
336.932.1881 RoCo LIVE 09.11.24

Bluegrass music with Johnny and Jeanette Williams, Jay Shelton in our studios.

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

It's Wednesday morning 11 o'clock must be time for Rocco live. It is where Rockingham County is talking and we're taking your phone calls today at 336-932-1881 on any topic but we have a lot of bluegrass music lined up so I'm just so excited to have in our studios today Johnny and Jeanette Williams and Jay Shelton there here brought their instruments that brought their new CD and we're going to be talking about that new album and playing some music and all of that so let me get everybody all miked up here and Johnny and Jeanette and and Jay welcome good to have you here. Good morning thanks for having us. Yeah thank you nice to be here. We're just talking a little bit before we got started about where when you got started this has been been a while hasn't it you folks have just been going strong for a while. Jeanette joined my band back in 1989 and we've been touring since then and then Jay came on board and we formed a new group that we had now about 2021 on our second album and so far it's been been really good. Good okay and Jeanette you know I haven't seen you in a while I haven't seen all of you in a while I guess I've been kind of inside more but I got to get out more because there's a lot going on in the bluegrass world out there yeah and you folks have a show coming up want to talk about that you're going to be at Rex this week too is that tomorrow night it's yesterday morning yeah okay all right very good but Jay let's find a little bit more about you. Yeah well I've known Johnny and Jeanette for years and years and been a fan of their music for a long time Johnny and I kind of go back to the late 70s I guess is when we first bumped into each other when I was playing some bluegrass around the area with some other bands and things like that and we didn't really play any music together for all these years until I don't know when it was pre-pandemic it was it was a show Johnny and Jeanette were doing locally in Danville which is a real treat and I got word of it and told my wife Beverly that day I said come on we're going to the venue where it was and said we're going to see Johnny and Jeanette tonight this is going to be really great and so we scooted on over there and and we were probably a little bit fashionably late because Johnny we were walking in and trying to be kind of sheepish about it and Johnny recognized and he said something to me about coming in and it was fun and so I got up and joined them on a couple of songs during the show and it was just great fun everything went really well so I think the idea just kind of popped in to all of us let's do a little bit of something together so I had a I had a solo project I had started to work on and Johnny pretty much kind of kicked me into butt a little bit getting me going on it and I did and got him to produce it and Jeanette to sing and play on and that was in 2019 and so after that next thing you know we're playing some shows together in the pandemic yet so everybody's looking trying to figure out where you're gonna do you know but we put it together somewhat after that and it's it's just been a real it's just been a real treat working with Johnny and Jeanette and they're just fantastic people and I love singing and playing with them and so like I said we're on our second album now see where we go from there it's not like a good partnership it is yeah yeah it is that so so you went to the show just to enjoy the music and you ended up up up up on the stage that's correct that's always fun when you're in that situation and someone and you think you kind of slip in inconspicuously and hey there they are and they sing at the end yeah you know spotlight you know as musicians are you kind of wouldn't wouldn't want it any other way really yeah yeah I guess okay so it worked out yeah we didn't play in for the song yeah yeah okay all right very good why don't we play a song cut from the new album let's do that right now and then we'll do some other stuff here let me get my glasses on here you tell me which one we want to listen to and let's have a little background on that Johnny they're also good gosh I love this album we can just start off with Carolina time Carolina time that was our first single that we released okay okay that's the first cut on there yeah yeah this is a good one to start with this is a kind of a going back home kind of a home theme or this whole CD is a kind of kind of you've woven that through here yeah that the theme kind of runs through that the the Carolina time that the song Johnny and I actually released that back in the 1990s with with I guess it was called the Jeanette Williams band back then and we thought it was a good bluegrass song and so we kind of resurrected it and you know it's been over 25 years since it was released so it's kind of a new thing again so yeah written by Patrick McDougall and it's about Carolina time is about a relationship actually and the one person is in Carolina and the other person is not so that's that's basically the whole premise of it so you're down in in Carolina without the other person and you're doing that Carolina time so you know you want to be there but you you're missing your other person sure yeah and there've been some good songs through the years that same kind of theme you know what's that one I like I can't remember now who does it you would know tears fell on Missouri Missouri I love that song yeah good song with I think the Jennifer Strickland write that but but those are always kind of neat you know like Carolina time where you've got someone over here and someone over there yeah okay all right listen to that and in our studios at a Johnny and Jeanette Williams and Jay Shelton and the new CD "Time for Every Season" and here's the very first cut. [Music] Hidden south on a pair of sevens Lord it's going to hurt this time. He don't know just how he feels in my room. Every mile is another day of Simmons on my mind. Leaving here without him is my one and only crime. If I wake up here tomorrow nearly out of my mind Lord I'm stuck down here without him doing care a lot of time. So many things I should have told him the pride was in the way. I'd like to turn this thing around and give it one more day with all the many miles that separate us now I find. I'll be spending my forever and myself in my mind. If I wake up here tomorrow nearly out of my mind Lord I'm stuck down here without him doing care a lot of time. Don't know why it holds me but I can't seem to go. I'll die if home is rocky ground forever it's my home. It hurts to know that I can't believe it's a Simmons of the heart unless he's gonna leave there we're forever more apart. If I wake up here tomorrow nearly out of my mind Lord I'm stuck down here without him doing care a lot of time. Lord I'm stuck down here without him doing care a lot of time. Kind of getting a sample a day of the new CD it's just out Shelton and Williams time for every season and that's the very first cut there. Carolina time that's a good one. Yeah thank you. Tell us a little bit about this CD how it all came together this is your second one you said and how do you decide what you know you did the first one you were happy with it had all the good music there how do you decide you know what what goes on the second album yeah what's that process well our process since there are three of us we we do shows as a trio and then we also do shows with we bring in other instruments typically banjo mandolin sometimes fiddle or whatever so when we our process for choosing songs is there usually are ten songs on the CD and so the first song that we did when we in the very beginning when we started all this was a song that was a trio song that we sang trio all the way through so it featured all of us equally and then after that so that was one song and then after that the three of us each brought three songs that we felt passionate about recording so that was that was the remaining nine songs so it's that's kind of how we approach it we each bring three songs and then we have one that features everybody kind of so our first CD they came out in 2022 is called so much time so much love and we brought in different different styles like the songs that I do there's a contemporary christian song on there from casting crowns and then there's um old peggy lee number um it's a good day and then what was the other one that I sang oh my heart beats like a drum that's one that johnnie wrote and then um jay brought in three that he liked and then johnnie chose three that he liked so but this current CD we did the same process and uh we we actually um didn't have our material together it's funny funny story we were getting ready to go in studio the following day and we were like we still need another song and so what are we gonna do and now we needed something upbeat and I said well I've got a song that that I wrote in 2012 but it's a slow ballad and uh you know so we looked and I said you know what would happen if we do give it the bluegrass treatment and just speed it up play it double time you know and so that's what we did and uh so it kind of um that's it fit the album nicely it turned out to be a nice bluegrass song yeah but that's that's our process how we choose songs that's the one we're talking what what is that one we're talking about I have an idea I know what this is that's number four maybe I just do yeah okay all right very good um yeah and is it easy to um that's that's it I'm glad you told that story you know how you you went in studio you had all the music but yeah oh wait a minute we're one short right yeah okay uh so I wondered is it easy to trend you've got an old bird song yeah from the birds yeah which was a big hit and what let's see I wrote it down here to be sure I should I played it a lot when in my early radio 1965 is number one uh O.P. Seeger song yeah from the early sixties but um did things like that translate you know you had that last minute when you just did on the album can you can you move anything from from here to there that easily or is it really a hard job something depending on the music I get it's a song yeah well the one of the great things about this particular trio Johnny and myself and Jay Shelton here is that we all have diverse musical backgrounds we like all different styles of music yeah so um I think for us it's pretty easy to trends trends you know to take this song from another genre and just move it over into what we do and we don't we don't consider that we're doing it a bluegrass style or whatever we don't even consider that we just sing the songs that we like and with the instrumentation we have we have they Johnny and Jay each play guitar and I play the bass so that's our typical instrumentation but if we can do it with with two guitars in the bass then you know then we can do it because we we love all different styles of music and so that's we all kind of feel feel all different styles now so we have fun with that yeah we've all jay jay is versatile on the guitar because he's played so many different kind of music that takes care of that part of the lead breaks and things like that he can play on anything and as she said we've all you know jay's he's singing uh he's done the singer-songwriter thing he's done gospel he's a friend his own rock band for several years the counter classics and Jeanette she sings everything and from body rate on down to Loretta Lynn and yeah I started out on Motown and switched over to Hank with him then and Hank with him singing and then in the bluegrass so we've we've all we've all been fortunate enough that we've we've learned a lot of different kind of music and it just we all just seems just when somebody kicks it off we just figure out who's gonna sing the lead and what key it is and everything else this seems to follow in place yeah and it's not always like that some you just have to have the right combination to be able to do that sure because of that we can do the last thing you want to do is go on a studio and learn a song when you get there but we kind of figured out the night before and went in the next morning and it just the players we had played it just rolled right off the tongue and just it just works yeah yeah Johnny Williams Motown somehow doesn't I wasn't expecting that one yeah we'll do a Motown show when yeah some of Raiders of it yeah we might won't forget that but and you've produced a lot of music over the years for others for others yeah I've been fortunate to a lot of singer-songwriters that they'll hire me to I'll put a band together for them and some of them have me to arrange the songs for them and some of them I just arrange the sessions and then they'll always bring in players and singers and then some of them I just I do everything from they say hey I got a song can you make album out of it and we go from there so it's just just different levels but I've been real fortunate to do quite a few last few years yeah yeah I think in one way or the other either as a writer a singer a guitarist or a producer I've been on like a hundred and twelve albums oh wow over the years yeah just got a little bit experience in that department but yeah I would say still learning every day yeah over a hundred what is a one maybe you enjoy more than a singing songwriting producing any any one of those at the top of the list I love singing but you know if it's the kind of songs that I can sing I love doing that I'm not that great a guitar so that's thrown down the line I like I like putting projects together I think that's my strong part just the creativity of it free pre recording yeah things that it takes a lot of time and a lot of work but I think that's my strongest point and then after producing sometimes just once you get in the studio it's pretty pretty easy depending on who you're working with you know they know what they can do and I try to make sure they do the best they can that's what they got I don't think them sound the best I try to learn each one I try to learn what their potential is and what their maximum they can do and try not to push them over that yeah as long as they're having fun I'm okay yeah having fun okay yeah so but people have actually come to you and said hey I've written a song I got one song and from there you end up with an album yeah I haven't done that yeah yeah they enjoyed the process of recording it and they say hey can you hit me can we you got any more songs or can you do some more of my songs and who just evolved to that and I like doing the whole band things too but I like I like doing the singer songwriter things where they want me to to do a lot of it and I picked the people that I think fits the song we've got a good stable of musicians in the area that are just you know whatever I send them they can play and that makes it easy you know and if I can find the right guys for the right project and it's it's easy after that sure yeah that's a whole other program right there that the talent that we have in y'all up in Virginia but here in North Carolina we're shooting the the music roots that that are here you know you've got so many people out there doing so many they're so talented oh yeah well within a hundred mile radius right here it just all you'd ever need to find music singers and players and just it's really really fortunate you know sometimes you know we tour a lot we've toured a lot of foreign countries today we take it for granted the music that we have around here in the talent when we go other places even in the United States when we get outside of Virginia and Carolina you know they're just amazed at the music and when you go to the foreign countries they're just really amazed but we kind of it's so much of here we're so used to it we kind of take it from here and that's true that is so true yeah I want to talk about some of those countries and where you've been I want to get back to Jay here just a minute though because you know I don't know if I want to get into your rock roots or not but but but uh what do you enjoy about playing anything like you know every all of you have a the talent the passion and you just get up and have a good time yeah well I kind of have to reiterate one thing Johnny said I if it's vocally strong I really like I love I love singing I love singing harmonies with people and that that's kind of rooted in me from my family my mother's side of the family as I was growing up used to have these glorious family reunions and everyone on that side of the family was a musician and a singer it looked like just everybody was and so these reunions would turn into a day-long festival really and um and that's kind of that that I got the bug when I was a young child with that and so then I was how young oh gee I was seven eight years old before I kind of figured that I could begin to carry a tune you know at least I thought I could yeah and then as I got older as I got into my teenage years and that kind of thing it was really something but um it put the bug in me to just go look at all kinds of music I might I have two older sisters who had a pretty nice record collection for us back in those days lots of 45s yeah we have 45s we had LPs you know we had the Beatles we had the Rolling Stones everybody like that and when I got uh jumping onto my rock roots when I got a little older and I discovered Eric Clapton through cream that was all over you know it was like okay I've got to get my hands on one of these electric guitars then so my parents took care of that for me like Christmas and the rest was history so then I was into everything but I always circled back to my roots which was country music and bluegrass music and gospel and those kinds of things that that that has always been a strong influence and a place where I like to live in and kind of venture out into the other things you know yeah and I still do I love all kinds of music if it's done well and it's pleasing to people if it seems like it it lifts people up and it brings them happiness I like it I don't and I almost hate to rat hole something into a particular genre yeah you know and so I think that's why this a big reason this trio right here works so well because we all pretty well think that way nobody's gonna sit over in the corner and say it's got to be done like this and you got to have this you know we're all open to new ideas and that also gives us a really large basket of tricks to pull from when we're moving to another project you know then we're gonna sit around and talk about where do we want to go with this project but with the three of us and the diversity of the things that we do like and that gives us a large like I said a large basket of tricks to pull from and then we can pull from original music or we can write something or we can go back and get like some of these old songs that we've done on on both CDs as Jeanette pointed out earlier we have a trio where the three of us sing the entire entire song is a trio and both of those are older rock songs actually and they come out they came out great I thought I mean I was very pleased with them yeah so and then we leave it up to the audience to decide what they like what they don't like but but I think they I think they did pretty well you kind of mentioned your family roots and the gatherings and the homecomings and the reunions and all kind of stuff so that's where it started at an early age but who are some of you who have been some of your other influences in your music world through the years it goes back I already mentioned Clapton and people like that of course being a guitar player some years after that I discovered Tony Rice oh wow no when I discovered Tony Rice I had to believe the roof all for everything I said how can anybody be such an incredible musician yeah and and be Tony is of course is known as one of the greatest guitar players the world's ever known he was a beautiful person and a beautiful artist but he was a great singer yeah he was an incredible singer and so Tony was was a huge influence sure and one of his great bandmates and buddies and all who had just recently passed away Bobby Hicks and I became really good friends yeah I was a fiddle student of Bobby's and this had to be 79 or 80 or something like that I think when I started taking some fiddle from him when he lived in Greensboro yeah he was living Greensboro at the time came back to take care of his mother's business who had passed away and so I got to know Bobby then and it led to a great friendship for many many years I just recently got to see him before he passed and so that was really good but sorry to hear about that yeah he was he was a huge influence on me because Bobby was his vision of music and his sense of timing and what needs to be done and how you all of those things was just impeccable and I learned so much watching him playing some music with him and those kinds of things talking to him over the years it just it's an invaluable education and they were they were those guys were some of my major influences of course I could go I could I could name you a whole list of people you know when it comes to the country world and singing I don't think anybody's ever done it better than Merle Haggard you know when it comes to the bluegrass world I don't think it ever got any better than what Tony and those guys did in the bluegrass album band paying homage to the old flat scrubs and Stanley brothers and all that kind of stuff and Bill Monroe so yeah it's just a big mashup of many people yeah yeah look what I've got really the the essential flattened scrubs I picked that out yeah picked that up at a drift place recently yeah you you need to listen to that everybody that if they want to hear bluegrass and see what happens or see where it where it came from I started you got to listen to that sure that's exactly right yeah before time gets away here I got a call our sponsor in a moment here I'm gonna play another song and then I'll get ready to play here in the studio then we're gonna talk about some of these things coming up because you got this big show here bluegrass by the river we want to talk about that but let's play another song from the new CD Shelton and Williams of Time for Every Season what do you want to listen to it and which one you say this is um such a good CD it's just out um recently on Turnberry Records why don't you do um take me back that's uh got a got a video that's coming out that's just been released on that one so we go up to number seven here take me back okay all right we'll do that right now and then uh on the other side of that while they get they'll get set up here and we'll listen to uh some more music too okay uh thanks for listening in to Rocco Live I want to go back to my old home that's where they can vary me back to the place of my childhood I am the hills of Kentucky it's been 60 years since I left there that great depression worked so great to me I left my home for the fact then to find a job to feed a family take me back to my home to those hills of love to roam take me back to my home take me back to the mountain air I want to breathe my last breath in take me back to my home [Music] the doctor say it won't be long now till cancer steals life away so let me rest with my mother and father on that hillside till my final judgment day we've had a good life in the flat land raised a family in a house we called our home but now I hear alone some boys calling calling me back to my mountain home take me back to my home to those hills of love to roam take me back to my home take me back to the mountain air I want to breathe my last breath in take me back to my home the little boy thought life was forever the young man learned that he would someday die the old man looked from life in his memories the dead man lives forever by and by take me back to my home to those hills of love to roam take me back to my home take me back to the mountain air I want to breathe my last breath in take me back to my home we're featuring today music from the new CD it's just out and we'll have some more of that music and a little bit too and while that song's playing and I'm talking to Amy Tilly at Sandy Cross General merchandise the band is getting in place and tuning up so we'll have some live music in our studio but first hey Amy how you doing I'm doing great I'm doing just great here always great when I have when I have live bluegrass musicians in the studio they're so talented in so many ways and I was telling them earlier about some of the bluegrass you have right there on the porch and in the parking lot at Sandy Cross General merchandise so some more of that coming up yes we're working on finalizing a date to get our friends to come back in October and hopefully we'll have that finalized in the next week but yeah we love music here and we have people on the porch that meet to play together or organize the event like what we are going to do in October all the time yeah it's always fun this is a busy week at the law cabin story had the boardwalk baker there yesterday and isn't that the coolest thing she tell us about that award she just got Steve competed in a food truck contest on Saturday for all of North Carolina and she won first place for dessert first place for dessert yes her cheesecake is amazing and it was really neat to try the one that she won with yesterday to have them pumpkin on it it was really good and we will have her come back very soon yeah it'll be a few weeks but she'll be back sometime in October okay and then tomorrow is hot dog Thursday but downtown both house right and then Friday we will have barbecue Friday with bearded barbecue by a week they were at a veterans event in Fayetteville and so they'll be back with Friday and we're excited to catch up with them and of course it's Turtle Creek Wednesday we'll have some fresh sourdough bread this afternoon and we'll also have yeah and we'll also have some of their freeze-dried candy and we got some new flavors lefty-cappy and some different flavored freeze-dried marshmallows that are quite good and who knows what else she'll bring I'm gonna ask Jeanette Williams who she's ever had freeze-dried marshmallows I don't think I don't think I've ever just said we get in there you know when we were in I was there for a couple of weeks back for hot dogs on Thursday and then Annette and I were there for the bearded barbecue on that Friday and that's coming up this week hot dogs tomorrow bearded barbecue on on Friday and both of those 11 or 2 for lunch but you know I got what was that from Nancy's fudge and that's kind of up in your neck of the woods yeah Nancy's fudge is up there we're there we're there a group here but what was that little little mix honey something mix that crunch the honey berry crunch honey berry crunch I'm addicted to that stuff already I could eat I could eat about several boxes of it oh my goodness oh I could too yeah yeah I told Annette the other night said I've got to stop eating this I'm gonna you know eat the whole bag here so you've got Nancy's fudge all kinds of good stuff we do we we've just got chocolate covered coffee beans and chocolate covered cashews which is something we haven't had before oh my and then we've got all her snack mixes like the Cajun snack mix the honey berry crunch and the sweet and salty we've got about everything that she's got now here and we just got some fudge and I want to have to order some more everybody's been jumping on the fudge cups this week yeah yeah well you know there are other places that have Nancy's fudge but you have really the the most variety they are anywhere around I believe yeah we try to have as much variety as we can just because not everybody's into fudge cups but they do like chocolate covered raisins or chocolate covered peanuts we can have sugar free chocolate covered peanuts that come from Nancy's for all our diabetic friends and that's been a big hit so anytime she comes out with something new I'd try very hard to get it if we can yeah yeah gosh getting hungry now um so what else do we need to talk about aiming well we just we just got some fresh apple butter that was made like oh my goodness fresh apple butter oh my yes it is yummy mmm i'm sure it is yeah and we um we're going to have a very limited supply of homemade fried apple pods delivered this afternoon okay um and we're going to see how they do and hopefully if they do well she'll bring some more in a few days um so we're excited to be getting that and we've got some new Damascus knobs from the knife shop okay they have a pretty large display here and he's starting to bring in new stuff for people to do Christmas shopping so um that that's beautiful Damascus knobs that come from the forged empire school like you see on tv they actually have a school and these are the things that they make in their classes and then he helps make handles for them and and he some stuff already has handles but he sells the stuff for them here and it's beautiful beautiful work okay yeah so we just got some of that we just got some new elderberry syrup if you don't use elderberry all year long and just use it for cold and flu season it's time to start stocking up on that yeah it is wrong yeah and we just got a new delivery of local honey last week so we've got quite a bit of honey around here and uh some new fall breeze just came in last Friday so if you need to decorate we've got some locally made breeze for fall okay it'll carry you through Thanksgiving wonderful okay and and we're looking at local folks with all of these things you're talking about too oh yes absolutely and speaking of local divine lemonade just last a few minutes ago so we've got a new shipment of their half gallons and their regular size drinks oh right very local that's from reusable and if you had it tried her lemonade it's really good people love that divine lemonade you're right okay okay anything else you need to mention well we've got uh 36 flavors of glass bottle drinks and I'm actually working on trying to get one or two more new flavors oh my goodness to give us some maybe some diet options more than what we've got uh diet blinum is the latest flavor we've added if you like blinum ginger ale this is diet okay it's uh something new for us and I'm working on some more and hopefully we'll have that in a few days okay yeah got 36 uh those um drinks now I might as well try to round it off at 40 if you possibly can and then you'll go to 50 do it do I hear 45 finish it on everything oh my goodness wow well and we will have more hot pins uh chicken salad fallen potato salad in today oh yeah yeah because really good if you haven't tried it it is yeah we went through our container that chicken salad here really fast uh well Amy uh hope you and I will have a good weekend it's a it's a great great weather wise uh the temperatures are perfect to get out and stop by the uh the uh log cabin store and hot dogs tomorrow and barbecue on friday and she said the honey and the apple butter and fried apple pies and sourdough bread coming in today oh my goodness Amy thanks a lot thank you talk to you again all right thank you bye bye that's Amy Tilly she's at sandy cross general merchandise uh on boyed road that's a boyed road and uh sandy cross road and Irving farm road and reeds will open every day so uh you heard all the good things she has I don't know about you folks but uh boy I'm I'm really hungry now I want some I want some apple butter on a on a warm biscuit right now but but we have the next best thing and we've got Jeanette and and Johnny Williams and uh Jay Shelton here in our studios and they've got all their instruments here uh ready to go so tell us what we're gonna do here uh folks yeah Jay here's the song that's actually featured on our first uh record so much time so much love and it's uh her Peterson song that uh I learned most of us learned from the rendition that seldom seemed it oh yeah seldom seen boy well seldom seen what a great band yeah and uh we kind of gave it our own little bit of treatment and uh recorded it like this and we do this song as a trio and we do it in our full band as well so okay we thought we'd pull it out here and give it a go for you all right let's do it we're ready oh wait a minute okay get the music done move along what good does it do play a song from her in her sing wait a minute did I hear you say you're going far away again try to change it I can't take the lonely nights without your love you're rolling alone life's been good to you and even so she comes to you late at night's the time you say once again you waiting for you 30 days at night without rest got to hold on 25 to go and once again oh here's saying wait a minute did I hear you say you're going far away again try to change it I can't take the lonely nights without your love so so wait a minute did I hear you say you're going far away again try to change it I can't take the lonely nights without your love wow wow that is that's a beautiful song thank you that is so nice oh and it's even nicer to have my own personal concert right here in the studio and for those of you listening I wish you could be here and just enjoy this but thank you for listening in our program is live 11 to 12 every Wednesday and what a treat to have John and Jeanette Williams and Jay Shelton here in the studio I know we've got some we may we may go I say 11 to 12 we may go overtime and you know it's our show we can do that we have that we have that freedom another song I've got another one I want to want to slip in another song or something from the CD real quick because we want to talk about the the show coming up this Saturday for sure bluegrass by the river seventh annual but if you want to do another song find if not we'll do one right from the new CD which is out now a time for every season speaking of time let's let's play turn turn turn yeah we were talking earlier about some things like that and that's a that was a big hit by the birds back in the 60s and you know maybe nobody from maybe no birds fans are listening but I think I may like your version better it's it's really just you do it's a great rendition of this I mean the way you've I'll come together on this so all right let me go here that's number eight on this new CD and we'll play that right now to everything nope I don't want to miss anything almost need to pop that back up here we go to everything turn turn turn turn there is a season turn turn turn turn ♪ And a time to every purpose under heaven ♪ ♪ A time to be born, a time to die ♪ ♪ A time to plan, a time to reap ♪ ♪ A time to kill, a time to heal ♪ ♪ A time to love, a time to weep ♪ ♪ A time to build up, a time to break down ♪ ♪ A time to dance, a time to mourn ♪ ♪ A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together ♪ ♪ To everything, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ There is a season, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ And a time to every purpose under heaven ♪ (guitar music) ♪ A time of love, a time of hate ♪ ♪ A time of war, a time of peace ♪ ♪ A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing ♪ ♪ To everything, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ There is a season, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ And a time to every purpose under heaven ♪ (guitar music) ♪ A time to gain, a time to lose ♪ ♪ A time to rent, a time to sow ♪ ♪ A time for love, a time for hate ♪ ♪ A time for peace, I swear it's not too late ♪ ♪ To everything, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ There is a season, turn, turn, turn ♪ ♪ And a time to every purpose under heaven ♪ (guitar music) - Going back to Ecclesiastes for that one, aren't we there, turn, turn, turn, yeah. That's a good one, ah, it's a good rendition of that one. Okay, more live music in our studios here, so what's up next? - Well, we'll go back and do one of the singles that we released off of the first CD, so much time, so much love. And this is, we didn't actually have a title track, but we got the lyrics, we took some of the lyrics from this song and made it the title so much time, so much love. It's the old Crosby still, it's a Nash tune, wasted on the way. - Oh yeah, okay, very good. (guitar music) ♪ Look around me, I can't see my life before me ♪ ♪ Running rings around the way it used to be ♪ ♪ I am older now, I have more than what I wanted ♪ ♪ But I wish I had started on before I did ♪ ♪ And there's so much time to make up everywhere you turn ♪ ♪ Time we have wasted on the way ♪ ♪ So much water moving underneath the bridge ♪ ♪ Let the water come and carry us away ♪ (guitar music) ♪ Oh when you were young ♪ ♪ Did you question all the answers ♪ ♪ Did you and me all the dancers who had all the nerve ♪ ♪ Look around you now, you must go for what you wanted ♪ ♪ Look at all my friends who did and got what they deserve ♪ ♪ And there's so much time to make up everywhere you turn ♪ ♪ Time we have wasted on the way ♪ ♪ So much water moving underneath the bridge ♪ ♪ Let the water come and carry us away ♪ (guitar music) ♪ And there's so much love to make up everywhere you turn ♪ ♪ Love we have wasted on the way ♪ ♪ So much water moving underneath the bridge ♪ ♪ Let the water come and carry us away ♪ ♪ Let the water come and carry us away ♪ - Oh, that's nice, thank you, thank you, thank you. This has been so nice to have had the band in the studio, the trio in the studios here today. And before time gets completely away, I won't listen to maybe another song from the CD, but tell us about some things coming up, maybe Johnny, Jay, whoever. I know you've got three things we certainly want to talk about. I know that the new video was won. Yeah, and some, and shows and things like that. Yeah, the new video will be, it's on Facebook, it's on YouTube, and you can go to our website,, and you can, probably there's a link to that, or there will be soon, or on our Facebook page as well. And "Bluegrass Ridge TV" is going to be airing that on an upcoming episode, and so that's the video for "Take Me Back," this song that you played from the record a little bit earlier. Things coming up tomorrow night, September 12, in Gaylax, Virginia, The Rex Theater. We will be there tomorrow night, and we'll have our special guest, Sammy Sheeiler on Banjo and Ron Nskor on Mandolin, so that'll be a full band. And then "Bluegrass by the River" is the event that we'd like to talk about. That's going to be our CD release party, and that's going to be Saturday, September 14th, in Danville at two witches winery in brewery, that's 209 Trade Street, that's just one street over from Riverside Drive right there. On the river, you go to Hardys, and go behind Hardys, and that's on that little street behind Hardys there. - Oh, yeah, sure. - On two of nine Trade Street, two witches winery in brewery. That's going to be the Lonesome River Band, we'll be there. And we'll be opening up for the Lonesome River Band. We'll take the stage at 6.30, and the Lonesome River Band will take the stage at eight o'clock. And it is a fundraiser for Project Life Saver, which is an organization who provides bracelets for folks with cognitive disabilities so that if they wander off, they can be easily found. And that is a great organization, Project Life Saver. Jay's wife Beverly puts a lot of work into putting this fundraiser on. And so I think this is her seventh annual. So we're glad to be a part of that. That's "Bluegrass by the River." And if you want to get tickets, you can go to or you can stop by two witches if you're local to the area and pick those up. They're $20 in advance and 25 the day of. And Shelton and Williams will be there. We'll have Clyde Bailey on banjo with us and Ron and score on mandolin for that show. So we'll have a full bluegrass band. We take the stage at 6.30, Lonesome River Band comes on at eight and there's going to be a big time had by all, so. - Oh, it's a yes. - Yeah, yeah, LRB and Shelton and Williams. What a night. - Yeah, we're gonna have fun. - Yeah, tell Sammy I said, hey, if I don't. - We will, yes. - Probably we'll make it, yeah. So yeah, so that is this Saturday. And what a great cause at Project Life Saver. You're talking about two, yeah. So bring a long chair and enjoy that. "Bluegrass by the River" and two witches, Winery and Brewing, Brewing and Danville. - Yeah, they were here for our Oink and Ale of that recently in Eden. Yeah, so people like them. Okay, wow. I wish we had, well, we'll take a little more time if we need it here. Let's talk about, you mentioned the video. Is there anything else we needed to talk about some other things coming up shows, things like that? - Little bit out of me and me. - Yeah, and always sad, it's the last year here in North Carolina. - Yeah, it's moving to Chattanooga next year. - We'll be there from Tuesday through Saturday. We'll be doing shows Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and then we'll do a vocal workshop out in one of the main stages on Saturday. - Okay. - We look forward to seeing a lot of folks there. We're gonna see once a year. - Yeah, so IBMA, what are the dates on that? - It's 26 through the 28th. - 26 through 28th in Raleigh. - Yeah, 25th through 28th. - Yeah. - And we have some things coming up local to the Danville area. October, is it October 5th? We'll be at the Bachelor's Hall Fire Department. We do an annual fundraiser. That's our local fire department. We want to make sure they're well equipped. So, yeah, the Bachelor's Hall Fire Department is, yeah. So we'll be doing a fundraiser there. Johnny and I, and Johnny and Jeanette and friends, and we'll have some different folks come in. Jay might be there, I'm not sure. We've even talked to him. So I'm not gonna throw him under the bus and say he will be, but hopefully he'll be there. - No, it's that day. That day, I'll be there. - Yeah, so that's October 5th, Friday, October 5th. And then the following week, October 12th, we'll be doing a fundraiser for the SPCA, their Undunken Drive in Danville, Bachelor's Hall area. So, all these dates will be listed on So, and on our Facebook. So. - Yeah, hot tubers are always our big fundraiser month. - Yeah. - Sherry's almost like three weeks in a row, right there next to home, but we have to give back as much as we can 'cause they support us either round. - That's right. - Sure, yeah, yeah. So those are important, those fundraisers, for sure. Lots of reasons, okay. All right, is a website., and then your Facebook page too. Okay, well, you've had a busy summer, I'm sure, but then, and maybe you take a little break in the winter coming up and write and do some stuff like that. - We've actually been busy this whole year. We started off the year in Ireland. We were in Ireland for two weeks in January, and we were an official showcase band for the Your Roots are Showing Folk Conference, they're in Ireland. - Wow. - And now, so we were glad to get to see another country. Johnny and I have toured in Europe since 1998 was our first tour over there. So we've been on four European tours, but this was our first time in Ireland. We will be going back to Ireland in June of 2025. And so we have lots of interesting things coming up. - Yeah. And I'm glad you mentioned that because Johnny had said something earlier, and I wanted to go back to that, but, and the way you were saying it about, yeah, we appreciate the music here, but when you go to Ireland or Scotland or anywhere out of the country, as a lot of bluegrass musicians seem to do, they really appreciate what you do and like your music so much. - Yes, they are, you know, that music's tied in heavily with bluegrass and old-time music, the old fiddle tune. - Yeah. - You know, many of those tunes came from Ireland and Scotland back in the other day, it's been a long time ago. And we just, I mean, you were talking in 100 mile radius of Eden, North Carolina. There's so much great bluegrass and old-time music and so many talented musicians. And after a while, we kind of take it for granted, but when you get in places like that, that only gets to see two or three shows a year, they just appreciate it so much. - Yeah, yeah. - It's really fun to do those tours. There's a lot of work, but it's real beneficial when you get home, you've seen places you've never seen and met folks that you probably never see again, but a lot of them stay in contact with you for the rest of their lives, you know, they keep up with us. - Mm-hmm, yeah. - Yeah. Ron Martin here in Eden, Piedmont Brothers Band, you know, he had a connection there with folks there in around Italy, I think, you know, the Greece and all that area. - I know. - You've got some good stuff. - Doug Rourke, who's-- - Doug, sure again, Doug, and Taylor. - He goes to England a lot. - I know, yeah. - I think he went this year. - Yeah, yeah. - He went too long ago, I think. - Right. - It's a lot of times when you get to talking to him, "Yeah, I've been there, I've been there, "you didn't realize that." - Yeah. - And just sit down and start talking together with her. - And you weren't there just a quick trip. You said two weeks. - Yes, sir. - You're there two weeks in Ireland. - Yes, sir. - Wow. Well, what was it, what was it like most about just the countryside and seeing things with the food or what did you enjoy most? - All of those. (laughing) - And the music. - Yeah, yeah. In January, the daylight hours are short, like from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. So we saw, we squeezed in as much sightseeing as we could. We got to see some amazing sights, the cliffs of Moore are just breathtaking and that was in several of the little towns and all that we were in. And so we're looking forward to when we go back in June, the daylight hours will be much, much longer. And so we'll, yeah, we'll have a lot of time to get to see a lot more outside things. But, you know, I think the common theme that my opinion in all of our international travels, the best thing is to get to meet the people and to see how the people live. You know, if you watch TV and you see what you see on TV, and I would say this is probably true of someone from another country if they're watching an American TV show and they think Americans are one way. But if they come and they stay with you in your home or you get, they actually come here, we're not like the TV portrays us. And that's what I find. You know, the people are genuine and warm and we are all just, the human race, you know, there's a quote Mark Twain said, and I can't quote it, but about if you can travel, then that's the, well, I can't even quote it now, but Joseph Resindo says it on his travel scope. Yeah, but you know, you see the real people, you see the real people and how they really are and not how they're portrayed. So, yeah, so that's the biggest thing about, it's the great, the scenery is great and seeing the different countries and the different areas of the world, but the people, that's the main thing for me, getting to see how the people really live and how they really are. - You know, I'm thinking, so you were in a home, you actually stayed in a home. - We stayed in several situations. Yeah, we have hotels and different people's homes. And you know, so we got to see, you know, we got to see, and Johnny and I, when we were there in 2014 and brought us lava in Europe, we got to see, got to spend some time in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic and we've been, you know, stayed in homes in Germany and in France. And so, you know, people are people and that's it. - Thank you for that, yeah, sharing that with us. What about your trip to Ireland, Jay, what kind of experience are that for you? - Yeah, I thought it was great. It's just like Janette said, getting to know the people and getting to mingle in the culture. You get to see what it's like. And you sort of get to see where, you know, where we're influenced so heavily, you know, here in America, because so many of our ancestors are from that part of the world. - That's right, yeah. - And it's just like, it's just like home almost, you know. And one of the things I truly believe most people in this world are good people. I truly believe that. I truly believe that 99 and 44 are 100% of everybody here are good folks. - Right. - And we're all tied together. And you get to see that traveling abroad. You get, you know, you can watch television and these kind of things in here. Whatever they want to tell you about this culture or whatever culture. But when you get out and you get to mingle in it and you get to live with them, you see that they're just like, just like we are. We're just, we're tied together. And that was a great part of that trip. - It really was. And not to mention that they liked our music except our music went well over there. - The quote I found the quote, travel is fatal to prejudiced bigotry and narrow mindedness. - Oh, wow. Oh, that's crazy. - Yeah. - And narrow mindedness. - Yeah. - Wow. - You gotta be there to experience and appreciate it. - Yes. - Indeed. - Okay. All right. Well, this has been a lot of fun. Thank you all for coming down today and doing this. And we'll end with one more song from the CD. So what do we want to play here? - Maybe I just do the wrong, we're starting to do it. - Yeah, the one we put together. - Okay. - We're going to get together over here. - All right. - Yeah. - We did like we said, we weren't going to do it. We learned that in the studio, too. (laughing) - So you went in, that's when we talked about earlier, I said so. So you, so you went in, so how long did it take you? - I know you said, before we started the program, I believe you said you did one earlier than you went back. Did you do basically all of these in one session there? Do you take a lunch break? You go say, you know, come back the next day. How does that work with this CD? - Well, what we did, we actually did Carolina time and take me back and the doors always open. We did those on one session. Those were our first three singles. And then we did those in, I think it was December, November, December of last year. And so the remaining songs we came in and did, I think our processes typically will line the musicians up and Johnny's great at this, at the scheduling. We'll line the musicians up so that our goal is to get the musicians in and out. So we track the songs, we track them live and we use Wesley Easter's studio in Cana, Virginia. - Which has been there pretty a lot. - Yes, he's been there a long time. We do the tracks first, all the musicians, we cut those live and then we'll go back in and do our vocals at another time because once we get those musicians in there and they can just play through their songs and then they're free to go. And then we can spend as much time as we want to on the vocals. And so that's typically how we approach the recording. And it'll take, I think we tracked the rest of those songs. Did we track the rest of those songs in one day? - Yeah, I think we did. - Yeah, it's ticked the time if you got 10 songs, two days to put the music down, two days to the vocals, one day to mix. And then you're out. If you can book five days to the road, most of the time at the end of the week, you can have a CD or any of those. So if you plan it out right, sometimes it takes a little longer. Sometimes not as long. - Yeah, okay. Where can we get this CD? - Well, you can get it anywhere that you download your digital music, iTunes and all of those digital outlets and you can contact us on our website at And we will mail it to you. - Put it right in the mail. - Yeah, and also if you're local to the area, they are available at Karen's Hallmark in the Danville Mall. - Mm-hmm, okay. - Yeah, they do. She does have some physical copies there. - Yeah. - Or at any of our shows or, yeah. If you can find us on social media or our website, then we can give you any information that you need. So if you need a CD. - Okay, and then of course you'll have them there at the seventh annual Bluegrass by the river on Seattle. - Absolutely, we sure will. - Okay, got plenty, got plenty of copies. - Yes, we do, yeah. - Okay, all right. Jay, Janette, Johnny, thank you all for being here. - Thank you, Mike, for having us. - I hope you'll come back and visit again sometime. - Thank you. - Yeah, okay. Please check them out at and We need to give them a mention here too. Okay, and now we're gonna finish with this one song here we're talking about, "Baby, I Just Do," and you wrote this song. - I did, yes. - I wrote it in, the sheet said that I wrote it, my lyric sheet said that I wrote it in 2012. I couldn't remember when it was, and knew it was a while back, but I wrote it as a slow ballad, and then when we got to, we needed another song, and we needed a fast song, and so we just decided to play this one kind of double time, and Jodie King plays the banjo on this, and then Nick Goed plays Mandolin, and they just fell right in there and took it out Bluegrass style. So just as they do, so. - Okay, before we get to that, I was thinking last week, Johnny, I was, I mentioned her, I was trying to organize my CD collection, which I'll never get organized, probably, but I did come across, I've gotta put everything alphabetically, but I did come across last day of Gaylax. - Oh, yes. - Yeah, and so I was thinking about you, and I knew you were coming up for the show, but that was a great CD. That was a good-- - That turned out to be a really good CD. I wrote six of the songs, and I co-wrote three of the songs with Tom T and Dixie Hall, which was a big honor. - Sure. - And I said, it really turned out great, it has great players on it and singers, and it still gets requests for a lot of those songs. - I'm sure you did. - It's been out of print for many years, but I don't know when these days, I may order another 50 copies just to have. Somebody asked for it, but it turned out good. - Lots of good music, and thinking of big country bluegrass and all of the bands and all of it. Yeah, so thank you all for your good music all through the years, all of you. This has been great. All right, Jeanette Williams, Johnny Williams, and Jay Shelton in our studio is our new CD, Out Shelton and Williams, a time for every season. Find out more at (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ Sitting here alone tonight ♪ ♪ Wondering where you are ♪ ♪ Do you ever think of me ♪ ♪ Have we come that far ♪ ♪ I don't know what to believe ♪ ♪ Got these sunken views ♪ ♪ I don't wanna love you now ♪ ♪ Baby, I just can't rule ♪ ♪ Walk is rolling in again ♪ ♪ Into my head and heart ♪ ♪ Longing for a gentle wind ♪ ♪ To make those storm clouds part ♪ ♪ I don't know what to believe ♪ ♪ Got these sunken views ♪ ♪ I don't wanna love you now ♪ ♪ Baby, I just do ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ You've got your life and love got mine ♪ ♪ We're so far apart ♪ ♪ My head knows we're just wasting time ♪ ♪ Won't you tell that to my heart ♪ ♪ In the morning when the sun comes up ♪ ♪ Gonna be upright tomorrow ♪ ♪ Get those broken dreams of yesterday ♪ ♪ Be behind that pain and sorrow ♪ ♪ I don't know what to believe ♪ ♪ When it comes to loving you ♪ ♪ Is there room inside your heart for me ♪ ♪ Or baby are we through ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ Still don't know what to believe ♪ ♪ Got me so confused ♪ ♪ I don't wanna love you now ♪ ♪ Baby, I just do ♪ ♪ I don't wanna love you now ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]