Is Pharmacology Difficult Podcast PHARMACOLOGY-Q/A- "6 Reasons "NOT" to Choose Pharmacology as your Post graduate subject"

Welcome all to IS PHARMACOLOGY DIFFICULT Podcast! I am Dr Radhika Vijay
In this episode, I will be covering under Pharmacology-Q/A, A very interesting and informative query of many-"6 Reasons "NOT"  to Choose Pharmacology as your Post graduate subject"
I will be talking and discussing 6 such reasons that will help you decide well enough and NOT choose-PHARMACOLOGY as your post graduate subject!!
So stay Tuned!!
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Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Hello everyone welcome back to my channel so today's topic is totally reverse of the last topic but it is very very important and interesting so if you have not decided on choosing a post graduate subject and you are still evaluating whether should I go whether should I not go for the subject pharmacology then I have a very important insightful topic for you today like if you are wondering whether you are the right candidate to pursue the subject pharmacology or not then today's video is for you welcome all to his pharmacology difficult podcast I am your host Dr. Radhika Vijay, MBPS Indie Pharmacology and this is the audio hub. To get the best simplified basic tips strategies methods I am lots of ideas to learn better understand better and make your concept crystal clear. If you really find and if there is a question hovering in your mind is pharmacology difficult? Lend your ears for a while and let in the magic of knowledge. Now last time I gave you six important reasons that you should definitely choose pharmacology as your post graduate subject and today what? What's so new about this today's topic? Well I am going to give you six important reasons you should not choose the subject pharmacology don't go for it yes well it is a very insightful and learning topic so be well prepared and ready to listen the whole of it let's get started so why not to choose pharmacology as your post graduate subject see choosing the right field the right subject for yourself is a very crucial step it's a very critical decision and you have to go through this process very very importantly and you just cannot ignore it you just cannot skip it you have to very very well understand and evaluate that with the pharmacology aligns with your interests and your mindset or not in some of the situations pharmacology may not be a perfect fit for you and what are these situations let us understand and explore them first and foremost you have no interest in the drugs in learning the drugs knowing the drugs or even you have no interest in the research related to the drugs then you should not think about pharmacology if you are not paying heed or attention to the drug mechanisms interactions their actions in the body how they are affecting the biological systems what is the research related to them then this subject is not a perfect fit for you because pharmacology involves a great in-depth study of all these things and this is the basic foundational study if you are not interested in it and you find it quite boring then it will be very difficult for you to take the ahead steps and go forward in this subject so better stop it straight away and not choose pharmacology second important situation when you should not go for pharmacology is you have a great passion and preference for the clinical practice over academics or research yes and this is a very common reason that people tend to skip pharmacology and do not for it they opt out of pharmacology because they have a very great passion for the clinical fields they want real action they want real patient interaction and they want a different kind of a lifestyle not in academics and research but they want a lot of patient involvement they want to directly deal with the patient they want to treat the patient they are interested in surgical side they are interested in clinical sides they definitely pharmacology will not give you that level of satisfaction which you are searching from your field then you should opt out of pharmacology choose your passion and choose your favorite subject in which you want to serve the society and never turn back don't give a second thought you are not meant for pharmacology your career expectations involves patient care diagnostics hands on clinical work and definitely if you are meant for that pharmacology is not the fee for you third important reason when pharmacology should not be the right fit for you you have no interest in the drug development and safety medication and if you are not interested then how can you go forward in pharmacology and learn more it will become so much exhaustive and daunting and boring subject for you so better opt out of it straight away before hand only because in the field of pharmacology you have to work a lot in the drug development research its knowledge medication safety prescription patterns so if you are not very excited and thrilled about all these things you should not go for pharmacology next important scenario or reason that you should think of other subjects over pharmacology is when you are not interested in detailed scientific study then don't go for pharmacology pharmacology involves and demands a commitment to scientific research and study yes you have to be very well versed with all these things if you are not ready or mentally prepared for it don't go for it you have to work with scientific data experimental studies and analytical studies and fields and if you don't find all these things wonderful and you are not happy about this idea pharmacology is not the right choice for you the subject demands a great level of dedication commitment and a really thorough study of the analytical fields research scientific study etc so you should be really excited about all these things if you are not don't enter this field then another scenario when you are looking for career options apart from research and drug science then definitely you know there is no need to opt for pharmacology in such kind of sick cases you have to think for your long term career goals yes it's not a one day thing it's your whole life so you have to think for a long term career goals if your aspirations and expectations and your goals are revolving around some other fields like business education non-scientific non-medication fields pharmacology is not for you you should choose a field that will give you happiness and give you satisfaction and give you excitement in your career goals else you will be quite disappointed and sometimes you may be depressed also and last but not the least you have no motivation no excitement for the research driven fields if you prefer more application and practical based fields then pharmacology is not the right choice for you this is more of a theoretical research intensive field you should be on always curious about new drug explorations scientific ideas and discoveries if you are not then you should not opt for pharmacology you cannot develop a mindset in one night it comes from a long kind of ideas goals and perspectives if you don't have a vision regarding all these things then don't go for pharmacology your vision determines your route and your path in life so accordingly choose a career that aligns with your vision and your mindset and whatever makes you happy and excited about because it's not a one day thing everything will not change in one night you have to be continuously working upon your subject and always to the subject which really gives you happiness and satisfaction so accordingly all these things that are listed six things are reasons have given you there may be many more reasons and cases and scenarios and circumstances when you are pharmacology is not the right choice for you but these are the six major reasons when you should not go for pharmacology choose a career according to your interest according to your mindset and perspective everything should align together your interests your career your happiness your moods everything if you're not sinking in or resonating with pharmacology don't go for it there's no compulsion so there's a vast sea of clinical fields you can you can opt for your favorite one so that's all I have to say and in the end I would just like to wind up with few words for all the updates and latest episodes of my podcast do visit where you can also sign up for a free monthly e-news letter of mine it contains a lot of updates about medical sciences drug information updates and my podcast updates also you can follow me on different social media handles like Twitter Insta Facebook and LinkedIn they all are with the same name is pharmacology difficult if you're listening for the first time do subscribe and follow whatever platform you are consuming this episode stay tuned do write and review on iTunes Apple podcast stay safe stay happy stay alightened thank you (upbeat music) (upbeat music)