Celebrate Cultivate

Rituals to Welcome Fall & Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

Open the door to fall with all the cozy vibes, fresh energy, and rituals you need to feel aligned this season. In this episode, Kaileen breaks down the magic of autumn and how to connect with its energy in ways that feel oh-so-good and authentic to you. She also shares all the deets about her new self-paced course, An Autumn of Ritual, and invites you to join A Year of Calm!

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Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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Open the door to fall with all the cozy vibes, fresh energy, and rituals you need to feel aligned this season. In this episode, Kaileen breaks down the magic of autumn and how to connect with its energy in ways that feel oh-so-good and authentic to you. She also shares all the deets about her new self-paced course, An Autumn of Ritual, and invites you to join A Year of Calm!

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The kids are all back at school, the mornings are starting to get cooler, and someone down the street has their Halloween decorations up. It is really starting to feel like fall. Hello, and welcome to episode 179 of Celebrate Cultivate. I am your host and intuition coach, Kayleen Elise Seuss. Autumn is a season of abundance, allowing, comfort, and connection. This year, the Equinox is on Sunday, September 22nd. So if you are listening to this episode, the day it comes out, you've got about 10 days before autumn officially begins. On the Equinox, the amount of sunshine and darkness is the same. That's where that word Equinox comes from. And it's this natural tipping point where the days start to get shorter and the year is winding down. Autumn brings natural rhythms of focus and new beginnings, harvesting and clearing space. When you consider the energy of autumn and the natural rhythms it brings, it's no wonder that back to school, fresh vibes, energy is everywhere you turn. I was speaking with a long-standing client of mine today, and we were talking about how she wants to join a bunch of new courses and how she wants to clean out her closet and refresh everything in her house. And this is, yes, part of the marketing machine that we are all in. Even beyond that, it is because of this foundational energy of this time of year. And if you zoom out further and just look at the months of autumn, we have September, October, November, and December. Winter begins on December 21st this year. So we've got from September 22nd to November 21st that we are officially in autumn. For me, autumn is a bit of a shorter season because it gets intersected by the holidays and that has a whole different vibe and energy of its own. And it makes sense, right, that autumn might be a little bit shorter because of just the way that that season functions in nature. It feels shorter than summer. Of course, depending on where you live and what the actual climate is that's going to impact it. But the falling of the leaves is a somewhat short period in nature, right? Like all of a sudden, you look out the window and if you live somewhere where the trees change colors, like when I lived in North Carolina, oh my goodness, it is so gorgeous. The leaves, like it's just, it happens almost overnight. Of course, it doesn't, but it feels like it and then all the leaves fall and that seems like that happens overnight. And so we've got this kind of compounding effect of change in the autumn season. I've been sharing a little bit more about the energy of the seasons and the energies of the months. And so I want to give you a little preview of what these next few months have in store for us. We're in September. We're fully in September and this is a month that invites you to settle in, cultivate presence, find magic in small moments, be selective with your energy and take your time. As we move into the next month, we find ourselves in October, which encourages you to embrace your inner wisdom, loosen your grip on expectations, savor the abundance around you, and open the door to serendipity. November asks you to linger in the present moment, deepen connections, release old stories, and honor both the darkness and the light. December is a time of reflection and joy. Feel everything fully. Let yourself shine, laugh, cry, sing, and dance through the holidays into new beginnings. So that is like your energetic preview of what these next few months have in store for you. Of course, it also totally depends on what's happening in your life, what season of life you're in, how these energies are going to come through for you. But when you zoom back in and consider where you are right now, we are in that fresh vibes, decluttering, flipping of closets, making space for the holiday season, more travel, more visitors coming up, and of course, you're probably looking forward to the cozy vibes of fall. Maybe you've had your first pumpkin spice latte of the season, but you might also be dreading the darkness that comes as the days get shorter. Sometimes we dread those cool temperatures. And also the pressure that comes with this time of year. It is a season where there's a lot to organize for a lot of people, not just on the calendar, but physically. It's a time to be prepared for what's next. So even more than normal, we are looking ahead and bypassing where we are right now to get ready for the holidays, to get ready for the end of the year, wrapping up projects, figuring out finances, like there's so much packed into this fall season before the holidays arrive that it can sometimes again feel truncated, feel smushed. But then there's also this huge pressure to like make the most of the season and soak up the fall vibe. So it's a lot to juggle. It's a lot to navigate. Over on Instagram, I shared some inspiration on how to have a September that feels like flow instead of friction. And I'll link to that reel in the show notes for today's episode, but the essential elements are to set intentions, prioritize alignment, feel your feelings and tune into your intuition. All of this is going to help you flow instead of force or find friction through this transition from summer into fall. And when I look at autumn, I really feel like it is the season of all seasons for ritual. It kind of kicks things off into the holidays, then into the new year and then into all the fresh goodness that is spring. And summer is kind of its own thing, which we're leaving and coming into a space of being with yourself, but also being in community. And so in thinking about autumn and in thinking about what would be most supportive for you in my community, I've created a new self-paced course that you can purchase today. It's called an autumn of ritual and it's just $22. And inside it has everything you need to soak up all that abundance, comfort and cozy vibes of the fall season. It's this curated collection of rituals and resources that will help spark inspiration and deepen your connection with your intuition. There's a peek inside, everything you get when you purchase an autumn of ritual. You get some prompts to begin the season and set the tone with some reflection. You get a 50-minute video class for the autumnal equinox. You can watch it on the equinox or really any time that you want to kind of dip into that energy of autumn. It has a guided meditation, an oracle card reading, some intuitive journaling, and an inspiring conversation about the fall season. There's also an invitation for you to set intentions, six rituals for you to explore through the autumn season, a guided meditation for finding clarity in busy times, which is something I feel like we all need at this time of year, plus a bonus vision board circle to help inspire you to bring your autumn dreams to life on your vision board. And then of course it wraps up with some prompts to close autumn at the end of the season. So this is going to give you everything you need, just like in one fell swoop to step into autumn with intention and joy. You can purchase it over on my website at I'll include the links in the show notes for today. And like I said, it's just $22 and it is well worth the cost. If having someone guide you through the season is what feels really good and supportive for you, I have a few rituals for the autumn season that I'm going to share with you in a few minutes. But before I do, I also want to invite those of you who are feeling like you really would like some more supports and some more guidance and the way to work with me. The doors to my signature program are open today and it's called a year of calm if you haven't heard of it yet. But it is created for those times when you're overwhelmed and uninspired and just taking a few deep breaths isn't going to cut it anymore. You need more than that when you need a whole new way to connect with yourself and really finally feel grounded in who you are and excited about what lies ahead. That is the perfect time to join a year of calm and what's included in it is four private coaching sessions with me, one for each season, twice monthly group calls, private support and a chat room for the whole community inside Voxer plus each season, a whole collection of prompts, meditations and rituals to help you live with more inner wisdom throughout your everyday life. There's also more really exciting bonuses when you sign up. There's a rituals for intuition kit, which is a care package that I mail to you. I'm so excited to send these out and each season I do intuitive card readings specifically for you. So I pull cards for you, I take a video and I send it to you and it's like your own personal reading for the season and then also a moon magic mini course to help you live in more alignment with the lunar cycle. It's $1,222 to sign up for a year of calm and the doors only open twice a year. So in the autumn and then in the springtime and the spots are really limited because it is such a high touch amount of, you know, interaction with me that I can only have a few people in the program at a time. So if your intuition is nudging you to join us, come over to and sign up. Like I said, the doors are open today and I'm really looking forward to working with you and helping you make this a year of calm if you're getting that nudge from your intuition. All right, so let's talk about four rituals that are going to help you embrace the energy of autumn that you can start to practice immediately. So this is beyond what you would get in an autumn of ritual beyond what you'll get in a year of calm, just like a taste of what you can bring to the season. So first, just consider how you want to feel as you flow through the fall season. Sometimes it's really helpful to just consider, you know, where am I going to be in December when those seasons are shifting or where am I going to be when I whenever you consider what the holiday season, like when does the holiday season begin for you and just think about from now till then, how do you want to feel? How do you want to flow? What energy you want to bring? Start with that. And then as you consider that, use these rituals to serve how you want to feel. The first ritual is to begin your day with intuition. So to connect with your inner voice, to connect to your intuition, right as your day is getting started. This journaling is a wonderful way to do this. So if you're familiar with morning pages or just morning journaling, bringing your inner voice, bringing your intuition into your journaling practice can be a really transformative thing. And I have a free class all about that that you can take. There's video I take you through the process. It's totally free. You can visit my website to sign up for that or I'll include the link to it in the show notes for today's episode. You can do the journaling practice for sure. That's a beautiful thing to do, but you could also keep it really, really simple, which is that as you're flowing through your morning, maybe it's when you're brewing your coffee, pause, breathe, ask, what do I need and then really, really, really listen and see what comes through the simple practice of pairing that ritual with brewing your coffee or brushing your teeth or something that you do every single morning. It's called ritual stacking and that will help make it habit that feels fun and aligning for you to do every single day. Another option could be that you pull a card every morning. So maybe you put a deck of cards that you're really enjoying in your closet where you get dressed or maybe you put it at your desk so that you can pull a card before you dive into your work and again, use your intuition to interpret what the card is. So instead of just taking it for face value, diving a little bit deeper and asking your inner voice, what should I do with this information or what do I need to know and just listening to what comes through? Another ritual that you can easily fold through your days that is really going to help you connect to the energy of autumn is to connect with comfort, to prioritize comfort, to lean into the cozy comforts of the season so that might be lighting candles or lighting incense that could be wearing slippers, buying new socks and wearing those, making yourself tea instead of having like an afternoon ollie pop, making yourself some sort of tea to just do that soothing ritual of drinking something warm or reading a good book or watching one of your all time favorite shows. Grey's Anatomy is like one of those shows that I always go back to and starting it over in the fall season always feels good, of course I know the Gilmore Girls is another great fall show to fall into so just kind of tune into what would feel comforting, what would feel cozy and let yourself do some of those things. Another ritual that you can embrace through the fall season is completing and clearing it out so the energy of the season is great for completing projects, taking things off of your to-do list completely and just clearing out things that are no longer serving you and instead of doing this in a perfectionistic way where it has to be complete give yourself the grace and the acknowledgement that most things in life are cyclical and they come back around in one way or another so a good example of this is the closet like you are going to have things in your closet that you hate wearing but you keep it in there because it serves a very specific purpose and maybe you've kept it in there season after season can you give yourself the grace the guidance the courage to clear that out of your closet this season and know that maybe you aren't going to do a total overhaul of your closet but you're just going to take a few things out a little bit of pruning a little bit of decluttering to make your closet feel better for you and again just do it in a way that feels smooth and supportive but not like I have to get this absolutely perfect over time you're going to curate that vibe and that energy that you want into eventually get to a place where you feel really good about your closet but instead of trying to do it all in like a short period of time just taking it bit by bit finally the last ritual for the season that I'm recommending just today in this episode is to align with appreciation so fall is that time of harvest of reaping what you've sewed of really just gathering the goodness that you've built up through this year and so it's a really great time to focus on the good things in your life to focus on the things that you want to cultivate more of that's at the heart of this whole podcast and why I started it is to celebrate the good in life and to cultivate more of what you want and so aligning with appreciation and inviting appreciation in throughout your day like really just pausing to notice the things that you love the things that feel good and of course celebrating when things fall into place celebrating when you experience alignment and serendipity that is going to help you continue to align with appreciation through the whole season so this episode is short it's sweet it's an open door to exploring the energy that autumn brings and how bringing ritual into it can support you for this season or potentially for the whole year if you choose to join a year of calm if you've enjoyed today's episode please be sure to connect with me on instagram i'm at keleen a lease every day this season i've been sharing inner voice insights over on instagram stories so these are like little bite sized prompts that you can bring into every day so i hope that you're enjoying that and if you aren't seeing them come over to my profile at keleen a lease so you can check those out and if you are wanting to dive more into ritual this season then treat yourself to an autumn of ritual it's just 22 like i said and it really will be that strong foundation that you need to soak up all of the goodness of the season and if you're getting the nudge to really treat yourself to really focus on yourself to cultivate that connection with your intuition join a year of calm you totally deserve it and i can't wait to work with you i'll be back next week with a fresh episode and i'll talk to you then bye bye. (gentle music) (gentle music)