The Todd Herman Show

Haitian Immigrants Vs. Springfield, Ohio and Tim Walz Loves Him Some Wuhan Lab Money and Elon Musk Vs. Government Fraud Ep-1833

If you don't have the supply of racism necessary to make America appear to be a racist country, how could you increase the supply? Well, you could just make it up. Or you could take a town like Springfield, Ohio, that had 60,000 residents, and you could bring into it 20,000 Haitian mostly illegal immigrants. They've come in apparently being promised jobs, secret jobs.m We also have to pay attention to something. When you import mass numbers of people from an island like Haiti, which is to be frank, hell on earth,  these people cannot come here and be expected to enter into the fabric of America.

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 16:12 ESV  
It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness.
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Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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If you don't have the supply of racism necessary to make America appear to be a racist country, how could you increase the supply? Well, you could just make it up and academia's done that. Or you could take a town like Springfield, Ohio that had 60,000 residents and you could bring into it 20,000 Haitian immigrants, mostly illegal immigrants. They've come in apparently being promised jobs, secret jobs, that government contractors and non-government organizations kept secret from the people who lived in Springfield, Ohio, but promoted them to immigrants. We talked yesterday about the massive loss of jobs among the aid of born Americans or Americans, 1.3 million, the gains in immigrant jobs, about 635,000. I don't think anyone here wants people who immigrate to our country to be jobless, just the opposite. I think we want them to be employed and to be able to seek life, liberty, pursue happiness. We also have to pay attention to something. When you import mass numbers of people from an island like Haiti, which is, well, to be frank, hell on earth, run often by cannibal gangs, cannibals, these people cannot come here and be expected to enter into the fabric of America. They're not being asked to. And they come from a place where if, yeah, you see a goose, kill it and eat it because you don't know where your next meal is coming from. The residents of Springfield, Ohio are saying, "What in the name of God have you done to our town?" Right now, they're asking questions, they're frustrated, but watch as this manifest is turned into, with Satan whispering into people's ears, "Watch some people begin to view this as race." God forbid, but let's look at human patterns. If you lack the supply of racism, one way to increase it is a move like this. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel, with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile, Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. In the Bible, Proverbs, chapter 16, verse 12, we read a very, very simple passage, one that most of us can easily memorize. And it's not really to us, I mean, it's to the kings of the world. Proverbs, chapter 16, verse 12, or Proverbs 16, verse 12. It is an abomination to kings to do evil. The throne is established by righteousness. God is righteousness. God is love, God is mercy, God is truth. He doesn't do those things. He is those things. When the government has just made a decision to act unrighteously, to import mass numbers of people across our border, usually illegally, to upset the country's balance, to destabilize our cities, to seize control of the Electoral College by means of subterfuge. It's an abomination. God established governments for righteousness. This is why we have Romans 13. That's the part of Scripture that tells us we are to follow the governing authorities. And in America, the ultimate governing authority is the Constitution, the rule book for the nation, written by men who I think were inspired by God, that's not put it on the same level as the Bible because it's not the complete unerrant, unchanging word of God. It's a document written by men inspired by God. And it's the closest thing, I think, to how God designed government. God designed distributed powers. He didn't design one person in charge. That was us. We want a king. And God said, "Hey, if you get a king, he's going to take your kids and force them to serve. He's going to take your daughters first concubines." And the people said, "But everyone else has a king. Kings do things like this for power." There is some meme. The right is figuring memes out. I mean, this happened like three or four years ago. It's a picture of President Trump surrounded by a bunch of cats watching him speak. It's a great image. And it says, "President Trump, it comes from nightmare vision on Twitter. I am your voice. I am your warrior. I am your justice. I am your retribution." And it's President Trump speaking to a group of largely orange cats, by the way. That's interesting. Why the cats? Because in Springfield, Ohio, people are watching their cats being strung up in trees and skinned and dressed to be eaten. You can make all the jokes about vegans you want. My daughters of vegan, I respect her nutritional choices. You can make all the jokes about cats you want. If you're a family who has lost your pet and you look across the street and you see your pet strung up in a tree being skinned and prepared to be eaten, you're going to be flat upset. It's not just one family that's reported this. Challenge. Don't hate the immigrants. We can't. We can't love our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? When you meet. We can hate the evil. We can't even hate Kamala Harris for doing this. And she did do it. In the debate tonight, there's some things that Kamala Harris owns. President Trump needs to be crisp and clear that she owns Springfield, Ohio. That she owns the border, that she owns the crisis of criminal, illegal aliens raping and murdering that she owns the crisis of people who've been conned into transgender ideology going and shooting up schools. She owns these crises. Great write up on this, um, the, the thread reader app. This is a guy called the consultants and he's got links to back up every claim he's making. How 20,000 Haitians stormed into Ohio to take jobs that were never advertised. The Haitian invasion of Ohio has created a lot of buzz. There are a lot of unexplained aspects of it that people find odd. One of these strange happenings is that locals reported that jobs the Haitians came for were never advertised to the local population. So how did the Haitians find out about them? It turns out that a network of federal grant recipient organizations have quietly seized control of nearly entire job market in the U.S. and to work to ensure that openings remain hidden so that refugees can take them ahead of American citizens. How many job openings remain hidden? The internal estimates of this network put the number of hidden job openings at 80% of all available jobs. The way this network has seized control of the labor market of the United States is easy enough to understand. First it's positioned itself as a way to move right recruiting costs to remove recruiting costs from employers. Next, it offers employers laborers who can work for lower wages by also providing its "refugees" with a plethora of social welfare not available to a typical American worker. Finally, it can provide access to the entire global market by setting the conditions of so-called refugee status to effectively cover anyone in the world. If an employer needs nurses, janitors, programmers, police, or literally any kind of worker, the network can provide them to employers at a lower rate of pay than what we as an American citizen would require due to not having access to the same social welfare benefits. These globally sourced scab workers don't require health insurance, have all their living expenses subsidized by the federal government. If the typical American had all their health, food, and housing costs covered, they would also be able to work at a fraction of their existing wages. Instead, they cover the cost of these global laborers by paying much more for food, housing, and health care. Is this sustainable? If the trend of authoritarian communism continues to win, yes, if 80 percent of work opportunities are already exclusive to connected networks, most of the public will soon have no choice but to work directly for the government. The military recruiting crisis will be resolved by simply continuing to deny access to employment and driving up the cost of living for citizens. And he goes to a series of links that you can get to in the show notes. It is capitalism with no soul. It is government doing evil, which we just shared in proverbs is an abomination. There is no evil, I think, when that compares to what's become of modern day health care, which is no longer health care. It is medicine. It is a drive to put you on drugs or get you into surgery. You've heard me talk about in part of our to Mexico and what they did for me, which I consider to be based upon the miracle that God created in stem cells, the Wharton Jelly stem cell in part of our to Mexico, It comes only from placentas and umbilical cords, period, no aborted fetuses at all, nothing to do with that. The strain of stem cells I've used twice have not been exposed in any way, shape matter, idea, affection, or form to the mRNA injections, or I couldn't have them in my body. I wouldn't. Let me make this very simple. In America, there are things you are being told require surgery for you to be cut open. Very often, those things can be solved without surgery by going to in Mexico. So go to that's They will guide you through the process of gaining access to your medical records, and they will tell you if they can help you or not. They'll even tell you the percentage chance of success. There are things that you're being told can only be solved by medication, things like neuropathy, simply numbing the pain. That's also not true in many cases. Stem cells can solve that. Go to again. They'll guide you through the process of coming to understand if these stem cells can help you. Other conditions, terrible conditions like neurological damage. People who are paralyzed, hemispheric could paralyze, have come out of renew walking. Your doctors may have told you that's it. You're in a wheelchair. It's not always true. Go to and simply tell them what's going on. They'll guide you through the process of getting access to your medical records, and they will tell you if they can help you and what the percentage chance of success is. People are speaking out in Springfield, Ohio. How could they not? A town of 60,000 people suddenly getting a rush of 20,000 largely illegal immigrants from an island nation that has no grounding in civility, in restraint, and we cannot hate these migrants. Even though they've broken our laws, even though they are spoiling and defiling this town, we cannot hate them. We have to love them. We even have to love the Kamala Harris who are engineering this. We have to do this because God tells us we have to, but we don't have to love the circumstances. We can be peripheral for the people who are choosing to speak out and thankful that they are. Because I see what's going on in these streets, and I see you guys are sitting up there in those comfy chairs and suits. I'm getting out here every day, and I'm broadcasting this, and you guys are just sitting up there and suits them. I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something. These patients are running into trash cans. They're running into buildings. They're running into, they're flipping cars in the middle of the street. I don't know how, y'all can be comfortable with this. I don't know who's getting paid from it. I honestly feel like someone's getting paid from it in the background. They drop in. You got a bunch of people on a bus getting dropped off at a gas station to come down here. I know a single mom that FaceTime me tonight, FaceTime me this morning at the welfare, all this that really need something, and it's nothing but immigrants over there. I don't even want to seem like I'm coming down on immigrants because it's the people that's bringing them down here, because wherever they're at, that's what they're used to. They're in the park grabbing up ducks, biting neck, and cutting head off and walking off with them, and eating them like, y'all get the highway stay patrol down here every week, and then y'all get like a task force for the highway stay patrol, and they look for guns, and they look for dope, and this and that, and the fort. That same people that y'all got riding up and down lifestyle and doing U-turns pulling people over for blinkers and pulling people over for like going left to center in like a couple of miles over, like y'all can take them same people, the highway stay patrol, and you can take them in every single one of their silver charges and dodge the rainbows, and y'all can take them to sunset, and y'all can park them right over there, and y'all can teach people how to drive since the highway stay patrol. Know so much how to about, know so much about traffic laws and know what to do in traffic. They need to, y'all pay them, they can go around and teach these decisions how to talk, because this is getting a, bro, I'm getting thousands of views on these, and it's going to get bigger, and it's only going to get worse, and y'all sitting up there in these chairs, y'all all y'all need to get out here and do something, y'all making hundreds of thousands, y'all need to put on a t-shirt and some crocs, and then y'all need to come out here in these streets, and y'all need to go out here, and uh, I'm out here before the police is, like y'all need to do something, right? Y'all really got to stand on finish, y'all getting paid, all this money, just to wear suit and sit in the chair, I don't think, I think it's, I think it's crazy, bro, they, like, we got to do something, bro, it's kids out here getting hurt, like, only reason I even went on here and said something about it is because somebody told me they walking from the school and I hated it almost ran into them, and who is getting paid, like, how much money is all really getting paid, like, to bring them over here, like, I know it's deeper than me, I know, that's what they come from, and that's what they do, that's their country, I don't know what they got going over there, but they can't do that over here, and if y'all just get paid from it and then y'all ain't doing that about it, I think that's super weird, bro, y'all gotta stand on business, y'all gotta really, like, step up, like, this is playing, bro, like, for real. Thank you for your comments. Thank you. Thank you. What an ugly white supremacist. Absolutely ugly white supremacy. Oh, Maxine Waters made clear. We'll play this later this week. She's made clear that the only reason people are upset with this is because Haitians are black. What? Yes, Niana, I was watching the video. I saw that the gentleman was black. I was being ironic. Niana didn't really say that. See, now I feel bad. I feel it's not racism, but it's going to be. See, if you lack the supply of racism, well, one of the things you can do is to produce racism. If we have our heads about us, we keep our souls, we refuse to fall into hate, we won't get to that stage, but there are going to be people who do. And the government knows this. Corporate responsibility. What does that mean? Well, it means the responsibility we have in any interaction, to be honest, so look for win-win scenarios for everybody. In the case of corporate responsibility working with government, of course, it means to steward funds wisely, but there is no soul in any of this. There's no heart. There's nothing loving about it. It is all a race to the bottom. When a nation is being rated, and we are being rated, and when our treasury is being rated and it is being rated, don't look for the raiders to suddenly create morality. Don't look for them to say, wait a minute, wait a minute, guys, we can't take everything. There'll be nothing left. There are people at the top who well understand that if they keep taking everything, there's going to be nothing left for us. They're perfectly comfortable with that, because after all, you will own nothing and you will be happy. And God warned us, you want kings, this is what you get. It'll be really interesting to see what Elon Musk does if Elon Musk is in fact able to get in and run a government efficiency program as President Trump has said he will hire or bring on Elon Musk to do a doubt. Elon would take a salary and be perverse to do it. We'll get to that, but there's more on the Haitian thing, including something from Kamala Harris, because Kamala Harris is, she's all part of this. In fact, she runs this. In fact, she owns this, and then debate tonight, President Trump should make clear that she owns this. I don't know, outside of conservative bubble land, how many people know what's going on in Springfield, Ohio, President Trump needs to be very crisp if he speaks of it. He needs to be very precise, otherwise the mockingbird media would be able to say, "Well, he's just making it up again." You'll hear from Kamala Harris in a second. I use a product on a multi-daily basis, and I haven't been able to tell you about it until now. My friend's Wade and Matt at By Optimizers finally asked me to begin talking about massimes. Massimes is an incredibly potent set of digestive enzymes that help your body get more of the food you buy into your body, nutriciously. Here's a comparison. If you eat protein right now, and well, we all eat protein or we would die, but if you're eating protein right now and it's just your digestive system alone, you're going to get 1,200% less amino acids than if you use massimes in combination with your food. How do we know this? Because by optimizers, before they will put the name by optimizers or breakthrough on it, they're going to make sure it's actually a breakthrough product. So they can tell you, here's why it's a breakthrough. After 243 experiments, Matt and Wade at By Optimizers took their product, massimes, to researchers at Birch International University in Bosnia. They did a protein test. That's how they came up with that statistic. You get 1,200% more amino acids compared with your digestive system alone, amino acids, and branch chain aminos build and maintain muscle, which builds and maintains a high metabolism, which helps you keep fat off your body. If you've been through any form of restrictive dieting or you're heading into a restrictive diet, this is a tool for you. Something I've been taking for about three years. So do this right now. Go to to get your bottle of massimes at 10% off. Please don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential athletically, spiritually otherwise. Go to, get 10% off and reach your full potential, not pie-tential. I'm telling you, I'm starting a business that we're going to sell pies. I don't eat pies, I don't care. Don't get high in your own supply. I'm going to call it pie-tential. I can't seem to say the word correctly. Kamala Harris is at the center of this stuff. That is why, also, starting with our administration, we gave TPS temporary protected status to Haitian migrants, 55,000. And then more recently, we extended temporary protected status to over 100,000 Haitian migrants for that very reason, that they need support, they need protection. They need support. They need protection. We'll never forget sitting in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. This was after we sold our company Crowdverb to WPP, which is the world's largest PR firm and in a nightmare of a place, by the way. And we were sitting in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce and had just sat the week before in the office of the CEO roundtable. And WPP helped represent both of these groups. And during this discussion at the Chamber of Commerce, we were bringing up some data, data that our company brought to them uniquely. What we did was really pretty cool is we took emotional data, how people feel about things, and we compared it to what people think about things. And we showed companies that feelings run upstream of opinion, that people take their feelings, and then they use data available to them to craft what they think are facts. And we presented that to them to show them, hey, when you work with us, we will track how we can help people change their feelings and inform them of actual facts. So as we were going through this discussion, something came up about illegal immigration, data, huge concerns from business people, small business people about illegal immigration. Why? Because they were afraid of getting caught on a government jackpot of having illegal immigrants working for them because they weren't able to properly screen them out. We presented this to the Chamber as a great opportunity to work with small business, and they absolutely said not a chance. They had no interest in confronting illegal immigration at all. The CEO roundtable took a very similar approach. We don't talk about illegal immigration. Of course, we know what's going on to our benefit. Let's go back to that piece about the secret jobs to illegal immigrants. Let's go back to yesterday. The statistics that have held true since figure head Biden seized control, I'm sorry, was elected. 1.3 million jobs lost by Americans, 635,000 or so jobs gained by illegal immigrants in August of this year. That statistic that proportion has held true since January of 2021. Who's paying for this? Who's paying for the destruction of America? Well, I guess the same people who helped the Biden family create a $50 million net worth having never created a product or provided a service except they do provide a service. This seems to be one of the services they provide. Secret jobs for illegal immigrants. What's the ideology that drives this? Think about it. DEI. This is simply giving people what they deserve. Everybody deserves to start in the same place. The Haitian immigrants deserve to start well ahead of you. They deserve the $10,000 to move into specific states. They deserve the $2,200 a month. After all, this is equity we're talking about. That's not the same thing as equality. You need to make sure everybody starts at the same place. But isn't this going to bring the wages of Americans down? Oh, obviously. So we're all in the same level. That's the design. God warned us about kings. He was right. God's almost always right. Wait, stop, check. God's always right. Controversial billionaire Elon Musk may be brought into a government efficiency board. That would be great because it might stop things like this. You know, Tim Walts, the truly perverse, unbelievably live field dictator of the state of Minnesota. One of the things he did with government money, he helped secure millions of dollars in funds for research at the center tied to the Wuhan lab. This is from Thank you, Professor Jacobs. No, pardon me, the postmillennial. Walts reportedly pushed for a $5 million federal earmark for the center in 2008 as well as helped it get $2 million as a congressman. Walts went to China to teach English. Walts loves the Chinese Communist Party. What do you think China would think of America being flooded with illegal immigrants destabilizing our country, destabilizing our cities? You don't have to wonder what they think. They help run and fund the highway across Mexico to get people here. How is illegal immigration treated in China? Same way it's treated in Russia, harshly. The corruption is so thick, it's so easy to hate Tim Walts. I want to hate Tim Walts. I want to hate the perversion of, I want to hate him for how he perverts our children. I want to hate him for stolen valor. I want to hate him for lying about being a head football coach. I want to hate him for what he wants to do to this country. I want to hate him for what he's done to Minnesota. I'm not allowed. Others can, we can't, not for Christian. Others get to do that. We don't get to do it. Why? Because we've also earned God's wrath. He who provides mercy will receive it. Remember when we asked the Lord Jesus, Father God, to forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Man, it's a challenge. I would love to see Elon Musk at this position. I would love to see Elon Musk in charge of a government efficiency program. This is something that President Trump has offered to do. Efficiency is key when you actually have to care about results. Government doesn't have to care about results. The smaller your company is, the more you have to care about results. My friend Tim Cruickshank cares about results. He runs Bone Frog Coffee at He cares about results because his family's future depends on Bone Frog Coffee. He made a big bet when he left the Navy Seals and when he could stop being a Buds instructor down in Coronado, California, he made a big bet on starting a coffee company to honor fallen Navy Seals. That's what the Bone Frog insignia means. It is a symbol of fallen Seals, slightly changed. So he doesn't take the work of the artist who created it. Inside each bag is coffee custom roasted. It's not private labeled. It's not junk coffee from China. It's custom roasted under the tutelage of a guy named Dave Stewart. Dave Stewart started the coffee revolution. That wasn't Starbucks. Howard Schultz is a genius, a clever genius, but he had to buy Seals Best Coffee to get them out of the way after he took Starbucks public. Seals Best Coffee is still a better coffee, by the way. So Dave stewards the team, teaches them mentors. He even creates some of the roasts. Headed into colder weather, my bet, go get the goat locker blend. This is a light roast. It took Tim's team three years to be happy with it. It is a, pardon me, it's a dark French roast. I'm sorry, it's not a light roast. It's a dark French roast that lacks the bitterness of that other coffee you know from the star company. Every bag says God country team, you save 10% on your first purchase at 15% on subscription coffee, it's God country team. President Trump has announced that he wants to put Elon Musk in charge of a government efficiency program. Elon's writing things like this on Twitter. Your tax dollars are being wasted to agree that it's hard to comprehend. An aircraft carrier costs $13 billion. Americans could have bought a new navy to better defend the country, upgraded our highway, or any one of these number of great things. Instead, we got fraud is responding to a tweet from Blake Hall. The government accountability office estimates that federal government losses between loses between $233 billion to $520 billion to annually to fraud on database from 2018 to 2022. That's 2% of America's gross domestic product stolen every single year and trillions of dollars of those lost. Elon Musk, when he took over Twitter, fired about 30% of people. Do you remember what we were told? Twitter would fall apart. The product would fail. It would crash. It would constantly be hacked. None of that has happened. None of it. I used to joke somewhat at Microsoft that we could go through every third door at Microsoft and send someone away and the company would be fine. It seemed like we had bloat and someone said, "Will you be the first door?" I said, "Well, I mean, okay, it's fair, it's fair." Microsoft, like a lot of these other companies, operates in an environment where people are powered. The more people you have on your team, the more power you have. So you're incentivized to seek the opportunity to hire more and more and more people. You're not incentivized to create small teams and to do more with small teams. Now, that's changing a little bit, praise God. And I think this is basically from the Elon Musk model. Now, as all this is going on, here's something Elon Musk is facing. Besides censoring x-2 in Brazil, this judge, Morales, illegally confiscated cars, aircraft, and starlink equipment. Starlink and x-2 are not part of the same economic group. There was no legal process to disregard the corporate entity due to fraud or asset commingling. The confiscation was just another step in the authoritarian escalation of Alexandria de Morris, who neither respects the laws or the Brazilian Constitution. Of course, the mockingbird media has decided that Elon Musk has earned a nickname, a title. Why? It's obvious. He is friendly to President Trump, and he's in favor of free speech. Former President Donald Trump speaking business leaders in New York, saying he'll put controversial billionaire Elon Musk in a key role in the Trump administration. Election day now, 60 days away, here's Rachel Scott. Today, Donald Trump announcing a major role in his administration for the world's richest man, promising to put controversial billionaire Elon Musk at the head of a new government commission to crack down on fraud and waste. A complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms. We need to do it. Can't go on the way we are now. And Elon, because he's not very busy, has agreed to have that task force be interesting. If he has the time, it'll be a good one to do it, but he's agreed to do it. No stranger to controversy, Musk has shared misinformation on his social media platform X, even one sharing an anti-Semitic post for what she later apologized. The billionaire has endorsed Trump and actively promoted his campaign on X. Of course, Elon wasn't controversial when he was taking government money for all his companies. Money he has never fully paid back, by the way. That wasn't controversial. He was controversial when he took a side in politics. ABC says disinformation, we can all laugh at that because ABC is a home of disinformation in many, many, many different forms. Dick Cheney has come out and he is going to vote for Kamala Harris. His daughter Liz Cheney's going to vote for Kamala Harris. Is that controversial? Elon Musk being put in charge of a commission to find efficiencies in government versus the very, very efficient Cheney family who, of course, concentrated on making sure that we wisely spend our funds, right? You'll hear how the legacy media is treating this and see an image of how they're treating it. In regard to President Trump and an attack on conservative media, there can be attacks of all sorts on your ability to communicate comfort and welcome to guests in your home. It can be a loud noise. It can be a dog that barks. Our dog is the gentlest. She's, she's not, she's not beta. She is an omega dog. She's scared of everything. She's scared of a leaf blowing in front of her, but she's a larger dog. She barks really loud when anybody approaches his house because she's freaked. That's a way to not welcome guests. So we have guests over. We put our dog in the backyard. And so she figures out that these people are not there to hurt her. There's also smells. We have cats that how sometimes smells like cats. It did until we got the oxyleaf to thunderstorm device. This isn't an air filter. Air filters can't change molecules. They suck stuff into a filter. Then you have to change those filters once or twice a year for two to 400 bucks a time. They're loud. So you can't even have them running when you have guests over. The thunderstorm oxyleaf to on the other hand is almost completely silent. It's running down the background in the studio with meticulously well crafted sound. You can't hear it. It produces ozone molecules, O three. They float through the air and they bond to the molecules from cat litter, from cigarette smoke, from a guest that stayed in your Airbnb and maybe wasn't the cleanest guest. Sure, you cleanse the property, but how do you cleanse the air in a way that's not loud and annoying? I'll save you $200 right now on this device whole home coverage. Three of these devices. Go to enter code Todd three. You'll save $200. That's Edenpredeals, enter code Todd three. So the Chinese are endorsing Kamala Harris because Kamala Harris is going to help them maintain what they have access. The ability to sell access. Oh, unofficially for sure. None of them have registered as lobbyists after all. To sell advice. That's how it's done. Remember what the legacy Mockingbird media used to say about the Chinese and Trump and people like that? We are still trying to figure out what it does to our sister country and specifically what it does to the Republican Party to have had somebody that radical in the vice presidency for eight years talking about Dick Cheney. How does that affect the party in an ongoing way? Particularly as the party is still sort of trying to find itself. I mean, when George W. Bush left office, his approval rating was 22%. But Dick Cheney's was 13%. Herpes was more popular than Dick Cheney when he left office. America woke up from the book Bush years by saying, Oh my God, what were we smoking? But Dick Cheney is the concentrated distillate left in the Bongwater. He is everything America most hates and most hated about Republican radicalism in those years. It all went through him. Just his history alone is the history of what the Bush administration will be famous for if the history of the Bush administration is written by unkind people. Of course, now Dick Cheney is a man of gravitas and vision and compassion because he's come around and seen the light and he's endorsing the great Kamala Harris, whose achievements include the utter destruction of American cities, the utter destruction of belief in our voting system, the utter and complete destruction of any illusion that the Democrat party has any ties to any form of actual democracy, being that she seized the headship of it. She's not the nominee, but Dick Cheney endorses this because Kamala Harris will maintain what Dick Cheney has, access. It's entertaining to watch what the Mockingbird media does. This recent attack, this targeting of Tim Poole, Dave Rubin and a guy named Benny Johnson, who's a little bit less well now, no offense to Benny. The tenant media thing we talked about this yesterday, this is a company that was apparently tied to Russia today, now called RT, that was spreading around 10 million bucks. These guys are almost certainly victims of a con. That's even what the charging papers say. They didn't set out to distribute Russian talking points, not at all. They distributed some programming. Here's how the Associated Press calls this out. Ashley St. Clair found this. Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influencer operation, US says, and guess who's on the cover of their article on Twitter? Guess who's on the tweet? Donald John Trump. He's not named in the indictment papers. He's not named in the charging papers because he had nothing to do with that, but the Associated Press puts President Trump's picture on that. And most people step away and go, wow, Trump did that. They're not kings, but they have keenly power and a reminder in Proverbs 16, verse 12. We read, "It is an abomination for kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness." Lord, thank you for reminding us of your word that is always useful for teaching and rebuke and instruction. Thank you for loving us, even though we deserve your wrath. This is a taught Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]