Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Billy Wont Let This Rant Go

We're halfway through the show now and the fun continues! We cover how we’ll always remember 9/11, this top 90s song list is terrible, and we eat some talk back leftovers! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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You guys welcome back just to recap if you woke up on this Monday morning tuned into the Billy and Lisa morning show You may have noticed Lisa is not here today She went to the hospital yesterday had something going on with their arm. It was diagnosed. She's home and being treated Okay, so we don't have Lisa, but we do have the Sabrina secret sound and it's time Now we didn't have a winner this morning. I think we had back-to-back winners yesterday. I need a winner today Okay, I need a winner and this is our last shot on the morning show Yeah, and the way it works is we're gonna play a sound you need to know what that sound is but but You'll also need to know the Sabrina song that inspired the sound Okay, now if you know both and your color 25 and you get both well You're gonna get tickets for the completely sold out Sabrina show coming to Boston. Okay, so Listen very carefully because here is the Sabrina secret sound Okay, we played it once we're gonna play it again. Listen very carefully. This is the Sabrina secret sound Okay, so you're gonna need the sound but you will need the song that inspired the song and we will take color 25 right now at 7 9 3 1 1 1 0 8 and good luck. I need a winner this morning Okay, well we wait for college 25 today is the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 and even to this day 23 years later when you think of it just incredible what happened America was under attack It's interesting you say that Billy because you know, there's a Client that we work with here that I work with there perfect smiles They're the one that give me a whole smile makeover. Oh sure. Yeah up in Nashua Yeah, and one of the owners when I initially met with her and she was talking about you know The kiss went away in this show and she said the one memory I have was on 9/11 I was driving my young child to school We're driving and you know one plane hits the building and I'm listening to the Maddie in the morning show Uh-huh and Maddie and Billy are talking about it and then at one point Billy said America is under attack and when he said that she said I Pulled over to the side of the road and I just started crying and I couldn't stop God, I just got the chill. Yeah, and that memory has stuck with her all these years later Because you guys were on the air. Yeah, you have to understand we were alive on the air I actually had an intern. We used to call him little John John DeSantis and he came running into the studio and it was like Why is John running into the studio? We're all live on the air, right? So we're kind of getting mad at him when in fact he had the breaking news He said you won't believe it a plane just hit the one of the towers in New York City And then before we knew it the second one hit and you know because initially everybody was confused You know you're thinking oh my god was it a mechanical malfunction it ran into one of the trade towers Like it's it was crystal clear out that day It wouldn't have made any sense. Yeah, and then within the half hour a second plane hit the tower And you guys stayed on the air. Oh, yeah, we never left it We were on the pretty much most of the day that day. Wow Nonstop just taking calls people wanted to express their feelings and they couldn't believe what they were witnessing And you know, of course, we remember all the victims, you know that perished that day But I mean I was listening to a report this morning They were saying like there are there's been over 5,000 more people that have died since then You know that were part of the rescue efforts. Oh, yeah from breathing in and lung cancer and all kinds of things Oh the firefighters and the first responders that were running into the blaze Into the flames and buildings are collapsing. It's just Incorrect don't forget it was especially close to us because a couple of the planes flew out of Boston. Yeah So many people died from here. Yeah, it's a day of remembrance an airplane has hit the world trade center And that's all we know today. We've had an actual tragedy American Airlines flight 11 Boston for Los Angeles two airplanes have crashed into the world trade center Well, trade center has been one of their mission If you join me in a moment of silence Thank you very much. May God bless the victims their families and America Mm-hmm. Oh God that moment there when then President Bush went on the carrier addressing Everybody saying we're gonna get them. Yeah, wherever it is. We're gonna get them. Yeah, we did. Yep. Um, I never forget What are we I'll tell you one thing you remember where you were and what you were doing when that happened? Yep, I do and know where I standing in my house watching it on TV. I remember it was my first like core memory I was in elementary school. It was one of the first like memories. I ever have in life is that day because you know God anyway All right, we had to do it at the anniversary by the way in a few minutes 8 30 outside the state house in Boston There will be a ceremony Boston Mayor Michelle will will will will preside over the ceremony today at 8 30 all over the country There will be ceremonies in honor of the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 now. We'll go to call it 25 and Talia. It is you Thank you so much. Okay, you sound very excited and you also Talia you sound you sound very confident, too Very confident. Oh, okay. So for the heck of it not that you need it, but we're gonna play the secret sound one more time Here it is Talia Talia, what is the Sabrina secret sound? Is it a Polaroid camera for her song feather because she says send a pic in her song hit it Justin Sabrina Yeah, Talia. Good job. Yeah, Sabrina and Talia teaming up on that one I got to tell you I knew whenever winner this morning and it tell you it is you Thank you so much. I'm so excited my mom screaming at home Well, well, thank you for listening and thank you for doing your homework and getting it all right And now you get to see the sold out Sabrina Carpenter show here in Boston Congratulations, Talia amazing so the Sabrina secret sound we just got a winner But we do it again a brand new sound coming up at 310 with the V bros and Gianna But we do have weird stories coming up in about four minutes and the animals are rising up He'll he always says it while his weird story. Maybe they are Kiss 108 seems a little weird to me. Oh my god Time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy with Billy and Lisa in the morning. I Said it a long time ago Animals are rising about this an 84 year old Florida woman survives an alligator attack while walking her dog She punched the seven-foot gator in the face She did lose her hand and half her leg, but she is alive. It's a moment of survival I could understand men and women and worn out. I have never seen anything move that fast at all my life I didn't have time to think that alligator took off like 35 miles an hour and I'm not joking Mm-hmm by the way, she did save the dog. She lost the hand. Yeah and pot of her leg. Yeah Crazy. Oh, that is crazy. Oh, yeah Fast by the way, I sent you a video yesterday another example there on the rise an Alligator actually think about this an iron rod fence iron rods and the alligator Separated the rods big enough to get through the fence. I'm telling you they're on the rise I think the alligator ball alligator biting the hand was in a movie and alligator bit my hand Down in Florida hook my ball in the rough down by the lake and alligator just popped up cut me down on my prime That's from happy Gilmore there. Yeah, let me happy Gilmore - now. Yeah, I'm windy. What have you got? So now now none of us have been pregnant here But there is a thing called pregnancy brain and a woman in Brooklyn had the ultimate case of that when she ordered nine bunches of bananas by mistake that were sent to her house So here I am minding my own business on this innocent Sunday and the groceries arrived for just me and my wife And I find bunches of bananas my pregnant wife managed to order 99 bunches of bananas. I think we have over 1,200 bananas in this apartment right now for those of you interested will be selling bananas right from our door here in Brooklyn Give us a call When my wife was pregnant twice I learned two things one pregnant women pee a lot like a lot Uh-huh in two pregnancy brain is a very real thing. It's like her brain turns to almost like mush. She forgot everything Yeah, real thing. Wow, so you hear this story like how does that happen? No pregnancy brain is real and by the way when you have that number of bananas, you know what else you have fruit flies Oh, yeah, fruit flies everywhere. We've got airline news mixed in with our weird news here two delta planes Colliding on a taxiway at Hart's Field Jackson Airport in Atlanta the FAA right here It is one of actually actually talked to one of the people on the plane. Oh god it sounded like when a car hits a bottle basically because it was because like it wasn't because where it hit on the wing was literally the tip of the wing so You know, you didn't really hear metal on metal. It just kind of heard like a Bang and then everything vibrated Doesn't this seem like it's happening a lot more and more planes colliding on the tarmac or just leaving the gate? And I'm wondering if it's connected to covid. You remember they had to have a lot of pilots apply get the jobs and train really fast Yep, I'm wondering if there's a connection to that. They're banging into each other before they even get on the tarmac Look every day. There's two things that assert and there'll be an animals rising up story and a plane mishap It happens every single day. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, we used to have a segment segment called airline news Yeah, what happened to that? Well, I just had one well, no, we stopped it though Well, we were scaring people people were listening to the tribe while they were on the way again, you know They plan these vacation. So we just took a step back. We throw it in the weird stories here and there Okay, I have one note of wrap it up here. So there's a there's a woman named Sally Duvall She's running for Congress in Texas. She's a Democrat and one of her big pushes is to legalize Marijuana, but the big story and why she's in the weird stories is in her new campaign ad She's actually smoking a joint and it ends with her taking bong rips My name is Sally Duvall and I'm running for the Texas House of Representatives They arrest people every day for marijuana possession, but they don't have the funding to test if it's illegal marijuana For a federally legal hemp product our laws are confusing and unclear Texans Should have the freedom to consume these products if they want to you can visit my website to read all about my common sense policy I'm Sally Duvall and I believe it's high time for changing Texas Is that a water pipeline on? What's going on in Texas? You know what good for her? It's like it's not like a hardcore drug Mmm, but she could just do the ad and you know advocate for for legalizing it Yeah, you know, she's taking bong rips, so you know you're gonna vote for her. She can be high as a kite Yeah at the end there. I'm telling it was about a water pipe. It was it. Yeah, was it water bong? Yeah You know what? She's walking the walk Coming up on entertainment well Taylor Swift did it last night just minutes after the debate Which got a little crazy Taylor endorsed Kamala Harris for president will have that and so much more entertainment is objects Boston what I just told you cut everybody good and we're back with Philly and Lisa in the morning. Yeah, I'm kiss 108 Don't I wish we were back with Billy and Lisa in the morning Alisa's off today She's not with us, so she's got a little infection in her arm. Yeah went to the hospital yesterday had a diagnosis And it's being treated, so she's home today. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and Winnie is nowhere to be found either. Oh, yeah Where did she go? It's the Billy and Justin show. Hey. Oh, producer Riley's right next to me here. Thank God. Oh, she's getting good Isn't she? Oh producer Riley's the best. Yeah. Yeah, everybody needs a producer Riley. Oh my God That's how it is, but yeah, Lisa's out So we've been you know doing our best without her and you know the show started a little bit on a on a ranty side Thanks to uncle bill. Oh my gosh, Billy the best way to wake up in the morning is hearing you venting and your rage and mixing things up in the morning. Oh my gosh, I just woke up the first thing I heard was Wish you and and I just started cracking up laughing. That's way to wake up this laughter from you guys in the morning Thank you. Yeah, so what she's talking about is we all were supposed to buy mega millions tickets the entire Billy and Lisa show And then if one of us won we would split it all. It was an agreement. Yeah, okay Lisa I don't know, you know, she's out today. She's sick, but I will guarantee she didn't buy the ticket either Yeah, Winnie and I forgot and was a complete mutiny. Yeah, Billy would not let it go I wouldn't have traveled the world. I wouldn't have gone anywhere I wouldn't have left, Massachusetts I would have spent every minute of my remaining life Driving by your homes making sure you know how damn rich I am I love that eight hundred million dollars up for grabs and make a millions last night. Yes Yes, if you wondering I went out I bought 10 quick picks yesterday because that was the deal Among all of us that would at least buy one ticket. So we would split it evenly among all of us But what you're missing here Mister, okay, what are you scolding me? Yeah, of course. I am what you're missing is the ticket You did not buy could have been the winning ticket So you gypped me out of 800 million and that goes for you to Winnie the ticket you didn't buy Boy, I can't stress enough how much I wish I won so that I could put Eight hundred million dollars in a pile right here on the table in front of you guys knowing that you're not getting a dime Billy if you won would you have went out and bought a Porsche or yacht? Like what would you don't that money? I told you I wouldn't do anything with it. I just carry it around anywhere you people were. Yeah, that's what you already do Oh look at that. That's the voice of Winnie who just joined us. What welcome back. Where were you? Okay, I'm dying. It's the Billy and Justin show It's happy hump day. It's the BJ show The entertainment update with a billy concert. Let's go, baby All right We had a winner in the Sabrina secret sound at 810 this morning Which means at 3 10 this afternoon Justin the V bros will have a new sound a brand new sound yeah So 3 10 you have to listen be college 25 and you could win sold out Sabrina tickets Mm-hmm MTV awards are tonight Taylor Swift has the most nominations. No big surprise. She's got 12 overall So she's gonna win big and of course she and Travis will hit the streets after the awards show and go to a bunch of restaurants And make sure everybody knows they're gonna be there Megan the stallion is gonna host the show tonight. She'll also perform Eminem is gonna open the show Sabrina carpenter our girl will perform tonight. So will Halsey Chappell Rhone Camila Cabello Sean Mendez and my fave Glorilla hmm Yeah, well Rilla. She's she's on the come up. She is I mean she's well. Yeah, she's she's at the VMAs. Yeah, I guess yeah Do we planning glow Rilla? No, you're going down the hall to our jam and says there you go Lot of new music coming out this Friday just a couple of days away the new weekend song dancing in the flames We have a clip right here I you know what I want you to do for me Justin before Friday. I want you to put together a mashup of the weekend's songs So that if we can figure out if it's all the same song or if they're different songs They all sound very similar. They really do. Let me let me just correct that all of his commercial songs You know his mainstream song. Yeah all sound the same. Okay The other day we talked about the new iPhone 16, which by the way is coming out next week The entire music video for that song the weekend's new song was shot on an iPhone 16 So he got an early phone. Yeah, I walked some of it You can't even tell it shot with an iPhone. It looks like you know movie level, you know cinematography Yeah, also coming out this Friday the new Tate McCray. It's okay. I'm okay. That's not Friday. We have a clip It's okay, I'm okay, you're not okay You're not even here mentally is everything okay. I think doing the traffic release is throwing you off I thought I was doing okay job Maybe someone argue too good of a job. I absolutely love winning So this is not a knock at you winning but I get so disappointed when you do the traffic report good You don't fumble over your words and say everything incorrectly and start dying laughing Can you please mess up a few for us? Thanks. Well, I caught one the earlier this morning She said Albany Street when it's Albany that's a minor pronunciation minor who cares very much worse trust me We have a lot of evidence of that. I know Justin dying to play it. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope unless you mess up today Okay, well, are you gonna do a collage later if when he's mess-ups? Well, I'm gonna die previous ones But today she's been doing a great job. Okay, the new Katy Perry is out this Friday and features doeshy. We have a clip here Yeah, I just don't think that song fits Katy Perry. You know what I'm talking about It's more hip-hop for sure. Yes, you got doeshy So I don't know I know it's funny She had the first song which was the you know the women empowerment song then that didn't do well Then she had lifetimes which was an EDM song. Yeah, and now she has a hip-hop song. It's not a good fit She's trying everything right We were on doeshy early though didn't we ever on the countdown the kiss top 30 countdown She had a big song in 2023 one of the top songs of the year what it is We played that a lot on kiss. It was on the kiss top 30 countdown for many weeks right Lisa. It is what it is Post Malone just started the chore. He'll bring it to Fenway Park in Boston a week from today Jen's still going to the show Justin your wife. Oh my god every day a new package comes her outfit her bag her cowboy hat Post yesterday released the set list for his upcoming tour and Justin You were wondering because Jen's going to the show at it Fenway Park Would it be an entire country show just to promote the country album? I guess not yeah He is gonna perform other songs non-country maybe in a country country version But you know we work in the business if you will and I did hear rumblings that it might be all country that really post Wanted to focus on country and people were like and we want to hear a mix. So I'm glad he chose the mix But it's a long list. Oh, it's probably gonna be a long show out at Fenway and They started filming the new happy Gilmore sequel We knew Travis Kelsey would have a cameo in the movie, but just announced bad bunny is now in the movie as well And Hulk Hogan Earlier this week Jason Momoa was in town making the rounds made several stops We actually hung out with him for the Billy and Lisa morning show He was promoting his new vodka. Well, Hulk is in town starting this morning in a couple of hours less than two hours Promoting a new beer. It's called real American beer and at 10 o'clock this morning Justin He's gonna be right up the street that copies yeah 10 to 11 a.m. The Hulk sir We had a meeting scheduled at 10 that got canceled. We should go and see the Hulk. Let's go. No, he doesn't like you I got a real tight leash on her bro Hulk a maniac's gonna be running wild all over New England So this morning at cap he's up the street. Where else does he go 10 to 11? Then he's gonna go to Swansea from 2 to 3 Yankee spirits He'll be at the other Yankee spirits an Adelborough 4 to 5 and then tonight 6 to 7 30 He'll be at Patriot play six six string grilling stage. Wow. That's the old Toby Keith. Yep Wow, I got two words for the Hulkster. Yeah, hey brother. There it is We are brought to you by Dover rug and home. I gotta tell you I've been there I've bought rugs. They've got more rugs more broad loom more affordable Faster delivery and faster installation all of that and you can buy rugs anywhere But it's much better to buy them at Dover rug and by the way, it's convenient. They're in nadic Boston and in Burlington Dover rug and home and there you go Hello Colgan on his way. I will come down there in my underwear right now from the planet fitness kiss 108 studios We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on kiss 108. Hey guys. Welcome back again. Lisa is home She's dealing with a minor infection in her arm. She did go to the hospital yesterday So she's recovering from that and you know what Justin? I know you've got something planned here But before we get to that very briefly I gotta give myself some props the fact that I'm still talking to you and When you guys abandoned me on the front steps of a triple decker by letting me buy the mega millions tickets and you guys never went and got yours and it was supposed to be an agreement God winning Okay, don't think I forgot about it. I should have just lied. I should have lied. No one won anyways Yeah, we had a deal We would all buy mega millions tickets and split it if one of us won Yeah And Billy was the only one that bought tickets and there was a winning ticket sold in Texas And he thinks that one of our tickets that we didn't buy could have been the winner. Yeah, I'm sorry I was deadlifting 500 pounds. That was impressive Justin. Thank you Right here lifetime PR on the gym 500 pounds. What's that gonna do for you? It's I mean you could have won 800 million dollars And I read you're gonna be walking around with a hitch in about five years Anyway, where do you want to go with this? So every day we have these lists that come out from different online publications websites all those places but this one Really has a lot of people up in arms. They came over the list Esquire magazine of the top songs of the 90s The top 10 is I don't even know what to think you want to just run through these let's go and See what we think all right coming in at number 10. These are the top songs of the 90s. Do we like this biggie juicy? I would say biggie does belong in the top 10. Yeah, I would say I know bill You know I'd be I would be long Papa juicy. Yeah, big pop was another one. You know when biggie came on It's all the big Papa. Yeah, but you see was you know, that was a big song on the radio. All right coming in number nine Beastie boys sabotage No, I mean maybe in the top 50 somewhere, but number nine. That's weird. All right. Let's get into the controversy here number eight is a song called rebel girl By bikini kill anybody. See I told you controversy Really It's an interesting choice for number eight you sure this isn't the 10 worst song is giving 80s most Best songs of the 90s from Esquire magazine number seven. I can't stand the rain super duper fly Missy Elliot I mean iconic the video was iconic in the big trash bag. Oh, yeah, dancing around Oh, yeah, still crushing it by the way She was just here at the garden. Did she have the the nipple covers by then or did that come after that song? I'll have to get back to you on that. Okay, bill number six was a cannonball by the breeders guys remember this one I remember it's but number six in the entire decades 90s This is definitely got to be the worst list. You want to get even more angry. Yeah, okay How about number four the song called F and run F is you know? Yeah censored by Liz Fair. Oh, I remember her All right turn it off She had an actual good song and that didn't make the list I think that was one of her B sides in the old days. They used to call it I don't know. It's on the list. I'm looking at it right now number three. I like do like this one Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg number two things like Massive that's a big song right there in the 90s. Okay number two. I'm kidding It didn't Snoop and Dre do that the Olympics on the beach. Oh, yeah. Yeah in the Super Bowl halftime show Yeah last year a couple years ago. All right number two. Do you agree with this one Billy? Mariah Carey fantasy Number two though, yes, I don't know number one it smells like teen spirit Nirvana No, look at Bill's face. What this is the worst That is an iconic song Big of Bell so disgusted really I told you it was a number one. I told you. Oh, what the hell is this choir? Yeah, really. What do they know? We're in the 90s. All right, so let's run through some ones that we think could have been Oh, okay, now you're just I know Winnie was probably thinking that entire list No boy bands. Yes. No boy. No in sync Come on. Oh, come on. I'm going through that list and I'm thinking no Britney Britney Spears Right, yeah, I know I got so angry. I think you've got the list Flipped or something. I'm looking at it right here the top 10. It's in my hand. Wow. I know I'm as mad as you guys It's crazy. How about spice girls? Yes, spice girls I mean, that could have been a number one of the 90s top 10 for sure. Yes should have been on there How about sir mix a lot? Oh, yeah big Fun fact about that song sir mix a lot that was a one hit wonder obviously He wrote that song and made makes so much money from the royalties of it. Yeah that he never has to work again He's alive Really yes, he's alive. Okay. Yeah, and then you know my personal one of my top 90s songs Cuz 90s I believe you know it's about the boy bands also about the dance music There's a lot of great dance music. Oh came out. This one. I feel like always gets everyone bumpin Oh, yeah, right For the longest time. This was my nephew DJ cost his favorite song He would play it every night in the club years after the song was gone It's still played and it's still sampled all the time. It's crazy. Anyway, do you agree with the list or not? You can always leave us a talk back on the i-hot radio app on the Top-back mic tap the red microphone And who knows you might get your voice heard on the radio your opinion and that might happen next in the wrap-up So Lisa was out today. A lot of stuff happened. We'll relive it all on the billion Lisa wrap-up. That's coming up next Thanks for joining. Let's kiss 108 Kids 108. It's the morning wrap-up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. Yeah, Billy and Lisa in the morning But Lisa out sick today So it's just Billy Winnie and myself just in covering and when Lisa's not here You know she is the voice of reason the princess of protocol on the show and sometimes Billy can be a little bit loose Of a loose cannon when she's not here. That's how we started the show, right? We did not buy mega millions tickets as we all agreed to yesterday to split the big pot If we were if someone was a winner and Billy was the only one that bought a ticket and he did not let us live it down I wouldn't have traveled the world. I wouldn't have gone anywhere. I wouldn't have left Massachusetts I would have spent every minute of my remaining life Driving by your homes Making sure you know how damn rich I am and you didn't get a dollar. Yeah, we should have lied Winnie and I We bought the tickets. It's amazing to me. I still can't believe it. We're all flustered today glow Rilla That's my man right there. It's a girl. It's a girl. It is a girl Yeah, you were all worked up. She's Billy has his panties in a bunch this morning. Oh wait. He doesn't wear panties. Yeah, that's true But we carry on and the Sabrina secret sound happened twice this morning Seven ten Claire. She did not get it right. Okay, Claire This is your shot. Oh my god What was okay the Sabrina secret sound Is the Polaroid camera? please, please, please that is incorrect Yeah, remember this is a two part answer the sound and the song that inspired the sound from Sabrina carpenter She was one of two. Talia came through at 810. She got it right. Talia. What is the Sabrina secret sound Is it a polaroid camera for her song feather? Um, because she says send a pic in her song hit it Justin So that's exactly that's precisely how you do it. Yeah, Talia is going to the sold out Sabrina carpenter tickets I mean a show which is a huge deal Her answers were perfect. We could not write it better. Yeah for sure So three time this afternoon the V bros and jiana will have a brand new Sabrina secret sound this thing just rolls on So there's a video that went viral this week of a guy who ate chipotle for a thousand days straight He just finished this week. It was a big celebration But that got us thinking you know what foods or from what restaurant could you eat for an entire Thousand days. Hey, listen, we'll side note the big E starts up this Friday and they make a meme Thanksgiving sandwich Winnie I'm actually going on the 21st with josey my best friend And there's one one of the places has like a bowl like a Thanksgiving bowl. I can't wait to go Yeah, like what's in the Thanksgiving bowl. So it's basically like it could be a turkey dinner Yeah, so it's stuffing turkey cranberry sauce gravy mashed potatoes I think they're from agawans the action. Oh my god. It's delicious. Oh, you can't eat that every day Oh, no, I'm gonna get so high and I'm just gonna eat my way through it. Okay, you're gonna pop some edibles Oh my god. You've no idea. There you go girl Okay. Wow. All right, and you know, we just had this list from the 90s from esquire magazine Trash list if you ask us we went through it, but uh got a lot of people up in arms That 90s list is total trash The 90s has so much good music and whoever picked those Clearly has no taste Maybe one of them the rest Absolutely not Yeah, she's right. The 90s had great music and this list is absolute trash Number one was nirvana smells like teen spirit great song But there's some other ones in there liz fair at number four bikini kill at number eight Like what the person that did that list should not be working today No, I know you're absolutely right. We know what bills would be Okay, that's songs from 2004. Oh damn Right, it's not even from the 90s, honey. It's not it's like from 2003 Are you right? Where are you going? Are you right on that? I'm definitely right on that because it was the big song on one tree hill Which premiered in 2003 and that helped with gavin de garre's career You know, we just had here in the building on these some mornings. Yeah, we had a fact check Oh, yeah, good job win. Thank you. Yeah, we had gavin de garre on the studio Oh, I love him And so he was talking about his career, which did start early in the 90s. I believe right I'll take a song again if you don't early 2000 to do the 2000. It was yeah. It was 2003. I just double checked it Wow. Hey, you know what? It's good to have a fact check it like you're right. I know my things. Yeah Not really He knows enough What's going on y'all? This is post Malone wake up We're back with billy and lisa in the morning on cast 108 bosses number one hit music station Hey guys, welcome back and again if you relate to the show this morning alisa at ways home She's off today. She has a bit of an infection in her arm went to the hospital yesterday And they suggested she take a little time off and she's uh being treated At home and and just and you say this to me all the time on this show you say you won't believe how many talkbacks I got yeah, I got hundreds and hundreds of talkbacks, but we can never get to all of them So i'm thinking we dedicate this break To talk back leftovers. I love that like thanksgiving leftovers. Exactly. Yeah, so yeah A lot of people reach out during the show for different things and you know a lot gets left on the table So I think that's a great idea Let the people be heard later on in the show before we say goodbye because we appreciate that and you know the Sabrina carpenter Secret sound we had one for two this morning one loser and one winner yesterday two winners I'd say things are going pretty well. Good morning. I'm so glad the sabrina contest is going better I've been wanting to call in To let you guys know that this is just a fraction of how teachers feel you can say the directions clearly and repeatedly and The answer will still be curious and you think is anyone listening to me ever She's so right. Oh my god. Yeah, she is. Yeah. Yeah, we explained it over and over again It took a little bit of time, but I think people understand now You got we play the sound you have to know the sound and then connect it to the Sabrina song That inspired that sound so 310 the bebros and jiana will have a brand new sound Hey, Justin and the rest of the morning team This is garret. Um, you know me probably is gay garret Um, I just want to give a quick shout out to say tomorrow's my 48th birthday. So I'd love a shout out Um, you guys are doing great as always Uh, hope to hear more from you. Bye Yeah, um garret I think he follows me on instagram and I believe it's the same person pretty cool I had all my money stolen. I got scammed right yeah for like thought 30 30 grand So many people reached out and garret sent me a message and he said let's listen, Justin You know, I don't I don't really have a ton of money But um, I'm really sorry for what happened. I can give you a few bucks. Oh gay garret. That's so sweet Gay garret. Yeah, he offered me a couple of bucks. I was like, I appreciate that so much Well, happy birthday gay garret and welcome to the family happy birthday My home is mars and the trip is long but it's worth it to see you this birthday son Yo, garret Happy birthday You're cool. Yeah, you're cool in my book. Yeah, have a very gay day And that's from a that's from another gay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, whatever super gay. Yeah, it's super gay Oh, man. All right little psa for the people before we go. Yeah, I just want to give a public Morning just keep your pets indoors today. Um They are in danger. So everybody be safe at your pets be safe and not be eaten. Yeah after last night What was that? Well, I'm just saying after last night, the word is out there eating the pets of the people that live there Please stop Yeah I don't know where last night. Yeah. I listen He said that last night and I was just like you blow it Hey, this is table great and we're back with billi and leitha in the morning on kiss 108 Hey guys, welcome back. Uh, we got to say goodbye. I guess this happens every day at this time We come back in and we just have enough time to say goodbye Although we did have a winner and the Sabrina secret sound this morning Uh, the v bros will do it again at three ten this afternoon. Justin They'll have a brand new sound So this is a fresh one for you to listen and guess the sound and then match to the Sabrina song and win or lose This afternoon. We will have a Sabrina secret sound tomorrow morning on the show at the 7 10 We're hoping uh leith is going to be back. She was out today. We're hoping Uh, she's recovered enough to come back in uh tomorrow, but if not, we wish her Uh the best one thing we never got to today and I just want to throw it out there quickly There was a big fire in linfield last night I saw that in the news and it was the strip mall that houses The linfield house of pizza my kids like grew up going there during high school and school and everything else Well, uh, no one was hurt. Thank god, right? Right. I don't think so. No. Yeah, good good pizza there Yeah, very good pizza. It's a good family a little burnt Okay. Okay. Okay. Sorry. I'm sorry. That's so bad. That was so bad. That was so bad. That was so bad. I apologize You can never show your face. Never. Never. What's wrong? I've never been to linfield I was going to a huge halloween party in linfield next month now. I can't go. I'm sorry. None of us can cross the border Oh, we got a this is where lisa if you're listening, please come back Yeah, and uh this psa before we say goodbye. Uh, the mighty one is on the wrong It's weird. He's in he's out. We don't know where he is now, but we do know this My girl tiff is up next we'll see in the morning tomorrow. Bye everybody