WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 380: Hulk Hogan Let Nas Down


This episode is kinda late, so some things have happened that we were talking about, like the first Lions game and the presidential debate.. but we chat it up about other cool shit too.

  • O almost dying (not really but maybe?)
  • Hulk Hogan
  • WNBA stuff and more

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready. [Music] What up, though? What up, though? Welcome back, 380. Oh, welcome back to episode 380 of the What up, though podcast. [Laughter] This is just not 380, right? What up, 380? [Laughter] Like, just don't even don't even change it. Just keep going and be like that. You think is wondering like, what did that mean? Like, like a nigga to nickname that stuff up a gun and shit. The fucking 380. [Laughter] Man, so I'm back on, I'm back on, I'll say back on the mic pause. [Laughter] Yeah, I got this, I got this little adapter I needed to be able to use my regular podcast and microphone back on my new laptop. Well, I can't say my new laptop makes like I'm out here buying new gear. My new work laptop. [Laughter] Yeah, I got this new, this new adapter that I needed to be able to use my podcast mic. So I got that. So back on the podcast mic this week, I had been air pods on one week and then I was like, I can't just open air. Just raw dog into the computer. Yeah, just raw dog into the computer shit. Hey, retro nostalgia podcasting. Yeah, we did that for a while. Unbeknownst, but yeah. I love how raw dog and has so many different. It's so many definitions now. So many definitions. And it's like, you can apply it to all different kinds of things, but you always kind of know what it means. Like, how you just said, like, I was like, yeah, just talking to the computer. Like, for some reason, that made sense. Right. But for some reason it did. Like, yeah, with no, with no nothing. Just straight raw dog in it. Like about the microphone. About this computer. I'm sorry. Before we get into the topic, I had like the wildest experience last night. So, I was watching TV or something. I want to eat dinner. I was just about to eat dinner. So I woke up. Before you tell your story, have you watched the latest episode of industry yet? Yes, I watched it. I finished it today. Okay. I was about to say something, but I was like, he might not have seen it. So he might not get the reference. Well, you said, man, I had the wildest night last night. I was like, you ever have a night like Rishi? No, it was definitely not like Rishi. He had the night of night. He has a seat. He's not going to know what I'm talking about. Yeah, hit shit is like hangover level fucking night of night. Stinger like, yeah, that was cause I was 20. I was watching last night. Yeah. I started it last night, but then I got tired and, uh, and, uh, no, it came out. Today's what? Tuesday? Fuck. Yeah. Yesterday. I started watching yesterday and then I kind of, uh, got tired. So I, I, I finished it out today though. Yeah, that, that dude had the night of night's boy, like ups and downs. Uh, man. Have you seen uncut gyms? The movie with Adam Sandler that got KG in and shit? No, I never watched that one. I always wanted to. Okay. You should. You should. It was, it was like that. It was like, like, like, if you, if you Google last night, I mean, Sunday night's episode of industry, there's going to be mad people comparing it to uncut gyms. And it's a, it's a, it's a very valid. It's a very valid comparison. Although I would say uncut gyms is slightly worse. Like worse is it like, like, like how recent was it always? Yeah. Like, just, just off of the strength of the fact that uncut gyms was a movie and it was longer. But it was like the same, it was pretty much the same concept. And the, and, but just a little bit more extreme and longer. So, pause. But yeah, yeah, you should watch that. That's it. That's it was fun. I'm glad you brought it up because it was kind of on my radar. I kind of forgot about it and shit said I'll go watch it. It kept kept. I'll go watch it. And I just never didn't totally forgot about it. So yeah, good. That's the same thing that happened to me. And then it got on Netflix. And then I ran and I saw it on Netflix. And then I was just out here in the garage one night and I was like, man, I was fucked up. I was like, man, you watch this movie. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's just like that episode of industry. But I would say even more intense. Okay. And it's going to Kevin Garnet in it. Yeah. So that's, that's good too. Um, yeah, I had no like, no night like that. But I was just a warmed up my, uh, leftover dinner because I ate kind of late. And I'm sitting here eating and I guess I just didn't chew like good enough or whatever. And so I just felt like, yeah, it felt like you get food live, but you're not like choking. It's just like moving slowly and shit down your your throat or whatever. Yeah. And so that's what happened. And so initially, you know, I've had it happen before. And, you know, I just kind of just, you know, kind of waited out. And it's just kind of moving slowly, but it just was not moving. It wasn't like I was, because I could still breathe. So I know it wasn't choking, but it was just not moving at any speed at all. I'm like, what the farmer, I'm up trying to stretch and shit. You know, I'm pacing, trying not to try not to panic. Yeah, I'm trying not to panic too. So I'm like pacing in the garage and shit stretching and, you know, uh, and so it took longer than it normally has done for me. But it finally cleared. And I'm like, all right, cool. I'm like, maybe I can finish eating now and shit because I was still hoping to get it. Yeah. They get happened again, but it was worse. Dog. I'm like, and then I tried to drink some water and water wouldn't go down. It just made it even worse. It felt like, it felt like, it felt like heartburn, like times 10 or some shit. And I'm just like, yo, am I gonna have to like go upstairs and like my wife and shit? Because at this point, I don't know my phone is I'm just pace like I could have fell out in the garage and she would have never known and shit to like maybe two in the morning. Like, what the fuck is this thing at? And shit, bro. I had to, I ended up having to make myself throw up to like clear that shit. That shit was the scariest shit ever done. How did you even make yourself throw up with something in your, well, I guess it was probably past your, uh, it was passed, but I just end up just put my finger in my mouth to make myself pass where you can put your, yeah, pass where you put your finger. Yeah. It was definitely kind of in the chest area, but it just was not going further down. That shit, like, I was starting to panic. And if it wouldn't have came up when I tried to, you know, force myself to throw up, I would have to go like go to my wife and shit. And so, man, that shit was wild as fuck. So, of course, I threw the food away and I was pissed because I was really hungry, but I was like, fuck that food. And so I go upstairs. Oh, non digestible ass food. She was mad at the month because I had ribs and shit and some chicken and shit I grilled the day before. So I go upstairs and think of my eyes are bloodshot red. She's like, what's wrong with this? I'm telling this shit. And then she's like, so are you going to sit up for a while to go sleep? I'm like, I'm going to sleep. Whatever happens happens. I don't bit through this shit already. Like, I'm not sick. I'm naked. That shit. I was exhausted, like, man, it was like 945. I was like, you know what? I'm going to bed. I can't do this shit no more. Yeah, I was just out there, but that shit scared the shit out of me, though today. Hey, dot, dot. So today I'm sitting there. I have some ease of chicken and I just feel like I just feel somebody look at me, which is my wife. I'm like, I'm like, is everything good? She like, I'm just trying to make sure you go eat your trio of foods on your fucking dying shit. I'm like, listen, nigga, I know now, nigga, I'm chewing a thousand times before I swallow cause. Like, shit, man, that's just like, you're a lot of shit thinking, what are you talking about? Yeah, that's almost it. My shit going to be like a shaking shit, though. Like, yeah, I was pissed off, man. That's it, man. That's just scared the shit out of me, dot, like my whole, like, you know, from throwing up, like my stomach, like muscles was fucking tight and shit. Man, that shit was wild as fuck. But yeah, that was how my night ended last night. And, uh, that's why I didn't finish industry. It was really, really, almost how your night ended. Yeah, I was like, I was about to be night, night for real, dot. And I'm like, okay, I fucking industry dog, bro, it's like part of me. It's like, uh, okay, I already know, I know if you can still breathe, you're not fully choking. So I was, I was able to breathe. So I never had no issues of breathing. But. When I tried to drink that water and it didn't go down, I had to spit that shit up. I'm like, oh, man, what the fuck? Like, this is not how I go out in life, though. Like, yeah, it got to be a better way. It came because I choked on some punk ass ribs, dog. Man, fuck. Yeah. So that was how my night ended. And then I was like, Oh, Simpson's ass shit, bro. And I was like, you know, we finished when I was working. I think we finished industry. Yeah. And I was just think of died like Homer Simpson and shit, choking, choking on ribs. Yeah. Vegas is giving it to Chicago. Jesus Christ. Man, what's interesting about that too, man, is like, when you watch all the highlights of Angel Reese, and she would get like, man, rebounds off her own misses and shit. And it is like, I'm not trying to shade her, but like, there is like almost kind of like, it just did it again. It's almost kind of like a clumsiness to her to how she. Plays in a pain, like, or how she drives to the drives to the rim. Like, it feels very awkward. Like, she's not comfortable with her. Her footwork is shit yet. And then conversely and then conversely, you got Asia, Asia will sit out here, just like, dominate and I was like, right, like, hakevelage while footwork into a Jordan fade away. Like, what the fuck is it? It just happened. Like you say, she just it's like, she runs like, uncoordinated to the room and like almost every time. And I think we talked about before, it's not like it because she's a big girl. It's it's because she just haven't developed yet because you just mentioned Asia Wilson. She's she moves, you know, fluid, you know what I'm saying? She's like a like a basketball player who's comfortable playing basketball. Like Reese kind of just like, she even heard normal walk is almost kind of like, gangly and awkward. That's like, why should we look at so silly? We should be coming in with heels on. Like she can't really walk with heels on. Like, it's like her whole everything about her walk, her stride, the way she runs, like everything about it just look kind of like awkward. And yeah, like you said, especially when she drives like drives to the rim and shit, like, I don't know, it is almost like a confident with her footwork. It's like a Westbrook, like going too fast and shit to the rim and shit. Like, but I mean, like I said, she's young. I think she get the right training. She's going to strengthen that coming. She said she should be in a general age of shit, just getting her footwork and shit. Man, once Angel Reese develops like that, like a I can't even like I feel like right now, and I'm guessing because obviously I don't watch a lot of Chicago games, but I have watched her play. Oh, yeah, I've watched, I've watched Hurricane Clark play more than I've watched any female basketball players ever. And I've watched kind of a, I mean, I've watched a fairly decent amount of WNBA, but I've watched them too, in particular, a whole lot. And he gets on, she does get a lot of points like off of her own misses and shit like that and off of other people misses. Like, but when she develops like a like a strong offensive game, man. Yeah, her shit is going to be fine. I mean, a good thing too, that she's a good free throw shooter too. So, I mean, she gets filed enough. She got to make them count. So, yeah, she's she's she has an interesting follow follow through with her. I was just about to say, I was just about to say even her free throw form is gangly awkward. Yeah, but she'd be hitting them holes. I'm like, I guess it works, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, whatever works, though. It just makes me think about a, was it a wheelchair? And it was was told to go underhand. Yeah, and he didn't want to do it because it looked awkward and shit. And he got being like, I'm not a not a good free throw shooter because of that. I heard that not only was it that he thought it looked, he thought it looked awkward, like I heard that he used some sort of like, insulting term to say what he'd look like. I can't like, I can't remember what it was. So, and I don't want to just start throwing out slurs and shit, but I feel like I remember him saying something like, yeah, like, yeah, exactly, something like that. Like, I know pussy, like, you know, like that, like, I don't know what he said. I remember seeing it. I remember hearing it on Robert, Robert, Robert. Okay, yeah. Yeah, we heard him the same thing. Yep, the revisionist history. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, the same one, because it was that episode, it was that because that whole episode was about, um, it was like about changing your, your willingness to change whatever your process or something like that. Yep. Yep. And they're giving these girls the fitness, but yeah. So yeah, but she has an interesting fun, but it's almost like, you remember, um, fuck, he played for Phoenix, and he had a weird, like, three point, like, I just shot Sean Marion. Sean Marion. Yeah, he had a weird edge. Yeah, because I don't think no one else in the league has had a fucking weird shot that I can think of like his, like, it was, yeah, it was super weird. Yeah, Sean Marion. Oh, yeah, I knew. Yeah. If you had to say a Phoenix, it would have, it would have taken me longer to narrow down. Well, you said Phoenix, and as soon as you said, he had a weird shot. Oh, yeah. So I'm hearing. Um, I know Bayley would have got that pretty quick. Yeah. Like, I thought he went to Miami for a minute, but Phoenix was definitely his main thing, I thought. Uh, you know, I think he did. I think he did go to Miami. But yeah, Phoenix is, is, yeah, it was brief, though, I think. Uh, you were mainly known from Phoenix. Yeah. But yeah, he had a very weird shot. There's somebody in the NBA now who I can't, I don't know why I'm blanking on who it is, but they have a strange kind of like, uh, like the position that they kind of like cocked the ball back to. It's like weird. Like, it's like right by the side of their head weird. Like, it's like, there's somebody who has a weird shot like that. And then I feel like, uh, Halliburton has a strange, uh, has a strange shot to me to strange form. Oh, yeah. He only did Miami briefly because he spent most of his later years in Dallas. I forgot about that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't Dallas too. Yeah. Yeah, it was Phoenix Toronto. Phoenix. Yeah. I don't remember. The Miami, the in Toronto again. Well, yeah. I don't remember showing Mary and being on Toronto, but man, it was, it was short lived. I think that is so ridiculous. Now, like, I could talk about the NBA forever. But like, it's, it's, it's so ridiculous now for me to look back at some of the players that I remember back, you know, back in the like 90s, 2000s, 2010s, whatever, and see the teams that they ended up playing for like at the end of their careers. Cause there's one thing to think about like a player like Tracy McGrady. And when people think of people who watch Tracy McGrady play, they're going to think of him being on Toronto and they're going to think of him being on Orlando. Like, but look up all the teams. This nigga was Houston. But like, look up all the teams. This nigga was on like, like, like, it's, it's, it's Shaq, like Shaq was on, like, like Boston Shaq was on, like Phoenix, like, or something like that. Like it's, I don't know. It's just weird sometimes on Boston. You don't even think like, I mean, you know, you know, any decent, decent fan or remember that, but most casual fans, what we're called, you know, Shaq being on Boston and shit. Yeah. Like, like weird shit like that. Like, like players who played on like a whole bunch of teams that you just don't even think of. Like, there's, there's so many of those that I've been coming across lately. And they're like, there'll be ones that were on the pistons. And I'm like, how do I don't even remember that player being on the pistons? And it was like, yeah, it was like one season at the end of their career. I'm like, man, we have so, so, like, I don't even remember that. You know what? We asked C well for a season, right? I don't know if it was just the season, but yeah, we had to see what it might have been just a season. I don't know. But yeah, we definitely have Webber. Yeah. I remember that. Sure. I still have a Webber piston jersey. Iverson. I still have an Iverson piston jersey. I didn't get a lot. I wish I would have got more jerseys. Um, fuck, I'm trying to think of just one season, guys. Iverson. Um, Derek Coleman. Uh, but I think that was maybe just a season. Yeah, it was weird. Yeah. Just just in the career, motherfuckers. Yeah. Just go to the pistons for a year. We just die off and shit. Yeah. Like, like, I don't like, I barely remember Tracy McGrady playing here. Tracy McGrady, one of my all time favorite players. And I barely remember him playing here. But it's just so. Right. Yeah. Cause it's just so many people that come here or other teams and they're only there for like a hot second. And then also you think about it too, especially for me. Like, I've been watching basketball for so long. There's been so many players and I've been watching the piston specifically for so long. There's been so many players that have come through and they've worn that jersey that it's all. And it's just, I don't know. At some point, I'm going to start, like, just not being able to remember everybody. Cause I got 30 some odd years of pistons history packed into my brain. It's like, it's going to be something because I'm just not going to remember. And it's more and more lately. I've been seeing people who make stops here toward the end of their career. I'm like, I don't even remember that. Or I remember once I see it. Like I was like, like, I can't, I don't feel like I can remember watching Tracy McGrady play for the Pistons, but then I'll see pictures of him in the Pistons jersey. I'm like, Oh, yeah, that does look familiar. Yeah, I mean, I can't remember any games where I just remember Tracy McGrady, like, not like not at one game. It like comes to mind. Yeah. Oh, no, I was going to ask. I saw you had in the comments topics, Hulk Hogan in the 80s versus now. Just curious. What was your. Oh, yeah. So, all right. So here's what happened. I saw this video today, a Hulk Hogan on a podcast with Logan Paul. And I don't know what the question was that preceded this statement. I would imagine it was something about all of the racist shit that all the stuff that Hogan has been doing and saying lately to make people not like him. Like he had the whole thing where do you remember that thing we had like that that phone call with his daughter where he was talking about niggas and shit. Like that was kind of a long time ago. And but then lately he's been saying more and more shit because he's been getting more involved in politics and he's been dealing with Trump more so now he's been emboldened by Trump to talk the way Trump does. Now he's saying way more wild shit. So I would imagine whatever the question was was something to the effect of niggas hate you now. But he said something like he was like, look at what Chris Benoit did and everybody forgave him so fans can be forgiven. Ain't nobody forgave Chris Benoit for nothing. Now, before I finish this statement, are you aware of who Chris Benoit is and what he did. No, because I thought he was dead. That's the point. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. But I don't remember what he did. Yeah, but for listeners. He was a wrestler in WWE WWF, wherever you want to call it. He was in both of them using WCW for a stint prior. But he was a pretty big star in WWF and everybody was a huge fan of his because he was really, really, really good. And long story short, he killed his family and then killed himself. And that was what that was how he ended. And no, like, I don't know what Hulk Hogan is talking about. It's not like people like we don't look back finally on Chris Benoit like that. Like, we look on on finally in like the sense of like, man, it was dope watching that nigga wrestle. But it's not like it's not like people still worship Chris Benoit, like, I don't know what world Hulk Hogan is living in, right? And the reason I put this in there and I put this in a different chat. It's like so discouraging to hate this nigga so much when you looked up to him so much in the 80s. Man, that was my guy, Doug. Like, like, Hulk Hogan was and it wasn't just us. Like, it wasn't just kids. Like, Hulk Hogan was a huge star. Like, period, not just like, oh, that thing was a huge star in wrestling. No, that thing was a huge star period. Like, and in a, like, the biggest hero that we have kind of way. Like the fucking, like, champion of America, like fucking Superman from fucking wrestling and shit. Like, man, to go from that to where now it's like, now we all adults and shit. He old, we just like, you'll fuck this nigga bad. Like, man, he's a whole piece of shit. He old as fuck. He's still a dumb ass piece of shit. Like, man, that means he was probably a piece of shit back in the 80s. Yeah. That was, I was gonna say, like, I wonder how bad he was then or what level he was that it wasn't, you know, talk. I mean, you know, of course now with social media, a lot more stuff become public and a lot faster and stuff like that. But I just wonder how he, how was he in the 80s and shit? You know what I'm saying? Like, 'cause yeah, I know what I knew talked about. I mean, I'm pretty sure you as well talked about any like shit like that in the 80s that was up with him. Definitely not at the time anyway, at least not to us. But like, I mean, like, there's probably stuff that I bet Delvin could probably tell us some stuff that like that he's heard or read about how Hogan was perceived at that time in the 80s. Like, yeah, he was out there being America this, America that and everybody loved him and he was everybody's hero. But then he come backstage and start talking about nigga. This is a nigga that fuck these niggas out here. No, it's kind of shit. Like, like, Delvin might know some stories about what Hogan was doing back in the 80s behind the scenes. But yeah, man, like, I mean, he had to always been a piece of shit, right? Especially back then when it wasn't when it was way more OK. Like, he's doing it right now and it's not OK. Can you imagine? You imagine what he was doing and saying when it was OK when you could get away with doing it saying shit like that? Like, man, I mean, there were players. I mean, players, there were, you know, wrestlers that I would have thought had that mentality much more than I would thought, Hogan. Like, I would have definitely thought that Ted Digby Icy was saying, nigga. Like, like, you got a damn near wrestler slave as your fucking, you know what I'm saying? You know, like, what the fuck? You know what I'm saying? Like, that's what I would have thought was, you know, him or like Jake the Snake Roberts. He always, he had that look to be like, he probably didn't fuck with black people type shit. Man, Jake the Snake looked like he's saying nigga 10 times before his first coffee. Man, he had that look to be like, he was saying nigga when he was seven. Yeah, so not, but Hulk Hogan's, no, he was, you know, he was the wrestler hero, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, like that thing was, he was that guy. I'm like, fuck, I would have never, never thought. But I am a real love there. Like, oh, man, look at this thing. Hulk Hogan tearing his shirt off in front of all these racist white people. But, I mean, maybe even Andre the Giant or somebody or George the animal still, like it was other, other wrestlers that I would have definitely paired that on, but not Hulk Hogan. And then that phone call came out when he was talking to his daughter and shit. And then it just, now he's that fucking Trump rallies and I'm still pissed at the fucking lions that I'm coming there like fuck that. I also feel like they're like, what you supposed to do to, what you supposed to do? Like, I wouldn't even want to be involved in that in a way of like, in either way. Like, so like if you say, if Hulk Hogan is like, yo, I want to come through and the lions are like, nah, nigga, we'll folks you like that. Like, now the lions are have taken a political stance. They've said like, we are opposed to this guy and what he says. And then like, now they're going to alienate us aside, right? Because now they have taken a stance. Just letting that nigga show up. They haven't really taken a stance because they haven't said that's true. I mean, that's true. I mean, so it's like, I just don't like it. No, you're right. You're right. I don't either. But I'm saying like, that's why. Like, I think that's why. Like, like you can. I would say that's probably really, really accurate as far as the NFL can't. The NFL has to be careful of like doing, taking sides on anything to where they can alienate any part of their fan base because their fan base is so massive that if you alienate, say Trump fans, you're going to alienate so many NFL fans. Like, like the Trump fans are probably like, like 100% of Trump fans are also NFL fans. That's happening in Philly. Someone put up the, all these big ass stickers of what appears to be Kamala and an Eagles jersey. I mean, an Eagles helmet all around the city. And so people are pissed about it. But he was like, that ain't us. We ain't do that shit. So somebody just putting up these big ass stickers all around the city and shit. But that's the example of like, you don't want to do that. Yeah, I don't want to do that. And I think it would have made a bigger deal. Like, if the Lions don't do anything and Hulk Hogan is like, yo, I want to come through. And they're like, cool. Go ahead. And they don't do anything. It turns into a thing where like the media is there. It's like, oh, cool. Hulk Hogan is here. Like, and that's it. Cause it's like them like they're not taking a stance. That nigga wanted to come in there. Of course. They're a football team. And they know the Hulk Hogan wanted to come through. And who say no? Then it becomes a thing. It becomes a thing. Cause no one's talking about that shit anymore. Right. Exactly. Like it does. It doesn't look like a thing. It just looks like a celebrity came through. And it's not, you can't prove it's political or anything like that. That they're accepting of him or not. It's just like they're a business. Then they go wanted to come through. He's a big celebrity. Yeah. Sure. You can come through and then people go, oh, Hulk Hogan was here. That's news because he's a big deal and he was at the Lions practice. Yeah. Yeah. But if they say no, that nigga can't come. Then we get new stories that we don't want to have. Like all the Lions, they know the Hulk Hogan and then not all the Trump fans. All the Lions are fucking snowflakes and that. Yeah. Then it invites all that kind of shit. So that's probably why. But yeah, I didn't like that nigga being there anymore. But whatever. I did look at it that way when I saw it. I didn't even look at it. I didn't even look at it as like. I don't know. I didn't look at it as anything. Like fuck that nigga, but then whatever like like I didn't look at the Lions. Look at it. The Lions probably looked at it. It's like, yeah, let's show it. Let them then come through. Whatever. More more attention for us. No, yeah. That's pretty much it did. Did you see the commercial? Applebee's commercial Dan Campbell? Yeah. I did. I don't know where. I don't even remember how I saw it. Like I didn't see it like in a tweet or something like I saw it saw it like. Oh, yeah. I saw. Like I saw it on TV or on a streamer ad or something like I saw it somewhere. Like I wish I could remember where I saw it though. Yeah, but I remember I was like. In the middle of doing something else. And I was like, wait, what the fuck is going on right now? I was so confused. Like, what is this? Yeah, but I might have seen it on TV because I do be having a. Actual TV on sometimes. So I watch a lot of a I watch a lot of Timo, not Timo. Is it Timo? No, to be. To be. Fuck. Jesus Christ. What? No, we had the exact like whatever was going on in your brain was also going on in mine. Because it was like, I knew it was wrong, but I also knew what you meant. I was like, wait, no, it's not Timo. Like I know when you talk about it's not that. I know it's to be. It's to be. Like I was having the same. I was having the same problem. But I watch a lot of to be and I swear all the commercial damn near 80% of the commercials are voting commercials is anti Kamala and anti Trump was I'm like, they have to fund to be during this season or something. Because that's all the commercials I see. No, that's just nuts. Man, that was man during the Olympics, dog. Man, I got that was the one thing I didn't like about the Olympics is I got so sick and it's one specific Kamala Harris commercial that they played over and over and over. It was something about her being on borders are and I was like, Doug, why do they play it as commercial? Like they also had like a Trump one like a anti Trump commercial, but they played the Kamala Harris one like 80% the Trump one, 20% because I got so sick of that damn Kamala Harris commercial. And it wasn't because I'm mad about the commercial. It was like it's a political ad, like whatever it would like it. That one was clear. That one was played. That ad was played more than any other ad period, not more than a Trump like any other ad. I felt like every time they went to play ads, they played that Kamala Harris one and I'm like, man, that was so fucking irritating. Man, I can't wait to this fucking vote and see who's over. I was so tired of them. God damn ads. So fucking tired of them. Man, I can't wait till these niggas debate. I know it's coming up too. Is it like the 12th or something like that? It's like within the next two weeks, I think like it's sometime this month. Oh yeah, I can't wait to them to debate. That's gonna be good. That's gonna be good. That's gonna be good. I hope she brought that nigga up and he say something crazy that he can't take back. You know, I'm actually strange enough. I mean, I know Kamala and Trump's one going to be interesting, but I'm really curious to see the vice presidents. Are they going to debate? They should. You're supposed to. I'm really curious because man, man, man, he's got some weird shit dog and I would just love to just hear him on a, you know, more of a longer platform, just hear him defend the bullshit that he talks about. Like, I am so curious about that. I am about, you know, Kamala and Trump, for sure, but I think the vice president want us to go. No, you're right. That's a good one. Pretty interesting. No, that's a good one. I like that one. Yeah. I, whenever that happens, I'm definitely going to be tuning in for that. So I am so fucking curious, so curious, um, let's say, what the fuck is he talking about? Oh, my bad. I was looking at Johnny Post and something. So they were talking, he was posting something about that, uh, it's that I don't know if it's Netflix, but they're doing a documentary on that dude from U of M that was a science stiller that stole all the sign. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Conner something. Conner. Conner. Conner. So did you know that he volunteers, uh, for a month for football team? No. Yeah. Doing what? He's doing science. He's doing something. He's doing some kind of coaching, volunteering, uh, I don't know if it's like strength coaching or some shit like that. But apparently they love him there. He's like, apparently he's like, he's really knowledgeable and all this shit. So it was a couple of weeks ago, it was a, uh, it was a news article about, and it was titled something weird, like, uh, after six hours, we finally got a, got a, a chance to talk with him or, or something like he was avoiding them or some shit like that. And I don't think he actually talked to him. He talked to, they talked to the head coach or some shit or something like that. But one, it would have never been any fucking news coverage of this random month for football. Like, I don't know too much about local football, but I don't know, uh, a month for being some standout team or some shit, but I don't follow high school, uh, ball. But they, other than that, they probably would have never been there. But yeah, apparently, because I thought he was on staff like when I was reading the article out, they high, but I didn't know they, uh, he just volunteers for the shit, but I was just like, of all the schools, of all the cities, he comes to the trade and volunteers in Mumford. Like that's just like the hottest shit ever died on a truck with all the controversy surrounded. Like I volunteered. That's probably what ended up happening. Like, can I get a job? No, I'll volunteer. I did. And they said, they said something to the effect that he couldn't, um, really comment on anything that's after the documentary was aired. And so that's why I ended up talking about it because I guess now that it's out there, he could probably talk more, but what they were saying, he couldn't really say nothing. Maybe he's on the contract getting paid or whatever. So he couldn't let nothing out that wouldn't come out in the documentary first or some shit. Okay. Have you what? Sorry. Have you watched it or started watching? No, I haven't. I didn't even know it was out. I just, uh, Johnny just posted in our chat. Oh, okay. So I'm assuming it just came out. I hadn't heard nothing about it yet. So yeah, it just, it just came out. Like I think it came out this past weekend, um, maybe we can't before that. I don't know. But being the biggest came out, um, I just caught up small food. I hope not fucking chicken from yesterday and I'm going straight to the hospital. Like, this is stupid, um, you, you, what's this, what's the old show that you've been watching? It's just started being air was it on peacock or something or a homicide life on the street. So what's the story? Cause I people have been really hyped about that coming in the TV and I don't know much about it. It's even though, you know, much about it, but people have been really talking about that and shit. Is it? Is it? Was that really a good show? I don't, it's supposed to be. I'm watching to find out. I didn't watch it. I don't know. I mean, I'm saying, have you, I mean, you haven't watched it yet? Oh, oh, I've watched like maybe like, uh, I think I've watched three episodes or something like that. I can't, that's way too early for me to judge it. Like it's around, I think it ran like six or seven seasons. Like I want to, you know, get, I want to get a little bit of ways into it. I mean, it's, it's all right. So far it's a cool little gritty little cop show so far. Um, but yeah, I mean, it's cool, but I think it's, uh, I think, uh, David Simon was involved in it. Uh, okay. I didn't know that. Okay. Yeah. So like it's in ball, it takes place in Baltimore or all that shit. So yeah, I think it's probably, I think it's, uh, David Simon is involved in it and it very much has the, it very much has the grittiness of the wire for sure. Um, the answer is, you know, a gritty little per se, cop procedural and shit. Uh, what is it calling you homicide life on the street. Um, and it started as my man who just died, Andre Brouwer, who was in a Brooklyn nine nine. Oh, okay. He's in it. Um, the dude from, uh, law and order is, want to do some law and order is in it. Um, Richard, Richard Belzer. Yeah. I think that's it. Oh yeah. And it got some people from, uh, um, from the wire as well, which no surprise if David Simon was in it. Well, yeah, but they, yeah, they might be in later seat lights. I'm only three. I don't think I've, I think I'm midway through the fourth episode. So yeah, I haven't really seen, you know, like they might have regulars who get introduced in season four or some shit that are, you know, way more, you know, people we would know, but I just haven't seen them yet. Yeah. It's solid. So far. It's time to, you know, get his, you know, get his groove going. I hear that the sixth episode is legendary. So I'm like, damn, first season of episodes. Yeah. So I'm kind of waiting to get to that one. Yeah. Uh, the, the, the black guy who was, uh, the main like character in the, um, at the, the newspaper station on the wire. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's one of the guys. His name was Clark Johnson. But yeah, he's one of the guys. So I clip. And I believe it was from that show, um, it was, uh, what was the dude who was fuck? He was on the show with, uh, I think of the cameo, fuck, um, uh, fuck, fuck, fuck, uh, Jamie Foxx, uh, Jamie Foxx show, the like, he'll do, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, I don't know. I can't think of his fucking name. Braxton. Braxton. Yes. It was an episode where he's like some kind of like thug or some shit or whatever. And he's in the, in that episode or whatever. But yeah, I'm looking through the, um, the cast and yeah, it's some, uh, yeah, there's been some people who've guest starred on it that I hear that are some pretty big actors from what I've heard, but don't read any of them because I don't want to know. Okay. Yeah. I just want to see them while I'm watching. But I know that there's a lot of like big time actors who have appeared at various moments. So I don't know if they were big time actors at the time or if they were kind of like nobody's and they're like big time actors. Oh shit. Yeah. This, this sort of like started in 93. So a lot of these people may have not even been, been, you know, quote unquote big time and shit. Exactly. So yeah, I'm, I'm waiting to kind of just see them as I'm watching. So. Can you say that song? Is that on Peacot? Yeah. Yeah. It's on Peacot. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I might have checked it out. I've been up for a new series. So watch a new to me series to watch and I definitely didn't watch that when it was on. So. Yeah. It's, it's, it's a, it's a easy little watch. I said every, you know, just kind of like law and order, like, you know, every episode is kind of like, you know, it's own thing, but then it also, it also has like kind of like a season long story. It seems like I'm guessing the first episode didn't, but I think the season, the sec, the season, what I think is going to be kind of like a, a story that's going to go on through the whole season. I think it started in episode two, but yeah, each episode kind of seems like you could watch it on its own without having seen the one before it, but because of that one thing, that one story, I'm going to keep watching that order. No, I'm going to check it out though. I'm actually checking it out. Yeah. It is, it is old though, like you, you'll be able to tell like all the stuff that you watch now. Go, go back and watch that. You can like, yeah, you can feel the age on this bitch. But I was kind of how when I watched the, uh, was it eyes? Yeah, you can just tell how age that shit was. And that had some cool as, uh, folks, did you watch eyes before? No, I haven't. Okay. Yeah, that was definitely one that was kind of dated, but I mean, it was really good. That was out of a, out of a series. There was a lot of, a lot of, uh, actors, the actress that, you know, became a lot more well known after that. So yeah, but I think that was David Simon too, I think there was a time where you talked about on the podcast and you sold me on watching it and I added it to my cue and I did watch. I did start it. I don't know. I can't remember how much I watched, but I, I would still, I still say no, I have not why I have not seen it, but I watched, I started it at some point. Like I'm, I know I at least watched one episode, um, but I don't know if much I watch more. I don't know if I watched more than that, but I'm, I'm sure it's, I'm pretty sure it was that at the time I added it, it was on max. So it should still be like, like if I go find eyes and max, it should have like however much I watched on there, hopefully fingers crossed because it was a, it was a show that I came across. I'm sorry to interrupt. This show I came across, um, that somebody was, oh, oh, sleepy hollow. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I asked on, I asked on my one mic page of anybody at watch sleepy hollow when it was, it was the show that was on Fox, uh, back in, um, 2013, I think is when it premiered and I asked if anybody had watched that show and then people were saying, people said pretty much what my thought was because I remember loving season one, I, and loving it like it was my complete and total shit. Like I was so hyped for every fucking episode to come out. I was like, this show was way too good for network TV, but, um, I love season one and I remember watching season two, but not feeling any kind of way about it. So I was like, I must not have liked it because I don't remember anything about it. And then I remember that there were more seasons and I remember thinking like, man, that show is still on, but I wasn't watching it. And everybody who commented said that same thing, like, yeah, season one was good. And then season two was me and then I didn't watch it after that. I was like, okay, well, I guess we all did the same thing. But then I was like, man, I wonder how much of it I watched. And I was like, well, Hulu still have that because I knew for a fact, I watched it on Hulu because it would air on Fox and then I would watch it on Hulu the next day. So like I knew for a fact, I watched it on Hulu. So I'm like, there's a good possibility that even though that was 10 years ago that I could go, I could search that show on Hulu and find where my progress was at. Sure enough that she was up to date, no, like I did watch season two. Oh, okay. So yeah, maybe I could pull up Max and see how much of eyes I watched if it keeps track the way the way Hulu does because it has definitely been within 10 years since I watched the house. Yeah. It was, I think I'm going to say if I downloaded that, I can't remember, but yeah, that was a good one though. It was long to add multiple seasons too. Yeah. Like I remember, I liked what I watched. Like, that's shit. I'm going to stop. Now I'm curious because I remember, I remember watching it. I remember liking it. I remember at least starting another episode, like I'm curious if it's going to show me how much I watched, but yeah, I mean, I liked what I saw. I was like, you seem like a pretty good, it's like a pretty good show and it's some, but yeah, that felt dated too though, like you could feel the age on that one, but you could really feel it on a homicide because, because of the fact that it was a network show, like I still had like, it was, it feel dated, but it was still HBO, like, you know, like homicide, it feel like a, it feel like some network shit, old network shit. I'll tell you when I watched, I didn't finish it. I started watching it. Did you ever watch a six feet under? Nope. So that was, was that a David Simon one? No, it wasn't David Simon. But that was a County, what is that dude name? The dude that played Dexter, Michael C. Hall. Michael C. Hall. Yep. Yeah. His family was on the funeral home. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that was okay. I mean, I heard that was like one of the earlier like HBO, you know, so because that came on like 2005, I think, or whatever, I think I heard that show had a really good finale. Yeah, I never finished it. I don't remember what the fuck I even left off on it. But yeah, it was, it was interesting. I can't even tell why I didn't have no idea why I fucking left off of that shit. But yeah, that was, I always heard that that was a really good one. Well, Max, Max is a Max is up to date because it preserved my shit. I got it. Yep. And I remember that perfectly. Well, 80% of the way through the second episode, so something must have happened. I paused it and then, yeah, never came back to it. Yeah. Yep. Just like I said, I watched the first episode and some of the second, most of the second. But yeah, I got to get back to that. Yeah. It's in my, it's in my, uh, my list. What was he talking about before, uh, before it is? That's a great idea. I have no idea. Oh, I thought it was on my TV shows, but I don't know what I meant before TV shows. Like, how do we get on that? Oh, um, fuck, how did we, I remember, uh, I was mentioning my progress on, uh, progress on something being kept up. And then I was like, so fuck, I don't remember now. Maybe you could get caught up on something. So, what were you talking about? Well, you saying you wanted to watch homicide, but that was, no, I was trying to think, well, how do we get, what do we, what were we talking about before that? Fuck. Don't ask me. I mean, like, maybe we were down, maybe we were down on top because I remember we were talking about getting shit and I don't know, so maybe we just moved on to talking about that. And I always get hyped when I always get hyped when I get an email when I play like random shit on the lottery, like the, the, whatever. And shit. Oh, your winners arrived and then click the email like, oh, you've won $3 like fuck. Like, why can't it be $25,000? Why can't I hit big and shit fucking $3 Jesus Christ? Like literally that could have been an email like, wow, it was all right, I could have changed my life. And now it's like, no, I gotta go work tomorrow. Fuck. Oh, shit, I just hit my fucking, uh, I hit my ear ear earbud by accident and it just started playing a video that I somehow have on. What the fuck is going on? I'm glad you can't hear it. But where the fuck does this sound coming from? It's like the weirdest shit. I have no idea what this sound is coming from. Yeah, no, that like, that's happened to me before too, where I've had stuff randomly latch on to various things like, where is this playing from? Like sometimes it's like a weird, like a, like a pop up, yeah, like a pop up in my browser or something like that or like maybe not even a pop up, but like maybe like Instagram is playing something randomly like it's like, why is it playing that? Yeah, it just happened. I had a YouTube that I haven't been watching and it just started playing out of all things like I didn't even had that window up. That was weird shit anyway. So, uh, you had had, we could close on this one, I guess, um, what's the other one you had the top of your head, oh, uh, the lion's, uh, started a season, uh, superhero expectations already. I mean, yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, that's what we look at it. It's time now. It's go time. Free season over week one this weekend is go time and these biggest guys, I mean, it is what it is. I've seen a lot of, I've seen a lot of people predict an alliance to, to come out to NFC like, I mean, it is what it is though. This is, uh, I'm kind of, I'm not saying this is like, like one and done chance or something like that. But I mean, like this is it in the sense of like, we're going into the season with this expectation now, like whether we want to or not, like that's what it is. Like we all kind of expected to go to the Super Bowl, uh, and that's one that's crazy to even have to, for me to even mentally have to grapple with, but for two, like now is time. Like, because this, this is the moment that we talked about after, you know, as soon as we lost to San Francisco last year, it was kind of like, damn, duh, like we was three points away from the Super Bowl, duh, like, and then the, like before we even left the garage that day, I remember saying like, like next season going to be crazy, like, like thinking like the expectation is going to the next season. And now it's time. Like how you feel like it's time now, these biggest got to do it. No more talk. I'm kind of mad though that, you know, Sunday comes and we got to wait till the fucking night game. Like we normally one o'clock games and out there, but now we're getting primetime games. We got the Sunday night game, like fuck, I would be like, just tripping the whole day having to wait all the way to the fucking night game. God damn it. Now I will say right now that's exciting too, that it's like, man, we getting all these cool, like, uh, primetime games and shit. But it's exciting right now, but like if we don't end up playing the way we should be playing, that's not going to be very exciting, but because we perform great on our fucking primetime games last season. So like, you know, that's going to be fun if we keep winning them, but yeah, we, yeah, yeah. You got to, I mean, this is a crazy game because not just the first game, it's the first game we playing fucking Stafford in the Rams, and so it's going to be all the hype involving that shit. And yeah, man, but I cannot wait to Sunday night. I might have to take me in Napa earlier today just to, just to be fresh for the game and shit. Yeah. I have, I work from home on Monday. So I don't have to worry about that. God, I wish I worked from home a month man, I'm like, I got too much shit to do to fucking call off on a Monday, but God damn it, man, I wish I would have scheduled this shit off. At least on the plus side, you know, Nick is going to be at your crib. So you ain't got to go nowhere. Yeah. Like, I got to drive all the way back to this bitch after the game over. Yeah, but it's going to be a hell of a hell of a game. And I haven't even seen it. Folks will come back, come back, but you know, hey, we'll be here doing it again, nigga. Shit. Yeah. I'm assuming. Hell yeah. No, I'm assuming. No, fuck. No. Hell yeah, nigga. Shit. I'm going to probably be Otis on Sunday night watching the Lions game, just FYI. Yeah. Yeah. Shit. I might not put the projection up again just until it's because I got to figure some shit out with that. But shit. We've been this. Sure. I got to do all that. But I cannot fucking wait. God, I can't. That was cool. That was cool for playoff games. Yeah. Yeah, it definitely was. Yeah. But yeah, I'm definitely going to have a garage open for that shit. My neighbors go here all of the smoke, nigga. And for real, for real, like, I feel like they need to come out and make a statement too. Like, like, just, just, just to let niggas know, because I feel like that's kind of the shit they want. Like they got, they kind of got to be on. Like, all right, well, we already know we ain't taking nobody's surprise. Everybody got it for us. They expected us to be good. We got to come out here and let niggas know that we actually good. Like not like, you know, like, like, like the Patriots and shit. Like the Patriots was always good. Like they came out and was just always good. Like, we need to come out and be like, the Rams not fucking with us this year. Stafford is old and washed. We got our, we improved our secondary. We're going, we're going to keep puking the cool and check. Like, we, we, we got my man, what's they running back, Kyron Williams or whatever. We got that nigga in check, like, we going, and we going to come out here. We going to fuck these niggas up because you already know what I'm around on. You already know what J, J Bo on, you already know what gives on. You already know what LaPorta on. So we are, we, we coming out here killing niggas, like, I feel like that's what needs to happen on Sunday. We, and you know, already how loud is going to be in that bitch. Like, man, come on, we need to come out and kill them niggas, dog. Yeah, the statement got to be made. I'm really curious about how the second, how our secondary is going to do. Um, they have ages just fucking bust, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've been watching. And then came back and watch their ass near and ran back down. Yeah. As soon as I saw them guarding each other, I was like, let me see what happens here. Right. All right. All right. Yeah. Man, Sunday gonna be dope, man. So I'm looking forward to that shit. Yeah. Cause I'm gonna get me in that third of day. I might even watch that four o'clock game. I'm probably be just getting prepped for the fucking lion's shit. Yeah. Like, like, I know, like that's the weird thing about the Sunday night game too is like, I don't even know how to feel about all the games that come on prior. Like I'm probably just going to really be watching whichever ones are tied to my fantasy team. And then that's going to be really it. And then when the season starts and we start playing our normal games, you know, like one o'clock is shit is going to be the same shit that it's always been. When we win, I'm going to be watching all the games. When we lose, I'm done with the NFL for that weekend. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. That's going to be the rap. That's how it's going to be. But I mean, hey, who knows, man, we might be out here like the Patriots and shit. And again, we might even have to deal with that too much. Be 15 and two and shit. And that's what we need, that's what I want. So yeah, it should be a I'm really, really, really, really looking forward to the season like I'm off with the high school last night game, win streak to start the season. The disappointment of, you know, last season and then just the improvements that we, you know, make it the secondary and, you know, just to hype off of that shit. Yeah, it's going to be a hell of a hell of a Sunday night. And to like all of our young players who were first year players who are now who are good in their first year, who are now about to be in their second year. And like you can't even really say, because like the lions were already on the radar going into last season, like they were already being picked to win a division. Like they were necessarily, you know, people weren't saying like we expect this team to be, you know, three points from the Super Bowl, but like we were projected to win a division of this shit. We didn't sneak up on nobody. Like Gibbs and LaPorta and when he got his time, Jamo, like they did what they did. Just being on the team that people was already coming after. And now they got a, they got a whole year on the day belt. Like have you, do you have a fantasy team? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I remember you mentioned doing your draft before I did my draft. I was kind of like just sorting through like the position rankings. So I would like, you know, tally the quarterback and then see how the players were free ranked. And I did that for each position. And I was expecting LaPorta to be like second to Kelsey, but close cause I was like, he could be, I was like, he could be up there with Kelsey. When I sorted that on ESPN, he was just ahead of Kelsey. I'm like, man, that first year as a rookie, like coming on his second year now and they got him ahead a second year now, they got him ahead of Kelsey in the, uh, in the preseason rankings. I'm like, yeah, that's what they have. I wonder how long Kelsey's even going to play though, man. Like I can get him two more seasons max. I don't see him stay alone and shit. I personally feel like LaPorta should be probably number one because of, just because of the fact that like you got to figure that they kind of, like they kind of got to be on the downfall at some point, like, like, I feel like you can't like, like, like Kelsey would still be number one based off of the fact that he still, he still has, he hasn't proved that he can't, he shouldn't be number one, like he, he hasn't started deteriorating yet to where you can be like, I don't think Kelsey got it no more. So like, I was like, yeah, he'll probably still be number one, but I was like, LaPorta, I have to have an a rookie year like that, man, on, on the team that he's on, like he need to be way up there, but I didn't expect him to be number one. Yeah. I mean, too. Yeah, I picked up, uh, I'm a, um, but I didn't, he was reported was gone quick before I started looking for teas and TD, I was going to be, I was going to get I'm in raw, but somebody reached down and got him ahead of me because like he was pre ranked sixth overall, I think sixth or seventh overall and I had the fifth pick. So I was like, I was looking at my options at number five just around, you know, like who was generally around that vicinity. I'm like, I'm a Ross, about six to seven. I was like, I'm a Ross, still around. I probably grab. I'm a rod just to do it. And then whoever had like the third or fourth pick, no, no, it wasn't even the fourth. Whoever had the third pick took, I'm in a rock, like, so they, they reached to, to get that digger. Yeah. I was picked seven and he was still around when I, when I had to say it, so I was like, yeah, I'll take you. Yeah. I was like, Oh, wow. Somebody drafted somebody, uh, that was lower than that. And he was still. Okay. Cool. I'll take them. Yeah. Ended up getting Jamar Chase was my, uh, my number one pick just to find, just to find out that he might not play a week one. Really? Wow. Yeah. He's have, he's still in the contract dispute and they said that if he's, uh, if it's not settled soon, then he's prepared to not play and we won. So shit. Yeah. He, he, he'll pull up a Chris, Chris Jones from last year. I don't need that. So, uh, he need to, he to pull a sign that contract tomorrow. That's what you need to pull. Yeah. So yeah, man, it's going to be a hell of a hell of a season, man. Get started off Sunday night and, uh, see how that shit go and shit. Yeah. It got started off. Right. Man. I know it's going to be loud in that bitch. It's going to be crazy. Like I said, we was loud in the preseason. The game is here, right? Uh, yes. Uh, I don't know why I assumed it was here, but it might not be like, let me, let me double check. Um, because I haven't heard anybody, I feel like if it was here, I would be hearing people talking about tickets to the game and selling tickets and getting tickets and all that kind of shit. If it's a road game. No, it's here. I'm here. Okay. All right. Good. I'm like, it's a road game. I'm less confident on us. And yeah, then we need to, we need to, we need to stomp them. Yeah. Like it can't, it can't be close. It can't be like that playoff game. Like they need to come into that because you remember, because you remember that, with the, that playoff game, like, I don't know if you remember it, but like, I remember feeling like if that game had much more time left than it, we were going to lose. Cause you remember they were coming back and shit? No, the, the Rams game and the playoffs. Oh, the Rams. My bad. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, but they started coming back and staff was like kind of, kind of starting to go off, but time became a factor and it was a thing like once we got the ball back, it was like, were we able kind of like to run out the clock without giving them the ball back? Cause I remember being concerned, like if they get the ball back, we could, because they were within a touchdown, like if we get the ball, if they get the ball back, we could be in trouble and we were able to stop them from getting, we kept the ball long enough and we were able to run out the clock, but like it can't be like that on Sunday. Like we got to, we got to, we got to spank these. Yeah. It got to be more decisive. It can't be a thing. We were like, yeah, it can't be if we, I don't want to feel like we ran out the clock on them. I was satisfied with that in the playoffs because it was the playoffs and I want to win. So I don't give a fuck, but like, I don't want to be running out the clock on niggas at home. Like we need to be like, I don't know, man, we might, I might go as far as say we need to be undefeated at home. That's fair. I mean, shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like as good as we supposed to be though, we need to be undefeated at home. Uh, cause like hearing how loud it was in the preseason on TV and then hearing how loud it was in there in person last season, this season need to be even crazier. And I feel like it will be because now we all, we all out here like, yo, it's time to come out here and make our run to the Super Bowl. So like it's going to be super crazy, like they need to be, they need to be living up to it. Uh, they need to feed off that and we need to get a big, we need to get a big win. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, but I will still take any win. Yeah, I take them all right. Whatever happens. I take it. Right. Yep. So yeah, you got anything else? No, I just saw, last thing I just want to go on the record is saying that just like the lions, I think I have the game against Dallas circled on my calendar the most because that's the one that I think we all want to get back that Dallas game from the end of the last season that we should have won like that Dallas knows that we won that game. And that, because you, you remember, uh, after that game, when we could have potentially matched up with Dallas and the playoffs and then they ended up losing. So we didn't, and, and, and the lions disappointed. I was like, well, we wanted to get Dallas, but I guess, I guess we'll settle for, uh, what do we end up playing a second round Tampa Bay? Tampa Bay. Yeah. Yeah. I guess we'll say, and then Dallas would have been a road game. I think too. Yeah. Yeah. Dallas would have been a road game. Well, we were, we wish we could have got Dallas, but I guess we'll settle for this home game against Tampa Bay. So I already know they got Dallas circled on the calendar too, cause I know they want to get that one back. Cause like I said, that's one that, that we won that fucking game dog. And we, we know it Dallas knows it. We won that fucking game. And I want to get that one back. So I'm really looking forward to that game. And I know it's sometime in October, October 13th is a week after the buy, um, it's not a lot of games I'm really looking forward to. Of course that one is one. And I'm not here, uh, that is, no, that's away. Okay. Yeah. The last game, last year's game was there. Yep. And, uh, I'm actually really curious about, uh, the Texans, um, Texans game. Uh, so yeah, that's one of them. That's a November 10th, I think. Is that here? Uh, nope. That's it. It's okay. Yeah. So I'm trying to think like, like I already know I'm not about to be hitting that many games, right? Like I'm not, I'm not out here like, plant, plotting and planning, but I would like to hit one if I can, two, if I'm extremely, extremely fortunate. I might be able to hit two, but hopefully I can hit one and I'm trying to figure out which one I would want that to be. And I also wonder with 17 games, how did they determine which, like, which, when you get more home games or road games? Oh, it's a good question. I guess I can, I can't see that, but, uh, yeah. I, the one I would really like to see is, uh, the bills, we played a bill in December here. Mm. That's a good one. That would be a good one to go to. I know. It's just, uh, uh, well, I think in division, division opponents already know, um, so the Packers are always kind of like on the radar, um, and I know we'll have a home game against the Packers. Um, but yeah, I'd be more interested in the non division, uh, options. Um, yeah, of course we get Buffalo was a good one. Buffalo is a good one. We get the, well, we get the, wait, how are we? Oh, that's not a, that's not a, oh, that's December. My bad. I'm trippy. Um, we played a coach. No, I'm sorry. We play. Wait. The vape, the, uh, Thanksgiving game, that's not the, that we just, the week of the 17th, no, that's the 28th. My bad. We played the bears. That was my bad. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. That up bills game though, I would pray I had to see about trying to figure out, finagle some tickets for that one. Could that be a good one to go to? Yeah. So. Yeah, we can wrap up on that note. All right, man. Well, to next weekend, hopefully we talking about the Lions win. So. Yep. Peace. Peace. [ Silence ]