Apostolic Lighthouse

Building A Strong Family - Bro Kaleb

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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I feel like it is needful for the day and hour that we are living. And if you have your Bibles, I'd like for you to turn to the Book of Psalms 1.27. The Book of Psalms 1.27. And we're going to read a few verses of Scripture here. Peter Aaron, why don't you come up here and get this Bible, get you a microphone and help me read. That's what you get for coming in light, should have been here early. Just don't take you out preaching, okay, you'll make me look bad. Psalms 1.27 and 1, the Bible says, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor and vain that build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen wakeeth, but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows, for he giveth his beloved sleep. Low children are in heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward, as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of the youth. He is the man that hath his quiver full of them, they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Everybody help me say, except the Lord build the house. They labor and vain that build it. Hallelujah, you may be seated. I want to talk to us for a few moments or however long this takes. I'm not going to put no time limit on it. I've done that a couple of times, and Brother Mark Ryan likes to come up and show me a stopwatch. Let me know that I went longer than what I said. For a few moments and whatever that few moments is, Brother Mark Ryan, we're going to talk about building a strong family, building a strong family. The Bible says that, except the Lord build the house. They labor and vain that build it, except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen wakeeth but in vain. There is, I guess if you could allow me to say it, an epidemic going through the land today, and they always said that they would destroy America and not fire a shot. How would they destroy it? They would destroy it from the inside. And that is the same way that the enemy works against the church. If he can't just come against the church and destroy it, he'll try to destroy it from the inside. How will he destroy it from the inside? He will bring division among one another. And if he can't get division between one another, then he'll bring division within the family between husband and wife, between the kids. I want to come against that spirit today. I want to fight against that spirit. I don't know about you, but I feel like my family is worth fighting for today. I said, I feel like my family is worth fighting for today. I have seen in recent days how the enemy has come against some of the precious people that I love and their family, and it pains me. And I have cried before the Lord, "God, where did I miss it? Did I miss it somewhere, God? Did I come up short somewhere? Did I miss something?" I felt the Lord just impress on me that some have just gave heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. They have went away unto their own lusts, he put to themselves itching ears. That burdens me. I was talking with a man the other day, a good friend of mine from another state. He was telling me of the different families within just the last year that is not within the house of the Lord, and it bothers me. It pains me. And I want to talk to everyone here today, but especially our young men and our young ladies, and to these newly married couples, I want you to evade the pitfalls of life. And I have made mistakes, and the old old man told me, "You've got to learn off other's people's mistakes because you don't live long enough to learn off your own." And so I want to learn not only from my mistakes, but I want to learn from the mistakes around me, and I want to try to build a stronger family. What's the foundation of a strong family? This foundation of a strong family is number one, the Lord. It's the Lord. It's the church. It's the house of God. It's the ways of God. To be a strong family, you need to have a strong conviction and a strong church. You can't just come in when you want to leave, when you want to do what you want to and expect everything to be okay. No, no, no. You've got to have a deep root, a deep foundation in God. Brother Aaron, get me Luke chapter 6 and read verses 47 and 49. You've got to be found that what is the beginning of a house? Where does a house or a building get its stability from? Where does it get it be unfounded and when the winds of life come against it, where does that come from? Brother Aaron, read Luke chapter 6 and 47 through 49, "Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man which built and house and dig deep and laid the foundation on a rock and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon the house and could not shake it, for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth and doeth not is like a man without a foundation, building a house upon the earth against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great." You get it from the foundation, when we begin to put this building together, we realize that it was cheaper to go wood than it was steel, but the problem was steel, you have just your outside foundation, your footer where you get your strength from, but we couldn't find trusses to span that long. So we did a footer under these two walls right here and they run the length of this sanctuary and they get tied to the outside footers and they go and they tie to that gym wall and that's a footer that goes out and ties and I was talking with a foundation engineer out of Kansas City and he said, "Kaleb, you want to go as wide as you are deep." He said, "A lot of people just think the deeper you go, the better off you are, they'll go narrow and deep." He said, "But you want to go wide." So man, we went wide and we put instead of just 3/4 inch rebar in there, we went to 1 inch and put 4 runners through this whole thing. It costs a lot of money, but when the winds come, I wanted this building to stand. I wanted the building to stand and that's the same way with our families. When the storms of life come, I want my family to stand against the wiles of the enemy. Trouble is going to come. Trouble is going to come, young men and young ladies, if you live long enough, you're going to face trouble and you've got to be founded upon a rock. So what are you talking about with the Samson and what, well, things is going to happen. Kids is going to come, kids is going to be raised and what do they see Daddy doing? What do they see Mama doing? I know we have some in here in the house of the Lord that your spouse is not in the house of God. They don't go to church, but they need to see a consistency with God in your life. Because when trouble comes, I'll tell you where they're going to come to. They're going to come to you and they're going to ask you to pray. Mom, they're going to ask you to pray. They're going to ask you to pray, Grandma, Grandpa, Sister Bar, they're going to come to you when Sister Tanya is not in the church, when the grandbabies is not in the church. But when trouble comes, guess where they come to? Sister Tanya, you're in there today, but there was a time you wasn't there. I seen you looking around like, I'm in the church. I'm not looking in your spiritual life, Sister. But there was a time when Sister Tanya didn't go to church. There was a time, but she knew where to come to you, why? Because mom held the standard. Mom was founded upon a rock through the troubles of life, Sister Tanya is saying, "Hey, momma clings to the rock, momma clings to the church, momma trusts in the church." It's never let her down. It's never forsaken her. It's never left her alone. I'll know sometimes we look around and say, "God, are you with me? But I'll promise you, He's with you. He's right beside you. We got to cling to the rock. Give me 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 4, brother. And if we're not careful, we want to negotiate things in life. We want to negotiate the essentials, the things that matter the most in our life. Well, it's just church on Wednesday night, man, it's Bible study. It's really Caleb's boring and do we really have to go? Yeah, you need to go. Why? Because something there is going to keep you and it's going to sustain you through the troubles of life that you face in your family. If you want a good family, if you want to have a strong family, you've got to have one that is founded upon the church, upon a rock. He said, "Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church." I'm telling you something today, the devil's at war against our families. He's at war against your husband. He's at war against your wife. He's at war against your kids. Say, "Oh, I don't believe it. Get that thing out right there. Get this thing out." The most corrupt thing that's ever been invented for a child of God. And it is warring against the family of God. Why? Because families that pray together, families that go to church together, families that read their Bible together, families that gets down and have family prayer, them or the families that's going to stay together. Them or the families that's going to have a solid foundation. Man, say, "Well, brother, Caleb, you don't know who I'm married to." Well, I might not. One lady said she didn't know when she married Mr. Wright that his first name was always. I understand. I understand. I don't know everything about, but I do know one thing, the field found your relationship in the house of God and the ways of God. It will last. So well, what are you talking about? I was reading a deal the other day and it said, as the Bible scholars said, "As much as the Jews have kept the Sabbath, could it be that it's the Sabbath that kept the Jews? Could it be that this apostolic message that we preach and teach? It's not that we've kept it, but it's kept us." But through the eons of time, this water baptism in Jesus' name and repenting of sins and being baptized and filling up the Holy Ghost and living this separated way is what's kept us from going the way of the heathen. That's kept us from believing a strong delusion and believing a lie and being damned. We are living in a day and a society today where 50% of all marriages end in divorce. How does that happen? A lot of that happens with not being founded upon a rock. He said, "Well, Brother Samson, I know that there are some in this house today." I prayed and they have my backing and they know that the enemy has come in and sowed a bill of goods, but I'm going to tell you something today. We have to keep hold of this truth for our kids and for our family to show them in the time of adversity, and I know they are doing that, that we got to show them that God lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Lead me to that rock that is higher than I. But Aaron, read me 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 4 through 6. Charity sufferth long and is kind, charity envyeth not, charity vauneth not itself and is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceeth not in iniquity, but rejoiceeth in the truth. Charity sufferth long and is kind, that's a lot. Love sufferth long, charity means love. This word means patient, endurance, even when provoked, long-tempered. Love does not retaliate. Love is kind, it is never hateful or mean, love is kind in words and in actions. Love envious not, true love is not jealous, instead of being jealous when others prosper or excel, love is pleased when they do well. Love is pleased when your husband or your wife, they tried to lead the best they can or do the best they can. I was talking with a man I grew up with and he had recently went through a divorce, he had left his wife and he was trying to justify himself to me at the dinner for whatever reason he called me wanted to meet me for lunch and I met him there that day and we was talking and he got out his phone and began to show me these pictures of a dirty house and he said this is why I left her, Caleb I couldn't live in a dirty home anymore. And I looked at him and I said, "Bub, well could you not just hire somebody to come clean it?" I meant that don't look like very much to leave somebody over and he just kind of looked at me there. Well there were some other reasons too and I said, "Well okay and I was just thinking I was there really I thought he just wanted to be encouraged for everything he was going through but I guess he just felt like he had to maybe try to persuade me. But you know you can't nitpick one another. Y'all newly weds I'm going to tell you I made some mistakes in my marriage. I have not the best to probably stand up here and preach the 25th of this month I will be married 25 years, not 25, 20 years, 25th of this month I've been married 20 years but I made some mistakes, I've done things that was stupid. I could set up here and tell you a few of them but I don't, I want to forget them. But you're going to make mistakes. We first got married, my wife come from a broken home and I come in I'd lay my phone down, she had picked my phone up and she'd go through my phone. She'd look who I called and who I text and what I've been on, it didn't bother me. I was fine, I understood it brother Aaron and go through it, look me over, check me out, make sure I'm on the straight and narrow, got nothing to hide and after a while she realized that she could trust me and 20 years later we're still trusting one another. Because it all been perfect, no but I'm going to tell you something, charity sufferth long in this kind. Young men, young ladies, especially y'all getting married, this ain't the house of Jennifer Lopez where you can just marry one if it don't work out, we'll just go marry another one, that don't work out we'll go get another one. This ain't the way this works. When you stand up here before the Lord and for this preacher and you make a vow before him and promise before the Lord and the host just because you come home to a dirty house don't mean that gives you the right to pack your bags and leave. That means you say, "Hey honey, let me help you clean the house." She's probably worked all day too, she's probably around two or three of them will snot in those kids around the house too and so I think did my wife leave me or what, she get mad and she don't have enough of me. But we're living in a day and a time where both spouses, they have to work nowadays a lot of times. Man, come in, show yourself, show yourself to be kind. It's not puffed up, it does not be demand to be number one, it's all about me. That's the problem that we're living in today in society, it's all about me. That's why people leave their families, walk off from their children, they walk off from husbands or wives or whatever it might be because it's all about them. It's all about, I want to place my flesh, I don't want to be uncomfortable, I don't want to be this or that and so, man, they just walk away, leaving behind everything that should be important to them. Say, "Well, Brother Caleb, what are you talking about?" Does not behave itself unseemly, seek it not her own. Brothers never rude, but it always treats either with compassion and consideration and respect. Lady kind in the car, opened her own door, shut it, Brother Cliff, she sits there, she looks over to her husband and said, "I guess men don't open and shut the door anymore." And he looked at her and said, "Well, honey, how do you think I got in this thing?" But there used to be a day when chivalry, or, "Oh, man, it was a deal for men to open and shut the door. Do I do that all the time? No, I don't. I'm guilty. I'll tell you." But I feel like I treat my wife like a lady. I show her respect. It's not all about me. There comes times that I'm a busy, I'm too busy, got to get less busy, but there's times where, "Brother Anne, I got to drop what I'm doing," and say, "Okay, it's time for my family. It's time for my wife. It's time to just to get a little time." She tells me all the time, "Hey, let's just go. I just want to have a date night with you, just me and you. Let's go get it." And we hardly ever get to do that, but there's time you young men, y'all looking to get married, brother. John, time you need to come in and say, "Hey, honey, let's go get something to eat. It's me and you." There'll be a time when you have two or three kids, it ain't going to be as easy just to jump and run, take off. But you got to be consider of one another if you wanted to let, what? It's the foundations of a strong family, and this is what it takes. It's not easily provoked, think it's no evil. What are you talking about? It is a genuine love that does not attribute to evil motives against people. Genuine love does not keep a record of evils done against you, and it doesn't hold a grudge. I'm going to tell you something. This is more than just the husband and the wife. This could be against grown kids. This could be against grandmalls and grandpa's, "Well, you've done me wrong. You didn't, you treated one better than me or vice versa. I'm going to tell you something. You got to put it aside and say, "Okay, it's not easily provoked." Think of no evil. Rejoice not in iniquity, love's not, love does not rejoice in sin. Rejoice in the truth. There was times when I come in, brother Aaron, my wife would have my clothes laid out for me ready to go to church. My old carnal nature, I wanted to set around and say, "Okay, wait a minute, I'm tired tonight. I don't know if I should, I don't think I'm going to make it, no, no, go to church." Why? Because back to this foundation, say, "Well, brother Caleb, I'm already alone. I'm going to tell you something. You've got to show your family. You've got to show your kids the faithfulness, the consistency." "Okay, when you're in trouble, this is where you go. You go to the house of God. When you're in trouble, you make your way to the prayer room. When you're in trouble, you make your way to the altar. When you're in trouble, you make your way down to the front and you lift up your hands and you let good brothers and sisters gather around you and begin to pray and pray with you and pray for you." This kind of love is to be mutual. The husband has command to love his wife with every fiber of his being. You can read that in Ephesians chapter 5 and verses 25 and 28 and 31. The wife is to command to love her husband. You can find that in Titus chapter 2 and verse 4. "A home filled with love is a home filled of essence of heaven." What are you talking about, brother Caleb? You've got to have some foundations in place. Brother Aaron, get me first Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 7. You're going to go through some things in life. First Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 7. "Bareth all things, believeth all things, hope with all things, it doereth all things." Say, "Well, Brother Caleb, you don't know what I'm going through." There are all things, loyal even when things are tough. It doesn't walk out in the day of trouble. Believeth all things, loyalty believes in one's mate or in one's church or in oneself. It trusts the preacher, it trusts the pastor, it trusts the church, hope with all things. Loyalty never looks for the worst in things but only believes for the best. It endures, doereth all things, loyalty sticks it out. Loyalty does not abandon the fort. You want to get respect, you want to earn respect among your peers, and the community expect on your job, you got to earn respect. And how do you earn respect? It's being consistent. If you want to earn respect on your job, you got to come in, you got to work hard, work every day, show up on time, take the load off of it. It ain't very long if you're not pulling your own weight. You ain't, ain't nobody respecting you. You're putting the weight on others. It ain't very long that everybody's looking around saying, "Hey, wait a minute. This guy, he ain't worth much." But if you want the respect of others, you got to endure some things, you got to hope through some things, you got to believe through some things, and you got to bear through some things. That's what the Bible said. You can't just cut and run at the sign of trouble. Cut and run at the sign of trouble, everybody done been gone. Everybody done been run away. Say, "Well, Brother Caleb, how do we do this?" Ephesians, give me Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 29, brother Aaron. I know this is a little bit different, but man, I'll just fill this on my heart. I'll fill this to talk to us today about the family. Hallelujah. Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 29, "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherishetheth, even as the Lord the Church." Nobody hates their own self. I'm going to tell you something. Nobody loves Caleb like Caleb loves Caleb. Now, I'm going to tell you something. I like Caleb, and I tell him every day, "If Caleb ever comes up and he's dead and they say he's committed suicide, that's a lie." Y'all hire some detectives. Y'all check into that because somebody killed me. I promise you, I did not kill myself. Why? Because Caleb, I like myself. Say, "Well, he just couldn't bear--" No, somebody, y'all check it out. She done had me killed and collected my life insurance because I didn't do it to myself. Why? He said, "Nourish and cherish." What are you talking about? You are to nourish your family. You are to nourish your wife. You are to nourish your husband. You are to nourish your children. What are you talking about? To bring to maturity, a godly man, the head of the house, the man is the head of the house. I know I thought I'd get a bunch of eight men on that one, a lot of booze from the ladies, but said, "The men, why submit yourselves to your husband before he's the leader, just as Christ leads the church, that's the way this is set up, and you are to submit yourselves to them, and if you've got a spouse that does not come to church, whether it be a husband, or whether it be a wife, you are to submit yourself to them if you're a wife to a point. They ask you to go beyond, "Help me drink six packs of Bud Light, you ain't supposed to go that far." But to a point, you're supposed to submit yourselves until your husband, and your husband is supposed to submit himself to the leadership of the church. The problem that we have in this day and time that nobody likes to submit, and I'll be honest, Caleb don't like to be told what to do. I'm casting my faults before you, but if we're not careful, if nobody's submitting, then you have division, you have chaos, and when there's division, the Bible said there's every kind of evil work where there's division, every kind of evil work. And so when you've got division in the home because there's division there, nobody's wanting to submit, wife ain't wanting to submit to the husband and to their own husband, the Bible said, and then you got the husband that's not wanting to submit to the church or to the pastor, and not one, you got division. And so there, where there's division, that's where this thing starts beginning to be destroyed from the inside out. We can stand against the hurricanes of life that come against us, but just the small... The Bible says it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. It's the little things that will destroy your family a little here, here a little, and there a little. I want to guard against the little things that would try to destroy against my family. That's why I told the young men and the young ladies up here the other night went on a little fast there, but I told them that no, no, no person, no child of God should have TikTok or Snapchat, no, no child of God should have that. And I wonder if we should even have Facebook and Instagram to be honest with you. But there is no, there should be no place within your lives, young men, that for this kind of evil work. When you tap onto that, it opens up a multitude of division. Well, I'm just going to keep up with my friends. I'm going to keep young men never, never, never let that get started within your home, within your family. Pornography will destroy your family so fast. It will destroy your home so fast. It will destroy your children so fast. Young ladies, your husband, if y'all get married one of these days and some of y'all that's just got married, he comes in. And he, I was telling a man the other day, we was talking about this, and I started laughing. And I said, "You know who, what husband comes home and says, 'Hey, hon, let's watch some pornography together.' They've never been married to Stacey Rock L. Wade, and that's who they need to be married to. Well, Adam, if I come in and said, 'Hey, Stacey, let's watch some pornography together.' I would be dead, or wishing I was, but that is happening in the apostolic ranks church. Our families are being destroyed every day over the cell phones and this pornography. Before, back in the day, you'd have to go buy a magazine and you'd have to take it up and you'd have to look somebody in the eye and put it on the counter and if you ever did know, sir, I've never done that. But they would have to do that. It would stop you from doing that. But now it's so easily accessible on your cell phones that you can go in the dark of your room or in behind closed doors and you can access all of this stuff. And so easily, you are set down a path of destruction. Say, 'Well, number one, it's a sin. It is a sin against your own body. It will lead you straight to hell, but not only will it lead you straight to hell, but it will destroy a good family. It will destroy your children.' Say, 'Well, my kids will never know about it. I worked, Brother DJ, you can back me up. I worked a man that liked to smoke marijuana.' Good boy. We would ask him and said, 'Well, they don't even know. We slip outside, and we get out, we got a little building in the back, a little storage room, and me and my wife, we slip back there, and we smoke it, come out, then we go back in the house and they don't even know that we're smoking it.' And I'll never forget my dad.' He said, 'So and so, I'm like my dad about to say his name.' And he said, 'I'm going to tell you something, son. Your kids have watched more scenes on television than you could even imagine. They know exactly what you're doing. They smell that on you when you come back in.' 'No, no, no, no. Can I tell you today that one of his kids has passed. He's already gone, and they're just young. But the other two are addicted to drugs so bad. Call me the other day. Come by. Would you meet me at the church? I need to talk to you.' Met him at the church. He cried and he wept over his children. And if you want to have a strong family, it's got to start at the house of God. You can't always get your own way. You can't always say, 'Well, if it don't work, no, you got to make it work. It has to work. You made a vow before God. You made a commitment before God. You got to make it work.' This is not the five-and-dime store where you said, 'Well, I'll just go cash in and get another one.' No. And I know there's times, there's instances where it's not your decision. I understand that, but you made a vow. You have to do everything within your power to make it work. But if you'll find that relationship and that family upon a rock, upon a solid rock, upon the church, and if you'll do what the elder says, you'll do what your pastor preaches. If you'll be early for prayer, I'm going to tell you something. It might not stop every pitfall of life, but I'm going to tell you something. It will stop a bunch of them, and the ones that don't stop, it will allow you to navigate through them. It'll help you get through the rough times and the rough patches of life. I heard a man this the other night as he's facing the trial of his life. I hate facing him, I'm going to tell you something. I heard him stand right there with his hands in the air and said, 'I don't even know how I could get through it. I don't even know how I could face it. If it wasn't for God in the church.' He said, what do you talk? He said, 'I, I would, I need, I have, need to preach to others. I, myself, have become a castaway.' What are you talking about? You got to bring them children to maturity. You got to bring your spouse to maturity. What? Not in just in life, but in the church. Dad, you need to show that young man how to pray. Mom, you need to show that young lady how to pray. It's got to be more than just a two or three or four second or three or four minute prayer. You got to get down on your face and say, 'Okay, son, come over here. Let's pray. Let me, let me, let me, let me pray with you. Let me go and man, you need to begin to cry out. Lift up you.' I know it's, it goes against the grain of some, some people to lift up your voice. I understand it, but dad, mom, you need to let your children hear you pray. What is the foundation of a strong family? Number one, it's the church. Number two, when you have a strong marriage and a strong church, it brings forth fruit. What kind of fruit does it bring? What will be the outcome of a strong marriage? It sanctifies, sanctifies the home. You can find that in Ephesians. A marriage that has lived out according to the principles of the Word of God is a marriage that keeps God at the center. It produces a home where God is king and God is sovereign. It is a marriage that opens the door for God to bless. It is a marriage that invites the power of God to dwell in the home. A strong family brings forth and it glorifies God. Ephesians chapter five and verse 32, a strong family witnesses to the lost. It witnesses to the lost, and I'm going to tell you something. We're living in the last of the last days, church. We're living in times, it's where it's not when men are lovers of the monesells, more than lovers of God. It's way worse than that. Inversion from every angle and it's in our homes, it's in our cars, it's on our job. It follows us, it stays in our pocket, just at the blink and I'm going to tell you something. When they start going through trouble and perilous times is upon them and they're facing things. You know who they're going to turn to? They're going to turn to people that have been consistent with their walk with God. They're going to turn to family members that have been consistent. You know what? They're going to ask you to pray, Brother Mark Ryan, they're going to call you to pray. Why? Because they'll know that you've been consistent in your life. Well wait a minute, if God won't hear Brother Mark Ryan, he won't hear anybody. Brother Mark Ryan, and then it goes from, let's call Brother Mark Ryan, Brother Mark Ryan, I want to go to church with you, where you go to church? Where are you going to church at? I go to Neosho Apostolic Lighthouse, man we want to go over there in the bank day before yesterday talking with some people. Man come up to me, where do you go to church? I go to Neosho Apostolic Lighthouse right across from the radio station, hey, I'm supposed to be here, a strong family instructs the next generation. Pastor Paul speaks to the children in the home, children have a duty to submit to their parents. What are you talking about, young people? Submit yourself to mom and dad, grandma and grandpa. You can't talk to them just like you any other way. The Bible said, "Brother Aaron, real quick, I'm trying to finish up, I'm trying to close." Aaron, get me Ephesians chapter six, yeah verse one through three. Children obey your parents and the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. You got to obey your parents. You know what my uncle learning said at best when my grandma young passed away, she said, he said, "You know what we need, we don't need drive-by shootings, we need some of these ladies like my grandma young here and have some drive-by switchings. Pull up to a group of these hooligans that's out destroying and riding and burning and tearing up and breaking windows and have some of them, grandma's get out there with them switches, begin to switch them like they need switching. That would change the outlook of a lot of things. Young people, you can't be unruly, you can't just do what you want to do. Young ladies, you can't just do what you want to do. In school, you got to obey them to have the rule over you. They tell you to be quiet, you got to be quiet. They tell you to sit down, you got to sit down and say, "Well, that's just so-and-so. That's just, oh, sister so-and-so, no, that's Bible." And when you have a problem with authority, when you're young and you won't listen and you're rebellious, I'm going to tell you something, it'll bleed over into the next generation. You know why we're facing the generation and the problems that we're going through is because the other generation just let their kids, it's fine with them, be 30, 35 and live at home in the basement, play video games. And you know what that produces? That produces a generation that don't even know if they're boys, that don't even know if they're girls, think they're a cat or a dog. And so we put litter boxes in the bathrooms to suffice them because there is not somebody with the backbone that will stand up and say, "Hey, sir, you're a man, you're a boy. Hey young lady, you're a girl, you're not a dog, you're not a cat. We don't go get in the-in the corner and use a litter box, but you're a young man, act like a young man, you're a young lady, act like a young lady." And though we're fine with them living in the basements of our homes, play video, violent video games, and then we want to know why some kid walks into our school and shoots it up and kills people. It's the gun's fault, no it's not, idiot. Here we have our, what was Columbine that was in 1997 or '08 or something, whatever it was, '96, '90, whatever year that was is in the late '90s, Columbine there, that killed and here we are all these 30-something years later and we're still having it. We'll go hire 86,000 IRS agents to go through your taxes and try to find a way to tax you more, but we won't hire some protecting agents for our schools to guard our kids. And it's the gun's fault, no it's some parent that didn't have a backbone to stand up and say, "Hey, son, put that down or I'm going to smack that head off your shoulder." We want to put them in the corner, put their nose in the corner, "Man, I'm going to tell you, putting my nose in the corner wouldn't have done nothing for me. I needed somebody to whip my hind in. I was a mouth, I had a mouth. Somebody should have knocked my teeth down my throat. Yeah, I understand that, it's hard for me to admit, but somebody had to correct me. I needed correcting. I got mad one time. I still hold this against you, brother Cliff. I got mad and my mom and dad had 89 suburban, but Brian and I kicked the side of that car and I caved the whole passenger door in on it and I real quick, I knew I was in trouble. And I went to my Savior, I said, "Brother Cliff, you got to help me." He was in the fur house scraping hides, it was late. I said, "He said, 'What have you done, Beau?" I said, "I was embarrassed even telling what I've done." I said, I kicked the door in on my mom's car, caved it in, so he goes out there and looks at it. I said, "I think I can get that out." Man, he was so smart, he went right in there and I wish I had a thought of that, so I wouldn't have to go tell him my faults. He got that toilet plunger out of the bathroom in the fur house and brother gave me, "Man, he popped that thing right out." It had just a little crease in it, just a little crease right where that maid and boy, he was nervous that I was going to probably tell and say, "Well, Brother Cliff fixed it." Then his name was hung on it too and he said, "Man, just tell your dad, it'll be okay." I said, "Okay." So I go get my dad and I said, "Dad, I kicked the door in on the car, but we got it fixed. It's all fixed. Great. Everything looks good. Can't even tell. Man, it looks great." He goes out there and looks at it and said, "Okay, man, we had this big old pop belly stove in the fur house and then we'd fill that thing up, warm the old fur house up." He goes, "Come in. Come here. Come here. Okay." Going there and he gets me by that big old pop belly stove and he reaches down for that belt. I knew I was in trouble. Man, out it comes, picks me up by my arm, gets my feet off the ground because I was a runner. I like to run when they was trying to whip me, make them catch me. He beat me around that pop belly stove. He wore the backside off of me. But you know what? I needed it. I deserved it. If we're not careful, we get the spirit of rebellion that nobody's going to tell me what to do. Nobody's going to tell me how to live. Nobody's going to tell me what I need to do, how I need to act, and I'm going to tell you what we've got. We've got a generation that will destroy a whole city overnight, billions and billions and billions of dollars worth of damage because some little drunk kid that didn't get its way or it spooled little brat that grew up that didn't have to get no chastisement when they was wrong and they go destroy because what they don't work for, what they don't have to sacrifice for means nothing to them. They're fine with destroying it because they don't have to pay for it. They're fine with tearing it down and breaking out the windows because their money didn't pay for it. But I'm going to tell you something. If they had to work 100 hours or 75 hours to pay for that building or pay for that glass or pay for that car, they wouldn't be so act to pick up a rock and throw it through the window or take a club and smash it to pieces. If you had to pay for the old, oh, it might be old. It might be an old clunker, but I'm going to tell you something. Hey, this is my car. I paid for it. I worked for it. You better not touch it. I know it's got a few. But this is what I work for. What I'm going to tell you something. This is my church. This is my church. This is my family. Yeah. I want you to get your hands off my face. I want your hands off my church. Young people, it's not just your mom and dad as they come to the music, I want to try to quit. I went too long. But it's just not mom and dad. It's people in authority. Somebody will tell you something. Oh, man, me and sister Hannah's brother, Derek and Scotty, but really me and Derek, we like to sit in church and we like to cut up. And I'm going to tell you something. Oh, brother Shafer, you didn't get much by brother Shafer. He said at the end of our pew would be cutting a rug or doing something crazy. No brother Shafer, he'd get a hold of you now. He didn't get a hold of you. He had grandma, she had walked by and she'd grabbed you by the ear and all of a sudden he'd kind of be tiptoeing, trying to ease the pressure. But we need to act like young men. We need to act like young ladies. You know what this world, they're looking at y'all. They're looking how you conduct yourself. Yes, sir. I'm going to tell you, I took me and my boy, we slipped off. We went on a little trip to Colorado. We was in the lodge around a bunch of other people and I was walking down the hall and just on the other side there in the kitchen area. I heard them men talking. There's a bunch of different hunting guides in there and they was talking the cooking there. And they said, man, that young man in there talking about Casey, and he's the most politious, courteous young men I think I've ever met. And it does something good on the inside of me, brother. Aaron, I know they'll, okay, I'm doing something right. I want y'all to be, yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am. How's some integrity about you? How's some man about you? Walking down the mall and man, this dude come in, he's got piercings all in his ear and he's got a, he had a chain running from his ear to his nose and he had a chain from his nose to, to his billfold in his back pocket and he had on these black clothes and he had hairs on, his pants was like this short and they were huge and he had these spikes on, he had his hair all spiked up and my boy looked at me and he said, dad is he an idiot? I said, y'all son, he's an idiot. I want to teach my boys the value of being a man, values of being a leader, a value of being a Christian, values that what the world looks at and say, okay, wait a minute, there's something different about, what's different about you? I'll tell you what's different about me, I'm apostolic, I got the Holy Ghost inside of me. That's what's different about me. Where do you go to church? I go to Neosho Apostolic Lighthouse church. What's over there? Signs and wonders, healing, men still act like men, women still act like women. People are healed, things, people are delivered, demons can be cast out, anything can happen and probably will at our church. Why? Because I'm not ashamed, this is who I am. I want to have a strong family, I got to be founded in the church. If you want to have strong kids, you got to be founded in the church. Grandma, you want to have a strong lineage, find it, find it in the church, find it in an altar, find it in a prayer room, find it in worship, find it in singing. Say, you're well, my kids, I ain't every name, I'm going to tell you something. They never did get into the preacher. Well, let me tell you something, mom, dad, when the preacher's preaching, why don't you get up? It don't have to be the night, but when the elder is preaching, and say, "Hey man, preacher, preach to me, preacher, preach to my family, preacher, let your sons and let your daughters know." Hey, I support this, I back this, I'm behind this, I want my grandbabies to know, I'm apostolic to the core. We've got too many running around the church. That's quiet. We need to lift up our voice. We need to let know that sin, that's the one thing, and I know I'm rimmed. I got to quit, but I'm going to tell you something. If we're not careful, we keep our mouth shut when we should open it. Son, that's a sin. Son, that's a sin. I told my boy, I said, "Boys, let me tell you something." If I ever find out that you've introduced pornography into your family, into your home, I'm going to kick your high-end, come up around your head. Say, "Well, that's pretty rough for a preacher, I'm going to tell you something." I want him to know, there's some consequences, and I told him, "If I can't do it, I'll hire it done." Why? Because I want to point out what sins are sin. Be a man, stand up like a man. Walk around like a man, be a woman, walk around like a lady. That's identifying us of who we are in a world that's confused, in a world that don't know what's going on. You can be the most consistent thing, and that's being apostolic. That's being a child of God, a lady of God, a man of God. Be a good mom and dad. Be a good apostolic mom and dad. Be a good apostolic grandma and grandpa. What do we need? Somebody to stand up and sound the alarm, dumb dogs that's not scared, a dumb dog that's scared the bark ain't going to get us nowhere. But thank God for a man of God, he might get a little blunt, and I might squirm in my chair and squeeze around because of my Lord. Some of the words he uses and things he said, it makes me squirm a little bit, but I'm going to tell you something at the end of the day. Thank God for a dad that knew how to raise me, that raised a man. My name's sin, a sin, told me how to live, told me what I needed to do to be saved, and 40 years, and 20 years of marriage later, I'm telling my kids how to do it, how to live for God, how to be a man, how to be a woman, how to be a true question. I'm going to tell you what a strong family, number one, it's got to be founded upon the church, the foundation's got to be founded upon this truth. If you want something that'll last, something with stickability, say, "Well, Brother Caleb man, I'm going to tell you something, you've got to have something for your children." He said, "A good man will leave an inheritance for his children's children." That's not just money, that's a whole other, that's not just money, but I'm going to tell you, that's a lineage of when you look around, "Well, Darrell Jones, and you have the Jones Clan stand up, like the sin of the sea, stand up in here." Why because a good man will leave an inheritance for his children's children. I want to leave an inheritance tonight from my children. I want to leave an inheritance from my children's children. How about you? Hallelujah. I hope I've helped somebody in this house tonight. And let's just gather around the front, they sing something, and just lift up our hands and ask God to help our families, help our children, help our babies, help our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren. We'll tell them we're wrong, steadfast and sure, when the strong winds blow and the waves rise high. There's a water all around, but the house is dry. This house it will stand, because it's real.