
Rockingham County Outdoor NC Trail Town Guide 09.11.24

Tara Martin, Marketing Manager, Rockingham County Economic Development and Tourism.

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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Mike Moore media. I'm delighted to be talking with Tara Martin, marketing manager for Rockingham County Economic Development and Tourism. She's on our media line right now, and I want to tell you, Tara, what a wonderful time of the year to get out and enjoy our trails and rivers. It's just great, isn't it? It really is. I mean, North Carolina is just a beautiful state in and of itself, but when you land yourself here in the Keyesmont and specifically in Rockingham County, I mean, it is just gorgeous. The weather is gorgeous. Your backdrop in terms of all of the leaves starting to change is gorgeous. I mean, it really is a good time to get out and enjoy those trails here in Rockingham County. Yeah, let's talk about outdoor in-sea. Yes. So, last year, we were actually designated as a trail town destination, and we were part of the stewardship program. And because of that, we were able to land ourselves in the official North Carolina trail town guide, which is just super exciting. I think only 15 destinations across the state were picked to be a part of this partnership, and Rockingham County was one of those. So that just speaks volumes because like I had mentioned, there are some really gorgeous spots here in Rockingham, here in North Carolina. For Rockingham County, the make that list of those 15 destinations just really tells you that we are in a good place here in Rockingham County for sure. Oh, yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah, well, I think we've talked a little bit about this before, but congratulations, you know, to be in that select group. That does speak volumes on many different levels, doesn't it, for our county? It really does. I mean, you know, I think a lot of times, especially being a resident of Rockingham County, we really take for granted just the assets that we have here. But, you know, for the state to recognize like what Rockingham County has, you know, I just, I feel so fortunate to be a part of this community, and this would be the home that I choose to live in and to grow my family in. So, you know, it just, we really are fortunate to have everything that we have here in Rockingham, Rockingham County, especially in the outdoor scene with our trails. And like you had mentioned, our rivers and our lakes and our parks, you know, we have two-state parks here. It's just, it really is, really is a gym for sure. Yeah, you're right about that. Yeah, and it's, it's not isolated, so to speak, either. It's all over the county when you look at the trails and that continues to grow and just get better and better, doesn't it? Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, to your point, we have trails that literally span from, because Rockingham County is a large county in terms of geographic area. We have trails that literally span from corner to corner, and that just truly is a blessing and just a huge benefit to our residents and our visitors alike. But, you know, it is important though that when we're getting out there and enjoying those trails that we do enjoy those responsibly, which I know that we've talked about before, and that's one of the things that this program and of the NC trail town got, is really having that responsible travel. So making sure that you plan ahead, that you stick to the trails and overwrite rights, that you pick up your trash, so, you know, take out what you take in. Leave it as you find it. So, you know, sometimes we get super excited when we find things, you know, on trails or such, but it is really important too to leave it as it is, because, you know, one, so other people can enjoy, but two, realizing that that place that we're going into is home to, you know, many of our cultures and stuff that we find, you know, really special here in the county. You know, making sure that if we are, you know, building any towers or, you know, tent sites and that type thing that you're careful with that and your extinguishing those correctly, you know, making sure that we keep our wildlife wild, you know, a lot of times we do want to, especially the non-aggressive critters, you know, we want to, we want to pet them and treat them as, you know, our pets, but realizing that they are wildlife and that's the way that they need to stay. And just making sure that we're being considerate of others and sharing the outdoors, you know, respectively and just doing all that we can to keep our outdoors beautiful, you know, just really being responsible with what nature has given us. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's some good points for sure. Okay. Well, thank you for that, Tara. Anything else along those lines? We need to mention? Yeah. So one thing with the guide, the trail time guide, it's a really great document. I really encourage everyone to to thumb through. They can find that on our website. So if they go to and they go to the Get Outdoors section and then join the movement. They'll find on there a lot of the information with outdoor NC and then there actually is a link to the official NC trail town guide. I really encourage people to flip through that, you know, specifically to look at Rockin' and County. But obviously there's going to be a lot of great information in there. It's going to kind of designate some different types of activities that econes can do on different trails, specifically here in Rockin' and County. But it kind of lifts out some of those top trails and natural assets that we have here on the county, including the Blue Wave system, Ferris Memorial Park, Smith River Greenway, May River State Park, our quilt trail, which, you know, we've mentioned several times before because we just launched that new amazing guide for that. Oh, yeah. The Night Brown Nature Preserve and then Lake Reed Bowl. So those are just a small handful of the trails that we have here in Rockin' and County. But it is a really great document. And like I said, I've really encouraged people to go to our website and click on that link and kind of thumb through there. And then also, you know, obviously we want them to look at Rockin' and County. But really, especially our residents getting out and exploring some of those other areas as well, you know, just to kind of compare and see what's out there. But it really is a great, great guide. And we're just, I mean, so thankful to be included in that. Because like I said, there's only 15 in the whole entire state and we're one of those. Yeah. Yeah. I'm actually there now kind of looking at this. So visit is the place to go to get that guide. And, you know, this is such a great website that's, if someone's new to the area, this is good to get acclimated to what's happening here. Or if you've been here for a while and you just haven't really had the opportunity for whatever reason to get out and see what we have to offer in the county. So visit is a great resource. It's everything you do with Rockin' and County economic development tourism is just top notch. And you just kind of alluded to that around the state and other places. And there are many other things to see and do in our wonderful state. But we do have so much to offer. And you folks package it so well. So thank you for that. No, absolutely. Like I said, I mean, we honestly feel like Rockin' and County is the place to be in North Carolina. And for us to be able to showcase that and package that in a way that not only our visitors can enjoy, but when our residents too, you know, it's just so important to make sure that people know all of the things to do in Rockin' and County. And speaking of the website, this is just kind of on a slide. Anybody that visited our website before, let's say, get our website now, they will make as proud of each other. We have done a soft launch of a new site. We are still working out some keys. But we will be releasing an official statement on that in the comments we once we get everything perfected. But there are a lot of great new resources on the website with the new relaunch about. And we just hope that, you know, people find that as a very useful tool and there's go to place to find things to do in Rockin' and County and information about Rockin' and County. Sure. Yeah. I'm on the events section right now, just looking at things that are ongoing and then upcoming events. And wow, we've got a lot going on this coming weekend and getting into that, you know, all kinds of fall markets and festivals. And, you know, this is a great time of the year too with all of the different, all around the county, with all of the different festivals here. I'm just kind of scrolling. I've been scrolling for a long time here. It just goes on and on, the terror. This is great. It does. It does. We definitely have lots of events for sure in Rockin' and County. And, you know, just kind of keeping with the trail theme. There is Riverfest that is coming up on not this weekend, but next September 20th and the 21st. And there is a Riverfest River seating event. So that's going to be super exciting, you know, just to allow folks that maybe aren't necessarily comfortable growing by themselves to go on a trail, you know, down the Bingham River. So definitely, definitely want to encourage people to check that out as well. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking at some fun things there now. And, oh, you've got something here too about the Theatre Guild of Rockingham County. Now in their 36th season, that's something that just continues to, they do so many good things there at Theatre Guild. And, you know, here's a man-in and Reed's Will and Stonewall. I mean, it just goes on and on. So, yeah, what a great resource. Website, visit All right. Anything else, Tara? I think these are the main things today. You know, like I said, we are just really excited to be a part of the NC Trailtown God. You know, it really is a celebration of towns across the entire state who are really just dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of our destination. So, to be in that guide and be one of those guys who've made a trail town is just, I mean, it's just remarkable. It really is. Yeah. So, again, you know, we just encourage folks to really get out on our trails and enjoy them, enjoy them responsibly. And then also on our website, they'll notice that there are many trails and parks that are accessible. And when I say accessible, then basically anybody with any kind of capability is going to be able to enjoy that park or trail, which is so important to recognize, you know, because our trail is for everyone, and outdoors is for everyone. So, making sure that we do communicate that and, you know, and provide a place that is welcoming for every person, no matter what. Oh, yeah. Yeah, certainly. Yeah. Well, before we finish up, I did have a story recently, and I've pulled it out here really quick. Not that we need to get in this here, but this is exciting numbers here, looking at statewide and bringing it home here to Rockingham County, traveling tourism industry in Rockingham County, and, you know, tax dollars generated here, tax state tax revenue here, and 3.8 million statewide, more than 3 million in local taxes, and just a lot of people coming to our area. And that means, you know, people staying in our different places and eating in our different restaurants and all of that. So, that makes that's an impact that continues to grow, isn't it, Tara? Yeah, so, you know, that is one thing that I'm glad that you brought up, Mike, because tourism really is a huge economic driver for our county, and a lot of people don't realize that. You know, we, tourism brings in a lot of dollars, whether it be in food and beverage, or like he had mentioned, our overnight stays, and our overnight stays, that's actually where the TDA's budget comes from specifically. So, it's actually not county dollars. It comes from the occupancy tax that is put on those overnight stays. So, just looking at the numbers, you know, the tax dollars that comes in to help support this county, you know, it really, it really kind of blows your mind. It does. Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, because you don't realize the impact that, you know, having visitors coming into our county, what that can really do, you know, for the county as a whole and for the residents. So, tourism is so important, you know, just to kind of keep that needle moving forward and, you know, having that drive, that driver piece for economic development, for sure. Yeah, yeah, just one sentence from this here, traveling tourism, industry in Rockingham County directly employs around 700 people total payroll generated last year, 23.7 million dollars. Yes. Tera, it's always great to visit with you. Thank you. You're very welcome. Thank you so much, Mike. It's always a pleasure. We'll see you out in the out and about on the trails, I'm sure. Oh, yes, sir. Absolutely. Thanks. All right. Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye-bye. That's our monthly podcast with Tera Martin, Marketing Manager for Rockingham County Economic Development and Tourism. You can visit them on Facebook, Rockingham County, North Carolina. And let me mention it again. We've said it several times here. Website, visit and join the movement and get out and go with the flow and enjoy our trails and our blueways, our rivers and lakes here in our county. Thanks for visiting. Thanks for your support. [ Silence ]