Bon Jovi Discussions

2010 Greatest Hits Vinyl, People's House Music Video, and JBJ'S Nash Performance

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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- Welcome to Bon Jovi Discussions. I have my buddy Matt, who is a regular on this podcast. People that are watching on YouTube, you probably don't recognize him because he turned his beard down. That's why you don't recognize him. - It's me, Jerry, it's me. - How are you? - I'm good buddy, how are you? - Oh, good man, I'm good man. It's a busy week in Jovi Land, so we're just gonna hop right into things or it's kind of a busy week in Jovi Land. First off, and I got it early, this week is the release of the reissue of the 2010 greatest hits on vinyl. I think you and I did an episode actually about the vinyls, didn't we? - Yeah, the release on the website, yep. - Yeah, and obviously there's various additions out there. There's HMV addition, there's a Barnes & Noble addition, they're actually the same. HMV is exclusively in the UK, so if you're not in the UK and can't get that addition, you can get it on Barnes & Noble. There's also a Target addition, Walmart addition, Amazon addition, there's a special gold splattered on the band's website, and then there's the standard black vinyl. Obviously, the fan in me had to get them all inside, got them, and today I got it early, I got the vinyl. And for look that are watching on YouTube, I don't want to spoil it for anybody. But yeah, the vinyl is here, it's awesome. They really did a good job on the artwork. Like, you know, I won't get too much into this, but it's just the standard addition. So like, you know, all the die-hards like us, you know, we love the deluxe edition that has the bonus disc. - That's what I was gonna ask, is I have the track listing on the backup? - Yeah, so it's just the standard first disc, it has lunar prayer, bad name, it's my life, have a nice day, wanted bad medicine, we weren't born to follow, I'll be there for you, born to be my baby, plays a glory, who says you can't go home, lay your hands on me, which I think is the cut version again, which is a crime, always run away, and then what do you got, no apologies? Obviously, what do you got, no apologies for new songs to celebrate, you know, this greatest test back in 2010. Since it's a greatest test, I wish they were just kind of throwing in a couple other hits on this, but it's whatever, it's still cool. You know, I love the back, I love that band photo, so that's pretty cool. And then there's a lot of cool art work, and I don't want to spoil it for anybody that likes to be surprised, but yeah, I got mine today, absolutely love it. And yeah, so that's the first part. Did you order yours? - No, I haven't, man. I wanted to order the One Out the Bands website, but I haven't pulled the trigger on any of them just yet. - Yeah, but you have plenty of time. - Yeah. - And then the next order of news is last night, we obviously saw that John, we haven't seen the band in the video, or any of the shoots, but last night John was filming for The People's House with Warren Treaty, which is a new single, I mean, The People's House on the Forever album, but then John did a remix, not, I don't know if remix is the right word, but a new version with Warren Treaty. And so it looks like John and Warren Treaty, they did a video last night at the, I think it's the Pythian in Nashville. - Pantheon, right? - Pantheon, there it is. And then on a bridge. And let's do a quick side note because there's, nothing's been confirmed, but there's been several news articles that posted today that during the music video shoot, there was a lady on a bridge ready to jump and commit suicide, unfortunately. And people were coming to help her, and then John came over and, I guess, talked her down. And I thought that was just awesome. You know, he stopped what he was doing with him and just came over and helped this late. I mean, can you imagine, you know, having John Punjabi talking you down? - Yeah, it's pretty wild, right place at the right time. - Yeah. - You know, it makes you wonder, like, I'm sure she knows, but it's like, does she even know who is talking to her? You know, I mean, so that's pretty cool. - That's true. - And I read the same article, so that's a cool story. - And, you know, no matter who it is, you know, it's amazing that anyone would take time to stop someone from doing that and talking them down and... - Absolutely. - And I hope that she's a lot better now and, you know, safe. And so, yeah, so they did part of the music video on the bridge, and they did part of the music video at the, say it again. - Pantheon. - Yeah, there's gonna be a quiz at the end of this. And so it looks pretty cool, you know, and so when we're starting to see first, we're gonna go over to watch the video, 'cause John did say a few months ago that they did a music video for, we made it look easy. We never got it. - I forgot about that. - Yeah, 'cause that was filmed in New Jersey. You know, I think that was like early June, because I remember at the New York City listening party, John did say that they were... If they filmed it, we made it look easy, and that was gonna be the, probably the next, he did say probably, so I give, you know, credit on that. Never got it, so maybe we'll get it. But, you know, maybe just this people's house kind of took the lead on, you know, the next single. So I'm looking forward to the music video. There's no, like I said, who knows if the band was there? Obviously David and Hugh were in Ashford at the same time, but I know the other guys weren't. So likely it's probably just John and Warren Treaty. And yeah, no release date yet for the video. You know, once the music video is filmed, usually takes two, three weeks for the video to come out. So we'll probably get it in the next couple of weeks. I'm I'm guessing, that's just a wild guess. Anything you wanna say on that? - Nothing other, well, a couple of things. I thought it was cool that they were doing like a re-release. I didn't expect that, didn't see it coming. And correct me if I'm wrong here, Jerry, your memory's way better than mine, but didn't they perform with John, with Bon Jovi on, like the, this house is not for sale to her? Like, did they open like four Bon Jovi there in Nashville or somewhere else, you know what? John would always do the things where he'll let, you know, up-and-comers open up for the band. And I swear, I thought they were one of the ones that had opened up for Bon Jovi. - I think so, because I've had other people ask this or say the same thing. And I think they did. I think that's how John got acclimated to him. And you know, just like I, on another podcast that I just did with another friend and Nico, we had talked about how it's very gospel-sounding, this new version. And I think that's what this song is intended for. It's like a church choir gospel-sounding song. And I think that's what this song needed with war and treaty, you know, it kind of gave that boost. So yeah, I'm excited for the video. I'm excited to see how it turned out. John looked like he was having fun. - Yeah. - Yeah. So, and then the next order of business is the, this is gonna be the fun part 'cause I have a lot of excitement. - Yeah, I was thinking the best part. Come on. - And that's why it's last, buddy. So last night, John Bon Jovi, David Bryant, Hugh McDonald was at JBJ's Nash in Nashville. You know, when I saw the video shoot and stuff, I was like, I wonder if he's gonna pop in to Nashville because, you know, Matt's there. David was there two days ago. And Hugh and David, they both have places in Nashville. So I was like, ooh, I wonder if, but then I saw that David wasn't in the video. So I'm like, maybe he's not there anymore. But anyway, so long story short, they were all there. And so I want to find the band's name because I wanna give them credit. Hand over face is the band. And so they were playing and I was watching it. And so you and I, we went to JBJ's Nash back in June. And too bad it wasn't then. But, so you know the stage layout, obviously. So anyone that hasn't been to JBJ's or doesn't know the layout, it's essentially, it's a very small stage, but there's like five levels of the stage. So, you know, like on one, it's basically five stages on top of each other. So on the very top, you have a drum set. Second, you could put like a bass player, guitar player. Third, you could put keys in another guitar player. Fourth, you could put the singer and so forth. So it's very tiny. You can't fit a whole band on just one platform. So it's basically like a stage wrapped around stairs and it keeps going with the stairs. If that makes sense. And so this band was playing, they were playing bad medicine. - Yep. - And you know, the video that I, so you, everyone that's watching this, you could watch clips on my Twitter, JBJ92, or you can just go to YouTube and just search, you know, jump on JB Nashville, September, 2024, you'll find it. Full shows on there. You know, to get, you know, there's like the one video that I'm referring to because I know people will want to try to find it. The user name is D-U-C-H-E-S-S-N-L-A. They have it. And so the people in the front, they must have saw a join or something prior to this band performing because they, they're a camera. Did you watch the same video? - I did, yeah, I saw that, yep. - So they're not filming the, because the band and over face, they were playing bad medicine. They played the first, the first, the chorus is. And I think right around the solo, you know, they're on the entire song, the front row is filming the very top. And you could see John in the distance, you could see David, you could see Matt. And I didn't see Hugh yet. And all of a sudden, I think it was right after the solo, you see, was it David or John that came down? - John, John came down first, right? - I don't, I was thinking David came down first and John came right behind him, but. - Oh, you're right. Yeah. And then just judging, I don't think the band was expecting it because she, 'cause you watch the female singer, she's singing and John's, you know, and John's kind of singing along. And she's like, looking around, and then John pops up behind her, taps her on their shoulder and she's like, "John Bon Jovi." You know, the other singer, he's like, you know, welcome to the stage, John Bon Jovi from your cowboy from New Jersey. And just awesome, you know, before we get into all the songs, I just wanna say a couple of things. And I know that you're gonna probably say the same and I'm gonna give you a chance here. I just loved, you know, we've, obviously we know that John has had vocal problems the last few years and, you know, has really had a stage presence the last few years, rightfully so, you know, he's working at it every day. He will always, I've said this a million times, I'll continue to say, he will always be my favorite singer, I will always support him. - Absolutely. - If they announce a tour tomorrow, I'm buying tickets to various shows. Okay, what I loved about the show last night was I thought he sounded fantastic. I really did, and on top of that, he just seemed confident, excited, happy to be there, you know? And I thought that was just awesome, you know? - Yeah, dude, I completely agree with you. John did look excited to be on stage, but I think, you know, more importantly for us, he did, he sounded so much better, I thought that he did the last performance there, which was a good sign. - It's improving. - So is that he's progressing, and, you know, all that set aside to me, we obviously want John to come back for our own benefit, 'cause we want to go see him perform live. There's nothing like being at a Bon Jovi show, and I'm right there with you. That band will always be my favorite band, no matter what, forever. But, you know, I'm also, I'm happy for John, that he has the confidence to get back up there. It's got to be, it's got a way on you, you know? As an individual, even as popular as what he is, you know, he's still human, he has the same thoughts that you and I have, and I think it's done him some good to be on stage, and I'm happy to see him on stage, and I second what you say, I mean, I thought he sounded phenomenal. He really did. - I think this is kind of him dipping his toes in the water, just, you know, obviously, you know, he said that he practices every day, he takes vocal lessons or, you know, practice. And so he works at it every single day, and obviously, you know, we don't get to hear that. And so I think just him having a chance to get out there and saying a little bit and get in front of a crowd, 'cause you know he misses the crowd, you know? - Oh, yeah. - He's been, that's been, like, been his big thing was being in front of a crowd and just being able to play music. And I think it's kind of hurt him in the last few years that he hasn't been able to do that. And I think that's another reason why we saw him so happy and so excited last night, because he's just happy to be there. - Yeah. - Let's be honest, I mean, based on the documentary, he honestly didn't know if he would ever be able to sing ever again, you know? So the fact that, you know, although we look at it maybe as baby steps, 'cause we're, you know, we're in an instant gratification world, we want everything overnight. But I think the fact that he's able to get out on stage, even if it's in front of a small group at this point, I think it's good for him. And, you know, so David's obviously, he's on the keys. And then Hugh came down, you know, until I watched the video, I wasn't sure if that was Hugh or the, I thought it, I was like 99% sure, you know, 'cause that's all the... - You could tell, 'cause... - I was pretty 100% sure, I guess. - Yeah. - Hugh. - Well, it definitely had his silhouette, but you couldn't really tell 'cause he's wearing a hat, so. - Yeah. - But then I went back and re-watched the video and you could see John point him out, so you knew at that point. - Yeah. - And so, obviously, you know, Tika wasn't there, Phil wasn't there, Shanks wasn't there. - Right. - Yeah, I think that's the whole, in Everett, you know, Everett wasn't there. But so it was good, you know, they obviously just played with the band. And what I loved about it too, like I said, I think it was such a surprise for the band. I don't think they were expecting John to be there, you know, because between each song, John was like, do you know that name? Do you know who says, do you know? So before we get into it, so the set list was "God Medicine", "Bad Name", who says, "It's My Life", and "This Ain't A Love Song" which I got a lot to say on that one. But in between each song, he would say, "Hey, do you guys know this song?" And they'd go, "Yeah, we know that song." And so like, that shows you how good of a band that they are as musicians, they know how to play those songs like that, you know? - Yeah. - Especially if they weren't expecting John to be there. - Right. - And so, you know, "Bad Medicine" came out. You know, obviously we kind of saw the tail into "Bad Medicine" with John and David and Hugh performing because the band themselves played it pretty much. And then "Bad Name" and John was really interacting with the band during that song and, you know, happy, you know, doing his motions and, you know, that we're so used to, you know, seeing stuff. - What did you think of "Bad Medicine" or "Bad Name" so far? - I thought "Bad Name" sounded better than "Bad Medicine" but, you know, a lot of that was just the fact that when "Bad Medicine" started, you know, John wasn't even on stage yet and he kind of came in. So, it was definitely, like you said, to kind of cut him off guard a little bit, but then, yeah, "Bad" and I thought it sounded really, really good. - Yeah, sure. And I don't know if I said this earlier and I want to say this just to say it, the band did a phenomenal handover phase. They were phenomenal. I'd love to talk about their work and stuff. So I'm going to try to do that. - Yeah, the guy that was the lead singer had a phenomenal voice. - Oh, absolutely. I think there's two, the female singer and then the other, I think the lead guitar player, he was also singing 'cause he's saying this in a love song in a different language. I think it was Spanish. - Well, that, okay, gotcha. I don't know what language it was, respectfully. And then, so after that, they did, "Who Says?" So, kind of watching this show, I'm like, okay, it's a basic, I say this isn't that hard. Obviously, I'd be happy to be there and stuff and say, okay, this is a basic band name, okay, who says, okay. You know, I'd be excited, it's like the standard set list that we always see at these special surprises. Who says was great? It's my life. I was really, beside the standard love song, I was really, it's my life really demonstrated how great John vocally sounded, you know? And the confidence that he had, I mean, he was hitting notes in that song, he hasn't hit in a while. And I just sat there watching that whole video, just proud of him. And I was like, that's my favorite singer. And I thought it was really good. And for anyone that's wondering, it was the full on electric 2000 version, not the, this stuff was right version. So that, what'd you think of that one? - I agree with the video. I would say it's my life probably sounded the best of all the songs that they performed that night. Just my opinion. I mean, it was not to meet a dead horse here, but I was just so happy to see him on stage, you know? - That's all that mattered to me. And then the last song, the next, so it seems, so actually it's my life. It seemed like David, John, Hugh were leaving. And somehow some way, I don't know if it was the band or what, but they said, you know, this ain't a love song, which we haven't seen John or the band performed that song. I'd like to say 2011, but it might've been 2013 that they played that. Definitely not on this house tour. And obviously not on the 22 tour. So either 2010 or 2013, 'cause I think I saw it in New Jersey, I think, regardless, that's the time period. And so like, I posted that video this morning and I was like, oh my God, I cannot believe he sung this ain't a love song. So he didn't sing the whole song. He let the other male lead singer of this band sing it. Respectfully, I think it was Spanish. And I thought it was, and obviously we've known that John had some, you know, better roses and this ain't a love song and always in German or Spanish or something like that. And I'm trying to remember the parts that John sang. But John sang for a little, oh, I gotta back up here. So, you know, like I said, John, David and Hugh were all going up, back up the stairs to leave. And somehow they started this ain't a love song. John, they all came back. I think Hugh actually did leave though. And John and David stayed on the stage. And then John sang a verse, I think the second or third verse he sang. He sang for like a minute and a half while the other lead singer did the rest of it. And I thought it was incredible. You know, obviously it's not the word, you know, the way that he would normally sing it. But I love the way that he sang it at a lower, see, I don't know it'd be my vocal, so I don't want to. The way that he sung it at the show, I loved it. And I would be very happy to see, you know, I would demand to see it on the next tour like that. I loved it. It was great. - Yeah, just to hear it live would be really cool. I'd never heard it live, so. - You know, I thought I would never see those songs live ever again, you know, from these days. You know, I didn't think we'd ever see this ain't a love song or these days or, you know, some of those other ones on there, and we got to see the same love song. So I hope that would kind of be, you know, if they do tour again, hopefully that would be kind of a little boost to play it. Because that's how he sounded phenomenal on it. I really did. And then I think after the solo, he starts to leave and he's watching from one of the tears of the stage. And I think eventually he goes all the way up and just kind of, you can still see him looking down and watching them finish the song. And I think David stayed on the stage, if I remember. - Remember. - Yeah, but otherwise, what are your, any other thoughts you have on it? On the performance in general? - No, but I'm jealous, you know? - I know. - Why can't we be a Nashville when they're there, you know? - I know. Do we got playing another trap or something? - Oh my gosh, I'm no doubt. I can't hope that David would do like a show like they did in New Jersey at the Stonpony, just David Bryan and Friends and do it at JBJ's. I mean, dude, that'd be awesome, you know? - Do a runaway trap at JBJ's. - Oh yeah, even better. - Just saying. And then one other thing I wanted to point out too, that David Bergman, who was the band's tour photographer. - Oh yeah, yeah. I'm glad you brought that up. - Yeah, a tour photographer from 2010 to 2018, he was there, you know, - I saw that. - He's kind of been, you know, here and there with, you know, 'cause he tours with Luke Combs now, but he, you know, he up the band at the rock hall induction. And then he's kind of photographed, you know, thing here, a thing there. David Bergman is just awesome. He's an incredible photographer, you know, especially at the band. So he was there taking photos. So it makes you wonder, are they up to something, you know? - Man, I hate to get my hopes up, 'cause I'm still a little frustrated that we don't have any pictures from the rock hall. I mean, the induction, you know what I'm saying? Like, how many people would buy those things? Well, besides Jerry. (laughing) But really, I mean, you know what I'm saying? Like, I remember David would sell the, the prints on his website and I would do that. So love to have one from the rock and roll, rock and roll hall of fame induction. - Yeah. - We never got him. - Be a huge, especially the photo that I just, you know, thankfully I got that at the rock hall, you know, but. - That's so cool, man. You got that, you know, a treat for you. - But, you know, joking aside here, you know, that band, that photo demonstrates so much of the band, you know, 'cause, you know, 1984 to 2018 being inducted, the very, you know, obviously we didn't know at the time, but the very last time that we'd see the original line out the original five guys and that's, you know? - Yeah. - Yeah. - It could very well be the last time we'll see Richie with, who knows? - For me. - And so, you know, for you and me and so many other fans, that photo is monumental to us. - It really is. - You know, that photo and just, I wish, you know, Bon Jovi and Bergman would just, for a weekend, just all the photos that you've ever done. And so many fans would order photos from all the tour, you know, because we can tour this house, the 2010, 2011. - You know, something that I just thought about, Jerry, I haven't thought about it before, honestly, but I wonder if the website, you know, they're doing the backstage, the backstage with John Bon Jovi, or no, this is backstage with Bon Jovi. I wonder if at some point they're playing on putting those on the website for sale, so. - Yeah, that would be cool, 'cause they did the, I know like when they first started the site, there was a 2010 Atlanta photo of John on the studio. - Right, yep, from David. - So maybe, you know, because when they cover this house, you know, they're gonna have to put up some raw conduction moments. - Yeah. - And just put that photo for sale for us, you know, I'd even buy a signed print. If that's motivation enough, I would buy a signed print of it. - Me too, me too. - So, but let's get back to the JBJ joke. So last thing, I thought this was really fucking cool, was you saw John and David behind a bar, just giving drinks to everybody. - How cool would that be? - Yeah, John's just going back and drink, drink, drink. You know, and then David's like filling people's cups and just grabbing them, they're saying, "I don't think anybody's paying or anything." You know, it's so funny, you know. I just thought that was pretty cool. Yeah, so, you know, can you imagine going to the bar, and not only seeing John, David, and Hugh perform, but also seeing them behind the, you know, the bar, giving drinks and stuff, you know. I wouldn't leave, I wouldn't leave. And here's the question, would you tap? - Oh man, keep trying. (laughing) - Do I have to answer that online? (laughing) - Yeah, but is there anything else that you wanted to say about any of the news that we've kind of talked about? - No other than I did, I thought it was really cool that not only did they perform at the show, but then they headed out drinks behind the bar, and it was kind of a, you know, like two coolest bar tenders in Nashville. So I thought that was really awesome. I thought it was good for the band, good for the bar. Can't wait to go back, Gary, so. - Yeah, all right, buddy. Stay on the recording, but thank you for taking the time to come on out of your busy day. I know how busy you of a guy you are, so I appreciate you. - Thank you. - And we'll see you in the next podcast. - Sounds good. All right, see you, buddy.