain't making it up It's not a gimmick it's real But um, yeah, I don't really I just like enclosing I would say you know I think we blowing it way out of proportion Um, was Paris Hilton probably trying to get a cheap laugh Off of Tiffany Haddish. Yeah, most likely But I believe she would have tried to embarrass anybody You know because this how you know miserable miserable of a person she is I believe she would have tried to embarrass Another Caucasian girl like that I believe she would embarrass the Asian girl like that. I would I believe she would have embarrassed Not Italian girl like that. I don't believe she's single tipping me out just because she was a sister. I believe She's that miserable That she would pick anybody to try to you know throw them under the bus because if you've noticed You know, I don't even believe Nicole Richie is her BFF anymore She don't Nicole Richie doesn't distance her herself from Paris Hilton, they ain't been sighted together nowhere in quite a while They're probably not even friends no more But yeah, that's something low life miserable people do And I believe she did that because secretly she wanted to go up there and walk down the Runway, but she's not body confident She probably regurgitates every meal she eats She don't feel pretty She don't feel good about herself. So she got a child of ridicule other people So that's what that was but we got culturally offended because white people got a history of doing that to us Try to uh, you know Make a joke out of us make light of us every chance they get Half the stereotypes we have within our community Is because white people made it a stereotype white people made uh, you know Eating watermelon a stereotype like watermelon is one of the most Healthy things you can eat in the entire world, especially if you're a melanated person You know it, you know Rehydrates you Supercharges your sales Resets all your vital organs But we have a stigma about eating watermelon in public Because white people then turned it into a stereotype And the reason why they turned it into a stereotype is because only we Had the knowledge to coat properly cultivate the melon Which was a high grossing crop back in that those days and they couldn't figure out how to grow it so you know to uh Mess our money up. They made a negative stereotype out of you You know if you like watermelon, you must be a darkie And then they come up with the big the dark skin person with the pale lips eating watermelon Tap dancing they turn that into a negative stereotype. Do you know how skillful of a dancer? You have to be the tap dance But they then turns tap dancing to a negative stereotype That is an art form but there's a whole but a lot of uh Brothers the will not can dance. They butt off but won't tap dance Because they feel you know, that's cool niche um you Shushing and they turn that into a negative stereotype negative stereotype part of me like that is a lucrative business Virtually no overhead But there's so many of us Complaining we can't get no job White man won't hire you but you won't go um get you which takes virtually nothing to uh, rent you a star And open a shoe shine business because you feel this demeaning and degrading But you go work an hourly work rate job And they're basically calling you a boy on your Hourly rate job. They're basically calling you a boy anyway So why not have a job where you keep a hundred percent of the tip? Or a hundred percent of the profit Is your tips that you make from shining shoes won't do that Because we don't let them psychologically psych us out with them negative stereotypes But um, yeah, just summing my point up um I believe, you know Paris Hilton's intent was to embarrass Tiffany Haddish But I also believe it backfired in her face because she didn't make her look as foolish as she set out the maker Like a few people chuckled, but it wasn't like the laugh she was trying to get you You know So I got faith in there. I believe she'll figure it out once and for all she'll get her lame And you got to also remember she's like not 40 yet. So she's still Relatively a young lady She's still trying to figure out hollywood and hollywood is very divisive and You know hard to navigate for everybody So if you don't have nobody in your corner, no support system Nobody congratulating you nobody wanting to see you win So of course, you know, you're going to do things where you fall on your face and look the way you look in public to the world Because like from me on the outside looking in I see a lot of female entertainers You know they inadvertently Show their contempt towards Tiffany Haddish They'd be like fake hugger in there on the little strip And you can just see the contempt in their face For her that they have they harbor Because she's like getting all the roles she's getting all the projects and you know They can't wait for moments like this When she falls on her face so they can come out the woodwork to scold her But yeah, um So lesson learned it's one of her many lessons You know chalk it up to like lesson number 300 never do that again, Tiffany in lesson learned Water under the bridge spilled milk. It is what it is. I don't believe You know that was her intent to be Paris Hilton's entertainment I don't believe she thought of it. Nothing like that. I don't believe She thought in her mind. She was trying to exploit her She dared her to walk down the runway. She walked down the runway And in wait, you know I don't I don't get the outrage Well, this concludes this section or this a segment of the narrative podcast Tune into me all this week for new episodes of the narrative podcast. I probably do another one tomorrow And another one Thursday Or tomorrow and friday one of the two But i'm tuning to me for a new uh weekday episodes of the narrative podcast for the rest of this week And then this weekend for a full edition of the narrative podcast And remember to download this episode in our previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast wherever each podcast information from And that's it Thank you all for supporting me And remember, you know Share Episodes of the narrative podcast as well Leave me comments If you're a visual content creator shout out the narrative podcast Offer me some feedback in your you know visual Content creating Whether you're a tiktokker a youtuber or whatever. Give me some feedback. I'll let you boy mess with you boy Join me this Weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast join me all this week for new episodes of the narrative podcast Download this episode in our previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast RIP mr. James erl jones RIP our brother Batman scoot rip roger fortson rip song you messy rip devontay Pardon me. I said devontay jax and I meant devontay michu It's important to keep all them brothers and sisters names Buzzing because if we don't talk about it, you know, the perpetrators of their crime Will not be persecuted to the full extent of the law. So I know we got a lot of stuff going on Stuff happens every single day, but we got to uh stay vigilantly Um stay on stay on the uh crusade stay on the grind Um, we got to stay bandit. We got to stay united Us working together. We will change the narrative I'm changing the narrative on my I'm changing the narrative On the narrative podcast one episode at a time And I'm asking you to help me change the narrative By becoming a narrator and while I'm changing the narrative my my end one Episode at a time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time until next time halsey alan and narrative podcast signing off And it's like that I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Am You are now listening to the narrative podcast with halsey alan the narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time And Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready Determine a competitive rent price market the property schedule the showing screen Tenants drop the lease at a rent collection handle maintenance request maintain communication Whew sound complicated Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list Qualified tenants check rent collection check maintenance coordination You got it go to runners for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for or call 303 974 9444 because from now on the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse It's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash Life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to lucky land You know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today At No purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply