Basement Bar: Beers & Babble

"Engaging" Stories: Return of Rodg!

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) The following podcast is brought to you by the 99 Network. New missions to premiere spot to all your local podcast needs. Hold up. Do you love terrible B-movies, fans of wrestling and power Rangers? Step into Amityville Studios and join Rick and Eric for some side-splitting laughter and great banter on why to arrange a conversations. Find it where all podcasts can be found. Wide a range of conversations with Rick and Eric. ( This podcast is laying into a mature nature. Spencer and Eddie don't know what they're talking about and in no way should be taken seriously. They are idiots. In fact, this podcast should not be listened or viewed by anyone, but regardless, welcome to the basement bar, beers and babble. Cheers. Oh yeah, that's who's back, back, back again, again, again, babble, back, back, back, back again. Yeah, tell your friends. (laughing) Yeah. Tell your friends, Brussels, tell your friends. Everybody else that listens to us, tell your friends. I know we've been getting, - Down and that up. - We've been getting a bunch of different fucking states listening to us and it gets me hyped up and I feel like if we take it back a little bit, it'll excite them a little bit more, every single episode that drops. - Yeah. - 'Cause we got one, guess where the newest one's from? - Where's the newest one from? - Madagascar. No way. I was like, what the fuck? - Are you kidding me? - Yeah. - Fuck. - I go shake some asymatogascar. - Yeah. Weemers and shit, that's awesome. - Welcome back to the basement bar, beers and babble. It's Labor Day, we took what it was. We took some time off, we apologize, but we've got so much shit going on. - Yeah, not only that, but I'm so excited to be back. - Yeah. - I've been thinking about this, I just took a huge, kind of like reset. Kind of like, you know. - It's sabbatical. - Yeah, just like, put my mind somewhere else. - Yeah. - And coming back, I was excited for two things, really, and one was not going back to my normal life. It was coming back to a basement bar, beers and babble. - Yeah. - And the other was playing the fucking drums. - Yeah. - And I got to do two in three days, so I'm super excited, man. - Hell yeah. - This is great, I feel really good to be back, so happy to see your beautiful face, having seen you in a while. - Oh, I know, I know. - So it's been, you've been out in the woods playing fucking Fred Bear. - Yeah, except the sad thing is, I didn't grow hair and I didn't grow a beard. - I know. - Which means the good thing happened. - The good thing happened. - So, yeah, a lot of stuff has happened over the past couple of weeks. Things have been moving and grooving, but we're back and we're excited. - Cheers, man. - Cheers, absolutely. No, oh, we wanna apologize for the audio, we tried out the new setup, and it sounded fine while we were doing it, and then when I went to edit, it was garbage. - I just went to dog shit. - Yeah, and I tried to make it the best I could, but I apologize, so we're back to holding our weiners. - Yup, yup. - And I'm okay with just holding something up to my mouth for an hour, yeah. - Yeah, it's not bad. - It's fine. - It's not bad, but we're about to be jizz monsters. No, I'm just kidding. - Jackie love. - And you'll be able to find those on our Patreon, actually, that you can purchase, and please go check out it, it'd be fun. - Yeah, I gotta put that shit on there. - Yeah, but the first episode has the-- - The first episode of "Jizz Monster." - The first episode of "Jizz Monster." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) And yeah, no guess this week, holiday weekend, and I don't know, Raj might wander down, I don't know. - I know what he does, man. He's been kind of AFK. - Well, he's been busy, he's been working hard, redoing, redid the whole fucking deck. - Well, he's basically making the whole property into a festival ground. - Yeah. - For upcoming, for Big Speak Fest. - Speak Fest. - Yeah, you guys are gonna hear all about that, but me and Eddie will probably not remember, so we're just gonna be like, "It happened, it was great." - Yeah, well, even Raj had put up, he's like, "Hey, I'm gonna run power "over to this corner of the deck." And I think it'd be great if the Cross Faded Sports guys did a show live, 'cause we're gonna be having the U of M game and the MSU game, playing back to back. - Right. - And if they interview people and stuff, and Tony was like, "Batt, I'm fucking excited." - Oh, that's really cool. - So, yeah, yeah. We might do a show, maybe we'll see how it goes, but to at least have them out here doing a live, that'd be real neat. - Yeah, so check that out, that's gonna be all over the 989 network, and we'll be promoting on our page, of course. - Yeah, yeah, it'd be fun. - So what the fuck has been happening? Where have you been? What's going on? - Shit, man. - Take me a picture. - Well, Eddie's known all about it, so I'll paint the people about it. - Take me on a magic carpet, right. - So, you know me, I'm Smeeks, I'm Spencer, I'm the other half of Basement Bars Beers and Beble, and-- - The third. - Oh yeah, the third, I forget. - Yeah. - Roger's first, and then it's me and Eddie. - Yeah. - So, yeah, I'm one of the Trios, and probably the last place, but anyway, you know me, I like camping, I like going up north, love going up north. So I went up north this weekend, and I made a big commitment. It was the first step to the end of my life. - Yeah. - I proposed-- - You got a tattoo? - No. - Oh, I proposed. (laughing) I'm my ass cheek, you know, I'm just kidding. - I propose. - Yeah, I'm on each cheek. - Yeah, mom. - Or wow, when you get drunk enough. - Oh. (laughing) - I didn't even think about that, they fall over it. - Yeah, well, congratulations. - Thank you, thank you. - That's awesome. - Yeah, it made me happy, drank a lot of beer, drank a lot of champagne. - Nice. - Had a lot of great meals, camping meals are the best. You know, it's just no shit. - Hey! - There he is. - Jesus Christ, I think first time he's been back since seven and a half weeks, I believe. - Something, man, it's been a couple months. - Yeah, I think the fucking, your ass prints came out of that chair because you've been gone so long. But yeah, right, if you guys all know that sound when we all cheer, it's Roger Smeagull coming down to the basement bar. - Yeah. - So that, no, but yeah, this weekend happened, man. It was really cool. I proposed right when I got there, and then after that, it was just party time. - The trailer held up well in the rustic. I took the electric camper into the deep woods. - Yeah, that makes no fucking sense. - Yeah, no, it really didn't. - You're like, oh, I got this fancy thing, and I'm gonna hook it up to nothing. - Yeah, but my buddy brought out his electric generator. So in the middle of the night, we kind of hooked it up to the trailer, and we had the LED lights on, we had the radio kick in, and we had a lot of people come up going, "How the fuck, what are you doing?" (laughing) 'Cause there was a deal with the fifth wheel that had no power. And he came up to me, he's like, "How the fuck are you doing with that with no engine?" - No, there's nothing on. What are you doing? I was like, well, it's a thing called Jackery, you know, it's an electric generator, a thing that you have power with solar panels, you know? And yeah, we were just kicking, man. Jackery was really cool, it worked out, and it was just funny. Like he was like, "Fuck, I'll stay for a bit." And we're like, "I can crack a bear!" Like, "I'm the fuck, you ain't got nowhere else to go." He was just like, "It's just crazy." Like, you guys, I swear to God, you're the only one with fucking light out here. And we were like, "Yeah, man, what kind of color do you want?" I started switching, he's like, "I fucking kill you." It was really cool. It was just really, it was really cool. - Well, we know where all the bugs were. - Yeah. Well, no, actually, you know, it actually worked really well. Just, we didn't really get torn up too much. I went on a seven mile hike to a place called Lost Lake. It was really cool. Found a lake that people don't visit very often. And we found footprints and started freaking out about that, but-- - That's why it's called Lost Lake. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Lost Lake. - Like Lost Lake. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were just like, "Holy shit, man, fucking can't find it anymore." You know? No, but it was really cool. 'Cause it was a really good time. No, we had a, yeah, it was just fantastic. I had a reset. And then the lady told me they were shutting down the electrical campsite on Tuesday, actually for the rest of the season. It's done for the year up there at Life of River. And she was like, "You guys leave Monday "'cause we had to make a reservation." So I told her about my engagement. She's like, "I'm gonna let you in on a few secrets." She's like, "We're shutting down everything on Tuesday." She's like, "So the pump where you have to dump your shit afterwards?" Which sucks, that's the worst thing to do when you're camping. But what I get it done, I got disposable gloves and I'm really good at it. Make it like a less than five minute ordeal. She was like, "That closes down "so Monday's gonna be really busy." - Pumping dump, pumping dump. - So Monday, me and Rob woke up at like seven. Started packing up, we're really good at packing up now. So we got hooked up and out of there in about 45 minutes. I roll up to the dump station, no one was there, clean, pull in, jump that shit, no pun intended, got the fuck home. It was amazing. And how dirty was my truck when I pulled up? And that was fucking filthy, right? - Yeah, it was pretty dirty. - Went to Mr. hit the two times through the drive-through. Backed him down, hit that third one, huh? - Cheer. - The lady finally at the end was like, "Roll down your window." And I was like, "What?" And she's like, "Is there something more missing?" And I was like, "Have you seen my truck?" I was like, "It's getting cleaner, but it's not clean." And she's like, "Well, Christ sakes, "we don't fucking wax it by hand." Like it was like, you know, she just had that look on her like, "Jesus Christ." And I was like, "Can you get the wheel wells though?" And she's like, "Yeah, so shit." They did that old firehouse thing or they're right on your window. - Yeah. - They did that. And it was just like, "Wheel well." Wrote the whole word. And I'm like, "Right now I'm worried about that "not being wiped off, you know?" 'Cause they don't have the one thing. - Do you do the membership thing? - Yeah, okay. - I was in fuck 20 times, $20 to Jesus. - No, I have the monthly, so I can go through this many times. And finally, the last time the dude really spent some time, like we got it backed up like four card lengths 'cause he went around to each wheel well, power washed him all. And I was like, "I don't want this motherfucker "come through again." - Yeah, like it was third fucking time in the last 20 minutes. - Yeah, we're losing money on this guy. - Oh yeah, and I vacuumed the hell out of my truck. But yeah, it was great. - Take mine down there tomorrow. - I know, right? - I need mine vacuumed out. - Yeah, I wish you could just like put that pass on somebody else's like, "I wish it was just like a card." But no, it's just, it's an RFD tag on the front of your windshield that scans it every time. So you can't take those off, you know? Even with my Jeep, when I turned it in, I just left it and canceled the membership. Like it's just like, "Oh fuck it," you know? Why didn't cancel it? I actually got transferred. But other than that, sorry, tangent. My weekend was fantastic. What is happening with you there, Squidward? - A whole lot, there was, we had our company golf outing two weeks ago, which is my last call story. - Golf, yeah. - And will be my public apology to everybody I work with. (laughing) And then work has been going really well. I've been running a bunch of line. Of course, when it's 90 fucking degrees out last week, I'm up in the ceiling, that was blast. But then I wrote a program last week that takes the voicemails when they come in and transcribes them and then sends out an email notification with the transcription of the voicemail and a copy of the audio file as well. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah, so that was a lot of fun. Your brain's been moving at like 7,000 RPM, huh? - Yeah, today I was writing Ansible scripts to automate the installation and updates of like Linux and shit. - Ansible. - Ansible. - Ansible. It's a program on Linux that helps with automation, but you have to like write the code out the YAML files and shit. - See, you do coding and it blows my mind 'cause when it gets up to that code-- - I do, I do like script, kitty stuff. I'm like, I'm the very basic of code. - But you still know how to do it. It's fucking wild. I'm old as go, I hand write notes. (laughs) - I still do that. - Fuck that computer shit. - I have a notebook where I hand write my notes. - Yeah, and then you do it on the computer. Yeah, it's fucking wild. - Yeah. - Jesus, so where it's been busy, golf outing was crazy. - Yeah. - What'd you do this weekend? - A whole lot of nothin'. - Oh good. - It was pretty good. It was, we hung out at the pool with Roger and Donna. - Oh yeah, big Labor Day party. - Yeah, a few people came over, haven't seen it in a while, so that was a lot of fun. - Nice. - And then Sunday went to church. It was their last outdoor one of the year. - Cool. - And I actually had my chair, my very fancy nice chair that Roger and Donna got me for my life. - Oh, you rocker? - Yeah, so you were rockin'. - So I was like, hell yes, I was the only one rockin'. Yeah, it was great. - That's awesome. - People were probably like, fuck, I had a game. - Yeah, and then I was like. - Everybody else was rollin'. - Yup. - No. (laughs) - And then the, - That was great, it was Jesus. - Wait, what? - What? - No, he was rockin' everybody else was rollin'. - Oh yeah, holy rollers. - Well, you can't have any rock without some roll, baby. - Yeah, and Sunday I was gonna get more shit done with the basement and stuff. I cleaned our fuckin' water meters, rusted, corroded out and leaking. So I got to go to the city and be like, hey bitch, replace this please. - No, yeah, Jesus. - So I cleaned that up, finally got a hose for my dehumidifier, so it'll stay on all the time and got more of the basement cleared out and then sat for a day and a half. - Good. - Just hung out with Tiffany, just watched Connors and, we've been watching a lot of this, help I wrecked my house. - You were saying that, yeah. - Dude, I fuckin', I don't know, I get on spurts of like HGTV where I love watchin' fuckin' design and read modelin' and all that stuff. All this stuff, Roger knows how to do that I wish I knew how to do, so. It's fun, it's peaceful. It's like when I was on this, didn't watchin' those concrete guys. It was like a month where I just every day, to start my day and watch dudes just pour concrete, spread it out. - I like that, yeah, I like that. - I'm more on the kickin', look at the history channel, watchin' air disasters. - Oh, there you go. - Oh, Jesus. - Watch all the playing crashes and shit. - Well, you know, we're goin' on a plane in a month. - Oh, figure each one yourself out. - Get done all nervous. You know what I've been into right now? - Well, what about you? - Oh, yeah, what you been doin'? Well, I just wanted to say that. - You guys are just callin' shit, air disasters, mine's Chernobyl, I like diggin' into that. But anyway, yeah, radiation and shit, it's crazy. - Raj, what you been doin', man? And don't you say nothing because it's a fuck ton. - Workin'. - You got the deck done, you got the-- - In this decade, no baby deck. - It's a 2,000 square foot fucking deck. - The deck is the size of my fuckin' out 200 square foot bigger than my house. - Yeah. - Well, that's, well, I just gotta hang the lights on. I just gotta put the pulse up and hang the lights and I'll be done with it. - That's awesome. And today was yard day. - Yeah. - So four hours cuttin' grass. - Hell, easy. - Hour and a half of trimming. - Couldn't even drive down the road to do my two hours either. - And then, got all the weeds sprayed today, got the pool vacuumed. It's all these dirty bastards we're over at the weekend. - Yeah, it wasn't me. - It wasn't me. I was dirty here and I was up north. - To be fair, I didn't mean to actually get it. - Yeah. - We're up there with you celebrating on Thursday, coming back, come down here to roll some smoke sound Friday in the bar and I see my Michigan State stool all the, or they're all busted the fuck. What the hell? - Uh oh. - Oh no. - Uh oh, the boys got something explainin' to do. - Oh no. - They didn't say anything to me when they came over Saturday. - Oh shit. - Oh shit. - That's awesome. - So that's even worse. - I'ma be asking that. - Because of that, man, we broke your stool, okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Ooh, someone looked at 'em like-- - You'll be gettin' their call to 'em all. - Fuck is this? - You'll be gettin' their call to 'em all 'cause I'm gonna roast those fuckers. There's no excuse. There was no one here besides those fuck-- - Yeah. - I don't know who-- - John Mason and Dennis, if you're listenin' to this, you fuckers, you fuckin' destructive bitches. - You're a son of a bitch. Yeah, go back to the 1970s to pick another one of them up. - Yeah. - Fuckin' that's a, that's a priceless pool stool. What are you doin'? - Start with four, no, I'm done with two. - Was the first one me? - No, I don't know. - Okay, I was too young. - I don't know if you remember what the hell happened in the first one. - Yeah, that's probably-- - Those are too small, I would never sit on 'em. 'Cause that's exactly what would happen. (laughing) I know better. - We're gonna blame Dennis 'cause he's a fact-jerker that still ain't here, that fucker. - No, just gettin' in there. - Yeah, use those tailgatin' 35 years ago. - Man, that sucks. What the fuck are they doin'? - Ah, damn. - I don't know. - At least it wasn't you ever seein' a fucking rocker. - Oh, yeah, shit. Yeah, man, somebody woulda died. (laughing) - Oh, man. - So life's been good around the acres, huh? - It will be when I'm fuckin' done. - Well, I tell you what. - Christ. - Man, Eddie, we're just talkin' about that. You're building the backyard for the festival grounds, man. - That's right. - Actually, I did get two commitments. No RSVP, they said, "Well, we still got RSVP." I was like, "You better get on there." But I know who is for sure comin'. I'm not gonna say their names, but they're for sure comin'. - Yeah, well, they live up where I was campin', so there you go. - Okay. (laughing) What about their kids? - Yup. - Okay. - And their kids? - Yup. - And I know their kids. - Yeah, so the triple-a, they're all comin'. And one of 'em was, ah, nevermind. This is after podcast talk. But yeah, super exciting. Fuckin' hey, good for you. - Yeah. - He got all the wood cleaned up. Got all the weeds sprayed again. So literally goes all fuckin' dying all the way. - Fuckin', so I was gearing up to go campin' on Thursday. - Yeah. - You know, the plan was to come over and cut wood at seven o'clock in the morning, and I had a lot of shit to do in the morning, I had to run, you know, get the dogs' nails cut. Don't give me flack, but yeah, I had to do that, and then I had to run on the other side. I did basically a tour of Bay City that morning. Just keep my mind off things. I had a lot of shit to do, and then I get to the Smingle Acres, and Raj has so much wood cut up, and he's like, "Is this enough of my Christ?" And sure shit, it was, because on Sunday, we had a rager of a fire. Huge fire. - Did you get to get to burn it all, or did you give it away? - Nope, burn it all, burn it. Well, in fact, come on, man. I was a little cold on Sunday, man. - Well, I just won't give her hell, you know? I almost burned the tallest pine in Davos. (laughing) So yeah, so it was, yeah, a shit ton of wood, and he's just sweating his ass off my fucking head. I'm sorry, and he's like, "Nope, you're just, we'll load it." And I was like, "Jesus," so filled about half my truck with wood, and my bed's deep, it's three feet. - Yeah. - You know, three feet, yo. And so we loaded that beer up, and I was like, our beer up, we loaded that wood up. I got my trailer, I said to go, and I'm like, "Shit, let me go buy you lunch." So he's like, "All right." So we head downtown, we go to Beavers just for a quick. I had napped, I couldn't eat with a shit, I was on the verge of throwing up, 'cause of what I was gonna do later that day. And went to Beavers, and he smashed the lumberjack that was on special. - Yeah. - Ooh, special. There you go, 10 bucks. - Yeah, it was $10, cheapest, and we had four beers. Well, two each. Cheapest Beavers check I've ever received. It was like under $30, I was like, "Dang!" So I was like, "Well, this service is getting a hell of a dip." - Yeah, but normally around 67 people, right. Yeah, so I made it right, I made it right. What I did normally, Peg, it says Beavers, probably I was expecting it. And I was like, "How should we go get some Selly Stokes?" And he's like, "Yes, we went to Timothy's." Want to tell him who was there? - Tim. - Yeah. - Timothy. - The Timothy. - With all of his fucking, on a Thursday afternoon. - There you go. - Timothy had that bitch stacked up. - About 20 guys in there sitting in all the recliners and couches having a stove inside. - Heck yeah, I've been in there in years. - Sure shit, we're walking out. - Yeah, go ahead. - No, you go ahead. You said, "We walk in there." We say, "We walk in there." - Yeah, we walk in there, found some vanilla flavored cigars. - Good ones. - About those walking out. Tim turns around and goes, "Hey, how you doing? Thank you." I'm like, "Pretty good." - Yeah. - Thank you. - Talked to Raj like a new the feller. I was like, "Fuckin' hey, Raj. How many times you been in here?" He's like, "Enough." - I was like, "I don't think I've been in there since we went to Ryan one time." - Oh wow, so it has been a while. - Yeah, it's been a while. Jesus. - That's when I met him. First time I went in there with Ryan. - Oh, no shit, so he did know you. Okay, 'cause he didn't fucking blink an eye at me, but he saw Raj and he's like, "Hey, how you doing?" - Oh, he knew Ryan. - He knew Ryan. - Yeah, so he fucking hit Raj with the high. I know you and fucking, I pass, like without nothing in the world. So I'm sitting at the door like a little fucking chimp. Like I'm like, "Come on, Dad." You know? I'm fucking, let's go. Hell, it was a good time though, you know? Got on the way, I backed up that trailer like a fucking champ and you know it. Not even, didn't even put it in drive. That whole driveway with that big-ass trailer back it all the way up. - Good. - I'm getting good on it. - Almost hit the bank of mailboxes, but. - Yeah, yeah. - No, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, "Go!" And I'm like, "Dad, I have to go forward." Or else I'm gonna hit these mail, but he just checked back and he's like, "Get on." I'm like, "Get out of my way." - So it just fixed my mailbox. - I know. Yeah, I almost did, I was probably what? Two feet away from them sons of bitches. - That was crazy. - Yeah, I was close. - He's putting in the last screw and then he just bang and he's like, "Son of a bitch!" - Yeah. - I did that years ago to a guy. - Oh, no. (laughing) - I wanna hear it. - Right here. - Right here. - Yeah. - You just put a post in, some other post is, it was a composite post. So it wouldn't rust or deteriorate or anything, you know? - Yeah. - I was working the way out, BFE. I was working at safety clean at the time and I was backing out of his driveway. Backing out and he's standing there and then it pulled up a little bit. I'm like, "Oh, fuck." And he's standing there like, "Really?" (laughing) Like 15 seconds and you fucking did. (laughing) So how much was the post so he told me? So I said, "I'll send you a check." So I paid for it, you know? - Yeah. (laughing) - He just put the fucker up. - Oh man. - He just mounted the box to the post. - At least he didn't get fucking mad about it. He was just like, "Are you serious?" - He kind of chuckles a little bit. - He's like, "Really?" 15 seconds. (laughing) And where was this at? Harder Saginaw or what? - Oh no, it was way out in the thumb of someone. - Oh. - So BFE place, but-- - Deckerville or something. - Well yeah, where he's got to drive 50 fucking miles to get the next fucker there. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Part of that. - Yeah, way out there. - Way out there in Decker where the bad boys were. - Am. - Oh, that's-- - How was his name to me? - McVay. - McVay. - McVay. - Oh, the bomber. - Yeah, the bomber. - Yeah, yeah, he was staying there with two brothers or something, or cousins or something. - He was drove by that house many, many times. - Yeah. - And after that shit happened, I'm coming down the road and I'm like, "What the fuck?" There was these black SUVs everywhere. (laughing) And they, I get like half a mile from my house and they fucking stop me. I said, "Man, I gotta go to that body shop "that's a mile past this house." - Yeah. - What's in the, you know, and here I'm carrying everything to make a fucking bomb. - Right? - In the back of this truck. (laughing) - Oh, no. - Oh, no. - And they're like, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yes." All right, we're following you. I said, "That's fine." - Yeah. - If you follow me all the way there, you stayed there until I was done and follow me all the way back. (laughing) I get it. I get it. - Oh, yeah. - That explosion in Oklahoma City was crazy. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, I took out that. - Oh, half the FBI building? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I didn't even think about that until after they kept asking questions. I'm like, "You know what? (laughing) Everything in the back of this fucking truck could blow a fucking building up. - Oh, yeah. He makes it right. - Yeah. - So. - Fucking out there, breaking bad in the phone. (laughing) - Right, right. (laughing) - He was a guy in the body shop was cracking up because they actually let you buy there. (laughing) This is how they follow me. He looks out and goes, "Oh shit, yep." Couple of, couple of SUVs, you know, tenured windows that didn't even look like you could see out of. (laughing) - Yeah, just blast. - Sitting in the parking lot. - Man. - Waitin' for me. - God. - That's awesome. - That's, yeah. - Tiffany and I just watched a documentary on that. - Oh, really? It's okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - That? - Oh. - That shit, yeah. I dug into that myself a couple of years back. That's creepy. - Yeah. - Very creepy. I've been watching a lot of the fuckin' like serial killer tapes. - Yeah. - Those are nasty. - Yeah, Tiffany's watched though. - How they can like sit in there and it's like, what do you think about killing people? Would you kill me? - Yes. - I hope you never get out. - Me too. - Like it's like. (laughing) - He's sitting there telling you that. - Oh yeah. - And you're sitting there talking to him as a normal human and he's like, "I wanna kill you?" Like, "Fuck that." No. - I'm gonna kill you. - I don't get outta here. Don't bring that shit up, man. - All right. - Well, you know Uncle Danny. I laughed my ass out one time, went to Saginaw to one of their burger nights and it was on Halloween. So he was dressed up and he was taking the money like he normally does when you go in. - At the KC there? - At the KC. - Yeah. - You know, while I look at him, I'm like, I had to figure it out. It took me about 10 to 15 seconds. And I just busted out laughing. He's sitting there in a white T-shirt and he has those little tiny boxes of cereal. - Yeah. - That you can buy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He had those all like taped to the shirt. - Okay. - And a knife in the middle. - Oh, he's a cereal killer. - A serial killer. (laughing) - That's great. That's creative. I like that. - Oh, it was funny. It's cost effective. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know what's back? We just watched episode one of season four of. - Well, season three of shorty. - No, season four of Only Murders in the Building. - Oh, I know me and Rob got to start watching it. I know Martin Stewart, Steve Martin, Selena Gomez. What a trio. - Oh, so good. - Don't tell me anything about it. - Was it gold? Only Murders in the Building. - That's, so they basically do a podcast. - It's like in stereo. (laughing) - Yeah, out of both ears. They basically do a podcast in the middle of the. - I was trying to do it to him again. - They basically make a podcast in the middle of the episode or like through the episodes and it's called Only Murders in the Building because like murders only happen in their building. - People keep dying in their building. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That have lived there, yeah, I guess, 'cause season three is. - And yet they stay. - Yeah, I'm gonna say it, which one is killing everybody. - But they investigate it. Well, it's a different one every time. It is and then basically you would love a dad 'cause it's, you would probably get it first episode. - Is it a different person killing? Or is it not? - Yeah. - I mean, I figured it would be a different person being killed. - 'Cause they arrest him every time. - It is, it's kind of like if Martin Short and Steve Martin did Clue. - Oh, okay. - It's, yeah, it's actually really good. I really, really enjoy it. - It's amazing. - Yeah. - And you know how I feel about Martin Short? I love that man. - Oh, yeah. - I love his brain just as much as he loved dips. - Nathan Lane was in the first or second season, too? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Welcome, love Nathan Lane. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Let's go check. - Speaking of short, if a midget tells a woman that her hair smells good. - Oh, no. - Is that sexual arrest? - Yes, it is. (laughing) 'Cause you know, he's scratching the fupa, scratching sniffing up. - Scratching the fupa. (laughing) - Fat under pussy area, fupa. - Oh, I got him. I got him. (laughing) Hey, speaking of beer. - You want one? - I have a beer, but I'd also have - The beer. - The beer, do we? - Yup. (buzzing) - Beer. - I'd have a beer. (upbeat music) - Beer of the week. (upbeat music) - All right, beer of the week. It is Turbo Putt IPA from Austin Brothers Beer Co. in Alpina, Michigan. A 6.5% ABV. 55 IBU. Cheers. - Cheers. - It's a lot better than I was expecting it to be. - That is a true IPA. - Yeah. - It's light. It's frothy. I love it 'cause it's a disc golf beer. - Yeah, it's a disc golf beer. - I saw that cannon, I was like. - It's just like good. - Don't be mean. - Like the bottom of a putter. - No. (laughing) - No. - It was a sweaty insole of a shoe. - Mm. - Oh yeah, get that good fupa cheese. (laughing) - No, this is fantastic. I am gonna give this. - I give it a negative one. - I give it a 4.5. - You must not have fucking taste buds. - I give it a 4. - I burned 'em off when I was in. - Did you find me and me? - Yeah, that's good. - Thank you to Ideal Party Store where all the fancy beers can be found. - It's like disc golf, you know? It starts out great. - And then sucks. - Finish his heart. (laughing) - No, it's good. - Hey. - Do you know the open up of this course in Bay City? - Yeah. - Yeah, a little putt putt putt course over in Putt's Park. - Putt's Park. - Yeah. - Booty Park. - It's a putt putt course in Putt's Park, a little nine-holer. Tony got his first ace ever. - Hey, you got two of 'em, didn't he? - Oh, yeah, that's right. - Yeah, on the Tony footer? - Yeah, yep. - That was basically a putt putt. - That's basically a long putt but it counted. - Jesus. - It's like a hemlock. It's a little bit smaller than hemlocks. - Really? - Yeah, yeah. Nice course. Hell yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Ideal. Turbo Putt, IPA. - Turbo Putt, IPA. - So, after-- - Beer to eat. - Now we have-- - Beer Trivia! - That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The basement bar, Beer's in battle. Great to eat. (audience applauding) Trivia! - All right, for beer trivia this week. - Of beer trivia. - I'm gonna give you 10 questions. - Oh, fuck yeah, dude. We can like, maybe fail. - All right. - All right. - So this'll be your competition. Let's see if you guys can-- - So like seven, right? - One wins or passes. - Well, we'll do all 10 just to get her. Oh, and actually I do have an 11 tiebreaker if we need it. So, this is beer slogans. - Oh, okay. I got this. - Name the beer for which the slogan is four. Okay, number one. The beer that made Milwaukee famous. - Oh, my. Milwaukee's best. - Wrong. Schlitz. - Damn, dad. What the fuck you got this? - Schlitz is a fucking stroper. (laughing) - That's wrong. - Number two. Hooray beer. - Wait, what? - Hooray beer. - Oh, that sounds gay, Bud Light. (laughing) I'm sorry. (laughing) - Never heard that one. - Red strike. - Oh. (laughing) - That's why. - Red strike. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. I take that back. - Zero, zero. Okay, number three. Miles away from ordinary. What the hell do you find? - Miles away from ordinary. Miles away from Heineken. - I have no clue. - Oh, I got it wrong anyway. - Corona. - Oh, yeah, it was one of them skunky ones. - All right, number five. Always smooth, even when you're not. - Guinness. No, no. No, it's not. - No clue. - Keystone. - Ah, Keystone is smooth. Yeah, I forgot about that. - All right. Still zero zero. Yeah. - Yeah, what are we on there? - All right, here you go. Number six. Head for the mountains. - Bush. - Bush. - Bush. - Damn it. All right, Roger's on the board. - Said for the mountain, looking for a bush. - Yeah. - Beer. - I'm about to put bush light on the thigh too. That's crazy. - Number seven. - Seven. - The National Beer of Texas. Lone Star. Lone Star. - Is that even a fucking beer? What are you doing? - Yeah. - All right, Raj two. Spence zip. Number eight. Lose the carbs, not the beer. Bud Light. - McAlter. - McAlter. - Well, you guessed twice. - Well, you guessed first. - I gave it another second 'cause I was like. - All right, three nothing. Number nine. Australian for beer. - I know, my terrible Australian accent. I apologize to our Australian listeners. - Australian for beer. - Australian for beer. - I can see the fucking can. I can't read the label. - Yeah. - I can see the label. - Yeah. - I can see the fucking can. I can't read the label. - It's the oil can, man. - I know. - The oil can? - Yeah, the big one. - I can't think of it. - Go on once. - Go on twice. - Hands. - Fosters. - Fosters. - Yes. - Fosters. All right, three zero. Finally, number 10. The Champagne of beer. - That is Miller High Life. - Miller High Life. - Yep, it is Miller High Life, but it's Miller High Life. - Well, what did you, did you fuck up? - What'd you say in the beginning? - I said Miller Beers. - Miller High Life. - Yeah. - It is Miller High Life. - I said that's the second. - Miller High Life, yeah. - Yep. All right, four to nothing. Roger is our winner. - Oh, give me the tie break. - Oh, give me the tie break. - Still failed it. - Give me the tie. If I, if winner takes all on this one. - All right. - It's okay. - Budweiser. (laughing) - Schlitz. - Stay thirsty, my friends. - Stay thirsty, my friends is Heineken. No. - No, no, no, no, no. - Don't suck. - Don't suck. - Fuck yeah. (laughing) - Well, he gets it gets twice? - No, he gets twice. - Listen, Doseki's is the most interesting man in the world, which also John said that Doseki's fucked up Eddie's the most interesting man on earth because any time you talk about a story, Eddie's like, yeah, fucking back in soccer, fucking 2005. I fucking did that. You know, it's crazy. He's like, yeah, I hiked up him out in both ways. No snowshoes, if I can sock off. And Eddie's just like that. - Jen, how I sound, I'm sorry. - No, no, no, not like that. Like someone will be telling a story and you just chime in. We're just like, yeah, I remember me and my friend, Darby's or whatever. You're like, I did that, you know. - Yeah, it's just funny. - Sorry, I don't mean to be that guy. - No, God, no, it's just funny because John was just like, yeah, Doseki's fucked up. Eddie's the most interesting man in the world. It was when we were at the boxing rink gig and just every time we said something, you're just like, I fucking did that. And we're just like, God damn, you were fucking awesome. Eddie, God damn. Oh, I'm glad he had another one 'cause we're getting low. We only got the one more to left. - Oh shit. - So here you got school bus stories and I'm very curious on what you have to say about that. - Well, actually, can we continue on with trivia and then we'll get to school bus stories? - Yeah, that was it. - Well, I know, but I have. - Oh, you have a trivia now. - Oh shit. - So in the woods. - Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang. - There. - So in the woods, I'm in a man named Cornelius Johnson. I know, sounds made up, but it's true. - Okay. - Hold the guy from Rudolph, a red nose reindeer. - No, that's Cornelius. - Cornelius, something. - Cornelius Johnson, but this guy's name was actually Cornelius Johnson. And he had three trivia questions for me and I'm gonna ask him to you guys. Now we'll do best two out of three here. - Or you can Cornelius. - You can Cornelius. So anybody that gets it right. Yeah, we'll get there. Anyway, first question. - Okay. - What is the capital of Kentucky? - Kay, Lexington. - Nope. - Kay, is that okay? Kentucky? - No. - Oh, okay, no, no, it's Luzburg. - No, it's not. - Lexington. - Nope. It's Frankfurt. - Oh, is it? - Fuck. See, I haven't done that in a long time. - What is the second planet from the sun? - Mars. - Venus. - Yes. - Eddie, one. - Fuck you. - Dad, nothing. The Civil War was one of the most famous wars that America has stepped foot on. If you give me one of the four years that we were involved, I'll give you a-- - It was 1963 to 1966. - No, it was absolutely not. - '19, but-- - '1863 to '16, '16, '16, '16, '16, '16. - Well, you guys are both right. It is 1861 through '16, '65. - Five. - Damn. - So, you guys gave me both one year. - '19 is wild. - No, no, no, no, '19 is wild. - '19, '16. - '19, '16, '18. - The Civil War! - '19, '16, '16, '16, '16. - You know what I meant. - That was more like a Vietnam, okay? - Yeah, out of 100 people, out of 100 people-- - Kay. - That we're asked those three questions. How many got it right? And you have to get, if winner takes all of you, get it right on the dime. - Six, 23. - Damn! - Oh shit, six. - It was five. - Oh. - Damn, I got that. That was the only question I got right. I was like five, and he was like, it was five. I was like, "Yes." - Yeah, Cornelius Johnson, wild man. Hidden golf balls in the middle of the world. - Fernford, Kentucky, son of a bitch. - That's a tough one. - Yeah. - He was like, what's the capital of Kentucky? - I used to, yeah, I know. - You used to immediately. - Yeah. - Hayden got Venus right. - Would you say 1861 to 1865? - Okay, I knew it was mid, early mid '60s. - Yeah, that's a tough one, isn't it? Jesus. - Fuck. - Yeah, it's a good one. - That's good, I like that. We should do a trivia one of these times. We've only gone out to trivia together like twice. - I would love to do the office trivia. I'd be, I'd be gang at that. - We would do pretty well. - School bus stories. What do we got? - No. - I had to throw Cornelius Johnson's trivia questions out there. I'm sorry, he was a G. - I like it. I like it. I don't know, I just didn't know if you guys had any funnier school bus stories or something. Like for instance, when I was in grade school like third grade, fourth grade, actually it would have been second or third grade. As you know, from listening to this podcast, I have a gas problem and a tutelot. And I've hearted so much on the bus back in the day that the bus driver legitimately kicked me the fuck off the bus. - No way. - With a pink slip and left me stranded. - That's awesome. - In the fucking wilderness of the thumb. - Damn. (laughing) - Damn. - Yup, yup. - You were that spelling on? - Yeah, it was funny, that bus driver's name was Fats. Like that was what everybody call it, it was just Fats. Yup, I got a pink slip. I got a legitimate pink slip got kicked off the bus for stinkin', for stinkin' so bad. Yup, or one time I traded Danny Becker on Rest of Soul. Danny Becker, I traded him $5 for a piece of cheese. So I was really hungry one day. (laughing) - That's awesome. Guess the worst thing I ever did on school bus was me and like four other guys. Moon, we're stuck in traffic. So we're moon the guy next to us. - Yeah, we did that. - We got five days suspension for that. Almost what we do with the musical. - If our regular bus driver was on there, we probably would have too, but it was a sub and he was a guy and he was really cool. - Yeah, mister's in high school. - Yeah. - And we're stuck in, who guy, you know, hell he was yelling as somebody had. So I'll just fuckin' stood up and moon him. Stuck my ass right on that fuckin' glass. (laughing) - Yup, yeah we did that for a choir show. - I think he could have saw my prostatoes, presents some funny things. - Oh my gosh. - That's awesome. - You said you did that at a choir show? - Well, on the way to a choir festival thing. - Yeah. - And Mr. Vannaboom, because we got suspended, Kerberts and I for five days and it was during the auditions for the musical. We were not allowed to step foot on grounds for five days. Mr. Vannaboom, Mr. Smith had to go to the principal and be like, listen bitch, he's gotta be here. Like, they have to be here to audition. (laughing) So thanks to him, I got to come back for an hour audition and then I had to get the fuck out of there. (laughing) That's great, I love it. I pressed my ass so hard he could see my prostat. - Yeah. (laughing) - No, I-- - Where's the live by? Roger, the more you know, bum bum bum. - See, I was never like a hard kid in school, but when I was younger, I took the bus. Like, younger, younger, younger. - Mr. God, I got arrested. (laughing) - Never got arrested, Jesus Christ, I just got like, detained for a little bit. (laughing) - Temporarily detained, sorry, anyway. - No, but I was younger, I was like third grade or something and I had those rough wrestling action figures. I brought my Rey Mysterio to work, that was my work of art. - Nice. - Love Rey Mysterio. And some kid tried to take his helmet out, like his little mask off and I was like, no, no, no. And I got up and I shoved him down and I got kicked off the bus. And I don't know if it was mom or dad had to come pick me up from, it wasn't that far, but it was for Ellen so they didn't want me walking the country roads back home. Yeah, but they had to come and pick me up from there. - So, who pissed me off? - Well, that was-- - Fuck that kid, I still remember his face. I know his name, but I ain't worth it. - Yeah, fuck him, fuck him. - Fuck you, man. - I'm still fucking to this day, he's a piece of shit, fuck him. (laughing) Probably a frat boy and a 14th year of fucking college, fuck you. - Hey, I resemble that remark. - You probably went around there, go over and pull masks off. - Probably. - Fuck her. - Fuck an idiot, fuck a piece of shit, then fuck an idiot. Can't look. - So, the mask bandit. - We, I went to school in third grade. Didn't we all? - Kindergarten, first, second, third, and I couldn't fairgrove. - Jesus Christ. - And I think there's a second, third grade around that same time, yeah. - This is your second, third grade. - Yeah, second or third grade. - Oh, oh, I'm just kidding. - I was just kidding. - I was just kidding. - I was, the buses would park, like they'd park back at the school when the everyday was done or whatever they park back at the school, which was just on the edge of town. I fell asleep on the bus one time and woke the fuck up in that parking lot. Nobody around, nobody's in the, nothing. Just fucking nothing. Nobody thought to check the fucking bus or anything. I was just in there. So I like wandered out the bus. I start, my mom at the time worked at the bar in town at Colleen's bar. And so I fucking just wandered like half a mile down there and went in and I was like, "Hey." And she's like, "What are you doing here?" And I was like, "Ah, they left me." (laughing) - No, shit, this is my job. - It's my job, yeah. - Damn. - Yeah, yeah, I thought that was wild. - So you just chilled there for a little bit? - Yeah, yeah, I played darts and pool and stuff until she got out of work. - That's awesome. - Yup. - I can, that reminds me, I don't know why, but Rob was talking about Colin this weekend with our friends that we went up camp with. - Good things, I hope. - Oh my God, amazing. - Okay. - I didn't realize how much she actually loves that kid. She thinks she's a fucking sweetest thing. She was talking about Christmas Eve last year and how, or it was the last year or two years ago, I don't know, but she was like, "No, we're..." Hey, my buddy was talking about some job he had to do and he has to go to houses to do him, like fix his dry wall and stuff. And he had talked about how he met this kid and how he was like really sad for this kid or whatever and talked about the things that this kid did. And Rob and like felt a connection for some reason to bring up your kid's name, Colin, and was like, "Oh my God, no, because..." Basically he was talking about how genius this kid was, but his parents never gave him credit, you know? And Rob was like, "No, listen, "the smartest kid I ever have seen grow up is Colin." She actually thinks that your kid is a fucking genius. - Oh, well thank you. - She just wants him to fucking, like, she's like, "Yeah, Colin's gonna be something, "he just doesn't know it yet." I was like, "Damn, actually, that's really really smart. "He just applies it to the weird things like..." - But that's cool. - No, that's Pokemon and stuff. - He's still gonna be something. - Yeah, oh yeah. - He's growing with the culture that's growing right now. - Yeah. - And that's the thing that you guys actually appreciate, let him do. And he just doesn't know it yet. Like he gets to play the old school games. - Yeah. - He gets to play that. He gets to watch anime. He gets to do that cool stuff, because if he was a normal kid, he'd probably be a piece of shit. But no, he's a cool kid. - I am very, very grateful that he's not with the wrong crowd. - Yeah. - And he's like, "He's working now on the weekends "and stuff and..." - What? - Yeah, he's got a job at the meat counter at Valleys. - Really? - Really, in Pink County now? - No shit. - Yeah. - Awesome. Good for him. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's weird to see that he's actually grown up, 'cause I still think of like 12 year old Colin, you know? - Yeah. - And it's like, "No, I'm like the guy's got "a fucking pair of balls on him now." You know what I mean? He's up and running. - Yeah. - But I got him, I got him in right here. - Yeah, I know. I got him a Game Boy Advance and fire red for his birthday. So he's modding it. (laughing) - Yup. - Yeah. - It was like, I need the original Game Boy Advance so I can mod it to do this like fucked up shit. - He's modding the Game Boy. - Yeah. - It's fucking awesome. - All right. - What a G. - Well, like he rewrote Minecraft, the Java version. So it can include Pokemon and stuff and like he created Minecraft with Pokemon. - Oh my God. - And I fucked around with that shit for a while. - Oh my God. - Now he's just been on Fortnite. - This guy's gonna be the new Ubisoft. Like he's gonna just create games and be like, "Yeah, I did that shit. "You're welcome." - He's not about it, yeah. - But then he's also thought about being just a streamer and playing on YouTube, you know, or whatever. - We can also do that. But if he takes his like game making seriously, there was a class I took in high school actually that we had to, for a final project, we created a video game. And it was very simple. - Yeah, we weren't, we didn't have that fun shit. We learned Excel. - Yeah. (laughing) - It was my fucking programming class. - Yeah, it was programming. That's what it was. And we actually got to make a video game. And it was no better than Pong. Like I think I made something that it was basically-- - That's still really cool. - It was like Tron. It was like jump over the blocks. - Yeah. - Or two and you could do like a double tron. - That's not Tron. - No, it wasn't Tron. But it was like, I don't know. Like, I don't know. - Cuber. - Yeah. - Well, I was like, oh Christ, we had to write a 48 step program just to add two numbers together. - Well, yeah, I mean-- - Yeah. - Using basic and DOS. - Hey, I was told the most wild thing to me that a teacher ever told me was I would never be able to carry a calculator with me on a daily basis. And then you look at these and it's like, bitch, I can hook up the answer and be like, not only do I have a calculator, I have the entirety of human knowledge at my fingertips. - You're not gonna have a calculator everywhere you can. - Yeah. - Well, that was good, man. My calculator's up here in my head anyway. - I'm, yeah, I'm not that smart. I'm linguistically smart, but math stupid. What is it? What is it we were doing the other day? It was just simple shit. Where the fuck were we? Oh, we're playing cornhole. And Alex was on the other team and he's next to me and the whole time I'm going, all right, that's five. And he's like, no, that's four. And I was like, fuck, you're right. The whole time, I could not fucking cornhole math. I was just like, I give up. Whatever you tell me is correct. I don't care anymore. - This won't about to get fucking regular record cornhole. - I just, I didn't fucking, I could not cornhole math. I don't know what was wrong with it. - Apparently Derek thinks he's gonna come in and... - Oh, yeah. - Whoever his partner is, they think they're gonna take me in Raj. And it's almost hilarious. How much he talks cash about this every day. He's like, you and Roger, you could be at cornhole. And I was like, do you want it? Like, I mean, you could be so buttered. You're gonna want to go home. - Just look at him and say how thick is your wallet. - Oh, shit. Well, he already wants to come down here and throw $5 in the ceiling. And I'm like, yeah, good luck, bud. You're cooked. - You're... - Oh, I did. - Well, and I don't know if this is podcasting now, but is that, is this gonna be like off limits for the gig? - Only UFC, for the fast. Like, is it kind of just an outdoor thing? - Well, hopefully, mostly, yeah. - Okay. - I thought we were only doing UFC down here, but that'll be controlled by me. - Okay. - I'll be running the bar. You can be down here. - Well, 'cause I didn't know if I had to like, start fucking throwing bows if people are wandering down here or some shit. - Well, absolutely. You know what I mean? - Okay. - Anybody that's not welcome, that's gonna cause a problem. They're not down. - Is that an expensive shit? I would not like... - No, if me, you or dad aren't down here, I feel like it should be everybody out. - Somebody's gotta be down here. - Yep, yep, yep. Yeah, 'cause we don't want that stupid shit happening. - Oh, yeah, that too. - Fucking shit broken. - Yeah, I did it. Goddamn it, Dennis, John and Mason fucking all of them. They probably all stood on it. - Dennis! (laughing) - I can do it! Goddamn it! Fuck! - Look what I can do. - Yeah, son of a bitch. - Oh man. - Michael McDonald. - Look what I can do. Stewart! - Hey, pal. Yeah, use, yay. I see you looking at that sports illustrated for a little bit more than the swimsuits. If you do really like sports, I highly suggest checking out Cross Faded Sports on the 99 Network. These boys are out there spitting all the facts about all the sports. So if you like sports and anything beyond that, and you like drinking and a little bit of that thing, then yeah, I highly suggest Cross Faded Sports on the 99 Network. - All right, I wanna put this in here. The game Friday night. What are your thoughts? - I'm gonna stand on 10 toes with this one, baby. (laughing) So anybody come at me. What are your fucking thoughts? 'Cause you wanna argue with me? I argue with you. - I don't wanna argue. I just, well, first off, I forgot to pay the Hulu. And so I had to get a free trial of YouTube TV. And I was looking at their prices, and I was like, fuck, this is like half the price of Hulu. And then the whole time it was terrible, terrible picture, terrible signal. They had me in like 480p, like it was 1995. Watching the game, yeah, it was bad. But it should have gone better. - I feel like the offense was not up to par. Defense was doing really, really well. But yeah, Raj, I feel like it should have been better. - Run us down, and I'm gonna give my final thoughts. - I think the defense played great. The offensive line played good. The running backs did a fairly decent job. Quarterback garbage needs to work. - Yeah, listen, too many hurried, rushed, tried to make something happen plays. - Listen. - 172 yards rushing, they could do a little better. And I think they will against Maryland coming up this Saturday. Because I think he's gonna work on his quarterback, not throwing so much, trying to make things happen. - Yeah, it should have been-- - Get him comfortable and not throwing the coverage like he was. - Yeah, it should not have come out the gate, just 2-0 in the first quarter. We should have done a bit more on that. - Here's a deal, here's a deal. - Was somebody just trying to call you? - Yeah, well, here's a deal. I watched the game when I got home from camping 'cause I wasn't able to watch it. And this is what I came up with. Defense, yes, looked great. Looked a lot better than I thought. Offense was okay, but this is a breakdown. Now, the running backs could do a hell of a lot better if our offensive line didn't just come out of the McDonald's drive-through. They were playing lethargic. I do not think they gave trials enough time and trials was playing out of his mind. He wasn't ready. He came out with an interview that he came out with an interview that he basically took all, what do you call that? When he was just like, "It was my fault." Everything was my fault. - All responsibility. He took it all. 30 seconds of him just saying, "I don't want anybody to talk to anybody about the team." The defense saved our game. The defense won the game. - They did. - They did. And he took our responsibility for it. Yes, he forced too much. He forced way too much. And he was playing out of his mind. He goes, "Honestly, I think right now, "I'm not gonna say it's all on Jonathan Smith." No, think the coach, you know, he's doing a hell of a lot better with this team. And I know this team is gonna be something and I guarantee they turn all sides over on Maryland game. I feel like we're gonna win convincingly. Now, here's the deal I have. - We're gonna eight now. - Is I hate? - Eight and a half point underdog right now. - I hated the call of a long pass on first down. Now, one of our best seasons in the past five years was when we ran it with Kenneth Walker and he took it in versus Northwestern for an ADR touchdown. - Oh, yeah. - That was crazy. - Off the first place. - The first place. - That's fucking crazy. - You know, Michigan stays victorious for coming out and doing run, run, pass in the past. - But then, yeah. - But I love a run first, first down, beginning of the season. You don't need to prove shit. Stop proving shit. Let eight and child get comfortable. That kid's 18 fucking years old. Let him prove himself. He doesn't need to go out and fuck at the whole 40 yard bomb. - What about the first, what about the first play against Michigan years back? First play was a pass to Blair White and touchdown. - And that's fine. - At Michigan. - And that's fine, but I'm talking first play of the season. I want first play of the season to be a run. - Getting Nathan Carter comfortable. That guy could be a Heisman candidate. You give him the holes that he can create. That kid is fast. That kid is a loser. - Oh, that's a loser. - Oh, oh. - Oh, oh. - Something, number 50. - Okay. - Oh, he's good. - He's good. - He's good. - That's 65 yards. - Yep. - Yep. - Well, and you know what? And he had the first one too, when he broke all those tackles. And he called a whistle. When he wasn't even done moving. - Yeah. - Stop him. - That was not forward progress. You know what forward progress should be? Is if you stop him and move him three yards back. That motherfucker never stopped moving. - He was still churning. - Yep. He did a spin move and they blew it. And he, if that drive didn't end up in a touchdown, I'd be ranting and raving right now. But it did. Eight child's ended up ranting and-- - Ranting and raving. - That kid is gonna be a good quarterback. Just give him time to cook. Let him know what I mean. - He was forcing too much. - Yeah, he was forcing too much. And you know what? They did very well covering our star wide receiver. And they did very well covering our star tight end. Our tight end's five stars. That velling guy is immaculate. He's one of the best tight ends in the country. But he couldn't get open because that defense was on him the whole entire time, number 12. - I wanna know your opinion, but I didn't care for that targeting call. 'Cause he was going for his waist and the dude slid. And he was already falling aimed that way. The commentators said he was doing hop slides. - He was. And there's been a lot of talk this week regarding how that quarterback does the late slides and the targeting. And so I don't know if they're gonna make any changes or if they're just gonna start calling that quarterback out on it or something. - Yeah, glisten here. - I mean, shit, we had what, four targeting calls against us. Only one of them was an ejection, but no, two of them were ejections. But yeah, that was a bunch of bullshit. - Yeah, that's crazy. Look at that. Even his helmet flew off. - Oh, it's helmet was off half the fuck of the game. - And that's what I doubt, man, like what is happening. - Yeah, his helmet comes off every other fucking play. He's on the sideline and the fucking thing pops off. - Great. - He did a lot of hop slides and a lot of late slides. I feel biased saying that, but even the commentators were saying like, "Hey, these players don't have air brakes like Bugs Bunny. "They can't redirect themselves." - Yeah, right. - They're not playing melee out here. You know what I'm saying? They can't chop, you know? They can't be Marth, you know? It's like when you're already there diving at his waist to tackle him and then he slides and you hit him in the head or neck area. - And you know what? - That should not be against the defense. - You know that Mike Pereira guy or whatever? And I fucking can't stand him. Even he said, no, I mean when you're sliding into guys already in the air, you can't do nothing about that. - He didn't even want to comment on that. - Yeah, he was like, "That's a bullshit targeting call." And he usually is a fucking dick. He's an asshole, he sucks. He's always the guy who's like, "Nope, throw them out." No, this guy was just like, "Yeah, I don't know about it." He's like, "Yeah." When you dive and then you slide, what do you expect him to do? - Yeah. - He can't just be like, "Oh shit, that was my reason." - Yeah, so the Malik Spencer was a bad call, but I'm so happy that Malik Spencer was lighthearted about it and he at least went over to every defensive guy and was like, "You got this, brother." - Like because you can tell. - Then the guy goes in for him, fucking second play and he hears something wrong. - Yeah, it was awesome. - Yeah, but that defense has a good depth on it and that's one thing that I was really worried about this year was our defense. Offensive line, I think they actually played the worst. I don't think they gave Charles his prime. You know what they did a lot, but in last year, what I'm just saying, Jonathan Smith has a plan in this first game, they didn't play up the par. I feel like MSU is gonna come out versus Maryland and show the nation, "Hey, we're not some fucking easy "win for you guys. "We're gonna try-- - Yeah. - I'm not expecting a national championship this year. I'm expecting to be better than last year. - Yeah, and that's all we can hope for. - Yeah. - Yeah, well good, good. So I'm glad you did bring that up, that was good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that was good. - He's on Michigan and he dropped five points or five spots in the top 25 with a win. - At least they should, yeah, with a win. - Michigan, Michigan, Michigan-- - That's what we've done all every fucking year. We hit in the top 25 and we win and we drop. - So now they know how it feels. Caleb came over to Bragg and he got shit on. I mean, they have a Michigan for the first time and 50 fucking years have a tough schedule. They do have a tough schedule and I figure and they're going into their fifth game, they will be two and two. They have Texas next time that they're going to get stopped. - If it wasn't for that pick six, they could've lost that game. - They could've lost that game, yeah. - Yeah. - My thing is Texas is going to stop them and then they have USC game four. They might be going into their fifth game two and two. - Yeah, very possible. - They might be going, yeah, I'm not talking shit on Michigan. I'm just saying they have a very tough schedule and Texas is a force to be fucking reckoned with. - Yeah. - Texas beat the shit out of their opponent. I mean, they ran it up and then USC? USC? That's going to be the best big 10 team this year. Oh, how state looks great, but USC is going to be fucking a fourth. They be LSU. They came back and be LSU 2720. - There you go. - Yeah. - And then the one game that I'm scared of of Michigan State playing next or not next. It's actually, I think fourth game or fifth game. Boston College, I watched the game last night. Boston College against Florida State. Ooh, Boston College looks tough. I don't know who that coach is there. He coached under Bill Belichick. That's a tough motherfucker. He's got Boston College looking good. And that's good for him. And that's good for Boston College. They haven't been a force for a while. And Boston College, give 'em care. You know, they deserve to be up there. So yeah, I know college football sports sports ball. - Sports ball. - That he's like, I know MSU. - Yeah, yeah, but other than that. - Yeah, yeah, college football's back, baby. That's all I gotta say. - Yeah, that was, yeah, that was the whole thing. College football's back. - Cheers to that. - And you know what also is back. - Last call. - About that time, the dang, dang, dang, dang, dang. (bell ringing) - Last call for alcohol. (bell ringing) - Oh. (upbeat music) ♪ This is the last call for alcohol this evening ♪ ♪ Drink up, drink up, drink up ♪ ♪ And order again ♪ ♪ This is the last call for alcohol ♪ - Last call for alcohol. All right, I'm gonna kick it off. - Hell yeah. - We had our company golf outing a couple of weeks ago. And it was, it was a lot of golf course. It was at Bay Valley. - Yeah, I know. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was-- - Was it everybody or just your company? - Just our company, yeah, yeah. No, it wasn't, it wasn't like one of the sponsored ones that, you know, we go to is, yeah, just employees only. - Nice. - But no, it was fun. Got there at 7.30 in the morning. I had breakfast beforehand. I was ready to go. I helped set up a player pack to a Cindy and Anne and I did the announcements, did the picture and we rolled off. Shotgun started 9 a.m. and we're playing all right, you know? And we're having a few beers and things are going really, really well. And I think it was about the like 14th hole. I was still, I was like, man, I don't even have a shine yet. I didn't drink a bushlight all day, everything. So cartgirl rolls around, got a fireball. And, oh, before this happened, second hole. Sorry, I wanna say this because I drink a lot and this has never happened to me before. One of the girls August had given me a little shooter of 99 bananas and I was like, oh, okay. So I took it, swallowed it and it immediately ejected straight back out. My body was like, fuck no, this is poison. I don't know what you just gave me, but this is poison. This, we cannot, we don't drink this. And I was just like, what the fuck just happened? Like, that was so bad. It was the worst thing I've ever drank. It was so bad, 99 bananas. Yeah, that was awful. That was, yeah. - They would've put that 100th in there. It probably would've been good. - Yeah, probably. So now we're about 14th hole. - A lot of potassium. - Yeah. It's getting any accidents and shit. It's supposed to be good for you, but whatever, it's supposed to be. - Yeah, that's what I came out. - Yep, did some fireball and then I had a couple of two hardads and we went zero to 60 real fast. - That's what happens. - I started fading in and out of reality and I don't remember a whole lot. After the outing was done, I gave away prizes and did announcing and I remember a little bit of it. Apparently I did very well and it's good. I got, yeah, I got a lot of compliments and I was like, oh good, 'cause I don't remember a lot of that. It was not good. And then we went to the bar and we kept going and like, I woke up and I was like, who the fuck is this person? Who are these pictures? Like, what is going on here? And, oh yeah, and there's a guy I have to shout out. 'Cause I wrote it down and I was like, what? Aaron Holbert, shout out to Aaron Holbert. - Yeah. - He's actually a fan. He was at the bar and he's like, oh, you're basement bar beers in Babel? I was like, yeah, man, he's like, fuck, I love your show. I listen to you guys, this, this. And I was like, no way. So I'll throw his photo up on the-- - Fuck you, Aaron. - Yeah, thanks, Aaron. - Yeah, we appreciate you, man. So it starts weaning down and Tiffany's like, what are you doing? Are you still there? What's going on? And I was like, come on out. You know, come on out. And so she ended up coming out and it was just Tom Sensibaugh and I there at the end. And it was like nine o'clock and everybody's gone. We were there late last time. Everybody fucked off real early. And I was like, let's be spontaneous. Let's buy a room. Like, why not? Like, we never do anything. Like, let's get a room and just hang out. You know, we can go to the pool if you want or whatever and she's like, I don't have anything. I went, nothin' away. (laughing) But we ended up staying the night and had some breakfast in the morning and it was a lot of fun. But I do have to formally apologize to my coworkers. I think I whipped my nut out at somebody at some point. (laughing) It was really, really bad and I'm really, really sorry. And I have rethought my life choices and have slowed down since then. So, I am sorry. - That's awesome. I'm glad that I'm glad the formal apology was made. - Yeah, for real. - It was even people like who are like, you know, yeah, Eddie drinks like this and they were like, you, that was bad. That was bad. I was like, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. So yeah, Spencer. - Fucking hey, that was a good last call. - Thank you. - Golf story, Jesus. Well, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday. No, Saturday this weekend was a lot of fun. I went up to the gas station near the rifle and they charged me regular fucking convenience store prices. I really wanted to get hefty. So I bought a fifth cap, 12 cans of Coke, 50 dollars. I was like, damn Christ fucking, it's camping. - I brought it back to us in 7-11. - Yeah, I was terrible. - I remember being in the Bahamas and went up to the group. - I wasn't one drink dog. - Well, no, no, the group we were with. We were like, yeah, you know, 'cause we had just gotten out of the fucking ocean where everybody flew off the fucking thing that we were being, you know, towed around now. So we all fucking drank salt, salt water. - Yeah. - So we're all thirsty. So I got there to get Coke. - And granted, this is 37 years ago. - We don't drink that. - Okay. - There's a difference. - No. So a fucking can of Coke was two bucks. - Damn. - You get a Roman Coke for a buck. - Oh, what? - So I was like, fuck that? Give me six Roman Coke. - Yeah, no sure. - Yeah, really. - Fuck you. I ain't paying two dollars for a can of Coke. - Yeah. - That's crazy. - A Roman Coke for a buck. - Yeah. - Okay. - Oh. - Come back and they're like, where's the Coke? I said it's in here with the rum. - Yeah. - So you want to go away? - Yeah, you want to go, go ahead and buy one. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - Anyway, sorry. - No, you're good. So I got some cap 'em and some Coke and went back to the campsite just started getting schwifty. You know, Rob went to bed a little early. She was like, I'm going to make it up late tonight. She lasted till about 10. So we decided to get a little hefty and then take a walk to day use. Day is beautiful. Went out there and no shit. It's all northern lights. And I'll send these to Eddie so he can put 'em up there. But where the fuck? There it is. It was gorgeous. And I went to day, look at all the stars and everything like that. And yeah, just-- - Oh yeah, beautiful. - And a nice guy, just heck yeah. - Unbelievably lit up and then we saw the Milky Way stem to stern. - Ooh. - Yeah, so that's the picture right there. That's exactly, oh, that's exactly where I proposed to Robin right there. So it was just, right there was the northern lights a couple of nights after and I showed her, "Wow, the fuck didn't you wake me up?" I said, "You were tired?" And I was hammered. I shit you not, I didn't wake up till 11 o'clock next morning. I was fucking gone. And I wasn't like belligerent, but I couldn't walk in a straight line and tell you that. There was like, I remember like hitting the water pump for a little bit for no reason. Like I was just like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got that stream just flowing and took it. Just right in the face felt a million bucks. I was like, I walk a mile. I walk a mile for every time I get to doing it. You know, that new song I got in. But yeah, it was a good time. Got hammered on Saturday. Didn't wake up till 11 on Sunday. It started, you know, getting after it again. But you know, honestly, it was a really good day. It was a really good day. But Captain Coke, 50 fucking dollars. - That's crazy. - Yeah, but fifth was gone by the time I woke up. - Had a boy. - So I had some fun. - Probably paid $40 just for the fucking Coke. - Yeah, no shit. - Yeah, yep, woke up and I knew I did some damage. You know what I'm saying? Like when you wake up and you know you did some damage to the stomach, you're like, God, damn it. Ah, that's tough. - But it's like the other. - Rod, you got Alaska? - It's like Dave Oya's day. We're gonna down to get my lottery. - For your, oh shit, I'm gonna get a pop. I got a, you know, the tall, the fountain pop. - Yeah. You get up there at a $2 winner. - A little lottery. - Yeah. - Cool, you know. The cost would be 24 bucks. I'm like, okay, so it's still gonna be less than 24 bucks. - Yeah. - You get me a pop. It's 24.69. - (laughs) - Like, how much is this fucking pop? - Oh, it's $2.69. I said, you're fucking kidding me. - Well, yeah, we are like the highest everywhere. - Like $2.69. - Crazy for a goddamn fountain pop. Are you nuts? - Yeah. - You buy two, two liters for that. - Yeah. - Great sake. - That was pissed. - Oh yeah. - Got the car, got in the truck and I'm like, Donna, tell me, never to get a fucking pop here. (laughs) - That's funny. - Oh, it pissed me off. - Well, yeah. - So I know prices have gone up and shit, but really, $2.69 for a fucking fountain pop? - That's crazy. - I'm gonna get a 64 ounce Slurpee for a buck 70. (laughs) - That's funny. - But anyway, I don't know. You're just talking about camping and shit. I don't know. I don't know if I ever told that camping story about your point camping. - Yeah, you didn't talk about the dad. - Yeah. - Okay. - Oh yeah. - We'll see. (laughs) Sorry, I only been camping like one and a half time. Why don't you tell about the story about fucking, us getting loaded in fucking Indiana. You never told the Greg story. - Yeah, you had the spider? - Yeah. - Yeah, we told that. - Oh, we did. - Yeah. - Fuck. - I know we're running out of shit. - Mackinaw Bridge. - Geez. - Ooh. - Mackinaw Bridge. (laughs) - Depends on which Mackinaw Bridge story. - Well, I want to hear the other one of them. - I don't want to hear the old fucking past of the mouth one, I want to hear the other one. What's the other one? - When I was up there working in the UP and coming back, and they pulled me over, the way master pulled me over, and I was overweight on the truck. So I had to go pay a fucking hefty fine, and they wouldn't let me over the bridge because of the weight of the tanker truck. So I had to wait for one of our other guys from Saginaw to go all the way up to St. Ignis to put part of the load onto his truck. - Yeah. - So I could get back over. So meanwhile, I'd go over to the bridge authority, and I'm talking to them. I was friends with the bridge authority and stuff, and they were doing a shift change and say, "Shit, we're heading over to the island. "You want to go with us?" And fuck, I got a few hours, why not? - Yeah, really? - So going over to the island went to the Mustang lounge, got fucked up. (laughing) - Come back, and the guy that came up there, he was fucking, but you lose it right. Anyway, so he's waiting for me. He's like, "Girl, it's been here for two fucking hours, "me and me and me." And so, yeah, I've been over the bar drinking for six. I don't give a fuck, so transferred, you know, I transferred a couple thousand gallons onto his truck, and then he's like, "Yeah, they told me I could get a room here. "What are you doing?" I said, "Fuck that, I'm going back, Saginaw." (laughing) Fucking drove back. Dropped that fucking tanker truck, drunkard and a fuck. - Jesus. - But, this thing only went 65 miles an hour anyway with my cruise control, which was a broomstick. (laughing) From the front of the seat, under the gas pedal. - Jesus. - Just fucking wedge that thing in there and just go. - Nice. - Yeah, my picture is actually, I don't know if it's still up in the Mustang or not, but I had to take a tap marker up there for a contest I won, which was a weekend up there for Donna and I, back when I worked at Max True. So, and it was when the Bud Light football tap markers just came out. - Yeah. - And the Mustang lounge wanted one, so they sent me up there with it to take it there. So, when we went there for lunch, had lunch and I just, you know, Donna had it in her purse, got done eating lunch. I said, "Oh yeah, I brought this tap marker." I said, "You need me to put it on there for you?" And they're like, "Yeah." So, I stood behind the bar, put the tap marker on and fucking bartended for like two hours. (laughing) And this back there bartended. It took some patience of me and they had my picture up on the wall. - Aw. - But, damn. - Nice. - Oh, that's cool. - Back in the good old days. - Yeah, yeah. Man, I had fun at night. This was, this is a good old day. - Yeah. - A good old day. - Yeah. - Good old timey day. - Thank you for hanging out with us. Thanks, Raj, for coming on down. - Oh, yeah. - I thought you vanished there for a bit. It's good to have you back. - I've been busy getting this fucking place ready for his meek vest. - Yeah, I know. - Yeah, we appreciate it. - Okay. - But, thank you to all of our listeners, to Madagascar and Brussels and Germany and Japan and France, Russia, everything. - Yeah, yeah. - Aaron! - Lithuania. - I don't know if we have a Lithuania. - Yeah. - You ought to start listening. - Yeah. - Just throwing shit out there. - I know, right? - We have a Saudi Arabia listener. - Jamaica. - Yeah. - But no, thank you guys so much. Thank you to Ideal Party Store. I want that cuddle corn. Thank you. - Yeah, thank you. - And, as Ernest Hemingway said, always do sober. What just said you do drunk? Cheers. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Did you enjoy this episode? Then check out more at, at Michigan's premier podcast network. (upbeat music)