WBCA Podcasts

Observations From The Trenches

Host Larry Higginbottom shares his critical view of immigration into the United States.

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11 Sep 2024
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Host Larry Higginbottom shares his critical view of immigration into the United States.

The following commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 0-ton-1-9. To arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email Well, good evening, Boston. I'm here. I'm your host Larry Higginbottom and you're listening to WBCA-102.9 FM, again, WBCA-102.9 FM. You're going to do my program, op, sufficient for matrices, where I speak about things that are affecting my community that needs to be addressed because in 2024, based on all research and data, American Blacks, Aloes, Conditional Black American, within the Black American, whatever term you want to use, I permanent underclass as a group. Don't be to see about a few celebrities out here living good, bling blinging, but the group as a whole has made virtually no progress since 1968. And so, the top I want to talk about today is immigration. Immigration. It is devastated and made Edo's position in America even more precarious because most of our folks are in way of these cities, we're in these cities. So we find ourselves at least a dear disadvantage. And so, again, I really want to talk about that. And do not be hoodwinked into folks calling you xenophobic. No, you're not xenophobic. To speak was in your best interest. To once was in your best interest is as natural as breathing. And so, for the last 25, 30 years, I contend that we have been hoodwinked and bamboozed about our own political party, Democrats. 90s of the black folks always vote Democrats when they come to the presidential election. And nobody has played a greater hand in that bamboozle being hoodwinked than the congressional black caucus. On all levels, be it city, state, and federal, it's like they have got in conclusion with the Democratic League to say to us, "Hey, man, they just want opportunity." They're running from this infraction or that infraction or whatever. We are a benevolent people, but you're not taking care of us. You're not taking care of the citizen. So I just want to just have a dialogue put out there in the airwaves where my humble opinion, my belief, American blacks, ados, you should be highly upset with the Democratic Party on what they have allowed to happen with immigration, period. And keep in mind now, this has been going on since the 1960s. Since they passed the 1965 Act of Immigration, please read that for more information. Since they passed that law by L.O.B.J., these groups were not allowed in this country and it didn't mean me for the number. They were not allowed in the country. Since that time, it's been a total invasion of immigrants, both legal and illegal. As a matter of fact, you can also check this back out, just as you can check out for yourself. If you compare the 1960 census at that time, here is who was in America at that time, the 1960 census. It was 99.0% whites and Negroes. That's right, at the 1960 census, it was 99.1% white and Negroes. White folks were not allowed in the country, they were not allowed in the country. They don't know large numbers. So how could you go in 1960 versus zero Spanish, zero everybody? Also, now, 2018 census, you got about 20, 20, 20, 25% Spanish speaking, about 68 million might be more. In the last five or six years, you got probably another 15 or 20 million, so almost 80 million people here are just Spanish speaking. There's not counting the Haitians, the Africans, the Asians, it's been a total invasion. And where do these folks all end up going to? Cities. They have fumbled to the cities. And who's already there on the bottom? Want to take a guess? You got it? Aedos, I make it more in blacks. So now, you end up being further pushed down because the Democratic Party, right, is allocating resources, dollars, provision for these illegal aliens, what they are. What they were doing with the law says now, right? For people who are making your life even more treacherous, more difficult. And the Congressional Black Caucus that was founded in 1970 and 1971, right, after the '68 ride, their primary purpose for this group was to make sure that the Negroes, Aedos, had representation on the political front. They stopped fighting us. And now, you look at the black political task force, most of them, a lot of those now, are black immigrants who are pro-immigration. But the few so-called American black people there, they also, done being bamboozled, they now are pro-immigration. So who stand in the wing to fight for our, to fight for our answers? They say, "Okay, wait a minute now, are these folks coming to the country? Who are they going to displace? Who are they going to hurt? Who must make room for them?" Those simple questions never ask. How are you going to absorb these people that you're allowed in here, all in these urban cities? Why? They're not coming out to the Shannon, Canton, Wellesley, Navy, Weston, no, they ain't out there. Where they are, in the hood with you, toward every megacity, black Americans, Aedos have been devastated by this invasion, where this invasion. And for the last 10 to 15 years, they said, "Well, you know, on the 8 or 10 million, you don't even get a personal bomb up the line, you know, 8 or 10 million, they don't know how many of these folks here, they don't know how many of these folks in this country, okay? And so now, what you have now is an all-out invasion, and a democratic party is responsible, because they have painted this narrative that, you know, we are a benevolent society, we are an ignition of immigrants, that's the cover. They never say we stole the country, we created genocide to take this country. That's why when you take land, you got to, what, populate it, you needed people to populate the land. That's why they are immigrants, white immigrants. The same thing is occurring over there in Palestine. You're taking these folks' lands and what you need, what you need to populate it with what? People who like you, that's why you got these, European Jews coming to Palestine to take this folks' land. The same thing occurred here in America, this here, we are an ignition of immigrants, no, we committed, you committed genocide, you brought in all this European, in the last 30, 40 years, 30 years, right now, because you wanted to just place the irate upset Negroes after the six day ride, we going to bring all these people here to replace him, and there be more down south, more domesticated, there's no grievance, and they'll work cheaper, and we will be happier. Where a funny thing happened on the way to the farm, on the way to the ranch. You started now to displace all of the white people, who's up and on, white people, white people. So it's okay when you're hurting only eight o's or American blacks, but now this is scheme and it's backfired because now regular white people are being misplaced and displaced. And who's responsible? The Democrats, the Democrats, it is unthinkable that you allow in major people, major people, knowing darn well, that you're going to now take care of them as your own people's expenses. Nowhere in the world I've been with a country that allowed us to happen, nowhere I've been do countries do this here, allowing major people, major people into their country. And then on top of that, provide resources for them, food, shelter, medical, education, all of that, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? So who's responsible for that? The Democrats, the Democrats. And if you are a member of the ADOs or black American, not for Trump, no effort for Harry, but I am damn sure, excuse my leggers, for Trump on that immigration. We now know the president, if he wanted to, could buy executive order, shut down that border, say, hey, we're not taking no immigrants, we're not taking no asylum secrets, we're not taking anybody, he can do that, he can do that. D.P. Harris, who was the son of the border, could have articulated that, shut it down, we ain't taking nobody. But no, they're playing this game, oh yeah, send me a bill, that's the same stuff that Prince Obama said, send me a bill. And when the biggest mistake, there's two things that Prince Obama did, they've heard this country dealer, I believe. Number one, he made a mockery of marriage, and under my marriage, when he cosigned same sex marriages, he made a mockery of citizenship, under my citizenship, when he allowed the dreamers, these kids, right, to a get status, those two things, Prince Obama did. And the black caucus, right, who's going to be there fighting on our behalf, right, all cosignists, that's why I say the congressional black caucus, right, is useless, they're useless for black Americans. And keep in mind, they came into existence, right, to be a voice for black Americans only, that's why they came into existence. Not for all people, not for all black people, for black Americans. And they cosigned as nonsense, call this massive invasion, call immigration. And no one has been hurt more than yours truly, American blacks, because why, who's things in these urban citizens, we are, we are. So again, today, we have a conversation, my thoughts, immigration ain't working for us, it never did, it never has. The only somebody, as long as somebody, the immigration benefits, are employers, corporations, companies, because why, cheap labor, cheap, cheap labor. And when labor become, when labor become what, you know, abundance, abundant labor, it brings down what wages, it brings down what, bargaining power. And it brings, it brings, it takes what, left it the way, you lose leverage, come on. I got all this year, surplus labor running around here, so I got to worry about, you know, negotiating with you, because I got all these folks looking to replace you. I understand now, over in Ohio, 20,000 patients are there, how did you get there, 20,000 patients in the nation are there, who brought them in, who feed them, who closed them, who's paying them. And they show one cat at some factory, he like it because why, you know, they're considering it work all the time, you know, they're always on time and everything, well, no, no craps here a lot, I've been to Haiti, if I was blessed to be in Ohio at some factory, whether I speak English or not, I feel obligated to be on time and work too, but who does it hurt, the black Americans are the folks there, who pay for them to get there, whether they eating dogs, cats or ducks is irrelevant, they shouldn't be there, that's the problem, they shouldn't be there, they shouldn't be there, and every American black should be totally upset with the Democrats, just on immigration loan, they're all in your schools now, you got an A hand, such a class, such a language, that caused money, because now, they ain't speaking English, speaking Haitian Creole, or Spanish, or Cape Verdean, or Chinese, or whatever it might be, who got to pay for that, you do, you, United States citizens, we do, I'd be totally, totally, totally irate around immigration, that's one thing I do agree with Trump on immigration, because that's not in our interest, all the books I've read on immigration, all have one thing in common, immigration is not in black Americans' best interest, period, period, so why do we fall for this okey-doke, where you know, they got gangs in their country, they got a cartel in their country, they got this in their country, that's not our problem, and we as ados you understand, our elders did not run from the vow treatment of white supremacy, they stayed here and fought, they stayed here and fought, they stayed here and doing it, they didn't have to stop at the border of the candidate as a group, they stayed here and took that spirit on to civilize the spirit of whiteness, they didn't run, so you got a hardship in your country, who's going to fix that if not you, who's going to write that if not you, America's not going to fix that, if you feel that can pail to help, help them over there, don't bring them here, if you feel that can pail, that can pail to help the babies and the children and the women, right, help them where they are, don't bring them here, don't bring them here but no, the Democrats, be a Biden-Harris or the Congress of Black Caucus, or the ministers or the NAACP or the Emily, they ain't saying that, they're not saying that because why they are political cowards, they are political cowards, they don't fight for us, none of them, none of them, none of them, so now you have been overrun with illegal aliens, so what you going to do, what you going to do, all of these here mayors, all right, governors, president, vote them out, that's the only redress you guys, the only redress you guys, the vote them out because, forgive about a secure border, your everyday lifestyle is in jeopardy and threatening, you're feeding people, closing people, housing people, getting folks jobs, transportation on your dime, are you kidding me, what kind of nonsense is that, what kind of nonsense is that, and what's really irked me is the black political task force, the so-called Congress of Black Caucus, on all levels, be it city, state, or federal, these folks done sold us out, they have sold us out because they are pro-immigration, they're pro, you can't go to no country if a thousand or million black Americans showed up today on the shores, nowhere in heck that country will allow you, black American, to be absorbed into that country, get shelter, get food, get employment, get health, right, and all the amenities to make a transition at their people that spend no way in heck with that happen, nowhere, nowhere in the sun not being what happened, you try going out in Mexico or Chile, Venezuela or Jamaica or Trinidad, even Haiti, Nigeria, India, take a pic, Cape Verde, take a pic, nowhere in heck with those countries, all right, accommodates you like we're doing, like the Democrats are doing, nowhere in hell, kids are no kids, it shouldn't be here, it shouldn't be here, and no one has been hurt more so in the last 30 years by an immigration than eight of us, America more in blacks, don't let folks run there, you've been too far, no I'm not, my first law is mine, it's myself, this first law of self-preservation, it's our country, your first job as a politician is to cover me, to cover us, to do for us, that's your first, that's your first obligation, just do for us, these folks don't get first divs on nothing around here, your first job is to make sure that Americans get first div, and they shouldn't even be here, and what you actually have done, will you take these folks talent and skilled people and come to America, it's like you're robbing them of developing their own country, the poor folks follow because why, hey man, 15 bucks, 50 pesos, they ain't worth much, so they come too, so you're taking their talent in their skill, which means they won't stay in their home country and build and grow, you know, and create, that's why, financially those skills are worth more here in America and England and France and Germany, than they are in Mexico or Venezuela or Trinidad or Jamaica or Haiti or Nigeria, so you're robbing these countries but at the same time, you look, a shock that they can't develop and grow because you're taking their talent, you're taking their talent, and still saying no, we're gonna train and educate you in your country to stay there, you must develop and grow your own infrastructure, your own country to take care of your own people, but no, that's 30 years, that's not been the case, it's been nothing but an invasion, I say again, how can the Spanish population go from zero at the 1960s and please look at yourself, look at yourself, look at yourself, 12% is in 1960, in the 2018 census, there's like 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 or 20, 25% U.S. population, I think it was 68 million of them, how can you go from zero to 68 million in 60 years, that's how illegal, and dreamers or those kids are illegal too, they both are illegal, no matter how you cut that, and another thing, the 14th Amendment, the 14th Amendment came into existence because the Southern Dithercract was saying to our elders, we're not citizens, but it was the only country we knew at the end of slavery, the 14th Amendment came into existence to legitimize us as citizens, it was not for recovery to all these people here, they never intended to see what was going on last 40 years, for what's coming just having babies, having babies, having babies, it was never intended for them, that needs a change, I would change the way that you have a kid here in America, you gotta wait 15 or 20 years to become a citizen and you don't get no benefit until you become a citizen, because you become a citizen, we need to put time and develop my own youth, you say you need I.T. people, chemists, engineers, whatever you need, start cultivating and develop our own youth, our own American youth, why don't we do that, why don't we create a program that's going to consider our youth to be chemists, engineers, whatever we need, instead of robbing these countries of death talent to bring them here, I tell you why, because there's no love for us, there's no love for us, anti-black hate has always been a part of whiteness, that is the core problem, because we ate those came here in shackles and chain, in shackles and chain, and we have been fighting, since the emancipations, 18-6-5, to be quote unquote viewed and treated as a citizen, that's what King gave his life for, plus to be treated and dealt with as full citizen with all the person benefit of whiteness that includes not just the right to vote, but included, right, economic, contracts, housing, quant education, health, you name it, do present on the loan, all those elements that comprise this, but the citizen is what King was out of fighting for, it wasn't just for the right to vote people, and it wasn't for immigrants, five days before he was murdered or assassinated, he had a conversation with Harry Belafonte, Harry Belafonte we call him, that he can say, Harry, I'm really perturbed here, he said, I believe I led my folks into a burning building, this you can also look for yourself, just go email K, burning building, he said, I believe I led my people into a burning building, this thing called integration, he didn't say white women, he didn't say Asians, he didn't say Jews, he didn't say Spanish, he didn't say caribbean, African or fucking India, he said, my people, meaning the Negroes, Adolf, I'll leave you to find everybody but us, everybody but us, and we have been totally, totally displaced and replaced, immigration has done more to harm us than anything, look at the being that I've been spent last four or five years, not 50 cent on us as citizens, anything that might remotely benefit us right, it's always a matter of what we've met with what contempt and disdain to push back, but it says it's nonsense to you, you know, we gotta show, you know, I was humanitarian, you know, we just a very benevolent society, yeah, you know, humanity, we gotta take care of the babies and the women, no we don't, it ain't our problem, they shouldn't be on these shores, they ain't our problem, you shouldn't let them end to the country, and you're gonna check that bullet down years ago, decades ago, the why, it benefited white folks, when you see these kind of phenomena going on, you can rest assured some segment of the white communities benefit from it, but the funny thing happened on the way to the power, it started now to undermine and hurt regular white people, it was okay, it was okay when we was being displaced, replaced, they're a lazy, they don't want to work, also now they call them white folks lazy, they don't want to work, that's why, cheap labor, cheap labor, so I say we need to really address this here, head on, and the congressional black caucus, be it on the city level, state level, federal level, whatever, right, these folks who are for immigration, right, they're not for us, they're not for us, and the problem is, right, most of these folks now see how state, they are black immigrants, so you know they're pro immigrants, you know it's for pro immigration, we don't need that, we need to invest in our own people and allow them to invest in their people in their country, I'm off of being benevolent, I will contribute to any effort to help out in their country, don't bring them in, if you want to get a train going south with food, medicine, whatever, I will contribute, I will contribute to that, don't bring them in, your school is inundated with all these different languages, promise it's this bogus concept called cultural competency, multiculturalism, it's garbage, nowhere in the world where the nation allowed us to do that to them, nowhere in the world they allowed Mr. Black Americans coming to their country, you're going to sell this crap called multiculturalism, that's garbage, pure garbage, pure garbage, and don't let folks try to bambooz you and I'm like oh you see the forward, you see the forward, no I'm not, no I'm not, I'm looking out for me, it's our country, it's our country, our country owe us, your job is to take care of us, that's your job, and the Congressional Black Caucus has failed, about 50 of them, about 50 of them, they are all failed, including our own honor presently, have failed to do that duty, they have failed, and now we got to feed and close the housing, take care of them, on our dime, huh, so I'm wrong with that, so I'm wrong with that people, so I'm wrong with that, but today I'm talking about immigration, I'm going to take a break in a minute, come right back, I got I got more to say, okay now I'm going to host Larry Kingbottom, listen to WBCA, 102.9 FM, again WBCA, 102.9 FM, name the name of the program, observation from the trenches, I'm in the trenches, be the last quarter century, I've been out here in these folks home with mental health, I get to see the effects of policy made on high, how it affects us down in the trenches, and then working for us, it's not working for us, it's not working for us, not working for us, and the biggest culprit who have heard us most are these educated black bled, they have done more harm since 1970s because why it benefits them, it benefits them, they get a decent job, get a high profile position, you know, now the new card game is what, diversity, I got a diverse staff, they ain't got no juice, they ain't got no juice, all symbolism, at our expense, and we got to stop voting folks who are political cowards, who will not stand and speak on our answers, immigration is not in our best interest, I'll be back, don't go away. The revolution wasn't televised in the 60s, is it going to be televised in the 90s? Well, you know, the catchphrase, what that was all about, the revolution will not be televised, that was about the fact that the first change that takes place is in your mind, you have to change your mind before you change the way you live and when you move, so when we said that the revolution will not be televised, we were saying that the thing that's going to change people is something that no one will ever be able to capture on film, it'll just be something that you see and all of a sudden you'll realize, I'm on the wrong page, or I'm on the right page, but I'm on the wrong note, and I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country, but I think that the black Americans have been the only real that hard Americans here, because we're the only ones who carry the process through the process, that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages, we're the ones who march, we're the ones who carry the Bible, we're the ones who carry the flag, we're the ones who try to go through the courts, and being born American didn't seem to matter, because we were born American, but we still had to fight for what we were looking for, and we still had to go through those channels and those processes. People won't give you the real talk on drugs, but it's time we know the facts, fentanyl is killing people, it's a powerful opioid, often made illegally and commonly mixed with illicit drugs, it can even be pressed into counterfeit pills that resemble prescription medications, just two milligrams about the size of a few grains of sand could potentially be lethal. This isn't an ad to scare you, but it isn't an ad to make you think twice, get the facts, go to, this message is brought to you by the ad council. Again, here's that song again for the hundredth time today, here's that song again, it's gonna be stuck in your head all day, here's that song again, it will make you cray cray! You love your kids enough to watch that TV show a bajillion times, love them enough to make sure they're in the right car seat for their age and size, show them you love them, keep them safe, visit, brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the ad council. The impact of a meal goes well beyond feeding our bodies, because when people don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, they can truly thrive, like Marta. And now we'll hear from our class, valedictorian, who with our hard work never ceases to amaze us. Please welcome Marta Moreno. And Alex. Hey Alex, how did the interview go? I did it, I got the job, I can't believe it. I knew it, let's meet up later to celebrate. And Diego. Mom, I got first place at the science fair with my volcano project. That's amazing, sweetie, congratulations. Because when people are fed, futures are nourished, and everyone deserves to live a full life. Join the movement to end hunger at, A public service announcement brought to you by Feeding America and the ad council. The revolution wasn't televised in the 60s, is it going to be televised in the 90s? Well, you know the catchphrase, what that was all about, the revolution will not be televised. That was about the fact that the first change that takes place is in your mind. You have to change your mind before you change the way you live, and the way you move. So when we said that the revolution will not be televised, we were saying that the thing that's going to change people is something that no one will ever be able to capture on the film. It'll just be something that you see, and all of a sudden you'll realize, I'm on the wrong page, or I'm on the right page, but I'm on the wrong note. And I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country. But I think that the black Americans have been the only real that-hard Americans here, because we're the only ones who've carried the process through the process, that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages. We're the ones who march, we're the ones who carry the Bible, we're the ones who carry the flag, we're the ones who try to go through the courts, and being born American didn't seem to matter, because we were born Americans, but we still had to fight for what we were looking for, and we still had to go through those channels and those processes. I'm back, Boston. Again, I'm your host Larry Larry Hagenbottom, and you're listening to WBCA 102.9 FM, again WBCA 102.9 FM, the name of the program, Ops, the basement trenches. But speak about things that I see that we really need to take a second take on. Damn, I'm just an immigration. The reason why I play that clip by brother Gil's God, Aaron, he says something very profound there, and this interviews that I think in the year, early 2000, he said, "Being born in America didn't seem to matter. Being born in America didn't seem to matter, we had to fight for everything we've gotten. Well, being born in America don't seem to America's wife, they give everything to immigrants. They're giving everything to these immigrants, at our expense." So here we are, in America, anything that might remotely benefit us has always been met with contempt and pushed down, and you're crying, you're going to be crying victim. You're trying to be victim, you're being trying to be victim of that propaganda, but these same Democrats and Congress of Black Caucus got no problem heading over paying the dollars throughout this country to illegal aliens, and we are citizens. So like brother Gil said, being born in America doesn't appear to matter, but they want you and I to accommodate and to move over for folks who got no skin in the game, and who came here illegally, they came illegally, it wouldn't matter. Nowhere I've been blessed to travel, have a country ever rolled out the welcome map for foreigners at their natural citizens' expense, nowhere, nowhere. I saw a clip with Senator Chuck Schumer, he said, "Well, you know, we need to welcome these folks a while, so I've been going to the service, armed service, we need armed service, we need folks in armed service, we need folks right for Social Security, and we need folks right for cheap labor, for labor." So he already does so without, he's telling me what he's at, and he's saying what lives on, you know, Bronnie, saying it's all up, they're all doing it now, it's all expensive, and so who's fighting for you, eight o's, American Black, who's fighting for you? On the city level, state, who's fighting for you? You don't let folks try to bambool you with that crap called xenophobia, no, I've not seen nothing. I'm a citizen, and you're not doing your job as my so-called elective mouth people. They don't like the problem, and you keep electing people, right, who keep allowing this trend to exist, and so now even if Trump is elected, he's not getting, he's, these folks ain't going nowhere, and if Harry is elected, you know they ain't going nowhere, these folks are here to stay, if Trump elected, you know, he might send a few back for, you know, P.R., you know, symbolism, but they everywhere, they're all over the country now, and who's been elected, all these NGOs, these non-profits who've been supposed to help these folks get re-acramated, have gotten, they get the dollars, they get the dollars they have gotten, but it's here, processing, so they make it not financially, it's been what I call a banana for them, and looking at it from the, it's the illegal, they ain't doing too bad either. Recently, the mayor of New York, right, things got so bad, he said it's here, I'll give you a ticket, in the way in the world you want to go through, just leave New York, think about that, just leave New York, it's the same mayor and governor who's saying, come to New York, we got jobs for you, we got jobs for you, tell your people in New York, citizen, not just citizen, but you want to offer them the same opportunity, you say all these illegal, come here, we got jobs for you, who side are these people on, and who voted them in office, that's the problem, who voted them in office, and who keeps them in office, same with Chicago, the mayor of Chicago, same thing, also now, those blacks there like in New York, they're up and on, because you see how valuable you are as citizen, not much, there's no value to you, that you will find million dollars to house closed feet, and these kids got to be educated, so now they're in your school system, many of you already in the school system where you work, you got low, you know, low tests going to begin with, so now, you got to make special accommodation for them, come on now, immigration is not in our favor, never have been, never will be, and the congressional black caucus on all levels, this city state of federal, are not fighting for us, they're not fighting for us, unless you make every one of you, right, totally enraged, how dare you, so you can't find reparation, but you can't find, take in the dollars, take in the dollars, money flowing like water, but you can't find nothing reparation, so I remember that, that means that our black elected officials staying for us, they're not for us, and they showed it, they're showing it, they're showing their hand, they are for this illegal immigration, have been for the last 20-30 years, all of the vaccine water, the guy from South Carolina, you know, it was named Joe Sutton, you know, he's been a too long, all of them, they ain't fighting for us, none of them, and they coast on all this democratic cramp, a team Jeffrey, no better, no better, yep, and who's experiencing, and I was experiencing, and if you unfortunate to be in these cities, right, what they're saying is move over baby, move over, make room for them, they ain't going nowhere, something wrong with that, but again, I'm talking about immigration, I'm your host Larry Higgin by them, you're listening to WBCA 102.9 FM, again, WBCA 102.9 FM, my top of the day is the immigration, it's not a hand, it's long been out of hand, it's long been out of hand, and no one has gotten hurt more from immigration than ADOs, I'm American Black, we are the original citizen, there's no happening before our name, you know, we're not Caribbean American, Jamaican American, Irish American, Trinidad American, we're just American, straight American, we more American than anybody here, it's the only land we know, only land we know, it's been the African, had a great experience, we'll go back there, but I'm not an African, that's not my lineage, we are American, and our Congressional Black Caucus members, I have sold us out, have sold us out, of King Jeffrey, he got no juice, he got no juice, those 50 members ain't got no juice, but they're doing well, they're living well, I think they make about what $200,000 a year, not a bad piece of change that they run your mouth all day, a nice environment, you know, very comfortable, but they ain't making nothing, it's going to be with us, like Brother Gil's got him and Sam, being born in America didn't seem to matter, we had to fight for everything we got, through the courts, sit in, pickers, the laws, everything, because why, whiteness did not view us as citizens, and that's what King was fighting for, for us to be viewed and treated as citizens with all the perks and benefits of whiteness, and now you're going to give it away, and when you allow these illegals coming in, what you're saying is citizenship doesn't matter, you're undermining citizenship, you are diminishing what is to be a citizen, just come on in, you know, come on in, yep, get all the benefits to all the perks, no problem, and you, those are you who are citizens, like American Blacks, oh no, no, no, you got to make way, baby, you got to make room, because we got to show how, you know, how given we are, we are very, you know, compassionate, but neverland, all cover, baby, all cover, it's all cover, it was expensive, and unfortunately for the last 20, 30 years, we had been silent at this invasion that has taken place, and these folks, these folks, these folks are not leaving now, they're not going anywhere, too many of them, too many of them, too many of them, so what you're going to do, what you're going to do, what you're going to do, American Black, what are you going to do, what are you going to do, come November 5th, if I was going to vote, which I'm not, I'm voting down ballot again, I'm going to vote down ballot again, because I don't believe neither one of these folks are worthy of my vote, but if I was going to vote, I would be voting for Trump just on immigration alone, just on that alone, that's in our collective interest, that's in our collective interest, and don't let folks try to bait you into, oh, you, you, you, I just need a vote, you're just immigrant, no, I'm not, I'm for me, I'm for us, we're citizens, we are the ultimate citizen, we've been crapped on, we had to make room for these people, share resources with these people, we've been doing that for like 30 years, we think most of them end up in these gettles with us, and so now we are finally waking up to, you know, something, nobody's fighting for us, nobody's looking out for us, we are asked to make room and be accommodating at our own expense, how wise is that, how wise is that, not wise at all, so I was thrown in courage to rethink about your vote on moving the field, just on immigration alone, I vote, I vote, I vote for Trump, I really would, and about loving him, it's about my interest would be served, you're going to shut that, shut that border down, and in fact, I go for fathers to stay this here, I would get out, I would get out of the nations that take in, you know, asylum seekers, I would even be, I would get out, get out, get out of that arrangement, I don't want no asylum seekers, I don't want no immigrants, no, we got enough, we got enough, we got enough, I would break rank with that as well, let's take him where they reside at, let's feed him where they reside at, let's educate him, Harvard, in my team, don't bring him here, educate him over there, if you do educate him here, turn him back on, to build their own land, to build their own infrastructure, because otherwise it will never be built, America's not going to build these people's home, their country's back up, it's not going to do that, so if you're taking their brightest in the most gifted coming here, you're going to always be a third world nation, and if you need engineers, IT people, chemists, right, a space that you know, are not developing content that your own children, they go on those fields, there will go, if you start to put in the infrastructure, where by they can harness their own give, we can develop our own talent here, and stop robbing these other countries of their human capital, it's not working, because right now, we aid those American blacks, we have gotten the raw deal here, it's my belief, you can become your own conclusion, it ain't working, you got 20,000 Haitians up there in the over there in a while, who brought them there, how do you get there, how do you get there, how do you get from the border to Ohio, 20,000 of them, that's like a massive airlift, come on down, shoot, where as I wind down, you know, when's the conversation, again, I'm not, I guess nobody, I'm just us, and I stand ten toes down on that, I'm for us, if I was in your country, ain't no one heck, you allowed any benefits to be spent on me, over you, period, nowhere I've been, would that be allowed to happen, and rightfully so, because I'm not a citizen of that country, and if I was, I came there, I don't get first dibs, I don't get first dibs, no, no, no, no, no, well that's you be the same, we're here in America, in our home, where's our wind down, who do you think about, who's the thought, I'll be back next one way to another conversation, from the trenches, again, but think about it now, you see a legal invasion has not served as well as ours, not done well for black Americans at all, nowhere, and they everywhere, they everywhere in the country, that's why I say, do you see what, do you see what's orchestrated, they come from everywhere, it's out of the border, everywhere, and they just let them in, let them in, and where they end up, and who they end up, and they hold with us, nope, it's time for a new day, a new day, these ain't working, because, get into the day now, right, you got to take care of yourself, you got to look up at yourself, because nobody's looking out for us, we always been accommodating people, you know, always open our arms, come on in, you know, come on in, brothers and sisters, where's time for us, no, no, no, we gonna focus, we gonna focus our stuff, we gonna focus our teeth on our stuff, because we are not permanent underclass, all that we should show that, as a group, we are worthless, we got no welcome, and it's time for us to first start thinking about ourselves, disparaging nobody, against nobody, but we need to look out for ourselves, and immigration has not been good for us, I stand on that, then I see every day out here, and he's home, because if I'm in the trenches, I'm out here for the quarter century, I get to see the effect, these policies, it's not been an answer to them, and with only change, it restarts to demand something different, but you got to demand that from your politicians, or don't send these folks down there to say the House, State House, or fellow government, who got no coverage, you don't need no more politicians who have no coverage to speak on our behalf, because they came into existence supposedly to represent and fight for us, but they're not doing that, they fight for everybody but us, and it's the problem, they forgot who elected them, and why, so as I wind down, again, immigration, not in our favor, I would vote for Trump only on the own immigration, if I was going vote for either one of them, it would be for him to just immigration alone, alone, so at the next Wednesday God bless you, be safe, again, I'm your host Larry Higginbottom, you've been listening to WBCA, one of 2.9 FM, in the program, from the churches, I have to pay them, I have to pay them to churches, until next Wednesday God bless you and be safe. The preceding commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. You arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email [BLANK_AUDIO]