The Todd Herman Show

The NFL Hates Free Speech And American Unity; Has Kamala Harris EVER Told The Truth Ep-1834

The NFL operates on speech and moving images. You would think then that they'd have some respect for the first amendment they don't.  But then again, they don't have any respect for national unity either. We also need to look and see if Kamala has ever told the truth. And you know what, she just might have said something truthful. And, I make a request of Tucker Carlson and Russel Brand.

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Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman Show. The NFL hates free speech in American unity and it's Kamala Harris ever told the truth even once. We're gonna react to Russell Brand's prayer on Tucker Carlson's stage. You probably saw this. Praise God and please please please follow up. Talk about this with the help of God Almighty. Today is the day the Lord has named these of the times through which God has decided to show live. I was an NFL football fan from a very young age. I played football all the way up through one single year of tiny little college football at a tiny little community college. I even got to play in a game or two. So I love the game. I love the strategy. I love the tactics. Years ago the NFL told me to kiss off. We hate you. Go away. Never come back. So I haven't. They did that in multiple ways. One of them was of course the Black National Anthem. There is no such thing. We're a country of one people. Although the NFL is participating in seeing a split up. I don't think they understand what they're doing or they don't care. Either way we have to take a point of view that Jesus took which is forgive them father. They know not what they do. Now is it a sin to play the Black National Anthem? No but I think it's a sin to divide. I think it's a sin to purposely pit neighbor against neighbor because you're sowing the seeds of hatred. The NFL is a profit seeking enterprise full stop. There is no morality. They had to be forced into figuring out ways to help stop concussions happening to their players. They had to be forced into that and drug across the goal line and that there's still many players who don't whether these enhance helmets. Maybe that's up to them. The NFL also knows and they know for a fact that players take steroids. And look that's their choice. Adult human beings go take your steroids. I wish you wouldn't but you're going to anyway and the NFL is aware of this so they work diligently to make sure that they're not aware of it. If you know what I mean. Brazil was a great test case for what the NFL has become. It's not just telling me to kiss off and you to kiss off by playing the Black National Anthem. It's also this. The NFL or specifically the saddle Seahawks arranged the firing of my friend Dory Monson who's since gone to heaven. Dory was a market dominant radio host in Seattle for almost 30 years. When he came out and made a simple joke because Washington state is a joke. The so-called governor there had said that Washington state makes science backed decisions and Dory on Twitter said oh like me a man in my 50s can go change my birth certificate to female that's science backed. The Seahawks leapt into action and suspended Dory from the pregame show he did in addition to his news and opinion show. Ultimately he was dropped from that program in the ratings of the pregame show plummeted and they've stayed plummeted. Incidentally since Dory passed the radio station in which he held forth has also seen an enormous drop in ratings. So the NFL told us to kiss off but Brazil is a huge huge test case and it's incredible to me that they can see what's happening in a country like that and still go down and celebrate it. It is all about the money with the NFL and look we're a for-profit enterprise here. We seek to make sure that we work with great partners who are moral people. My friend Zach Capreham at Bullwork Capital Management is a moral guy. He is a Christian man. He doesn't advertise that at Bullwork. It's not at he refuses to use the Lord's name praise God as a marketing tactic but it informs everything he does and it costs him clients sometimes. There are clients who will come to Zach and say wait a minute I'm not getting into the NVIDIA sugar rush as much as I want I want more of the sugar rush and what Zach will say is great then you'll take a much larger risk than we're willing to do with your money. Yes he wants our portfolios to grow but towards a very specific goal. Here's what retirement means to Zach knowing exactly how much money you will have every month for the rest of your life. Is that what you want? Is what I want? That's why my money's there. Zach is putting on a free live webinar to talk about world events like Brazil like the shutdown of free speech like the election and how this is likely to affect retirement portfolios and how Bullwork is going to help you by actively managing every portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility. This is a free live webinar. It's on the 26th of this month but you have to register to attend go to that's and now to protect you a message the government has this run. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advisor recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of security so thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ investments involved risk and are not guaranteed past performance doesn't guarantee future results Trek 24308. When a meme can explain a situation and show in great detail why the NFL is so wrong to have gone to Brazil and celebrated the shutdown of Twitter dash X there then it means it's a pretty simple case. This is a side-by-side comparison simply taken off of social media because it got a lot of attention on the left is Mark Zuckerberg looking robotic man sometimes the dude looks exactly like data from Star Trek. It says below Mark Zuckerberg's face Mark Zuckerberg is free because he sells people's personal information on the right is the founder and CEO of Telegram who if you didn't know was arrested in France on a whole series of trumped-up charges on below his face it says Pavel Drav is not free because he does not sell people's personal information really what France wants of course is the ability to go through telegram and censor you never forget ever forget that their government of our country actually floated the idea of being allowed to edit your text messages to your friends or to add warnings about mis and disinformation they actually floated that idea and no one in the mockingbird media flipped out the NFL operates on speech and vision images moving images you would think then that they'd have some respect for the First Amendment they don't but then again they don't have any respect for national unity they're back to playing the so-called black national anthem and sing by the Kansas City Boys Choir and the Kansas City Girls Choir incidentally I think those kids probably sing far better when they can hear themselves has to be really hard to get up in front of a crowd like that those beautiful kids and not be able to hear themselves and harmonies were a little bit off at least to my ear harmony I have absolutely no issue whatsoever with the decision to celebrate black culture but what is black culture see black is not a race white is not a race black is not a country white is not a country if we're going to speak of races let's be accurate let's actually talk about the nuance between countries from where black people largely come or white people largely come let's celebrate the actual tapestry the beauty that is language and art philosophy how people raise their families government structures myth let's celebrate the beauty of that if you've ever had the great occasion to walk through a city like New York or San Francisco where there are in fact separate districts for so-called races you've had the great pleasure of crossing over from one road to another and the smells change and the sounds of language change and in fact if you're paying attention the cadence of how people walk changes the way people regard you the greetings they give you or not changes it's absolutely beautiful in other words as the Lord might say it is good but to take a song like this and label it the black national anthem is to state to kids you are not part of your own country you're a separate nation within a nation look the Lord said a house divided against itself cannot stand creating nations within nations will topple the United States the NFL doesn't care they don't care about what's going on in other nations Elon Musk's Twitter that's or X this is how the media now refers to it it's Elon Musk's X it wasn't ever before say Jack Dorsey's X or Twitter no they have to identify it with Elon Musk and all the headlines are the same with Musk's band with a Musk X band in Brazil its users carve out new digital homes expand in Brazil and China but Elon Musk is only in a spat with blah blah blah blah how NFL reporters are working around Brazil's ban on X the NFL went to a country that banned a platform because one judge said he wanted Elon Musk to ban specific people from posting why because they were critiquing his takeover of the country Brazil's Constitution does not call for it to be ruled by a judge or a series of judges there was a time when the United States actually stood and defended free speech and criticized and in fact didn't work with company or countries that crush it the US ambassador to Brazil went to the game and sat there smiling and giggling as a country shut down speech the NFL by sponsoring this game they're in putting it on and not even mentioning the ban not even protesting it says they don't care they told us to kiss off with the black national anthem they specifically told me to kiss off by what they did to my friend Dory Monson and my question is this what will it take for you to stop watching I'm talking about a boycott I'm talking about boycotting their advertisers I'm not talking about trying to hurt them economically you're not going to but what will it take for you to cease to look at a product created with people dividing our nation harming young people by showing them that they're not even part of the country which they live and actively aiding in the destruction of speech I'll admit it I was having dinner the other day with one of my students and his father and there was a football game on and my student was really really interested in the football game and it was everything I could do to not turn on a watch but what will it take for you to say to the NFL I get it you hate me I'll stop watching story number two this may sound pandantic it may sound silly but I mean this has Kamala Harris ever told a public truth now part of this game is a very very clever game that politicians play is to be the person that everybody can identify with oh Kamala Harris is a moderate no I saw her give a speech she's a very very moderate lady she is very moderate ideas oh I saw give a speech and she's the first politician has come out and said oh yeah no no I'll go grab the guns I'll grab all the guns I'll have a national ban on the guns Kamala Harris is an Indian American and proud of it Kamala Harris is an African American and proud of it her family's not from Africa but she's African American because of course the word black has been turned into a race it's not it's not a race it's a color so part of this is being able to pour yourself into any and all containers and at that Kamala Harris is perfectly perfectly suited it's very evident she has no grounding morality certainly not the word of God not the rock of the Lord she can pour herself into a container as a hard-edged prosecutor who laughs and giggles as she puts the parents of black kids in prison or jail because their kids are turned to school she laughs about it then she can turn around and laugh and giggle as she's bailing out or helping to bail out terrorists who got after cops and actually got some killed and took over American cities this is a pastiche I can be whatever anybody needs me to be at any moment so long as that returns power to me but there is a core issue here can God bless a country that has become the lie when we choose a Queen and if this country chooses Kamala Harris she will act like a Queen if she steals the election she'll act even more like a Queen she's willing to do both and so is the DNC and we know that when we have someone like that running our country who is in fact not able to be truthful how can she have anything in alignment with God because remember this God isn't truthful God is truth he is the thing like he is light like he is justice like he is mercy how then can our country have anything in common with God when our Queen is not someone who lies she has become the lie and that has huge huge theological issues to become the lie I gave you some signs of this specifically what they're trying to do to JD Vance on social media and Kamala Harris has been filthy on this absolutely filthy you can have a room that is generally clean but smells filthy it can be because let's say you run an Airbnb I'm gonna be staying in a BRBO I don't do Airbnb because of what they've done politically but I'm gonna be staying in a BRBO when I'm down at seal fits even though I'm gonna I'll be awake from I don't know 24 to 50 hours that room that place I've rented I'm sure is gonna be well taken care of because I looked at the reviews if you are a BRBO or an Airbnb owner here's something you can do to make sure that every single guest walks in and has the experience of opening the door and having completely fresh air it's the oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device from use code Todd 3 you'll save $200 in this device I got a note on YouTube this guy's been with me for years he's been with me in the radio show in Seattle back in the local radio days prior to the national radio days he left me notes on YouTube and it reads this hey Todd single middle-aged man here and I trusted your recommendation for Eden Pier and have zero regrets I do not need to use wax scents any longer my house smells nice and clean thank you for the deal average Joe of course I wrote back and said hey Joe thank you brother this device produces ozone in your home your business your Airbnb your BRBO your dorm your RV those molecules destroy the things that create bad smells it even helps destroy viruses from the air again it's enter code Todd three you will save $200 and you will breathe a breath of fresh air again also pulled from social media this is what Kamala HQ said about JD Vance JD Vance responds to the deadly shooting in Georgia by saying school shootings are just a fact of life and attacking common sense safety gun safety reform so man that's a terrible thing to say that is just a fact of life just something we need to deal with and accept here's what JD Vance actually said and by the way this is linked this is actually from the Kamala HQ tweet they don't even bother editing it because they know that most of their followers aren't going to click on the link now look the Kamala Harris answer to this is to take law-abiding American citizens guns away from them that is what Kamala Harris wants to do says look I don't like this I don't like to admit this I don't like that this is a fact of life but if you're if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines you realize that our schools are soft targets and we have got a bolster security in our schools so that a person who walks through the front door we've got a bolster security so that if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children that they're not able to and again as a parent do I want my kids school to have additional security no of course I don't I don't want my kids to go to school in a place where they feel like you've got to have additional security but that is increasingly the reality that we live in having worked in a gang impacted government school having been through a situation where towards the last may have been the last day of school some teens drove on to our campus it was an elementary school one of them leaned out the window of a car with a sawed-off shotgun and was shooting up the windows as by self and another gentleman ran out and got the kids to take shelter and drug them under one of the portable trailers and brought him in as quickly as we could I can tell you that can flat change a person having been someone who was forced I think to put a gun up in the face of four people for men who seemed really intent on kidnapping my daughter that's a hard thing to do to face four men and threaten to kill them if they take another step towards my daughter now my daughter remembers that incident she remembers that I had a gun I didn't shoot anybody but she had a feeling that my dad will do what's necessary to defend me and yes I would and I do the same for your kids I think it's a terrible thing to think about but common sense safety reform gun safety reform means what do the math in a nation with hundreds and hundreds of millions of guns how exactly do you go grab them from people who would harm others the people who are going to give up their guns are rule followers and I have news for you most legal gun owners are not going to play we're not going to give up our guns absent a constitutional amendment changing erasing doing away with the second amendment the government has absolutely no right whatsoever to infringe on that ownership period we would be well within our rights as Christians to say no no that's not legal you have a controlling legal authority in this country it's the Constitution Kamala Harris isn't even necessarily telling the truth when she says she's going to go grab the guns because she's just as likely to say I'm not willing to grab the guns can a nation who's placing people like this in positions of power and she is called the vice president can we have blessings from God when replacing people in the office who are the lie Joe Biden is a lie he's no longer capable of understanding truth God is truth he is justice he is mercy he is love he can't not be those things the Democrat party has become the lie this is Kamala Harris's account accusing JD Vance of telling women to stay in violent marriages and this is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace which is this idea that like well okay these marriages were fundamentally you know they were they were maybe even violent but certainly they were unhappy and so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear that's gonna make people happier in the long term and maybe it worked out for the moms and dads I'm skeptical but it really didn't work out for the kids of those marriages and I think that's what all of us so here's what Kamala HQ said about what you just watched or heard JD Vance say on earth video JD Vance's women should stay in violent marriages for the sake of the kids it's linked in their own tweet they don't even bother to edit it to make it say what they blame it said it's not what JD then said and by the way JD Vance grew up in a home of violence he watched his mother be victimized by it he wrote about it he wrote about his mother self-medicating with drugs obviously you think he knows something about a violent home I don't know any Christian man who I know who would tell a woman you have to stay in a violent relationship I know there's pastors who've said it and I would just ask him this if you believe that Christian women are the daughter of God the daughter of the Lord Jesus when God three persons do you honestly believe that God would say stay there and get beat no I think you'd say get to a place of safety try to work this through with the marriage but the husband you to love your wife like Christ loved the church you'd be falling down you'd be sinning JD Vance didn't say stay in the marriage he questioned the quick divorces the no fault divorces that people go through on a multi-time basis and what it does to family structure and solidity and predictability for kids there are reasons for people to leave marriages I have sadly seen people forced to leave marriages for violence sometimes for verbal abuse God abhors divorce even when it's justified he abhors it Kamala Harris has promised to do something on this I actually think I smell her telling truth and we'll put the department of justice of the United States back in the business of justice we will double the civil rights division and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism we will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy and if you profit off of hate if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyber warfare if you don't police your platforms we are going to hold you accountable as a community why do I think she's telling the truth when she speaks to the national association of colored people a race-based group a group that's focused on one race because there's a common thread in why Kamala Harris lies to gain power period nothing says power like being able to put a boot on someone's face and say you can't say that or as is just as common now in this world you have to say this well I mean if you want to eat story number three Russell Brann's is a former actor and I guess he's still an actor I just says nobody does anymore comedian wonderfully talented man to whom God has given much and praise God that Russell Brann seems to be returning much because remember this to whom much is given much is expected he's been going on tour or appearing at some of Tucker Carlson's tour events and speaking with Tucker kind of stream of consciousness stuff Russell's very very good at that very gifted and Tucker's smart to bring him on stage some Russell Brann's was asked Tucker Carlson asked him to wrap up their latest appearance with a prayer I want you to see and or hear the prayer and know that this is a baby brand new Christian in that great great moment of zeal and belief and thrill and praise God for this but I want to share a caution well in fact yes a caution but also a request to Tucker and to Russell who have these incredible platforms and I do think they love the Lord I want to share a request in a warning it has to do with mountain tops and valleys there are mountain tops and valleys in our health life you don't want the valleys the mountain tops can be great but there's a way to settle things for instance if you've been through a lot of restrictive dieting that is restricting your calories or counting your macrobiotics with an effort to drop fat and let's say you've succeeded here's one of the pitfalls people will commonly put this weight back on by not taking some simple and easy steps to simply get the most nutrition out of the food that matters I use a protocol there are very few products I have on auto ship those products are from by optimizers I've been using mass zymes for a number of years probably three years now mass zymes is a meticulously created digestive enzyme supplement it took matineway 243 experiments before they were willing to put the breakthrough title on this by optimizers calls their products breakthroughs when they reach breakthrough status they confirmed this they did a study and this was at the birch international university in Bosnia they did a side-by-side study what happens to people who eat protein and don't take mass times versus people who eat protein and take mass times here's what happened the people who took mass times saw a 1,200 increase in the production of amino acids compared with simple digestive system these things help you get more food for your money and they help you sustain fat loss they also create digestive comfort I use these things three times a day go to to get your bottle of mass times with 10 percent off don't let poor digestion stop you from reaching your full health athletic and life potential that's search your journey to better health today this is the prayer that Russell Brand offered at the request of Tucker Carlson but would you close in prayer he's standing up dropping to his knees barefoot by the way in the name of lord Jesus Christ our heavenly savior I pray in your name that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity for America and for Americans for forgiveness and for grace that the dark and demonic forces that appear to operate at the level of the state the deep state in the corporate and global world experience your light lord that we are guided that you guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our hearts that we feel your forgiveness and that we feel your grace thank you lord for the many gifts that you have but bestowed upon us thank you for the glory of consciousness itself in which we can experience you and live you thank you for the beauty of nature in which we see your wisdom and your creativity and your infinite glory thank you lord for the many leaders and thank you lord that you were born and died that we may be forgiven and that we may have eternal life not through merit or anything that we have individually achieved for surely all of us are fallen but in your holy name we are forgiven by your act of redemption by your sacrifice in your name we pray amen amen Jesus name it's beautiful and that's the challenge people reach these emotional peaks and they explode with joy because they're experiencing God's love and then they go the next day and man that was cool and then the day after that then and that was really fun and the day after that was yeah I remember that fades we're broken mountaintop experiences are beautiful and dangerous because mountaintop experiences lead to valleys now God is the god of the mountaintops and the god of the valleys he's with us wherever we're at when we follow him he'll walk through the darkest places with us when people have mountaintop experiences and they experience that thrill for those moments there it is thrilling where it feels good even your flesh feels it you're carrying on in the world with momentum and then the hard things come and people who are baby Christians who don't understand that the Lord has told us you will face troubles in this life particularly when you're beginning to follow me you are a target the enemy will come at you in ways you've never experienced you'll have troubles in this life as well from your fellow human beings because they hated Jesus first they're going to hate you for following them and if you're actively speaking his word they're going to hate you even more so people get to these valley experiences and after the mountaintop and then they look and say wait wait wait nothing has changed i still hurt i still make mistakes i'm not saved and Satan will come in and whisper in your ear no it's not real no it's just a speech you just gave into emotion so here's my request for tucker and russell brand give people immediate actions to take look tucker you're doing an incredible roadshow hook up with biblically strict churches that will adopt these people and churches who are ready to adopt them not every church can deal with this many churches have no process for onboarding people oh sure there's a handshake there's a welcome we're glad you're here but they have no process they haven't built this up over the years so look at churches that have successfully welcomed large number of people into their flocks and have successfully retained them churches that are biblically sound biblically strict that are disciple making churches and get people hooked up with them immediately because there were people who saw that prayer from russell brand and they said that's it i'm going to follow jesus where it's one thing to believe in our hearts and praise god accept jesus is your lord and savior do it now ask him into your heart i want to be changed by you i accept you as lord and savior and then the follow-up steps simply go to the bible the lord jesus did not say just believe in me in all is good yes that's redemption yes believe he's the messiah yes offer to be changed by him yes accept that yes seek the holy spirit but look at the structure the lord built the ultimate mountaintop experience ever was when peter gave his first sermon in front of the people who killed the lord jesus they went from being people who hid in upper rooms for fear of the Pharisees in the jus and the romans they hid and then all of a sudden they turned around and they went to the rooftops and they spoke they spoke in many tongues people were hearing languages those men didn't know how to speak the ultimate mountaintop experience five thousand probably more people five thousand men probably twenty thousand people on that day offered the opportunity to accept lord jesus and what did the apostles have in place immediately if you read the books of a book of acts immediately they set up a church structure where people broke bread together where they created common resources where they cared for the greek widows in other words assigning each other pieces of ministry when they were baptized on that day when they accepted the lord jesus or soon after that they were baptized they had a place to go the people who leave tuckers events also have places to go i beg you tucker i beg you russell make sure that people have a easy way to join the body of christ that's us lord thank you for activating people like russell brand thank you for speaking through him thank you for the great great work of saving his soul and please lord remind all of us that we can also be conduit for your voice even if we don't have anywhere near the visibility of a russell brand this is the taut hermit show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of christ