FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Debate recap and Erica Thomas talks Haitian Immigration - Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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11 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. Right here we go, FMTalk1065 at Midday Mobile. I'm glad to have you here on this Wednesday. A couple more hours of live local talk. You know how we do it. The phone number and the text line, both 3430106. 3430106 plus you can use the talkback feature on the FMTalk1065 app to send a message to the show at any point. All right, joining us today is Representative Chip Brown. We'll be on April, Marie Fogel, Erica Thomas. We'll review last night's debate, but now the big story of course for all of us here along the Gulf Coast is watching weather as we watch Francine make its way north and how much east Dr. Bill Williams are we expecting out of Francine? Well, it's moving to the northeast and the northeast to lead direction and that's going to keep the center of it quite far away from the mobile area. We're going to be on the eastern edge of some of the activity and that'll be later this afternoon, tonight and certainly through tomorrow morning. Right now the center of Francine is approaching the Louisiana coast and it looks like it'll make landfall around Morgan City and then work its way on up through about Baton Rouge and then into western Mississippi tonight and tomorrow. And by Friday, the center of it will be up as a depression up around Memphis. But right now it's headed for the coast of Louisiana. It has highest winds of 90 miles per hour. It may increase a little bit, but I think that's going to be about it. And it's moving northeast at 13 miles per hour. And it has a definite eye which is visible on radar, but on satellite pictures there's some cloud cover that is spearing the eye. But it's going to be on a steady path that will bring us the eastern edge. And that means that we're going to see our first rain band come in in the next couple of hours. It's quite a bit of rain now approaching the Mobile Bay and the coastline. And that'll be coming in. And then later tonight, later in the evening, we'll see more of this rainfall spread into our area. As for winds, we'll be looking at them picking up later this afternoon, maybe gusts up to 30-35. And then tonight a southeast wind, caseling, gusting up to 35, maybe even 40, but that's more likely along the coast. And then tomorrow, a southerly wind and it'll gust to 30-35 with occasional gusts up to around 40 miles per hour. Dr. Bill, the rainfall amounts, we've talked about this over the years. Sometimes you get enough rain to soak the ground and the winds are not super heavy, but you get trees coming over, right? Because you have enough saturation of the soil and then you get a 30 or 40. And trees come out. Do you think we're going to have that kind of saturation of rain before those winds really get going? Yeah, I don't think that's going to be a problem where it will be as well, though, it's going to be in Louisiana where they've had a lot of rain over the last few weeks. And in parts of Mississippi also, and with the storm, the full-fledged storm coming into the area, that's going to be a serious situation. And with the ground saturated over there, just about everything in falls is going to be brought off. So here at home, rainfall totals, you expect, where are we? Three inches or? Yeah, we'll pick up at least a couple of inches of rain. It all depends on how much of a buildup of rain will develop as the storm gets onto the coast. And if it starts to really build a big rainy area with a surge of moisture coming up from the Gulf, then we may end up with about four inches of rain. But if the storm continues to pick up forward speed as it's doing, that ends up producing lower totals in rainfall. But when they come in real slow, then that's where you can build up a lot of rain. Dr. Bell is listening. When you're talking to Dan and Dalton this morning, too, and I heard the projected storm surge height come up by about a foot here from yesterday, one to three now, maybe two to four in our area. Two to four feet is possible. I think certainly the two is very, very likely. But it's possible that it could be as much as four feet. And that's in portions of the bay, but of course, along the coastline, the highest surge will be over at the center near the center of the storm or just to the east of it, where in Morgan City and some distances to Oregon City, it could be as much as 10 feet. Well, people ask him, Billy, he got a river, Billy and Foul Rivers got a recent ask, I guess. He said, "At what point is it in the morning, or when do you feel the storm surge is going to peak?" I hadn't even looked at the tides, but when do you think the maximum storm surge will be dealing with around the bay? Well, when the wind gets around to the south, which will be after midnight and through the morning hours, I mean, that's where you're going to get the big, bigger push of water, and particularly to get some higher water into the bay. So it's not going to be a problem until after between midnight and daybreak. All right, and dare I ask before we wrap it up, Dr. Bill, we've done this many times, but this is close and near, and we're watching it. Anything else that you're watching in the tropics right now, I mean, heck, we're right here in the Yeah, the other possibilities, Sean, there's actually hurricane centers looking at three locations, one approaching the Caribbean, another one halfway between Africa and the Caribbean, and that a really big circulation that's over closer to the African coast. That one has a potential of becoming a very, very big storm. It's already now a depression, and then that's kind of it's far out in the Atlantic. They're all moving in a west, northwest direction, so the chances are that those systems will recurve. It's not guaranteed, and I mean recurve, it means staying out in the Atlantic, but if they're already have a tilt toward the northwest, those storms are looking for that opening in order to turn to the north. All those storms try to do that, and that's caused by the rotation of the earth, which causes them turn to the right, but if they're high pressure were to block them, then they head farther to the west. They're also looking at the possibility of something developing off the Carolinas, but that anything that forms there will stay out over the north Atlantic. All right, Dr. Bill, we appreciate the update, and we'll be checking back with you, getting the latest on Francine and all hurricane season long. All those things training across the Atlantic have my attention to. Thanks, Dr. Bill. Okay. Okay, Sean. All right, there goes our staff meteorologist, Dr. Bill Williams, tropical weather expert, but do it at 40 plus years here on the Gulf Coast. Pretty good at it, and it's always great to get his take, and people are asking, yes, so it looks like the maximum of about four feet of storm surge, so we can expect that. You know, it gets compressed. This is like we're talking about the other day. Local folks, I can talk about with the sheriff. We kind of, you live here, you know, that, okay, with this area, you know, the wind's coming out the east, wind's coming out of the south, and it goes into this bay, and it hits a canal, and it compresses it, so, you know, where it floods and where it doesn't. It's, you know, and it'll be there for a little while, then it will go away. All right, let's see. Can we go, we go the text line for, I'll tell you what, we can, okay, it's just still, okay, still more questions on the, on Hurricane Francine. I think we hopefully answered all those with Dr. Bill. If we missed one, I'll try to get him back on here before this is all over to answer those. When we come back, we can talk about last night's debate. You know, I just told Jeff, I see performance for Trump. I don't think, you know, I know he's doing his Trump thing, and he's out there saying, well, that's my best workout, you know, come on, we got, that's a thing, too. I don't know if he could do it. I don't know if you keep all the other great stuff about Trump, if he could ever have a moment where he goes, yeah, that wasn't my best thing. You know, if he would do that, but we'll talk about what I thought was not his best debate performance last night, and get your commentary as well at 3430106. This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 1065. Well, the nice thing, weather-wise, is by this weekend, things looking pretty darn good, even by Friday, which is good news, just doing some of our setup this morning out at the grounds. Hang it out with the man of many hats, District 6, Councilman Josh Woods, who's also head of the grounds as we get moved in for the G&D Farms outdoor expo. Now, doors open Friday at 10, 10 Friday morning, and if we go through nine at night, and same thing for Saturday, 10 to 9, and doors closing at 4 o'clock on Sunday, we're going to be there. This show, mid-day mobile is going to be live from the grounds at the event on Friday, and then Mike Ward and I will be doing a on-location FMTalk 1065 outdoors from 11 to noon there at the ground, so make sure to stop by and see us. By the way, when you're there, check out some of the stuff rolling in right now. I saw tractors rolling in. Also Land Rover of the Gulf Coast is going to be there with all the newest models, the WACS seed company. Wildlife management solution, they're a really cool company, Alabama company that has done some innovative things when it comes to seeds for food plots and summertime and winter plots here in our area. They're going to be there. Got questions from them. Lots of folks out there will go through the list, but you can check them out online as well. Just go look for G&D Farms outdoor expo on Facebook, find it there, and yeah, we'll see out there, hopefully all three days. All right, to the debate from last night, and a couple of things, and yeah, if you, I know some people out there saying that it was three on one, yeah, the moderator, you knew that was coming, that still doesn't say that Trump had a, it's not his best debate, not his best debate. And yes, Kamala Harris was polished, I guess, in that, which I think she's a pretty decent debater, but the substance was not there. And first example of this, the lead-off question, and this is, and of course, I ran towards it like a, like a bug to a bug zapper. I don't even have bug zappers anymore. And this question about the economy, this whole thing where I feel that Harris Wall's campaign is campaigning against like Donald Trump, the incumbent, when it's the Democrats that have been in charge for three and a half years. So Harris was asked about if we're better off over the last three and a half years than we were under Trump. Let's listen to this. This is like some slow-mo matrix dodging jedi mind trick stuff going on here. Listen how little of the question is answered. Here it is from last night. When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago? So I was raised as a middle-class kid, and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people. And that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy. Because here's the thing. We know that we have a shortage of homes and housing and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people. We know that young families need support to raise their children and I intend on extending a tax cut for those families of $6,000, which is the largest child tax credit that we have given in a long time, so that those young families can afford to buy a crib, buy a car seat, buy clothes for their children. My passion, one of them, is small businesses. I was actually my mother raised my sister and me, but there was a woman who helped raise us. We call her our second mother. She was a small business owner. I love our small businesses. My plan is to give a $50,000 tax deduction to start up small businesses, knowing they are part of the backbone of America's economy. My opponent, on the other hand, his plan is to do what he has done before, which is to provide a tax cut for billionaires and big corporations, which will result in $5 trillion to America's deficit. My opponent has a plan that I call the Trump's sales tax, which would be a 20% tax on everyday goods that you rely on to get through the month. Economists have said that Trump's sales tax would actually result for middle-class families in about $4,000 more a year because of his policies and his ideas about what should be the backs of middle-class people paying for tax cuts for billionaires. So once again, I mean, not addressing the question, which is politicians on both sides do this, but I thought that was a hell of an example of, I hear the question and now I'm going to tell you what I want to tell you, has nothing to do with the actual question. Interestingly enough, too, going back to this idea of what the government is going to provide to help you. I'm a small business person, right? I am that person. I want government to get out of the way, right? I want government to get out of the way. I'm not Jamie Diamond here, y'all. Just a regular person like so many of y'all running a small business. I don't need $50,000 startup for somebody. Why do they get it? And I didn't get it. I need government to get out of the way to let all businesses compete out there. Maybe just maybe Kamala Harris, who has been in the pocket of the Silicon Valley, all like ARCs, maybe the idea of breaking up monopolies. There's something we can agree on. If she would say, "Listen, I'm going to come out there and we're going to make it better for small and medium-sized businesses because we're going to break up the monopolies. There's a place where instead of giving money to start a small business, why don't you make the playing field more even and then see what happens. Americans, they don't surprise me because I know the spirit of Americans, they may surprise Democrats." Then Trump responding to what was said by Kamala Harris about the sales tax. She said, "This is about tariffs here." First of all, I have no sales tax. That's an incorrect statement. She knows that we're doing tariffs on other countries. Other countries are going to finally, after 75 years, pay us back for all that we've done for the world. And the tariff will be substantial in some cases. I took in billions and billions of dollars, as you know, from China. In fact, they never took the tariff off because there was so much money they can't. It would totally destroy everything that they've set out to do. They're taking in billions of dollars from China and other places. They've left the tariffs on. When I had it, I had tariffs and yet I had no inflation. Look, we've had a terrible economy because inflation has, which is really known as a country-buster. It breaks up countries. We have inflation like very few people have ever seen before. Probably the worst in our nation's history. We were at 21%, but that's being generous because many things are 50, 60, 70, 80% higher than they were just a few years ago. This has been a disaster for people for the middle class, but for every class. On top of that, we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylum. And they're coming in and they're taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics. And also unions. Unions are going to be affected very soon. And you see what's happening. You see what's happening with towns throughout the United States. You look at Springfield, Ohio. You look at Aurora in Colorado. They are taking over the towns. They're taking over buildings. They're going in violently. These are the people that she and Biden led into our country and they're destroying our country. They're dangerous. They're at the highest level of criminality. And we have to get them out. We have to get them out fast. I created one of the greatest economies in the history of our country. I'll do it again and even better. We are going to get. Okay. So and there's some of the response and it's interesting last night too. I think that the guests, the moderators were definitely part of this, but vice president Harris was deft in baiting baiting Donald Trump into talking about things other than policy. Right. And laying this thing, this started at the, you know, it started at the DNC, but this whole idea that it's aspirational, which is actually not a bad thing if you're doing politics. It's aspirational campaign and it's all positive. And all Trump wants to do is complain about things and the Harris Wall's campaign. They want to talk about what's good with America. Now, that is astroturf, but it is consumed by the people, not you or people that are locked in on how they're going to vote, but the undecided people watching it last night. And then she baits Donald Trump and this is like watching the cork. Right. We just put a cricket under the cork and put it out there over a brim bed. And the other brim probably saying, don't take the bait, don't take the bait. Well, then one takes the bait. Come on. I'm going to actually do something really unusual. And I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch. You will see during the course of his rallies, he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills, cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. And I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you. Okay. Now if that is, who knows when people leave his rallies or not, but Trump, why take the bait? Well, because he's Trump, he does this. As far as rallies are concerned, as far as the reason they go is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great against very simple phrase, make America great again. She's destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn't have a chance of success. Not only success will end up being Venezuela on steroids. The second part of it, good. But the fact you took the bait, they just, you got to know, right? So in debate prep, I hope there's somebody there going, you know, Donald, Mr. Trump, whatever they, what's he'd say every cause? Sir, sir, they say, sir, whatever it is, he's going to say they're going to, right after former President Obama did the size of the rally hand thing at the DNC, you knew that was coming. So you should have been able to answer that differently. But the point is all that crap is nothing about policy. So don't take the bait. So I mean, we can get into this more next hour. But I think what we're looking at here is a C performance. And yes, was it, was it tilted against them? Of course it was. Did y'all know that going into it? Of course you did. That they fact checked, you know, five to zero comments from Trump to to Harris? Of course you did. You knew that was coming. So don't, you know, don't act surprised. And the Trump campaign should have known better. Now, I don't think, I don't know that this swayed the election, but it's not having enforced errors. All right, coming back, Erica Thomas, 18, 19 news joins me. And it's all straight ahead right here on the day mobile. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. [Music] Right, 1235 FM Talk 106.5 and midday will be all. And yes, we'll get to the some column K9s, I call them dogs. Think for, I got, oh my gosh, you got, I think he, I don't know why he went there either. But we'll talk about that more next hour, or maybe we can talk about it right now because my friend Erica Thomas from 18, 19 news joins us back from East Central Alabama just in time for some tropical weather. You're one of us now, you gotta get, this is nothing. This tropical storm, forest winds are still even west of us. It's just going to be a little rainstorm. You'll be all right. Yeah, I keep hearing that. But I still went yesterday to the store and I got my batteries in my water. I don't really know what the batteries are going to be used for. Flashlights. But what they said to get them, I don't really have anything that takes batteries. But you know, I'm prepared. So we'll see. Okay, I would say a good thing to have. A good thing to have is, not even for this storm, but just going ahead is one of those battery banks you can charge. A lot of different, okay, got one of those. That way you can just keep your cell phone charged if power goes out and then everything's good. Well, I'm pretty used to storms. I mean, I grew up in, you know, the Birmingham area where we had tornadoes all the time. I can remember first grade seeing a tornado like on my street in McCullough, which is really close to Tuscaloosa, which everyone knows, gets the brunt of the tornadoes. So that's nothing new to me. But my concern comes in, my house here doesn't have a basement. I don't know of anybody that really does around here. We don't because it would be an underground swimming pool around here because the water tank. Yeah. Yeah. So you're good. That's concerning. Yeah, you're fine. This is, you know, I'm just worried about my dogs more than anything. There's not, you won't even listen, this is just gonna be a nice rain, a little gusty stuff. It's fun. It's good time. This is not, this is just a good, it's a good little test test run. So nothing, you're good. South Baldwin, South Mobile, even in addition, still good. All right, I mentioned the dog thing, but you're reporting on what's going on. And people are gonna say, why are Sean, why are they gonna talk about silicauga? This story is, so this national story, of course, comes out last night with the Haitian immigrants in this country. And you have a story about what's going on in silicauga, silicauga police unable to communicate directly with Haitian immigrants. And that's one of the stories here of how Alabama is dealing with this. Walk us through this. Yeah. So all of the concerns began when citizens in silicauga, which by the way is in Talladega County, they, they began to voice concerns to their city council about an influx of Haitian migrants that were in town. The, the mayor, Jim Hyville, he came out and said, you know what, I was told that these people are here legally, they have work visas, they're here for employment. I don't know where they're working, but they're here legally. So everybody be nice to them, except them, you know. Well, I went to a city council meeting last week because I was close by an hour away. And I asked the mayor, I said, you said that you were told that these people are here legally, so just wondering who told you that. And he told me, the governor, Katie Britt, Tommy Teverville, Mike Rogers, their offices told him that. Okay. So y'all, stop for a second. As Erica's talking, know that Erica is a journalist. So this person tells her that these people have said that this is where they got the word from. So what does a journalist do next when they hear that? Well, I knew that that was going to be kind of the story that I was going to need to find out the truth on because honestly, there is a little bit of panic in this town. These people are scared because they're seeing things that are happening other places, and they don't want their small town to be taken over by people who are not from there and will change the entire culture of what silicaga is. So they're scared and they really just want answers. They are very welcoming, very loving people. You know, great Alabamians live in silicaga, so they will accept people as long as they're there legally and doing what they're supposed to do and not cause them any trouble. So they really just wanted answers, and I recognize that very quickly as I was talking to some of the people in town, you know, when you don't have information, misinformation spreads, and then that can cause a lot of fear. So when he told me that, I really wanted to get to the bottom of where did you get this information from? And I reached out, the governor's office, you know, they denied any communication whatsoever with the mayor over the issue. So I kind of crossed that one off the list and that story is also on 18-19 news. I've done several stories on this issue just because of the public outcry and the concerns that they have there. But the mayor then also called these Haitian migrants and I'm quoting model citizens. So that was another concern that the people of silicaga had because as citizens, as actual citizens, they're saying, you know, you need to put us first, let us know what's going on. But really, their hands were tied. The problem is that HIGLE obviously misspoke, some say, some say live. Well, wait a second. This spoke is like, if I got something incorrect, I said it was Bob Smith, and it's actually Tom Smith, right? But to say that, I'm going to do that. I mean, the way when I read your story, they said he had contact with the governor's office, two senators, and one representative. And you found out what? I have not been able to confirm any of that. The governor's office denied those claims. Brit's office did not get back with me. But Ted reveals office, they, you know, they've really been working with this issue with Alabama lawmakers trying to get answers from the federal government. And so we know that there is work being done, but it's taken a lot of time to find out, are these people here for labor purposes? How did they get here? And so I just continued to ask the mayor these questions, and he continued to give me the same answer. He said actually that I aid with the governor's office, you know, told him that these people were here legally. And then he came back this week after I asked him some more questions because he kind of got caught saying something that wasn't true. And he apologized for that. And he said what he meant was that these work visas, he's seen some of them, you know, they are federally provided, and that he's confirmed that with these specific individuals, not with federal or state officials, however, in the same conversation he told me during the council meeting that he's never met any of these people. So the information is not adding up, you know, I'm not good at math. I don't lie about that. I'm terrible at math, but the math ain't math in here. No, it's not. I'm sorry. No, go ahead. Well, now the issue that you asked me about is that that, you know, after he called these people model citizens and said there had been no issues, we learned yesterday that actually one of them was arrested for domestic violence. And the issue that came up was that the police officers were unable to communicate with this individual. They tried Google Translate and it was not providing the audio translations that they needed. And the interim police chief, Rondell Muse, told me that they now have an officer trying to learn Haitian Creole with Rosetta Stone, so that maybe they can help that with that issue. I can't you so much talk about the translate on Google. I can't believe it wasn't ready for Haitian Creole. It wasn't up to up to that yet, but it's cool if you like, do, you know, I guess I've used it for what German and Spanish it worked pretty good, but I don't know. I don't know if it does Patois or French Creole. Obviously it doesn't, but they need to get to work on that. Yeah, I hope that, you know, they can, Silicon doesn't have a lot of money as it is. You know, they were arguing this week about getting the HR lady and administrative assistant, but they just can't afford it. And so to buy these expensive translation devices that they probably need, that would be difficult for them to do. So are they given any kind of end date to this or anybody you've talked to? Is there nobody like these people are going to now be here full time or they're here. We're going to readdress it in six months or a year. Is there anything like that? Well, here's the thing. If you can't find out where this started, you certainly can't predict the end. So we have got to figure out how this started, where these people came from, why they're here. And the reason for that is just the protection of citizens and their peace of mind as well. The 1819 days, we have boots on the ground in silicaga today. We're still, we're not going to let up on this. We're going to try to find all the answers that need to be found so that we can help people understand what's going on. Yeah. A lot of questions here at home in Alabama. Of course, it's a national story, but we're most interested in what happens here in our state. So y'all check those stories out and the continuing stories of the 1819 news. I got to ask you about this one. You knew probably I would go here and the stories you've posted up. So Eric and I are both people like Ketch Bass. We're both right. I'd say we're both avid bass anglers. Fair. I would say that yeah, I've fished in Bassmaster tournament. So I think I'm one up on you. Sorry. I fished in the red fish tour. So I mean, that's a coastal thing. But okay. Yeah, but not fast. But you and I head to head. I've told you that. We're going to go head to head on a fishing tournament. You and I. But when I saw the story about Leroy Brown, the baddest bass in the whole town. So I left out that one more. Yeah, well, yeah, you know me, if potty mouth. And I see Peter because Peter, you know, I'll give Peter this. They're good at getting attention. They do ridiculous things that bring attention, but they are ridiculous things. So Peter is upset because people are going to catch a bass and they made a quill. This is too much, y'all. Listen, so what's going on? What's Peter trying to do? Well, Peter is trying to, like I said in this story, reel in the city of Ufala. See jokes. To sign on to this fish industry campaign that they have going on. And it's all about, it's all about, you know, the importance of fish and how they think. And I mean, they just go on and say all kinds of like they fear death. Fish have feelings too is basically the message. And so they're offering the city of Ufala to they're going to feed them, of course, fish free meals. And you can guarantee they won't be meat involved going to feed them, bring Tiffany tuna their mascot to town to meet with meet and greet with kids and do all that. If the city will display the fish empathy quilt in memory of Leroy Brown. And a lot of people know the Leroy Brown story. If you've ever been to Ufala, you've seen the statue of the fish. And I was lucky enough a long time ago to meet Tom Mann. Man's bait company, y'all, y'all know the guy who was legendary. Yes, he really was. When I met him as a child, I had no idea who I was shaking hands with. I just thought he was the guy that had all the fish in the back. But he has this story and it's all in the link at It's a great Alabama legendary story except for a lot of people say this is a true story about a largemouth bass that lived a long time for a bass and just got a lot of attention. There were people from all over the southeast coming to visit Leroy Brown. And when he passed away, they put up the statue. So that's how Peter got it. Notice that there was something fishy going on in Ufala. And they wanted to offer this partnership. Now, we don't have any word if the city's going to go forward with this or not. But fish amnesty day is not going to fit timber 20. So they have some time to kind of, you know. So what's supposed to happen? So like on fish amnesty day. So what's supposed to happen if we spoke to not go fishing or is it catch and release? What about how would I as an angler honor Peter and their fish amnesty day? Well, this is the day that Peter says is just to raise awareness of fish and their welfare and and the importance of preserving their habitat. So maybe you could preserve an habitat. That's good. We'll preserve habitat so we can catch them. Yeah. So maybe you could get with the mobile bee keepers, help clean up some local waters. There's all kinds of stuff you can do. Just whatever you do. Don't stop by McDonald's and get the the fish sandwich. That would that would not be a way to celebrate this holiday. So I mean, folks have followed my like my personal Instagram page. Would it not be the right day for me to, you know, I post up the pictures of the big plates full of fried fish would that not be and then hashtag Peter? Yeah. No, you probably need to do everything you can to not get the attention of Peter because you're going to be on the top of their list if they ever find out about you. Yeah, I did. You know, I'm probably on on some lists somewhere. All right, Erica, I love it. Those are some of the many stories y'all and really great reporting here of what's going on with Haitian immigrants in Alabama. People want to reach out to you directly more information on stories. How do they do that? You can email us all at and also Craig Monger. He's a good one to reach out to because he's the one that will now be marching over in Silla Tonga. So I really look forward to see what work he will do with his his boots on the ground over there. Good stuff. You're all right. Just enjoy the rain for the next couple days and we'll talk next week. Thank you. God bless. All right, there goes Erica Thomas from 1890 news and we're coming right back. You're listening to Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Right, 1254 FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile segment the show brought to you by my buddy Trey at 1-800-GOT-JUNK online if 1-800-GOT-JUNK dot com or you can call them. The name is the number. Those 16 plus years now, train this crew have been working in Mobile in Baldwin County. He's doing just what the name says, getting rid of junk and the process is streamlined. It's why I recommended them, used them. So many of y'all have. It's a streamline process. You've got junk. It's in your way. Could be at the office. Could be a storage unit. You need cleaned out. Could be around the house. You know, if you're getting a house ready to sell or you just bought a house, stuff was left, whatever, you got junk. It's in your way and you're like, man, I don't have time to get this done. I don't have the vehicles to haul this stuff off because Trey can haul big stuff. I mean, not just things inside a house, outside a house, above ground pools, swing sets, storage built. He can handle all that as well. You got junk. You need gone. You don't have the time to do it. You got my friend Trey with 1-800-GOT-JUNK and you can get the appointment set to work for you. None of this where you have to be at the beck and call of some other company when they can do it. Now, you go online to 1-800-GOT-JUNK or pick up the phone and call them and you'll find that the human being will interact with you and find out what day you want to do the appointment, what time. Then they set an appointment. They show up. All you have to do is point at the stuff you want gone. They quote you the price right there on the spot. You say, yes, you get to work and get it done. Get that junk out of your life. Get that job knocked off, crossed off your list of things to do and do it with my friend Trey. 1-800-GOT-JUNK online at Oh, Jason said a thing that I guess Mobile County Public Schools and offices will be closed tomorrow due to Hurricane Francine, even though I guess it's supposed to supposed to make impact tonight and through the night. Here's the thing. The Catholic Schools closing today, Public Schools closing tomorrow, you know you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Jason, I'm with you because just go to school. I told you grow it up. I went to St. Paul's and all the other schools would be off for whatever, a chance of a snowflake or whatever we had to go to school. We all survived it. But it was a different time. I think their worry now is getting, I don't think the danger when the kids are in school, but in some kind of litigious society that if you have school and there's a tree down and then somebody does something stupid like, you know, tries to go around the tree and hurts, I don't know, then you're going to be responsible for it. I think this idea that if the wind buzz more than, I mean, because we will get afternoon thunderstorms and have more intense conditions than we're probably going to see from from Francine. But because it has a name and it's projected, I think they worry about liability. I mean, you're a damned if you do, damned if you don't. Yeah. And so Jason say agreed, aren't the school storm cell shelters? Yeah, I think I don't think the school, and I don't know, maybe we'll get somebody on from the school system one day if they could talk freely. I don't know if they can, but this is my guess, just surviving here, that the issue is not the safety of the kids in the school. I mean, obviously it's just going to be brainstorms and wind, but it's some idea that, oh, well, you had school in and we tried to get little Johnny to school and we heard our, you know, I got hurt and a wreck or something because you'll hear the stuff in hurricanes too, they'll have statistics on like deaths or injury from a hurricane. And you might think all those are tree comes through the house or storm surge, drowns people, but a lot of times people are on the road and it's raining, they have a wreck and they lump that in with stats for the storm when that same thing could have happened if there was just a thunderstorm. So I wonder how much of that is driven by some kind of worry of liability on it. You'll find out, I don't know if anybody could talk, I would love to, something maybe worked with the system before, who's not working there now, who'd just tell me, okay, here's what's real, here's a regular person take on it. If you are that person, please send me a text, send me an email, I'd love to have you on the show. Representative Chip Brown joins us next, lots to talk about with him. (upbeat rock music)