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My True Ghost Stories: UFO

Join Jennifer, a spiritual medium, as she shares two captivating stories in this episode. Discover her childhood encounter with an unexplained UFO and a mysterious message she received for a friend at a funeral many miles away. Experience a gripping tale of the unexplained, and the heartwarming moments that bridge the gap between the living and the afterlife.

The North Hudson Park UFO

Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

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03 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) Hi, I'm Jennifer and this is My True Ghost Stories, where I share stories of my supernatural adventures as a spiritual medium, helping trapped spirits to cross over and more. Let's get started. Welcome to episode six of My True Ghost Stories. I have two stories for you today. The first is a different kind of story featuring a UFO sighting that terrified me as a kid. And the second is about a message that I received for a close friend who was at a funeral 1,297 miles away. And here's story number one. I know this podcast is called My True Ghost Stories, but this is my one and only true story about a UFO that a friend of mine and I saw when we were kids. When I started preparing this story for this podcast, I told a friend of mine about it and he looked up some details that I told him online. And this occurrence that I'm about to tell you about turned up. For my whole life, I had always thought that maybe it was a mistake, a blimp, a movie being filmed, something other than an actual UFO, but the internet says otherwise. So here's my story. My friend Karen and I were invited to a sleepover at our friend Katie's house on a Saturday night in January, 1975. Karen and I lived on the same block and Katie's house was about seven, eight blocks away. I am from a town near New York City and at night, the light from Manhattan lights up the sky. So it's never completely dark. So to get to Katie's house, we had to walk along this boulevard and the boulevard has that full famous view of the Manhattan skyline, like the one that you see on the postcards. And it was after dark and the skyline was fully lit, but since we were from there, we never noticed this spectacular view. Even though there was always busloads of tourists in our town taking pictures, we never noticed it. But we did use to photo bomb their pictures for laughs, like we would make little human pyramids right in front of the prime photo spots, which was not appreciated by the tourists. However, that night, there was no human pyramids. Karen and I walked the eight blocks with our overnight bags, you know, containing our PJ's toothbrush. I had probably stashed a doll in there 'cause I played with dolls way longer than my peers and I was always secure having one with me. We arrived at Katie's house and we walked past her driveway, which despite the Manhattan city lights was very dark. We considered going around to the back door because that was an option at Katie's house. You could go in the front door or the back door. However, upon setting foot into the driveway, we saw up to our right over the bare January trees. What I can only describe as a round object with moving bright lights on it hovering in mid-air, not moving like a blimp or a plane would do and not attached to anything like a tree or a building, it was hovering and it was shifting slightly, like bobbing up and down, back and forth, and it was round so it was not a helicopter and it was not traveling like any airborne vehicle would do. So in other words, it was what a child would describe as a flying saucer. Although I grew to doubt this, as I grew older, at that time, at that moment, in Katie's driveway, Karen and I knew this was not a blimp or a plane or anything from this earth and we started screaming and panicking and holding each other and we were immobilized by fear and I don't remember exactly what happened then. It would be a great story right now if the UFO had landed and little men had come out, which from the article on the internet that I mentioned earlier did happen to someone nearby at 2.45 a.m. that same night. But I am grateful that that did not happen to little Karen and me. I do know that we, for obvious reasons, chose not to go around to the back door and I vaguely recall pounding on the front door and somehow winding up in Katie's kitchen. So this was not a time loss like in other UFO stories where nobody knew where we were for three hours and we had mysterious physical marks on our bodies. No, that just sounds so terrifying. No, I just don't remember because it was a long time ago and I also knew we were right on time for the sleepover. You know, nobody had called 911 or anything about the missing children. So I remember being in Katie's kitchen and frantically telling Katie's mom about what we saw and Katie's mom not believing us. Afterwards, you know, I guess we just pushed it down. I don't remember ever discussing it with Karen again. I vaguely remember having this sleepover party and trying not to think about it and being upset and eventually, as time went by, rationalizing in my young mind that it must have been a good year blimp or a plane. And since Katie's mom had so strongly dismissed our story, I decided not to tell anyone else which I didn't for many, many years. Again, when I decided to tell this story on this podcast, I told a friend of mine and he Googled. UFO, New Jersey, 1975. And there was the story, plane as day, occurring on a Saturday night in January, 1975 in North Hudson Park, which is about three miles from where Karen and I had seen this UFO. And I had never even thought to Google it because for the most part, I had convinced myself it wasn't true, but part of me knew that it was. Here is the story that my friend found on the internet, paraphrased by Publications International from an article by Bud Hopkins. At around 2.45 a.m. on January 12th, 1975, George Obarsky was driving home through North Hudson Park, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan when static filled his radio. Leaning forward to fiddle with the dial, he noticed a light to his left. A quick glance followed by an astonished stare revealed its source, a dark round object with vertical, brilliantly lit windows. It was heading in the same direction as the car and emitted a humming sound. Obarsky slowed down for a better view. The UFO entered a playing field and hovered a few feet off the ground. A panel opened between two windows and a ladder emerged. Seconds later, about 10 identically clad little figures. They wore white, one-piece outfits with hoods or helmets that obscured their facial features, came down the ladder. Each figure dug a hole in the soil with a spoon-like device and dumped the contents into a bag each carried. The figures then rushed back into the ship, which took off toward the North. The entire incident had lasted less than four minutes. Right now, I want to repeat that I am eternally grateful to the powers that be that my young self and Karen's young self did not have to see what Mr. Obarsky saw. I'm sure it was incredibly traumatizing for him and it most likely would have been permanently scarring for us. And the news story continues. Months later, Obarsky confided the story to a long time customer and acquaintance, Bud Hopkins, who was interested in UFOs. Hopkins and two fellow investigators subsequently found independent witnesses who verified the presence that he brightly lit UFO in the park at the time of Obarsky sighting. Although only Obarsky was close enough to see the little figures. One witness, a doorman at an apartment complex bordering the park, said that as he watched the object, he heard a high-pitched vibration and the lobby window broke just as the UFO departed. So I guess they were looking for soil samples and maybe they were considering landing in Katie's dark driveway, but chose a much wider open space three miles away. I don't know, I'm just guessing. But I do know that Karen and I mercifully only saw the brightly lit object hovering in the winter night sky and not the little people. I would probably not be the same person I am if I had grown up trying to repress that memory. But I was able to push down for the most part the memory of the flying saucer that we saw. But I couldn't keep it to myself forever and that's why I'm sharing it with you now. And I am thankful for the internet, at least in this case, for making it possible to find this little obscure story about the North Hudson Park UFO. And now I know that I did see what I thought I saw on that Saturday night in 1975. Here's our second story. The name of this story is 256. A family member of a close friend of mine had passed away suddenly in his 80s and he had worked until the day he died. He literally went to work the morning of the day that he died. So it wasn't tragic, he had lived very full life up until the last minute. So it wasn't tragic, but it was still sad and his family was going to miss him. I know the whole family personally and so many people I knew were traveling to another state for this funeral and I did not go, which was fine. The man's name was Uncle Oscar. That's how I knew him because that's what my good friend calls him, Uncle Oscar. And Uncle Oscar used to live in New York City, but he had moved to another state where other family members were and that's where he worked and lived until the day he died. And I had met him only once, not long before he died on Thanksgiving or Christmas, some family gathering. And my impression of him was that he was this nice, gentle soul and I really liked him instantly. So my friend called me and he had arrived in the other state for the funeral and his meeting up with all the family he hadn't seen. And we had a short conversation and I said, "Goodbye." And I went to the gym. So I had no information about the funeral, like when it was, where it was, was it today, was it tomorrow, I didn't know anything about it. So I went into the shower after my workout at the gym and I'm in the shower and I get this really clear message from my guides and it went like this. They have to yell goodbye to Oscar at 256 this afternoon. And I said, "Who has to yell?" And they said, "Cathy will know." "Cathy is my good friend's mother who was at the funeral with my friend." So I processed this message, which was extremely clear and after I got out of the shower and got dressed, I called my friend and I hesitantly said, "Okay, listen, I got this message my friend knows about me and messages." And I said, "Okay, here's the message. Certain people have to yell goodbye Oscar today at three o'clock." And because it just seemed too weird to say this like really specific time, 256. And, but finally I just switched it around and I told the truth and I said, "Okay, actually, it's at 256 that they have to yell." And apparently your mother will know who the people are. So he said, "Okay." And we hung up and he texted me that he had told his mother and she did indeed know who the people were that would have to yell this. And she went around and she told them individually. She told them, "Okay, my son's friend is a medium in New York City." And she says that you personally have to yell goodbye Oscar today at 256 p.m. So this family as a whole is so cool. Nobody's reaction apparently from what I hear to this message was anything like, "What? Why? Why would we have to do that? You know, what does she know? She's like three states away and we don't even know her." But instead they had like immediate acceptance and they're like, "Oh, okay, great, thank you. All right, what time, what time? All right, let me put it in my phone." So they put alarms in their phone for 256 p.m. At which point they were going to yell goodbye Oscar, I guess wherever they were. So my friend told me, "Okay, I told my mom, she told everybody, so we're clear." All that had happened in the morning and for the rest of the day, I received no further messages about Uncle Oscar. That evening, my friend's mother, the one who had delivered the messages to the individuals who had to yell, she called me that night and she was completely overwhelmed and she told me the story of what had happened that day. Apparently the funeral service at the church had ended around 130 and they had gone directly to the cemetery for the burial. And the cars were all following the hearse from the church to the cemetery and they ran into this huge traffic jam and it was slow moving and not moving and she told me that she was saying to herself, "We're all gonna be in our cars at 256. We'll have to like yell out the window or something." And she said she was really worried about this being and that they're not being together at 256 'cause she took this message very seriously. But the traffic jam lit up and they arrived at the cemetery before 256 and at the burial, as they usually is, there's a short address to the people gathered from a pastor and she then gave me a minute-to-minute account of what happened. So Oscar was being buried in a mausoleum and the coffin was in the crypt and the pastor was saying his last words at 255. He finished his address and at 256, all these phonelorms went off and everyone started yelling, "Goodbye, Oscar, goodbye, goodbye, Oscar." And then at 257, he closed the crypt door. My theory as to what went on there was that Oscar's guides knew that he was in danger of becoming earthbound, of missing his opportunities to cross over and if he had not crossed over before they closed that crypt door, he would have become earthbound. And they knew this and so they sent this message to me that he needed certain people to let him know that it was okay to leave. And to be honest, I don't know how all that works. As my mediumship progresses, I seem to be given information on a need-to-know basis and all I needed to know in this case was that these people need to yell goodbye at 256 and Kathy knows who they are and that's all they gave me. So I just keep doing my job with the information that I am given from my guides and these spirits guides. But I wanna say that I am just so honored to be able to help spirits find peace on the other side which it does seem to be very peaceful and beautiful from what I have been shown. After my friend's mother finished her story, she said, "I wanted to tell you all this "in case you ever doubt that you are an actual medium." And I do often refer back to this story in my mind to renew my confidence so that I can keep giving these messages, which is obviously something that I am called to do. And that's all for today. Thank you for listening to today's episode. And if you think your house is haunted, want energy cleared from your space or need a custom spiritual ritual, I'm here to help. Visit or email me at Don't forget to join me here every Tuesday for a new episode. Until next time. (upbeat music)