The Todd Herman Show

In One KEY WAY, Bullying is Far Worse Today Than It Was in the 1980s Ep-1836

The audacity of emptiness, of course, playing off of Barack Hussein Obama's book, The Audacity Of Hope. The audacity of Kamala Harris' emptiness is also her biggest advantage because she simply doesn't exist. But let's give some credit. The people who programmed the Kamala bot put in a really, really clever line of code and President Trump unfortunately fell for it. Now the polls show pretty much a dead heat after the event. A lot of voters who thought they might be able to be swayed to Kamala Harris weren't. She was everything we'd expect. There's a lot of good things President Trump said, but of course the Mockingbird media won’t acknowledge any of that, they would rather fact check in while they let Kamala lie. 

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Samuel 8:10-22 ESV
Samuel's Warning Against Kings
10 So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him. 11 He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. 12 And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. 15 He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. 16 He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men[a] and your donkeys, and put them to his work. 17 He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. 18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
The Lord Grants Israel's Request
19 But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, “No! But there shall be a king over us, 20 that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 21 And when Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the ears of the Lord. 22 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey their voice and make them a king.” Samuel then said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.”

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11 Sep 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Tom Herman show in one key way and this is inspired by in a sad way the latest shooting at a school in one key way bullying is really worse today than it was for us one key way I was not going to distort or defend anything a 37 year old black guy figured out that he's been a victim of race propaganda and in California a state senator in fact state senators are not allowed to discuss women getting raped in prison by you know not women we'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel slash at the Todd Herman show and with God almighty. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided to show that when I was in school I saw bullying I watched bullying and I'm very very embarrassed to say that I guess probably beginning in ninth grade I bullied some other kids usually verbally very rarely physically thank God I don't know that one is worse than the other I mean physical stuff can break people up but mental stuff can be bad there was a boy who I gave a nickname to and it was the nickname was Mr. legs I made up a song about a Mr. legs Mr. legs no one can stop him now and it was just because he had long legs stupid hurtful and I sang it every time he came by and I feel just awful about that he finally told someone a friend of mine a a woman who now lives in Alaska happily married really lovely lady and she told me when I went to go visit her at her ice cream store she said you know you ruined his life oh come on it was a nickname time people call them that to this day to this day this was after high school that Leah told me this there's another incidence and this again shameful I don't even know what I mean what gets into the head of teens there was a kid at school who had a t-shirt that had a stain on it and he wore it and one day said hey there's a stain on your shirt he goes yeah it's my favorite shirt so every day for I don't know how long let's say you get a stain in your shirt and because I was voted to be class speaker as a senior because at one point I was captain of football team I was a wrestler I was a loud mouth and I was I was boisterous and entertaining to people that took on a life of its own and years later and I'm talking about let me think 1986 probably three years later I was in Seattle on a date and I know exactly the restaurant or is that it was in a time restaurant in Ballard and a guy came out to give us water and to ask us you know we've wanted any appetizers and he came out in like five minutes later and said you know sir ma'am I'm gonna have someone else wait on you okay he said because you're Todd Herman right I go yeah he goes yeah you ruined my life I can't wait on you I said oh my gosh what did I do I just stay in my shirt you said that to me and I was a sophomore and I heard that through my entire high school career I heard it at graduation when I walked across the stage someone yelled you got a stain on your shirt as I graduated high school I've never forgiven you for that and I shouldn't wait on you so I'm not gonna and here I am on a date I said I am so sorry I don't know why I thought I had the right to do that to you now that's me I faced a little bullying not much I watched people go through it in a very awful way but there's a key way that in this generation bullying is worse it's because it never goes away that kid had to live with the sounds and the memories but in one key way it never goes away and we need to recognize this you're things that you want to go away sometimes it's very difficult to get them to go away I'll never forget when I had a jaguar that I purchased from a friend of mine got it cheap I mean cheapish it was a jaguar and I'd made myself a promise I'm not gonna have any food or drink in here that lasted a good couple of days I was drinking at this time this garbage called muscle milk and it's a terrible supplement I was drinking this muscle milk and some of it spilled onto that carpet of the car in the summer of Seattle and in Seattle summer and I don't know what's in that that stinks but people could smell it outside the vehicle it was that that gross that you could smell it with the window shut I made every attempt I washed the carpets I got a carpet cleaner it just wouldn't go away recently my friend Ben had something similar happen his kiddo vomited in his wife's cars wife was probably eight months pregnant so Ben made her go clean it up how did he get out there he didn't he went and did the cleaning wiped it up but it wouldn't go away it's summer in idle hundred one degrees and that car lives outside usually so Ben got the oxi leaf to thunderstorm device that he'd use on his own truck he put it in the car overnight use the USB connection in the morning the smell was gone air filters can't do that air cleansers can air purifiers that's what the even pure oxi leaf two devices it's an air purifier here's how it works it produces ozone oh three molecules bond to the molecules that create bad smells and they negate them they destroy them they obliterate them they change the molecular structure so you will not experience the bad smells ever again I'll save you two hundred bucks on three of these devices whole home coverage go to enter code Todd three you save two hundred bucks and you breathe a breath of fresh air again enter code Todd three I don't want to use his name because people do these things to have their names known but I need to identify this alleged Georgia school shooter so I'll use the initials CG so CG was apparently ridiculed by classmates he was called gay this is according to his father now his father's facing charges for according to the media and the cops what that's worth of keeping his guns not locked up of lying about them being locked up and they seek to put him in prison for 98 years the father for what his son did we can debate that one day his son dropped their gun when his school resource officer came along and pointed one at him so good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun I'm not excusing what this kid did by any stretch of the imagination here's what I hope to bring to light in the era of social media lies last forever bullying last forever and it multiplies it can never be taken down the kids I bullied who are now men my age I would hope maybe forgotten that and maybe this thing has gone away and maybe people have matured enough that they're not going to repeat the horrible terrible nicknames I gave those to I pray to God I honestly on my knees pray to God that that's gone it's never gone on social media I will never forget the moments that I realized how much this matters to kids and I'll tell you about that in a second because I got to see it through the eyes of my daughter now this shooter this shooter who took the lives of six people CG he was on a discord account that's tied to him this is a gaming account and it's it's a place where people hang out digitally and he'd expressed a desire to go out and kill people over the issue of so-called transgenderism the lie that you're born in the wrong body and these post were treated to gray according to reporter he said yeah I want to target an elementary school because I'm frustrated with the treatment of how so-called transgender people are treated this treatment this invention of the phrase transgender is a perfect place for people to park greater than themselves feelings it's the perfect myth that if you don't speak the gender lie you are actually obliterating people you're destroying them you're murdering them you're eliminating them you're making them non-persons it's an easy thing for people to sign up to to say that's a cause I can battle for and for people who've been bullied it's very attractive pretty typically if they've been bullied on the topic of sexual preference and this guy been called gay multiple times again according to his dad bullying is different it's different this way my daughter and I were on a ski trip once and this is after I made the horrible mistake of allowing my daughter to have a cell phone horrible mistake and yeah we tried to put limits on it and I've talked to you about what happened and I won't belabor it but text messages what could be wrong with text messages we came back from an incredible day of skiing my daughter was feeling very competent she skied for the first time had absolutely no issues with it up and down the mountain because she'd been a speed skater balancing unscathed was easy stopping and going on her skis was easy sliding up to the ski lift was easy she looked like someone who'd skied for 20 years she was feeling very competent and very happy she'd been accepted by her cousins she was worried about this trip they've skied their whole life what if I can't do it so we got dinner we were going to watch a movie it was a happy night and I stupidly said yeah you can check your phone and I remember the sounds from the bedroom she was staying oh god oh god this is what people think of me she'd been off this text chat for all of a day in the girls started making up rumors about her she wanted to spend the night correcting the rumors she said you don't understand I don't have social media this stuff is going to be on social media I guarantee you this is going to be on all the social media platforms I guarantee there's going to be screenshots of this when I go to school Monday everybody's going to see this because everybody's on social media I have to dig into this I have to start correcting these things now she was 12. If the record of bullying that you had if the things that were most harmful to you the things that were said to you that were most harmful were written down everywhere you looked maybe a loved one said something to you that's absolutely belittling and you have to see it for the rest of your life and know that others see it and people you haven't met are going to see it and people who might interview fifth for a job are going to see it and people you might date you might meet someone special and want to date them and they're going to do their social media research and they come wow I didn't know that you I can't kids don't belong on social media period it's designed as neurological poison period anything that's neurologically addictive is poison unless it's the word of God make that an neurological addiction see it in a fight on that but think of that being a neurological addiction can't go a day without repeating the word of God I'm not defending CG at all I'm not defending his dad I'm making a clear statement anything neurologically addictive negative like this doesn't belong in the minds of kids and every single second spent on social media is a second not spent with the word of God or family eliminated please make different mistakes than I made please get these stinking devices out of the hands of your kids they do not need them they are almost completely poisoned story number two when you hear about America being a savagely racist country and black people being treated with savage racism at every turn does it match your your experience I you may not be black and statistically speaking given the podcast family makeup you're probably not black but does it match your observations for things you observe let's put it this way let's take it a different direction have you ever gone into a culture that you are completely new to that you are the outsider with a preconceived notion did that notion come true I know when I was a white guy living in a black neighborhood one of two white people like a 12 block region I had a preconceived notion my preconceived notion was I was going to be the outsider well to some degree I was I didn't expect to be treated as a racist treated in a racist manner I didn't expect many the things I saw didn't expect to see people killed and drive by shootings I didn't expect to be you know have someone attempt to rob me at knife point you could say it was naive I was living in the deep ghetto but I did expect to be treated as the outsider you know what I didn't expect it's being invited to church but I was you know what I didn't expect to be invited to an after church barbecue at a woman's house who lived right behind my apartment building but I was I remember in my third story little studio apartment which is was in fact smaller than this studio if you're watching right now it's smaller than the video studio I'm in smaller than the bedroom you have at home the whole studio apartment and I could kind of crane my neck because I lived in the air vent a little U shaped air vent thing I could try to crane my neck and look out and see the barbecue I supposed to go to I said I'd go to I met the lady at church I said I would go and I'm looking out and there is not a white person in that yard and they're all dressed up it was an after church barbecue I didn't have many dress up clothes I was wearing the dress up clothes I had and thinking and struggling I honestly gonna walk over to this and I'm bringing lit little stupid little foods I had and I did it did not match any expectation I had to be welcomed that way and yeah people laughed about the white guy being there and they laughed about the white guy coming and bringing white guy food and it was funny and it was charming I'm sure there are people in the back end of that saying what is that white man doing here I'm sure of that because it's a sin nature racism is sin nature period it's not a special sin nature it's a sin nature it's hating that neighbor for no reason at all it's a stupid habit it's a sinful habit this black man 37 years old has learned something very very important about how he has been programmed we really have been tricked to believe that if somebody had a different color from you and they don't agree with what you think they automatically racist I'm looking at my feeds every day 90% of them are white people telling me they agree with me they ride with me they calling me their brother and it's on every single post dude you know who going against me just because I think they're relating to him my own people the ones that's my color I got I got people cuz jumping in the comments out the blue don't want to argue what I'm talking about just want to call me a you're gonna get your people and I hope the police kill you and all that other like whoa get real bro you know it took me till I was 30 something years old to actually just look around at my life and be like you know a white person never called me I live in Louisiana it has never happened I mean ever and if it did it was the white boy that grew up in neighborhood that was around us all the time and he got tired of me picking on him or something I probably need me here I'm just being honest with you I live in Louisiana my entire life I've never been called a white person I have never been disrespected by a white person as a matter of fact I give you one better sudden have a homecoming we running from bullets every single year LSU have a homecoming they ask me hey how are you with LSU come on over here I got something for you to drink man come get your play man every time I ever went every single time I ever went it's been like that when I go to Southern homecoming game HBCU I'm running from bullets it's great thing to say he's calling out one of the most frustrating dynamics in America the black and black crime as he's discussing which is a propaganda silence item for the mockingbird media so are the fact that there are plenty of young black people who figured out the pandering of the democrat party and they hate it and they're calling it out in some beautifully entertaining ways you got to see this young woman as she calls out Kamala Harris for her code shifting I'll show that to you in a second your body has code in it that's readable writable it's repeatable it's understandable and it is useful for positive body hacking if you've been through any form of restrictive weight loss lately that is doing any form of a calorie restriction or concentrating in your macros making sure you're getting a 40 30 30 mix of protein carbohydrates and fat or maybe it's a 50 25 25 there's a way to maintain the fat loss you've had and the muscle gain and it's a positive body hack from one of our most valued partners the people that buy optimizers mat and weighed won't release anything until they can put the breakthrough label on it it took them 243 experiments with mass zymes to be happy enough with it and they still had to do one final test they wanted to make sure that this is a product that's going to take the food you eat and give you more value from it particularly in relation to aminos and branch chain aminos they did a test at the birch international university in Bosnia side by side people who did not take mass times versus people who did what they observed was a 1200 increase in amino acids in the people who took mass times versus those who didn't that means more capacity to build and sustain muscle that means supporting fat loss it means getting digestive comfort i've been taking this product for a couple of years it's something i take on a daily basis about three times a day i suggest you jump on to this and maximize your health go now to to get your bottle of mass times with 10% off don't let par digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential be it athletic neurological or other it's get 10% off and start your journey to better health now that's so this guy makes a brave statement he's talking about observing his world what is my actual experience versus what i'm being told i experience what he's experiencing is being embraced by white people what he's experiencing is a brokenness in the black community which is a different form of sin problem like all these things racism is a sin problem gang shootings stem from a stem stem from a racism problem which is sin all right racism black on black racism exists so he makes his discovery and the meat is going to be silent on this they're also silent on a trend of young people figuring out the scam that is Kamala Harris it's so solid didn't i just say to keep young people off social media she's an adult maybe we can have a highlight reel that we show our kids we'll show you social media maybe we can curate social media for our kids it's good to see black people waking up to this it's also good for us to check our own world case in point i'm a christian are you what if someone was to observe you from the outside would they say yeah they're christian we're sure they'd see me go to church on sunday okay so you attend church yeah well are you the church what do you mean are you in fact the church are you actively seeking and caring for the least of these if people observe you from an outward stance where they say yeah i can tell that persons are christian they treat people with love and kindness is that what they'd say see we need to observe our own behaviors to make sure we haven't bought in the propaganda because satan loves to tell people who simply attend church 1.3 times a month hey you check the box hey you believe in god hey you even pray sometimes don't give in to the propaganda use the bible as your guide for what it means to be the church which is part of being christian story number three some of these things are going to appear to be well there's two items to be completely disconnected but there is a common thread there's a leaked us army document this is from zero hedge and it shows that there are venezuelan gangs prison gangs running amok across america james o keef got access to this this is the write up from so-called tyler durden at zero hedge o keef media group has obtained controlled unclassified information from the us army of the north america division highlighting the growing presence of one event is really as largest criminal organizations in the u.s the document states that the trend the arrega has established a presence in brooklyn brocks in williamsburg new york with approximately 400 tda members living in these cities the cui also warns that the tda members in denver have been given a green light to fire on or attack law enforcement with homeland security investigations in new york receiving a similar report the document details of the criminal organization is using advanced technology and surveillance heightening the danger to us military and personnel and law enforcement it states coordinated efforts between local state and federal law enforcement and the military are crucial to protect against these expanding threats with the national guardsmen recently in subway stations across new york the situation is escalating as venison gang members linked to tda have been involved in violent incidents including an attack on a colorado apartment complex in late august second story could seem like wait a minute how are you even comparing these it comes out of california there is a good honest woman trying to do god's work there her name is senator shannon grove she went to the floor to address a issue of women's safety and she got shut down this is women in prison and their safety tda gang members don't belong here they've been allowed into our country for political reasons to shift the electro college to destabilize our cities they've been brought in for these reasons and it's working this particular population doesn't belong in this prison and yet they're there and everybody knows they don't belong there they're in there for political reasons for destabilization reasons and the reasons that big pharma wants them there to change truth what it means to be human it's corruption across the board you have to fight corruption at the root the root of corruption is so very very often money your retirement accounts are tied up into a corrupt model our financial system is corrupted it's getting more and more corrupt and if god forbid kamala harris is either elected or placed into the white house it's probably going to get a lot worse along with the inherent inflation all the current events right now are adding up to a big big shakeup in the financial system this month on september 26 zack caperheim is doing one of his free live webinars to talk about current events and how they affect your retirement zacks the chief investment officer bulwark capital management and risk management is his obsession which he does using active management of every single portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility so this event will be about current events how it affects retirement plans that are five years out ten years out fifteen years out and what you can do to mitigate this it's a free event but you have to register to attend so go to know your risk radio dot com that's k-n-o-w know your risk radio dot com or call eight six six seven seven nine risk now because the government tells us we must i offer you this investment advisory services offered through tric financial l_o_c_ and s_e_ registered investment advisor the opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advisor recommendations for any individual or on any specific security any references to performance of security so thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ investments involve risk and are not guaranteed past performance doesn't guarantee future results trek 2430 when you compare the story of the venison gangster they're not supposed to be here we have a method to keep them out it's a border we don't use that border they've been in schools they don't belong in schools once they found out sometimes it's as ms 13 members in schools they've actually let them stay in there even add one case after guy apparently committed to murder everybody knows that's not safe everybody knows that when you reward criminal activity you're going to get more of it everybody knows this everybody knows that when you put men in women's prisons you're going to have rapes and you're going to have pregnancies and you're going to have stds in california to the fix to this has been the handout condoms all while pretending there aren't men in women's prisons state senator shannon grove decided to speak about this and this is how she got treated in the state of california prohibits the use of solitary confinement for pregnant postpartum women except when there's a safety concern obviously we want to make sure that all women and mates are taken care of and served and i appreciate this bill and what it's trying to accomplish and i agree that it will help keep prisoners women female prisoners safe like chao chila um i do have one problem that i think we all need to look out and address if we're going to protect women in these prisons we need to make sure that that all women are protected in 2021 the department of corrections and rehabilitations was required during um their intake to ask their gender identity for inmates and they allow them to change them fluently fluidly i guess cdr is also requires to house inmates who are transgender regardless of senator grove if you get sick to the merit of the bill please absolutely ma'am i am protecting women and postpartum issues so we have an issue in chao chila and i'll just be brief um and i'd like to read a letter if i could from a prison inmate in chao chila so this bill that we're looking at is protecting postpartum women women are coming pregnant in chao chila and they're coming up positive for AIDS this bill it deals with the pregnancy i have a letter here from an individual so long as the letter is related to the merits of the bill incarcerated pregnant it's from an incarcerated woman yes it is from an incarcerated woman so in brief um i'm sure i'll get cut off again for this particular bill and an incarcerated woman from chao chila prison who's dealing with the pregnancy issue of a rape of an individual who has melon um anatomy in this prison um in this uh bathroom at chao chila permission to use a prop they uh hand out condoms uh why do you need condoms in a windman's prison paid for i'm sorry is permission grant to center grove stick to the merits of the bill please why would you send out why we would not have to worry about the pregnancy issue in prison which this bill addresses to protect pregnant women if we didn't pass out if condoms were not passed out in a state prison um where we have male individuals and in chao chila center grove pregnancies this is the last warning your mic would be cut off to the merits of the bill pregnancies that are taking place where we allow postpartum to this bill protects those women after they deliver babies to be able to have time off to recover this so i applaud the author i support this bill and i think we as a women's caucus need to be do more to protect women in prison situations that we have here in the state of california respectfully ask for an i vote did you hear what she didn't say men she's apparently not allowed to say men so she showed a condom male condoms only useful for men she indicated that women are getting pregnant in prison which can only happen with a man she mentioned rape at the hands of someone with male genitalia certainly not a man because of course women have penises too see the venison gangs are not supposed to be here we have a border we recognize them as dangerous we could enforce the border as we used to but we won't for political reasons and power reasons men are not supposed to be in women's prisons but they are it's all destabilizing it's all obvious you know hall has a direct tie back to a very important university god is a god of order not chaos satan is it being committed to chaos this is the Todd Herman show please go be well be strong be kind to please make every effort to walk in the light of christ